Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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0mplimu Iariaj Ed of Their 8trj
ii Injunction 0.
Oae Wltaes Tells How Sapalles fr
lk Boaraioa: Hint at tho tktpi
Had to Be fnt((lr
lata Vara.
i. At boob yesterday tba testimony cn behalf
of the complainant Id the Vol on Pacific In--..
junction ce waa nearly all In, there re-
-- uiaiBins qui two amaavits, one 01 E. Ulcx
t Inscn. general manager, and the other of
... vuia link Ul CiUJL-IIUICUUCUl
r,-. Mc Keen, to be passed upon br the attorneys
i for tba respondent! at to their sdmlssl-
- iiv.o lug 1 1-'-wi cioseu bo iar aa
tba direct testimony of the complainant Is
Testimony yeaterdsy morning waa alone
... vi mil ncreioior tagen. it nas
j keen agreed between the attorneys that the
.. iMflmnnV takn a t K I k.u .....
. . . iuo lUitriL u?IU UfUIl
- the remain of Earl Caldwell shall be Intro
duced with the Kama effect and aubject to
tba aame objections as though the witnessed
- ....,r,. u it-i buu inis nearing, ana
the record of tba police court, showijg th
- xnui or Kirneiieu for the assault upon
Sweeney, will alto be Introduce.
wiser, who tinea the strike has boarded at
the hotel maintained by the company on
. the ground. He bad been talked to by the
trlkera and bad been called names. He
, t bad not been assaulted and hid seen police
nun pretent When he waa talking to the
' Jamea McCabe of IoU Blondo street baa
been employed tn the boiler ahopa for aome
time; hat been called a "amh " hu k
been the victim of no assaults nor Insults.
William Miller of 1414 North Twenty
'tf (Sixth atreet said be was threatened on Au
!a' u,t 18 wnt0 told that he must
quit work or be would be killed. He iden-
tilled Rlctrlleu, Stark and Knell at men who
naa called him namea hut h. . v
: Intimidated.
Lewi Hill, J115 Burdette etreet, who
bat been employed by the Vnlon Pacinc
for seventeen years, had been called a
."scab" by striker and Identified "Young"
Robert a one of the men.
Violent l.anaaaae a Habit.
John Reed, at the head of the fnio:i
Pacific fir department, had beard Harro
, , way use violent and Indecent language;
i know Harroway well and knows that he
lit Mill. mA .... 1 , ...
-1 su miar lausjuage i orai-
ear' conversation; a rock was thrown one
night Which he believe tn h K.n
thrown at blm, but by whom he did not
Harry Ulmer. a strike breaker who
- worked for the Burlington at Havelock
for four years, tried to go to the tbopa
one day, when ha was turned bark by a
Vnlon Pacific guard, and went to another
gat; nera Be waa approached by plcketa
who r ruse 4 to let him enter the gates;
went to the railroad headquarters the
next morning and securing a guard went
' to the shops; has boarded at the shop
, . over since and has been out of the yards
, but Sve times; ha never had any other
Harry Ulmer. employed In the baggage
department of tha Vnlon Pacific, was out
of work In September and went to the shops
, to get a lob; was turned back by plcketa
and could not get In; waa afraid to go to
' work then and looked for another job.
O. C. Smith, chief clerk of the purchasing
department, said that bei had been told by
, merchant from whom he had purchased
uppllea for the eating house and hotel that
they could not deliver the goods on account
r of th picket, who threatened to take the
drtvera from the wagons and dump the
goods In the streets; for this reason many
article had been delivered at tha office and
taken to tha shops In company wagona; a
lot of furniture, which the manager of th
f 4 furniture store said could not be delivered,
' wa taken to the ahopa when that manager
accompanied tha wagon, and there wa no
' trouble so far aa he could learn; he had
had io talk with the driver and had no
personal knowledge of any threatened
trouble. .
Garret Fcrt, assistant general passenger
-.' agent of the company, heard vile language
used on the atreet car one evening, and
while h did not know the name of the
parties, wa told that they were striker.
I'llis Paella Strike; Pclat to Pact
z I mm mm Elomeat la Their
Union Pacific strikers are wblllng away
many quiet momenta theae day during th
low progress of the Injunction hearing In
, th federal court. Little I moving Outside
A - of tht hearing, but the strikers are trudg
ing away at their affair, maintaining their
picket line, their financial bureaus, tend
ing out their daiiy bulletins to faithful ai
! Ilea along the line and awearlng their de-
i termination to "never say die."
The strikers are pointing to the failure
of the Union Pacific' new engine to arrive
aa an element In their favor. Tbey atlll
contend that the company' motive power
'j to fast declining, despite repeated state
ments from officials that It la not, and bold
M that without the new quota of engine Mr
Burt will soon be forced to the wall.
But that la merely the strikers' view.
- President Burt and other t'nlon Paclflo
' etfiolals eipreaa different idea about the
v aame thing. They dispute the aasertlon
' that their motive power 1 seriously crip-
I pled by the strike In their motive power
ahona for a period of four months and de
t clar that their ability to meet the demands
of their traffic ought to be sufficient proof
Don't Try
to Master
the subject of life insurance or
you will probably give up in
despair. There arc over 350
different forms of policies
Security is the first thing and
resources guarantee security.
Tbs AiHtief TV.t Mutual Lift Ismraen Con pur
at hew York cic4 iblm ( iay eisar Ui uwua
titir- is uir-ac. Ty ar er
" i Was ii Psjry-hsld: s sver
wkick la sm ds aev euW Ills iaMtrsacs caapaay
a laa warU Bat ausuraad,
Vr!t for "Warn Skatl I lnunl"
The Mutual Life Insurance
Company or New York
Kkxi A. McC i-bdv, fratlacal.
riBmva bho iiiitti.
Do Molaoa. la. Oaaaha.
r. A. Caatie a Koan. W. b Olln, Jr.,
Joseph TH. k. V. J. Trick. MUs E. U. -Lckl.
Sic-ai aasuta.
of tbelr claim. But this gives rise to an
other question. 8trlkera moat emphatically
deny that the company la meeting the de
mands of Its normal traffic.
A to the new locomotive. Mr. Burt In
formed newspaper men aome time during
August that the company had ordered
aeventy-one of them and that the flrft
would arrive the !at week In August or
the first week In September. That none
cf the engines has been received as yet Is
said by the company to be due tn no way
to the strike here. Strikers naturally claim
the contrary. At any rate they say the
company really would be unable to handle
the engine If they did come, as they are
without mechanic eufficiently skilled to
et them up.
The representative of the 800 shops from
Minneapolis succeeded In hiring from the
ranks of the strikers half of the machinists
and boiler maker be wanted. The othr
half be got from local contract shops. In
all be takes back with blm ten machinists
and five boiler maker. The striker are
loathe to leave the city during their struggle
with tfce.l'nlon Pacific.
Flrat Lecture of tatlveralty Exteaaloa
Coarae ky Dr. Ira M',
Nearly every seat In the First Congrega
tional church was taken last night at the
lecture of Ira W. Howerth. Ph. D.. the
first of the series of twelve to be glvn
periodically this tall and winter on modern
social problems under the extenMon sys
tem of the University of Chicago. Dr.
Howerth spoks upon "The Social Question
of Today," saying. In part:
The social question presents a double as
pect In .he firet place, there Is a genera!
social quertion which Is merely the eternal
pioblem of economic and moral progrens
leading to btter and better eocinl condi
tions, the solution of which. If Indeed we
may rpeak of a solution of an ever present
problem, depends upon the continuance of
material i.rogrees. or the subjection of na
ture, and the gradual Improvement of
human personalities.
The social question of today, or, the so
cial question of any given time. Is the
question of social welfare pressing most
strongly for solution. That qjemion will
always be found to be a problem of re
stricting the opportunities of organized
selfishness. 6elflhness Is general, and It
Is an Illusion to suppose that one clans of
society Is altogether virtuous and heroic,
while another is moved only by the spirit
of narrowness and greed.
When, in the sixteenth century, Martin
Luther and his asoctates rebelled against
the authority of the church, they were en
gaged In a movement which finally resulted
4n securing for the people a greater degree
of religious freedom; that Is the social
question as a rellirlouB question was prac
tically solved. AVhlle much still remains
to be done in the way of securing for the
people freedom of thojght and action In
rllglous matters, this particular phase of
the aoclal question Is no lonser dominant.
After the Reformation the people soon
found out that the same opportunities for
selfish domination that had been enjoyed
by those In control of ecclesiastical Insti
tutions were afforded those who were In
control of the state. The crosier of the
ecclesiastic had merely transformed Itself
Into the scepter of the political ruler. For
two centuries and a half the struggle of
the people was for a share In the govern
ment. The social question was a political
question. This question, however, was
nominally solved, so far as the people of
tM roi.r.fry arc concerned, by the Revolu
tion and the Declaration of Independence.
The social question Is consequently no
longer primarily a political question.
Political liberty having been achieved,
where Is now the great opportunity for
selfish domination? Obviously it lies with
that clasa of persons who have secured
control of the great Industrial forces of our
nation and have entrenched themselves
behind rhe economic Institutions upon
which the welfare of society so largely
depends. The social question cf today,
therefore. Is chiefly an Industrial or econo
mic question. It is the problem of re
stricting the power of wealth and of ae
curlng for the people a higher degree of
economic freedom.
It Is useless to talk of an tdentitv of In
terests between the laborer and the cap-
i(aiiei. i nere is no- sincr loentrrv inn
those who claim It are the victims of loose
thinking, or are unconsciously biased by
inwr uwn immcuiaie inieresis.
Ckeaalst Searches la Vala for Caasc
of Cathbertaoa Family's
Th bottle of milk from which the mem
ber of the family of E. A. Cuthbertaon
drank 8unday morning, at which time all
were taken violently III, wa chemically
analyzed yesterday and th chemist found
no ptomaine or fermentative products that
would have produced the results experienced
by tha Cuthbertson family. The milk ha
not been tested for Incrganio potaon. Thia
will be done today..
The belief that it waa the Intention of
aome one to murder the entire family wa
strengthened yesterday by the finding of
a portion of a wrapper from a bog of rat
poison. Thia waa found by tho police after
a careful search of the house. No member
of the family knew how the wrapper cam
to be In the house. The police are Inveatl
gating thoroughly, and it 1 expected that
some light will be thrown on the mystery
la A short time. The member of the family
who were taken 111 are cow out of danger,
though Mr. E. A. Cuthbertaon I still very
Stato Iasaraaco Coaapaay Orgaalsed
hy Proalaeat Local Baalaeaa
The State Insurance Company of Ne
braska, recently organized by a number of
Omaha men, expect to be ready for- bust
nets by January 1. Tb company will have
an authorized capital of 11,000.000, of which
$125,000 will be paid In, 125,000 of which
will b the surplus. The company expects
to do business In Nebraska only and will
have one person in every county In th
tate a stock holder and agent. The
, company Include these men: Jamea E.
Boyd, John C Cowln. A. J. Love, J. J,
Dickey, Luther Drake, K. A. Cudahy, E. A
Dixon, Frank Colpctzer. F. P. Klrkendall,
George U Hammer, E. E. Howell. William
M. Glass. E. E. Bruce, Edgar Allen. M. C.
Peter. W. J. C Kenyoo, William Krug
and E. V. Lewis.
Oa Bcdrellow Sllpe Oat While
Other ileeps aas 1
Con Uurphy and Fred Selvor. th latter
balling from Galena. III., occupied a room
together la th Metropolitan hotel. Twelfth
and Douglas streets, during tha early part
of Monday night. In th morning when
Selvera awoke Murphy wa gone. Thia fact
did not concern Selvera Tcry much until h
progressed la hi dressing far enough to
put his hand In hi trousers pocket. HI
lh wer gone also. H notified th police
and Murphy waa arrested In Council Bluffs
durlnc tbs afternoon of yeaterday. and
later on brought t this city t stand trial
klarrlaa Lleoaaea.
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to
the following:
Name and Residence. Age
Wl!liam Komln. Blair. Neh M
Mrs. Rosa Homlne, Omaha 1)
Jamea Richardson, jr.. Omaha ii
Urac t'randall. Omaha. .. SM
Josrph V. Ashton. Pueblo. Colo M
Gertrude Ooodrtrh. Omaha II
Woods Cones. Pierce, Neb
Ida L'lrtch Omaha
Jamea F. Thomas. Omaht
Uaraaret Zlmraer, Omaha.. It
Robert F. Oalnea. E'.k City
Bvrdle McKatr.ara
Alfred W. North. Holdrrsa. 'b U
Clara i. Storm. Elgin. Ill U
Hsrpiul Ausciatioo Will Eadsavsr to Es
ctre a Kw Building.
First Saloonkeeper Tried for elllaa;
Llqaor oat Bandar Is Aeqaltted
by the Jory Manic tlty
It wa stated yesterday that the South
Omaha Hospital association would bold a
meeting within a few day to discuss fur
ther plane In relation to the erection of a
new hospital or the securing of more com
fortable quarters for it.
The building that Is now being occupied
by the association has proven unsatisfac
tory to the majority of the hospital board.
nd the women who comprise this board
ay they will put up with almost any kind
of a building ao long as they can make a
change from where they now are. They
state that the item of fuel alone In the
present building Is an Important one, and
that some change will be made without fait
before cold weather eel In.
'But where are we to go." asked one of
the members of the board last evening.
We have discussed this matter so many
mes and have contemplated so many dif
ferent buildings that we are at a loss to
know which one to decide upon renting.
It was stated for awhile that some of the
real estate men of the city would put up a
building for us If we would enter Into a
lease for a considerable length of time,
but th rent asked for inch a building
ould be out of the question for us to pay.
aa would be tbe rent on aome of the build
ups already offered to us."
It I thought that an effort will be made
to Interest the packing house tn the mat
ter of securing a new location, and even
the railroads will be asked to assist. There
as always been a strong objection urged
against the building and tb location of the
hospital aa it now exists, but it la thought
that If a reasonable proposition Is pre
sented to these corporations that tbey will
co-operate with tbe association In securing
quarter that will prove both satisfactory
nd convenient.
Mar Be Shy oa Salary.
It was stated yesterday that the officers
of th city may be required to wait another
month before any of thm will have an op
portunity to draw their salary. Several of
the rouncllmen have openly stated that
there would be no meeting of the council
next Monday night, the regular monthly
meeting night, and that it waa a grave
question as to Just when the council would
meet. There seems to be a clash In the
council on the question of meeting, several
of the members refusing to agres on a spe
cial meeting for allowing salaries without
ransactlng business tn general, and the bal
ance refusing to meet for tbe purpose of
discussing ' general business matter per
taining to tbe city government.
That Telephone Fraachlso.
Whether the council will give the new
Independent telephone company the author
ity to submit to the voter of the city the
question of the granting of a new franchise
for the erection of an Independent .tele
phone plant In South Omaha I unanswer
able at this time. The provision of the
harter which govern auch proceeding
Imply saya that if S per cent of the voters
ef th city remonstrate against th grant
ing of a telephone franchise that it can only
then be granted upon a majority vote of
those cast upon such proposition.- Tha tel
ephone people state that the question will
be up to tbs voter at this election, while
th opposition have nothing to sty on the
Mike Kelly's Lack.
Mike Kelly, a well known laborer at one
of the packing house, received word last
Monday that he had Inherited an estate of
more than 15,000. and accompanying fhe
letter wan a check for $100. Kelly Is said
to have atarted out with th money on his
person, when he wss beguiled Into a saloon
and there robbed. The police state that
they recovered (55 of his money. With this
he will Immediately start for bis old home
n Canada.
City looses Flrat Case.
Dennis Cushlng. the first of the men to
be tried on the charge of selling liquor on
Sunday, waa yesterday acquitted by a Jury
in the police court. Although many of the
cases were Instituted two months ago, none
had ever come to trial until yesterday.
When the cases were reached Monday aft
ernoon, each of th men charged demanded
a Jury, which waa granted. It Is stated that
ne Jury acquitted CusMng on tbe first
ballot. Tbe case of John Krlolskl, a
saloon keeper at Thirty-third and L street,
waa to have been tried yesterday afternoon.
but as the daughter of Krlolskl died dur
ing the day, th case was continued by
the assistant city attorney until one week
from yesterday. .
Money Still oa Haad.
Prom the statement compiled by City
Clerk 8. .C. Shrlgley It appear that the
city still haa soms money on hand. Tb
amount of ths levy for 1902 was 1133.655,
while there waa a balance on hand from
1&01 of t5,06. Up to October 1 warrant
to the amount of $$5,177 have been drawn.
Th balance remaining In the different fund
1 as follows: Fire, $542; salary, $1276;
public light. S607; water. 1191; street re
pair. $2,458; police, 5.905; Interest. $27,431;
Judgment. $25; library, $3,267, and park,
$2,569. The fund for curb and pavement
repair work haa been completely exhausted.
Waltlaar fr Beaches.
Tha police court official are still anx
iously awaiting the action of tbe council
In tbe proposed purchase of the benches for
use In the police court room. Two months
ago th council adopted th resolution pro
viding for ths placing of suitable beaches in
this room, but since that time no one seem
to have been able to determine Just whoa
duty it waa to buy them. There ar about
two doten chairs In the court room, but bar
ring these. It has no other ssatlng facil
ities. Mania City Gossip.
Mrs. Charles E. Reed of Fatrbury, Neb.,
la vlaltlng with friend In 8outh Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. John Esrnest, 217 North
Twenty-second street, report the birth cf a
A daughter haa been bom to Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Williams, Twenty -seventh and
1 sirseis.
Ths amount of stock received at the yards
yeaieraay was not tn keeping with th
rrcorcs oi ins wttL
. Deputy City Treasurer E. L. Gustafson
has returned from a week's visit In Denver
ana otner Colorado points.
The rule thst all city prisoner must work
out tbelr time on th roads of tha city
icfmi m in ctri wiid universal ravor.
Officials in the city hsli ela.m that the
building la loo cold for comfort. No steam
aas aa yet Deea turned on In ths building
Th Woman's Forelrn Missionary aocletv
cf the Methodist church will me t wits
Mrs. George Chase this afternoon at I
Willi, th lK-months-old son of E. Toung,
Thlrty-a'.xth and X streets, died yesterday
morning and the funeral will be held to
morrow morning.
City Attorney Murdoch states that the
council has been acting Illegally in tha
drawing of warrants upon in different
funds of the city, and recommends a dif
ferent plan for tbs paying of til is here
To sneet th popu'ar clamor, tbs Board
of Education mar hold a special maating
some right this week to make soma pro
vision for the better hooting facl.ittes of
th schools and to lake some steps lo se
to it that molesters of school property ar
punished. The proposed meeting Is said to
be objected to by certain members.
Division A of the ladles' union of the
Christian church will meet this afternoon at
3 o clock at the home of Mrs. Rodger Hod
gens, Eighteenth and I streets.
Mlssoarl River ot to Ills l.lklag and
He Allowa Htaaeelf to be
llaalea Oat.
Neptune Everett, true to the watery tra
ditions of ths family, plunged beneath the
amber, flood of the Missouri last night from
off the slag dump of the Omaha and Grant
smelter at the foot of Davenport street.
This wss probably with suicidal Intent, pos
sibly an accident; Neptune himself was too
incoherent to say. Pmm Robtnson. Al Hoff
man and W. A. Mela, smelter men. as
sisted him back to grounl an! partially
dried him close to a furnace until the police
wagon came. Neptune had a number of
gashes on his left arm and hand and leg
from the sharp slag. He is a hostler in
the Windsor stables and for the past year
haa lived In th boarding house of Mrs.
Ellzsbeth Heflln at 1410 Chicago street.
He Is said to be a man of drlbklng hablta
and to have had considerable trouble In his
life. At about o'clock Al Hoffman, an
employe of the smelter, saw a man who did
not belong there hurrying across th
grounds inside the fence. He notified Rob
inson and Mels. who are watchmen, and the
three pursued the man and were In time
to hear the splash sa he struck the water.
The slag bank la very steep, but thev were
able to rescue him. The water Is forty feet
deep and runs very swiftly, but Just at thia
point is an eddy, to which fact the man owes
his life. .
Stranger Twmblea Osl Trala aaa
Sastalas Several Bad
Charles Murphy, who ssys that he ha
no particular place of abods but Is engaged
in railroad construction, hnd the misfor
tune to fall from a platform of a rapidly
moving Northwestern train yesterday
morning as It was nearlng the river bridge
on Its way to Council Bluffs. He sustained
a V-shapcd cut on the scalp and abrasions
and bruises of the cose, mouth and hands.
Th scalp was cut to ths bone and ths
flap turned down m though from a scalping
knife, and the wound ground full of cin
ders. ' Murphy walked to the police sta
tion, where his injuries were dressed. Ho
said be was sitting on ths platform and n
sudden lurch of the trsin threw him off.
He struck on his head and rolled over a
number of times.
All local freight depots will close at noon
today and will receive no freight after that
Michael Murphy and a number of others
have petitioned the district ceurt for the
appointment of a receiver for the Fidelity
Mutual Insurance company ot Omaha. -
Charles Vols and R. J. Rothmlller were
arrested last night on the c irntval grounds
for scraping up handsfull of confetti from
the pavement and throwing It in people's
facr-s. They wci tlaaigeU with disorderly
Mary Iee hss petitioned the district court
for a divorce from Alva A. Lee on the
ground of extreme cruelty and non-support.
She also asks for the custody of their child.
Oracle May. The couple were married at
Stuart, la., November 6. 1SV8.
On the ground of non-support. Augusta
Strain has asked the district court to di
vorce her from Leslie 8. Strain, to whom
she was married In 1HS2 at Uncoln. III., and
by whom she has had six children all
minors, the oldest being 17 and the youngest
4 years old. Mrs. Strain asks the court to
allow her alimony of I3W.
'Clyde C. Taylor, a B-yrar-old negro boy.
was arrested on the grounds of the street
fair last night and is tbpught to have taken
two porketbooks, Xhe.lltUa fellow denlnd
taking them and laid the blame on Eddie
Enlx, a companion; but lie added that there
wa only 50 cents and some stamps. It is
thought several of the lads were acting to
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Crandslt and Ralph.
Jr.. have returned from a three weeks' visit
with friends In Colorado and Wyoming.
The many friends of Mrs. J. Percy
Flelshel. pee Miss Ruth Waller, will be
sorry to hear that she is seriously 111 of
typhoid fever at her home In Canon City,
Mrs. Mary Louise Ryan of Cincinnati Is
In the city, visiting her son, John Becan
Ryan. Mra. R-yan. ever since her girlhood
days, has been a well known writer on
religious and political topics.
A dispatch was received bv the Richard.
son Drur comnanv venterdav from T nrA.
raoo, Mexico, snnouncing tne death or Iee
Weber, one of Its oldest traveling men,
Mlco" representing them In New
P. Hickman, a transient sruest of the
City hotel, fell through a recond-story
window In the front of thst establishment
aT 2 o'clock last night and landed on th
pavement, sustaining slight brulnes of the
thigh and head. Hickman is a somnamhu
and is supposed to have wa-.aed through
the window, taking the screen along In hia
Congressman John V. Lacev of Oskalooen
la., was the guest of Congressman Walter
I. Smith of Council BlufTa In Omaha yes
terday. Mr. Lacey has been making some
campaign speeches In this state and after
a short Interruption, caused by the change
In the plans of President Roosevelt to visit
Nebraska, will resume his tour. Mr. 8mlth
will deliver a couple of ramnala-n speeches
In Nebraska latrr on one In the Fourth
and the other In the Fifth districts.
A Remedy Which Has Revolot ioalsed
tho Trratntit of Stomach Troablea.
Tbe remedy Is not heralded aa a wonder
ful discovery nor yet a secret patent medi
cine, neither Is It claimed to cure anything
except dyspepsia, indigestion and stomach
troubles with which nine out of ten suffer.
The remedy is In tha form of pleasant
tasting tablets or losenges, containing vege
table and fruit essences, pure aseptic pepsin
(government test.) golden seal and diastase.
The tablets are sold by druggists under the
nam cf 8tuart'a Dyspepsia Tableta. Many
Interesting experiments to test tbe digestive
power of Stuart'a tableta abow that one
grain of th active principle contained In
them la sufficient to thoroughly digest 3,000
gralna of raw meat, ergs and other whole
soms food.
Stuart's Tablets do not act upon the
bowels like after-dinner pills and cheap
cathartics, which simply Irritate and In
flame th intestines without having any ef
fect whatever in digesting food or curing
It the stomach can b rested and assisted
In the work ot digestion It will very soon
recover It normal vigor, a no organ la ao
much abused and overworked a tbe stom
This Is the secret, if there I any secret.
of tb remarkable success of Stuart's D
pepda Tablets, a remedy practically un
known a few years ago and now tbe most
widely known ot any treatment for stom
ach weakness.
This success ha been secured entirely
upon its merits aa a digestive pure and
simple because there can be no stomach
trouble If tb food Is promptly digested.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets act entirely on
th food oaten, digesting it completely, sa
that It can be assimilated into blood, nerve
ana tissue. Tbey euro dyspepsia, water
brash, sour stomach, gas and bldatlng after
meals, because tbsy furnish ths digestive
power which weak atomtchs lark and unless
that lack la supplied it is useless to attempt
to cur by tha use of "tonics," "pills" and
eat hart lea which have absolutely no diges
tive power.
Stuart' Dyspepsia Tablet ran be found
at all drug stores and the regular us of
oa or two of them after meals, will de
monstrat their merit better than any
other argumaau
Tuesday Night' Fierc. 8tnn Cam Pit
pomf at of aCtitnrtTi.
Sanger f'onelode He Woa't Ask for
It tader t'lrrasastaaces, Thoanh
Soldiers Had Prepared Prwm
laeat Visitors Arrive.
FORT RILET, Kan.. Sept. SO. Deeper
quiet even than prevails upon a Sunday
existed throughout the day at Camp Root.
The only eventa were tbe arrival at the
ramp of Governor Stanley of Kansas aud
late in the afternoon of Assistant Secretary
of War Sanger and Brigadier General Car
ter, the acting adjutant general of the
army, who Inspected tbe camp. At day
break this morning the groune wae in such
a condition after the storm of last night
that It would have been Impossible to
carry out the day's program with much
probability of success. The earth around
Fort Riley Is of the character that be
comes exceedingly difficult to maneuver
upon unless dry. A little rain causes It to
become so slippery that It is difficult for
men and horses to keep their feet on slop
ing ground unless moving with' caution,
and rain converts it Into sticky gum that
makes marching a performance utterly
without redeeming features.
General Bates determined last night to
call off the program for today, and con
ditions this morning proved the wisdom of
bis course. Overhead it was a day difficult
to rurpaes; under feet was a condition
that could not be made worse. The roads
have dried nicely, however, and everything
points to favorable conditions for tomor
row's v.ork.
General Bates issued order in the morn
ing for all commands to hold themselves
In readiness for a review by the assistant
secretary of war. If he should accept it.
Consequently there wss much rubbing of
metal and much cleaning of clothing and
leather trappings throughout the day. In
the middle of the sfternoon General Bates,
accompanied by his aides. Captains Reeve
and Wright, rode out to select a ground
for the holding of the review. General
Sanger, however, decided that the troops
would have sufficient work without march
ing out on review, and declined the honor
offered him.
Sanger and tarter Welcomed.
General Sanger and General Carter were
met at the train on their arrival by an es
cort of cavalry and after being received by
Colonel C C. C. Cart-, tbe commander or
the military post of Fort Riley, rode out to
Camp Root, where General Bates received
them with the customary honors. A short
reception was held, all of the leading offi
cers at the camp calling to pay their re
spects to Generals Sanger and Carter. The
offlcere of the National guard were also pre
sented. The invitation of General Batei
tn 1inr th ramp w then accepted and
after listening to a short concert by the
band of the Eighteenth infantry General
Bates and the assistant aecretary of war
headed a long line of horsemen on their
ride through the camp. They rode over
the entire ground and both General Sanger
and General Carter expressed themselves
pleased with whst they saw. They will be
the guests of General Bates at the maneu
vers tomorrow.
.An hour previous to the arrival of the
distinguished army officers. Governor Stan
ley of Kansas and party, mong whom were
a number of women, called at General Batea'
headquarters. The governor waa escorted
to the camp by a squadron of cavalry and
after a short stay at the headquarters of
General Bates left to visit the camp of th
men of the Kansas National guard. Here
he waa received with all the honors of a
commander-ln-cblef and spent several hours
looking around.
Tomorrow morning the war problem orig
inally scheduled for today will be carried
out. It will be tbe defense and attack of
a convoy. The latter will be quit largs
and Is expected to number fully 100 wagona.
It Is expected that It will furnish one of
the most Interesting maneuvers cf the
This morning was occupied by a general
discussion of the military problems that
have already been worked out.
Tbe commanding officers of the opposing
lorces in ni-n uuo ui iuc wiuruirn rnu
his report, the umpire's report wa read
, B.d KeDera, exp,anaUoni ,nd a discussion
i The lyceum was conducted for th benefit
or tne national guara oracers, wno were
given every facility to acquire all possible
Worst Storm for Years.
Tbe storm which swept over Fort Riley
last night was the worst that has been ex
perienced here for several years. The wind
blew a bowling gale, the rain fell in tor
rent and the cold wa intense. Some of
the National guard companies that arrived
during the latter part ot the evening came
in without equipage ot any kind, and but for
the effort of Captain C. B. Baker, tbe camp
quartermaster, many of tbem would have
fared badly, vaptaln Baker, with his aa-
istanta, labored in tbe storm until long
after midnight and would not leave until
everything possible had been done.
Tbe quartermaster's department has
looked after tbe comfort of tbe members
of the National guard with the same as
siduity that has been employed by General
Batea, bis staff officers and the military
umpires In rounding out their military edu
Lieutenant Colonel Raspahoff, tbe Russian
military attache, arrived last night in the
worst of tbe storm. He Is a soldier who
has seen much actlvs service and at once
gave evidence of his intention to see th
bright side ot things. He looked around
the camp as well ha he could, and In tbe
Intense darkness .his vision might possibly
extend ten feet, turned bis face toward tb
leaky clouds snd said: "This is fine; this
is bae-you-tl-tul. It is always nice to come
to a camp in a rain."
An infantry captain who heard it re
marked: "A man who can say that on a
night Ilk this and not choke on it 1 all
Commissary General Weston haa also ar
rived at the camp.
Tb Stat Medical society of Kansas is
now in session at Junction City, and to
morrow its members in a body will visit th
ramp, where the working of tb army
medical system will be fully explained. Ob
ject lessons will be given of tbe treatment
of wounded soldiers from tbe time of thslr
removal from the field until after tbelr first
treatment in tbe field hospital.
la the Mereer Salt.
MINNEAPOLIS. Fett. I Ate thl
afternoon Judge Amnion of the I'nlted
States district court, tn the anti-merger
suit of Pettr Power against the Northern
Pacific Railway comuanv. in which Cap
tain Weldenfeld of New York attempted to
Intervene, de ided to grant the Interven
tion. But he also dismissed both the origi
nal bill and the bill in Intervention on the
ground that the Northern Securities com
pany should have been represented and that
neither Power nor Weidenfeld were in a
position to demand the relief Bought through
tneir complaints.
COI.BERT-'hrlKtlna. aged 71 years.
Funeral Thursday morning October !. at
s o clock sharp, from the residence of Mra
Kmmet Mit rtarv, ntr daughter. Prst
street, to St. Mary Magdalene's church
blxteentn and I'ouglss streets Intermen
In German Catholic vemeltry, South Omaha
Pri ote
ariLL mlL JL bssL
'n.un.lBII.JUllininnnial u.rny, . Jl B
(Continued from First Page.)
remit tbe requirements of banks to main
tain a cash reserve against government de
posits which are secured by government
bonds, and to accept other securities then
government bonds for government deposits,
where it would release 2 per cent bonds
and would require the taking out ot addi
tional bank notes.
Authoritative statements from Mr. Mor
gan relieved the tears of a miscarriage of
the plan for transfer of control ot ths
Louisville Nasnville.
Secretary Shaw today gave out the fol
lowing ststement:
The department Is In receipt of a num-
r,rSf..r,'l4l;e81? ,rom v,arlol.lS ?a?Es he i
country clear'y showing; that the state-
ment given out last night was mlsunder- , awuiuiru i iut i minora nmui, mo pouiu
stood, or rather that it was not clearly : ern hotel and the exposition offlcea at the
read. That there may be no mlsunder-I , -i,t K,,uin ..i,i ,,,
ste.ndlng. the following statement is made: ; Laclede building, where nine special trolley
No new deposits will be made on any cars were in waiting to convey them to thi
security other thHn government bonds so . Country club.
long hs government bonds can be secured, j .,. . . ,, i..k ,k. ,
For the vresent banks seem to be able to ! After breakfasting at the club the party
obtain frequently bv borrowing bonds proceeded to the world's fair site, whrre
J.hT '.hJ,n 2 P".""' f01?01; They can tne ceremonit began with the allotment
obtain the use of these bonds for a limited . . .. r . . ...
period htA they are as deslrkble as any Eround on which the government build
tor security for deposits. They sre not as , leg will be erected. Then Missouri.. Louis-
?J?HnW,1,:?:U!'ll.r,, ',,ILC!rf11J"rJ",r '". Texas, Illinois. South Carolina. New
the reason that circulation based thereon i '
Is taxable at 1 per cent, while circulation j rk. Arkansas, Kansas and Montana re
based on the 2 per cent consols is taxable celved possession of their respective sites,
i oniy i per cent, i ne uk nun cannoi
obtain except by purchase any bond as a
Dasis lor circulation, because wnen de
posited for circulation they cannot be re
leased until the circulation Is retired, and
it may take a year before their circulation
can be retired ami price of Lumis Is so high
that bank circulation Is maintained at con
siderable loss to the banks. Thev must he
encouraged or circulation constantly con
-ihererore tne department nss necifiea to
reieare. for such banks as have deposits
and are not maintaining their limit of clr-
culatlon. a portion of the bonds now held
by the government, taking In lieu thereof
other satisfactory security on condition al-
ways that the bonds released will be used
for the immediate issue or additional cir- ;
culatlon. This provision does not apply to
those banks that already have their maxi
mum circulation, neither does It apply to
banks that do not have any deposits.
Psrpsar of the Offer.
The sole purpose of tht offer la to In
crease rirculstlon thst is already printed
- J ... - , j, t,.i, v.. 1 1.. I
.uu rr.u, r. o -u . c.u v, u.U..
posits being scattered throughout tbe
entlro country, the relief offered. It Is be
lieved, will be national rather than local,
for it applleo to all sections and to every
state In the union. Thst the secretary has
Intended all along that the relief should
be general and for the west a. well ;
New lork. was shown by a remark hej mad.
In explaining how the effect would be im-
.. ." ,, , . . ,1
maxilla In K'ia Vntr 11. avnlaitiijit a a 1
hew relieving the banks of th necessity
of carrying reserve gave them the oppor
tunity to extend credits to four times the
reserve released.
"You see." be continued, "your New York
banks do not care anything for rash tbey
do their business by means of credits.
Their loans asd deposit are in tbe form
of check and bookkeeping, and all they
want of cas"h Is to maintain their reserves."
. "Then what is the use of Increasing cir
culation T" was asked.
"Oh." replied the secretary instantly,
"your banks hrs do not do all tbe busi-
ness. when it come to the western banka,
when they want to make a loan for the
purpose of paying for rattle or grain they
have got to pay out the actual currency
They don't do as much of their business on
books; thst la where the cash Is needed,
and they call on the banks here for It."
Secretary Shaw during the afternoon re
ceived a number of telegrams from a' num
ber ot bankers from various sections of the
' country commending his action.
Ex-Secretary Falrchlld was one of those
who met Mr. Shaw. Their talk waa In
private. Before going to the subtreasary
Mr Falrthild had been asked hi. opinion
of Secretary Sbaw'a action.
It Is a. radical departure from precedent.
but It Is a good thing. It Is just what la
needed in the present circumstances."
Jadir Caldwell May Deride Today.
DENVER. Sept. JO The arguments In the
Colorado Fuel and Iron company s suit
were finished today. Judge Hornblower of
New York being the last sueaKer. Judg
Caldwell Indicated that he might give his
decision tomorrow morning.
Lessen Laundry Labors by using
It cleans
the most
but never
Made by
Swift 3t Company
Governors ami Representatives of
Many Statea Take Part la
t eremonr at St. I.oal.
ST. LOl'IS. Sej.t. 3 The governors of
nine states, the accredited representative
of the national government and of twenty
or more states or territories are here !o
participate in tbe allotment of altea for
buildings at the Louisiana Purchase exposi
tion, the ceremonies for which began today.
Despite the threstening weather the attend
ance at the ceremonies was Urge.
At 10 o'clock this morning members cf
tbe national commission, of the board of
lady managers, of tbe state commissions,
of tbe board tn cbsrge of tbe I'nlted States
tovernment exhibit and other invited guests
. .
w v .i., . v,.. . l
. ernor or state commission or both.
! Speeches ot presentation snd acceptance
were In order in each instance. Tomorrow
the remaining state and territories will re
ceive tbelr allotments.
Tbe first formal session ot tbe Dosrd ot
i lady managers of the Louisiana Purchase
exposltlon was held this afternoon., A tera-
porary organlxatlon was effected with Mrs.
Finis P. Ernest of Denver as president and
rwdei-ici, Hanser of I title Rnclt as
Mr"' Hanger ot Little Kock ss
secretary. The permanent organization
will take place tomorrow morning. Mrs.
James L. Blair of St. Louis was offered the
presidency In lieu of Mlts Helen Gould's
declination of that honor. Mrs. Dlatr also
declined with the proviso that the board
allow her until tomorrow's session for con
sideration of the matter.
The appointment of Mrs. John Miller
Hor,on of Buffa,0 N y mpmb,r of
i the board to succeed Mrs. John A. McCall
of New York city, resigned, was announced
through Secretary Joseph L. Flory of the
national commission, aa the selection of
Commissioner Martin H. Glynn of Albany,
N. V. Mrs. Horton. who makes the nlna-
of the rommlttM on c,mon-, al the Pan.
Am,rlcan po,1Uon. ghe , r,8ent of tn
. , . ... . . . . .. .
Daughter of the American Revolution for
New Tork state, a Colonial Dame, and a
prominent society woman of her city.
Itnbrrt Drimmnnd.
Messrs. W. R. Drummond and Robert
Drumir.ond. Jr., have received newa of the
death of their f&lher, Robert Drummond.
at Amesbury, Mass., where he has made
his home since coming from Scotland and
where his wife, two sons and a daughter
are resident. His death was the result of
, heart failure, with which he was very sud-
j denly stricken early Friday morning while
tailing at the home of bla son James. A
number of Massachusetts people now rel-
dent In Omaha were acquainted with Mr.
Drummond and be made still other frieni
Vhils visiting his sons here some years
I aloa t'oanty riosrer,
CRESTON, la.. Sept. SO. (Special.)
Wenze! Susank, one of tbe beat known and
most highly respected pioneers of Union
county, died at th home ot his daughter.
Mra. John Rummels on north Cherry street
of oM e. , . bn' falIln(r
for some time, and a few months ago hs
gave up the farm hs occupied southwest of
Creston since 1868 and came to live with
his daughter.
Oldest Settler In Soatheaat Iowa.
TRENTON. la.. Sept. SO. (Special Tele
gram I Mrs. Elizabeth Lane, the oldest
pioneer of southeastern Iowa, died today
at the age of "00 years.
Keep a good supply of
rer's Family Medicines on
, It's so easy then to take
the Pills at bedtime if you
feel a little bilious, or if your
stomach Is a trifle out of order.
Just so with the Sarsaparilla.
A few doses will bring back your
ppetite, give strength to your
weakened nerves, and relieve
you of that terrible feeling of
And besides there are the
children to think of. A dose
or two at the right time often
m..e.e mnh JO. ATM CO..
Uivaug u iiiuhiK Uvll,BH.