The Omaha Daily Bee. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, MONDAY MORNLNU, SEPTEMHEH 20, 1002. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. FIGHT FOR SPEAKER Tajne ef New Yerk a Logical uuocesser U the Coveted Position. LITTLE CHANCE FOR HIM TO REACH IT Unpopular with Hit Fellew Membere ei Acceunt ef Celfneie. , SHERMAN WOULD BE OPPOSED BY PLA1 . Littlefield Has Oiren Offenie bj Hia Independent Cenrte. PENSION COMMISSIONER SEES TROUBLE Effort to Save Few Millions Will Urlna; In Pcntlon A(fU Wrath Down Ipon Him. (From a Staff Correspondent.) rVASHINQTON, Sept. 28. (Special.) The months Immediately following the con gressional elections promise to be very lively for members-elect of the Fifty eighth congress. The removal of General Henderson as a factor In the coming speakership contest leaves the Held open, with a large number of ambitious candi dates already In the field. Mr. Llttlefleld of Maine has announced himself, formally. Under most circumstance he would prove a powerful candidate. He has the ability and physique v to make an Ideal speaker. ,He la well versed In parliamentary law and ha cornea from a state which haa sent to congress at least two of the best speak ers the house of representatives ever had Blaine and Reed. But unfortunately for his chances, Llttlefleld antagonised his party associates by aaumlng the position which he did upon the Philippine bill. On several occasions the man from Maine haa antagonised the majority of the houae by refusing to be guided by the action of the republican caucus, and he has always as sumed an Independent position. This course may be very well for Mr. Llttle field'a constituents, but It does not suit the party to which he is allied. His ability ;and strength of character are admitted on all sides, but he has not yet succeeded in demonstrating that he Is a votegetter certainly not in a republican caucus. TJew York state has not furnished a speaker In a generation. There are able men and always have been In the state delegation, and the Fifty-eighth congress will be no exoeptlon to this rule. As chairman of the oommltee on ways and means, Screno K. Payne is the floor leader of the republicans. With Henderson out of the way it might be a natural Inference that Payne would appear as a strong can didate for the speakership. Mr. Payne la a good parliamentarian and he haa been a consistent party man, In fact, on more than one ocoaalon be has abandoned his convictions for the party good, notably In the matter of oleomargarine legislation But Mr. Payne lacks every element of popularity. He has for the last few years held aloof from - his ' associates and has less than haS a dosea friends In the houae, and It It not stretching the truth to assert that It would be difficult to And a alngls man In his own delegation who would be willing to take oft his coat and hustle for votes for Bereno E. Payne for the speakership, even though he may be the state's candidate. Sherman Store Popular. On the other hand, James 8. Sherman the chairman of the committee on Indian affairs, and one of the foremost members of the committee on commerce, stands as tho mojt popular member from New York state. He has friends In every delega tlon, because he la always willing to put himself out to favor a fellow member. As 'a parliamentarian he occupies a place In the front rank. He has presided on many occasions as chairman of the com mittee of the whole and as speaker pro tern. On thesa occasions he has shown ability as a presiding officer and a willingness to rule Impartially, which baa won for him the praise of his political opponents as well as his associates. He was at one time regarded as the logical successor to Speaker Reed, when that gentleman re tired, but the antagonism of Mr. Piatt pre vented him from obtaining the endorse ment of his own state, and consequently his candidacy was abandoned. The same antagonism may and probably will work to his detriment this time, but there Is no question that the western members almost unanimously would prefer Sherman to any other eastern man. Mr. 'Dalsell of Pennslyvsnla, through his long service aud his demonstrated ability would perhaps prove a formidable candi date. But Mr. Dalsell belongs to the Payne clique, as It is called. He haa been a member of Speaker Henderson s coterie, composed of Ave or six members, who dine together, flock by themselves and have lit tle In common with the great majority 01 the reDubllcan members. Mr. Dalsell Is not physlctslly a strong man and he lacks the necessary vocal qualities to maka first-class presiding officer. At least half a doxen others might be named as candidates with a following and there will be enough In the Held after lection to make the contest a memorable one. But nothing can be done until after lection, and Certainly not until the nomin ations are ail made. Wart May Stir Ip a Row. Pension Commissioner Ware baa an nounced that ha has a plan whereby 110, 000,000 may be aaved annually from the pension expenditures. Mr. Ware may be able to aava pension money without re ducing the number or amounts of pensions paid. But If he haa such plans he Is unique among men. H. Csy Evsns tried hard to save a few million and be ran up against a nag from the outaet. It was not ths pen sioners; the men who fought and who were provided tor who antagonised the lata com missioner, but the pension agsnts. who were after fees. They worked up a senti ment against Evsns which finally led to his retirement. Mr. Wsre sees that the munifi cence of congresa towarda ths old soldier is abused. Thousands of men who never smelt powder and whoae military service consisted la carrying a musket for ninety days; men who never left the county In which they lived have applied for pension. They are no more entitled to consideration than are boya who la 1ST? willingly re sponded to ths demand for military aid to protect railroad property from the depre dation of the mobs, which. In the name of strikers threatened to destroy millions of dollars worth of property. Mr. Ware may be able "to ssve $10,000,000 annually" but the hint tljat he can do so has already started up a horde of antag. onlsts. The publication of his plsa will be certain to lead to an onslaught upon him (Continued on Third Fags.) TURN TO ISTHMIAN SITUATION French Editors Hep Many Reunite to Follow Inltrd States' Inter vention There. PARIS. Sept. 28 The French press has been following closely the "armed Inter vention" of the I'nlted States in affairs on the Isthmus and at Panama, and the articles published In L Prensa of Buenos Ayres, Argentina. September 26, In which attention was called to the alleged tendency of the United States towards Imperialism, as tlluj- -ated by the landing of American marines . 'he Isthmus, and against which action f' ner nrotests energetically, has evoked t ' In several newspapers. L. -te tonight says the Latin eoun- rles - 'h America have several times learly . their Intention not to al ow them?. b be absorbed by the United tates. The teat nations of Europe ought to support them vigorously In this work of e tense and self-preservation. It Is the especial duties of nations of the same blood as theirs, says La Libert e, such as France. Italy aod Spain to stretch out a helping band. Le Journal des Debats, on the other hand. ndorses the policy of the United Slates toward the republics of South America. This paper first remarks that the American government does not need to repeat the Monroe doctrine to Europe. The situation Itself suffices to recall to the latter that the American continent cannot longer be a field of European political action. The paper then says that the protest against the landing of American marines on the isth mus made by General Salazar, commander of the Colombian forces on the Isthmus, Is futile and therefore only of mediocre In terest. "America," says the Journal des Debats, la scrupulously fulfilling the duty imposed upon It by the treaty of 1848 and It will ful fill thla duty more and more In the future as the canal Is completed. The good old times of civil war at Panama are a thing of the past." The Journal then proceeds to warn the Latin-Americans that deep reforms are necessary If they wish to remain free, and concludes by saying: "The economic scandal of Colombia and the Internal disorders which cause It will certainly lmpoae upon Uncle Sam, Injured and Indignant, some form of control.. It Is evident that we are at the beginning of a period of North Amer- can Intervention in South America or of fundamental reforms In the latter country. Those nations which are duly forewarned, and disposing of adequate resources, do not make the effort necessary to live, abdicate purely and simply the right to exist." COLON, Colombia, Sept. 28. The situa tion on the Isthmus remains unchanged. Free transit between Colon and Panama obtains and American marines and blue Jackets are still traveling on all trains. Commander McLean of the United States cruiser Clnclnnstl will sail for New York next Tuesday on the Panama Railroad com pany's steamer Finance. Commander New ton E. Mason will then assume command of Cincinnati. TIDAL WAVE WORKS HAVOC Sweeps Away Big; Crane and Partly Completed Harbor Works. MEXICO CITY. Sept. 28. Later reports from Sallna Crux, the Pacific terminus of the Tehauntepec National railway, regard ing the earthquake Tuesday, confirm flrst reports. There were seventy shocks that afternoon and In the meantime a furious gale and storm sprang up. Persons there In charge of the port works Immediately proceeded to take measures to protect the harbor works and the plant of the Titan crane, which was out on one of the break waters, was quickly encircled with a de fense of random blocks, and at 5 o'clock In the afternoon was reported to have been rendered safe. At 10 o'clock at night the storm had Increased to a severity never experienced within the memory of the old est inhabitants. A huge tidal wave leaped forward from the seat, liftlna thirty and fifty-ton blocks like cockleshells and sweep ing me iitan crane over Into the sea. The wave Invaded part of the town, destroying some of its houses, and It Is thought that damage must also have been done to the completed portion of the port works. The case was one absolutely impossible to fore see and provide against. Its occurrence be ing one that acarcely happens In a genera tion. The loss from the breaking down of the new aea wall and the sweeping away of the huge crane will be $500,000. STORMS IN SICILY KEEP UP Estimate. Place the Kamber People Drowned at Two Handred. of SYRACUSE, Sicily, -Sept. 2S.-A fresh storm burst over the district of Santa Maria today and many houses were de stroyed. The stormy weather continues generally throughout Sicily. It Is now be lieved that 200 persons perished at Modlca during the tornado. In one Instance a family of nine persons waa drowned. The village of Sortlno has been practically de stroyed and forty-three persons were drowned. The water rose In the church to a height of twelve feet. Many children lost their live. There have been some disgraceful scenes of pillage from the ruins and from the bodies, which shows tho necessity of more troops to keep order. The total damage as the result of the tor nado Is expected to amount to over 12,- 500.000. The storm of today csused the overflow of torrents at Cauano which waahed away live stock. Communication Is Interrupted. snd the damage la serious. It is not known whether any deaths resulted. At Messina two steamers were damaged by the storm. The streams are swollen and railway traffic Is Interrupted. UPTON MAY TRY BALLOONING Heport Starts la London that He Will Us Ip with Hon. C. S. Rolls. LONDON. 6ept, 28. A news agency to day makes the following announcement: Sir Thomas Liptou, who was recently elected a member of ths Aero club, con templates a trip across the chsnnel with Hon. C. 8. RolU. and In the event of the voyage being made In a balloon Sir Thomas will be accompanied by bis steam yacht Erin. ' Inquiry waa made tonight at the home of Sir Thomas regarding the foregoing an nouncement. A persons! friend of Sir Thomas, In the latter' absence, said to a representative of tb Associated Press: "Mr. Rolls Is the youngest son of Baron Llanganttock, and an enthuaiastic and ex perienced aeronaut. I believe hs proposed Sir Thomas as a member of the Aero club snd that be has suggested some ascensions but beyond thtawwhat are the arrange ments, If any, they bavs agreed to, I am unabls, In the absence of Sir Thomas, to ay." WILL THOMPSON ACCEPT? Hit Decision at to Taking Brasilia! Post Awaited with Interest. WHY HE IS OISERVED SO CLOSELY NOW Three Senatorial Flahts Involved li the Present Proposition He connts Some i nnrltlt n History. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Sept. 28 (Special). The. ap pointment of D. E. Thompson to represent the United States as minister plenipoten tiary and envoy to Brazil Is naturally the chief topic of discussion In political cir cles here at the state capital. Mr. Thomp son haa pursued In this the reticence char acteristic of all his public and private affairs, and so far as anyone can learn la still "thinking It over," undecided whether he will accept the proffered position. Among his friends here the feeling Is ono of apprehension that he will accept, whllo among those who have always been un friendly toward him the hope has begot th conviction that he will accept. Every one recognizes that an appoint ment to a first-class mission, second only to that of ambassador, and with a salary of $12,000 per year, which Is more than twice that of a United States senator and greater than that of the cabinet officers and mem bers of tbe supreme court, carries distinc tion greater than haa been enjoyed by any Nebraska appointee except possibly J. Sterling Morton when he was made a mem ber of President Cleveland's official house hold. To refuse to accept after the ap pointment has been made would be to sac rifice immediate prestige for a possibility of future preferment. It would, moreover, place our Nebraska senators and others, who have been urging the appointment, in a decidedly embarrassing position, although It might relieve them of further recognition of the obligation they admit they owe to Mr. Thompson. It Is known that both the senators have been urging Mr. Thompson to signify his acceptance, and would much prefer to have him accept, even though a declination might leave them In better position to secure political favors for other political friends. Enemies Loudest I'rajlaa; to Accept. The strange part of Mr. Thompson's pre dicament, for such It may be called. Is brought out by the talk of an old politician last night, who has been on the Inside of late politics fur several years past. The very people who have fought Mr. Thompson hardest from the very begin ning of his political aspirations sre the ones who would be most pleased to have him betake himself into political exile In Brazil," cays this old timer. "Just look back at the auccesslon of events since the campaign of 1898, In which Mr. Thompson made his debut as a candidate for United States senator. When It was found that tho legislature of 1899 oad gone republican and Mr. Thompson announced himself In the race, all the machinery of the Union Paclflc-Elkhorn combination, under direc tion of R. B. Schneider, was brought Into play to head blm off and make good the agreement to send Judge Hay ward to tbe senate as a reward for making the race for governor. When Brad Slaughter ventured to write letters on behalf of Thompson on state committee stationery he was called down and practically deposed from the position of vjee chairman on the plea that tbe state committee and Its officers must keep aloof from the senatorial contest. No sooner had Slaughter been deposed, how ever, than Schneider, although chairman of the committee, Jumped In as Hayward'a campaign manager and turned tbe whole committee Into a Hayward campaign or ganization. "The details of the Hayward fight need not be recounted beyond this; that It wit nessed the beginning of the bitter personal warfare on Mr. Thompson, which was re peated In the second contest two years ago. When Thompson came before the legisla ture again his opponents had an additional weapon In the charge that he had endeav ored to circumvent the caucus nomination of Hayward In 1899 by negotiating an agreement with the fuslonlsta by which, in consideration of their support, he was to bind himself to act with the democrats In congresa on cer tain specific subjects. The whole founda tion of the campaign against Thompson before the legislature of 1901 rested on this argument, that he had forfeited bis renub llcantsm and had no claim whatever upon the republicans. The Insurgents, who had pulled out of tbe republican caucus, ex cused themselves on the plea that Thomp son was not a republican and that they wrrn uuuer no ODiigauons lo go Into a caucus in which Thompson's name was to be considered. The more rabid antl-TbomD sonltes, including National Committeeman Schneider, went so far as to say not only that Thompson had no right to ask repub llcano to vote for him for the United States senate, but he had no claim whatever for recognition of any kind from the republican party. Want to Get Rid of Thompson "The strange part of tbe sequel Is that I nappen to Know tne president was urged by Schneider, as well as a number of other prominent anti-Thompson leaders, to ap point Mr. Thompson to some diplomatic po sition. 'Give him anything that will take him out of the state' Is tbe way these endorse ments ran. 'Thompson Is a disturbing factor. The only way to eliminate blm Is to send him ss far from the state ss possible.' The original plan was to secure for him appoint ment as minister to Mexico, and his name was presented to President McKinley, and I again to President Roosevelt, with that ob ject In view. There being no vacancy in Mtxico nor any prospect of a vacany, the recommeadatlon of Mr. Thompson waa left for 'any high diplomatic position' that might be opened In due course. The transfers following tbe resignation of Ambassador White from Berlin gave the opoprtunlty, and it seems the president acted without again consulting either Mr. Thompson or the Nebraska senators, who had practically given up all hope of landing their man." While this covers the history of the ap pointment In a nutshell. It does not ex plain why Mr. Thompson has to think the matter over now. Not counting on any official honor coming bis way, he has been pusblug various business enterprises to a point where to abandon them or to turn them over to subordinates would be taking great busineas risks. He hsd been giving much personal attention to bis lnsursnce company and has always kept an eye on his railroad eating bouse contract. More than that, however, he baa Just put a goodly sum of money into a newspaper plant and made all preparations for launching the coming week an evening daily, advertised as "D. E. Thompson's paper." To try to edit, or supervise. In Rio Janeiro a newspaper pub Uhed in Lincoln would be a difficult taak. even for a man of Mr. Thompson s versatil ity, while to gtve up the newspsper project at this stage would not conform to Mr. (Continued on Second Page.) SOLDIERS HAVE DAY TO REST Strennons Week Commences, Hon ever, II right and Early Monday. FORT RILEY, Kan.. Sept. 28 Absolute quiet, as far as the army maneuvers were concerned, prevailed at Camp Root today. The troops were not called upon to perform any work beyond that of the ordinary camp routine, but at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning will open a strenuous week for all arms of the service. The maneuver for Monday Is vaguely de scribed by General Bates as a "problem of contact of opposing force of all arms," which Includes a possibility of anything be tween a base ball game and a general mass acre. Tbe exact nature of the problem to be solved Is known only to the military um pires and to General Bates, and will not be divulged until the troops have marched out In the morning. The remmanders will then be Informed of the nature of the task ahead of them. The Browns, however, will be In the minority, as usual, and tbe Bluea will have the preponderating force In the field. This la by actual count. Reinforced by their imagination the Browns will be an equal strength. The weather is now beautiful and the roads, which last week were trails of mud, are now dry and in good Bhape for march ing. There are now but few men in the hospital, nearly all of those whose Illness was due to rain-soaked clothing and bed ding having recovered. The officers of the National guard are coming In rapidly and by Tuesday morning, when the Kansas mllltla will have arrived. It Is esttmated that fully 100 officers, be sides those of the Kansas guard, will be on the ground. So fsr there la but one captain among the National guard officers. the others being colonels or generals. The hopelessly outranked captain comes from New York City, while the colonels and generals belong everywhere, from Califor nia to Rhode Island and from Wisconsin to Texa. General Funston arrived In camp this afternoon, coming as the guest of General Bates. He came In an unoffi cial capacity and will remain for a few days to witness the maneuvers. DIES FROM JJEING CHOKED Mrs. Dickson of Mobile Killed by In trader Who Climbs In Through Window. MOBILE, Ala., Sept. 28 Mrs. Helen Dickson was choked to death and her niece, Miss Rose Robertson, wsa assaulted at their home by an unknown man early today. The man climbed through a window Into a ronp where Mrs. Dickson, her aon Albert, 8 years old, and hor niece were sleeping, and after closing and barring the door leading into a room where Mies Robertson's father waa asleep, strangled Mrs. Dickson Into Insensibility and had clutched Miss Robertson by the throat, when she screamed, frightening the Intruder away. Mr. Robertson, upon hearing his daugh ter's cries, broke Into the room, but was unable to capture the assailant. Mrs. Dickson died later f?nm the effects of her Injuries. The intruder carried Into tbe house an axe, which 4ie had secured from the woodpile, ... Mrs. Dickson left three children, two of whom are daughters, living In Chicago, The third was the boy who waa with her In the room when the assault was com mitted. Mrs. Dickson was the daughter- in-law of E. R. Dickson, former superin tendent of the Mobile public schools. HALF YEAR 0NTHE WATER Standard Oil Company Boat Anchors at Last with Its Crew Blind and Diseased. NEW YORK. Sept 28. The British four masted bark Ktnmore, owned by the Standard Oil company of this city, arrtved tn port after a tedious voyage lasting 198 days. The vessel sailed from Yokohama December 19 last, via Illogo, March 15. The vessel experienced light trade winds and very moderate weather, which, together with the bottom being unusually foul and covered with sea growth, caused a very long passage. Dr. Doty, the health officer, says almost all of the crew are suffering from scurvy, and several are In a pitiable condition. Malnutrition is responsible for the illness. Several have suffered from moon blindness, populary called moonblnk. It la said on board that the men were supplied with very little besides salt meat. Vegetable and other foods necessary to prevent the scurvy were not to be had. The ship stopped at St. Helena to land an injured man, but no fresh meat and vegetables were brought on the vessel at that port. AUTOPSY ON CRAFT'S BODY Coroner's Physician Performs It. bat Declines to Report If Traces of Chloral Were Found. NEW YORK. Sept 28. An autopsy waa performed today on tbe decapitated body of James Craft, who waa murdered early Saturday morning In tho Empire cafe. In Twenty-ninth street. The coroner's phy sician who performed tbe autopsy refused to ssy what It showed. The point of Interest In this Is whether or not knockout drops bad been given to Mr. Craft before he was attacked with the cleaver. If traces of chloral were found In the atomach the police claim this would show a plot to rob the victim. Mrs. Crafl, wife of the murdered man, said today that Mr. Craft had a considerable sum of money with him when he left bis home at Glen Cove. Mamie Moore, alias May Turner, and Ida Craven, the housekeeper at the Empire, who were arrested aa being possible wit nessed In tbe case, were arraigned in po lice court today. They were remanded to tbe custody of the coroner. FRAM IS AT CHRISTIANS Sverdrap's Arctic Expedition Enters the Horwffias Harbor ta Be Re ceived Hlsiht Royally. CHRISTIANS A. Norway. Sept. 28. Es corted by warships and numerous pleasure steamers. Captain, Sverdrup's Arctic expe dition on Fram entered Chrlstlanla harbor today. The ahlp waa saluted by tbe fort when It entered the harbor, where Sags were flying from every mast. Sir Clements Robert Msrkham. president of the Royal Geographical society of Great Britain, who Is now here, regards Captain Sverdrup's expedition as the most important since tbe Franklin expedition. King Oscar, Emperor William and King Victor Emmanuel have telegraphed words of welcome to Captain Sverdrup. Fram returned to Stavanger, Norway. September 19. after mors than four years la tbe Arctic regions. REOPEN ROOSEVELT'S WOUND Doctors Establish Mare Thorough Drainage for tb Leg lore. BONE FOUND TO BE SLIGHTLY AFFECTED Incision Is Made Only Into Small far. itr and Physicians To Not Antici pate that Patient's Recov ery Will Be Interrnpted. WASHINGTON. Sept. 28. Secretary Cor telyou at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon Issued the following statement: Dr. Newton Shaffer of New York Joined the president's physicians In consultation this morning at lo o'clock. The increase In local symptoms and a rise In temperature rendered It necessary to make an Incision Into the small cavity, exposing the bone, which was found to be slightly affected. Thorough drainage Is now established and the physicians feel confident that recovery will be uninterrupted. The operation was performed by Surgeon General Rlxey, as sisted by Dr. Lung and In consultation with Surgeon O'Reilly and Doctors Shifter, t rie and btltt. GKOROE B. CORTF.LTOIT. Secretary to the President. In the former operation a elmple needle was used to relieve the trouble, but today the surgeons, with a knife, made an In cision Into the small cavity, exposing the bone, which waa found to be slightly affected. Tbe president's case has been progressing satisfactorily, but It in be lieved by the physicians that tho further operation made today will hasten his com plete recovery. While none of tbe doctors are willing to be quoted, they give the most positive assurances that there is not the least csuse for alarm, and say that on the con trary, there Is every indication of a speedy recovery; that the area of bone affected is very alight and will not result In any impairment of the president's limb, and that there Is no evidence whatever of any matter that would produce blood poisoning. They confidently expect that the president will be on his feet within a reasonable time, and, with his robust constitution to assist recovery, soon will be himself again. Dr. Newton M. Shaffer of New York, who long haa been acquainted with the Roosevelt family and baa attended the president's children at various times, and who also Is a well-known bone specialist, Joined the president's physicians In their morning consultation at 10 o'clock. It was noticed that there had been a slight rise In the prestdent'a temperature and an increase In local symptoms, and the con clusion wss reached that the patient a re covery would be hastened by making an Incision of the wound for tho purpose of relieving the slight tension or swelling present and to drain the wound. The operation was performed between 2 and 3 o'clock In the afternoon. An appli cation of cocaine waa used to allay the pain. President Stands It Well. The president stood the operation very well and subsequently expressed his satis faction at the successful result. Dr. Rlxey, the surgeon general of the navy performed the operation assisted by Dr. Lung the Dresldenfa regular physician. Dr. o Keuiy who was present la the surgeon of the army and heretofore has been consulted regarding the case. Dr. Edward R. Stltt. another of those present, is In charge of the Naval Museum Medical school. The physicians tonight took a roseate view of the presl dent's prospects for getting out again He has oecome somewhat restive because of his close confinement and the physicians are considering the advisability of per mitting him to take a ride In a few days. The physicians say tbe question now Is simply one of healing of the wound and reiterate that this would be hastened by the operation made today. Dr. Shaffer called at the temporary White House tonight for a social visit and found the president In the best of spirits. At the White House at 10 o'clock it was stated the president was doing very well and that no additional statement would be Issued. Late in the evening Dr. Shaffer, while he declined to discuss generally the president's case, authorized. In the moat positive manner, the statement that there need not be the least cause for anxiety or alarm regarding his condition, but said on the contrary he would give every assurance of the belief that the president would soou recover. Had Been Anticipated. INDIANAPOLIS. Sept- 28. The Indianap olis physicians and surgeons who partici pated In the opeiatlon performed on the president at St. Vincent's hospital last Tuesday were shown the dispatch from Washington announcing that another opera tion had been necessary, and all declared that this was not unexpected, but was what they had feared. All united, however, lu saying that there la no danger in such an operation to the president, either from blood poisoning or In regard to the perma nent Impairment of the limb. Dr. John H. Oliver, who performed the first operation, said: "The new operation Is only what we all feared would be made necessary, and that waa the reason we ad vised that he be hurried bark to Washing ton. The wound Is by no means dangerous, although It la of such a nature as to require that he give up the use of his limb for some time. There Is absolutely no danger that the limb will have to be amputated, or from blood poisoning either." Dr. Henry Jameson aald: "That another operation would have to be performed Is only about what we expected. The aerum was collected In the cavity under the peri ostium from which It was drained. What baa happened Is only what we feared, and we advised absolute quiet for the limb. There la nothing Berlous about the wound except that it will make a very sore leg and would necessarily require that It be opened and the serum drained. It may even be necessary to scrape the bone, but time will show this. There Is no danger that tbe limb will have to be amputated and, with proper drainage, neither Is there any cause for alarm In regard to blood pois oning." Dr. Cook read the bulletin Issued by Sec retary Cortelyou and made the following statement: "I am not surprised to learn that the cavity has become affected and that the bone has been found to be dls eased. That probability was discussed prior to the operation and President Roosevelt was requested to eat a light luncheon as an anaesthetic wov.M have to be adminis tered. FIGHT THE TURKS FIERCELY Bulgarian Revolutionists Escape Ar. rest at Cost tf Many Killed and Wounded. CONSTANTINOPLE, Sept. 28 Official telegrams received here say that 300 Bul garian revolutionists, who were surrounded by Turkish troops at Vodena, in the vilayet of Salonlca, and who succeeded in forcing the cordon after a sanguinary Bgbt. lost fifty-two men killed and 112 men wounded. The Turks also suffered severe losaes. The pursuit of tb Bulgarians conlluuts. CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska Fair and Cooler Monday: Tuesday Fair and Warmer In West Portion. Temperature at Omaha Yeaterdayi Itnnr. Dear. Hoar. Dear. ft a. nl Kit t p. m ...... 72 a. m 4t U p. m 7 1 7 a. m r H p. m...... TH M a. m Ml 4 p. m Tt 1 a. m. . . . . . ft II p, n.inii IS 1( a. m...... Ot H p. tn Til It a. in t;t T p. m MM 111 m 7U p. m U p. m 4 STOCKTON BADLY SCORCHED Sustains Half Million Dollar with bat Little Insar- Loss. STOCKTON, Cal., Sept. 28. One of the largest fires In tho history of Stockton started here shortly after 6 o'clock this evening In the Agricultural pavilion. That structure, together with all its contents and two residence blocks, were burned to the ground with the exception of a few build ings. The approximate loss is 8500,000, less than half Insured. The fire started through a plumber hunt ing for a leak In a gas main in the pavilion. The contact of the gas with a lighted can dle caused an explosion, and In a few min utes tbe building was In flames. Being built of wood. It burned rapidly and the two or three people In the building had to flee for their lives. With Incredible velocity the flames leaped across San Joaquin street to the east and across Lafayette to the west. The Catholic church on the north bad a narrow escape. A slight breeze carried the flames clear through two blocks south of the pavilion and west of San Joaquin street. The three blocks to the east of San Joaquin suffered greatly, and It was only through the hard work of the firemen, assisted by the thick shade tree, that the flames were prevented from sweeping the channel. During the early stages of the fire the heat was so Intense that the firemen had great difficulty In getting near enough to be effective, and two men who were at tempting to lay a hose on Lafayette street nearly lost their lives. They were Tom Walsh, driver of a hose wagon, and Ed Knowies, an assistant, Henry Chase, a fireman, fell from a build ing and sustained Internal injuries which are not believed to be fatal. Jack Law rence fell from a building and was badly bruised. Police Officer Dutschke and Parker Wilson Inhaled smoke, but recovered at the receiving hospital. Frank Stelnbecker Wan lurowu agaiust a building by a hose, and his leg was badly Injured. The district fair had closed Saturday night and all the exhibits were still In tho pavilion. The loss to the exhibitors was very heavy. The Union Iron Works had on exhibition models of the cruisers San Francisco and Charleston. They were destroyed. There was $25,000 Insurance on them. Many peo ple have been left homeless and destitute Fifty houses were burned. Linemen were put to work cutting wires shortly after the fire started and the elec tric light and telephone wires are In a bad condition tonight. WOULD OUTWIT ELECTRICITY Engllihmrn Come Over on a Hunt for Something- Better Than Light nlnar Rods. NEW YORK, Sept. 28. Among the pas sengers who arrived on the steamer Celtic today was Lieutenant Colonel H. A. Yorke of the Royal Engineer army corps of Eng land. Colonel Yorke Bald he had come over tor the purpose of Inspecting electric rail way systems, and would try to find a way to prevent the leakage of power from elec tric wires and rails, which he said had proved very troublesome In England. Ktlllngworth W. Hedges, another arrival, said he was a member of the lightning re search committee of England, and that he was here to see If a more suitable means than a lightning rod for preventing light ning striking buildings could not be found. The rod, he said, was practically useless, and this branch of scientific research, he added, had been greatly neglected. NOT THE TIMEJTO BE TALKING One of Aliened St. Ltiula Boodlera May Have Something: to Say Later. ST. LOUIS, Sept. 28. Robert M. Snyder, whose trial on the charge of bribery In connection with tbe Central traction bill cornea up tomorrow, arrived here from Kansas City today accompanied by his wife. He firmly declined to discuss his rase. "My presence here," said he, "shows that I am ready for trial. I cannot at tbo present time say any more. At a later time, per haps, when 1 am freo to talk, I may do so. I am In the hands of my counsel now, I know that much haa been publicly said about me, but It would not be proper for me to deny or affirm at this stage." DYNAMITERS WRECK A HOUSE Family Living; In Second Story Escape Injury by a Seemlna Mlracia. ST. JOSEPH, Sept. 28 An attempt waa made tonight to destroy the family of Columbus Walton of South St. Joseph by the use of several sticks of dynamite. The family lived over a store run by Walton, and the dynamite waa placed under the stairs of the front of the building. The detonations were ter riffle and were heard twelve miles away. The main part of the structure was destroyed but the family miraculously escaped Injury. Tbe loss Is $5,000. The police have no clue. CODY'S OLD HORSE IS BURNED fllaa the Model from Which Frederic Remington Drew Hla Matter piece. DULUTH. Minn., 8ept. 28. Among eight horses destroyed at a barn at Proctor Knott today was "Smoky! formerly Buffalo Bill's favorite horse. He waa a superb animal In his day and when be grew old Colonel Cody gave him to hla sister, Helen Cody Wet more of this city. Frederic Remington's masterpiece is aald to be a picture of Buf falo B.ll mounted on "Smoky." Movements of Ocraa Vessels Sept, SM. At New York Arrived: Celtic, from IJverpool and 'queens to wn ; Noordam, from Rotterdam. At Movlllf Arrived: Columbia, from New York, for (ilasgow. and proceeded At Hamburg Arrived: Ktexmer Pennayl vanta. from Sew York, via Plymouth and Cherbourg. At IJvei pool Arrived: I'mlirla. from New York, via (jueeriatown. At Naples Sailed : Vancouver. from Genoa, for HohIoii. At I Jsard-Passed : Steamer Kmn Prtns Wllhflm. fr"m New York, for liymuulh, Cherbourg aud lircinvo. MITCHELL IN REPLY Freiident of TJnitad libs Wartin Aaiwari Hajruatai Baar aid Hswitt. DENIES THAT WAGES ARE FAIR AND JUST Diggers of Bittimiiona Get 20 Per Cent llora Thai Anthracite. FORMER WI-RK THE SHORTER DAY, ALSO Hare Ifaximnm of Eight Heart to tbe Letter's Ten Hour. PER CAPITA OUTPUT NOT DIMINISHING Last Year's Par In Kaee-aa of Amount tor Prevlnue YearsWhat Miner Demand Concerning; Law. Lcsaeaa and tha Polle. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 21 president Mitchell of ths United Mine Workers today gavo out the following statement: "The recent utterances of Mr. Baer, spokesman of the Anthracite Coal trust, Mr. Hewitt and other Interested persons disclose a well-defined purpose to confuse and cloud the real causes which resulted In the coal strike and an attempt to divert attention from the actual Issuea Involved. However misleading as are their utterances, It la a relief to know that they now admit that the public haa i ghts and Interests which cannot be Ignored with Impunity, and Inasmuch as the public must be the final arbiter of the coal strike. It Is Im perative that It shall not be deceived by statements which are at variance with thu facta. With the purpose of correcting some of the false Impressions and misrepresenta tions contained In the statements of the gentleman referred to, I Issue this letter. "It Is not my Intention to point out tbe Innumerable Instances in which Mr. Baer has erred in statement and allegation. His unsupported assertions that certain things are true cannot be accepted as final or concluBlve,v particularly in view of the fart that unquestioned authorities can be cited to prove him to be In error In this matter. Are the Waves Falrf "Mr Bner fat 'that ths wags paid In tbe anthracite coal reglona are, com pared with the wages paid In like em- V ployment, fair and Just.' By Mike employ ment Mr. Baer must refer to bituminous coal mining. I am willing and prepared to demonstrate that wages in the bitu minous coal fields are from 20 to 40 per cent higher than those paid for similar classes of work In tbe anthracite fields. Tho fact Is that tho minimum wage re ceived by any class of adult mine workers in the soft coal mines is 26H csnts per hour, while the minimum wags paid to boys is 12Vi cents per hour. In the an thracite coal mines men performing pre cisely the came labor receive from 13 to 20 centa per hour, while boya are paid as low as 5 cents an houi and ra.My re ceive to exceed' 8 vents per' hour.-" - "The bituminous miner works a maxi mum of eight hours per day, which Is two hours less than men In the anthracite fields are rc,-"tred to work; moreover, the anthracite mine worker labors under the further disadvantage of being more liable to be killed or Injured, the casualties being 60 per cent greater In the anthracite than In the bituminous mines. Nome Other Krrors. "There are other tatoments of Mr. Baer which are equally lnco:rect; among these are his assertion that 'the miners only worked from four to six hours per day' and hs turther assertion 'that the lowest scale of wages was 85 centa for boy slate pickers.' If Mr. Baer deslrea, I shall gladly furnish him with the names and addresses of thousands of slate pickets, each of whom received much leas than 25 cents per day, and I shall be willing to have the returns verified by the com panlea' pay rolls. "Tho next misstatement of Mr. Baer to whlrh I shall give notice la that whlsh claims that 'for some mysUrlous reason' the miners restricted the output of the mines. Mr. Baer claims that 'In tbla man ner the product of the collieries has been reduced about 12 per cent, and that In the case of the Reading company It amour :ed to more than 1.000,000 tons.' ThU Is vitally Important If true, but it Is not true. The fart la that instead of a loss of 1.000,003 ton there waa an Increase tn the year 1901 from the mlnee operated by ths Ra6'ng company of 838.243 tons, and a total Increnae from all the anthracite mines of tons. (See the report of Pennsylvania sUta bureau of mines.) The output of coal In 1901 was far In excess of that of any year In the history of coal mining, and even a paper ao avowedly and bitterly hostile to the Mine Workers' union aa the Engineer ing and Mining Journal admits that 'vir tually the only restriction on output was a shortage of cars.' 'Thla shortage.' the Journal continues, 'soon became marked' and 'by the end of November the Reading collertes and those of soma other com panies were mining on short time.' (Issue of January 4, 1902.) Par Capita Output Greater. "Although thla statement does not admit of any such construction. It la still possi ble that Mr. Baer still refera to the per capita output, but ever here he errs. A careful calculation of per capita output from the Pennsylvania state bureau of mines shows that despite Mr. Baers as sertlon that the miners worked only from four to six hours per day and dosplte the assertion that tbe men restricted the out put, the per capita production In 190L the year complained of, was greater than thu per capita output for any single on of the thirty-one years of which we have record from 1870 to 1900. In attempting to aacount for the increased tonnage the operators point to the installation of labor caving machinery which reducea the proportion of men and boya employed by th day. If w disregard all mrue worker whose labor might be saved y such appliances and taka simply tlm output per certificated and employed n.ltu-r we find that ths produc tion per miiK-r was 1,271 tona In 1897, 1,29 tons iu 1V-K, l.afc.l tons In 1899, 1.S91 ton In 1&00, while In the year 1901 It was 1,905 tor.. I refer Mr. Baer to tbe annual report of the Pennsylvania state bureau of mines and aak if these Cgurea do not rafuts tho statement that organisation In ths coal mines Is Inimical lo good workmanship among the miners. "Since the very Inception of this strike the Sims, objects and Ideals of ths United Mine Workers of America have been wilfully distorted by u email army of critics. We have been unjustly maligned. What the Mlurrs Demand. "We therefore take Ibis opportunity to repeat speclfleally that we do not seek to inu-rfer with tbe management at ths coal