Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1902, PART I, Page 12, Image 12

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1 1
When you come to Omaha make
. L. Brandeis & Sons, "Boston
Store" your headquarters.
Arrange to meet your friends here. Get your
parcels checked in our cloak room. Make use of
writing rooms, dressing rooms, etc. , all cost you
nothing. . We have special reception rooms for
adies. . . $
Commencing September 2Sth-L
during Street Fair and Ak-Sar-Ben
Festivities all railroads comiiig in
to Omaha give either half rates or
nearly so.
The sights will be wonderful and you can save
enough our your trip to pay your expenses and a
little more.
4 Per Cent Interest Paid on Deposits
To out-of-town customers In our new banking department ve will be
VyJI pleased to cash your checks, order drafts, or be of any assistance to you
financially during your stay in Omaha J. L. Brandeis & Sons, Bankers.
Silk Skirts at $9.98
$12.50 and 117.50 811k Skirts at J9.98 Absolutely the
biggest Bilk eatrt bargain of the season f rn
ellk nklrtn of every description, In values KM KMpS
ranging from $12.50 to $17.60-at
Cloaks, Suits and Furs in Charming Array
The Brandeis store has rightly earned the name of the style shop of Omaha. Nowhere else can such fashion
able, smart costumes be found. We inaugurate our great fall selling of suits and cloaks while the. stocks are prac
ticaJly unbroken. Our swell suits have a tone and individuality that you will be unable to find elsewhere.
New 27-inch Coats at $7.50 Very emart
coata in elegant kerseys, good heavy satin linings,
beautifully stitched with double strap C
' "bacfc and inverted pleat, at DJ
Monte Carlo Conts at 9.98 Fine Monte Carlo
Coats, beaver collar gauranteed Batin lining
good, heavy kerseys colors C C Q
Swell Walking Suits, $39 down to $8.98
Walking SulU All this season's styles in the swell walking suits mad
In the latest fall materials, style K O .
hnd colors slot seams, self
strapped, etc, from $8.98 to $39...,
made of good, heavy kerseys colors
red, castors, navies and blacks, at.,
Superb Showing of Furs
In our fur department will be found all the new
est and handsomest things in jackets, sealskins, otters,
Persian lambs, krimers, near seals, astrachan, etc.
A special value in our fur jackets is our f
guaranteed astrachan coat, 24-in. long." -x-r
Scarfs in Isabella, sable fox, minks, stone mar
tens, etc. rrices
Walking and Dress Suits at $12.50 Walking
and Dress Suits at $12.50 Made of the new snowflakes,
tweeds, cheviots, meltons, etc. skirts with yoke and
side pleat effects at
$45 Sample Suits for $24.50 The greatest pos
sible values in fine sample suits we place on sale nearly seventy-five
high grade suits, many of. them samples the new
- Norfolk blouses,
Monday at
Francis and Frlnce Henry effects
4.98 up to $39
The Season's Smartest Suits Here are the new
blouse, Norfolk, Francis and peplln suits, new black and white novelties
with the new paquln, -serpentine and
flared skirts, all the new colors
of the season, from
14.85 o $89
$1 Ostrich Tips A special value
during our opening of fall 'IQp
millinery, at. ... . -v
Fall Millinery Opening a Grand Display
On Monday we will exhibit our own importations of the world's famous millinery conceits, models created by the mas
ters of the art. We have the choicest patterns of the Mme. Georgette, Suianne Blum, Esther Meyer, Mons. Lewis and Vlrot Berthe, who are among
the foremost Tarlslan milliners. We also show the most beautiful models of Joseph, Llchensteln, Bendel, Wanamaker and other celebrated milliners
of New York. Besides we have a most imposing array of our own productions, which have made Brandeis millinery pre-eminent in the western millin
ery world. In order to signalize this opening event we have prepared a rare feast of bargains. j
h Our $4.95 Trimmed Hats are known through
out the West u the greatest values obtainable. Our line thla season ex
cels all previous efforts from a point of style and quality. They're hand
made of all silk, mirrored and plain velvet bewitching
creations having the individuality and tone of
a $10 specimen, at
Special Pattern Hats at $15.00
Tour choice of several hundred pattern hats of our own importation.
which have served their purpose for copying and will be
placed on sale at the ridiculously low price of $15.00. P
These hats cost $25.00 each to land at the New York cue- ij)
ium nouse. ine assortment is tremendous, but we would
advise you to select without delav. Mondav at
Celebrated Street Hats
$1.50 Black Ostrich Plumes 1,000 black
We have full lines of Allands, Bendels,
Strauss and Burgesaer street
hats, which are four of the
leading makes of street hats
In the United States, and we
sell them at lower prices
than any dealer west of
New York City, at
Misses' Trimmed
White Hats
Amazon plumes bought from an overstocked manufacturer,
easily worth $1.50, at
75c Pompons at 25c
75c Breasts at 25c
50c Steel Ornaments .... 15c
50c Black Flowers at. .. . 25c
50c Jet Ornaments at ... . 25c
10 cases of pr.ettily trim
med white felt hata, the
greatest bargain of the sea
son. These hats are easily
worth $2.00
Children's Wool Felt Hats at 64c All colors
children's American wool felt untrlmmed flats, new shapes,
new colors, a good assortment, sold everywhere
for $1.00 Monday at
$2.25 Street Hats
at $1.45
Ladies' Trimmed
$1.50 White
Flats 95c
35 dosen white Siberian
rough finish flats
the $1.60 kind,
Monday will be another rush
day with the street hats, the spe
cial feature of which will be one
large assortment of
$2.25 hats
Hundreds of good trim
med bats, made of choice
materials, such as vel
vets, breasts, silks, etc.
Regular $3.00 and $4.00
values, at..
Fashionable Dress Goods at-Tempting Prices
'Panama Cloth for Tailoring 50 in. latest 7Er
tweedish mixtures; $1.25 value at....
Tweed Cloths 50 in., from England the ( 1 AA
chic styles prevalent in Europe, at . . . . P " J
Panama Canvas Cloth 12 oz. cloth, in all
the rich, warm colors that the French
Enflish Doeskin 54 in. elegant satin-like
cloth, Bold "in best markets in country
j ftt $X T5, lit. -
Real Irish Kersey Cloth 14 to 16 oz. cloth,
for inlined skirts and tailoring worth
$2.50, at
Plaids The real shaggy and snug camel's
balr effects. Later demands will be enormous. A $2 cloth
We have Imported Scttch and English Worsteds in Panamas,
Flaked black and whit, mixtures, etc., in separate patterns and full pieces.
Special offering Monday at
98c, $1.25, $1 50, $2.00
s For Evening and Dinner Gowns.
Silk and Wool Crepe Eolienne Dainty mate- oe
rial, costs $1.35 elsewhere, at OOw
Creme Woolens The demand enormous at j JQ
Cheviot, Panama and English doeskin, wide
welt, diagonal, etc., we will sell at 75c, 11.10, 81.50,
Black Dress Goods.
French Voile Etamine 20 pieces, 46 in., $1
and $1.25 grades
Mistral Etamine 10 pieces, 54 in. wide,
11.35 grade at
Canvas Etamine 10 pieces, 60 in. wide,
11.25 grade at '..
Panama Camel's Hair $1.50 cloth at....
Zibeiine Camel's Hair the shaggy kind,
$2.25 grade, at
Waistins Scotch shrunken Flannel,
stripe in all colors and French combinations, at
We are selling the newest waistlngs, resrular 85c grades, at
49c, 55c and 69c.
Stupendous Selling of High Grade Silks.
We are showing a very complete line of Black Silk. everything en
tirely new. We make a special mention of our magnificent line of the
celebrated "Bonnet" dress silks and taffetas, also the Phenlx Mills
black taffetas, the best American taffetas on the market today, and
they all go on special sale Monday.
60 pieces black crepe de chene, all the new goods bought from the
manufacturer at Vi their value all perfect, beautiful luster.
21-inch Bonnett Taffeta, worth 75c, at '. 55c
24-inch Bonnet Taffeta, worth $1, at 69c
22-in. Ture Dye Bonnet Taffeta, worth fl.25, at. .83c
24-ln. Pure Dye Bonnet Taffeta, worth $1.60.
22-in. Bonnet Blk. Peau de Sole, worth $1.39.
22-in. Bonnet Blk. Peau de Sole, worth
$1.75. at
21-in. Phoenix Mills Blk. Taffeta, worth TEf
$1.25. at Jv
86-ln. Phoenix Mills Taffeta, worth $1.50,
s sfttW JH BsaBslBfc
86-ln. Bonnet Blk. Taffeta, worth $2, at....
27-ln. Phoenix Mills extra heavy, regular
Taffeta, worth $1.69, at
27-in. Phoenix Mills, extra heavy Peau d.
Sole, worth $2, at
8-ln. Phoenix Mills, guaranteed Blk, Satin,
better than Skinners' at
Velvet Soeclals for Monday Black Silk Velvet, Jl quality at
Black Silk Velvet, fl.25 quality 75c 22-in. Velvet Cords, f 1. quality
27-in. Coat Velvet, ?3.50 quality I.V8
at 75c
Metallic Print Velvets, 1.25 qual. 75c
Black Crepe de Chine
60 pieces black Crep. de Chine, all the
new goods bought from the manufacturer
at V, their value, all perfect, beautiful
10 pieces, 24-inch, at..... .58a
10 pieces, 24-inch, at 68c
10 pieces, 24-inch, at 78c
10 pieces, 24-inch, at .88c
10 pieces, 24-inch, at 1.98
fl.00 and $2.50 high class
Silks, at 75c
On. great lot of fin. silks, consisting of
27 and 36-inch plain hemsltched and fancy
Velour Silks; also Black Dress Silks and
Moire Antique for raglans, etc Taffeta
and Peau de Sole, extra heavy the lineal
ever displayed by us Special Monday at
75c Yard
Infant's shoe
50 new styles
fancy soft sole shoes moc
casins and v
sandala 1
go at v
Child's and
its m rrrv ctd
Missus' Shoes
12 new styles
aroint Ladies' new
Button shoe.
Made to re
tail for $.3.50. ; -d f
Special Opening I
Qnpnidl Ladies' Golf
jpfLldl and Skating
Boot, made to
retail at $4.00. f
Special Open
ing price, . ,
shoes. Over
200 styles,
all new,
Ladies' new
hand turned
and welt sole
tlUII u
if i
1 B
Can?o1 Men's Shoes.
DpcLlal Thecelebrat
; ed Lazarre
$3. 50 welt shoe.
Special Open
ing price,
Cushion Shoe
for. Men. 20
different styles,
We are sole
agents for
Dr. Reed's
Grand Display and Sale of Rings
The greatest display of GOLD SHELL RINGS ever shown irt the
S'li 'V'i - '"'H0 fllr,'lJ ti, uu- .J&w
like tbfin ever offered for such low figures.
This entire line of handsome rines in
dozens and dozens of attractive varieties, at 25c and 50c.
Every Rin& Warranted to Wear Five -Years
In this comprehensive line are wedding rings in plain and oval
shapes beautiful iset rings in fine imitation stones the settings
are artistically cut" and resemble the genuine stones so minutely
that they can only with difficulty be distinguished from the fine
Bet rings which are sold for many times the price we ask. These
rings come in ladies', gent's and children's sizes. ,
Imitation saphires, emeralds, opals, garnet, turquoise
Gift Rings Baby Rings in
W. mention a great num- ?V. great Varieties all
dZeVr P sizes-all styles-
th. prettiest soiitair. im- fcuu each one a beauty with sets
Itation (ema and ilustera very durable and I nr nlaln hanrla
.rth thre. or tour time, what . a.k. r Plam Danas.
Any rinf notfivinf satisfaction will be replaced by a new one.
Ilandsome rings hundreds of styles w "
to choose, from-all go together at J Z 1 If7
the unheard of price of... f J-Js t-VV-
The Great ug Sae is Monday
This is by far the grsatest Rug event of the season.
W. have held a treat many rug sales and always have given our customers greater values than we adver
tlie, but never before have we been in a position to oiler such remarkable values in high class ruga
as we will offer Monday morning.
Just about one year ago we held a moat remarkable rug sale. The Trade Journal, all over the 'country
commented on it, but th. sale that we are going to have Monday will even eclipse that one.
The rugs we will offer Monday morning are the entire stock of a well known eastern merchant retiring
from the rug business. We bought this stock at such an extremely low price that we are enabled to offer
Monday the highest class rugs in most instances at less than half their regular value. They are all strictly
high class rugs, bought for this season's trade and are right up-to-date On account of their superior grade
and the most magnificent line of patterns of these rug. this is a sale of more than ordinary importance,
considering tUe fact that they will be aold at one-half and in many instances at oue-fourth their regular value.
The stock consists chiefly of th. finest grades of Wilton, Moquette. Axmlnster and Body Brussels Rugs,
all In room sizes. W. earnestly solicit your attendance at this sal. Monday.
$50 Rug for $29.98-In thU lot. all tha finest
grades of Royal Wilton Rugs, such as Lowell's Sel
klrks, Bundahr Burton's and the celebrated seam
less Wilton Velvet Rugs very newest medallion
center and all our Oriental designs. They are in th4
9x11 alx. and moat of them in thla lot are retailing
in the best stores in th.
country at $50 your choice
Monday at
$40 Ruga for 19.98-In this lot, all the very
best quality Pxl2 Bromley, all wool Smyrna Rugs,
rich coloring, 9x12 size. Smith Axmlnster Rugs-
finest grades Hartford Body Brussels all the old
style Axmlnster Rugs, in 9x13
styles all new and most beau
tiful patterns worth $10
$:lSRu9 for$!5.98-Inthls lot, all the finest
grades, 7VjxlOH all wool 8myrna Rugs all SxlO',
Smith Axmlnster Rugs hun
dreds of elegant patterns ori
ental and Florentine designs.
$! Rugs for $8.9S-Inth(s lot.' all the 6x10,
Banford Brussels Rugs, and 7ttxlOVs Oriental Smyr
na Rugs all design., absolutely
new this' season's production
worth 11900. at
$20 Rugs for $12.98 All the elegant Sanford
Brussels Rugs, 9x12 10 wire brussels newest medal-
lion center and all over patterns also 9x12 Oriental
Smyrna rugs Immense vari
ety would be rare bargains
at $20 Monday at
J. amv Jt iculoi
J 7 vncuiai Diur
$5 Moquctt Rug for $1.98-In this lot, all
the 86x72 Smith Moquette Rugs floral and oriental
designs handsome and substantial
rugs, selling in Omaha today for
$5.00. Monday at
Ladies' Fall Underwear special sale
We offer on Monday a fine line of fall weight underwear for'la
dies, misses, children and boyB all of these garments are good
grade and the prices are the lowest ever quoted for underwear at
the beginning of the season. i
Misses', Children's and Boys' 35c Underwear at 15c
Mieses', children's and boys' Vests and Pants, jersey ribbed and
fleece lined, silk bound vests, pearl buttons, just the -i P-J
right weight for the coming fall season. All sizes W
up to 34. Monday at, eacn
Infant's Finest Wol Vests-Silk
trimmed and silk stitched
these garments are
to 75c each on
Bale at
worth up
Misses' Fine Ribbed Underwear
Bilk taped, soft fleering, worth
from 2 to 3 times the value we
ask for these fall un
dergarments, each . .
Ladies' Medium Weifht Underwear
liigh grade ribbed Vests and
Pants, all with light thnM-ing,
every ize, very pe- JJJJf
tial at, each ZjxDK
Lie I (11 ui. ni.
Ladies' Princess Underwe ar Fine
ribbed Vests and Pants, medium weight.
handsomely trimmed in
pink, blue and ecru-
worth easily 75c, at
Medium Weight Underwear
Verta and Pants, la medium and heavy
weight, made of th. finest cotton, every
carment ribbed, vests ar.
hand silk crochet necks and
fronts, all sizes, at, each.
- - - , .
$1.00 Underwear at 69c Ladies'
fin. wool, Austrian wool Vest, and Pants,
vests with silk ribbon front and silk cro.
neck; alo plain all wool camel's
balr and natural wool Vests
aud Pants, worth $1 00
anywhere, at