Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1902, Page 20, Image 44
Mr l vi vl l Vl vi i tti 0 l ili vl vl vi vl vl vi vl vi vi vl vl vl vl vl l vl vl vl vl l no Till: ILLUSTRATED DEE 21. I'.MIJ. TO EVERYTHING l I Mil vou in correct form for cviiin M f kImm-n (o ! found licrc. 'XCt( till' No Matter of Chance Either. liiilors tell vou there is a The store (lollies. "I'ooi somet In nr fur t Ik are n'iiily-niade" look nhoiit fellows!" Thev are fulfil l - ---- ........ i r f extra twenty thev cliar-e Win.n v.... . .. 1 A . eao mi save tne lwentv we want to see Vou. No Clothing Fits Like Ours. . . . BROWNING, KING & CO. R. S. WILCOX, Ma miner. v e-. r. sr. sr r. r- sr. r. sr- sr r sr. r tr-1 v HO ,V lit VI vl vi vl vl t) vl vl Vi vl vi vi Vl Vl Vl Vl Vl Vi Vl Vl Vi Vl Vl Vl Vl vl vi vi vi kill 0 Tlu KING AK-SAR-BEN VIII. .Majestic .Monarch of the ui. vera in All His I'uissitiicc and Glory. UNCOVERS TO THE PRESIDENT I lion I be Occii.lnii of III VIp.II to llir Kfiilm. Siilnrlu j . September U7(li. Always Something New to Show You. I 1 m ii, i yiiniimi it i" 4 Vi I 0 'yZjfpABKt BROTHERS Inc 1 . Largest assortment in the west. A good set for $2.50 A fine one for $12.00 Any price you wish between. Folding Ping Pong Tables at correct prices. ' The n ign of riu-h rub r of the Kingdom of Qulvcra lasts liut n I w elvemonth. The glory of thi' coronation is enough to la.-t his royal highness a lifetime ami heme ac h succeeding year bring us a new king. The present sovereign, nif)re graeloiiw anil more glorious than any predecessor, will lie honored ly an official visit from Theo dore the strenuous, the mightiest of all the contemporaries of our present most puissant king. Tin: iiwkciis hi:m:iii: i.ifi: with a loyalty Inborn unci enthusiastic greets the distinguished occasion with more than ordinary interest. No ruler of the union has ever heen more interested In the welfare of the whole people than the dis tinguished guest who comes to attend the coronation of King Ak-Sar-lbii VIII and he will congratulate the people of 1 he young. aggret-Bive home life insurance company, lie will barn that in its brief career it has achieved the distinction of building up in this community a k.-.(hh,mm i.ii'i: nnirwv in five years. lie will he pleased to know that the present, prosperous year will add another million to this total, lie will lie more pleased (o kuow that thi- available assets of the company are coiiat to live times Its actuarial liability, lis losses are -.,ty n:ild. No coninanv In the union ' Fi(J nailer death rate or a more desir es of risks. L t. ii. itoiiiMiv, rit i:im:T. announces to the world that the Hankers Reserve Life Association offers to Its policy holders a liberal, up-to-date policy upon terms which the best Insurance authorities of the land approve. He Invites attention to the splendid names of business men in cluded In its risk of policy holders. He needs more agents to push the business. The people believe In the policy of sup porting home industry and they are par ticularly favorable to the iiMvi:i(s itii.iti: im i;. The Booksellers. 1308 Farnam St. Dietz n All Kinds of Lumber Office, 1214 Farnam Tel. J5. U Lib ij t i Dietz Sheridan Coal Yards. IJth and California Tel. I5J. OMAMA.NEB. r.iisinexs. Shorthand. Typewriting and Knglish. Hay ami evening Stuilents furnish. 'il work for board when desired. ircntf Shorthand by mail. Send for cata logue. New York Kite ltutld'g, Omaha, Neb. The Writer's Crattip should be a thing of the past. There Is no need t.ow to sit all day writing bait lies of business letters. Vou should Get a Typewriter One would soon pay for Itself by sav ing time. We sell the best, highest grade inai binesi. Kxatnine them for yoj rsclf. I American Writing" Machine Co. 413 South 15th St. Omaha, Neb. i4F.PniM0RYE WHISKEY lA Void UlMRird iJ Jill HhUkev rilvr I PAY ALL CHARGES I'll i whiMknr la lott)il fi. pry for my tidt mid i wld tiiriH.-t to L'onuiur thu .kvuiitttil rttilr' i-roht. 1 unriii it to t nnt. iiiira old r. Hand in wtKd. and tUm iUt at (In whiKknf in told for double t In tru't. 1 f not ftitiKiiuiul) mi inf.irtorr rt ui a ainvio m Mini 1 wUi )uu fotr nioDtr back. ttr.lwr. WHt of thoRorkltw hunt rU for ' qurtB,tob tniid. HnftirviioM All ankt la OuinttM or mnj ptvmm or rmirud oouit4Mjr. n nt to MEYER KLEIN Wholetil Liquor Deiler Car. 16th and Ctlitornia IU. OMAHA, NEB. if ill Mrs. J. lienson, Prettiest Fall Goods that are made are now in and being shown in every depart ment. A large stock of furs in all the late styles. We have Just what you want in children's cloaks and caps from the first infant's cloak up to S years. We have everything that cai! be wanted in fall and winter underwear. The best slock of straight front corsets in Omaha all I lie leading makes. t tr a 0 'its Omaha Electrical Works Manufacturers of Freight and Passenger Elevators. Motors and Dynamos. 10S-10-12 North Mth St. M'ohne 1181, RED GROSS WHISKEY A FULL QUARTS Apri'ss t hai'L'e' Ak-Sar-Ben nlra free. visitors welcome. Souve- J l pill JiL ! J .11 s3 00 I'repaid Hecommended by the leading physi cians and used In all prominent hos pitals. The Hed Cross Whiskey enjoys to day the best of rep utations and stands above all In quality and purity. Kcferciii es : Kilt. ST NATIONAL HANK OF OMAHA Olt ANY KXl'KKSS I'OMl'ANY. Western Distilling Company 7 Hi Ni. Kith M. OMAHA. Sole Owners. t)rlcrs from states west of Nebraska will b- shipped by freight. I FULL ARTS 3.50 P5l II nr. I. MS. on 111 I HM i. ilL PURE WINS- I l II If tf mjj r lv ZZ 111. I i $3. SO a Cal. Illl ALL CHARCES PREPAID. Send Money Order or Draft. SOL. 5. COLDSTROrVT, South Omaha, Neb. Reference: Any bank or Express Co. Orders from states west of Nebraska must call for 12 or S quarts, freight prepaid For best Photographic Work of all kinds go to HEYN, THE PHOTOGRAPHER Phone 481 JIJ JI7 South 15th St.