Tim OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESUAV, OUIOUKU 1, .Mli!. SPECIAL NOTICES will be lukri aatll IX far tha rttnluK edition and aatll "):30 9. an. far asratnc Bandar edition. Valea, 1 J-2 a worl first laaertlon. la a ward thereafter. Natnln takes) far lea ttaaa 8.1a far the Brat ran eoasecatlTelr. Advertiser, reqaeattas tiercel check, ra kit naewere aa 4ireaae lea Hankered letter . la eara f The Bar. innrn aa ad4reeae4 will t delivered on presentation at th link na)y. ... WASTE D M ALli I IK LP. WANTED Canvimr. Man familiar with book and newspaper worn ircierru.- Mast b. hustler, Appiy Koum lui, Be Bldg. 1 1 B 21 t& FOB HALF A DATS WORK. If you live In lb country or In 1 mall town and- have a good acquaintance among trie- rarmera ana stock raiser in th neighborhood you can make easily ' by tour or live hour' work. Write us '.and we wlii send ou our proposition. Th Bee Publishing Co., Solicitors Dept., Omaha, Jheb. B M-1J ViVB strictly first-class salesmen to work city and country territory lor newspaper; weekly salary, 112 to 2o, according to ability. Permanent position. Reterences necessary. Apply or write to Room loi, Bea Biag. B-lll HUSTLING deputies wanted: men or women; splendid contract, - The oarden ers, 416 Be Bldg. B iio WANTED, flrst-ciaas Brltannlca and War rer horary salesmen lor low a, Kansas, Nebraska, Montana, - North and South Dakota- We pay traveling expenses and montnly advance. You call on inquiries only.' Permanent, and exclusive territory system. ' Address American Newapaper association, suite- bit N. V. Life biog., Omaha. Nab. . . B 293 Oik WANTKD Young man stenographer; give references, aae and exjiecleu salary. Ad dress K X, Bee. B M333 WANTED, traveling roan who visits the large and small towns, to sell retailers a select assortment of dry goods lor spring, en commission. Bryn Mawr Mills, I'hiln oelphia, fa .. B 4l WANTED-Men to sort Iron. Farnam. Alplrn, Ml B 68 PERMANENT position given to a good letter and - monogram engraver ana all around martin my store, . H. U. Hendrlck, Jeweler, St. Joseph, Mo. B till 02 . WANTED, -av hoalery-and underwear sales msu for staffs .of Nebraska and lews: Boa 283, Marlon, Ind. B M660 WANTED Man to lea rri " barber trade; here are the advantage; steady practice, Qualified 1 teachers.' bractlual experience. . wages Saturdays, tools presented, board Included, 'diplomas granted, years saved, n limit 'to term; splendid demand fbf barbers; inducements to distant appii' cants. Call or write for catalogue. Moler Barber uoijege, lwt uougias st. B-M687 2 MEN Free transportation to Denver to learn barber trade; tools furnished; posi tion guaranteed; opportunity to earn board; wages -while learning: largest bar ber college; most healthy climate In the world; write for particulars. Molar's Bar ber College, Derrver, Colo. Beware of lake catalogues and misleading offers; we nave no colleges in Meorasna. ' : . 1 . b-msss i HAN to 'open branch office, superintend distributing samples, and agents to In troduce nt.w medicated soap; S.'S a week fss'.ly rnafle; permanent poe'tlon. Brad ford 4 Co., B to, Cincinnati, O. " ." B 840 32 V 4.NTED. good harness maker. J. J. Com- JiiUlotU.a.. B M7B3 O WANTED, young man of twenty for col- luf tlnv anil kll.ltlniy l-l.nn nrnplr nlth good chance for advancement. Address L. u, care Bee. . b 786 30 WANTED 'man of 25 aa travellna aales- mao: ' salary and commission; good cnancQ tor rung.. Aaareas jl ji ties. . B-7S4 30 WANTED, carnenters. 12.50 a dav. Ad dress Joseph Bhleslgor, contractor, Yutan, -P': , -.. ; -- WANTED Experienced . tinner and shop man. .Applicants, send reference. Best wages paid, fed Johnson. Clark, Neb. ....... B 810 O-S THE) ANNUAL, postofflce examination will be held in Omaha - November 19th for clerks and. carriers; only, a common school education required; politics or re ligion not considered; we prepare by mall for the examinations a large per cent of those . appointed eclv year; Information 7 .boot all governmunt positions free. Co umblan Correspondence College, Wash ington, D. - B M1000 2 WANTED for V. ft. Army, able-bodied un married men between ages of 21 and 36, cltlxens of Cnlted States, of good char acter ana temperate nanus, who can speak, read and write English. For Infor mation enoly to Hecrultina Officers. 16th and Dodge fits., Omaha, and postofflce auiiuing, j.incoin, reo. & jj-ai WANTED Stenographer for law office give yuur office and home addrens. H a. B., care Bee. B-M10J 1 WANTED, four young men to travel, for reliable nouae, salary or commission; ex- perlence unnecessary. Call. Ray Cun- uingnam, ntea notei, tuoutn umaha. -..'. ' 1 . .. B M108 3 WANTED Boys 15 16 17 years of aare Muat. be smart and willing. Apply at . tnive iv ssri riiran, seeona voor, iier.nett s ., . . ; tt no uu . . I , ' rfl r ' , YOUNG MEN, everywhere; copy letters, - home evenings; 17- week; send addressed 'envelope for particulars. Filbert Dept. U. Box 14U, Fhlladalphla, Pa. ' ' B M128 I MECHANICS qualifred for advancement. Our -free booklet, "Are Your Hands Tledr" tejls how trtofisands have doubled or largely Increased their earning capa city through our siiare-llme Inaiructlon by mall. Write to the International Cor respondence Schools, box 16tiH. Scranton, Pa., or -oall, day or evening, Omaha of fice, 7 l'xron block. ' ; B M126 1 WANTED Men who are weak or diseased to write far free booklet edited by the leading and mtst successful specialist in the United States. Address J. Newton Hathaway. M. D 63 Commercial block, Bloux City, la. B M124 1 WANTED. - everywhere, hustlers to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.; no canvassing; good pay. Bun Advents . lug Bureau. Chicago. B M126 1 WANTED Salesman for clothing Dept. and furnishing goods Dtt.; also shoe salesman..' Nebraska Clothing Co. . . B-M130 MIDDLE-AGED MAN, good address, good talker, large 'acquaintance, best refer ences. City Savings bank. 16th nd Dnug- ' B MlL'l 7 SALESMEN WANTED. SALESMEN, exclusive territory; salary or toiiinilssion; aatlafactlou guaranteed. Ap ply for terms to 'B," Wualern Nursery Co., Lawrence, Kan. 144 017 WANTED, experienced stock food sales. . men to handle territory, hulury or com mission. Auarvaa H. room 10, opera nouae, ivearney, jeo. th U6 WANTED Experienced shoe salesmen Must havs flral-iUss references. J. L. uranaeis as Boa, Boaion tHure, Omaha. ' . . fc-0-J XW() saleamen on new Universal Cyclo pedia anu Anas; iioerai commission; ex ,penses advanced. I). Apvlvton & Co., lmiucj -uiu., tvar.saa . us, mo. . -M101 S WANTED, a good,' experienced clothing salesman to go to Shenandoah, la.; none need apply -but exieri-uwd man; salary i'.. good. Inquire -at Byrne & Hammer x,'o.. 1 rum t a. in. iu u, or auresa to u. r riea man, OiaMnda.' la. no W . III' UK 1 11 .... WANTED FEMALE HBLK " lot Glrla Call Canadian office, 13th Dodge. . . - 1 . . . - . t u, WANTED.' good wages to a good cook; iittue oiuvr uwhi appij.- tiarney. C-M76S WANTED, working housekeeper In family OI tnrsa buimis. awrtu i it, oe.- J C 441 WANTED, six ladlea to demonstrate In city for a new Battle Creek food: congenial work: goa wages paid to right irii. van aeiwaen " a 00 s uus evening, raxton lloial, tuiom 111. C We WAnF.D-FF.M4IE HELP. WA NTED Housekeepeer rn family of three auuits. Aaarrni, tv u, lien. w il WANTED a stenographer who can operate an Oliver typewriter and earn ln per week. Address I. 11. Hee. C HUM a WANTED, a good girl for general hojae work; no washing; 13.60 per week. 1614 North 24th St. C 601 WANTKD. girl for general housework. 2M3 Mason st. C-4SK8 OI RL for general housework, at. 2003 Pierre C-6S9 WANTED, competent rlrl for general housework in family of two; references required: call mornings, ail N. 201 h at. C Mol WANTED A woman to attend to a'l the housework, no children, and be able to at tend In the store; country town: applicant slate age, slngie or marriea, wages, cic. Addresf , L 26, Bee. C 813-30 HOME WORK MO monthly copying let ters: either sex; send 2 stamps for par ticular. Hicks Supply Co., n&4 Hoisted at., Chicago. : mi. 1- LADIES Writing st home evenings; 17.00 per weeg; parucuiara tree 10 an; aena addressed envelope. Filbert - Dept. 81. Box 1411, Philadelphia. Pa. C M127 ! THREE girls wanted to put UP blueing. extracts and balling powar. Appiy r-mun Odesey Extract Co., 80Z . win. C-M11T X HELP WASTEP. WANTED Man and wife. With no children, to take charge of ten-room house, fur nished, and board man and wife, owners. Woman must be good cook- Address, I j 24, Bee. ill O-S FOR REST MOUSES. HOUSES, Mores. Bemls, I'axtocl block. u irj TQ MOVE rlgnt get OmAha Van Storage Co.; office lollVi Farnam, or Tels. lio-!xi. u 1U I-ROOM modern detached house. Inquire 264S Capitol avs. D MS UrillQFQ a" P ' cltv- The O nUUOCg c, Davis Co., 60s Bee Bldg. D 1K1 SEli'. PAYNE. BOSTWICK CO. for choice bousea. 6U1-2 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 101 i. D 1 FOR RENT, a house. 3314 Francis street. 130.00. Omaha Realty Co., 1301 Douglas Bt, D WIS VANS and baggage wagons. Tel. 1196. D-192 HOUSES and flats. Ring-wait, Barker block. U VH MODERN houses, 121.00, 120.00 116.00; others 112.60, 110. (XI, -nats 41U.00, 4U.UU. U. K: lur king ton. 606 Bee. D M, MAOOARD Vaa A Sterage Co. Tel. 1494. U 194 (-ROOM modern, good repair, on So. SJd avenue, rnone na. FOR RENT, Georgia ava. tiome, I rooms. nice gas grate in parior, 1 urnaca, porce lain bath, full lot, paved street. 130. J. U. BHKHWOOD, 987 N. Y. Life. D-204 OCTOBER 1. 6-room housa. 1620 Cass; mod ern except lurnace, ijv w. n. reason, Hotel farnam. FOR RENT Three 9-room bouses,' with water, gas and sewer; Just been piacea In first-class repair; all-in good location. Close to street car and schools; 111 to 123 each. C. M. Bachmann, 43s and 43 Pax ton block v C33 701 v 24TI ST.. South Omaha, a nice 6- room cottane. wiinam routr, re ceiver, 303 Brown block. D 69 FOR RENT, 8-room modern house. 3153 am am St., orennBu-iov , 8. 13th st. . ' D Mtx 1 IURNI8HED 8-room modern house; low price to family no children, -am vvirt MODERN 7-Toora house, near park, -1609 South 28th. D 66 ABOUT Oct. 1. 8-room house; modern. In quire 2614 Caldwell St. D M71 2 FOR RENT, ft-room modern house. 1248" N. 19th street, 120. Brennan, Lova Co., 309 8. 13th st. u tj 1 FOR RENT. 8-room modern brick resi dence, everything In first-class shape. 361 N. 8th Bt. BRENNAN-LOVE CO., 3o 80. 13th Bt. D-M716 4 FOR RENT. October 1st. 8-roora modern California at Apply at Room 607 N. Y Life bldg D 890 HniTSKS FOR RENT. (-room, 8. E. Cor. 2Sth and Pacific, 113.00 per month. -rnnm. 11M So. 18th Bt.. 112.60 per month. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 Farnam 8t. ... u iv 1 an 2niT 17ARD ST.. 4-r. flat .all modern. walking distance 115.00 xufi j&ekann St.. 7-r.. all modern, ele gant ...20.00 m Mth Ave.. 9-r . all modern, nlca yard 8-50 rrsn Hurt St.. 6-r.. modern ex. furnaces NEW, walking dlatanca 30.00 2215 Burt St., S-r., mod. ex. furnace 25.00 1514 8. 2th St., 6-r., mod. ex. furnace.. 2.00 N. w. corner attn Bt., ana wnvtowonn, The Dundy residence. Bee us. - PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Tel. 1711. Main Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. - Xt-lftf Ol 209 N. 22D. 7-r- new plumbing, bath, ate. all newly paperea, i3 montn. sweet si lleadley, 613 N. i . L. D 111 811 8. 23D ST., 3-room flat, with bath. 1T74B h in n at., a rooms, oity water. Wm. K. Potter, receiver, 303 Brown block. 1-HU FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. DEWEY European hotel. 13th and Farnam. ISO II PER WEEK 422 8. 18th St., one block souto or coun oouae. Br urn AETNA HOUSE, European, 13 tb and Dodge. TWO nice, cool, furnished or unfurnished rooms. 2604 Davenport. E 431 ROYAL HOTEL, European. 16th St Chicago. NICELY furnished, cool rooms; modern. soil iiarney. NICELY furnished rooms, single or en- suite; rates reasonable. Miaiana notei. lbtn. ana cnicago, -us VIENNA HOTEL. 1011-15 Farnam st. Hi J4 Ul LARGE south front room, newly furnished. modern, tciepnona, euiiaoia lor two men. r:io Douglas. &zn LARGE front room, with board, loot Park AVB. , .. JBi ito so-. DE8IRAHLE rooms, first-class location. walking distance. Farnam. E M90T 5 HANDSOME steam-heated room. UK9 Cap- 1101 Ave. r- M llAl FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. Merrlam, comfortable summer home. Tel. 15. r AJk FURNISHED roopia. with or without board; ratna reasooaois. atioiaoq iiotai. kiln and Chicago. F i4 FOR RENT, desirable rootna. 2U So. Kth Bt. r-uj CAPITOL hotel. 18th and Capitol ave.. one tlock from P. O. ; superior table, elegant location: 11.2& per day, special ratea by taa week. eat ow 1 ROOMS. 13! B. 19th St.: furnace. F 634 034 FOR RENT IRFIRNISHED "ROOMS, DESK room space, IS par month; ground 1 floor room in the Bea building, facing Farnam strait; no expanse for light, beat or Janitor service. R. C. Peters & Co., rental agents. Bee building. u lis I OR 1 rooms &J& Bo. 21st Ave. G M701 4 PAWNBROKERS. FAGLE I-oan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all buslneaa onOvlollL uui Douglas. FOR ReiT-TOREI AMD OFFICES. UBCK BUILDINGS FOR RENT. The 4-story and basement building st No. 1414 and 1414' Harney St. will lease Inr term of years from December 1. i:'2. at LAifm per month. A 6-story and basement brick building, 6x 131 feet In size, in good retail district, will lease for term of years from January 1. Ii3. OKUKUE 4: COMPANY. 1601 Farnam ft. I 7S 3) CORNER 28th and Dodge, cheap. Arpiy 1-794 to Welshans' Mantel A Tile Co. FOR RENT Store In first-class location; rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters ft Co., ground floor. Bee Bldg. I 2ttf FOR RENT The building formerly ooeu- Pled by i he Bee at 914 Farnam st. It has -four stories and a basement which waa formerly used aa The Bee press room. j nm win be rented very reasonably. ir liKerested apply at once to C- C. Rose water, secretary; room 1O0. Be building. I Zl 6TORF. room, 1433 80. lth St.. HO.np per month. GEORGE COMPANY, 1601 Farnam St. . I 79 30 AGEHTS WASTED, WANTED Canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to this TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment, with assured good In come. Agents In the country with horse snd buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily w to iuu per montn. Ad dress, Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building. Omaha. 213 WANTED Agents to sell Automatic Door Strip, a house warmer and fuel saver; good sell-r; exclusive territory. Hoke Mfg. Co..- Sullivan, Ind. J Mfttw Z WANTED FOR REKT. LAWYER wants desk room, with desk; no attention paid tinless terms given in answer. Address JL s. Bee. r-miji STORAGE. CM. Van 8tor. Co.. 1511H Farn. Tela. 1669-863. -307 WANTED TO BUY. WANTED, to buy, t-room modern housa. convenient to ho. umana car line, norm part of city. Address K 69, Bee. I A' HARDWARE store or furniture store.. Address, Li m. Bee. N K11Z 6 FOR SALE FIRSiITlRB. CHICAGO runtlture Co.. 1410 todge. Tel. 2020. New and secondhand, bought, sold, exchanged. O 202. FOR 1ALE HORSES, WAGOKS, ETC.. GOOD family horse. 1311 Farnam street. p-a o- ; HARRY ' FROST paints .' and repairs wagons. Bee him. 14th ana Leaven worth, lei. 147. ..1 . ' P201 200 HEAD good average. grade cattle;, write lor unriiuuiuiv. 1, 49.. p4 a Cl, p St.. Denver ' n , P-417 3'1 . FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE, phonographs; superior to any. otner musical instrument; 40 up. 1 at Wlttman Co., 1621 Farnam. i 206 NEW and secondhand typewriters. 1119 Farnam. . Q 2ml 100 STYLES trusses: catalogue free, bher- m.sr! ft MC'Jonnen i.'rv.g to., istbi ana Dodge, Omaha: y 207 LDHAND safe cheap. ' Delight, 1119 Farnam. INDIAN goods and relics. 1119 Farnam. VIM puncture-proof tires, 14 96 and 17.00 per pair, umana Bicycle Co., istn and cm cago Sis. Q 210 EDISON phonographs, 110, 20 and 130; niouiaeo recoras. sue eacn or per aos. ; new wheels, lis up; 2dhand, 16 up. . Omaha Bicycie co., win ana cmcago him. ... j-zu L. M. E. always hurry.- Tel. 780. ,.Q M211 FOR gas fixtures sea 8am' 1 Burns. j box o 10 FOR SALE, a pair of Imported Mexican nairiess uogs. Aaaress , iiee. J M917 FOR SALE Two cows, fresh, at 2826 Web ster street. u i CHOIfmm"c1h tl?n 112a. ' ' a 213 ou Q 313 OU SELLING out bicycles at greatly reduced prices. iew wheels, ia up. caison phonographs, 110, 120 and 130. Omaha Bicycle Co., Corner 16th 4 Chicago Sta. EDISON Columbia phonographs'; agents wanted; write. Fredrickson, IS a Cap. av, Q M592 022 76-HOR8E POWER engine, Worthington steam boiler feed pump and water neater. Industrial Iron Works. Q & 31 FOR SALE, one open and one closed carriage, just repaintea, very cheap. Gannett, 611. Brown block. Q M 7Z3 Ol" GOOD toned cottage organ for sale at a bargain. Lt it, Bee. VI mum FENCE LATH for quick shipment, crib bing, combination ladders. 901 Douglas Q Ml23 CLAIRVOYANTS. liRS. FRITZ, cUlrvoyant. 1614 Cass at J lis MME. OYLMER, geuulne palmist. 111 8. 15. MISS L. A. MORGAN E. clairvoyant; me dium; permanently located. . 1318 Daven port street; hours, I a. m. to 8 p. m. 8-Mf 1 ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, Id floor, R 1 T M06I Ua MME. AMES, vapor baths, 124 N. 15. R. 7. T lit O IS GRACE O'BRYAN of Ky.. 720 a 11th. -JSI Ull" PERSONAL. PR ROY, chiropodist; corns and sj per flu our hair removed by electricity, ti. 12, Frenser block. ' U 881 PRIVATE hosDllal before and durinr con hnement; banlea boarded and ad op lea. air, uasyea, ua Jage.. 101. rea i&m. -215 VIAVA, woman's way to health. Horns treatment. Booklet ires. 34 Bee Bui BlUg.: U-il Omaha. BEND t6c for complete lesson In deep orwaiuing crew, Nm 4. sox, 14U car nam. C-9u3 O lu PRIVATE hoapltal before and during coti nnemeni; nrki-ciass in every rLKci babies adopted. Dr. L. L. Miller, 2604 Biondo atrcet. Phone F 112. . U 213 OU MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 2d floor. R. I. u ax oii GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale 1 and retail, couiua riauu Co., Duug las. U-dlf TEL. 7M (or L at. a,, messenger a U-212 ELITE PARLOR8. tit 8. 14th St., td floor. L LMU 09 8HAMPCXJ1NU and balrdreaalng. 26c, la connection win im Balnery, 316-UU B Duiia.ng. hi. . U MATRIMONIAL club office. 1(10 Davajiport. iei. iiM, u aiMU I DR. JACKSON, 150? FARNAM ST. U801 PRIVATE sanitarium - for ladlsa before and during connnemenu Dr. and Mra. Uerlsch. J . loin sl, umana, IT 223 OMAHA Dys Works. Ull Howard, the Ihloiiabie cleaners or ladlea and anil men's dresses au4 auiu, lace curtains. arapariea u U4 u F hid for typhoid cosvalascenta October tiat to bat, 10 .L-Ml'Ji gW rF.noiAi 130 RCPTURKD CURED rOR lin-No knife, no pain, no detention from busi ness. Bend for booklet, etc. EMPIRIC RUPTURE CURE CO., ira N. Y. Mfe BMg., Oman. V 1:1 HAIRDRE8PINQ, manicuring and chirop ody, tor ladlts only, in connection with The Bathrry, 21-230 Bee Bldg U 223 CHIROPODY a specialty, in connection with Th Bathery, rooms 214-120 Bee Bldg. Tel. 1714k U-211 MATRIMONiAl, JOURNAL Jiist Issued; contains large list; sent sealed for l'K) in stamps. Box 603, Omaha, Neb. U-MS1 I PROPER feeding WHAT TO EAT of inc. children ', October U-M123 1 MONEY TO LOAN 4'HATTELS. AK-SAR-BEN CET IN THE SWIM IF NOT. WHY NOT? If It Is because you are short of ready casn we win relieve you 011 mat score. We will loan you money without any publicity whatever. Wo make loans on ualary. Your employer or friends need know nothing of the transaction KVh.KVniirtU ifl CONFIDENTIAL. FURNITURE and PIANO loans for those who prefer to borrow In this way. See us In our private ofllce. RELIABLE CKUDIT CO., Room 9u3, Third Floor, Paxton Block. X-600 Chattel and Salary Loans. PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. Successor to J.- W. Taylce. 74 633 Paxton Block. x m Tel. MONEY WHEN you find it necessary to borrow, give us a trial, alter wnich we will, ly lair treatment, attempt to retain your patronage. Wa loan from 10 up, on fur niture, pianos, live stock, etc, Ws also inaki, leans V) SALARIED PEOPLE without mortgage- or endorser. We do not deduct interest In advance, we charge nothing for making or filing papera tnd our service is quick and confidential. Wa always try to please our patrons. OMAHA MOH'i'OAOK LOAN CO., ' 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 229o. (Established 1892.) 3o6 So. 16th St. X417 LARGEST BUSINESS . IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without se curity; easiest terms; 40 offices in prin cipal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trade Bldg. X 23$ MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock. jrweiry, 10 saiariea people. l'oley Loan Co., Sue. to Duff Green, 8 Barker block. ' '. X-235 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, jew elry, norses, cows, etc. . tteea, 3i . !s. - - X-236 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; business confidential; lowest rates. indent: The J mi r-axion oiock A. Hutton Co. X 311 MONEY TO 'LOAN-REAL ESTATE. 4t PER CENT on buslfiess property. per Weill uii feiiuenv'e properly. Options to pay whole or part any time. W, B. ME1KLE. 401 8. 15th st. W-S2S MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. nreiinan-ixve to., J8 s. isth. ' W-224 M TO i P. C. mony, 'psm's. Ptx?n H!k. W SJ4 FARM and city loans, Jow rates. W. H. Thomas, cirst Ntt, Bank Bldg. Tel. 1A48. -: , f ' W-227 PER CENT loans. Farnam. Garvin Bros., 1604 W-430 WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. f arnam. smitn u Co., 1S20 Farnam st. W 326 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1524 Douglas. w Sil WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds ana warrants, it. tj. meters Co., 1701 farnam at., Bea Bidg, . . vv zzs $100 UP; low rate, Prtchard. 1711 Farnam. w 333 BUSINESS CHANCES. TO GET in or out of business call on Wll- Y-242 WHEN you wtni to buy, sell or exchange your Dusiners or property quick, see J. II. Johnson. 843 N. Y. Life. Y-M343 FOR SALE Good paying Implement bus! ness, la best county in nortneaatern Ne prasaa; win sen or rent property; no trades. L 10, Bee. x . Mti64 2 CIGAR, confectionery and news stand, with I living rooms well furnished. No reason able offer rejected. Owner leaving city, J. H. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y 803 1300 FOR completely furnished 10-room flat, una location, come quick 11 you want it. J. H. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y-802 1190 BUY8 furniture, complete, of 7-room nat, wen located; owner leaving city. j. H. Johnson. N. Y Life. Y 801 FOR EXCHANGE. FOR . EXCHANGE, housa and lot, which nas use 01 several 101s aajoining tree, to trade for small farm not far out. Will nay -cash, difference. J. H. Sherwood, 937 N. - Y. Life. 2-661 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. GEORGIA Ave. home for sals, all modern house, part casn. bai. long time. J. H. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. Ufa. Phone 888. RE-M174 TWO well built 1-room houses, desirable location. Apply Mil .Vinton bt. RE 907 O10 SUBURBAN real estate for sale, tracts of 6 acres, seres, acres, s acres, acres or mote, llo per acre; rich fruit and truck land. Bound to Increase in value. Starr's place, southwest of city, west of South Omaha, 61st and C streets, adjoin ing Bonfleld at Fayette park. J. A. Starr, 617 Boo Bldg.. Omaha. HE 360 THE building at Ninth and Harney, known are Invited. Robert Dempster, 1213 Far nam ou tin ai DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? It you want to sell a farm or ranch, tell the farmers and stockralsers about It. Th beat way to reach them is through The Twentieth Century ' Farmer. This agricultural weekly goes to 15.000 home ot farmers snd stockralsers, so It yon have a good piece of land to sell af a reasonable price you ought to And a buyer among them. The coat ot so ad ta small S cents per word. -1 . - THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER OMAHA, NEB. RE 404 FOR SALE, 7-room modern houss, nearly new. full lot. near Amea ava and 24th. Price,. li.Ooo; pari cash, balance long ' time. . J. H. SHERWOOD. SH N. Y. Ufa. HE 306 FOR BALE. 11 acres fruit and garden land, elghl-raora bouse, good baru, es pies, cherries, piuma, eigut acres In tiin her, two miles from car line. Address lot 8. First, Council Blurts, Is, RE 963 RANCH and farm lands for sal by th Union Pacific Railroad company. B. 'McAUester, land coromiaalonor. Union Pa- cino Headquarters, oiuana. Neb. RF 314 FOR RENT. 1-room modern housa. 130. Francis SV Hk.-U FOR S4I.K REAL ESTATE. A BANK owning t'.'o.noooo worth of real islnte haa Just placed same with us to ell. The list includes some Improved properties bringing good Income, several ell located ho ns, s and a few desirable unimproved lots. Ail the pioperty ta to be sold and Is offered at reasonable figures, on very fnvorahle terms ot pay ment. The following list Includes other ofTf rings In addition to the properties above referred to. au.i).( for 3-story, subrtantlnl brick building or. lot 6oxU2 feet, In good retail location, within 8 blocks Bennett's store. Building alone cost over IJU.OOU.tV. Re sponsible tenant will take lease on prop erty and guarantee J er cent net on !-ii.0n0.MJ, the tenant paying, In addition thereto, all taxes, Insurance, repairs to building, etc. !1K,im)i for a 2-story and basement brick business block in business center of South Omaha, on lot 60xi6u feet, leased to re sponsible tenants at gross rental IVXIU.OO per vear. tlii.nnn.io for 1-story brick building, with lot 22x1.12 feet, mis Farnam street, only 12.o0; cash payment. 12,mi0.00 good house, large lot, 706 So. 37th St., t-ne neighborhood; I3OU.U0 cash, 1-u.oO per month. 12.ooo.00, 6-room modern house, 4112 Nicho las St., U"i.oo cash, 123.00 per month. 1400.00, 3-room house, full lot. Lindsey Ave., near Both St., 160.00 cash, 110 00 per month. EIU1IT 3-room houses. Nos. 2101 to illo is. 27 St.; submit any offer. 176", east front lot on 40th St., near Nicholas, 1100.00 cash, 110.00 per month. $460.00, large lot 011 Elm St. between Will and 21st St., 160.00 cash, 110.00 per month. 13O0.U0, south front lot on Seward St., be tween 33d and 14th His., loO.OO cash, $10.00 per month. REMEMBER The bank's property will be sold on very favorable terms. Call and aee If you cannot find what you want. GEORGE & COMPANY, KOI Farnam Pt RE 30 8IX-ROOM modern house, lot 4.'xl40 feet, nice lawn and shade trees; only U.iioo; part cash, balance long time on easy pay ments. 3706 North 18th St. RE 608 31 HOUSES, lots, farms, rancb9s, loans; also firs Insurance. Bemls, Paxton block. RE 766 KELSEY'S. wall paper, 17th and Douglas. 'Phone 1008. RE 916 SEE PAYNE. BOSTWICK A Co. for choice bargains. 601 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. loid. RE-245 WILLIAMSON Famree?' RE-246 "BIG PROFITS IN RICE FARMING." We have excursions to the RICE LANDS of S. W. Ioulslana and Texas every month. Write for dates, Clements & Taylor, Immlgtatlon Agents, Lyons, Neb. RE 621 WHY PAY RENT7 OWN YOUR HOME! See the Industrial Home Co. of America. Best plan on earth! Office, 221 Bd. of Trade Bldg-. Omaha. R. M. Wilde, mgr. RE-677 Oct i FOR SALE, cottage in Hanscom Place, 6 rooms furnace, bath. gas. paved street, near car; lot 45x150; rent, l-.oo pr month, plus water tax. Price, iXOuU; can be pur chased In payments. Address J 9, Bee. RE 443 HOUSES and lota In all prB of city; also acre propertv and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co., Room 5f- Bee Building. , . . RE-247 DANCING ACADEMY. CHAMBERS, 17th and Douglas; now open for reception of pupils; formal opening September 24. 'Phone F1775 (circulars). MM O'J MCRAND'S Dancing School, luth and Har ney. Children beginners, Wednesday, 4;15 p. ra., and Saturday, 10 a. m. ; 20 lessons, 10; season, October to Mav, 10. advance: 12 lessons, 16; oeason, 112; adults, Tuesday and Friday, 8 p. m.; 12 lessons, ladles, j; gentlemen, 16. High school class meets In Myrtle hull, season October to May, llo. Assemblies every Wednesday. 'Phone 1022. 603 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. GREGG 8. H., Touch T. W.. Bus. Branches, Teleg. Cat. Free. Om. Coll., 17th & Doug. 506 A. C. VAN BANTS school, 717 N. Y. Life. 2,2 BOYLES college, court reporter principal, NEB. Business Sl Shorthand College, Boyd'k Tfaeater. i4 COLLEGE OF MUSIC. OMAHA COLLEGE OF MUSIC AND FINE ARTS Twelve free and twelve partially free scholarships for one year, commenc ing October la; competitive examinations for these scholarships October 14, Appli cants win na examined oy tne lacuity. For particulars and prospectus apply V. 11. right, 316 Ramge Bldg. 19 10 LOST, LOST, Sunday, between 738 Mynster street Council Bluffs, and 24 lo be ward street. Omaha, lady's black cloth Jacket, Re turn to ettner address ana receive re ward. Ivoat GREYHOUND pup, female, brown brlndle in color; rewaru. zut r. .sin Ave. Loat-114 Ol LOST Black and white Llewellyn setter; tag No. ii4i, return 1100 is. ltttn St.; re ward. Lost MU6 2 STOLEN. STOLEN Sorrel team; one horse Has white strlDe In face, about 6 years old. splints on all 4 legs; other horse has notch on 1 knee and T brand on shoulder, about 9 years old; top Wasach buggy, with red running gear: man about 6 leet 8 or lu Inches, smooth face, blue eyed, brown curly hair. Addreas J. A. Bailey, Springfield, Neb. Stolen M1151 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO.. cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garDage ana dead anlmafs at reauced prices. 621 N. 16. TeL 177. -265 TYPEWRITERS. BUY A LAMBEKT TYPEWRITER now for J0; will be ia after Oct. 1. Monroe & Co., 811 No. lt'th 8t , Omaha. 3i8 MAN IFACTl RING. P MELCHIOR, chliila t. Uth and Howard, ma- 24 CMAHA Safe and Iron Wks. makes a spe cialty 01 lire escapes, anutters, uoors and safes. G. Andreon, Prop., 102 8. loth Su -2o5 OSTEOPATHY. GID. E. & ALICS JOHNSON, osteopaths, bulla 615. N. Y. Lit Bldg. Tel. 1664. 179 MRS. GRACE U&UAN, 638 Be building. Tel. 2968. 664 EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. PRIVATE lessons In bookkeeping, etc.; night class Mond., Wed.. Fri. Q. R, Kuthbun, room la. Com I Nat l bank. -M623 PIANOS. I BELL PIANO8 on paymeTTta of 12.00 and 12.60 per week at a saving to you of Huu to 13ou from dealers' prices. Booklet free. F. H. WALTER, F'actory Agent, 3112 California St. Harney sL car. MH6S 4 I -J PRINTING. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Linotype Composition. 611 So. 13th. i-' TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets everywhere, P. IL phllbln, I5u5 Farnam. 'Phone 7al -2o3 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing frompily attended to. J. T. OcLiltree, nth and Lake streets 170 THINKS AND BAGGAGE. TWIN CITY EXP. 'Phon 1717. 606 8. 16th. -i.1 UU.il hauls trunks. TeL ijU, -in BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bala TIs Co., 811 North 16' h. LAW AND COLLECTION. 8T1LLM AN A PRICE. 23 U. S. N l Bk. Hid. ACCORDION PLEATING. IDEAL PLEATING CO., L'10 Howard. S3.'. DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING In families or Mls Sturdy. a'Jirt Harnny. It home. '.) Ol 8TA31MERIM4 AND STl'TI C.R1NG. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge BIiIr. 260 AITOMOD1LES. ELECTRIC AUTOMOBILES. Deright s. 1119 arnam street. 267 FIR DRESSING. O. R. GILBERT CO., tahnere. 1424 8. l.lili. M ELECTRICAL REPAIRERS. GRAND Electric Co., 16 Jackson. Tel. 246. 2ti9 TAILORING. LADIES' JACKETS made, altered and re modeled. Joe Youaen, 1411 Farnam st. M 9 FLOKIVrS. L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. 12i3. Send for price list, cut flowers and plants. M. DETECTIVE AGENCIEM. CAPT. THOS. CORM1CK, private detec tive, 617 Karbach block. Tel., A.S.TS. 836 07' LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, So; collars. icjeurts, 4c. IijO x,cavenwortii. lei. a-i.;w. 264 STOVES REPLATED. GOLD, silver and nickel plating. Omaha 52' Plating Co., Bee Bldg. Tel. ;,ii5 8TATIARY FACTORx. STATUARY and ornamental work. 712 S. IS. Mn3S POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested. as chuiiKts may occur at any time.) ForelKii maim for the week ending Oc tober 4. lo2. will close (PROMPTLY In all cases at the general postoftlc as foj lows: PAHPF;i.S l'OST MAILS close ona hour earlier than closing time shown below. Parcels post malls for Germany close at 6 p. m. Monday and Wednesday. Regulat and Supplementary mails close at Foreign Station half nour later than closing time shown below (except that Sup plementary Aiaus tor r.urope ana central America, via Colon,' close one hour later at F oreign station. Transatlantic Malls. FJDNE8DAY At 6:30 a. m. for EUROPE, per a. s. St. Louis, via Southampton (mall for Ireland must be directed "per s. s. St. Louis"); at 8:30 a. m. (supplementary 10 a. m.) for EUROPE, per s. b. Majestic, via Uueenstown. THURSDAY At 7 a. m. for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND ITALY, SPAIN. POR TUGAL. TURKEY. EGYPT, (IREFX'E, BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MAR. QUF:Z, pur a. s. Im Savole, via Havro (mall for other parts of Europe must b? directed "per s. s. La Savole"). SATURDAY At 7:30 a. m. for NETIIER- IiANDa uirect, per s. s. Noordam (mall must be directed "per s. s. Noordam"); nt 8 a. m, for BELGIUM direct, per a. s. Finland (mall must be directed "per s. s. F'lnlutid"); at 9:30 a, m. for SCOTIAND direct, per p. b. Ethiopia (mail must be directed "bcr s. b. ICthlopla"); at 11 a. m. for DENMARK direct, per s. s. Hekla (mall must be directed per S. s. Hekla"); at 11:30 a. m. (supplementary 1 p. m.) for EUROPE, per s. a. Etrurla, vlo Queenstown. PRINTED MATTER, ETC. This steamer takes Printed Matter, Commercial Papers and Samples for Germany only. The same class of mall matter for other nans of Europe will not be sent by this ship unless specially directed by her. After the cloning of the Supplementary Transatlantic Mails named above, ad ditional Supplementary Mails ure opened on the piers of the American, English French and German steamers, and remain open until within Ten Minutes of the nour 01 waning ui steamer. Malls for South anal Central America, West Indlea, Etc. WEDNESDAY At 10:30 a. m. for AROEN TINE, URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per s. s. Corby Castle; at 12:30 p. m. (supple mentary 1:30 p. m.) for ST. THOMAS ST. CROIX. LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS. BRITISH. DUTCH and FKF:XCil GUIANA, per s. a... Koropa (mall for Grenada aDd Trinidad must be directed, "per s. a. Koroua"): at 1110 p. m. for JAMAICA, , per s. s. Admiral Schley, from Phlladeluhlu. THURSDAY At 8 a. m. for CUBA. YU CATAN, CAMPECI1K, TABASCO and CHIAPA8, per s. s. Espcranxa (mall for other parts of Mexico must bs directed "per s. a. FCsperanza"); at 12 m. for OUANTANAMO and SANTIAGO, per a. Santiago dn Cuba: at 2:30 p. m. for NORTHERN BRAZIL, per s. s. Sparta, via ceara. Aiarannam. t'ara and Manaos at 11:30 p. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND. per s. s, Buenos Ayreun, frcm Philadel phia. FRIDAY At 12 m. for MEXICO, per s. . Santiago, via Tampico (mail must be di rected ''per s. s. Santiago"); at 6:30 p. m. for be km IDA, per steamer from Hall fax. SATURDAY At 7 a. m. for BRAZIL, per a, s, lennyson. via I'ernamhitco, Bahla and Rio Janeiro (mail for Northern Bra xll. Argentine, Uruguay and Paraguay must be directed "per s. e. Trnnyson"i; at 9 a. m. (supplementary 9:30 a. ni l for PORTO RICO. CURACAO and VENE ZUELA, per s. s. Philadelphia (mall for Savanilla and Cartagena must be directed "per s. s. Philadelphia"); at 9:80 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for F'ORTUNF! ISLAND, JAMAICA, SAVANILLA and CARTAi1F:NA, per a. s. Alene (mall for I 'out a Rica must be directed "per s. s. Alene"); at 9:30 a. 111. (supplementary 10:30 a. m ) for CAPE HAITI. GONA1VK8. BT, MARC. PETIT UOAVK, JEREMIE and SANTA MART A, ier s. s. Adiron dack (mail for other parts of Haiti must be directed '"pir s. s. Adirondack"); at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Mnrro Castle, via Havana; at 10 a. m. for i.RKNADA and TRINIDAD, per s. s. Maraval; at 10 a. m. for HAITI, per s. s, Prlns Maurlts (mail for Curacao, Venezuela, Trinidad, British, and Dutch Guiana must be directed "per s. a. Prlns Maurlts"); at 12:30 p. m. for CUBA, per s. a. Curltyba via Matanxaa (ordinary mall only which must be directed "per s. s. Curltyba"j. Malls for Newfoundland by rati to North Sydney, and thence by steamer, close at this otiice daily at 6:30 p. m. (con necting close here every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday). Malta for -Mlquelon. by rail to Boston, and thence by ateamer, rlose at this office dally at 6.30 p m. MaMa for Cuba by rail to Port Tampa, F'la.. and thence by steamer, close at this office dally except Thursday at 5:30 a. m., (the connecting closes are made on Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat urdays). Mall for Mexico City, over land unless specially addressed for des patch by steamer, close at this office dally except Sunday at 1:30 p. in., and ll:8o p. in.; Sundays at 1:00 p. in. and 11 30 p. m. Malls for Costa Rica, Belize, Puerto Cortes and letter mall for Guate mala, by rail to New Orleans and thence ly steamer, close at this otil-v. i'iily except Sunday at 1:) p. m. and 11.30 p. m.; Sunday! at 1:0) p. m. and ll:3o p. m. (connecting cioaes here Mondays at 11:30 p. m. for Belize, Puerto Cortes and letter mall for Guatemala and Tuesdays at 11 JO p. m. for Costa Rica) Registered Bnull Clones at :0u p. m. pre vious day. Trauspaclno Malls. Malls for Hawaii, via Ban Francisco, close her dully at 6 30 p. in. up to September m, inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Ala mnds. Malls for China and Japan, via Vancouver and Victoria. B. C , close here daily at 6:30 b. m. ud to Seoteniber ''nun. In clusive, for dehpalch per s. a. F.mprrns of India (registered mall must be jpecialiy addressed. Merchandise for U. 8. Postal Agency at Shanghai runnot be forwarded via Canada). Maiig fur thin and Japan, via Beattls, 1'OSTOFFII I; MVI KK. close here ilnllv at 80 p. m. up to tv. toner !. Inclusive, for illrpHtch per s. a Rlolun Maru. 1 It, sintered mtl must b directed "vln Sestile"). Malls for Haw nil. Japan. China and flrsl. el iss flintier for the Philippine Islands, via San hraiicls-o. 1 lo-e hero dallv at 4 30 p m up to tntoher M. Inclusive, for dls- I. alch per ft. n. Nippon Maru. Malls for IIhwuII. China. Japan and first 1 mis matter for the Philippine Inlands, via Sun Francisco, close here dally at fc: P nv up to October 'l Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s Peru. Mills for the Philippine Islands, via 8an Francisco, rlose here dally at 6.10 p. m up to October 'll. Inclusive, for dispatch per 1 . S. Transport. Malls for Australia lextrpt West Australia, which is forward,-,! via Furopel, New ealnnd, F'lJI. Samoa ahd Hawaii, via Bin Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m after September 20th and up to tctober II. Inclus've. or on arrlvsl of s. s Um brla. due at New York October 11th. for illMpatch per s. s. Sierra. Malls for Australia (except West Australia, "'t . 'op vl f:"rr,P". and New Zenland, which goes, via Pn F"ranclsco, and Fill Irlnnds. via Vancouver and Victoria. It. I. (steclally addressed onlvl. close here dally at :3n p. m. up to October Uth, in clusive for dispatch per s. a. Moana. Malls for China and Japan, via Taeoma. close here dally at :;) p. m. up to Oc tober 17, inclusive, for dispatch per s. . ( llencRle. Malls tor Tahiti and Marouesns tslands, via San F'r.inclsco, close here dallv at :;! p. 111. up to October '.;. Inclusive, for desp'itch pr s. s. Marlnosa. CORNELIUS VAN I'llTT, Postmaster. 0nice. New York, N. Y., September 26. GOVERNMENT NOTICES. U?,1. CHIEF Ot'ARTERMASTKR.' OMAHA. Neb Sept. , H2-8ealed pro loss i s In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will bo received nt this office and by the Uiiarlermnster. JerTerson Bar racks, Mo until 10 a. m.. central standard time, October IS. liny, for the construction of a brick cavalry stalil to replace one recently burned at Jefferson Barracks, Mo. Vall and material of old stable nt for pur pose to be used by contractor In construc ",n" f'f npw "no. F'ull Information fur n Hhcd on application to this office, where plan and specifications mav be seen, or to tno Quartermaster. Jefferson Barracks Intending bidders are Informed that the new stable will be similar to stable on ad jacent site nt the post. Proposals to be marked "Proposals for Stiblc" snd ad flrersed as above Indicated. JOHN W. PULLMAN. Chief Quartermaster. tD 1-2-3-4-11-1.1 DENVER. Colorado. Sent. ! 1Tfi" Th. opening of bids, for huUdlims at Ft. D. A -Russell. Wyoming, under mv srlveril of September 6. 1i2. is hereby postponed from October 6 to October 15 191! at 11 o'clock a. m. J. W. Pope. Ueut Col snd Chief Q. M. 6iD-tM-2-.1.4- ' LEGAL NOTICE. STREET IMPROVEMENTS " Sealed blda will hA reolt-A.! h.. a 1.- Crans, city auditor of the Cltv of Lead. 8 p.. until 6 p m., October 15th. "1902. for pav Ing with brick, stone or asphalt, upon a 6 Inch concrete base, together with all neces sary grading. Approximate estimate: lfl.000 square yards paving. R.200 lineal feet curbing. Sneclflcatlnns and clans ran be nMnfn.,1 of J.;P. Crick, city engineer. Lead. 8. D. 8211MM I 1 ! . 1 1 I AH. WAY TIME CARD. INION STATION lOTH AND BIARCV. Chicago, Rook Island A raclflc. EAST. T . a v a Aerlve Cbieago Dajllsht Lim ited a r.-nO am a 0.1Z am Chicago Daylluht Local. a 7:00 am a 9:35 pm Chicago Express M1:15 am a 8:S pm Des Moines Local a 6:20 pm bll:M am v.mcago v ast express, a 6:06 pm a 1:26 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain Lim- . Ited a 6:50 am a 4:63 am Lincoln. Colo. Springs. I'enver, rueoio and West alr.Wnm I'll hm Colo.. Texas, Cal. & Oklahoma Flyer a 6:20 pm a 13:40 pm Illinois C entral. Chicago Rxnress ..a 7:20 am a 5:10 pm Cnlcaeo. Minneapolis Sl. Paul Limited. a 7:60 pm a 8:06 am Minneapolis & St, Paul Fix press ....b 7:20 am bl0:3R pm a!0:35 pm Chicago Express.., Union Pacific. Lesve. Arrlvs. .a 9:40 am a 7:30 pm .a 8 S0 am a 1:25 pm .a 4:26 pm ,.all:30 pm a 4:33 pm Overland I Itnlted. The Fast Mall California Express.... Pacific Express Eastern Express I he Atlantic, txoress. ( :;w am The Colorado Special... a 7:10 am a 3:40 am Chicago Snecial 2:40 am Lincoln. Beatrice and Stromahurg Ex b 4KMI pm bl2:E0 pm Grand Island Local b 5 JO pm b 9:35 pm Wabash. St. Louis "Canon Ball" Express a 5:55 pm a 1:20 am fjt Louts Loca, Council Bluffs a 9:15 am Sl0:30 pm Chicago AV Northwestern. Th Northwestern Lin." Leave. Arrlv. ..a 3:40 am a 7:0u am ..a 7:fi0 pm a 8:30 am ..a 6:10 am a 3:60 pm ..a 1 :3b am al0:2S pra ..a 8:00 am all:20pni ..al0:5.l am a 6:10 pm ..a 4:0s pm K 9:60 cm ..a 4:66 pm a 4:05 pm ..a 8:10 pm a 9:20 am ..a 7:a pm a 8:15 am a 2:40 pm ..b 4:00 pm b 1:50 am Fast Chicago Mall Local Bloux City Daylight St. Paul Daylight Chicago Ixical Chicago Local Carroll Fast Chlcavo Llmfted Chicago...... Fast St. Paur ...... Fast Mall Local. Sioux City...., Missoarl Pactge. St. Louis Express..,. K. C. 4k St. L. Ex.... ,.al0:00 am a 6:25 pm ..alO :60 pm a 1:15 am Chicago. Milwaukee A St. Paal. Chicago & Omaha Ex..b 7:40 am b 1:40 pm Chicago Limited Ex.... a 6:00 pm a 7:60 am Bl'RLINGTON STATION lOTH at MASON Darlington at Missoarl River. , Leav. Arrlv. Wymore. Beatrice and Lincoln 1 a 8:40 am bl1:65 am Nebraska Express a 8:40 am a 7:45 pm Denver Limited. ...... ...a 4:25 pm a 6:43 am Black Hills and Puget Sound Express all:10 pm a 3:10 pm Colorado Vestibuled F'lyer a 1:10 pm Lincoln Fast Mail b 1:10 pm a 9:17 am Fort Crcok and Platts- moutli b 8:20 pm bll:0S am Bellevue Je Pacific Jet,. .a 7:60 pm a 1:27 am Bellevue & Pacific Jet.. .a 1:00 am Chicago. Uarllagfton A (lulucy. Chlcaao Sueclal a 7:00 am a 4:i nm Chicago Vestibuled Ex.. a 4:uu pm a 7:30 am cnicugo i-ocm a w.m am ii:oupm Chicago i.iruitea a sum pro a 7:30 am Fast Mali a 1:45 ;n Kansas City, SI. Jotrpu A Coancll Blnffs. Kansas City Day Ex. ...a 9:20 am a 1:06 pro St. Louis F'lyer a 6:10 pm all:li am Kansas City Night Ex..al0:30 pm a 1:16 am a Dally, b Dal'y except Sunday, e Sun day only, d Dally except Saturday. Pally except Monday. WEBSTER DEPOT IBTU A WEBSTER. Chicago. St. Paal, Mluneapolla A Ontaba. Leave. Arrlvs. Twin City Passenger. ...a 6:80 am a 8:00 pm Bloux City Passenger. ..a 1:00 pm all:20 am Emerson Local b 1:40 pm b 8:45 am Fremont, Elkhorn A Missouri Valley, Black Hills, Deadwood, Hot Springs a 1:00 pm a 5:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and Douglas d 1:00 pm 5:00 pm Hastings, York, David 1 Ity, Superior, Geneva, Exeter and Seward.. ..b 8:00 pm b 5:00 pm Norfolk, Lincoln and F'remont b 7:30 am bl0:25 am Fremont Locul c 7.80 am Missoarl PaelSe. Nebraska Local, Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm al0:25 am ,. CLARK'S jTHIISES FOR IM. By Specially Chartered Twin Screw Steamers, "KAIKERI.V- anel CELTIC" North German Lloyd White Star Line F'.xpresa Steamer Largeat Bteumer afloat Cheapest and most attractive trips ever offered. lAabt Inrlioe J'in- 14 Martinique, Barba WESlinQIcSdoes, Jamaica, Cuba, Nassau, etc.; 21 days, llis) up. Mediterranean tti Jriunt Itx&JfcJ.: Constantinople, Palestine, F.gypt, Rome, etc.; M up. Norway, Russia upifl'rst-clasa, Including shore excursions, hotels, guides, drives, etc. programs free mention trip. . C. CLAKK, Ul Broadway. N. Vl i