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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1902)
THE OMATTA DATLT "BEE: TTTESDAT, PErTEMBETl 23, 1002. 10 IN REALM OF AK-SAR-BEN Knights Prsparisg far I ecsptios of President KsoseTtH Saturday Night ALSO FOR OPENING OF THE CARNIVAL Trrmrrr I'rnfnlil U "mains; Ont the Invitation ami SooTflr C'lly Connrll Sot nfdf to Allot Seals. The only reception committee that will be at the train to meet tho president at 6 o'clock Saturday afternoon will be th Board of Governors of the Knights of Ak-Bar-Bon. who will escort him to the din ner at the Omaha club over the following route: From tho depot, on Tenth to Farnam; west on Farnam to Fifteenth, north on Fifteenth to Capitol avenue, west on Capi tol avenue to Sixteenth, south on Six teenth to Douglas, west on Douglas to Seventeenth, south on Seventeenth to Far nam, west on Farnam to Twentieth, north on Twentieth to Omaha club. In the evening the parade which will be given in honor of the president will leave Sixteenth and Cuming streets at 7:30 p. m., go south on Sixteenth to Douglas, east on Douglas to Tnth. south on Tenth to Far nam. west on Farnam to Nineteenth, south on Nineteenth to Harney, east on Harney to Fourteenth, north on Fourteenth to Dodge. A special committee appointed by the board will escort the president from the dinner at the Omaha club to the reviewing stand In front of the city hall. Treasurer Tenfold Is sending out the In vitations to Ihe ball and the souvenirs to day. Theie are 2,500 souvenirs to be sent to the friends of those who contributed to the parade ar.d to members of the order. The souvenirs this year aro sterling silver paper knives. The handle on either side shows a mounted knight in full armor, his pennant bearing the word "Omaha." while below Is the word "Ak-Sar-Ben." The date, 1902. appears on a shield below a helmet suspended above the knight. The Invitation Is profusely Illustrated with scenes from Mother Goose melodies and fairy-land, which surround the crown, resting on a cushion. The Idea of the de sign Is good, but Its execution can hardly be called satisfactory, as the engraver failed to bring out the form of the more Involved figures. Invitations Not Transferable. The Board of Qovarnors has taken a de cided stand In regard to tho Invitations this year. Heretofore some of the most promi nent people of the city and some from out In the state have been violators of one of the rules of the society, which is to the effect that Invitation are not transferable. On account of the prominence of the parties and the apparent good faith of the persons who have presented the Invitations which were not issued to them, doorkeepers have been lenient and have admitted the holders. This year this lenient course will not be followed- In order tht no or. a T"y socept an Invitation sent to another there has been printed on the back of each ticket a statement that the ticket la not transfer able. When one is presented by a person other than the -one to -whom It la Issued the ticket will be taken up and the person refused admission. This rule will not be evaded In any case, so that persona desir ing to attend the ball must make provi sions with the personal representative of Samson for Invitations. The electric light company Is making preparations for the street Illuminations to day, the lamps being placed upon the wires which have been In position for aome time. Carnival Opens Wednesday. When the carnival opens Wednesday It will find the jobbing houses well prepared to receive their friends and customers, who are expected to arrive In large numbers. Already the managers of many of the houses have received letters from custo mers asking them to secure quarters for the visitors during their stay In the city and these requests have been complied with as far as possible. The wholesale merchants have organized reception and entertain ment committees sufficient to care for the entire crowd which will come to the city. The house will be decorated with the Ak- Sar-Ben colors and, while a force will be ready to take orders and ship goods. It will not be business which will attract the attention of the local managers during the carnival, but a desire to see that their friends are well received and cared for The jobbers desire their customers to under stand that Saturday la a regular half holi day with the jobbing houses. This Is the day that President Roosevelt will be in the clly and that afternoon no business will be transacted. It is expected that one afternoon In next week will be declared a holiday, ou which the houses will close at soon. City Hall Reviewing; Stand. The committee of the city council, con- elating of Messrs. Whitehorn, Karr, Burk ley and Zlmman, who were appointed to have entire management of the review Ins- stand In front of the city hall, met yesterday and discussed 'plans tor the arrangements of seats, but were unable to take any decisive action at that time for the reason that they were unable to ascer tain just how many seats the atand will accommodate. It has been decided that for the tickets which remain after the city officials and presidential party are pro vided the charge shall be $1 each. The committee will meet again this morning and will then be able to deter mine as to the allotment of seats. Chleaaro to Ksw York, and Retara, Via Erie Railroad. Oct Id, 4th, 6th and 6th. It Is the Erie ALL. THE WAT from Chi cago to New York. Through" baggage car, through coaches, through aleepers, through dining car. Absolutely no change. Fast limited trains. Lowest rates. - For time tables and Information apply to H. L. Purdy. traveling passenger agent. Erls Railroad, Chicago, 111. HALF KATES Via 'Wabash Railroad To points In Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Ken tucky, Pennsylvania, New York. Sold Oc tober 2, 3, 4. 6. Less than half rate on same datea to Washington, D. C, and re turn. All Information at Wabash New City Office, 1601 Farnam street, or address Harry E. Hoores, O. A. P. D., Omaha, Neb. LOW RATES EAST Via Mllwaakes Railway On September 23 to many points In Ohio and Indiana one fare plus t2 for the round trip. October 2. S. 4 and 5, Washington, D. C. and return $28.06; stopovers. City office, 1604 Farnam strest. Try Edholm's watch repairing department. WHEN YOU BUY A 3TU arw not paying; tor C1IKOMOS. lor FINE QUALITY IIAVANATOHACto. tyuALio inruiiiii'uuaaa, . . n I MI . V I lnl..n I r A aw ril' W atHitii annixjs wtuara KKAMKI JACKET. Mehea A Co. Took Nine Orders for Jarkets at Their Display at the Pastoa Yesterday. At the Paxton hotel, room 2, H. Lichee & Co. of San Francisco made some large fur sales yesterday. This Is the largest exclusive fur house in the world and will exhibit the finest collection of Alaskan sealskin garments and high grade fur nov elties ever shown In Omaha, ending Sep tember 23. , H. Llebes A Co. are the only fur manu facturers In the world catching their own seals. In addition to these unrivaled fa cilities they maintain their own fur trad ing stations throughout Siberia, Alaska and British Columbia. Therefore their ex hibit cannot fall to be of the utmost Inter est to the ladles of Omaha. Mr. Magorty, who has charge of this exhibit, Is a practical furrier and designer of long experience and will be pleased to make quotations, furnish estimates and take orders for furs of every description, to be delivered when required. BURGLARS ENTER TWO STORES Take Half a nosen Hats at One Place and Groceries at Ad. other. . Burglars worked in the business part of town again Sunday night. The store of Stephens & Smith, 307 South Sixteenth street, was entered and six hats, valued at $30, were stolen. Entrance was gained by forcing open a rear door. A considerable amount of money which waa In the cash drawer was not touched. The grocery store of E. Howell at Twenty fourth and Hickory streets was entered and eight pounds of smoking tobacco, a quantity of chewing tobacco, many cans of sardine, corn and salmon and several pounds of sugar and coffee were taken. The goods were valued at $40. O. O. Allen of SUinberry, Mo., lost $10 worth of time while taking a nap at Twelfth and Capitol avenue. While Allen dozed some one picked his pocket for his watch. Severe Attack of Diarrhoea, Quickly Cured. The following Incident related by Mr. W. C. Jones, postmaster at Buford, N. C, may be new to aome and yet a thousand others have had a like experience. "About two years ago," he says, "I had a severe attack of diarrhoea which laated tor over a week. I became so weak that I could not stand up right. A druggist recommended Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. The first dose relieved me at once and within two days I waa well and strong as ever." Pure 18-k wedding rings. Edholm, Jeweler. Exceptionally Low Hates for Septem ber and October. Every day during the months of Septem ber and October, 1902, the Union Pacific will sell one-way settlers' tickets at the following rates: From Missouri river ?nno Ogden end Salt LaUs. $20.00, Butte and Helena. $22.60, Spokane. x.OO, Portland and Ashland. San Fran cisco, Los Angeles and San 111 en Correspondingly low rates from inter mediate points. City ticket office, 1324 Farnam street. 'Phone 81. 24 Jewelled watches. Edholm, Jeweler. TO ELECT, NEW ' DIRECTORATE Annual Election of Omaha. Andltorlnm Company First Monday In October. The annual election of directors of the Omaha Auditorium company will take place the first Monday In October. F. E. uanDorn has positively refused to serve, longer as president of the company, giv ing as his reason for withdrawing the fact mat ce is not in good health, not having fully recovered from his serious Illness of the summer. In addition to this his busi ness requires more attention than can be given to It while he acts aa president of the Auditorium company. He is willing to serve as a director and will probably be one of the persons elected. It is expected that there will be several changes on the board. Drives All Berors It. Aches and pains fly before Bucklen't Arnica Salve. So do sores, pimples, bolls. corns and piles, or no pay. 16c. Silver anniversary gifts. Edholm, jeweler. MANY CHEAP RATES Via Wabash Railroad. $11.50, St. Louis and return, October 5 to 10. $35.60, New York and return, October S to 5. ' $28.05, Washington and return, October 2 to 6. $31.76, Boston and return, October to 10. Many more to points saat. Call at Wa bash corner, 1601 Farnam street, or ad dress Harry E. Moores, general agent pas senger department, Omaha, Neb. The Eighth Ward Republican club will hold a reception and ratification meeting In Wolfe's ball Tuesday evening, Septem ber 23. Hon. L. C. Barnes will speak. All candidates and all others Invited. C. J. ANDERSEN, President W. F. COWGER. Secretary. BUILDING INSPECTOR ALERT Complains taat Exhibitor at Street Fair Is Iajarlas Asphalt Pavement. The building Inspector has found It neces sary to complain to the management of the Ak-Sar-Ben carnival by reason of the care lessness or wanton disregard for cit7 prop erty on the part of aome of those who havs leased privileges and are making prepara tions to place their exhibits. On Eighteenth street one prospective exhibitor who has erected a tent in the street has driven ths Iron tent pins entirely through the as phalt pavement aad In some places has torn up and displaced large portions of the asphalt. To please our patrons, the American vibllc. Is our aim. Cook's Imperial Extr Dry Champagne. It baa the quality. Home Visitors' Esearsloa VIA ROCK ISLAND SYSTEM On September 23 tickets will be sold to many points in Indiana ana unio at ons faro plus $ 2 for the round trip. Ticket office, 1323 Farnam St.. Omaha. 33.00 bats, all styles. Frederick, batter. Publish your legal notices in The Weekly Bee. Telephone 23S. SCUEMKS FREE DUALS, ETC, but vvh. an my "" . . AFTER THE NEXT CONVENTION Icrtmblo for Christian China Gathering Isgini in Earnest. FOUR LOCATIONS ARE BEING BOOMED Masjara Falls, Buffalo, Detroit and California. Are Making; Efforts to Seen re the 1IMK1 Meeting-. Already there is a scramble for the Chris tian church convention of 1903. The local committee of the church has received word from Niagara Falls, Detroit, Buffalo and California to the effect that there would be strong delegations present to advance the clrtlms of those cities and that state for the next convention. So far It appears that Niagara Falls 'has taken the most advanced position. That city has a committee whose business it Is to secure conventions. This committee has undertaken to secure the Christian conven tion and a letter from the mayor and city clerk brings Information that the city council la co-operating with the conven tion committee for that purpose. Detroit and Buffalo write to aacertaln the cost before putting on foot active steps for the meeting, while the California dele gates have decided to ask for the conven tion for San Francisco or Los Angeles. The question will be decided later. Harry O. Hill, pastor of the First Chris tian church has gone to Springfield Mo., to advertise the meeting before the mis sionary society of that state. Enroute he will stop at Kansas City and work for the same object. , Judge Slabaugh and C. S. Paine are In Beatrice, where Sunday night they ' spoke at a meeting of the Christian church. They returned last night. W. T. Hilton will return from his trip to Colorado Wednesday and will be In a position to tell of the showing to be made by that state at the convention, as he has devoted considerable time to the work while on his vacation. Mrs. Garloch, chairman of the entertain ment committee. Is anxious to close her work as soon as possible and aska that those who can entertain delegates make the fact known at headquarters, either through the members of her committee or by personal notice to the general commit tee, as soon as they can. It Is found as the work of the entertainment committee advances that it will require a large num ber of private homes to accommodate the visitors. MONEY TO HEAL INJURIES Woman Asks for More Than Ten Thousand Dollars from 'Bit Company. Mae I. Kamrar seeks by means of a suit In the district court to collect damages amounting to $10,200 from the Omaha Street Railway company and William A. Paxton and William A. Sharp, doing busi ness as the Omaha Transfer company, by reason of Injuries which, It Is alleged, she received on the evening of July 4 last In a collision between a street car and one of the transfer company's 'busses. In which she was a passenger. ThA netlHnn ntfttAa that- An thm .v.nln In question, about 9 o'clock, the plaintiff M-klr nauaM In tfia 'Hum tn rwn 9 ih Web8ter Btreet aeDot to tn comer of Eighteenth ana Burt streets and that on Sixteenth street the driver of the 'bus carelessly and recklessly tried to cross the street car tracks, although there was a car coming along, and that the car col lided with the 'but, overturning the lat ter, and the plaintiff was violently thrown through one of the windows of the 'bus. It is alleged that the- plaintiff's face was cut so severely as to leave a permanent scar and she was severely bruised about the head, shoulders, back and limbs, besides suffering a great nervous shock. A 'Wonderful onanare. Weak, sickly Invalids are soon changed by Electric Bitters lntp healthy men and women. They cure or no pay. 60c. Chicago to Boston and Return, flO.OO. Via Erie Railroad. Tickets on sale Oct. 7 to 11 Inclusive, good to return on or before Oct. 13. By deposit and payment of 60 cents, extension of limit to Nov. 12 may be obtained. Through sleeper. For time tables and de tail information apply to Mr. H. L. Purdy, traveling passenger agent, Erie Railroad, Chicago, 111. Low RateS Only and to 5. East Through tourist sleepers to Washington. October. 4; only $3 for a double berth all the" way. $35.55 to New York City and back, October 2 to 5. One fare for the Round trip to many points in Ohio, Indiana, to Pittsburg and other points in western Pennsylvania, to Buffalo an4 to Toronto, October 2 to 5. BANK YtllR MONEY WITH US Jfol mm TUESDAY A lo This is by far the Greatest Rug Event of the season. We have held a great many rug sales and always' have given our customers greater values than we advertise, but never before have we been in a position to offer such remarkable values in high class rugs aa we will offer Tuesday morning. Just about one year ago we held a most remarkable rug sale. The trade Journals all over the country commented on It, but the sale that we are going to have Tuesday will even eclipse that one. The rugs we will offer are the entire stock of a well known eastern mer chant retiring from the rug business. We bought this mock at each an ex tremely low price that we are enabled to offer the hlphest class rugs, In most instances at less than half their regular value. They are all strictly high class rugs, bought for this season's trade, and are right up-to-date. On account of their superior grade and the most magnlllcent line of patterns of these rugs this Is a sale of more than ordinary importance, considering the fact that they will be sold at one-half, and In many instances at one-fourth their regular value. The stock oonsists chiefly of the finest grades of Wilton, Moquette, Axmln ster and Body Brussels rugs all In room sizes. We earnestly solicit your attendance at this sale Tuesday. $50 Rugs for $29.98 In this lot all the finest grades of Royal Wilton Rugs, such as Sawells sllklrkes, Bundahr & Burton's and the celebrated seamless Wilton vel vet rugs; very newest medallion center and allover Oriental designs. They are In the 9x12 size and most of them In this lot are retailing in the best stores in the. 29.98 country at $50.00; yout choice at $35 Rugs for $15.98 In this lot all the finest grades, 7Hx 10&, all wool Smyrna rugs, all 8Vi xUHi Smith Axmlnster ruga, hundreds of elegant patterns. Oriental and Floren tine designs, at 15.98 $19 Rugs for $8.98 In this lot all the 9xlH4 Sanford Brus sels rugs and 7Hxl0V4 Oriental Smyrna rugs; all designs, absolutely new; this season's production; worth $19.00, at 8.98 Watch Our J Window I K OMAHA w EELEY CURE ALLEN P. ELY & CO. Buy and Sell Second-Hand Macninary. To Rent, Floor in Our Warehouse. No- 2 B, & M, Trackage. $25- 1106-8.10 Douglas St., 'Phone 151, Omaha, Neb. LAND OF BIG RED APPLES Bis Yield of Orchards In States to the Sonth on the 'Frisco Line. 1 From an estimate of 'the apple crop raised along Its line of railroad the 'FtIbco may not improperly be called the "Apple Route." At least this appellation would ap ply to that part of the 'Frisco which passes through Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas and Indian Territory. In twenty-four counties In Missouri the estimated crop for 1902 Is J90.110 barrels; for ten counties tn Kan sas, 15,680 barrels; for aeven counties in Arkansas, 167,600 barrels, and for Indian $14.75 to Chicago and back, October 1 and 2. $28.05 to Washington, D. C, back, October 2 I1 r7 4 PrR CENT INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS .43 $20 Rugs for $12.98 All the elegant Sanford Brussels rugs, 9x12, 10-wire Brussels, newest me dallion center and all-over patterns; also 9x12 Oriental Smyrna rugs. Im mense variety, wojld 12.98 be rare bargains at $20; at $40 Rugs for $19.98 In this lot all the very best quality 9x12 Bromley, all wool Smyrna rugs, rich coloring, 9x12 size. Smith Ax minster rugs; finest grades Hartford Body Brussels rugs; all the old style Axmlnster rugs in 9x12 styles; all new and most J g fa. beautiful patterns; IM Mff worth $40.00, at HafifafW $5 Moquette Rufs for $1.98 In this lot all the 36x72 Smith Mo quette rugs; floral and Oriental de signs; handsome and substantial rug selling in Omaha today for $5.00, at 1.98 II S3 - in mm Watch Our Windows Ac- One of the best equipped of the Keeley system of Institutes, the only Keeley Institute In Nebraska. Cures Drunkenness, Cures Drug Users. Booklet free. Address all letters to 724 S. 19th. HomeTreatmentfor Tobacco Habit. Cost $5, Territory, 1,700 barrels, making a grand total of 475,090 barrels. The 'Frisco has applied the name, "The Land of Big Red Apples," to this section of its territory. The county producing the heaviest crop this year is Benton, in Arkansas, with an esti mated yield of 84,300 barrels. Attention, Modern Woodmen. Members of Beech camp are requested to attend the funeral of Neighbor Charlie Johuson Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Services will be held at his late residence, 1467 Phelps street. Interment at Spring Lake cemetery. S. N. HOYT, V. C. FRANK WHITMARSH, Clerk $11.50 to St. Louis and back, October 5 to 10. $31-. 75 to Boston and back, October 6 to 10. Tickets, 1502 farnam Street Smcv.rt, Stylish. Shoes for Men At $2.90. business is jumping forward by leaps and bounds. These shoes are of the very best vici kid, box or velour calf, with heavy or light Goodyear welt soles., This is a strictly high grade shoe for the price of one of me dium quality. is a strictly high grade shoe for the price of one of me- Q diuni quality. H For All Classes of People The merchant and the mechanic favor It. The rich and the poor enjoy It. The active and the Infirm are benefited by it. Mets beer is, In short, a perfect brew. Pure, wholesome, strengthening. Highly recom mended as a tonic and a stimulant. The beer of quality the best Alctz Bros. Brewing Co. Tel. IIS. Omaha. Or Jacob Neumayer, AgL. cars Neumayti Hotel. Council Bluffs. Iowa. Ak-Sar-Ben Visitors to the Fall Festivities this year will do well to make up a list of their drug wants and call on us while in the city and let us save you more than enough to pay all your expenses. This Is a sample of our prices: 35c Wyeth's Menthol Pencil 25c 25c Carter's Little Liver Pills 10c 25c Laxative Bromo Quinine 12c 25c Qulnacetol (best for colds) 20c $1.00 Peruna stamp over top 5Hc 11.00 Peruna stamp off top Sic These stamps are worth lc each, want 'em? Jl.(K) Temptation Tonic genuine 25c J1.00 German Klmmel Bitters guaran teed for catarrh 75c $1.00 Plnkham's Vegetable Compound.... 67c $1.00 Butler's Female Regulator 75c This is guaranteed by manufacturer. $2.00 Chester's Pennyroyal Pills 1.00 $3.50 Marvel Whirling Bpray Syringe.... 2.5) Open Ail Night. SGIIAEFER'S DRUGSTORE Tel. 74?. 8. W. Cor. 10th and Chicago. Buy The Sunday Bee Only $25 to the Pa cific Coast. Through standard and tourist sleepers every, day, past the grand panorama of the Rockies by daylight. Only $20 Lake City. Salt Only $16.75 Big Horn Basin, its thousands of lands open to millions of acres lands. A wonderful opportunity for homeseekers to say goodbye to landlords. When you are ready to buy a pair of shoos look around town and we what you ran pet for $4.00. Then come here and look at these at ?2.i)0. You'll see in a minute why our shoe Woman's $3.00 Welt Sole Shoes This Is a first-class fall and winter shoe, in fact too much value for the money they have heavy or medium weight welt soles with extension or narrow edges and uppers of plump heavy or light kid, patent leather tips. We can fit anyone and any kind of feet for we have them In narrowest to widest widths, longest to shortest lengths. , This is a shoe that will please you on account of Its durability, stylish shape and comfortable foot fitting qualities. We also have a line of box calf wet weather shoes at same price. DREXEL SHOE GO Omaha's Up-to-Date Shoe House. 1419 PARNAM STREET. Low Rates West to Butte, Helena, to points in the Wyoming, with acres of irrigable settlement, and of free grazing lift Vs imM'f Sfl- ' -a ! H wwssxasBsaf J f f