Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1902, Page 8, Image 8
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1902. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL September lflittt Istrt the Chicago Priot TMchinj Eight Coat. OTHER OPTIONS ALL CLOSE HIGHER Irptfmkfr Cora Scores Ciood Ad vance. While Oatu and Provisions Are Also "Irons In ym paiby with Wheat. CHICAGO, Sept. 22. Unfavorable weather vu the principal cause of an upturn In prlcea today on the board of Trade, and with strong demand September wheat cloned 4c higher, while th" December option waa H'8"c higher; September corn waa 3c higher, September oata closed "4 higher, while January provision closed from 6c to 7'c higher. Wheat waa active after the first hour of trading, and the undertone waa exceedingly strung. The unfavorable weather, com bined with the great anxiety of shorta to cover contracta, were the main strengtncn ing features. Several millions of busheU were covered In tte pit today. The Bep tember option waa the most active, al though there waa good buying of other months. September opened unchanged to o higher at ilVl i54c and prices rose with scarcely a check, the close being at the high point of the day at c, a gain of 47e. Jjecember opened unchanged to Vc higher at RHV(j6M,c, and after a slight decline to lWVi'&!c there was a rally to 7oH&;o4c, and the close waa Vac higher at TOVff Ivhuc. There waa a uecreaae for the wees, Jn the amount on passage of 1,120,(100 bu. World's ahipmenta were 10,839.0-10 bu. for last wVek, against 9,346,OUO In the same week lust year, Primary receipts were 1.65,0 bu.. agHlnst 1.814.UO0 a year ago. Clearance of wheat and Hour were equal to 816,000 bu. Minneapolis and buluth reported recelpta of 1,024 cars, and with local receipts of 218 cars, six of contract grade, the total re ceipts for the three points were 1,272 cars, against 1,608 last week and 1.178 a year ago. Strength In wheat and rains throughout the corn belt imparted strength to corn. Shorts In the September delivery became anxious and In their endeavor to cover their contracts, prices were advanced with a rush. Offerings were light and came from scattered sources. September corn opened htc lower at 69c, but there was a steadv advance to 62ViC, with the close So higher at 6:"4c Derember opened Vc higher at 44'4,-,44'c, and after touching 44&44V the close was 1614c higher at 45'4,e. Local re celpta were 420 cars, with 60 cara contract trade. Oata were dull and heavy, In spite of the marked advance In other gralna. Commis sion house trade, after opening, was light. There waa some selling of Ltecember by the local crowd. December opened Hiffv-c lower at 30V4ij30i,c. The low point was reached at 3o'c, from which there waa a slight rally, and the clone was He higher at io. Local receipts were 265 cars, with 38 of contract grade. The feature to trading In provisions was the covering of September and October stuff, by local shorts, which raised the prlcea of these options and January held steady in sympathy with the strength In nearby deliveries. January pork closed 6c higher at $16.10, lard was ?4c higher at V6i4 and ribs 6c higher at 38. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat ?JJ8; corn' 610 carsi 0at8. 26 cars; hogs, . 17,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close Safy. Wheat Sept. Dec. May Dec. may Oats a Sept. b Sept. . b Dec. May Oct. Jon. May Lard Sept. Oct. Jan. May Ribs Sept Oct. Jan. 794,H 80 "04 314, 7941 SO 7FHi rottA-SI 70V.I H9S4 lOHtf 69 6241 69 . 62U 6914 4:Si44ff444 454 44M44 'rW vs 414wi.4vii8':t 44 oVu-ii 2634 2fr 32 26 324 4 26 264 324 304 31V 16 65 16 65 15 05 14 20 10 95 9 85 8 bO 8 074 11 024 10 374 7 96 i24 3244 ;30Vifi-S 31 fy, 30" 314 31 314 314 16 70 IS 80 15 10 16 85 16 90 16 60 15 or 15 124 15 174 14 a 10 VLV. 14 30 11 25 14 1741 10 924I 9 92 4 8 5241 14 274 11 25 10 00 9 924 10 074 8 674 8 124 8 ho 8 574 8 124 8 1241 JO 11 90 10 50 11 30 10 60 8 00 11 30 11 00 8 00 11 SO 10 90 8 00 7 974 No, J. a Old. bNew. Ca-.h quotatlona were as follows: FLOUR Firm: winter patenta. 83.40WS.60; straights. $3.1003.30: cleara, 32.70S3 00; spring specials. $4.204.30; patents, $3.40 1.70; straights. $2.9tV(i3.20. WHEAT No. 2 spring, 724c; No. S spring, $8'&72c; No. 3 red, 75&78c. CORN No. 2. 624c; No. 2 yellow, 624c OATS No. 3 white. 314c RYF. No. 2, bOc. BARLEY Good feeding, 48(Sl60c; fair to choice malting, 57&58c. SEED No. I flax, $1.35; No. 1 northwest ern, $1.35; prime timothy, $3.16; clover, con tract grade, $9.00. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $16.70 fi-18.75. Lard, per 100 lbs.. $11.1241U5. Short ribs sides (loose). 3U.W11.25. Dry salted shoulders (boxed). 9 26-6(9.60. Short clear aid. a (boxed). $U.12411.374. WHISKY Basis of high wines. $1.32. The following were the receipts and ship ments of grains yesterday: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls , 21,200 26.700 Wheat, bu 1K0.400 102.700 Corn, bu 403,300 626,3"0 Oata, bu 316,000 181,9u0 Kye, bu 28, 900 Barley, bu 128,900 11.100 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady; creameries, 164J22c; dairies, 15G2fc. Eggs, steady; loss off. cases returned, S0(&204c. Cheese, steady at 104ull4c . NEW YORK GENERAL. MARKET. ((.notations of the Day on Various Commodities. NEW YORK, Sept. 22. FLOUR Re ceipts, 33,360 bbls. ; exports. 11.217 bbls. Mar ket quieter on account of stronger news of holders: winter patents, S3.60ft3.90; winter straights, $3.3533.50; winter extraa, S2.8d'u3.10; winter low gradea, $2.&Dh2.90; Minnesota patents, 33.80u4.00; bakers, $3.15 i3.35. Rye rtour, ateady; fair to good, vi 16 63.40; choice to fancy, S3.50&3.60. Buck wheat hour, dull, $1.7ixa-.2o, bid, according to delivery. CunNMKAI-8teady ; yellow western, $131; city, $1.30; Brandywlne, $3 45&0.66. RYE Finn; No. 2 western, 58c, f. o. b.. afloat; No. 2, 64c on track; state, &44 6i4c, c. 1. f.. New Tork. BARLEY Dull; feeding. 43c, c. I. f., But falo; malting, dull, filfeitplEIc, c. I. f., Buf falo. WHEAT Receipts, 212,650 bu.: exports. 327.697 bu; spot market, steady; No. 3 red, 76c, elevator; No. 2 red, 7i44i75e. f. o. b., alloat: No. 3 northern Duluth, K474c. f. o. b., atloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, 84c, f. o.- t., anoat. it waa another dull day in grain. Despite realising at times, the ten dency waa atrongly upward, following a senaatlonal jump In September at Chicago. The advance waa also helped by a disap pointing visible supply. Increased rains in the northwest, liberal clearances and a scare of local shorts. The close waa rtrm at 4&4c net advance. May, 75lU'7c ; December, 74 5-16a744c, cloaed 744c. CORN Receipts, 1.150 bu. ; exports, 290 bu. Spot, llrm; No. 2, 72o elevator and 694c f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow. Toe; No. 2 white, 70e. Option market waa generally strong all day, following wheat, together with heavy rains west and fears of a lessened movement, small visible supply in crease and covering. The market cloaed llrm at 44i5S.c advance. May, 46c. closed 44c; September, 67iSSo. cloaed 68c; De cember, 6oKuOe, closed 5ojC. OATS Receipts, 1,500 bu. ; exports. 60, lt bu. Spot, quiet; No. 2, 32c; No. I white. S44c; No. S white, 32c; track white, S-OslTc. Options quiet, but fairly steady; September closed at 844c; December closed at 36Uc. HAY Steady; shipping, &4j70e; good to choice, 91x110. PROVISIONS Beef, quiet; family, $16 60 (115.60; mesa, $12.0W(i 12.50; beef hams. $22 00 23.00; packet, I14.0" 16.U0; city, extra India mesa, $24.0on26 txt. Cut meata. steady; pick led bellies, UtiMc; pickled shoulders, 84,11 Sc; pickled hams. 114ul2c. Lard, firm; western steamed, $11.10; refined, firm; con tinent, $11 25; South America. $11.60: com. pound. $7 75i8.00. Pork, steady; family, $20.50 ti21.tio; short clear, $19 Omum.OO; mesa, $17. U 1 a. ou. HOPS Quiet: state, common to choice. 1901. 2tw32c; 11, 21i2c. olds, fiwilc; Pa cific coaet. 1902, tVuJtc; 1901, au32i4c; olds. kiil2 1HDE8 Quiet; Galveston, 18c; California. 19c; Texas, 14c. LEATHER Pirn: hemlock sole. Buenos Ayrea, Hunt to heavy, acid. 24;u2fv.c. TALLOW Qalet; city. 64c; country, $4 RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra. 44 '; Japan, 444344c B UTTER Reoel p ta. 8.724 nkaa.: firm: stats dairy. li4j'21c; creamery, extra, 2"-'4c; June creamery, common to choice, 1722c. CHEESE Receipts. 1.091 pkis .; Arm; fancy, large, colored ana wnits, loc; fancy. small, new, sta'te, full cream, colored and white. llc. E JOS Receipts, 8.130 rags-I firm; ctate anrl Pennsylvania, average nest, caw; wenfern, csndled, 211? 224c; western un- candled. 1!"p214c POULTRY Alive: Nominal. Dressed Firm; western chickens, 1440: eastern fowls, lli 1.14c; spring turkevs. l.HS'lnc. METALS Marked weBkness, due to the usual heavv nfTerlnes h nd light demantl. developed In both the home and English mnrkeis for tin today, the session rinsing with prlc-s at bottnm, the local market showing 35 points decline, and London a break of 27s; f.i lures In London at 116 5. Salfs reported here Included five tons spot at $26.50 anil 15 tons for future delivery Ht $26.t. Price of copper also showed great weakness) of undertone In both markets. The tirlce of Inke In the oien market eased off 6 points In the Inside prices, 25 to SO points on standard and 15 points on eiec tolytlc and casting. Standard closed at in6.i, bid; lake, fU.Wau.ib; electrolytic, SU.a;; casting, $1 1.35rill 45. Iondon declined 1, spot closing at 52 is 3d and futures at 52 6a 3d. Iead ruled quiet and steady, all around being quoted at 44c here and 10 1v9d at Irfindon. Spelter wan steady and unchanged here at $o.274 The local market for Iron was quiet, but steady at unchanged prices. Warrants, nominal; No. 1 foundry northern, $23.mii 26.00; No. S foundry northern, No. 1 foundry southern and No. 1 foundry sojihem, soft, $22.ii23.00. Gliisgow closed slightly higher at isn 3d and MldUlesborough unchanged at 53s 9d. OMAHA wholesale: markets. Condition of Trad and .notations on Staple and Fancy Prodoee. EaOS Candled stock. 19c. LIVE POULTRY Hens, 994c: roosters, according to age, 4'oOc; turkeys, 8f?10c; ducks and geese, 56c; spring chickens, per lb., 124c. BUTTER Packing stock, 14c: choice dairy. In tubs, 1417c; separator, 22ff23c. FRESH CAUGHT FISH Trout, 11c: her ring. 6c; pickerel, 8c; pike, 10c; perch, 6c; buffalo, dressed, 7c; sunflsh, 3e; blueflns, Sri whlteflsh. 10c: salmon. 16c: haddock 11c: codfish, 12c; redsnapper, 10c; lobsters, boiled, per lb., 30c; lobsters, green, per ID., 2fc; bullheads. 10c; cattish, 13c; black bass, 18c; halibut. 11c. . CORN 55c OATS Old, 48e; new, S5c. P.RAN Per ton, $14.00. HA Y Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 up land, $S; No. 1 medium, $7.60: No. 1 coarse, $7.00. Rye straw. $6.50. These prlcea are for hsy of good color and quality. Demand fair: receipts light. OYSTERS Standards, per can. 30c; extra selects, per can, 37c; New York counts, pet can, 46c. VEOETABLE8. NEW CELERY Kalamaioo, per dog., JOc; Kearney, per dos.. 35tfi60c. POTATOES New. per bu., 25ft30c. SWEET POTATOES Per lb., 2c TURNIPS-Per bu., 30c. BEETS Per basket, 40c. GREEN CORN Per dos.. 5a CUCUMBERS Per bu.. 25c. RADISHES Per dos., 10c WAX BEANS Home grown, per market basket, 25c; string beans, per market basket, 25c. CADBAOE Home grown, new, lc ONIONS New home grown, In sacks, per bu.. &0a60e. TOMATOES Per market basket, 4550e. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. $2.15. FRtTITS. PEACHES California late Balways, 75c; Colorado, 75fcS5c; Michigan, per bu. box, $2 5. PLUMS California, per 4-basket crate, f.ncy, $1.26; California egg. per box, $1.10; heme grown, per 8-lb. basket. 1618c; Colo rado and Idaho, per 4-basket crate, $0,854) 1.00. PRUNES California, per box. $1: Hun garian, $1.25; Utah per 4-basket crate, 85c. hKAKa uaurornia nartieiia, per dox, z, Flemish Beauty. $l.S5il.&0; New York, per bbl., $4; per keg, $1.90; Utah canning stock, per box, $1.35Eil.50. APPLES Cooking, per bbl., $2.25; eating, Winexaps, $2.26i2.50; Jonathans, $2.25ff2.du. CANTJX)UPE Genuine K. F., per crate, $2.26. CRABAPPLEtJ Per DDI., WATERMELONS Crated. 15i3C0c GRAPES Eastern, 25c; Tokays, perorate. $1.76. CRANBERRIES Per bbl.. $6.60ffS.76; per box, $2.25. TROPICAL FRUITS. BANANAS Per bunch, according to size. $2.2a8'2.75. LEMONS California, $4. 00S4.25; Messlnaa, $4.fKg-o.00. oranges vaiencias. 4.7txBD.W; Mediter ranean Sweets, $4.0O4.25. PINEAPPLES Per crate. 4.Z5B4.6Q. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY New Utah, per 24-frame case. $3.60. CIDER New York, $3.75. No 1 salted, 84c: No. 2 salted. 74c: No. 1 veal calf, 8 tc 124 lbs., 84c; No. 3 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry hides. 8(0 12c; sheep pelts, 75c; horse hides, Xl.Wdi'M. popcorn per lb., 5c; shelled, 6c. NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft ahell. Der lb.. 12c; hard shell, per lb., 114c; No. 2 soft shell, per lb., 10c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., c; Braklls, per lb 14c; filberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb., 15c; pecans, large, per lb 12c; small, per lb., 10c; cocoanuts, per dos., 60c, ui.u mmalih a. u. Aipern quotes the following prices: Iron, country mixed, -per ten, $11; iron, stove plate, per ton, $8; cop per, per lb., 84c; brass, heavy, pr lb., 84c; brass, light, per lb., 64c; lead, per lb., 8c; sine, per lb., 24c; rubber, per lb., 640. St. Louis Grain and Provisions. RT TtTTfl Cant 91 Ul.l,u. - , ' , . . , I . . . . 4 .11111 I , on-ic; oepiemoer, tc; DecemDer. 674 74c; May, 69c; No. 2 hard, 70c vuxvin jiig.-ier; 00. z caan, tvc; track, 58c; September, 67c; December, 384384c; May. .04c. OATS Hlrhur- Ma n..k .. . 294i&'30c; September, 294c; December, 274c; n i iv-r irm at 4Hq?4c. P I At " ft K An H v tvInU 4 - 63.35: ?xtrA fnnov an A tatruiirKt to arjrtn oa. clear. $2.80-2.90. SEED Timothv, steady, $3.0063.60. CORNM E A L Steady, $2.90. BRAN Steadv to Arm! nolrmwl ... track, 63S66c. HAY KteRriv tn firm Hmnthir urubAii ea. prairie, $7.5tii9.6o. 1R01N iviitiu riiia I1.07H. BAGGING 6 5-16U7 l-16c. HEMP TWINE Sc. I'kl ) VISION'S IW n... .. 4t boxed, extra shorts and clear rlb, $11.60; onuri ciear, Bacon, nrm; boxed ex tra shorts and clear ribs, $12.60; short clear, $12,874. Pork, higher; Jobbing, old, $16.90; new, $17.30. Lard, higher. $10.60. METAIS Iyead, steady at $4,024. Spelter, firm at $5.2Rtp5.35. POULTRY - Steady; chickens. 94c; springe. 10c; turkeys. 104c; djeks. 7Vc; geese, 44c. " BUTTER Rtnaitv icm,-. dairy Inline ' ' r.GGa Steady at 18c. loss off. heat, bu 177 mo .0 Corn, bu 6h!onO m um Oats, bu 144.0UO 40.kin Liverpool Grain and Provisions. LIVERPOOL, Sept. 22.-WHEAT-8pot: firm; No. 2 red western winter, 6a lid; No. 1 northern spring, 6a 6d; No. 1 Cali fornia. 6a 6d. Futures: Quiet; September. 6a 10Sd; December, 6s 10d. CORN Spot, quiet; American mixed, 6s 104d. Futures, quiet; October, 4s 4d; No vember, nominal; January. 4s 14d. PEAS Canadian, quiet, Sa 8d. FLOUR St. Louis fancy winter, quiet 8a 3d. HOP8 At London (Pacific coaat), old crop, rinn, 6 lusti7; 1902 crop, firm, 7 PROVISIONS-Beef. strong; extra India mess. 110a. Pork, strong; prime mess west ern, 88a. Hama, short cut, 14 to 16 lbs., firm, 66s 8d. Bacon, Cumberland cut, 26 to SO lbs., 63s 6d; short ribs, 16 to 24 lbs., strong, 65a 6d; long clear middles, light, 28 to 34 lbs., firm. 62s; long clear middles, heavy, 35 to 40 lbs., 60s; short clear backs. 16 to 20 lbs., 60s 6d; clear bellies, 14 to 16 lbs., 60s. Shoulders, square, 11 to II lbs., firm, 53s 6d. Iard. prime western. In tierces, steady. 62a 3d; American refined. In palls, dull. 53a 3d. The Imports of wheat Into Liverpool last week were 128.500 quarters from Atlantic porta. l.OuO from Pacific and 36,000 from other ports. . The Imports of corn from Atlantic ports last week were 7.9U0 quarters. Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Sept. 22-WHEAT-8ep-tember, 66tii64c; December, 6fkjji5'c; caan No. 2 hard. 674c: No. I. 64b'664c; No, 2 red.' 664J664C; No. 3. 634o64e. CORN September, 664c; December, S64c gJ3So; cash, No. t mixed, 574c; No 2 white, &&Uiuc; No. 8. 684c OATS No. I white, 324j33c RYE No. i, 4Ac. H1A.YDn-rlo?-tlmo,ny- &9; choice prairie. $7.7&4?.25. BUTTER Creamery. lS3uc; fancy dairy. EGGS Firm; fresh Missouri and Kansas stock, 174c, loss on, cawes returned .. . . Receipts. Shipments. V. heat, bu 1.6nO M 4,,) Corn, bu 23.o OaU, bu 42.0UU jj.ooj rislladelnntsv Prsdaes Market. PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 22. -BUTTE R I'nchanged; extra western creamery. 23c: extra nearby points, 24c EGGS Firm, good demand; frsab nearby, 23e, loss off: fresh western. 224c loss off: fresh southwestern, 21c, loss off; fresh Southern, lpvoc, loss ofT CHEESE Firm. good demand; New York full creams, prime, small. 11491140; New York fair to giod. 10-gilc; New York prime, large, lollc; New York fair to good, WaUic. Toledo Grain and Seed. TOLEDO, Sept. 22 WHEAT Fairly ac tive and strong; cash, 744cj September, 74c; Iecember, 734c; May, i44c. CORN More active and strong; cash, 63e; September, 634c; December, 434c; May. 4 '4c OATS Dull bul firm; September, S14c; December, 304c; May, 314c SEED Clover, more active and easier; October. $5.S5; January, $6.40; No. 2, alslke, $7. no- prime alsike, $8.10. RYE -62c Visible Snpplji of Grain. NEW YORK, Bert. 22.-The visible sup ply of grain Saturday, September 20, as compiled by the New York Produce ex change, Is as follows: Wheat, bushels; Increase, 470,000 bushels. orn. 2.431.(100 bushels; Increase, 167,i0 bushels Oats, 1. 647, nr) bushels; Increase, l.&iw.oon bushels. Rye, 917,noo bushels- Increase, 25,ono bushels. Barley, 1,191,000 bushels; In crease, 660,000 bushels. Minneapolis Wheat, Floor and Drnn. MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 22.-WHEAT-Sep-tember, 70c- December, 674c: on track, No. 1 hard, 724c; No. 1 northern. 70c; No. 2 northern, 69c. FIX5UR Higher; first patents, IS.Jtr.On; second patents, $.1. SOTO'S 90; first clears, $3.15 B9 25; second clears, $2.55. BRAN In bulk, $11.0tXg 11.50. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Sept. 22. WHEAT Higher; close: No. 1 northern, 75'5''ic; No 2 northern, 724-84c; December, 7(4c RYE Steady; No. 1, 61c BARLEY Lower; No. 2, 6Sg6c; sample, goo"c CORN December. 4434c ( Peoria Market. pmrtTA. Sent. 22. CORN Firmer: No. . "4c. . v- Klll. OATS tsasy; ro. a wune, .j. "wHKY-On the basis of $132 for fin ished goods. Dnlnth Grain Market. DULUTH. Bert. 22.-WIlEAT-Cash No. 1 hard, 724c; So. 2 northern, S4c; No. 1 northern. fcVc: September. 704c; Decem ber, 674o. ' os- OATS Bepiemoer, Juci ut"""-"' -NEW YORK STOCKS ASD BOJ4D9. Tnsteady and Somewhnt Feverish Day on the Street. . c n TVtAre wna a spasm 01 nquiuauun ...c -- this morning and a somewhat feverish and Irregular movement aunn im day. This was mevuaoie, ou: - ; ' . 1. ... , Via kunw, rn Saturday of a deficit of over $1,600,000 In the reserves re quired, but the comparatively small "feet In the market ana me wnicn phuiih . . ... prices the moment there was the slightest relaxation in tne -e."B -r. "I .V . - W - .aallaforl In ltd Oriff til. lTilf WHS BUIIirwiioi nv.tx w . ... - 7. , as shown by the comparatively small Um of tne selling oruers. 1 1.0 "l,J ""," however, were concentrated and in many casea were for 1,000 shares and upward. indicating me laigc imuY'V-1" , ' ." terests supporting the market. Considerable Inroads were maoe u iun yi --- . I . l Tnnlfln kslnir a consolCUOUS ICRS. flllBIUUII X ... - ' sufferer, with a loss of 34. but during the latter part of the day that stock scored a full recovery, ana bi. time over last week. Another flurry In the 1. . . ort rtnr- r,nt sent nrlces money iiinrRrri 1. off at the last and made the closing heavy. A feature of tne traamg whs me ui... up of tho old EtirTrron stock to 210. wlth- , 1 an.. nfrrlnars as nrac- tlcally all the stock has been retired in exchange lor tne joim " sale was In April at 1944- The advance In aw- 1 j -a. Inlanrlp As an fljlol- tlnnal demonstration of tha comparative cheapness of St. Paul. The money maraei waa on wuij . isn ail uay, iinniii. ,.c.D - A small amount loanel at the opening at 7 per cent, but the 'rate ran up quickly to la per ceni, reacieu m iv 1.1 ...... ...... 1 . hUhnal a OO niT cent. rose huhiii m in' in-,,."., . 1 m The banks are under practical necessity or contracting tneir umim, m - the deftcU In their reserves, but the process of contraction seems to be done reluctantly. There was no apparent purpose to pushing the process bevond the actual necessities of the situation created by the reserve deficit and preparations for additional fu ture Inroads upon cash reserves were not perceptible. There was no sympton of dis trust Or laCK OI Commence iu-nrui ni.u . l jt.nA.ulnn rt lnnHrfl Inclodlnff tltt H K S. me uioiupi.iwii .... -. -- v. . vaat. - nan ovorv Available ' 1 1 1 1. IU IM B"J fc " " " " -J dollar they can muster, trusting to future contingencies 10 cn-cn or imwi m- n. drain on reaervea. The sub-treaaury state ment today showed some slight relief from the drain in the shape of a contribution of several nunareq inouaanu annum u. umi Institution to the banks. This was due to jt 11 HAM .h. ,1 a n , avoranii or CIIS- n. uecinic iiviu . " " " 1 c - - toms collections to- large pension payments and the additional disbursements of gov ernment Interest. Small parcels of K!on dike gold arriving on the Pacific coast are made Immediately available by telegraphic tranaier ana tne i.uw.uw bhiihitih mm, London Is expected to arrive by the middle of this week. On the other hand. $3iA00O was transferred today through the sub treasury to New Orleans, the sharp fall In sterling exchange was met by a rise In the price of gold and In discount rates In Lon don. From Interior centera reporta are advancing money ratea. Effective meaaures of reller or tne local money bhuuiioii re main. In short, to be found. Bonds were easy, but not Tery active. n-.Ai tn. n caliia li AIR OHO TTnltpd "States 2s, coupon, advanced 4 and the registered 1 per cent 011 mo mi tan. The following are the cloatng prices on me INCW X OI It Diuv rAi.uaiiBi Atrhlun 34 So. Pclflc .. M14 .. 3'4 .. MS .. rfH ... (0 .. 444 ..lu4a .. 2S .. SH .. .. 1 .. 40 .. ... Ml, . .21U ,..tM) .15 J ..240 ... 7H .. .. 1S 23i ... to .. 4T .. 7 ..104 ... 7H ... 8H. ...I2SS ..1224, ... 20T4 ... MS ... 73 S ... 77 ... M .. 47 ,.. ...130 ... HOS ,.. 44 do pfd itAi bo. Hallway Baltimore A Ohio. ..1134 do pfd do pfd M Texa & Pacific... Canadian Pacific ....1424 T.. St. L. A W... Panada Southarn .... 871. do Dfd t'l.aa. A Ohio ttB Viiloc Pacific Chicago & Alton.... 41 ao pia do pfd 75V) Wahaih Chtraio. I. L. ... 1 do pfd w.iA M W. aV I.. R Chicago A Ot. W.... i3i do td pfd ao In pia.. an n ivnirai ri,. Id nfd 47' do Dfd Chicago A N. W 21n Adam Kipnaa ... C.. R. 1. r zio Ainer. r.ipreae ... Chicago T. A T I'. 8. Eipreaa in pfd 41V4 Walla-Farso El... C. C. C. A St. L 1064 Amal. Copper Colo. Southera Si Amer. C. A F.... do lit pfd 144 do pfd do Sd pfd M Si A mer. Lin. Oil... Pels. A Hudaon 177 1 do pfd TV la., L. A W Z7( Amu. 8. A R dr, nfil n Ana. Mln. Co... 40-), Hrk. Rap. Tr.... atf Colo. P. A I Erie ' d(. lat pfd.., do 2d pfd.. Ol. Nor. pfd . . Horklng Valley do pfd Illinois Cantral Iowa Central . - do pfd L B W... ..Ids Con. Ton. pfd.,. General Electrlo Mocking Coal ... .... 3 . ...1S8'4 .... 47S .... 3i .... a Int'n 1 Paper ... do pfd Int'n'l Power .. Larlrda Gaa .... National lllacult National Itad .. No. American . du pfd ....1 Ualt A Kaah 1&;44 Manhattan L 17 Ml 8t. Rr Mex. Cntral .... Vrx. National ... Minn. A 81. L... Mo F-aclAc U.. K A T do pfd N 1 Cantral N T. Central.... Nnr. A Waal.... od ntd Pacific Coaat Pnclflc Mall fOC- Pannla'a Oaa IMS . 64 . 0 231 . l.'S . MS 1S . . 14S , 7S 1444 . M , II . H . 4il . MS . Ni . ..Ut'Prcawd Steel Car... ..Ill do pfd .. 53 Pullman Pal. Car... .. tt Ktpubllc Steal ..17 do pfd .163 Sugar .. 14Tfiin. C A I .. M U. B. A P. Co i .. n do pfd ,.174 U. 8. Leather .. 71 I do pfd .. 1714 V. 8. Rubber .. 77 V do pfd ..II U. I. Steel .. Wl do pfd .. 7644'W.atern t'nlon .. MS Are. Locomotlva .... .. 761 do pfd ..IMS K. C. Southarn ...! do pfd Oitarto A W lni aylvaola .... trading du lat pfd do td pfd,.... 11 lab. r.... do lat pfd do Id pfd St. U S. W do pfd t Paul dr pfd Offered. MS T7 Loalea Stork Market. LONDON. Sept. 22. Consols for monay... 3 do account M HI Anaconda 6H Auhlaon do pfd 1S Baltimore A Ohio. . . . 1 1 1 Canadian Pacific 144S Chaaaixaka A Ohio.. MS Chicago O. W U Chicago. M. A St. P. mi twUaara tdrf.l IIS Ixnvwr A H. O M do pfd 7 Erl 41 do tat pfd 7l' do Id pfd 17 Illinois Cantral 174V4 Loui.vllla A Naah....lMS Mlaaourl. K. A T ... MH do pfd US -4 p. m. Closing: N York Central. . Norfolk A Wntarn. do pfd Ontario A Waatarn 7 . 77 . MS . M . kS . lis '4 . 44S . 40 . 4.."4 . M . ih4 .lll retina)-Ivan la Rand Mlnaa kradlng , do lat pfd do Id pfd Southern Railway. , do pfd Southarn Pacific... Inloa Pacific do pfd I'nitad Stataa Steal 41' 00 piq H t abaan s Pi MS Spanlah 4a M MONEY-2462H per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for sltnrt bills U I1&-11'3 per cent and for three-montha-bills $ per cent. BAR SILVER Quiet at 2T,d per ounce. CoadUleia of the Treaaary. WABHINOTON, gept. 22Today a state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the HOO.uuu.uuO goUl reserve In the division of redemption, shows: Available rash balance, $ilS,f3, 427; sjold, $l.K),r.-6,765. S Verk Master Market. NEW TOTIK, Pept. 12. MONET On rsll, strong at 7(&30 pr cent: closed offered st 12 per cent; prime mercantile paper, btt per cent. HTERLINO F.XCHANOE Steady t the decline, wlfh actual business In bankers bills at $4.W7! for demand and at $4 S275'f 4.KK75 for slxtv days; posted rates. $4.834'd 44: commercial bills, $4Ktf4.M. SILVER Bar, BISc; Mexican dollars, 40to. BONDS Government and state, firmer; railroad easier. The closing quotations on bonds are as follows: V. 8. rf. Ja. rt....ll(iu t.. A N. unl. 4a do coupon Mex. central a az ..m do let Inc It ..17V Minn. A St. L. 4s... .104 -.137 iM.. K. A T. 4a S ..1IT do a 4S IIOS'n. T. Central la int .lllSI do gen. ISa 107 do 3a, rrg do coupon do new 4a, reg do coupon .... do old 4n. reg. do roupnn dn oa. reg...... do coupon .... Atrhlaon gen. 4a do adj. 4a B. A '). 4l do ISa , do conv. 4a Canada Bo. 2a..., l'S:N. J. C. gen. la IMS ...HS ...104S ... , No. Pacific 4l 1"4S do la 7S N. A W. eon. 4s iocs ...l4Radlng gen. 4a IS ... M , st. L A I. M. e. 4a. .117 ...US St. L. A 8. r. 4a 101 ...107S St. L. 8. W. la MS ...110 do 2a ... SJS A. A A. P. 4a MS ...1"S So. Pacific 4a MS ... 12 lao. Railway Sa 111S C. of O. Sa do let Inc C. A O. 4Sa Chicago A A. S. ('.. it. A q. a. 4a. C, M A St P g. 4a C. A N. W. c. 7a. C, R. I. A P. 4s. . MS 'Teiaa A P. la 121S .113 IT., St. 1,. A W. 4a.. 3S .13S I n Inn pacific 4a .104 la do conT. 111S 11S 10S S 113S 4S M' SS ecu A St. L. g. 4.102S Wanai la .in. au ir. in east do am mm. ax po. e IVnver A R. o. 4a. trie prior Hen 4a.. do 4a M'4 do deb. B 102 West Shore 4a.. HS!W. A L. K, 4a 6V"H. Central 4a. L T. .p. c ! . IMSICon. Tob. 4a.... nutaiut Tai. Offered. Boston Stock O;aotatloas. BOSTON, Sept. 22.-Call loans, 6-9-7 per j...., uiun iimnn, os? per cent, uniclal ciuBing on stocks and bonds: Atchleon 4a PUS' Adrentura M lAllooea , Mex. Central 4a 2 Amalxaraated .... .. 19 .. 2S .. 7S .. 2-H N. E. O. A C . 7S Rlngham 3S Calumet A Heels AUhlson do pfd . .6&S .. 17S ioz-4,Centennlal Boaton A Albany 260 1 Copper Range Boeton A Maine ins i)minnn Coal Hoeton Llevated ... Ah Franklin 2i. N' H...23J i.i. Roy.), ... Fltchourg pfd 144 'Mohawk .. ss ..13a .. 10s .. MS t'nlon Pacific .. 47s .. Its . .ims'nid Dominion 27s Osceola . 12S Parrot Mex. Central .... Amer. Sugar do pfd Amer. T. A T.... Dom. I. A 8 General Electric Maaa. Electric .. do pfd N. E. O. A C... 1,'nlted Fruit .... t'nlted Copper ... V. S. Steel do pfd Westing. Common .. ss .. 2S .120 ((Julnry ..126 ..17 I Santa Fa Copper S . 73STamarack ..175 . .1?: Trlmnunlalo .. .. 38 Trinity , .. M ll'nlted Bute .. 4i ftah ..llSSlvittorla , .. 2SI Winona .. 40'WolTerlns .. 0SDaly West .... ins . & . US . 2IS . 21 . . 4 . (0 to rtew York Mining taotatlas ,.NEW YORK. Sept. 22.-The followln g are ... viviiia uni'vi on mm ne Rtnrka Adams Con to .Llttla Chief . 11 .12s . x . g . It . s . 7 . So .84 20 Ontario Vretct M ophlr Drunnwlck Con 1 , Comatock Tunnel ... SV4 Pntnal Con. Cal. A Va ir Savag Sierra Nerada .... Small Hopes Horn Sliver Iron Silver go Leadvllls Con g Standard Forela-n Financial. iLR.NDON! B,t- 22--Money was wanted hl.heTmarket.,oda,, for th new treasur? bills Discounts were strengthened by the position of the New York banks. Oper ators on the Stock exchange were engaged In arranging the preliminaries of the car ryover, to the neglect of other business, which was flat. Consols weakened on ac count of nervousness regarding the money market. Americans were dull as the result of the bunk statement and prices were mostly below parity. They Improved later, but trading was inactive. Chicago, Mil waukee A St. faul was the feature. Some Irregularity caused the Improvement, but the market cloaed steady. Grand trunks were easier, except second preferreda. Rio tlntos were slightly easier, owing to the weakness of copper, which closed at 62Vc. Spanish 4a were atrong. Kaffirs were weak at first, but closed steady. Debeers were steadier, the report regarding the Inten tions of the income tax commissioners having apparently been discounted. Bar gold. 77s9V4d: American eagles. 76s Sd. Gold premiums are quoted: Rome, 17; Lls- Don, is. tne amount ot ouuion taken into the Bank of England on balance to day waa 30,000, PARIS, Sept. 22. -'Parquet stocks opened firm on the bourse today. Thomson-Houston and Russian Industrials were offered. "Later prices- weakened. Savings . bank withdrawals adversely innuencea remes. At the close there was a better tone. Spanish securities continued to attract at tention. Spanish 4s rose sharply. Brazil ians were In brisk demand and rose sub stantially. Metropolitans were the subject of Inquiry. Rio tlntos were weaker. In sympathy with copper. Kaffirs were ex tensively offered on the rumor that South African war expenses, to the amount of $500,000,000, would be charged against the former South African republics. They de clined considerably, but closed steadier. The private rate of discount was 2 1-18 per oent. Three per cent rentes 100 francs 15 centimes for the account: exchange on London, 25 francs 18H centimes for checks; Snanlsh 4, 7.05. 1 BERLIN, 8ept. 22. Exchange on London, 20 marks 46 pfgs. for checks. Business on the bourne today was waiting, owing to the uncertainty regarding the money mar ket and on New York reports. Mines were firm as a reault of the satisfactory monthly returns. The Laurasltte was In special favor, to the expectation of a good balance Clearlnars. Ml A T1 a 0.KI OO, nl.n.ln.. . nt m T $1,300,021.51; corresponding day last year, $1.206,4M 37: Increaae, $1114.540.14. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 22. Clearings, $8,180,789; balances, $1,067,873; money, steady, 56 per cent; New York exchange, par. BALTIMORE, Sept. 22. Clearings, $2,894,. 822: balances. $395,915; money, 66 per cent. -NEW YORK. Sept. 22 Exchanges, $126, 68,006; balances, $6,891,318. CHICAGO, Sept. 22. C'leannga, ,o-u,iiuD; balancea. $2,295,280; New York exchange. 10c premium; frvign exenango., nosted aterlii.a. $4.84 for 60 days and $4.86.4. 'pHl'LADEIaPHIA. Sept. $14,139,240; balances, $2,506,212; money, 6 per CeRnsTON. Sent. 22.-Exchanges, $19,197,249; balances. Jl.2XS.638. , , ClHLIftMAl l. Di-ii. .-' r ' -7- V 000; money. 4sfl per cent; New ork ex change. 60 premium. C'ottoa Market. v.t t- n.t VI CflTTON Snot rlo. ed quiet; middling uplands. 9c; middling ., ' . ,. i .. iica v. u.u tTtitorea onened Snd closed firm'; September 8 79c October and NovemDer, a..oc; nw'""""- -w" saio. ary. 8 84c; February. 8.61c; March, S.b-c, April, 8.60c; May, 8 62c. nvrvMj NEW ORIJSANS. Sept 22.-COTTON-Flrm; sales, 2.100 balea; ordinary, 7Sc; giod ordinary. 7T4c; low middling. 8 $-16c. mil dllng. 8V.c; good middling RU-lc; middling fair. 9c; receipts. 12.643 bales; stock. 81.551 bales. Futurea, ateady; September, 8.4Kn 8 42c; October, 8.3t?s.?c: November, t 8.4oc; December, 8.4Kfj8.4!o; January. 8.51c; k.-., ii si f , s f.,- March. 8.5an8.5bc; April. ?-Bi-57c; May. 15738. 59c. UAbVKIiiUn. rsepi. i-.-Ji a..- - VMA t. 22.-COTTON-8teadr: mlil.tllnar. Mac: Bales. 270 bales; recelpU, bales; shlpmenU, 699 bales; stock, 7,812 blMVERPOOU Sept. 22.-COTTON-Spot. quiet; prlcea unchanged; American mid dling, 5 l-16d. The aalea of the day were 7.000 bales, ot wnicn ww were iur !'" "'-;-tlon and export, and Included 6,900 Ameri can. No receipts, Futurea opened firm and cloaed quisle American middling, g. o. c, September. 4 o6-64i4 57-64d, sellers; September-October, 4 48-64-1, sellers; October November. 4 44-64d, sellers; November-December. 4 42-64d. buyers: December-January, 4 41-64d, buyers: January-February, 4 40-4i4 41-64d. sellers; February-March, 4 4H-64.1 buvera: March-April. 4 40-64d, aell era; April-May. 4 89-64i4 40-64d. buyers; May June, 4 33-64(i4 40-64d. buyers. Oil and Rosla. OIL CITY. Pa., Sept. 22,-OIL Credit balancea, $1.22; certificates, no bid; ship ments, I18.KV3 bbls.; average. 90.002 bbls.; runs. 164. K22 bbls.; average, 83.387 bbls. SAVANNAH. Ga.. Sept. 22.-OI I-Turp-entlne. firm, 46aC. Rosin, firm: A B. C and D, $1 25; E, $1 30; F, $1.36; O. $1.40: H. $1.65; I. $1.N5: K. $2 42S: M. t-iSl'H; N, $3.37Vi; W. . $3 57H: W. W.. $3.87S- NEW YORK, Sept 22 -OIL Cottonseed, steady; prime yellow, 40gi41e. Petroleum, steady. Rosin, steady; strained, common to go..d, $1 55. Turpentine firm. 49Sc, bid. ToLlDO. CI.. Sept. 22 OIL North Lima, 89c; Houth Uma and Indiana. 84c. LIVERPOOL Sept. 22 OILTurpentlns spirits, firm, 35s 64. lxNDttN, 8,-pt. 22. OIL-alcutfa Un seed, spot, 49a. Unaeed, 28s 6Sd. Turpen tine spirits, 34a 11 Sd. KIBlei Batter Market. EIX1N. 111., Sept. 22.-BI'TTER-Ad-vanced Vc on the Board of Trade today. There were 4o,2J bB. offered at 224c, but no sales. The market was declared firm at 2.-SC. The sales of the week were too. UuO lbs. 0MAII1 LITE STOCK MARKET C.ttla Ecipti Kt u Htgrj u ExpecUd aad Prioai Ei f nil 8tdj. NIT ENOUGH H06S TO MAKE A MARKET Fat .'keep aad Lambs la Active De mand at Steady to Strong- Prices aad Feeders Also Commanded Fally Steady Prices. SOUTH OMAHA, Sept. 22. Receipts were: Cattle. Hobs. Sheen tinitlal Monday j,, it35 j3ilw ctinc uny mm week 12,791 Same week before 10.M5 Same three weeks ago... 6,940 Same four weeks ago. ..11.071 Same day last year 1.671 l.T'si 1.670 2.56 2.4S9 27.493 l.69l 3.KI4 13,0 RECEIPT8 FOR THE VRin Tn hitp The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to dale, and comparisons with last year: km.i ii"i. inc. tattle 63.7K R?1 ocut mi k-o M.OR" l,7l,477 1,717,847 loXll BhJTeP - 930,806 822,269 108,536 nri- -e"w wln t,bls shows tho average mark.f'.h!:'," ?5ld on tne Soutn m" LartJfoi. b.iV ever1 daV. with com pansons with former years: Pats. 1 1902. iwoiigoo.iii.iisas.i.iisat. Sent I 7 324 Bept- J..'.' I I 04 4 20 a 61 S 9i $ 77 7 42 7 3ti, 7 M'. ( 12 I 4 14 1 SSI 4 O? 2 81 ept a... BCDt. 4... 6 08 15 t 26 6 24 0 0Z 6 OSi 5 0t)i 6 0o 5 08 V S 161 3 601 4 07 2 81 a 71 2 76 4 1! I 041 Bept. Sept. ... Sept. 7... Bept. a... Sept. 9... Sept. 10.. Sept. 11.. Sept. 12.. Sept. 13.. Sept. 14.. Sept. 15.. Sept 16.. Sept. 17.. Sept. 18.. Pept. 19.. Sept. 20.. Sept. 21.. Sept. 22.. 4 22 4 23 4 80 4 30 4 2 ez - 1 &3i A l 44 7 46 7 hl V 6 30 $ 53i 4 02 2 7S a 6 3 1 60 4 001 a II 3 6, a 941 a 68 3 93 I 3 Mi a 771 2 81 1 484 6 45 6 40 2 W 7 464 7 r64 1 664 7 67 7 56 7 42 7 43 7 r4 7 387,4, 7 49 5 22 6 2 5 08 6 05 5 09 a 6 13 5 13 6 19 6 22 6 23 5 21 4 28 4 22 4 26 2 88 2 79 6 39 46 6 52 6 6? 6 62 75 ee 6 77 t 85 3 79 3 62 4 30 3 ts.ll 3 891 2 68 4 33 j 3 72 1 8 87 2 70 4 34 a 4 32 4 33 4 31 4 31 8 68 3 84; 2 73 3 Bl 13 K6 Z 65 3 941 71 3 74 I 2 86 3 71 4 03 3 71 4 Oil 2 83 3 73j 3 86! 3 51 35 - nn rita a jt Th mr.i no market. bro5aht7iC,,a.n"m" -lock "x -cn roaa was: aT a a m. -aiue. nogs. Shecp.H'r's l -. rl Mr M f 13 . C. ft N W y8,m 76 B. ft M 1. C. R. I. ft Pi, east.'. .! 'il p- west.'. '9 Illinois Central Total receipts 319 ..Trh,ndlBpo",t,on t he 1 as follows, each buyer pu ber of head Indicated: a 3 31 1 26 3 23 2 1 i 1 20 88 " 23 1 waa num- Omaha Packing Co m Hofik Shen- Swift and Company 1 i 102 Cudahy Packing Co:!"'- l,Si J2 f-2 Armour ft Co...... $L J 3,m R. Becker ft Degan'."" 2S 273 2881 j. 1- careyr":;:::: s 365 611 44 60 ioDman ft Co w I Stephen " Hill ft Huntzinger.... Benton ft Underwood I , "1 . i-iiuerwood 61 EiV.iT. ocna er.. 273 u?,hch,,d-: i b. p. Hobbick:::::::;:;--- Other buyers 6',24i Totals r- CATTLE Trier 'L'J ' ' ' 1'331 U betur grades showedTo'nldVr'ibTe '.ai 1 ,h on sale, L.,.f llc?''y no cornfed the market 'pickers ho,hmake a test ot for good stuff and V-VL nxlous waa that anything- d-.R-VKi ,mPresalon "ThercaowIy V teablPrlWesU1J and they did 1 "not hfinf """' ,he case. steady prices. The bulk fh,mreJhan kinds tf,,,u w D.U'K f the cho cee prices DaWfrnS1i.;n?.-5.han in the to be worthy of mention. l"'Ve" and staK ane-specX .hj ma7kCeallwa.tlow.Cem.anm,eSa. r boughr.a."; "e b? ? and it?e god Jnan'r common kinds rBnr1vf.ra .r?V."0.1 not partlcu- wu"hP,asrwPe.' ,hU8h- W"e ab0U' AlthouRh there wero a good many west ern ar.Ke steers on the market, there were t f w iiiu i were KOOd enoueh for Packers. Those that were good enough for Itillers were In good demand and sold at fully steady prices. Feeder steers' If good, were steady to strong, while the com moner grades were slow, but steady. Range cows were active and steady to " T2nr i.?e choicer gradea In some casea sold a little higher. Representative sales: BEZF STEERS. No. At. Pr. No. Aw a c i U74 lit ... COWS. X.. 70o S 1 1000 I 10 11 t 60 7 tea i o 4 WO I to i no I tn 14 as) t 7() 08 1 70 24::: ::: 70 8 75 171 t a5 7 I S5 ' 81 I 85 W0 90 1010 1(1 UTS 110 1300 I 15 8 IU i 70 i. Pi T.vira ...1130 IS 1.. 110 6 16 1... BULLS. 1220 I 00 1. .. RTino HO t 60 .1100 I 00 1. 1110 I 00 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS 16 40 41 ...T. M4 4 a 746 8 60 - 4 a NEBRASTTA No. In T. . 13 feeders.. 671 3 75 1 bull .... fL I reeders.. 820 3 00 1 bull.. low oj 3 feeriora &J1 t "J"' 90 23 feeders.-.iws" 4" W i ' 2 SO feeders.. 1036 4 00 69 cows 74 Sin 10 feeders im ska a - ?7.i 2 90 19 cows..... 877 2 40 ' 25 1 reeder... 640 3 00 1 cow son on 30 feeders.. MS 3 35 27 cows 22 19 feeders.. 907 3 1 Sow '"iSS 3 SI 48 feeders.. 990 3 45 1 cow im S 3 feeder,., m , & w.;;;;- "g ? neirers..ll80 3 30 2 stage nitt 5 S J l,ow 1250 3 15 1 feeder "lMO 4 m 7 cows lnoo on 4 00 II cow....:, ga, S o 1 br - IS 4, ' X 3 25 1 cow 1040 5 w 2 eteer..... im 3 10 10 cows 86 K 1 tT 830 3 25 1 cow 7?S I 2 calves... 160 6 00 1 lZ l ? '310 2 80 1 cow , " i cow 940 2 60 7 cowi iou 5? rows 937 3 00 1 steer"" Sio HI 1 bull ... 1340 2 lin i i. 960 3 70 4 bullV.'.'.V.n?, I 35 lZr 2 I 2 cows m tli, 8 "owl I L cows 831 2 2S 825 2 60 1 stee-;. iS? ."a1 DAKOTA. 2 steers.... 8J0 3 80 4 steers... .1030 3 86 23 feeder...,27?- 3'u5"rUerre,?er. Hert Sreed-Neb " cwa 885 2 70 feeder. 7 . M Mrs.A. Smith-Neb. ? fw 2 15 8 calvea '. I7t a 10 ne irers... j 75 calves ail I iX 1 nun ijto 2 55 calvea Ti 5 L. 1 bull 1370 2 55 c'ves... 318 3 60 Joster Bros. Neb. 1 cow 1000 2 no a ... 10 cows 840 2 80 2 cow.'"" 8. W. Sevelle-Neb. i cows 962 3 25 1 cow... 100 . ,r 9 cows 9li 3 75 1 cow S.I ? A 1 cow 990 3 26 1 bull..""nju 2 00 3 calves... 115 3 00 aim w C. J. liysham Neb. 1 steer 1(0 3 50 1 steer 9f a 50 1 steer 140 3 50 1 steer 8.S0 3 50 42 steers.... 964 8 70 1 steer lino 3 25 14 steers.. .1014 3 40 " O. W. Swiggert-Neb. 10 feeders.. 745 3 25 1 steer 1100 2 75 123 feedors.. 1046 3 75 10 feeders. .1046 300 4 feeders.. 937 3 75 1 f eeder... lio a 75 41 feeders.. 1012 3 75 3 feeders. .Inl2 3 00 1 feeder. ..IkO 3 75 1 steer 99J 3 25 1 steer 660 2 00 Frank, Currie ft Co. Neb. 12 cows 93 3 90 4i feeders.. 10K3 4 40 2 cowa 9M0 2 60 41 feeders.. iT 4 00 10 rows in 5 feeders.. 97 2 9 cowa..... 91 2 85 1 row 1070 3 I.arge Bros Neb. I heifers... 698 2 90 1 heifer.... 6) 2 1 cow K"0 3 70 1 cow Shi) 2 3 cowa.... 96 2 35 1 cow KM) 2 1 heifer.... fcflo 2 60 1 cow 1010 2 15 cowa 872 2 7 1 cow fcjO 3 8 W. Swlggert Neb. 104 feeders.. 991 3 70 4 feeders.. 991 3 00 56 feeders.. u A. Veiled-Neb. 21 feeders.. 1110 3 C. W. Marrltt Neb. I cows 73 3 U cows 390 1 30 1 cow 750 t 50 . . J c- Kurke Idaho. 63 feeders.. 894 4 10 113 cows 1005 3 00 8 feeders.. 9:7 3 65 Bough Bros. Idaho. 43 corns 9"n 3 10 D W. Stanrod Idaho. 87 cows 977 3 7o T. J. Nipper Idaho. ' 57 feeders.. 916 4 6 feeders.. Si 3 36 O. A. Peterson t 'olo. 1 steer fw 2 65 1 cow UT0 2 85 1 steer P'TO 3 50 2 cows 9: 2 25 1 steer W 3 15 2 cows 9:C 3 85 8 feeders.. 936 3 85 9 feeders. . 9.17 8 85 3 feeders. .1020 3 85 1 bull 1370 2 85 A. B. Book Colo. 15 feeders.. 6S2 3 75 4 cows 1125 2 90 HOIJS It hns been a good many venrs since as few hogs have been on thla market as arrived today. During the billiards of 1X87 there were two or three tlnvs that practically nothing arrived, but that was not because there were no hogs to come, but because they could not get here. To day there was nothing to prevent their coming 11 nd for that reason the fact that there were only 16 cars on sale at the open ing waa a surprise to every one. There were not enough hogs to make a test of the market, but the tew sales that were made were 5'il0c higher than Satur day's average. They sold largely at riRht around 17. .Ml and as high as $7.60 was paid. Buyers were not very much Interested, for there were not enough to make a killing If one packer got them all. Representative sales: No. At. Fh. Pr. No. At. Sh. Pr. 131 80 T 40 7u 2SG ISO 7 60 291 SO 7 42V4 HI SOI SO 7 60 7 !" too 1 46 46 zl 80 7 60 64 2r.7 J40 7 46 67 211 180 7 66 25 ... t 60 70 2S0 80 7 66 2M 40 7 60 72 244 10 1 M M 2S1 60 7 60 64 l tn T 40 ; 120 1 64 47 241 80 7 41U 6 264 ... 7 60 SHEEP Receipts of sheep were fairly liberal today, though considerably smaller than the big run of a week ago. Packera all seemed to be quite anxious for supplies lor me local trade and also for shipment, so that the market ruled active and steady to st roll a on the better vrarios nt klllora Some sales In fact looked a little higher than the same kinds sold for at the close of last week. Lambs also commanded good strong prices where the quality was good and the better grades were disposed of In good season. There were quite a good many feeder buyers on the market and anything at all desirable waa picked up In good season at iuny steady prlcea. Uuotatlons: Oood to rholce vearllnara. I3.70ru3.90: fair to good, $3.5Oiji3.70; good to cnoice wetners, Ki.4um3.K0; tair to good wethers, 33.wni3.40; choice ewes, 33.00tfi3.25; fair to good ewes, t2.65rp2.90; good to choice lambs, I4.50ti4.76: fair to good lambs, 84 2.Ytf .no; reeder wethers, S3.ouij3.40; feeder year lings. 13. 26(a36o: feeder lambs. 33.50(54.26: cull lambs, $2.00(SH00; feeder ewes, 2.50; stock ewes, J2.506"3.25. Representative saies: No. A v. Pr. 13 Wyoming ewes 104 3 00 44 Wyoming ewes 106 3 05 69 Wyoming wethers Ill 3 55 371 Wyoming wethers 104 3 65 2't9 Wyoming yearlings 88 8 75 11 Wyoming ewes 106 2 90 175 Wyoming ewes 95 8 20 932 Wyoming ewes 98 8 20 32 Wyoming wethers 107 8 6o 232 Wyoming yearlings 84 8 80 4 cull bucks 119 1 50 4 Nebraska bucks 160 2 25 62 Nebraska feeder ewes 80 2 30 267 Nebraska feeder ewes 85 2 50 10 bucks 85 2 7 37 Wyoming ewes 100 3 00 3 Nebraska wethers 96 8 30 S3 Nebraska wethers 79 8 65 677 Nebraska feeder lambs 49 8 65 33 Nebraska wethers 79 3 65 499 Wyoming yearlings 89 3 75 222 Nebraska feeder lambs 65 3 85 343 Wyomlnr ewes 97 i 76 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle Steady Hogs Steady to Higher Sheep Steady. CHICAGO, Sept. 22. CATTLE Recelpta, 22,000, inriudlny 209 Te"r". 10 ono western ers; steady. Good to prime steers, 37.60Cd 8.65; poor to medium, 34.OTkS7.00; stockers and feeders. 2.50&'5.00; cows. 31.5uro4.75; heifers, 32.50wo.76; canners, 31.502.6O; bulls. $2.2.Va6.00; calves. 33.007.25; Texas-fed steera. 3.00(it4.50; western steers, 33.76j)5.80. HOGS Receipts today, 19,000; tomorrow. 2.000; left over, 2.917; steady to 10c higher. Mixed and butchers, 37.30(9.90; good to choice and Heavy. 37.50Gr7.85; rough, heavy, 37.20Tcf7.40; light, $7.30ia'i.70; bulk of sales, ''sEEP ANb LAMBS Receipts. 86 000; sheep and lambs, killers, steady. Good to choice wethers. 83.6O3M.00; fair to choice mixed, 32.60ro'3.50; western sheep, 32.60ft3.76, native lambs, 33.504j6.40; western lambs, 4,0C'&5.30. d,,i.. Rhlnments. ( inf h VMBiri un.r . . . . - Cattle . - cr. 367 ..7,690 . .1,081 1.223 116 Hogs Sheep Kansas Cltr Ute Stocfc Market. KANSAS CITY. Sept. 22. CATTLE Re celts aVnatlVea. 4.200 Texans; calvea. 340 fexana. 1.160 natlvea. Corn cale, steady; western grasKers and quarantine, dull; Blockers and ?',w Choice export and dressed beef steers, 17.10 ,.0O; fair to good, 35.fi0trt.C0; stockers and feeders. $2 204M.50; western-fed steers H00 ft4.75; Texas and Indian steers, 3.10(&380 Texas cowa. 31.85&2.86; native cows, 31. 50 C.46D; native heifers. 32.6044.00; canners. tl.Oora-2.10; bulls, 32.004j3.40; calves. 5.50. . . n HOGS-Recelpts, z.ioo; maram higher. Top, 37.55; bulk of sales, 37.oOrfrt.6u; heavy and mixed packers, i.xtri.s, b"'j $7 257.55; Yorkers 37.5otrt.66; plga. 37.104i SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpts, 7.000; i- -. a., t n .imnr Native lambs. 3.2orn4.10; western lambs, 33.OOTfM.00; native V ethers, IZ.9wT4.uu: western weurna, ,a., 3 90; fed ewes. 82.9"&3.85; Texas, clipped yearlings, 32.754j3.70; Texas, clipped sheep, 2.753.O0; stockers and feeders, 32.04l2.9o. New Yorlt Live Stock Market. NEW YOltH, nepi. U. nc- celpts, 4,5I8 neaa; steers, nrm; ouu ' strong, bo - -v. '".. ,,'u m 83.50; bulla, L.vm.itft iuw. Cablea quoted live cattle lower at 13 Hc per lb.; sheep, steady at 114rl3c; ghln menti today, none; tomorrow. 750 cattle, I".V , ooiin nnorleri of beef. CALVES rieceipm, o.vio laai'joc lower. -- -r,M nn tops. 38 75; grassers arm ..u. "Yrilngs 4i3 87V.; westerns, 33.26130.1214. yearlings, 13.50. a ..d .A. market. WtrPeVAnU h'ogs. 37.354, 7 SHEEP" AND n0LAMB8Recelpt- 17 500 heldf sheepA firm, to 15c higher; lamb. Ilk off. Sheep . culTi 32 00 lambs, cu,iar 33.50(al.; Canada lamuo. St. Louis Live Stock Market. . 01 PaTTI.B Re- fT- i M including l.8fli Texan.; mar eelDta, 5,0110. inti"'""" .. .otve. strong ket dull; tea"ya,7e '.h pnVng and erport for Texans. NatWe .hlPPmg ?.l.ecr!x - dressed beef . and butcher "P ,VirnrJ2fl- steers under l.w i""-. steers, 34.25W.. stejr. I3.3f8ft6.00; I4.000t7.00; '"".ffi; cannera. 3I.75W T-' "hull V UtWi v. 34.5(Xtrt.25; 2 ,0; bulls, tj.fc(84.80; cows Texas and Indian "Ierr- " " and heifers. 32.453.46. mark.. ..,ive. but std' faghrt.40; packer. t7 tv.i'7 60- butchers, , ! 7 "t!: : i a MHA ReceiDts. 2.000; r'll' tV);"; . .!,!,.'.., I3&UO4.00; Lto"cker 31 50; Texan.. 33.1oT93.70. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. j HT. JOSEPH. Sept. 22 ATTLE-Re- .l,,t 4 620: best, sieaoy; .niitri-. - ce'pfs. .i t4irwfi8 2T.: cows and to liC lower. - "!: tqn.Xf.fiOO: bulla h-lfera. I2.""""'v,i --i , ?nd "Aga. 32.58U.0O; stocker. and feeders. ,;h .oi4-Recelpts. 1.081; 5c to 10c higher; iwlt tn is.M mixed. 37.4OTf,7.60; medium L'nd' heavy!8 37.4ytf7.7H; pigs. 33.854J .90; bJK.XlX'lt-.. active, steady. biltg,roci.ii"-i - - - Sloax City t-l tock Market. RIOCX CITY la., Sept. 22. (Special Tel egramL) - CATTLEi - Receipt. J.SrjO h.-ad; bi.t .tockers, 10c lower and others lnq'.-Sc loVer wwi. bulls and mixed. 2.5f4 5; stockers and feeders. 33.0u4j6.ul; yearlings and calves, 32 5 i4.00. IKMlf Receipts, l.Ofrt head; strong, selling at 37.26437.50; bulk. 37.254rt.35. Stock la Sight. The following were the recelpta of live stock at the six principal cities yesterday: Csttle. Hon Sheep. Omaha 8. tin 1.3ii 23.110 Chicago 22.i0 19 UJ 36.ii0 Kansas City 2 71 7.000 St. Ixiuia 6.'-) 6,'i0 2,r1 St. Joseph 4,620 1.0M 2,41 Sioux City J.SoO 1.000 Totals 72,72 tO.Ui 70.631 Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Sept. 22-COFFEE-Spot. Rio. quiet; No. 7 Invoice. ie. Mild, quiet; Cordova, 84llVaC. Futurea opened steady, with prlcea unchanged to 6 points lower, the decline resulting chiefly from liquida tion by bousea with foreign connections. Near midday prices further caaed off pu tly 1 cow lfWft J 50 3o feeders.. 181 4 oo t points, but later steadied up to tha open ing baala. Cable news waa unimportant, showing only a partial franc losa at Havre. The local market closed steadv. with prices net unchanged to 6 polnta lower, and the general temper of the trade still bearish. Hales, amounted to S1.7: nags. Including October, 5 05c; Tecember, 5.2.vtfS.3V; Marrh. fi.4ftc; May, I.Ooc; July. 6.70(u5.75c; August, 6.8oc. Wool Market aad Sales. ST. IOtI3, Sept. 12 WOOI-Steady: medium gradea and Combing, 1518c; light fine, 13gl7c; heavy fine. pf13c; tub washed, IHfrMV. i.lVKRPOOIa, Sept. 22-WOOIThs of ferings at the wool auction sales today numbered 13.563 bales. The list contained large lines of New Zealand cross-breeds, which were taken by the home trade and the continent. Superior half-bred greasy was In demand for French buyers and occasional lots were taken by Amerlci. Following are the sales In detail: New South Wal-a. 2.4oo bales: scoured. 6(tfiis 9"41: greasy, 2idls lvl. Queensland, loi bales: si-Oured, lodjjfls Id; greasy, 611. Victoria, 2"0 hales; scoured, nil; greasv, 4d4i)ls Id. Tasmania, 100 bales; scoured, nil; greasy, 4V,d. New Zealand, 1.800 bales; scoured. 6Vtdfils 3d. Cape of Oood Hope and Natal. PO bales: scoured, nil; greasv, "41i9d. Italy. lo bales; scoured, ttflid. Punta Arrn.ts, 2,200 bales; scoured, tf S'iid. Evaporated Apples aad Dried Frnlls. NEW YORK, Sept. 22. -EVAPORATED ATPLES For future delivery continue firm, October selling around te. Spots are quiet at 6gHc for choice, "trtc for prime, and 8c for fancy. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRt'lTS Spot prune are In fair request and hold firm at .VfcfrtHc for all gradea. - Aprlcota are moving a shade more freely at about re cent flgiirea. or 7'loe for boxee and Vif 10c for bags. Peaches In slightly better demand, with peeled at 124jl6c, and un peeled at lijlOViC. Sugar aad Molaaaea. NEW ORLEANS. Sept. .-UOAR Market strong; open kettle. 2H3 S-le; open kettle centrifugal. S-ffSHc; centrifugal yel low. 3H4-Sc: aeconds, 1SW4C. Molasses, dull: centrifugal, 64il5c. NEW YORK. Sept. 22. SVOAR Ra w. firm; fair refining, Sc; centrifugal, 96 test, 3Va Molasses sugar, 2c Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. Sept. 23 DRY OOODS The market haa not shown any change of moment today. The home demand for cot ton gooda Is steady, with prices well main talned in both staple and fancy varieties. Print cloths tend against buyers in wide makes. Cotton hosiery and underwear, ateady, with a fair buelness. Whisky Market. PEORIA, Sept. 22-WHISKY-On 'tha basis of $1.33 for finished goods. ST. LOUIS, Sept. 22.-WHISKY-Steady at 3132. sNev State Baak for Treat. SIOUX FALLS, 8. D Sept. 22. (Spe cial.) A new state bank Is to be estab lished at Trent. It will have a capital of 310,000. The directors are: U A. Ball, W. H. Loucks, Ell Hoover. H. O. Eggebroten. James T. Blgelow and Fred Jorgenson. All re well known and well-to-do residents of Moody county. A building has not yet been fully decided upon, but If a suitable location can be secured It Is the Intention of the directors to erect a brick and atoje building. At the next meeting of the di rectors the officers of the new bank will be elected. This will give Trent two good banks. Well Drillers Find Cariosity. SIOUX FALLS. S. D., Sept. 21-(Spe-cjal )-Drlllers who are sinking an artesian well at A!tndrtt bars fouaa . dfJcW(4 curiosity In the form of a part of a hu man jawbone. This In Itself 1, not strange, but the curious feature Is that it came from a depth of over 100 feet below he of the ground. How !t cam. which remains to be solved. It Is believed by some that the bone may h.v. belong t0 membfr o' ome pre-hl.torlc race. Russia. Railroad Destroyed. CONSTANTINOPLE, Sept. 22 -The rail road between Mltrovltw and Vuchltr. j been torn up by the follower. 0f th A banian chief. Ia Boljetina,, who an nounced Jita determination so"', tTm. Jg0" not to allow the newly appointed consul to take up hi. duties at th. former Place. Thi. will furthe- delay the d ranee of Turkish troop, sent to protect BoIJetinai I. lurniiinii.. . .Ill - . j aruopa. DA Is UU ensconced at Mltrovitza. Democrat! Legl.l.4lTe ",,,. PIERRE. R n a.a gram 1 At tr.. J v " BPcla! Tele venuon tl TJ0. ""'"v. con- tbe nominee, . "f. r" -m.n eonte. .. and Warren Young for K.h th" both of Stanle. - . rr the no-. TeetlB, oil for Foel Ington arrived tidav 7,1 "'""mer Ken Kensington ha. benufdTn ?t0uih"mPn. England, tor some t 2 p "t Nwcaatle. Installing a plant for J? . ov'rhulln nri on the'wlaP'BfromrNewcStr.f ," '! fu' ampton the oil waa used 7!, ? .South as the plant was not quite r"' but extensive voyage, the f Jll t.J dy ioT """ e retrmpVo'rn' tnl, W0arVut Eagll.kaiss lutereated In Fair BT. LOUIS, Sept 22 Alr,..i .' member of the rad cal Tldl thV,"' a house of the English PaHi.m.Ia ,B lower of one of the largeat ln.Ln.?nt ?nd heal companies li ( sT Ioui. n?ilo"a,.xPr h: Ifutal.,,. exposln'fflclal.n,rrega'rdh Ing the scope of the flr li. ...jsT" his Intention to call up the rn.tfiid-il exhibit appropriation Immediately 'upon th. convening of Parliament. Ble,jr upon th THE REALTY RECORD. 'WZ? ZT Monday. Wrraaty Deeds. Omaha Realty company to Charles Karbach, south 113 feet lot 19 and lUJFt. ot WMt 10 ft lot "o irWJi. dd:.- v.- j 2.000 Vi. v"" lo ana . Pot ter. 12.8 acres In se seV. 31-1S-I3 a Margaret Wear and husband to Lou . mji 1 v. . '"ca i , nrst add. to Corrlgan Place . . J. P. Cobb and husband to Julia R Roaalter, lot 2, block 82, Kountse T JaC imgm aw 4'l "IIIUBUI I II Jt- 1 AAA J. P. Flnley and wife to O. W. Sunv H. P. Lyck and wife to Jena Ber telsen, north 26 feet of e'4 and w 14 feet of aouth 24 feet of eV. lot 21, block 1, Campbell s add. ... 400 4talt Claim Deeds. Barbara Potter and husband to Ella B. Potter, undlv. V lot 1. block 8. Potter & C.'a 2d add., and a trait 20x132 feet adjoining lot 1, block 230, Omaha j Gwyndallne O. Berryman and hus band to. Willow Springs Drawing company, lot 20, block 447, Grand view , loo Total amount of transfers .310,103 6Divitlcntis Payable Saml-Annually Are Guaranteed wilh mooty iolnvnat e-nnrt do bttr that to 4nd t orir tnt fi pr4Mp4VttM of Ih 0 L. ClUI WwTIRtf UmncAmniM Co. . Ut Iblfd luruMat mat! ordr hiMiM In U Wor.tL lhriiMMr lath Mall Order BmImm A ai4cil W t ft akfw4W8lssl prvfarrad xa 4Mrryli ft tMtlu ! 4J pM Haa aB l44Xfe I Wilt a4f IbM' Sum Ira44tul4wn la aff f4 I f aala. Tata nioailtM li iur W tn tarsal yttu Vrila al anaa fr full 4aiUa. w. a aaaa vtaa4r Bafyaaauta ia., nam wj. aa The Man or Woman