TUTj mrAITA PAIIV JIVTa JfONDAT, SEPTEMBER 22, 1002. TENDENCY TO CENTRALIZE Industrial Concentration Discusasl bj Bit. Herring at Pint Oonjrfjiititntl. ANTI-TRUST LEGISLATION IS ABSURD Bays ( orarannllr tif Interest. Will ot He Srajerl, bn Will (onllnaf to Prnarvaa to More Sails factory Conditions. "Our anti-trust legislation In absurd, from the (act that It Is based upon th Idea cf turning things backward," said Rev. H. C. Herring In the course of his sermon at the First Congregational church yesterday morning; and those words, although by Bo means constituting a complete Index to his discourse, may fairly be said to be Indicative of its tenor. Lr. Herring took (or his text Micah. vl:8 and said that the words of the prophet might be construed s Indicating how easy It Is and yet how difficult to be a gocd man. This suggestion the preacher applied particularly to In dustrial work. The Industrial world he Spoke of as the great world of today, and Steadily coming to transcend In Impor tance those three great forces of society, the borne, the state and the church. There fore It was of the greatest Importance that men should deal Justly with one an other. The tendency of society toward con centration In all branches he discussed rather from an economic than a theological standpoint, arguing that the present or ganization of capital on the one hand and labor on the other was a natural evolution and tbo result of conditions a step away from individualism toward mutualism and that It would be a great mistake to at tempt to stay the progress of that evolu tion in an effort to disintegrate the two (treat forces and return to the Individual ism of the past. The tendency of society, he believed to be toward unification as a till further evolution of the present con dition of duality of interests. POWER KKEDKU II V THE (HtlKII. Fire of True Christianity Says Her, D. K. Tlndall. In his sermon of last evening Rev. D. K. Tlndall of Trinity Methodist Episcopal church preached from Acts 1, 8, the text being: "Ye shall receive power; after that the Holy Ghost Is come upon you." Bo said: "The greatest need of the church Is not numbers. Half the world's Inhab itants are nominally Christians, and more than one-fourth are members of the Chris tian church. It can no longer be said, Tear not, little flock.' It is quality more than quantity that is required to capture the world for Christ. Gideon, with 300 men and the sword of the Lord, was more than a match for the hosts of Mldianltes. Abraham, with 318 picked men, was too much for all the kings of the valley of Sodom. It Is not the power of social In fluence. The real aristocrats and the elite cf tha world arc. Christians. It Is no longer a disgrace to be called a Christian. Chris tian nations are at the front; not heathen China or Infidel Turkey, but Christian Eng land and America lead the world today. Most of the great rulers and statesmen of the world are church members or be lievers in the Christian religion. There are few Pllates, Herods or Caesars todsy with which Christ has to contend. It is not the power of wealth. The wealth of the world is chiefly in the hands of, or is con trolled by Christians. China Is poor, Tur key la virtually bankrupt, and those na tions which are only nominally Christians, or which have not the power of vital Chris tianity, ss Italy, Greece and Spain, are having a financial struggle to exist, while Christian America and England and other thoroughly Christian nations abound in wealth. Vanderbllts, Goulds, Rockefellers, Studebakers and other multi-millionaires krs numerous In the Christian church of to day. Nor is It political power. The branches of the Christian church which have dabbled most in partisan politics have been of late making the least prog ress. Christianity In politics is quite nec essary, but the less of partisan politics In Christianity the better. It Is not the power of learning. The Christian church has al ways stood for colleges, scholarship and culture, as witness the church fathers snd Paul, Luke, Luther, Wesley, Calvin and thousands of other bright lights in church history. Its colleges are numbered by the hundreds, and its pulpits and pews sbound In learning. It is not the power of ora tory, for I doubt not that the church has been cursed with much of the atudled and formal oratory of the schools. What cared a Wesley or Moody or Myer for oratory? "The power the church needs Is that of the Holy Spirit; this hsa always been its power. A cannon may be great and perfect, and the powder and ball properly and carefully placed, but without a spark of fire, all is powerless to do execution; hut once a spark of fire touches the powder, Instantly that powder Is a flash of light ning and that ball a thunderbolt, in whose path are destruction and death. The church may be large and perfectly organ lsed and equipped, but without Holy Ghost firs It la powerless to destroy the wicked ness of tbs world; but on fire with the Holy Ohost, the powers of darkness can not long withstand Its blazing and tri umphant march. One hundred and twenty spirit-filled Christians on the day of Pen tecost won 3,000 stubborn souls to Christ. The early church, with this same power. conquered the Roman empire in less than three centuries. Let us wait In prayer for this power; expect it, receive It, and take the world for Christ." (TALKS OP FOKKIG MISSIONS Appeal for Their Support Made hy Rev. Yost. At Bt. Mary's Avenue Congregational church Sunday Rev. Robert Yost delivered a strong and telling appeal for foreign missions and at the conclusion of his ser mon an unusual shower of coins rained Into the contribution boxes. In all the church there' was scarcely a person who did not ITS. ' Rer. Yost trested his topic In part from a statistical standpoint, showing the mil Jions of heathens In China. Japan, the sea Islands, India, Africa and other lands. He told of the starts which Christianity had mads In these various places, and ot how How About That Do the Omaha- druggists tell you thers is no drug trust In this city? If so (we heard they did) why don't a representa tive from Harle Haas Drug Co. of Council Bluffs, or of E. E. Hruce t Co.. or IUrh- ardaon Drug Co of Omaha, call on us tor orders, and sell us goods, same as other druggists r Do these look like trust prices? ISo Carter's Little Liver Pills l"c Z&o Laxative Uromo Uulnlne lie Sto Uulnacutul. guaranteed for colds.. 20c 11.00 Veruna, if you want It 67o ll0i German Klinmell Hitters, guaran teed for catarrh 75c IV 00 Plnkhara's compound &sc Jl.uO Butler's Female Remedy, guaran teed 75c n.O Temctatlon Tonic, senuine 2ic 1W Marvol Whirling Spray Syringe. 4.W Chester's Pennyroyal Pills 11.00 Open All Night. SOIMEFER'S CUT PRICK DKUG STORE JtU T4fi . W. Ces. iota an Calcasa. much remained to be dnos. Referring then to the immense preponderance of souls In the world thst bsve never known Christ the pastor said: "One thought burns Into my brsln. I tuke out my watch and gaze at the second hand while It makes Just one revolution, covering the sixty seconds, one minute. In that time thirty Uvea have passed out of the world. By some strsnge power I am enabled to stand beside each of these thirty ss he dies. To all I put the same question, Do you believe in Jesus V Twenty out of that thirty, that one minute's Ule, look at me In miserable wonder and respond, 'Who Is Jesus? I have never heard of him." "You happy people sit In God's house and feast at bis board. Remember the many millions who would be glad to get the mere crumbs from that table. You have been taught to go to Ood in trouble; they can but look Into deeper darkness." KCRKT OP TRIE GREATNESS, Rev. C. C. CI. .ell Preaches I'poa that abjert. "God's greatest problem Is man; His greatest work Is In the interest of man; His revelations are In behalf of man; and though man Is the supreme apex of what Ood has made, man is the only one of God's crea tions that has caused Him trouble." So said Rev. C. C. Clssell at tha Hanscom Park Methodist church Sunday morning. Dr. Ciesell told of the creation of the world for man and of the creation of things on it for him, snd of God's way for the ultimate sal vation of man. He told the story of how Moses led the children out of the wilderness, of how God had caused the child to be saved when the order had been Issued to put to death the Hebrew children; of how the child bad been educated In the household of the king and had later saved his people. He told of the time when the church was full of hypocrisy and when people lived by the will of the pope; of how Martin Luther kindled the Are of revelation, and of other Incidents of the awakening of man by God. 'Man's secret of greatness is Independ ence," said Rev. Clssell. "Tell him be is ot independent snd he becomes angry. But greatness is not independence; there is no such thing as independence in this world or the celestial world. The grass of the elds is dependent on the earth for life, the oxen on the grass and man Is strengthened by the ox, and everything has some Influ ence over something else. Communion and fellowship with God Is greatness. The high est honor to man Is to talk with God." We can communicate with Ood today. We can talk to Him face to face if we follow His teachings. God bas done all for us and we should do something for Him. We can only get greatness in serving God. Severe Attack of Diarrhoea Quickly Cured. The following Incident related by MrVW. Jones, postmaster at Buford, N. C, msy be new to some and yet a thousand others have had a like experience. "About two years ago," he says, "I had a severe attack of diarrhoea which lasted for over a week. became so weak that I could not stand up- lght. A druggist recommended Chamber- Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. The first dose relieved me at once and within two days I was well and strong as ever." AUTUMNAL EQUINOX IS HERE Scientists Bar It Accoants for Rain. i bat They Promise Immediate Clearing-. Omaha people who are waiting In sus pense to see that old Sol does not upsot things terrestrial today as bs makes bit autumnal trip through the equator and thus bring bavoe to the Ak-Bar-Ben festiv ities, which are to be rendered specially notable this year by the visit of the pres ident, will be glad to learn that men who can speak scientifically upon the subject predict fair and pleasant weather immedi ately following the present cloudy spell. Weather Forecaster , Welsh is one who takes this cheerful view. The present disturbance In the elements Mr. Welsh and others attribute to the au tumnal equinox naturally, but the former believes that bright weather is In store and will prevail during the festival week. The fact that the low barometer, which has caused the rainy, cloudy spell of the last day or two, is attended by no vio lence is taken as especially encouraging. The only serious question is as. to the durstlon of this ugly period. But no re markable equinoctial disturbances being on 'the docket, weather prophets say there is no special cause for alarm over the fear ot spontaneous phenomena. Today the night and day cut up the time evenly between them for the first time since March II, when the vernal equinox rolled around and effected amicable rela tions between them. Old Sol takes advan tage of the occasion of sweet harmony and equity and formally ushers into existence the fall or autumn season. Astronomers, sptsklng of the equal division which the equinoxes make between day and night, volunteer the Information that this spirit of equality la limited. For this reason no one must run away with the Idea that while day and night are equal all over the world this condition of affairs divides the year into portions of equal length at all. Tbe Interval from the vernal to the au tumnal equinox Is greater than from the autumnal to the vernal. Or to put It dif ferently, the sun continues longer on the northern side than on tbe southern side of tbe equator, because It Is mora dlstsnt from ths earth In our summer than In the winter, and Its angular motion In its orbit Is consequently slower between Msrch and September than between September and March, or In simple vernacular, the earth moves faster in winter than In summer. Why Modify Milk for infant feeding in the uncertain ways ot the novice when you can have always with you a supply of Borden's Eagls Brand Con densed Milk, a perfect cow's milk from herds of native breeds, the perfection ot Infant food? I'se it for tea and coffee. REHEARSALS FOR BIG PARADE Those Who Are to Take Part ra Eire, trlcal Pagcsst Will Get Bosy. All persona who are to take part in the electrical pageant of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben are requested to be present at ths den this sventng. In previous years there w-ere two weeks between the suspension of Initiations at the den and the pageant. This yesr there will be less thsn a week, as ths parade is to be seen for the first time Saturday night, so that it will bs necessary to devote ss much tims as pos sible to ths work at the den, as the grand march and tbe rehearsal for tha different parts must bs as accurals as possible to insure the success of the festures of the week. It has been arranged to remove the clothing boxes from ths den to the head quarters of ths carnival manager at 114 South Fourteenth street while ths parade Is In progress, so that all persons in cos turns can change their costumes without returning to ths den aftar ths parade. Works Wsn rur Wesaea. Elrctrlo Bitters Invigorate ths female system and cures nervousness, headache, backache and eonstlDatloo. at ao oar. a PROGRAM FOR CONVENTION irTarjgamsnt of Various fteuisci of Big Christian Oh arch Gatheriig. WOMEN'S SOCIETY THE FIRST TO MEET Other Societies Brain ..nn, October 1 and Continue for Eight Days Speakers from All Parts of Country, The progntm for tbe American and for eign societies of the Christian church, at their convention to be held in this city October 16 no 23, has been Issued by the secretaries. The women's society will be the first to meet, being called to order Friday morning and continuing until Sat urday at noon. The other societies will meet st noon Saturday and will carry out tbe following program: flats rday, October 18. 11 ft. m Geinersl board, A. C. M 8 p. m. General board, F. C. M 8 xV p- .n?.chrls,lan Endeavor session. Address. 1 he Transforming power of the Ohio t,naeavor" c- Plattenburg. Sunday, October 19. 11 a. m. Preaichlng In all offered pulpits. :30 P- m. Union communion service. T E. Cramblett, West Virginia. pits0 P- m Plwacnln ln a" offered pul. Monday Morning, F. C. At S. CONVENTION. 9:00 Devotlon.tl service. :30 Appointment of committees. 9:46 Annual reports. 10:30 Introduction of missionaries. ll:0oAddreso, "Authority for Foreign Missions," C. C. Rowllson, California. 11:30 Address, "What a Million Disciples of Christ Can snd Should Do," Hugh Mc Lellan, Kentucky. 12 Mf Ad Jou rn men t. Monday Afternoon. 2:30 Devotional service. 2:40 Reports of committees. 3:30 Addressee by the missionaries. 4:15 Address, "Our Work ln Japan and China," F. M. Rains. 6 .00 Adjournment. Monday Sight. 7:00 Devotional and song service. 7:30 Address, "The Secret of Missions," R. E. Hieronymus, Illinois. 8:00 Address, John R. Mott. 9:00 Adjournment. Tuesday Morning. Leader of song. DeLoss Smith. 9:00 Devotional service, George Bush, Texas. :3o President's address, Harvey O. Bree der), Iowa. 10:00 Report of the acting board of man agers, Benjamin Lyon Smith, correspond ing secretary. 10:20 Report of the board of church ex tension, George W. Muckley, correspond ing secretary. 10:36 Business session; reports of com mittees. 11:15 Address, "The Vision Splendid," R. H. Crosstield, Kentucky. 11:45 Hour of prayer. Tuesday Afternoon. I-eader of song, Robert M. Hopkins. 2:30 Devotional service, O. W. Lawrence, Missouri. . ..... 2:50 Report of board of ministerial re lief. A. L. Orcutt: address, J. B. Mc- Cleery. B:bO Kepons oi rommiuc. i-artArMrH. "Foreinn Populations," Huward T. Cre, Missouri. Tuesday Evening, 7:30 Service of song, Omaha choir lead- ln00-Address. "Christian Union." E. L. Powell, Kentucky. Wednesday Morning. Leader of Song, F. H. Cappa. 9:00 Devotional service. 9:15 Report of the statistical secretary, O. A. Hoffmann. 9:25 Unfinished business. 9:40 Introduction of missionaries. 10:io-"Problems of City Evangelization. W B. Taylor, Illinois: "Methods ot tlty Evangelisation." Frank L. Bowen. Mis souri: "Multiplying Congregation, , n the Smaller Cities," Jay E. Lynn, Illinois. udOAadre... George B. Rftn"haw' ,or 11:40-12:00 'Porto Rico,' w. M. layior, Porto Rico. Wednesday Afternoon. OUR RELATED INTERESTS. Trader of song, J. William Landrum. Devotional service. J. W. Hilton. Ne- b2-&rlstlan Endeavor Among the Dls- cSST ?"pr CmV B B SSSSSlirS- tfVfc. Scott BStoSrB0!The Benevolent Association" Mrs H R Meier; "The Ministry of Chrls Uan Philanthropy." George L. Snlvely. Wednesday Evening. 7:30-Song service. ,:tt5?d'rei.bSca Extension." C. M. Cddre"rl;The Called According to His Purpose." J. C. Mason, Texas. Thursday Morning. Leader of song. Mrs. Princess Lonf-9:00-Hour of prayer, Howard Cramblet, IT80lw'-"Boys and Girls' Rally Day." olVW.n'wo'rk-ln the Sunday Bi;-ACnSaerehc0ehl0on "Christian Union." B. B. Tyler. Colorado. Thursday Afternoon. BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION. :0rt-George H. Combs, Kansas City. '"IAiwuaTaddress of the president, Mrs. Mi-BAnnual report of corresponding sec retary. Mrs. J. K. Hansbrough. 3.06-Central Orphans' Home. St. Louis. Mrs, Rowena Mason pres.dent J:20 central win i rr.r -onvllle 111.. Mrs. S. D. Osborne, president. .n"t:.t..Vn old PeoDle's Home. East Ai.'rnri.. N. Y.. Mrs. Anna Grove, vice P",t'!dV?,t- . rwh.n.' Home. Loveland. Colo William J. Lockhart. Colorado. S'oW'tVio Grandeur of Christian Philan thropy." It- T. Sweeney, Indiana. lent Association." George U Snlvely. secre tary. , 5:80 Beneaicuon. .... .. . . Pastors' and evangelists' section. Led by J. V. Updike. , A M . . 2:00 Song service conducted by H. A. Easton. , ... . 215 Prayer service ku ; B2"PeIacemaJCtng." Victor Dorri. Ken- tU2C-l-ney Said. He Bald, I Bald: What? Whv?" Edward Oliver Tllburn, New York. iu-"Obstacles ln the Way," George H. Sims. Ohio. it rvuk., rn... J16 "Tne Old or inn new, t iuui -ence D. Mitchell. New York. 3:30 fc.vangeiiein: "Blul Hughes, California. s !k"Ralslna Money," W. E. Harlow. 4 ;O0 Instructing Lonvrru, o. ai. mm- tin Missouri. 4;i5"Advertlslng," George T. Hall. Illi nois. rl. A II T,'M. T i-30 "iersonai worn, aucu , ..- cuana. ..., , n n 4:4& "City Kvangeuiaiiun, J. - B:00-l"Consecratlon of All Evangelists Present " J. V. I'pdlke. leaaer. durational section, led by W. F. Rich ardson. Thursday Evening. Closing consecration meeting, H. A. Den ton. Missouri, leaaer. o Time to Fool Away. Coughs, colds and lung troubles demand prompt treatment with Dr. King's New Discovery. No cure, no psy. ftoc, ii. Exhibition of Sealskin Garments, H. LIEBES & COMPANY, the renowned Fur House of San Francisco. Cal., will dis play a magnlHcent line of sealskin garments and elegant fur novelties ln Omaha st the Paxton, Friday. September 19. until Tues day. September 23, Inclusive. H. LIEBES COMPANY ars known as the leading furriers of the world. They have exclusive facilities for obtslnlng seal skins in ths raw state and own fur trading ststlons throughout British Columbia, Alaska and Siberia; therefore their exhibit cannot fall to be of the greatest Interest to the ladles of Omaha. Mr. J. Magorty will be ln charge aud will be pleased to maks quo tations for aeaskln garments and furs of all kinds to ba delivered when feaulred. GO TO CIVIC LEAGUE MEETING lodge and Mrs. Slabauah to Attend Convention In Minneapolis This Week. When Judge and Mrs. Slabnugh go to Minneapolis this week to attend the meet ing of the National Civic league, they will carry with them statements from the offi cial and unofficial bodies, which have made and are contemplating Improvements ln Omaha which tend to make the city beau tiful. The National Civic league Is rather aesthetic than political In Its nature and more time Is given to the consideration of parks and boulevards and ths planting ot trees and shrubbery than to those ques tions which are more prominently before the economists who devote time to the consideration of municipal affairs of Amer ica. Judge Slabaugh has, upon the request of the officers of the league, prepared to se cure from the park board, the county commissioners, the mayor of the city, the Improvement clubs, the Real Estate ex change and other organizations, statements of what they have done and hope to do In the way of Improving the city from an artistic standpoint. Omaha has some laws on the subject which are worthy of adoption by cltiea of larger size. These laws will be laid before tbe league by Judge Slabaugh and he will endeavor to secure suggestions from other cities, which he will recommend for adop tion by Omaha people. One phase of the league's work Is the offering of premiums ln the different cities for the most artistic arrangement of lawns and flower gardens, for the parking of streets and the planting of ornamental trees. This has been done to a greater extent ln the east, although prizes have been awarded in Kansas City aud a few other cities of the west. Omaha has had no active representative of the league to push the work ln this city, but It Is ex pected that active work will be Btarted before next spring, so that some effect of the agitation may be seen In Improved lawns and flower gardens next summer. Amusements. At the Crelghton-Orphenm. Old friends greeted each other at the Crelghton-Orpheum last night and congrat ulated themselves and Manager Relter on the successful opening of another vaude ville season. Other old friends didn't waste any time on preliminaries, but hurried to tbe seats, and still others climbed the gal lery stairs and packed that place of "heav enly" rest full of eager, anxious humanity, ready to burst Into a chorus of whistles and catcalls at every opportunity, and several times rather Inopportunely. Every seat ln the house was sold, the orchestra was crowded into halt Its space and aisles and lobby were crowded by the patrons of va riety, who held gladsome reunion last night. The bill for the opening week is a well ar ranged affair, calculated to please all sorts of patrons. It opens with a "hurrah" song and dance act and closes with an exhibition of rifle shooting, with singing Instrumental music, comedy and buffonery stretched be- itii lii qu&iititic to suit. Fisher and Clark to a song and dance turn in which the bulk of the singing and dancing falls to the lot of the feminine portion, while tho male end of the pair contributes a remarkable ex hibition of gymnastics. Ths Meredith sis ters sing well and dance fairly. Smith and Fuller play well on some novel Instruments, and Miss Fuller sings excellently, accom panying herself on the harp, on which she Is an accomplished. -performer. Hal Godfrey and his company present a funny one-act kit which Is wfll acted and well received. Barry and Halvln furnish a lot of eccentric fun, and Harry Thomas, "The Mayor of the Bowery," contributes a monologue with many new things in it. Lorls and Altlna contribute the sensational feature of the bill, using rifles In a way that seems reck less to the observer, yet producing only the marvellous results that marksmen intend. Mr. Albln Huster played a violin solo, which was very well received. "A Jolly American Tramp" received the uproarious approbation of two large audi ences at the Boyd yesterday afternoon. The piece is a cross between a melodrama and a farce-comedy. Just enough of a plot ex isting to hold the thing together, and enough specialties being introduced almost to constitute a vaudeville bill. Competent people have the several parts In charge and they managed to amuse the crowds at both matinee and evening performances Sunday. Still Keeps It t'p. "During a period of poor health some time ago I got a trial bottle ot DeWitt's Little Early Risers," says Justice of tho Peace Adam Shook of New Lisbon, Ind. "I took them and they did me so much good I have used tbeio ever since." Safe, reliable and gentle, DeWitt's Little Early Risers neither gripe nor distress, but stimulate tbe liver and promote regular and easy action of tbe bowels. HALF RATES Via Wabash Railroad To points in Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Ken- ucky. Pennsylvania, New York. Sold Oc tober 2, 8, 4.- 5. Less than half rate on same dates to Washington, D. C, and re turn. All information at Wabash New City Office, 1601 Farnam street, or address Harry E. Moores, O. A. P. D., Omaha, Neb. Chicago to Boston and Return, 18.00. Via Erie Railroad. Tickets on sale Oct. 7 to 11 Inclusive. good to return on or before Oct. 13. By deposit and payment of 60 cents, extension of limit to Nov. 12 may be obtained. Through sleeper. For time tsbles and de tail information apply to Mr. H. L. Purdy, traveling passenger agent, Erie Railroad, Chicago, 111. LOW RATES EAST Via Milwaukee Railway On September 23 to many points ln Ohio snd Indiana one fare plus S2 for the round trip. October 2, 3, and 6. Washington. D. C. and return $28.05; stopovers. City office, 1504 Farnam street. Brewed in a plnt clean ti the cleanest home kitchen always open to vour inspection -f, 8,0 7 1 visitors last year. ' ALLEN P. ELY &, CO. Buy and Sell Second-Hand Macninery. To Rent, Floor in Our Warehouse. No- 2 B.&M, trackage. $25- 110-8. 10 Douglas M., Theme 1451, Omaha, Neb. K OMAHA EELEY CURE Home Treatment for Tobacco Habit. IN OUEST OF BOILER MAKERS TJiisn Pacific Encounters Difficulty ii Find ing Mtn t Repair Bailors. SEVENTEEN HUNDRED STRIKE BREAKERS Total Number Imported Since Bealn nlnar of Trouble, but Many Hare Deserted the Company Mass Meeting Tonight. "This strike Is getting pretty close to home," said a Union Pacific subordinate official Saturday evening as he came out of the headquarters building. "It's a blamed serious thing, snd for my part I wouldn't care how soon It was settled. At any rate, I hope tbe thing will wind up before winter." There Is much more significance to the gentleman's remarks than la apparent upon the surface. The effect of tbe strike bas extended to the headquarters building and therefore Is Indeed "getting pretty close to home." Tbe new channel through which the strike has projected presents a serio-comic aspect. The boilers in the engine room from which the headquarters building is heated required repairing; new flues had to be put In and It was necessary to get real boiler makers to do the work. Heretofore It has been the custom of the company to send down to the local shops end get one of tbe boiler makers there to make what repairs were necessary on the headquarters boilers, but this year this custom was not observed for some rea son. It was planned to have the work done by outside help, but when one of President Burt's subordinates went to a contract shop to hire a boiler maker, ho found himself, in the terms of street parlance, "up against It." Contract Shops Refuse. Every contract shop and every quarter where boiler makers were to "be found was visited, but it is said that up to Saturday night no boiler maker had been engaged for the work. They all refuse to do the Job so long as the strike lasted, on tbe grounds that to do It would be Indirectly opposing the strikers, their brothers ln the unions, and aiding the company in its fight against the strikers. Strikers naturally claim that tbe com pany doea not go to the shops after boiler makers to do this work, for the obvious reason that it has no man there to whom It cares to commit this work. The importation yesterday of forty-five men from the east brings the total number of strike breakers Imported by the Union Pacific since the beginning of the present difficulty up to 1,763, according to a re port said to be reliable. This of course includes the number of men who have been taken through Omaha to other strike cen ters and not merely those who have been placed in the shops here. Only a moderate proportion of this num ber Is said to be now at work ln the vari ous shops. As the company refuses to give out the exact figures as to the quota of men ln its shops it is not possible to obtain this Information precisely. From the first, however, the tide of nonunion men has ebbed and flowed, so that migration from the shops has been ln progress as well ss to them, not on as large a scale, of course, though in tbe long run the defec tions have been heavy. Forty-Five New Men. The forty-five men said to have been shipped Into the local shops yesterday came from Boston, New York and some from Du luth. Tbey came In over the Illinois Cen tral road. Strikers were Informed that but few skilled mechanics were among them. The company Is said to have had a plan to send a good many of the older strike breakers from the Omaha shops to Arm strong, Kan., upon the arrival of the new recruits yesterday. Strikers were figuring on meeting some of this number as they came out last evening and trying to per suade them to desert the company. The pickets were on the watch for the exodus all day. A company official made the statement Saturday that not a picket could be seen anywhere near the shops; that "you could not find one with a fine comb." But In vestigations yesterday certainly proved the contrary. If any difference, there aro more strikers on the lines now than at any time since the strike began. They are scattered over a larger area than be fore. President Burt mado a visit to the picket lines one day last week after tho Issuance of the Baldwin Injunction and found a number of strikers "present." He pointed out a squad to one of the police officers who was patrolling his beat, say ing: "There are some pickets." Imme diately the men were requested to "move on," which they did, but soon returned. It Is the purpose ot the strikers, as has been stated, to maintain their picket line with more diligence than ever unless pre vented by the Injunction, which contingency they do not think will come about. Two Coming Events. Two Important events now consuming much of tbe strikers' attention are the hearing of the Injunction September 25 and the antl-lnjunctlon mass meeting tonight In Washington hall, to which attention has already been drawn. The men hope to de feat the provisions of the injunction, which they consider too mandatory and sweeping, and expect to derive good from the exposition of their fight with the com pany at tonight's meeting. Are Simply Perfect. Dr. King's New' Life Pills are prompt, safe, gentle and always satisfy or no pay. Best for stomach and liver. 25c. Chicago to New York, and Return, 23..10. Via Erie Railroad, Oct. 3d, 4th, 6th and 6th. It is ths Erie ALL THE WAY from Chi cago to New York. Through baggage car, through coachee, through sleepers, through dining car. Absolutely no change. Fast limited trains. Lowest rates. For tlmo tables snd Information apply to H. L. Purdy. traveling passenger agent, Erie Railroad, Chicago, 111. mm firs Ons of the b?t equipped of the Kecley system of Institutes, ths only Kjeeley Institute ln Nebraska. Cures Drunksoness, Cures Drug Users. Booklet tree. Address all letters to 1U 8. 19th. Cost S3. 5 fo cat "The Perfect For Brain and Muscle Perfect health, sound, restful sleep, clear complexion, bright eyes, clean white teeth, sweet breath; these are the blessings that follow a diet of Malta-Vita. Malta-Vita is justly entitled to be styled "The Perfect Food" for old and young, sick or well. Being, perfectly cooked, pleasant to taste, easily digested and assimilated, Malta-Vita is an ideal food. Lead ing grocers everywhere. MALTA-VITA PURE FOOD CO. BATTLE CREEK, MICH., a- EVERY VVCmAN 1 nonselceepera, wives, mothers, every woman who bas tne care of a family or household, has at one time or another spells of backache, nervous weakness, sick headache and dis orders in the digestion, caused as rule by domestic worry, overwork, irregular meals or habitual constipation. To all women who suffer in this way, we My: TAKE .... Prickly Ash Bitters .... IT. CURESs It performs a marvelous transformation. The tired, weak, despondent, pale and bloodless victim is soon a strong, bright, happy woman, with rosy cheeks and cheerful spirits. Prickly Asa Bitters Is sot a dlsegressMs, harsh acting medicine as the kssm migfat ladicste. It Is pleasant to tha taste, mild yet powerful hi its cleassiag and regolstioe is fie. ace la ths vital Druggists sell It Washington (and return) $28.05 THE OFFICIAL ROUTE FOB NEBRASKA AND IOWA. Two solid through trains of stanflaro and tourist sleepers and chair ears, without chance, from OMAHA, OCTOBER 4. Tickets en sale Oo tober I, 1. 4, 6. Final return limit, November . LIBERAL. STOPOVER PRIVILEGES. For further Information call at or Address Rook Island Sraten Citr Tloltt Office, 1323 FARNAM STREET. OMAHi Coal Comes High. Is Your Office Warm in Winter? How well will your office be heated th. " Vr? If yon look forward to a cold office this winter, better m nr. The Bee Building Does not try to sare on the coal bill on account of the price of coal. Every man spends more time at his place of business than in any other one place. If you want a warm office at a reasonable price, call on R. C. PETERS & CO., Ground Floor, Bee Building. Food" AND TORONTO, CANADA. Price, $1.03 TO J