Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1902, Page 19, Image 43
Tin-: iLLi'sTitA tj:i hi:e. 1! NRHisHllil Pon3 guRNgHjflc folsonflwj FuRNisgl This is not a picture of W. R. '.Bennett, M. A. Hall, Rev. Trefz, Mel Uh!,H.J. Penfold, C M. Wilhelm, Tom Fry, Carl Reiter or Frank Dunlop, but of - j l"1'""''''! ijT- foil. I fif Irft ItiWII l IW I rsonglJ FuRKistjJi Itgonffigj Black The $2.50 Hatter No More No Less and Johnnie on the Threshold" Furnisher. 107 South 16th St., Omaha. Western Head- rf-t nLAMAMnM1,o quarters for L.uiauiir UUIlUl Upiia and Records $10 to $75 .yTU for cash .. y or down and SSggggjC '-50 week. . - We want a dealer in every town Wheeler & Wilson JH'tT ST'S Ma buv for cash and will sell you for cash or $5 down and 75 cents per week. Second-Hand Machines for $1 to $10 Free sowing school every Thursday. We rent machines of any make for 7."c per week or $2 per month. We sell needles and attachments for, and repair any machine manufactured. Bicycles cheap, to c;ee out our large stock. Nebraska Cycle Co., l5i!lSs' 'I'lioiie 1MI18 'Phone -t.'IIIB 'I'lione KKI.t .'trie Ilroiul tvn , Council niufTa. 1112 !orlh llli, South Omulin. rrrrifPuu t - - " I Department of the University of Omaha. OMAHA DENTAL COLLEGE Corner 12th and Pacific Streets. Regular Winter lessons begin October 1st. 1902. The college Infirmary will be open the entin year. Work done under supervision of demonstrator for price of material. New bui'dlngs and new equipments. For catalogue and information address A. 0. Hunt, Dean, or W. H. Sherraden, Secretary, 416 liee liuilding, 4 12 McCaguc UuiMing, Omaha. The LUR3BER stock at 26th ad Walmu Streets SACRIFICED 5 Ainr R5ifDrcf hiie you 'Phone Dl4iO. have a chance CEO. W. PLATNER, Mgr. The Geneva Remedy Cos. Inspirator and Great Swiss Cure l or Catarrh. May lever, Colds and all Chronic. Acute and Special Diseases of the HEAD, THROAT AND LUNGS H Cures and Prevents Asthtnn. Nraln Fug. rarslcknc s. lvafness. Fatigue. Fever. Clip. Mendacho, Neu ralgia. Ner ousncss, (Juinsv, Seasickness, Tired Feeling It docs h;H no other remedy c;iu do by a method of its own. It is I'OWKltFl'Ij enough for a lil.VXT and delicate enough for an Infant. It Is a necessity In every household and once used Is never neglected of discarded. It assists nature. cleanses. soothes and heals the diseased parts. ImiMs up a new and perfect cuticle, (dears and henutlllcs the complexion, height ens the eye, sweetens the breath, chars the taxed brain, stimulates the nerves and Invigorates and energizes the whole body. Shipped prtpaid anywhere in I'. S. or Canada with one year's treatment on re ceipt of price, $:i.n(. Address. C.KXKVA I i V. M K I V Co. Omaha. Nidi. The Geneva Remedy Contains: 1 icai run . 1 okm vi di in ii . c kboi ic acid. OIL III I Clltt 001). CRAMSRIII.. Si t .0111 poll 11 Jed nj to furni u limiL'ctit, strongly medicated vapor. The particles being mi separated and t used as tin (t and go lu revet breath goes, which In ot I lie Inspirator. Is Made to till every tnlie and cell of This Is Not a Miracle M in lilt 0 r. Wound liisi'it.itnr 11 p c 11 reatly for InM.oit Use. hut the result of a thorough, intelligent , modern t real incut. The remedy being ap plied directly to the pans af fected, these diseases cannot exist when used as directed. The Inspirator Prolongs Life by avoiding nod overcoming disease. This is more import!. nt by far than an at tempt to arrest death after the disease is seated. We use no Sprays, Atomiz ers, Inhalers, Vaporizers, Klectriclty, Smokes. Menthol, Cocain or other injurious drug or suh s;.ince. It is the only remedy recognized and recom mended by practicing 1 h sicl ins i vi ry where as preventing a re- . A practicing mastering these diseases and currence. Special Inducements offered intelligent men and women to sell the Inspirator and Itemedy in every community. Write for terms. The Natural Inspirator lasts a lifetime; 1h alwain reaily fur luxtant use ami never alia of lnuneiluiic resulla. Manufac- - j-v . - Distributing oflices: New York, Boston. Akron tured onlylipnpvn KPtTlPflV 1 .CI Omaha. Neb., San lrndsco, Cal. by the . j denoa Kemcdy Co., Konm iOl McCane Bldf., OMAHA M 1 11 nt u re natural Inn In iim. It u neatly ruliNt t ueteil lit vill lanlril riilitier. rati lie carried 111 tile pin ket anil la an ornament 1.1 the itresKliiR 1 a hc. The particles l.i the use easily eav Itv . the Nose. Head. Thru it and Lungs Thus applying the remedy to the very seat of the ills ease No other Instrument or Ki ttieily known to the meilieal wot Id can accom plish stub results. It cures a cold In an hour, a bead ache In ten minutes, an or dinary cough cannot last over night. It Is u perfect germicide and death to mi crobes. It cures hoarseness and Is used by public speak ers and singers everywhere. Ohio, For Snl by Myorn-IHIIon DriiK Co., Ullli unit Fill-mint Sim. J. Miiitiiturr Nitturttl lnsiliH(nr t-iH' H'Htly lur pt)t kvt r lirt'Hwr. II. Solimltlt, Ullli iiml Oimliiu MrcctN. I What Did Andrew Carneofie Sa 1 About Cattle Raising Nebraska? J "We tnivt'i-se nil tiny n vnst prniric wnlcivd by the Plntte. Notliinj; could be liner. Such ileitis of corn, such herds of entile rnziii' nt will. Endless herds of cnttle untram melled by fences. No wonder we export beef, for it is fed here for nothing and horses and cattle tlirive on the rich grasses as if fed on oats; no Hies, no mosquitoes, nothing to dis turb or annoy, while the p-llucid streams that run through the ranches furnish the best water. Large profit's have been made in the trade the best assurance that it will grow." Hound the World, Oct. 20, 1S78. In 1884 the Union Stock Yards were Located at South Omaha. RECORD OF RECEIPTS: Years Cattle Hogs Sheep Horses, Mules issi bS,G0.i u,(;s(; 5,5u;j .w iu;,m: j r,r24 iu,isi i,o27 148,515 417,019 41,400 '2m L'3'J,377 1,050,524 7l),422 a',344 18 ,55,l)23 1,202,047 172,138 5,271 473,01)1 1,224,091 152,517 7,550 1M 015,337 1.702,723 153,873 5 000 001,002 1,537,387 100,805 8,751 755,050 1,;13,381 188,588 ny, IS'JJl 852,450 1,100,451 252,273 12 218 IS'J 821,512 1,032,077 243,015 8204 580,103 1,180,720 204,870 7,077 1W 5S0,57S 1.210,370 358,005 0 3J7 10" 810,010 1.010,081 027,100 V,7 1808 812,244 2.101,387 1,085,130 lo',302 1 S37,503 2,210,482 1,080.3101 34 255 1900 28,201 2.200,020 1,270,775 50,045 101 818,003 2,414,052 1,314,841 30,301 Toal 10,347,485 25,28(;,037 7,432,20 1 233,834 Live stock dealers save money by shipping to their home market. For market letters and full information concerning live stock matters, address Union Stock Yards Company of Omaha (Limited). W. A. PAXTOX, President. W. J. C. KEN YON, C.eneral Manager. Tho Eyes As the evenings grow longer the eyes are used very much more and ought to have perfectly fitted glasses. Our optician Is a specialist and Is a careful, conscientious person. When down town let him test your eyes. LOOK FOR THE NAME. S. V. Lindsay, Jew-elrr mnl Optician, I .Mil Kituglaa Strret The Cheapest Burglar and Fire Insurance Omaha Safe Deposit Vaults Omaha National Bank Building. HVt DOLLARS A YEAR, pays the rent of a small safe and saves all worry. Special large vaults also for storage of sliver, etc. PR0TLCT VOIR VALUABLES. IMP It- V The Best Interna tional Dentifrice Mukoa the twth lionutiful. tint annua hard. IIih hrHu.lh mwiwL Prtrrti aa wi.ll hm lM.autitlHa teeth. UVHrcoiuua all Uih nli)Hctlin aliln fnaturmi fnuiiil In Miwdra and inininH. ij'inveniHiil ui umi anil rarrr. Ki U)5IT. At all AruiiUU. C. H. STRONO & CO. Chicago. U. 8. A. Vr