Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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Sbtriff of lootU Bluff Osnuty Us willing- t
It IUpnsil.
A fllr Hi that the Renomlnatlou Cost
Himself and friends Only a
( Little Over Three Hun
dred Dollars.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
UNCOLN, Neb., Oct. 1. (Special.) Dr.
Routine, the former Mitchell merchant, who
Is accused of having defrauded Jobber
ta Omaha and elsewhere out fit sums ag
gregating $40,000, and who was apprehended
in Massachusetts while living there under
an assumed name . and with his beard
haven off. waa brought to Lincoln today
and lodged In the county Jail for safe keep
ing until the date of his trial, which Is set
for December ' 15. ' Since his return from
Massachusetts he has been In Jail In Scotts
Bluff county. Sheriff R C. Campbell of
that county baa also presented to the state
authorities his bill for bringing ' Romine
back, but owing to the fact that the 115,000
appropriation made by the last session for
payment of officers and the .expense of
bringing In fugltlvea from Justice is ex
hausted, the bill waa approved but not
Mercer's Campaign Expenses.
David H. Mercer's certificate of expenses
Incurred In the campaign for the nomina
tion for ctngress has been filed with the
secretary of state, in which he ostensibly
sets forth all sums of money contributed,
disbursed and expended by him, In endeav
oring to secure and In securing his re
nomination. It shows that on the 16th of
Beptember he paid Charles A. Ooss, chair
man of the county committee, $163; that
Beptember 17 to 19 he paid for printing
cards and tickets for Omaha, South Omaha
and country precincts, to various printers
In the two cities, $76; that from September
1 to 20 he paid to Btubens, Robertson, Col
lins and others for livery, and divers per
sons for hotel expenses, $81; that he paid
$16 for rent of Washington hall. The tfital
Is $335. Attached to this statement Is the
affidavit iof Merser that It is as true and
full an account of each and all sums and
other things of value directly or Indirectly
contributed, disbursed, expended or prom
ised by him, and to the beet of his knowl
edge and belief, by 'any and all others,
with his procurement. In hla behalf, or In
any way Jn connection with his nomination
to the office or place of representative In
congress, and that It Is as true and full
a statement of the dates when the person
or persona to whom and the purposes for
which each such contribution, payment or
expenditure was made, and the person or
persons by whom made when not directly
by himself, as csn be made at this time.
Wilt Go to Omaha.
A big delegation of Lincoln people will
mn to Omaha tomorrow evening. The Bur
lington will run a special train, leaving here I
at 6:10 and returning along about rntd
nM The.FlUhorn will also run a special
and the Missouri Paclfio will attach an extra
car to its regular night train from Omaha
to Lincoln. The Ak-Sar-Ben parade Is the
attraction, and among the members of the
Commercial club an effort Is being made to
show a gond-slxed testimonial of Lincoln
people to the enterprise of the metropolis.
Ktrlke is Settled.
The strike Inaugurated ten days since by
the Western Union messenger . boys and
which wbi ncia m muvjnuw ui wnm
office at New Yorx-could be communicatee
with hasicw'ajTtBUy. stldf The
boys have-! been ' jetting1 $H V and. . J$l.. . a
month. TheV wanted $18 am) $20. Tho
company agrees -to, adopt a schedule based
upon piecework. . ,t.'.",
The boys will be given 40 per cent of what
they earn carrying American district Tel
egraph messages or for performing any ser
vice In, that connection. For each tele
graph message delivered they will receive
li cents and for each message picked up
1H cents. The company guarantees the
will make $16 per month at least. Nearly
all of the boys who participated In the walk
out have been dropped from the list, some
at their own request and some at the In
stance of the manager.
Mrs. Sheely Divorced.
Mrs. Carrie A. Sheely, wife of Charles O.
Sheely, a prominent and wealthy bridge
builder of this city, was divorced today from
her husband, on the ground ,of extreme
cruelty. '
Henry Buttengenbach, a well-to-do Cen
tervllle farmer, filed a petition today In
which he told the court that h,e bad only
a few years to' llvo and these fie desired to
pass In peace and happiness. lie had tried
time and again Id please his wife, but the
desire of one day was the aversion of the
next and that after forty-three years trying
to Bad out what she did want had to give it 1
up. He aays that for the past five yean
hit wife baa spoken to him only to scold
and that their heuae Is divided Into hostile
camps, with his daughter occupying the
middle room, himself the south end and his
wife the north end rooms. j
Omaha People Wed.
IT. 8. Engle of Omaha was married Monday
evening to Mrs. Lottie M. Hunch at thi
home of the groom's sister, Mrs. Charley
Robinson, 425 North Tenth street.' Mr. Rob-
.inson Is a railroad man.
I N. J. C. Lund of Omaha was united in
marriage last evening to Miss Jennie H.
Nelson of Lincoln. The ceremony was per
formed at the Danlah Lutheran church. The
to gray
Makes the hair
grow. Checks
i iJ, I : -
n - sf
groom is engaged In the commission bus!
ness in Umaba.
Stale Committee Medina.
Notices havo been sent out by Chair jian
Lindsay for a meeting of the state com
mittee to be held at the Lincoln hotel, Lin
coln. Tuesdsy, October 7, at 8 p. m. The
object of the meeting is to tako a survey
of the campaign up to date and to discuss
future campaign work.
.totes from the Capital.
J. H. Blair also flies a certificate of hH
expenses In connection with his race for
the nomination for district Judge. It
shows that he spent $24.50 for circulating
the petition and filing lists of delegates.
$5 for printing of cards, $10 for their cir
culation and $5 toward expenses of the
Eighth Ward Republican club. He also
shows that he still owes $ for the print
ing of sample ballots.
The Waco Telephone company has filed
articles of Incorporation for the construc
tion and operation of telephone lines and
exchanges at Waco and York counties. Its
authorized capital Is $25,000 and Its Incor
porators are J. A. Gilbert snd twenty-five
A certificate of the nomination of
Thomas B. Fraser of Auburn as the pro
hibition candidate for congress In the First
uiKirici was nied today with the secretary
of state.
State Superintendent Fowler has gone to
lndg county to do some campaigning In
company with Mr. McCarthy, candidate for
congress in tne Third district, and will be
absent for several days.
Chairman Lindsay of the republican
state central committee has lust
Intelligence from the national congres
sional committee that Hon. Leslie M. Shaw,
secretary of the treasury, will speak at
Wayne Saturday, October 25, and at Omaha
on the Monday following.
Floyd Edwards, a lsd of 17 years, has
Just been brought to the penitentiary for a
sentence of .thirteen months for'horse theft
In Grant county.
Lieutenant Governor Steele1 came up
from Falrbury today to officiate as gov
ernor In the absence of Governor Savage.
There was an application for a requisition
needing executive attention, a meeting of
the state board of purchase of supplies and
an address to be delivered tomorrow at
the opening of the new wing of St. Eliza
beth hospital. ' The meeting of the state
board of purchase and supplies will be In
session for two days or more completing
the contracting for the quarterly supplies
at all of the state Institutions.
E. C. Hill of Dorsey and H. A. Tolcott of
Crete have been added to the list of dele
gates already announced by the governor
to attend the farmers' national congress at
Macon, Ga.
Reason Assigned for the Snlelde
of John Mnlr of
SEWARD, Neb., Oct. 1. (Special Tele
gram.) The Inveatigation at Mllford last
night as tO the Cause of the death nt Infcn
Mulr developed that Mulr had recently bar
gained tor a farm and drew a sight draft
on the Beaver Croaainv hinV
claimed to havo $1,000 deposited, which
seemed to have been an error. Just before
shooting himself he called the cashier of
the Beaver Crossing bank to the telephone
and talked with him a few minutes, then
went Into the room in the printing office
and wrote a note requesting that $2,000 be
given to Elmer, his 3-year-old son, and
the balance of his property to his wife.
He then placed four cartridges In a re
volver, got down on the floor and shot him
self four times in the right side. When
Dr. Brandon arrived life was extinct. Mr.
Mulr was about 31 years old, and leaves a
wife and one son." " , ";,'T ? t -f-
Democrats Insist on Namlnajr Candi
date and Finally Carry
Point. SEWARD, Neb., Oct. 1. (Special Tele
gram.) The fusion senatorial convention
met here today at 1 o'clock and after three
hours of quarelllng as to which party
should have the office, the populists finally
gave In and allowed the democrats to name
their man. C. F. Knutsen of Bellwood,
Butler county, finally won out and was
nominated by both conventions.
GENEVA. Neb.. Oct. 1. (Special.) Two
conventions wero held here yesterday.
They met In separate tent but were of
one mind. The populists nominated J. K.
Waring, a free silver republican, for county
attorney and Peter Eggenberger, Jr., for
representative. The democrats were, not
greedy and were contented with the nom
ination of I. N. Trask for representative.
Chance In Pastors a Snrprlae.-
8CHUYLER, Neb., Oct. 1. (Special.)
The change In pastors of . the Metho
odlst church was a great surprise to the
membership, there having been scarcely a
thought of anything but that Rev. J, p.
Yost, who has been here two years, would
be returned. He Is strongly In favor In
ths congregation and among the citizens,
and the work In his charge was In prime
condition, the membership halving Increased
and the church prospered financially under
his Incumbency.
More Rain at Schuyler.
SCHUYLER, Neb., Oct'. 1. (Special.)
An Inch of rain. In addition to ths
fall of an Inch and half last week,
leaves the ground In prime condition for
all fall work. There Is much hay out yet,
one party having 400 acres still standing.
Hair Vigor
Eo t s i ' ,r
"" '" 11 1 "WSJ
Grand Bttwset Upper and Fether Kill
itoies of Railroad and EltTttor Otmbint,
Itallroad "ays to Him "Keen RlatM on
rtalelna- Kraln, hat Do Rot Attempt
to DalM an Elevator to
Handle It."
of The Bee: I will give you a little mor
iiKm on me suDjeci or me f armers' Kie-
they art being held up by the officials of
mo ii. at m. ranroaa ana tne grain dealers
trust In Nebraska. In June, 1902, 125 of
the Ivipl f.rm.-. I tfc. .k .
' . . ..... o 1 1 1 ii..: u u . l ii iraiv tun
s capital stock of $10,000, to build and
operate a grain elevator In the village cf
Benedict. We hmvm tka fmrnU In h k.nli
but the B. A M. positively refuses to grant
u a location on any of its sidetracks and
reiuses to lay a spur.
NOW. hv la It It wn-
more freieht. wMrh if wnuM u a if
we built an elevator? can It be that the
oinciais own and operate elevators, or the
majority of (hem. In Nvhri.Wa) t it th
B. & M. or the grain association that sets
me price or grain In all the surrounding
towns each and every day? Why Is It the
same price at all the points? Are all of the
same mind at the same time? One dare not
oerum tne otner without permission from
the grain trust, but they will let us plow
our around, sow nnr t ....
Itraln, allow us to stack and thresh It. but
when we haul a load to town, they say
"Halt! You can go no farther. We will
take care of It. You have no right to sell
ii wnere you can get the most for It. We
will give you what we please. Unload and
get home for another load. We have the
railroads on our side and you cannot help
Whose side should the railroads be oa?
The farmers came here before there were
any towns and railroads. We voted bonds
.ur mem to ouna tne railroad. Wo turned
the desert which the Indian and wild beast
roamed over into fields of waving grain
and lowing herds. The ..i..
o - - v v -) tuiuun
In after we have made the country what It
Is and says, "You must give me from 6
io o cents per bushel out of your crop. You
have no right to do your own business."
Would not the farmers be Justified In
advising their friends In the east when they
come west on a visit to come ovrir some
other road than the RAM if i,-
going east the same? Is there no law that
,TB u me same privilege as other
patrons? If not. couM nnt ....- v
law passed in our next lcgislsture. Is It
u..urriooa wnen tbey get their charter
".-i mey snouia not discriminate against
their patrons? p
If Missouri has a right to Investigate a
i nas not Nebraska a right to In
vestigate an elevator trust? If the B ft
M. has a right to hn. ,
a town can have, has it not the same right
man, stores it shall have; how
many blacksmith shnna n-
buy tickets to go from one point to another?
Accused of Belnsjr Implicated In Kill
in of David Jones of
BEATRICE, Ncb.7ocT. l.-(Speclal Tele-gram.)-The
preliminary bearing of Epp J.
Herrod. chamrl with . j . . .
Jones or Wymore. was begun In sounty
rur or nve witnesses from
Wymore testified as to Herrod's character
while a resident of that city, and also to
the condition of the old gentleman when
found in a dying condition the next morn-
fL.t.!r the crlm had "n committed.
Fred Olds, who Implicated himself and Her
rod in the murder, waa on the stand moat
of the day. but as he was recently released
from the Insane asvlum hi.
seemed to carry little weight with the
v ect ,na rea""ect examination
he said how he and Herrod had committed
the crime. His stories were conflicting.
Detective Bentley, a witness for the stats,
admitted on cross-eminfi . t.. . v. .
...,u iu, . jie uhq
accepted money from Herrod with which to
secure evidence for him. The case was
continued over this evening until Friday at
sr w viwvgM
Many to greet niegenfind
Some Crlea of "liana- Him," bat Ho
Serlons Attempt Made at
PIERCE, Neb., Oct. l.-eolal Tele
gram.) Niegenfind arrived hr thla ifl...
noon on the 1:08 passenger train In charge
of Sheriff Bon Jones. He waa k.
a large and curious crowd at the depot.
When he was assisted off the train soma
one In the crowd yelled "get a rope," and
wiiuo on tne way up town some of the
iwys yonea -nang aim." He was followed
up Main street by a lare-e Crowd lMn nf
them even going un to the tall. t
tens here are perfectly willing that the
iw snouia lane its course and there Is
very little danger of mob law. County
Attorney Barnhart aavs NleMnfln m
have his preliminary trial as soon as he la
able, proably the fore part of next week.
District court will be held here on the
27th of this month to try the case.
Says t'nlverslty Finances Will Not
Warrant Increased
LINCOLN, Neb.. Oct. 1. (Special Tele
gram.) Dr. E. Benjamin Andrews, chan
cellor of the University of Nebraska, to
day notified the Board of Regents of his re
jection of a proffered increase In his salary,
amounting to $1,000 annually.. The re
gents granted the Increase several months
ago, but It was not to tske effect, until the
beginning of the new school year. Ths
chancellor's declination Is based,' as he
states, on the tact that the finances of the
school will not permit any Increase In sal
aries, the regents having been forced to
economise in all other departments of the
Approaching Wedding Aanonneed.
HUMBOLDT. Neb.. Oct. 1. (Special)
Cards ars out this week announcing the ap
proaching marriage of Miss Cstherlna,
dsughter of Mr. and Mrs. T.. F. Murphy to
Mr. Alexander Tlehen, Jr., which la to
occur at 8t. Mary's Catholic church in Daw
son on Thursday, October 2. performed by
Rev. Father Corcoran of that place. The
groom Is one of Dawson's popular young
business men, while the bride's parents,
were among the pioneers of the county.
After a short tour the young couple will
begin housekeeping In Dawson, being at
home to their friends after November L
Booming York Connty Man.
YORK. Neb. Oct. 1. (Special.) A move
ment among democrats and nonuliata f
this county Is to get the senatorshlp nom
ination, to which York county Is not en
titled, although Its representation is mors
than Fillmore county and they can nom
inate here. The ars urging la. tualoulsti
of Fillmore county to conceded the nom
ination this year to York county, claiming
that there Is disaffection amongst leading
old-time republicans of Fillmore county
the Sloan and the Younger factions snd
for this resson a York county nominee
would stand a much better chance of elec
tion. The fuslonlsta of Fillmore county
are not In favor of this and a number of
them are urging the candidacy of John
Chrlstlsncy, and this week Mr. Chrlstlancy
was over here In consultation with fu
It Is possible that at the next fuslonlst
senatorial convention thsy will have a
merry time. No nominee that they make
here In York can carry York county, and
Robert Sloan, the republican nominee of
Geneva, cannot be beaten.
Yoansrster Gets to Wrong Town.
HUMBOLDT. Neb., Oct. 1. (Special.)
rlerre Olson, a young Swede who but re
cently landed from the old country, was
stranded In this city Sunday through an
error of the railroad officials In Boston who
supplied his tlcketi He waa bound for Sex
torp in Cheyenne county for a visit with
relatives, but by mistake his ticket resd
to Humboldt. He could not speak or un
derstand a word of the English language.
and people were at a loss whst to do until
a Humboldt woman, who la a native of Swe
den, made her appearance and untangled
the skein. The Burlington officials were
apprised of the situation and gave Instruc
tions to send the youngster, who was only
14 years of age, out to Sidney, where his
folks had been located. The traveler had
plenty of money but knew nothing of his
whereabouts and cried through fear of los
ing his bsggage which had been checked
Keeps His Bnhy'a stocking.
PLATTBMOUTH. Neb., Oct. 1. (Spe
sl. ) Mr. Kennedy of Omaha, a sister-l-law
of T. W. Kennedy, the man arhn Aieit
very suddenly of heart failure last Saturday
,-niie working on the new Burlington bridge
ere, arrived in thla cltv vrterrin r.a
Identified the remains. She learned of Ms
death through The Bee. A brother of the
deceased resides at Streator, 111., nnd a
cousin at Atlantic, la., and were notified,
but were unable to get here in time for the
funeral which occurred last evening. Rev.
ratner uarney omclateS and Interment was
In the Catholic cemetery. rim ikm..
has a wife and a 4-year-old son residing at
rercivai, la., but they have not Hved to
gether for several years. Tn nnn nf i,i
pockets was found a pair of baby stockings,
which he doubtless prized htghor than any
thing else he possessed.
New Telephone Connection.
FREMONT. Neb.. Oct. 1. (Sner-lat A At
the regular meetlna- of the rltv nnnnell laat
evening the Farmers Telephone company
asked for a franchise cermittln them tn
extend their line to a point In this city.
The company has made a traffic arrange
ment With the new teleohona entnnamr
which has commenced putting tn an ex-
cnange nere, and Intends to extend Its line
to the central office of the new fAnitwn
The petition was referred to the committee
en streets, ana win undoubtedly be granted.
The Independent telephone company has Its
wire and material on hand and has already
commenced work. It expects to have the
puls S6l before the ground freezes, and
everything In working order by January 1.
Opponents Get Chummy.
GRAND ISLAND, Oct. 1. (Special.)
Hon. J. H. Mickey, the republican candi
date, and Hon. W. H. Thompson, the democratic-
nominee for governor, arrived In
the city last evening on the same train.
Coming into Grand Island thex occupied the
same seat in the train and. had a pleasant
chat, at the close of whlcti fr,. Thompson
InvlteA Mr Mlrkav t Wfa vi.Mt tn. tt..
night However, as Mr. Mickey waa com
pelled to leave on a very early train the
Invitation was declined., Mr. Mickey shook
hands with a number of republicans last
evening at the hotel and expressed much
satisfaction with the conditions as appear
ing at the present time.
Drops Dead In m Bank.
BEATRICE, Neb.. Oct. 1. (Special Tele-
gram.) H. Bates, a prominent resident of
this city, expired suddenly In the First Na
tional bank about 10 o'clock today. Med
ical assistance waa summoned, but he was
dead when the physicians arrived. The body
waa removed to an undertaking establish
ment, where a coroner's Inquest waa held.
The verdict reached waa that death was
due to apoplexy. Deceased was (3 years of
age and leaves a widow and one son. He
had disposed of his dairy farm near Be
atrice and waa preparing to locate In Hous
ton, Tex. '
Domestic Relations Not Pleasant.
TECUMSEH, Neb.. Oct. 1. (Special.)
Neighbors of Mrs. Ellas Young, the woman
who attempted suicide here 8unday night,
think they know the probable reason that
the woman desired to end her existence.
Two of Mr. Young's daughters by a former
marriage, aged 14 and It years, live with
the Young family. It Is said the relations
between the stepmother and the daughters
are not pleasant. However, Mrs. Young
says she gets along well with the family.
The woman Is doirig nicely, and will be
as well as ever in a few day.
Trwstre for Grocery.
HUMBOLDT, Neb., Oct. 1. (Special.)
At the hearing yesterday In the bankruptcy
proceedings of Carter ft Vaught. the lato
grocery firm of thla city, F. R. Butterfleld
was appointed trustee of the stock of goods.
and Messrs. P. H. Jussen, M. H. Felt and
L. H. Howe nsmed as appraisers. The lia
bilities n-e aald to be In the neighbor
hood of $4,500, with assets of only a small
per cent of this amount.
Dodge Connty Mortgage Record.
FREMONT, Neb., Oct. 1. (Special.)
The following is the mortgage record of
Dodge county for the month of Beptember:
Chattel mortgages filed 77. amount $20,
737; releaaed 20, amount $6,953.10; farm
mortgagea recorded 12, amount $27,400, re
leases 16, amount $28,050; town and city
mortgages recorded IS, amount $12,219.46,
released 11, amount $3,363.66.
Has Big Apple Crop.
YORK, Oct. 1. (Special.) Apples are so
plentiful In York county that the local
markets took a decided drop this week,
being quoted at 6 cents per bushel. Hun
dreds of bushels have been shipped west
and car loads will be shipped this month
to western points In this state. The qual
ity Is the very best, rivaling In size and
taste apples of eastern states.
Nam Jadgo Wall for Senator.
KEARNEY, Neb., Oct. 1. (Special Tel
egram.) Telephone advices from Ravenna
at 4 o'clock this afternoon were to the ef
fect that the republican convention had
nominated Judge Wall of Loup City by ac
clamation. Judge Wall had been called
away oa business and was not present
when the nomination was made.
Chicken llnnters Start Ont.
GRAND ISLAND, Oct. 1. (Special.)
The chicken season opening today there
has been a general exodus of hunters Into
ths sand hills this morning. Quits a num
ber arrived from eastern points last even
ing to go out on the early Ord and Loup
City trains this morning.
Fnalon Legislative Candidates.'
FAIRBURY. Nab.. Oct. X. (Special.)
The fusion delegates from Jefferson and
Ttugr.r counties met yesterday and
OCTOIlETt 2, 1002.
Greatest in the World
J?? J.t?n,drful record ln Bl1 hl"tory-merit made it. Advertislnar has served to make
OABOABET8 known, but the Kreateet advertisment ever printed oould do no more than tret
a person to try OASOABKT8 onoe. Then oomes the test, and if OASOARETS did not prove
their merit there would not be a sale of nearly a MILLION BOXES A MONTH. This sucoess
has been made by the kind words of our friends. No one who tries OASOARET8 fails to be
pleased and talk nloely about them. OASOARETS are easiest to buy, to carry, to tske to stive
THE PERFECT HOME MEDICINE. They are a perfect cure for Constipation. Appendicitis"
Biliousness, Sour Stomaoh, Sick Headache, Bad Breath, Bad Blood, Pimples, Piles, Worms and
all bowel diseases. Genuine tablet stamped COO. NEVER BOLD IN BULK. All dniRlsts, lOo,
ww. ciji4 uuuuui,
placed in nomination sr v .. m, - 1
- ' . i i ei wiieaa,
Thayer county, for stata mntn, m '
"na ustten of Jefferson county for
irrrBcuinuve, nont District 36.
Republicans Int I p Cattleman.
CRAWFORD. Neb.. Oct. 1. fSneolal Tel.
egram.) The republican representative
convention for the Fifty-third district mn.
vened here today and nominated Frank
Currle of Whitney, Dawes county. Mr.
currie Is a large cattle man, very popular
and strong.
Drenching Rain at Humboldt.
HUMBOLDT, Neb., Oct. 1. (Special)
A drenching rain visited this section yes
terday and continued until late In the night,
putting the ground ln good condition but
making the roads very bad for travel.
Bright Skies and Cooler Atmosphere
Is Promised for Ak-Sar-Bcn'a
WASHINGTON, Oct. 1. Forecast:
For Nebraska Fair Thursday, except
showers and warmer ln southwest portion;
cooler ln esBt portion; Friday, fair and
l'or Iowa and Missouri Fair In east.
showers In west portion Thursday; Friday,
Cloudy, prohnhly ahnwera
For Kansas Showers and cooler Thurs
day; Friday, fair and warmer.
For Illinois Fair Thursday; Increasing
cloudiness Friday, probably showers; light
to fresh northeast winds.
For Colorado Rain or snow In east por
tion Thursday, followed by fair and warmer;
fair and warmer ln west portion; Friday,
fair and warmer.
For Wyoming Fair and warmer Thurs
day; Friday, fair and warmer in east por
tion. For Montana, North Dakota and South
Dakota Fair and warmer Thursday; Fri
day, fair.
Ijooavl Record.
OMAHA, Oct. 1. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of the last three
, 1902. 1901. 1900. 1899.
Maximum temperature.... 67 72 72 85
Minimum temperature.... t4 66 60 63
Mean temperature 66 64 66 69
Precipitation 00 T .76 .00
Record of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for this day and since March 1,
Normal temperature 60
Deficiency for the day 4
Total excess since March 1 68
Normal precipitation 09 Inch
Deficiency for the day 09 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1 23.41 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 2.36 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period 1901.... 4.90 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period 1900 80 inch
Kevorts from Stations at T P. M.
It. 3
: c
: B
: 3
i S
Omaha, cloudy ,
Valentine, part cloudy...
North Platte, raining....,
Cheyenne, cloudy
Salt Lake City, cloudy...
Kapld City, clear
Huron, part cloudy
Willlston, clear
Chicago, clear
St. Louis, clear
8t. Paul, raining
Davenport, part cloudy..
Kansas City, cloudy
Havre, cloudy
Helena, part cloudy
Bismarck, clear ,
Galveaton, clear
I. Ml
76 T
T Indicates trace of precipitation.
Local Forecaat Official.
Willi KVtaEse
Naw Leato of Uf for an lews
Postmaster R. II. Randall, Dunltp, Is.,
lays: I suffered from indigestion and re
sulting evils for years. Finally I tried
Kodol. I soon knew I had found what
I had loop looked for. I am better today
than la years. Kodol gave me a naw
leas of Ufa. Anyone can have my af
fidavit to the truth of this statement."
Kodol digests your food. This enables the
system to assimilate supplies, strengthen
ing every organ and restoring health.
Kodol Make You Strong.
Prepared only by E. C. DiWitt ft Oo Chicago.
The l . bottle contains ilH II mos ibe toe. slia.
Cures quickly. That's what it't mad fori
Evcrv Woman
Skoal u woMarM
MAJVtl Vvhlrlisg Spray
Cot. Wl an4 d tar If-
full aardruUi. aaS iimUw,i.
VtliatUWMM Maal.'.
JUoas tH TUnea Bid., M. ,
fur saut oy
rlKRM AM at M't'ON HI.. OHIO fO,
Cersf NUUeaUl aA4 LN as Uhu, Oiataba
- .
nee. auaress owrung Memeaj uo,,
U j
a r
Ton should connlilor thoroiiRhly the factors ot skill, experience, reliability,
etc., of a Doctor or Specialist before entrusting to lilm your health, the oerfect
ap ' .-s -
Lnnarest EatanlUhed, Mont Snc
eeaafal and Reliable Special-,
lata In Diseases of Men, ns
Sled lent Diplomas, Licenses
and Xewspnper Itec-.
nrda show.
...c!'L.2l "r ofllc or write, nnd If we find that you cannot be cured we .
Will NOT nccept your money UNDER ANY CONDITION: but If wo aocept
your case for treatment we will srunrnntee a
In the shortest possible time without ln1nrlon after effects, pur o!iAiK'a wiii
be as low as possible for conscientious, skillful nnd successful services. Con
sult us before consenting; to any surgical procedure upon important blood ves
sels and organs.
nlrCICCf' Painful and Fre'que
wiwbnwkui urinations.
Onr special home treatmei
Banks and Leading? Business
flee or by letter free and strl
Offlco Honrs, 8 a. as. to 8 p.
Longest established. Thoroughly reliable. Authorized by the laws of the state:
MRS. :
Home Forum Club.
9l8 Herman Building, Mii.waukkk, Wis., Feb. 27, 1902.
I had ill health for seven years; nothing helped me and I had about
given np hope. I dreaded every month as it came around, as I knew it
meant suffering for ne. I grew thin, my complexion was bad, my tem
per was worse'and everything irritated me. A friend advised me to try
Wine of Cardui and as she urged the matter so strongly I followed her
advice. I found it pleasant to take and not like most other remedies that
are disgusting nostrums. In a short time I began to improve in health
and my digestion was better. It made me regular and reduced the pain
and finally it disappeared entirely. I gained ten pounds in two months
and now I feel in excellent health, and much relieved to be restored to
perfect health one more.
THERE is hardly a man or wo
. man in this land who has not a
mother, wife, sister or daughter
who is now suffering as Mm. White
suffered. . These silent sufferers are
rnnrtyrs. to thoir modesty. Even
their nearest relatives know only half
of the 'story of woe they might tell.
What a great service you could ren
der your loved ones by securing them
a bottle of Wine of Cardui, the med
icine which made such a happy
change in Mrs. White's life. Can
you put the rost of a life of suffering
with hundreds of dollars in doctori
bills, atrainst the small price of the
few bottles of Wine of Cardui which
cured Mrs. White so quickly?
The fact that Mrs. White suf
fered for seven long years shows that
when proper treatment is not secured
the trouble grow worse. And this
letter shows that Wine of Cardui is
positive and )ermanent cure. Mrs.
White's case was chronic. Nothing
helped her until she began taking
this wonderful Cardui treatment.
uucago or ew Yori.
I IibH I Itlkli I
nmi iHHiuiK recovery oi wnicli menus
so much to your future life and hnp
plncsH. Kvery man who Is afflicted owea It to
hlmsi'lf and his posterity to (ret cured
mift-ly nnd positively, without leaving;
.any bliRht or weakness In his svstem.
You 1o not want to be mtilllnteit nnd
maimed for life trying to be oured of
VAHHOt -KI.K, ftTHICTlltN and
kindred troubles ln a fow days by sur
kIchI procedures. -
We make no misleading statements
or unbiiHinesMlIke propositions to the
nfflicteil in order to secure their pnt
ronaKe. The many years of our sue
cpnsful practice In Omaha prove thit
our methods of treatment are SAl-lS
Oar 4'oinhliieil Klectro-Meillcnl
Xrentment has many friends mi
fen- enemies. Its friends are
those who have tested Its merits
and hnve Iteen cured. Its ene
mies are those Doctors or Spe
cialists who nre envlonn nf nil.
other treatments that hnve
proven more snrrensfal thnn
their mi n
snd all reflex complications and as
sociate,', diseases and weaknesses of
We will spare you the penalties as
sociated with Nervous Debility, Weak
ening Drains, Self-Abuse, Wui tins: of
Organs, Premature Decline, koss of
Memory, Energy and Ambition, Nerv
ousness, Pimples, Palpitation of the
Heart, Shortness of Hrenth. Apprehen
sion of Calamity, the Chagrin . and
Mortification of Weaklings, the Fright'
of Contemplated Matrimony. We will
render you robust and strong mentally
physically and sexhally.
Call at our offices or write for our
book, FRKB, which will explain the
diseases we cure, and how we cure
them to stay cured when others fall,
t will cure yon. References Heat
Men of the city. Consultation at of-
Sundays JO n. ni. to 1 p. m.
Wine of Cardui benefits the young
girl just entering womanhood by
properly starting tha menstrual func
tion and keeping it regular through
life. It relieves barrenness in the
wife and stops all bearing down
pains, ulcerations, inflammations
and drains. It makes childbirth
easy for the mother and safely car
ries her, at middle age, through that
dangerous period known at the
change of life. When Win of Car
dui can be secured so easily in every
town in this land health "it within
the grasp of almost every woman.
The wine as Cardui treatment can
be taken privately at home by any
lady without the advice of a doctor
or without a doctor's local eiami na
tion, yet so thorough and complete
is this treatment that thousands of
rases which doctors would submit to
the operating table have been cured
by this simple medicine in the home.
All druggists sell 1.00 bottles of
Wine of Cardui.