Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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'Hie omaha Daily Bee
Terms or SUH8CR1PT10N.
I Dally bee (without Bunilay), one Year. 11.00
I pally lire and Bunnay, una Year 0v
, Illustrated ee. One kear....
( bunday me, Una kcar
I baturuay Dm, una year 1'
t'iwentlath Century Jrarmer, One Year. ..!
Dally lies (without Sunday), per copy.... Zc
L-ally Ilea (without rJunly. per week... Lie
Daily Wee (including Bunuay;, per week..lic
tjunuay Ue, per copy D0
Kvenlng Bee (without Hundayt, per week So
Evening Bee (Including fcmnday), per
tyeK I'AJ
. Complaints' "of "irregularities In delivery
1 should ba addressed to City Circulation Da
. pertinent.
Omaha The Bee Building.
South Omaha City Jlall Building. Twenty-fifth
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, Communication relating to news and edl
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State of Nobraska, Douglas County, as:
Oeorge B. Tsachuck, secretary of The Bee
Publishing Company, being duly sworn,
ays that tho actual number of full and
complete copies of The Dally, Morning,
? Evening and Sunday Bee printed during
ha month of August, 1902, was aa follows:
1 28,720 16 2H,4M
... .28,810
... 80,380
.. .30,120
7 28,700
ft M.7BO
1 10 28,760
111 2S.760
1 12 28,730
;i3 214,820
1 14 28,020
U 28.7SO
28 30,380
28 20,800
27 20,030
28 2O.0AO
2 30,070
80 30,110
II 29,120
Total 006,440
Leas unsold and returned copies).... 9,877
Net total sales 800.B0.1
Net dally average 28,021
Subscribed In my presence and aworn to
before me this 1st day of September, A. Dv
ll,2. M. B. HUNOATE,
(Seat.) Notary Public
By special Indulgence under the Iowa
i mulct law, the good ship Pes Moines
Las been christened with tho real stuff.
Peary has the advantage of ns when
he describes how near the north pole
he reached. No one Is likely to check
him np.
Talk about concessions at the Chris
tian church convention must not be mls
uuueraiood. These concessions are all
That Omaha footpad who returned the
lone 6-cent piece found upon his vic
tim has at least the milk of human
kindness on the credit aide of his ledger.
When It cornea to moving the crops.
the west does not think it necessary
thia year to wait for the aid or con
sent of the big banking Institutions of
the east.
Croker's successor aa leader of Tarn
many Hall respoads to the name
Murphy. The up-to-date version, there
tore, must be: "Great Is Tammany, and
Murphy la his prophet"
If Tax Commissioner Fleming should
carry out the program mapped out for
himself for Increasing the assessment of
all taxable property, he will ran the risk
of becoming more disliked than ever.
Ex-Speaker Reed takes the part of
Speaker Henderson in the little political
argument over bis refusal to accept a
renomlnatlon. Occupation of the speak
cr'a chair must produce a fellow feeling.
Democratic leaders think they have
found Issues enough, but are unable to
agree which is to be paramount this
time. It would not do to have one Issue
remain paramount for more than one
In his Joy over the railroad victory
President Burt of the Union Pacific em
braced Dave Mercer French fashion, but
we can safely predict that Mr. Burt will
not be quite so joyful after the returns
are in on the 4th day of November.
Omaha public school teachers will let
jsomo one else manage their teachers'
lecture course this year, although the
School superintendent who ran them last
year la aa competent to handle a the
atrical box office as he la to supervise
the schools.
What does the Real Estate exchange
propose to do about the flagrant evasion
of local taxes by the big railroads en
joying Invaluable terminal privileges la
this cttyT If tho railroad property bore
Its share of taxation the tax rate would
come down several notches all at once.
While we would all like to see every
available down town corner occupied by
new eight-story' blocks, building them
on paper prematurely is no help to the
city. Omaha's weakness In the past
has consisted In erecting air castles that
never materialize In stone and mortar,
Will we have to stand for the con
fetti throwing nuisance again at the
coming street fair and carnival? The
Bee voices the sentiment of the re
spectable element when It enters protest
against this practice of refined ruffian
ism, which is aa dangerous as it is dis
gusting. The management of the street
fair can make a ten-strike by barring
out the confetti.
It Is noticeable that so far no audible
complaint has arisen from any ronsld
erable number of Nebranka mllltla be
cause they find themselves compelled to
forego participation In the Fort Riley
maneuvers. They don't seem to care
what excuse the governor may bav
seen fit to give to keep them tn the
ranks of the home guard. And the
biennial deficiency has been reduced by
several Uwwaaad dollars.
The ticket placed In nomination by
the rrpnbllran county convention, nl
t hough representing the minority of the
party, Is In the main made np of men
well qualified for the positions to which
they aspire. While no candidate on the
legislative ticket can bosst of expe
rience as a lawmaker, nearly all of them
have a general knowledge of the duties
devolving npon legislators and are well
equipped in other respects to deal with
Issues that come before our lawmaking
Of the three candidates for the senate,
Matthew A. Hall is an attorney in good
standing, who has been active In the
Ak Sar-Iicu and other organizations. R.
It. Howell Is a graduate of the Annap
olis Naval academy, has seen some
service in the navy and served as city
engineer of Omaha in the loot mayoralty
term of W. J. Broatch. Charles L.
Saunders has a legal education aud
is familiar with legislative linage ac
quired by residence at the national cap
ital. The only public position be has
filled Is that of deputy city treasurer.
In which capacity he rendered satisfac
tory service.
Three of the nine candidates for the
house, namely, Messrs. Morsman, 'Nel
son and Ten Eyck, are young attorneys.
Mr. Ten Eyck was city prosecutor nnder
Mayor Broatch, while the others have
never occupied any official position.
Messrs, Koetter, Gilbert and Wallace
re mechanics, named to represent the
working classes. Mr. Shelley is a well
known and prominent live stock com
mission man, Mr. Mangold a country
banker and merchant, and Mr. Itigg
the editor of a country newspaper, the
Waterloo Gazette.
Of the two candidates for county com
missioner, Henry McDonald, for the
Fifth district, resides in the Sixth ward
and has served as deputy sheriff during
the incumbency of his brother, John
'"Donald, now a business partner of
W. J. Broatch. Henry Denker, nom
inated for commissioner In the Third
district, is one of the most successful
German-American farmers in the county,
who has been an active republican for
many years and is most favorably
known in the neighborhood where ha
resides, near Elkhorn station.
A. W. Jefferls, the candidate for
connty attorney, Is eminently qualified
for the position, having served aa deputy
nnder County Attorney Howard II. Bal
Attorney General Knox has returned
from Paris, where he made an investi
gation respecting the title of the Pan
ama Canal company, but he declined to
make public the result There have
been reports to the effect that serious
obstacles were discovered to the pur
chase by the United States of the rights
of the canal company. It was said
that one difficulty Is the fact that the
original concession was extended by the
executive of Colombia without tb en
dorsement of the Colombian congress.
but It appears that the executive had
constitutional authority for thia action.
Another thing reported to have been
discovered by the attorney general Is
that the revolutionists fn Colombia have
warned the Panama company that if
they secure control of the government
as it now appears probable they may
they will repndiato the extension of
the canal concession. That might cre
ate a disagreeable situation.
There may be no substantial founda
tion for these reports and it is not
worth while to attach any importance
to them. The investigation made by
the officials of the Department of Jus
tice, It is the understanding, had refer
ence entirely to the right of the Panama
Canal company to dispose of its prop
erty and franchise free of French in
cumbrances, and not to the relations
between the company and the Colombian
government There will probably be no-
definite Information as to the result of
the investigation until Attorney General
Knox makes his report to the president
which may not be done for several
There continues to be more or less
discussion abroad of the question of
excluding American products, but no
one has yet proposed any practicable
method of doing this. In a recent ad
dress Mr. Austin, chief of the Bureau
of Statistics, said that the fact that
Europe took In the latest year for
whk-b the detailed statistics are avail
able more than one-half the exporta
tion of manufactures from the United
States, Justifies the belief that Ainer
lcau manufacturers can hold their
own in tho world's markets and also in
dlcates that the often-repeated sugges
tions of Europeun exclusion of Amer
ican products have not been justified
by developments up to the present time.
In the opinion of Mr. Austin, com
blnatlons or conceited movements for
the exclusion of our product from the
world's markets seem improbable. He
poluts out that the exclusion from the
great markets of the world of the prod
ucts of a country which supplies so
large a proportion of the consumption
of those markets would have the effec
of advancing prices of those articles
In other parts of the world, aud thus
the effort to exclude American products
would compel the nation excluding them
to pay higher prices for those products
when obtained elsewhere. European
economists, particularly In Germany
where the sentiment for exclusion is
strongest have urged that the inevlta
ble effect of shutting out the products
of this couutry would be, to raise the
prices of such products abroad and un
der existing conditions this would be
a very serious matter for a large ma
Jorlty of European consumers. In most
of Europe the situation of the working
classes at present is bad and a policy
that would Increase the cost of living
would cause widespread distress.
Itoubtlcss, however, the. idea of ex
eluding. American products, which ha
taken a pretty flrui hold, wlU continue
to be discussed and schemes suggested
for checking the "American invasion."
There seems to be little danger, how
ever, of anything serious to our trade
being accomplished, at least so long as
prevailing industrial and economic con
ditions in Europe continue.
Whatever understanding may have
been reached at the recent conference
between President Roosevelt and repub
lican senators. It Is evident there was
no agreement as has been intimated,
that the president was not to refer to
the tariff on his western trip. In his
peech at Cincinnati Saturday Mr.
Roosevelt clearly defined his position
n regard to the proposed removal of
tariff duties on trust-made goods as a
remedy for trust evils.
The position of the president taken
with mature deliberation, is fully shown
In the following sentence: "The trusts
can be damaged by depriving them of
the benefits of a protective tariff only
on condition of damaging all their
smaller competitors and ail the wage
workers employed in the Industry." He
went on to ssy that he was not con
sidering the general question whether
or not It would be well, regardless of
the trusts, to lower duties on various
schedules, either by direct legislation
or reciprocity treaties, but simply pre
sented the point that "changes in the
tariff would have little appreciable effect
on the trusts, save as they shared in
the general barm or good proceeding
from such changes." In a case where
the tariff fosters monopoly the presi
dent would favor modification, but at
present the only monopolies there are
have no tariff protection. It is the mis
take of many to suppose that the In
dustrial combinations have no competi
tion, whereas there are hundreds of in
dividual manufacturers all over the
country competing with them. And com
petition with the great combinations
develops pretty fast and on no incon
siderable scale. Huge as Is the capital
ization of many of the combinations,
rivals with capitals of much more mod
est proportions are not afraid to en
gage in competition with them.
It Is these Individual enterprises, ex
isting everywhere throughout the coun
try which It la necessary to foster.
They are a bulwark against monopoly
and to destroy them would be to leave
the field clear for the creation of mo
nopolies. Removing the tariff duties
from trust-made goods would be a blow
to these Individual Industries which few
if any of them could survive. The
great combinations could doubtless
withstand the competition of foreign
cuuibiuauuua, but not the enterprises
with comparatively small capital They
would be forced out of business, throw
ing hundreds of thousands of wage
workers out of employment and sacri
ficing hundreds of millions of Invested
President Roosevelt and the repub
lican party desire the preservation of
these Industries, as being most esssen
tial to the continued development and
the prosperity of the country. They
desire It la the interest of American
labor and the agricultural producers of
the country. In the language of the
president, "In dealing with the big cor
porations we intend to proceed, not by
revolution, but by evolution." The
trusts must be controlled aud regulated
so as to remedy evils and abuses, but
in a way that will not be destructive
of the entire industrial system of the
"Down with the machine" was the
battle-cry of Mercer and the corporation
mercenaries at the republican primaries
last Friday. "Up with the machine"
was the watchword of Mercer and the
corporation henchmen at the county
convention. And such a machine as
they constructed was never seen rn this
or any other county In Nebraska since
the overthrow of the Jay Gould regime
that ruled this city and state with an
Iron hand twenty-five years ago.
The terrible Moores-Rosewater ma
chine, that has done service as a bug.
bear In two or three campaigns, al
ways respected the right of every ward
and precinct delegation to name the
members to represent the republicans
of their respective ward, or precincts.
on the committee, regardless of fac
tion. The Mercer machine. In defiance
of established usage and precedent
foisted upon the county committee men
who had been defeated at the polls in
Omaha, South Omaha aud the country
precincts, thus over riding the will of
the republican voters as expressed
through the ballot box.
The horrible Moores-Rosewater ma
chlue always endeavored In the division
of representation on the ticket to recog
nize the clulnis of the various sections
of the county to fair representation, aa
well as to recognize the various nation
alities that constitute the rank and file
of the party. The Mercer machine, on
the contrary, has deliberately dlsfran
chlsed the 1,800 republicans of South
Omaha by refusing them any representa
tion whatever on the ticket and by
apportioning the entire senatorial dele
gation to which Douglas county Is en
titled to the city of Omaha, when by
right aud precedent South Omaha and
the couutry were entitled to at least
one of the three senators.
The same purblind policy has been
pursued in regard to the division of the
legislative ticket among a very large
portion of the following of the party
and without which the party conld not
possibly elect a single candidate. The
manifest intent and purpose of Mercer
aud his campaign manager is to organize
a solid phalanx for bis own support
and deliberately to sacrifice all the rest
of the ticket in' his desperate attempt
to secure a re-election.
Having come Into power by whole
sale corruption, rank perjury, and re
peaters Imported from Council Bluffs,
the Mercer machine has overshot the
mark In trying to ride rough shod over
the largo majority of the party that
does, uot propose to play political serf
to the corporations or allow anybody to
fasten a brn collar around Its neck.
Clerks In railroad headquarters and
clerks In banks and Jobbing houses, who
were afraid of losing their Jobs, are re
sponsible for Mercer majorities at the
primary election In the upper wards.
How any man who knows that Mercer
has pocketed the $100 a month clerk hire
which rightfully belongs to some decent
republican could allow himself to be
dragooned into supporting Mercer's am
bition for re-election to a sixth term
passes all comprehension.
The World-Herald wants Mercer to
define his position on the Fowler cur
rency bllL What Mercer thinks about
the Fowler bill Is of comparatively
small luitKrtance. But what he thinks
about the coercion of railroad employes
and the restriction of railroads to their
legitimate functions as public carriers
wonld be of grester concern to a
large majority of his constituents.
Chancellor E. Benjamin Andrews, in
his new role as a herald of expansion
and expediency, exhibits signs of break
ing away from his former associations
with free coinage and calamity. The
chancellor advises every young man to
be an optimist That Is equivalent to
warning every young man against the
bourbonlsm of democracy.
Both the campaign handbooks labor
under tho unfortunate handicap that
they were compiled and published wrtk-
out the slightest anticipation of sev
eral recent political events that have
changed the relative importance of va
rious topics of public moment But
there is no time to get out a revision
of the handbooks.
1 i
The Bee Invites comparison of its
special Ak-Sar-Ben number with issues
of other papers purporting to make Ak-
Sar-Ben the special feature. When It
comes to getting out distinctive gala
numbers In honor of any notable occa
sion, The Bee la unapproached by any
of Its competitors.
Am He Wlsked the Other Eye.
Chicago News.
In regard to his opponent's withdrawal
your uncle Horace Boies will only say that
the crops are looking fine.
The Expected Happened.
Chicago Post. .
We violate no confidence in saying that
he announcement that Mr. Peary did not
quite reach the pole has eccasloned no great
Keeping; 1st Sight.
Kansas City Star.
Juver since tno nrst eruption ot Mount
Pelee Copperas mountain in Ohio has been
emitting gases and shewing signs of dis
turbance. It is a very dull day Indeed when
the great Buckeye state doesn't feel called
upon to "smoke up." '
And Forgetful, Too.
Washington Poet.
Mr Rrtin continues to fulminate asalnst
the acquisition of sew telitery. Had It not
been for the delegate ;fi Jni Hawaii, the
Kansas City convention pf Mht have adopted
a different sort of platfoVh. How ungrate
ful some people are. , ,r-
Why the Pel Is Indlaco-rrrcd.
Baltimore American.
We gather from the - remarks of Mr.
Zelgler that the north pole never will be
discovered on a cigarette, and pie diet We
should think not. An explorer who clam
ors for cigarettes and pie, and snlfla at
pemmtcan and bootleg soup, la not hardy
enough to withstand the rigors of an expe
dition, imaginative enough to do the proper
series of magaslne articles nor Ingenious
enough to tell what' to do with the pole
if he should find it
Ravaares of Forest Flres. '
Portland Oregonlan.
Investigation as it proceeds continues to
disclose ssd and painful conditions ss the
result of the forest tires that have swept
various rural and suburban communities of
western Oregon within the paat week. Win
ter la eloae at hand, and the homeless suf
ferers appeal by their apparent distress to
publie generosity. It is gratifying to note
that such measure of relief as the occa
sion demands have already been inaugurated
and that the bounty of pity will be dis
bursed in accordance with Individual and
family needs.
Judge Henry 8. Dewey, a cousin of Ad
miral Dewey, Is mentioned as a republican
candidate for mayor of Boston.
The National Dressmakers' convention In
Chicago Is devising ways and means to re
dace the eost of dresses to dressmakers.
Captain Charles D. Slgabee has Just Issued
a book. "Notes on Naval Progress," dealing
with work accomplished by foreign navies
during the last fiscal year. It Is the largest
volume of its kind ever Issued by the Wash
ington bureau.
Wu Chao Chu, son of Wu Ting-Fang,
the Chinese minister, has been admitted as
a student in the high school at Atlantic
City, N. J. He entered the Junior class and
will remain in the city until be graduates.
which he expects to do in two years.
Lieutenant Colonel Horatio A. Torke,
chief Inspector of railways for the London
Board of Trade, la coming to thia country
to Inspect American lines, and on his re
turn will make a report which will decide
whether tho board will adopt American
Before sailing for England the duchess ot
Marlborough made this somewhat pat net le
declaration: "I never bad such a good time
In my life as I have enjoyed while home on
this visit. America has quite spoiled me.
I've been a young girl here sgain and now
I've got to go bsck to England and be a dig
allied duchess once more."
Prof. Jsmes Dewsr, president of the an
nual meeting of the British Association for
the Advancement of Science at Belfast, has
pointed out In the boldest language that
while Englishmen have repeatedly discov
ered scientific principles snd laws of great
Importance the Germans and Americans
have been making the practical applications
of them, leaving England behind tn reaping
the advantages.
Theodore Sandford, Justice of the peace In
Belleville. N. J., Is 83 years old, but even
now la too young to quietly see a woman
insulted in his presence. Bernard O'Rourks
a man of about 30, addressed some
impertlsent remark to Hiss Bessie Rey
nolds, who ran to 'Squire Saadford's otnea
and complained. His honor skipped down
stairs and in less thsn a minute faced
O'Rourke. The latter aimed a blow at the
Justice, who ducked In approved pugilistic
fashion, at the same time landing on the
ruffian's chin and knocking him down. Then
the old gentleman tried to arrest ths fel
low, but owing to "a touch of rheumatism'
was unable to bold hint and O'Rourke es
cape 4.
Alliance Times: The republican party
asks your suffrage for a clean, new mm, J.
II. Mickey, for governor.
Holdrege Citizen: If anyone Is tempted
to vote the fusion ticket, think of the ex
periment made in 1892 and what happened
during the next few years.
Monroe Republican: Bumming up the
charges made by the World Herald against
Mickey, the result is that they have proved
him to be a shrewd and careful business
Lynch Journal: Mr. Mickey is making
a very energetic campaign for governor snd
a very clean, honorable one, and dally
makes friends among the voters ot ths
Benedict News-Herald: Dietrich was not
moral enough to suit the populists and
Mickey Is too moral to suit them. The re
publican having just the requisite amount
ot morals to suit them would be a daisy and
no mistake.
Arcadia Champion: The attempts to slan
der the honest name of J. H. Mickey Is
proving a flat failure. The people of Ne
braska are not to be fooled by a demo
cratic lawyer, whose only excuse for the
text of most of his speeches Is to catch the
farmer vote. And he Intends to get It even
If he does have to trade off Honest John
Powers to do It.
Beatrice Express: The people who know
H. Mickey best are most enthusiastic
over his candidacy. There was a gentle
man In Beatrice last week who has been
intimately acquainted with the republican
candidate for governor for many years,
and he expressed the opinion that a better
man could not have been found anywhere.
The election of Mr. Mickey will be a long
stride In the direction ot purifying politics.
Falls City Journal: A vote for Mickey
will be a vote for common decency. As long
ss his opponents have seen fit to make
his Christian character and moral virtue
the issue in this campaign they have sim
ply placed the voter In a position where
a vote for Mickey Is a vote for sobriety,
honesty and uprightness of living, and a
vote against Mickey Is a vote for Intem
perance and all that is dishonorable and
disreputable. Mr. Voter, which class do
you want the next governor of Nebraska
to represent?
Blair Pilot: The fuslonists are using
every effort possible to defeat J. H. Mickey
for governor, but their efforts seem fruit
less. They cannot appeal successfully to
morsl men, for Mr. Mickey has trsits in
common with all of these, and the appeals
made to the baser element are such as will
add strength to Mickey's cause. Mickey
la a good, clean, able man, one who has
displayed a large amount of business abil
ity, and whether you vote for Mickey or
against him It Is well to bear in mind that
yon are dealing with a good man.
Minden News: The fuslonists are mak
ing lots of fuss over the report that three
republicans of Polk county have said they
would not vote for Mr. Mickey. Did you
ever know of a business man with any
ambition that did not have enemies? The
man without enemies has never accom
plished much. Deduct those three repub
lican votes and add the many populist
votes he will tat and see hie malorltr. We
venture the assertion that for every re
publican vote Mickey loses In Polk county
he will gain twenty populist votes.
Stromsburg Journal: George Beebe of
Hackberry precinct, one of the men al
leged to have been Interviewed by the
World-Herald reporter, now says that he
did not see the reporter at all and that
the story said to have come from him was
purely a fabrication. It is no more than
we expected, and if the matter was sifted
to the bottom we believe that the balance
of the Interview will be found in a great
measure to be a fake. There are very few.
If any, of the boys living In Polk county
that will go back oa John Mickey.
Ruehvllle Recorder: We could not help
being lmpreased recently when we
heard Dr. Huntington at Chadron pay
his homage to Hon. J. H. Mickey as a
friend of education in general and the
Wesleyan university in particular. The
doctor never said a word abut politics, but
merely referred to Mr. Mickey as a man.
Nebraska has never had a cleaner or more
conscientious maa seeking the public vote
than Mr. Mickey, and It Is a pleasure to
be able to advocate the claims of such a
one to the governorship of a great state.
Central City Republican: As the state
campaign progresses it becomes evident
that the fuslonists have no new ammunition
and have to use that which has been con
demned. They prate about the railroads.
about what the neighbors say, about law
yers, bankers and chattel mortgage sharks.
striving to forget that when they have beeu
tried on these charges they have been
found more culpable than their opponents.
They , will find out on election day what
his old neighbors think ot Mickey, the old
soldier, the pioneer and the philanthropist.
in a way that will fill them with dismay.
Mullen Tribune: The populists are go
ing to try to defeat Mickey by charging
that he is better than his party. Who
ever heard of such decomposed political
argument? . His party has preserved the
union, actually saved the nation, and no
cne even claims the honor or disputes
the fact only popullets. However, we
wish we could conscientiously accuse them
of advocating a single method superior to
the minutest fraction of Mickey's party.
All accusations to excite unrest, discontent,
riot and ravish the harmonious feel lug
among the people should be declared off.
Columbus Timea: Hon. John H. Mickey,
candidate for governor on the republican
ticket, was In the city recently, greeting old
friends and making new ones. In the early
'70s Columbus waa the nearest railway sta
tion and most available trading point for
Polk county settlers, and for many years
Mr. Mickey was an almost weekly visitor
here. He was well known aa an honest.
honorable, prompt paying and Just man In
all his deslings and commanded the respect
of all his acquaintances. Ths friends of
the "old days" are his firm friends now,
and will vote for him regardless of politics.
Alliance Times: John H. Powers, the
only real representative ot original popu
list Ideas on the fnslon state ticket. Is
being traded for Thompson whenever It
esn be done. The democrats are bending
every effort to secure the election of
Thompson, for If elected be would have
more patronage to bestow than all of the
congressmen In the state. Thompson Is
bragging that the brewers and saloon men
of Omaha are being organized, in his be
half, and that be will be given a tre
mendous majority In Douglas county. Well,
It may be true, but It would be no more
than poetic Justice If the friends of good
government would take a notion next spring
that they would try the experiment of
seeing how they would get along for a
fiscal year without any saloons. Mr.
Thompson's saloon friends would then have
a whole twelvemonth for meditation, and
they would probably conclude that it does
not pay to combine for some mercenary
motive rsgardlesa ot the principle ot the
Stromsburg Journal: It has been charged
by the opposition that Mr. Mickey pur
chased the Polk County Republican for
bia brother-in-law, the editor of the Rec
ord, because Johnston of the Republican
would bsve used the paper against hint tn
the campaign. The editor of this psper has
positive knowledge that the statement is
false. Ths psper was purchssed by the
sdltor ef the Democrat, Mr. Walrath, and
Mr. Campbell, of the Record, te make one
less psper tn the town and that Mr. Wal
rath jet owns a one-bait Interest In ths
concern, which he will not deny If ap
proached on the subject. So there Is an
other He nailed and thrre are others thnt
will show up as the campalan progresses.
All stories derogatory to Mickey coming
from the opposition and especially from
vicious persona, should be thoroughly
Norfolk News: The Grand Island Inde
pendent warns the fuslonists who believe
in signs and omens not to place too much
of their money on the apparent forecast
of the Incident that happened at the Has
tings reunion the other day. The speak
ers of the oecasion were Hons. J. It.
Mickey and W. H. Thompson, candidates
for governor, and Governor Savage. Ex
Governor Dietrich was also present. When
It came Governor Savage's turn to sddress
the multitude he referred to the fact thnt a
past, present and turning to a chair which
had been occupied by Mr. Mickey, but then
supported Mr. Thompson, was about to
add "future governors are present." Rut
he stopped short, much embarrassed. Tbe
crowd waa quick to see the joke and
laughed uproariously at the governor's
marked embarrassment. The Independent
says the incident signifies nothing except
that Savage has been guilty of adding an
other to the long string of "breaks" he has
made -sines occupying the office of chief
Minor Scenes and Incidents Sketehed
oa the Spot.
Workmen are putting the finishing
touches oa the new government printing
office and In a few months what Is pro
nounced the largest printing shop on the
globe will be In operation. "Foremost
among the many improvements Introduced
In ths new printing house," writes the
correspondent of the Brooklyn Eagle, "is tho
fireproof feature. The floors are designed
to sustain heavy loads and the brick and
steel walls are two feet seven Inches thick
throughout the entire height. The struc
ture, which is 408 feet In length on the O
street side snd 175 feet snd three Inches
on the north Capitol front. Is seven stories
high beside cellar and loft, the latter por
tions to be used as sir spaces In connec
tion with the modern system of ventilation
that has been adopted. Four hundred
thousand feet of floor space are provided
and this Is divided up In such manner rs
to furnish the best facilities for the
prompt dispatch of government work.
Statistics relating to the amount of ma
terials used In the structure are Interest
ing. Twelve million bricks have gone Into
the building ss well as 14,000,000 pounds of
steel. 2,500.000 pounds of cast iron and
45,000 barrels of cement. Of the 12,000,000
bricks, one-fourth are faced and one-third
Is covered by tile, laid in asphalt, and, as
no plaster Is used anywhere. It will be ex
ceedingly difficult for fire to get a start.
Fifteen elevators will answer all require
ments both for passenger and freight serv
ice. Instead of water coolers a refrigerat
ing plant will be Installed and the fluid,
after being filtered, will be run through
pipes to drinking fountains in generous
numbers throughout the building.
"The amount appropriated for the build
ing was $2,429,000, but Captain Be well, the
army engineer officer tn charge of the con
struction, hopes to turn back $29,000 of
this, making the total cost $2,400,000. Al
ready Installed In the building in a very
handsome engine room are the engines,
four In number, two of 800-horse power,
cne of 400 snd one of 250. There are eight
boilers of 300-borse power each. A trav
eling crane Is a part of the engine room
equipment, being there to be used In lift
ing any part of the huge machinery In case
of necessary repairs.
"The new building, it Is estimated, . Is
large enough for present needs, with sur
plus room for future growth. Publie
Printer Palmer hopes to have the present
old printing office building torn down snd
a new structure erected on Its site. Dur
ing 1894, 1895 and 189 enlargements and
repairs were made to the present printing
ofBce. The site of the new building was
purchased In 1898 and 1899.
"As now constituted the office numbers
about 4,000 employes, of which about one
third are women. The book bindery, as a
part of the government printing office, em
ploys about 900. Compositors number
about 1,200. One hundred pressmen and 200
press feeders, in all branches, are em
ployed. There are about 600 folders and
260 stitchers. Of stereotypers and electm
typers there are fifty-five. The remainder
of the force Includes hydraulic pressmen,
engineers, firemen, electricians, boxers,
counters, watchmen, helpers and laborers."
The amount of tobscco smoke turned loose
on tho smbient air every month Is not
measurable because there Is no adequate
means of putting In statistical form the
drafta of people who hit the pipe. There
are, however, accurate figures on the con
sumption of cigars, as practically all that
are manufactured go up In smoke. Sta
tistics compiled by the Internal revenue de
partment show the output for the last hslf
of 1901 and tho first half of 1902, aa follows:
September ....
November ....
December ....
445.495. tU
Total ,874,a,557
A significant feature of the atattstlcs Is
the pre-eminence of October as the cigar
month. October Is the month tn which the
campaign cigar gets busy.
Ths late Lord Pauncefote, who for years
served as British mlnitser to the I'nlted
States, always entertained a very high opin
ion of the district detective force, relates
ths Washington Post. In fact, hs believed
they were better even than those of Scot
land Yard, and the manner In which he
formed this view makes a very Interesting
story. During the latter part of one spring
some four or more years ago, his lordship
and family decided to lesve the city for a
summer's sojourn on the sea coast, and
ths diplomat sent word to Chief of Police
Sylvester requesting that he send up one
of his best detectives to assist and advise
him aa to the best plan for making the
house secure against burglars.
Pursuant to request, the major sent one
of his best men. and when he arrived hla
lordship took him in to where he bad locked
the silverware In a very strong, but rather
old-fashioned, ssfe, the door of which
lacked a combination and was secured by
lock and key. Pointing to this safe. Lord
Pauncefote exclaimed that he would like
to see ths tblef or burglar wbo could break
Into that safe and ateal the plate wttbln.
The detective eyed the large Iron vault for
a few minutes, and then aald:
"Yes, that Is a very strong piece of work,
but, neverihelera, I'll bet you a bottle of
champagne that I can enter this house
without coming 'through a door or window,
and open that safe la less than five min
utes." The British ambassador took the
bet at once, promising more than one bottle
of champagne if the detective could make
good his bosst wlthla the time specified.
So while his lordship held bis watch the
detective proceeded to business.
Wbea be first entered the mansion the
detective had noticed that the cellar grat.
lags wars unsecured, and, going outside, he
opened cne of them, dropped down Into the
basement, and coming up the kltt hen stair
way, waa soon In the room In which th
iron vault containing the silver plate was
located. This nf Itself fairly took the
breath rf the distinguished diplomat, but
when the detective took from his porket
a skeleton key and at one turn opened th
massive door of the safe. Lord Pauncefots
was ready to confess that the Capital de
tectives wre a trifle better than anything
of the sort he had ever seen, and be psld
the bet with Interest several times over
before the officer left.
"In Time of Prosperity Prepare lot
Portland Oregonlan.
The Industrial conditions of the country
are such that no able-bodied, willing la
borer need be Idle. The wage scale, from
skilled to unskilled labor and at all Inter
mediate points, la. If not satisfactory to
earners, as nearly so as It can reasons Mr
be expected ever to become. Simply state 1,
work Is plenty and wages are good. Na
tions have learned by experience thnt It .'s
wise In time of peace to prepare for war.
Have Individuals learned the slmllarlly Im
portant lesson tersely conveyed by hw
words. "In time of prosperity prepare for
adversity?" Are the working people of th"
country saving In Just and wise proportion
to their earnings? It may well be feared
that they are not. The lesson of the hard
times, so recent and so bitter, has, to sll
appearance, been practically forgotten,
and when tho receding wave comes, and
come It surely will; when Industrial de
pression follows Industrial activity, as It
has done In times past, snd Is st least
likely to do again, will the working people
be any better prepared for a season of en
forced Idleness or low wages than they
were when In 1R93 the doors of thousands
of workshops closed suddenly and did not
open to the laborer for many months?
It Is well to be hopeful. But It Is well
also to fortify hope with prudence, since
thereby Its fruition may be to some ex
tent insured. No man who maintains his
family, or even himself, alone by his labor
should live up to his earnings from week
to week. Under the present scale of wages
this Is not, except in extreme cases, neces
sary, and certainly it Is, generally speak
ing, most imprudent. Extravagance Is thj
bane of prosperity as pinching economy it
the bitter portion of adversity. Systematic
saving when work Is plenty and wages an
good is the only Insurance against "hard
times" in the homes of labor. Thought
lessness Incites to the one; misery wain
upon the other.
President Roosevelt has, during his tour
of New England, said many brave and just
and some wise things. Matters of national
and International Interest, of Industrial and
financial Importance, have been tersely and
fearlessly treated. Is it too much to say
that his speech at Providence, In which
he took occasion to advise and even to
exhort the working people of the country
(sines wherever be speaks be speaks to the
entire country), to be thrifty as well as
Industrious; to save as well as to earn; to
use the weapons of prosperity as a saf
defense against the stings of adversity, wat
of the widest significance of all to the
American people? Manv people are Inter
ested in the president's utterances upon
the Cuban question and In his Interpreta
tion of the Monroe doctrine and the various
other topics upon which he has spoken.
Yet, though these form sn army of multi
tude, they are few aa compared with the
hosts of labor, to whom this simple exhor
tation to economy of present abounding
resources was addressed. Wise will be the
worklngmen who heed the president's ad
vice, thereby extending the bleengs of
prosperity in perpetuity to themselves snd
their families.
Detroit Free Press: She In a year from
now you will forget that you ever loved me.
lie it win take me more than a year te
pay for those presents.
Chicago Tribune: "I declare." said Mrs.
Lapsllng, "to hear Mr. Raspus talk you'd
think he hacin t a hit or iiitn in human
nature. He's a regular clinic."
Philadelphia Press: Fat Young Man Why
won't your conscience permit you to marry
me. may I ask?
Miss myppe Hecause. Mr. mrorgin. I
have read that the average man weighs 140
pounilB. I ran t conscientiously marry two
average men at once.
Chlcnito News. "You ought to see th
lovely tatters my husband writes." said the
bride of a month to one of her girl frlendi.
Oh. I ve seen a few, replied the dear
girl friend. "In fart, I've got nearly a
trunkful of them In the attic."
Pittsburg Chronicle: She You men don't
seem to realise that a girl ran t imnsin
anything worse than to have a young man
hIhs her against her win.
lie No" Home irlrls consider It ir'.'-n
worse to have a fellow refrain from kissing
her when she's willing.
Judge: "What did the deacon siv when
you sent him the brand led pearh?"
"He ssld he ',Mn't care so mu-h for the
peaches as he did the spirit In which they
were sent.
New York Weekly: 0!d Gentleman I
find. air. that you have no financial stand
ing, no credit anywhere.
Young oett here you in me an Injustice,
sir. I have easily borrowed several hun
dred dollars since It twenma known I was
engaged to your daughter.
Detroit Free Prefe: Hosklns What !
James Ruing to leave us.
Hutler Yes. sir: I can t rut ud with the
mistress any lonRcr.
Hosklne Hut, James, look how Ion a I ve
put up with her.
Philadelphia Prcno: "I believe." ssld Miss
Oldum. sh irply. "that there should be a
law ar -Int bachelors."
"Nous .-hi.!" exclaimed Pepprey, "why,
the nniy hope of some women are the
bachelors, for the widowers are too par
ticular." Chicago Tribune: "No," admitted tho
girl with th auburn balr. "I don't know
what alls him. He hasn't called for two
"Were you doing that pyrographlc land
scape mi the hig piece of sheepskin when
he called Irtrt?"
"Well, that's where you burnt out your
Portland Oregonlan.
I love tho drama's glowing page.
Where strength and beauty shins;
Where hope snd Joy, despair and rage.
Inform the perfect line.
With lar to rave, with Hamlet fret.
With Rosalind to Jest,
Are dear unto my heart, and yet
I love the lyric best.
I love the epic's Joy snd fear,
Where Greeks and Trojans die;
Th words that came to Milton's esr,
The scenes to Dante's eye.
Drave deeds of old and far away,
I make their memory mine.
Hut homage from the heart I pay
The lyric s lowlier shrine.
I love to how beneath the bell
Where I'ope and Wordsworth presch;
I love to learn the lessons well
My Kmerson doth teach;
With llrownlng ponder. Hryant grieve.
In Wisdom's ways divine;
But slowly for their trutha I leave
The lyric's lovtlier line.
Give me gray ocean's threnody,
The south wind's sigh f r m far.
The millnlKht's murmuring melody
And Iwlllxht's steadfast star.
The lyrle of Hprlng's glad release,
Of Hummer's cloudlesa shine.
Of Autumn's prime and Winter's peace
Th lyric shall be mine.
Give me the hvmna of holy diiys,
The dirge or Honors gravo,
The c harm c.f childhood's earliest lays,
The pen of the brave.
Sing me of love that wins Its own,
Hlng me of love's despair,
T-ur down the drama from the throne
And set the lyric there.