TIIE OMAITA DAILY TEEK; SATTTHPAY, SI.PTEMKEII 27, 1902. f f V AFFAIRS AT SOUTH 0MAH1 Caiitait Demaid for Ettra Help at tha Yariatu Packing Honita, DISPELS RUMORS OF CITY SUFFERING Mamher of Emylorri lirrum De. aplte Persistent Rprli that Altera Merger Will Cat , Dwi These Forces. REPUBLICAN CLUB MEETINGS Math Ward Hears Candidate Mickey tai (irrmta Oraanisatlon Electa Officers. Tha constant demand for extra help at tha packing houses of the city icraii to lava bad a tendency to dispel all rumors to the effect that South Omaha would aoon auffe r by r-aaon of some unknown action of the con Dined heart a of the different packing Interest. Iaataad of being a de crease In tha number of men at the pack Ing houaea there now seema to be a de cided Increase. The office forcea of the plants still re mains as It always has been, except the fact that several new department clerks aave been employed and ara now at work. Barring this ona change work progresses In the office the same as usual. One of tha oldest office employes at any bf the packing plants stated yeeterday that ren If the proposed merger had been con ummated, a was at first reported, the forcea at work would have been changed but little. , Ha said: ' "I cannot under tand how the rumor haa spread that the employee would be cut off; surely not from packing men. On who is familiar with the Ins and outs of a parking plant will readily understand that they alwaya em ploy the minimum number of men possible to do their work, and if tha present sys tems are retained no less number of men could do It. Then the theory that all of the packing houses would carry on their business with one main office. The way the South Omaha plants are arranged that would be almost a physical impossibility. If any change should come It would be the discharging of the traveling men, but I do Hot believe even that would be done, as there alwaya will be some outside compe tition to any combine of this sort." Oat Looking) for Points. Captain William L. Holland of the South Dmaha cavalry troop leavea this morning for Fort Riley, Kan., to spend a week at tha United Statea military reservation at that place. He goes by special commis sion of General Colby to observe military tactics and regulations. The military tac tica will begin at the fort on September SO and will continue until October, 8. Cap tain Holland will remain during the en tire time, afterward making a report to tha governor of hie observations. Ideal Club Officers. Tha Ideal club has elected these officers for the ensuing year: President, William Gilchrist; vice president. A. C. Pancoast; ! aecretary and treasurer, Charles Mann; permanent arrangement committee. Fred I Scott,' Dr. 'R.. B. Schlndel and Thomas Parker. Dances will be given by the club at regular- intervals during the entire sea aon, beglonrog on October 18. " jHe'sjrs' Baefeelmer Fined. The trial of Henry Bechelmer, charged with having made an assault upon Officer Anton Raimussea en last Monday evening and taking a prisoner from him, was heard In the police, court yesterday. Bechelmer waa acquitted on tfee charge of assault and battery, but found guilty of Interfering with an officer. ' ,Charlee Southerland, the last of the parties, charged with partici pating la the troublo, will have a hearing Clalmaj He W"" Bobb,d James Weldon,s formerly a saloon keeper at Twenty-sixth nd,,P streets, but now residing in Iowa, complained to the police yesterday that he had been robbed of $154. He claimed that the parties who had done the work were two men and a woman. Mrs. L, Charrlngton waa arrested and identified by Weldon as the woman. Part of the money Is aald. to have been recovered. Two of the associates 'of the woman also have been arrested and the county attorney will be asked to prosecute The husband of the Charrlngton woman is now serving out a ninety-day sentence for petty theft. Ma a;lc City Gossip. Andy McOuIre haa returned from a short trip to St. Joseph. A. R. Kelly returned yesterday from a ahort eastern trip. Peter Jensen of Jensen waa a visitor at the stockyards yesterday. Mrs," A, A Wright and cblldren have re turned from a western trip. The hog market took a sudden slump yes terday, fulling about 20 cent. MIm Bessie Martin has returned from a lw months' visit at watseaa, m. fe v Laverty la In Grand Island, where his little son is said to be seriously ill. Mias Emma Newman of Elgin, 111., is In the clLy,. the guest ol U. A. uuvi am family. inh viam .mil hla four children are re ported dangerously III with typhoid fever at Twenty-sixth and Jefferson. The Bouthwest Side Improvement club will hold a meeting Sunday afternoon at Thirty-eighth and Q streets, vi r. w n Flnlav and Mrs. Oeorae B im.i r.1 ! Mens. (Jul., are visiting at the homo of Mrs. Florence Moore, 213 L street. Hlrthe reported yesterday: Henry She-wel-her, Thirty-third and A streets, boy; William Chandler, Twenty-seventh and H Streets, girl. niiiMinr nermits have been Issued to Rudolph Larson, Thirteenth and Harrison streets, residence, si.vw, ana junimniw, Thirtv-nrst and U streets, building, KJ.OW. Are you Interested In the beat suit of clothes In America for the price. If so, come to -the r'lynn Food and Clothing house. We have It to show. The credeii tlals ao with It. No trouble to show goods at Fiynn's. New Steamship Line. PRNRAOOLA. Fla.. Sept. I. It la Irarnrd that a statement haa been author i i ht tn - ahort time a regular Blearer ship.- line will be Inaugurated between pensacola and South Africa, tha veaaels palling bi-monthly. It la understood that tha main object In eatabliahlng the Una will be for the purpose of transporting live stock to South Africa to atock the Boer farms. . Marriage Licensee. Licensee to wed were Issued yesterday to the following: VTama anri RaMldanre. '. ' Age. Peter H. HaaniUbsen, Omaha 25 Martha O. Hlldebrandt. Omaha 23 Uuatave Nelaon, Omaha M Amatki Enquist, Omaha ! Simon P. Fatley. Omaha .' " Myrtle M. fc.o, umana J. H. Mickey, republican candidate for governor, was the guest of honor at the meeting of the Sixth Ward Republican club last night. Mr. Mickey made a very brief address, devoted chiefly to a general state ment of the achievements of the republican party. Short speeches were also made by Dr. W. H. Christie, who announced his candidacy for member of the Board of Edu cation, D. H. Mercer. A. W. Jeffries, N. C. Pratt, M. A. Hall and W. B. Ten Eyck. At a meeting at OermanHa hall the Ger man Republican club elected the following officers for the ensuing year: Robert O. Fink, president; ' Thodore Slnhold, vice president; Max Felermann, secretary, and Henry Rhode, treasurer. This was Mr. Flnk"s third election to the presidency of the club. A resolution endorsing all of the republican candldatea was adopted. The Illustrated Bee Amusements. At the Boyd. "The Sultan of Sulu," a musical satire by George Ade, with music by Alfred O. Walthall. Presented for the first time in Omaha at the Boyd on Friday, September 26. lytf. The cast: Kl-Ram, the Sultan of Sulu. .Frank Moulan uiouri jciierson auaa or the Volun- - . '.'.v.'.:.' Robert Lett iiicuinnni miuam naroy or the Rer- Hadji Tantong. the Sultan's private 'cr't"rlr, ; Fred Frear Patto Mandl of Parang Frank Ralnger Wakeful M. Jones, agent and salesman r. Charles Glblyn volutin oi ine liuaras J. S. Meyers' Sergeant Standplpe, U. 8. A Basil Mlllspaugh Rastus, Nubian slave John J. Fogarty Llriymos, Nubian slave it.V.VH"iV V K"ward J. Flan'n'lgan Henrietta Budd, the colonel's daughter. r ..' Maude Lillian Berrl Pamela Frances Jackson. Judge advo- ,.,e"'e Blanche Chapman Chlotllta. wife Nn 1 ( I-.-,.,,,!.. , ...ii alula, the faithful one BertTe Dale OTHING LIKE PICTURES to fix s fact, and when these pictures are like the ones printed in The Illustrated Bee, even the most prosaic fact la jrlren an Interest by the Illustra tions. Each week The Bee laye Ispfore Its readers not only a fine lot of pictures, but specially pre pnred articles on matters of mo ment, so thnt the Illustrated sup plement to The Sunday Bee really merlta the name of "magazine." The forthcoming- number will bo found fully worthy of this paper's high reputation. A MODERN EVE is a picture that will aDDeal to every lover of art, to every lover of children, and to every lover of apples. It ahows a pretty baby girl. In overalls, in an apple tree Imitating her ma ternal grandmother, several genera tions back. In the Garden of Eden. It will be found on the front page of next Sunday's IlluHtrated Bee. Last evening marked the real opening of the theatrical season for Omaha, and It was observed by the assemblage of a really fashionable audience at the Boyd. And the offering was worthy of the liberal patron age bestowed on It. Oeorge Ada's "Sultan of Sulu" is described as a musical satire on the bill of the play, an appellation that fits It probably aa well as any of the other names that might be given it. It is Adeaque from first to last, an 'Arty" book set to music with "Fables In Slang" to fill in between the lyric numbers. It doesn't depend on its music, although the inci dental music Is of the right eort to serve as a vehicle for the satirical thrusts and witty allusions of the songs. Ade has rig idly eschewed sentiment even In the love songs of the pleoe, only one being of the conventional, "If I but Knew." He atones for this most affectively In "Engaged in a Sort of Way," "My Sultan Sulu Soo" and other ditties which are fitted In between conversations between characters carried on In that language which Ade has made a owu. Frank Moulan as Kl-Ram is in many ways reminiscent of other Oriental poten tates who have come to our ken via the comle opera channel. Maybe there's only one mold for this sort. At any rata he has a splendid chanoe to be funny with other things than his feet, and he certainly does take advantage of the opportunity. Robert Lett makea up the part of Colonel Jeffer son Budd, a hero who intends to go to congress, with an E. Z. Savage mustache and goatee, and has no difficulty In Im pressing his conception of the political sol. dler on the auditors. As Lieutenant Hardy Templer 8axa looks well and sings well. He has a very pleasing tenor Voice and need to apologize to no one in the army for hla appearance or conduct. Maude Lillian Berrl haa In the part of Henrietta Budd songs and lines that suit her Im mensely well, and was warmly applauded for her singing last night. Miss Borrl'a solos in this do not call, for any especial vocal gymnastics, but do afford an oppor tunity for the exhibition of a pure, sweet soprano voice in which the natural mel ody has not been extinguished by culture. Blanche Chapman as Pamela Frances Jack- son and Gertrude Qulnlan as Chlqulta con tribute much to the gaiety of the perform ance. Let It be known, also, that whoever had th sorting of the chorus had his good eye as well as his good ear with him at the time, for the young women are of the sort good to look upon and pleasant to hearken unto. In fact this may bo said In general of "The Sultan of Sulu" and all that appertains thereunto. A matinee this afternoon and an evening performance closes the engagement. t nENAISSANCE OF RAG CARPET is an K shloh talla Vinw tha fashionable people are turning from the luxury of wlltona and moqurttcs to the humble floor cov ering of days of yore, when the loom was a part of the household furnishing In the homes of the "common peopl-" Illustrations are made from photographs which will awaken memories of the past for many a man and woman. w HairEscaping? No wonder. Your hair is starving. Feed it before if ail leaves you. Then you can keep what you have and add ' greatly to it. Ayefs Hair Vigor is a hair-food. It stops falling of the hair, makes the hair grow, and always re stores; color to gray hair. "One year ago today I bad not one Ingle hair oa my bead, and today 1 have as tine growth of balr as any young mart in my town, and Juat three bottle. ( Ayer' Hair ViRor did it." Arthur B. Ackley, E, Alechla. M. OMEN FARM HANDS in America are said to number 450,000. A special article tells how they work, why they work and where they work. Thla will be of espec'al interest to the sociological Investi gator who are watching the lu duntrlal development of the woman's movement. Illustrations are made from photographs taken In the fields. HANDLING HOGS FOR MARKETS invades a field very little known to newspaper renders. Dally In the market reports they are told of the thousands on thousands of bead of hogs thnt are brought to the packing bouses and butchered. In this article they are told how the hogs are received, cared for and finally dlsnowd of to the packer. Pictures are: from photographs made ,at the South Omaha stock yards. AMERICANS IN PARIS form the toplo of Mr. Frank G. Carpenter'a weekly letter. In this one " he gives the Interesting Information that the Americans are the wealthiest and most influential foreign element In the French metropolis. He also tells of the great demand for American manu factures in Paris, and explains how the market for the -things- made on this side is expanding over there. Illustrations are made from photographs taken in Paris. JESSIE BENTON FREMONT is a name not likely to be toon forgotten In the west Her life's history Is indlssolubly linked with that of the great empire her distinguished husband explored and minle part of the United States. Her story la charmingly told In a special arti cle, Illustrated with pictures from a recent photograph of Mrs. Fre mont and of her borne at Los Angeles. 0 SPINNERS TO CONSOLIDATE Slaty Per Oat of Them sad loathera Weaving; Mills Bald to Be Ready. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 26. The Record tomorrow will say: The project to con solldate 60 per cent of the spinning and weaving mills in the south under the con trol of a holding corporation has finally materialized, and It was announced yes terdar by one of the managers of the en terprise that the Fries plan had been adopted by enough of the southern mills to guarantee the auccess of the proposl tlon. The cash capital Involved in the en terprise now amounts to $25,000,0(10. This 111 be Increased as fast as additional mills come Into the combination. Nearly all the largest and moat lmpor tant of the modern spinning and weaving mills in tha south are Interested in the project, and these that have not already signed options will do so at soon as the stockholders of the several companies can be brought together to ratify agreements already made by tha accredited represent a'.tves. THER GOOD THINGS in the number are many. In fact it has been a long time since The Illustrated Bee contained so many pictures which were not connected with one of the special articles. In every respect the number will be found up to the mark. Not a de partment haB lieen overlooked and not a feature la omitted. If you are not now a subscriber, you should order the paper from your newsdealer today. Dmi'i laji Trad Doesn't fear Disarranged Keiey Market. ONLY HARDSHIP IS TO SPECULATORS Scarcity of Panda Will Be Remedied with the Treasnrr's Aid Injary to Crops So More Thaa Off sets larrraned Acreage. NEW YORK. Sent. 26 -R O. Dim ft Co.'s Weekly Review of Trade tomorrow will say: Notwithstanding the disarranged money market, almost a fuel famine and some damage to cmpa, Industrial and commercial activity continues unabated and the magni tude or plans ror tne rtiiure indicate trial the contidence has not ben shaken. Soarclty of funds has thus far cauoed no hardship except to speculators, and the stringency will remedy Itself by contract ing loans on large collateral, together with such aid as may be given by the treasury. injury to crops ny frost nas no more than offset the Increased acreage, while high prices fully compensate. It Is not a time for es(lmlsm. thojgh securities have de clined sharply. Hallway earnings for Sep tember thus far exceert last year s by 6.8 fer cent, and those of 1U0O by lfi.o per cent, 'ressure In the Iron and steel Industry haa been somewhat alleviated by larger receipts of coke and liberal Imports of pig Iron yet the outlook Is by no means devoid of favorable Indications. It Is Impossible to provide for more than Immediate needs In coke. Some plants have resumed and oper ate from day to day, with a constant menace of an Interrupted movement of fuel, which would suspend operations. At the west this factor is most serious. coke commanding $10 a ton or more, while lit exceptional caoea J 13 has been paid. Owing to the numerous Influences now In evidence there Is lefs disposition to place targe contracts ror distant aeuvery or pig Iron and sales are chiefly of small lots. Forelan Iron Is freely received and other consignments are under consideration. More steel rail orders have been placed abroad. Needs for structural shanes are Increasing, much work being held back by slow shipments, and orders are reported for delivery nearly two years hence. In an eirort to provide adequate transportation facilities the railways are purchasing liber ally of rolling stock and other equipment and great improvements in terminal meth ods are planned. A further slight advance In footwear ouo- tatlons Indicates that the healthy demand has made It possible for manufacturers to secure compensation for the recent sharp rise In materials. Country hides show the principal declines of the week. Cotton goods are firmly held, the market la quiet, as buyers are content to take only such quantities as are needed for Immediate dls- triDution. The situation is now satisfac tory for producers owing to the high prices of raw material, but the attitude of pur chasers of goods Indicates that they do not consider the present position of raw cotton one that can be sustained. It Is too early for supplementary orders In men's woolens, yet there Is demand, and the tone of the staple Is firm. No concessions are fiossinie in tne wool market, which has ncreased in activity at the east. The de cline in meats 'has received a check and sugar Is lirmly held, with refiners behind in delivery. Failures for the week numbered 9m In the United States, against 227 last year, and oa in v-anaua, against a a year ago. BRADSTHEErS RKVIEW OP TRADE, The Illustrated Bee - LOCAL BREVITIES. t? nt 1017 Canltol avenue 1 charged v. 1th larceny from the person by O. V. Smith of 2756 Cuming street. She is said to have stolen 11.50 from hla pocket. Accuaed and accuser were both locked up last night until me mailer couiu u m vestlgaied. Mn Peters, a 17-vear-old alrl from Iowa, was last night taken from a house at 118 South Ninth street and confined In . v, l nplan. aa an tnnwri fftr.1 ft Tha rhlladelphlans directly concerned In the girl's mother came to the city several days nternrl.e veaterdav confirmed the well- aio In search of her and will take her ..h..i... ,.nort. rr.iv-d frnm ih. home. Maud left home three weeks ago. south a. to the adoption of the Fries plan. The X"" i?Tr?l but they declined to give out a list of the I the city hall, has finished Its allotment of m. uw .Annir.il Tha ) ha I rnmullmentarv seats and still has a num- . . . .,,,, her to be offered for sale. These may be tha control of the proposed holding cor- d t ., ech upon application at thi of poratlon would be vested In representative I i,.e of (he building Inspector. The seats ,llt mat. nt tha .nuth The sxaciitlva offl- ror PUDllc omciaia on win rrvrewini ai.nu ONFIDENCE IS UNSHAKEN plaintiff withdraws suit Contest Over Will Hesalta la War Natl Being; Issaed top Princi pal and Witnesses. LONQ BRANCH, N. J., Sept. 26. The contest of Laura Biggar for the estate of Henry M. Bennett, a Pittsburg capitalist. was withdrawn in court here today. When the case was called C. C. Hendricks, coun sel for Miss Biggar, announced that he de sired to discontinue the contest. "My client," he said, "has signified her readiness to rest content with the provi sion made for her by the will." A representative of Peter J. McNulty, one of the heirs, made the following announce ment to the court: 1 There are warrants out charging Iaura Biggar, Samuel Stanton and C. I. Hend ricks with conspiracy. Miss Biggar Is not here, but the other two are here snd the warrants will be served at once. I advlstj your honor of this so that you may fix bull. The two were arrested and ball fixed at $5,000 In each case. 8tanton Is the Justice of the peace who. It Is alleged, swore he had married Miss Biggar to Mr. Bennett, C. C. Hendricks, Miss Blggar's attorney. Is a physician and owner of a sanitarium. Miss Biggar asserted that a child of which Bennett was the father, bad been born to her In Dr. Hendrick s sanitarium. The present case came up In court before Judge Wilbur A. Hersley last Friday, when a motion was made to set aside the probate of the will. Miss Biggar was a beneficiary under that document, but If the truth of her statement about her marriage to Ben nett and the birth of the baby were demon strated she would be the legal heir to the entire estate. According to her claim the baby died fifteen days after its birth. The estate Is said to be worth more than $1,000,- 000. When the warrants were served Stanton and Hendricks asked for an immediate hear ing. The complainants were not prepared, their counsel said, to go on with the case Immediately, but the defendant Insisted upon having a hearing at once, and the court decided that they were acting within their rights. The bearing on the alleged con spiracy case was accordingly begun. Among the first of the witnesses to he called to the stand was John F. Hawkins, who drew Mr. Bennett'a will. Mr. Hawk Ins testified among other things that on one occasion Miss Biggar had remarked In his presence that If she was not taken good care bf In the will she would sue the estate for her long services In caring for Mr. Bennett during his illness, or else bring suit against the estate as Mr. Bennett's common law wife. Peter J. McNulty, the executor, who filed the complaint alleging conspiracy also testi fied. Mr. McNulty was employed by Mr. Bennett. He testified that he had an Inter view with Stanton In Hoboken, with refer ence to the alleged marriage of Miss Big gar and Mr. Bennett. Retail Demand Improving; with Job. bins; Actlvltr Snstalned. NEW YORK, Ccpt. S8.-nrnd3trsGf to- ' morrow will say: Largs yield of nearly all croDS have been secured- lohhlna- trail. activity Is unabated; manufacturing In dustry In nearly all lines Is running at i iuii speca ; retail oemana is improving. Railway and transportation Interests are pushed to handle business offered and the only unfavorable feature In the situation is the growing tension exercised by tba anthracite coal strike, which now finds cold weather almost here. Collections in a majority of instances remain good, most of ine exceptions being noted in the south, where the feeling-, owina to reported short ages In yield of cotton, is a trifle less optl- IXllHllC. ' f Western Jobblntr trades are surnrlslnelv good, despite the advanced season and tha activity previously noted. - - in tne south rains during the cotton plrklng season hss been an unfavorable feature so far as affecting , the gathering of the crop already open is concerned, but beneficial to the late crops in Indian Ter ritory, Texaa and Florida and in fact wher ever they have fallen. in tne east business Is reported In al most every branch of the New York dry goods trade and the outlook Is encourag ing. The strength of cotton goods, based largely on the position of the raw ma terial. Is notable. Woolen roods are In an excellent position, mills are busy on men's wear goods ana large orders ror spring have been booked. In women's wear fancy fabrics are in especial favor. East ern shoe manufacturers note a fair volume or orders, enough to keep leather firm, though some sales have been made below prices. TlKht money is credited with some effect In checking the upward march of leather owing to the small margin of profit In the business generally. . Among th Industrials the feature of transcendent Interest Is enormous, demand areatly In excess of supply for Iron and steel In Its cruder forms. The scarcity of coke. lH as marked as ever and a number of furnaces are now shut down, with en suing great losses to operators, who are unable to take advantage of the enormous demand. Buyers "bf foreign Iron and steel has been liberal, despite advices from the central west that consumers find difficulty In consuming soma of that Imported. Bes semer and pig billets are rather larger at Pittsburg than for some time past. Sales for future delivery are readily made at $21.50i2.0D and for. steel billets at $31.00 to $32.00. There Is a marked scarcity to steel plates and a premium of $5 a ton Is noted for quick delivery. Structural steel producers are crowded with orders and the unprece dented announcement Is made that some orders for bridge material have been se cured for delivery in 1!4. Some finished products are much weaker, tin being cut and wire and nails shaded. Some large orders for rails In this country and Canada have been placed with Oerman and Eng lish manufacturers because of the Inability of American mills to accept the business. Foreign iron, coal and steel have advanced In consequence of the American demand. Hardware continues tn unabated activity at nearly all points. Among the other metals tin and Conner note weakness In prices. Wheat. Including flour exports for the week ending September 25, aggregate 5.077.070 bushels, against 6.645,323 last week. 6.470 in this week last year and 4,242.810 In KhiO W'Viaat aicnnrfa alnca Jnlv 1 aa-are. gate 60,601.150 bushels, against 78.652.1H7 last season and 42. 762.500 In 19"0. Corn exports aggregate 74. 2 bushels, against 49.508 last week. 5X5,"o8 last year and 2.156.171 In 1910. For the fiscal year exports are l.Ooo.Silrt bushels, against 12,718,640 last season and 41.S47.412 In 1900. Business failures during the week end ing September 25 number 170, as against 1X2 last week snd 197 in this weea last year, 1W In If".. 12!) In 1899 and 166 In In Canada failures for the week were nine teen, aa against eighteen last week. trtkea at Tnelr Host. Many dangerous dlseaaea begin In Im pure blood. Electrle Bitters purines the blood and cures or no pay. Only 50c. For sale by Kuhn ft Co. Chicago to Itew Tor a. and Retnrn, 923.30. Via Erie Railroad, Oct. 3d, 4th, Eth and eth. It la the Erie ALL THE WAT from Chi cago to New York. Through baggage car. through coaches, through sleepers, through uluisf car. . Absolutely ' no change. Fast limited trains. Lowest rates. For time tables and Information apply It R L Purdy, traveling passenger agent. Erie Railroad, Chicago, IH. Jary Beared In Joyce. Caao. PAPILLION, Neb.. Sept. 28. (Special.) The Jury in the Joyce murder caee waa se cured yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock The skull of Edward Wood was brought In evidence by the state and the tnjuriea were described. Don't Conch All Night. Restful aleep follows use of Dr. King'a New Discovery, the best lung cure In the world. No cure, no pay. 60c, $1.00. For sale by Kuhn tc Co. Psuenger Shoots Conductor. fiwmv n Rent, as lames fihetler. aged 43. was shot and probably fatally wounded today by Melvln R. Smith. Shet ler was a street car conductor and Smith was a passenger. They had a controversy about closing a window. THIS REALTY RECORD, INSTRUMENTS filed for record Friday. September 26: Warranty Deeds. Cora B. Wlrrlck and husband to J. w M.riin ot ill lot 7. block 147. South Omaha $ 800 Daroh Rlnim frt .T R OoOrflTe. lotS 19 and 20. block 2. Kllby Place 1,200 T IT. rWirira tn P. w. Kuhns et al. 'lota 19 and 20. block 2. Kllby Place.. 1,800 Alev Arutersnn and wife to OsCST An derson. lot 2. block 151, South Omaha 150 B. J. Jobst and wife to Orace Rhodes), e 60 feet of n 120 feet lot 13, block 4, Park Place Thomas Lynch and wife to Cathne Shanahan, part tax lot 63 In 94-15-13 Adolph Kuchl and wife to Joseph stainr. wu. lot 6 block 4. Credit Fonder add 800 H. I. Adams and wife to A. P. Tukey, - 1n7 Inta 9 anH 1 hlnrlr 1. Reed'a 1st add V750 Elna Palm and husband to Hlldur t.lnhan Iota K 9. 10 block 12: lot 30. block 11. Omaha View 2.500 Presbyterian Theological seminary to Fnni Ralewlrx. lots 1 and 2. block 5, Kllby Place 8,000 Olof Hansen ana wire to a. r. luaey, lot 15, block 7. Clifton Hill A t . U .... and wlfn tn Kllen Hartl- nri. lot 15. block 7. Clifton Hill 1.150 United Real Estate and Trust com pany to Richard Anderson, w 42 feet lot 14, block 18, Kountxe Place James Bernard to Mary E. Kelkenny, 825 1.100 1,500 4,000 650 2,000 oil lot x. Kountxe 2d add A. C. Chrlstensen and wife to Charles Bnyder lot 3, block 11. Uruld Hill.... Alice Copson to O. W. Platner. stt lots 1 and 2. Redick's 2d add Mary A. Oanlon and husband to Jamea Daly, lot 16, block G, Saun ders & H.'s add John Chrlstensen and wife to M. F. llotchklss, lot 1, block 4, Portland Place M V Hotchklss and wife to John Chrlstenswn, lot 12, Kensington add 2,200 T A. Hedendahl and wife to C. W. Plerson, lot 5, block 2. Paddock Plato 1,000 Quit C laim Deeds. Cathne Shanahan and husband to Thomas Lynch, part tax lot 33, In 84-15-13 Deeds. Master In Chancery to Virginia P. Spear, lots 6 and 7, block 180, Omaha W. H. Thompaon et al, referees, to O. H. Mayne, w 34 feet lot 2 and e 26 feet lot 3. block 1, Kountza & R.'s.. Total amount of transfers. 4.700 92 YEARS OLD, KIDNEYS HEALTHY. MRS. RKBFCCA SMITH OF WESTFlRLTr N. J. WHO 19 92 TFAR3 OT.n. WAS CI RKI OF Kin.NET AN1 HL.APPFH DISEASE ANl IS K KPT PERFECTLY HEALTHY UY WARNER S SAKE CURE. A TRIAL BOTTLE OK THIS GREAT CURE SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE TO ANY READER OF THE BEE. Doctors Say: "Almost Every One Has Kidney and Bladder Troubles Before Fifty Years. of Age." On July 10, 1902, Mrs. Smith says: "I was 92 years old mv last birthday. Mr husband was a veteran of the civil war. I have a daughter and eight grandchildren living. 8ome years ago I had a great deal of sick ness and for a long time did not know that It waa caused by the diseased condition of my Vldneya and liver. As soon as my doctor found I had kidney trou ble he prescribed Warner's Safe Cure. I had experi mented with other remedies which did me no good whatever, but as soon as 1 took a few dose of War ner's Safe Cure 1 felt better and a few bottles com pletely cured me and made me feel like a woman thirty years younger. My kidneys, liver and bladder are In Just as healthy condition since I have used Warner's Safe Cure aa they were fifty years ago. It Is a greater medicine than lt Is claimed to be. Notwithstanding I am V2 years old 1 possess a good head of hair, my sight and hearing are good and since I have used Warner's Safe Cure I have enjoyed the very best of health. I cannot speak too highly of this great medicine. No doubt It has saved the lives of thousands of people who would have gone to earlv graves had they neglected their kidneys and bladder snd not taken Wsrner'a Safe Cure. It Is truly a Godsend to anyone who Is troubled with Mrs. Smith, 92 Years Old. diseases of the kidneys, liver or blood. We have thousands such letters from men and women everywhere who have been permanently cured by Warner's Safe Cure. Kldnev disease. If neglected, quickly spreads and causes serious complications, such as Plight's disease, gravel, uric acid poison, rheumatism, rheumatic gout, dropsy. Indigestion and liver trouble. Everyone should make a teat and It the slight est trace of kidney disease Is found to exist no time should be lost in sending for a iree trial nottie or Warners tiare cure, wnicn is guaramecu iu aujr umc... oi the kidneys, liver, bladder or blood. THOUSANDS OF MEN AND WOMEN HAVE KIDNEY DISEASE AND DO NOT KNOW IT UNTIL IT IS TO LATE. TF4T YOUR KIDNEYS Put some miming urine In a glass or bottle; let It 1 - dish brick dust sediment, or if particles float about In It, your kldneya are diseased. If. after you have made this test you have any doubt In your mind as to the devel opment of the disease In your system, send us a sample of your urine and our doctors will analyse It and send you a report with advice, free of charge. . - , Warner's Safe Cure ! nnreiv vecretstile and contains no narcotics or harmful druta. It Is free from sedi ment arid nleasant to take: It does not constipate. It Is now put up In two regular slses and sold by all druggists, or direct, at 60 CENTS AND 1.00 A HOTTLE less than 1 cent a nose. ..... , ... HEFt'SK SI HTITt TKS. There Is none "Just as good as Warner a. Insist on the genuine Warner's Safe Cure, which always cures. Substitutes contain harm ful drtiRS which Injure the system. WAHF.H'S SAFR P1L.L44 move tne Dowels gently ana aia a speeay cure. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. Tha manufacturers an flrmlv believe that WARNER'S SAFE CURE Will abso lutely and permanently cure any diseased condition of the kidneys, liver, bladder or blood that tney will sena postpaia. wunoui any cosi in you, a uirj. inai mniio 11 you will write Warner Safe Cure Company, Rochester, N. 1r, and mention having seen this liberal offer In The Omaha Bee. The genuiness of this offer Is fully guaranteed by the publisher. Write the medical department for advice, medical booklet, diagnosis and analysis, which will be sent you free of charge. CONTEMPLATING TREATMENT. You should consider thoroughly the factors of skill, experience, reliability. etc., of a Doctor or Specialist before entrusting to him your hnalth, the perfect inu laniniH roi uvri jr ui wiui'ii inrn.ua so much to your future life and hap piness. Every mm who Is afflicted owes it to himself and his posterity to get cured safely and positively, without leaving any blight or weakness in his system. You do not want to be mutilated and maimed for life trying to be cured of varic ocele:. STHICTl HE and kindred troubles in a few days by sur gical procedures. We make no misleading statements or unbusinesslike propositions to tha afflicted In order to secure their pat ronage. The many years of our suc cessful practice In Omaha prove that our methods of treatment are 8AKE and CERTAIN. Oar Combined Elect ro-MrdUat Treatment has many friends and few enemies. Jta friends ara thoae who have tested Its merits and have been eared. Its fn mlri art thoae Doetora or Bp rlallsta who are envious of all totbrr treatments that have proven more successful thaa their own. we find that you cannot re curea we but If we- accept a 1 Longreat Established, Most Suc cessful and Reliable Special ists In Diseases of Men, aa Medical Diplomas, Licenses and Newspaper Rec ords Show. Call ar our offices or write, and if will NOT accept your money UNDER ANY CONDITION; your case ror treatment we win SAiaraniee a SAFE AND POSITIVE CURE- In the shortest possible time without Injurious after-effects. Our charge will be as low as possible for conscientious, skillful and successful services. C in sult us before consenting to any surgical procedure upon Important blood ves. sets and organs. "DISEASES OF MEN and all reflex complications and as aoolat., diseases and weaknesses of men. We will spare you the penaluea as sociated with Nervous Debility, Weak ening Drains. Self-Abuse, Wasting of Organs, Premature Decline, Loss of Memory, Energy and Ambition, Nerv ousness, Pimples, Palpitation of tha Heart, Shortness of Breath, Apprehen sion of Calamity, the Chagrin and Mortification of Weakllnga, the Fright of Contemplated Matrimony. We will render you robust and strong mentally physically and sexually. Call at our offlcea or write for our book, FREE, which will explain tha diseases we cure, and how wa cure them to star cured when others fall. neat STRICTURE. VARICOCELE, NERYO-SEXUAL DEBILITY, BLOOD POISON (Syphilis) RUPTURE AND KIDNEY MnCACCC Painful and Frequent UIOlAoLJi Urination. them to stay cured rtmr aneetal hoasa treatment will ear roa. Referenc Banlta and Leading Business Mem of the eltr. Ooasaltatloa at et flce or by letter free and strictly confidential. Office Hoara, a. an. to 8 a. aa. Sundays IO a. tn. 1 p. an. STATE ELECTRO-MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 FARNAIJ ST., ttTOi!? 0I1AHA, KEB. Longest established. Thoroughly reliable. Authorised by tha lawa of I thetat. W. A. COOK, Master Specialist In Private Dlseaaes of Men. Private Diseases of Men In tha treatment of Private DISEASES OP MEN, to which our practice la limited and to which our exclusive thought and experience has been devoted for mora than 25 years, WE GIVE A LEGAL WRITTEN GUARANTEE TO CURE PERFECTLY AND PERMANENTLY or refund every cent paid. If troubled with VARICOCELE, IMPOTBNOY, BLOOD POISON OR REFLEX DISORDERS it will pay you to consult ua at ogles or by letter. CONSULTATION FREE, and If you take treatment charges will be entirely satisfac tory to you. EVERYTHING BTRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL. Cook Medical Company 112 South lth St. Over Dally Nawa, Omaha. ccrs of tha holding company will also be southern mill men. The directory of the company will Include several Philadelphia nun who ara -prominently Identified with In front of the court house have also been allotted and the remainder will be Bold at 60 and 75 cents each. The Volunteers of America are out $4.H and L. R. O. Moriarlty sustained a per sonal loss of 13 75 through a robbery In the the cotton trade, as well as a number of quarters at i:ua California atreet last night, cotton men actively engaged tn the trade la New York, Boston and the New England market. The financial -Institutions di rectly concerned In the enterprise will also have representatives on the board of di rectors. The mill owners themselves, how ever, will control the holding corporation under tha operation of tha Fries plan. which gives them a malorlty voice In the directory aa well as all the bonds and pre ferred stock Issued by tha holding corpo ration. All the men directly In rhsrge of tha mills will be representative mill peo ple of the south. Geed News lor rrlneeten. pmvrvrroK N. J.. SeDt. M. It taaFn.il hera toiliav on cood authority that the bequest to Princeton of Miss Mary J. uinihnm at New York, which wua for merly reported to be about Ti0,wu, will amount to $1,U).000. A member of the aamlnarv fial'ultV Bald todaV that thf DIOIl in .11 i,r,hhiiii v will be used for the fur ther development of the Intellectual side of 1 yard. Moriarlty, who la an officer of the Volun teers, came home late from work at Cudahy's and found that his room had been ransacked and the money taken from a tin box In hia trunk. The house Is at pres ent occupied only by Moriarlty, his sister and two young girls. John Faley, a lad of about 18 years of age, was arreatea last mnt tor a uiftt committed about three months ago. At that time he. with Mlckie lagyert and Johnnie McCormack. appropriated such a load of old Iron belonging to the street railway company that their wagon broke down In one of the city streets and they were forced to abandon wagon and plun der. Youna raley, foreseeing trouble. went away to South Omaha aud was only yesterday located Since tha naval recruiting station has opened fur business in tne Mccague duiij Ina thirty uersons have made anpllcatlun to loin the naval forces of the United Slates, of whom seventeen have been so cepted. A number of thoae accepted will be mrnt to their stations today. The an- prentlree will go to Newport .the landsm-n to Norfolk, Vs.. the mechanics to Phila delphia and the yeomen to New York navy nre tney win 0 put into training .w- un,in-r 11 la a la., iimtiib a that a I for tneir a u lies on ixm.ru sum. n imriy laxae gymnasium will be erected on the I at Omaha la extremely anxious to secure south side of the camyua WUhlu the next I Winers, carjmers auu pcrsuua wut tan Woman's Hair Beauty Is one of her greatest gifts. No matter how charming a woman may be otherwise, If she haa not beautiful hair ona of ber chief charms la lacking. Munyon's Witch Hazel Soap will absolutely correct conditions leading to the loss of hair. Its thinning or discoloration. It makes the scalp glow with a new and wholesome health, removes dandruff, softens and eradicates crusts and scales, and supplies the follicles with a nourishment that compels a new balr growth. Besides this, the most luxu riant hair caa be beautified and rendered rich and glossy by lis 'use. Bold everywhere; 15 cents per cake. If you have blood troubles thst show In eruptions and pimples or other disfigure ments, use my Blood Cure it will drive out all impurities. If your liver Is out of a order snd you nave motn patcnea. sallow sain or oioicny complexion. 1 AiSO( want you to try my Liver Cure. It will give you good health and good looks. .'Ill , . . , . 1 J . - . . ...... . .......... ...iiinllullnn f if, J of food and cau-Ing consequent paleness and that "worn-out" look, r-jr ' lake mv Dyspepsia Cure. You can then eat all you like, of what you MUNYON. like, when you like and your sklu will glow with youthful fre.hnea Coal Comes. High. Is Your Office Warm in Winter? How well will your office be heated this winter? If you look forward to a cold office this winter, better move now. The Bee Building Does not try to save on the coal bill on account of the price of coal. Every man spends more time at his place of business than in any other one place. If you want a warm office at a reasonable price, call on R. C. PETERS & CO., Ground Floor, Beo Building. LM. aaarauWa, J. C AYE CO, Lawaa. two years. . !''