Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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Ida tret. It proceeded to Lenworth.
countrmrrhed to Douglas, wheeled to the
east until Tenth w recbed, then to rr
mm, then WMltird past th city bU
end, oil up to Nineteenth. South ngal to
Haraey, est to Flf'orath and north to
Dedg, where, at Just 4 deck, Myr
Moore and hi tide wheeled out of line
to let th aarader pass In rlw. At
Capitol Tnu tho rank wer broken
eklllfully that no aectlon Interfered with
any othr and la five mlnutei after the
Hat contingent arrived tot a tlg of
the parad waa In eight ahd th treat
crowd had urged to the carnlral gte.
there to frollo through the rcat of the
afternoon and all through the early half
of the night. The latter half waa devoted
to "reatlng up" for the review of the
glorlou ipectad that pper tonight,
prompt! at I o'clock, coming Into (ha city
along Sixteenth etreet from the north, and
reaching Farnam not later than 1:80. aa
the Jrt float la to b wheeled out of the
den at 7 o'clock ahafp.
Over' Taowaaad In Parade.
Though there were 1,073 persona In yea
terday'a parade, not coo waa hurt. Col
onel Bryaon'a horao fell with him on Far
nam etreet between Sixteenth and Seven
teenth, but the officer alighted on hie feet
and waa on his riaen mount again In lean
than the twinkling of aa eye. The proce
eloa waa made up aa follows:
Flrat Division Grand marshal and aides;
platoon of police 4idar Chief Donahue;
Covalt's band; Thurston Rifles, under Cap
tain Richards; Omaha Guards; Millard Ri
fles, under Captain T. A. Baughman; Dodge
Light Guards of Council Bluffs; South
Omaha cavalry troop, under Captain Bruca
.McCulloch; Klpltnger'a band; Omaha High
School cadet. Companies' A, B, and C, un
der Major Hgb Wnlhiee. . ,
Secopd Division Clan Gordon, , High
landers, under Secretary Jam. Lindsay;
Broken Bow band ;1' tlx youthful Rough
Riders; Knight of tha Oolden Eagle and
float; Bohemian turner and float; Wood
man of tha World band; Canton Eira Mil
lard. Patriarcha Militant, under Colonel J.
W. Nichols and CapUIn Jacob Marks.
Third Division Degree teams and floatn
of Wpodiuen f tha World and Woodman
Circle; Bancroft band.
Fourth Division Drill team Ancient Or
der United Workmen and their officers
carriage; drill teama Modern Woodmen of
America; float of Bona and Daughtera of
Protection; Wlsner band.
Fifth Dlvlalon Carriage of the Board
of Governors; Hustling committee, Mid
way attractions; Pony Moore's automobile,
tb patrol wagon and private carriage.
Twenty Tnoaiand Take Another Peea
Jlefore Tonight' Catalan f
tha Kla.
Very early last evening the total of paid
Admissions at the carnival gate had
mounted well toward 20,000, with the turn
rtlles ftlll clicking.
A better aatured crowd baa never been
oq the ground, nor a busier one. Confetti
foil like snow, the Hornblower family waa
uu( In full fore, and tha broom man did
a thriving business. The weather, ao
pleasant during the day, continued Idea)
ijd there wasn't a marring feature not
C'ven tb mlr at tb lower entrance to tb
Midway, formed by water from, a leaking
ata pipe, for tb men Jumped over It,
i nd lifted th girl after them.
Tb hotel and rooming house continue
full and tber I every prospect of a mam
uioth crowd for tonight' coming of the
I:lng and hi Illuminated pageant. It la no
lille boast that th floats this year aur
Iiaaa In beauty and elegance any yet put
out. Qua Rose ha profited by experience
and Imprev with ag. Ha haa provided
hi royal fatghae with a pageant that any
old king might be glad to have in bis
buggy shed for common folk to look at.
Tb welcome Well, that will b fully
up t , th standard. Whan a president
oomes, evntn prominent cltlsen of
Omaha put on their allk bata and meet
Mm at th train. When a war hero come
th tame seventeen don gold braid and
send n hurry call for tha drum eorpa and
High school cadet. When a returned mis
sionary ' errtvee, twenty-eight delegatus
from the Allied Associations tor th Proper
Enlightenment of All Tbos Wbo Are
Groping About In Darkness block the de
pot gate to give him the alga of the order
and ten him up for lunch. When a must
clan come th train caller ahowa him
which bua ta tak and hurries back to tell
th policeman what bia hair looked like,
When an actor come three reporter curve
three city editor covertly and the whole
dramatic 'protesh" openly, then go down
to chase the er aver the yard for an
Interview. When n pugilist come th bar
tender trlk for th day and th barber
tak tw hour for dinner.
Bwt when King Aki8rBn eomea, th
reception committee-1 the whole tbwn
The PeoDle with a capital P! Monarch oC
all, be la everybody friend, and everybody
la eut early to extend proper greeting. So
It will b tonight. '.
Cctdral laereaa lay Paeklagt al
Has a Oeaaaated with lat
CINCINNATI, Oct. J. (Bpctal Telegram.)
Prtc Current sys: Tber h been lomi
enlargement In wester packing during Uj
last week. Total western packing I aoO.oOO,
compared with gtO.OOQ tb preceding week
nd Hi.OOg last year. Sine March 1 th
totai I tO.UX.ftoe, against H,1Z6,00 ft year
g. Prominent piacea cmnar a follow:
Chicago i ,..
Kansas Cily
... tiS.flo)
,.. 8S2.UU0
... 4:U.uOO
... I18.&I0
... 236.0)0
... tll.Ohi)
... p3.0i0
... .
Ft. Uouls.
ft. Joseph.
inaianai'Oiui ....
Cedar Rapids.,..
feloux City
Bt. Paul
its, ooo
Eei mi rai Ovrcia kg fHfer
Tb necessity at pleasant, sutrltlv gnd
proper food l highly appreciated in th
J'hllipploss, particularly by American
unused to ejlmatf and nttlv custom tp
cooking. : ,
On of ur aoldlef boy writ: "In this
land of bad fpod and disordered stomach
a nearly fatal uk of mlrl left my
digestion for many moatha In such a state
that food of any kind distressed ma terrl
bly. I suffered from th eflecr of drugs
but daiwd not eat. . It waa timply misery
to live. The -cild remedle Only
md to g cravat my lufferlng.
"Sate friend uggtd Orp-Nut Food
hnd 1 gat It trial. To my aurprls a4
pleasure, It did all tad mar ' than waa
claimed for It. I ana new. arte using tha
food for XI month. In geod health; my
dlgtlv appaxatua la perfect order and
I hav long lost all feeling of pain or dl
comfort gfur tatlag. In fast. I iiv aaal
I would net without Grapa-Nut for tha
world. It U net only th xcllnt elect
of your food that rndar It valuable. It I
sis delUlou l tbj test. poaing
flayer of It own, and can be prepared in
many way t autt wny palate.'' Nm
Ivan kg Potun Ca., tUtll t-rsak. Mica.
Spectacular Froblem Elnoidaitd by Troop
It iorVliliy Yiiterdgy.
Brllllaat Move f Attacking; Cavalry,
Well gaaperteal by It Aetltlcrt,
Settle qesUa at 1m with
-leai l4a(M,
FORT RILEY, Kan., Oct. 1. A a tpee-
tacl the military maneuvers. of today would
be difficult to equal; a an object lesson lo
the officer of the National guard, for which
purpose It was carried out, it waa full of In
struction and suggestion upon point of ac
tual war aervlc which they could have ob
tained In ho other way.
The weather condition vara perfect, the
tnrtt and bone refreshed by their "day of
rest after the heavy storm of MoLday and
the marching and tb attack and 'lefense
were full of snap and dasb.
Shorn of all military parlance, the ma
neuver waa comprlaed In the effort to march
an urgently needed wagon train through the
enemy's country. Tb defense of the wagon
train waa In charge f th blue under
command of Colonel Jamss.M. O. Sanno
of Me Eighteenth Infantry and th attack
ing force, whloh endeavored to cut off and
crlppl the train, was under direction of
Captain T. R. River of th Fourth cavalry.
At tb end of th nianeuvers It wt esti
mated that Captain River had crippled
about 86 or 40 per of qt of h-wngent, but
h cad unerd a heavy loss in accomplish
Ing that much of his task,. Ha bsl la hi
command tight oompanica.of cavalry and
beldes tb. usual - lpfa.,BJWrt tp 4ug
rang rifle Ore, thre of hi eight companies
were wiped off th knap of lb maneuver
ty ttempting tp charge a gtroqg Ha pj In
fantry In position. -
Oatllne of Day' Warls. .
Th order covering "th day' work- gave
me following a th general attuatlou:
A blue army operating southwest from
Eallaa, Kan., with headquarter at that
point, receive It tipp-ll front Topekn oa
a base. The railroads ar assumed to be
broken up and, supply by wagon train Is
renaeree. necessary, one of tb trslns con
ducting supplies from Topek to. the army
naa encamped at Orden. A brown raiding:
lore naa circled around the front of the
blue army and has appeared 'in the vicinity
or west Gat poatofBce, where it com
mander learn that the' train, with iU es
cort, baa camped at Ogden. Ho mdku Ms
preparations to attack thla train at .soma
point on the Fort Riley reservation with a
view to. lnflloting upon It aa much 'damage
aa posaibie.
Tbe blue force comprlaed the Sixth In
fantry, Twenty-second nfantrj . Seven-
teenth battery of field artillery and Troops
A and B et the Fourth cavalry. The wagon
train waa divided Into two divisions. Th
two troops under Captain Rutherford rod
out before the advance guard Qf the oolumn.
Whloh was made up of the First battalion
of the Sixth Infantry.' To protect th
Banks of th flrat division of the train,
tw obmpanL of the Sixth Infantry were
thrown out on each aide. Tb rear of the
first uivlaiua was guarded by one battalion
of the Sixth Infantry, the Seventh battery
and one battalion of the Twenty-second
inrantry. The latter regiment formed the
rear guard of the column and provided the
flanker for th second dlvlalon. Th wagon
train waa under the Immediate command of
captain O. W. Martin of tb Eighteenth
Captain River' fore consisted of Troon.
C, D, K, F, 0 and H of the Fourth cavalry,
id r iret squadron of the Eighth eavalrv
and on platoon of tha Sixth battery. It
waa assumed that- there- were ISO Wagons
In the train and that It was tw mil In
length. In reality thsr were eighty-six
wagon In th line.
(art ta th Uaaaaet.
Th advance of th blue began promptly
t t o'clock and for nearly .an hour pressed
forward without aay mere Interruption than
wa afforded by th other featurea of the
country-' Starting a wagon train on the
march la not tb moat' rapid preparation In
th world, even under favorable elreum
(tftnee. and whan an enemy le known to
be In tb front and I looked for en both
flank and expaetad I tb rear, tb neces-
sary pracaiitlea render progress still mor
low. Deaplt these thing, Colonel Sanno
and Captain Martin moved steadily forward
with their charge. At 1 o'clock a few
scattering shot were heard In advance,
tailing that tho skirmish!- of th brown
had collided with Rutherford' patrol.
At 10:26 a squadron ef tb brown cav
alry appeared upon crest 1,600 yard from
tb leading wagon of th Ant dlvlalon. It
mad a most tempting not fpr tb artillery
Word waa aent back and th Seventh bat
tery cam dashing forward to get the;n, Tbe
offleer In command of the brown, however,
wa a man wno anew nis ouins. with
out checking hi advanc for an Instant he
daahed hi men behind a alight eminence
which would, however, afford but slight
protection once the rtlllry waa at work.
Then holding back 'tb mala body he ent
hi men, one at time, their horse op tb
dead run, serosa 500 feet of open ground to
tb secur shelter of high rise In tb
The artillery men lashed their bar to
their uts:st speed, tb gun went whirling
Into position with a speed that excited won
der, but all th time constant uecsslon
of brown dots wsr shooting across tb
opa space.. About eno minute before the
artillery wa ready for - action tha last
brown cavalryman had daahed Into safety
and tb disappointed artillerymen wr
forced to resume their mrch.
What Lost the Wiioi Trala.
This occurred on the. left flank of tbe
wagon train advance and the battery passed
over t th right, as tb enemy were re
ported In that direction. Tbl move, almpl
enough la itself, was th caua of th loss
to th wagon train.. Tha Seventh battery
had moved. down Blight dec 1 in, whan
suddenly from a ridge S.OO yards away
cam a flash and pnft af whit powder
smoke. It wa th platoon of th Sixth
battery In action for th brown. Tby
had an unobstructed shot at th train and
fired with great rapidity. The Seventh bat
tery wheeled rapidly to protaot th train
but for a time wa unable to secure a good
position. A number of wagon were between
them and the guns, of the browns, which
steadily hammered away at th long line
ol wagons. Had th gun bee leaded th
destruction of wagon and animal must
hav bean. very, heavy. It wa estimated
that about SS to . 40 per cent at the wagoaa
would have been crippled beyond all bop
of proceeding. Thry were promptly dropped
Ofit T the line tad the advance waa taka
up ogee more after ft abarp artillery duel
between the lis gun of th Seventh bat
tery and th tw af th tilth.
.While tbl waa prcgrtMlng fore of
brown cavalry wad a dah at tha rer of
tbe train and 4h m (gating be
tveea th cavalry and the flanker sad resr
guard of tb Tnty-ond infantry. Th
cavalry wa easily arsd tack, but tb
loaves (epeaklng figuratively) en both tides
were heavy.
Irewsi Hard Hit.
Disaster had com to tb brawn lo.
and nearly one-half of their command wa
out f tb gam. It wa tb. second .uad
ro of th Fourth 'cavalry that bad com
to grief. Seeing but a MPall tore. In front
of them they prsd fg ftjl4iy, forced
th men of the Sixth Infantry to halt upon
n jow ridge to await reinforcements. V'o
een by the brown. n of Rutherford'
advance companies had worked sroSnfl on
their flank. The word to charge waa given
and th three troop came thundering on.
They war well within 100 yard whtn U
dismounted cavalry on th flsnk. roa from
th graa and rav them volley eftT vol
ley, while the detachment of the. Sixth in
fantry In front riddled them from the
front. The umpire decided that t least
one-half of the attacking cavalry mutt
have been killed by tb fir, and ruled out
the balance for attempting to charge In
fantry la 'position.
This disaster heavily depleted the fire of
the browns In front of tbe train, and when
tbe bomb signalling the cloae of tb man
euver waa sent Into the air there waa to
check the train but n amall detachment of
brown cavalry opposed by blu cavalry and
a strong force of blue Infantry wa rapidly
a .'. ttZ It ,1,. .fnr.
that the wagon train would reached
IU destination lee. the destruction cauMd
by th artillery fire.
A in all tha previous maneuver th ut
most car wa taken by the officer of tb
regular army to' aee tbat th officer of tb
National Guard aaw everything possible.
The method of loading and handling pack
mule and army wagona were carefully ex
plained, and the military feature of th
.. .1 .1... Mm hn..lila Unlk.
Ing waa left undone to make th day'a work
of a much benefit to them a poaalbl.
Let the Gaard Is. .
Tomorrow the men of the Kansaa and
rniiria Nutinnai Guards will tak nert
In tha manauvara for the flrat time. Th
problem will ,b tb aame a -that woflted
out on September J7-kuMo1' exercl, In-
velvlng n attack ss w oulpott polton.
Four will be carried.
Tonlmrht CanUIn Gallagher of the Commla-
sary department Addressed b offloera of
the camp en "Rationing Troop." Tomor-
row Colonel Arthur L. Wagner will epeak
on "Strategy" and an officer of the engl
nsers will dlsouss "Bntrenchments." Th
officers of the National Guard hav bean
urged to tak elaborate note of the leo- I
turea, and
do so.
most of them say they will
(Continued frqm First Page.)
a strictly revenue baaia: demand public I
ownership of anthracite coal mlnee by the
right of eminent domain, and the payment
of full damagea to the owner, so as to
Insure peace la the mining region, nd
relieve tb consumer; arraigns th state ad-
ministration for th extravagance In the ad-
ministration of state affair; declares In I
favor of a 1,000-ton barge canal; denounce I
tbe present atate exclae law, and demand I
the return of all money received to th I
county so collected; (ympathlse wltb tb
Jew in Roumunl; favor tbe election of I
United State senators by popular vote;
condemn th national administration for
"trading Judicial positions for stat aid."
Naming; the Ticket.
Tb platform wa adopted and nomina
tion war In order. Th nam of Bird S.
Coler of Brooklyn, former omptroll.r of
New York City, waa presented by John I
Shea of Brooklyn. Representative W. B,
Suiter of New York and others followed
In seconding speeches. Nominations wsr
nated on th. flrVt b.llot rsc.ivini r Tti'rAcoV'A: ceanur'npr.4.V:
declared closed nd Mr. Color was noml
dent of Manhattan borough. The Canur
vote cam from King county delegate. I
Before the ballot wa takn Nathan
l,......IU..V..I..kl.l.l K- m I
v v... v.. v. t j ... . v . I
bjiiku, uui vtiiw ub uau provveuea iar na i
wa ruled out of order.' He left tbe plat.
form, but gave hi spceeh to tbe pre. : In
It he declared tbat If Mr. Coler was noml-
nill h muM da .11 In hla t I
feat him at the polto. Mr. Strati referred
to hi work In distributing, practically
free of oharge, milk to tb poor children
pf the tenement of New York and da-
clartd that Mr. Coler had tried to atop It.
althougb b had pledged himself to help It
along. It wa for tbl. reaon that he op-
cosed him.
The tioket wa rapidly completed, all
th nomination, beginning with that of
..uvvnaui aovwpur, uaiu accia-
mauuB. toe cuuveuuou aujourn.o ;.o
- P-
CowTeatloa Naanladte
Fall State Ticket Amid Vtaaoat
PROVIDENCE, R. I., Oct. 1. The demo-
crat made memorable their stat conven-
nun urrv VT a naioiuuioua aiapiay 01 ea-
thuslasm not equalled In ten year, th
potent factor at Usue being tb contest for
th gvbernatorlal nomination, which wa
won by Dr. L. F. C. Garvin of Curobrlnd
over Mayor J. J. Fltigerald of Pawtucket.
Dr. Oarvln't majority wa It vote. Th
rest of tha ticket 1 as follows: Lieutenant
governor, Ao.eis.ra Arcnsmnsuit; secretary
of atate, Frank K. Fltzsimmons; attorney
general. Dennis E. Holland; general treas-
urr, Clark E. Potter.
- 77 . .. . .
Otverssr M eCulloah ( Veraaoat at
Laat Read Clear Title to
HI Office,
1. -General
John C. McCullough of Bennington bu
been .lected governor of Vermont by th.
auiia ivgiaiaiur. . na waa iu. rapuuiicai
candidal wno lanaa . or election at toe
pell bee.use b did not carry a majority
vi kaa ,
Dtsvev Olrl Usrei Her Pareats to
Eagaar with a Theatrical
Miss Grace Robert, tbe 16-year-old
daughter of Cojontl William E... Bobert, sicker of Philadelphia; Mia Ann L. Dawss ton of coal at a time and In pn caa )25
chief of the Denver Are department, after of Plttafleld, Macs; Mra. Bell. Everest of wa asked. Tha ga companla ar begin
two weeka ln endeavor to Jpin tome Atchison, Kan.; Mrs. H, M. peYoung of nlng to yefuse m?re contract owing to th
theatrical troupe, tor which purpose she
ran from hap hnma in n.nv.f waa
arrested in Omaha Tuesday night and y-
terday wa takeg to Denver by her father,
The girl bad been stepping at th PaxtQP
hotel under an assumed name, for tha laat
three day. .It- waa bsr Intention, she
aid, to wait tber until sh could secur
n nggercnt alh t theatrical company.
Mia Kobri't ccompllaqod )outlcn
1st nd for rsont time had been enamored
of th tttg. Her parenta objected to Mr
going on the sug and far tbat reaaon b
ran away.
Caloael , Robert,; her father, bta a
search for her the day after aha left .home,
visiting several clUe in tb at. Haday
he notified 4ho Qmtha polle t bo th
lookout fer-hcr-,, tie-, was located at th
Paitongad TAiday th father wg aotlSed
and sain to Omaha last night.
Ml Roberu w wtlllag ( ratra beta
and th tw left for Denver yesterday. 8b
la pretty and baa dark hair and ya. Al
though willing to retura bom, tb has not
given uq her desire to go on the stage. Tb
polic denied Tuesday alght. that tbey bad
bean notified of tb dkstppearaac of tb
Crmon!i at World' Ortnid Ar
. . EitbuiiMtioftUy. Obiimd. :
Gsvtrser latst (nalillMil
Price Tell What Will Daa
Wkii LerUlatr Makes
' the AreerUlfc.
ST. LOUIS, Oct. 1 The allotment of ltf
on which th various atate, territorial ana
Insular posse.islons of th United State
nd th fraternal eocletU.. eto., that will
participate In th Louisiana Purohaa ex
pos I tlon that will ert buildings, wa com-
P'4 tbla nlng. Fine weather in eon-
" th1 terday broug ht out
crowd ot .ptator, wh8 In ad-
umun in me jnrong oi governors,, oimei
of atate commission, special -representa
tives and world' fair mclls, iotlowed th
exercises from egrly In th morning until
nightfall. .
Special trolUy car carried th partici
pant to tb ground from th hotel down
town. Arriving ther. they formed In tin
nd beaded by band and escorted, by
T:- n "
Jefferson .Guards, marched from sit to tit
K ln..4l. -.kl.u V..
nA! Th,oh er?:,nk,'lb,rA!
and turrounded by-, rope to keep back th
throng of peopl. Thirteen states and ter
rltorles, the Fraternal Tempi association
Travelera' ProteUT aocltlon, tbe Burn'
Cottage association,' the Concatenated, prder
Hon Hoo and thaJhlUppln UUnd wre
ailea. -4n eachHirtUne Paetldent
D' fwcle of , th. Louisiana, JEutchas
-p"'l'OB company. mao in.presen.ianon
.-..v-u ,a -niro n WMbi ti.f
'ha . R Tt0t .Wbrka.Tayl.r t,n-
"""" -' -j' ,..'..'
south Carolina waa tbe first atate called by 1
President Francis. Former Director of th I
Charleston Exposition Colonel John H.
Averlll accepted tbe alt as . the personal I
representative of tbe govehor In behalf of
th people of hi state. HI peech of I
ccepianc toia or south uarouna enthu- I
im and purpose to b grandly repre
sented at th xpoltton of 10I.
New York wa next' called. Congressman
James K. Stewart, a member of the Em
pire atat commission accepted th alt In
a few well chosen words. '" "
Dr. O, B. Qulnn, mmbr pf tb Mia-
alsslppl commission, accepted th lit for
that atat and presented Chief Commls-
tloner R. II. Henry, who teld the build-
Ing erected by bla stat would be a reolloa
of Beauvolr. tb bom of Jefferson" Davie.
Kansaa wa represented by State Stngtor
John C. Carpenter,- In tb nhienc of th
governor. ' He promised tbat th Kansaa
building and exhibit would be th most
notable of ny txcebt that' Of Missouri. '
Captain George W. Thatcher, eommla I
Istoner for Colorado, accepted' for that state. I
Hon. Lror W. Palmer, on behalf at Iowa
promised a magnificent exhibit ad build-
Nebreaka wa represented by Governor
Ksra P. Bavace. who Introduced Cantala
wv 1 1 1 1 . - . . i . I
" D; "'V V" TBr ?ul:
iiuvu iav viKuwuti piaaa iff om louowee
out if the deifrel eppfeprlatlon et J7S COO
or $100,000 shall b secured from tha next
Chairman Mvberter of . the Oklahoma
cepted the lu 1-
" ..4 .10 tb . abenc. 'of
""""iL ," w rpr5Pi,o py
P- .'. soairiua.oi me com-
"""'""' W' a.pipn . m sue.
ICDOUHI WBS reprCSenia D7 SiajOr IS. U.
Lewis, who wit' director - eenaral of thl... v.. a r u . n i... .
a r " r r
N'.DTV,,e . Jt'PlW11' .No.' official repr-.
" " ? "I1 wM freent, but nt
" H"ii 01 vrovernor miss ssr.
r, F . B. VSOOmO and Q. C. Crajldall.
nbr'or themxlll.ry gtwnltt, yt-
e'va the sit for that
Far the Fratoraala.
Aft- lunrh th. .11. -,kuk .h. T.m.i.
of pr.t.rnltv 1 to he erected wa. ore.
, .... ,,. .
member.hlp In different societies, pOmber-
, Knn vi- c-.u' 7
rrin.ii. arMht.rf t... .tt.
I Much ,nthUslaem wa shown when ' the
td tor th building to p erected by. th
Traveler' Protective association
reached Prealdent Franc). Spoke of tb.
. --. ... fc. ,
much tlr the woV'u
the country, and It waa a pleasure t af -
ford them a bite for their bullding.'Charle
H. Wlcord, chairman of th Travelers' Pro -
tectlve astoclatlon world', tkir building
committee, formally accepted -tbe lt.
Lewi B. Ooodall. chairman of the Maine
0mmlslon; accepted that atat' alt. Hon.
I Elmer E. Johnston, exectttivn commltaloncr
or Washington, in accepting IB ite allotud
to hi atate dwelt at length on tb vf
resource of the Puget ound country.
president J. W. Dick of- tb Bitrn'
Cottage association aacptd tb tit
for tbat building and Ni W. Ma-
1 Lend, president of th Conoatsnatad
Order of Hoo HoO, did similar aerrlo for
hla organisation: Th Philippine Islands'
sit wa the last fine reached, It wa grow-
jni dark when Hon. P. W. WlUon. tbe dl-
I rector general , of the Philippine Islands'
I exhibit, made bl respons to tb presents-
I tlon address of President Frtncls. H told
01 tne vaat resources or in laiapo that
had never been developed.
Preside! af Wa
lady manacera of tha Louisiana Pnnkau
!.. m. u m
.i.ii...mji ....wk. ... Zl
1 (avuaiiiuai a ua . w uiu n u aa iiiiarii 1 1 ti 11 m m
mett to erict ft WOfflat,'. building ca th.
1 ground.
ui.. w.i.n vt r.M .p.. . ...
resolutions this afternoon, which expre
I th sentiment of the board la ravnr of a
high moral tone m tbe exposition and
I gainat anything savoring pf th objection-
bl dances, per lormed oa4b midway of th
Chicago fair.
The complete' organisation of the board
effected Include vn yc prldnU
In tbe following order; . Mr. Edward L.
Buchwalter of Springfield. Ohio; Mr. F.
r. Ernest or Denver; Mr. Helen B. Hun-
Ban Francisco; gnd Mrs. rannl L. Porter
of Savannah. Mra. Frederick L. Hanirr of
Llttl Rock waa elected eortary, and Mr.
William H. Coleman of Indlanapoll treaa
I Urr. Mr. Jaba Miller of Buffalo, N. Y.,
w appointed chairman of th cemmltte
on rule and regulation. 'Th ether mem
bers at tbe committee ar Mr. Jennl Oil.
mor Knott of Louisville. Ky., and Mra.
Edward L. Buchwalter. This ssmmltte haa
bee taatrueUd to formutat a cod for th
aovernment of th deliberation ef tha
board and Itt actions with regard to U
other admlolstrauv braacba of tb.x-
noaitlon and reaort at a futur matting.
The only communication ' received today
from th national commissi which meet
la executive session wa th notification
that tbe board will form one of tbe three
co-ordinate bodies governing Jb exposi-
tloa. The ether two bodle re tb world
(air commission and tb attlooal eommls-
slo. . ,'
What Thar Oa ".
Hcadachaa. ltvr eflmplalnU, howal dis
order demand Dr. King's New Lift ItUt.
Tber ar gentle, but ur or. M pay.
For sal by Kuha Co. '
! Hen I a at rreltrhtoa Hall
Tha reel r Moralaajr Raaqaet
I Abaadoaed.
Tb Nebraska Bankers' association will
meat thla morning at Crelghton ball and It
la expected tbat th attendance will be
larger than ever before. The most Impor
tant question to be considered I tbat of
branch 'bank and asset currency, upon
which addresses will be delivered by C. O.
Dawe of Illlnol and others.
Th annual banquet will not be given,
but a dinner will be served at noon Friday
at the Millard botel, and the final program
of the convention will take place at that
house. The prepsratlons tor tbe meeting
have been in th hands of the following
named gentlemen: H. W. Yates, president
Nebraska- National bank; C. F. McGrew,
vice- prealdent Omaha National bank; H.
R. Gould, secretary, 421 Bee building; Lu
ther Drake, cashier Merchant' National
bank; G. W. Wattles, president Union Na
tlonal bank; V. 8. Caldwell, cashier United
State Natlopal bank,
(Continued from First Page.)
meeting and parbap to refer open Issue
between them to third parties.
I " U lit president
Ua. no a..uranc from either .Id which
formed tb basis of his call for this meet
ing, but when Secretary Root waa In New
York, and tb night preceding, be saw
on, at leaat, of the coal presidents wbos
nam appear In today' Hit of invluttons.
If aa stated tbat the meeting waa a cas
ual one," but no atatement could be ex
tracted tovicblng tbe personality of tbe other
sre1 'ur are operating n mi
vr aecretary in hi peace mission. Other
great financial force than Mr. Morgan,
competent to exercise tremendously pow
erful but secret pressure upon corppratlons.
enlst In New York, and It 1 urmled
that with torn of the tbe secretary, who
I acquainted In a business way in that
circle, may have had an Interview during
b visit.
Notified of Acceptance.
During the afternoon and evening the
president received replies to his Invitations
from President John Mitchell of the United
Mine Worker, President George F. Baer
of tne B!" railway system, and one or
lwa mera. Mr. uaer a prompt reply to the
President's suggestion waa particularly
(ratifying to Mr. Roosevelt, a It v. as be-
Ueved that la all probability hi accept.
"c will Insure favorable replies from
otner omciai who were Invited. Mr. Baer
na acted aa spokesman for tbe operators
lD tns various statements that have been
Put ,ortn from time to time In reply to tbe
miners representations, and It 1 realised
t bit Influence will be a potent factor In
ny conferences that may take place. The
president Is expressing th keenest Interest
10 t0 C0niQg gathering, and expresses the
elncero hope that It will result In step
tB,t w,n brln bout tne cessation of tbe
trlke. President A. J. Csssatt, of the
pAntitwl vttnlft rmWmttA I mnns t Virtue
V- .' Zl.. " 7" "
- ' -- -
Prldent ha th greatest respect for Mr.
Caatatt'g well known business ability and
gooa juagmept. ana is anxious mat n
abould give the conference the benefit of
hU "P""0"'- No reply , h.d been received
- " .. ...
i . WILKE8BARRE, Pa.. Oct. Wlf th
I mils arhlK VniMul MltKhall
i h bo vivum nrDiuvut ivuubctch b
I utlen to a conference t the Wblt House
w, any' IndlcatWb wa blghjy dejght4
with' th president' message. He said:
I . up,t Mllf I ahsll arrant PreaMeat Itonaa
-alt' invitation. I have Just ent a reply
to tl telegram. , thall leave tomorrow
afternoon and be In Washington early Frl-
May morning."
Tb president' message wa a great re-
I lief at President Mitchell's headquarters
wral of Glllls the striker
who w killed at Nntlcok by
Col and
Iron Policeman ' Sweeney,
place today. All tbe exec
utive of the United Mine Worker attended.
Four thoussnd mine worker, all members
of b "J?'0"' Mlot "m,n h'
gray. Th coroner Jury returned a ver-
Fl b'!
" - '
1 How Baer view it.
thtiADEL.PHIA. Oct. 1 President
I Oeorge F. Baer of the Reading company
I win attend tha coal conference at Wasb-
Indian on Friday. In reply to ouery he
lid: "I consider tb president's request a
.., n-t..d. Him.aif
' Hwut xteiaaa mma
NW YORK, Oct. 1. Abram 8. Hewitt
haa wrlttan an open Utter to Prealdent
Mitchell of the mine workers, in which be
I discusses th ool strlks generally and ra
pH t0 that portion of Mr. Mitchell' re-
cent statement concerning mm personally,
Mr, Hewitt denle th assertion that be
la ft champion of tb operators and an op-
I pooent pf the mine worker. He sert
Ithat hla Intention wa ta amontrai vnat
Mr. Mitchell' policy la th strike waa con
trary to to piru 01 American meuiuiious
and tbat tb operator could not treat with
th mine , worker without violating their
obllcatlon a trustees of tb owners of
pisbop Talbot. Mr. Hewitt ty tbat
whatvr may hav bn originally invoiveq
" D0Wfc,aU,K?? '
frall.ot Baer -or -from m. Tbey want
coal and no discussion and recrimination
Mare Thaa Tweaty Dollar a Tpa
NEW YORK, Oct. 1. Th coal altuatlon
I la Nw York it no better today. Tb sup
ply of bard coal In tb tenement districts
I t such a low abb that dealers ar cbsrg.
Ing their customer a trifle over 1 cent a
pound for tbl article. A number of own-
I ers of flata and pfflc building said today
tbat they, were uaa&i to get mor tnaa a
I great demand lor ga aa a tuei, ana 11 is
asserted tbat th supply of oil stoves can-
t begin to nu me oraers receivea wuo.u
th last two month.
MfSarlaad" Stove asd Itawaea
Awarded first prlt. Parla, J00: Buffalo,
It require th brst bop,
time to proierly age it.
a wr-.'-l Stor Hrawln Co. oner
2k74,I it 1 made from th beat
P'l t,u . r m
Ol'no other It Is especially
c 1
Captain Fnbin('i Idranct lfttg with
Only lliht XoiiiUDca.
Native Balld New Fort aaa Otis
Fire from Brae Caanoa, bat
Are alrklr helle Oat
f Poeltlea.
MANILA, Oct. l.Th Macln Moro In
Mindanao have offered but slight resistance
to tb column under Captain Tershlng of
tbe Fifteenth cavalry.
After a aerie of aklrmlahea on Monday
and Tuesday of tbla week tb Moro re
treated Into tlx fort on th shores of th
lake. When a courier left Mactn yestsrday
for Camp Vlcara Captain Pershing was pre
paring to enault tha last Moro atrongbold
The American column reached the former
camp at Macin Sunday night. On Monday
tbe Moro opened Are on them with a bras
cahnon and rifle from series of new fort
which had been erected line Captain Perah
Ing first visit to the place. Th battery
under Captain William S. McNalr scaled a
ridge commanding th position of tb Moro
and shelled them out. Tbe engineer under
Captain Jay J. Morrow had constructed
trail over the swamp flanking the Moro po
sition. Th men of Captain Pershing's col
umn crossed th swamp by the trail and
captured and destroyed three of the Mor
fort. Th Moro stood but n short wbii
nd ran a oon tb artillery opened on
tbem. . .
Capn- Pershing has bean ordered to
destroy tbe fort unless . the Moro xoak
Twenty Moro were killed and many were
wounded. .There were no casualties among
tha Americana.
Th latter of General Sumner, In com
mand on Mindanao, to the Maclnlana has
been, delivered. .
It Faratahe. Tapla for Dtcaala at
Real Eatate Eieksafe
At the meeting of the Real Estate x
change yesterday J. F. Hanson of Fremont,
secretary of the Nebraska Roal Estate
Dealers' association, was present and spok
briefly of tbe organization. Later be con
ferred with the special committee which I
to prepare the program for the convention
to be held here In December.
A resolution was adopted by tbe ex
change declaring that the organization will
In tbe future endorse no proposition which
ha not flrst been passed upon by the ad
visory committee. '
Snrprlae Their Friend.
FREMONT, Neb Oct. I. (Special.)
Herman F. Witt and Miss Ora Young, both
of this city, were married today at Fort
Dodge, la., at the borne of the bride'
parent. Tb groom I a clerk for C. Bal
duff, rnd th bride haa been for om time
emploved at th Normal school. Tbe an
nouncement of the marriage waa a sur
prise to th friend of both parties.
KEARNEY, Neb.. Oct. 1. (Special Tele
gram.) Harry Saltxgaber and Louise Knit
tie, two of Kearney' popular young peo
ple, were married last night at tb house
of the groom' mother. Rev. C. A. Maetln
officiated. After - a ehort trip over the
state they will realde her.
- Rear Admiral Jam Joaett.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 1 Rear Admiral
James Jouette, U. S. N., retired, died at bla
home, "The Anchorage," Sandy Springs,
Maryland, at an early hour this morning.
He waa 74 years old, and bad ft long and
distinguished career. He waa born In Ken
tuoky, and wa appointed in th navy from
that state. He waa retired In 1890.
Mra. I?lmera, Hsnykrey,
HUMPHREY, Neb., Oct. 1. (Special Tel
egram.) Mrs. William H. Elmer, wife of
on of Humphrey' leading citizen, died
this afternoon after a brief Ulna. Sh
leavea a husband and three email children.
Ping P011
between, meals.
That' th gam. Th new
gallery la the Bae Beildiag le
open to ALL. Beat of tab lea,
rackets, had ball. Well lighted
by day a bias of glory at
night. Fifty cents aa hour;
80 cant for 80 minute.
214 South 17th Street
Grand Clearing Sale
At Below Factory Prioos
Among which ar th' following
and many other. W also have
Harmonist, the beat piano player,
and complete Un of Victor Talk
log Maohiae and Zonopaon. 8heet
Muflo, U per copy. 60c,Hrmonlcaa,
20e. 25c Harmonica. 10. All mu
sical good In proportion. Ak-8r-Ben
visitor cordially Invited.
(Eait of Carnival Orounds.)
Collins Piano Co.
Pooalaa Slreet,
.elected barley and plenty at
It laiproy . with. Th.
11a oiu. iu y' t , " ,
ngredlna -and U absolutely
in vnnr hnma. and vou 11 have
brewed for home trade.
ST0R2 Du& CO.
For th last tore day of Ak-6r-Pet
Some untold values will be placed on a)
Thursday morning. W hav fully mad up
our minds to mak tbl a record -breaking
week and will mak price tbat will Interest
all buyer of Furniture, Carpet and Draper
le. Nver In the history of, our tor
were w fully confident' that we had an
ticipated your want this season. Our
floors r overflowing with kit the latest
Idea In bouse furolchlpgs.
bedroom suit for
bedroom suit for
bedroom tult for , ..
bedroom tult for r....
olid oak dresser...........
olid oak dresser
, 36.00
, t.ilO
, I.7S
; ' i.7s
, 4.TJ
Iron beds for..
Iron bed for.
Iron bed for.
Iron beds tor.
Iron bed for.
Iron bed for
-olid oak chiffonier for
olid ok chiffonier for.....
solid oak chiffonier, mirror
half well
olid oak chiffonier, Pilrrpr
half wll, for
vclour couch for
velour couch for
velour couch for.,
.. 6.50
.. ,..
.. . (.Ti .
. 6,00 1
.. 10.60
., 12.60
.. T.sO
.. 9.00
.. 10.T5
Bug Specialties
We will plsc on sale 50 Urge site Ax
minster Rugs worth 11.00 for I1.6R.
9x12 Tapestry Rug worth flft.00 for 12.00.
1-3x10- Axmlnster Rug worth 3!T,60, fr
121.96. ' ""
We will place en sale 60 Blgelow Im
perial Rugs, slxe 9-3x10-6 and 9x13, Thl
I th best rug made and worth 346.00, on
aale thla week at $36.00. v
Get our price on Lace Curtain, it will
pay you.
Shivorick Furniture
and Carpet Co.
1315-17-19 Farntrn Street.
The Best of Everything I
Chicago $14.75
October 1-2
Washitiston, D. CM $28.05
October 2d to 5th
Boston Mass., - $31. 75
October 6th to 10 th
New York, - $35.55
October 2d to 5th
Home Visitors One Fare ;
October 2d to 5th
To 8outheatrn Illinois, Indiana, Ohla,
Kentucky, West Virginia, Western Paou.
sylyanla, Wetera New York and Ontsrlo. ;
NOTE The throuah ear to Washlnstoil
for tbe U. A. R. ennamnm.nt laeva Umuha
October 2nd. arriving at Washington far
abaaU of any other line.
Write or call at
10110S Fsrssia at..
Woodward 4 Burge,
Under Two Flags
JAKE KFKNARK a Claat. Thursday and Saturday.
Price: tec, toe, 7o, 11. Maf., 2&c, too.
'iOST RIVER.'' '
ft "MM..
l'lphon 158L "
High Cltss Viudttillo
w SPECIAL . . '
Children, loo. AdulU, ti..
Price! 10c, a&e, u ...
- HOiMt.
WWnHU pmaha Leadln Hotel
U; ( I y.n. ' -SUNDAY
p. en. DINNER. TI.
Pteadlly Increasing business baa a.eoaal.
laud an r.Urrmnt pf (h (. douullug
it ;ular aaa4ai-. '