THE OMAHA DAILY TlEE: THlTTtSDAY, SEPTEMHEIl , no-' t i r i ri D P T I IVl l V I Vl I'll commissions to Nebraska rltliena entitling .flllL nl LLMlLI ij 1 Lli3i thrrn to attend the National Irrigitlnn con- Bublas a1, lute Hrpital for th Insane Dtstroyed, with Loss f $15,000. DISCHARGED INSANE PATIENT ARRESTED Fred M. Old Arciixed of Ilrlna One !ear W yntore Years Ao. Five (From a Staff t'nrrpsrr.dent.) LINCOLN, Sept. 24 (Special Tc-lpgram.) The state of Nebraska sufler?d a loss of fl.",000 by fir early this morning, the stables at the hospital for the Imane In the out skirts of the city being totally destroyed. Six head of horses were Incinerated, a doio-n others being saved by the asylum attaches after the latter were nearly suffo cated and badly scorched by their efforts. Large stores of produce grown on the asy lum farm were destroyed, along with Im plements and Vehicles housed In adjoining beds. Fed by several hundred tons of hav the flames leep-d high in the'alr. The asylum waa distant about 200 yards, but most of the patients were aroused by the din and added to the general disorder their screams. The patients were kept locked within tbeir apartments and the excitement soon sub aided. Superintendent Greene suspects Incen diarism, as a part of a general plot to burn the state Institutions. Within thn last eighteen ' month the state peniten tiary near thla city and the Norfolk In sane asylum bave both been burned, rep resenting a losa to the state of $500,000. Id both cases . incendiarism was respon sible, the circumstance pointing to a crank. Governor Savage and the state officials are on the scene this morning conducting ad Investigation. The State Board of Public Lands and Buildings sent an architect to the asylum this afternoon. After carefully examining the walls and foundations he decided that It would be useless to attempt to utilize them In rebuilding the structure. This re port determined the board not to attempt to rebuild the stables. Sheds will be util ized and the next legislature will have the opportunity to order the rebuilding of the barn. Olda Arrested for Marder. Fred M. Olds, for the last six months an Inmate of the asylum, waa arrested last night Immediately upon hia discharge as cured and taken to Beatrice by Sheriff Waddlngton. The charge of being one of the two principals In the murdering and torturing of old Davy Jones at Wymore five and a .half years' ago la made against Olds. . . ' It waa from' Olds, In fact, that the first Information fame aa to the' Identity of the men. The detectives who Investigated the case recently discovered, that Olds had been thought ,f In connection with the affair and, going to the asylum, he wormed out of him a confession yiat he and Herrod had committed the murder. Olds con fessed freely, because he believed that his Incarceration In tho . hsyjura would guar antee him. Immunity. 4 Soon afterwards the brain hemorrhages ' which had troubled him ceased and he waa speedily cured. Last evening hla confession, repeated In the preaenae of witnesses, waa taken down by a stenographer.' ' He now claims, however, that Herrod Induced him to go with him to Jones'' house on false pre tenses and that he never went inside. B. J. Herrod, the- man whom Olda ac cused as the leader In the affair, reached here today In charge of Detective Evans, who brough.1 hlnj trepv North Dakota, with out a requisition. Herrod declares that he waa not In Wymore the night of the Jonea murdef and that he can prove that he pent the night In a town near the Kansas .line. He denlea knowing Olda or ever hav ing had any Intimate relations' with him. He has been traveling for a photograph enlarging house of Kanaae City. He le an alert looking man of 40, but waa very nervous and appreciated the aeriousness of his position. Worm Time Anions; Woodmen. An oratorical rough house waa precipi tated this afternoon at the Initial meeting of the school of Instruction of the Modern Woodmen. Head Consul Northcutt waa present as the guest of the local mem ber of the directorate, Mr. Talbot, but the addresa of welcome delivered by O. B. Polk waa hardly of a glad character. A big fight baa been on In the Woodmen ranks for months over the question of re vleion of rates. Mr. Northcutt Is the champion of a plan that makes a material Increase and which will bear rather hard on the younger membera, or at least they think so. Mr. Polk declared that while he thought that readjuatment was necessary, he thought that It should .come in the matter of salaries and not In the raising of rates He Insisted that the order ought not to be compelled to pay high aalaries to officials who rode about the country advancing their personal Interests. He said that the mem bers of the order knew nothing whatever of th management other than the details printed In the official organ and these were unjust, unfair and often misleading. If selfishness, he Insisted, waa allowed to In plre the officers of the order the end would not be far away. A loaa of the younger membera would follow readjuat ment on the Northcutt plan. Mr. Northcutt waa warmly defended by membera present and. a very Interesting debate over the various plana of readjuat ment marked the proceedings for several hours. Bayes Minna Wife. Albert Bayea, residing at Second and II streets reports to the police that his wife. who la twenty-five yearshls junior, eloped Monday with Edward , Walker, who ii almost the ags of Bayes, 65. Bayea baa no Idea where they have gsne, but thinks they went to Fremont. Officers there have been notified to arrest them. Mrs. Bayea left three children behind her. She was ac companied by her little, baby. Warden Davis report the following new commitment at the state penitentiary: Frank Edwarde. York, three years for criminal assault; Taul Armstrong and George Edwards, Stanton, three years each for burglary. Governor Savage haa Issued five more Doctors Bills Seem large to you? As a rule, they are not. Doctors earn every cent they charge. Trust them. When your doc tor says Ayers Cherry Pec toral is the best thing for that hard cough of yours, believe him. Coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, consumption. "I bavt used Aver't Cherry Pec. tortl in my family for eight year and especially for the coughs and colds of children, and even for pneumonia." Mrs. w. n. erymer, shelDy, Ala. trees at Colorado Springs, Colo., October -!, as delegates from this stste. The folios Ing are the favored ones: M. H. Mar ble, Table Rock: A I Abbott. Moulton; L. II. Jewett, Broken Bow; E. N. Bishop, Gates; J. U Epperson, Fairfield. Mercer's Certiorate Filed. The nomination of David H. Mercrr as the republican candidate for congress In the Secund district nil certified to the secretary of state today by R. W. Breck entidre and Clyde C. Stinblad, chairman and secretary of the convention. The state ment of Mr. Mercer's campaign expenses, required by law, did not accompany the certificate of nomination. Trol rr Line In Cnan nnd Otoe. Capitalists residing In Otoe county are furthering a project to build an electric trolley line across the country from Ne braska City northwest to South Bend. In th"? Northern bcrder of Cass county, branches to extend Into the adjacent coun try at various points alonj the line. The preliminary steps were taken today when a certificate of declaration, specifying the purpose of the promoters, waa filed with the secretary of state. The capital stock Is fixed at $25,000. with permission to Increase as it Is deemed advisable. W. L. Wilson John W. Stelnhart, Logan Enyart, W. A. Cotton and John Nordhouae serve aa the Incorporators. FINDS HIS LIFE A FAILURE Fred Hoffmen, Old, Inflrm nnd a Pan. per, Conclude to End His Troubles. STREET FAIRS ALL THE RAGE Nebraska Towns Celebrating the Bountiful Harvests ia Fittiig Manner. FORCED TO D6DGE IN BETWEEN SHOWERS Superior. Kidney nnd Alnaworth F.neh In the Midst of ncressfnl E hlbltlnns nnd Drswlag Biff Crowds. FREMONT. Neb., Sept. 24 (Special Telegram.) Fred Hoffman, an old man aged 63 years, living alone in a small house In the south part of North Bend, was found dead in his room this morning. The top of the skull was blown off, the brain mat ter had nearly all oozed out Into a pan which lay under his head and streams of blocd had run over the floor in all direc tions. A rifle with which the deed waa evidently committed lay by his side. Ho leaves a wife and nine children. For some time he had been estranged from his family and lived alone, doing such odd Jobs of work as came In his way. About a week ago his friends had him taken to the Fremont hospital, as he was In poor health. The next day he was taken to the county poor farm, but on Monday waa per mitted by the superintendent to return to his home. He had been very despondent since then on account of his poverty. Ill health and estrangement from his family, nnd had told his friends that they would find him some morning with his toes turned up. About 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon Mrs. Howard, hla nearest neighbor, heard Bhot fired near the Hoffman house and asked her husband to go over and see what was the trouble. He said it was a boy shooting rabbits and did not go. This morning a number of hla neighbors forced In the door and found the body lying on the floor In a corner of the room. A note lay on the table which read aa follows: rear Children Tont let the ronntv burr me. Hury me as r&enp as possinie. I nave always worked hard all my life, but was no use. On the back of the paper was written: "Notify Gory brothers." CONTEST FOR DIAMOND MEDAL ! Miss firnre Mrlllnster of Mlssnnrl i Wins II from a Field of ls Contestant.. ' I BEATRICE. Neb., Sept. 24. (Special Tel egram.) Today's session of the Women's Ch'lstian Temperance union was devoted entirely to routine business. The inter state oratorical diamond medal contest was held tonight In Centenary church. Th contestants were: E. - A. McRoberts of Shenandoah, la.. Miss lva Bolkln of New Point, Mo., Miss Ora Shlnrock of Omaha, Claude Porter of Creston, la., Mrs. Grace Mellinger of Bethany, Neb., and Oecar SUPERIOR. Neb., Sept. 24. (Special Tel- Woods of Atchison. Kan. The contestants egrsm.) Superior's trsdes carnival, or I were limited to ten minutes each and at the street fair, opened this morning. The j c-oge the roedal was awarded to Mrs. Grace program for Monday and Tuesday and a Mellinger of Bethany. " portion of today s program had to be Rsv. j. a. Wheeler of New York City abandoned on account of the heavy ralne, but with the clearing of the weather comes the promise of fine crowds for the balance of the week. This is the first attempt that Superior has made to have an agricultural chow and the success of this part of the fair Is astonishing even the people who got it up. Farmers are driving in from all directions, over the muddiest of roads, with wagons full of cereals, fruits, vege tables, grasses, canned goods, etc., for dis play. No cash prizes have been offered for these displays, simply merchandise solicited by the committee from the mer chants of the town. The first of the ball games occurred this afternoon between the Nebraska City Ar gos and the Superiors, resulting to 1 in favor of Superior. There is an unusual number of free at tractions upon the streets. Among the most taking of ttrese Is a troupe of negro cakewalkers and minstrels from Clay Cen ter and Junction City, Kan. Open-air ban'd concerts are given at frequent Interval and there are numerous sideshows, stands, dances, etc. The Carnival Is an appro priate celebration of the biggest corn crop that has been raised in this section since 1896. W. H. Thompson of Grand Island. A. C. Shallenberger of Alma and Dr. Lyman of Hastings spoke at a meeting on the street tonight. Rnlns Quit Jnst In Time. threatening rain. The farmers are feeling Jubilmt over the rain. They say It has put the ground In such condition that the winter wheat will be vastly benefited and insures a good start next spring. Fall pastures are looking fine. B0NACUM ENJOINS MURPHY Seeks to Prevent Priest from Eater- Ins; the Cbnrch Bailee at Seward. SEWARD. Neb., Sept 24. (8peclal.) Bishop Bonacum commenced another ac tion against Father Murphy,' the petition having been filed In the district court yes terday. In this action the bishop seeks to enjoin Fsther Murphy from entering the church edifice, and sets up In the petition that he haa received returns from Rome upholding his contention. Believe a FREMONT, Neb.. Fake Story. Sept. 24. (Speclal.)- The fake atory which appeared under a Pre mont heading in a Chicago paper about six weeks ago lu regard to a "Sweetheart Trust" haa evidently been believed by a good many people, for almost every mall brings In a letter or two addressed to Mine Elizabeth McKenzle, who waa said to have been the originator of the scheme, which was to bar out all young men whose habits were not up to the atandard set by the girls. As no person of thst name Is known here the letters will, of course, go to the dead letter office. Several elates sre rep resented on the list and Judging from' the handwriting on the envelopes the would be correspondents are not all women. AtNSWORTH. Neb., Sept. 24. (Special Telegram.) The first day of tho carnival and street fair in Atnsworth was a marked success. The v equinoctial storms closed Monday with a heavy rain, which threatened to continue and spoil all pros pects of any fair attendance or give any chance of having the races or any of the attractions promised. But luckily the rains ceased Monday evening and on Tuesday the sun came out, drying up the mud and rendering mother earth fit for every at traction advertised. Wednesday morning the crowds began arriving and by noon It was estimated that fully 1,600 people were in attendance. The music, the balloon as cension, the races and every .attraction came off as advertised and the people were more th-n pleased with everything. The last attraction of the afternoon was a ball game between Valentine and New port, which proved almost a shutout for Newport, they barely getting one score to Valentine's 14. At the close of the game Valentine's pitcher, Webb, was badly In jured by being run Into at the home base, receiving a bad cut In the forehead from the spiked shoes of the other man, which rendered him unconscious and for a time It was feared hla Injuries were of a serious nature, but he later recovered sufficiently to be taken borne to Valentine and It was stated he would get along all right. It Is estimated that tomorrow's attendance will easily double that of today, if the weather Is favorable, to which all Indica tions point this evening. Sidney Ravlss a Blar Time. SIDNEY. Neb., Sept. 24. (Special Tele gram.) The second day of the street fair and carnival brought a big crowd to the city and all day long could be heard the tramp of those thousands who were visiting the different parts of the mid way. The voice of the spieler was louder than ever and the business that waa done wss simply wonderful. The best of order prevailed and the weather has been spe cially prepared for the occasion. Tomorrow promises to exceed in attendance the pre vious two days. The brass bands from North Platte and Kimball are receiving fine compliments. The play at the opera house last night was so well received that by request It was repeated again tonight. The balance of the week the opera house rill have a vaudeville company from Den ver. Owing to heavy wind the balloon as cension failed to materialize, but to morrow there will be two ascensions by Prof. Broadwick and wife. The balloon la a gigantic affair. will address the convention tomorrow night. BOY IS ACCIDENTALLY SHOT Rifle Falls Through Bottom of Wngon and Is nisrharsed, Infllctlns Fatal Woond. BEATRICE. Neb.. Sept. 24. (Special Tel egram.) Harvey Mason, the 15-year-old son of H. O. Mason, a prominent farmer living near this city, was probably fatally shot today by the accidental discharge of a 22-callber rifle. This morning the boy placed the rifle In the front part of a spring wagon and took his little brother and slater to school. On returning home the gun fell through a' hole In the bottom of the wagon and was discharged, the ball striking the lad In the left side. Just above the point of the ribs. The physicians have been unable to locate the ball and the boy'e recovery Is extermely doubtful. Sloa GENEVA, Neb., Sept. 24. The senatorial convention that met at McCool yeaterday nominated Robert J. Sloan of this city for state senator from the Twenty-fourth sen atorial district, composed of York and Fill more counties. Mr. Sloan Is a brother of Hon. C. H. Sloan, who represented this district in the senate some years ago and has since been a candidate for nomination for congressional honors. Robert Sloan is a young lawyer of ability, a good speaker and will make a splendid campaign. He will receive the support of every repub lican in the district. Pnta tironnd in tiond Condition. GENEVA. Neb.. Sept. 24 (Special.) The rains during the last few days have placed the ground In good shape for fall grain. The precipitation amounts to S.S0 inches Awful l.naa I. re Follows neglect of throat and lung dis eases, but Dr. King's New Discovery cures such troubles or no pay. 6"c, $1.00. For sale by Kuhn A Co. Strong; Ticket la Dawson. LEXINGTON, Neb., Sept. 24. (Special Telegram.) The Dawson county republican convention met In this city this afternoon and placed In nomination the following ticket: For representative, George E. Bacon, the well known proprietor of the Bunker Hill ranch; for county attorney, John H. Llnderman of this city; tor com missioner, first district, William Kopf of Buffalo. The ticket Is considered a strong one and the prospects are that It will make a clean sweep of the county. Much Ilaln at Tecnmaeh. TECUMSEH, Neb.. Sept. 24. (Special.) It has been raining a great deal of th" time since last Friday. A great deal of moisture has been afforded. Farm work has been suspended, and business Interfered with. The roads are In bad condition. FAIR AND WARMER THURSDAY What's More, Friday Is to lie Fair, Too, If the Weather Man Isn't Foollnsr. WASHINGTON, Sept. 24 Forecast: For Nebrsska and Kansas Fair, warmer Thursday. Friday fair. For Colorado Fair Thursday and Fri day. For Montana Showers and cooler Thurs day. Friday probably fair. For Wyoming Fair Thursday; warmer In southeast portion. Friday fair, with cooler in west and north portions. For North Dakota Fair Thursday; showers and cooler at night or Friday. For South Dakota Fair Thursday; warmer in central and east portions. Fri day showers and cooler. For Iowa Fair, warmer Thursday, pre ceded by rain In southeast portion. Fri day fair; warmer in central and east por tions. For Missouri Fair In west; rain In east portion Thursday; warmer in northwest portion. Frldsy fair, warmer. Local Record, OFFICE OF THE WKATHRR Rf REAL, OMAHA. Sept. 24. Official record of tem perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the past three years: 1902. 1901. 1900. 1809. Maximum temperature .. "0 87 84 76 Minimum temperature ... 57 67 67 64 Mean temperature 64 70 76 65 Precipitation . .00 .00 .15 .00 Kecord of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for this day and since March 1. 1902: Normal temperature 63 Fxress for the day 1 Total excess since March 1 64 Normal precipitation ( Inch rellciency for the day 09 Inch Total THlnfall since March 1 22.82 Inches Deficiency since March 1 2.12 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1901... 6.91 inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1900... 1.13 inches Heports from Stations at T P. M. CONDITION OF THS : " : 3 S WEATHER. : f : o : 3 : a : : 3 : i : B : . i Raining, Sept. 24. (Special.) Keeps on DAVID CITY, Neb. Rain has been falling here most of the time since Saturday morning. Last night there was every Indication of It clearing off, but this morning It ia cloudy and Omaha, cloudy , Valentine, clear North Platte, clear Phevenne. clear Salt Lake City, partly cloudy. Rapid City, clear Huron, clear Chicago, raining St. Louis, partly cloudy St. Haul, clear Davenport, raining Kansas City, cloudy Havre, cloudy Helena, cloudy Bismarck, clear Galveston, partly cloudy 66 70 64 6ft 78 82 64 BH 68 6ft 56 58 IS 72 72 si WORN OUT, DRAGGED OUT, Are Most Women in Summer Pc-ru-tm is n Tonic of Efficiency. 11 I Pi Josephine Morris-(T OREPHINE MORRI3. 238 Carroll St. Brooklyn, N. Y., writes: "Peruna Is a fine medicine to take any time of the year, but I have found It es pecially helpful to withstand the wear and tear of the hot weather. I have taken It now for two summers snd feel thst It hss kept my system free from malaria, and also kept me from hsvlng that worn-out. dragged-out look which so many bave. "I therefore have no hesitancy In saying that I think It Is the finest tonic In the world." Josephine Morris. Peruna Is frequently wied as a mitigation of the effects of hot weather. What a bath is to the skin, Peruna Is to the mucous membranes. Bathing keeps the skin healthy, Peruna makes the mucous mem branes clean and healthy. With the skin and mucous membranes In good working order, hot westher can be withstood with very little suffering. Frequent bathing with an occasional use of Peruna Is sure to mitigate the horrors of hot weather. Many ladies bave discov ered that the depression of hot weather and the rigors they have been In the habit of attributing to malaria, quickly disappear when they use Peruna. This Is why Pe runa Is so popular with them. Peruna provides clean mucous membranes, and the clean mucous membranes do the rest, Hon. T: Y. Fltrpatrick, Congressman from Kentucky, writes from the National Hotel, Washington, D. C, as follows: "At the solicitation of .i friend I used your Peruna nnd can cheerful y recommend your remedy t .my otic sutTcring with catarrh or wint needs a nood tonic." T. V, Fit, patrick. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna write at once to Dr. Hartmnn. giving a full statement of your ense, and he will bo pleased to give you his valuable advlcn gratis. Addre'ss Dr. Hartraan, President of Tho Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. 8ft .00 '"jT?".--h' .PlT -- fini .... Bannu Snin ny'E ' fni A im 82 .00 L. A. WELSH, Local Forecast Official. Fremont Regrets Changed Frosram. FREMONT, Neb., Sept. , 24. (Special.) The report received here last evening that President Rosevelt's western trip had been declared off and that Fremont wcAjld not have the pleasure of meeting him occa sioned much regret. The committee, con sisting of Mayor WIlsotT, L. D. Richards, O. L. Loom Is and R. B. Schneider, as sisted by the cUy council, had arrange ments all made for his reception ana ne would have received a cordial greeting from the citizens of this vicinity Irre spective of psrty affiliations. Tbe bul' lettn snnounclng the necessity of an opera-i tton on bis injured leg was posted about 6 o'clock and the unpleasant news wss soon known throughout the city. When a woman first experiences the oleasant anticipation that comes with pregnancy, she finds much satisfaction In preparing little bits of soft clothing designed to protect the child and en hance its beauty once ft is safely ushered into the world. Much anguish, accompanied by fear, in somnia, and dread, figure largely too in the condi tion of a woman during these long months of gesta tion. At the best it is a Irvine oeriod. and everv consideration, care and attention should be given ice coming motner, togetner wun tue a:a which a good, tried and perfect balm like MOTHER'S FRIEND can give, and which is sure to be the chief means of perfect re production. MOTHERS FRIEND applied externally throughout pregnancy will relieve tbe pains of parturition, and no momer ana caua can tan to oe healthy, hearty, strong, clear com- piexioned, pure blooded, calm ner ved and cheerful in disposition, who are mutually influenced for months .by the continued use of OTUES S PRIBWD. Of Dral II M lr botlla. Our IrMtUe, "Mothrfco4.T mlld rkRS. TBI BRADFIELD RtdULlTOR CO., iUuil, 0. TO WaSIIinglUn (and return) $28.05 THE OFFICIAL ROXTB FOR NEBRASKA AND IOWA. Two solid throngh trains of standard and tourist sleepers and chair cars, without Changs.-from OMAHA, OCTOBER 4. Tickets on sale Oo tober 1, J, 4, 6. Final return limit, November 8. i , LIBERAL STOPOVER PRIVILEGES. . . Fo further Information caJl at or Addresa mewfc Island Urates City Ticket Office, 1323 mnm street, ouahi CUKt TQURSEIM Hh BlfSI tor uunstsrsi dlietar,lrjnnuiatloi, Irritation or alcrsUou PsinlMl. .ndsotSSUksi EvusOhcmiBii Os. st or soisonoae. ! ay Urngtrts r" ! ay urngtrts k for t '" wrsssst. MEM! NETTVE BKANB qn! frtrvouMif , til reauiuof ftltuve, faMllnr manhood, drain, loaaei. Married mnn and inn Jut tiding i m.rrv .nntii.l lakn box: aauuilfthlns remit ; maU wait wrut and lutt power reiiorrd. ai.iuat Bhvnnaa McCoobcU Drue Co.. Oman. Nttfc. Every Woman It IcUrottA and hAold know bout u4 wonatamq MARVEL Whirling Spray TbnwflHlTitc& 'Vt tftuTfdft. sr hiavs.1,. -- pi no ?N 01 her, but nd tump for ll- iattmtSfl book si all Mrtialinii4 dir-Tl ytoom tH Tljnss BLac M. 7, or uato or SHRRMAN MTON.Kl.k, Dltlfl I'O, Corner Sixteenth and Dodge treeta. Oraaha V VI, m nm bJ ' in.,,.. X Dlsoa Toaaty Reaaallcaas. WAKEFIELD, Neb.. Sept. 24. (Special.) The republican county convention for Dixon county convened In this city, and as called to oroer or w. r. LB-an oi Ponca. who was elected chairman. 8. E. Cobb of Emerson was elected secretary. After appointing; committees on resolu tions and credentials, the convention ad' Journed until 1 o'clock. Dinner waa served free In the caucus room of the Auditorium to all delegates, after which the conven tion reconvened. A. E. Martin of Wake- Held wss nominated for county attorney by a vote of 68 to 14 for his opponent. Ed itor Perkins of Newcastle. T. J. Ryan of Newcastle waa nominated for representa tive. B.llwood Bank Cases Vp. DAVID CITY. Neb.. Sept. 24. (Special.) District court haa been in session here this week. Judge Sornberger presiding. A long list of preliminary matters have been disposed of and two-divorces granted. Yea terday and today the court has been hear ing argment on behalf of tboae who claim to be preferred creditors of the defunct Bank of Bellwood. Court will adjourn this evening until the regular November term. Low Rates East $14.75 to Chicago and back, October 1 and 2. Oly $28.05 to Washington, D. C, and back, October 2 to 5. if " i , ti n ilassH 'Tl ili i si aa isTTiirwi nsinrti nana if mr S isnssnlTi in law it! ' Only $25 to the Pa cific Coast. Through and tourist every day, grand panorama of the Rockies by daylight. standard sleepers past the Low Rates West Nelson Pair Poatnaaea. NELSON, Neb.. 8ept. 24. (Special Tele gram y Thla section has been hsvlng heavy rains here this week, the total precipita tion being nearly six Inches. Owing to this fact the directors of the Nuckolls county fair decldsd at a meeting today to post pone lbs fsir to October T, t. and 10. The speed purses were Increased and the business men of Nelson raised nearly t00 for special additional attractions. J-C. AVrt,Una.Msss. TECUMSEH. Neb., Sept. 24. (Special. ) The management of the Johnson county fair announces that the 1302 show will pay out In full. All premiums and purses will ! be paid as advertised. The fair has been oa a self-sustaining basis for severs! years. I Through tourist sleepers to Washington, October 4; only $3 for a double berth all the way. $35.55 to New York City and back, October 2 to 5. One fare for the Round trip to many points in Ohio, Indiana, to Pittsburg and other points in western Pennsylvania, to Buffalo and to Toronto, October 2 to 5. $11.50 to St. Louis and back, October 5 to 10. $31.75 to Boston and back, October 6 to 10. Salt Only $20 to Butte, Helena, Lake City. Tickets, Only $16.75 to points in the Big Horn Basin, Wyoming, with its thousands of acres of irrigable lands open to settlement, and 1502 farnam Street millions of lands. acres of ft rce grazing - A wonderful opportunity for homcseekers to say goodbye to landlords. QrjsQSSS HimWT1 "'""""i" Pf"" "" r'imumimi'K-i u I