Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 25, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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Ualn Pacific Will Is Opsratigg in Nw
luildinei Vsry loon.
Immense Storage lloo.e Yet to Re
ErPtf, the Foundation Having;
Jest Rrrn Finished ft rent
Modern Plant.
Within another month the Union rclfta
will be using Its nrw shops or at least the
mala part of them. The machine chop,
which, la now complete, will, It In calcu
lated, be )n operation by October 15. The
new boiler and car shops are not yet
finished and It will be some time before
they ran be ready for use.
Aa ha been published by The rice, thesa
new shops are to be operated by electricity,
a plant having been established by the
Union Pacific on Its grounds for this pur
pose. This plant, so far as the machine
eh ops are concerned, is completed and ready
for use. It Is an extensive aflalr and of
the very latest and best Improved pattern.
With the mammoth shops lighted, heated
'and operated by electricity the Union Pa
cific will have one of the largest, most com
, plete and most modern establishments In
America. Eighty-three new machines will
' be placed in the new machine shops, or
have been already placed there, and this
equipment Is to be supplemented by the
' best and newest left In the old shopa. Much
lot the machinery In the latter Is practically
new and of modern make.
The new machine shop building Is a huge
structure. Its ground ' dimensions are 398
feet long by 150 wide and Its height Is
two stories. It Is ventilated by a superior
method and Is simply model In the man
ner In which It Is lighted. It will be so
arranged that the Interior will be as light
as day either at night or day. The roof
la composed largely of glass skylights
and the walls are cut up with lines of win
' dows. Besides this the whole of the ln
' terlor Is to be painted white. The great
number and the location of the electrio
bulbs will light every nook and corner at
sight so that darkness will be an unknown
element In tha shops.
Some Tremendons Machine.
One of the striking features of this shop
Is the large movable cranes that have been
installed. They are tremendous machines
and have no duplicate In this part of the
country. They will be operated by elec
tricity, too.
The oil house has been about completed.
The painters are just now putting on
their finishing touches and the company
may take possession of It within a few
days. After the machine shop and the oil
house are off hands every effort will be
directed toward the completion of the
boiler and car shops and other half com
pleted structures which go to complete the
system of shops.
A building yet to be reared Is the new
storage house, the foundation of which haa
Just been finished. This structure will be
two stories high and 300x150 feet In dimen
sions. It will stand Just west of the .ma
china shop and to one side of the new
roundhouse. This will be an unusually
large storage house. It will be used to keep
all aorta of supplies used In feeding the
ahops and keeping up the rolling stock.
Tha original plans called for the comple
tion of the machine shops about August 15,
but unavoidable circumstances precluded the
possibility of this and every effort has been
made alnce to get through with the work
aa quickly as possible: The continuous
rains of the spring and early summer
greatly deterred the builders In their work
and Is largely due for the delay In com
Omaha, fllnn-era Vnltlnsj to Bring- Best
Voters Together In Grand
Omaha people will probably have a fine
May festival next year. Negotiations are
pending with an eastern orchestra and a
bureau controlling prominent eastern solo
Locally, a "8tudy club," for the purpose
of working on the newer musical compo-
itlons for choir, orchestra and soloists
has been organised under the personal
direction of Mr. Thomas J. Kelly.
A few prominent citizens have signified
their willingness to support financially
and Infhientlally the proposed plan.
The festival choir will be composed of
seventy-five of the best voices to be found
In Omaha, Council Bluffs and South Omaha.
Choir alngers, ex-cholr singers and ex-
members of musical societies In other
cities are especially wanted. The next
meeting will be on Monday night at the
Kountze Memorial church, Sixteenth and
Harney streets, the most central location
tor all slnsers.
As the membership list now constats of
forty-one members and the limit Is
seventy-five. It will be necessary to ar
range for membership at once. Mr. Kelly
will receive Intending members on Satur
day afternoon at his studio In the Davldge
block. The singers will pleaae bring
'Hiawatha's Wedding Feast" (Coleridge-
Taylor) to Monday night's meeting.
Good Position Open.
Oood opening for a newspaper or magazine
olloltor. Permanent position for a com
petent man. Address Twentieth Century
Farmer, Bee Building, Omaha.
Cuckoo clocks Edholm, jeweler, op. P. O
Mm t.irda Will Be Sent to Those
Invited to Presidential
As the result of the failure of the presi
dent to carry out his western trip, the
Ak-6ar-Ben governors find themselves with
a quantity of material which Is practically
useless. When the invitations were ac
eepted by those invited to sit at the ban
quet with the presidential party each ac
ceptance was accompanied by J10. At the
meeting of the board Tuesday It was de
cided to return to the Intended guests the
money thus received and to accompany the
money with one of tha souvenir bills of
fare which had been prepared for the oc
casion, These bills will be given to those
Invited as a msrk of the good will of the
board and to show the recipients what they
missed. The expense of the preparations
on the part of the board, which will have
to be paid regardless of the failure, was
about 1400, and this will be paid from the
general fund, except what has already been
provided for by the members of the board
each of whom contributed liberally to the
special fund.
Union Paelflo Fatrolman Plrea Be-
rolrer Twice and la
The first disturbance In the vicinity of
the Union Paelflo yards sine the murder of
Earl Caldwell at Twelfth and Cass streets
occurred Tuesday evealng and as a result
E. F. Swan, one of th company's guards.
has passed through the police court and also
through the service of the Union Pacific.
Swan was arrested by Officers Taylor and
Leahey at the foot of California street for
discharging a big Colt's revolver twice, but
for the lack of a formal complaint against
him he was discharged yesterday morning
by the police and later by the company.
Swan claimed he accidentally discharged
his pistol, but as a Missouri Pacific switch
man called "Weeping Walter Bill," with
whom Swan is said to have bad some pre
vious trouble, happened to be at work on
the scene where the firing occurred, others
held that the shots were not accidental.
The switchman Is said to hare seen Swan
near one of the gates recently and taunted
him by calling him a "scab," whereupon
Swan is said to have replied: "Never
mind, I'll get you yet." It is asserted by
some who were present when the shooting
occurred that Swan's story that he dropped
his gun accidentally and thus caused the
discharge Is a fable. When arrested Swan
had two revolvers and a billy on bis person.
y Ik
money WITH IS
4 m cent
Ladies' Tailored Blouse Suits at $9.98
Good quality Venetian and Broadcloth, eS
satin fold trimmings, new poplin on
jacket and skirt with side Q8
pleat, a regular $15 value yJ
Ladies' Golf & Walking Skirts $1.98
Oood, heavy melton, with wide
corded and stitched flounce,
grays and oxfords, $3 value, at
Ladies' 27-Inch Kersey Coats at $6.50
Nutria collar, made with guaran
teed lining, in castor, red, navy
and black, regu- CQ
lar value ten dollars
Gold First Uncovered,
It fcss been prn that gold was first dis
covered In California In 1841, or about the
same time that Hostetter's Stomach Bitters
was first introduced to the publls as a fam
ily medicine. During those rears It has es- !
tabllshed an unequalled record of cures of
such ailments as flatulency, belching. In
somnia, nervousness and Indigestion. If
you have taken other medicines without ob
taining relief we would urge you to try the
Bitters. It will surely cure you.
The quality of Brandels' Millinery Is known to every woman in Omaha
who knows and follows the decrees of fashion. We show hundreds of beauti
ful creations, the designs of artists and the work of experts.
Trimmed Hats at $3.45
Several thousand Trimmed Hats, made' up
in the most approved style copied from
some of the best models of the season
alr-rflk mirrored velvets trimmed with
beautiful feathers, ornaments and
novelty effects most aaaw a
stores would ask live- J !
fifty to six dollars for y
so better goods........ Jr '
$1.50 Children's
Hats at 75c
Hundreds of pretty Felt Hats,
In cardinal, brown, navy,
green, etc., trimmed with
neat band of velvet, regular
$1.50 value, at
$3 Street
Hats at $1.95
Many styles of beauti
ful shaggy felt
Street Hats, tailored
in the very newest
effects, priced In
most stores at 13.00,
go at
75c Black Feather Breasts, 25e Hundreds of dozens of Black Pheasant
Feather Breasts, worth up to 7Se, nt.
Alarm clocks, all kinds. Edholm, Jeweler.
Chlengo to
Hew York,
Via Erie Railroad, Oct. Id, 4th. 6th and
It It the Erie ALL THB WAT from Chi
cago to New Tork. Through baggage car.
through coaches, through sleepers, through
dining csr. Absolutely no change. Fast
limited trains. Lowest rates. For time
tablea and information apply to H. L.
Purdy, traveling' passenger agent, Erie
Railroad, Chicago, 111.
Good 8-day mantel clock, S3. Edholm.
VI Milwaukee Ry.
On October 2, 8, 4 and 5 the Milwaukee
railway will sell round trip tickets to Wash
ington, D. C, for $28.05; also on same dates
half rates for round trip to points in Mich
igan, Indiana, Ohio and western Pennsyl
vania and very low rates to New York City
and Boston. On October 1 and 2 Chicago
and return, $14.75. City office, 1504 Farnam
street. F. A. NASH,
General Western Agent.
Via Wabash Railroad.
$11.50, St. Louis and return, October S
to 10.
$35.50, New Tork and return, October 2
to 6.
$28.05, Washington and return, October
2 to 6.
$31.75, Boston and return, October I
to 10.
Many more to points east. Call at Wa
bash corner, 1601 Farnam street, or ad
dress Harry E. Moores, general agent pas
senger department, Omaha. Neb.
the: A2Z
by constant use and must have a new
age if it ia to do good work. Constant
,ork dulls a man as it does an ax, makes
bitn sluggish of bodjr and dull of mind.
tit neea a tonic,
something that will
restore the keenness
of mind and activity
of body.
Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery
puts new life into
weak, worn-out, run
down men and
women. It strength
i ens the wesk stom
ach, purines the
blood, and effect
ively stimulates the
liver. The whole
body is built up with
sound, solid flesh by
the use of "Golden
Medical Discovery."
I was eoanned to my
Wd lor lour months
from January im, 1X09,
sod commenced to Use
iyour medicine January
.1Mb. iSuo." writes Mrs.
B11U L Shrpparii, of
Poplar bluff Mo. M
took eight bottles of Dr.
V ;1 lililllf ,1
1 I II 1,1
Watch Our
Watch Our
2UHf) Windows
Two Private Soldiers of Fort Orsok Held to
ledsral Osurt
Evidence Before United States Com
missioner Shows that Registered
Letters Were INirlolned
from Foatofllee at Fort.
Pierre's Golden Med
-iral Discovery, four of
'Favorite Prescription,1
two vials of 'Pleasant
Pellets.' and one bottle
Of Doctor fierce a I om
.pouud Extract of Smart'
Weed, as a liniment.
Indication, obatmatc
coa ui pat ton. and hardening of the liver was my
trouble. I ant at this time able to do almost any
hind of house work. Your medicine aaved rat
from my grave. Thanks to vou for the benefit.
My caae was BupcUss when I began taking your
Don't be fooled into trading a sub
stance for a shadow. Any substitute
offered as "just as good" as "Golden j
Medical inecovery,- is a snaaow 01 mat
medicine. There are cures behind every
'claim made for the " Discovery," which
to "just as good medicine " can show.
Biliousness is cured by the use of Dr.
ritra'l f Isaaant Peilata.
District Coart Restrains Mayor from
Having the Strnetnre
Judge Dickinson yesterday signed a
restraining order enjoining Mayor Moores
from interfering with the erection of the
reviewing stand In front of the courthouse
for the Ak-Sar-Ben electrical pageant. This
stand is being erected by the Omaha Btand
company, who secured the privilege by
unanimous vote of the Board of County
Commissioners on condition that aeats are
, to be provided for the county officials and
employes snd the county Is to be saved the
expense of putting up a stand of Its own,
as the city has done across the street. Be
fore the erection of the stand began the
company applied to tha mayor and building
Inspector for a permit and was told to go
ahead with Its work that a permit would
not be necessary.
Tuesday afternoon, when the stand was
! practically completed, the mayor ordered
! the chief of police to have It torn down,
' and Tuesday night the city council, by unani
mous vote, sdopted a resolution giving the
company the right to maintain the stand
and Instructing the building Inspector to
Issue a formal permit for it. The restrain
ing order which was signed by Judgs Dick
inson yesterday was granted on the peti
tion of the company, which alleged that
the mayor had threatened to Interfere with
! mo 01 ids rigma graniea. by
: the county commissioners rod the city
John A. Palmes and William B. Holbltter,
private soldiers from Fort Crook, were yes
terday bound over to the United States court
by Commissioner Anderson to answer to
charges of embezzling from the malls. A
bayonet, a rifle, a chapel, a church organ.
a chaplain's trunk and a color sergeant all
entered Into the scope of the testimony.
The hearing was further enlivened by
the fact that each man endeavored to shift
all the blame on the other. They were
handcuffed together, so sat before Commis
sioner Anderson side by side and close
together. As soon as Palmea had finished
his story of the affair Holbltter calmly an
nounced that it was all a He. He then told
his version and at its conclusion Palmes
said that was all a lie.
As a further complication It was de
veloped .that Palmes was already a prisoner,
being at the fort on a sentence tor deser
tion, which does not expire till next June.
In fact, Holbltter was acting as a guard
In charge of Palmes. as a prisoner at the
time the alleged purloining of the malls
occurred. Palmes said that Holbltter was
the leader In the matter, and, despite the
guard's denial, the commissioner held both
over. Palmes will go back to finish his
sentence at the fort or else to wait till
arrangements can be made with the War
department to let the United States court
have him sooner for trial. Meanwhile, Hol
bltter goes to Douglas county Jail on $500
bonds to await the call of the grand Jury
Palmea Tells of the Theft.
According to Palmes' story, on September
8 last he was at work cleaning up the
Implicated Holbltter, and the latter was
arrested. Deputy United States Marshal
Homan went to the fort Tuesday and
brought the men in-to Omaha. Holbltter
says he never saw the letters till Palmes
came around and showed them to him.
Sergeant Sheeny says It would be Impossible
for Palmes to get the letters without arms
or a pole of some kind, and even then his
guard, Holbltter, would certainly have seen
him do it The offense Is good tor a peni
tentiary sentence, -t
Via the Missouri Pacific Railway, Ac
count Fall Festivities
Which include the Great St. Louis fair,
which gives $30,000 in premiums; the gor
geous Veiled Prophet pageant; street fair
and carnival; horse show In the coliseum;
running horse races dally by the best thor
oughbreds In the country, and base ball
games between the teams of the American
and National leagues.
All events during October and the first
week in November.
Ask your local agent for detailed Infor
mation and visit the World's Fair city.
Oen'l Pass'r and Ticket Agt.,
1 St. Louis, Mo.
Announcement of the Theater.
The demand for the picturesquely sen
sational In the drama Is splendidly grati
fied In the magnificent production of
"Under Two Flags," which is announced
for an engagement of one week, commencing
Sunday, September 28. The dramatization
of Oulda's great novel of the same title
was made by Paul M. Potter, who also
dramatized "Trilby" and other equally suc
cessful works, and It Is the first and only
legitimate stage version of the world
famed novel. The play was first produced
at the Garden theater. New York, where
It scored one of the greatest dramatic suc
cesses on record. The road production will
be Identically the same as that seen in
New York.
Are You
A Stranger in the City?
' Don't be backward about asking questions in our store.
The more you ask the better we like it. We want you to know all
about our store. Inquire about our merchandise, about our meth
ods, about anything you wish to know concerning our store. It's your
privilege, and we consider it a favor when
you take advantage of it. When we've
served you for a time, you'll wonder how you
ever managed to trade elsewhere.
New Arrivals in
Women's Ma.n-
Teilored Sviits
Today we received some very swell suits for women at
$16.75, $19.75, $24.75
When inspecting these suits we want you to note many things,
especially the ehoiceness of the weaves and the shadings. The
strictly new ideas in sleeves and cuffs, the new style kinks In
collars and the shapes of the backs and fronts the trimmings
and the furnishings used the workmanship inside and outside
the gTace and rase in hang and draping of the skirts. THE OP
I Fifteenth
1 and Farnam
Fifteenth il
d Farnam m
Alt - SAR - BEN
Our $3.50 patent leather shoe for
this occasion will give entire satis
faction. Their equal will cost $5.00
at the ordinary shoe store.
We sell at factory price. Yon
save 20 per cent by buying of the
Men's Exclusive Shoe Store.
$3.50 and $2.fiO Men's Shoe.
& XO..
205 South 15th St.
of Interest for Omaha visitors
Store. He has so many nobby.
Jewelry line.
Spend a few minutes at his store,
is Lindsay's
tasty goods
In the
Look for the
S. W. LINDSAY, The Jeweler,
1518 DausUs St.
J. Im braxdeis a sons.
There Is honor In true
economy. Don't hlft t !
aside a reasonable portion of
your income. 11 you so desire.
wo wui oeip you to save It.
$1.00 Starts You.
J. L.
lttth A Dooarlas Sts.
A comedietta by Ella Wheeler Wilcox,
entitled "Her First Divorce Case," will
be a feature of the bill at the Orpheuro
for the week commencing Sunday, Septem
hallway of the administration building at ber 28- 11 lB the tnt dramatic effort of
the fort. Holbltter was his guard. The 1 the "Poetess of passion" and will certainly
Mortality tatlsttea.
Ths following births and deaths were
reported at the office of the Board of
Health during the twenty-four hours end
ing at non Wednesday:
Births William Boyce. 14K Jones street,
girl; Charles K. Burke, Midland hotel, Hix
to.nth and Chicago, girl.
Itoaths W. 11. Halley, St. Joseph's hos-
rltal. aed 40 years; Frances Zalomiek,
Hi Souih Fourteenth street, aged ID days;
Arthur w. Walton, 4us Walnut afreet, aged
4 months; siosea B. Yantes, St. Joseph's
hospital, agd 4o years; Charles F. John-
Uoldle May lifclbourn. Forty-third aoi
I cartas sueeta, aea u mouift.
postoffice Is In, the hallway beside the stair
way. High gatea guard the pigeon hole
boxes, so there is no wy to reach them
from the floor, but by going up the stairs
a little .way one can look over Inside,
ralmee says Holbltter ssked him to help
take a registered letter they could see In
there. Palmes was willing, so Holbltter
went up the stairs and by usiug his gun,
with bayonet fixed, was able to reach the
pigeon hole and sweep the letter out to
where Palmes could reach between ths slats
of the gate and get It.
Then they went upstairs Into the chapel.
unoccupied at that hour, and opened the
letter. It contained a $5 bill. They burned
the letter on top of the chaplain's trunk
and threw the ashes Inside It. They
then went to the csnteen and had the bill
changed. Each took half, and they bought
tobacco and other suppllee.
Coming back to finish the work, Holblt
ter had a hunch to get another letter, and
they did. This contained but 10 cents.
They grew careless snd did not burn the
letter, but put It under the organ In the
chapel, where It was found later snd Intro
duced ss testimony today.
Palmes' careless talk at the guard house
at night exposed him and his guard. Two
soldiers had been' wondering why their
money did not come and the post officers
were at a loss to discover who had been
pilfering the mall boxes. Color Sergeant
Sbeehy went Into the guard house last Fri
day to pump a prisoner about another
matter. From the next cell he overheard
another prisoner say that Palmes bad
plenty of money now because he was rob
bing the mail box. This was two weeks
after the theft.
Data Mas Coatfeaaea.
Palmes was confronted with aa accusa
tion and confessed everything at ones, lie
enlist a great deal of attention. It will
be presented by Mattis Keene and company.
In whose handa It haa met with splendid
It Is In devising 'comical situations that
Mr. Ade has demonstrated bis cleverness
as a librettist. While the dialogue bristles
with wit, the author of "Fables in Slang"
haa not been compelled to resort to slang.
Both In the book and the lilting lyrics he
has appealed to the strong American sense
of humor. His reward came In the three
months' run of "The Sultan of Sulu" last
spring In Chicago. Manager Sbvage has
given the piece a lavish production in
costumes and scenery and provided a com
pany of over aeventy people, and his Castle
Square Grand Opera orchestra. "The Sul
tan" appears at the Boyd next Friday and
Action Again. t City of South Omaha
for About Thlrteem Thou
sand Dollars.
ei v.. hpon filed in the district court
by the county of Douglas sgalnst the city
of South Omaha to collect I13.&.& ciaimea
by the county to be due for the board and
lodging of city prisoners from January 1,
1S93. to July 1, 1902.
The petition, which In Itself Is a brief
HrtflimAYlt. TT1 erelv states that within the
periods marked by the dates mentioned
and up to the present time 11 nas oeen
th. nr.rtlc for the city of South Omaha
to commit prisoners sentenced and liable
to be Imprisoned under us ordnances 10
th nmurlas county iail and the prisoners
have been boarded and lodged at the
Dfrrcod nrlres of 15 cents for each meal
and 12V4 cents for each night's lodging
anil that in consideration of that accommo
,iiinn ihn rnnntv of Douglas has been
compelled to pay and did pay to Us
sheriffs the sum of $13,575.
Tha netitlon 13 accompanied by an
itemized statement showing the names of
prisoners and the number of days tnat
each was boarded at the Jan.
Publish your legal notices in Ths Weekly
Bee. Telephone 238.
What Mrs. f harlea Moore Telia the
Police About Her
ri,..i. Mnnn was locked ud at an
early hour yesterday morning for threaten-
in. n mi his wife. Mrs. Olive Moore, wno
was hold in the matron's department to
prosecute. The case was set for Septem
v,. oa Trnuhl. tietween the two occurred
near Tenth snd Dodge streets, because
Moore objected to his wire going xo can
-h. ihon that he did not like. She
was in a carriage and he Is said to have
intimated to her that if sne auempieo. 10
get out and make the proposed call he
would kill her.
Via Wabash Railroad
To points In Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Ken
tucky, Pennsylvania, New Ycrk. Sold Oc
tober Z, 8. 4. 6. Less than half rate on
same datea to Washington. D. C, and re
turn. All Information at Wabash New City
Office, 1801 Farnam atreet, or address Harry
E. Moores, O. A. P. D., Omaha, Neb.
Chleee to Boston and Return, f 10.OO.
Via Erie Railroad.
Tickets on sale Oct. T to 11 Inclusive,
good to return on or before Oct. 13. By
deposit and payment of 60 cents, extension
of limit to Nor. 12 may be obtained.
Through sleeper. For time tables and de
tail Information apply to Mr. H. L. Purdy,
traveling passenger agent, Erie Railroad,
Chicago. 111.
Beautiful c&taa docks. Edholm, Jeweler
Cure for Asthma and Hay Fever
ThA .tatements Dublished below confirm
the claim of Dr. Sehlffniann that his rem
edy is an absolute cure for Asthma and
Hay Fever.
Mr. Marv Zachery. Pleasant Hill, L ,
eays: "I have found your Asthma Cure a
nnnanent cure for Asthma, for wnicn 1
used it 7 years ago. I have never had the
slightest return of the trouble since. 1
have also found your remedy excellent In
Rrnnchlal affections."
A Hay Fever sufferer writes: "I have
had Hay Fever for 14 years. I bought a
nackaee of your remedy (Schlffmann's
Asthma Cure), of our druggist and due to
its use this Is the first summer that I have
not been troubled." Mrs. Frank Guilfogle,
237 Ridge avenue. Roxboro, Philadelphia.
Sold by druggists at 60c and $1 00.
Send 2c stamp to Dr. R. Schlffmsnn, Box
90. St. Paul, Minn-, for a. frea sample
ipllilll I lllll llTITTlTTTirafaTmn,'Tfc
The Carnival
Opened Yesterday
And while you're taking .In the
carnival, walk down to 1419 Farnam
and take a look at our misses' school
shoes in plump kid or box calf up
pers, kid or patent tip; genuine rock
sole leather sole. A shoe to f t grow
ing feet, broad bottoms and toes;
an everyday school shoe that will
give satisfaction.
Slzea 8H to 11, il 25.
Sizes lift to 2. $1 60.
Sizes 2tt to 6, 12.00.
In low, flat or spring heels.
Omeha's Un-to-Date Shoe House,
Faint Heart Never Won Fair Lady
and If you don't Inwist upon being served
with Mots beer you'll n.ot got the satisfac
tion thut only Metz beer can give
Hrewed fnr particular people we main
tain it at the highest standard of perfec
tion so that there's "no kirk coming'' from
the moat crltlnnl. unri vnn'll flnH I, .
ob well as nn invlgnrant every time you
quaft its foaming ilellclousness.
Metz Bros. Brewing Co.
Tel. Oaaahau
Or Jacob Neumayer. Agt., eare Keumays:
Hotel. Council Bluffs. Tows.
Pacific Coast
ais.BO to SPOKANE.
UO.OO to Ut'TTE.
. to HELENA.
Tickets On Sale Kvery Day In
City Ticket Office
1S2.1 FAUN AM aVllKET.
Everybody who attenrlH the AK-SAlt-BEN
carnival this year will Imvt- a k""'I
time anyhow weath-r pood or wtahM.
bad makes r.o ilitTiTm f, Yuiihi Omaha s'
people propose to xhow her vtnitcirs thq
krlKht Hide of lite onrp and they won't
stand for no Interference from Mr. Welch.
Carnival open everything 1h booming.
Come to Omaha anil forget your t rnul.
land BAVK JlliNKV ON YOUK lutirflk
NKKIjS MV TllAIH.Vii AT Till'. oNI.T
HON' T l'.KION'i TO TIIK 'i l'.l .ST HAN'S,
tl.oo I'erima :.7t .
Jl.uO Hwaitix Koot !o
1. mi Cramer's Kidney Cure (guaran
teed) Ou
tvie Cramer's Kidney Cure (uat-i n
teed 1 !!
tXltt Marvel Whirling Spray Hyrv m-.. .;'.!.
12. uO Chester's 1'eniiyn.yal 1'llla H.11O
1 () German Klmmell Hitter (guar
anteed) : "i'-t,
II. U) Temptation Tonic 2.r.o
'ilia Quinacetol best fnr colds 2' in
Open All Night.
Tel. T4?. S. W. Cor. lUlh and Cblnago.
The Bee for All News
Tou nre uot rarin lor CIIEOMOS. M'.UEM LS Ir KfcK HUALS, ETC. but
F. X. fUCS nUOiCXN'TUJB CIO Ail CO Msnf. L Loulav. Vaiwi lt4e.