Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 17, Image 17
(I ) 111 Inn Mm i , .1 , THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1902. enn ran nin it it G d 'ball Ope Grand Fall Carpet Sale Best qnality all wool ingrain 75c valued at . ..59c t Monday and Tuesday Only 23c Heavy weave of granite ingrain 35c values, per yard Good grade of floor oil cloth 35c value at 24c 27x63 in. Axmineter rug worth 2.75 at 1.98 27x54 velvet rugs 1 E-1Q . worth 2.50 at !- 37 9x12 tapestry brueeels rugs large range 1 O Oft of patterns worth 17.00 at 1&,Z71J Monday is the Day in Our Lace Curtain Department You can ave from 2.00 to 4.00 on any pair of curtains in this lot. Fine Cable, bordered and ruffled bobbinet and madras weave laces all worth 6.00 to 9.00 pair, 'IE all go at one price, pair tmlmKJJ THIRD FLOOR Crockery Dept. Special Jl m-dj tv Prices for tho Opening Week. Decorated vsss limp, com- pm plete with shads JL ?C Assorted colors water seta, q only QUC Imported decorated china plates, bowla, etc. "f choice 1UC Qlasa sugar bowls, creamers, cake stands, half-gallon pitcher choice Imported china, assorted colors cuipadora Table of assorted, decorated china salad, cake plates, etc. EjQ choice OOC Banded table tumblers, only Table of fine Iniportod Austrian res all colors and alies worth O O up to 11.00 choice OOC Fancy bisque figures in all colors- worth u to $1.00 choice OOC Table of assorted Imperial china plates, creamers, spoon Q holders, sugars, at C - Ws are showing the largest and best . line of fine cut glass In Omaha prices the lowest. SECOND FLOOR 9c 38c 3c Sporting Goods Fall Opening Special Prices Foot Ball Goods l-oi. duok foot ball f pant. JL UC 8-oi. duck foot ball A f Jackets flvC Standard quality shin A guards 4VC Head harness , J f for .....J..... OUC Regulation Rugby foot 4 A GZ balls ., 10 Athletic Goods Double end striking 4 y g? bags I -SO Boys' boxing gloves, A AA per set leVili Maple dumb balls, '"J f 1 pound, pair OvC Maple Indian clubs, OA I pound, pair OvC Gun Goods A fine, angle barrel, top anap, re bounding hammer, C AA choke bored .shot gun...Oe J J Winchester shells, A O II guage. boa flOC Winchester shells, A ft 10 guage. box mOC MAIN FLOOR Grand Fall Jewelry Bargains JUST RECEIVED THE BIOGEST ASSORTMENT OF STEEL CUT HEADED CHATELAINE AND WHIST HAUS Qp IN THE CITY, from ?4.83 to tOV Newest designs in brooches and chatelaine pins, 14k gold filled o sterling silver, jretty sunbursts with large sweet water Q rv pearls from $3.98 to VOV- Scarf pins from $2.00 to 75c 10-year gold tilled spectacles or eyeglasses regular 1 AQ price $4.50, at l.xO We handle all grades down to 10c a pair. Our entire stock of fall cutlery is here. The most varied line of scissors, shears and manicure implements imaginable, also stag horn and pearl handle pocket knives from $2.00 Am w to For Just one single day we will alarm clocks sold by exclusive Jewelers at $1.00, for sell 49c For Just one single day we will sell the lamoui Deuber-Hampden ladles' watch, double rase, the smallest good watch made In America. The escapement la full Jew eled, will run to the second and fully guaranteed for 25 years A O OCT worth all over the world J20.00 at IO00 OUR MLVERWEAR DEPARTMENT is replete with everything. Knives snd forks, tablespoons and teaspoons, berry dishes, fruit dishes, salad dishes, fern pots, nut bowls, baking dishes, chocolate sets, tea sets, water sets, sugar shells, butter knives, cream, soup and gravy ladles, gravy boats, napkin rings, pie knives, cold meat forks, bread trays and crumb trays, salts and peppers, candle sticka and candel abras, cas ors and pickle castors, butter and cheese dishes, hair receivers, cups and shaving mugs. Jewel caskets everything; that is made In Silverware. Everything reduced for this occasion. Every piece fully warranted. BENNETT'S IS THE SILVERWARE THAT WEARS. TEA, COFFEE AND SPICE DEPARTMENT trot rrw. pUJMXITTCOj OSMMaJKB. SPECIAL INDUCEMENT 15c 10c Tea sittings, per pound Coffee, fresh roasted, per lb. Bennett's Capitol coffee, coupon In every package, four of which entitle the holder to a cup and saucer FREE. Per Lb. 28c. Oolong, Gunpowder, English 38c B. F. Japan Breakfast teas per pound '. Full line cf strictly pure spices in air-tight cans. GROCERY DEPARTMENT Basement CHEESE DEPARTMENT A complete line of cheese best values ever offered. Neufchatel A at 4C Hand, at Cream, Wisconsin, per pound SPECIAL OFFER ASSORTED SOVP3 per can These are worth 12HC per can. Flour, 48-pound sack Catsup, per bottle, , at Pepper Sauce, per bottle Olives, per bottle .... Pickles, per bottle .... ..2ic :125c 7c 75c 8c 6c Pancake Flour, 2-pound package Lemon Extract, per bottle Baking Soda, per package Worcester Sauce, per bottle Soda Crackers, per pound Oyster Crackers, per pound Ginger Snaps, per jj pound UC 9c .8Jc 10c . .5c ...4c 10c ...5c ...5c Candy Dept. Stick Candy Special ' 5 sticks, assored flavors, 1q at 25 sticks, assorted flavors, at This Is the most popular sale In this line. Cracker Jsck. package Champion mixed candy, IOC per cound Gum drops, fir per pound Caramels, wrapped, 12 AC per pound a aw Cocoanut cream bar, lAf per pound lvw Cream mixed candy, 22 C per pound aaw. Raspberry Jelly caramels, O EI per pound vJw MAIN FLOOR Cigar Department MA IN FLOOR Alexis clear Havuna 20c cigar Qn for w 60 for W 00 OWL domestic 10c cigar for FIFF.R HIDSICK Chewing Tobacco Or. 10c cut for Ow GEO. W. CHILDS 9 Be cigars for ...8c 25c 1 pound for 70o rnpuKHAfiEN SNUFF QCn one pound Jar for ,wnw KEY WEST NATIONALS 10 5c 2Sc cigars for 60 for $1.25 Rapper Snuff, In bidders- lb. 3 os.. lor 1 lb Snuff Boxes up from 1 pound can H. O. Plug Cut Sn Smoking Tobacco for 48c Match Safes up from 1 pound Corn Cake Smoking To- 2Sc baeco for 1 pound box Seal of North Caro- Cflr llna Smoking Tobacco for uwv BATTLE AXE Chewing Tobacco Gr ille cut for 1 pound for 3tk Genuine French Briar Tipea up from Cob Pipes up from , Cigar Holders up from CIGARETTES All kinds. 95c ..10c ....5c ..18c ....2c ...5c Art and Picture Frame Dept. Special for Our Fall Opening 300 pictures, artistically frnmoil, veneered, Mack and gold, green and gold and all gold frames assorted subjects iu colors, black and white and bronze, at 55o, '"ir 45c, 40c and Our ready made fancy frames all new designs and finishes to fit the smallest photo up to the largest i 0 portrait will be on sale up from w Bring your pictures to us for framing. We have the larg est assortment of patterns and finishes, at prices which will please you. FliKK LESSONS will be given in pyrogruphy from the hours of Da. in. to 1 p. in. and from 2 p. in. to 6 p. m. (let one of our special pyrographic O O Eat outfits at w. J Big Hardware Bargains We have the biggest and most com plete line of stoves in Omaha. Every one carries our name and guarantee, with prices "under-exclusive" wc expect a vigorous demand. ALL KINDS ALL SIZKS COOKING OH 7 QQ HEATING COAL OK WOOD up from . VO All? TIGHT STOVES up from 1.72 Stove pipe 11c Elbows 7c 1 Dampers 6 c Wire handle cover lifters .4c Huge Fall Bargains in Cutlery Knives, razors, scissors, all kinds, styles and sizes all 'way down. 10 per cent discount on everything in our Harness department. 10 per cent discount on everything in our Paint department. Discount on all paints and brushes. Drug Department Fancy Brush Specials ; The latest and really prettiest ideas. Even our descriptions fail. You have to see them Ladies' tinted aluminum comb and brush in pretty box, at Ladies' tinted aluminum 3-piece set (comb, brush and mirror), at Ladies' pink tinted aluminum comb and brush just lovely, at Ladies' Cosineon latest artistic freak in aluminum it being en ameled and exceedingly pretty and highly en graved brush and comb .1.28 .2.08 1.38 ng en- 1.32 EMM Gents' Cosmeon 3-piece set, made of black aluminum, highly en graved very thing to please him consists of 1 1Q clothes brush, hair brush and comb, price vvO Gents' 3-piece set made with floroloid finish, silver mounted sists of military and clothes brushes a superb present Gents' highly mounted 2-piece military set, floroloid finish superb at Gents' 8-plecs set in puffed cloth box, con- .2.58 -con- 1.98 1.28 EXT 1 6i & 'HARNEY Sis. slsts of clothes snd military brushes, sterling silver mounting Wh.'skey Flasks in leather halves, sUvs mounted top and. bass cup all sizes and all prices, from one-fourth pint Htln and un from IvW fiocabella Castile Soap, green and white, genuine, pound . 20c Bath Sponges Mandrukas, Unbleached Medi terraneans. rotter's Sponges for toilet and bath, up from 25c. Russian Kubber Sponges, unique and good in two grades one for delicate skin and one for "seasoned" skin. The best complexion brush made is a Russian Kubber Sponge. It will bring the glow of health to the cheek. 85c, 65c and 45c. They are very pretty. Get one. DRVG DEPARTMENT WOMEN AND THEIR BI LAWS fleWka BUU Fedrratian Bu Xmj Imandmsmta to lot On. CHANGES rROPOSED ARE IMPORTANT 'latsre Tlsa of Meetings, tk Kuin f FropaalBS Anl. Meats ssi Meh f Cl iMtlaai Dae Are lvolv. With th annual convention but two weeks off, and its program already issued, mem bers of the Nsbrsska Federation of Women's Clubs are beginning to bavs a thought for ths Columbus meeting and to poat them selves regarding the matters that art ts eoms up there tor settlement. Last rsar the question of finances was ths all important thing, and while that matter was by no means ssttlsd to th sntlre salls faetloa of an, a temporary adjustment was effected ant as a result ths same questloa present Itself again this fall, only In as other form and under another asms, as a set of amendments to th constitution and bylaws of th federation. Of the proposed amendments, ons that 'provides for a biennial Instead of an an nual meeting of ths federation ts of chief Importance; la tact, this amendment, with two exception!, practically occasions all tho others. We art told that ths primary causs for this propositloa ts that the income of th orgsnltstion la not sufficient to enable the executive committee to carry oa its w.ra properly and still have sufficient funds for a aaltabl prograaa. la years past it has been necessary for each administration to draw on th due paid in advanc tor th next year to meat and settle th expenses of Us tsrm. Last year's administration determined to correct this vll and by dint of economy gnd ths elimination of some things, among them th year book, the deficit was made up and ths present year begun with all of tta rightful funds available. Out of this has com th running expenses of the federation, which do mot taclud the traveling or other expense of member of th executive board, which has to meet at least one each year. Of the year's expense. 17 for ths makeup and mailing of th year book aal i allowed for th convention program are the chief item of expense, though th postage, printing and like Items for the work of th stsndlng committer has amounted to considerable. lateosn from Does. From th ninety-tour club of the federa tion there is an income of ti tor cash club of fifty or less and an additional dollar for each additional fifty members or major fraction thereof. At the Wayne meeting It waa decided to raise the dues to J3, with ths sams rate for additional members, but as that does not go into effect uutll after September 15, lfe02, a voluntary contribution was asksd In addition of all clubs that could afford to glv it. But, It is said, that even after this addi tional dollar is added to the dues, the In come will still be Inadequate to the conduct of th federation's business snd provide s program of the character considered neces sary by some and so it is proposed to bsve but on meeting In two years, to Issue but on year book In two years and so hsv double th present allowance for those Items from th two years' Income. Ther are few tt any in the federation who would not Ilk to have, the best poesi bl talent brought to the state meetings, that the best Idea and ths best of every-, thing might be gotten there, but there are those who are considering the state meet ing from another side, snd from these has arisen strong opposition to a biennial meet ing of even a superlative degree of excel lence, they claiming that no attraction or no speaker, however fine, presented only one In two years. Is equivalent In Its beno 11 ts to ths women, to th inspirstlon and the impetus they receive from their yearly meetings together, exchanging idess and keeping in touch with each other's work. They feel that there Is more la the meet Ing than in the progrsm, tor ths present, at least, snd thst the women would lose more than they would gala by S'.ich an arrange ment. The successful work ot the Iowa Federa tion, which meets but biennially. Is fre quently held up in support of ths plan proposed for Nebraska, but even in Iowa, wher condition are verly different than In our state, there is a growing feeling that ths biennial meeting is a serious handicap to ths enforcement ot the wluhes of ths ma jority, for ths women ot ths stats loss trsck and forget so much In ths Interval that, in spits of th efforts of executive board, it seems rmposslble for them to keep In touch with the affairs of ths slats fed eratlon. With 100,000 more Inhabitants than Ne braska, and this In a smaller area, Iowa has many more medium-sized towns and small cities, many of them with thousands where Nebraska's towns have hundreds of people, that naturally have facilities for presenting educational and other progres sive features that supply the general wsnts ot the women In this line and naturally creates a demand for a superior program at the atate meeting. In many ct the scat tered smaller towns cf Nebrsska there Is little In the way of diversion or educational entertainment aside from that provided by the churches or the little bands ot club women, and while all would doubtless ap preciate a fine biennial program, the ma jority would doubtless prefer programs of the character of those presented in the psat snd presented more often. The members of the executive board, and even of the constitution committee, are by no means sgreed as to the wisdom cf the plan for the biennial meeting, some of tbs mcst experienced and In closest touch with the semen snd the clubs of the state feel ing that the time Is not yet ripe for such itep. In fact, they feel that It never will be and attention Is called to the frequency with which the meetings of some of th largest and most successful federations hold their meetings, some of them ss oft?n as four tlmss a year; but, of course, they can afford It. Aaaiher Pratare of Amendmr a t. The proposed amendments include an other proposition that la Intended to keep up the Interest of the women In the Interval between meetings. This prov'des for a vies president for each of the six con gressional districts ot the ststs, who shall have general supervision ever the clubs ot their respective districts, to encourage the extension of club work snd ths organization ot local or dlstilct federations whereever possible. To such an arrangement there seems to be no objection. In fact, the women feel that supplementing th present system It mould materially strengthen the interest in and efficiency ot the club work cf the state, but with the biennial meeting Its tendency would be to localise the Interest. Aoother amendment proposed to article X of the constitution Is especially object'.on sble to many. That article now reads: "This constitution msy bs smended at any meeting of the State Federation by a two thirds vote ot those present, notlrs of the proposed amendment having been printed in the year book snd slso appended to the call of the meeting." Tbe proposed amend ment reads: 'This constitution may bs amended at any meeting of the State Feder ation by a two-thirds vote of those present snd voting, notice of tbe proposed amend ment having been submitted to the executive board and appended to the call of the meet ing." Obscarltr Hove Obieared. After the experience of tbe past snd well knowing the difficulty in gittlng mat ters before all of the clubs of ths ststs and having propositions of any kind thoroughly understood by all, especially amendments to the constitution, even when they have been printed for a year In the year book and appended to the call of the meeting. It would seem that the proposed chsnga would only reduce tbe opportunity or tbe proba bility of such changes being thoroughly un derstood by these who must make them and be most affected by them. To be sure, the women are supposed to be able to grasp the significance of any proposition they may be voting upon, but experience has proven that this is not always the cass. The proposed plan would practically de prive tbe women ot any means of knowing cr Investigating proposed amendments until they came up to be voted upon, rave as announced by circular letter, which falls fsr short of reschlng sll the women. Regarding the payment of dues, another change Is proposed thst provides a very much more business like way ot handling the funds of the federation. Section Iv of article I of ths bylaws reads: "Ths treas urer shall collect and hold all moneys snd thsll render such sccount of same as ths besrd of directors shsll rsqulrs. She shall make sn annual report to the federation." The proposed amendment reads: "The rsr cording secretary shall receive sll moneys, collect the dues and pay the sams over to the treasurer, taking her receipt therefor. She shsll draw sll orders on ths treasurer and attest the same." Awfsl I'oeslblllt j. Chicago Tribune: The chief executive, st tbe close of a winter dsy, sst In the family sitting room, gazing at the flicker ing shadows on the wall and thinking. The voice of the mistress of the Whits House broke upon his reverie. "Theodore," she ssld. "the room is get ting cold. Will you plesss put a little coal In the grater' "My dear," bs replied, "you know I am a member of the firemen's union, do you not?" "Yes." "Well, t received word today we hsv gone on a strike. If you went that fir poked you will hav to do It yourself " CONDITION OF OMAHA'S TRADE Vslums f Business Oantinuu Unusually Largs fsr Even IspUmber. SHARP ADVANCE ON SUGAR AND CHEESE Jobbers and Manufacturers Msklsg Bta Preparations for Entertaining- Their Customers Who At tend tbe rail Festivities. Omaha Jobbers and manufacturers were looking for business to be a little more quiet last week than It has been for the last few weeks owing to the near approach of the fall festivities. As a general thing the week or ten days preceding and follow ing the Ak-8ar-Ben festivities sre com paratively quiet as the merchants who la tend to visit the market like to come dur ing the carnival. This year, however, buy ers kept coming In regardless of future events, snd ss a result Jobbers In sll lines did a rushing business lust week. Mer chants, as a rule, were in the best ot spirits snd showed their confidence in future busi ness by placing very liberal orders. Trade with them so far this fall has been the best they hav ever had. and they look for It to keep up throughout the winter. Jobbers notice, too. that they are buying a better grade ot goods even then they did In the spring, which Is taken as another good Indication of the general prosperity existing out through the country. Cheap goods are no longer in demand and Jobbers say that for that reason everyone from the manufacturer to the consumer Is better pleased. When cheap goods are In the big gest demand complaints are always th most frequent and bitter, but when the better grades are going Into consumption everything runs along smoothly. Taking everything Into consideration the general opinion seems to be that the trade situa tion in this territory was never as satis factory as It Is at the present 'Ime. Ther is no mistaking the fact that the general tendency Is to haruen prices. That applies to groceries, hardware, dry goods, boots snd shoes, furniture, agricultural, Implements and practically to every class cf goods handled In Omaha. The high C rices, however, io not seem to curtail uslr.ess, for In a great many lines the volume of sales ' limited only by th ability to secure stock. Those who are finsted sll sgree that so far as can be told ndiratlons are favorable for present prices being maintained Indefinitely. big crops are being harvested all over the country and are bringing high prices, so that plenty of money Is In sight to hold values at their present level. tt I a Five ta Twenty-a Polats. One of the most important changes in th grocery market last week wss the advance In sugar amounting to from to points. Th chajige effected all lines. Eastern re fineries are largely oversold and are only accepting orders subject to delay. The demand, locally, Is very hesvy for even this time of the year, and probably will continue so for the next two or three weeks. The cheese market Is also higher snd excited. All offerings sre being freely taken at the advance of Hio Pr pound. Indications are favorable for still higher prices this week, as It Is reported that the pastures In the cheese-producing sec tions of New York snd Wisconsin sre dry ing up from wsnt of rain, and consequently the make Is being reduced at a rapid rate, which Indicates that October-made goods will open high. During the last week the cannera have had the canned goods market entirely In their favor, so far as prices are concerned. The condition of corn snd tomato crops reported a week sgo has from day to day become more serious. Tomato cauners, In fact, have found It Impossible to deliver their sales In full, many of them reporting that they are 25 to 75 per cent short, snd In Isolated caaea even worse. Few of them will deliver In full. The result haa been an advance of lOo per dozen for western packed tomatoes and the eastern market Also show an advance ot 10c over prices ruling two weeks ago. In corn th situa tion Is about as serious. Ths market can safely be quoted 5c per dozen above prices recently ruling, and many packers refuse to name any prices whatever. There haa not been much change In the dried fruit market during tha week. A few lines have been advanced, but on ordinary grade there has been little. If any, change. The California Walnut association haa made prices for thl year's crop, and It ts found that they are slightly higher than a year ago. Buying la active and still higher prices are expected In the near future. The trade has found it a diftlcul .natter to provide for their wants In th line of oat meal. Packers are from three to four weeks behind on their orders and ssy that It Is utterly impossible to get out the goods fast enough on account of the poor milling quality or tne new crop or oats. The catch of mackerel continues very light and, in fact, no small fish are being cauglr-t. It la no lonxer a question of price but ons of getting tne stoca at any ngure. Early caught tlsh are not at all desirable. as they turn black by this time, while Sep tember caught fish remain ntte snd sre fat and are the only tlsh fit to carry through th winter. The market on Hol land herring baa advanced materially alnce the opening of the aeason. The new catch Vs now arriving and the quality Is reported as being excellent. No new 1 K herring has arrived as yet, but It Is expected the latter part of tha month. Family white fish, fall caught, remains the same as It was a week sgo, but lower prices are expected during the next two or three weeks, mgner prices, however, are pre dicted for codfish. t'ottosi Uaod Coattaa Flras. Trad with Omaha dry good Jobber continue at very satisfactory prices. Job bers were not expecting a big rush of buyers on th market last week, as their advices were to the efTett that most of them would wait for the fall festivities, but in splia of that lict. tha number that srrlved was fully as large as during pre vious weeks. Trade with retailers out through th country Is very brisk and it Is evident that they are getting anxious for the goods, for practically every order la accompanied with an urgent request for prompt shipment. I'opuiar styles or an lines or seasnnaoia merchandise are becoming more scare every week and Jobbers are now experi encing considerable difficulty in getting reoraers tinea. The market for cotton aoods retains Its strength and manufacturers Insist that K-ices must rule higher in the future, eports regarding the cotton crop hav not been very favorable and the market has Deen tending upward, men naturally makes manufacturers nil the more firm in their stand for higher prices. timana toDoers are malting extensive) preparations for spring buslncMs and tho heads of the different department aro now on tne market. Home lines are already being represented on the road by salesmen of local houses and a few satis factory orders have been taken. Xe Chssge in Hardware. There has been no change In the hard ware market since last report. The gen eral mnrket may be quoted as being firm and active. Fall goods of all descriptions are moving out at a rapid rate and every cold day tends to make buying mora active. Loral houses are working their forces overtime in order to meet the re quirements of their customers promptly. The way things look now. fall trade this year will easily surpass by a wide margin, anything previously experienced. ralnta, oils and glass are also quoted th same as they were a week tin and for this time of the year the demand Is of very satisfactory proportion. Prices Hardening oa Leather Goods. Wholesalers are still busy shipping out their fall goods, but atlll some of th houses hsve the bulk of their advance orders filled. A good many buyers aro arriving on the market and are placing very liberal orders. Tne recent advance in aole leather Is causing prices to harden on all classes of goods. Manufacturers say that they have either got to ask more for their shoes or else take something out of them, ss they cannot come out even on the present basis. Local Jobbers sre starting their men out with spring samples and as a rule prices will rule a little stronger than they dtd a year ago. In speaklnj of the class of shoes that are xelllng to the beat advan tage a local Jobber aald that a year ago he hid sale for all the low grade shoe he could turn out. but now the demand la for a much better grade. Farmers In stead of buying ahoes that coet tl to 11. W re now wearins those that coat from 12 to 1 1 M. The same applies to the city trade and. as a result, the better grades of all classes of shoes are selling to the best advantage. Fraita aad I'rodnre. The demand for fruits continued very liberal last week snd prices- did not fluctuate to any great extent. 1 1'eaches, plums, prunes, J. ears and grapes sre th most popular lines. in another column will be found the quotations on the differ ent kinds. Egg, poultry and butter have all been In light receipt, and. as the demand bs continued liberal, prlcss hav firmed up considerably.