Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 30, 1902, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
Emiaeit Frenchman Paitei Away
Manner Somewhat Hjiterieaa.
Frtbablj Suffocated from Oat Escaping
from Bedreom Store.
Conditions at f irat Thought to Indicate
Case of Suicide.
She Is (Mill Urnvely III. hat
There Are Hopn that She
Will ftwrvlve Effect
of the Gae.
TARIR, Popt. 29. Emlle Zola, tbe novel
ist, who gsined additional prominence In
rocent years because of his defense of tha
Jews and of former Captain Dreyfus, was
found dead In his rarls house this after
noon. Asph. ::latlon, resulting from the
fumes In his bedroom, la given s the cause
of death.
M. Zola and bis wife retired at 10 o'clock
Jast nlsht. Madame Zola was seriously til
hen the room was broken Into this morn
Ing. At about noon she was removed to a
private hospital, where she recovered con
sciousness for a short time and was able
briefly to explain to a magistrate what had
happened. M. and Mme. Zola returned to
rarls from their country house at Medan
yesterday. Owing to a sudden spell of cold
weather the heating stove la their bedroom
was ordered to be lighted. The stove burned
badly and the pipes of the stove are said
to have been out of order.
To the magistrate Mme. Zola explained
that ahe awoke early this morning with a
splitting headache. She wakened her hus
band and aaked him to open a window. Sho
law him rise and attempt to move toward
a window, but be staggered and fell to the
floor unconslous. Mme. Zola fainted at
the same moment and was therefore, unable
to give the alarm.
Mme. Kola Kept In Ignorance.
Mme.-Zola does not yet know nf her '
band's death, and it is feared ahe may
suffer a relapse when Informed of it. It
ta thought tonight, however, that she will
recover. ,
The death of M. Zola, which only be
came generally known late this afternoon,
baa caused a great sensation in Paris, and
todsy there was a constant stream of call
ers at the Zola residence. M. Zola's body
lies upon a divan in the center of the spa
cious drawing room of his house under a
canopy of rare ancient hangings. The body
Is oovered with a sheet and electric lamps
throw their vivid light upon the wax-like
features of the dead.
The servants of the Zola household, not
bearing any movement in their master's
apartment this morning entered the bed
room at :q o'clock and found M. Zola
lying with his bead and shoulders on the
floor and his legs on the bed. Doctors were
Summoned, but they tilled to resus-lste blm.
Mme. Zola was unconscious, but after pro
longed efforts on the part of the physicians,
ihe showed signs of life and it was some
time before she became conscious.
Gas Is Scented.
A slight odor of carbonic gas wis noticed
when the servants broke into the bedroom.
from tne position of M. Zola's body it
was evident that be had tried to rise, but
had been overcome by the fumes from the
defective stove. The servants Immediately
opened the bedroom windows, and sent for
physicians. A commissary of police was
niso summoned.
It was reported here during the day
that there wero evidences of suicide In the
death of M. Zola. Nothing has so fsr de
veloped to substantiate this theory, and the
statements made by Mme. Zola to the mag
istrate seems to disprove it. M. Zola dined
with a good appetite yesterday evening.
and the servants of the household ate of
the same dlshss. No unusual sound waa
heard from the bedroom during the niaht.
Two little dogs belonging to the Zolas
. passed the nlsht in their nuttr'i hmnm
mey were alive this morning. It Is be-
lleved they owe their Uvea to the fact that
one slept on the bed and the other on a
chair, thus escaping the hesvy carbonic gas
which settled, near the floor. A druggist,
who was the first to arrive at the house
to attend M. Zola and his wife, said:
"When I entered the bedroom M. Zola
was lying partly on the floor. No especial
odor likely to cause asphyxiation was dls
tlngulshable. M. and Mme. Zola did not
present exclusive symptoms of asphyxia
tlon. Their faces were contorted and their
lips were bloodless, but not violet colored,
I think the accident wss probably caused
by the Zolss inhaling heavy carbonic gas
which lay mainly below the level of the
high bed. This would account for Mme
Zola's escape. They were not suffocated
on the bed. M. Zola waa awakened by the
effects of the gaa and tried to rise but was
aelzed with vomiting, fainted and fell to the
floo!', where be was suffocated. Mme. Zola
also was overcome by the gas, but to a leas
degree than ber hutband."
Officer Suspects Poisoning;.
The commissary of police, who was sum
moned to the Zola residence, said In his re
v port to the prefect of Paris:
"The heating stove was not lighted and
there wss no odor of gas. It is believed
that M. ZoU'i death waa due to accidental
poisoning by drugs. Two little dogs found
In the bedroom are atlve." In a second
report the commissary of police endorsed
the medical opinion that M. Zola's death
was accidental and due to asphyxiation.
Dr. Leyrmand, who attended M. and Mme.
Zola, is quoted aa ssylng In an interview
published this afternoon that the beating
stove was still warm when he entered the
room. The prefect of Psrls has ordered the
city architect to examine the bedroom in
which M. Zola died, and has iasued instruc
tions that analysis be made pf bis blood
and the atmosphere in his room.
The obituary notices pay tribute to M.
Zola's literary talent. The Temps ssys the
French letters hsve suffered a loss which
will bo keenly felt. The newspapers Judge
M. Zola's role in the Dreyfus affair accord
ing to political bias, M. Zola was born la
Taris April 2. 1540.
Mate, tola finally Informed.
PARIS, 8rpt. SO. Mme. Zola was Anally
Informed that her husband was dead as
shs left ber home for the hospital. She
at first refused to believe the news and
was terribly affected. Shs did not wish to
I leave the house, but the physicians Anally
persuaded her to allow herself to be re
moved to the hoapltal. A large crowd
assembled in treat of ths Zola residence
this evening. Among the callers at the
house were almost all the literary celsbrt
tie ot Paris.
Former Chancellor of Eirkrqstr
lllnta nf Anarchy In t'onsldera
tlon of Opposition) to It.
LONDON. Sept. 2!. Sir Michael Hicks
Beach, former chancellor of the exchequer
delivered a speech at Bristol tonight, In
which he outlined the attitude of the gov
ernment with respect to the opponents of
the education bill, which bad declared their
refusal to carry out the provisions of the
bill If It Is enacted or to pay the rates re
quired. Sir Michael said the strongest noncon
formist could not believe that Parliament
wou'.d abolish denominational schools. That
being so, the bill provided the only way
of meeting the difficulty, namely, the ex
tension of elementary education.
The former' haneellor of the exchequer
said the bll M need some alteration,
but If the ink, t0 D 8ettled peace
ably there must '""lore threats of re
sistance to the wli. fy,-Hamnt by local
authorities or by rate , ft the payment
of rates. If the local a.. , failed In
their duty, he said, Parlls- -uld en
trust their work to others, "a., -ourti
know how to deal with those , re
fusing to pay the rates, range the. ..selves
on the sldo of anarchy."
Sir Michael criticised the War office as
mostly responsible for the Increase In na
tional expenditure. He said the South
African affair did not compare with the
war In Soudan in economy and efficiency.
nd that there was necessity for drastic re
forms In the War office, on the military
rather than the civil side.
He declared he had told his colleagues
as much and that he Intended to continue
his warnings. They would never reform the
War office until they made the great mass
of military officers pay some attention to
tho duties of their profession, as naval
officers did and until they removed all out
side Influences Interfering with the manage
ment of the army, as well as selections, ap
pointment and promotions which never
would be tolerated In the civil service.
Sir Michael said he thought he could hon
orably relinquish his former office now
that the finances of the country were in a
more flourishing condition and that there
was a prospect of reduction in taxation.
He said, however, that he Intended to
continue awhile as member of Parliament
for West Bristol.
Tremendous Penaatlnn Caoaed br
the Arrest Of Solicitor for
the Marlborough.
BIRMINGHAM, Eng., Sept. 29. A trem
endous sensation has been occasioned in
this city owing to the arrest of Robsrt
Harding Milward, the leading solicitor of
the Midland counties.
Mr. Milward recently became bankrupt
and an investigation of his affairs are said
to have developed the tact that 1160,000
belonging to his clients Is involved.
Mr. Mllvard was family solicitor to the
duke of Marlborough, but it is understood
he had never handled any ot the duchess'
personal money. How much of the duke's
own money Is Involved Is not yet known.
Mr. Wllward waa aa alderman of Worces
tershire and a magistrate, in. two counties.
LONDON, Sept. 29. In connection with
tbe arrest at Birmingham of Robert Hardin
Milward, a leading lawyer of the Midland
counties and former solicitor of the duke of
Marlborough, It is pointed out that the duke
severed his connection with Milward a con
siderable time back and that no Marlbor
ough funds are Involved In the charge
against the lawyer, who Is charged with the
misappropriation of )14,000 from a firm
which became bankrupt in June, with lia
bilities amounting to 1135,000.
Former Bulgarian Colonel la at Its
Head with Several Baada of
SOFIA, Bulgaria, Sept. 29. The organ of
the revolutionary committee announces to
day the outbreak of an Insurrection In
Macedonia under the leadership of Jankoff,
a former Bulgarian colonel, who baa at
his disposal over 3,000 combatants, who
have been divided Into several bands. A
provisional government has been formed
which is directing the operations of the
insurgents In the districts of Katorla.
Ouevguelll and Neglena. Railroad and tele
graphic communication has been inter
rupted In several places. The Journal calls
upon the Mscedonlan emigrants to hasten
to tbe aaslstsnce of their brethren.
BELGRADE. Servla. Sept. 29. Fighting
between Turkish regulars and Albsnlans Is
reported from Mitrovltza, European Tur
key. The Turkish forces shelled snd re
duced to ashes the Albanian villages of
Koprln and Babronltsch.
Albsnlans at Mitrovitia have moat vio
lently objected to the appointment of a
Russian consul there, and this has led to
clashes with Turkish troops.
John Redmond Calls Meeting; to Ar
range Plsvns for Coming Ses
sion of Parliament.
DUBLIN. 6ept. 29. John Redmond, chair
man of the Irish parliamentary party, has
summoned a meeting of the nationalist
members of Parliament for October 7, to
prepare the program tor the coming session.
Mr. Redmond, tbe Catholic bishop of
Rahpoe, the moat Rev. Patrick O'Donnell
and Stephen O Meara. as trustees of the de
fense fund, hsve Issued a manifest to ths
Irish people, urging the necessity for Im
mediate and generous contributions to en
able the United Irish league to combat ths
"Incesaant and unscrupulous assaults of ths
landlord's organisation and ot the attack
on public liberties."
Messrs. Redmond, Dillon and Davit t ex
pect to ssll for the United Ststes October 10
to attend the national convention ot tbs
United Irish league, which opens at Boston,
Msss., October 19.
Tidal Wave Sweeps the District of
Odawara, hear Yokohama,
la Japan.
YOKOHAMA, Sept. 19. During the
typhoon today a tidal wave swept the Oda
wars dlstrtct, nssr hers, and overwhelmed
many houses. Five hundred people are re
ported to have been drowned.
The Japanese battleship ghlklshlma la
ashore at Yokusaka. fifteen miles from
Yokohama. It is expected that It will be
refloatsd without great damage.
New Post for Mereaford.
LONDON, Sept. 29 The Dslly Express
today says it hears that Rear Admiral Lord
Charles Beresfor I who is now la the
United States, will succeed to the command
of the British channel squadron la March
Eesult Erident Tsdaj of Shaw's Buliij en
Baak leourity.
Holds that the Deposit Is Sufficiently
Secured br Government Honda
Lively Shakeap on Wall
NEW YORK, Sept. 29. Secretary Shaw,
whose visit to town was regarded as espe
cially significant, called at the subtressury
late In the afternoon. While In the financial
district he saw several bankers. Including
his predecessor, Lyman J. Gage, now pres
ident of tho United States Trust company;
Vice President Hepburn, of the Chase Na
tional bank, and Vice President Vanderllp
of the National City bank. Secretary Shaw
was In constant communication with his
subordinates at Washington during the
Later he Issued a statement In which he
says that the banks will not, hereafter, be
required to carry a reserve against gov
ernment deposits secured by government
bonds. This will make available tomorrow
over $30,000,000.
Secretary Shaw declined to discuss the
financial situation, further than to say
that the treasury would co-operate with
the banks as far as possible, both In the
east and the weet In their effort to supply
the necessary credit to supply the unprece
dent amount of business that is taxing rail
roads and steamship lines to the utmost.
Mr. Shaw said he had never seen any
good reason why banks holding a govern
ment deposit secured by government bonds
should be required to carry a reserve
against It. First, It Is a deposit not likely
to be called In a time of stringency, and
second, It called the collateral will always
sell for cash In excess of the deposit. He
has, since he took control of the treasury,
contemplated relieving tbe banks of this
Comptroller la with Him.
The comptroller of the currency agrees
with the secretary, and therefore. It is an
nounced that hereafter banks will not be
required to carry a reserve against govern
ment deposits secured by government bonds.
Tbe treasury has on deposit with various
banks scsttered throughout the country from
Maine to California and from Minnesota to
New Orleans In round numbers of $130,000,
000, against which they have heretofore
been compelled to hold more than $30,000,
000 gold or Its equivalent. This decision
will release that much and $30,000,000 ad
ditional credit. The secretary said he would
continue to make deposits of Internal
revenue and miscellaneous receipts (all
available for that purpose), practically half
a million per day as long aa the situation
required, and if banks were unable to ob
tain government bonds to secure the samo
he would accept the same general class of
securities, municipal bonds, etc., as are
made available by the laws of the several
states for saving banks. By this It Is not
Intended to loan in excess of 65 per cent of
tne psr value and nothing would be aocepted
that has not bees panic-tried and proven
salable tor cash on call. He said he should
of course, determine each case by Itself.
The secretary further said that he would
accept security for the class described
above, foe a portion of the deposit held by
each bank now holding a government de
posit and release enough 2 per cent con
sols to cover any Increased currency that
the bank may decide to Issue.
Brum Preparations In July.
He has recognized the possibility of pres
ent conditions, and therefore, as early as
last July, commenced printing currency pre
parctory to tbe needs of the banks to han
dle tbe Increased business of the fall trade,
and has on hand, ready to be delivered, an
aggregate of about $25,000,000. This can bo
sent out at the probable rate of $5,000,000 a
day if the banks desire to substitute the
other security above designated for the re
lease of the consols. This step wss con
templated when, some months ago, he
asked the banks holding government de
posits to order additional currency printed
The secretary's additional relief, therefore.
may be summed up as follows:
First the release pf practically $30,000,000
reserve, which will permit the banks to
increase their volume of business $130,000,-
Second, the substitution of other secur
Ity for consols now held by the government
on condition that tbe same shall be used
as a basis for Increased circulation, which
If accepted by the banks, will Immediately
Increase the volume twenty or twenty-five
millions and will add thereto If needed.
Third, continuation of deposits to tbe limit
allowed by law, accepting if necessary se
curity other than government bonds.
Secretary Shaw will remain in New York
tomorrow, and expects to visit the financial
Shakeap on Stock Market.
With call money up to 35 per cent and
a number of other adverse circumstances,
today's stock market received a very se
vere shakeup, net losses ranging from two
to ten points.
Ths greatest loss was sustained by Louis
ville St Nashville. Disappointment regard
ing the probable disposition of the road
aa much as anything else Is supposed to
have caused tbe break. Other features
thst combined to unsettle the market were
disquieting reports concerning the presi
dent's condition, tbe prolongation of the
coal strike and ths Indubitable fact that
London and the continent are unloading
Americans" in large blocks.
Practically all the money loaned today
came from trust companies and out-of-
town corporations and private individuals.
The banks of tbe Clearing House associa
tion stood aloof and made practically no
loans for speculative purposes. Moreover,
the so-called t'lbatsntlal Interests offered
no support to the market, which with few
exceptions, including Atchison and St. Paul,
closed at the lowest level.
The offices of J. P. Morgsn Co. and
other leading banking houaes were active
during the day. .Mr. Morgan and his asso
ciates conferred with some ot the more
prominent financiers, including President
Stillman of the National City bank. Presi
dent Baker of the First National bank snd
President Hendricks of the National Bank
ot Commerce. Nona of these gentlemen
would discuss the sltustlon, sxeept to say
that further liquidation of stocks would
clarify the financial atmosphere.
The market opened weak and lower all
around, London's attitude having a marked
effect in that direction. Call money
opened at 15 per rent, went off a point or
two. but soon roe to 20. In the second
hour of the afternoon session 25 per cept
waa the quoted price, and the top figurs
of tbe year. 35 per cent, was reached In
the last balf-hour.
Morgan Optimistic.
It wss In ths lata trading that prices
(Continued on Becond Fags.)
President of the Great Northern Rail
way to Attend Congress at
Colorado Springs.
DENVER, Colo.. Sept. 29. James J. Hill,
president of the Great Northern railway,
has written C. E. Wantland, chairman of
the executive committee of the National
rrigation congress, that he will attend tho
session of the congress to be held in
Colorado Spring, October to 9, If be can
nosslblv find time.
Mr. Wantland Is In receipt of a letter
from Commander Booth-Tucker, founder of
the great Salvation Army colonies, which
I shall prepare an address to be read be-
fore the National Irrigation conareea with
regard to our colonisation work on Irri
tated lands. 1 only returned last weeK
from a tour of inspection. In which I vis
ited each colony and was more trmn de
lighted at the rapid progress thut had
been made and at the abundant fulfillment
of our most sanguine expectations.
COLORADO 8PRINQ8, Colo., Sept. 29.
Chairman C. E. Wantland of the executive
committee of the national Irrigation con
gress, which begins its sessions here Octo
ber 6, announces the following partial and
preliminary list of speakers and topics:
Myron T. Herrlrk of Cleveland, Ohio,
president of the American Bankers' asso
ciation: "The Relation of Banking Inter
ests and National Irrigation."
Herbert Myrlck of New York: "Beet Su
gar and National Irrigation."
David R. Francis of St. Louts, president
of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition:
The Development of the Louisiana Pur
chase Territory."
J. M. Studebaker ot Indiana: "Trade
Follows the Irrigation Flag."
John W. Springer of Denver, president
of the National Live Stock association:
The Relation of Live Stock to National
Melville E. Stone, general manager of
the Associated Press: "The Associated
Press and Western Development."
Alva Adama of Tueblo: "Pathfinders and
Wesley A. Stewart of South Dakota:
Artesian Well Irrigation."
Frank E. Brooks of Colorado Springs:
"Colorado's Future Under the Irrigation
J. M. Carry of Wyoming: "Irrigation
Operations of the Carey Grant"
Clarence Johnston, expert In government
Irrigation surveys, illustrated lecture: "Ir
rigation in Egypt."
John H. Murphy, general attorney of the
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and
Western Federation of Miners: "The In
terest of Organized Labor in National Irri
gation." L. G. Powers, statistician. United States
Census department: "Irrigation Census.
Commander Booth Tucker of the Balva-
tion Army: "Our Colonization and Irriga
tion." Dr. A. C. True, director experiment sta
tions. United States department or agri
culture; Willis Moore, chief of the weather
bureau; El wood Meade, chief of the gov
ernment irrigation Inveetigallons; T. H.
Newell, chief of government Irrigaton sur
veys; Otto M. Luekert, of the American
Forestry association; George H. Maxwell,
executive chairman of tha National Irrlga
tlon association. '
Executors Charge Gigantic f Con
apt racy to Enrich Speculative
Lawyers I'nlawf nllr.
COLORADO 8PRINGS, Sept. 29. Counsel
for the executors in tbe litigation over tbe
estate of the late W. 8. Stratton today took
a sensational step. Formal charges ot
conspiracy to Involve the Stratton estate
in litigation for the profit of persons in
terested In no way in the estate are
brought against H. M. Blackmer and C. C.
Hamlin, two ot the administrators to col
lect appointed by Judge Orr, Blackmer
being declared to have already provided
money of. his own in an effort to carry
out the terms of a deliberate and fraudulent
conspiracy entered Into with a view to
speculating upon the will of tho estate.
A charge is made that the court Itself, tbe
Judge of which Is a brother-in-law of O. P.
Grimes, the third administrator to collect.
has shown Itself biased and prejudiced and
grossly Imposed upon, and the demand la
made that the litigation be taken out ot
thla court and transferred to the district
court ot El Paso county.
The charges are made In the nature of an
answer to the petition of the administra
tors to collect, as a result of which cita
tions to appear in the county court at i
o'clock tomorrow morning and show cause
for their refusal to recognlxe the admin
istrators to collect, were Issued on Sat
urday. Tyson S. Dines of Denver, D. H
Rice and Charles B. Chamberlain of thla
city, executors named in the will of Mr.
Stratton. were served with such citation.
and will appear In the county court to
morrow morning. It is declared by tbelr
attoraey here that they will go to Jail
tor contempt of court rather than accede
to the order to turn over the affairs of
Mr. Stratton to these administrators.
Tbe answer filed today further charges
that former Governor O. S. Thomas of
Denver ts attorney for the administrators
to collect appointed by the court, and also
for certain persons who intend, and have
long Intended, to bring suit against the
Stratton estate, involving practically the
entire estate.
The administrators to collect, Blackmer
and Hamlin, are declared to be financially
Interested In a company which Is declared
to have entered into contracts with young
Stratton. by which they asaume all ex
penses of litigation, guarantee him tbe
$50,000 allowed him in the win ana se-
curs the right to Involve the estate In liti
gation for their own profit.
The bond In the sum of 8.uoo.uuo wnicn
was given by the administrators to collect
la made an object ot attack. It is de
clared that the statutes of Colorado pro
hibit any bonding company from writing
a bond in excess of half Its caplta-lliation.
and the aggregate capitalization of ths
companies who have written these bonds
Is but $4,000,000.
Twelve Hundred Public Schools Open,
.with Fifty Thousand Children
In Attendance.
8AN JUAN, Porto Rico, Sept. 29. Twelve
hundred public schools were opened over
the entire Island this mornlcg. The at
tendance totalled ever 60,000.
Meat Combine Hegulates Prices.
ST. LOI IS, S-pt. 29-When the beef
trust imiuiry wiui resumed Unlay Charles
Klenk. monager of the A. l-iiui Contract
ing company, Icatlried that fr thr-e years
a combination existed between hII local
ackrs and the "itlg Four " for the ri-.u-atloii
of rliea. He raid that the com
bination went out of existence laat May,
eftrr Attorney Omeral Crowe of Miaaeorl
began bruising sails for vluUUuU til lbs
ajui-lrusi law.
Omaha aid Wiansbaee Lands to Be lold te
tha Highest Bidder.
Roles for Disposing of the Heirship
Lands to Be Promnlgated by
the Interior Department
Within a Few Daya.
(From A Staff Correspondent.) .
WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. 29. (Special
Telegram.) Assistant Secretary Ryan
stated tonight that he had under prepara
tion . revision of the rulee which require
lands In the Omaha and Winnebago reser
vations to be sold under sealed bids to the
highest bidder. The rules, which are about
to be promulgated, related particularly to
helrehlp l.nd. .bout which so much ha.
been said recently.
Judge Ryan wss emphatic when inter
viewed by The Bee correspondent In saying
that no matter whether deeds had been
Issued or not, the sale of these lands would
be set . aside and a public ssle ordered.
He said that while no deeds of the char
acter mentioned had appeared on Secretary
Hltcheoek'e desk for official endorsement,
he had learned that there was severe criti
cism as to tbe disposition of these lands,
and In order that the Indian should have
an open market In which to depose of his
lsnds Secretsry Hitchcock had decided to
sell the heirship lsnds to the highest bid
der and to go to the extent of declaring
void deeds on these lands. If any have
been issued. The rule which Is now under
consideration, according to the assistant
secretary, will be Issued within the next
dar or two
Llbrarlan of Congress Olves Worth-
Ington Ford and O. G. T. Sonneck
Positions of Responsibility.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 29. The librarian
of congress has announced two important to contain $1,800 In money and valuable
appointments to th library service, a but non-negotiable papers worth $1,200. Ac
chief of the division of manuscripts at a companled by the Hlggins woman they went
salary ot $3,000 and a chief of the division to Kabler's saloon, where, assisted by Kah
of music at a salary of $2,000. ler, Connlff and Creedon, tbe pouch and
The new chief of the division of menu-
scripts Is Mr. Worthlngton Chauncey Ford.
who was chief of tbe bureau of statistics
of tbe Treasury department from 1893 until
1898, when he became connected with thn
Boston public library. Mr. Ford's work
here will be exclusively with manuscripts,
They relate chiefly to American history, a
field in which Mr. Ford Is already an au- I
thorlty and in which he has published a
number of valuable writings.
Mr. O. G. T. Sonneck, the new chief ot
the division of music, was born In Jersey
City, N. J., In 1873. He took course, on
the history and theory of music at tho
University of Heidelberg, and was for four
years at the University of Munich. Since
his education abroad he has been a reel-
dent of New York city. He is wen Known
as a writer In American and foreign perl-
odicals on music! subjoota and composers, I
and has been engaged for some time in I
special research with reference to the his-
tory of secular music In the United States.
He brings to the library a lamiuaruy
with the collections of music in tne great
libraries of Europe and this country and a
special knowledge of American music ana
American composers.
It Ooes tbe Rounds at Washington,
bnt Other Cabinet Blembers Dis
count Its Accuracy.
WASHINGTON, 8ept. 29 The Post to-
morrow wil say: Accoraing to a rumor
which was current yesterday, Secretary
Root proposes to retire from the cabinet
some lime next spring or suuturr. iub
story gained publicity alter air. noot naa
gone to New York at 4 o clock yesterday
afternoon, so that no statement concerning
the matter could be obtained from him.
Some of his colleagues in the cabinet who
were seen last night said that they had bad
no Intimation of Mr. Root's resignation
Postmaster General Payne Bald last night
that he knew nothing of the proposed re.ig-
nation, and, on the contrary, believed that
Secretary Root would continue in office
ntii th rlnaa of President Roosevelt's first
term. He added that he knew Mr. Root had
made plans which Involved his association
Ith the president next summer. Seore-
ori. wiiann nH Moodv said that Secre-
tarv Root never had discussed the matter
In their hearlna- and that they knew of no
plans of his contemplating retirement from
thNECW 'YORK. Sept. 29.-Secretary Root
arrived In this city tonight. In answer to
inquiries as to whether there was any
truth In the .tory he wa. going to leave th
cabinet, tbe secretary said: "The rumors
that I am to leave the cabinet are falla
cious. I am not going to retire. When I
do decide to retire there will be no rumors.
I will simply resign, and the public will
know all about It."
Estimates for Rnral Free Delivery
Service for Nest Fiscal Year
Are Framed.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 29. The estimates
for the rural free delivery service for tho
next fiscal year were finally framed today.
They aggregate $12,653,800, a net Increase
of $5.12M00. over the appropriations made
for the current year.
The estimates Include the following items:
For the pay of letter carriers $12,000,000, an
Increase of $5,000,000; ten division superin
tendents at $2,600 each per annum in place
of seven special agents in charge of dlvt
sions; four special agents at $1,800 each (a
new grade); thirty special sgents at $1,800,
an Increase of fifteen in number; fifteen
special agents at $1,400; fifteen special
agents at $1,300 each; i.fty-slx route inspea-
tors at $1,ZW, aggregating i-)7,juu, a aecreass Aen ana AttorDey General Crow, to forth
of $21,600; per diem for seventy-nine spe- wh meet anQ maka a new Mgesgment 0f
rial agents and flfty-aix route Inspectors. th(, many corporatoas In the state upon
tincreaae oi i per aiem lor rouie inapec-
tors), total $163,000, Increase, $29,500; in
cidental expenses of division superintend
ents, special agents, routs inspectors, livery
hire, etc., $25,000; incidental expensea, In
cluding letter boxes, furniture, straps.
badges, etc., $200,000; clerks in division
headquarters, $:.1,40.
Admiral Melville la Hospital.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 29 A number of
officers of the National Bureau of Steam
Engineers received letters todsy from Rear
Admiral Melville, chief of that bureau,
mho is 111 In Philadelphia. Tbe admiral
stated that his ailment ia remittent fever,
and that be expected to be in tbe hospital
about ten daya or two wsska.
condition ofjthe weather
Forecast for NehrHska Fair Tuesday and
Wednesday : Warmer Tuesday in west
Portion and In Kast Portion Wednesday.
Den. Moor. Ilea;.
in (VT I p. m nT
m r7 2 p. m A.I
m . . . t . . n S p. m ft'J
m nn 4 p. m r;
ni Kit ftp. m nil
ni Ml Hp. m tvo
m R7 T p. m Ml
tl H p. ni flit
t p. m Alt
Two Convict- Tell How Mall Carrier
Koelllng Wm Robbed of Reg
istered Mall.
ST. LOUIS, Sept. 29. The confessions of
two convicts now serving seven-year sen
tences In the penitentiary at Jefferson
C t0 roatofflce Inspector nice late this
Bun uuiill inuoru mr Biiroi . -..."....
In St. Louis, on the charge of having robbed
Oscar Koelllng. a mail carrier, of a pouch
containing registered mall valued at $3,000,
on the nleht of December 17. 1901. The
persons tinder arrest are Jack FIckler and
Tom Connlff. employes In the city register's
office; Jerry Kahler, a saloonkeeper; Jerry
Creedon, known around town, and Emma
HiKglns. Connlff was bound over In the sum
of $1,600 and Kahler in the sura of $2,."00.
Kahler procured bond. FIckler, Creedon
and the Hinging woman will have a hearing
Hugh O'Neill and Walter McNamara were
convicted of burglary in St. Louis and on
March 16, 1902, were sent to the peniten
tiary to serve seven-year terms. Recently
thpv pnnfAiBdit i thA virit.n that Ihitv
I,, John Vmnfy an(, Jack KlrUlpr knocked
down Mall Carrier Oscar Koelllng and stole
the registered mall pouch. One month later
Durney was killed In a saloon fight.
Postoffice Inspector Dice waa notified by
the warden and today returned from an ln-
tervlew with tho convicts. According to
their confession, after Koelllng had been
robbed, In the hall way of the old postofnee
annex on rourtn street, me rour jumpeu
Into a wagon and drove to the house of
Emma Hlggins, where the pouch wss found
papers wore burned. Postoffice Inspector
Dice says he is looking for another man
and woman in connection with tbe robbery,
but their names are withheld.
Late tonight Hugh McTlgue, well known
about town, was arrested on the charge of
being connected with the robbery. Near
midnight Jerry Kahler was surrendered by
bis bondsmen and placed In custody,
Street Railway Strike Ties t p All but
Mall Cars and Spreads to Elec
tric Lighting.
NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 29. The strike of
street car men which took place at day
ught yesterday morning continue, without
m break.. Three mall cars . were the onjy
cars moved br the railway company today.
j the absence of street cars, vehicles of
Bn fcin(js were brought into play and have
done a thriving business.
Tne linemen of the New Orleans and
Carrollton Light and Power company, and
aig0 tne linemen employed by the New Or
leans Railway company, all members of
the International Brotherhood of Electrical
Workers, were ordered out on strike this
I afternoon In sympathy with the street car
men's union. About seventy-five or eighty
men are affected by the new strike. Al
though New Orleans Is lighted as usual
tonight, the New Orleans Railway company
has notified the mayor that Jhe strike ot
their linemen will seriously Interfere with
tne ngnting or me cuy mr luuigm
Paul Young Women Pledge Them
selves to Marry Only Men Who
Belong to a I'nlon.
ST. PAUL, Minn., Sept, 29. The young
women of the Clerks' union have completed
arrangements for the organization of a
girls' league, In which every member will
pledge herself to marry none but a union
man and to rejuse aosoiuteiy to receive at-
tentlons from any but men with the
The promoters of the new organisation
are nrm oenevers in unionism ana win ao
all they can to further the cause. The
members will be single girls who are will
lng to marry If they find ths right man and
If be Is a member of a labor organisation.
Fire Chief Croker Is Placed on Trial
to Answer Long List of
NEW YORK, Sept. 29. Edward F. Croker,
chief of the New York flro department, was
placed on trial today before Fire Commis
sioner Sturgls, who placed charges against
ths chief.
The charges are seven In all and tbey In
clude accusations of Incompetency, sending
In false reports, violation of tbe constitu
tion of the state of New York, conversion
of public property to private use, conduct
prejudicial to good order and discipline and
conduct unbecoming an officer and a gen-
Missouri Justices Grant Writ Com
pelling State Board to Reassess
on Cash Value Basis.
ST. LOUIS. Sept. 29. The supreme court
of Missouri, at Jefferson City, today axant-
ed a wrlt of mandamus, upon the petition
of wmiam Preston Hill of St. Louis, com-
pellnK the tate board of equalization,
compOBea of Governor Dockery, Secretary
of gute Cook Treasurer Williams, Auditor
,h. b . of the actuai cash Talue of
Movements of Oceaa Vessels Sept. ItU.
At New York Arrived: LaGascogne, from
At Brenvn Arrived: Groaser Kurfurst,
from New York.
At Cherbourg Arrived: Kron IT1n W1I-
helin. from New York.
At Gibraltar Hailed: Trave, from Oenoa
and Naples, for New York.
At I'lvmoutn aaiieii: lirar ainersee, ror
New York.
At ilaKOW Sailed: Carthaginian, for
New York.
At lireinen Balled: Main, for New roric
and Hallimore.
At Liverpool Arrived: Cymrtc, from New
At iitnion Arrived; Minnetonka. from
, Nw York.
Good Weather Predicted ii Tim fei
Thursday ard Friday Nights.
Kiif Ak-lar-J)ea Deterred ia Hit Xaroh
Yesterday by Rain.
Berne strangers View lights m the Midway
Despite Elements..
All Plans Complete for Military and
Fraternal Daylight Parade Wed
nesday Afternoon, Even to
Line of March.
Omaha's Red Letter Dates.
October 1 Ak-8nr-Ben Daylight Pa
October Ak-ar-Ben Electrical Pa
October 8 Ak-Sar-Bea Royal Court
October Ak-ar-Bea Street Fair
After all the great events of the carnival
period the electrical pageant of Thursday
night and the grand ball at the den ot King
Ak-Sar-Ben Friday night doubtless will be
favored with pleasant weather, according
to the prophet, and thla will compensate in
part at least for the rain of yesterday.
Every preparation has been made to insure
the success of both these gala functions and
there Is no reason to believe they will cot
come up to tbe full standard set for them.
Haln yesterday checked the Influx of vis
itors to Omaha and deterred the festivities
of King Ak-Sar-Ben, but failed to destroy
enthusiasm in the royal carnival. Even In
the downpour the midway waa visited by
many throughout the day. Hundreds of
strangers who had come to the city In
quest of pleasure employed tbe day with
profit transacting business and as a result
ha lsrg wb.p!ala gnd retlll itnrea a.nJ
many of the small ones were jammed from
morning till night. Omahans and their
guesta will be grsteful to learn what the
weather man has to Impart to them. He
brings the glad tidings that the rain will
cease, the clouds disappear and tbe sun
shine. "Fair and warmer" are his words.
and to give his message further weight he
says alight sephyrs will come from the
northeast. This will be doubly assuring.
The next big event of the festival cornea
Wednesday afternoon, Whsn ths military
and fraternal parade will move. This will
start promptly at 2:30 p. m. and the linn
ot march will be: On South Sixteenth
from Nicholas to Leavenworth, counter
march on Sixteenth to Douglas, on Douglas
to Tenth, on Tenth to Farnam, oa Farnam
to Nineteenth, on . Nineteenth . to Harney, '
on Harney to ' Fifteenth, ' on Fifteenth to
Capitol avenue. Tbe order of the proces
sion will be as follows:
First Dtrlslos).
Marshal, Colonel Frank B. Moo re a.
Aides, Colonel James G. Martin and Colonel
Elmer E. Bryson.
Platoon of Police.
South Omaha Cavalry Company.
Omaha Guards.
Thurston Rifles.
Millard Rifles.
Dodge Light Guards.
Omaha High School Cadets.
Council Bluffs High School Cadets.
Second Division
Assistant Marshal, Beech Taylor.
Aides, Andrew Uray and Joseph Kaapsr.
Elks Float.
Omaha Lodge No. 89, B. P. O. E.
Knights of the Golden Eagle, Red Cross
Castle No. 4, Float,
Scottish Clans, Clan Gordon No. 63.
Bohemian Turners. Tyos No. 1. Float
Bohemian Turners in Uniform
Third Division.
Assistant Marshal, Colonel John W.
Aides. Lieutenant Colonel Louts Hetmrod
and Phil Mueller.
Woodmen of the World Band.
Independent Order o Odd Fellows.
Woodmen of the World Float.
Woodmen ot the World, Aloha Camp No.
1 and Seymour Camp No. 67.
Woodmen Circle Float
Fourth Division.
Assistant Marshal, C. H. T. Rlapen.
Aides, W. II. Banders and J. C. Dauble.
Ancient Order of United Workmen.
Lodge No. 17,
Lodge -iso. 11,
Lodge No. 66.
Lodge No. 9ft,
Lodge No.
LoiIkc No. 173,
,orige No. 299,
Lodge. No. 322.
Ladles of the Maccabees, Hive No. 21.
Modern Woodmen of Amarloai
Officers in Carriages.
Uniform Team, Camp No. 1J0,
Uniform Team, Camp No. 945,
Uniform Team, Camp No. luefi.
Uniform Team, Camp No. 1464,
Uniform Team, Camp No. 2722,
Uniform Team, Camp No. 4771,
Uniform Team, Camp No. 6128.
Sons and Daughters of Protection Float
Fifth Division.
Assistant Marshal. Dr. K. L. Ramaoolottl.
Knights of A k-bar-Ben Float
Many ot the visitors were in the jobbing
district yesterday and by 9 o'clock ths
bouses were filled with buyers, particularly
those in dry goods and boots and aboea
lines. Tbe decorations this year In tbe job
bing district are more extensive than ever.
M. B. Smith & Co. bas prepared the largest
Ak-ar-Ben Bag ever thrown to the breexe,
36x44 feet in size It hangs over the corner
of Twelfth tod Howsrd streets. Within all
of tbe buildings the red, green and gold Is
displayed In profusion and some of the job
bers have made watcbguard souvenirs which
are worn generally.
The damp weather ot the day was not a
drag upon bualness, aa many who came ta
the carnival spent tbe time In making se
lections and every house reported all of
the business It could do with tbe available
At the carnival grounds it bss been found
that tbe arrangements for admitting and
dlsmliblng the crowds are Inadequate. Sat
urday night a part of tbe fence was torn
away at the conclusion of the show to let
the people depart and yesterday morning
new gates were placed In tbe walls.
Kews of the Groundhog.
Colonel Cbllcott spent Sundsy quietly at
tha Omaha club. In ths afternoon be en
joyed a drive with Messrs Drake and C. H.
Pickens, whom bs met In London this sum
mer. He is much pleased with ths quar
ters arranged for the Animal by the Board
of Governors, especially with ths elaborata
hot air plant tbey Installed for maintain
ing an equable temperature. Mr. Luther
Kountzs bas secured an abundance of
port a lac ca roota through tbe untiring ef
forts of several thoughtful friends, whom