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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1902)
TT1E OfATTA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1902. TO ADVERTISE NEBRASKA 0. L 1. Enrout East Will Ehtw ths Fredicti sf ths Itsta. NEW TELEPHONES FOR SOUTH OMAHA Stat Board Aatharlae the Pnrrhtir of Keith toantr Bond tor the Permanent School Fan. the Jury derided that Herpolshelmer was I OvtrWnrlc WenlceflH not to blame. I . .... Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Iapure Blood. (From a Btaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Sept. 22. (Special.) Com mander Steele of the Nebraska department of the Grand Army of the Republic arrived from his home In Falrbury today and wae In conference with Adjutant Howe as to the final arrangemonta for the special train which the department will run to the an nual encampment next month In Washing ton, v "The Interest Is unprecedented." declared Commander Steele. "I look for an at tendance of upward of 1.000 Nebraskans St the Washington gathering. Adjutant Howe Is fairly flooded with inquiries concerning excursion rates." Commander Steele announced during the day that the state department of the Grand Army of the Republic had decided to fit up a baggage -car for the display of Nebraska products. The bounteous harvest of grain, grasses and fruits will be exemplified and special sou Ten I r distributed on the way. In Washington the car will be thrown open to visitors and Nebraska apples distributed to II who ccme. The State Board of Agricul ture will assist In the preparation of the exhibit, the expenses of which, however, will be borne by the Grand Army of the Republlo, purely as a matter of state prldu, and not by any railroad company for advertising- purposes, as Is usually the ease. Bay Bond for State. The State Board of Educational Lands and Funds today authorized Treasurer Btuefer to purchase $4,000; in Keith county bonds from a Wichita (Kan.) bond broker who has them for sale. The bonds are pay able In four yeara and draw 6 per cent In terest. Two coupons were clipped as pre mium, amounting to tip, the net Interest rate to the state on the Investment being 1 per cent. New 'Phones for Soath Omaha. The effort Is to be revived to secure a franchise for an Independent telephone company to operate In South Omaha In op position to the Dell company. Today ar ticles were filed with the secretary of state incorporating the Interstate Independent Telephone company, which has for Its ob ject the construction and operation of a tel ephone system In the Magic City. Its In corporators are: A. A. Wright, Thomas Healy, L. C. Gibson, ' Frank Crawford, W, C. Lambert, Thorwald Jargensen, Roscoe Rowley, Daniel Hannon, L. J. Carpenter, John Flynn and James Koutsky. The cap ital stock la fixed at J 100.000. Extradition Papers for Forre'r. The governor of Colorado hits been re quested In the form of a requisition to per tnlt the erd!M"n cf Clarence MeaoInKer alias Harry Koehler, under arrest In Boul der, Colo., charged with the commission of forgery In Lexington, Dawson county. Neb. Messlnger, according to the complaint of County Attorney Stewart of Lexington, passed a forged check for $13.75, on which he secured -the money at a bonk. Notarial commissions were Issued by the governor's office today to the following: L. P. Hertet, Pierce; Eva Smiley. Omaha; S. C. Stewart. Axtell. The office of Secretary Dobson of the State Board of Irrigation was closed today out of respect to the late 8. J. Dobaon, a Lincoln, business man and trotlmr. of the secretary. The funeral services were held In the afternoon. Operators Get a Balse. . It was aanounced at Burlington head quarters today that the telegraph operators on the system west of the Missouri river have been granted from $6 to $10 raise In pay. The men affected, largely the ones occupying the positions of lowest pay In the service, number several hundred. The men employed lu the telegraph office here at headquarters receive an Increase of $5 from $8$ to $70. The raise came aa a re suit of an Investigation which showed many men were being- poorly paid. It waa deter mined to Bake It effective September 1. Stofkmaa Uoea Insane. Morris .McDonald, a Blaine county stock man, enroute to South Omaha with a car load of cattle, waa taken off the train here and held for examination by the Insanity commissioners. While on his way here he begun to abow signs of mental derangement complaining that the railroad people had hitched engines to both ends of the train and had been Jerking It back and forth for hours. He jumped from the train and ran away here, but was afterward found. Nlearenflnd Will Hrrorrr. Dr. Wtlmeth. prison physician, announced today that Nlegenflnd, the Pierce county murderer, wounded by a pursuing posse would get Well. When examined Saturday Bight It waa decided an operation would b aecesesry to save hla life. The absence af sunshine yesterday prevented the use of the X ray and thla morning he waa ao much better that the doctors indefinitely postponed the operation. Relieved of Blame. After an all day's sitting the coroner' Jury which Investigated the cause of the death of 13-year-old Johnny Querln, vie tira of an elevator accident at Herpol shelmer's department store Saturday even tng, returned a verdict that the compan was not to blame, but that the youngster1 own negligence was the cause of his death Tba boy bad been employed In the mall order - department for soijie time, but on Saturday traded Jobs with the elevator boy That evening ha. was Injured, dying yea terday. One boy. said that he was riding on the elevator with Guerln when It stopped. The boy, remarking that Something iad got ten out of fix, stooped over the edge and pulled a rope. The next moment the ele vator shot up, catching the boy between . the floor and the moving lift, crushing Tilra and letting hint drop to the basement, twenty-lire feet below. Relatives of the dead boy were presen with attorneys and sought to show that th levator was defective in construction, aa the foundation of a suit for damages, but ' 1 i . ' Throat Rest Tickling in the throat. Constant desire to cough. You know about it. Feels uncomfortable through the day. Keeps you awake at night. Doctors prescribe Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for this tickling. A dose at bed time puts the throat at rest. " I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for 40 yeara. It l a splendid family mediclno to keep on band for all throat nd lung troubles." Mrs. J. K. Nor. 1 cross, Valebant, Matt. X.Mt., II.M. J.C. AYUUL.LmU.sW. hara-ed will Perlary. W. F. Lang, a farmer of Washington county, Kansas, was brought to the city today to answer the charge of perjury, pre ferred by hla divorced wife, Ella B. Lang, also a resident of Kansas. She says that he swore falsely In getting hla divorce from her, that he lived In thla county and that she refused to live with him. She tells the authorities that he neither lived here nor had she ever deserted him. The two have lived tor years on adjoining farms In Kansas. He was compelled to marry her and left her immediately after the ceremony, swearing he would never live with her. Some months afterward he camo to this city and aecured his divorce. He told the court that he had been com pelled to leave home because his wife no longer loved him or cared for his company. He added that one time he had returned to her, but she told him she would horse whip him If he didn't get away. All of this, she says, Is false. The first she heard of the divorce was when she happened to meet the man who bad been a witness for her husband and who Informed her of what had happened. The divorce was granted by Judge Frost May IS. All the blood In your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. I no Kiar.eys are your blood purifiers, they fil ter out the waste or Impurities In the blood. If they are sick or out cf order, they fall to do their work. Pains, achesand rheu matism come from ex cess cf urio acid in the blood, due to neglected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel asThough they had heart trouble, bf cause the heart is over-working In pumping thick, kidney- poisoned blood through veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nea'ly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning in kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy Is soon realized. It stands the highest for Its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases and Is sold on Its merits fftfZ. k.. -II ..m.l.t. tr fifty,- .fa niri- i cent and one-dollar su- a; i:r -Mvm i.rtttrns, es. You may have a aamnle bottle bv mail noma or a WYMORE, Neb.. Sept. 22. (Special.) free, also pamphlet telling you how to find Just before adjournment the following ap- out If you have kidney or bladder trouble. point men ts were made for the Nebraska Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer conference of the Methodist Episcopal Bt Co., Binghamton, N. I hurch CLOSE NEBRASKA CONFERENCE Last Ilnalaesa at W y more Was the Aaalgnmeat of Pastors for the Year. YORK EXPERIENCES REVIVAL Special Tabernacle of Lares Seating; Capacity Biilt for the Occuien. MINISTERS ALL JOIN IN THE CRUSADE l.arae Kantber of Accessions to the Cbarrh aad the Meetlaaa Are at Present Only Fairly Drill. TORK, Sept. 22. (Special.) York ts ex periencing a great religious awakening. While York Is noted for Its many beautiful, large churches and Its large church mem berfhlp, and a city where most people are supposed to regularly attend church, yet the religious excitement of the past week will rot only do good, but will before the re vival closes bring many more to member ship of churches here. The members and ministers of the churches of York have combined and have a more perfect organ isation. One hundred and fifty citizens con tributed $5 each and have built a frame tab ernacle 112x96x26 feet that will seat 2,500 people. A choir of 2C0 under Prof. Hicks, the gos pel singer, Is assisting Evangelist M. B. Williams. Yesterday over 6,000 attended services at the tabernacle. All the pastors of the city are assisting la the meeting. also the Johnson brick store and Fnurhte brick. C. W. Lee will begin building a two-story brick building on the Baxter lota and E. Numbers, wilt also put up a brick on his corner lot. The new brick Implement store of August Erdman Is up to the first story and a change In the plans has been made so that another atory will be added. Several new residences are. bring built, among them the C. F. Kalk house, the finest In northeast Nebraska. Beatrice District J. R. Oettys, presiding elder, Beatrice; Alexandria, to be supplied. tlnluM,.. a r. r. 1 ( .A k. Han, 11 Cl lint. ' Burchard." W. W. Hill; Burress. supplied by ton- N' T- on ever' btttle L. Mayo; Blue Springs, La. W. KenaRy; Beatrice, Centenary, D. L. Thoraaa; Be- ti. A. . mwtA Aim ai . r r. w I Willi I U trill. 1U0 CYCUlUg w a o nvk saaaa w trice. La Salle Street, E. L. Barcta; Crab . . w . . f th(llr -nnA fnU-A Veitr Mill-. 4"htaaa 17 VaT VS.. I 6 cvauic, uuw fcaaoj uu w w o 'i vuaiu, a i aun ivi mid, v nrniri , mm iti i ui Don't make any miBtake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kllmer'a Swamp-Root, and the address, Blngham- aoclal times. NAMING REPUBLICAN TICKETS Party In Cimlig Harmonious aad Nominations Create Enthusiasm. man; Daykln, E. O. Johnson; Ds Witt, W. Mills; Diller. J. O. Branson; Dubois, o be supplied; Falrbury, W. M. Balch; Fil ey, E. F. S. Darby; Hebron, C. M. Shep herd; Holraesvllle, P. C. Johnson; Hubbell, Charles Burns; Liberty, to be supplied; Martell, supplied by W. W. Gettys; Odell, W. Lewis; Ohiowa, F. W. Bean; Pawnee City, J. W. Stewart; 8teele City, O. D. Met- WEST POINT. Neb.. Sept. 22. (Special.) calf; Swanton, J. D. Hammel; Strang, to 6 The republican county convention, which uppnea; tombs, k. m. Mtemrooa; vesta. heii i Beemer. nominated John supplied by J. W. Davis; Virginia, to be gchom of Monterey aa representative to upplled; western, u. M. Morey; Vllber, ,he legislature and Harry L. Keefe of this to be supplied; Wymore, L. O. Parker. H. clly COunty attorney. The convention Covell left without appointment to at- w. v-rv harmonious and the .nominations tend school. I. L. Lowe, president Oeorge with much enthusiasm. This . Smith college, Sedalia, Mo. i. rwrttrded as an exceptionally atrong nasungs uismci Kicnara rearson, pre- ticket ldlng elder; postoffire, Hastings. Ayr. L. TECtlMSEH. Neb.. Sept. 22. (Special.) r. Harmon; maaen, k. l,. wolf; Blue mil. with scarcely an exception the republlcana supplied by O. W. Hummell; Carleton, E. of tnl8 neighborhood are satisfied with the uiaeon; ciay center, i. c,. Kowe; ticket nut un In the county convention Cowles, J. E. Rippetoe; Davenport, A. O. nere Saturday. The fuslonlsta will hold roreman; ueweesc, w. t. layior uoni- ..nMnn In Tertimaeh next Thurs- phan, A. B. Crossman; Edgar, A. C. Cros- flav. It la said that aome of the main thwaite; Fairfield, R. N. Orrlll; Fairmont, manipulator have promised the nomlna O. M. Gates; Geneva, E. M. Evans; . or COUnty attorney to J. B. Douglas Grafton, supplied by J. A. Larkln; Guide I nf tntll rty. Mr. nnugUa l ronfldent he Rock, supplied by T. O. Priestly; Hardy, wln be the man. There are soveral ctfn- A. Rouaey; Harvard. J. W. Swan; Has- didates for the other offices, and the squab tings, O. W. Abbott; Inavale, to be aup- b wln be to see whether the populists or piled; Juniata, supplied by O. M. An o-moerata can aet the biggest end of the drews; Kenesaw. Howard P. Young; Law- nominations. H. H. Hanka. the fusion rence. supplied by D. M. Rlckett; Nelson, nomineB for conaress for thla district, will C. P. Metcalfe; Oak, B. N. Kunkle; Ong, be present In the city that day and address n. wens; j ronser, 10 De suppnea; tied I the meeting. cioua, m. r. Dixon; Roseland, Lawrence TEKAMAH, Neb., Sept. 22. (Special.) iosi; Buperior, u. u. urown; Button, M. Although the republlcana of thla county l.. urooaa; Trumbull, B. F. Summers. have nominated their full county" ticket uincoin uistrict J. F. Kemper, presiding .d elected deleaatee to the several con elder, postofflce. University Place; Alvo, Yentlona. yet the removal of one of the w. ft. enoar; Asniana. A. m. Perry; Ben- county supervisors from his district re- nett, C. A. Hale; Cedar Bluffa, J. W. Royae; quires that another county convention be fresco, 10 do suppnea; crete, h. ti. wil- held to make a nomination to nil the va coxt Denton, supplied by H. 1 Case; Dor- I cancy, and the county central committee cnester, t. a. huh; bagle, J. G. Walker; has Issued a call for a convention for Oc Eimwood, J. M. Darby; Friend, J. K. Max- tober 15. Held; Greenwood, T. 8. Fowler; Havelork,. B J. Randall; Ithaca. W. M. Morely; Lin- HARMONY LACKING IN CUMING win, abuui;, iu uc uypuou; iiDcoin, i Bethel, W. H. Stanley; Lincoln, Emmanuel, Fact! L. F. Smith; Lincoln, Epworth, J. W. War- Held; Lincoln, Grace, P. P. Carroll; Lin- , coin, North Lincoln, supplied by A. S. Woodward; Lincoln, St. Paul's, F. L Whar ton; Lincoln, Trinity, N. A. Martin; Mead, M. E. Gilbert; Normal, supplied by H. F. 1 Flaht Amons; Gets More Bitter Each Year. Democrats with WEST POINT. Neb., Sept. 22. (Special.) The democrats of Cuming county held Huntington; Prairie Home, supplied by R. I their county convention In this city. Chris- H. White; Roca, N. M. Enyeart; Raymond tian Schlnstock waa nominated for repre- and Malcolm. J. G. Stanard; Sharon, J. H. aentatlve and T. Neary for county attor Nichols; University Place, L. C. Lemon; ney. The time of the convention was Valparaiso, M. C. Smith Wahoo, C. E. largely taken up with local differences, a Olwlts; Waverly, J. W. Saab rook; Weston, big fight being had between the Irish and supplied by W. H. Jackson; A. 8. Bull, mis- Oerman elements of the party and be- alonary In Kallspell mission, Montana. tween the so-called, court house ring and D. W. C. Huntington, chancellor: G. W. the outsiders. The breach among the Isham. field agent and treasurer Nebraska faithful la becoming wider each succeed- Wesleyan university and members of the Ing election, which Is a matter of great University Place quarterly conference. A. comXort and encouragement to the repub- W. Partch. professor In New Orleana unl- Means. verslty; E. W. Campbell and W. H. Pres- FALLS CITY, Neb., Sept. 22. (Special.) cott. evangelists; G. W. Martin, moral In- The fusion county convention met here atructor In atate penitentiary; A. J. Hoi- Saturday and nominated the following Ungsworth. transferred. county ticket: A. E. Ganntt of Falla City, Nebraska City District J. g. W. Dean, county attorney; John Licbty of Falls presiding elder. Nebraska City. Adama, J. City, John Mooney of Rulo and A. Fellers E. Holgate; Auburn. B. W. Marsh: Brock, of Humboldt, representatives; Dr. D. D, John Calvert; Bethel and Howe, D. B. Leeper .of Barada, coroner. Mr. John Lake; Brownville. M. 8. Foutch; Cook. Gagnon of Falls city waa made chairman Duke Blavens; Douglasst P. H. 'Smith: Elk of the county central committee. City. A. V. Wilaon: Falla City. B. W. Alex- EMERSON, Neb.. Sept. ZZ. (Special Tel- ander; Humboldt. J. H. N. Cobb; Johnson, egram.) At the fusion convention held here E. B. Maxey; Louisville, C. L. Meyers: today ueorge Bayna or Knox county was Murdock, to be supplied; Nebraska city, nominated for aenator for the Eighth dia J. W. Scott; Nehawka, to beiupplled; Pal- trlct. The convention was a very tame af- myra. William Van Buren; Peru. E. F. lr. only nve populists ana aeven demo Gates; Plattsmoutb. Asa 81eeth; Salem crate being present. nd Rulo. to he aunnlledr Sterling n M Jones; Stella and Shubert. to be Supplied; BONE PENETRATES THE LUNG Syracuse, w. M. Morrow; Tame Kock, A. HUMBOLDT ENTERTAINS KELLY Positive St. I.oola Alderman Believed to Have Been In that City. HUMBOLDT, Neb., 8ept. 22. (Special.) Evidence has just come to light which makes It almost sure that the city of Hum boldt has been entertaining a fugitive from Justice In the person of Charles F. Kelly, one of the Doodling aldermen of St. Louis, for whose capture the sum of $1,800 Is of fered. According to the story told by the employes of ths barber shop of Fred Fisher, a man answering the description given of the above party drifted Into town Friday morning and stopped at the Central ho tel and, although being a man of appar ently good education, registered in such manner that the name was not legible. Landlord Todd of the above hotel says the man appeared to have no particular busi ness and the only business house he Is known to have visited Is the Flsber barber shop, where he called for and received a shave and then seemed very anxious to se cure a morning paper. None having ar rived at that hour, he asked if he could remain in the shop and upon permission being granted he seated himself and read a novel for the rest of the day until train time, when he took his departure for, the west. Harry Wilkinson, a brother-in-law of Flsber, and Mr. Knight, the barber who shaved the stranger, noted his peculiar actions after he had gone out, but did not think much about It until the Sunday Post Dispatch of St Louis came, with the pic ture and description, when they Identified him as the man wanted, as did also Land lord Todd. Wilkinson says the man had sandy hair anJ light complexion, weighed bout 160 pounds, height slightly less than ve feet nine inches. He waa smooth shaved, had uneven teeth, wore a Panama hat, light checked coat, . striped trousers, negligee shirt and box-calf shoes. He talked very little, but upon. being ques tioned said he waa In St. Joseph a few days previous. All who came In contact with the stranger unlta In the opinion that he fits the description of Kelly to a dot. BAD MAN SHOOTS CONSTABLE s Captored by Cltlaens After an Es- cltlna; Chase In Which Blood hounds Are Ised. FAIRBURY, Neb., Sept. 22. (Special.) . Spragglna, a dissolute character of Day kin, shot and seriously wounded Constable Thomas Butterfleld, who was attempting to arrest him. Bpragglna had been on a protracted spree and waa terrorizing the town with a shot gun when the constable ordered him off the streeta. Before he got close enough to en force the command Spragglna ralaed hla gun and Bred, the full charge of bird shot entering the constable's side. Spragglna ran Into a cornfield, which was soon surrounded by cltlxens. A sheriff's posse from this place together with the Beatrice bloodhounda arrived there about midnight, but aa it waa then raining, ttfey were forced to give up the pursuit until day break this morning. Spragglns waa tracked to a farm house three miles north of there, where he had stayed all night. He had dis covered the pursuing party before they reached the house, however, and ran into a cornfield. Thla was quickly surrounded. nd the hounds tracked htm to a thicket of weeds In the center. As he had left his gun at the house In hla flight he waa taken without trouble. The Injured man was found to havo over 100 abot in hla side, but a late report from Daykln gives hopes of his recovery. The prisoner has a bad reputation, hav- ng once before been implicated in a shoot ing affair. RAIN HELPS 0UJFALL WHEAT Fnte Groand In 4tat hwesterm Ne braska la Flrat Class Coa dltlnn. CLAY CENTER. Neb.. Sept. 22. (Spe cial.) Ater threatening for twenty-four hours a good rain of X 51 Inchea fell In thts locality last night. This puts the ground In splendid copdltlon for the wheat which Is being sown. ROSELAND. Neb., Sept. 22. (Special.) Sunday and Sunday night the rain gaugo registered 84 Inches of rain. This locality had been very dry. The farmers hsd stopped plowing and not much fall wheat had been put In, but thts soaking rain was just what was needed. ELWOOD. Neb., Sept. 22. (Special.) We are having a big rain In this locality. Al ready 14 Inches has fallen and the pros pects are favorable for more. This will put the ground In fine condition for fall grain, a large acreage of which la In process of planting. BEAVER CITY, Neb., Sept. 22. (Special Telegram.) A drouth of several weeks' du ration was broken laBt evening and 1.80 inch of rain fell. During the storm the hay barn of W. T. Collins, west of town, was struck by lightning and 100 tons of hay were burned. The moisture places the ground In excellent condition for fall seed ing. M'COOK, Neb.. 8ept. 22. (Special Tele gram.) Southwestern Nebraska Is dripping and soaking under a general rainfall of over two Inches, which csme Sunday and last night, and the fall wheat aeedlng Is on. FALL MAY RJESULT FATALLY Sura-eons Amputate Leg of Major Wll. Hams as Last Hope of Sarins; His Life. BEATRICE, Neb., Sept. 22 (Special Tel egram.) Major J. W. Williams, who sus tained serious injuries by falling from a haymow several weeks ago. Is in a critical condition and as the last Tiope of saving his lite physicians amputated his right leg Just above the knee joint today. By falling twelve feet down an elevator shaft this afternoon the 5-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Smith of Council Bluffs, la., waa seriously if not fatally in jured. Louis Real of IMcCool Is Seriously - Injnred la m Ranaway Aeeldent. B YORK, Neb.. Sept. 22 (Special.) Louis W. Shamel; Talmage, A. E. Chadwck; Te cumseh. F. P. Blakemore; Unadllla, H. W. Cope; Union, G. W. Ayers; Weeping Water, T. II . Worley; H. F. Smith, left without appointment to attend school. York District G. L WrlchL nresldlns elder, postofflce York; Ooehner. to be sup- Ral. a aon of Heary Real, a farmer living oiled: Phllllpa. E. M. Reed: Arborrllle. K. soutn or mclooi vuncuon. mis coumy. was 8. Burr; Aurora. J. R. Woodcock: Beaver tne vlct,nv of n accident Saturday In which Crossing, Henry Zlnnecker; Benedict. D. W. ne cme ncar "la lite. He was drlv- Wltt: Dellwood. J. T. Roberts: Bradahaw. r' fron Fairmont on the public road C. B. Lenfest; David City. F. A. Colony; alongside of the Kansas City sV Omaha rail- Emerald. F. C. McVay: Exeter. M. A. Wlm- roaa, ana aeeing me passenger rrora iora berly; Falrvlew. to be supplied; Garrison, approaching, he drove at a fast gait to get H. V. Price: Glttner. to be suDolied: Ooehner cut ot tne way wnen nis pony sniea. Drean to be supplied: Grerham. M. R. CrlsD: I a hla buggy and. throwing young Keal out Hampton, supplied by R. D. Waterman: He wa" t,, nome na " wa Iouna tBa Ltnnwood. George Wash; Marquette. C. E. ne n,(1 nlD lnJurea. couaroone iracturea Ruch: McCool. A. E. Totten: Mllford. J. I and one of the lunga pierced by the sharp H. Presson; Osceola. J. W. Erabree; Phllllpa. d f the broken bone. R. M Reed: Pleasantdale to he unnliH- I Rising City. W. T. Cllne; Seward. John no,t r"r r" Gallagher; Shelby, I. C. Lemon; 8tockham, TEKAMAH, Neb., Sept. 22. (Special.) J. M. Wilson; Stromaburg, supplied by I The Burt county fair closed yesterday after James Mallley; Surprise, G. C. Cobb, I a very auccessful meeting of three days Thayer, David Fetx; Ulytaes, Leander Mor- The exhibits in agricultural producta and rlaon; Utlca, O. T. Moore; Waco, 8. T. fruit were never surpassed In this county Walker; Wsrs and Bralnard, O. L. Bur- I aa to quality. Much attention waa at reaa; York, O. W. Flfer; W. K. Wllllama, traded by a bundle of corn atalka between conference evangelist. I twelve and thirteen feet In length and nine feat from the roots to the ear. The exhibit Plattaatoath t nlef Rralaaa. of live stock, consisting of Hereford. Dur PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. Sept. 22. (Spe- ham and Aberdeen Angus cattle and Polan clal.) Chief of Police E. B. Phllllpa has China hogs was exceptionally fine, man tendered his resignation to Mayor Frank very nign pricea animaia or eacn oreea be J. Morgan, to take effect at once. Mr. Ing ahown. The recelpta will Justify the Phillips has made one of the best officers payment of all premiums In full for the position Plattsmoutb ever bad. but owing to the long hours and the rsponsl- bllity decided to quit snd return to work Knrprlac-s the Rebekahs. GENEVA. Neb.. Sept. 22. (Special ) Saturday evening being the fifty-first anni versary of the Rebekah lodge the mem bers of Silver Link. No. 14, aurprlaed the subordinate lodge, while In session by de manding admittance, carrying refreshments Farmer Meets with Accident. TECUMSEH. Neb.. Sept. 22. (Special.) While working with a disk harrow Charles Ernst, a young farmer of thta county, came near losing his life. As It is he Is suffering with a severely lacerated back and arm Hla horses lunged forward and he fell o the aeat backward. The lines were wrspped around hla wrists snd bis fall caused blm to Jerk them. The horses bscked the bar row onto him with the result above at GRADER STABS A CONTRACTOR Doctors Say Wounded Man Cannot Live and His Aaaallant Is In Jail at Fairfax. EUTTE, Neb., Sept. 22. (Special Tele gram.) As the result of a saloon brawl at Bonnsteel last night Nig Egan of the firm of Donahue & Egan, railroad con tractors, lies at the point of death from a dozen knife wounds administered by James Cook, a grader. The trouble was the result of a quarrel of the previous night. The doctors say Egan cannot live and his assailant Is now in Jail at Fairfax. Harvesting; Heavy Hay Crop. TEKAMAH. Neb., Sept. 22. (Special.) The Missouri bottoms at this place, from which thousands of tons of hay are cut each yoar, have been the scene of great activity for the past two weeks. Rainy weather and overflows retarded the haying more than a month, but the crop now being harvested is exceptionally heavy and of an excellent quality. Some land owners say they have learned by this year's experience that here tofore they have been cutting their hay too early. Arm Crushed by the Cnrs. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. Sept. 22. (Spe cial.) Saturday evening a switching crew at Pacific Junction noticed a man lying be alde the track, apparently unconscious and Investigation disclosed that the left arm had been run over below the elbow. He was picked up and taken to the hotel where the crushed arm was amputated by Dr. T. P. Livingston of Plattsmoutb. The unfortunate man'a name was A. Unroots a tailor from Villlsca, la., and he is S3 years of age. PE-EMA GUBEB.B9E IT WILL CURE Y flront EVIfj Other. e vii i unit! BROKEN RAIL DITCHES TRAIN Mrs. G. W. Coons of Beatrice Injured aad Other Passengers Are Shaken I'p. SUPERIOR, Neb., Eept. 22. (Special Telegram.) Train No. 129 on the Burling ton, a mixed train on I' the Superior ft Edgar branch, waa wrecked seven miles north of here this afternoon. Mrs. O. W. Coons of Beatrice sustained a severe cut on the head. All the other passengers bad slight cuts and bruises. The cause of the wreck waa a broken rail. The engine and two box cars passed over it safely, but tba baggage car and day coach Jumped the track and went Into the ditch. Bnlldlns; Room at 1'latavlew. PLAINVIEW, Neb., Sept. 22. (Special.) Baldwin Bros, have let the contract for a brick building 25x85 feet and two stories high. It will be used for a hard ware atore and tinsbop. The new brick hotel of 100 rooms Is nearly completed; I'arly Experience with a Snake. PLATTSMOUTH, Neb.. Sept. 22. (Spe cial.) Byron Sage had a queer experience while coming to town, which he will not soon forget. A rattlesnake got caught In the front wheel of the wagon and almost fastened its fangs Into Mr. Sage before he could get rid of It. Aa it was. he suc ceeded In keeping the snake on the wheel as it turned round until the wheel ran over the snake. Rain Benefits Fall Plowlag, WEST POINT, Neb.. Sept. 22. (Special.) A very heavy rain has been falling In this section for the last twenty-four hours, to the great benefit of fall plowing. Corn la practically out of danger of frost, with the exception of a few late fields which would have suffered In any event. Anuual Episcopal Convocation. FALLS, CITY. Neb.. Sept. 22.-(8peclal.) The annual convocation of the Episcopal church of the diocese of Nebraska will be held In this city from October 7 to 10 In clusive. Clergy from all parts of the state will be In attendance. Hlchardaon County Valuation. FALLS, CITY. Neb.. Sent. 22. fSneelaH County Clerk Tanner has turned the tax dookb ror 1902 over to the countv trea urer.' The assessed valuation of Richardson county is 13.461,645 and the total tax levied ia $165,152.35. Sloan Leads for Senator. ue.msva. Neb.. Sept. 22.-(Speclal.) uu account of the rains the vote at the prlmarlea Saturday evening was very light. Robert J. 81oan. candidate for state senator, secured the delegations aa far as heard irum. A fern from Heaven in the form of a sweet little child is recognized by the parents as a sacred trust to be cared for and given generously to the world aa a message of the Father's love to bis children. Children, strong intellectually and physi cally la a duty every pregnant mother owes society. MITrUM HUM is a soporific or sleep producing element ex. ternally applied that w!ll e-ive the exiectant mother nirhta of i -a i . . .... prscciui ana oreamiesa real, ana II used diligently throughout gestation will aoften all tisanes, muscles and tendons straining with the fcurden, caus ing them to relax and become soothed, supple and elastic. When yon use this perfect remedy during childbirth or throughout the entire period of gestation you will te free of pain and bear healthy, clever children. Of dragsUtfl.Mpsr bottis. Accept so substitute, Osr book, "Motherhood," noX THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO.. Atlanta, Ga. Washington (and return) 28.05 THE OFFICIAL ROUTE FOR NEBRASKA AND IOWA. Two solid through trains of standard and tourist sleepers and ehalr ears, without oBsnt. from OMAHA, OCTOBER i. Ttcksts on sal Oc tober 1, I. 4, B. Final return limit,, Nevamber I. LIBERAL BTOPOVER PRIVILEGES. For further Information call at or Address Rack lalaad System City Ticket Offlee, 1323 FARHAU STREET, 01MHA I The drink the year 'round Is Blue Ribbon bot tled beer. When properly cooled It Is not only dellahtfully refreshing, but Its tonleal properties will counteract, as no other drink, the debilitating effects being properly matured, will never cause biliousness like badly brewed "green Deer. a marvel of parity, and Is bottled with the great est care. Brewing Co. Omaha. PhomlZB a . ii v I ixm m - OSWEGO Purest and Best for Paddings. Custards, Blanc Mange, etc or sale by all flrat-claaa grocers. Coal Comes High. Is Your Office Warm in Winter? How well will your office be heated this winter? If you look forward to a cold office this winter, better move now. The Bee Building Does not try to BEve on the coal bill on account of the price of coal. Every man epends more time at his place of business than In any other one place. If you want a warm office at a reasonable price, call oa R. C. PETERS & CO., Ground Floor, Bco building.