t NEWS OF INTEREST FROM COUNCIL MiXon jjbtjitio. riv! sells drugs. Btockert Bells csrpets and rugs. Mauthe. One watch repairing, 228 Bway. Leffert, eyesight specialist. 40 Broanwsy All wool suits mad? to order, $13.50 up. N. V. Tailoring Co., 337 U way. For sale, two-eated biiKKy. good condi tion. $20. A. II Howe, 31 Broadway. The regular meeting ot White Rose Re be kah lodge will be held thla evening. fyrogr-ipnle outfits and supplies. O. E. Alexander ft Co., m Broadway. Te.. 386. Take your prescription to Morgan &. flrkey, 1 Broadway. the reliable drug tnen, to be filled. Mayor and Mrs. Butler of Avoca, la., re guenta of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. llonham of KaHt 1'lerce atreet. Work on the cleaning of Indian creek la nearly completed. The coat bo far this year has been about 2.mi. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin fiouthwlck announce the marriage of their daughter. Marie, to Arthur Bt-atty of Kannua City. Jjevoe's ready mixed paints are recog rile aa the beat In the wcirlrt. Morgan Rickey, Hi Broadway, are headquurtera for these palnta. E. E. Bpetman and Floyd FUckinger will leave Sunday lor Madlaon, Wis., to enter the Wisconsin State university. They grad uated from the high school last June. Mr. and Mra. C. A." Harris and daughter of Monteauma, la., are guests of Mr. tnd Mrs. A. W. Wyman. They are enroute to California, where they will spend the win ter. John llale, Jr., and George Baugh Miles re planning to organize a local chapter of the 8ous of the American Revolution In thla city. Both are members of the Iowa todety. The first quarterly meeting will be held Bunilwy evenlnc at the Fifth Avenue Methoriint church. Rev. A. K. Griffith, the newly-appointed elder ot the Council jiluffa district, will prealde. Attorney Paul C. Aylesworth, who re cently left here with hla family to seek location In the west, has written to i;la tlvea that he has decided to settle In Whatcom, Wash., where he will engage In the jiractloe ot law. Pre. J. M. Baratow, J. C. Waterman, J. II. Cleaver and I). Macrae, sr., returned yesterday from Sioux City, where they attended the meeting of the Medical So ciety of the MlaaoiiTl Valley. L)r. Baratow was honored by being elected president. John Ilogan, formerly of thla city, died Thursday ut Sheldon, la. The remains will arrive here this morning and the funeral will be held at SI o clock from St. Vetera church. Burial will be tn St. Joseph cemetery. Hla wife and four chil dren survive him. He waa 40 years of age. Hans Olaen. aged "6, died yeaterduy at JiIb home In Boomer township. Ills wife, one daughter, Mra. Ole Jensen of this city, and one eon, Peter Olsen of Boomer, sur vive him. The funeral will be held Sun day at 11 o'clock from the family residence and burial will be In the Boomer township cemetery. Judge Macy left yesterday afternoon for hla home In Harlan, where he will spend Sunday with hie family. He will recon vene district court Monday afternoon, at which time the petit Jury Is summoned to attend. As there are a number of Jury cases this term. County Attorney Klllpack does not expect to be able to take up the criminal docket before the middle ot Oc tober, at the earliest. Robert Langford Montgomery, grandson of General Orenvllle M. I (ml ire. Is the guest of Karl Hooker of Willow avenue. Sir. Montjomery will enter the Naval academy at Annapolis next spring. He and Mr. Hooker will leave thla morning for an extended hunting nd pleasure trip, the Itinerary of which will Include. New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah and Arizona. They expect to be gone about two months. Manael Wlx, a former realdent of Coun cil Bluffs, died yesterday morning at Pal estine, Tex. Mr. Wlx came to Council Bluffs In- the early- days of the city, but later moved to Texas, where he was en- Saged In the railroad business. Four aughters and two Bona survive him. Two daughters. Mrs. W. C. Ross and Mrs. Ida Able, reside In this- olty The remains will be brought to Council . Bluffs for burial. Millinery opening, Saturday September 20. Grand display of Bonnets, Pattern Hats, Street Hats and novelties on exhibition in our new store, all are cordially invited to Attend. ANNIE H. MOORE. 339-341 Broadway. Notice to Bobacrlbers. All the numbers of "The Living Animals of the World" are now complete and can be obtained for the next few days at the Coun cil Bluffs office of The Bee. It Is requested that those desiring to 011 out their numbers call at once and get them, as unsold copies will be returned In a short time. Gravel roofing, A. H. Read, 641 Broadway. Graders Down with Fever. Local physicians report an unusual num ber of cases of typhoid fever In Council Bluffs and vicinity. There are thirteen pa tients at present In St. Bernard's hospital suffering from typhoid fever, most of whom re men employed In the grading camps on the Great Western extension. Physicians say these men contracted the fever by drink ing Impure surface water around the grad ing camps. Council Bluffs has as a rule been free from typhoid fever, and local physicians are unable, to account for its prevalence in the city at this time. Davis sells glass. N. Y. Plumbing Co.. eiotion HU Rent Katnte Transfers' These transfers were filed yesterday In the abstract, title and loan office ot J. W. Squire, 101 Pearl street: Adam A. " Prentice to Ellsa Roberts, part ah aw 25-76-44. w. d $2,100 A. Frailer to William Southern, lot 1, block' 2. Honey Creek, w. d 150 Jennie K. Keusch to W. II. Kimball, lot 11, block 11. Potter &. Cobb s add., q. u. d 161 Richard E. Turner to Ella M. Kee gan. lots 4 and S. block 9, Hughes ft linnlnhnn's add., w. d 400 Mary Esther Poole to Mary E. Poole, lots 8 and 8, and si lot 7, In Roh rer's subdlv. of part neVt 8-74-43, w. d BOO Five transfers total 13.311 Albrook Enters the Race. ELDORA. Is.; Sept. 19. (Special . Tele gram.) Charles E. Albrook of Eldora to day derided to become candidate for the republican .nomination tor congress from the Third district, to succeed Colonel David B. Henderson. Mr. Albrook Is an intimate friend of ths speaker, as attorney of much ability and a splendid campaigner. Child Irlnks Kerosene. WATERLOO. la Sept. 19. (Special.) The 1-year-old child of N. O. Patterson drank a pint of kerosene which was left In a pan, within the child's reach. The babe is in a serious condition. LEWIS CUTLER alORTlCIAN. It Pearl St.. Council Bluffs. 'Phone 7. MM'Q BEERS Pure, Healthful, Snappy. I Fully Matured. I TUB AMERICAN BREWING CO., U BLUFFS. CHARGE MURDER TO SMITH Hsld by Osroner to Answer for the Bhssting of Chtrlet Edwardi. MEN HAD QUARRELED EARLIER IN NIGHT Three Boys Who Were Talking; with Edwards Jaai Before the Shoot ing; the Principal Wit nesses at Inquest. Coroner Treynor of this city held an In quest yesterday afternoon at, Avoca. over Charles Edwards, a colored man who was shot and killed Thursday night at the Rock Island depot. In that place. As a result of the inquest, Irwin Smith, also colored, was held on the charge of having killed Edwards. Smith waa locked up In the county Jail at Avoca. The principal testimony at the Inquest was that of three young white lads, who were sitting and talking with Edwards when he was shot. They testified that they were sitting on the platform of the depot with Edwards who told them that earlier In the night he had trouble with another negro named Irvln Smith, and that Smith had struck him over the head with a piece of gas pipe. Inflicting a severe wound. While they were talking a man appeared about twenty feet In front of them and called out "Is that you, D. C.," the nickname by which Edwards was known by his friends. Before Edwards had time to answer, the man shot and Edwards started to Ms feet. Another shot was fired and Edwards stumbled back dead. The boys scattered and ran, and the man who did the shooting also ran and dis appeared up an alley. The boys after going to a livery barn and telling about the shooting returned to the depot where Mayor Hazen had taken charge of the body. Smith, who was carry ing a bundle, also showed up at the depot and looking at Edwards said "Yes, that Is D. C. aure enough." The boys recognized his voice as that of the man who had ad dressed Edwards before shooting him and they so Informed Mayor Hazen, who ordered Smith placed under arrest. Smith denied shooting Edwards. The boys also testified that the man who did the shooting carrted a bundle In one hand. Edwards and Smith are well known to the police, both of this city and Omaha. About three years ago Edwards.and a colored wo man named Frankie Fashion, were arrested for robbing a white man In an old rookery on Broadway. The woman was convicted and sent to the penitentiary, but the evi dence against Edwards was lacking and he was acquitted. The letter signed "Frankie" found on Edwards at Avoca was supposedly from this woman, as he Is known to have taken up with her after her release from the penitentiary. Smith was arrested In Council Bluffs a few years ago, charged with being Implicated with another negro in robbing a white man of a gold watch. He was also arrested on several occasions for vagrancy. Plumbing and heating, fltxby Bos. TAKE ROAD FUND INTO COURT Kfforta to . Reach Agreement Over Its Distribution Proves sv Failure. As a result of a conference between Al derman McDonald, chairman of the streets and alleys committee, ancV County. Super visor Baker yesterday morning it Is likely that the controversy between the city and the county board over the portion ot the county road fund levied within the cor porate limits of Council Bluffs will be raken into the courts with a view of hav ing the city's rights in the matter finally decided. In previous years the county has turned over to the city 60 per cent of the por tion of the fund collected In the city for the municipal authorities to expend as they deemed best, the county retaining the other 40 per cent and expending It on the county roads. The city was willing to ac cept the same proposition this year, but Supervisor Baker flatly refused to consent to any such disposition of the fund. Ho took the position that the law intended that while the city had the power to di rect where the money should be expended, the county alone should do the work and expend the fund. When it was discovered a tew weeks ago that the streets and alleys fund wad practically depleted the city was all the more anxious to secure the exclusive con trol of a portion of the county road fund as in former years snd overtures were made to Supervisor Baker..' Colonel Baker, however, remained obdurate, although on one occasion It is eaid he offered to let the city have 40 per cent of the fund, he to retain the control of the expenditure of the remaining 60 per cent. To this the aireols and alleys committee would not listen. Recently further trouble between the streets and alleys committee and Colonel Baker arose, owing, it Is said, to Colonel Baker's refusal to expend the money as directed by the committee. The conference between Alderman Mc Donald and Colonel Baker yesterday was for the purpose of trying to arrive at some agreement satisfactory to both sides, but It failed. The city officials assert that Colonel Baker is too exacting In bis de mands. Davis sella paints. ATTORNEY BALDWIN IS BUSY Hss Ko Time In WhleW to Trr.Dam. ase Salt Asjatast Motor Company. The second trial of the personal Injury damage suit of Chris Peterson against The Omaha Council Bluffs Railway and Bridge Company Is set for next Tuesday In district court, but the motor company has asked for a continuance to the next term, as Its attorney. John N. Baldwin, Is too busy with matters connected with the Union Pacific strike in Omaha to he In court on that day. Attached to the mo tion for a continuance filed yeaterday by the motor company is an affidavit ot At torney Baldwin, in which, alter reciting that be has had the sole charge of the de fense in the action at the former trial. In which the jury disagreed, and that no other attorney could be fully advised In the case at this time for the defendant com pany, be says: "That I am so engaged at this time in important and pressing matters that It will be Impossible for me to give any time or attention to said case at thla term; that I have charse of the leral matters ran. need with a strlk.Vln.titu.ed by cert.m tmiimjn vi iu iuioo racinc nauroaa company, on behalf ot said railroad com pany, and. that a proper attention to said matter will requlrs practically all my time tor a considerable period of time; that the reason this application was not filed j . . . . sooner la because I as4 hoped that mat THE OMAHA DAILY trrs In connection with said 'strike- would have settled down so that same would not require all my atuntlon. but that during the last week acts of violence and Intimi dation on the part of said strikers have been multiplying, culminating finally In the killing of one of said railroad company's employes: that on yesterday I commenced proceedings In the I'nlted States court at Omaha on behalf of Bald railroad company for Injunrt'ou against strikers and pro cured . temporary restraining order froiu said rourt and said matter Is set for hear ing in said court on the 25th of Septem ber, 1902; that, as above stated, said mat ter is cf treat Importance, Involving a great deal of labor and research and will require my whole time ami attention for a considerable psjMod of time." In conclusion, It Is set forth In the af fidavit that If the continuance asked for Is granted the motor company will be ready and willing to try this case at the next term of court. Peterson, the plaintiff In this suit, re ceived Injuries In an accident on the motor company's bridge over the Missouri fiver which necessitated the amputation of both arms and left him a helpless cripple. NO EFFECT IN THE SECOND Withdrawal of Speaker Henderson Has Not Alarmed Republicans In that Section of Iowa. CLINTON, la.. Sept. 19. (Special.) The republicans of this, the Second Iowa dis trict, are not alarmed tn the least over the withdrawal of Speaker Henderson. In fact, the action of the speaker and the discussion which has followed has stirred up considerable enthusiasm, Just what Is always needed in an off year. Everybody is talking politics now and each has his opinion and the result will be much more Interest in the campaign than would have been had nothing oc curred to arouse the people. Further more, the republicans of the Second dis trict, at least a large majority of them, favor a revision of the tariff and stand on the Iowa platform. It Is propable that there Is nota dis trict in the state where the Iowa plat form has more supporters than in the Second. All of the republican papers, with the exception of one, agree In every par ticular with the Des Moines platform. There will be no division In the district and Mr. Hoffman, the republican nominee, will receive hearty support of every re publican. Some of the democratic papers ef the district are publishing sensational stories to the effect that there will be a split In the republican ranks over the Henderson withdrawal, but there is absolutely no foun dation for such reports. These papers are making every possible effort to stir up friction, but in this they will be unsuc cessful. The republicans of the district feel greatly outuuraseJ over the present out look. There is no question but Mr. Hoff man will put up a strong campaign. He Is not as polished a man as the demo cratic nominee, but is a much better vote getter. He especially attracts those liv ing in the rural districts and the work Ingmen. He Is a plain, everyday man, and at once impresses one. with bis honesty and sterling worth. Judge Wade, the democratic nominee, will not be able to make friends among the class alluded to like his opponent. Mr. Wade is a gifted orator,' however, of the nollshed and exclusive order, which will nrove renulslve to manv of the voters of the district. Mr. Hoffman is a German , and speaks that language, and will be a strong favorite among the many Germans of the district. FAILURE AT MARSHALLT0WN Rhoadea-Carmlne Bogy Company Goes Into Hands of Receivers for Benefit of Creditors. MARSH ALLTOWN, Ia.v Sept. 19. The Rhoads-Carmlne Buggy company, one of the largest carrlnge concerns In the west, made an assignment today. A. A. Moore and C. C. Price of this city were appointed assignees. There are about 100 creditors. Including many eastern firms and Chicago banks and brokers. Assets. $266,568; liabilities, $212, 263. The largest creditor Is the Marshall town State bank, whose claim Is $40,000. Junk Dealer la Arrested. WATERLOO, la.. Sept, 19. (Special.) M. Kozberg, a Junk dealer who was ne gotiating for a branch store here, has been placed on trial at Traer for the theft ot money contained in the boots sold by a farmer's wife, not knowing the money was in the boots. Kozberg denies being guilty. He had a large sum of money on his person when arrested. He was bound ever at the preliminary trial to the district court. Veterans Elect Officers. WATERLOO, la., Sept. 19. (Special.) The reunion of the Third Iowa infantry closed yesterday and the veterans held a goodby handshake. They decided to hold the next reunion at West Union. The officers elected were: President. Lieutenant Colonel John Scott, Des Moines; secretary, C. H. Talmadge, West Union; chairman, Dr. A. B. Robinson, West Union; temporary vice chairman, J. D. Dooley, West Union. Iowa Stale Newa Notes. The electrical strikers have won their fight at Ottumwa. Glen wood will hold an apple carnival October 7, 8 and 9. A girl named Wealthy at Charles City IB getting t per week. Mrs. Amy Caanaugh who has resided in Iowa tilty-four years, has Just died at Iowa City at the age of im. U requires fifteen clubs to serve the lit erary aspirations of Newton, and It la said several more are or;anlziti;j. Richard Hcllyrod. a blacksmith at Fonda, attempted suicide by drowning, but he made a b'.ai'ksmlthlng Job of it and will live. A new savings bank, with JlO.ouo capital, has been chartered at Underwood. Potta wattamie county, and another one with $12,uuu at Columbia, Marlon county. The Business Men's association at Cedar Fulls hasn't courts enouah mid are pro ceeding to establish a superior court un der the act paused by the last legislature. They have not discovered the uerpetra tnrs of several recent murders ut Des Moines, but someone baa discovered le;id there. However, he won't tell where It Is. A good many Inwa counties raise money In a lump bv taxation to build co-jrt J houses, but AudulHin will vote on a pr..p- oaitlon to sell IJo.ouO bonds for that pur- ose. While Des Moines Is trugl!ng with the asphalt combine. Cedar Kaptiis uoat that it is getting the cheapest paving ever In Id In that city, a contract for trick having been let ut $1.39 per yard. In Washington county sixty-five demo crats have signed a pledge not to vote for any candidate who will not pledge himself to the Kui.saa City platform. uoiUh vtundin; the action of Ihe atate conven tion. It cost a saloon keeper at Waukon $1 V) ,fr Vr.er u, lull, the Jail turned, cuurliiu his death and thru hU wife sued Ine seller for iiumag f . The les Molnrs milkmen have stirred up s tem'eal In a milk ran by iigreting to advance Ihe price of their eninmotiliy to T f-.rila ir n'.iurt jap thev did lust m-ln- , ter. on trie - j high-priced. ter. on tno plea thai (led waa scarce aud IOWA. TO BIRTHPLACE OF ORDER Severeign Lodge sf Odd FelU wi Decides Upoi Going to Baltimore, NO BENEFITS FOR SUSPENDED MEMBERS Minnesota Parties Who swindled Perry Men on Iand Deal De ride to Make Mailers Rlht. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, Sept. 19. (Special.) Tho sovereign grand lodge of Odd Fellows to day decided upon going to Baltimore for the next meeting. The vote 'was 95 fqj Baltimore and 93 for Hot Springs. The Hot Springs people had been working for the meeting some time and the Baltimore peo ple only entered the race at the last. The selection of Baltimore was largely be cause of the feeling that the order had Its Inception there and because it has always been so strong In the order. The grand lodge today adopted a rule or change in the laws cutting off attentive benefits from delinquent or suspended members. A sus pended member or one in arrearage has no claim whatever on the membership of the order. A number of other routine or business matters were disposed of at the session this forenoon. Reports of amendments of constitutions of grand lodges In the states of Rhode Island, Massachusetts. Nevada, Maryland, Missouri, Ohio, Oregon, Mon tana, Tennessee. Colorado, Connecticut, Washington, Alabama and Indian Terri tory and from subordinate lodges under direct control of the sovereign grand lodge were received and approved. It was moved by Representative Nolen of Tennessee that the grand secretary be ordered to print an appendix to the jour nal In which should appear in codified and Indexed form the laws of each session of the eoveretgr grand lodge. The grand lodge today defeated a prop osition for a change In the constitution which would permit of the sale of liquors of any kind at Odd Fellows' entertain ments. The financial budget or estimate on the condition ot the grand lodge for the com ing year waa reported this morning. It Is expected that the receipts from the present time up till the next sovereign grand lodge meeting will be $72,156.89 and that the expenditures for the same period will be J39.023.45, leaving a balance over and above the coat of maintaining and run ning the lodge of I12.5S3.44. ' The drilling of the patriarchs was com pleted today. In the class A competition Elwood, Ind., won first prize. delivered the Right Township, Sotie of the officers of the Perry Land and Investment company purchased a tOAiii.lilp of laud lu Mercer county, North Dakrta, of the Interstate Land company of Minneapolis. The price paid was $46. 000. An agent of the Minneapolis com pany, Mr. McMahon, showed a committee what was represented to be the land which was to be transferred, but afterward, when the Iowa people commenced to dispose of their land, they had deeds for an entirely different tract of land. They went to 8t. Paul and procured the Indictment of Mc Mahon. He has since offered to settle and made a proposition to deliver the town ship which was shown the committee and complete the transaction. He had already Bola Parlg of that township, but has since Purchased back the parts sold, and on completion of the deal the Indictments will be dismissed. The company which made tne purchase is composed of local can! tallsts of Perry, Ia.i and $22,000 cash was paid on- the deal at the outset. Increasing; the Reward. living in Muscatine county, near where the murder ot Jesse and Mar tha Tuman took place some weeks ago, are raising a purse to be offered as ad ditional reward for the capture of the mur. derer. It le supposed that Dan Williams, a tramp, committed the murder, but be Has never been traced. The governor of. fered a reward, but it Is not regarded as sufficient and the people of Muscatine pro pose to Increase it to at least $1,000. The republicans of Crawford county have nominated Dr. J. I. Gibson of Denlson for member of the house of representatives to succeed the late Hugh Langan, who died since the close of the legislative session Dr. Gibson was until recently state vet erinary surgeon. Reese Reslarns Office. John P. Reese of Albia, president of Dls- inci jno. u. united Mine Workers of America, appeared In this city today be- lore tno omcial board of the mine workers' organization and formally tendered his resignation of the office of president. He is succeeded by Vice President Perry of Oskaloosa. The board accepted the resig nation of Reese and presented him with a fine fountain pen. Reese resigns In order that he may devote his entire time to the political campaign, as he is the democratic candidate for congress In the Sixth dis trict. He will open his campaign about October 1 and expects to do a great deal of speaking. There are about 6,000 mine voters in the Sixth district and Reese hopes to secure nearly all or them. Krult Dealers Orsaalsed. The articles of Incorporation of the Aetna Fruit Dealers' association of Cedar Rapids were filed with the secretary of state today. The capital Is $5,000, with Pasquale Pusaterl as president and John Campagna treasurer. The Eddyville Telephone company incor porated today with $15,000 capital, by N. B. Halliday and others. State Superintendent Barrett went to Bedford today to speak before the Taylor county fair on educational day. New Coart lloase Dedlrated. J. H. Dyer of this city spoke today at the dedication of the new Dallas county court house at Adel. The courthouse is a new and handsome one and the people of Dallas county made much of the day. It waa also the last day of their county fair and great crowds were in attendance. The courthouse has just been completed at a cost of about $80,000. ALL READY FOR THE LAUNCHING Goieruor Cummins and Rest of b Iowa Party Are Slow la Boston. BOSTON. Sept. 19. Governor A. B. Cum mins of Iowa, with Mrs. Cummins snd thirty-five men and women from the. Dei Moines christ; ning party, arrived here t-day The cruiser Des Moines Is to be launched at the yard of the Fore River Ship and Engine company, yuincy, tomorrow, ana prominent people of the western states and cities will be present. With Governor Cummins were: Miss Elsie Macomber, who will christen the cruiser; John Briar, secretary to the gov erner, and Mrs. Briar; W. B. Martin, sec retary of state; G. 8. GUbertson, state treasurer; F. A. Merrlam, atate auditor; Attorney General H. M. Byers and mem I bers of the governor's staff; Mayor James i Bremen, P. O. Bangor of Ue Bvaia ot Public Works and a delegation of the Board of Aldermen of lies Moines. i Lieutenant Governor John L. Bates will do the honors for Massarhusetta at the ' launching and during the visit t f the . lowans. i Rnrslar Itob the Poor. BURLINGTON. la., Sept. 19 (Special.) Burlington la In the throes of an epidemic of burglary. During the last week a dozen residences were looted In different parti of the city. Nothing of vslue has been taken, the burglars In several cases stupidly overlooking watches and other Jewelry and money In the houses they have visited. Only the homes of the humbler class of citizens have been disturbed, the prowlers fighting shy of the residences of the rich. In spite of the fact that the police have Increased their vigilance tenfold, the house breaking operations continue. Last night two burglaries occurred In different parts of the city, fully two miles apart, almost simultaneously. In both cases, however, the burglars were frightened away before they could steal anything. It Is thought that a regularly organized gang is at work and when they finish the town, they will move to some other place. Matters have come to such a pass that the police have orders to stop and question everyone found on the streets after midnight. If they can not give a good account of themselves they will be locked up. FATE OF WOMAN IN DOUBT She Was In the Postomce at Mlnot, North Dakota, When the Build Ins; Collapsed. MINOT. N. D.. Sept. 19. Nehmlah Da vis, cut about the head, wrist and legs; John Lynch, badly cut about the face and head, are the only persons known to have been Injured by the collapse of the post office In this city yesterday. At the time of the disaster there were known to have been four people In the postomce lobby, one woman and three men. The presence of Nehmlah Davis, a prominent attorney, and John Lynch, clerk of tho district court, account for two of the three men. The names of the woman and the third man could not be ascertained. It la known, however, that the man escaped, but no word has been received regarding the fate of the woman. Assistant Post master Harry Frank and Miss Delia Fos ter were absent when the accident oc curred, Postmaster Peter Oelso being in charge. The accident was evidently caused by the placing of about 3,000 brick on the postomce roof. The bricks were taken from the main portion of the building ad joining, with a view of making provision for the construction ot an opera house. PRAIRIE FIRES DESTRUCTIVE Large Amo'int of Grain and Hay and Pome Buildings Are Consumed. HURON. S. D., Sept. 19. (Special Tele gram.; Reports of losses from yesterday afternoon's prairie fire In Theresa and Fair field townships continue to come in. Frank and Walter Oviatt lost all their wheat and much hay. John Steaks lost 200 tons of hay, besides his wheat and barley crop. John Nelson had 800 bushels of grain burned, Kelly's Land company, owners of the Caldwell ranch, lost a large barn and cattle sheds, together with hay and feed. The losses 'aggregate many thousand dol lars. Farmers will experience difficulty In obtaining bay for winter feeding. The fire was driven with terrific rapidity by a strong wind. The fire is supposed to have originated from sparks from the Chicago ft Northwestern locomotive. News Is also re ceived ot destructive fires between Alpena and Virgil and also northwest of Virgil, where many farmers lost hay and grain. Railroad Officials Visit Mining; Camp. RAWLINS, Wyo., Sept. 19. (Special.) General Manager Ed Dickinson and Traffic Manager Munroe of the Union Pacific have returned from a visit to Grand Encamp ment. They were surprised at what they saw and, it Is believed, will make a re port to President Burt that will have much o do with hastening the decision of the directors to build a branch line from Wal colt to the copper district. The officials would say nothing while here as to whether the branch would be built or not. but It could be seen from their manner that they thick favorably of the proposition. Good Attendance at University. LARAMIE, Wyo., Sept. 19. (Special.) Students are applying for admission to the State university in large numbers and it is believed the attendance this year will be as large if not larger than last year. Act ing President Rldgaway Is negotiating with a Chicago military man for military in structor, and he may be secured. Among the out-of-town students already enrolled are: Mary and Elsie Marshall of Omaha, Mark Chapman of Cheyenne, Tom and 'Dean Hunton of Wheatland and Sadie Klrkwood of Cambria. Coal and Coke Traffic. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 19 The state ment of coal and coke traffic originating on the Pennsylvania Railroad company's lines esst of pittsuurg ana Krie ror tne week ending September 13 shows: An thracite coal, 3'i tons; bituminous, fll,240 tons; coke, 2i6,450 tons. The company has so far this year hauled 6,0oo.000 tons of soft coal more than during the same period last year and more than l.Ocio.ono more tons of coke. Nearly all the Increase Is due to the coal strike. "Let the GOLD DUST Don't plod along like your grandmother did before you, scouring and scrubbing ; bending and rubbing. makes housework easy. injures nothing. More Mada only by TUE N. K. New York. Boston, St Chicago. SEVEN KILLED IS WRECKS On OcCUTt NeM FittlblTg tld iht Othtr v... PhilUnntlis. flhis. "! EXCURSIONISTS ON B. . & 0. DERAILED Klaht Crowded Conches Leave Track 'at Open Switch Forty-Konr .Names on List of In jured. PITTSBURG, Sept. 1. Five men were killed and two seriously Injured as the result of a head-on collision between Buf falo. Rorjiester Pittsburg and Pittsburg ft Western passenger trains at Wllmer sta tion, on the Pittsburg ft Western railroad, about 10 o'clock today. A number of pas sengers were cut and bruised by flying splinters and broken glass, but none were seriously hurt. The dead: GEORGE CHUGERTY. brakeman. WILLIAM BENEDICT, engineer of the B. R. ft P. train. THOMAS E. DUGAN, fin-man of the B. R. ft P. train. FAY DE MOSS, a boilermaker, who had been traveling on the P. ft W. engine. WILLIAM GRAHAM, fireman of the P. ft W. train. The following are seriously Injured: H. E. Chambers, engineer of the P. ft W. train, taken to a hospital, may die. C. W. Cross man, express messenger B. R. ft P. train, will recover. The accident Is alleged to be due to the failure to flag the passenger trains. The Buffalo, Rochester ft Pittsburg and the Pittsburg ft Western railroads occupy the same tracks to Butler, Pa. About a half mile this side of Wllmer station Is a long curve. A freight train became disabled and as work Is being done on a new tunnel It necessitated all trains being run on the other track. By some mistake, It is said, the trains were allowed to come together Instead of holding the lone until the other had passed. Rons Into a Switch at Fall Speed. CHILLICOTHE. O., 8ept. 19. Two per sons were killed and forty-four injured In a wreck on the Baltimore ft Ohio South western road at Leesburg, thirty-three miles from here, last night. The dead: PHILIP ROE. engineer, Chllllcotbe. CHARLES STUDER, fireman, Chlllicothe. The most seriously injured are: Mrs. John Sellers, Wellston; will prob ably die. Miss Sylvester, Wellston; injured about the head. Charles Masher, Chlllicothe; hurt about back. Mrs. George Warner; hurt about the head and arms. Mabel Warner, bruised about face. John W. Johnson, bruised about face and head. Mra. Sylvester, Wellston; body badly bruised. Mrs. Otto Wlssler, Chlllicothe; hurt about body; hahy rh.)i also injured. Henry Greenbaum, Chlllicothe; mass of bruises about bedy. Unidentified Englishman, badly cut about bead. Among passengers slightly Injured were: r. a. cross and wife, Fayette, Mo.; Charles Martin, Green City, Mo.; George D. CaBtor. St. Louis, Mo.; G. H. Caskey, Fort Riley, Kan. rnwded with I'naaonarer. The train was No. 2, "Royal Blue Flyer," whjch left Cincinnati at 6:10 p. m. It con sisted of eight coaches and was crowded with passengers returning from the Cincin nati fall festival. The train was running at the rate of fifty miles an hour whea it ran Into an open switch, every car leaving the track. The engtne exploded and Engl neer Roe and Fireman Studer were killed outright. The postal and baggage cars were piled on top of the engloe tank and the rest of the coaches were more or less damaged. General Manager I. O. Rown was in his private car on the rear of the train and he Immediately began superintending the re moval of the Injured. He ordered two coaches and an engine from thla city and had the Injured brought here. They ar rived here after midnight and were at once taken to the Warner House, where they were placed in the hands of local phy slclans, who were hastily summoned to at tend them. Klmhteenth Fnronte to Riley. CHEYENNE. Wyo., Sept. 19. (Special.) Companies E, F, G and H, comprising the second baUalton of the Eighteenth Infantry, headquarters and band, will leave Fort RusbcII at 6 o'clock In the morning In a special train for Fort Riley, Kan., to at tend the army maneuvers there. Colonel M. J. Sanno will be tn oommand, with Adjutant McFarland and the following of ficers: Captains Arrasmlth, Gordon, Mar tin, Murray, Butts and Hunt; Lieutenants Htrron, Barnes, Pendleton, Morrow, Baker, Pike. La Motte and Alfonte. Chtef Mu sician Wurm of the regimental band is ill and will not accompany his command, the band going In charge of the drum major. The special train will leave Cheyenne over the Denver Pacific and will be joined at Denver by the First and Third battalions of the Eighteenth from Fort Logan. "Garland" Stoves and Ransjes Awarded first prize, Paris, 1900; Buffalo, 1901. twins do your work." It cleans everything and economical than soap. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Louis. Maker of OVAL FAIRY SOAP. Tlia Farmer's Success Depends Upon Freedom from Dis ease and Suffering. PAIflESliELEnY COMPOUND IS THE MEDICINE THAT HAS MADE THOUSANDS OF COUNTRY TOILERS WELL AND STRONG. There are thoussnds of farmers In our land who are rich In broad acres and gold, yet lack that true wealth known as good health. ... It Is a melancholy fact that men and women In the country districts, breathing the purest air and drinking from God's bubbling fountains and limpid springs, are liable to the same diseases and ailments that come thick and fast to clly people. We find rheumatism, neuralgia, debility, dyspepsia, kidney and liver troubles and blood diseases almost as common in the farmer's family as they are In the city homes. Palne's Celery Compound, heaven's best blessing to the faming community, has done more for the banishment of dread disease and the tulldlng up of health than all other combined medicines. Mr. John Zuspan. a prominent and well known farmer of Mld dleport, Ohio, writes speclaly for the bene fit of sufferers in the rural districts. ' He sayj: "Last November I was so badly crippled up with rheumatism, which came on in June, that I could hardly walk without the aid of crutches or a heavy stick. About the tenth of November I commenced taking Palne's Celery Compound, and after using four bottles I was completely cured and was able to alleud to my usual work as well as when I was forty. I am now sixty six and can walk and run as well as A man of thirty." Specialists in all DISEASES and DISORDERS of MEN. 12 years of uc ccssftil practice in Omaha. CHARGES LOW. VARICOCELE and HYDROCELE cured In 6 dfcyi. without cutting, pain or 1om of time. Leul (uaiamea to our you or money re funded. CVDUII iC '"fed (or life and the polsn OlrlllLleS thoroughly cletnerd from the nyttem. ikon ever:' elan and eymptoin dleeppeeje completely and forever. No "BKKAKiNO OLTT" ot the dleraee on the ikln or fere. Treatment contains no danaeroue drufta or Injurloua meolcioea. Bl CM f f M from Exceese or VICTIMS TO 11CAI IllCIl NEHVOI K DK'liUTY UK EX HAtb'I'luN, WASTINO WEAKNKS3. with EARLY UECAY In YOl)Ni and MIllDLH AUKI); 'ark of vl:n. vlaur and elreiigtn, with organa impaired and weak. t'uree guaranteed. i nTrilftTlinr etireri with new hrtme tt dllflblUfiLe ment. No pain, no dete.-Ulos from tiueuieaa. I HIVAHV, Kidney and Bladder Trouble. W.ak hack. Burning Vrlne. Frequency of Urinating. Urlna High Colored, or with milky sediment on (landing. Consultation Kier, Treatment by Mail. (all or addrras. 11t H. llth Nt. OR- crinico o. ccioicr om A It A OLnnLLd 06 OUinLtOi neb 1711.". At Miffmnut sea n A MAN becomes languid. Irritable snd 4e spondent, through lots of nerre rigor. 1,1 fe seems s mockery. The courage, force, rigor snd action which charac terize full-blooded men, are lacking. hare kindled the light of hope In many a man's face. They bring vigor to the eVeak and ambition to the der ponrirnt. They permanently check the weak ening drains, feed the nerves, enrich th Mood and make men over gener ally. 81 00 per box : g hnxe $5 00. With s 00 order we iaue a written guaran tee to refund the money if no cure be effected, Book free. For sale by Knhn Co.. Omshs. tlllrn Prtiw Btore. Hntith rtrriBha. Davis Drug Co., Council Bluffs, la, DR. McGREW SPECIALIST. Treat all forms of DISEASES AND DISORDERS OP MEN ONLY 27 Years Experience. 17 Years la Omaha Ilia mmirlift ble sue cuas IitUi Oliver been equaled and every day brings many nattering reports of the good ho Is doing, or the rallof he has given : , . Hot Springs Treatment for Syphilis And all Blood I'oUoox. NO "BKE A K I M OUT" on tne akin or fa-.e and all external signs of UiedUease Utsaopear at oni;e. BLOOD DISEASE KS IflDIPflflCI C l' u r n a guaranteed lit I AltlUUwLLL lKi8 THAN 6 DA VU. . OVER 30 000 cases cured of nerv ouh dfblllty, loss ot vitality, uiinaiuiul discharges. Stricture, Gleet, Kidney and liluduur Dixottseit, Hydrocele. Wl ICK CURE8-LOW CHARGES. Treatment by mall. P. O. Hox 766. Office over 215 8. Hth street, between Kartiam and Uouglas SU.. OMAHA. NLU. AlC-SAR-BEN will soofi be hero strangers will . soon be in town list your rooms . in The Bee. Telephone 238 and the want aJ man will calf. BLOOD POISON Is the worst )ksvie on earth, yi the easleal to curs W HKN YOU' KNOW WHAT TO 1)U Many nave Dimples, spots on ins skin, sores In tne muuik U.rs. UUIng hair, bone pair., catarib; donl know It is IIUJOU FuIdON. fceai te Lh! bltoWN. A Arch HI.. Plulaaexunie Pa for 11KOWN8 BUWD LUKL, fc.uQ p.J buttle; lasts oni month. bold only y bbtrmtn si McCunncll brug Co., lutd aii4 Hodgo 8ts . Omaha. Brown's Capsules ft?.' ?r.Mn Vtuds BurseUf SI 1