TITE OMAIIA DATLT BEE: TOUHSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1002. The omaiia Daily Dee E. ROBE WATER, EDITOR. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. , TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, pally bee (without Sunday). One Yer..HXj Xally Be arid ounuay, une Year Illustrated iiee, uno ar fcuncmy nee. One lear baturuay lite, une Year Ls" 'I'weutleth Century armr, One Ycar...l-W ' DELIVERED BY CARRIER. Ualljr Bee (without Sunday), per copy.... 1c Lally hue twitnuut Sunuuyj. pr wueK...Kc Jmiy iiea (Including cjunoay;, pr wea..lic fctunuay Ute, per copy Evening bee (without Hunday), per wee lit fcvenlng Bee (Including Sunday), per week. 100 Complaints of irregularities In deliver should be addressed tu City Circulation D uarunent. OFFICES. Omaha The Bee Building'. South Omaha CUy Hall Building. Twen-ty-ntth and M Streets. Council Blurts 10 i'earl Street. Chicago 1MU L'nlty Building. New fork 23-' Park Row ttullrilng. Washington 401 Fourteenth Street. CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to news and edi torial matter should be addressed: Omaha 'Bee, Editorial Department. BUSINESS LETTERS. Business letters and remittances should be addressed: The Bee Publishing Com pany, Omaha. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order, payable to The Bee Publishing Company. Only 2-cent stamps accepted In payment of mall accounts, personal checks, except on Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted. THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. State of Nebraska, Douglas County, as: George B. Tsschuck, secretary of The Bee Publishing Company, being duly sworn, ays that the actual number of full and complete copies of The . Dally, Morning, Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the month of September, lfr2, was aa fol lows: 1 80,1X0 81,100 2 3O.T40 17 81.O20 t BOIBO 18 81,140 4 80,810 19 '.......81,1W S 81,070 20 81,450 . 80,420 21 29,670 7 29.8TO 23 81,000 80,900 23 84.BOO 80,700 24 82,240 10 81,OBO 26 31,200 Jl 80.N20 24 80,770 12 81.2BO 27 80,050 tt 81.20O 28 aO,28 14 29,BM 29 80,800 15 81,050 so ai.ieo Total 28,22S Less unsold and returned copies.... 10,144 Net total aales 018.O81 JVet dally average 3Ot02 GEO. B. TZSCHUCK. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before me thla 30th day of September, A. D. 1902. M. B. HUNGATE. (Seal) Notary Public Carnival time la where Omaha's wide etreets come In for bandy service. The people will not be satisfied until they get municipal homo rule. ' The base ball fan will now no longer have even the satisfaction of reading the score in the paper uui.il the ecasou opens next spring. Kansas is bidding' for notoriety with the first snow storm of the season. Ne braska has no immediate hankering to get into the competition. ' The hunting season is at last fully open. Restaurant men can now offer "prairie chickens" on their bills of fare instead of simply "birds." Mayor Moores does not propose to get out of practice a a writer of veto mes sages. And almost Invariably bis vetoes are strictly In the Interest of the tax payer. That meat packers' merger has been neither effected nor called off for sev eral days. The meat packers are losing a chance for a whole lot of free adver tising. Unless conditions change, the coal de partment of the county poor agent will be the most popular branch of the county government during the approach ing winter. There may be nothing to arbitrate be tween the coal operators and the coal miners, but there is something to arbi trate between the coal producers and the coal consumers. If Wall street only realized what a mall part of the big American continent It covered and how little its present ex cltementa are reflected outside of Its own boundaries it would quiet down and stop baking a show of itself. Omaha wants moredwelling bouses for working people who can pay moder to rental. The demand for such houses constantly exceeds the supply. Owners of unimproved real estate In this city should make their property bear income by such sure Investments. President Baer wants the people to live In faith that there will be plenty of coal to supply every demand by the time winter sets In. For some reason or other, however, the public does not seem inclined to experiment with the faith cure as a remedy for skyscraper coal prices. Nebraska farmers are again complain ing of the scarcity of farm laborers and the difficulty of getting the corn husked without help. They never had to com plain on this score . before republican prosperity reopened the mills and fac tories that give, employ uieut to all la borers able and willing to work. No danger that the. vacant place on the supreme court cdmmlsion will have to hunt for aomeouo to fill It. There are plenty of lawyers in Nebraska willing to annex the life title of judge by serving a few months as assistant to the su preme court Justices without reference to the disputed question or overwork . pad underpay. A good delegation from Omaha and (Nebraska is expected to attend the National Irrigation congress. Omaha and Nebraska are vitally interested in the promotion of irrigation as an agency for the settlement and upbuildiug of the west upon which we depend In so many ways. The irrigation legislation already accomplished is largely the result of sys tematlc agitation and organised effort .which must be .continued If what has feecn gained U to W held and extended. TRADK HKLATIOXH TTITH CANADA, A question which Is commanding a good deal of attention In New England and Is of general Interest Is that of trade relations with Canada. There is unques tionably much Involved In It, for our litiRlnex with the Dominion Is large nnd growing and It Is desirable td retain and cultivate It. While consideration Is be ing given to extending our trade In other parts of the world It would manifestly be foolish to lose' flight Of of neglect the valuable commerce at our doors. It has recently been stated thnt the Canadian government will be ready to accept overtures In trade made by the United States, thus Implying that until this country makes a move looking to closer commercial relations nothing will be done on the part of Canada. If this correctly represents the attitude of the Dominion there seems to be little prom ise of an early realization of that coun try's desire for trade reciprocity, since there I apparently no thought at Wash ington about making overtures and even the strong sentiment in New England fa vorable to reciprocity with Canada has not made any decided Impression upon the country at large and we do not think It is likely to do so. In a speech a few days ago Senator Lodge of Massachusetts referred to this matter, pointing out that the Canadian attitude In regard to the Alaskan boun dary wag largely responsible for the failure of reciprocity before the joint high commission. lie said that it was a republican administration which set on foot the movement of reciprocity with Canada and that It was Canada which broke off the negotiation on the boundary question. "The time has been reached," said Senator Lodge, "when the United States can no longer go, hat In hand, to Canada, and ask to settle these other questions and beg that she lay aside the Alaskan boundary." Ho did not know how much value we should find In Canadian reciprocity. "We open to Canada a market of 80,000,000 of people and she opens to us a market of 5,000,000 of people. It would be of great value to Canada, greater than it could possibly be to us to make that treaty." Mr. Lodge Is not opposed to closer trade relations with the Dominion, but he de clared that It "will never advance one inch toward consummation while Can ada stands over us with a manufactured claim to our territory to which we have held undisputed title for over seventy years," A vigorous effort Is being made to pro mote sentiment in this country favorable to reciprocity with Canada. It is being especially pressed upon public attention In New England and there Is also an earnest movement being made along our northern boundary, where the strongest opposition to reciprocity has hitherto been shown. It Is claimed that this movement Is making progress, particu larly in the northwest We have ob served no indications of this, though It Is not altogether Improbable. We be lieve, however, It is safe to say that there will be general acquiescence in the opinion expressed by Senator Lodge that there can be no reciprocity arrangement with Canada so long as that country persists in its unwarranted claim re specting the Alaskan boundary. ZOLA. The world will receive with a sense of relief the assurance that the end of the courageous life of Eraile Zola was acci dental and not self-inflicted. Aa a lit erary man he had long achieved for him self a place of world-wide Interest. lie was almost as distinctly the greatest novelist of France in his day as his elder Victor Hugo, although their meth ods were different, or as Balzac was still earlier. As the founder of a school of novelists, that of "naturalism," as he insisted on calling it hi contradistinction to romanticism, and as its most distin guished exponent, he exerted a powerful Influence In the literary world. Of Zola's power there is no dispute, however the morality of much that he wrote may be called in question. It is possible to point out many passages in his stories that are commonplace and even dull, for he shares the fate or all voluminous producers of books, but for the most purt his s ylj 1 bold and pictur esque, rising to climates of extraordi nary power. To the genius of keen in sight he added capacity for indefatigable labor..' Ills life from the beginning was distinctly that of the literary man, for he was only 2'4 years. of age when his first novel, "Conteg a Nanon," appeared, and the vast series of his works repre sents the continuous concentrated effort of an intellect naturally gifted. Zola is no longer denied, as some crit ics once sought to deny him, the power of illumlnutlng Imagination, because the stuudpolut from which he regarded man Is that of modern science, of which he was a profound student, lie made his ow u the cold, scientific truths of heredity and environment, and he wrought out their effects upon Individuals, classes. Institutions and society with consum mate art. Lacking , Balzac's humor, Zola's vast cycle of novels lesembies in scope, and In some respects In lauuuer, the plan of his great predecessor's "Hu man Comedy" that Is, as a picture of lite at once artistic and genuinely philo sophic. It was unfortunate for Zola's reputa tion, uud doubtlesa also for his perma nent pluce lu literature, that he chose lor so large a part of his subjects the buse aud vicious side of life. The lust word ou the morul effect of literary realism in evil has not yet been spoken. Zola himself Indignantly repelled the Im putation that lu depicting vice in all Its native lildcousnc he ; necessarily pan dered to vice. But those who have taken delight In his treat uieut of fluer subjects will regret that he dwelt so dispropor tionately on the disagreeable phases of life aud that lu dealing with depravity he should sometimes become tediously disgusting. They could prefer that the. splendid power put forth in elaborating the horrors of "Therese Itaquln, " "L'Aa somolr" and "Nana" had rather been employed to produce more stories like "Germinal." It is hardly profitable to seek to dig cover precisely what Zola's motives were In choosing subjects, as Max Nordau attempts to do In his analysis of the great French author's wra. Probably In, large pnrt chance more than delib erate choice prevailed with him as with novelists generally. Very likely the Kougon-Macquart scries of stories fol lowed naturally upon the accidental dis covery of the remarkable records of a certain criminal and degenerate French family, .on which Max Nordau lays so much stress. This epoch of Zola's lit erary life exemplifies his Idea of pure raturalism. But Zola like Tolstoi ad vanced to a higher ethical plane In a magnificent series of novels, Including 'Le Debacle." "La Terre." "Fecomlltc," "Rome," 'Tarls" and "Lourdcs." They are truly masterpieces and upou them very largely his permanent reputation will depend. They are a high form of "the novel with a purpose," conceived In ultimate effect to enforce some social, economic or moral lesson, nnd yet In ac cordance with the methods of supreme literary art. E in lie Zola as an author was not more distinguished for artistic genius and In defatigable devotion to his work than us a man ho was distinguished for courage. He stood unfinichingly true to his con victions both as an artist and as a man, not hesitating In "Le Debacle" to enrage a whole people or in "Lourdes" to offend a religion. The intrepidity with which In the Dreyfus case he stood forth to protest against national madness and in justice to an individual, accepting the penalty of banishment aud social ostra cism for himself, received the generous applause of mankind. TWO TEAKS AGO JSD StOW. Congressman Mercer's campaign man ager Is afflicted with a very treacherous memory. He resents the publicity given by a Fourth ward republican to a well defined rumor that he and his chief lieu tenant, Ourley, knifed the republican legislative ticket two years ago. Mr. Blackburn's disclaimer is coupled with the assertion that he not only voted for the legislative ticket in 1900, but urged his friends to do likewise. If this Is true, it Is passing strange that Mr. Blackburn's urgent appeals on behalf of the legislative ticket for 1900 had no effect upon William F. Gurley, who was associated with him In the management of Mr. Mercer's campaign. It Is a matter of notoriety that Gurley not only supported the fusion legislative ticket, but that he also after the elec tion acted as champion and attorney for Frank Ransom and the other fusion members of the legislature who secured their seats through wholesale frauds. It is also very, very significant that G. M. Hitchcock, then a candidate for United States senator, urged the republican county clerk, Mr. Haverly, to place Thomas W. Blackburn on the board to canvass the returns of Douglas county. If Blackburn was really a warm sup porter of the republican legislative ticket, why should Hitchcock exhibit such anxiety to have him appointed as canvasser of the election returns? And why was Blackburn in open alliance with the fusion legislative candidates after the election in the movement to prevent the election of two republicans to the United States senate? According to Mr. Blackburn, the Fourth ward republican who Insinuates that Gurley and Blackburn were dis loyal to the legislative ticket two years ago Is a truculent prevaricator and dis loyal republican. The man whom Blackburn stigmatizes is a Grand Army veteran whose republicanism has never been challenged. Mr. Blackburn's solicitude for the elec tion of the legislative ticket nominated under Mercer's dictation Is lu decided contrast with his lack of solicitude for the election of the ticket two years ago. Blackburn and Mercer both knew that there . was an organized conspiracy, which had been set on foot by William J. Broatch, John N. Westberg, John Mc Donald and several of the candidates on this year's legislative ticket, to knife the republican ticket two years ago. He knew that these men sought to accom plish their purpose by urging their re publican followers and friends to vote the . straight democratic ticket, but neither Mercer nor Blackburn sounded the alarm or sought to prevent the con summation of the plot that had for its object the defeat of all republican candi dates for United States senator and the election of two democrats. These things are still fresh In the minds of a few republicans in Omaha, and the Fourth ward republican who re fuses to be dragooned into the support of Mr. Mercer this year, although he supported him and worked for him for five successive terms. Is only one of many republicans who are not disposed to pay a premium on political duplicity and treachery. "Curses, like chickens, come home to roost." AO ftDSHAL A V'tliOHlTT. The decision of the president and cab inet that the federal government has no authority to interpose for the settlement of the anthracite eoul strike is undoubt edly correct, though there will be a very general feeling of regret that such Is the case. It has been thought that perhaps the Sherman anti-trust luw could be up plied, on the ground that the railroads controlling most of the anthracite region are In a combination or conspiracy iu restraint of trade, but the best legal opinion appears to be that this law does not reach the case. Nor are the rail roads in this matter amenable to the interstate commerce act, having done nothlug affecting rates of which the commission can properly take notice. As the situation stands, therefore. It seems that the only power capable of dealing with it is lodged In the state of Pennsylvania and doubt is expressed whether the exercise of this power would give relief as soon ss desired, Indeed, It Is the opinion of some that any movement in this direction would only aggravate the trouble and that con sequently the wiser course is to let the contest be fought out, unless the oper ators can be persuaded to make a set tlement. Of this there appears at present no prospect, nor Is there any promise of submission on the part of the miners. An early ending of the struggle Is pos sible, but so for as can be judged from indications the termination is still remote. As usual the university regents are preparing to ask the coming Nebraska legislature for special building appropri ations aggregating more than $200,000 In addition to the 1-nilll levy which Is now regarded as a vested right of the university. When the 1-mill levy was granted it was represented that the pro ceeds would not only take care of all the running expenses of the Institution, but also provide for all the building re quirements for years to come In fact the increase In the levy was made for the special purpose of affording a build ing fund and with the distinct under standing that! It was to be a temporary grant only. If the grand assessment roll reflected the real growth of the state's taxable wealth from year to year, the university would be receiving an an nually increasing revenue that would leave no excuse for additional demands. The friends of the university ought to throw themselves with all their force into the fight for tax reform that would place upon the assessment roll the mil lions of property that now altogether escapes taxation or, like the railroad property, Is returned at a ridiculous fraction of Its Just ratio. For the meeting of the National League of Republican Clubs an apportionment has been made calling for the attendance of nearly 2,000 delegates. It would be surprising If one-fourth of that number put In an appearance. The league has for several years been steadily going down hill until It has practically petered out. It would be much better to meet only In presidential years or to disband than to continue the farce of holding annual meetings for an organization that no longer exists except on paper. Yet the National League of Republican Clubs has fared no worse than the league of democratic clubs, which to all intents and purposes has also gone glim mering. A Lincoln paper comes out with the declaration that if an electric trolley line between Omaha and Lincoln would tend to make Lincoln a tail to the Omaha kite, then Lincoln people will want none of It. Why stop at the trolley line? Why not start a movement in Lincoln to shut off railway traffic between the two cities and cut out the telegraph and telephone lines? Or perhaps our Lincoln friends would like an embargo that works only one way that would encourage Omaha people to go to Lincoln, but absolutely prevent Lincoln people from coming to Omaha, It transpires that the selection of L. T. Durant to fill the vacancy on the dem ocratic state ticket In Michigan, created by the withdrawal of his brother, who had been nominated for governor, is also a victory of th'r gold democrats as against the silverite wing of the party. That settles it that Colonel Bryan will not participate la the Michigan cam paign this year. Ia It Go4 Laekt Washington Post. Mr. Bryan announces that he will con fine hia speech-making to Nebraska dur ing the month of October. Here is another bit of democratic good luck. Living Within Ita Income. Boston Transcript. Japan has advanced to an exceptionally high standard of civilization. Its last financial reports show that it is living within its Income a fact which shows a high grade of Intelligence ia man or na tion. Working; a. Good Thin. New York World. Mr. J. J. Hill's description of "indus trial enterprises whose only Industry Is In running printing presses to print shares of stock" fits a good many "merrere" among them his own Northern Securities company. Land Grabbing- la Canada. Minneapolis Journal. Alarmed by the American Invasion, the Canadian government wants to spend 12,- 000,000 next year in encouraging immigra tion mostly from the British Islands. When the Britishers arrive they will have to buy small parts of Canada from Amer icana. May Hla Tribe Increase. Kansas City Star. Judge O'Neill Ryan of St. Louis takes the refreshing position that, - In trying cases, the broad Intent and purpose of the law should be considered, rather than the triv ial technicalities which are employed by far too many members of the legal pro fession for the purpose of thwarting Justice. May hit tribe Increase, for, heaven knowa, magistrates of that stamp are sorely needed. Becoming- More Intelligent. Baltimore Sun. The conditions of employment nowadays discourage Ignorance. Intelligence and some degree of education are indispensable In almost every industry. This is well un derstood by representative worklngmen, and if they were not so fortunate as to enjoy educational advantages in their youth they are not withholding these advantages from their children. The worktngman of the future will not be "brother to the ox," as the American poet represents the toller of other days. He will not be content to let other do his thinking for him. He will have his own ideas about economics and social conditions. Knowledge will ' bring power to him, and the question then will be, How will he use this power? Marked Changes la the Army. Indianapolis Journal. The register of the United States army for the current year shows the great change that has taken place In the officers Incident to the Spanish-American war and the ser vice in the Philippines. The army has been Increased from 25,000 to 75,000, which caused a corresponding Increase of officers. The greatest change is noted In the pro motion of old officers. Those who were lieutenants six years ago have reached much higher ranks, one of them being a brigadier general; captains have become colonels and majors brigadier generals, and most of them have been retired. A few years ago a large part of the officers of the regular array saw service In the war of the union; now the number Is very small and very aooa those living will all pass to th retired list i BITS Or WASH1SOTM MFK. Minor Scenes and incidents Sketched on the Spot. "Now that the 'Little White House' has taken definite form and Is receiving a coat of paint," writes the Washington corre spondent of the Brooklyn Eagle, "the pub lic can see what manner of building has been erected as the working place and general reception quarters of the presi dent. It is not an exaggeration to say that not a single favorable comment has been passed on the mean looking little structure thnt has sprung up alongside the old White House. The latter was never considered a thing of beauty, but by com parison with the new building it becomes a veritable palace. The Little White House might have been designed by a school boy, so straight and plain are tts lines, not a elngle thing but windows and doors to break the monotony of its four outBlde walls. Rough brick was used In the finishing, and above the one row of windows Is a line of cheap Iron grating so suggestive of a barn that one almost expects to see wIbps of hay sticking out. In fact, the structure has been likened to a stable or a barn by nearly every ob server. It has Just received its first coat of white paint, whlh has emphasized the impoverished appearance. Perhaps three or four coats will Improve it, but at pres ent it Is a sad and dreary looking affair. It Is a matter of universal regret that when it became necessary to mar the beauty of the White House grounds by putting up another building proper steps were not taken to insure the erection of a creditable structure. The new building is not even fireproof." To the average Washlngtonlan the state ment that between the White House and the capttol lies a replica of a little spot of Death's valley, California, than which there is no more barren desert, would seem ab surd. And yet, this very thing can be found In the west corner of the botanic gardens, relates the Washington Post. A tiny spot It Is, but true to life In every detail. Its dry, barren sandy alkali soil Is a startling contrast to the background of giant palms and sacred cedars which bound it on the north and west and the fragrant path laced lawn which rolls out toward the east like a bolt of emerald velvet, dotted here and there with ponds of pink and whlto liMeaall typical of the moisture-laden land of the east, where even the commons are strewn with gay weeds and wild flowers. There is no branch of the botanic gardens which necessitates such care and constant trouble. No plant is so difficult to handle and In some cases dangerous to work with as the cacti. Then, too, few plants are so delicate In this climate as the in Its native soil undying cacti. The plants which will endure for ages In the dry, burning air of the southern desert soon shrink and totter and fall to the ground a rotten harmless trunk when exposed to the cold rains and sudden changes of our eastern climate. When the first snows of winter approach, the desert spot Is denuded of its thorny plants and the rare collection Is placed In air-tight glass conservatories. When this work 'starts the most trying and painful laburs of Llie botanic gaidueis beglu. The heaviest of buckskin gloves do not protect the hands from the stabs of these plants. d for days after the clearing of the desert many of the workmen and the. su perintendent are seen with bandaged hands. However, although the cuts from these cacti are extremely painful, only two of them ace dangerously poisonous, the two varieties of the euphorbia lactea monstrosa, the Juice of which Is very venomous. The Arizona and Mexican prickly pears are extremely brittle and in handling them their leaves frequently snap and fall upon the workmen. They pierce the clothing and are burled deep into the flesh, making ugly festering wounds. ' One of the most interesting cacti In the gardens Is what is commonly known as the bishop's bonnet or bishop's miter. The en tire plant is covered with a fine network of sharp needles. Not the least Interesting of the great col lection of "fighters," as the old gardener calls his cacti. Is the Calvary cactus, or "crown of thorns," as It is generally called. There is an old theory which dates back hundreds of years, which declares that from this species of cactus was made the crown which pierced the brow of Christ. Certain It is that this thorny bush Is Indigenous to the Holy Land and It was from there that the specimen which Is now in the botanic gardens was brought. The spider web, the West Indian fence, the prickly pear the hedge hog and all the others are there with their technical, names placarded upon them, but familiar to the visitor from the arid lands by their common titles. One of the finest specimens extant of the spider web Is at the botanic gar dens, and Just now It is beautiful with Its natural waterproof wool tufts growing out to protect the tender new shoots. This wool substance Is absolutely Impervious to water and appears on the plant during the wet seasons especially, and sheds all damp ness from the top of . the plant where the growth appears. There are two specimens of the euphor bia lactea monstrosa, which are the poison ous cacti. One of these is more deadly than the other, but both are risky plants to handle unless one Is familiar with such work and trained to extreme care. There Is also the Jumping cactus, which, when approached, la drawn to one as a needle to a magnet, and pierces whoever gets too close to It. Then there are the Indian well cactus, thorny plants from al most every tropical country of the world. and every variety known to be indigenous to American soil. California, Arizona. New Mexico, Texas, Colorado, Nevada, Wyoming, Kansas and all the western states whose plains and deserts produce these sharp lit tle vegetable weapons have contributed to the miniature desert of the botanic gardens. Nor are the sage brush, the mesqulte, the grease wood, the paola verde and Innumer able leafless shrubs which thrive on the western wastes missing from this remark able botanical collection. The cab drivers of Washington have been trying to break up the business of a con cern that Is running what are known as "seeing Washington" cars in a continuous trip over all the lines of one of the street car companies in order to take in all the sights of the capital. The cabmen allege that the cars are run in violation of the charters of the street car companies and of the general law regulating such traffic. The other day the district attonrey rendered a decision sustaining the "seeing" cars, which, he says, in no way conflict with the time achedules of the street cars, and give a service ertlrely different from the ordinary street car service. There Is one little girl in Washington who recently gave her parents an exhi bition of her nature for which tbey were totally unprepared. The child was cross eyed, and her affliction was a source of extreme snnoyance to herself and family, relates the Washington Post. An oculist was consulted, who advised an operation to remedy the defect, and so tt was decided to take the little one to k hospital in Bal timore. The utmost secrecy was observed In the matter. Miss Annie had once made a great fuaa about having a tooth pulled, and, of course. It was to be expected that she would enter serious objections to an operation on her eyes. She was taken to Baltimore under the lm pressloa that sh was going on a pleasure trip with hep father and mother. When they arrived at the hospital the mother took her daughter In her lap and nervously broached the real object of the trip. Bhe set forth in all Its triple horror the em barrassment which la the lot of the cross eyed person, stating that the trouble would Increase aa she grew older. "Now, Annie," the tald finally, "we have brought you over here to have your eyes straightened. It won't hurt you at all. Wouldn't you like to have your eyes like other people't?" "You Just, bet I would," exclaimed Annie, to the astonishment of the others. "You can go ahead and do anything you want, and I don't care how much It hurts. I'm Just tick and tired of having a park of col ored boys spit Into their hats and cross their fingers every time they meet me." The operation was performed forthwith, and the young lady has as good a pair of eyes as anybody In Washington. SOFT COAL A MONEY HA VEIL Necessity Produces Stoves and Far nacea to Consume It Profitably. Chicago Chronicle. If people would talk less about seeking relief from the anthracite famine by go ing to congress or the courts or the gov ernor of Pennsylvania for laws and receiv ers snd troops and do more for themselves by preparing to use soft coal they would be much surer of getting what they want, not only for the time being, but tor all time. There has been good reason for giving the preference to hard coal for domestto purposes. With the stoves snd furnaces In use heretofore it hat been impossible to burn soft coal' economically or without an almost Intolerable nuisance of soot, smoke, dust and care and trouble In management. These objections to soft coal have now been overcome In a great measure. Stoves and furnaces sre in the market which burn the cheapest of toft coal without producing any more offensive soot or smoke than hard coal yields. All that was offensive and objectionable Is consumed, with the result that as much heat Is obtained from a ton of the cheapest soft coal as from a ton of hard coal. If people will turn their attention to these stoves and furnaces they will find as soon ss prices get down to the normal again that they are getting what heat they re quire for half or less than half what they have been paying. In view of the econ omy and other considerations they will con tinue to use soft coal permanently. The consequences to the anthracite mine owners and operators, to the coal roads and to the miners would be pretty serious, but we need not concern ourselves about that. Consumers will be far better off and lets liable to be bled by strikes and lock outs. Producers, from owners to miners, will find it uecestary to show more regard tor the interests of the great consuming public PERSONAL NOTES. Charles M. Schwab's New fork home will be a six-story granite mansion, to cost $900,000. Chicago peddlers are doing a land office butlnest selling stick pros on which bits of "genuine anthracite coal" are mounted. The new medical college to be endowed at New York by Mr. Rockefeller will have departments for both allopaths and homeo paths. Secretary Shaw has accepted the Invita tion to be present at the meetings of the New York State Bankers' association on October 9 and 10. Ex-United States Senator Stephen W. Dorsey of Arkanaas has bought a handsome residence In Los Angeles, Cal.. and will make that city his home. His art collec tion Is expected to be the most noteworthy In Southern California. ' Elting Elmore of Milwaukee has retired from the coal trade and for the first time since Its first cargo of coal was received the Cream city has no Elmore represented in that traffic. Members of the family have had a continuous Interest In the trade for tome sixty years. y Dr. Selor, professor of the Americanist chair. In the University of Berlin, endowed by Duke Laubat of New York, accompanied by Dr. uon der Stelnen, professor of eth nology at the University of Berlin, have left Berlin for New York to attend the Americanist society's snnual meeting. Admiral Sohley recently celebrated the thirty-ninth anniversary of his wedding at Laconla, N. H., and the village folks pre sented to him a French clock and cande labra of ornamental design, wrought In bronze, to express their gratitude for the commander'i personal servloe to New Hampshire. 6peaker Henderson's unexpected retire ment hat retulted in a Wall ttreet rumor that he is very comfortably fixed so far as money Is concerned. It Is aald that Andrew Carnegie In the past few years has given his brother Scot tips that have rolled up quite handsome banking ac count for the Iowa man. Adjutant General Dalton of Massa chusetts, who announces his Intended re tirement, will on January 1 next have com pleted a twenty-year occupancy of a po sition which Is practically the administra tive head of the state's military establish ment. General Dalton was originally ap pointed by Governor Butler. Over in Michigan they seam to have rather a poor opinion of Governor Bliss' powers gs an orator. One leading news paper declares that he Is the very poorest speaker "that ever was or will be," adding that so far at known the governor hat only been outdone once. That wat by an Eng lish agitator who managed to crowd three grammatical errors Into two words Them's them. The late John D. Lyman of Exeter, N. H., bequeathed to one of bis daughters some old volumes of The North American Review which, at he stated In hla will, were once borrowed by Young Colbath, then a bound apprentice to a farmer, and In later yeart bad bit name changed to Henry Wilson, and eubtequently became a United States tenator from Massachusetts snd vice president of the United States. 1,000 PATTERN HATS TO SHOW. ...... Largest Millinery House in Omaha. Bee our styles and prices before your buy. ' , . NEW LOCATION 1508 Douglas Street Per field Piano Co. Weber Pianos and Eecilian Put BEE BUILDING Entrance Off Main Court ANOTHER BLOW AT BRYASIHM. Connecticut Gives Democracy's White Elephant a Jolt. New ,York Tribune. Connecticut treads oa the heels of Massa chusetts In cutting loose from Bryan and Bryanlsm. The downfall of George Fred Williams has been followed by the obscura tion of Alexander Troup. Through the aid of these two active and devoted lleutonantt Colonel Bryan hna maintained for six years past an unchallenged Influence In New England politics. Taking advantage of the disruption of the democratic organization In the six New England slates forced by his own nomination for the presidency In 1896. the Nebraska statesman promptly In stalled as leaders of the broken democratlo remnant men like Troup and Williams, on whose fidelity to the radical departures of the Chicago platform he could confidently depend. Flattered at the power and prom inence given them In democratic councils, theee newer leaders expended their ener gies not so much In fitting the party In New England for future vlrtorles at lu holding It loyal to Colonel Bryan's polit ical theories and personal fortunes. Now England's representation on the national committee and In national conveatlons was successfully employed to counteract the natural drift of eastern sentiment away from Bryanlsm and to supplement the de mand of the west and southwest for an other test of the Nebraskan's mettle at a presidential candidate. Until thla year the democratic party In Massachusetts and Connecticut had submit ted with unquestioning docility to a dom ination baaed on conditions whose day had plainly passed. At Boston a week ago the structure of Bryanlstic theories and Bryan istic authority so laboriously erected by George Fred Williams was toppled over like a bouse of cards. On Thursday at New Haven Mr. Troup's fantastic . leadership was repudiated with equal emphasis. This vigilant representative In Connecticut of Colonel Bryan's Interests has for some time been urging the desirability not only of re affirming the Chicago and Kansas City platforms In 1904, but of making Colonel Bryan once more a candidate for the pres idency. But party sentiment In the state has evidently rebelled at this "continuous performance" program. For when the res olutions committee reported a platform to the state convention It was found that care had been taken to eliminate all reference to the two great declarat1oos-those of 1898 and 1900 which Mr. Troup and his confiding followers hold to constitute the legitimate democratic faith. The platform as reported and adopted affirms "allegiance to the democracy of the nation" and "faith In its principles." The Bryan forces tried to append to the latter clause the phrase "as promulgated by the Kansas City dem ocratic convention," but the resolutions committee rejected the amendment by 16 votes to 7, and the Bryanltes ware afraid to expose their weakness further by fight ing to reverse this "betrayal" in the con vention itself. MIRTHFUL REMARKS. Detroit Free Press: "Do you believe that the rain falls alike on the Just and un just?" "Not a bit of it. The unjust have the umbrellas." Pittsburg Chronicle: "Here," said Mr. Snaggs, aa he laid a volume on the table, "here ia a book that I am very desirous Lucy shall read." "Very well," replied Mrs. Snaggs; "I'll forbid her to touch It." Philadelphia Bulletin: "But. papa," pleaded the millionaire's daughter In be half of the poor young man she wished to marry, "surely it Is no disgrace to work for a living?" "N-no, my dear no. What I object to Is being the one who uv worked for it." Cincinnati Tribune: ' "Do' your debts worry you?" asked the sympathetic' guy. "What I owe other people?" said the will ing spender. "Well, I should say. not. It's what other people owe me that bothers." Baltimore Herald: Judge I tell you KUngers is happy. He feels as If he has Just found money. Fudge How's that? Judge He has employed a lawyer who has succeeded In having his taxes low ered X5. Fudge What was the lawyer's fee? Judge Ten dollars, I believe. Chicago Tribune: "What did you do," they asked of the man who had Just re turned from a hunting and fishing trip to the far west, "when you saw your first mountain lion?" "I left him In possession of the land scape," he replied, "and went back to my mountain trout." Philadelphia Press: Tens She didn't wait long for a husband. Jess Why, she only left school last year. Tess And now she's to marry Jack Klubley. She didn't wait long, did she? Jess No, but she will after her marriage If she means to sit up for him nights. Chicago Post: Our friend tells us of hearing the new cantatrlce In her operatic selection at the recital. "And what," we ask, "was the burden of her song?" Here his face grows hard, as if with bitter memory. "Listening to It," he rasps. A BIT OF GENEALOGY. In the kingdom of Qulvlra, - Many, many years ago. Dwelt a maiden, wise and tender, Heart of tire and brow of snow. Smiled this maid, so fair and gentle. When the tun was low. In the days of Coronado Bhe was beautiful and free, Heir to wealth of all the ages. Proud and strong and great was she; Merry winds tossed her wild tresses. Whistling In their glee. On her cheeks bloomed richest roses. Deepest violet were her eyes; Her sweet name was Virgin Prairie, Stainless as her brooding skies; All the air waa filled with perfume From her fragrant sighs. Came the yellow-haired Mondamln, Manly, handsome, loving, brave, Wooed and won, this ratlin nt maiden; Weeping, heav'n a. bleBilng gave. Ev'ry year, the King Ak-ar-JUen Rises from his grave.- Crowned with all Mendatnln's splendor, Many harvests fur him grow. For him gleam the- fires pf cities, Llghtnlng-llght and furnace glow. Virgin Prairie s dreamt enfold him When the sun is low. Wlnside, Neb. BELLE WILLET GUE.