Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 27, 1902, Image 1

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    The . Omaha Daily Bee.
XaporU that Anti-OtiUu Law Demara
liiet Department of Colored.
ajajnblart and Diasolutd Womei Fecitt the
Fay of loldien.
,LOTase ta Nnmber af Dewrtion Particm
j ' larly Botioeaole.
Cmrtroverar Btwti Aathorltlee (
Chcrnu and Fort Roasell Requires
that tha OvrcniMit Aet ot
Abaadoa ta Poet,
WASHINGTON. Sept. !. Brigadier Gen
eral Frederick Funston, In bis annual re
port for the Department of Colorado, point
ot that the percentage of trlala br court
martial of enlisted men haa nearly doubled
during the past rear. He saya:
"It la therefore jlaln that there haa been
a, deplorable increase of offenses In gen
eral and of deeertlon la particular. In my
opinion there are two principal causes for
thla atato of affaire first, reeentment of,
accustomed . limitation and restriction!
felt by men coming from Held aerrlce to
the monotony and routine work of the
earrlaon: aecond. the abolition of the can
teen feature of the post exchange. Slnoe
thla action waa taken saloons of the low
at type hare been established Just out
tide the boundaries of the various reser
vations, their proprietors In almost every
case unprincipled scoundrels who leave
nothing undone to debauch the soldiers
and obtain their money. Being In all cases
outside the limits of any city the proprie
tors of these resorts are subject to no
municipal police regulatlona and sell liq
uor regardless of hours and whether the
buyer la already intoxicated or not. Gam
bling la universal In these 'dives' and they
mrm fi-mintd br dissolute women. The
nMIer whose desire for a drink would or
dlnarlly be aatisfled by a few glasses cf
beer In tha canteen of the post exchange
goes to one of these resorts and does well
If be esoapea before he haa spent or gam
Y,A awav all his money, overstayed his
leave or engaged In an altercation.
Local Authorities Indifferent.
Aa a rule tha local authorities regard
tha existence of these places with Indlf-
'ference or approval, aa It oauaea the soldier
to apend his money In the community. The
effleiencr of the army or the ruin of a good
soldier la nothing to them. There can be
no reasonable doubt that moat of the trials
by eourt-martlal and aummary, courts, at
least ao far aa thla department la con
' earned, are directly traceable to this cause.
Blnce I have had command here there baa
taken place the ruin and degredatlon of
several Bonjcororolssloned oJBeera of long
"servloe and fine "record, ' In short, the re
cent legislation by congress on thla question,
ao far aa this department Is concerned, baa
had no effect, except to lower the discipline
of the army, ruin loores of good soldiers
and fill the pockets of a lot of saloon keep
era, gamblsra and prostitutes."
The water supply at a number of posts
tn the Department of the Colorado, the re
port says,1 has caused considerable concern
General Funston says the controversy be
tween the city of Cheyenne, Wyo., and the
authorities and Fort D. A. Russell regard
ing certain water rights has reached a
atage which renders it necessary for tha
government's rights to be ascertained or
the post abandoned.
Would Ahandoa Fort Oraat.
Considerable trouble haa been had at Port
Grant, Aril., on account of the water sup
ply. On account of tha establishment of
other forts and tha eompietlon of tha rail
road to the San Carlos agency, Oeneral
Funston recommends that Fort Grant be
abandoned. Regarding the proposed con
struction of a poat at Albuquerque, N. M.,
General Funston recommenda that a board
be appointed to visit that point and also
Las Vegas and Eanta Fe, and observe tha
question of water supply, climate, etc, be
fore artlon la taken. Las Vegas will do
nate 20,000 acres near a limitless water
aupply. The Inspector general reports that
tha barracks, etc., are not generally In a
. good condition.
Report Her Heroic Devotion to Small
. Pas Patients la Vacatloa
WASHINGTON. D. O., Sept. 26. An In-
stance of bravery and devotion to duty on
the part of an army nurse haa been reported
to the war department by Major General
Chaffee, commanding tha division of the
Philippines, in the following words:
Nurse Alice Kemmerer, army nurse
corps, having been granted leave of absence
voluntarily relinquished tha same and took
upon herself the care of two smallpox pa
tients In an isolation hospital. Ons of tha
patients was the wife of an officer, the
other an enlisted man. Miss Kemmerer had
never had the disease, nevertheless she
fearlessly entered upon her self-imposed
task and through ths months of April and
May, 1902, devoted herself to the cars of
tha patients, living In the room -with the
officer's wife, the enlisted man being In an
adjoining room. With never more than
two hours sleep at a time. In Intensely hot
weather, the nurse attended her patients
day and night, and saved their lives.
General Chaffee then commends her brav
ery and conscientious performance of duty.
The War department has been Informed
that General Chaffee will sail from Manila
for San Francisco oa the transport Sumner,
which will leave Manila tn abcut eight days.
Ths command of ths Philippines Is to be
turned ovsr to Oeneral Davis oa Septenj
, ber SO.
Two Lives Are Lost and a Heavy
Damage to Property Is
SEATTLE, Wash., Sept. 26. Nome haa
been storm swept again with the loss of
two lives and heavy damage to shipping.
Ths dead are:
mats of the schooner Good Hope. The
vessel was lost. Both bodies were recov
ered. The storm came on September IT, the an
niversary of ths gale which swept Nome
harbor la 1900, doing great damage to ship-
Interviewed la Paris, He Announces
He Will Stand by Alleged Mur
derer of Mrs. Palltlser.
PARIS, Sept 28. A representative of the
Associated Press has Interviewed John W.
Toung, father of William Hooper Toung,
who Is charged with the murder tn New
York of Annie Nellsen Pulltser, on "e de
velopments In the case sgainst . in.
Mr. Toung said: '''.,
"I am now convinced from what ha
published and from my own cable adv.
that my eon Is Innocent and I shall d.
the utmost In my power to help him. while
If I thought him guilty of such a horrible
crime I would not move my hand to save
him from Justice.
He was wayward, but never had a
criminal tendency. The only explanation
to my mind which can connect him with
the crime Is that he fell under the Influ
ence of some designing person who perpe
trated the murder and through whom my
son acquired a guilty knowledge of the
crime or possibly became an accessory
after the fact.
The boy Is not Insane, but his mental
strength haa been undermined by vicious
habits. Into which he fell while young.
The dlspatchea say that a suit of my
son's clothes was found In the trunk with
the murdered woman's clothing. This itself
Is In his favor, for the perpetrator of a
crime would never convict bltneelt In such
an obvious way. Thla was done by the real
murderer,' who Is using my son as a
'I wish to say that my son la not a
member of the Mormon church nor has he
been connected with It for many years. We
have been estranged for fifteen years. I
helped him frequently through my other
son, but have not seen him because of his
waywardness and hla vicious habits, to
which bis unfortunate falllnga are due. It
waa without my knowledge and consent
that my son was living In my apartments
during my absence."
Arsjeatlne newspaper Violently Ovltl
edsea the Landing of Amerleaa
Marines la Colombia.
BUENOS ATRE8, Sept. 26. The Prlnaa
(Press), a dally paper of this city, pub
lishes today a very violent article calling
attention to the alleged tendency of ths
United States toward Imperialism, which
It ssys Is Illustrated by the landing of
American marines In Colombia, and pro
tests energetically against It.
The pacer save the United States "does
not exercise any present protection over
South America, which will never accept
European or North American Intervention
In Its affaire."
Ths Prlnsa concludes with saying the
Argentine government should make an In
quiry Into the matter and find out the
real character of the powers of the United
States. In order to Inaugurate a dlplo
matlo movement and prepare for defense
and destroy the Idea of the possibility of
any Intervention.
a..alsBi Hsts . Frlvllesra of
lectin- Hlas to Grewsome ladlajnt
tlea tf Jadara Cosiest.
VIENNA, Sept. 27. A dispatch to the
Pester Lloyd from Bucharest, Roumanla,
calls attention to an old law by which a
Jew may be compelled by the Roumanian
courts of law to taken an oath In a shame
ful and mediaeval manner. The Jew la
placed tn an open coffin in the synagogue,
clad In hla grave clothes, and Is forced to
repeat the curses and maledictions uttered
by the rsbbl upon htm and every member of
hla family tf he falls to tell the truth. All
agitation to get thla law repealed, says the
dlspatoh, haa been futile, and, although It
has fallen Into desuetude It may still be
Invoked if the Christian party tn a law sutt
demands It and the Judge consents.
Minister Newell from raited States
In Hoaored at Wllhelmlna's
Dinner Party.
THE HAGUE, Sept. 26. Queen Wllhel
mina haa gone to Castle Loo to spend ths
autumn. At the dinner which her majesty
gave last night to tha members of tha Mex
ico-American arbitration court. United
States Minister Newell, the Mexican min
ister and the foreign minister. Dr. Von
Linden, Mr. Newell occupied the place of
honor on the queen's right. She conversed
In the most friendly and animated manner
with him and the other guests, and dls
cussed the subject of arbitration In full
appreciation of the services of the arbitra
tion court now tn session here.
Caaadlaa Pacific Is to Restrict In
flax Into tailed Slates More
MONTREAL, Sept. 26. Frank P. Sargent,
commissioner general for the United States
who left for Quebeo today, has made ar
rangements with the Canadian Paclflo rail
way to reatrict the Influx of Chinese Into
the United States by sending the Chinese
only to designated points hereafter to be
selected. Those who attempt an unlawful
entrance or present unsatisfactory evidence
of right to enter will be deported to China
In a Ilka manner to those rejected at San
Phlpps' Gift to Deatltale Boers Will
Bo So Distributed with Botha's
LONDON, Sept. 26. The Dally News la
announcing that General Botha has cor
dlally and unreaervedly agreed to Arnold
White's conditions aa to ths administration
of the gift of $100,000 by Henry Phlpps of
New Tork to destHuts Boers, under which
ths gift will be applied solely to widow
and orphans suggests to tts readera that
It would be better for Englishmen to swell
the Phlpps fund than to aim at separata
Turkey's Saltaa Finally Pala
Berabnera to Work la Hln
Varloas Prlaoaa.
LONDON, Sept. 26. In a, dispatch from
Fei, Morocco, tha correspondent of the
Times announces that ths sultan has
carried out his promise to improve the
prisons of the country and ths conditions
of ths prisoners. The work of cleansing an
draining of the prisons and supplying ta
inmates with belter food Is la progress.
British Oommirosi ttakea Xpert to
Association Which Bent It.
Freedoms of Labor and Aptitude
l'se of Mew Invention the e
eret of America's Grow
lnsr Supremacy.
Staff. Correspondent.)
WA. N, Sept. 26 (Special.)
Labor Cv ' lis In the United States Is
e subject of a chapter In the recently
published report of the commission from
the British Iron Trade association which
sited the United States a few months
nee and reported upon Industrial condi
tions, and especially those relating to Iron
Dd steel. Discussing thla Important ques
tion of the condition of labor In the United
States as viewed from the standpoint of
the English cltlsen and manufacturer, the
report says:
The conditions of labor tn the United
States Is another matter that has received
good deal of attention, as being funda
mental tn the progress of America! 'n-
dustrles, if not also In the relative progress
f some of our own. The Influence of trade
unionism Is not nearly so strong nor so
aggressive In the United States as In Great
Britain. The reason la largely capable of
mathematical demonstration. A recent re
port by the New York department of labor
shows thai while In Great Britain at a re
cent date there were 1.905.000 trade union
ists, there were only 1,600,000 in the United
States and Canada for about twice the pop
ulation, while Germany la credited with
895,000, or about one-half the British fig
ure. The trade union Is not generally rec
ognised as a militant force In the United
States, except now and again. Few em
ployers are ready to acknowledge that It
aa any Influence worth naming.
Decrease la Labor Coat.
"The almost absolute freedom of labor haa
been the chief Instrument whereby It has
won such conquests In the field of Indus
trial economy during the last quarter of a
century. In all countriea Industrial pro
cesses cave been great cheapened during
that period, but tn America the cheapening
ppears to nave been carried farther than
anywhere else. According to figures re
cently made public by Mr. William Garrett,
rail roller In an up-to-date mill is cald
ess than 1 cent per ton for rollinsr. aa-alnst
16 cents at a not very remote date. Within
that time, ggain, a wire rod roll-r haa ien
his earnings per ton reduced from $2.12 to
w cents per ton, and yet he earns larger
wages at the lower figure, while 6 cents
are paid today for heating billets to make
wire rods, against 80 cents during the
period refered to. 'If rod rollers,' says Mr.
uarreii, -were to receive the same wages
per ton that thoy did twenty years ago
they would earn $124 per day.
me average output per worker haa In
all cases Increased enormously. At the
ine Edgar-Thomson blast furnaces I was
told that 1,6000 men are employed for an
output of 24,000 tons per week, Including
me nanaa employed In handling and
rocKing raw materials, transport, eto.
This gives an average of 18.8 tona of pig
per man per week, of 796.6 tons per man
per annum. The minimum wage paid at
tne blast furnaees is $1.50 per day of
twelve hours. I did not get the average
wage paid at these -works, but Mr. A. C.
Dinkey, the manager of the Homestead
works, recently testified that the average
earnings of the workmen there, excluding
omclalH, is $2.78 per day, while tbe earn
ings of rollers and heaters rise to $15 per
day. Wages, In short, are generally so
good, and tbe men have their futures ao
much In their own hands, that they have
every encouragement to do the best they
can both tor tbelr employers and for them
Hamaa Factor Counts.
The human factor and the personal
equation appear to count In the United
States for more than they generally do
In Europe. Workmen appear to enjoy a
larger measure of independenoe, based on
the knowledge of tbe fact that work is
more essy to obtain than In older coun
tries; that they are able, aa a rule, to aave
money, and are, therefore, less dependent
than when living, aa it la not unusual tn
Europe, from hand to mouth, and that they
are living under a political regime which
Is founded on democratic principles.
"Two features of the relations of em
ployers and employed may be named as
exercising a powerful Influence on tbe
amity of their connection the first, tbe
encouragement and reward of workmen'a
Inventions, and the second, the readiness
with which workmen of exceptional ca
pacity can themselves become employers
and capitalists.
Miss Taylor, Removed for ConTerslngr
Too Freely, Plays Aaralnst
Root la Legal Game.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 26. Counsel for
Miss Rebecca J. Taylor, who was dismissed
recently from the War department aa the
result of ber published criticisms of tbe
administration's policy In the Philippines
today filed a demurrer to Secretary Root's
answer to her petition for mandamus to
compel the secretary to restore her to
clerkship. She alleges that her removal
was without Just cause or authority of
law, that it was because of her political
opinion and that a clerk bas vested rights
to the office until removed by tbe proper
officers acting in the range of their au
thbrlty, which she disputes In this case
Her demurrer contends that no head of a
department ta permitted to remove a aub
ordinate tn violation of the constitution
and the rulea.
Acting Secretary Sanger has issued
circular to the officers and employee of
the War department warning them against
partisan activity of officeholders.
Changes la the Postal Service aad
Orders la Ike Treasary
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, p. C. Sept. 26. (Special
Telegram.) The Postoflce at Kinkald, Boyd
county, Neb., Nllesville, Floyo county, la,
and Fleurdeliss, Custer county, 8. D., will
be discontinued after November 1.
James D. Barkley of Moulton, la., has
been admitted to practice before the treas
ury department.
Tbe First National bank of Minneapolis.
Minn., bas been approved as reserve sgent
for Ths Citlxens National bank of Woon
socket, 8. D.
Postmaster appointed: Ncbrasks, Rich
ard Israelscn, Saroovllle, Clay county, vice J.
W. Israelson, removed. Iowa: John T.
Blrock, New Virginia, Warrea county.
Choctaw and Chickasaw Indian Tribes
leesrt Privileges that Indaee
Them to Ratify Agreement.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 28. Official tele
graphic advices to the Interior department
today announce that ttre aupplemental
agreement negotiated between the govern
ment and the Choctaw and Chickasaw In
dian tribes has been ratified by an over
whelming majority by those nations.
The supplemental treaty makes modifica
tion and additions to the original agreement
In a number of Important matters. It pro
vides for tbe sale of coal lands which aggre
gate half a million acres at public auction.
There will be no leases of coal or asphalt
lands. It also segregates not over 640 acres
for sulphur springs under government con
trol; establishes cltlxenshlps courts to re
try citizenship esses tried in 1896; for the
enrollment of all Mississippi full blood
Cboctaws and of the descendants of all Miss
issippi Choctaws. who have received pat
ented lands; and authorizes tha Chickasaw
freed men to Institute proceedings tn tbe
court of claims to determine their rights.
The acting secretary of the Interior to
day decided that the assent of the Indians
on the Uintah reaervatlon in Utah to the
taking of allotments, etc.. as proposed in the
last Indian appropriation act, Is a prere
quisite to the right of the Raven Mining
company, with headquarters In Chicago,
to locate the mining clalma specifically al
lowed tbe company under that act In lieu
of the lease the company haa on several
lands there. He holds tbe location of the
lalms will be operative only in the event
that the Indians assent to taking allotments.
The decision, while affecting only the com
pany mentioned, involves large Interests In
the Uintah region. There haa been con
siderable friction over tbe matter.
Order for TJssntrstlna of Population
of Islands In Signed by
the President.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 26. President
Roosevelt has signed the order providing
for taking a census of the Philippines, In
sccordance with the Philippines act passed
at the last aosslon of congress and upon
the certificate of the Philippines commis
sion that the insurrection bas been sup
pressed. Tbe order of the president Is dated Sep
tember 26. It recites the origin of the
Philippine act which provides that after
complete peace shall have been established
and the fact certified by the president the
census may be ordered. In bla discretion
the president may employ the present cen
sus bureau In compiling the statistical
Information. The Philippine commission
made the following certificate to the pres
ident in the form of a resolution, la which
he issued the order for taking the census:
Resolved. That the Phllloolne commis
sion hereby certifies to the president of the
United States that the' recently existing In
surrection in the Philippines haa ceased
and a condition of aeneral and complete
peace has been established therein. That
thla certificate le made in accordance with
the provisions of section 6 of an act tem
porarily to provide for the affairs of civil
f;overnment In the Philippine islands and
or other reasons, and thai tbe commission
recommenda to the prerlden. of the United
States that he order a jenti uf the Philip
pine Islands to be tnken tn accordance witn
provisions of said act. Be it further,
Resolved. That the foregoing certificate
does not and Is not Intended to certify thst
the conditions ruling tne UK( LAnao oib
trlct In Mindanao, which district forms
but a small part of the territory occupied
by the Moros, are those of absolute and
complete peace, but in the opinion of the
commission the language of section 6 and
th rertlflr.ta therein provided were not
intended by congress to require, before
urh census should be taken, that com
plete peace should exist in tne country or
the wild Moron, who never have taken any
part in the Insurrection referred to in sec
tion .
Prescribes the Order and 1.1 ne of
March for Grand Army
WASHINGTON. Sept. 26. The order of
Commander-in-Chief Torrance prescribing
the order and line of march for the parade
of the Orand Army of the Republic, to oc
cur during the encampment In thla city, waa
received at local headquarters today.
It provides that the head of the column
shall move promptly at 10 a. m., starting
at the congressional library building, and
disbanding after getting well past the
White House. The veterans are to-march
in companies of single ranks. The distance
between departments Is fixed at twenty-four
paces. The .column will move In the fol
lowing order:
Platoon Mounted Police.
Drum Corns National Association.
Civil War Musicians.
Citisens' Mounted Escort.
Marshal niakemann-and Staff.
United States Marine Band.
Commander-in-Chief and Btaff and Personal
Executive Commttt Orand Army of the
Sons of Vetema" Eevort to the Orand Army,
The Various Btate Departments In the Or
der of Date of Charter, Illinois
Chairman Warner of the local committee
has aent a request to Baltimore to assist In
making the Grand Army veterans, welcome
to this section as they pass through tho
city, and has appointed Colonel John W.
Pettlt chairman of the Baltimore commls
Commaader Patch Beads Word
Nary Department of Coadltlea
Now Prevailing;.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 26. Tbe Navy de
partmeot has received the following cable
gram from Commander Patch of Mont
gomery la regard to the situation In Haytl
CAPK HAYTIEN. Sept 26 Blockade not
enective. ine position or tne insurgents a
a distance of eighteen milea. Cape Haytlen
Haytl. 1 he Haytlen troops are now con
centrated. A series of eiiKagements hai
taken place, resulting In a government vie
lory at Cape Haytlen. The objective point
of the insurgents. If defeated is Gonalves,
which will be their headquarters. The
Untied States cltlsena at Terra Neuve safe
Everything is quiet at Haytlen seaports.
The Navy department was Informed today
of the departure of the collier Leonids
from San Juan, Porto Rico, for Cape Hay
tlen with coal for Montgomery.
Mrs. Hnlda gwansoa of Ihlraajo Met
Death la Dark Alley at
CHICAGO. Sept. 26. With face and body
terribly beaten and her clothing all torn
away, Mrs. Hulda Bwanson, who lives in
Milton avenue waa found dead tonight 1
an alley at the rear of a shoe factory at
Kingsbury and Superior atresia. The alle
runs along the tracks of ths Milwaukee
8t. Paul rallioad and la particularly dark
and lonely. It seems clear the woman waa
dragged Into It and murdered. Several
arrests hare been mad,
Thouiaidi af Visiters Will Come to Omaha
from lateral Rtatet.
Eacorslons from All Directions Will
Carry Pleaaare Seekers to Omaha's
Festival Baada Rossa
Gives First Concert.
Omaha's Red Letter Dates.
Oetoher 1 Ak-Snr-Bea Daylight Pa
rade. Oetoher Ak-Sar-Ben Electrical Pa
rade. Oetoher 3 Ak-Sar-Bea Royal Coart
October 4 Ak-ar-Ben Street Fair
South Dakotans from the Black Hills and
Intermediate territory, 600 strong, will
swoop down upon Omaha today and become
the special guests of King Ak-Sar-Ben.
They will come In nine coaches on a Bur
lington apecial train which is due to arrive
here at 1 o'clock. His Imperial majesty
has appointed a large delegation of hla
faithful subjects from the local business
men to meet the advancing hosts at the
depot and escort tbem to the Elks' club
rooms at Farnam and Fifteenth streets,
where they may be rested and served with
luncheon. Covalt's band has been engaged
by the generous king to bead the line of
march from the station. After lunch the
king's servants will Introduce his majesty's
guests to the city and the city to them.
This contingent of visitors comes from
Deadwood, Lead, Edgemont, Spearfish.
Sturgls, Central City and Rapid City and
other towns along the road. Deadwood and
Lead send tho bulk of the crowd. Great
Interest has been aroused among the South
Dakotans in the festivities In Omaha, and
as the excursion train passed along tbe
road It Is reported that crowds greeted It
at every station. All the sleeping ear ac
commodations afforded by this train have
been exhausted and many travelers are
making the best of chairs. The commit
tees which have been at work getting up
this excursion are said to have done ex
cellent aervlce, scores of the most repre
sentative people of the Black Hills having
been Induced to Join this caravan of pleas
ure seekers through their efforts. At ths
head of the Deadwood contingent la Mayor
McDonald, who has himself been very active
In tbe preparations.
A fmoiuuuoi vf the Slack Hills delega
tion says these people are coming to Omaha
primarily of course In deference and as a
tribute to King Ak-Sar-Ben and secondly
to get acquainted with the people here, be
come familiar with the resources and at
tractions of the city of Omaha, and In turn
convey to the people here some Idea at
least of the excellent country lying right
at the threshold of the Gate City, which for
so long has been overlooked by the busi
ness men of this city.
Banda Rossa Appears.
The return of the Banda Rossa was the
event of yesterday In the carnival calendar,
and the marked Increase In attendance
plainly showed the high appreciation In
which that organization is held tn Omaha.
In fact the carnival may be said to have
now begun In earnest, for the exhibits
which have progressed somewhat slowly
this year, are now nearly all In place, and
throughout the entire afternoon and even
ing the grounds were crowded. Even the
drizzling rain which fell during a greater
part of the evening failed to dlecoursge tbe
pleasure seekers or to perceptibly thin out
the crowd.
Both of the concerts were well patron
ized, and the band may Justly feel flattered
at Its reception. Director Sorrentlno Is
not uncompromisingly prejudiced to tne
clsssical In his preparation of a program,
and even lu his choice of the so-called
classical compositions he Is guided by a
regard for tbe popular rather than the
ultra-cultivated musical taste. And per-
haps In that discrimination lies the secret
of his success in pleasing sucn sn auai
ence as be Is called upon to provide enter
tainment for under the present clrcuni'
stances. As Illustrative of thla argument
mav be mentioned from among tbe num
bers played last evening "The Honeysuckle
and the Bee." "Stars and Stripes forever,
"William Tell" overture, the Intermezzo
from "Cavalltere Rustlcana, tne miserere
from "II Trovatore" and the sextet from
"Lucia." all of which were heartily ap
olauded. The "Honeysuckle and the Bee,"
which was Itself an encore aelectlon, was
so persistently applauded as to require Ita
Audience Bits ta Rata.
Although the rain began early in the
evenlna. almost as soon as tbe concert
started, the audience showed a marked re
luctance to leave, and even until the close
some who bad umbrellas or were willing
to suffer bodily Inconvenience for the saks
of tbe music continued In their seats.
The afternoon concert was a most agree
able entertainment and was heartily appro
clsted by a large audience which, as waa
natural, waa composed principally of
Two programs are announced for today,
aa follows:
March The 8plrlt of Liberty
Overture Zampa
. HerolJ
Rrcnailt Iive 'n Idleness ..
.. Macbeth
I lr nil Selection from "Uuarany," with
Incidental solos Gomes
"The Turkish Patrol" Mlchaells
Selection from Sulllvan'a Comic Opera,
"Mikado," with incidental solos
"Espana Waltzer
"Uulck March"
"Wedding March"
Overture Cleonatra
.. Monckton
Adagio Canlaulle Delia, "Bonata raie-
tlca" Beethoven
Grand Overture Solennelle. 1S12
"Turkish March" Mozart
"The Yoke of Love" Schumann
"Bolvelg's Song" Cirleg
"Kids of the Valkyries" Wagner
Crowds from Everywhere,
Despite tbe fact that tbe visit of Presi
dent Roosevelt bad to be cancelled, rail
roads converging In Omaha assure King
Ak-Sar-Ben that great crowds will come
from all directions to greet him and be
greeted by his imperial majesty. Naturally
(he elimination of tbe preildent's visit will
keep many away who had planned on com
ing to Omaha, but the passenger officials
who are handling th arrangements for
the enlarged traffec all agree that great
crowds will be present and that a success
ful carnival will be the result. It begins
to look as If tbe weather man was work
ing In harmony with tbe railroads and
other promoters of these festivities and this
Is especially encouraging.
All the roada have made tbe same gen
eral rates for the Ak-Sar-Ben period, but
(Continued on Third Page.)
Forecact for Nebraska Fair Saturday:
Cooler In East Portion. Sunday Fair ami
Temperatare at
Honr. Dea.
B a. m ..... . till
a. m HI
T a. m l
8 a, m . . . , . fl'J
0 a. m HI
lo a. m HH
It a. m Til
IX ra TO
Omaha Yeelerdnyt
linnr. Dra.
I p. m
p. tn,
a p. m .
4 p. m .
(( p. in.
t p. ra ,
T p. m.
a p. ni ,
II p. m .
Two Passengers oa Burlington Train
Held I'p and Their Money and
Jewelry la Tnken.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Sept. 26. (Special Tele
gram.) A daring robbery was committed
this morning on Burlington train No. 2
near Armour station, eighteen miles south
of here. E. E. Holcomb of Qulncy and G.
W. Harder, supposed to live tn Kansas Ctty,
were held up on the platform of a car and
A diamond stud valued at $300 was taken
from Harder and his purse containing some
thing over $100. Holcomb was robbed of a
diamond ring worth $150 and a sum of
The robbery was committed by two men,
who are believed to have left the train at
Armour. One of the men was five feet nine
inches tall and about 38 years old. He had
a small black dog with him. The other was
about 60 years old and wore a dark suit and
overcoat. The men were accompanied by a
woman. Tho police here were notified of
the robbery at once. It was supposed that
the robbers would come to St. Joseph on
train No. 15, due to arrive at 12:25. L. R.
Baker, a gambler well known here, was ar
rested when the train arrived, but denies
knowing anything of the holdup.
The robbery was committed on the south
bound train and both Harder and Holcomb,
the two men robbed, went on to Kansas
City. They said the robbers looked like
well dressed men and not farmers. One of
them was smoking a cob pipe and there was
an evident effort at disguise.
Indiana's Governor Hears of It and
will Take Steps to Prevent
Ontra ares.
NASHVILLE, Ind., 6ept. 26. Edna Col-
son and Elizabeth Rush were brutally
beaten at Maple Heights, near Bloomtngton
by a gsr.g of self etrled "rcgu'stors" who
have whltcapped twenty-four persons In
Brown and Monroe counties within the last
The governor and other state officers
have taken notice of the outrages and are
taking steps to furnish protection and
break up the gang. The women are In a
dangerous condition and make very eerlous
charges against members of the wbltecap
ping crowd. Governor DuTbln satd today
he would take immediate action and tomor
row will confer with the attorney general.
The attorney general said today he had
written to a former victim of a whltecap-
plng outrage In the cotrctvjyh.o .l.aprjJinary and minister plenipotentiary - to
pealed to'hlra tor protection that if he was
threatened again or heard of any other per
sons . being threatened to shoot and Bhoot
to kill, and he would defend the shooter
from the charge of murder.
Friends of Minneapolis Newspaper
man Will Peelltlon Board of
Pardons la His Behalf.
MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 26. Arrangements
were completed tonight for the presenta
tion tomorrow to the Board of Pardona of
an Imposing petition for the release of
Frank Hamilton, the former newspaper
man now serving a seven-year term in the
Stillwater penitentiary for killing Leonard
Day, a young millionaire. Day was stabbed
In an early morning brawl In the West
hotel, and for a time doubt was felt as to
whether Hamilton or another member of
the party had given tbe fatal thrust. At
the time of the trial many intimations de
veloped of a scandal which was never dis
closed In Its entirety, but which led to the
suspicion that the real motive for the af
frsy had not been fully told. Hamilton
haa wealthy relatives in the east. He came
here from Denver, where he served as
sporting editor of , several papers.
Justice of Vailed States Supreme
Coart Meets with Accident
at Rammer Home,
BURLINGTON, Vt., Sept. 27. Justice
David J. Brewer of the L'nlted States su
preme court waa quite badly burned about
the face and hands at bis summer home at
Thompson's Point, Lake Champlain, last
Judge Brewer bas remained longer at the
point than have the other cottagers and
was cleantng up aome brush about his cot
tags. Liberty Hall. He used a amall amount
of gasoline to make the brush burn and
waa in the act of lighting the pile when
the accident occurred.
Hta bums were promptly attended to, and
with, good nursing he hopes to be out In a
few days without scars.
Minneapolis Coanell Declines to Act
on the Instruction of the
City Attoraey.
MINNEAPOLIS. Sept. 26. Mayor Amea
waa cut off the September payroll by tba
city council tonight despite tbe advice of
tbe city attorney that ths absent executive
is entitled to his salary. Mayor Amea ten
dered his resignation some time ago, but
It haa not been acted on. He is under in
dictment on several bribery charges.
Fonr Haadred Strike to iecare
Prompt Payment of Wages
Each Month.
SHAWNEE. Okla., Sept. 26. Four hun
dred machinists, bollermskers, blacksmiths
snd woodworkers are on a strlks today at
tbe car shops of tbe Choctaw, Oklahoma ft
Gulf railroad. The strikers demand that
they be paid promptly every month as
under tbe old managment. Tha atrlke has
delayed traffic somewhat.
Movements ot Ocean Vessels, Sept. 3d.
At Queenstown Sailed Commonwealth,
for Boston.
At Southampton Sailed Augusta Vic
toria, from Hamburg, for New York, via
t iierbourg.
At Genoa Arrived Aller, from New
York, for Kanlea.
At HouK'iine Sailed Rotterdam, from
KoittrUain, fur ?tw Xurk.
Lincoln Republic! Haned as Miaistar and
Envsv to Brazil.
Is Hot Yst Preparad to Say if Ha Will
Accept tha fait.
Appsiatmtnt Carrisi with it Salary af
Appointment la to Take Effect as
Soon as Ambassador White
Leaves Berlin, Probably
la November.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Sept. 26. (Special Tele
gram.) The selection of Hon. David E.
Thompson of Lincoln, as minister to Braall,
came as a great surprise to a large propor
tion of tho Nebraska colony In Washington.
It was not a surprlso however, to those
whm had known tbe work senators Diet
rich and Millard put in for Mr. Thompson
ever since their election to the senate.
Senator Dietrich was especially active tn
behalf of tbe Lincoln man. Mexico waa
Thompson's choice, but the senators from
Nebraska were unablo to get the president
to consider Mr. Thompson for that place
in view of General Powell Claytons satis
factory conduct of that Important post. It
Is well known that Mr. Thompson has had
an ambition for some time t go abroad aa
a representative of this government, but
nothing suitable presented Itself until the
resignation of Andrew D. White as minister
to Germany. It was then thought that Mr.
Thompson might get something to his lik
ing. The senators never let up urging the
president to take care of Mr. Thompson In
view of bis long service to tbe party and aa
he Is well to do tbe Brazilian mission waa
finally agreed upon. Mr. Thompson will
not go to his post until after Minister Wblts
leaves Germany, which It Is expected he will
do in November.
In view of a number of Important questions
now pending with Braill It Is thought D. E.
Thompson will have an opportunity to make
known bis diplomatic ability In the not tar
distant future.
It Is believed here that tbe appointment
of Mr. Thompson, will mske It Impossible
for Johu L. Webster, to be appointed on the
Panama Canal commission, which ha very
greatly desired.
Transfers Make the Opening;.
The resignation of Ambassador White,
who represented this county In Germany,
and the transfer of other diplomats In fill
ing the post left a vacancy In BraatU and
David E. Thompson of Nebraska has been
named by tbe president to be envoy extra-
tbat country.
" Charlemagne Tower of Pennsylvania, now
ambassador extraordinary and plenipoten
tiary to Russia, to be ambassador extraord
inary and plenipotentiary to Germany.
Robert S. McCormlck of Illinois, now am
bassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary
to Austria-Hungary, to be ambassador ex
traordinary and plenipotentiary to Russia.
Bellamy Storer of Ohio, now envoy ex
traordinary and minister plenipotentiary to
Spain, to be ambassador extraordinary and
plenipotentiary to Austria-Hungary.
Arthur S. Hardy of New Hampshire, now
envoy extraordinary and minister plenipo
tentiary to Switzerland, to be envoy ex
traordinary and minister plenipotentiary to
Chtrles Page Bryan of Illinois, now envoy
extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary
to Brazil, to be envoy extraordinary and
minister plenipotentiary to Switzerland.
These appointments f are to take effect
when Ambassador White' leaves Berlin in
Prominent la Ifehraaka.
Mr. Thompson for many years hss been
nrnmlnMt fluea In Mniihlln.n mIUIm
j , Nfbrlka. He began fe . kmn
. 2 ,, . , ,,
ft Missouri River rail
road, was promoted Into the mechanical
department and finally became a progres
sive railroad man. He ta Interested now
largely in real estate. Ha waa one of the
leading figures In the last senatorial con
test, which resulted in the election of Diet
rich and Millard, the present senators. It Is
understood that Dietrich Is the sponsor
of Mr. Thompson in his diplomatic aspira
tion. The compensation of the post to
which he Is appointed is $12,000 per an
num, and while in recent years It has not
been the scene of any particular diplo
matic episodes, it Is believed that, owing
to tbe pending dispute between Brazil, Bo
livia and Peru over tbe territory of Acre
and the necessity .in the near future of a
rearrangement of tariff arrangements be
tween Brazil and the United States, Mr.
Thompson's post will offer considerable
opportunities for personal distinction.
Mr. Hardy, who goes from Switzerland
to Madrid, thereby makes the fourth
change In bla diplomatic career. He la a
novelist of repute and originally waa aent
to Teheran, in Persia. Then he was trans
ferred to Greece, thence to Switzerland
and now he goes to Madrid, In each case
his change amounting to a aubstantlal pro
motion. He Is' a native of Massachusetts.
I nrertala About Accepting;.
LINCOLN, Sept. 26. (Special.) The an
nouncement of D. E. Thompson's selection
and nomination aa minister to Brazil cre
ated a big aensation In Lincoln, ao un-
looked for waa It. Mr. Tbompaon haa ao
far declined to say whether he will or will
not accept It, and opinion aeema to be di
vided as to what bis final answer will be.
The fact that he Is ths moving spirit In
the Stsr, ths new paper to be launched
next week, was taken ss proof conclusive
tbat he Intended to remain in Lincoln for
a long time. His other business Intsrests,
however, ars In auch hands tbat hs could
easily leave tbem for a protracted period.
The newspaper project Is a pet one of Mr.
Thompson's, and so many of his friends
have gone Into it on tbe supposition tbat
he would fas ths real business manager be
hind it leads a number to conclude that
Thompson will not abandon tbe state for a
post so far away.
Others, however, say that Thompson has
been well aware of tbe efforts being made
by bis friends, and not opposed by bis
enemies, to get something good for him tn
tbe line of a placs at soms big court or
republican capital, and the fact that ths
president has appointed him is taken to
mean tbat ba consented In advance.
Thompson has been tho strong factor la
politics, a resourceful and bold leader. Ha
bas been marked for slaughter at home by
ths Union Faclno aod Klkhora crowd of