THE OM An A DAILY BEE THUJtSDAY, OCTOllEU 2, 1002. 0 SPECIAL NOTICES Advertleenseate fee Iheeo ! will bo taken aatll 19 ai. e-veatagr rdltlaa aael HI W HO a. as. fa irilif aa faoay edlttoa. flatee, 1 1-Se m war aret iaserllea, la m ward thereafter. Nalhlnar taka fas leea-thaa M rmt ' tlea. These aavertlsesaeats snast he raa eaaeeeatlvelr. ' liTfrtlirri, ay aaetlK naaia here eheea, ea have answers aa tfreseeel la nkrr letter la MM at The Bm, Anewere aa ddreeeeA will eheelt aaly. 1 i i i i j SITUATIONS WASTED. WANTED Position with wholesale house. by young man not afraid to work, who wishes to go on road; object, to got out at office. A' ddress C. F. W.. 123 T St., Lincoln watted-male hblp. WANTED. canvasser;- man familiar with book and i.ewspaper work preferred; must be hustler. (Appty Koom ivi, Be wing. . - B 2 IS FOR HALF" A PAY'S WORK. If you live 'In the country or In a email town ' and have a good - acquaintance among the'farmera and atock raiiera In the neighborhood you can make $6 easily by four or five hour' work. Write ua and 'wa will send Vila our proposition. 5 he Bee Publishing Co., Solicitors Dept., mh,!Neb, B M213 FIVE strictly first-class Salesmen to work city una country territory ior newspaper; weekly salary, 112 ltd $25, according to ability. Permanent position. References necessary. Apply or writs to Hoom 107, lies Biag. , n m HUSTLtNTJ-- depetlen wanted; men. 6r women; splendid contract The Garden' ars, 416'Bee tdg-.'- ' . . -- B Mo WANtEiJ,""ntt-cS BrUannirg and War ner library aajeainn, for Iowa, Kansas, Nrbraaka, MuniMiiu, .XMorta - and oou.n Dakota. .We pay tra-vettris expenses and monthly, advance, Yo6 fall cm-Inquiries only. Parmanent and exclusive territory system. Address American Newspaper Association, suite K3, ti. x. Lite uwg., Omaha, Neb. . aai oie WANTED, young man stenographer; give reterences, ags anevexsecteq, salary, au dress K 16. Bee. B-M333 WANTED, traveling .man who visits the large and small towns, to aell retailers a select assortment of dry gooos tor spring. on commission,' Bryn Mawr Mills, tuna dslphta. Pa. - i .i B til WANTED, , men to sort .Iron. Alplrn. 801 PERMANENT position given to a good letter end., monogram engraver ana all around man in my store. K, U. Hendrlck, . Jeweler, Bl. flasepn, Mu. - . B-r-tsu U8' WANTED, g hosiery and underwear sales man or states oi nsoraaaa ana towa. i . . nr. m .j . . 1 . . . . 1 n , ,-i . . sv& mi. Aiaxiun, Ana. r xj uLixjy WANTED, . men to learn barber trade. Here ar the advantages: Steady practice, Qualified teachers, practical experience, wsgca Saturdays, tools presented, board Included,, dlplomaa granted, years saved, no limit to term;., aplendlu demand for barbers: Inducements to distant appli cants. CiH -or write for catalogue.. Muler jterDcr .v-ouvge, uv uougiaa ot. ' , . . ' B-M687 I MAN to open branch office, superintend distributing samples . and agents to In troduce 'hew medicated soap; 126 a week easily macje; permanent pomuon..urau loro , at j wo.f a m, cinoinnati, j. r . A MUM' WANTED, oo4 harness maker. J. J. Com. ley, Uiiitott, ta. - uMttt ut WANTED, carpenters, .13.50 a day. Ad drees. Joseph ShleOger, contractor, Tutan, smo.; . w M WANTED, . experienced - tinner and shop. maa. . Asvlieanta send reference; best wages paid, ha Jobnson, vlark. Neb. B 810 06 THE, ANNUAL postofflce examination will be held In Omaha November 18th far clerks and ' carriers; only a' common school education reaulred: Dolltlcs or re. llgion not considered; .we prepare by mall - for the examinations a large per cent of those - appointed each year; fnfortnalloft. i auouc ail ivvvrnnvini poaiuons iree. t o lurqblan Correspondence College, Wash' ington, u. i;. b miooo v WANTED for TJ. 8. Army, able-bodied un married men between age of and K, cltlsens of United Statee, of good char acter and temperate habits,, who oan speak, read-'and write-English. For Infor mation anoly to fteoruitfrig Officers, lith and Dodge S's., Omaha,, and postofflce vuuuinsT, Lincoln, neo, u u-ai WANTED, four young- men to travel' for rename nouse, salary or commission; sx perlence unnecessary. Call. Bay Cun ningnana, itesa noiei, oouin, umana. . B-.M10 1 WANTED Salesman for alothlna Dent and furnishing goods Dept. ; . also shoe salesman. iseprasKa Clothing Co. B-M1S0 MIDDLdS-AQED MAN, good address, good uuaer, - i&rge acquainianee, oesi reier. ences. City Savings bank. l(th and Doug, las. h 7 -r WANTED, a good man to take car of . lurnace. nererence requirea. , Aaaress H, i. Frey, care Hayden Bros. B-U8 I WANTED At once, an UD-to-data rejr Istered pharmacist; none other need ap ply. . Schaefer'a Cut Price Drug Store, ltll gQd CWtAgo Sta.. . . . B 188 8 AGENTS Here is the greatest money maker In the world; agenta make $3 to 85 datly In all localities; you can.' do the same, Addreas Standard Cv., P.. O. box 6308. Boston, Maaa. B Ml 44 3 $U WEEKLY, copying letters at home, either sex; send stamp for-particulars. King Mfg. Co., 348 Warren ave . Chicago. STENOGRAPHER WANTED Must be ac curate and make good appearance. Call T2 Bee bldg. between 8 and 10:80 a. m. and 4:30 to ) 6:S0 p. m. B M148 SALESMEN WANTED. SALESMEN, exclusive territory; salary or commission; satisfaction guaranteed. An- ply .(Of tsfms f- t'lj Co., Lawrence, Jjja.n- vMsvern nursery k -144 017 WANTED, experienced stock food sales men to handle territory i salary or com mission 'Address 1L Room 10, Opera liituse,. Kearnny, Neb. Oi WANTED, ' experienced shoe salesmen; muat have first-class references. J. L. Brandels A Bon, Boston Stors, Omaha. .... , -8U 03 TWO salesmen on new Universal Cyolo psdla and Atlas; Jihwral commlsalon; ex . eneea advanced. .1. Applaton . A Co., Veniury uug.( jvusa viiy, jao. -M101 I WANTED Experienced shoe salesman. Muat have fixst-clase references and thor ougiuy Know nis Business. A Co. J. L. Brand! WE have gn exceptionally good proposi tion for traveling salesmen who are In Position to take up a side line, to call upon puhllsbrra only; rui samples to carry; exclusive territory. Address 31$ l smpi block, .anaas city, mo. M1U 3 SALESMAN WANTED-Wrlte at se Manager. Douglai st. -M148 6 WAyTEDTMlLB HELP. , IPO Olrls. Call Canadian office, 16h A Dodge. WANTED, good, wagee; to s. good eouk; none uiner new aiuiy, iiarncy. ... . . ... C-M7455 WANTED, worltlfig housekeeper In family of three aoaiu. ..Aaorese , j, 14, liee. , WANTED.' alx iadiee to demonstrate In ittv fur-a-Btw Battla tVeak' foud: anjtaniiil work; tftxwl ea,pai.i to tlxht purtlea. Call. between J and .thlu'gye.uliig, Paxtoa WANTED, ,.aeioiiraphr.'viho tan operate an Oliver typewriter end,. ern $15' per week. Aaaxes u u. nee. UtM i WANTED, ' conipetsnt. ,1rl for genera! housework In family ox two; reCttrences rg in lamiiy M r required; call mornings. . Hi N. ;th , . . i ea k w A K'TTIl a (d a-lrl' fo general hoj won; i.o al.lB; $J 5w pet week. 1U WAVTRB FF.MA l,H HRLf, - - WANTED, girl tor general housework. imi Mion at. c M OIRL for general housework. WH Pierce street. . c WANTED. hojsekeerer In family of three nuns. Aaaress K n.BN, c N WANTED At once, a (food, strong ajirl for noussworx. iwu caa ut.,. omaba. THREE girls wanted to put up blueing, exiracis ana raking powor. Apply emun Odesey Extract Co., tut 8. 10th. C-M11T a OIRL for general house work; four In fam ily ; goog pay, ui g street, Boutn umini. C 13t I COMPETENT girl, tS a Week, E. A. Ben- sun, feo iooge. e WANTED For Monday and Tuesday of eacn wee a, washwoman, airs, c i. Kountxe, 8IUS Dewey Ave. C 1J7 WANTED, experienced skirt finisher. Mrs. laiaweii, tlx Broadway, seconn noor, Council Blurra. C-M1B1 HELP WAITED, " WANTED, man and wife, with no children. la take charge ef ten-room house, fur nished, and board man and wife, owners; weman must be good eeok.- Address L M, Bee. 811 OS FOB KENT HOl'tBg. HOUSES, stores. Bemla, Fasten block. u i TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage wo. : omce oiivs t arnano, or xeia. jaos-sos. . D sit I-ROOM modern detached house. Inquire capitoi Ave - tJ HnflQPQIn all parts of city. The O. nUUOCO d Davis Co., 608 Bes Bldg. . ' .... D-8l" BEE PAYNE," BOSTWICK ATO. for'ch'olce nouses, sui-z mi '..una Biag. .Tel. lmt. ...... v .- D-t81 , 1 4 . : FOR RENT A house. 3314 Francis street iju.uv.. omana neaity co., im ojeugias t. VANS and baggage wagons.. Tel. 1186. HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt, Barker block. MODERN houses, $23.00, )20 00y $15.00; others . iu.mj, tio.uu; fiats, liv-vo, xv.uu. u. a;, rur- aingion, sua ee uiag. i-jaiis MAGQARD Van Storage Co. Tel. 149C (BOOM modern, gooJ repair, on $. 24 ave nue, i none an. . u us FOR RENT Georgia 'Ave., home, 8 rooms; nice gas grate in parior, lurnace, porce lain D&m, lull 101, pavea sireei, J. li. SHERWOOD, 8S7 N. X. Ufe.' OCTOBER 1 6-room bouse", 1820 Cass; mod ern excepi iurnace iju. w.. n. wason. Hotel arnam. jj aw FOR RENT, three 8-room houses, with -water, gaa and sewer; lust been placed In first-class repair; all In good location; close to street car and schools; $18 to $22 each. (J. M. Uohmann,'436 and 437 Paxton block. . . x D-8S 701 N. MTH ST., South Omaha, a nice 6- room cottage. imam K. l-otter, ite celver, 3uS Brown block, . D 69S FURNISHED 8-room modern house; low price to lamiiy with no cniiaren. nn wirt .... D-4S kiODiuKK 7-ruuul 1iuuh, m;ar park, imsj ABOUT Oct. 1, 8-room house, modern. In quire aoi caiawett Bt. u jusu- FOR RENT, 8-room modern house, 8348 N. lth street, 130. Brenna,n-Love Co.. 8. lJth St. - D-sJ t FOR RENT, 8-room modern brick resi dence; everything In first-class shape. iv N. 8th Bt BRENNAN-LOVE CO., . 808 8. 13th St D-M718 4 FOR RENT, October 1, S-room modern house, 613 N. 2Ud St. ; 6-room cottage, $211 California. (. Apply at Kootn 607 N. Y, -lAfe Bldg. ; - D-90 . 2017 IZARD ST., 4-r. flat ,U modern, walking distance $16.0$ 3407 Jackson St, 7-r., alt modern, ele gant 30.00 2330 N. 36th Ave., 8-r, alt modern, nlc yard 22.64) 3788 Burt St.. 8-r., modern ex. furnace, -NEW. walking distance... 20.08 3216 Burt St., s-P.,-mod. ex. furnace..... 36.00 1614 S. 2fth St., -r., mod. ex.-furnace.. 30.08 N. W. corner ztn Hi., ana Leavenworth, The Djndy residenoe.' See us. PAYNB INVESTMENT COMPANY, Tel. 1781. Main Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. - P-9 OI all 8. 23D ST., t-room flat, wlllt bath. 2746 S. 13th st., rooms, city water. Win. K. PotteV, receiver, y Brown block, ' D MU$ 1 fob rbntwfirsHsheD Rooms. DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam, $1 PER WEEK-422 S. 8th St, one block souinejf court- nouse. t w AETNA HOUSE, Europea,13th and Dodge, TWO- nice,- cool, furnished or unfurniahe rooms. 2404 Davenport. i &-83J7. ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th A Chicago. NICELY furnished rooms slne-le o -en auite; rates rsasonaoie. aiiaianci . nntet. I6tn ana uniuago. ,- js-r-trza VIENNA HOTEL lQllrU Farnam street LARGE south front room, newly furnished. modern, teiepnpne. nujiaoie ior two men, Ztie uougiaa. ,. . . JCrrffs DESIRABLE rooms, first-class location, waiaing uisisnve. ha r eriMi in. HANDSOME steam-heated room. 1908 Cap. Itol Ave. : ' B M106 , 1. . ,s ' "L t- !' Fl'RKISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. Merrlam,- coasfortable winter home. Tel. 86, t . F-2 FURNISHED rooms, with or- without boara; rates reasonable. Miaiana tjotei lk. W ana I'lilaa., ' V-tM FOR RENT Desirable rtwms. 217 ft. Stb. Bt, ' ' F M81 THREE rooms, ' 62C S.- UHh St.; furnace rOR RENT ISFtRSISHED . -ROOMS TWO or three rooms, 626 S. list avenue. a-M?oi 1 FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. CORNER 38th -and Dude. cheap. Apply te weiahans Mantel " -t m co. . .. . i-rmt FOR RENT Store. In ftral-cUss location . rent reasonable. Apply- R. C. Peters A - Co.. ground floor. Bee Bldg.. . . 1348 FOR RENT The building 'formerly occu ulad bv The Hee at xif Farnaj St. - It .haa four stories and a basement whlcl twaa formerly uaeu mm mi zee press room. This will be rented very , reasonably. ' Interested ttl Interested apply at once to C. C. Hoa. water, secretary, room vn, wee building. A Jrol AGENTS WANTED. WANTED Can vaaalng agents . In every county te solicit subscriptions te THE iTWe.MTiE.rn iinnsi -, Steady employment, with aeaured Rood in come. Agents In the country -with horse 'and buggy especially dsslred. Canvassers n.u He many sou id sum per inojiin. AO .dress, Century Farmer Solicitors' Buxeaa, Bee building, umana. . . .. all WANTED Agente to aell Auto ma tie Door Strip, a house warmer and fuel sever, Mfg. to., guiuvan, inu, ustfrj WANTED Oood, live scant with some cash to nanuie a aure seuer 10 nanKaand buhlness houses. Call on M.. J- Murphy Mlliero noiei. j is i" TATl'AHY fACTOHJ, STATUARY god ornamental work. Tu 8 11 vVAHTED ron REIT, LAWYER wants desk room, with desk; no sttentlun paid unless terms given In answer. Address L, M, Bee. K M130 f f TOR AGE, OM. Van Stor. Co., 1511H Farn. TeU. 15C8-8a. WANTED TO Rt'Y, WANTED To buy, 8-room modern house. convenient to Boutn urns fa car line, norm Dart of rllv. Address. K 6. Bee. N M0 A HARDWARE store or furniture store. Address, L, 28, Bee. N Ella e TOR BALE rtnsiTVRE. CHICAOO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. nr-K New ana seoonanana, Dougni, soia, exchanged. . O 833 FOR gALB HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. OOOD family horse. 1318 Farnam street P-il- HARRY FROST paints and repairs wagons. nee mm. aou tveavenwprin. jui. im. P 834 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FENCE ' LATH for quick shipment, crib bing, combination ladders. 801 Douglas. Q-M123 FOB BALE Phonographs; superior to sny ptner musical instrument; up- The Wlttmann Co., 1631 Farnam. Q-83S NEW and secondhand typewriters. 1118 Farnam. 4837 101) STYLES trusses: catalogue free. Sher man A McConnell Drug Co., 16th and uoage, omana. y 838 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght. 1119 Farnam. W 838 INDIAN goods and relics. 1118 Farnam. I - n tiiii i - I. , VIM puncture-proof tires, 4 83 and 87.00 per Pu. onmiia. dicjch, to., iqm ana i ni cago Bts. . . Q 841 EDISON ' phonographs, $10, $30 and )30; mouioen recqras, ooc eacn or t per aoz. ; new wheels, 816 up; 2dhand, 8S up. Omaha Bicycle Co., 18th and Chicago Ste. Q-M It M. B. always hurry. Tel. 780. Q 843 FOR gaa fixtures see Bam'l Burns. Q-803 10 FOR SALE, a pair of Imported Mexican rf-vv sray Ak. v( A-txj. Q-M817 CHOICE milch cowa. I Shetland nonla. II. T. Campbell, 4213 Center, 'phone Black nw. 13' SELLINO out bicycles at e-reatlv reduced v. rc "IZ "J"'-ils.JJp i!'al,on ronV graphs. $10, $: and $30. Omaha Bicycle punier join ana v.nicaga sis. : , Q-M868 EDISON Columbia phonographs; agents waniea; wnte. fTearicksan, is cap. Ave. W M&S3 2t OOOD toned cottage organ for sale at a Dargain. j-i cr. jDee. pauL OOOD Jersey cow, cheap; gives rich milk. 6i6 Lwojr sireei. j uiu 6 FOR SALE Pianos at and below factory prices: laraesi line or taiKina macnines weat of Chicago. Collins Piano Co., 162a uougias street. Q M147 CLAIRVOYANTS. MR9. FRITZ, clairvoyant, lot Cass Bt . 8044 MMB. OYLMER, genuine pa,ml.VlS S L . ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MMK. SMITH, baths, 1U N. 16, Jd flooA.R... 1MB1 MME. AMES, vapor baths. 114 N. 16th. R. 1. r m .yjg it, I GRACE O' BR YAM. of . Ky., 736 S. 13th. PERSONAL, un. xvi, cniruiwiwi, eorns anq supernu-I vus uiur imiiuvm or eiecinviiy. v u, '" "'-- -. s u esi. i PRIVATE hospital before and during eon- ...iiusui, usum uutrufu una aaopiea. Mrs. Oardels, 2284 Lake. Tel. - ed- 18X4. u ne i VIAVI. Woman's way to health. Home utsuiiiui. sirasiii iree, ste xsee AJlug., Omaha. U 647 end 25c for complete lesson .in daen Dreaming exsrcixe, Umtrj. i.ox, )404 far- PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement; nrsi-ciasa in everv rennecf. babies adopted. Dr. U L. Miller, 2504 Dionao dl x-none -iiu. U aU 13 MME. SMITH, baths, 111 N. 16, Id floor. R. $. U Use 17" ORAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale nd retail. Collins Piano Co., 1622 Douglas. u IMS TELEPHONE 730 for L. M. E. messengers. U 848. ELITE PARLORS, US 8. 16th St., 3d floor. U fiUMJ 8 FKyAT.?iranlai1u,n or Ikdles' before i45is2? one three and-one four-room house, fierlechr&f MiithW' m-&' ft".dr X?' MUth front, little -outh ef the union sta Qerlsch, 40o N. Uth St.. Omaha. U 860 Jlon wlli .;u cheap for one week, $806,00. uSW.f;;!,.Il,r.uj. r,1f Howard, the . a - . - .8 Wn n oreaaea and aul.a i-o T-,.T.;. ! drvirte.: 7 . -vZZT ii -. r $30 RUPTURE CU1 knife, no pain, no del Band for booklet, etc. PTinvn . wnn a k, .cif?l?P ' lOH .$30 No detention from business. ftanrt for honklet et ff Ptn v linivrirnD, CUKE CO 832 N YtJfa Ui?L.B.B t-VWH- CO., 8J. n. X. Life Bldg., Omaha, ; u ant DR. JACKSON, 1505 FARNAM ST. U-806 PARISIAN TEA ROOMS Oct.' What To MONEY TP 'LOAN CHATTELS. AK-SAR-BEN P. FT IN THF. SWIM aaaw wttaitti. IF NOT. WHT NOTt If It Is because you are short of ready rasn we win relieve you on tnai score. we win loan you money without any publicity whatever. We make loans oi salary. Your employer or frlenda need eTkrythin ti ' tonpSuiT FURNITURE and PIANO loan for those who prefer to borrow In this way. See us m our onvate omce. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Room Sua, Third Floor. Paxton Block . ( , , . , X-6J MONEY WHEN ' you find It necessary to borrow. eive ua-a uiui. arter wnicn vt win. hv fair treatment, attempt to retain your I RANCH and farm lands for sale by the I EAQLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat patronage. We loan from $10 up, on f ur-I t'nlon Pacific Railroad company. B. A. I lnSi " business confldentlal. 1301 Doualas. filturs, jaanoe, live atock, ale. We also make loans to BALARIED PEOPLE without mortgage or endorser." We do I not deduct Interest in advance; we charge ttnlhlnsr fw ntakkinaT a Aline nanara a n,( nothlna for makina or flllna nanera and our service Is s.ulck and confidential. We always try to piease our patrons. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 118 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2.-95. (Established l9t.) tot South 16th St. LARQEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PbOPUlS, merchants, team atere. boarding houses, etc., without se curtly) eaelsst terms; 60 emcee In prln cipal i Bldg. clnal titles. Tolman. 440 Board ef Trade ji sot MONEY loaned on furniture, live atock. jewelry, to salaried people. Foley Loan Co., Sue. to puff Ore tn, $ Barker block. . . MONEY loaned on pianos,- furniture, lew- elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F- Reed, , 1 g 13. Chattel and Salary Loans. PHOENIX CREDIT. CO., Successor lo J. W. Tayloe. TeL 11 fs Paxton Block. MONEY TO LOAJI CI1 ATTKLS. MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried rxtopla; bualnesa confidential; lowest ratea, 6J 4 Paxton block. The J. A. Huttnn Co. X-8M MONEY TO LOAM RE At, ESTATE. 44 PER CENT an buslnese property. ( per cent on residence proprty. Options to psy whole or part any time. W. B. loth W-9C MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. trennan-lAve Co., i s. l.itn. W 060 4 TO i P. C. Money. Bemla, Paxton Blk. Thomas, First Nat Bank Bldg. Tel. 14. w 8 FIVE PER CENT loene. Canin Bros. 104 Farnam. W 8(4 WANTED City loans and warrants W. Farnkm 8ml th Ik Co., 1330 Farnam ttree Co., 1330 Farnam ttreet W-864 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. w KftO WANTED Citv and farm loans: also bonds ana warrants, it. c t'eters et t o., lin rarnam ot., uen Hiag. w sua $100 UP; low rate. Prichard, 1713 Farnam. w3fiT BUSINESS CHANCES. to OET In or out of business call on Wll. llama. Room 411, MoCague building. WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your business or property quick see J. H. jonnson, mi n. y. Johnson, 843 Life. Y-M968 FOR 'SALE, good paying Implement busi ness, in dvkl counir in norineasiern Ne braska; will sell or rent property na traaes. u iv, nee. i Mm i CIQAR.' confectionery and news stand, with , i .i . i r . i . . . . i - j I , t it), ruumv wcu luiiiiu"il. II 'J irnn'rii. able -offer rejected;, owner leaving city. J, rt. jonnson, Jjtre. . 1 f"J3 I 8300 FOR completely furnished lo-room flat. nne looation. come quick ir you want it. J. ti. jonnson, is. x, iife. i mi iso BUYS furniture, complete, of 7-room flat, well located; owner leaving city. J. H. Johnson, N. -Y. Life. Y-801 FOR RALE, a business netting 8400 per montn. can be oougnt tor if taken at once. Address P, Bee office. Council fiinera v una 9 I i A COMPANY Incorporated for $100,000 wants a neneral manairer with from $?,000 to IS. 000 to work on a salary from $100 to $306 per month. Address P, Bee omce, council uiurrs. . y Miso z FOR EXCHANGE, FOR EXCHANGE, house and lot. which naa uae oi several lois adjoining- free, to trade for rmnl u tarm not rar out. win pay cash diflerence. J. H. Sherwood, fe7 N. Y. Life. T E-661 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. BLIXT & LOVGREN, REAL ESTATE, 436-437Paxton Block. S-room house and store room. hall. Dan' try, closet and cellar, city water wnn meter, cistern, east iront, rigm ior graus. lot 60x120, good location, close to school and street cur. tl.AOU. Elee-ant 6-room house, arood alced lot, good neighborhood, little south of Leavenworth street, near 20th. good barn, $1,800. . "Sv0er3ytha.'n gorplefe"' r'enu' Tt monm, wunin ten minuses win irum mo ....InrtlPA tiaa ITarnnm flt. 1 majKS Offer. 10-room house close to the High school. south front, brings M.a Income, gf .0o J"raS.''C... barn, chicken house, etc.. lot 60x150, south . front, two blocks . vom tne wwnutjn,ui genoofc fisw. x-story -loom nouse, ciiy nwi m b. good cellar, small staute, corner ioi, guuu neighborhood close .to school and street . 1 Art - ' cur, fl.WW.W, 3 .... a-rnntn hniiaA. rttv wathp.' lot 26x140. right lur sraua, u iuc iu uib -iuuvin ..v, one block to street car. 1.50. 6-room one and. a half, story, cottage, east . f,nnl . 1fnw An J VIA Rt.. rllv water. I 81,000. - . I Lot 60x166 on the- corner ot a ana nun street- .a-room nricK .nouse. room iui i 4-room cottage, easi front on K. 22d St., tnree more nouses, i,ou.uu. city water, . ,. I Five 8-room housee, with bath, closets and xooa cellars now unuBiim . ' process ot repairs, brings an Income of Iiuu per moptn, cioee to iuto tt nuu school, never vacant.. $7,600.00. half jitorv house, newly painted and repaired, city water, smaii oar rn Al. N RlK III . 112.HI. . 8-room . house. nm hm.u - with bath. stationary ,ah - itttttd with hot and cold water, fine mantel, gas. very nice chandeliers all through tne nouse, eiegani basement, with furnace; lot turnus, paveu Street, paving paid for In full, barn, room for two horses and carnage, with hv inft hnirtlna- ahout from eiaht to ten tons of hay antf grain, great deal of fruit trees In yard, fine location, good neigh borhood, close to street car and scnooi, electric lia-nt- in street, es.iuu.w. i house, with bath, all on first floor -room nouse, wun uain, an . ran, IhrM more rooms on seaond tory, nloe hall, mantel in iront parior, ..Unnt hMAmant. IMmSntad floor: KOOd furnace, lot 60x128, east front paved street, all nald in full, ams In house and fine chandeliers, good neighborhood, close to school and street car, $J,60u,f)0; will sell on easy terms. "(uii T0t in the north part of ' South Alt tlfiaHni I II l n- Tf Ml III UtlUgfJ, Ca.ll IIIUUvl B. umana, dmuuiu ,ut...u.M .. .. !K W" ly'"w I AVA I l ,w r siso nave i or ouro I .i. wb1i located for echool and street I car accommodations. ii.a.i c. '" to W-208 on very eAy,payments l Wb hav. fQur beauU,i acre, jutle north i ot Krug park that we can divide up mat we can sen In two-acre pieces at $200 per acre, with one-nail caxn, balance on or oeiure viiti, Iwa or three vears at t oer cent. A very nice T-room house, parlor, dining rm.rn inrnen. i iiit-.b mn u,u iuuiii. ivvm well and cistern, with three lota, 6oxl60 V. ...... K In Walnut Villi II e-"om hou.e, barn. chiefcin ' house, full '.nft'i" () AU S rnom fariek hou.eod cellar 'od.5;plom. wwWbtTihfc'tan house'. ...... . ... o.,k. ni .il w A nice gOOQ eeep lot, Willi etauiv, ciutaeu i.uv... on Burdette street weet of 24th; will sell for one wee:: for $600, and party can pay $100 cash and the balance on easy terms. Investigate this rirara A got that for a few daya ior ti.uw.ou. We also have some 60 or DO well improved farms In this stale, lowa ana Kansas; also large and amall ranches with or without stock. Also Irrigated lands In the North Platte Valley, which Is a vsry good investment. BLIXT & LOVGREN, I vntil ' 436-7 Paxton Block, RE FOR BALE T-reom modern hoise, nearly new, iuu lot, near apim Ave. ana it in. ' Price, $2,OuO; part cash, balance long time. J. 11, Biit.Kvv uuu, mil a.. , Lire. ' . RE 306 McAlleeter, land eommissloner. Union fa- cine xieaauuaxters, umtnt, riee. RE 871 r0R SALE Cottage In Hgnacom Place, six IT- T v. rooms, furnace, lath, gas, paved street, near car; loitkxitu: rent, sm per month, plus water tax. Price, si.guu; can be pur- chased In payments Address, J I, Bee. RE 87 FOR SALE 31 acres, fruit and garden Und. eight-room house, good barn, ap- plos, cherries, plums; eight acres in tlm. ber. two miles from car line Address. 103 ti. First, Council Bluffs, la- Ki,-tug I WHY PAY RENTT OWN YOUR HOME I Ha tne industrial noma to. or America. Rett plan an earth! umce. 221 Board of Trade ttiag., omana. tv, m. wti.te. Mgr. RK-677-1 HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also acre property and tarm lands. The O. r. Davis Co., Room oto, ee buiidlna "BIG PROFITS IN RICE FARMING." Wo have excursions to the RICE LANDS of S. W. lxjulslana ana Texas every month. Write for dates. Clements A Taylor. Immigration Agents, Lyons, Neb. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If yoo want to aell a farm or ranch, tell the farmers and stockralsert about It. The bast way to reach them Is through The Twentieth Century Farmer. This agricultural weekly goes to 33,000 homes of farmers and stockralsers, so If you bsve a good piece ef lend to sell at a reasonable price you ought to find a buyer among them. The coat ot an ad Is small I cents per word. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER OMAHA, NEB. 'RK-804 WILLIAMSON CFHrAnE.8tre?t' RE-975 JIOUBF.8, lots, farms, ranrhrs, loans; also nre insurance, uemie, rexion dioch. RE 878 KKLSEY'fl. wall paper, 17th and Douglaa. 'rnone io. nn-n BEE PAYNE, BOSTWICK A CO. for choice bargains. ui N. x. Litis Biag. Tel. iuu. no ii OEORQIA AVE. home for sale, all modern house; part cash, bal. long time. j. 11. Sherwood, 837 N. Y. Life. Phone SS8. - - . ,, . , , . . . j.i..i.u vr-r RE 907 10 SUBURBAN real estate for sale; tracts of s acres, b acres. 6 acres, e acres. 6 acres or mere, $150 per aore; rich fruit and Lr.u. Ia1d- B0""6-. ' S,ftIplcJ, "I"" ,"h,nfi,ai 1 truck land. Bound to increase in vaiue. west of city, west of nd C streets, adjoin ing Hontield v Fayette Dark. J. A. Stnrr. 617 Bee Bldg., Omaha. KE-Sn) "'."AnV u fnr .2 yfa.M "r as the Cossens hotel, is for sale. Btus are Invited. Kobert Dempster. 1216 Farnam Bt- RE 57 DANCING ACADEMY. CHAMBERS, 17th and Douglas; now open ior reception oi pupus; formal opening September 24. 'Phone F-1776 (circulars) M l 8 MORAND'S Dancing School. 16th and Har ney. Children beginners, Wednesday, 4:l p. m.. and tsaturday, 10 a. m. : 20 lessons. $10; season, Oetober to May. $20, advance; 12 lessons, $6; season, $12; adults, Tuesday and Friday, 8 p. m.; 12 lesxons, ladles, $!; gentlemen, $6. High school olaas meets in Myrtle nan. season uc toner to May. iiu. Assemblies every Wednesday. 'Phone lu22, SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. QREOQ S. H.. Touch T. W.. Bus. Branches l eieg. cat. Tee. un. coll., nth Doug. 006 A. C. VAN BANTS school. 717 N. Y. Life. 878 BOYLES college, court reporter principal, n. x. i.iie. yiy . . ,. "S.'... "u COLLEGE OF MUSIC. uM AHA COLLEGE OF MUSIC AND FINE Am b i weiv8 iree anu iweive partiany free scholarshlus for one year, commenc ing October .16; competitive examination lor tneae scholarships October 14. Appli cants will be examined by the faculty For particulars and prospectus apply F H. Wright, 31a Ramge Bldg. 61910 LOST. LOST, Sunday, between 738 Mynster street, i:iiunnll lilufra. and 14ia Hewurd atriHt. omana,. may s piaca cioin jacaei. ne turn to eitner aaaress ana receive re' wara. vaibi GREYHOUND pup, female, brown brlnds in color; rewarq. nu n. lain Ave. Lpst-U4 OI L08T Black and white Llewellyn setter tag No. 2347; return 1)06 N. 16th St.; re ward. Lost M116 2 STOLEN. STOLEN Sorrel team one horse has white striae in face, about 6 years old, splints on all 4 le8Ji otiier horse has notcn on 1 Knee ana 1 oranu on anouiaer. about 8 years old; top waaacn Duggy with red runnlna- gear: man about 6 lea 8 or lo inches, smooth taoe, blue eyes, brown curly hair. Address J. A. Bailey Springfield, Men. stolen miuu TYPEWRITERS. WHY pay mors? Lambert, $26; superior to IIOU macnines. oeni on approval, man roe Co., 811 N. 16th St., Omaha. 141 MAN t FACTt'RlNG. P. MELCHIOR, 13th and Howard, ma chinist. S82 I OMAHA Safe and Iron Wks. makes a spa clalty of lire escapes, shutters, doors and saiea. u. Anareen, x-rop.. ttu o. win oi. ' -883 OSTEOPATHY. OID. E. ft ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. P Suite 616 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 1664. MRS. GRACE DEEOAN, 638 Bee building. lei. xwo. am EXPERT ACCOINTANT. PRIVATE lessons In bookkeeping, etc.; night cls Mond.. Wed.. Frl. ' O. k! R-lhbun. Room 16. Corn ! Nat l bank atso TICKET BROKERS. P. H. Phllbln, 16u Farnam. Phone 7M4. 867 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds pf carpenter work and repairing JLiEE l " promptly attenaeo to. y. i. uenmree, e TRl'NKS AND BAGGAGE. I TWIN CITY EXP. 'Phone 1717. 60S S. 16th. 8H7 L. M. E. hauls trunks. Tel. 780. -888 PAWNBROKERS. -44 BALM TIES. OMAHA Hay Pale Tig .Co., Ill North lth, LAW AND COLLECTIONS, gTlLLMAN A PRICE. 31 U. B. N'l Bk. Bid. TIMJAN rttH-c, v. m. i ot- . . ACCORDION PLEATING. IDEAL PLEATINO CO.. 1610 Howard. 836 LALNPRY. DM1HA Bteam Lauindrv: ahlrta. 8c: collars 2c; cuffs, 4c. 1760 Leavenworth. Tel. A-17K3. DETECTIVE AGENCIES. CAPT. THOS. CORMICK, private detec- tlva. Ml M.arbah block. Tel. A-iiii- STAMMERING AND S TITTER I NO. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge BMc. W0 AUTOMOBILES. ELECTRIC AUTOMOBILE8. Perlght, 1118 Farnam street. 9S1 Pin DRESSING. O. It GILBERT CO., tanners, 1424 S. 13th. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. GRAND Electric Co., 16 & Jackson. Tel. K'J TAILORING. LADIES' JACKETS made, altered and re- mooeieu. joe yousen, 1411 Farnam St. MK.9 FLOHISTS. L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. l.'SS. Ben,d tor price list, cut flowers and plants). MM dh ess making. DRESSMAKINO In families or at home. miss eturuy, z.tu Harney. fcso 1 STOVES REFLATED. GOLD, silver and nickel plating. Omaha Plating Co., Bee Bldg. Tel. 2Mii. Sl PRINTING. WATERS PRINTING COMTANY. Linotype Composition. 611 8. 13th. PIANOS. I SELL. PIANOS on. payments of $2.00 and is.rxr per week at a saving to you of J100 to $3fW from dealers' prices. Booklet' free, ft ' F. St. WALTER, Factory Agent, 8113 California 8t. Harney St. Car. MSi") 4 MEDICAL. I .A DIES' Chichester's English Tennyroysl r-ius are me nest; sare; reliable. Take r.o other. Bend o, stamps, for particulars. "Relief for Ladles" In letter bv return mall. Ask your druggist. Chiches'.er Chemical Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. GOVERNMENT NOTICES. OFFICE CHIEF OI1ABTERMASTPB OMAHA. Neb.. Sept. 80, 1902-Sealed pro posals. In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received at this office and by the Quartermaster, Jefferson Bar racks, Mo . until 10 a. m., central standard time, October 15, 1802, for the construction of a brick cavalry stable to raola.-e one recently burned at Jefterson Barracks,- Mo. Wall and material of old stable fit for pur- ro io pe usea oy contractor in construc lon of new one. Full Information fur nished on application to this office, where plan and specifications may be seen, or to the Quartermaster, Jefferson Barracks. Intending bidders are informed that the new stable will be similar to stable on ad jacent site at the post Proposals to be mantra rroposais ior Blame and ad dressed rs above Indicated. JOHN W. PULLMAN, Chief Quartermaster. 61 U l-X-l-4-11-13 DENVER,' Colorado. Sent. 26. 1902. The Opening of bids, for buildings at Ft. D. A. rtuesen. Wyoming, under my advertisement ot September , 1902. Is hereby postponed ijom octoner B to October 16. 19 '2, at II o clock a. m. J. W. 1'oue. 1leut. Col. and unier j. m. atu-iio-i-2-3-4-6 LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE TO RRIDGB CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned at the office of the secretary at jexingion, ptenraaka, until l o clock p. m. oi me mn oay ot uctoDer, isoif, for build ing a bride;, across the Platte river accord. tna to plans and sneclficatlona on file at the office of H. O. Smith In said Lexing ton. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for $600 as a guarantee that said bidder will enter into contract for said work. If awarded him, with good and sufficient bond. The -company reserves the right to reject any or all bids as they may be deemed to the beat Interests of the city or precinct. Payment will be made on the contract as follows: Eighty-five per cent on estimates oi tne engineer or worg com pleted. THE LEXINGTON BRIDGE CO., d. b . xirier,. secretary. miu l-x-s STREET IMPROVEMENTS. Healed bids will be received by S. E. Crana. city auditor of the Cltv of Lead, fl D., until 6 p m., October 16th, 1802, for pav- mKT wun orica, stone or gspnau, upon a Inch concrete base, together with all neces sary grading. Approximate estimate! 16.000 square yards paving. S.2O0 lineal feet curblna. Specifications and plans ran be obtained or j. I erica, city engineer, lean. a. u. S2dl5tM POSTOFFIOE NOTICE. . (Should be read DAILY by all Interested as changes may occur at any time.) Foreign malls for the week ending Oc- toper t, jwz, win close tiKUAinbl in all cases at the general postofflce as fol lows: PARCELS POST .MAILS class one hour earlier than closing time shown below Parcels post malls for Germany cloae at 8 p. in. Ajonuay ana weanesuay. Reifiilai' and Supplementary malls c I ou st Foreign Station half nour later ili.n cloalng time shown below (except (hat Sup- America, via Colon, close one hour later al Foreign station). Trgnsatlantlo Malls. THUR8DAY At I a. m. for FRANCE, HAL,r, rifAl.N, POR TUGAL, TURKEY. EGYPT, GREECE. BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MArI tUEZ, per a. La Savoie, via Havro (mall for other parts of Europe must be directed "per s. s. La Savoie"). SATURDAY At 7:30 a. m. for NETHER. liANPS aired,, per a. g. Noordum (mall must be directed "per s. s. Noordam"); at 8 a. m. for BELGIUM direct, per g. a. Finland (mall must bs directed "per s s Finland"): l 8:30 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per s. a. Ethiopia (mail must bo directed "per s. 6. Ethiopia"); at 11 a. m. for DENMARK direct, per s. s. Ilekla (mall directed ''per s. s. Hekla"); at u:au a. m. tsuppiemciitary I p. m.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Etrurla, via (Jueenstown. ' PRINTED MATTER, ETC.-Thls steamer takes Printed Matter, Commercial Papers and Samples for Germany only. The same class ot mall matter fur other parts of Europe will not be sent by this shin unless specially directed by ner. After the closing . of . the Supplementary Transatlantic Malls named anove ad. dlllpnal Supplementary Malls are opened on the piers of the American, English Frenuh and German steamers, end remain open until within Ten Minutes of the bjur of sailing of steamer. Malls fo Soatla mm4 Central Aaserloa, West Indies, Etc. THURSDAY At 8 a- m. for CUBA, YU CATAN, CAMPECHE. TABASCO and CHIAPAS, per s. S- Esperania (mall for other parts of Mexico must be directed "per s. s. Esperanza"); at 13 m. for GUANTANAMO and SANTIAGO, per s. s. Santiago de Cuba; at 2:3o p. m. for NORTH K UN BRAZIL, per s. s. Sparta. Via Ceara, Maranliam, Para and Manaos; at 11-30 p. m. -for NEWFOUNDLAND, per s. g. Buenos Ayrean, I rem Philadel phia. FRIDAY At 12 m. for MEXICO, per g. s. Bantlago, via Tamplco (mail muat be di rected "per a. s. Santiago"); at 6:30 p. m. tor BERMUDA, per steamer from Hall fax. SATURDAY At 7 a. m. for BRAZIL, per a. a. Tennyson via Pernambuco. Rahla and Rio Janeiro (mall lor Northern Bra- sil. Argentine, Uruguay gnd Paraguay must be directed "per s. s. Tsnnvaon"): at 6 a. no. (rupplementary 8:30 a. m ) for PORTO RICO, CURACAO and VENE ZUELA, Pr s. s Philadelphia (mull for Savanllla and Cartagena mu.t be directed per s. g. Philadelphia"!; at 8:60 a. m. (supplementary 10.34) a. m ) for FORTUNE 1 1 I .AND JAMAICA, SAVANILLA snd CARTAGENA, per s. s. Alene (mall for Cob I a. Kica must be directed 'per s. s Alene ); at 8:80 a. in. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for CAPE HAITI. (JONAIVKH. ST. MARC. PETjf" GOAVE, JKREMIE and ban ta MAKiA, per a. s. Adiron dack (mall for other parts of Haiti must be directed "pir a- s. Adirondack"): at 10 a- m. for CUBA, psr s. s. Morro Castle, via Havana; si iv a. in. ior lartiLisAPA and TRINIDAD, per s. s. Maraval: at 10 a. m. for HAITI, per s. s. Prlns Maurlts (mall far Curacao. Venezuela l'OSTOFFIl K NOTICE. be directed "per s. s. Prlns Matirlts")f st 12:80 p. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Curltyba, via Malarias (ordinary mall only which must be directed "per s. f. Curltyba"). Malls for Newfoundland by rail to North Sydney, and thence by steamer, close at this office dally at 30 p. m (con necting close here every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday!. Malls for Mlqui-lon, by rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, close at this office dally at 6:30 p m. Ma'ls for Cuba by rail to Port Tampa, Fla., and thence by rteamer, close st this office daily except Thursday at 5:80 it. m , (the connecting closes are made on Mondays. Wednesdays and Sat urdays). M.i lis for Mexico City, over land unless specially addressed for des patch by steamer, clout? at this office dally except Sunday at 1:30 p. m., and ll.J'i p. m , Sundays at l:u0 p m. and 11:20 p. m. Malls lor Costa Hie. Kellxe, Puerto Cortes and letter mall for Guate mala, by rail to New Orleana and thence ly steamer, close at this OKI--, duly except Sunday at M 30 p. m. a rig li.M p. m.; Sundays at 1:00 p. m. and 11:80 p. m. (connecting cloaes hers Mondays st 11:80 p. m. for Pellse, Puerto Cortes and letter mall for Guatemala and Tuesdays at 11:30 p. m. for Costa Rica). Registered mall closes at t:0u p. m. pre vious day. Transpacific Mall. Mails for Hawaii, via Ban Francisco, close here daily at 30 p. in. up te September 29th, Inclusive, for 0 Is patch per a. s. Ala meda. Malls for China and Japan, via Vancouver ami victoria, ti. c, close nere uany ai 6:30 p. m. up to September 30th, In clusive, for despatch per s. s. Empress Of India (registered mall must be .tpeclally ad.lresseif Merchandise for U. 8. Postal Agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Canada). Malls for China and Japan, via Seattle, close here dally at 8:30 p. m. up to Oc tober 1, Inclusive, for dispatch per a. s. Rlujun Maru. (Registered mall must be directed "via Sua tt !..". Malls for Hawaii, japan. China and first- class matter for the Philippine Islands, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. tip to October 2d. Inclusive, for dis patch per . s. N I niton Maru. Malls for Hawaii, China: Jarmn and first- class matter for the Phillmilne Mauds, via San Francisco, dote dally at :30 p. m. irp to October 10, Inclusive, for dispatch ner s. s. Peru. Mails for the Philippine Islands,' via San r rancisco, close, here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to October 11, Inclusive, for dispatch per I'. 8. Transport: Malls for Australia (except West Australia, t men la lorwamed via Europe), pfew Zealand. FIJI, Samoa and Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. after September 2uth and up to October 11, Inclusive, or on arrival of t. a. L'm brla. due at New York October "nth, for dispatch tier s. s. Sierra. Malls for Australia (except West Australia, wnicn aoes via Europe, ana jew zeainnu, which gocc via sn Francisco), and Islands, via Vancouver and Victoria. 1). C. (specially addressed onlv), close here dally at 6:80 p. m. up to October 11th, In clusive for dispatch per s. s. Moana. Malls for China and Japan, via Taeoma, close nere nany at :so p. m. up to Oc tober "17, Inclusive, for dUpatch per s. s. Olenogle. Malls for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands, via nan i- riinoipco, close nere tinny at :m 1. m. up to October 2n. lnoluslvc, for despitch per s. s. Marlnosa. CORNELH '8 VAN COTT. Postmaster. Postofnce, New York, N. Y., September 26, 1WJZ. jAII.WAY TIME CARD. UNION STATION 10TH AND MARCY. Chicago, Rock Islaad se raelgn. EAST. . . . Leave. Arrive, Chicago Daylight Lim ited a 6:00 am a 6:46 em Chicago Daylight Local. a V60 am 6:36 pm Chicago Expreas hll'in err) R oS nm Dea Molnea Local a 6:20 pm bll:60 am -"-",u . miuiTM... v.w um av A . cu uin WEST. Rocky Mountain Lim ited a 6:60 am a 4:66 am Lincoln, Colo. Springe. Denver, Pueblo and Vest .. .......a 1:30 pm a 5:41 pm Colo., Texas. Cat. A Oklahoma Flyer a 6:00 pm al2: pra Illlnola Central. Chicago Express T:30 am a 6:10 pm Chicago, Minneapolis A St. Paul Limited 7:60 pm a 8:06 am Minneapolis A St. Paul Express b 7:20 am bio 36 pm Chicago Express . al0:36 pm Union PaelAe. . . Leave. Arrive. a 8:40 am a 7:80 pm .a 8:60 am a :2 pm .a 4:26 pm .all:J0 pm Overland Limited.. The Fast Mall California Express Pacific Express.... Eastern Express... a : pm a 7:30 am a 1-40 am The Atlantic Exoress... The Colorado (special... a 7.W i Chicago Special 3:40 am Lincoln. Beatrice gnd - Stromrtburg Ex b 4:06 pm b.t:60 pm Grand Island Local b 5:30 pm. b 8:36 pm Wabash. Bt. Louis "Canon Ball" Express a 6:66 pm a $:20 m Ut. Louis Local, Council Bluffs a 1:15 am al0:80 pm Chicago A Nof thnesttra. "The Northwestern Line." Leave. Arrive. Fast Chicago a 3:40 am a 7;0u em Mail a T:W pre a 8:30 am Local Sioux City. ...... ..a 6:10 am a S:M pm Daylight St. Paul a 7:8b am al0:26 pm T . . . 1 1 - , V, I . . . u ...... Local Chicago. v., a.w era m.11 pm ...,l:a m a 6:10 pm ....a 4:0 pm a 8:60 cm ....a 4:66 pra a 4:06 pm ....a 6:10 pm a 8:20 am ...,a. T.'j6 pm a 8:16 am .... a 2:40 pm ....b 4:00 pm b 6:54 am Local carrou Fast Chicago- .... Limited Chicago. Fast Ht, Paul , Fast Mail... Local Sioux City... Mlssearl Paclne. Bt. Louts Express.... K. C. A St. L. Eg.... .al0:00 am a 6:23 pm .19:60 pm a 816 am Chicago, Mllwaokee at St. Paal. Chlcsgd A Omaha Ex..b 7:40 am b 3:40 pm Chicago Limited Ex.... 6:00 pm a 7:60 am BURLINGTON STATION lOTH MASON Barllagrtou A Missouri Rlrer. Leave. Arrive. Wymore, Beatrice and Lincoln ..........a 8 40 am bll6 am Nebraska Express a 8:40 am a 7:46 pm Denver Limited .....a 4:26 pm a 6.46 gra Black Hills and Puget Sound Express.. all:10 pm a 1:10 pm Colorado Vestlbuled v Flyer a 8:10 pm Lincoln Fast Mall b 1:10 pm a 8:17 am Fort Crook and Plattg- mouth b 1:30 pm bll:06 am Rellevue t Pacific Jet. .a 7:60 pm a 8:27 am Bellevue A Pacltia Jet... 1:00 Am Chicago, Bartlaatoo A Qalaey. Chicago 8peclgl..., a 7:00 am a 4:06 pm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex..a 4:0U prr. a 7.38 am Chicago Local 8 30 am all 00 pm Chic ago Limited a 6:U pm a 7:30 am Fast Man a J:4 in Kansas City, St. Jogepk A Ceaaell BlalTs. Kansas City Day Ex. ...a f :80 am a 6:05 pm St. Louis lyer .....a :io pin all:l6 am Kansas City Niht Ex.. aw JO pm a 8:16 am i nallv. h Dally exoeDt Sunday., e Run. day only, d Dull) excepi Saturday, Dally except atonuay. - WEBSTER. DEPOT ISTH A WEBSTER, Cklrsge.s St. Paal, Mlaaeapallg a Omaha. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger. ...a 6:30 am a 6:00 pm Blnux City r-saeiigsr,..a :w pm aii:iuam Emerson Local b 1:40 pm b 3:46 am Fremont, tllkhora A Mlaaearl Valley. Black Hills, Deadwood, ' Hot Springs ...a :O0 pm 6:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and Douglas d 8:00 pm 0 $ :O0 pm Hastings, York, David - City. Superior, Geneva, Exeter gnd Seward b 1 :00 pm b l;00 pm Norfolk. Lincoln and ' Fremont .. b 7 80 am bl0:$ km Fremont Local , e 7:30 am Mlesourl PaelSe. Nebraska Ieal, Via ' Weeping Water b 6:1 pm aU:ta am CLARK'S CRUSES FOR ttOg. Ry Specially Chartered X"t" Screw fleamera, N" as "CELTIC" North German Lloyd White Star Line Expresa Steamer Largest Steamer afloat Cheapest gnd most attractive trls ever, offered. West Indies XX etc.; 21 days, $160 up. Mediterranean rhn.d Orient M"d.i?i,! Constsntlnople, Palestine, Egypt, Rums, etc., $400 up. I 2 d 276 Norway i Russia up,;yrst-,ciasi,,includ"g shore excursions, hotels, guides, drives, etc. Programs free mention trip. jr. C. CLARK, 1U Broad a y, N. J. NortH tH St. ' ' . C-8B1 . - M Trinidad, British, and Duth GuU muat