Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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Davis sella drugs.
Btockert sella carpets nnd rugs.
Mauthe. nne match repairing, 228 B'way.
Expert watch repairing, DerTcrt, 9 B'way.
Big line won! dusters, B. 10 and IS cents.
A. B. Howe, 310 Broadway.
Special sale on picture mate. C. E. Alex
ander at Co., 333 Broadway.
Do you play ping prig? Morgan Dickey
can furnish you a nice set for Jl.
Born, to Mr. and Mm. II. P. Barrett nf
t West Waahlngton avenue, yeaterday, a
Mra. E. K. Ttirbltt of Peoria, III., la
visiting her aon, George 8. Davis, and
family. -
Olrla. hava you aeen that awell Una of
fall atyles ot papetrles Morgan 4
0. A. Josselyn left yeaterday for a busl
nn trip to lUsllngs, Neb., and expecta to
b gone aevaral months.
Mra. Frahk Spencer and daughter of
Neola.-Ia., are guest at the home of Mr.
nd Mra. 8. K. Hhrevea.
Vliil t our art department and aea the
beautiful' new dealgas In frames now In.
C. B. Paint, Oil Olaes Co.
Council Bluffs district court No. MOT of
the Court of Honor will meet this evening
t Woodman of the World hall.
Mla Emily Kaupal of West Point, Neb.,
who haa been the gueat of Mla LaiIu Allla,
returned yesterday to her home.
Dr. V. Stephenson la home from a six
weeka' atay In Chicago, where he has been
taking some special post graduate work.
The city filed yesterday In the district
court a motion for a new trial In the per
sonal Injury damage suit of Mrs. Eleanor,
In which she secured a verdict for 2,j0.
Council Bluffs lodge of Elks will hold Ita
regular meeting tonight, at which time a
large list of candidates will be initiated,
launch will be served at the close ot the
City Bill Poster C. W. Nicholson left last
evening for Davenport, la., to attend a
meeting of the executive committee of the
Iowa State BUI Posters' association, of
which he is president.
Justice Cart.on yesterday discharged A.
W. Turner, charged with the larceny of
W. W. Beverlns' corn crop, which had been
grown on land over which Turner and Sov
ertne had a dispute as to ownership.
Dr. McDermott. house physician at St.
Bernard's hospital, left last evening for
Chicago, where he will become associated
with one of the leading surgeons In that
city. Dr. McDermott expects to remain
several years in Chicago, but will event
ually return to Council Bluffs.
Frank W. Edwards of Lewi township
died yesterday while on a visit to friends
In Fort Crook, Neb. He wan 59 years old
and dath was due to consumption. The
funeral will be held this afternoon at 2
o'clock from the family residence In Lewis
township and burial will be In the township
cemetery. Mis widow and one son survive
Lewis Smith, the negro Indicted by the
grand Jury at Avoca for the murder of
Charles Edwards, alao colored, was lodged
In the county Jail here today. Smith se
cured a postponement of his trial until
next term and Judge Thornell ordered him
placed In the county Jail here for anfe
keeping, as the county bastlle at Avoca was
not deemed sufficiently secure.
Justice Carson waa called upon yeaterday
to perform three marriage ceremonies.
Those united by him were Bennet Dough
erty and Mary Carney, both of Omaha;
David H. Brown and Elsie V. Allen, both
Phinir-. Neb., and Robert WooJbuiu n.l
Telga 1. Olsen, both of Omaha. Justice
.Bryant officiated at the marriage of An
drew Johnson .and Amelia Yeffert, both of
Funeral services over the late N. P.
Conant. who died last Saturday, were held
yoaterday morning at the residence of
Judge B. E. Aylesworth. Interment, which
(was In Falnrlew cemetery, waa private.
'law of the deceased, waa In attendance at
the funeral. Mra. Josselyn started for
Council Bluffs, but waa unable to continue
the Journey owing to illness and had to
return home,. , ... 4 , (...,...
Saalth' Is Oat Campalsjaln-.
Congressman Walter I. Smith left yes
terday morning for Albia, where he spoke
last evening. He win apeak today at Fair?
Held, and at Clinton on Friday. The na
tional congressional committee hat noti
fied, Congressman Smith ot two changes in
sis Itinerary In Nebraska and Kansas next
week. He will speak at Fairmont, Neb..
, instead of Haatlngs, and at Oberlln, Kan.,
Instead of at Norton, Kan., heretofore
Omaha Bank Loses.
Judge McPherson of the federal court haa
handed down a decision In the Crenshaw
bankruptcy caae, denying the petition of
the Omaha National bank that Gllbertson A
Thompson of the Crystal Lake bank be, held
responsible for the $5,000 certificate of de
posit which Crenshaw negotiated with the
petitioning bank.
tl.OO Enreka Foantala Pea, ltlo.
Cut this ad out and preaent It on or be
fore Saturday, October 4, and you will be
entitled te one Eureka Fountain Pen com
plete for 19 cents. Only on pen to a cus
tomer and positively none without this ad.
DeLong, the ' Printer, 107 Broadway.
Marriage License.
Licenses to wed were issued yesterday
to the following:
Name and Residence.
Merman F. Witt, Fremont, Neb.
Ora L. Toung. Fremont, Neb
Bennett Dougherty. Omaha .....
Mary Carney, Omaha
David H. Brown, Phillips, Neb...
... 29
juim v. Alien, rnuiips. Neb.
Edwin C. Spencer, Burlington, Wyo..
Emma 8. Durfey, Council Bluffs
Robert Woodburn, Omaha
Helga J. Olsen. Omaha
Raymond Hodgeman, Grand Ridge, 111., 21
Nellie Williamson. Council Bluffs . 10
Andrew Johnson, Omaha 60
Amelia Teffert, Omaha 49
John R. Davla, Murray, Neb...... 24
Nellt L. Strong, Lincoln, Neb lg
Real Kstat Transfer
' These transfere were filed yesterday in
,the abstract, title and loan office of J. W.
squire. 101 Pearl street:
C. H. Btuhr to Thomas Thomsen, lot
I, block 7, Mlnden. w. d t 00
' Arnold T. Avers to Emma J. Ayera,
wife, se, se, ne and 10 acres in
ne corner lot 3. In 31-76-44. w. d
Iowa Central Building and Loan as
sociation to A. E. Copeland, lot 28,
block 31, Central sub., s. w. d ISO
Bella C. Stewart et al to Leonard
Everett, executor, lots 11 and 12,
block 27, beer's sub., w. d 250
Agn Folaom to Andrew Petersen,
lot . block 24, Mullln's sub., s. w.
d 60
Acne and W. P. Folaom to same.
Iota and 10. block U, Mullln's sub.,
w. d 200
C. D. Dillon to Ella B. Potter, lot 8.
block 37. and lot 24. block 9. Ferrv
add., q. c. d
Total transfers, seven 11.53)
H. May rnnsasr
I 21 Faerl at.. Council Bluffs. 'Phone 17.
Oaarlei B. Hamas His Itroaet.t Gam
atitr far Sanatoria! Nominatian.
"" . ...
enntor Allison is te Make sv Speech
ia Coanell Blnff Seaae Tina
Dnrlnaj the Cons- ,
After the general election next month
Attorney Charles O. Saunders ot this city
will have the privilege ot being addressed
by one of two titles or both. Aa Judge
advocate general on the staff, of Governor
Cummins of Iowa he pew carries the title
of colonel and after tht votes are counted
on November 4 be will also be known as
State Senator Saundera, the republican
county central committee having yesterday
afternoon selected him as the nominee for
the position made vacant by the resignation
of Hon. A. S. Haxerton, now postmaster of
Council Bluffs.
The committee took two ballots in nomi
nating Colonel Saunders, (here being four
candidates in the Held and no choice on the
first ballot. Charles R. Hannan, the ex
banker who also acquired the title of colonel
by becoming a temporary member of Gov
ernor Shaw's staff at the Inauguration of
President McKlnley In Washington, was
Colonel Saundera strongest opponent. A.
I Preston, an attorney of Avoca, appeared
in the field aa an east end of the county
candidate. Trustee Balrd of the free public
library did not show ths strength that he
waa aupposed to hive.
Before the balloting was begun It was
decided that no proxies would be counte
nanced and that only the members of the
county central committee present were en
titled to vota The Brat vallot gave Saun
ders 13, Hannan 9. Preston 4 and Balrd 2,
making a total ot twenty-eight votes, thus
necessitating fifteen votes for a choice. On
the second ballot Saundera drew three votes
from Preston and 6ns from Balrd, thus se
curing 17, two more than necessary for the
nomination. Hannan kept his original nine,
while Balrd and Preston secured only one
each. Colonel Saunders waa then declared
the nominee for state senator.
National Committeeman Ernest E. Hart,
who was evidently interested in the nomi
nation of Colonel Saunders, arrived yester
day morning from Milwaukee and was pres
ent at the meeting of the committee. Mr.
Balrd was the only candidate present. He
was there In his capacity of committeeman
from the 8econd precinct ot the First ward
and la said to have cast his vote for Colonel
Hannan. The meeting was held in the
office of County Chairman Going 6. Wright
and waa well attended, twenty-eight out of
the forty-one precinct committeemen being
Chairman Wright announced that he had
been notified that Senator Allison had con
sented to make one speech tn Counoll Bluffs
during the campaign and that Congressman
Smith had expressed a willingness to make
a speech -in Underwood a few daya before
election If a meeting could be arranged
about that time. The date of holding a
rally In this city at which 8enator Allison
will speak will be decided on later by the
At a meeting of the demooratlo -county
Central committee last evening M. F. Ron
rer of this city waa selected aa the party
nomine for ataU senator. S. G. Under
wood and several others were mentioned
at the meeting, but the nomination went to
Mr. Rohrer on the first ballot. Mr. Roh
rer Is president ot the Publto Llbray board
and was mayor for two terma. .
Davla sella paints.
Plumbing and heating. Blxby 80a.
Bin- Wisconsin Firm I Mentioned a
One Likely to Oceans- th '
The prospects of Council Bluffs securing
another large wholesale agricultural Im
plement house are ot th brightest, and tha
negotiations have proceeded sufficiently far
tor the Council Bluffs Warehouse company
to figure on erecting another big warehouse
on Implement row.
Those Interested in th deal decline to
make any statements at thla time, but pna
of the stockholders and officers of the
Warehouse company is authority for the
announcement that it la the Fuller ft John-
son Manufacturing company of Madlaon,-
Wis.. which Is seeking a location In thla
city. The company haa an office here, and
in fact haa maintained one for a number
, of years, but heretofore haa done all ot Ita
.shipping and transfer business through an
other firm.
I While little at this time is made public
i regarding tha Intentions of the Madison
company. It la understood that it ia anx-
ous to open a large branch house In this
' city which to a great extent will b sepa-
rate from th mala house of the company
in Madison. Wis. It is said that tha firm , ' "B heard from Barnett since he dla
proposes to establish a branch house her appeared.
I to be separately capitalised from th home
house; that the company will tak 55 per
cant ot the capital stock, leaving 45 per
cent to be assumed by either local or out
side parties. Lucius Wells, formerly a
member of the firm of Deer, Wells V Co.,
and on of the best known Implement men
of the middle west is said to be prominently
' interested in the establishment of th new
house here. It Is also said that there will
I be no difficulty in placing the 4S per cent
. of the stock necessary to secure th loca
i tlon of this new hous In Council Bluff.
I Th Council Bluffs Warehouse company
I Is figuring on two sites for the erection of
the large warehouse for the proposed new
i firm. On site which the company has In
i view is the property on the eaat aid ot
South Main street, formerly occupied by
tha Deere. Wells sV Co. "a building which
was burned In th winter of 1895. The
other site Is th property directly opposite
on the west side of the street Both site
have first-class trackage facilities.
There haa been some talk ot another na
tional bank belag established in thta city
and report has it that it- will be in opera
tion shortly after th beginning of the new
year, or by next spring at the latest. It Is
aid that Charles R. Hannan and om of
hi eastern associate are Interested In th
proposition and that tn th event of the
bank being established Mr. Hannan will be
Its president Whn asked last evening Mr.
Hannan declined to either deny or confirm
th report, but atated h might have some
thing to say later.
N. T. Plumbing Co., telephone 264,
Davla aeils (las.
Baeetal rllllla fs Parad.
Superintendent Tarklngtoa of th motor
company. learning by th experience of
termer years that nearly evary able-bodied
person and -child in Council Bluffs will
wsnt to witness the electric pageant In
Omaha thla evening, has made extraordi
nary preparations to handle the traffic. He
haa arranged to have fifty cara on the
Omaha line and expect to maintain two
minute service between the two cities. Cars
will be run as late aa the travel wants it.
Gravel roofing. A. H. Reld, 611 Broadway.
Mia AciimiI of Aiding Wctnun to
Kill Hrr Ha hand Confesses
en land.
' DEB MOINES, Oct. 1 Charles Holsda,
charged with abetting the deed of Mrs.
James Gallaugher In the murder of her
husband last April, took the stand In the
trial at Iowa City and gave a remarkable
account of bis alleged Illicit relations with
the murdered man's wife, and their Joint
plot to get 'rid ot Gallaugher.
He stated that after the woman first be
came Infatuated with him they first agreed
to poison Gallaugher, the wife administer
Ing the dose; second, that Holada kill him in
the woods, felling a tree across the body
to make death seem accidental; third, that
Holada alar him with a club in a barn
and the body be thrown under the horses;
fourth, that he shoot him while hunting,
and allege that It was accidental.
He testified the crime was committed by
the woman because ot a quarrel resulting
from her husband discovering her and Hol
ada in a compromising position, three days
before the murder.
Cengrresasnaa Lacey Makes the Firat
Isttek la Ilepbarn's Dis
trict. RED OAK, la.. Oct. 1. (Special Tele
gram.) The republicans opened the cam
paign in the Ninth district tonight with an
address by Congressman Lacey ot the Sixth
district at the armory in this city. Hon.
Smith McPherson of the federal bench pre
sided and made a snappy, characteristic
introductory speech. Major Lacey touched
on the demand for tariff revision, ahowlng
the difficulty of deciding what sehedulo
shall be changed and how much. He de
nied that the tariff create truete or that
to remodel the tariff I the proper method of
settling the trust question. He declared
that much lesa than half the manufactured
produce la made by trusts, and the removal
of the tariff, while it might injure trusts,
would Injure independent concerns more.
The speech waa listened to with great In
Man -Who Write Wife II Wa aln
to Kill Himself I Alive
nd Well.
FORT DODGE. Is-, Oct. 1. (Special Tele
gram.) Word reached this city today that
H. B. Paddock of Humboldt, who wrote his
wife that he had taken poison and was
dying, has been found. After a week's
search the police of Duluth, Minn., suc
ceeded in locating htm. When found he
was contentedly puffing a pipe in a lonely
little log cabin on the shores of Lake Su
perior. The first clu obtained by the po
lice was finding his trunk In a cheap board
ing house. From information received at
thta place be waa traced to his Isolated
cabin, where he claim he has entered upon
a hermit's life.' Paddock had no explana
tion nor apologiea to offer for his queer let
ter, but claimed that It waa almost liter
ally true, aa he proposed henceforth to re
main, dead to the world.
WeWter City Ha It First Cass Under
th New Law of
WEBSTER CITY, Ia., Oct. L (Special.)
Edward E. McNeel of Eagle Grove waa
brought before Judge Richards in this city
this morning, charged with habitual drun
kenness under the new Iowa inebriate law.
The Judge sentenced him to one year
In the Inebriate ward at the ML Pleasant
Insane asylum. This la the first case from
Kw Mot In Library ' Muddle.
WATERLOO, Ia., Oct. 1. (Special.) A
new move has been made In the library
muddle here, by Henry Wels, a west aide
resident, who haa filed a petition asking th
court to restrain the mayor and council
from abandoning the west aide library or
placing a single library in the eaat aid
park. It la claimed in th petition that
the ordinance accepting th gift of Mr.
Carnegie, and naming the east aide park
! aa the alte, is Illegal and irregular and
should be declared null and void.
Tailor Sae Mlaalas- Han.
WATERLOO, Ia., Oct. L (Special.)
There will b filed thla week In the dla
tiict court a case against J. J. Barnett,
the missing bridge superintendent ot the
American Bridge company, who has been
missing since last July. F. W. Welland. a
1 tailor, made him a suit of clothes, and be
, takes an appeal from th Justice court It
I 11 understood that the missing man will be
represented by attorneys. No word has
Section Foreman Fatally Injnred.
DUNLAP. Ia., Oct. L (Special.) Mlk
Fisher, Motion foreman of the Illinois Cen
tral, waa perhaps fatally Injured her this
morning by being run down by a switch
engine. Both legs were crushed above the
knee. Th unfortunate man waa taken to
Council Bluffs for necessary surgical at
tention. Fisher died Wednesday afternoon at 'St
Beraard'a hospital.
lawn Stat New Hate.
Th garbage question I bothering Des
Iowa is th unlucky thirteenth In the
list of apple producing states.
w.t.rlnA eralnlv has a man of extra-
. ordinary ambition. He stole a band wagon.
Th Bloux City Elk have just had a
street fair and a whole lot of trouble, but
they cleared 85,000.
Atlantic had a atreat fair last year and
waa diaguated. Thia year it didn't have a
street fair and Is disgusted. 80 It has been
decided to have another on.
At Iowa Falls all ths women, following
th Industrial movement of the nge, have
combined and are maKIng sneets. pillows.
iqwfii, vie, iur inv kiij m iKyinui n
The highest smoke stack In Iowa Is that
of the lx Moine Elevator company 2.3
feet high. John Klme, a chimney sweep,
reached Its top by going up a rope band
over band, but found It a hard Job.
It take Juat a half-column Interview for
Mayor Brenton ot Pee Moine tn explain
how h bapiMrned to aet loat In Boston at
th tint of the launching of th cruiser
Lm Moines. He ssya ha and some con
nlal Boston friends wandered down 10
tha water'a eda. whereas the suaaeatlon
wa Vhat they wandered to th champagne
Will Mnk4 lw reel Yaaaaar
Electrlo Bitter are a marvelous tonle,
and work wonders' for a weak, run.down
! system. Try them. Only 60s. For sal by
Kuha C.
Ovar a Milliai Dollar in Monaj ia tha
Haidi af Butt Treaiurar.
Troubles Among Kmployea at th
state Hon Lead to Bom
Change In Personnel
Being; Made.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, la., Oct. 1. (Special.)
The auditor of state and governor, by their
representatives, today made a count of the
cash and securities and accounts of the
treasurer of state In accordance with law.
The count showed the following to the
credit of 8tate Treasurer Gllbertson:
Agricultural college mortgage
bonda $ 7O,8SO.0i)
Cash on hand or In banks l,12K,74t.S7
The books ot the auditor ot state ahowed
the following balances In the various funds
at the close of business September 80:
General revenue fund
Agricultural college endowment.
Agricultural college, special
Agricultural college, additional.
Agricultural college. Interest....
University special
Swamp land Indemnity
25.000 00
11. 799,694.8?
The statement shows that less than $3,000
ot the agricultural college endowment fund
is In cash, the rest being out at Interest.
All the rest of tha stste fund Is la avail
able cash.
Hid Were Ton Hlh.
Chairman Cownle and Judge Robinson of
the State Board of Control returned today
from Marshalltown where they opened bids
for the plumbing and heating of the new
buildings at the state Soldiers' home. No
contracts were let. The bids were all too
high, and some other arrangement will have
to be made. Either the plana will have to
be changed so that the work can be done
for the appropriation available, or a part
of the work only will be done unless con
tractors can be found who will do the work
for the sum available. The board la pre
paring to ask for bids on about 2,000 feet
ot aewer at the Mt. Pleasant Insane hos
pital, to connect with the new seepage
tanka of the new sewage disposal system.
New Bank Authorised.
Th People's Savings bank of Nevada
was authorized to do business by the state
auditor today. The capital Is $25,000; R.
A. Fraslor, president; H. B. Craddtck,
The articles of .Incorporation ot the
Maple Lumber company ot Independence
were filed with the secretary of state; cap
ital $20,000, by Thomas A. Welns and
The Iowa Realty company of Sioux City
filed articles of Incorporation; capital $15,
000, by A. S. Wasion and others.
David Bradley & Company of Council
Bluffs filed notice of continuation ot busi
ness for ten years.
Trouble at the State Hon.
As the culmination of a series of dis
agreements among state capltol employes
and subordinate, two change wer made,
today. About ten days ago Custodian Tim
McCurdy, who. was a member ot the legis
lature from Buchanan county, had occa
sion to reprimand Captain Parmelee, chief
of capltol police, and the latter resented
It, and a personal altercation was narrowty
averted. .Later It was decided that Captain
Thomas Oraham of Wlnnlshtek county,
who hadlong been night watchman, should
give place to Thomas Longshore of Dallas
county. But Just as Graham wa turning
over the keys to Longshore a change was
made and Graham waa reinstated and
Longshore made chief of police to succeed
Parmelee. The latter was summarily dis
charged for disobedience. The old soldiers
made a plea for the retention of Graham
and were successful.
State Taxidermist in Jail.
A. I. Johnson, stat taxidermist. Is
charge of the atate museum, la In Jail ac
cused by his wife of being an Inebriate,
and hla trial will take place tomorrow la
the district court. She desires to have
him Bent to the state dipsomania hospital
at Mt. Pleasant. Ha haa also been dis
charged from his position. Some time ago
It waa discovered there- had been lost from
the state museum a quantity of old eoina
which belonged to a private collection
loaned to the state. Johnson Is regarded
as having been responsible a custodian of
these coins and there appears to have been
gross carelessness somewhere on that ac
count. cat tb Good to Oman.
Jack Morgan of thla city wa Indicted
today for larceny by embecslement. He Is
accused of having disposed of a lot of goods
belonging to the Rldgeley Mercantile com
pany ot thla city, an Installment concern.
It la alleged ho was at work for the com
pany at Creston and shipped the goods to
Omaha, where they were aold.
James Marcus, the coachman for the
Searles family, waa lndtcted today for as
sault to commit murder on B. W. Liggett,
whom he shot when Liggett called to get
Miss Grace Searles.
May Aaeea Old Lin.
Th stat executive council today held a
session to consider the assessment ot that
portion of the Northwester system which
was almost abandoned by the construction
of the cutoff at Boone and the Boone via
duct Several miles of the oM main line
were abandoned, and thla Is the part which
runs through the town of Molngooa. The
railroad company did not report thla and It
was not assessed. Tha Boon county peo
ple want it assessed. Fred Crandon, tax
commissioner of the Northwestern. a
psarsd before the council today and In
sisted that tha Molngooa line is regarded
only aa a siding. Two trains a day are run
regularly over It. The council will likely
assess it as a branch Una.
Ena-lneer Kettle with Road.
WATERLOO. Ia., Oct. 1. (9pcll.) Th
rase of Engineer Frank Bender ot tha 1111-
No true womis'l
r terror at tha thought of so much suffering-, deprive
themselves of it
tissue, so that
the expanding
a 11 T .?.
W rite aslor
nols Ceatral road against tb company for
$50,000 damages for personal Injurlea re
celved at Fort Dodge a year ago ha been
taken from the United States court at
Cedar Rapids and settled by the company
earing him a large sum of money. The
amount has not been mad public, but It la
sufficient to psy for a handsoms home la
this city, for which Mr. Bender Is already
negotiating, and then leave a balance that
will set him up In business. Some line la
which hi present health will allow him to
engage will be entered. The terrible wound
haa never healed and never will. It Is
dressed dally by Mrs. Bender, who has
been an efficient nurse since the accident
Rere'pts Exceed Kipendltnres by (Ht,
HO,0O and Debt Decreases
f t, OOO.OOO.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 1. The monthly
comparative statement of government re
ceipts and expenditures shows that for the
month of September, 1902, the total re
ceipts were $48,680,881, an Increase of over
$4,000,000, aa compared with September,
1901. Th expenditures for September were
$37,664.T9S, leaving a surplus for the month
or $11,000,000.
The receipts from the several sources of
revenue are as follows:
Customs, $28.2:5,777, increase $7,000,000.
Internal revenue, $19,789,708, decrease
Miscellaneous, $2,564,895, decresse $260,
The expendlturea on account of the War
department were about $250,000 In excess
ot those for September, 1901, and on ac
count of the navy there waa an Increase
of about $1,600,000.
The monthly atatement of the public
debt, issued from the Treasury department
today ahows that at tha close of business
September 30, 1802, th debt, less cash In
the treasury, amounted to $957,416,837,
which la a decrease of $10,676,434, aa com
pared with September 1. The debt la re
capitulated aa follows:
Interest-bearlna debt 3931.070.340: debt
dh which Interest haa ceased since matur
ity, $1,264,860; debt bearing no Interest
$396,342,801. Total, $1,-328,669,281. Thla
amount however, does not Include $856,899,-
089 In certificates and treasury notes out
standing, which are offset by an equal
amount of caeh on hand held for their re
demption. The cash in the treasury ia classified as
follows: Gold Teserv fund, $150,000,000;
trust fund. $865,899,089. General fund, $176,-
698,261. In national bank depositories,
$309,530,459. Total, $1,315,429,648, against
which there are demand liabilities amount
ing to $944,176,164, which leaves a cash
balace on hand ot $371,2ES,3?4.
Known th World Over.
For Ita wonderful cures Dr. King's New
Discovery tor Consumption. Coughs and
Colds. It cures or no pay. For aale by
Kuhn & Co.
With Prospect mt Clearing; Weather
. Corn Palaoe AOalra I.ok
ln t.
MITCHELL, 8. D.. Oct. 1. (Special Tele
gram.) The rain today rather dampened
tha ardor of the corn belt exposition and It
waa necessary to postpone the fre street
attractlona until this evening, when they
were given. Concerts were rendered by
Debaugh's band In the corn palace thla aft
ernoon and evening. The number ot peo
ple In the city la Increasing every day and
there are seven more daya of the palace.
Tomorrow tb people of Aurora and Brule
counties will come to Mitchell In great
numbers. A game of foot ball will be
played between the university eleven and
th Indians from the government school at
Arreated on Barsrlary Charae.
SIOUX FALLS. S. D.. Oct 1. (Special.)
A man giving his nam aa Thomas Reed,
and who claimed to have been working on
the railroad at Bradley, baa been arrested
at Bristol on the charge of burglarizing
a saloon at that place. He was caught In
th act by Night Watchman Ous Hanson.
Read, when taken before a Justice for hla
preliminary hearing, waived examination,
and in default of bonda for hla appearance
at tha next term of state circuit court, was
lodged In th county Jail at Webster. It
develop that he ia also wanted at Bradley
for th robbery ot the store of H. Y. Scar
borough at that place a short time ago.
Maklagr Attempt to Fase.
SIOUX FALLS, 8. D., Oct. 1. (Special.)
Considerable Interest is being taken tn a
mas oonventlon of th democrats of Spink
county, to be held at Redfleld tomorrow, tor
the purpose of placing In nomination a leg
islative and full county ticket. What adds
Interest to the convention Is the fact that
aa Invitation baa beta extended to the pop
ullats and fre silver parties to participate
and aid In naming a ticket. If th Invitation
Is accepted all the anti-republican voters
of th county will be united against the
republican legislative and county ticket.
RendeaTon foe Thieve.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D., Oct L (Special.)
Redfleld appears to be tha rendeivous of a
regularly organised gang of thlevea. During
th past week attempt bar been mad to
burglarls several residence. The attempts
naturally have created a feeling of uneaal
teas among the more timid, aid efforts will
b mad to break up th gang and arreat
tbosa concerned In the attempted robberies.
A perfect drink, wholesome and delicious;
Cook'a Imperial Extra Dry Champagne. It
contalna quality and purity.
Poseara Day at Jlortk Lonp.
NORTH LOUP. Neb., Oct. 1. (8peclal
Telegram.) Popcorn day waa celebrated
here today in great style. The weather was
cloudy, but no rain fall. There waa a great
crowd ot peopU out. Both candidatea for
governor were here and made approprlato
speeches. Th foot ball gam between tb
team of North Loup and St. Paul was won
by North Loup, score IS to . The base
ball game. North Loup against St. Paul, was
won by North Loup, I to 3. Ben Mayo, on
ot th North Loup team, had hla collar
bona braken by being struck with th ball
when at th bat. Th display ot vegetables
was equal to a atat fair.
heart la haonv which doea sot
tina; with tha echo of child lah laughter, which
faila to thrill at th touch of a soft dimpled band
which Is flesh of ber Cesh.
To those who crave motherhood, and through
wa say " e ot fooacneer neip is
here." MOinlR S IRILND haa mad cnua Peering
easy for thousands of womeo in th laat forty
years, and receivea their hearty endorsement, not
only on account of ita tfficacy but also because it
ia a pleaaant balm for eaternal application only,
nd not a bitter do of drug to be awa lowed.
By Ita us you may escape mornine sickness,
swelling- breasts and many of the naval diacoraforta
of pregnancy. MOIHf R'S IMhQ eaaea tha nerves,
relaze th mnacle. and softens the abdominal
they give with tha pressure from
organ. A ,
w r, o. It costs at 08 per bottle.
our FE8 treatise on Motherhood."
FrMpantir ftuotastor of Ipssitr HtioVsaa
Uirei nil Vises,
Protection l .inter Iran Labor la
of Rales la Sacred Nr-
yond lleslalnn.
CLARION, la., Oct. 1 Judge n. IV WM.
sail In accepting th republican nomination
In the Third district lo succeed Hneaker
lenderson, who declined the nomination.
in his letter nf acceptance today saya of the
tariff and monopolies:
The republican party of Iowa does not
propose 10 filiate one lot nr ! In ik.u
lrluclilea and policies (.f protection. It
wrm eny nini n,e gurstlcm of rates is a
practice I me to he nVtrinti,l n,t ,.
erned by the conditions of time and pro
duction and that nothing sacred attaches
to a mere table of rates, which should
be readjusted to meet the changed condi
tions as they arise In tha lmluntrlnl urni.
resa of the country. That monopolies ex let
In the form of combination of capital to
control production, and prlcea In thla coun
try is an admitted fact, they are born,
not of the protective policy of the re
publican party, but of the greed and H
flshncHB of men. Trunts exist In countries
Where trade la altnnlntnl v lm. am m,ll - -
In thla country where the policy of protne-
lu" yn-vnup, an witness in wreat vritain,
whore hundreds of combinations with
miitons of capital are In existence. Hut
monopolies, wherever found, are a com-
mon enemy Of all. Th renuhllran narlv
of Iowa believes In the grentcst good to
the greatest number and will not permit
the policy of protection to become a ahleld
for the greed and avarice of man whether
represented in the form nf tmi In.ilvl.l.
ual, Joint atock or corporate existence, nor
a shelter beneath which designing corpora
tion unaii ue aoie o opprenn me people
of this country, and whenever auch men
or corporations have gained auch control
of the production of and market for dutla-
oie products, tnat the price of the same
la regulated bv It. not bv home rnmtinl.
tlon, Iowa republicans propose to destroy
such monopoly by applying th principles
of reciprocity and by so readjusting the
tariff as to force such combinations Into
competition with the world's market.
Whatever revision or readjustment may be
made by the republican party. It will be
made upon the lines of protection to
American labor, while the democratic
party, both by Its state and national plat
forms in committed to a tariff for revenue
only. The two policies are as widely
variant as the heavens and the earth.
Condition of Iowa and Wyomlnsj Ma.
tlonal Dank at Tim of
Ltvst Report.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 1. (Special Tele
gram.) Tb abstract ot the condition of
the national banks of Iowa, exclusive of
Des Moines, at the close of business Sep
tember 15, as reported to the comptroller
of the currency, shows an average reserve
beld at 16:84 per cent agclnt 18.21 per cent
on July It. Loans and discounts Increased
from $67,197,354 to $68,419,390. coin de
creased from $1,989,318 to $1,931,767, lawful
money reserve from $5,344,041 to $4,925,193,
Individual deposits from $RS.iRJ,7n to $?.-
The banks of Wyoming show the average
reserve held at 16.67 per cent, against 17.32
per cent, loan and discounts decreased
from $4,232,843 to $4,232,455, gold coin In
creased from $244,360 to $263,600, total
specie from $317,930 to $364,643, lawful
money reserve from $406,065 to $406,818,
Individual deposits from $4,879,033 to $5,
242,300. Postmasters appointed: Nebraska, Lewis
O. Coburn, Phoenix, Holt county, vice Otto
Nllson resigned; Iowa, P. D. Emerson, Vol
noy, Allamakee county.
George W. Lowell haa been appointed as
sistant janitor and watchman at the Sioux
Falls, S. D., public building, vice C. C.
Slater resigned.
Snrvlvor of the War 0nronslr
Remembered by the General
WASHINGTON, Oct. 1. (Special.) Th
following pensions have been granted:
Isau ot September 10, 1S02:
Nebraska: Increase. Relasue, Etc. Eira
P.. OUnes, Niobrara, $12: Hiram C. Lydlck,
Tekamah, 310; Samuel Harahbarger. Hum
boldt. 110; Charles W. Stewart Soldiers'
home, Marshalltown, 112: Stephen 8. Rob
erts, Dorchester, 312. Widows, Minors and
Dependent Relatives Mary Stanley, South
Omaha, $12.
Iowa: Originals Challen Danforth, Wln
terset, $6; Simeon D. Wataon, Cedar Val
lev, 8; William L. Hunter, Olenwood, $6
(war with SpalnV Increase, Relasue, Eto.
John F. Williams, Council Bluffs, 8;
Simpson Logan, Mflo, $17. Widows, Minors
and Dependent Relatives Kather Martin,
Slgourney, 111.
Issue of September 11, 1902:
Nebraska: Originals Dsnlel Burr Jonas,
Omaha, $6 (war with Spain).
Iowa; Originals Albert Lobbing, Blum
field, (war with Bpnln). Increase, Re
issue. Etc. Michael Pollard, Grundy Cen
ter, $14; Mathlaa Kerr, Liberty, 111: Am
brose Harvey. Bedford. $72; Daniel Craw
ford (dead), - Bentonsport, $72; Frank C.
Moore. Webster City. $S (war with Spain).
Widows, Minora and Dependent Relatives
-Matilda A. Thompson. Vinton, $8; Lu
clnda McCartney, Webster City, $8; C
leatla A. Crawford, Bentonsport. $13.
Inner Lining
0 Stomach.
Musi ba enrad by
destroying, th un
htalthymucuj that
prevents praper
flew of tha gastric
u ice. Ordinary
Dyspepsia Tablets,
Pepsin and Sods
cannot reach the seat of dittasa. Nftu's
Dyspepsia Cure will make a
complete cur. Send for Booklet, Free
to FRANK NAU. 203 Broadway, N.Y. City.
Bold by Sherman t McConnell
Drug Co.. lth and Dodge Ita.
Omaha, and leading druggists.
A Few Attractive
Small Rooms.
Whil there ar only aeven vacaut
office in the whole Bee Building,
among them r several attractive
small rooms, the rental prlc ranging
from $10 to $20 per month. Remember
that for offices In
The Dee Building
th rental price Includes light, heat,
water and Janitor service, with all ths
convenience and advantages et the
beat known building in th west.
R. C. Pclcn ft Co. Craand Floor.
Beat! Agenda. Re HnUdlag.
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bsr Signature it
Ae Pee-slsalle Wrap BiliW
Tory snail and aa easy
tak M angna.
I ret iumcxs
I FBI BtUOOtittta
Fit TSini UYU.
ft 1 tAUOW f JUL
tnatnt mmm '
, n Aa St mm I ky Onr attack ftait.
-CJ Imnaelsl Uatv BuMUfiltf
'JT" "'r'v'' Hail iivswiiait
.y 1 I S) na It f swe aslaw wm4y Sj
I' mmIt M. Mtl speitr, n m-
" ! k4i m r'ri ii V jt-i. m
Last MONTHS. SMuitliaitt4M.
Imperial Chemical Co., 135 W. 2Jd St.. N. J
Sold by Sherman V McConnell Drug Co.
Omaha, Nab.
It ensure an enjoyable, Invigor
ating bath ; m'akea every pore
respond, removes dead akin, -ENEpaiZES
starts the circulation, and leave a
glow equal to a Turkish bath.
of MEN.
C? yl'ij ce.sful practlo. In
l I Ct? a s ears, without cutiins, sala mr
rlsVCO Ion ot tlma. Urf 1 UirulM t car
you nr money rfund4.
CVDUII 10 rurd tar Ufa an ths saa
WlrnlLId thoroughly elMnMd. from the
MUm. BCa rr slfa an symptom aiusaoara
snplotcly and lorovor. No "BRKAKINO OUT" ef
tb dlseaso on tko skin er ftoa. Treatmoat eontatas
no' dangerous drass or Injurious ssMiaiaos.
UUCMaf II hi) (rom Euwsm or VICTIMS TO
haiiun, wabvino waKNan, waa aai.r
DKC AT in ynUNQ and UIDUUK A.OKD; lack et via,
vlcor and atranilh, with organ impaired and aa.
Curve giiarantMa.
CTDIflTIIBC nnl with a new hem trt
OIHIw I Will aunt, tia sain, as datanUoa
V'KINARl, Klay Bladdar Tranblaa, Wk
back. Burning Urin, Frequsnay 4 Crlnallag. Una
High Colon, or with milky dlmat aa Masting.
Consultation fre. Treatment by Mall.
Call or address. 110 g. 1th Bt.
For year this remedy haa been the
standard nerveVeatorativ. Thousands
of happy men owe their newly found
strength to its use.
6eslne Pills replace weakness sad
exhaustion with strength and vigor,
th brain becomes clear; th nerve
steady nd calm; gloomy forebodings
are banished and perfect vitality Is ful
ly restored.
If 70a are suffering ss shore, try a
boxi yoa'U be encoaraged by It effect
to take the full course of aiz boas'
tbea If yon sre not entirely eared, we
will refund your money. This satis
factory offer ia on of the factors
our success.
1.00 per boa ; 6 boars (with guarae.
lee to cur or money dock;, tow, mauca
lo plain package. itc free.
For sale by Kunn as Co., Omaha.
Dillon Drug Store, South Omaha.
Pavta Drug Co.. Counoll Bluff, la.
Treat all toroaaof
Vf awM Years F.
Jills remai
- 11, ,ni ceas baa
ire Experience,
Years la Omaha
equaled andvry day brings many aetrl
report of the good b U dulu-, or Abe raltjf
ae us. given
Hot Springs Treatment for Syphilis
And alllilood Poison. NO "BUEaKINtJ OOP
on tn skin or f aoa ao(t all eilrutl algua J
he disease dlaupar at one.
OVER 30 000 ous debility log of
vitality, unnatural dlachargea, Stricture,
Gleet, Kidney and Bladder Dla.
Treatment by mall. P. O. Box 7S&. Office
over 21a B. Utb street, between Farnara anj
Douglas 81s.. OMAHA. Ns!B.
1 th worst diaeaa on earth, yet t
easiest to cur WHi.N YOU KNOW
WHAT TO DO. Many bv pimple, apet
on th skin, sums In the mouth jlcwi. .
tailing hair, bona calr.a, catarrh: don7! 1
now it la HUOOU POISON. Mend t DR. J
BROWN. WO Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa.,
bottle; lasts ont. month. Sold only by
Sherman at McConnell Drug Co., Itth and
Dodge Sts . Omaha.
Brown's Capsules sKiWrVa:
lis aujnl lot Maaatatal
I'M tnut Oata VrOa K,iuB.a,
I' iMuni r i SV4d mw gtnunaaaa.
"V 1 wv 11 aiain wra
y 1 s&