Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1902, Image 1

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Eo Canfoi u to Msani of Siding tho Goal
Miliars' Tediotii Itrik.
jXnai Ad Othon Fiad No Constitution!
I ProTiiion for It.
lfy Ksvo Gam Thoro to Talk With tho
Basin im Isadora.
Several eoTtniitri aad Mayor E.
pre Inclination t Send Dele
gat Ion to Proposed Strike Con
ference In Michigan City.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 10. The president
today took Initiative atepa to ascertain
what, if anything, could b dona by federal
authority to settle tfaa coal strike. Tha
result waa rather general expression of
eplnloa by tha advlsore of the preildent
who were psrtles to today'a conference to
'; the effect that the federal lawa and con
( gtitutlon da not offer mesne of federal
p, Interference to end the atrlke, but another
conference will be held tomorrow and the
1 preeldent will do all he properly and le
' gaily can to bring about a settlement.
At the temporary White House a confer
ence waa held wtth three cabinet officers,
Attorney' General Knox, Secretary Moody
' and Postmaster General Payne. Governor
Crane of Massachusetts also waa present.
These gentlemen met. with President
' Roosevelt first, and after the subject had
; been considered for some time they ad
' Journed to another room and conferred to
gether for an hour. They all returned
; later In tho day and held another confer
ence with the president and tha atrlke
situation was discussed further.
Roosevelt Mark Concerned.
' President Roosevelt la deeply concerned
ever the situation. Tho approach of win
ter with a eoal famine Imminent, and the
dlstreaa and suffering that must ensue un
less coal becomes available, presents a
'situation which, ha thinks, should receive
tho attention of tha administration if there
la anything that can be done by the gov
ernment. Many appeals have beeen made
to him and many sujgestlons have been
; received by him, and. it was with a view
to ascertaining what power tha federal au
thority could evoke that caused the con-
'terrace to ba held.
- During tha conference ovary phaae of the.
situation waa dtaouased. The general opin
ion of the advlaora of tha president was
I that the situation did not present a caao
I In which ' there could ba federal lnterfer
'ence by any warrant of law., Thero haa
i bean no Interference with federal author
ity In the. mining region, either by atop
ipage o' tba malls or resistance of tha
'United Statea court process. It was point
ed out that'thTe was no 6ocas1on for the
Viies ot federal troopa, as Governor Stone
at Pennsylvania had not called on tha gov
ernment for assistance nor had he even
exhausted the resources of the state by
calling out tho full strength of tha atata
. militia.
Several Plans Considered.
Tha questions of tha right1 to seek ap
pointment of a receiver for the mines in
order that they might be operated waa dis
cussed, but neither In tba constitution nor
In any known law could any legal warrant
. bo found for such action. The tenor of the
whole discussion was to ths effect that
there waa a lack of power In the federal
administration to take action at present,
though the seriousness ot tho coal famine
1 bow and the much greater evils to follow
were considered at length and with a wish
to discover aoma method ot end'ng tha In
dustrial deadlock.
Governor Crana'a . presence naturally
brought Into prominence the proceedings
begun in tha Massachusetts courts to se
cure the appointment of receivers for the
coal properties, "but the opinion waa ex
pressed that tba situation could not ba met
successfully by thla method. '
During the day advlcea were received
that the atrlke might be settled by the op
erators and minora themselves, and it waa
auggestcd that tasty Interference of any
kind by the federal government might pre
vent tha consummation ofl the plana tor a
Strike aettlemsnt It any auch are maturing.
Realising the futility of efforts to end the
atrlke. It was stated that the president was
anxious that the end of the strike should
be brought about at the earliest possible
moment, and If the attorney general or
other member ot tba cabinet could devise
. a method by wblch the president could pro
" caed, ha would not hesitate to adopt It un
less meanwhile assurance of a aettlement
Were forthcoming.
Root Returns Report.
The conference will be resumed tomor
row, at which time Secretary Root will be
present. It Is understood that the visit ot
Secretary Root to New York was tor the
purpose of consulting prominent business
men on the subject. The secretary left for
New York Monday after a short conference
at tha White House. It haa been Intimated
that the president may send for the man
agers of the coal properties, but this will
not ba done until after the conference to
morrow, and perhaps not then.
Some confidence is expressed in the re
port which Secretary Root may bring from
New York, although It could not be learned
what communication, if any. had been re
ceived hers from the secretary while In
' New York. Ko reached Washington about
10 p. ta.. but denied himself to all news
paper men. No official report ot today's
conference waa given out, but It (a thought
that a statement will follow the confer
ence tomorrow. As beretofors stated, tb
main fact remained apparent that the presi
dent will make every effort that ha caa
exert, properly aud lawfully, ta atop tha
Strike and avert a fuel famine.
Detroit's Mayor dels Response.
DETROIT, Sept. SO. The telegraphic In
. vltatlons sent out last night by Mayor
William C. Maybury to governors ot a
number of stats and the mayors of the
principal cltUs in the east, middle west and
northwest, atklog them to aend delegations
to participate tn the national conference
on the coal strlks, have met with a great
number ot responses and the proposed con
ference bids fair to be atremendout gath
ering. - The mayor's office was kept opes
late tonight to receive tolegrama and an
swer those calling .far a reply. A great
xaajortiy of lh. messages received ex
pressed hearty a) apathy with the coafer
eiicn and prvmUrd lo aead delefa'.e. '
la snswir to the message from Wur
(CuB'.tuuei en gecoad Pag" )
Antopy Shows That Snsplrloa of
Font Play Is In warranted.
PARIS, Sept. 30. The autopsy on the
remains of M. Zola has resulted In an of
ficial declaration that he died from asphyxi
ation from carbonic gas fumes.
A crowd of people drawn there by curi
osity haa remained lp" front of Zola'a
house since morning, "Ms tragic death
continues to be the "c of conver
sation here. The funeral, ''4,, " fixed for
Friday, and Interest Is shOy rf . n ques
tion whether Dreyfus will atv '-'-
The Patrle says: X ' s
If he rln res to show himself In
cession the looks and contempt of at
ppeotators will be centered on hlm.v
he hide himself in this decisive hour 1.
will show himself to be his own Judge of
the work of his benefactor.
The post-mortem examination of Zola'a
remains this morning resulted In tha addi
tion to the official report that his death
waa due to asphyxiation caused by car
bonic oxide fumes, in showing that the
novelist fell into a densely saturated at
mosphere aa he attempted to open a win
dow and was suffocated.
Mme. Zola, It waa further declared, owed
her life to the elevated position of the bed.
A medical bulletin thla morning says:
Mme. Zola Is progrntiHlng ss satisfactorily
as expected, cuiinMerlntc 111 shock from
the news of her husband s denth. Cnm-
Slete rest and Isolation are indispensable,
he had a heartrending At of anguish when
told of his death, which was only communi
cated to her this morning. It was followed
by a state or torpor. . She Is now calm,
but Is unable to utter a word or make a
The body of Zola will be Interred tn
Montmarte cemetery. The funeral will be
a civil ceremony, though probably the body
will be accorded the military honors to
which the deceased la entitled aa an officer
of the Legion of Honor. The League of
the Rights of Man is organizing an impos
ing demonstration for the funeral, and haa
Issued an appeal for subscriptions to erect
a monument to the dead novelist.
Among those who algned the register at
Zola'a house or sent condolences were Pre
mier Combes, a majority of the cabinet
ministers, M. Waldeck-Rousseau, Maltre
Labor, Colonel Plcquart and M. Millerand.
Jules Claretie haa written for the Temps
an eulogistic appreciation of Zola'a literary
labors in which he says the name of the
dead novelist "will resound in the history
of French letters; his name and werk will
live for centuries," and concludes with re
calling how the votea for Zola at tha elec
tions for members of the academy dwindled
until the last time there waa only one re
corded, "and," M. Claretie aaya, "that vote
waa mine."
Attorney Before the Hasrae Tribunal
Says 1t Is Only Money Repre
senting Real Vnlae.
THE HAGUE, Sept. 80. At today'a ses
sion ot the International court of arbitra
tion, which la hearing arguments in the
Plus fund case, after Senator Doscampa
bad concluded his argument for the United
Statea, during which be contended that
Mexico ought to pay In gold, "the only in
ternational money and the only money rep
resenting real value," Solicitor . Penfield
of tha United States department continued
tola pleadings. He paid tribute to the sov
ereigns of Russia, Great Britain, Denmark
and Holland aa rulers of the countries ot
soma of the members of the tribunal whose
Judgment will be of the highest Importance
In the maintenance of the peace and Justice
of the entire world.
Counsel proceeded to argue that the gov
ernments of Spain and Mexico had fully
recognized the aacred obligation to employ
the Plus fund in accordance with the orig
inal Intention of the founders for the prop
agation of the Catholic religion. He main
tained the finality of the verdict ot the ar
bitration court ot 18T5. International arbi
tration, he added, must be regulated by
International law.
In conclusion Mr. Penfleld thanked the
court for its patient attention to the plead
ings, a,nd expressed the hope that Mexico
and the United States would maintain their
close bonds of friendship and sympathy.
Ths pleadings will conclude tomorrow
with Mexico's reply.
British Government Makes a Move
to Head OAT Shipping
LONDON, Sept. 30. The directors ot the
Cunard Steamship company aent a letter to
the shareholders tonight setting forth the
terms of the proposed subsidy. It will In
clude payment by the government of $750,-
000 annually, the company to build two fast
steamers for tha Atlantic trade. The agree
ment will remain in force twenty years
after the completion ot the second steamer.
The company is to remain a British con
cern and the undertaking ia g'lven not to
unduly raise rates. Thla arrangement ren
dera the Cunard Steamship company atrong
for the express purpose of meeting the al
terations In transatlantic travel caused by
the formation ot the Morgan shipping com
bine. During the continuance of this agree
ment the Cuard company will hold ita en
tire fleet, including any new vtasela which
it builds, at the disposal of the government
Papal Bull Isned on the Subject of
Reunions Affair la the Phil.
Ipplae Island.
ROME. Sept. SO. A papal bull Issued to
day on the subject of religions, affairs In
the Philippines concludes with inviting all
the clergy to us thjlr best endeavors to
bring about the re-establlsbment ot peace
and order, helping wish their influence tha
authcrlttea working to the same end.
The document at tha sams tlms exhorts
the clergy to hold aloof from politics and
to Sevetc their attention to religion and
to promoting by every means the welfare
of the people under. the new regime.
V i
Inhabitant of the Territory of Acre
Proclaim Independence aad
Take Ip Arm.
RIO JANEIRO, Seat. 30. Revolutionists,
under Galvei, have proclaimed at Xapury
the Independence of the territory of Acre
and fct declared war against Bolivia.
Inhabitants ot tha tsrrltory are support
ing the revolution. Many Bolivians who
have been taken prisoners have been well
I'rew of Abaadaaed Bark.
LIVERPOOL. SpL 30. Ths British
steamer Capdue, from New Orleans,' Septem
ber which arrived her today, had on
board the crew ot the Norwegian bark
Winona, which waa abandoned at sea attsr
Laving beea set ea Are.
Celar Esadi It and Same Opposition ii D-velopiij-
Among Dalsjatet,
He Doesn't Propose to be Kept Oat
aad Demonstration tor Hlna
Scares Hill Inta "tat at
SARATOGA, N. T., Sept. 80. At 8:30 to
night it was announced the following can
didates had been agreed upon:
''or Governor Bird S. Coler of Kings.
rbr Lieutenant Governor Charles 8. Bul
r of Oswego.
For Attorney General John Cunneen of
For Comptroller C. M. Preston of Ulster.
For Secretary of State Frsnk H. Mott of
For Engineer Richard W. Herman of
For Treasurer D. J. Vauken of Ontario.
For Judge. Court of Appeals John C.
Grsy ot New York.
This Is the ticket promulgated tonight
from the headquarters of Senator Hill. It
was ths result of a conference ot many of
the atate leaders. In which Senator Hill and
Hugh McLaughlin took a leading part. The
announcement of this tentative ticket was
received quietly by the throngs. In the ho
tel corridors, and later rumors were circu
lated that when it came before the conven
tion it might not stand.
The Kings county delegates, led by Sen
ator McCarren, were talking of prospective
changes. Despite of this the Hill people
went on making arrangements for the nom
ination of the ticket. In all of thla prelim
inary work Tammany took no part, and. in
fact, after the first conference Kings county
absented itself.
What Hill flays.
Senator Hill did not deny that the alate
given out by those In his room was abso
lutely the one which the convention would
nominate. One of the rumors was that
Kings county was preparing to bolt and
that several of the delegates would refuse
to abide by the Coler system, or vote in
the unit system. Senator McCarren, in
answering this, said: "It la useless to try
to disguise the fact that several member
of our delegations are not heartily In favor
of Mr. Coler. We still believe that Judge
Parker would accept the nomination it
confronted with, the fact that the conven
tion wanted him by acclamation. Still, I
don't think we will break the unit rule."
Important news of the night from semi
official ojrc, but lscVing snthorlsatlon,
was that the committee on platform bad
decided to declare for a 1,000-ton barge
canal, and that the committee on creden
tials, to avoid further trouble, would seat
the delegation headed by William 8. Dev
ery. A committee on resolutions was appointed
this morning, consisting of fifty members,
each representing a senatorial district.
Chairman George Raines and the committee
met in the afternoon. Two proposed planks
of the platform caused somewhat of a
flurry. In ths committee, the liberal democ
racy, with a committee of five heade,d by
Robert "Baker "R spokesman idekjanflettr
that the democratic state convention stand
for a reaffirmation of the Kansas City plat
form as a whole."
The Chicago-Kansas City platform party
ot New York state, through Calvin J.
Keach, demanded the Incorporation of this:
The democratic party of the Empire state
recognizes the national platform of 1900 as
the organlo law of the party untlt it can be
changed by another national convention and
regrets that it waa not ratified by the people
at the polls."
Baker' Bnaaieatlon.
Mr. Baker offered these suggestions for
the platform: "That every article produced
by a trust or combination be at once de
prived of all tariff protection; election by
the people of the federal Judges and United
States senators, pending which the state
convention should nominate candidates for
the United States senate; governmental ac
quirement and operation of railroads and
coal mines; entire home rule over local
affairs to municipalities, Including local
option; that municipalities be empowered
to acquire, construct and operate all pub
lic service utilities, pending which all new
modified and extended franchises are only
to become operative when ratified by pop
ular vote, the initiative and referendum;
constitutional amendment wo secure the pre
vailing fate of wages on all public worka,
exclusion from municipal debt limit of all
obligations Issued for revenue producing
properties; adequate provision to widen and
deepen the state canals; complete safe
guards for freedom of speech and against
government by Injunction, bp enaction of
an antl-lnjunctlon law; forfeiture of office
by public officials accepting free passes
and finally an explicit pledge that If elected
its candidates will strike to uproot sll forma
of special privilege.
In presenting these suggestions Mr. Baker
said: "Do not think for a moment that any
vacillating policy on these questions . will
gain for you our vote. Don't dream for
moment that you are helping your cause
with us by shouting harmony and putting on
your platform men who ones repudiated
real democracy. Do you want to throw out
friends and disrupt the party? So sura as
you do, defeat awaits you."
Senator Grady Well, Mr. Baker, moat of
tha things you suggest are of national ira
portance and It will not be policy to cumber
our platform with them. So far as your
anxiety for labor Is 'concerned, let ma tell
you that the democratic vote In the legis
lature haa been uniformly In favor ot the
laboring man.
Asa Bird Files Ip as Dove of Peace,
Mr. Baker I am not speaking for Just the
labor vote. I am speaking for a great in
dignant public, who demand relief and who
will defeat your party It '
Asa Bird Gardiner rose at this point and
asked (hat the debate be limited. Chairman
Gainer agreed and Mr. Baker waa forced to
When Calvin J. Keach appeared with his
endorsement plank he called upon tha party
to take aa honorable open stand for Its last
national platform. ' , ' .
Senator Grady (interrupting) It is not
the thing for a party ia the state to take
up national questions or go Into the en
dorse ment ot national platforms in aa "off
year. This party baa never endorsed a
national platform to my knowledge but once
and that waa tn 1888.
Mr. Keach That la not any reason. You
don't want to be branded cowards, do you?
And It you Ignore the last platform you
will be so branded. The republican party
has had the manliness to endorse their
tariff. Do you want to be less faithful to
your issues?
At this point Mr. Keach was cut off. A
delegation from the Brooklyn Democratic
club presented some planks which they da
sired Incorporated in the platform, at teaat
(Continued ea Becood Pegs.)
Postmaster General Make Further
Estimate at Amount Required
for Salaries,
WASHINGTON. 8ept. 30. The estimates ot
the postmaster general of the appropria
tions required tor all the postmasters In
the United States during the next fiscal
year aggregate 846.925,220, an increase of
83,814.700 over the appropriations made for
the current year. The estimates for
the regular free delivery postal aervloe,
which Is separate from the rural free de
livery, and which constttntea the free de
livery services In cities snd large towns
of the United States, aggregate 321.828,300,
an Increase of 31.882,850.
The estimates for postmasters embrsce
the following Items: Compensation for
postmaster 321,600,000,' Increase $500,000;
compensation to assistant postmasters st
first and second class postofflcee, $1,894,100;
Increase 1192,600; to cWka In postofflces
318.101.900, increase 32.412.100; to substi
tutes for clerks tn first and second class
postofflces on vacations 3200,000; temporary I
clerk hire 3200,000; for separating malls at
third and fourth class postofflces $1,300,000;
Increase $200,000; rent, light and fuel for
first, second and third clasa postofflces
$2,500,000, Increase $150,000; miscellaneous
and Incidental expense at first and sec
ond class offices $250,000; advertising and
purchase of newspapers $25,000; rental or
purchase of cancelling; machines $300,000;
compensation to seven assistant superin
tendents of salary and allowance division
$14,000, and per diem allowance of $12,220
per annum.
The principal items In the 'free delivery
service are 319,028.800 for pay of the car
rlera in present offices, and for subcarriera
and temporary carrlera at summer resorts
and on holidays, elections, and etnegency
service, an Increase ot 31,598.350; horse hire
allowance 3750,000; car fare and bicycle al
lowance $300,000, and fees to apecial deliv
ery messengers $800,000.
First Assistant Postmaster General
Wynne has Issued a circular to the post
masters of all rural free delivery postofflces
Instructing them that postmasters snd rural
free delivery carriers are not permitted to
condemn the letter boxes used by patrons.
The order directs that they shall continue
to serve boxes already erected until a reg
ular Inspection ot such boxes can be made
by the route Inspectors and special agents.
who will condemn the boxes found unsafe
or which otherwise fall to meet the require
Fifth Army Camp Probably 'Will
Have to Have Opea-Alr
WASHINGTON, Sept. SO. The time for
the reunion of the Fifth army corps in
connection with the Grand Army encamp
ment to be held in this city next week has
been changed by tbe program committee
from the night of Wednesday, October 8,
to the forenoon of the preceding Tuesday.
The change haa created aome dissatisfac
tion among members of the corps. The as
signment for Wednesday evening was made
on a misreading of an application for that
date which waa filed by the Sixth army
corps, the word Biv.'b rlng read for Fifth.
the Sixth corpa because Ita application waa
received first. The Slx corps will hold
its meeting In tha Sheridan tent oa that
night and if the weather la good ths Fifth
corps probably will have an open air meet
ing at the ssme time, instead ot accepting
the assignment for Tueaaay, as maae oy
the committee.
Reserve Asrents Approved for Notional
Rank and Other Department
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Sept. iiO. (Special Tele
gram.) The comptroller of the currency
haa annroved the Des Moines national DanK
of Des Molnea ss s reserve agent for th
First National bank of Belle Plaine and the
Citizens National bank of Cedar Falls. la.,
and the United States National bank of
Omaha for the First National bank of Elm
wood, Neb.
The following Indian achool appointment
have been made: A. F. Shering, ot Billings,
Mont., engineer, and Miss Annie Trlplett
of Pueblo, Colo., nurse at Yankton, h. u.;
Miss Minnie F. Brown ot Lower Brule,
cook at Lower Brule. S. D.; Miss Flora Hoff
of Dea Moines, Ia., teacher at Rapid city,
S. D.; Miss Margaret A. Stanley of Pine
Ridge, cook at Yankton, S. D.
Postmasters sppolnted: Iowa, Edwin
Hough, Mount Hamlll, Lee county; South
Dakota, George R. Maynard, Yale, Beadle
Irrigation fonajre Committeemen
Are Relyln oa Gate City Commer
cial to Send Representation.
committees In charge ot the arrangements
for the tenth National Irrigation congress,
which convenes here October 6, have re
ceived encouraging reports which promise
a large attendance of noted men from all
parts of tbe country. Largo delegations
from the Commercial clubs of Omaha and
St. Paul will come In privats cars. New
Mexico, Texas, Wyoming, Kansas and Ne
braska cities also will rend large delega
The subjects to be bandied, affecting as
they do the proper expenditure of $8,000,000
of public money now available and the pro
ceeds from further land sales for the re
clamation of millions of arid acres and the
making ot homes for millions of people
now crowded in the cities, have attracted
the brightest minds of tbe nation, from
captalna of Industry to the leaders of ths
labor organlzatlona. Litters of endorse
men of the probabilities of the congress are
pouring In every day from these people.
Rear Admiral af Flsatlns; Fame Gars
ta Investigate Cause ef Re
newed "CssMsesi."
WASHINGTON. Sept. 30. The Navy de
partment received a caVegram today from
Rear Admiral Robley 1 Evana, aecond in
command oa the Aslatlt station announc
Ing bla departure from Jtulksang for Han
kow, aboard hla tempora-y flagship Helena,
He la enroute to the port of Ichang on the
Great Yangta river ner the province of
Bie-chuan, to investigate the newly risen
Boxer disturbances, Th Navy department
received also a cabltgrim today announc
ing the arrival ot Rear admiral Silas Casey
aboard his flagship, Wlavonain, at Panama
after aa almost unequal ed run down the
pacific coast ot i.177 aXes in one day less
thaa two weeks. Real Admiral Casey will
assume general oooiniod ot the Americaa
naval furces ea the latfeiaus. '
Prioes Improva at Opaniig aid Grew Jetttr
Every Hsnr.
Rumor of Strike Settlement KlectrlBe
Exehance About the Tlme'thet
Shaw Gives Money Market
a Helping Hand.
NEW YORK, 8ept. 80. The stock market,
which closed yesterday utterly demoralized
aa a result ot stringent monetary condi
tions and other unfavorable consequences,
made a sensational recovery today. The
chief cause for the complete reversal was
the action of Secretary Shaw In removing
the restraint on bank reserves, and per
sistent reports from varloua quartera thst
the coal strike had at last resched tbe
point where negotiations for settlement
were under way. For this last rumor
there appeared little or no foundation, ac
cording to tbe Individual and collective
atatements of the lesdlng operators made
after tbe regular weekly meeting.
Another Influence for better prices was
the decline in call money rates, though
during tbe morning loans were made as
high as 19 per cent. A large part of the
day'a loana was made at around 10 per
cent, and the rate at the close went down
to 2, but this was really nominal, no money
being placed at that figure.
Opening prlcea were better all the way
from a fraction to five points. Wide op
erations in which blocks ot 2,000, 3,000 and
6,000 shares changed bands were numerous.
The greatest galna were in the standard
railway shares, notably St. Paul. Louisville
Nashville, which bore the brunt of the
previous day's pounding, Missouri Pacific,
Union Pacific, the coalera and a number
of specialties.
Strennoa Hour on the Floor.
On the floor of the stock exchange tha
greatest excitement and activity prevailed
urlng the first hours. Brokers on the
short time were covering with all possible
speed, and the bull faction waa In absolute
control, The list manifested a vacillat
ing- tendency soon after the first bulge.
nd many ot the active stocks whose Initial
gains had been largest receded from one
to three points
The opening rate for call money waa 12
per cent, but thla soon advanced to 18, cre
ating general confusion among those com
mitted to higher prices. The most sensa
tional operations developed In the after
noon on newa from Washington that the
president and hla cabinet had taken steps
to terminate the coal strike. Iii suit of
the absence of any confirmation, the mar
ket seized upon this announcement and,
with the coal stocks In the lead, the entire
list shot upward. The market developed
a buoyant tone In the last hour, though
operations were confined largely to the
coalera, which were heavily traded In and
at practically the best prlcea of the day.
The day'a operations were in excesa of
$1,200,000 aharea.
Secretary Shaw's visit to the street and
his talks with the leading banking Interests
helped In no email way to restore con
fidence. Local banka loaned moderately.
. Shaw Feel Pleased.
Secretary Shaw was an early visitor at
the aubtreasury today. Mr. Shaw came to
the financial department for the purposo
of discussing the financial situation with
the bankers. His calls included Georae
Banckers and Vice President Vanderllp of
the National City bank. The aecretary ex
pects to remain down town tbe greater part
of the day. He expressed himself aa being
much gratified at the Improvement shown
by the monetary outlook.
In an Interview, the secretary aald that
all savings bank securities sccepted by tbe
treasury department in place of government
bonds would be of the highest class panic
proof and as good in London as in New
The secretary said he' had been assured
that fully $40,000,000 cash will be released
today as a result ot his action. Among the
secretary's other callers were W. Naah,
president of the Corn Exchange bank, and
chairmen of ths clearing bouse committee;
Joseph Hendrix, president of the National
Bank of Commerce; W. H. Perkins, presi
dent of the Bank of America, and Jamea I.
Blair. The representatives of two leading
bond houses conferred with the secretary,
who will leave for Washington tonight.
Aetlon of Shaw Commended.
Chairman Elbert H. Gary of the United
States Steel corporation, and James Still
man of the National City bank, called in
the early afternoon.
"I simply called to congratulate the
secretary," said Mr. Gary. "In my opinion
he has shown good Judgment and I firmly
iwiieve nis pian win go a great waye to
ward easing the situation."
Mr. Stillman remained with Secretary
bnaw lor aome time. Upon taking leave
he said: "I think tha aecretary'a act Is
very commendable.
Mr. Stillman declined to say whether he
thought the financial situation would ahow
more than temporary Improvement.
Comptroller of the Currency RIdgley met
the aecretary at the aub-treesury. Mr.
RIdgley said he came to town "Just to look
H. W. Cannon, president of the Chase
National bank, and United States Senator
John Keen of New Jersey, spent a brief
lime with the aecretary. who Is reported
to have requested the bankers to Increase
their circulation without delay. Several
ot them. It la understood, promised that
they would do ao.
President O. G. Williams of the Chem
ical National bank, and President Del a lie Id
of the National Park bank, paid their re
spects to the secretary.
Wild Bceaes la Wall Street.
There were wild scenes for an hour en
the stock exchange thla morning owing
to the violent rebound In prlcea from yes
terday's panicky closing. Opening gains
over last night's prices were from a frac
tion to i and B points.
First sales were of 1,000 to 8.000 shsres,
simultaneous prices varying as much aa 4
points in the esse of Missouri Pacific,
which made the maximum gain of 64
points. Eventually buying by distressed
shorts played an important point tn tbe
buoyant upward rush, aa .there waa
prompt relapse. Buyers In yesterday s
slump hastened to take profits at ths ex
pense of the market. Prices ran off from
1 to 1 for Important stocks. Louisville
lost all' of Its rise and Missouri Paclflo
relapsed 8Vs.
. Fluctuations were wild and trading very
excited. Lot.aa on call at 10 to 18 per cent
helped to unsettle tbe trading again, but
the market steadied and became quiet by
11 o'clock, with prices at about ths lowest
Ths subsequent decline was much more or
derly. The principal cause of the rebound
thla morning waa tbe announcement of Sec
retary of the Treaaury Sbaw'a Intention to
(Cootinvied ea Bevsnth Page.)
Forecast for Nebraska Showers Wednes
day and Cooler In Northwest Portion;
Thursday Fair and Warmer In West 1'or.
Temperataro at Omaha Yeaterdayt
Hoar. Dea. Hour. Dea.
8 a. aa.. 4t 1 p. m. . . . . IU
a.' m . . . . m 4(1 8 p. m :i
T a. an 44 p. nt ..... . 4
"a. nt 4 4 p. m tlA
9 a. m ..... . KO B p. m '!
10 s. bi U p. m
11 a. m HO' T p. m til
IS m BH b p. m HO
U p. m. 6rt
Gas Kearly Overcomes Son of Former
Nebraska Senator at Room la
St. Louts Hotel.
KT. LOUIS, Oct. 1. Clarence Thurston, a
son of former United Statea Senator Thurs
ton of Nebraska, and an attache of the
World'a fair offices In St. Louts, was found
unconscious from asphyxiation In hi
apartmenta at a hotel late laat night. The
door of hla room waa tightly closed, the
key bole plugged, tbe windows bolted, and
the gas Jets open. Indicating that an at
tempt had been made at suicide.
Thurston is 22 yeara old and haa been
In St. Louis about three months. He was
taken to tbe city hospital, where at 2
o'clock the physicians say there Is a possi
bility he may not recover.
Three Masked Men Surressfnlly Par
eae Western Methods la tha
MIDDLETOWN, N. Y., Sept. 80. The
stage coach "Pioneer," which makes dally
trips between Warwick and Goshen, waa
held up and robbed by three masked horse
men late this afternoon.
The coach waa bowling along the road
wo miles from Florlds, and at a lonely
apot Clinton and Horatio S. Wisner, wbo
own the coach, and were on it, saw the
men oa horses suddenly emerge from the
dense woods which line the highway. Clin
ton was driving. The robbers pressed him
to pull up his horses, which he refused to
do, and the highwaymen opened fire with
revolvers. None of the shots took effect,
but the shooting had the effect of com
pelling the whip to bring his horse to a
Inside the coach were Mrs. J. A. Cham-
berlln, Mrs. Fred Webster, Mrs. James Ful
ler, Mrs. Hart and Mrs. Ed JobnBon of
Florida. While two of the highwaymen
covered the Wisner brothers with their
revolvers the third, using many threats,
compelled the passengers to give up their
money snd valuables. After the robbery
had been completed tbe robbers spurred up
their horses and escaped.
When the newa of the holdup became
known posses of armed men were hastily
formed and started a search for the high
waymen... Clinton W.. Wiener la president
of the vilage of Warwick.
Denver Fire Chief Said ta Be la
Omaha In Search of HI
DENVER, Colo.. Sept. SO. (Special Tele
gram.) Chief William E. Roberts of the
local fire department has been In the east
for the past tew daya searching for his 16-year-old
daughter Grace, who left the city
a week ago last Sunday night, It ia thought
with a theatrical company. Miss Roberts
waa greatly enamored of the stage, and
has often expressed a desire to become a
leading lady. The parents objected, bow
ever, and Miss Grace decided that she
would go anyway. Her departure was kept
a profound secret until yesterday, when it
waa discovered that Roberta waa tn Min
neapolis, traveling incog, searching for tbe
daughter. It is believed he is now in
Omaha, aa a rumor la current tonight that
he had found the missing girl in that city,
but the report has not been confirmed here.
Inquiry at police headquarters elicited
the statement that nothing waa known
about tbe matter here, and that Roberta
had not asked tbe police to assist him and
that if either the father or daughter were
In the city they did not know It.
Palmer of Denver Geta a Blue Rib
bon with "Crelghton" and
'Tha Parade.
LOUISVILLE, Ky.. Sept. 30. The opening
night ot the third annual exhibition of the
Louisville Horse Show association brought
together here this evening fancy entries
from England, Canada and aeveral states ot
this country. Nine classes were shown, In
cluding harness snd saddle horses, road
sters, single pairs and four-in-hand, hun
ters and Jumpers. Aurel Batony II, tha
noted western whip won for Dr. John L
Wens first money In high stepping harness
horse class. With Lord Golden, Robert Aull
of St. Louis csptured second and third
money in the trotting roaster class. In
the high-stepping horses In harness, pairs.
O. E. Palmer of Denver won tbe blue rib
bon with The Parader and Crelghtoo.
Two Dealere Testify that It Existed
Prior to Laat Rprlng-'row
ST. LOUIS. Sept. 30. Two pork dealers,
Charles P. Hell and Louis Gruensfelder,
testified today In ths beef trust Inquiry
proceedings that a combine existed In St.
Louis prior to last spring to control tha
price of pork.
Today'a proceedings closed the Inquiry
here for a while and Attorney General Crow
on October 3 will take testimony In Kansas
City to tbe quo warranto proceedings
against several packing companies.
Movement of Oceaa Vessel Kept. SO.
At Now York Arrived: FrleMand. from
Antwerp; Blucher, from Hamburg Kaiser
Wllhelm der Groaae, from bremen; Mesaba,
from Londor; bovlc, from LI', rrneol; Nora
America, from Genoa and Naples! Frldrlrb.
der Gross, from Bremen ai.d Soifthempwn;
Ethiopia, from Glasgow. Ball Kerflg
ton. for Antwerp. , ) : ,
At Cueenxtown Arrived: s,cj Jrom
New York, for Liverpool, and ,t ed.
At Sydney. N. V W.-Arrlv. e-onoma,
from Han Kranwwco.
At Bremen-Arrived: Kron Prlns Wll
helm, from NVw York.
At Uoulogt-e sur Mer-Ariived: Ryndam,
from Nw york, for Rotterdam, and pro-
CAteAiitwerp Arrived: Kronland, from
New York.
Ak-Sar-Bsi Will It Groetad bj Thousands
of Faithfil lafcjoota.
mamanaasaas, , '
Evary Effort Expendod to Ifati It lait ia
History of tho OarmlTila.
111 the Paoplo Bhoat for Joy Whin Old Sol
Wakii Up Imilinf.
Indication Are that Whole Realm
Will Ba Filled aad Court of
Klnar Beeom Sceaes of
Great Demonstrations.
Omaha's Red Letter Date.
October ' 1 Ak-Sar-Bea Daylight Pa
Oetober Ak-Sar-Bea Electrical Pa
October 8 Ak-Sar-Bea Royal Coart
October 4 Ak-Sar-Bea Street Fair
Peace reigns In the kingdom of Ak-Bar-
Ben. Joy abound where sorrow was, and
all the realm Is aglow with cheer and glad
ness because the stubborn will ot J. Plu-
vlus at last oas been conquered (at least
the weather man says ao), and condlttona
are propitious for a grand crisis today In
the annual festivities thus far marred by
rail and clouds. Yesterday when Old Sol
peeped h's laughing red fsoe above the
eastern horiion a thrill ot delight ahol
through the heart of every faithful aubject
of the great king every one who waa not
asleep at that hour and throughout the
day brightness dwelt not only In the skies
but In the hearts of the people. It looked.
Indeed, aa If the weather would bs entirely
favorable for the grand daylight parade
today one of tho three essential featurea
ot tbe week. -
Best of All Sneh Parades.
Every effort baa been expended to make
today's parade tbe greatest ot all similar
daylight exhibitions. It la Indeed question
able if a single endeavor win prove to have
been exerted in vain. If ao, then who will
care If It did rain and storm on other days?
Thursday and Thursday night will follow
ao closely upon tha beela of today that it'a
two to one the grand electrical pageant,
the crucial function of tha week, will be
pulled oft without a hitch. And be thla
true the carnival will have atarted Into
history ss a most successful one, for what
could mar the brilliance ot tbe great ball
Friday night under the broad canopy of
the klng'a very palace T
Thla parade today will surpaaa In grand
eur and scope any daylight exhibition
heretofore given under' tho auspices of
the Knights of Ak-8sr-Ben. The first
division will ba composed of tho military
companies of Omaha, South Omaha and
Council Bluffs, and the othere will be
made up of the fraternal societies, all' of
which will make unique displays and
many of which will have expensive floats
in line. There will be eight or ten banda,
enough to keep music in the air every
moment that the parade la. moving. The
line of march will bo on South Sixteenth
from Nicholas to Leavenworth, counter
march on Sixteenth to Douglas, on Douglas
to Tenth, on Tenth to Farnam, on Farnam
to Nineteenth, on Nineteenth to Harney,
on Harney to Fifteenth, on Fifteenth to
Capitol avenue.
Vehicles Must Keep Off.
While the parades aro moving thla aft
ernoon and Thursday evening no vehlclea
will be permitted to travel on the lino of
march or to atand on the atreeta while tho
paradea are passing. Tbla was decided upon
by Chief of Polloe Donahue yesterday,
bis object being to give the entire apaoa In
tbe streets not occupied by tho paradea to
the people.
"At every parade," aald the chief, "thero
are aome who drive their vehlcleo beside
the curbstone and atand while tha parade
ia paaslag. This obstructs tho view- of
many and greatly hinder the police In
keeping the crowda out ot tha way. Be
side, it la dangeroua and people aro likely
to be Injured by runaway horses. Should
a horse become frightened at a passing
float and go to kicking or running eomeono
would be sure to be hurt. This I shall pre
vent by keeping the atreeta along the Una
of march entirely free of vehlclea and
Banda Rosea Conserve.
The afternoon and evening concerts of
tha Banda Roasa, which were omitted on
account of the rain Monday, were reaumed
yesterday and will be continued through
out tha festival season. Tha programa tor
today and tonight are as follows:
Wednesday afternoon, October 1:
March The Prophet Meyerbeer
Overture Fsnetta Aubeer
Duet Tlttl Serenade Meyer
Flute solo, Signor Clffl: French born,
Slgnor PalmlerU
Selection from VBoecacclo". .......... .Suppe
Solo, Signor Hottega, Lodato and
American Sketch Down South.. Myddleton
Selection from "Ernanl"..., Verdi
Solos, Signor Uottega, Lodato and
Valser Touiours oj Jamais Waldteifel
March A Message from Mars Heed
Wednesday evening. October 1:
March Le Pere et la Vlctolre Oanne
Oveture Tannhuser Wanner
"Artealenne Suite" Biset
Intermezzo and Mtnuette.
Incidental Flute Solo, Blgnor ClfTI with
Harp Accompaniment, Signor Karrelll.
Ctrand Selection from "Carmen" Blset
Introduction, Intermezzo, Habanera,
Torreadot's Bong, prelude and
Finale. Act. IV.
Oboe Solo, Signor Il Nardl; Trumpet,
Blgnor Bottega; Trombone, Signor
Lodato; Karl lone, Blgnor BarllotU.
Selection from "Fauste" Oounod
With Incidental Solos.
"Ave Marie" Bach-Oounod
Oboe Solo, Signor Dl Vardl; Trumpet,
Blgnor bottega.
Harp Solo , Selected
Signor Farrelll.
Maxch-A Fraucesa
Special Train Irons
--v r, that It will
Th afrBnTm Lincoln Thursday
benafit of Ak-Bax-Ben visitors. Ths
iraln will leave Lincoln at p. m., arriving
here In time for the electrical pageant pad
leaving Omaha at 10 80. Plana are under
way to have tha street cars In Lincoln con
nect with tha epeclal on ita return.
The city schools will ba dismissed at noon
today to permit the pupil to partici
pate In the Ak-Sar-Bea festival and enjoy
tbe daylight parade of Uo military aad
fraternal organisation,
ft .v