THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, SEPTEMDETt 22, 1002. RAIN HINDERS AND HELPS UaVei Trouble for Bailrctdi, bat Quenches Isrsg Tires. FRESHENS RANGES, ASSURING GRAZING Dasnaar Is by Waahneta Almmm Llaea f lalon raetfle aad flnrllafttoa, Cassia Inmr Delay Trafflr, LINCOLN, Sept. 21. (Special Telegram ) Traffic on both the Colorado and Montana llnea of tba Burlington has been practically At a atandstlll today. A eudden freshet laat night In 4 atream flowing Into the Re publican river near Trenton, washed away bridge and several rods of roadbed, block Ing the main line to Colorado, twenty four boura before the damage was mended. Tralna vera acnt by a circuitous rout, via Brush and Holyoke, Colo., causing twelve tours delay. Tralna from Montana are reported thirty boura late due to a wreck on the Northern Pacific west of the Burlington connection at Billings. All passenger tralna out of Blltlnga today were annulled. DENVER, Sept. II. Reports of Inter ruption to railroad traffic, due to wash outs, are being received at railroad head quarters In this city. A washout on the I'nlon Pacific delayed traffic both ways several hours. Tbe tracks of the Burling ton near Julesburg, Colo., are submerged for a distance of 2,000 feet, necessitating the use of the I'nlon tracka in that neigh borhood. Nearly every line of rallrom In pastern Colorado la experiencing difficulty In operating trains because of washouts or weakened roadbeds. No trains on the Colorado t Southern have been running to Boulder today. Several washouts are reported between Denver and Boulder on that line. Continuous rainfall over tbe entire raatern slope of tbe Rocky mountains from Montana to New Mexico has saved late cropa and allayed fears of a shortage of water. The ranges have been freshened ao that grailnar will be good during the early winter. Forest Ares that have raged for a month have been quenched. ENCAMPMENT. 'Wyo.. Sept. 11. Heavy rain baa extinguished the forest fires tn southern Wyoming and northern Colorado. SHOWS CHURCH PROSPEROUS Statistical Report for Year Filed nlth Methodist Conference at W'ymore. WYMORE, Neb., 8ept. 21. (Special.) The statistical reports of the Southern Nebrsska districts have boen completed by E. D. Old- eon and his assistanta and were placed on the statistical records of the conference yes terday. The following report Is given for the districts of Beatrice, Hastings, Lincoln Nebraska City and Ycrk, which are repre sented In this conference, for the past year: Membership, . 24.109; probationers, 1.RS8; ttunday arnooia, 24a; officers, 52S, acliulara. 21,762; churches,. 238; valuation of churches $70. 150; psrsonages, 118; amount paid for Improvement on churchea and parsonages $35,229; amount paid on church debt, $10,249; present Indebtedness, $311. 67. An lncreaae of $106,250 Is shown tn tbe valuation of churches. Bishop Fowler announced that the con ference dividends amounted to $500 and the chartered fund la $22. The character of each minister In con ference has been examined and a report made of the result. Irvln C. Letuon, Ed ward M. Furman, Eugene Maxey, Howard P. Young, Marvin E. Gilbert, George Wash Charles E. Bruck, G. W. Ay era and Henry Zlnaker have been advanced In their studies Ira W. Kenagy, S. F. Taylor and George C Cobb completed their courae of study and received certificates from tho examining Txiard . and were elected to cider' orders Ernest A. Totten, B. N. Kunkel, John R Martin and f,: C. McVay were, admitted on trial. Eugene F. Gates. C. D. Metcalf, Dorah W. Wtlt, William. M, Hull, Oacar U Burrls, Albert S, Bull and Thomas C Priestly were admitted Into full membership and elected to deacons' orders. Walter K. Williams has withdrawn from the ministry and membership of the church. J. H. Cobbe and John M. Wilson were admitted to con ference on certificate of location. Refuses to Remit Taxes. FREMONT. Neb.. Sept. 21. (Special.) The county board yesterday afternoon passed resolution refusing to -consider any more petitions of persona who owe taxes on real estate to have either principal or Interest remitted unleaa tbey were made atrlctly la compliance with the tertna of the statute. Tbe board has been literally swamped with such petitions during lb. present aession, one of them being ts can eel the Interest on oae of the lots pur chased by tbe Union Pacific Railroad com pany for a new depot. Tbe bunting up of delinquent taxea by Treasurer Coddlngton will therefore reault la bringing considers bis money Into the county treasury. NICE FUND TO START A PARK Carnival at Xfllgh Ncta f2,000 to Be Derated a that Porpese. NEUGH. Neb.. Sept. 21. (Special.) crowd conservatively estimated at 7,000 was present Friday, the last day of the harvest carnival, and the attendance on, the prevt cue day waa nearly aa largo and the first day aatisfactory. The carnival waa a com plate auccess In every respect and visitors were rnthusisstlc over the cordiality of their entertainment and the high grade of amuaements provided. The ball games were hotly oonteated, Norfolk winning from Sioux City. Tildes from Savage and Clearwater from Elgin. In tbe free-for-all trot Ebad On won from a atrong field In fast time. The other racea were good, and loo free-for-all running especially ao, and waa won by Will Anderaan'a Myrtle. The surplus re- melnlng aa profit, of the carnival, amcunt In. . - V. . .1 flAA .. AAA .,, V. - .. . . -v. uk m mo a para, mr ius cnj. Treapaaser Koanhly I aed. FREMONT. Neb.. Bept. 21. (Special.) Last evening Bill Keeler, who lives on West Sixth street, got drunk and drove hla own family out of lbs house. He then went to the resldenes of Hsrman Smith on Military avenue and tried to get in there. Mr. Smith ordered blai off. but bs refused tn go and pitched tntg Smith. A telephone call waa seal ta tbe follce elation. When ths officer arrived the unwelcome visitor waa ln tbs street pretty well pounded up. HantH Reiiablleaa Noaalaatleaa. ST. TAUU Neb.. Sopt. 21 (Special.) Tha Howard county republican nominating afo BrFnp, Pain Or discomfort,' no irritation of ths In w UTTbu' ntu prompt, Ukorougt ass U hot! cleansing, whsa you laks Hood'o PIIIq Sold bj all druulata. 85 oeat as if waa S NEVC BhANS satraiyrsra I ft i . I . tiTwu.M. ui nmi.uul uhim, t ' A S" a t J fwllun k.aaliwod. mull. hiur-. Ill miet m VI Vtarrted uiro .d an. a latra.ling M stiimbT4 t au' aauiuuiiiiia waiui aina.1 soak HaiU au4 luat suaor teula. SLOltf tbwwaa dl MoCwasaU brag Ce-, Vaasa. . convention was held at the c.urtbouee yes terday afternoon. Tbe proceedings were arkrd by harmony and eathuslasm. C. W. Caldwell of Ft. Tanl wss nominated for rep resentative from tba Forty-eighth distrlrt. udge Rasmus Hannibal waa nominated for county attorney. Mr. Hannibal la at prea- nt ooa of the deputy oil inspectors. The commissioner convention of the Flrit dis trict held Ita session directly after tba clot of the county convention and nominated for ounty commlealoner 8. M. Ponderup, prominent farmer lu Logan precinct. Job nana t'aaatr Fair , TECL'MfiEH, Neb., Sept. 21. (Special.) The annual fair Just cloned In Johnson county Is considered one of the best ever held. The exhibits were good as wss the ttendance. A splendid race program was feature. WITH DICING SOLDIER Continued from Flfst Page.) Cortelyou returned to the Cadillac. An- tlon of telegraph operators haa been formed veraal that nucha a proceeding can be re Other brief reception waa held for the on these lines. In the past all effcrta at or- 'V'1 ""'V for 'Purpose of compelling ""P'l"' " "- with a party of them, during which the ,,. ' president renewed acqualatance with aev- cral whom he had met before, the party went driving. As President Roosevelt left the elevator and atarted for hi. carriage he noticed a crippled veteran of the Spanish war, a del- arala to the reunion of Rnanlsh war vet- ran., aittlng near tho elevator entrance. I Walking briskly over to his aeat the nresldent shook hla hand and inouired after I hi. health. The man was M. M Mitchell ua uiouiugiuu, wuu icitiu iu uTs ruiuiii n. New Jersey regiment. Snggeallve of a Patrol W alton. I The chief executive occupied a carriage belonging to the police department on his .r..nn.n ...i.. n,,i. in n-iir I uniform, had the reins, and as the presi- ' .' Mllwu. James u Brien, Milwau- board altogether failed to take Into con-d.rn- in he r.m.rU.d ke: J- R- Maynard, Cleveland; F. E. Oil- alderatlon, in placing the valuation on dent atepped ln he remarked, laugntngiy. oronrrtv bv t aaseaaed. the fact that under lie, uwu v. I I . v. . v.tii.iu uuu.a-i, u J 1 1 ' I Captain, thia looks aa though you wers going ts lock me up." Washington ave- oue waa crowded with people and the air rang with cheers a. the horaea started up . V. ,. .4 .k,.. Tk. -i''i . u m . v 11 u m m .u.i . v i v. . , 11 vi u i .i u i i . . W-ii.i.I .Hmi- fM,. party drove out Woodward avenue four mile, to the boulevard which encircles the city. This was followed to Ita Intersection -l.k raA..AM ...nil. k n k . ft.n. i.i- k... Th- in.... h i tk t i i. w h ... r.t iVr.nn k, . ,. . ' ,. ,. .lluuv, hhi lit I r lug tivnua - ii i uc r il a i tf - v ..,.,. .., I " iiwu"ii " ""6 "i .,rf.,.l li th. -...... f th. I ; " ' . " T ' " I mors secluded streets. Mayor Maybury and Secretary Cortelyou rode with the presi dent and a, secret service man sat on the box with Police Captain Ouyman. In the second carriage were Police Commissioner Fowle, Chairman George T. Gaston of tbe cers. The third and last carriage contained Tn......a. likM Ti r -..! ra.All t WUB....u..u ... . . ..v... the president', phy.icl.n; Dr. Lung, ,d Krrun i" ""u 4...UV.. u arove irtraj o:nu umii auuui o.ov aciucn, I Twn llttl. artrla hart a narrnw .aeane from Two little girls naa s narrow escape rrom j being trampled upon by the huraea at- tached to the president's carriage. They had darted out suddenly from the curb al- had dartea out audaeniy from tin curn al- u-u- miu-i u ,u.o.. iixi, man waa compelled to throw the animal. I back 0 their h.unche. to keep them Off tne children. The occupant, of the presl- uruL. carriage rr orougui lo ,.ir leei lt San. Ktlni nl Inlns f In at sa arA.4 I m .T 7 V u . . . .u : and It was only by a hair a breadth that tbe little one. eacaped. Then It waa that the route waa changed to less congested treeta. President Roosevelt had ug- gested a change as soon aa he saw the crowded condition of Jeffer.on avenue, and .. v - . . , .' the party , had proceeded only about two Li.uvn. -u-u l ii u.iiuw roi y ui mo lu little girls proved that hi. fear, were well f. I grounded. Tonight the president dined at the Cadil lac with a party of frtenda. Among the guest, were Francis H. Clergue of Saulte Ste. Marie, Oe.ierfl R. A. Alger, Hon. Wil liam B. Qulnby, General H. M. Duffleld Mayor Maybury, Becretary Cortelyou, Dr. Tun. .ni. A..l.l..t C...l . .1.. !... I Barnes. I The president retired shortly after 11:30 J i ui. iiicaiutui ivmtu luumy axier ii.iiv p. m.. having apent the latter part of the ...nin. in ft. ,nm. ,1. h7., evening In hi. room, at the hotel. Tomorrow will be a very buay day for the nre.ldent Ha will addreaa tha con- ins preaiaem. ne win saareas me con- ventlon of Spanish War veterana at 10 a. m. At 11 ha will take a steamboat ride on the Detroit river, returning at S o'clock. At 4 o clock ne will review the parade of veterana and military, a unlnua feature nf DEDERICK HAS NO SENTIMENT . . Pretera to Let Peary Talk Flrat fon- eeralaa DtaTerenees Be twee Them. NEW YORK. Sept. 21. Dr. Thomas -L. Dederlck of Washington. N. J., who had disagreements with Lieutenant Peary, tha Arctic explorer, snd left ths Iatter'a ex peflltlon on August 27, 1901, arrived , ur ur New York today after an abesnco of fou yeara in tbe far north. Concerning tha criticisms of his actions In ths Arctic re- glona ho waa inclined to bo reticent. 'I will not dliciaa tn anv ha rowie, Chairman ueorge r. uaaton or me can)e nto pubc not,ce b be(n local executive committee of the Spanish... telearranher. mmtv.r ,f th. .i I which will be th. presence of the Twen- ."hough u e needed thai th'itaV." fmnt '""""utsd conform to such ty-flrst regiment of Essex Fusiliers from ment as made Is lower than In Justice It valuation without violating tha rule of unl Canada. At I p. m. he will attend the ban- :?.7.V.SV&.BB- co"nW.!lted,h2 nSl-OTy l"f"tKd quet of the veteran, i. Light Guard ar- Sall 7runTcha'rSed wl he'dui'y of highfr valuation, obtafnlng In the munlcl mory. where he will make tha address of aasesalng railroad and other corporate H'A.'.Z' Ju.JJ'a " I ertlea by the tJtate Board of Equalisation ... i....t.-Jii i v . . I ertles at a grossly Inadequate valuation or any misunderstandings I msy havs bad that lh,y wantonly or purposely dlsre wlth Lieutenant Peary and that may or I garded ail Information from which a Just may not have been tbe csuas of my leaving th. .hin" tne snip.- "What about tho Intimation that ths reaaon you left tha nartr waa becauaa vnu wars not exactly In a aouad atats mentally at the time?" be was asked. "Tha report that I waa mentally un sound." bo replied, " Is a malicious lie.' . "Are you going ts make a atatement ln regard to tha affair?' "At the proper ttme I will make a atate ment in full of the reaaona that led ma to pursue the Course I did, both s. to remain ing In ths Arctic snd ths charge, about my mental atatua. Pending tbs report that ' Lteutentant Peary will make about the work and sxnerlenrea nf tha . n.i.1 linn however. I do not think any person who la . . . , . , not connected with the expedition or may nave oeen connected wun It mould do any i.lkin. ft t. t h.. k. ,... ui.ii.n aa i nave ana not laix, out I .Ball, never- th.l... ...... . ..,. i .1 ' .. "Concerning my trouble with IJant.n.nt Peary and my experiences while llvina ' " . U1 P ' , . ' - " bhu ih ueuiai oi I for the bell.f that the board had failed food to ma by Lieutenant Peary, even aland neglected to conaider and include In Its little coffee without Sugar. I shall say aaseaament property which they were by .. . ... " I law reuulred to valus and assess with the BOlDtng at tnla ttme. Tha reason I atald In the Arctic wa. purely one ef duty to th. expedition and .was not for a.y mone- tary purpoaea. When I wa. a member of tne expedition I contracted not to publish artlMaa and I .h.u .... i.. There haa not bea a single day alncs ... w ' . r.r 111 T left the expedition over a year ago that I hava d tha atari I a.. a t ... nave regretted tbe stsp I saw flt to take. and tbe knowledge that I acted in aa boa- oraoie manner has dons much to mltlaats U. ,,nr.i.... ..... . . . . s unpleasant experiences 'I bad snd ths attacks mads on ma." riresasst Try (las Uoapel Roate. CHATTANOOGA. Tenn . Sent. tt.-Tha Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen at'i murrn in a wni itMiar, in in morning, at the Second Preabytertan church ana at night at the First Ba'itlat. The convention will asjours Tuesday. Tha electloa of t Ulcers will probably take place .wm.ii. i v a TELEGRAPHERS HAVE UNION Ferty Dslsgstti Start One an New Lints ii fhicijs, GILLILAN0 0F OMAHA ON THE BOARD I. J. McDonald. Formerly af the hate tlty, Is K'epterf President "lest Convention to Be In Minneapolis. CHICAGO, Sept. 21. The International union ot Commercial To lrarar hers was formed here today at a convention of forty . . '. ... I ""6"s iryr.aiimuB as umuj .1.1.0 tnrougnout the United States. A ronatltu- I Hon patterned after that of the Interna- .. . I lional Typographical union was adopted, Drovldlns for the ls.ue of a working card to I each member every three months. . . . ' . ... , This ts the first time that an organize- u'"non were aiong secret lines, nesoiu- tlons were adopted Instructing the officers I . i , , I of the new organization to communicate with the various existing organlx.tlon. of telegraphers with a view of working on a harmonious basis; Instructing the various local union, throughout the country to raise a fund to be fcrwarded to the United Mine Workers ami fn h ii..n.i to apply ,0 the American Federation of La- bor for a national charter. The convention adinnrnit ft. th i. I tlon of the following officers: President, I. I ificiwiiBin, . ntcBgo. nrsi vice presiaeni, I M. J. Reldy, Boston; aecond vice president J. M. Pcrklna, Ban Francisco; secretary 're""'r' A- J- Douglass. Milwaukee. Mem- . - 'VTY"" . . D"ra: ""ra. c" ". liuibi nnpro-ii, v.nicago: w. f. ... , . . - "' - ""U "' ";, P; r""' " "' """. -.uu-j.uiib. t. n. - . , . . uuiiiiiQiuu, n.iu 1 . a. nuwi.u Detroit. The next convention will be in Minne- . , , , i " lunw aiuiu7 IU r yiviuuvr. 1903 I I. J. McDonald, president of the new or- I niaatlon. waa formerly employed ln 0nln. where he worked one of the leased wires of the Associated Prera. He la one of , . . .w,. i . 1 1 1-1 a LU I S 1 U LUC OUBIDCS9 .nil !..... ...I ! ir- . B"".u. ic ".US ferred to the Chicago office tn 1897, and has remained there nvor in.ii F. E. Gilliland of Omaha, member of I the executive board. Is one of the best I known m.mhm nf th. t.i.. nkin ,.lthe state board of equalisation shall h ' "K"' I tnrnltv In th. ) ti. . I " -m- ii. bk-uw i of the L'nlon Pacific at Papilllon and first l board of tha ITnlon Pa. (fl. vbI.i m-hlnh I hoard la chare-en with nr...niin. ih .m. " " I pl03rra ,n , difference, between them and th, comp,ny. He WM ,ctlBB , th,t paclty when the famous controvery under the rerelverahtn eama nn t,nfn-. t,,m I u ., . . . K """so Caldwell In the federal rnurt. h .. tlcuiariv active in thai coutruveisy and ilia telearaDhera were the flrat and in tt th. It, V L ' ! tbe oniy t0 a comp ete agreement mltQ tne company ln private conference I wth the receivers and without rnn. from th. court. hjot jong ,rter thg Mr Gulilan(1 wll8 Iet out and ha. since been connected with . Droller" omcM u'hS l"d wires. It haa always been maintained that hi. di.. !.-.. wa, du, to hi. activity In the celebrated controversy and that the trouhl. whf.h ... over, a messaae., waa onlv a nr.t.t tm waB strenuously denied by the company and aa it waa a matter not auarentih . ,", as ii was a matter not suaceptlble of proof, nothing waa ever done hv the nr tne SVBtpm evrenr t n npnt..t --, th, "mEw " acUon lno company action. . IiAlTTP I VT TflP TIV n t rr lUiil lit I UK IAX I ASr IV. li.HO ii. IULi lt A jt0l4 (Continued from First Page.) stantlally the same as five or six years ago, wnrn many rauroaoa were bankrupt I and In the handa nf rerolvnra Whii. ..... rs. While con- t-edlna this, the reannnd.nta .r.,.. ih.i ih same Is true of other property, the values bic in u- wi tuiirr property, me values of whlch ,or taxation purposes remain as before. We can only Inquire Into the matter for the purpoae of determining whether 1 respondents have expressed an honest Judg- ment or wnetner the method pursued was . h wanton r.ri,,.. ii.,j "; dt7. .. t". "2,., l??."?,r,?l that thev acted fraudulently ."A't?!??. lt wa s their dntv th.. it .?.,, in.f not be said thev have acted frandiii.ntiu In that which thev have done th. rm.rt rlrht. as acnng in a quaai juaiciai capacity. ttecora uoe not siaoiiati Fraad, t. .... k ..u .u . reenrS J??h.Zl ,.S ' H-fi.!,d .h"? h IVZL d.v,? r.Kn.U.U"iJn drawln n'er- !,.!. hid tSf m,Ie..mad. by "5 Jot f.fJ t SLlLZZt'S "f1ul'y Jmpcached ' '-. C. ? futv"le.nt n? sa- Luil6 ,hv!,u!'t on. ta J8 LI.? nd TnlMdid "J? . l5rl .'i1 " 'audu- .tlo .'hi "Sw.; vi"r,rlm,ln',lon.J,n favor of tne railroads. Were lt nnmi h I . j i . , , . - . a to deduce this conclusion then it cannot b$ dm'Ve.d. that an aaa.aament so made should be adjudged void and a writ of mandamua lasue compelling action tn the '"," iJT.VJir.. th.t thi r..Jr.. """J the intention o? perpetrating a fraud Jlon rantM in aavini mar in rinnnriants .-! I the taxpayera generally, aaaessed the Drnn- valuation coma d oeierminea. i ney may I have erred and the Judgment exercised in I placing a valuation on the pron- I erty assessed may not have been that h,cn would meet the approval of all dis- Interested and unbiased parties competent to juoge oi ins valuation oi sucn prop erty. They adopted a method In vogue In thla state for many years, and If the Judg ment thus exercised ia not In fact the best or If the property aaeeased waa valued below that which lt Justly should be, yet If the board pursued methods reasonably well calculated to produce me aeaired re ault and exercised an honest Judgment In valuing tho property, tne assessment can not be overturned. Dowbt as ts What Was Doae. The admlseion by the respondents In their flrat return that they had not as sessed tha franchises, with other state- I m.nta In eorrohoratinn thereof, tntmd iperi 7 ,;"..' I:...-..-?1 . . H.J.VI. . ii v in-1. . v. .ii... mm., ... I the case aa to what waa actually done I ana ins nature n im in. uj mi board. W hile the true Inquiry la what w tha action actually taken and what I property waa In tact valued ana aasesaed I th. afat.nv.nta and cr. lid lie t nf tha mam bers of the board aa to what waa required I of them In the assessment of railroad prop- I .rtv seema to show a some nut clouded I condition of the mind and afforded Juatl- liable grounds on the part of the relators I .k.. .. ...i... .,,... ..... ....,!.. i. I (be face of these declaration and admta- ft" and re'rded the" tion thua taken as evidencing something I lru than a run performance or omciai amy, to corract which the writ of mandamua . otjght to Issue. Vvlil.n... nf Ih. rhurai'l. I I alluded to haa not been lost sight of ln our I consideration of the questlun and yet from I all tha facta and the circumstance, as I dlK.i0,,i by the records bearing on this I point, we cannot escape thu conclusion I ,nil ooia me ian.,uie auu me uihihiuh I property of the railroad companies wars I f Jct asaeaited aa ona property or aa a I unit. That the property was assessed as a live, going cuncern, and a valuation placed (hereon hen eonaidered ln connection with I,. . . .n.t lh.1 lhna ! nmi. I a whli'h r.n. it vhml.i. aa an entire nrotiertv in. - I cludlnar within Its acope all the easentlal i nualllies Buina to muse ud tne a note prop. erty as a unit waa actually and, in fact. I Included In the assessment so made. 1 I In conclusion ths court said: I In the conslderatloa tat iftis case ws have I ... j juiwuiiiiuii. b ii.. ilia nrni. .. . . endeavored to cover all essential points raited unclor the ieauea aa made by the plfBdlna. These different questions nave twn rtlarueaed at some length because if their vital Importance In regard to a sut ler! which at heat Involves many Intrlcnte and rumples, prlnc'ples and rules of law. ami rranrrtir Whlrh Human inieueri nun endeavor haa as yet been unable to evolve a sterrt which works harmoniously In nil Its paNs and operates evenly ami with exact equality on all those required to contribute to t lie public revenue In support of the government. There are some funi.M mental principle, aurti as Uniformity In nasesament so that every taxpayer ahull contribute a Just proportion In the public revenues according to the value oi nis or her property which nil recognise and ac knowledge. But In the application of such principle to the Intricate and Varied prop erty Interests of the present Industrial world, we meet with Innumerable diffi culties and much diversity of opinion exists a to a law which la lust and eoultable and operates on all alike. The Just taxation of I,ror,lrr m.ut ln larr, meai"!:e ke to the vigilance, painstaking effort, candid opnon an( unbiased Judgment or tne tux ing authorities and when tne iw is so no ministered meritorious grounds for com til ft ! n t wll be redured to a minimum. !n ,h, ., baP the extraordinary writ of mandamua has been a mil led for to corn- I"' ." assessment of lrP"ty ""rf which respondents assert they have already ond r.i,h ...-..-a Th rule is unl- HllllMI BMU inillll'l in- uinuv 111- .in.-. ' I correcting errors or reviewing the proceed, ing of the assesslna body. Such action he" aken and when not tainted with UnZVor b VsZts 7n J where none such are provided the action taken Is conclusive except where Impeached JKVanA'muVOT effect would be to reverae or vacate an order of a court or tribunal having Juris- V.1 k'iEM naV,' in u lows from what lias been aaid that tho writ prayed for will have to be denied Ji,pory8 of 0costsn'galns"elat,ortW'tvl"rlt denied Manlelpal Aaaesssneats. In regard to the right of metropolitan cities to place their own aeeeesed valuation on the railroads tbe court says: I I 15 CUIIirillltn 1 1 V I 11 T I Tlfl HJ1 II 1 1 1 , VII.' It Is contended by the relatora that the certain aaseaament laws with respect to municipal taxes In cities or the metronon tan class and those of the first class hav ing a population of over 40,000. a much higher standard of valuation or property for aaaesnment purposes prevails than the i "-'"B" oinuiu imhiiiiiib unum kmiv " visions of th general revenue law. It Is In evidence that In the city of Omaha, a city of the metropolitan class the standard of value In the valuation and assessment of property for municipal pur poses is 40 per cent or its market value; that in the cities of Omaha and South Omaha, which have a population bringing them within the other class mentioned property is assessed for taxation for muni- clpal purposes at Its actual cash value. The lawa authorising the aHSfasment or prop erty In municipalities of the classes men- the nrnnertlea n the railroad and other corporations required to be assessed by ,. -.,, n.,,-,r,-, -,,,. ..t..v ..........,,.. K. niMM In th. munlolrtnlltl.a r.rerreil tn and to the municipal authorities and taxes levied thereon at the same valuation aa fixed by the state board of equalization. m respect or an otner property suoject to l..tlM h.Im.. . - K,. hi In .In. authorities of the respective municipalities Bn . . . , A . I . .n I m aa(nWa.fnt Ttated It h robvloui T f rom what has ust l$t ".o?",,".. broken regarding the properties of the dir- iuiiiuruuii. rriuu.u iu .wnc.. r-u py the State board or equalisation When tne .... n,.n. ,k. .m. i. ... ""o" hv tl.. different tnunlnlonl taxing authorities for municipal purposes. When othr property ta assessed at 40 per cent of Its cash value In one of the munlclpall- ,,PS mentioned ana at ita run. rair casn value In the other two and the railroad ?h"a If eSualTaatlon "li" valued at one-sixth to one-tenth Ita fair cash value an Inequality in taxation Is ahown to exist which I renucnant to the moat rudimentary pri lneoualltlea are r lples of justice. Such to be wholly unexpected IZlJluZ less local and special ",,"Fi,. n are enacted by the m to the wishes of each munlclDalltv wU needs are supposed to reo-ulre la.w Iul'ar to Itself. If there ar. ma.?i t, Jurisdictions operating under different laws It is quite probable that the standard of valuation will areatlv I rj "I uniri .ill lit-. 1 1 1 ir . 1 1 in nt II I MO apparent that thetat. board of equ.ll... t tion cannot in one assessment conform to all these several standards, if varying, and ,f an attempt ahould be mad promise by the ascertainment of Standard the rule of unlformlt: de to com- an average iformlty would be broken as to all and would conform to none. Object of I.eslslatloa I The legislation with reference to the aa- I "eaameiii ui miruia ana inegrapn prop' I erty by the State Board of Kriualiia tlon erty ty ,ne mate noara or Kquullxatlor I was evidently enacted with the view of having ail such property assessed by one -. . ... . . j assessing body at a unlfon property, "n a mileage baa Inon'r wlth values aa fixed a-Bfooiug, uuuj i av uiiiiurm vmue mr ail sis and in har for assessmen I PrPs on ail other kinds of property - i.r .rnrni revenue purposes and such valuations ap- portioned throughout the state where the lines of such corporation extended. . If i certain municipalities under laws applying I ort'y to the.n assess property at a much hlRher ratio than that as made for all I nlK "er Purpoaea It will reaauy be seen that hlsher valuation placed on suoh rVr MJsn-TtffTK t)e would therefore be added to the valua- tlon of the property situated In such mu nlclpalltles and subject to municipal faxei We know of no rule by which the Stat Board of Equalisation under the preaen law can value railroad and telegraph prop ertiea , municipalities having taxing law of thelr Cwn it a uniform valuation wit other property therein when the atandar of valuation la different from that prevail " unl"- he general revenue laws. Sec .i c .. A k. Akis..tiHH j. iiii e c i ati tit ic i a t i ins tuiiniuutiuu uc ciars that "all municipal corporations may j,e vested with authority to assess and collect taxea. but such taxes shall be unl- toTm wi,n respect to persons and property within the Jurisdiction oi tne oody in i . .. . . . . i . ?Vn.frnV..v I,rT SZW'S Firoperty (or munclpal purpoaea la as on. Igatory on the lawmaking body and the taxing authorities as are the provisions of law requiring that the assessment, aa made by the State Board of -.quallaatlon, shall be taken and accepted aa the correct aasesaed valuation for taxea for municipal purposes when a dlnerenl standard or valuation prevails aa to all other property la In contravention with the section of the constitution quoted we should not in this action and do not decide. It Is suf ficient to sav that for the purpose of this case and ln determtnlns the Issues before us we can consider only the aaseaament or all other property throughout the state for general revenue purpoaea In determining whether the fundemental law requiring uni formity In ths valuation of property ia violated. Miles Sears 'Frlscs. PORTLAND. Ore.. Sent. 1. General Nel aon A. Mliea reacnea tnis cuy louay atier a trip of inspection to the fortifications I .t th. mmith of the Columbia river and Vancouver oarracas. """' ,""a"" i ine n iii i n ci n r.un. . . . . . n ...... .... - I Franc leco, where he will embark for the i Phlllpplnea. I A CAT'S INTELLIGENCE. cab Aalmals Caa sceat Dast. Dn A cat will refuse to drink coffee, but will drink and thrive on Poatum Food Coffee. Mrs. Alice Gould ot Maywood. 111., says; Coffee drinking made me very much run down, thin and nervou. and I thought I h,ouI1 hT 10 ,,Ve,UrP, "hr a I ae Induced to try Fostum by a friend who Buffered tour yeara from aevere alck headachea lasting for several daya at time, who aaid that alnce using Poatum Coffee sbs had been entirely frea from aa attack, I found that by making Poatum according to directions It wsa equal to coffee In flavor. It Is now six months since I began drinking Poatum . and I have gained IS pounds In weight. It haa built nt up snd I feel like a new person We all drink it now. even to the cat who la the pet of ths family, aad It la fuany to aes him drink hla bowl ot Poatuin Food Coffee every morning. Ws often try to get him to drink coffee, but he haa ts oo4 scute to refuse IU" r.s, irtnrii ru nnnr i n a nw o a i r tm SEEMS TO BE HOOPER YOUNG Darby Folic Hold Man lippsied t Be Soipsctsd Kudartr. DESPERATELY RESISTS THE OFFICERS Is !e ated Oaly by . traiesy and Bears I Remarkable Resemblance to Al leed Slayer af Mrs. I'alltser. DERBY, Conn., Sept. 21. The police have In custody here a man who answers th description of William Hooper Young of New York, who is wanted in tbat elty for the murder of Mra. Annie Pulltaer. Tho man vigorously resisted arrest, and when brought to headquarters refused to give Is name or account for bla presence In this vicinity. Early this evening s telephone message was received by the local police stating that a man answering the deacrlption of I Toung had been seen walking along the railroad tracka near Stevenaoa In com- pany with a tramp. Two officers, Louis Knapp and Robert Pierce, were hurriedly sent in tbe direction of that town to Inter- cept the men. Three mile, above here, dl- rectly opposite the house of Robert Hun- man, two men were seen coming down the tracka. The officer, alourhed up to them and gave the impression that tbey were tramps. One of the men waa recognized a. local character, Cunningham by name. Tallies with losag'i Description. Tbe officers looked closely at Cunning ham's companion and tbe resemblance to a photograph of Young which they had seen was so startling that they had no doubt aa to his Identity. To capture him it waa necessary to proceed carefully, for the sus pected man kept hi. right hand In hla coat pocket and the officer, feared that he carried a weapon. Several attempta were madr. to throw the man off his guard and the officers were finally successful. Pierce produced a bottle of whisky and asked the man to have a drink. The man withdrew hi. hand from hi. pocket and took the bot tle. In an Instant he was covered with two revolver.. He dropped the bottle and waa about to put hi. hand back Into the pocket, when warned that they would .hoot to kill If be attempted to draw a weapon. Tbs officers then closed tn en the man and Knapp .lipped a handcuff on his right hand. The supposed murderer fought vi ciously and it was with difficulty that he wa. subdued. Questions put to tbs man proved conclusively that he waa unac qustnted with hia whereabouta. In fact, he aia noi snow me name or tne town ne I"- UUriUg mo SCU1UO VUUDlUgUam made his escape seems a Mere Dlsgalae. The officers then took their prisoner to I headquarters in Derby. When seen in a bright room the likeness to Young waa more apparent than ever, despite tbe fact that a disguise had been attempted. He wore a new pair of overalls, light slouch hat and a light rat and vest. The gold tooth which ln the description sent out had been so prominently mentioned was Immediately looked for. It waa missing, but Instead wss s hole In the gum where a tooth had been extracted quite recently. No revolver waa found on the man, but two of hla pockets were full of red pepper. The prisoner aaid be had been drunk for three days and carried the pepper to sober htm np. On closer questioning he ad- mltted that if he had bad the chance he would have filled the eyes of his csptors with tbs stuff. Ths prisoner demanded to know the reason for his arrest and after anme diarnnalon amona the offlcera It was decided to hold him temporarily on I rhiru nf home ateallaa. Ha haa not been informed that ho la wanted on a charge of murder. A short time after reaching the station the prisoner became more communicative, asking for and getting a drink of whisky and a cigarette. He accounted for his presence in this vicinity by saying he waa disappointed ln a love affair atx yeara ago tn Oregon and took to the road and haa been a tramp ever since. HI. appearance, .... K.II.. thi. atatement. rhief nf Police Gillette was asked why ths New York police had not been notified and he said he wished to be positive that he had tha right man before Informing Captain Titus. Mas Host eat Laaaf Islaad. NEW YORK, Sept. 21. The search tor William Hooper Young, the man wanted for the murder of Mrs. Joseph Pull tier, whose mutilated body waa found floating In the abandoned Morris canal near jer- aaa Tlr Tk wtm i.aar mnanlas las. h -t 11 n w j, uu..u, v. -vs -h ,rc. Dorougoa nave Dean Deaaiug ail energiew nd running down all clew, which corns ts them to locate Young. The chief develop ment of the day came from Brooklyn, and lt leads tha police to believe thai ths fu gitive haa escaped to ths vicinity of Ca- narsie. Long Island. Captain Tltua of ths detective bureau ia inclined to believe that Young finding all avenuea of final escape nui on, naa nea to tnis spot on me loog Island coaat to commit aulclde. The cap- taiu oiuerea m special xorce oi Detectives to ianarsie 10 coaouci a tnorougn aearcn. Raee for His Life. Tha mtr., thi. .1.. I. thai i.t. c. urday night a man supposed to havs been Young wa. seen In a lodging house In Brooklyn. When he applied for a room be wa. told there waa none vacant, and he waa forced to be satisfied with a chair. Soon afterward he became nervous and areas to hi. feet. Some of those ia the room arnaa almultaneoualv. Then tha stranger dashed down tbe back stalre of ths hotel to the ysrd with some of ths loagera arter mm. vaulting tne oacx isnce, cioaeiy purauea, log lUKit-i.e nets up ia. street. The nurauera aalnina upon him. th. draw a revolver and brought the lodgers to a stand. Turning again, he caught algbt of a No.trand ave- ... fn. IT,, lion street and raiet for it. Before the lodger, came up the ernor BlUa. who came Jo Detroit from Lan car with the fugitive was blocks away, alng today to meet President Roosevelt. The atory waa told to Captain Titus early closed a speech of sympathy for the mlnera ...... . n j,. k . -...Ivad a earrnhnra. .u.7, a- ' tinn ef It a. a a in th. mnreine a man reaembllna Young had been seen ln Canarsle. Captain TituB' Informant told blm that the man aeemed fatigued and almost exhausted. The captain added that Police Captain Short ot Canarale and all his fores were scouring tbe country tbereabouta for ths msn. Tbe cap tain aaid. however, that he feared, In case the man was Young they would Hod only his dead body, aa hs la of tha Impression Young would commit suicide. At mldulghl tonight Csptaln Tltua Bald the police at Canarals had reported they had found no trace ef Young. Ths Brook lya police tonight arrested a man whom they believed to bs Young, but who proved to bs not ths man waated. ARE NAMED FOR CONGRESSMEN Soatbera Mta Get Ike Baeklan the Hepublleaaa ! Their Districts. NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 21. Ths Seventh district republicans havs nominated Judge Gilbert U Dupre of Saint Landry far con gress. Hon. V. E. Howell of La Pouch was nominated by the republicans of the Third district. THEY ARE AFTER MR. M'GUIRE Klkl Prowlera at F.dwaraellle Throw ftoaea at Ills roaalble riaeea af Resldeaee. WILKESBARRR, Pa., 8ept. 21. The min ing town of Edwardavllle. near here, was the scene of much lawlessness last night and early thla morning. A crowd of men. ssld to be strikers, went In search of a man named James McQulre, wno nsa goos to work In the mines last week. They Ired stones at aeveral houses, broke down doors tn the dwelling where McGuIre was supposed to llvs and committed other dep redations. The mob aiao Bred on the depu ties at the Woodward mine. The offlcera returned tha fire, but no one was wounded. Early thla morning three men weie ar rested, charged with being the tlu; le dr who threatened the life of Meli-lic in y gave tha namea of John Sherbetrah. i vrja Strelker and Michael Mone. In dt fAult of $1,000 bail tbey were committed to Jail. The Brotherhood of Trainmen empioyea on .it railroads centering In Wllkesbarre held a secret meeting at Klngaton today. The object of the meeting waa to take aome action on the question of brotherhood men hauling coal from the mines where non union men are employed. It la understood there waa a lengthy discussion over the matter. The only Information tbat was given out was that s resolution had been adopted requesting the secretary of each local division to write a letter to Grand Master P. H. Morrlssey, requesting him to come here at once, Morrlssey waa tn the etrlks region some time ago and looked over the situation, ne la aaid to bavs come to the conclusion men that the time was not opportune for the railroad men to do anything. A repair house at the Empire mine of the Lehigh Wllkesbarre Coal company waa deatroyed by firs at an early hour this morntng. It I. said the building was set on fire. READING, Pa., Sept. 21. There passed through thla city last night and today three trains containing total of 150 cars, or about 4.500 tons, of anthracite. One-third of thla la said to have been recently mined and the remainder la wasbery coal and an thracite which had been held In storage at Cressona. It is aaid all tbe newly mined coal come, from the weetern end ot Schuyl kill county. FLOUR MILLERS MAY STRIKE Those af MlaasapalU Give Operators Intll Next Momday to Grant Eight-Hoar Day. MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 21. Unless an .lht-hnir work dav la arranted in the flour mll,B of th iecton a strike will go nt0 eftact 8,ptember 29. Th. mill. f Mlnn..rwi1la nrrwtMr. IX. 000,000 barrels of flour yearly, nearly, four- flftha of tne output of the country. Tbe ctlon local union officials declare their has tbe support not only of the National Federation of Labor, but the active co-op eration of tho other flour mill union, ot America. They claim, therefore, that If strike Is declared here the action will bs followed elsewhere by s sympathetic move ment. 8ix hundred members of tbs anion have voted on ths propoeal to atrlks. It was decided by a 75 per cent vote to select a committee to submit an ultimatum to the mill owners Taesdsy. This ulti matum ta to Include an Invitation for an answer by Thursday, tho understanding be- Ing that If an eight-hour day Is not granted meanwhile the strike Is to go into effect a week from tomorrow. If tho atrlke la declared the demands will embrace a atlp- ulatlon.that Bona bat union men shall be employed In the mills. Ths Flour Loaders' j and Packers' sod Nailers- unions expresses sympathy with the demand. If tho atrlks Is declared S.000 men will walk out. BENEFIT FOR THE STRIKERS Actors Doaate Their Services aad Manager Gives ths Vae ot ths Tkaatar. NEW YORK, Sept. 21. Prealdent John Mitchell of the United Mine Workers' union met a number of local labor leaders hers 1 today and In the evening attenaea m 1 theatrical benefit for the minora. It waa under the auspices of ths relief committee of the American Federation of Labor. Ths Actor.' National Protective union gave tho talent of ths performance ef vaudeville acta and tha management donated the theater for the evening. Mr. Mitchell waa greeted with enthusiastlo cheers as he entered ths theater. There waa an Im mense throng tn the theater. The actors' , e m for ona ,anery aeat. Word gent M Mltchell that he could have I ... . . . . . . lervice or tne memneni or toe union MOBS INTERFERE AT SARATOGA Friends af Strlkla Motormem Makt It Practically Impossible to Itmm Cars. bah ATon A. N. T.. Seot. 11. The Hudson v.,,.v R.llnuii romnanv. wboss motormea D. atrlk, or three week., op- erated care today under great difficulty, aa racb car hall to b- accompanied by a doiea 0r more national guardsman. No attempt I WBB made 10 run me cars on scoequie lime, I . - ... 1 A I n tne Paa.enger traffic, a. a wholo, amounted to aimoa. notning. The unmiy element was very muca in evidence today at asveral polnta. "ow-ds reeting the motormen and Boldlera with Jeer na P"h- watsnoro uap tsln Walbrldgs and flfty-four men of Com Pany L were eompeiieq to lorce dsck threatening mob In order to protect em- ployes ana cover tne cars. i Bliss Stsvrts Babaerlatlaa. i DETROIT. Sept. 21.-Tomorro a check for 11.000 will be sent 10 me smsing miuara In Pennsylvania aa the reault of a maaa meeting neio at i-igni uiu Blgnt. Mayor atayoury preaiueu aun 1 by laying S.3 OU IDS IBDl aa un .u.vni- I . -. .... a... a. ... i uon. rresiaent nooaeveiv i vwnu to attend the maaa meeting, but declined. Rev. John C. Dowell. a Presbyterian mln- Nervous? Easily discouraged? Things look dark? Can't sleep well? Restless and worn out? "Nervous ex haustion," your doctor says. Ask him If he knows of a better nerve-tonic than Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Sixty years of success. u !. One treat cause of nervouanete is constipation. Impurities tbat should ha removed from the system are ab- anrked Intd It. One of AVer's Pills each night, Just one. will keep the liver and bowels in a neauny conamon. Ucssle. J.&AYEtCQ.,UslLIUae later of Detroit, whoea father la a miner, and who recently Malted the strike region, laid the responsibility for the continuance of tbe strike upon the head of J. P. Morgan. DEATH RECORD. Vetera of Tm Mars. Ht'M ftOLlVT, Neb.. Sept. 21. (Special.) 8. 8. White, one of the pioneers of Nebraska, and a veteran of the civil war. died yester day morning at the home of hla grand daughter, Mra. Lottie Grlnstead, after a lin gering and painful Illness. The deceased waa a native of Vermont, having been horn In Stratford. May 22, 1815. He lived tn New York during kls boyhood day. and In 1S35 enlisted is the regular army, serving, through the Seminole Indian war and par ticipating In the Sherwood massacre, 1U. also aerved during the civil war with Com pany K of the Seventy-seventh regiment of New York volunteers, and after two years, waa discharged tot disability. About 18.7 he. came to Richardson county, Nebraska, and settled on a homestead near Humboldt, hav ing made his borne In this section ever .lore. HI. wife died about two yeara ago andl since that time he baa been gradually fall ing in health. Browa t'owatr Pioneer. AINSWORTH, Neb., Sapt. 21. (Special' Telegram.) Mrs. Jamea Hugbaa, one of the oldeet residents of Brown county and wife of tbe well known ranchman., died last night and was burled thla after noon from the family home, south ot tows. She was the mother ot a large family of children. The funeral waa held this after noon In charae of the Christian Scientist. an(j Degree of Honor. HYMENEAL. McKle-Ballls. HTJMBOLDT. Neb.. Sept. 21. (Special.) Cards have been received by Humboldt friend, announcing the marriage ot Miss Ivy Joy Bullls of this city to Mr. Robert Van. Pelt McKle, which occurred on Sunday at Ventura, Cal. The bride was raised ln this-. city, but for aeveral year, has been Siting a. position as stenographer for fruit firm In. Colton, Cal. The groom la a civil engineer- In the employ of the Bakerfield ft Ventura. Railway company, and they expect to make. their home in the City of Mexico, wl -. the groom ta at work at present. r INDIVIDUALITY ThfthWordl . . , ftt!LAl."RR " a Modncas alt Ha own. Unerring Judgment exctcittd. ln the wiacuon ot matcrtaia. backed by BUU method of brew fcnr, ar the main factors rsapon tibia for BlaU character. BLATX MALT VI VINE Non-Inesteant lUMMIft TOMIO AU Drutcleia or Dtreot. ML BLATZ BREWING CO.. IKIMikH OMAHA BKA.M II, 1419 Daaalss t. Tel. lost. AK-SAR-DEN will soon be here strangers will soon be in town list your rooms in The Bee. Telephone 238 and the want d man will call. i . - A m iifA . & CowgUI Iron Works MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS general repairing a AracwwY I - i . . v . tr..M rt tha H J""' ' v' 1601-3- Jackson St.. Omaha, Neb. Tel. 53. E. ZABKI8K.IJS. J. vunuiw Agent. vi..i. AMISKMEJITS. BOYD'S i Woodward 4 Burgess, Managers. TONIGHT TUESDAY, WfrSDy MATINII ALPHONSE and .GASTON Prices; 2&e, tc. The, 11.00. Matinee: 266, too Friday and Saturday, and Night Prices: 26o. iOC Kc. II W, $1.60. Mat: 2SC 10c. 75c. li no. M ...Tr7.-. ... We tit Dept. S L. 1 t-1 . x J avTD- BASE BALL VINTON STREET PARK. Milwaukee vs. Omaha. September itO-SLSa. Game called at 3:46. HOTBU, fi HOTEL EMPIRE Broadway aad 63d St. N.Y. Cit) Madara Aaasaslbls Baalaaive Irepreef H.atiat. Hates Eil.aitr. Library Crtbaswal Conoaxts xvery avenio. All Cars rasa this -taeniae, tend for dcacrtptlva MooUsa. W. JUM.'.boN wUiN. Kwanetsr. Tha MILLARD llUk aad Daaelaa St a, OMAHA. HKbI. Omaha a Laadlne Holsl SPKt IAITfeTlHESi LUNCH t-ON. Kl"ry Cfc.NT. l. i ir, n. m SUNDAT i-M V m. DINNER. 7S. Hal a...i.n Innreiulna Lualnaes has saasali tatcd an etiiaraemaot of ths eat a. douliUa i its forinsr vajiaclU. . -