Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1902, Image 1

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    The Omaha. Daily Bee.
Prtiidant EoeTlt IitUm Thm to Met
with Him n Iridtj.
Hu N Power but that of Pomuion, Yt
Kopis to lucoood.
OotfldMtial Ohtt in PriraU Botwwi tho
Obtinat Opponent.
IMeettag Will Be Had. bnl It Ontfome
la Uncertain, Although President
la Sanguine ot Bringing
About Adjustment.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 1. President Roose
velt will make an effort to bring the anthra
cite coal mine owners and their linking
employes together In the interest of the
public good.
Thia conclusion waa reached after a aerloa
t conforencea with hit cabinet sdvlsers cov
ering yesterday and today. The decision
was arrived at when the lawyara of the cab
inet Informed the president that there waa
no way under the constitution and the
form of government of the United States for
federal intervention to end the strike.
Every phase was canvassed and the deter
mination to have the mine operators and
President Mitchell confer waa reached when
it waa found that no other methods were
waa found that no other methods were
open. At the conclusion of the conference
today, which was attended by Secretaries
Root, Bhaw and Moody, Attorney General
Knox and Postmaster Central Payne, at
the temporary White House, the following
'statement waa lasued:
WHITE HOUSE, Washington, October 1.
1902. George E. Baer, president Rending
railway. Philadelphia; W. E. Trumdale.
president Delaware, Lackawanna & West
ern railroad, Exchange Place. New York;
E. B. Thomas, chairman of the board. Krle
company, 21 Cortland street, New lork:
Thomas P. Fowler, president New York,
Ontario A Weetern railroad. 6t Beaver
atreet, Philadelphia: R H. Olyphant, presi
dent Delaware & Hudson, New York; John
Markln. 62 West Thirty-fourth Btreet. New
York: I should greatly like to see you on
Friday next, October 3, at 11 a. m., here In
Wanhlngton, In regard to the failure of the
coal supply, which has become a matter
of vital concern to tho whole nation. I
have sent a similar dispatch to Mr. John
Mitchell, president of the United Mine
Workers of America.
John Mitchell, president United Mine
Workera of America, Wllkesbarre: I should
greatly like to see you on Friday next,
October I. at 11 o'clock a. m., here In Wash
ington, In regard to the failure of the- coal
supply, which has become a matter ot
vital concern to the whole nation. I have
Bent a dispatch to the preaidenta of the
anthracite cosl companies.
President Can Only Appeal.
At the meeting Friday the line of ap
proach toward the settlement of the strike
will be an appeal by President Roosevelt
to both sldaa to come together aa men and
Hot to allow falsa pride or feeling of ob
etinacy to stand In, the way ot the eraatna
tlon of the great strike, which la fraught
with threat of misery to thousands ot peo
ple. It la stated by on of the prealdent'a
advisers that beyond this the prealdent
cannot go. Ha haa no power of compulsion
which can be brought into play against
either side and he muit rely on his persua
sive appeals to their sens of humanity If
anything tangible la to be accomplished.
The president Intends to lay before his
bearers the situation as It appeara to him
With all the prospective horrors that will
follow a fuel famine, and will urge them
In the interests of humanity to open the
nines and supply the demand for eoal. The
president has taken this action because be
feels It to be his duty to do ao, as the
executive head of a nation threatened with
peril. The president has in a sense taken
upon himself the burdens of an arbitrator
In this great dispute between capital and
labor, and though the arbitration Is not
compulsory and Is not even known under
.the name of arbitration In any of the In
citations Issued today, It Is the hope of
the prealdent and his advisers that It will
De effective.
In the Interest of the People.
Just how no on can say, though there Is
the suggestion of a temporary arrangement
which will tide over the cold weather. It
Is stated by a member of the cabinet that
there la no political purpose In this effort
but tho president Is moved to assert his
influence in the Interest ot tho people. In
the other attempta It la said the operators
(elt that politics waa the moat prominent
motive. In thla connection the atory Is re
vlved ot the settlement of the strike In
3900. The operators claim that when that
at rike was settled under stress ot a po
litical exigency the way was paved for the
present strike, they have also claimed that
the strikers hsve hoped political Influence
would be exerted in their behalf and the
operators compelled to make further con
cessions. The efforts ot Senators Quay and
Penrose and ot Senator Piatt of New York
and Governor Stone of Pennsylvania are
pointed out as a certification ot the claim
' of the operators. All this they have as
gerted la due to the settlement which was
mads In 1900.
All these various questions have been
discussed during the last few days, to
gether with the legal situation and the
power of the faderal administration In the
premises, and the conclusion ' was reached
that the president could do more by bring
ing the Interested parties together than In
any other way. There will be no one pres
ent at Friday's meeting at tho temporary
White House but the principals. It la true
that Friday la cabinet day and that 11
o'clock, the hour appointed for the meeting,
la the uaual hour tor assembling the cabi
net, but according to the present under
standing that cabinet meeting will be post
poned. Will Have Privacy.
The purpose of the postponement is
plainly to relieve the Invited guests from
the feeling ot reserve that might naturally
be created If they appeared before the en
i tire cabinet, including some exceedingly
clever lawyers, whom the eoal peoplo
might not cars to meet In a business way
la the absence of their own legal advisers.
Bo the absence of the csblnet will give the
president an opportunity to do just what
fce want, namely to have a gobd heart
to heart talk with the operators and Mr.
Mitchell, to Induce them to talk to each
other freely and to reason quietly and
aoberiy, and finally to agree, if possible,
to make concessions on each side which
will terminate the strike. If this latter
result cannot be attained It Is hoped the
foundations msy be laid tor an agreement
In the near future, perhaps an agreement
between the principals to have further
(Continued oa Second Page.)
President Castro of Veaesuela In the
Field Operating Vlgoroaaly
Against Mendnaa.
WILLEMSTAD, Island of C" -aeoa, Oct. 1.
President Castro of VeneV ' 'ter lesv
ing Venezuela September K 'f,A ' ad of
an army of 6,000 men with sev -s,
with the announced Intention or ' Jt
the Insurgent force at Tocuytto, comb. .
by General M'ndoia. reached San )u,
de log Moros, near Villa Decura, believing
that Mentloza was there. He found only
1,500 local guerillas at that place, and after
a sharp fight the latter were routed. The
government Incorrectly announced this
engagement as being a victory over Men
doza's army, which also say that that gen
eral Is near San Sebastian ready to effect
a Junction with the forces of Oenersl Ma
tos. The final defeat of General Matoe is
believed In Venezuela to be sure.
The Venezuelan government refuses to
grsnt the request of a delegation from the
insurgents ot Barqulslmeto who wished to
obtain permission to Introduce provisions
Into the town through Tucacas, the only
available port. The misery at Barqulsl
meto Is almost Indescribable. The Inhab
itants have been without provisions from
the outside for forty-five dsys. Cases ot
yellow fever and typhus have been re
ported there.
English Corporation la to Make It
Defendant In a Five Million
Dollar La ma It.
LONDON. Oct. 1. The Venture corpora
tion, promoters of the Independence mine
at Clippie Creek, Colo., confirms the re
port from Colorado Springs that it Is pre
paring to bring suit for $5,000,000 dam
age against the estate of W. 8. Stratton.
M. 8. Baker, managing director of the cor
poration. Is now with John Hsys Hahhond.
the engineer. In the United States, pre
paring the necessary evidence, which It is
said has been accumulating for the last
two years.
It Is esid that sensational details will be
adduced by the plaintiffs involving several
of Stratton's associates who are now liv
ing. Similar suits may be Instituted by Indi
vidual Venture corporation shareholders,
who have suffered heavy loss over Strat
ton's Independence mine.
Drives Hla Automobile on Parts
Streets Too Feat to Salt the
(Copyright. 1902, by Prs Publishing Co.)
PARIS, Oct. 1. (New York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram.) John W.
Gates got Into trouble Monday afternoon
through racing his forty-horsepower Mer
cedes automobile down the Champs Elysses.
With Mrs. Gates and his chauffeur, he was
taken to the neighboring police station,
where he was charged with furious driving.
Neither Gates nor bis chaff eur had any pa
pers to prove the identity of their car and
It had no number. A messenger was dis
patched to the Hotel Rita for confirmation
of Mr. Gates' atatements, residence, etc
When Jar. Gates and. hla. wife-had waited
halt an hour Manager Kits arrived In hot
haste and, after hurried consultation with
the commlssalre,' Mr. Gates waa released
with profuse apologies.
Brother of the Chinese Emperor Takes
for a Wife Danirhter of
Powerful Official.
PEKIN. Oct. 1. Prince Chun, brother ot
the emperor, who went to Berlin to apolo
gize for the murder of Baron von Ketteler,
German minister to China, has been mar
ried to a daughter of Yung Lu, grand sec
retary to the throne and one of the high
est and most powerful officials in China.
Captain McLean Kaa Fnll Understand
ia( with Governor of
WASHINGTON, Oct, 1. Secretary Moody
has received the following cablegram from
Commander H. C. McLean of Cincinnati,
dated Colon, September 30:
"At a friendly meeting with the governor
of Panama, Sunday, there was tacit agree
ment in regard to American protection of
the transit. The governor will make
visit to me In this ship within a few days.
He has accepted offer of complimentary ea
cort of naval force, which will be In ad
dition to uaual train guard. Within laat
few days gunboat of Colombia displaying
flag ot truce attempted to communicate
with the revolutionary force about twelve
miles from Panama, but was fired upon
from the shore and returned fire; one man
seriously wounded of the Colombian force.
I have announced that even action of the
gunboats of either of the parties will not
be permitted In the bay of Panama, Col
ombia, within gunshot of the line of the
transit of the Isthmus. Including wharves
and anchorage ot vessels connected with
traffic on the lathmus."
eeretary Cortelyon Makes the An
nouncement After Moraine; Visit
of the Phyalclaae.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 1. After Surgeon
General Rixey and Surgeon General
O'Reilly and Dr. Lung had visited the
president thla morning Secretary Cortelyou
announced that the president had passed
a very comfortable night and that he was
doing nicely.
Roads Centering at Minneapolis Grant
Raise la Pay of Fifteen
Cents Per Day.
MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. I. The railways
centering here and the Minnesota Trans
fer company raised the wsgea of switch
men beginning today 15 cents a day. The
men have decided to accept the voluntary
increase for the present.
Rain Tarns Into the Fleecy, Which
DENVER. Oct. 1. Ths first snow of the
season began falling here at I o'clock to
night. It bad beea raining all day. Ths
weather Is aot cold, and the saow melts as
It falls.
Jadge Amidon of Uaiud BtaUs Circuit
Court Eadi the Cats.
Coart Sharply Criticises Motives of
he laterrenor and Orders the
'Hamlal of Hla Applica
tion for Injnnctlon.
ST. PAUL. Oct. 1. The text of the opinion
Judge Amidon of the United States cir
cuit court rendered In the esse of Peter
Power and C. Weldenfeld against the North
ern Pacific Railway company was made pub
lic today.
Peter Power was the original plaintiff In
the action and by It sought to enjoin the
Northern Pacific from transferring its stock
to the Northern Securities company. Tho.
case came before Judge Amidon on the ap
plication of Camllle Weldenfeld to Inter
vene as a plaintiff, he alleging that he and
not Peter Power waa the owner ot the
shares of stock npon which the suit was
based. Judge Amidon after hearing argu
ments granted the application for interven
tion and then dismissed the entire suit.
The important points of his discussion
"There are two questions Involved In this
suit, first the right of Weldenfeld to In
tervene and, second, bis rights In the case
If he Is permitted to Intervene. I have de
cided to grant the petition for Interven
tion and an order will be entered In the
cause granting the petition of Intervention
of Mr. Weldenfeld and entering him as a
party of record.
"I do not do this wholly out of consid
eration for Mr. Weldenfeld.- There are few
circumstances In his conduct of the. case
and the Institution of this suit which appeal
to the discretionary powers of a court of
equity. The features of Mr. Weldenfeld's
conduct to which I have adverted relate en
tirely to his conduct In connection with this
suit at the time of lta inception and In the
course of Its prosecution.
Criticises Weldenfeld'e Acta.
"The original bill had for Its primary
object the restraining of the Northern Pa
cific Railway company from retiring the
preferred stock. Under the charter of the
company. Its right to do that only could
be exercised on the first day of January.
Early in the month of November the board
of directors formally fully determined to
retire the preferred stock on the first day
of January, 1902. This Intention was com
municated to the stockholders of the com
pany by official notice. Mr. Weldenfeld.
among others, knew of that fact and yet ha
stood by and did not file hla' bill until
December SO. when If ho could have suc
ceeded by virtue of temporary. Injunction
In throwing the matter over on the first
day of January, 1902, the whole matter
would have been defeated for at least an
other twelve months.
Today Mr. Power's counsel appear here
and say the right of the Northern Pacific
company to retire Its preferred stock Is
so plain aa to be beyond the realm ot con
troversy. They raise no question uoon that
aubject. In bringing theae two enda of
this lawsuit together and placing t,hem,ln
contrast, one can Judge to aome extent of
the merltorlousness of.thrf paooeedlng. -
The second feature ot Mr. Weldenfeld's
conduct that I have In mind Is that In
the throwing of this suit and Its prosecu
tion in the name of Peter Power he has
practiced an Imposition on the court.
Aeted In Bud Fnlth.
"Now in carrying forward the lltiaa-
tlon under thoae circumstances I say he was
guilty or a gross Imposition upon the court
and when his adversary has uncovered this
fraud and disclosed that fact It doea not
stand In good faith or appeal to eaultable
consideration for Mr. Weldenfeld to step
lorwara ana say: "rnis fraud Is uncovered
and now I will take up the burden of this
litigation myself, which thus far I hava
conducted under the cover of this Imposi
tion.' "The third feature of Mr. Weldenfeld'
conduct that I have In mind Is the fact
that he has been guilty of grossly improper
conduct in obstructing this cause before
the examiner for the purpose of covering
up the original fraud in bringing the suit
In the name of a mere dummy.
"I do not forget also here that it is
claimed by this counsel that he waa not a
party and not known to that miserable
game of evasion and absconding on the part
of Peter Power tn eluding the process ot
the court for his examination as a wttneaa.
I do not think the evidence Justifies the
belief, considering the relationship between
Mr. Weldenfeld and Mr. Lamb, and the fact
that Mr. Weldenfeld was from month to
mouth supplying funda for carrying on this
litigation and that this shameless game of
hide and seek wss being conducted In his
own vicinity and neighborhood I do not
think It la to be believed that he waa Ignor
ant of what was there done or that he was
not a party to It. It might be that he did
not direct any such specific step that was
taken by Mr. Lamb and Peter Power, who
were his Instruments In carrying on thla
litigation under the false cover of a dummy.
out in doing what they did they were en
deavoring to cover up and conceal that
fraud and they were simply acting In the
carrying out of the original purpose to
which Mr. Weldenfeld was a party and he
la morally responsible tor what they did.
Motives of the Jadgea.
"So I say that in granting bis petition
of Intervention I am not moved to do It by
any equitable considerations in his circum
stance. I am rather moved to It by the
fact that this record ought to be made to
apeak the truth. This suit throughout baa
been the suit of Mr. Weldenfeld and he
ought now to be brought upon this rec
ord to speak and act for himself and for
the same relief may be granted In this suit
as would have been granted had it not beea
for thla Imposition upon the court, and It
Mr. Weldenfeld had a right on the recoifl,
as he was In tsct the complainant in this
"Thla brings me to a consideration of ths
cauae on Ita mertta. There are two ques
tions presented. The first is as to the val
idity of the retirement of the preferred
stock of the Northern Pacific company.
That la not now contravened, but It is con
travened In the pleadings. The evidence
leavea not the slightest doubt of the entire
propriety ot the conduct of counsel for the
complainant In now eaying that they do
not urge that controversy. The evidence In
the cauae. In other words, leavea no doubt
that that act was entirely valid. The de
cree will, therefore, so declare, and as to
that feature of the issues presented by the
original bill, and the bill In Intervention
and the answers thereto, these bills will be
dismissed upon the merits."
Railway Supply Combination.
- NEW YORK. Oct. l.-Efforts are being
roaae 10 lorra a w,vw.uuo comoination ol
manufacturers and sellers of patented rail
way supplies, according to the Herald. Tna
proposed company la to Include the manu
facturers of car roofs, springs, doors, brake
snoes ana osama.
Jadae Caldwell Decides All Contended
Points Aaalast the Steel Ware
its Aaalast thej 1
DENVER, Oct. 1. Judge Henry C. Cald
well, In the United States circuit court thla
afternoon,' decided the- ease of George F.
Bartlett agatnat Gatea. Blair and Mitchell
and the officers of the Colorado Fuel and
Iron company.
This la the case tn which 'Bartlett ob
tained an Injunction preventing the stock
holders' meeting of August 20 from being
held and In which Gatea and his associates
filed a cross bill. The court now orders
that the stockholders' meeting be held on
the 7th day of December and the effect of
the order la that It be In charge of and
conducted by Chairman Osgood in accord
ance with the bylawa of the company and
the atatutes of Colorado .
Gates and his associates have bitterly at
tacked the officers of the company for the
passage of certain bylaws providing the
manner in which stockholders' meetings
should be conducted, and have asserted that
these bylaws were Invalid and passed tor
the purpose of continuing the present man
agement In. power. The court holds that
theae bylaws are valid.
Judge Caldwell also decides against the
contention of Gates that the stockholders'
list furnished by the Knickerbocker Trust
company should be used for the purpose ot
determining who hsd a right to vote at the
meeting, and decides that the books of the
secretary of the company shall be used In
ascertaining that fact.
The court will appoint Judge Seymour D.
Thompson of St. Louis as master to investi
gate and report to the stockholders' meet
ing who In fact bad a right to vote, and for
this' purpose empowers hlra to take teatl
tnony tn New York. Denver and elsewhere.
The court also decided that the owners
of stock or their proxies had a right to vote,
even If they did not appear on the New York
books when the same closed.
Jury Obtained to Try Snyder and
' Taking of Testimony Finally
ST. LOUIS, Oct. 1. The selection of a
panel of twenty-four Jurors from whom
twelve men will be selected to try Robert
M. Snyder, the banker and promoter, on
the charge ot bribery, was resumed at to
day's session of the criminal court, which
opened at 10 o'clock. Judge Ryan an
nounced that night sessions in the trial
wilt be held. Former Councilman Fred O.
Uthoff will be the state's leading witness.
The direct charge upon which Snyder is tb
be tried Is that' of bribing Uthoff by the
payment of $50,000 for his vote cn the Cen
tral Traction b!H
The Jury of twelve was completed ond the
state began the presentation of Its case at
12:30 o'clock. Circuit Attorney Folk read
the indictment and -outlined the evidence
to be Introduced by the prosecution to show
that the defendant became interested In
the Central Traction bill and bribed Dele
gate Uthoff to vote for It
Edwin E. Ooebel, the first witness, cer
tified to the electlpn of Uthoff. and his col
leagues to the ctty council la 1897. Thomas
Qulnn, deputy city register, fallowed tilth
similar testimony. " . ' '
' The defense moved to f jarge,, Jtirf;
on the ground that Juror .ndrson ' had
asked, preliminary to the testimony,
whether the Jury would bave to fix the
penalty In case of conviction, contending
that the Juror could not try the case fairly.
The Jury was sent from the court tornn
and an argument on the point raised by
the defense occupied an hour. The motion
to discharge the Jury was finally overruled
by Judge Ryan and the trial proceeded. The
balance of the afternoon waa then taken up
with arguments by the defense against the
"north and south" traction bill being men
tioned to the Jury or anything regarding
that bill being admitted as evidence.
New Trnat Bora la Hew Jersey with
' a Capital Stock of Many .
TRENTON. N. J., Oct. 1. The ship com
bine was incorporated here this afternoon
by the filing of papers amending the cer
tificate of incorporation of the Interna
tional Navigation company, which was filed
In June, 1893, with an authorized capital of
116,000,000. The amended certificate filed
today changes the name to that of the In
ternational Mercantile company, with an
authorized capital of 1120,000,000, of which
one-halt Is to be preferred stock, with (
per cent cumulative dividend. The com
pany Is also authorised to Issue $75,000,000
of per cent bonds.
The papers are signed by Clement A.
Griscom of Philadelphia as president and
Emerson Parvln secretary. The company
as originally Incorporated Included aa In
corporators Clement A. Griscom, William
Henry Barnes, A. J. Casaatt, Henry H.
Houston. Joseph D. Potts, all of Philadel
phia; Benjamin Brewster of New York
and William J. Bewail, now deceased, of
Camden. The stockholders of the original
company, who have given their consent to
the Increase in capital stock and the change
of name are: Clement A. Qrlacom. Joseph
B. Swarts, Joseph S. Fahnstock, Joseph J,
Hope, Howard Puzey, John D. Archbold,
Albert H. Glllow, James A. Wright, Benja
min 8. Kobbe, Horace S. Phillips. Alfred P.
Palmer, John I. Waterbury. P- A. B. Wlde-
ner and Clement A. Griscom, Jr.
Law Takes Its Coarse on Man Con
victed of Double Killing; Last
NOME, Sept. 29. (Via Seattle Oct. 1.)
Fred Hardy, convicted of killing Con and
Rooney Sullivan on Unlmak Island June 7,
1901, was hanged this morning. He died
without asserting his Innocence.
The execution was under the supervision
of Deputy Marshal Estabrook and the ar
rangements were complete. Hardy showed
wonderful composure. Up to last night he
slept well. He arranged all of bis esrthly
affairs and until yesterday was cheerful
Almost until the last moment he seemed
to hope that something would hsppen to
give him a longer lease of life.
III at Her Home Near Pasadena from
Congestion of Brain and
May Die.
LOS ANGELES. Cel.. Oct. 1. Mrs. Robert
J. Burdette. wife of the well known humor
ist and a prominent club woman, Is danger
ously 111 at 8unny Crest, her home in Pasa
dena, and fears are expressed for the out
come. She Is suffering from congestion of
tbs brain. Mrs. Burdette is vice prealdent
ot the National Federation of Women'!
Saps of lfert'i Boost Dominaui Hew
Ttik Dsmtorary,
"Cot Allowed to Represent Ninth Dis
trict, He Leaves Vowlaa Ven
geance on Ticket Headed
by Bird S. Color.
Governor BIRD 8. COLER. Brooklyn
Lieutenant Governor
Secretary of State
FRANK MOTT, Chautauqua
Comptroller i
Attorney Oeneral
State Engineer and Surveyor
State Treasurer
Associate Judge Court of Appeals
SARATOGA, N. Y., Oct. 1. A convention
so serious In Its final hours as to be al
most a personal conflict, and yet terminat
ing in such perfect harmony aa to allow
completion of the state ticket with less
than 100 delegates out of 450 In the ball
was the result ot today's closing of the
democratic state convention.
It began in the early morning with a pre
pared slate of candidates. The slate waa
not broken In any particular, but the right
ot objection to It was given to all the dele
gates except when, In the case of one New
York delegate. It was believed to be an
Infringement of the rules under which the
convention was acting.
Naturally a great deal of the Interest In
the convention centered In the attitude It
would take toward the seating of William
S. Dcvery, former head of the police de
partment of New York, who held a regular
certificate of election from the Ninth dis
trict. It was not an unexpected event that
the convention decided to unseat him; and
It was not also unexpected thst he and his
followers were so vociferous In their
objections. So thoroughly had Mr.
Devery made up hla mind that
the convention would have none of
him that he did not attend the meeting
of the committee on credentials, but spent
the earlier hours of the morning In the
rear ot the convention hall announcing his
Devery Holds Mesa Meeting:.
When the convention decided to adopt the
report of the' committee by the vote of 442
to 21, then Mr. Devery walked out of the
convention, after being allowed to declare
himself a good democrat, and proceeded to
hold a masa meeting on the steps of the
United States hotel. He was assisted In
this by James Grsham of the Longshore
men's association of New York and Richard
Butler of the United Bridge Workers of
New York.
Mr. Graham took occasion to say: - "La-
bormen have been overridden and insulted
by different sets until they have risen up
In arms against them, when they nominated
Mr. Devery they placed their hearts and
souls, their everything, the dignity of their
homes in it. .And yet by the work of this
convention, they bave . no -representation
whatever.""--.,.'; '.-.;,,'
Jaf''-aa!d r""Hlfl nT those otaere,
with him have put themaelves up against
It In a terrible style. Their style will not
be forgotten for many years to come. I
tell you, as a man representing the United
Bridge and Structural Iron Workers of the
United States and Canada, that we resent
the action of these scoundrels. I ridicule
them, and they deserve It. They called
us thugs and scoundrels. - Do we look like
scoundrels? Are the men of the Ninth
assembly district scoundrels, and are you
men who applauded William S. Devery 's
name in the convention scoundrels? I do
not think so."
Then Mr. Devery started for home and
threatened all sorts of disasters for the
ticket but halted long enough In his de
nunciations of the leaders to assert that
he was a good democrat.
Forced to Take Color.
Perhaps the most dramatlo situation dur
ing the long hours of the convention was
the refusal to . hear the opposition that
developed to Mr. Coler from the Third dis
trict of Kings and from New York city.
Moses Water of Kings, and one other dele
gate attempted to make speeches In op
position, but the objection of various dele
gates and the attitude of the chair In
ruling them out of order at that time for
bade them continuing. But when Mr. Co
lor's name had been placed In nomination
and the nominations closed, Mr. Nathan
Strauss of New York aroae and offered ob
jections to Mr. Coler. He was allowed to
go to the platform to present them and
he requested, in an eminently fair manner,
the privilege of talking. He had hardly
begun, however, to state his objections
when he waa roundly hissed and, finally,
upon motion of Delegate Milne, waa ruled
out of order. He started to leave the plat
form, putting the notes from which he
wss reading In his pocket, and when he
had reached the steps lead'.ng to the audi
torium he waa surrounded by a number
of newspsper men who desired copies of
his remarks. He was attempting to deter
mine who to give them to, when a number
of Tammany delegates surrounded him and,
pressing him against the wall, took the
notes from him and tore them up. Luckily
he bad preserved a copy In hie pocket and
this copy he managed finally, after recov
ering his hst and glasses, to hand to the
newspaper men. The Strauss incident
ended objections to ths ticket, and the rest
of it was nominated without any question
or objection whatever.
Platform Is Presented.
At the conclusion ot Mr. Llttlefleld'a
speech the platform was presented. It calls
for steadfast fidelity to American princi
ples for the lack of which it arralgne the
republican party; demands the return to
the principles of Thomas Jefferson democ
racy; opposes trusts that injuriously af
fect consumers and drive out small com
petitors, unreasonably depriving the people
of the necessities ot life.
Restriction of the amasalng of wealth is
advocated and ths amendment of the tariff
laW by placing the necessities of life on
ths free list Is demanded. The Dlngley tar
iff law Is condemned as a whole. The presi
dent is criticised for dilatory conduct and
Is accused of not wanting to offend the
The platform asserts that the proposi
tion to amend the constitution ot the United
States to enable the federal government to
proceed against the trusts la to get delay;
second, neglect of the state and national
administration to enforce the Sherman law
and the Donnelly state law; favors' trsde
expansion, but objects to tbe country "aping
England, la trying to establish a colonial
government;" condemns the action of the
government In Its treatment of tbe Phil
ippines; demands Justice for Cuba in tbe
matter of trade by reducing the tariff to
(Continue! on Second Pag-)
Forecast for Nebraska Fair Thursday,
Except Showers and Warmer In Southeast
Portion; Friday Fair and Warmer.
Temperature at Omaha Yesterday!
Hour. Dei. llonr. l)e.
B a. m 4H 1 p. m MT
a. in 4H il p. m l
T a. in 44 8 p. in IT
"a. m M, 4 p. m ..... . MI
n a. m IMl R p. m M
10 a. ru ...... ftH p. ni 4
11 a. m :l r p. m :i
I m 4 N p. m B7
V p. m 6(1
Vnlon Pacific Ottlelal Saya It la Xewa
to Him and Discredits the
KANSAS CITY. Oct. 1. (Special Tele
gram.) Edward Dickinson of Omaha, aince
April 1, W3, general manager of tbe Union
Pacific, and prior to that asslstsnt general
manager of the ssme road. In the service ot
which he has spent over thirty years, has
tendered his resignation and Is to become
general manager of the Kansas City, Mexico
Orient railroad, a new road building from
Kansas Ctty to Port Stilwell.
Mr. Dickinson has been in railway serv
ice forty-two years, beginning October,
1861, when Just entering his twelfth year,
he having been born at Cumberland, Md.,
October 8, 1850. His first position was that
of messenger In the freight office of the
Cleveland Toledo road at Cleveland, O.
The Orient officials here refuse to con
firm the story.
Mr. Dickinson Is out of the city, having
gone uorth last Sundsy. He Is expected
home today. President Burt of the Union
Pacific could not be seen last night, but
T, M. Orr, his secretary, declared that
If Mr. Dickinson had resigned his position
In Omaha It waa news to him. Mr. Orr
wss inclined to discredit the story tele
graphed from KanBaa City. He said that
he had not the slightest Intimation that
Mr. Dickinson contemplated making a
Mrs. S. Tockford and Mlsa Allle W11
aon Both Badly Injured Out
In Idaho,
SALT LAKE. Utah. Oct. 1. A special to
the Tribune from Shoshone Falls, Idaho,
"A party of Omaha and Shoshone people,
while driving down a precipitous grade
near the Blue lakes, were pitched over the
cliff, a distance of nearly a hundred feet.
Mrs. S. Tuckford of Omaha bad her leg
broken and was pinned to the ground bv
an Iron bar, which waa forced almost
through the broken limb. Miss Allle Wil
son of Omaha and Mrs. Hansen of Shoshone
were severely bruised. The party were
driving down the steepest part of the
grade, when the horses became unmanage
able and plunged over the cliff, dragging
tbe wagon with them. One ot the horses
was killed, the wagon wrecked and some
of the party pinned under the wreckage
for hours."
trnt ton Will. Case Uwyera' Ar Mak
ing Up a Reoord of Claim and
Counter Claim.
Judge Gunnel, counsel for W. S. Stratton's
heirs, today authorized the statement that
an offer of a compromise had been made by
Carl R. Chamberlain, one of the executors.
The executors' counsel Insist that nothing
ot the kind is under consideration and that
nothing of tbe kind can be done unless
the executors wish to pledge to young
Stratton a portion of their own feea. Coun
sel of the executors have been busy all
day preparing the writ of certiorari for pre
sentation to tbe district court. It is ex
pected that this writ will be formally la
sued tomorrow morning, though the hearing
under It will not occur until next week.
Catholic Total Abstinence Union Maps
Out Program for Nearly Every
State in Union.
NEW YORK, Oct. 1. Members of ths
board of government of the Catholic Total
Abstinence Union of America at a meet
ing bere have mapped out a campaign in
the Interests of temperance. It waa agreed
to cut up tbe national union into six dis
tricts, comprising almost every state in the
union, with an executive member at tbe
bead of each section.
A general appeal will be made in behalf
of total abstinence. Lecture bureaus will
be established and a new body, to be
known as the national committee, will be
selected from the most prominent tem
perance workers of the church.
Clarence George Fatally Wounded la
St. Joseph Gambling House by
Thomas Robinson.
ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Oct. 1. Thomas H.
Robinson, a gambler, whose home Is said
to be In Des Moines, shot and fatally
wounded his best friend, Clsrence George,
tn a gambling house here early today. Rob
lnson escaped into the country northeast
ot Savannah and has not been captured
George was intoxicated and provoked a
quarrel. Both men are about 30 years of
Jury at Minneapolis Finds Him Guilty
of Having; Taken a
MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 1. The Jury has re
turned a verdict convicting ex-Chief of Po
lice Frederick W. Ames with receiving
Movements of Ocean Vessels Oct. I
At Queenstown Sailed: Ivernla. for Bos
ton. Arrived: Haverford, f rom ' Phlladel
phla, for Liverpool; New England, from
Boston, for Uvernool, and proceeded.
At Glasgow Arrived: Norwegian, from
At Uverpool Arrived: Oceanic, from
New York; Iancastrlan, from New York
Hailed: Uelgenland, for I'hlladulphla via
At Hong Kong Arrived: Empress of
China, from ancouver: Athenian, from
Vancouver via Hlogo and Shanghai.
At Rotterdam Arrived: Ryndam, from
New York.
At Plymouth Arrived: Moltke, from New
York, for Cherbourg and Hamburg, and
At Cherbourg Sailed: Kalserln Maria
TherexU, from Bremen and Southampton
for New lor.
At New York Sailed: St. Iula, for
Southampton: Majestic, for Uverpool. Ar
rived: Pretoria, from Hamburg.
At Browhead Passed: New England
rrum uoaion, tor itverpooi.
Oivio and Military Bodies Olsir th Track
for Ak-Sar-Bsn'i Csatinr,
Elaborate Floati, Also, Art Introduced U
Ltnd More Diveriity.
So Ideal that Thouiandi Tarn Out to
Be Pageant.
Eighth Monarch Is to Reach Farnana
Street Not Later Than Ri30 O'clock
Crowds Flood the Car
nival Gronnda.
Omnha's Red Letter Dates.
October 11 Ak-Sar-Bru Klectrleal Pa
October 8 Ak-Sar-Bea Royal Court
October 4 Ak-Sar-Ben Street Fair
A street wslf too small to make way for
himself by the crowding process and too
proud to peek between the legs of Colossus
like men, scaled a turret of the court bouse
yeaterday afternoon at S o'clock .tnd gafed
for an hour on a picture that his toyleh
brain will retain long after he has grown to
manhood and become a president, a train
robber, a candy salesman or whatnvor Use
he Intends to be.
It was a picture of a great city resplendent
In red, yellow and green bunting. Of long
thoroughfares crowded with thousands on
thousands of people. Of laughing children
perched on doting parents' shoulders. Of
stalwart men and fair women poised on tip
toes each other's tiptoes. Of hundreds of
windows crowded full of thousands ot eager
facea. Of a mighty pageant that, to him.
seemed a great serpentine monster gliding
sinuously over garden patha and reflecting
from Its broad back all the colors of the
rainbow, from the blue of the policeman's
uniform In front to the Oriental red and
tinsel of the Cairo group near the end.
He crouched for an hour on his t arrow
ledge and finally saw the monster dismem
bered as mysteriously as it waa assembled.
Its parts swallowed tn the tide of humanity
that broke suddenly from all ald-s and
rolled through the paths, as an unwallad
wave, engulfing all before It. To the strnet
waif It was a glorious dream; to the throngs
below It waa simply the civic parade whloh
is a part of the Ak-Sar-Ben carnival crd
which always precedes by a day the coming
of the king himself.
Monarch Co race Tonight.
When the monarch comes tonight he will
have with him the most gorgeous pageant
he haa ever bad, but It will have beso re- :
crulted ftom Fairyland and Intended only
tor the glimmer of tbe stars and the gilt-- "
ter ot ,wUchg.Jampa, . The procession yes
terday waa of sterner stuff, made to bear
analysis under tbe eye of a half-veiled sun.
Men and women and the animals that serve
them were Its parts. Men with the ac
coutrements of war, with the Implements
of Industry, with the emblems of brother
hood. Women with nags, with flowers, with
radiant faces and gorgeous gowns. Horses
caparisoned, elk harnessed with ribbons,
camels shrouded with apangled blankets,
dogs braided with gold lace and a donkey
upbraided with black leather and words
of many colors.
At tbe head, on a spirited chestnut
charger, rode Mayor Frank B. Moores,
garbed In black from his tall silk hat to his
sturdy riding boots, and wearing the blue
silk sash of the grand marshal. Beside
him were his aides. Colonel James C. Mar
tin and Colonel Elmer E. Bryson, In mil
itary blue and gold. About tbe group rode
twenty mounted police under Chief Don
ahue. After them In the first division were
Covalt's band, the Thurston Rifles In a
resplendent new cadet uniform, the Omaha
Guards, the Millard Rifles, the Dodge Light
Guards from Council Bluffs, the South
Omaha cavalry troop with sabre drawa
and in service uniform; Ktpllnger' band;
and Companies A, B, and C ot the Omaha
High School cadets, this comprising tho
military division.
Civic and Industrial Ranka,
The second, third and fourth division
contained the representation from the etvto
ard Industrial ranks ot the realm and were
enhanced with elaborate floats. On was
that of the Knights of tho Golden Eagle and
contained the officers ot the order In their
official garb, seated about a miniature lodge
room. Another was that of the Bohemian
Turners, with stalwart athlete poaed be
side their gymnastic apparatus and with a
goddess of tbe ordtr perchtd on a throne at
the rear. A third wa contributed by ths
Woodmen of the World and (bowed a mighty
tump driven Into which wa a silver as
that made a perching place for the dove of
brotherly love. Behind It came another on
which a dozen women of the Woodmen
Circle posed In costume among the green
trees of a young forest. Still another was
that of Gats City csmp, Sons and Daughter
of Protection, showing a tnlnlstratlv serv
ice of the order, even to the work of the
doctor and nurse at the bedside. Th last
was tbe Ak-Sar-Ben float, surmounted by
tbe official butter with a candidate, on his
back and the official giraffe galloping Over
the bot sands with a novitiate. Behind
trailed Dr. Ramacclottl, "ths victim," with
a donkey drawing his little car and shrouded
by banners bearing his memorable words.
These practically headed tbe fifth divi
sion, which wss Ak-Sar-Ben'a own. Twelve
of the Board of Governors and four of the
hustling committee rods In carriages. In
other carriages behind them rod repre
sentatives from every concession on the
carnival Midway, exclusive of the Abyssin
ian ground hog, which could not be exposed
to even the temperate air of yesterday.
From the Daasllag Midway.
There were dancing girls and girls who
never dance; illusion girls and girls who
don't "llluse;" the lady with her poodles,
ths Egyptians with their camels, Buck Keith
with bis hand-rallied Esquimaux, the Cherry
Bisters, tbs Old Plantation darkeys. Boa
tock's animal trainers, tb athletes, Trtxlsv
Pony Moor In an automobile, and, all along
tbe line, Alphonse and Gaston, Hsppy
Hooligan and the bum coppers, making fun
for tbe crowd. The bands, without excep
tion, furnished excellent music and were
so numerous thst the procession, nearly a
mile in length, had no dull parts.
The start was msde sflortly after J: 10
and the parade was bandied remarkably
well, with no long walta and no confusion.
Passing up Sixteenth street from Nlcholaa,
with different civic bodlts falling In at the