Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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Strut Bailwaj Csmpany Dsolari Majority
f Empltjti Hare Ht Jtiisi.
omf of th Emplorri Insist thai
More Than Half of the Motor-
In the Villon.
"Wa re not going to take any action at
11 now; we have not said a word to an 7
of our men nor they to ua, and no negotla
tlona about the matter are pending be
tween ua," aald an official of the Omaha
Street Rail war company when aaked what
new steps would be taken In the
matter of the organization of the union
by the motor-men and conductor! on the
local lines. Thirty days ago the men and
the company agreed to let thla proposition
rest for a period of thirty day. The time
expiring yesterday. It waa given out by some
representative of the union that ateps
would be taken to exact from the company
a formal pledge of recognition of the or
ganization and by some the company was
expected to take the Initiative step. But
neither theory has proven correct.
While there Is no evidence of positive
trouble between the company and Its em
ploye the latter, through representativea,
announre fhelr determination to adhere to
their original purpose of maintaining the
union. They claim the company agreed a
month ago to recognize the union If within
the allotted time It obtained a certain ma
jority of the employes. The men claim to
have obtained that majority and over. The
statement waa made by one of their rep
resentatives yesterday that 270 street
railway employes have taken the obligations
of the union and now carry union cards.
This statement la disputed by the company,
which maintains that there are 270 out of a
little less than 400 employes not In the
union. The company claims to have the
asstiramre of the majority of Its oldest
men, that is, men who have been In Ita
ervice from five to twenty years, that they
are not In sympathy with the new union
and will not under any circumstances affil
iate with It
Peace and Harmony Prevail.
"We have no fight with our men; perfect
peace and harmony exists between us and
we have no desire whatever of antagonizing
the mra," eald an official of the company,
"and we believe the majority of them feel
the same way toward us. In fact many of
them have told ua so, have given us their
word for it, that they are not looking for
trouble, have no grievance and want nov.
So in view of these facts we believe this
union proposition will be better off Just
let alone and we are letting it alone. We
have not made any statement of our posi
tion to the men, I repeat, nor they to us,
but everything, so far as we are concerned,
la proceeding normally and harmoniously."
There le no question but that other
unions of the city are exerting an active
Interest In the street car men's affairs. A
representative union man Is responsible
for the statement that the members of
unions embodied In Central Labor union
have agreed among themselves to ride on
no street car whose liiotoiumu utl uouduu
tor do not carry cards certifying their al
legiance to Central Labor union.
"Two hundred and eeventy of the men
now have these cards," said this gentle
man. "It la obvious that this meana of
bringing the company to formally recognize
the union has been decided upon by the
street car men and those who are actively
promoting their organization."
lied Hot From the ma,
, Was the ball that caused horrible ulcer;
on O. B. Steadman, Newark, Mich. Buck
lea's Arnica Salve aoon cured him. 15o.
For sale b.r Kubn & Co.
Lake Forest College.
In 1S56. he Rev. Dr. Robert W. Patter
son, B. W. Raymond, Harvey Curtis, Syl
vester Llnd, Wm. Bross, C. B. Farwell,
Mark Skinner, Wm. Blair, S. L. Brown, J.
C Williams, and other prominent citizens
of Chicago and vicinity, conceived the Idea
of establishing an educational Institution
that would be near to Chicago, and yet
always retain the great advantage of a
rural situation.
Accordingly in February, 1858, they or
ganized the "Lake Forest Association."
and purchased 1,300 acres of land along the
shore of Lake Michigan, about 28 mile
from Chicago, where now stands the town
of Lake Forest. Half of this land was
permanently aet apart aa association prop
erty, and the plat of the town wa re
corded July 23, 1857, every alternate lot
being assigned to the University aa an
endowment, and sixty-two acre being aet
apart a an inalienable campus.
The founder of "Lake Forest," expect
ing eventually to develop a complete uni
versity, secured a charter for an Institu
tion of that type on February 13, 1867. It
was first called "Llnd University," but. In
1865, the name was changed to "Lake For
est Vnlverstty." The first department
opened was a preparatory school for boys,
"Lake Forest Academy," In the fall of
1858, followed In 1869 by a similar school
for girls, "Ferry Hall Seminary," named
In honor of the Rev. Wm. W. Ferry, of
Orand Haven, Michigan, who left a legacy
of $35,000 (or the purpose.
These two Schools are hereafter to be
known aa "Lake Forest School for Boys"
and "Ferry Hall."
Last week of the cut price furniture sale.
Dewey at Stone Furniture Co., 1116-1117 Far
nam street.
Via Mllwsskt Ky.
On October I. S, 4 and 6 the Milwaukee
railway will aell round trip ticket to Wash
ington, D. C, for $28.06; also on same dates
half re'es for round trip to point In Michi
gan, Indiana, Ohio and western Pennsyl
vania and very low ratea to New York City
and Boaton. On October 1 and I Chicago
and return, $14.75. City office, 1S04 Farnam
Street. F. A. NASH.
General Western Agent.
Chicago to New York and Retarn,
Via Erie Railroad. Oct. 3d, 4th, 6th and
It Is th Erie ALL THE WAT from Chi
cago to New York. Through baggage car,
through coaches, through sleepers, through
dining car. Absolutely no change. Fast
limited tralna. Lowest ratea. For time
table and Information apply to H. L.
Purdy, traveling passenger agent, Erl
Railroad. Chicago, 111.
Visit to rorsaer Hons of Friend
In Indiana, Ohio ana Pennsylvania may
be made at reduced fares In October, when
excursion tickets will be on sal via Cht
cago over Pennsylvania Short Line to In
dianapolla, Columbua, Louisville, Ky., Co
lumbus. Cincinnati. Marietta, Wheeling,
Plttaburg, Erl and Intermedial point
reached via the Ft. Wayne and Pan Handle
route. For full Information addre H. R.
Derlng,. A. O. P. Agt., 248 South Clark
treat. Chicago.
an 01
amm, ,1,.,,, i....,, , .,,,,;., ,. ..,IMii. .hil-w
4 f tt CENT
We invito yon to make our establishment your resting place, your office,
your wash-up-plaoe and your lunch room. Make it your meeting place with
your friends. We will take care of your packages and check them for you free
of rharge. We also extend a special Invitation to the ladles of your party to
avail themselves of our reception ad waiting room at any and all tlmea.
J. L. Brandeis At Son. Props. Boston Store.
Swell coats with inserted pleat in the
back, the new sleeves, full beaver
trimmed collar, kersey cloth in cast
ors, black and reds, Q Q
good satin lining, r"S
all sizes, at
Blouse suits of extra quality, basket
cloth suiting, rough effects, in black
castors and
blueB, at ,
Walking skirts in grays, browns,
black and mixtures, some strapped,
some trimmed with braid, 4 fft J. V P
Ladles' three-quarter length kersey coats, half fitted
back, box front and -storm collar castors and
black, at
Big Bargains for Thursday
010 dozen black and colored velvet hats made f J5J
ofS-ply buckram frames, regular 1. 75 - 1 L.
value, at.
$5 Trimmed Hats at $2 .98
Over 160 different styles ladles'
trimmed hats, made up of splendid
quality velvets, feathers, silks,
valerles, etc., In black and all the
latest colorings. Thee
hats would be $5 In
most stores at . ....
Children's Hats 75c
Children's hand made "Dolly Varden"
flap hats the best selling style of
the season sold in
most stores at $1.39,
Trimmed Hats at $4.95 We show what is un
doubtedly the largest and beet assorted line of hats at $4.95 that It possible
to get together. ' Trimmed hats at this price are a specialty with us and
we say to yon that w offer more value and style at thla A "
price than most More can offer at $8.00
go at
SHOES " Second Floor
Orand opening sal new shoe de
partment. The finest In the west.
Everything that' good and new In
shoes and slipper.
SHOES In Bnaemcnt
Women's shoe, 89c, $1.19 and $1.39.
Mlsse' shoes, 69c and $1.79c.
Little boys' shoes, 69c, 76c and 98c.
Men's shoes, $1.69.
Women's slippers, 29c, 49c and 69c.
Laat week of th discount furniture sal.
Dewey Stone Furnitur Co., 1115-1117 Far
nam street
New aeuvenir spoon. Ed holm. Jeweler.
Watch Our
EI Sx Watch Our
Morning; Blase- oa Ann Avesse Does
Frra Bandred Dollar of
Fir of unknown origin did $600 damage
to th building and grocery stock of Louis
Kurs, 8160 Ames avenue, at i o'clock yester
day morning. The fire originated under a
counter and had gained considerable head
way before It was noticed. By the time
th department arrived th flame had
spread over the entire ator and were burn
ing through the celling Into th rooms
above, which were vacant. Th Kurs fam
ily reside over the adjoining building and
were th first to discover th fir. The
loss Is fully covered by lnsuranoe.
Strengthen th tired kidney and purify
th liver and bowel with a few dose of
Prickly Ash Bitter. It 1 an admirable
kidney tonlo.
Last week of th cut price furnitur sal.
Dewey Eton Furniture Co., 1116-1117 Far
nam street.
Th O. A. R. official train to th $0th
annual encampment at Washington, D. C,
will leave Omaha 8:00 p. m., Saturday,
October 4.
Department Commander Steel and staff
will accompany this trala and deelre their
comrade and friend to join them In mak
ing thla the banner O. A. R. train.
Go with them.
Fast lids across Iowa, Illinois three
hour at Chicago through th garden of
Canada past Niagara Falls and along the
historic Potomac, to the national capital.
Through car Omaha to Washington, via
Rock Island, Wabash, Northern Central
and Pennsylvania railroads.
For full Information about low rates to
Washington (round trip from Omaha Is
only $28.05) and ths Inexpensive side trip
from that elty, call on or writ
1828 Farnam street, Omaha, Neb.
Via Wabash Railroad.
, 811-60, St. Louis and return, October I
to 10.
$36.60, New Tork and return, October 8
to 6.
$28.06, Washington and return, October
8 to 6.
$31.76,. Boaton and return, October to 10.
Many more to point east. Call, at Wa
bash corner, 1601 Farnam atreet, or address
Harry E. Moores, general agent passenger
department, Omaha, Neb.
a.OO toWashlaarton, D. C.
Is the price of a lower berth In our through
tourist car from Omaha to Washington. D.
C, leaving Omaha at 7:60 p. m. Thuraday,
October 2, reaching Washington at 8:87 p.
m. Saturday, October 4.
The rout of this car 1 via Chicago,
"Big 4" to Cincinnati, and th historlo
Chesapeake A Ohio Ry. through th battle
field of Virginia to Washington, D. C.
Round trip tickets on sale October 8 to
( Inclusive, t rat of $28.06 at Illinois Cen
tral elty ticket office, 1403 Faraam street,
Omaha, Neb.
Annonnoomont of tn Theaters.
Th Orpheum will give a special matinee
today at 3:16 so that th many visitors
to th elty may se the Ak-8ar-Bsn week
vaudeville attraction. Then again this
evening people can witness th parade and
the performance, which will not com
mence until the parade ha passed ths
theater. Th bill is-scoring heavily to a
ssrle of full house.
Albtn Huster win accept pupil oa violin
and trombone. Studio 318 Ramg block.
Laat week of th rut price furnitur sal.
Dewey A 8ton Furnitur Co., 1116-1117 Far
nam street. . , "
Diamoad ear screw. Kduolm, t ivjsler.
Only Two Days Now
For selecting your ball shoes We
wish to call your attention to our
women's patent leather or Ideal kid
In button or lace, high or low cut. -We
carry them with the extreme
Louis XV or medium heel also the
extreme military and medium mili
tary heel.
These are all new shoes of this fall's
make, so you are sure of getting the
very lateet In style. Our advise Is
for you to come tomorrow and not
wait till the Friday rush. W can
give you better attention.
Omaha's Up-to-Date Shoe House,
Via h Missouri Paolfle Rail war, A,
const Fail Festlrltle,
Which Include th Great St. Lout fair,
which givea $30,000 In premiums; th gor
geous Veiled Prophet pageant; street fair
and carnival; horse show In the coliseum;
running horse races dally br the beat thor
oughbreds tn the country, and base ball
games between the teams of the Amerlcsn
and National leaguea.
All event during October and the first
week In November.
Ask your local agent for detailed tnfor.
matlon and visit the World's Fair city.
Oen'l Faaa'r and Ticket Agent.
8U Lout, Mo.
All Rail, or Rail and Steamer.
October 7th to llttt. Inclusive, excur
sion tickets to Boston from Chicago
via Pennsylvania Short Line will cost
$25.00. all rail. Fort Wayne Route, or $24.00
rail and ateamer. Over Pan Handle Route,
all rail, the round trip will be $23.00, or
$22.00 rail and ateamer. Return limit Oc
tober 13th, with privilege to extend until
November 12th. Get details from H. R.
Derlng, A. O. P. Agt, 148 South Clark
street, Chicago.
Laat week of th discount furnitur sal
Dewey A Ston Furnitur Co., 1115-1117 Far
nam street
Publish your legal notice In Th Weekly
Be. Telephone 238.
Opals, Oct blrthstone. Bdholm, jeweler.
VOS8 Oeorg R.
Funeral services tomorrow. Thursday, at
3 o'clock at residence, C7 Chicago street
Women's Man-Tailored Siits
i a mmm
"lATE'VE a complete showing of all the new fall styles in women's suit9. We want
" you to visit this department and see for yourselves what beautiful garments
we offer and thn lowness of the prices, Ve are showing this season's newest mater
ials, such as zibelines, broadcloths and fancy basket weaves.
$14.75, 16.75, 19.75, 22.50, 24.75, 27.50, up to $65.00.
Women's Pedestrian Suits.
Thursday's most interesting news consists of a beautiful showing Women's Fedestrian
Suits. They are made in the new blouse and Norfolk styles. The' Pedestrian Suits
this season are particularly smart appearing. Tomorrow we will show them ina
large variety of colors and materials.
$10, 12.75, 16.75, 10.75, up to $35.00.
Women's Flannel Waists.
We've an extensive assortment of Women's Flannel Waists which we will offer very
special Thursday. All of them smartly tailored. The new French flannels, the
basket weaves and vestings are in the height of fashion this fall. We show a swell line at
SI.90, $2.90, $3.90, $4.90.
Women's FaJl Coats
"1A7E are now showing this season's latest and most popular styles in jackets at popular
prices. We are offering a very extensive line of the Monte Carlo coats. They are not
only pretty, but are fashion's most sensible garments, easily slipped on and off and just right
for fall and winter weather.
6.75, 9.75, 12.75, 18.75 -1. 65.00
Women's Imitation Stone Marten Cluster Scarf,
six tails regular $5.00 value
A Special Bargain Women's Nutria Beaver
. Cluster Scarf, with 6 tails, would O QA
be cheap at $6.00, price JZ7J
'Women's French Marten Scarf with cluster of 6
large tails, that is worth $7.50 A C
.Very stylish, extra long, of the new Arabian fox
fur, 104 inches long, with two large Uli f
tails, extra good value plvy
Our line of line Fur Jackets, such as near seals,
beavers, otters, genuine Persian lamb and
genuine seal jackets, is the most complete in
Omaha. All made of the very best selected
skins by the best furriers, and we guarantee
you a saving of from $25 and $50 on every
5 - THE
From Our Four Great Factories.
18th and
Reviewing Stand,
Headquarters Ak-Sar-Ben,
Board of Governors,
Mayor Moores and all city and
caunty officials,
City Hall and Court House
buildings with elaborate
electric illuminations.
half block south.
18th and
'Just 1
Block South"
Public Library,
County Jail,
Central Fire Dept. Station,
with its
large repository full of the fin
est Carriages and Harness in
the city. Every carriage offered
at cost and some below coHt dur
ing the week. Ifs worth a call.
Dmmmond Carriage Go.
Concords, Phastons, Runabouts. Surries, Family Carriages,
Station Wagons. Stanhopas, Fall and Winter Carriages-
Good Position Open.
Good opening (or a newspaper or magtilne
solicitor. Permanent poaltlon lor a com
petent man. Address Twentieth Century
Farmer. Bee Building, Omaha.
Last week of the discount furniture sale.
Dewey A Ston Furniture Co., 1U5-1U7 Far
nam stre.L
Ctilcaao to Boston and Return 19.00.
Ticket on sale October ( to II, In
clusive, good to return on or before Oc
tober 13. Br deposit and payment of 60
centa extension of limit to November 12
msy be obtained. Through sleepers. For
time tablea and detail Information apply
to II. L. Purdy, Trav. Pass. Agent, Krle
Railroad. Chicago.
Official Ak-Sar-Ben Program
I a. m. Grand parade, starting from 17th and Farnam, down Farnam to lth
street, down 16th street to postofflce, ending at 1616 Capitol ave.
10 a. m.-Orand review and Inspection of buggle. carriages, wagons and bar
ness. 10:80 a. m.-Purchaae of latest style buggy, from the largest display of r.
hides to be seen in Omaha.
1 p. m. Magnificent parade, composed of one horse In new harness,, on up-to-date,
high quality buggy, one proud man and admiring multitude.
Parad will Ust all afternoon and will end at den of Ak-Sar-Ben wher
Attderseti-M.l.ard Co.,
1516-18 Capitol Ave.
will be given highest award for completeness of stock, variety of styles, high
quality of goods and range of prices.
NOTE-After the parade, a horse blanket and lap robe sal will be held la
the carriage repository. The stock is the largest carried In Omaha.
Suitable for wedding gifts. Have you an InvltatlonT Our
line of Sterling Silver Sets and odd pieces I Is com!
name' mlnute at our store. Lok for the
S. W. LINDSAY, The Jeweler,
151 Douglas St.
Hard Qoal
$18 Per Ton
It may be $18.00, or even more, be
fore the winter is over.
But, regardless of what the price
of coal Is or will be, the celebrated
Hen's $3.60 and $2.60 shoe will re
main the aame price always.
"ONIMOD" hoe are sold direct
to wearer at factory price.
76 styles to select from. All the
popular leathers for fall wear are
now in.
-v r 1
205 South 15th St.
tu marry houia take
mall weak ton a and lu
tUrmVB A McCoaaali Lru Co.
TtVW BEANS OO'-klT rnr
rf uuaoeas, an resuitsul almia,
n. . ....... I a
invrrlcd uifB muh men lutrndlhg
marry ahouid lake ft bm; MUmla(unj( fauna;
ai)U IUSI uwi;i jtJaMai-i.
Oman .
AK-SAR-BEN Visitors
Come In and get a Hat of our prices on sta
ple artlcles-any kind-whlcn should tx
found In a drug store and see what a sav-
lng there la In patronising the ONLY ANTI
We are blackllated by the Omaha drug
trust and are on the cut-off list, too for
what? Blmply because we see fit to sell
what belongs to us for any price we pleas
bo long a our rimtomers are aatlstled.
ll.Oi) German Klmmvll Hitters, guar
anteed catarrh rure 75-
$1.00 Her s Malt Whisky. If you want It, 60c.
2.ric Carter's Uttle IJver Pills . 100
2&c Mennen's Talcum Powder 'no
25c laxative Hromo Quinine .120
25c Qulnacetol, guaranteed cold cure.....2oo
A bottle of Egyptian Lotus Cream fre
with each $1.00 worth of goods. Save th
tlckelH we Klve you.
Open all night.
lGth and Chicago Sis.. Omaha. Men.
You are not paying for CHKOMOS. bCUEMb.-i, HiLE DEALS, ETC, but
. r. - KXCX UERCAUTtLB C1QAR CO laat., St. Louis. Union kUde.