TI1K OMAHA DAILY BEK; .TIIUHSDAY, SEPTEM11EK 25, 1002. M. Rlxey, formerly the physician attached lo the presidential household. Secretaries Moody and Hitchcock and Dr. John F. I'rle joined them before the train's arrival. As Boon aa the train came to a atop Mra. Roosevelt boarded It, followed by the cabi net officers and the others who had come to welrome tht president home. They re- nialtifd aboard for fifteen minutes, chatting with the president, before he was removed 'from the car. Removed la Invalid (hair. An Invalid wheel chair waa backed up against the platform end Into thla the president, borne In the arms of Doctors I,u t) c. Richardson and Rlxey and another ,mn. wns lifted out and wheeled arroie the narrow platform, out through the baggage entrance onto the pavement, ;if at to which the White House carriage wan standing. The president took his Infirmity good naturedly and . extended a happy greeting to several persona whom he recognized aa he waa being-wheeled to 'the carriage. He was. attired aa ttexwl except, that the tboe on the left foot waa off.. He Jokingly remarked" trt a crowd of bTTicers and train men, who wore Mandlng around looking pn aympathetlcally, that he 'felt better than he looked. He- was In excellent spirits and annarentlv Buffered nd '"pain from the I wound In his leg. AS. -was lifted Into the White Hous carriage he was given several hearty rounds of applause by th bystand- era. Mrs, Roosevelt already had taken her place In tbe vehicle and thaj were driven .h. .-m,.rU uhi.e u.n on Jackson Place, ' facing; 'Lafayette park. Here' the president waa assisted by the' attendanta to an ordinary cane, seat chair placed on the pavement and, when he had become comfortably ' seated.'""a "half dozen ushers and policemen carried him to his' r6om on the second floor of hla temporary, home. This floor contains three large rooma and a hall with a bath at the extreme' rear. The room frosting on Lafayette Square had been made Into a Bitting room and the other two Into bedrooma. The president was taken to the second room from the front and made comfortable. Steward Pick- ney, under the direction of Miss Hagner, Mra. Roosevelfa private secretary, waa en gaged all day In putting the second floor Into condition for the chief executive and bis wife. Flowers were arranged on the mantels and tables. Dress the Injury. Arrangements were made at once for dressing tho president's wound. Doctors Lung. Rlxie and Urle remained with him some time after he waa taken to his room and gave their personal attention to every detail. Dr. Lung, the regular White House physician, will have Immediate 'charge-of the president's case and should It be deemed necessary will consult Drs. Rixey and I'rle In case of further treatment of the wound. The present expectation, as stated by a man fully acquainted with the president's cnnnltlon Is that after ten days or more of rest the chief executive will be himself again. During that time It will be necea- ry fnr him in keen In bed or on a coucn In a reclining position, so aa to give the injured leg complete rest. The wound is In splendid condition now and should heal rap- Mi y. There Is an accumulation of business de mandlng the president's attention and he will be able to dispose of much of It with out serious physical Inconvenience. Ac cording to present plana, during his period of recovery the president will spend his time at the temporary White House,' Sec retary Cortelyou aaytng tonight that no other arrangements for him had been made. Mr. Roosevelt expects to view the parade of the Grand Army two weeks from today, but It la not yet known whether he wilt re main here during the entire Interval be tween now and then. By halt past 9 o'clock all the physicians had left the bouse, although about 10 o'clock Dr. Ludk returned ' to make his final visit for tbe night. They reported the prealdent to be resting comfortably, It was stated that no further operation on tbe wound had been performed. So sat txfactory Is the president's condition that It was not deemed necessary to have the services of a trained nurse during the night Attorney General Knox called during tho evening and remained for some time. When he came down atalra he reported the pres- Idint to be In splendid spirits. When not chatting with Mrs. Roosevelt the president was reading a book. "He's the most cheer- ful Invalid I evsr saw," said the attorney general. ... PRESIDENT MAY COME LATER rcretarr C'orteljou Mend Message to I Secretary ot Alc.Sar-Bvn Governors. Secretary t'hl yesterday received the following telegraphic message from Beer tary Cortelyou: BRADFORD JUNCTION. O.. Sept. 23.- mei ini, oecreiary. t'mana. iseo.: 1'lease see bulletins regarding the president Issued today to the ureas. The president reiri-Htm exceedingly thnt he will be unable to inrrv out hla Intentions to visit your city at present. He Is deeply appreciative of the interest anown In the plana made for his reception, and rit sires that vou commnnl. cate the purport of this dispatch to vnur associates on the committee, and all others wno anoum lie advised. He will certainly try to niHRe tne visit at some future time. vir.um.ini it. 1'unie.iiiUL', secretary London Papers Kiprraa Satisfaction. LONDON. Sept. 24. The afternoon papers acre express satisfaction at the receipt of rucrg,ng repor.s rrgaraing tne health of President Roosevelt snd sympathy with him In his enforced quiet. FATHER M'KINNON , IS DEAD fcshaasted hy Hla Labors In Xarsiu t holers Patients, llerole Priest Sncromba. MAMLA, Sept. 24. Father McKlnnon died here today from dysentery and de bility. He had been ailing for some months but persisted lu continuing bis work, which Included ministration to cholera victims. a military runeral will be held In the cathedral ot Manila and the body will be aent to his home in California by the first transport. Father McKlnnon was chaplain or tne f irst California regiment In ths Philippines. He waa recently pastor of the Catholic church In Manila. . Killed Mhlle Protect!-, Woman. ST. I.oriS. Sept. ?4.-Heeau he sought n?.rh-Ja.nh'V,.fUTrKW0..."J cruelty of her husband. 'ocr Fulgar, the negro porter, was shot by ty the enraged husband and expired while being conveyed to the city hoai lial In an ambulance. Mrs Kununera aas that Fulgar Interefered in ii t uvnau. Bummrrs is under arrest. General Debility Day In and out there Is that feeling ot weakness that makes burden ot ltaelt. Food dors not strengthen. Sleep does not refresh. It Is bard to do, hard to bear, what should be easy, vitality Is on the ebb, aud the whole system suffers. For tbli condition take Hood's Sarsaparilla It vitalizes the blood, gives vigor and tons to all the organs and functions, and Is positively unequalled for all ruu-dowa or ttooiUlated oontilUons. laip's jui sis M.ttptUao. S driT- i ' PLENTY OF MONEY IN WEST N Necessity U Draw n New Yrk far Caih to Hot tht Oropa. PRECAUTIONS AGAINST STRINGENCY Bank Dennett of the reaatry Are Over Twice as' threat aa Ten Years Aae and Fonr Tlanea Greater Than In 12. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Sept. 34. (Special.) Of ficials of the treasury believe, the plana adopted by. Secretary. Shaw . to prevent a money. atrlngrpcy will prove effective and that there will hot tie any . Important die. turbanee of the financial .- situation. The secretary from the be'gtnfilng Tiae taken tho poaltion that the disturbance waa entirely local to New York and that there waa an abundance of funda In the west o meet the demands due to the movement of the crops. This position has been strengthened within lne last ,ew daya by reporta from western "s mat nave oeen received at treasury. Informing the secretary that the bnk throughout the west had more money l"n they could loan and that they did not need or desire an Inrrease In their treaa- "rr deposits. An official of the treasury. who has made a careful study of present financial conditions, said today: "The money scare in New York was only a flurry and-It does not affect 'he financial condition of the country generally In the slightest. Not only has the country grown rich, but It la growing richer. Great crops insure another year of prosperity. ActlTlty Is the rule In every branch of trade. The main trouble la that the trans portation facilities, splendid as they are, are scarcely adequate to move the business pressing upon them. The country has actually grown faster than its machinery for moving the crops and manufactures. 'The coal strike tfl, Indeed, a serious matter, entailing large losses and creating an ugly state of feeling. But It Is clearly nearing Its end and with Its passage tbe only cloud on tbe horizon will have been dispelled. The prloes at which good, sat dividend-paying securities are. selling seem bright, but it Is a question whether these prices, high as they seem, are not justinea by conditions. It is true there has been a great output o( new securities, but there has been an equally great absorption of them. The better clasa of bonds aro scarce. The same Is true of the high-class stocks. Thus It U'the margin left for speculative purpose Is not so large as to prevent manipulators from advancing prices to fabulous figures: The prosperity of the country has made people rich and they are Investing their aurplus la securl- ties more with an eye on dividends than on the price of the securities. There Is absolutely nothing to sause apprenension uuuuii sua tuuuurtt... .o. l J) I a Dank Deposits. The bank .deposits.' W the people of the United States aggregate $8,500,000,000, an average of $108 per capita. Ten years ago tbey aggregated $4.?32,OOO.uOO. or Juat half the amount of today,, and. twenty years ago they were $2,609,000,000, or a little more than one-quarter of those of today. These figures are presented in a table Just prepared by the treaaury bureau of statistics for publication In the forthcom ing ieaue of Its monthly, summary of com merce and finance. They are compiled. from the report ot the .comptroller of the cur rency , and Inciud ihe deposit In national banks, ' savings balks, "state ' banks, ' loan and .trust companies and private banks and Cover : The ; ofBrtal' ftgires of the year ISM. The .figures f or tbe various classes ot banks stand aiMollows: . Totsl Deposits. National banks $2,937,763,233 Savings banks.....'...' i.587,0.-M.& State banks , .' 1,610.502.246 Ioan and trust companies 1,271.081.174 Private banks 118.621.903 Aggregate : $8,535,053. 13i The flgurea thus compiled by the bu reau of statistics show the total deposits In the various. banking organisations of tbe country so far as tbey qn be obtained from l'TS down to the; present time; though It proper to add that the flgurea for private banks InclUds Sjnce 1887 only such banks as voluntarily report -t6 the comp- troller of the currency, In other words. -only about one-rourtn or the total number I of Drtvate banks In the United States. whll durlng the prlod tTOm i82 tne ngurea cover me deposits in practically all private banks. Taking the, flgurea at Intervals from 1878 to 1901. the total de poeita In all banking Institutions atand as fqllows: Year. Deposits. lYear. Deposits. 1 7S $1 . 878. 434 .270 1 hi2 . $4 . 630. 4!0. 1 M lf 2,TO).ttK,nM 197.. ,l!i6,847.MO 1887 3,258,772,1341 1901 S.63&.063.136 Rapid Growth In Reecat Years. - During recent years the' growth has been very rapid. From 1878 to 1882 the Increase waa $877,603,783: from 1882 to 1887. 1499 J34.081; from 1887 to 189$. $1,874.718 022: ! ' ac, , .V,..,,' i.i .--J from 18&2 to 1897. $566,359,374, and from 1897 to 1901. $3,338,205,606. , An analysis of the deposit figures of each claas of banks Is Interesting, and la some cases may be carried back over a much longer term of , years. The published figures cover the deposits In certain classes rt hnki mi a mui-h a r-l E a Hata than that mv.rert , th. . ,n. in '.n,i trust companlea and private banka. The Individual deposits In national banks, I for example grew. from $508,000,000 In 18tK (o $618,000,000 In 1875, $1,111,000,000 In 1885, $1,720,000,000 In 1895 and $2,937,000,000 In 1901. to $3,111,000,000. In 190$ For savings banks tbe figures extend back to the year 1820, and show the total de posits In that ysar at $1,138,57$; in 1830, $8,973,304; In 1840. $14,051,520; In 1800, $43.. 431.130; In 1860, $149,277,504; In 1880, $819,. 106.973; la 1890. $1,524,844,506, and In 1901, $2,597,094,580. For atate banks the figures extend back to 1840, and show for that year total de- oosiu to tbe value of 875.898.857: 1850. 8109 686,595; 1860, $257,J29.562; 1880. $208,751,611; 1890. $558,054,584. and 1901, $1,810,602,148 I For loan and trust companlea the fig I urea begin with the year 1878. and ahow I deposits for that year at $85 025.371; in 1880, $90,008,008: 1890. $336,466,492, and In 1901, $1,271,081,174 The figures of deposits In private banks re complete from 1875 to 1883. by reason of ths fact that deposits In such bsnks were taxed during that period and therefore re. ". complete; but On the rep..) ' ,n Uw P'elBg a tax on such deposits only about one-fourth of the total number of private banks conttnusd to make re. ports to the comptroller of the currency. The figures for private bank deposits sub sequent to 1887 are therefore materially less thsn those of the period 1876-82. when com plete returns were available. In 1875 ths figures were $321,100,000; 1882. $295,622,160; $890, $99,521,667. and In 1901. $118, 611,903. The following table shows the total de posits in ths five classes of banks aamsd national, saving, state, private and loan and trust companies In each year from 1878 to 1901. sxeept the years 188-86. for which complete figures are not obtainable Year. Deposits. Year. 178 $1.87i4:i4.?7iJ 1K!J.., Deposits. $4.5.2U.1?0 1S7... lsm... 1K-H1 . . . 152... lw7... lwi... !... lw... 11... 112... 1.940.7W.T12 1vh4.. 2.3eo.4 Smi 16.., t.61 5U.4HJ lf9.., 2.7SS KfVOfJ. lCT.. . 4. Cta. Ml. 4X9 4.872.ftsi 276 4.8M.O 119 , 5.K7 49 8 8.675.471.7U 3.2f.T7i.i:i4 Um l.n.2K6.!8 lSMi 1.7M.5I4.K3 !. 1.404 719.14S I 106 OttJ.13 $.9W ?JJ"6 1'1 .Stt l S.W le-h6t available. W W, WV, Msss LILLER MAKES AN APOLOGY Retra.pt IManaraaremeat of f'e1enel Harrison, bnt Confesses He lines So with tltrrlnr Motives. INDIANAPOLIS, Sept. 24 The third an nual convention of Spanish-American Vet erans came to a cloee today, after the election of Colonel D. John Foster of Chi cago as commander-in-chief and the desig nation of Milwaukee as the next convention city. A resolution was unanimously passed fa voring a consolidation of the Spanish-American War Veterans and the Spanish War Veterans. It was Incorporated in the reso lution that a committee of eight be ap pointed to confer with a like committee from the national army of Spanish War Veterans. The committee wae given en tire authority to complete the organization In all details. The Llller embrogllo waa finally settled by that gentleman formally resigning his office as adjutant general and offering a written apology for his discourteous con duct of Monday In calling Colonel Harri son a liar, and for his other offenses. The auditing committee, which was ap pointed to Investigate Llller's accounts, re ported through Colonel Hutchlngs ot Iowa that Llller's books were In such an un systematic condition that no detailed re port could be made. The committee sug gested that an expert accountant be em ployed to disentangle the financial affairs of the order, and stated that as far aa could be learned the cash balance of the order is $231 and Its liabilities are $2,441. It was decided that no settlement be made with Ltller until the affairs of the order should be untangled. It was also decided that no paper or periodicals be made tbe official organ of the order. This waa a blow at Llller's paper, which Is published at Lancaster, Ta., and which hitherto has been used. Tonight William C. Ltl ler said In reference to an apology he had been required to make for calling Colonel Russell H. Harrison a liar, that he re tracted every word of it. This statement was made to Lieutenant Governor Gilbert, Colonel E. J. Nlmmlck of Chicago and others Llller said be offered his resigna tion In order to prevent being discharged from the order, as such a discharge would handtcap him In organizing a new order, which, be said, he Intended to organize within a short time. DETROIT. Sept. 24. The Ladies' aux iliary of tbe National Army and Navy Spanish War Veterans today elected offi cers, headed by Mrs. Flora A. Lewla, Washington, D. C, for national president. Misa Clara Barton was elected sponsor for the society. Commander-in-Chief L'rell to day appointed Captain J. Walter Mitchell of Washington historian of the society. TROOPS IN FIVE COUNTIES (Cntlnued from First Page.) ing over tbe long-distance telephone. The govoruur suaaealed that tho names of twelve prominent citizens be sent him as guaranty that there waa real need of the troops. The required number ot signatures having been secured, the governor and ad jutant general then held a conference and at noon the order came along calling out the Ninth regiment, with headquarters In this city. The work of mobilising the reg lment at once commenced. The regiment Is made up of t,welve com panies, about 750 strong, and is commanded by Colonel C. B. Dougherty.. The troops will be ready to take the field In a few hours. Battalions will at once be sent to Plttston, Nanticoke and Plymouth, where disturbances occurred- eat night. . lajty Ffllns t Lebanon. LEBANON; Pa., Sept. 24. An ugly feel Ing prevails here today. The soldiers sent here last night are on duty and have pitched their tenta apparently for a long stay. No move has been made to send the colored Iron workers away and it now looks aa It they are to stay. In the darkness ot early morning a battle between the mob and tbe men inalde the mill took place and several were shot, none fatally. Tbe soldiers stopped the affray and made a great many arrest. A mob fired from a cornfield just beyond the works, Under cover ot darkness a number of men gathered In tbe field and opened fire on tbe worka in regular volleys. Tbe men Inside the works assembled in force and returned the fire. Tbe soldiers were summoned and they dispersed tbe crowd of spectators wbtcb had gathered upon bearing the firing and then raided tbe cornfield, arreatlng thirty ot the mob, a large number of whom, It It said, were armed. Other arrests were made later and soldiers patrolled the streets, sending home every one who loitered and srresting those who answered back or re fused to keep moving. Few people went to bed and firing waa heard In tbe vicinity of the mills all night. 'This morning the situation la mere quiet. TAMAQUA, Pa.. Sept. 24. Deputy Sheriff 8mltb, speaking for Sheriff Beddall today, said: . You can Infer how serious the sheriff con slders the situation, when I tell you that he has asked Governor Stone to place the county under martial law. Tha sheriff thinks the time has come to take drastla action before the situation becomes eo serious that It will be uncontrolable. When asked If Sheriff Beddall's-reques that martial -law be declared In Schuylkill county would be granted, General Oobln answered that he had the matter under consideration, and would make his decision this evening, after a telephone conference) lh Governor Stone. KELLER MUST RETURN TO WORK Leave Revoked Beconie He Electioneering Against Load. Wmm WASHINGTON. 8ept. 24. As the result ot the report that he was In California In the Interest of the opposition to the re election of Representative Loud of that state, tbe leave of absence for nine month recently granted to President Keller of the National Association of Letter Carriers waa cancelled by Acting First Assistant Postmaster General Oowly. Keller re cently waa elected president ot tbe letter carriers' organization and secured tb leave by having a eubatttute carrier put on In hla place. The department received re ports that he was la California to aid I the opposition of Mr. Loud, whose vtews have not coincided with those of the asso elation. Participating In a movement of that political character Is prohibited under the regulations governing the service an the cancellation of Mr. Keller's leave neceasltatea his Immediate return to work or bis resignation from the service. GENERAL MANAGER WALLACE Former Assistant Mossl of llllnol t'entral Hoad Is Moved I p, Lifting Others. . CHICAGO. Sept. 24. Announcement wss aiade today of the appointment of Assistant General Manager J. F. Wallace to be gen eral managor of the Illinois Central rail read. W. J. Harrahan succeeds Mr. Wal lace as assistant general manager, wit offices at Chicago. Hs has been chief engl neer of tbe road for a year or more. H N. Wallace, superintendent of the Freeport division. Is appointed chief engineer. J Daly of the Louisville division become superintendent of the Freeport ' division Uh headquarters at Freeport. 11L ROOT ON THE RECENT WARS Cabiitt Member Addresses Illinois Repub licans at Peoria. DEFENDS AMERICAN SOLDIERS' METHODS Cites MrKlnlr), Dewey, chnrnan, Taft and Others aa Witnesses to llamane Treatment Ac corded Xatlres. PEORIA, 111., Sept. 24. Hon. EUhu Root, secretary ot war, was the speaker at to night's meeting of the Illinois Lcague of Republican Clubs. The Coliseum was packed to the doors and ths secretary was vocif erously applauded.' Hla address wss con fined entirely to tbe recent troubles In the Philippines snd Cuba and not once urlng tbe evening did he mention the tariff or the trusts. In opening bis address he paid a high compliment to the late William McKlnley and then said: The first spoken words by his successor. nen taking the oatn or omce at uunaiu, were: It is my purpoaa o continue aoso lutely unbroken the policy of President McKlnley for the peace, prosperity ana mnor of our beloved country. l cnaivenpe Judgment upon the truth and loyalty wun hleh Theodore Roosevelt nns reoeemen hla promise. The murderer s bullet robbed s of a friend; It did not proauee a revoiu- lon. It changed rulers: It did not change policies. Tne worg or racincaiion ana coneirucimn In Cuba had been completed. Military-gov ernment there bad ra.tntuny given eneci o the humane purposes of the American people. With sincere kindness our officers had helped the Cubans to take steps neces- ary to the establishment oi tneir conaiuu- tlonal government,- Attacks Purely Political. Of all tha executive problems following In the train of the Spanish war, the prob lem of the Philippines alone remained. Success there had not then been demon- trated. and It waa still possible that the failure . there tniaht lead the American people to withdraw power from republican hands. Accordingly the Filipino policy of the administration, waa attacked. The whole army and its generals were Involved In common denunciation. Thfl gallant and fearless Funston was stlgnia- ired by tne senator irom lennessee h 'Klatheraklte brlaiidler." "I do not know who General .Wheaton is, particularly," said the senator from Idaho, "but I Imagine e was a charity boy who was appoiniea tn West Point bv some representative or eenaior ana eiuriira vy inc sutn nuin.. Said the senator from utan: "Via i.nai fee, unaided. In coldmss and In brutality nri in havrka Ann unreienuna nusreKaru f every human sentiment or possibility of uman aurtering. conceive mis mmunou cheme? Whence, from what diabolical source was It derived? The American people ought to know. Is there any penalty oe neath the sun adequate to be meted out to the merciless wretch wno nas mus orougm uch dishonor upon the American name nd the American peopier Against these contemptuous and Injurious spersions, upon the soldiers of the United States, I will call four witnesses: The first la William McKlnley: "ir an- orders of mine were required to Insure the merciful onduct of military and naval operationa, hev would not be lacking, but every etep In the progreut of our troops have been marked by a humahlty which hss S'ir. prised even the misguided Insurgents." Dewey's Opinion. The second is' President Bchurman, and Joining with him Admiral George Dewey Ullllllg Willi II II L JIUllllIW ucwigc ' - . nd the other members of the first Philip- I nine commission: "To those who derive satisfaction front. aeelng an Isolated occur rence, regretable. Indeed, but Incident to every war, and making, them the basis of sweeping accusations, this commission has nothing to say. oucn wronits as were ac tually cbmmltted against the natives were likely to be brooglu to our attention and In every case that -we investigated we found a willingness on the part of those In au thority to admlnleter prompt Justice." The third is Governor William H. Taft of Ohio, who aald: "I desire to say that it s my deliberate judgment mat mere never was a- war qenauciea. .wneiner Bgaiiisi an Inferior' racebr other in which there was more eomjlon andmora restraint and more generosity, assuming that there waa war at all,' then there '..has been in the Philippines." v , 1 The fourth Is Vice Governor Luke E. Wright of Tennessee: "General Chaffee has no patience with any acta ot oppression or cruelty and whenever his attention has been called to tnern re nas ni once taaen proper steps. The howl against the army haa been made- mainly for political pur poses and the eruelttea practiced hav-e been largely exaggerated.". . Throughout a;i mis storm or aeirncuon nt shnM the republican maturity of the senate and house labored uncsIngly and they produced and passed, against demo cratic opposition a Philippine government bill wnlcn exninus a nign oegre-j o wire statesmanship and opens to the Filipinos the path to that enlightenment "and ca pacity for self-government for which Rlrnl longed, and to'-the blessings which the noble and gentle McKlnley believed would descend upon them under the benediction of our nag. I tnina iney. ano not mo others, were the true friends ot the Philip pine people. , At the afternoon. meeting of the league speeches were .delivered by Senator Cullom Governor' Yates and Congressman A. J. Hopkins. Leaatae Pat on Former Platforms. While the weather was very unfavorable to the meeting of tbe State League of Re publican Clubs, being the worst possible sort this morning, It In no way lessened the enthusiasm of the vast throngs of delegates and friends, who began to overflow the city last night and are constantly arriving on every train today. The prospects are tor a record breaker, both in point ot attendance and interest shown. Among the most prominent ar rivals last night were Governor Yates, Sen ator Cullom, Colonel J. Mack Tanner, J. W. Parker, state president of tbe league; Alfred Bayliss, superintendent of public In struction; Dorsey M. Patton and many others well known In state polities. Sec retary of War .Root came In early today from Indianapolis, where he met President Roosevelt. . Tbe convention opened at 10 o'clock In b Coliseum, with 2,000 delegates In their chairs on the main noor, wnne tne large slags waa filled with prominent politicians. The galleries were well filled with spec tators, among whom were many women, who took a great lntereat In the meeting. The convention was called to order by SOUR BREAD. Annoyed the Doctor. It you get right down to the bottom ot your stomach trouble It Is wrong food, and the way to correct It 1 not by drugs but by using the right food. A physician In Barron, VMa., wites an Instructive Utter on this point, tie say "I am a praaticlng phyaician. 45 years old and about feet in height. When I began using Grape-Nut last Spring I weighed 140 lb., wa thin and poor, had a coating on my tongue and frequently belched wind or ga and small piece ot undigested bread or potatoes which were very sour. In short I had acid dyspepsia. "I consulted a brother physician who ad vised me to eat about four tearfpoonfuls of Gfp-Nut at the commencement of each meal and drink Postum Cereal Coffee. I had been In tbe habit of drinking coffee for breakfast apd tea for dinner and supper I followed the advice of my brother physi cian as to diet and experienced relief at once. "Ever aince that time I have eaten Grape- Nuts with sweet milk or cresm each morn log for breakfast and I Dow weigh 165 lbs., and am no more troubled with sour stomach. I am very fond of Postum Food Coffee and attribute my relief as much to that aa I do to Grape-Nuts. "Often when I am called out In the night to see a patient and on my return houi I feel tired and hungry, I est the usual qusa tity of Grape-Nut before going to bed gpd then sleep soundly all night." . Name given by Postum Co, Battle Creek, Mkk. President Parker. Prayer was then offered by Rev. J. If. Morron of this city. After th prayer John 8. Stevens of Peoria wel comed the delegates to the city In a brief but eloquent address. Get to Raalaeas. The regular order of business was next taken up. At this time President Tarker delivered his snnual address. Among other things he poluted out was the great prog ress made by the league In the last year, over 1,000 clubs being organised. Clarence W. Buck of Monmouth was unanimously elected president ot tbe league and C. J. Fallow of Chicago vice president. Other officers were elected aa follows: Thomas Hudson, Oalva. second vice presi dent; Hon. H. B. Wod, Duquoln, secretary;' H. W. Jones, Ipava, assistant secretsry; J. R. Robinson, Jackson, treasurer. The committee on resolutions, handed In tbe following report, which was adopted by acclamation: We express our unbounded confidence In the successors to those whom we have lost. In the hands nf Theodore Roosevelt the government in safe. I'nder his guid ance our dignity as a nntlon will be main tained at home and abroad, and his de mands for efficiency In the government em ployes merits the warmest approval of the whole people. We believe his views upon the tariff, reciprocity snd the trust ques tion are In harmony with the republican party In Illinois, and that they are deserv. Ing of the earnest support of all the peo ple. Capable, honest, Intellectual, a states man, a scholar, a patriot, he deserves the highest approval and richest honor within the bestowal of our people and we heartily Indorse the movement already well begun ior ii is nnminaiion in im. We deplore the accident which has be fallen our beloved president, and In com mon with all the people trust lie will speedily recover from his Injury. SENATOR CLARK IS1N SADDLE Rons tbe Democratic State Convention ot Montana to olt Himself nnd Friends. HELENA. Mont. Sept. 24 The demo cratic state convention at Boxeman thla afternoon nominated Judge Jere B. Les lie of Great Falls for associate Justice and John M. Evans of Missoula for. con gressman. No other nominations are to be made. United States Senator W. A. Clark and his frlenda had absolute control 'of the convention today. Senator Clark presided as temporary chairman. The committee on credentials reported In tavor of seating, the Clark delegations from Silver Bow and Oranlte counties and tbe report was adopted. Senator Charles W. Hoffman ot Bozeman', .a well known supporter of Sen ator Clark, was made permanent chairman. The platform pledges the party to "con tinuing loyalty to the principles of demo cratic party as enunciated at the national convention held In Kansas City." It en dorses the state administration, and com mends the action of the representatives In congress on all public questions. It ap proves the Irrigation law; favors legislation to prevent the immigration of the vicious; favors speedy construction of tbe Isthmian canal; favors strict enforcement of the Chi nese exclusion act; favors the throwing open of Indian reservations not absolutely needful for the Indians to settlement; fa vors the election of United States senators by direct vote of the people; favors action by the state and national legislatures that J -" ' " ---'"- ... b - -avftll prevent forest fires; pledges the party to the eight hour law on the atatute books; favors the assessment of railroad property for purposes of taxation on tbe same basis as other property, and commends the state board of equalisation for taking an initial Step In that direction. It opposes the wielding ot political power by corporations, and says tbat the consolidation of leading railway systems and the formation of trusts and pools requires stricter, supervision by the state and federal governments, and "de mands the exercises of such powers and the imposition of such restrictions In the control of railroads as will protect the people from the dangerous consolidation ot competing lines." Opposition is declared to monopolies, and such tariff legislation Is favored as will provide adequate means to defray the ex penses of the government economically ad ministered. DEMOCRATS USE THEIR FISTS Preliminary Meetlna; of Connecticut , Delegates Ends In Free-for-All Mlxnp. NEW HAVEN, Sept. 24. The delegates to tbe democratic atate convention assem bled here tonight to transact business pre liminary to tbe convention tomorrow. The proceedings wound up with a fracas whleh developed In the New London caucus dur ing a debate Involving tbe endorsement of one or the other of two candidates for gov ernor. Hot words were followed by scuf fles, and then came fisticuffs. -No one was seriously injured, but the caucus went to pieces ia perfect pande monium. In addition to the heat of the gubernatorial conference, there were thrust Into the situation two other elements. A large party ot "Kansas City platform demo crats" bad announced its purpose to de mand of the convention the endorsement of the Kansae City platform, practically as fcurlng a repetition of the recent Massa chusetts convention. The Economlo league also appeared for recognition and endorse ment of their candidates. These two re quests were at variances with the state caucus, and as a result the situation at midnight was aa confusing as It was un compromising. VOLCANO PAINTS PICTURES In Coarse of Ernptlon Soufrlere Fills Heavena with Fantastic Flame and Smoke. KINGSTOWN, St. Vincent. Sept. 24. The eruption cf the Soufrlere volcano yesterday was a dazzling phenomenon. At 6 p. m the crater emitted a huge efflorescing cloud which kept rapidly ascending, changing from black to gray and then to silver color, coruscating quickly and suddenly until It appeared as if a red cauliflower had bloomed on its crest. This cast glare over the city, bnt proved harmless The eruption lasted about five minutes. The cable company reports further and unprecedented difficulties In the attempts to repair tbe cables between St. Lucia and St. Vincent and St. Lucia and Grenada One end of the St. Lucia aectlon Is burled under eighteen fathoms of water. A strange fact I that St. Lucia, lying be tween St. Vincent and Martinique, and only forty miles from the seat of volcanic disturbances has experienced no tremors during the eruptions and only tbe faintest sounds were heard on one occasion when loud rumblings were heard as far as St KItts on the north and Trinidad to the south, both 100 mile distant. IOWA BOY NOW A MIDDIE Frank Fletcher of Marsballtowsi Is Amos Those Saecessfnl at the Naval Academy. ANNAPOLIS. Md.. Sept. 24. The follow log were among the candidates for admis slon to the Naval academy, who today passed the physical examination and were sworn In as midshipmen: Fred M. Per kins. Salem, Or.; Frank J. Fletcher, Mar shalltown, la.; Richard K. Montfort, Me- Keogh, Mont, and Harvey Delano, Arcadia, Mo. Successful testa were bad today by wire less telegraphy between the Naval academy and Washington. Tb Staby-Arco or Ger man Y"i wt used, A REASSURES ' IDE FILIPINOS Gmrntr Taft Indicate! Tariffs Art Likely tt Is leJnctd Boon. PEACE AND INDUSTRY WILL HASTEN DAY Informs the le of Progress Made . In egotlallna with the Pane Htgnrdlng the Friars and Their Lands. WASHINGTON, Sept. 24. The bureau of Insular affairs today furnished to the press copies of the speech made by Governor Taft on the occasion of the reception ten dered him when he arrived In the Philip pine Islands. In the course of the speech Governor Taft ssld: You can be very sure that It will be only a matter of a year or two before the Amer ican duty on Philippines products will be reduced to so small a tlKUie as to make It practically free trade. Ielsys In congres sional action-on the tariff and postpone ment of the time lor a popular assembly are only the outgrowth of a conservatism due to a doubt on the part of many as to the real conditions In the islands, a doubt, 1 may say, which nothing will so quickly dispel as a quiet prosecution of agricul ture and other pursuits snd an avoiding of useless political agitation for the next year. ' "The manv nuestlons renulrlns- settlement between the Philippine government and the church led the president and secretary of war to direct me to visit Rome for a con ference with the pope, to see if a basis of settlement might not be reached. After an audience with the pope the Instructions were referred to a committee or cardinals and an answer was given me agreeing gen erally with all the purposes stated In the instructions, which Included among other things the purrhuse of the friars' lands by the government. This answer proposed that further nego tiation he had between an apostolic dele gate and myself In Manila. With the hope of having less to do In Manila and by au thority of the secretary 1 replied by sug gesting to the pope the form of a contract to be Blamed In Rome, submitting thn noes. lions at issue to a tribunal of arbitration to consist of two members appointed by the pope, iwo ny mis government and me nrtn to be appointed by the viceroy of India, tsaoatlona for Arbitration. The questions were: First. The price to be paid for the friars' land. Second. The price to be paid for the oc cupation of parish churchea and convents by American troops. Third. The disposition of educational and charitable trusts, Including the San Jose college case. The contract Included a covenant that the members of the four great religious orders, who were all Spaniards, should leave the Islands In two years after the first payment was made for the lands and that only secular priests or non-Spanish members of the regular clergy should act as parish priests. The Vatican agreed to sign such a con tract, excepting the last covenant, which he declined to sign, first, because It re late to the administration of religious mailers noi me proper euoject or a com mercial contract; second, because by sign Ing such a covenant It would give lust of fense to Spain, whose subjects the friars Were and as such were entitled to remain in the islands under the treaty of Paris. end because the Vatican old not wish to give countenance to what were regarded as tne exaggerated charges against them. Instead of this, however, the pope said to Cardinal Kampolla that he Intended to re organise the church In tne isiauua, to i- call the friars now In the islands from political Intermeddling to the institutes ot their order, to provide ecclesiastical edu cation to the natives so that the priest hood ultimately ahould be entirely native. and to Introduce priests of other nation ality thsn Spanish, chiefly from the United States, into the Islands,. He said that the money for the lands would go to the church for the benefit of the church In the Philippines and not to the orders, and he finally reiterated what had been said earlier In the correspondence that no priest would be sent to any parish In the Islands whom a majority or the catholics of the parish did not wish to receive. Hornr to Orlgrlnal Method. In view of the un wMMnrneps of the vatl Cn' to enter Irito k conrract for the definite removal of the Spanish friars the secretary of war was unwilling to enter Into a con tract obligating the Philippine government and the American government to pay such Indefinite sum without further Investigation and preferred to recur to the original method of negotiation proposed by the Vatican through an apostolic aelegate. who In to visit the Islands with authority to sell the lands, to settle the rentals dun and to agree upon the question of charitable and educational trusts. I nia basis was agreed to and negotiations are to be continued hereafter. All the data necessary have been submitted by the representative of the church to the government. It will thus be seen that the negotiations tinon manv of the Issues are onlv hertin. though the sale of the lands has been ap proved and that on the question of the re turn or me mars to me parisnes. tne mat ter la eompletety tn the hands of the peo ple of each parish for a settlement bv a quiet, peaceable and lawful expression of tneir desire to receive or not to receive any priest. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must ar Signature af e FaawSadle Wrapper Mew. ret IUBACXL ret unmcts. rot iiuoutiitts m TCRPIO LIVCS. ITU COMXTIf ATIC1. rti iauow tut. rOITVECOMPUJUSI CURB IOK HCADAOMK. A SKIN OF BEAUTY IS A JOY FOREVER DR. T. FELIX GOIRALD'S ORIENTAL CREAM, OR MAC1CAL BEAL'TIFIER. Remove, lsu. rimyiM, Fi-Kkles. Moita PaMbM. hud anc Bain ai as, en evsr vi, bitmisb oa feMuiy, tion. it nas stooe lb test of 64 vri. nd Is as harmlMS ws lasts it to be sure t la properly Accept no wount fait ot similar mams. Dr. 1. esyr said te a la dy ot in asul-tua is patient): "Aa vou ladles will uaa them. I reeom r.isn-1 '(luCHALD 8 L'kkAVl as tha Uul harmful of all the nkln preparations." hot Sale by all iJrugHisLs and Faucy Ooocis Ucaiers in int i. a ana curoue. f k.HU. I nuraini, rrmww, i; Oreat Jonas sit.. N. T. llu !. Tha UlLUBICgS Dnanlas Ita. AHA. ft KM. lSdllif Hotel PtCt'f AL Tfc ATI RE! LUNOItuN. 'lr"l'ir CtNTI, UH to I p m SUNDAY A Jo p. m. DINNER. Tie. Steadily Increasing business has aeoeest tated ao ei.lsre-ment of tb car doubling It ioiium ciituir Vssry email and s to laka aa aa CARTER'S EP Will Do the Same . for Every Woman. Paine's Celery Compound Cures a Lady -Who Was Told That Her Ufa l peuded C'ru)" Surgical Operation. Tbe greatest misfortune of the rreeent generation Is that wires and mother era so frequently unfitted for the duties of life and domestic enjoyment, by reason oi broken down health and overtaxed system. The duties of women of all age gre really more worrying and . wearing than the troubles met with by men. Social, house hold, and often business car pres upon women very heavily. In . this way the delicate nerve and sensitive organ be come deranged, suffering ensues, aud life become a burden that many carry to the grave. For the special weaknesses to which women so often fall victims, medical aclence as provided Paine' Celery Compound. This famed medicine ha specific power for correcting the disorders of the female or ganism; It maintains health, gives itrength. lvaclty, and good looks, and Imparts to the body the elasticity of girlhood. No other medicine ran so quickly banish and permanently cure painful and obdurate feminine Ills. Mrs. L. 8. Long, of Flint. Mich, says: "For twenty-five' year I have been a great sufferer from Insdmnla, never ob taining more than four nights' sleep In a week. For sixteen years lite ha been a burden to me because of prolapsus uteri, whose torture no words can describe, and from which no physician gave me any hopes or relief except by an operation. I have also for yer been troubled with rheu matism to such an extent In my right houlder as to nearly disable me. "Last February I was Induced to try Palne's Celery Compound In hopes that relief from Insomnia and rheumattam might be obtained. After using three bottle of the Compound, the rheumatism was better. I could sleep Ilk a child, and. strangest of all, my uterine trouble wa cured." The Best of Everything ! EXCURSIONS!! Chicago. $14.75 October 1-2 , Washington, D. C.f $28.05 October 2d tb 5th Boston. Mass.. - $31-75 October 6th to lbth . New York, - $35.55 October 2d to 5th Home Visitors Ona Fare October 2d to 5th To Southeastern Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia, Western Penn sylvania, Western New York and Ontario. NOTE The through cars to Washington for the O. A. R. encampment leave Omuha October 2nd, arriving at Washington far ahead of any other line. ' Write or call at NORTH-WESTERN OFFICES. 14011403 Farnam St.. - OMAHA. WOMEN WHO KNOW Will tell you that Blue' Ribbon Beer Is unquestionably tb beet beer sold 'for family use. It I an, appetiser to those in need, a tonic to the Invalid and conval escent and a noil H.tla-hftfiil t.auar- axe for the table jr and the entertain- f A ment of your"! friends In the even- IJ rig, bb ii uieaevB the most fastlill o u s. We'd b e pleased to ssnd you a case. Brewng Co. OMAHA Telephone 1260 AD AMllKMBXTs. BOYD'S I Woodward A Ourgtas, Managers. FRIDAT. 8ATURDAT MATINEE! SATUR DAY NIGHT THE SULTAH OF SULU Prlces-SSc. Me Tie, i.oo, 1 M.' Matinee, Sc, boc, 7&c, 11 OA. WEEK 8 KPT. S- UNDER TV0 FLAGS Matinees Sunday, Thursday and Satur day. Prices fcc, 60c. 76c, 11.00. Matinees, 25c, fiOq. Tt.tii.uM I ft HA. Matinees Wednssday, Saturday, Sunday at 114. Every night at ;. Hi fih Class Vaudeville. Ior1s and Altlna, Smith and Fuller Barry and Halvers. Hal Uodfr.y and com! ps ny, Usher and Clark, H.rry Thomson, twin S!t.r Mer.dlth and the Kino..,. fUl'.bD-lVC J&c, Ma.