Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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aUntiaeni CknjM to Ball lid aid Prim
C1m Higbr,
KortknriOm Sltaatloa la Wheat la
JHarh Ktroagrr mm lor Stock
Estimates Are Greatly H'
Saced tr Fig-area.
rillCAOO, flept. 19 Oraln speculators
Iinrl a qulik rhRMK of fnlth today. tlen
eral early renditions, especially foreign
wheat advices, were uearleh. 1'rlces mn
Tnentiirlly weakened, but on a atroim
northwestern situation In wheat and sharp
eastern buying In corn, with areatly re
tlured estlmstes of rorn stocks, prices
turned rapidly upward for good grains.
The local selling sentiment vanished and
at the close Heptemher wheat wa INc
higher, December wheat VJ'.c up, De
cember corn H'flc higher, ami December
oats MiC lower. January provisions closed
unchanged to 2Vc higher.
At the outset wheat was subjected to
pressure. Cables were weak, the Kuscliin
crop was estimated the largest in ten
years, the weather was favorable and
northwestern receipts were Improved. Lo
cal traders at once turned bearish and an
early weak corn market could give no
supporting Inlluence. What little rain
there was reported, which Interfered with
threshing and the spring movement, was
favorable to the winter plowing. Speedily
Influences more potent than foreign bear
ish advices were felt. Northwestern houses
began falling rapidly.
Minneapolis reported 128 cars diverted
from thai market to country milling points
In one clay. Hhorts were buyers ot De
cember as prices began to advance, and
then came a brisk turn In September op
tions; corn later had bull tailors of Us
own. and In turn helped wheat. A good
export business developed with 18 loads
here, 10 at Duluth and 7 loads at other
ports. Spurts of outside business devel
oped. September sold from an opening un
changed at 7i:yc to 74c, and closed strong,
IV: up. at 73'c December opened H'uc
to a shade lower, at enVsoWIV: and closed
Iirm, StiVjo. up. at at'ie. ,
local receipts were 7 cars, only 1 of
contract grade. Minneapolis and Duluth
reported (v-2 cars, making u total for the
three points of 1.0S9 cars, against KS7 last
week and 1,276 cars two days a year
as". Seaboard clearances In wheat and
flour equaled Si3.0i bushels. Primary re
ceipts were 1,33i,i0 bushels, against 1,29.
(Mi hirshels two days last year. Argentine
shipped nothing to Europe last week, and
elnce January 1 shipments from that coun
try have fallen off H.OjO.OOO bushels under
last year.
Corn slipped off at the start on an ab
sence of frosts In the corn belt today,
t ables also were lower and receipts were
large. Today's arrivals equaled 364 cars,
of contract grade, and the estimate for
tomorow waa heavy at 4F0 cars. Aregen
tlne shipped heavily, 1.616,000 bushels. A
quick reaction resulted on covering. Sellers
have been somewhat timid of late, and
toduv the sentiment rondlly changed when
the crowd began to consider that tomorrow
probably would show contract stocks down
to 750.000 bushels.
Bad weather was predicted, and at the
early low prices there was a sharp de
mand from eastern nouses. rrices aa.
vanced well, hut did not hold all the gain
September sold from 68Uc to BSWdC and
closed Arm, ViC up, at 69c. December sold
from 43'c to 44Vc and closed firm, rao
higher, at 43i!i44e.
Oats held tlrmly steady and somewhat
miiet. The strength In wheat and corn
was of material help and worked against
offerings that resulted from better grad
ing. Keceipts were arnall at 156 ears, 18
of contract grade. Private elevators
turned out 53 cars of standard grade. The
ultuatlon waa easy at the start on some
celling by elevator people, such as weak
ened the market yesterday. The price
il ucluaiiuuti, however, were very narrow.
AJecember sold between 30c and 3094c and
closed down, at auM-c.
Provisions were only fairly active at
times. There was occasional good de.
irnand for nearby stuff, especially In Octo
her ribs, which gained 27Hc Packers were
aunDosed to he taking In January stuff.
After an easy opening on lower hog prices,
offerings were light and small gains were
recorded. January pork closed 2c up, at
115.00: January lard, unchanged, at 88.47H,
end January ribs, 2,sc higher, at $7.90.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
jso cars; corn, 4oo cars; oata, iwo cars; nogs,
11,000 head.
The leading futures ranged a follows:
Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes'y.
Wheat I
Sept. 724 74 72'4 73H 7?U
Dec. 6f"4ftis 94 6KH 694 fiS'SM
May 69T&70 70 69vs 70 fcH
Sept. BSH 59S WS 69 54
Dec. 43i',nH 444 43'4l43Vd44 43V,
May 40'4ij4 1 40W i0fanii'
Sept. 264 264 26 264 264
b Sept. 82 32 31 314 324
h Dec. 304 3OH30H'n4 304 304
May 814 314 314 314G 314(84
Sept. 18 174 16 174 16 15 16 15 16 10
Oct. 16 16 16 874 16 15 16 26 16 20
Jan. 14 16 06 14 90 16 00 14 974
May 14 224 14 25 14 124 14 15 14 15
Sept. 10 60 10 65 10 60 10 624 10 60
Oct. 9 60 9 674 9 60 9 6 9 60
Jan. B 474 8 50 8 45 8 474 8 474
. May 8 06 8 074 8 024 8 06 8 074
Sept. 10 70 10 874 10 70 10 874 10 724
Oct. 10 00 10 15 9 924 10 15 9 874
Jan. 7 874 1 924 7 85 7 90 7 874
No, 1. a Old. b New.
Cain quotations were as follows:
FLOUR Steady ; winter patents, f3.40
jj.du; strain iu, j rwo&w; clears, 12.709300
spring apeclals. tUO; patents, f3.40a3.70
WHEAT No. 2 spring. 744c; No. S spring
74i9e: No. 2 red. i2iti74c.
OORN-No. 2, 64'6a)c; No. I yellow, 60
OATS-No 2. 284c; No. 1 white. 2.1834c.
RYK No. 2. 50e.
PARLEY Fair to choice malting. 45fi5c.
SEEDS No. 1 flax, 11.36; No. 1 northwest
ern. ii.iMi; prime timothy, f3.90; clover, con
tract grade. fs.90i9 00.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., fl6.15
1'itt.zu. iaro. per J"u ids., no.6241glO.fcR. Short
ribs sides (loose). fl0.724'i 10 S24. Dry salted
shoulders ibexed), f9.2ofi9.60. Short cl.-ar
aides (Doxedt.'ijll 374.
WHISKY Basis of high wines, fl 32
. The following were the receipts and ship
tnents ot grains yesterday:
Keceipts. Shipments
nour, bbls.
Wheat, bu..
Corn, bu
Oata, bu
ltye bu
Jiarley, bu..
19,010 10,000
207,000 64.000
2fk9,lKIO 19S.00)
.....2!li.0ii0 157.000
22.UCO 1.(01
62,f00 2.0 0
On the Produce exchange today the but.
ter market was steady; cieamerlcs, 164122c;
dalrlek, lCtiauc. Cheese, tlrm, lu4&U4c.
Kggs. firm; fresh. 204204c.
inotatlona of the Day on Varlons
NEW YORK. Sept. 19.-FLOUR Receipts.
16.279 bbls.; exports. 1.466 bbls.; Irregular,
being generally steady except fur low
grade winter, which ruled easier; winter
Intents. U k.c'3.W; winter straights, 13 So
j3.t)0; Minnesota patents, fS.R$4.uor winter
extras, JK(u3 10; Minnesota bakers, f.1.16
rj3.36; winter low grades, f2.6.)fj2.o. Rye
flour, quiet; fair to good, fo.lmij.4o; choice
to fancy, f3.oOft3.60. Buckwheat flour.
jule, fl.7o2.2a. according to delivery.
CORNMKAL bteady; yellow wrtern,
fl 32; city, II. SO; Brandywlne, f3.4.'xa3.iw;
state. fcitwV, c. I. f. New York.
, RYE Steady; No. 2 western. tNc. f. o. b.
float; No. 2. U4c track; stale, wVc, c. L
I., New York.
BARLEY Quiet; feeding. 4ic, c. 1. f.,
Buffalo; mall. ilk. 614t2e v. I. f., Buffalo.
WHEAT Receipts, 02.973 bu.; Spot, firm:
no. J reu, 144c. elevator; No. I red. 74
ii w., iioi, ,ib, i nortnern, Du
luth, 74c. f. o. b.. afloat. Except for a
hort time around the opening, when lower
cables and large northwest receipts caused
depression, wheat showed marked strength
all day on very light offerings, confident
bull operations, fears of a lighter north
west movement, as a result of rains, and
irength In coarse grains. Closed firm at
Jv!lc ni t advance. May, 4b;54c ciosed
7Wc; September. 744ii7to. closed 75c; De
cember, il 7-lkir74c, closed 74c.
CORN Receipts. 1,060 bu.; exports. 1.458
bu.; spot, firm;. No. 2, 714c, elevator, and
6Nc. f. o. b.. afloat; No. S yellow, 77c;
No. f white, '79c. Option market opened
easy with wheat, but rinding little for rule
t once recovered and was strong all day
on covering of September and later op
tions, the ruins west and some small
country oftwrlnga. The close was firm at
' HU'4 net advance. January. 440, closed
kite; May, 454'04jc, cloac-d 45Wc; Septem
ber, closed 674c; October, 3Sii tkic, closed
JSc; December. 44fi""e. closed 494c.
OATS-Receipts. l.i.uOtf bu. ; exports., 11,.
043 bu. ; spot, easy; No. t Uo; No. f white,
S64C aaked: No. S white, 12 40; track white,
wjj&c. Option market at first was weak
and loner, but gradually swung Into line
with wheat. May closed. Uc: September
closed, 344c; December closed, J47c.
PROVISIONS beef, firm; family, fl5.50
(jdtMi tueaa, fU.0wuU.Wi city, extra
India mess. i:l ft"n Jii no. Cut meats, firm:
pl kleii iiriiics, i:V'Mc; picRiea enouiners.
a ViM'; pi kieu hams, II1 12.. l.ard sicady;
(si-rn fidtnifi. Il i i twinen, .juni,
ritlnenl. ll..vill cnmvninn. t7 "'
South America.". Pork, quiet; family,
. b"i2l in, rhort clear, u.""iil 'v; mess.
II;. 7. iv.vm.
il. i -Hieady ; shipping. fM'.o: ona to
Choice, 9K-.
II IDi;s -unlet; Qalveston, lc; California,
19c; 'I aa. I to.
I.KATHI'.H-Firm ; acid, 243i.V.'H Klrm; slate, common to choice,
lil. 2lriiL'Sc; limn, l!fi 2n-; ultls. SZ12c; 1'acltlc
coast, i:'l, "'o-t-'ic; iflu-oc; olds, 'if
. .. ...
TALLOW steady ; city, 67c; country, R'a
It III r, K KecelptS, D,4' pKgs.; sir.ifi.Tj
state dairy, HiVy21c; crainery, extra,
June creamery, common to choice.
lhi-.rn li'r.
I iiUKSIv-Keceiput. S.1Z1 pKgs ; nrm to
strong: fancy, srge. colorpd. loc; lancy, i
large, write, 10-vii,"c. lancy, small, new.
stst. full cream, colored and while, lie.
KUOB Receipts. S.1M pkgs.; steady; west
ern, uncandled, lvnanc.
METAI.H-r-TIn here was less Influenced
bv adverse Ixjndon cables, where prices
defined 2s 6d to :121 7s d for spot and to
11 7s 6l for futures. 1-chiu values
dropped about 13 points, spot closing at 4i-X.4ci. Demand was very light. '1 here
were tree nrrerlng ot copper, out miie
Inquiry. Prices were easy and lower.
Standard spot closed at tll.otx 11.2o; take,
il Ufa H.7S; electrolytic, .111. Mi 1 1.6.'), and
casting, fll.R04iU.6n. Kngllsh copper closed
without change trom yesterday, spot at
i3 and futures at o3 5s. Lead ruled
steady on a lair Inquiry from consumers
at 14.124 for spot. 1ondon was uncnHnged
at 10 ins vti. t here were no new devel
opments In spelter, prices holding steady
with spot at low here and at tin txi
In the Kngllsh market, the latter being a
decline of 2a 6d. The local Iron market
was quiet nnd steady at former quotations.
Warrants not quoted. No. 1 foundry north
ern, I23.00'a2o.0u; No. 1 foundry southern
and No. 1 foundry southern, sort, ra.mxu
23 (hi. English prices were unchanged.
Ulasgnw, at bis lod, and Mlddlesborough,
at oM d.
Condition of Trade and Qaotatlons on
Staple and Fancy Prodnce.
EOOS Candled stock, 19c.
LIVE POI'LTRY Hens, 994c; roosters,
according to age, 4i5c; turkeys, Rvgioc;
ducks and geese, bu6c; spring chickens,
per lb 124c.
HUTIBK- WKini siock. ic; cnoice
dairy, In tubs, 14i(17c: separator. 22ig23c.
FRESH CAI'OHT FISH Trout. 11c; her
ring, 6c; pickerel, 8c; pike, 10c; perch, 6c:
buffalo, dressed. 7c; sunflsh, 6c; bluflns.
Sc! whlteflsh. 10c: salmon. 16c: haddock 11c:
codfish, 12c; redsnapper, 10c; lobsters, boiled,
per lb., 30c: lobsters, green, per ID., zic;
bullheads. 10c; catfish, 13c; black bass, 18c;
halibut. He.
CORN 55c,
OATS Old, 4Rc; new, 35c.
RRAN Per ton, 814.00.
HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale
Hay Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 tip-
and, x; No. 1 medium, f.ou: no. i coarse,
17.00. Rye straw, 16.50. These prices are for
hay of good color and quality. Demand
fair; receipts light.
OYSTERS Standards, per can, 30c; extra
selects, per can, 37c; New York count, per
can, 45c.
NEW CELERY Kalamaaoo, per dos., 30c;
Kearney, per doi., 35r50c.
POTATOES New, per rm., z&(0.wc.
TURNIPS Per bu., 30c.
BEETS Per basket, 40c.
GREEN CORN Per dox.. 56c.
CUCUMBERS Per bu., 25c.
RADISHES Per do., 10c.
WAX BEANS Home grown, per market
basket, 25c; string beans, per market
basket. 25q.
CABBAGE Home grown, new, lc.
ONIONS New home grown, in sacks, per
bu., &oawo.
TOMATOES Per market basket, 45550c.
NAVY BEANS Per bu.. S2.15.
PEACHES California late Salways, 75c;
Colorado 75!flc; Michigan, per bu. box,
f2 50.
PLUMS California, per 4-DasKet crate,
fancy, fl.25; California egg, per box, fl.10;
hr.TTio irrown. uer 8-lb. basket. 1618c: Colo
rado ana laano, per i-Dwuei crate, .3tf
PRUNES California, per oox, : Hun.
carlan. 11.25: Utah, per 4-baaket crate. 85c.
PEARS California, per box, S2; Flemish
Beauty, fl.3bS1.50; New York, per bbl., f4;
per keg, fl.90; Utah canning stock, per box.
11 a-,! 1.60.
APPLES cooKing, per odi., s.; eanng,
Wlnesans. t2.25a.50: Jonathans, f2.2&a2.50.
CANTALOUPE Genuine R. F., per crate,
CRAB APPLES Per bbl., f3.50.
WATERMELONS Crated. 16i0e,
GRAPES Eastern, 25c; Tokays, per crate,
CRANBERRIES Per bbl., f6.606.75; per
box, f2.26.
BANANAS Per bunch, according to alxe,
LEMONS California, f4.004.25; Messlnas,
ORANGES Valenclas. t4.755.00; Mediter
ranean Sweets, f4.0Oifr-l.25.
PINEAPPLES Per crate. f4.25iS4.60.
HONEY New Utah, per 24-frame
CiDER New York, f3.75.
HIDES No. 1 green, 7c; No. 2 green, 6c;
Ko 1 salted, c; io. z salted, 74c; NO. 1
veal calf, 8 tc 124 lbs., 84c; No. 2 veal calf,
13 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry hides, 812c; sheep
pens, iOc; norse nines, ti.wjia).
POPCORN Per lb., 5c; shelled, 6c.
NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb.
12c; hard shell, per lb., 114c; No. 2 soft
stieii, per 10., iuc; ino. a nara sneii. per lu
9c; Brazils, per lb., 14c; Alberts, per lb., 12c;
almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell,
per lb., 15c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c;
small, per lb., 10c; cocoanuta, per dos.. 50c.
OLD METALS A. B. Alpern quotes the
following prices: Iron, country mixed, per
ten, fll; iron, stove plate, per ton, f8; cop
per, per id., ec; orass, neavr, pr ID., 4c
brass, light, per lb., 54c; tend, per lb., sc;
sine, per id., tvtv. ruDoer, per 10., sc
St. Loots Grain and Provisions.
ST. IX5UIS. Sent. 19 WHEAT Hieher:
No. 2 red, cush, elevator, 654c; track, 6?'$
6Sc; September, 654c; December, ti6c;
may, nno; jo. i nara. ts-tii'itc..
CORN Hlghet; No. 2 cuh. 694c; track
604c; September, tie-lie; December, 374c;
may, .sil," 'c.
OATS Higher; No. 2 cash, 2924c
track, September, 29c; December, 274c;
may, .o'-tc; j-ny. a wnue, diifjODC.
RYE Steady, 4Sfj49c.
r Lt) I K Steady; red winter patents.
f3.1o4;1.2o; extra fancy and straight, f2.85
s.ii'; cieur,
SEED Timothy. f.1.M83.90.
CORN MEAL Steady, f2.90.
BRAN Firm; sacked, east track, 635c.
ha 1 rusner; iimoiny, le.utwi ii.bu; pral
rie, 17. 50u lo.&O.
WH 1SKY' Steady. 81.32.
BAGGING 6 6-l7 l-16c.
PROVISIONS-Pork. higher: Jobbing, old
f16.Su; new, f16.75. Lard, higher at 110.371.
Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts
anu ciear rios . iii.uw; snort clears, fll. 60.
uncoil, Bieaoy; uoxea extra snorts, 112.00
ciear rios, ii.i; snort clears, 112.274.
POULTRY Steady; chickens. 94c
springs, iuc; turaeys, lumiiijc; ducks. 74c
geese 44e.
BlTTLR steady; creamery, I6(g23c
dairy, iiiimt.
EGGS Steady; 174c loss off.
METAI.S lad, firm at f4.024- 8pelter,
strong, f5.25ii5.30.
Receipts. Shipments
Flour, bbls 6.mio 8.O0O
Wheat, bu...
Corn, bu
Oats, bu
. 36,1100
. 95.0UO
Llverpol Grain anal Provisions.
firm; No. 2 red, western winter, 6s lid;
No. 1 northern, spring, 6s td; No. 1 Cali
fornia, 6s bd; futures, quiet; September, 6s
l04d; December, 6s l4d.
CORN Spot, quiet; American mixed, 6s
104d; futures, dull; October. 5s 9d; Novem
ber, nomlna' : January, 4j 14d.
PEAS Canadian, quiet. 6s hd.
FLOUR St. Louis fancy winter, quiet.
8s fil.
PROVISIONS-Beef. strong; extra indla
mesa, 107a 6J. Pork, strong; prime mess
western, bos 3d Hams, short cut. 11 to It
lbs., firm, 6o 6d. Bat on, tirai; Cumberland
cut, 26 to 30 lbs., 63s; short libs. 16 to 24
lbs., 64s; long clear middles. Unlit. 28 to 34
lb.. firm. 61s 6d; long clear middles, heavy,
36 to 40 Iba , 6ua 6d; short clear backs, 16 to
20 lbs , ffts 9d; clear bellies, 14 to 16 lbs., 6is
Shoulders, square, 11 to 13 lbs., firm, Ms Si.
1-ard. steady; prime western. In tlercea, 51s
9U; American refined. In palia, dull, 53a.
HOI'S At I.011.I011 (Pacific coast), old
crop, firm, 6 10s(if7.
BUTTER Nominal.
CHEESE Steady; American finest white,
4Ss; American colored. 4a.
TALLOW-Prlme city, steady; Australian
In London, steady, 31s 6d
Receipts of wheat during the last three
daya, 3i6.uou' centals, Including 343.CM0 Amer
ican. Receipts of American corn during the
last three days, 23,4uo centals. Weather
Minneapolis W heat, Floor and Bran.
ic-utuv-r. !)(-. ufrrmwr, wc ; on track
No. 1 hard, 7i,c; No. 1 northern, 6Vc; No.
2 northern. 7Sac.
FLOUK-rirsl patents, t3.76aH; second
patents, fl 13 70; flHM clears, POOifia.10;
ri'iinil clears, 2Jt;i4
HKAN-ln bulk, til .(HUH. 50.
Kansas ' Mr tlrala sal Prnvlaloas.
tember, MS'MV. December. M',r; cnh
No. 2 hard. HtiiWc; No a. tLi'ite; No.
2 red. HI4c; No. 3, 6fc; No. 2 spring. 624'i
Ci il'.N -September, 54c; 1H ember, 4:4
4."i'4c; cash No. 2 mixed, 57'(Hc; No. il
white, ilk-; No. 8. 5S4c.
OATS No. 2 while, 34c.
HYK No. 2. 4N4C
HAY Choice timothy, f9.noti9.50;
prulrle. S7.tif(i .00.
HITTER Creamery. 19ji20c;
fpnev lie.
E(5U8 Firm; fresh Missouri and Kansas
stock, 164c, loss ofT, cases returned.
Receipts. Shipments.
vt neat, ou. 3S.2)
12. 7.
l orn, nu
Oats, bu 2$,0H0 8,1100
Philadelphia Prodnce Market.
Quiet; western creamery, 23c; nearby prints,
EOOS Firm; fresh nearby, 23c, loss ntT;
fresh westfrn, 22c; fresh southwestern, 22c;
refh southern, 22c.
CHEESE Firm; New York full creams,
Arm, 11 1-ju 11 jc; New York full creams,
fair to good. li(fllc: New Y'ork full
creams, prime large, H"vullc; ISew lork
full creams, fair to good, KV4&l04c
Toledo Grain nnd Seed.
TOLEDO, O., Sept. 19. WHEAT Dull
and firm; cash, 724c; September, i24c; De
cember. 72Hc; May, 734c.
CORN Dull and strong; rash, 61o; Sep
tember, 604c; December, 424c usked; May,
OATS Dull and easy; September. 31c;
Dtcember, 304c.
CiyUVfc.HbEc.1) More active; October,
f5.70; Janjary, 15.55.
RYE 52c.
Milwaukee drain
MILWAUKEE. Sept. 19.-
ket higher; No. 1 northern, 73ff7:i4e;
northern, 7144 72c; December, 6t4c.
RY E Easy ; No. 1, 614c.
BARLEY Easy; No. 2. 69c: sample.
CORN December, 430.
Whisky Market.
basis of fl.32 for finished goods.
ST. LOUIS, Sept. 19. WHISKY Steady
at fl.32.
tillers' llnished goods, steady on the basis
of fl.32.
Peorln Market.
PEORIA. Sept. IS. CORN-Oulet. steady:
No. 3, 67c.
OATS Slow, easy; No. 3 white, 30c, billed
whisky on tne oasis 01 ii.m lor fin
ished goods.
Unlnth Grain Market.
DULUTH. Sept. 19. WHEAT Cash No.
hard, 704c; No. 2 northern. 674c; No. 1
northern, 64e; September, 69-4C.
OATS September, 30c; December, 28c.
Specnlatora Are Relying; on Replen
ished Bank Vanlts.
NEW YORK. Sept. 19. If tomorrow's
bank statement docs nof make a strong
showing speculators who bought stocks to
day will be disappointed. The buying was
based on the belief that the surplus reserve
of the banks has been replenished as the
result of the weeks events, preliminary
estimates of the cash movements of the
week somewhat chilled the hope of a good
bank statement, as a decrease In cash re
serves of upward of f3,000.00o was Indicated.
Of this amount the sub-treasury has ab
sorbed some 12.660,000, Including deposits of
currency for telegraphic transfer to the
interior. The regular movement by ex
press on routine banking operations makes
tiD the rest, but lt Is not improbable that
there have been special movements of
money not included in these routine opera
tlons. The shipment of several million
dollars from Chicago, reported as made
last Saturday night, figure as such a trans
action and reports have come from other
Interior centers of various amounts shipped
from New York to take advantage of the
prevailing rates for call loans. It Is never
fiosnlble to forecast accurately the changes
n the loan Item, but lt is confidently be
lieved in the street that there has been a
large contraction In the loan Item during
the week. The payment of subscriptions
on the Oregon Short line bond Issue on
Monday would result in some contraction.
The engagements of gold during the week
would also figure as a transfer of loans
from the local banks to foreigners.
The stock market has not reflected any
heavy decline during the week. The steadi
ness or tne can money maritet today was
a strong indication that the position or
the banks la strengthened. The leader of
the market today was easily St. Paul,
which was 64 points over last night at one
time, with a sympathetic effect on the
rest. The movement waa unexplained, but
the early tendency of Missouri Pacific to
keep In company revived rumors of an
alliance between the two systems. There
was a setback In Missouri Pacific when the
July statement of earnings appeared, show
ing a decrease In net of 2263.196. The stock
lost most or its gain ana tne other soutn
westerns turned rather heavy In sympathy.
The unfavorable cotton reports were also
an Influence on that group. The fact that
4 per cent dividend Is Included In the price
of St. Paul was given as an argument for
Its strength and the old comparison with
the price paid for Burlington, which was
300, was also continued. The rise above
200 of Rock Island furnished an additional
parallel. The latter stock was conspicuous
for the number or cash transactions, as
tbe right of exchange In new securities ex
pires tomorrow and there Is no stock de
livery on the exchange on Saturday. These
contracts for the new securities were ac
tive and strong on the curb. The reversal
by the New York court of errors and ap
peals of the vice chancellor's decision
against tne siock conversion ana nona issue
of the United States Steel corporation
caused a spurt in Its securities. The Penn
sylvania group was strong and Canadian
Pacific showed the effect of continued
large dealings. Considerable realising was
accomplished In the advances and the
market closed irregular and below the
The bond market wag active and strong,
especially for the Consolidated Tobacco 4s.
Total sales, par value, f4,680.00O. . United
States refunding 2s, the 3s, new 4. and 6s
advanced 4 and the old 4s 4 per cent on
the last call.
The following are the closing prices on
the New York 8toik exchange:
do pfd
Bal. A Ohio
do pfd
Cauadian Pacific ...
Canada 80
I t'll A Ohio
Chicago ft Alton...
do pfd ,
Chicago, Ind. ft L
do pld
Chicago ft E. III...
Chicago O. W
do lat pfd
do 2d pfd
Chicago ft N. W..
C. K. I. ft P
Chicago Tar. ft Tr.
do pfd
C. C. '. ft St. L,..
Colorado So
do lat pfd
do 2d pid
Del. ft Hudaon
Del. L. A W
banvar ft H. O
. 144 St. Paul pfd
.103 So. Pacific
.1144 So. Kali war
. ks do pfd
. 43ia Texaa ft Pacific,
. Toledo, St. U ft
. 54 do pfd
. 42 Union Pacific ....
.71 do pfd
. 74 Wabaah
. 12 do pfd
.... 1
... 3D-.,
. ... ti
W. 304
17 4
.... 23
.2u Wheeling A L.
. Ii do 2d pfd
Is Win. Central
. 4K4 '. do pfd
.14 Adama Ka
.3u5 American Ex
. 344 United Statea Ex.
. 421a Wella-Fargo Ex..
.105 Amal. Copper ....
. 31 Amer. Car ft P..
. 74S) do pfd
. 13 Amer. Lin. Oil..
.17 I do pfd
.176 'American 8. ft R
. 44 do pld
. H'a Anac. Mining Co
. 4Ha Brooklyn K. T. .. ,
. 70 Colo. Fuel ft I..,
. 51 Cona. laa
. 4
. 35',
. 114
. 24
. 60
. 474
. VI
do pfd
. t4
do lat pfd
do 3d pld
. 634
Great Nor. pfd
.174 Cont. Tobacco pfd U'3
.100 Oan. Electrlo US
Hocking Vallev ..
do ula
. 3 1 Hocking Coal ...
.1404 Inter. Paper
. 484! do pfd
. 644 Inter. Power ....
. Co Si Laclede Uaa ....
.135 National Hlacult
,.153)a National Lead ..
, :13a 1 No. American ..
,.14 Pacific Coaat ...
.. 4 Pacine Mall
,. 204a People'a Uaa ...
..lUVPrraaed 8. Car .
..141 do pfd
.. 34i. Pullman P. Car.
.. 74Kepubllc Steel ..
,.lo 1 do pld
..164 Sugar
Illluola Cantral ....
Iowa Central
.... 30
.... 731,
do pfd
.. .. 7
Lake Erla ft W....
do pfd
.... 474
.... 34
L. ft N
Manhattan L
Mel. St. Rr
klr. Central
Max. National ....
Minn, ft St. L
Mo. Pacific
34., K ft T
do pfd
N. . Central
N. T. Central
Norfolk ft W
do pfd
Oanftlarlo ft W....
. 461,
. 64
. 04
. 124
. 614a
.. 754 Teim. Coal ft I
il nion Hag ft P. ...
. 15
W S5,'L'. 8. Lcinr
1 I do pfd
734 :V. 8. Hubber
US, do pfd
7v U. 8. Steal
P I0V do pfd
66 'Waiurn I'nloo .,
.......... 7IH Aracr. Locomotive
...... 17 V do pld
7 K. C. Southern....
1&54 do pfd
. la
. M
do lal pfd
do Id pfd.
St. L. ft 8
do lat pfd
do Id pfd
St. US W.
do pfd ... .
St. Paul ...
. !
. ST
Bank C'learlngrs.
8T. IXiriS, Sept. 19.-Clearlngs. 17.007.837
balances,; money steady at 54) per
win, ivift eaciiaiise. pr.
CHICAGO, Sept. 19. Clearings, S2S.401.sOd:
balance. &95.:m; poated exchange. KM for
sixty days, 14. 84 on demand; New York
cnianxr, par.
NKW YORK. Sept. 19 -Clearings, J240,
47. It; balances. J!,675.4M.
BOSTON. Sept 19 Clearings. 121.270.816;
Un I4avilt ra, i ,itT. 10 1 ,
BALTIMORE, Bept, lS.-Clearlngs. 83.841
lis; balances. IM7,24; money, 6-U6 per cent
riilLADELPllIA. oeiiu U.-Clearlngs,
t17.310.37;i; balances. f2..5; money, t
CINCINNATI. S. pi. 19. -Clearings. f3.2..
money. 44ii6 per cent; New York ex
change, loc discount.
Sew York Money Market.
NEW YORK, Sept. 19 MONEY On call,
firm, st 6i" per cent; closed offered at t
per cent; prime mercantile paper, 6ft6 per
cline, with actual business In bankers' hills
st f4..ii2Mi4.s6H7 for demand and at 14 8223
C4.I07S for slxtv days; posted rates, t4.S34
til M and f4.M4; commercial bills, H8.''!
4 V24.
MLVER Bar, 614c; Mexican dollar.
HoNDS Government, strong; state. In
active; railroad, strong.
The closing quotations on bonds are as
V. S. rf. S, res
dn coupon
do In, reg
da coupon
do new 4n, reg
dn coupon ....
dn old 4s, res.
dn roupon ....
do 5n, reg
do roupon ....
Alrhliion Ren. 4a
do Id. 4n
Bl. ft Ohio 4l..
..liii M, St N. anl.
... at
... 314
... T4
... MS
... 74i
. ..HU1
1. ..101
... M
... K"4
... 44
..ln, Mx. Central
..lnTia. do la Inc
. .107, Minn. A St. L 4a.
..137 ,M , K. It T. 4a...
do 3a
. ...I06i
.... !,
N. Y. Central
do (en. Iie
N. J. C. sen. la..
No. Pacific 4b
dn 3m
N A W. ron. 4a..
Reading gen. 4a...
do S4i
dn eonv. 4
rnai 80. 2a
Central of G. it..
do Is Ini
Chf. ft Ohio 44l.
do IS
C, B. A Q. n. 4a.
C, M St P (. 4a
'. A N. W. c. .
C, K. 1. A P. 4a.
K4 St L. A I M t. la.
.lHV'St. L. A S F. 4l
.107iiFt. L. 8. W. la..
. IwS'-al dn ta
. 2' S. A. A A. P. 4a
.lu44;8o. pacific 4a
Ho. Railway a...
.. a
. i
Ten. A Pacific la...l3
T-, 8L L. A W. 4a.. M4
t'nlon Pacific 4a m
4a.. 1024
do ronT. 4a 1124
r c c 4 t L 1.
t'hlcago Ter. 4s
Colorado So. 4.
Watwah la..
dn 2r
do deb. B
.. S74
.. 4H
.. S3
.. 14
Denver A H. O,
t. O. 4a.. 101 w,
Went Shore 4a-
Erie prior lien 4a... W. A V. K
dn general 4a IT Wla. Central 4a..
P. W. A I). C. 1a....l744Cona. Tobacco 4a.
Hocking Val. 4,a... 4
Bid. "Offered.
Boston Stock ((notations.
BOSTON, 8ept. 19. Call loans,
cent; time loans, 64i64 per cent.
60"7 per
closing on stocks and bonds:
Atchlaon 4s
(ia li...'
Mei. Central 4a.
N. B. U. A C...
do pfd
Ponton A Albany
Uoston A Me
101 lAdventurs
... "4 Allouea
... 33 Amalaamatod ..
...47 Illngham
... 44 Cal. ft Hecla ..
...103a lnlennlal
,...260 'Copper Ranga ,
...1S IPomlnlon Coal
ftorton Klevated
N. Y.. N. H. A
....167 Franklin
U...233 lala Horala ....
142 'Mohawk
110 old Dominion .
2H4 Osceola
Fltchbur pfd....
t'nlon Pacific ....
Mei. Central
American Sugar .
do pfd
Amer. T. A T....
Dominion I. A 8.
.130 ! Parrot
Santa Fa Copper
.. 14
74 4
Clen. Electric 16
Mass. Klectrlc
Trinity 114
do pfd
N. E. O. A C
t'nlted Fruit
U. 8. Bteel
do pfd
weatlng. common
.. M
... I
.. 414
United Btatea
Victoria ....
ll .
91V iWolverlne ...
112 IDaljr West...
London Stock Market.
LONDON, Sept. 194 p. m Closing:
Anaconda &4'Norfolk A Waatarn...
Atchlaon 7 do pfd
M 4
do pfd iM;oniano A waatarn.
Baltimore A Ohio. ...117
Canadian Pacific 14(4
Chesapeaka A Ohio.. 17
Chicago O. W 344
C, M. A St. P 1
DaBeera (drf.) 214
Denver A R. 0 114
do pfd 174
Erla 444
do 1st pfd 72
do 2d pfd M
Illinois Central 1764
Umlnvtlle A Nash. ...158 :
ti.. K. ft T '. 374
do pfd I)
N. Y. Central ll4
Rand Mlnea
do lit pfd.....
do 2d pfd....,
Southern Rjr....
do pfd
Ponthern Pacific
Union Pacific 1134
do pfd W
U. 8. Bteel 424
do pfd 134
Wabaah II
do pfd bu
Spanish 4s U
BAR SILVER Weak at 23d per ounce.
MONEY 2&24 per cent. The rate of dis
count In the open market for short and
three months' bills Is 1 15-16g3 per cent.
New York Mining; Quotations.
NEW YORK. Bept. 19. The following are
the cluaiua price- 011 mining stocks:
Adams Con....
Little Chief
.. 11
Breeca ,
Brunswick Con....
Comatock Tunnel
Con. Cal. A Va...
Horn Silver
Iron Sliver
Leadvllla Con
. 30
. 60
. 1
. 14
, 10
.. I
Sierra Nevada
Kmall Hopes .
Foreign Financial.
LONDON, Sept. 19. Bullion was with
drawn from the Bank of England today for
shipment amounting to 150,000 for the con
tinent, 50,000 tot- Egypt and 50,000 for
South Africa. Gold premiums are quoted
at Beunos Ay res at 12S.30; at Madrid, 35.37;
at Lisbon. 27: at Rome. .20.
BERLIN, Sept. IS. Exchange on London,
20m 464pfgs for checks. Business was quiet
on the bourse today and funds were gen
erally maintained. At tbe close prices were
generally easier, in sympathy with the
price of Austrian, attributed to the era
bezxlements from the Vienna Laeder bank.
VIENNA, Sept. 19. Notwithstanding the
renewed advance In New York exchange,
there waa an Indisposition In the market
today to allow discounts to decline, though
money was abundant and cheap. Business
on the Stock exchange was dull, owing to
the holiday tomorrow and the fact that
the settlement immediately follows. Con
sols hardened on the Improved money situ
ation. Americans hesitated, were Improved,
add closed firm. On the "street after the
close Americans were buoyant, Chicago,
Milwaukee & St. Paul being quoted at 202.
PARIS. Sept. 19. Business was more ac
tive on the bourse today. Internationals
and rentes receded. Spanish 4s were firm.
French rails. Thomson-Houston and Rus
sian industrials were weak. DeBeers and
kaftira were freely offered toward the close.
The private rate of discount was 2 1-16 per
cent. Three per cent rentes, lOof 25c for the
Condition of the Treasnry.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 19. Today's) state
ment of the treasury balances In the gen
eral fund, exclusive of the 150,000,ooo gold
reserve In the division of redemption,
shows: Available cash balances, 1218,774,
uo; gold, .130,811,098.
Wool Market.
8T. LOl'18. Sent. 19. -WOOL Quiet, but
firm; medium grades and combing, 13&l8c;
light tine. U'iHc; heavy fine, liKitl3c; tub
washed. 16(264c.
BOH l ON. Bept. ID. WOOL 1 ne com
mercial Bulletin tomorrow will say: The
demand for wool has been better and sales
larger. Leading mills have been on the
market for tine territory. No advance has
followed the Improvements abroad. Re
cetpts of wool in Boston since January 1,
r.toi', have been 360,22,700 lbs., against
8S6.566 lbs. for the same period In 191.
The Bbston shipments to date are 2ii9.771.0uS
lbs., ugainst shipments 01 i8o.46b.ouo lbs.
for the same period In 1901. The stock on
hand In Boston January 1, 1902. was 77.310,
463 lbs.; the total stock today la 146,886,962
lbs. The stock on hand September 21, lJl,
was 1H0.4W5M) lbs.
LONDON, Sept. 19.-WOOL The offerings
at the wool auction shKs today numbered
12.768 bales. Competition was spirited at
generally firm prices. Good grades showed
slightly harder tendency, crosj-breeds
were 111 good supply, scoured stock sold
well to France and Germany. Bllpes were
In steady demand. America bought a few
tine merinos and a quantity of fine, me
dium cross-breeds at 74jil0 per cent ad
vance over the July average. Ths total
withdrawals to date amount to 4.200 bales.
Following are the sales In detail: New
South Wales. 700 balea; scoured, 74dls 4d;
greasy, 9r104d. Queensland. 9J bales;
scoured. 7drils 9d; grfasy, 4-S114d. Vic
toria. 300 balea; scoured. 641 lOd; greasy,
44(ri'lld. South Australia, 600 bales; scoured,
fVn'"4i; greasy, 4d'uls 4d West Australia,
2u0 bales; greasy. tV'uSd. New Zealand. 8 500
balea; scoured, 441'(tls 9d: greasy, IVfalld.
Cape of Good Hope and Natal, 1,400 bales;
greasy, 6y4d.
Coffee Market.
NEW TORK. Bept. 19. COFFEE Spot
Rio, quiet; No. 7 Invoice. 6 7-16c. Mild.
Arm; Cordova, R4rll4c. Futures opened
steady, with prices unchanged to 6 points
lower, the decline being. a matter of sym
pathy with rabies. Europe and the bull
leaders were light buyers during the fore
noon and prominent local spot houses the
chief sellers. Afternoon business was flat
until near the close, when Importers offered
September and October freely at a points
under last night, but found few takers.
The market closed quiet, with prices net
unchanged to 10 points lower, sales amount
ing to 19.300 baas. Including September at
&..Vrg5 c; November. S.o; December. .S5c;
Man n, b D5ff6.6uv;; May. (0)b.ic; July, 1.86
Oil and Roaln.
OIL CITY, Bept. 19.-OIL Credit bal
ances. 11.22: certificates, no bid. Ship
ments. 112.694 bbls.; average. 2.9w bbls.;
runs. 9?0:'d bbls.: average. 8J.2f.4 bbls.
TOLEDO, Sept. 19 OIL North Lima.
89c: South Lima and Indiana. Mo.
LONDON. Bept. 19 Ol L Calcutta Un
seed, spot, 4; linseed oil. 28s 6d; tur
pentlne spirits, 34s 6d.
Sloaa City Live Stoek Market.
BIOl'X CITT. 8 D. Bept. 19 (Special
leiegram.) CATTLE Receipts too head;
market steady: beeves. lo.7Va7 50. cows,
bulls and mixed. U 5"i4 50; stockers and
feeders, t3.0utid.00; yearlings and calves
V 5"4 00.
HOGS Receipt. 1.000 head; market 10c
lower, 72va'7.t5, bulk, 17.261.30.
Etit Bf Cauls 114 Sts.dy, but All
OsmmoTj Csttls Lswsr.
Sheen Heeelpta Composed Largely ot
Feeders and Market Was Rather
Slow and n Little Weak r at
StaST Held Abont Steady.
SOUTH OMAHA. Sept. 19.
fiecelpts mere:
11, 4M
8, 1 40
Mog. Sheep.
Official Monday ....
Official Tuesday ...
Oiucial Wednesday
Otlicial Thursday ..
Official Friday ;.i.9
Five drtys this week.. ..43, 193 17.047 6333
Same days lust week....lX3;d lx.M!) 7ii.-'
Same week before 24.Hi.1 16.476 4;'41
bame three weeks ago. . .3(.311 21.4 64.91s
Same lour weeks ago. . .26.904 31. 016 &-i.0i
Same days last year 2.4!4 23,547 3S.646
The following table shows the receipts of
cattle, hogs and cheep at South Omaha fur
the year to dale aud comparisons wun last
year: liKH. Inc.
Cattle 613,511 617,327 &6.1S4
Hogs 1,724,109 1,700.473 lS.bJS
Blieep 92i,4UO MtMMu 10,2u
'i am following table shows tne average
price 01 nogs sld on tne South Oman
market the last aeveral days, with com
parisons with former years:
Date. I 1902. 11901. 190O.1699.lKi6. 11897. 11696.
Bept. I... I 1 3241 I I 041 4 201 I 61 3 99 I 77
bept. 3... I 7 42 12 e , 4 u a 4 0, 3 hi
Sept ... 7 4v on, 6 U2 1 3 but 4 07 K hi
Sept. 4... 1 7 jv 16, i ot 4 19 j 4 04 t 71
bept. 6.,.; V 404 6 26 6 u 4 U 3 62 2 7k
bept. 6... I 7 44 v S D4 6 O01 4 23 3 63 4 0s
Sept. 7...I 1 30, b 06 4 iJ 3 Mi 4 02 J 78
bept. ... 7 4S I I 6 lOi 4 301 3 60 4 0U 2 61
bept. 9... 7 14T S'l I 4 illi 3 b, 1 3 f4 M
Sept. 10.. I 7 44 6 46 E 161 681 3 93 2 M
Sept. ll.. 7 464 6 40 6 22, 4 28 3 M 2 6S
Sept. 12.. I 7 ."u4l 6 39 6 20 4 22 3 77 2 79
Sept. 13.. I 7 6641 46 6 IM 4 26 , 3 7 3 62
bept. 14.. I I 62 6 06; 4 3u 3 D3l 3 t9 2 66
Bept. 16.. I 7 67 I I b 0 4 X 3 i2t 3 . 2 7U
Sept 16..j7 5 C 67 4 34, 3 6 3 K4 2 i3
Sept. li.. 7 42 6 62 6 13 3 68 1 3 S6 2 bo
Sept. 18..7 43 I 6 761 6 13 4 S2 3 94 3 71
Kept. 19..1 7 3Hl 6 14 33 3 74 2 66
IndlcateL Sunday.
"No market.
The following list shows the number ot
cars of feeders shipped to, the country yes
terday and their destination:
Cattle Cars.
F. J. Pierce. Oxford, Neb. B. & M 1
M. J. Mormette. Loup City Neb. B. & M. 2
Meyers A. Foster, Benedict, Neb. B. & M. 1
A. O. Slmms, Glltner, Neb. B. & M 2
L, E. Wellman, Schuyler. Neb. B. & 4... 1
Fred Miller. Bennett, Neb. B. & M 1
J. B. Burgess. Kennard, Neb. F. E 1
Louis Smtthberg, Stanton, Neb. F. E.... 3
J. P. Mllligan, Wlsner, Neb.-F. E 1
John Roth, Snyder, Neb. F. E 2
F. LInder. Arlington. Neb. F. E 1
C. McLeod, Stanton, Neb. F. E 2
Otto Hanson Bennington, Neb. F. E 1
Joe Harden, 'Washington, Neb. F. E 3
R. A. Heaton. Wahoo. Neb. U. P 1
Illinois Cattle Co., Silver Creek, Neb.
U. P 6
Bay State Farm, Bay State. Neb. U. P.. 7
R. P. Peterson, Herman, Neb. M. & O... 1
Morrell Bros.. Oakland. Neb. M. & 0 1
S. A. Clatterback. Randolph, Neb. M. AO 2
J. R. Mllligan, Magnet Neb M. & 0 2
A. K Anderson A Co., Lyons, Neb.
M. A Q-. 2
E. P. Catlck Lyons, Neb. M. & 0 2
H. Van Essen. Oakland, Neb. M. & O... 1
John Kmp, Wausa. Neb. M. & 0 1
J. Wilt, Bancroft, Neb. M. & 0 1
Albert Poppe, Mynard, Neb. M. P 1
A. 3. Wilt, Mynaid, Neb. M. P 6
William Manquist, Coburg, la. Q 2
D. D. Marsh, Mllo, la. y 2
Great Western Dls., Peoria, III. Q 8
E. Polsley. Bradyvllle, la. Q 1
J. W. Glilman. Massena, la. Q 3
E. F. Maxey, Memphis. Mo. Q 1
William Green, Bcranton, la. N. W 2
Ed Weiss, West Side, la. N. W 1
F. D. Bemklng, Schleswig. Ia. N. W 2
W. B. McCall. Ogden. Ia N. W 1
C. O. Bwanson, Ogden, Ia. N. W 1
W. 8. A A. Damrott, Low Moor, Ia. N. W 2
J. Ehlers, Schleswig, Ia. N. W 2
King A Bon, Dunlap, Ia. I. C 2
J. W. Stepanek, Dow City. Ia. I. C 2
Karl Benedict, Dunlap, Ia. I. C 2
J. O. Donnell, Brogan, Ia I. C 1
N. D. 8unders, Moweaequa, III. I. C... 2
A. Thomas, Parkersburg, Ia. I. C
C. A. Reed, Dunlap, Ia. I. C
Elton Lawson, Council Bluffs Ia. R. I..
M. McKlnzle A Son, Council Bluffs, Ia.
R. I
Wilson Prall, Atlantic, la. R. I
A J. Stewart, Walnut, Ia. R. I
F. O. Peak, Sylvanla, O. R. I
D. Legler & Co., Muscatine. Ia. R. I....
Brenton Bros., Dallas Center, la. R. I..
J. H. Charlton, Rolfe, Ia. R. I
H. M. Edleman, Lost Nation, la. Mil....
John Handburg, Neola, la. Milwaukee..
J. A. Myers, Luther, la. Milwaukee. .. .
H. M Edleman, Lost Nation, la. R. I..
Charles Miller. Olln, Ia. Milwaukee
B. McCord, Kenwood, Ia. Milwaukee....
A. F. Watts, Watson, Mo. K. C
men ox t-o. , toin, ia. wuuHjru . a
Sheep UP.
R. E. Roberts. Kennard, Neb. F. E 1
J. L. Ellsworth. Council Bluffs, Ia. V. P. 2
R. W McFariin, iew Windsor, 111. y.. 1
W. A. Antrim, Charter Oak. Ia. Mll-
wauke 1
Alex Lawson, Dow City, la. I. C 1
The official number of cars nf stock
brought in today by each road was:
came. nogs, sneep.rt r s.
C... M. & St. P Ry.
Mo. Pac. Ry 4
V. P. system 35
C. & N. W. ry
F., E. & M. V. R. R.. 25
C. St. P., M. A O.... 1
B. & M. R. Ry 60
C. B. & Q. Ry
C. R. i. & P., east.. 1
C, R. I. A P.. west.. 11
Total receipts ....137
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated
Omaha Packing Co.
Cattle. Hogs, gheep.
Swift and Company....,
Cudahy Packing Co ,
Armour & Co
R. Becker & Degan
Carey A Benton
lxibman & Co
W. 1. Bteohen
Hill A Htintzinger
William rnderwood ...
Livingstone & S haller
Hamilton A Rothschild
M. L. Dennis A Co
H. F. Hobblck
. 616
. 316
. 2u9
. 2-t8
. 264
. 170
. 2:8
. 2-'n
. 120
. 178
. 27
. 151
. 565
. 768
Wolf & Murman
Other buyers
..5.589 3,577 7,206
CATTLE There was a liberal run of cat
tle here today for a Friday, bo that for
the week receipts have broken all prevlojs
records by a good margin. Owing to the
big supply all the week the buyers were
rather indifferent today and the great bulk
of the cattle sold a little lower than on
Thursday and also at the low point of the
There were a few head of cornfed steers
In the yards and they were disposed of In
good season at fully steady prices us com
pared with recent sales. Packers seemed
. . w . V. ,. ..V. ,)..... ,1 . r a I., m
10 want wiem, iinwui
from being of choice quality.
The cow market was slow and druggy
and practlcully all kinds sold fully a dime
lower than yesterday. For the week the
market Is fully 2i35e. lower, and In a
good many Instances sales have been made
bOc lower than the same kinds sold for
last week. There have evidently been
more cows on the market than were
needed for Immediate requirements and as
a result buyers took advantage of the op
portunity to pound the market.
The good to choice grades of stockers and
feeders were In fainy good demand und
sold at Just about steady prices. The de
mand from the country has been sufficient
ink the better grades of stock cattle
move oulta freely, bjt the common stuff la
. rfniB on the market and today the In
ferlor grades were almost unsulable. Every
speculator In the yards is loaded up with
common csttle. and as a result they will
not take any more unleas they can buy
them at a much lower figure than they
have been paying all the week.
There were not so very many weatern
beef cattle In the yards, out the tendency
of prices was undoubtedly downward. The
best grades were not very much lower
than yesterday'a weak close, but the leas
desirable grades were unevenly lower. The
row market was slow and filly a dime
lower than vesterday. Choice sto Uers and
feeders held about steady, but others weri
neglected and sold at the low point of xjt
leek. jtepreseniuiive aaies
I .
4 .
A. Pr. No.
At. Pr.
. 10 I 10
.111a I 74
I 4
I a 14
I so 1
t 14 44
I TI i
I 0
I so
4 M
. 144
...UN I II I
.111 I W
I an
..1ST 4 13
I -.
. 144
I an
3 n
IK I lo 6 P 4 10
1000 4 tm I ll") 4 ff
1 feeder..
7 heifers. ,
3 heifers.,
1 bull
8 feeders.
19 feeders.
14 leedcrs.
l.'i calves. .
6 heifers.,
94" 7:i
1 feeder... 1020 t.1 50
4 70
6 feeders. . 446 6 00
, 7 1
, P
, 9!.'
4 tm
2 40
3 30
3 W
4 10
3 25
2 50
3 30
2 26
3 25
2 86
3 4l
3 40
4 25
4 60
3 75
3 ''
3 10
2 Ml
2 60
2 25
2 66
2 X
2 80
1 60
2 76
4 25
3 15
3 15
4 30
3 30
3 30
3 75
4 00
4 tVi
4 30
3 15
3 60
3 6)
3 15
2 90
2 75
2 80
2 26
3 15
3 15
3 66
3 66
3 15
3 15
3 90
4 00
4 00
4 10
2 60
3 10
2 60
2 36
2 36
2 60
3 l
2 50
2 76
2 36
2 90
3 30
2 50
2 83
2 40
2 75
2 75
2 35
3 40
2 75
3 00
3 95
1 cow 12.(0
1 bull 1270
2 cows '.Hii
3 feeders.. 7!M
2 tows !
7 cows 864
1 cow 910
1 bull 7ti
2 75
2 75
1 Wl
3 55
2 85
2 80
2 60
3 15
3 30
4 00
2 75
3 40
5 00
4 50
3 60
3 .O
2 60
3 25
2 9"
2 85
3 75
2 75
2 76
3 10
3 10
2 90
2 80
2 3d
4 SO
4 30
3 30
3 75
4 00
4 00
3 15
3 90
3 90
3 mi
3 00
3 15
3 15
2 60
2 80
3 16
3 15
3 70
8 75
3 15
3 15
3 90
3 90
4 00
3 15
2 50
2 85
3 00
2 60
2 75
2 50
2 60
2 50
2 50
2 90
2 00
2 36
2 75
1 76
2 35
2 60
2 00
2 00
3 00
3 00
2 60
3 00
3 45
9 cows.
1 cow 1'
1 bull lei. t
1 fetder... IU0
1 feeder... 1130
3 feeders.. !76
1 feeder. ..12o(
1 heifer... 5"
9 calves. . . L67
2 feeders, .loon
2 feeders. , .Wi
3 feeders.. 716
1 cow loin
21 feeders.. 1164
2 feeders.. loia
1 calf 150
1 feeder.., 960
6 feeders.. 6!Hi
1 steer 870
1 bull 1670
1 bull 1M0
4 feeders.. 660
14 feelers.
2 feeders.
4 cows..,.
6 cows....
1 cow
2 cows....
.. .6
.. 820
.. 760
.. e'M)
.. 8-3
.. 80
,. 2u3
.. 910
.. 8X0
.. H87
6 feeders..
1 heifer...
1 heifer...
13 cows...
l." cows...
1 cow....
1 bull....
6 calves.
1 bull....
1 cow
60 feeders
45 feeders
1 feeder.
1 feeder.
1 feeder.
17 heifers..
1 heifer..
1 heifer..
6 cows...,
14 cows
1 feeder... 1020
1 feeder... 860
13 feeders.. ltH'6
1 feeder. ..1160
1 feeder. ..1010
1 feeder... 790
6 feeders.. 1026
21 feeders.. 1142
1 feeder. . .li
1 feeder. . .lino
2 feeders. .Hjo
67 feeders. . 9;"o
9 feeders.
1 feeder. .
13 feeders.
. 870
. 990'
1 feeder. ..ln.'
6 cows 1144
1 cow..,
1 cow...
2 cows.,
.. 840
.. 915
.. 927
1 cow..
1 COW 10d
27 cows...
1 cow
1 cow
33 feeders.
2 cows.
1 cow
4 feeders.
21 feeders.
10 feeders.
1 feeder..,
1 feeder. .,
17 feeders.
13 feeders.
9i T
. 681
. 727
. 900
. 890
. 9
. 656
. 9"1
. 920
. 970
. 9T.2
. 9M
. 980
. 670
. 786
44 feeders.. 7ol
1 feeder... 1070
7 feeders.. 1"H7
63 feeders.. 1003
1 feeder... LVIO
1 feeder... 9H0
1 feeder.
1 feeder.
1 hull....
1 heifer.
1 cow....
4 cows . . .
1 cow....
1 cow
1 feeder.
1 feeder.
6 feeders
4 bulls...
9 .-iteers. .
1 feeder. ..1130
6 cows.
1 cow
16 cowsr". .
4 cows...
, 900
, ..
15 cows.
1 cow 11
3 cows.
1 cow....
1 co w
4 cows. . .
29 cows...
1 cow
66 cows...
IS cows...
3 cows...
4 cows...
2 cows...
2 cows...
2 cows...
1 cow....
1 cow....
1 bull....
134 cows...
.. 900
.. 790
.. 983
.. 830
.. 970
.. 809
.. 860
.. 945
.. 830
.. 875
.. 940
.. 871
39 feeders. .KW3
1 feeder... 1400
2 feeders.. 1190
1 heifer... 8:
3 heifers.. 1270
1 cow Hot)
3 cows 1066
1 cow 13M)
1 cow 680
1 cow 860
113 steers.. 1117
6 cows 8:16
6 feeders.. 1166
2 25
3 feeders
4 00 1 feeder..
990 4 10
76 feeders.. 908
3 bulls 1373
1 bull 1370
1 bull 1310
21 feeders.. 957
13 feeders.. 1060
1 feeder... looo
44 cows 1062
20 cows 1032
3 60
2 60
6 feeders.. 906
S 00
2 25
2 75
3 66
3 40
3 65
1 bull 1190
2 60
2 75
8 40
3 75
8 65
3 25
1 bull 1340
143 feeders.
1 feeder. .
10 feeders.
63 feeders.. 820 3 35
3 25
R. G. Campbell Colo.
9 cowa...
6 cows...
4 cows...
1 cow
36 feeders,
916 2 15 1 cow 900
1 SO
2 66
2 15
3 46
. 916
. 770
2 55 lcow 1010
2 15 1 cow 1010
1 60 1 cow 930
N. Dubbs Neb.
. S61
4 10 8 feeders
826 3 15
.. 640 2 60
1261 S 85
J. Baxter Neb.
804 4 00 i heifer.
10 feeders.
2 COWS 905 2 25
D. Jones Wyo.
31 feeders.. 842 3 50 7 feeders
4 feeders.. 1167 3 40
Whltehouse A P. Wyo.
17 feeders.. 840 4 20 13 cows 953
Beckwlth, Qulnn & Co. Wyo.
33 feeders.. 517 4 30 11 cows 1040
C. Bodergree Wyo.
33 feeders.. 680 4 25 22 cows 883
3 feeders.. 680 3 75 2 cows 976
Green Cattle Co. Wyo.
14 steers.. ..1364 4 10 4 feeders.. 1136
S 10
2 90
2 90
2 60
S 65
s 00
J. J. Corbett Wyo.
7 feeders.. 836 8 70 7 cows 1094
6 feeders.. 1036 4 00
liruest A Co. Wyo.
45 feeders.. 818 4 15 15 cows 985 3 30
42 feeders.. 864 3 85 19 cows 919 2 76
la feeders.. 1090 4 10
J. Humes Wyo.
46 feeders.. 990 4 15 4 feeders. .1037 S 60
J. L. Baker Idaho.
5 cows 1166 3 00 4 bulls 1427 2 35
6 cows 878 2 50 '
Henry Fartheng Wyo.
14 feeders.. 1013 3 75 4 steers. ... 977 4 00
Da via A Nelson Colo.
22 feeders.. 668 4 00
George Chessman Colo.
10 cowa 738 2 10 4 feeders.. 418 8 40
i0 cows 794 2 85
E. Bolce Wyo.
112 feeders. 1045 4 35 3 feeders.. 1040 S 60
John Adamson Neb.
2 feeders.. 850 3 35 2 feeders.. 1160 8 75
1 feeder... 730 3 35 1 feeder... 1240 3 25
1 feeder... 8.t0 8 50 8 feeders.. 733 3 35
George Helney Neb.
9 cows 942 2 45 35 cows 1018 2 75
HOGS There waa a llfht run of hogs
here this morning, but as other points
were quoted lower buyers hers Jtarted In
to pound prices. On the start they bought
the better grades and left the common
heavy lings until the last. The better
grades were not much over 6c lower and
sold largely around S7.40, though as high
as S7.56 was paid. The heavy packing
grades were slow sale and rould be quoted
liiyioc lower than yesterday. They sold
largely around 87.30. or from 17.25 to S7.35.
There was not much change In the market
from start to finish, and while receipts
were light the fact that several trains were
late In getting in prolonged the market
well up until noon. Representative sales:
4.1... .
A. B. Pr.
3:0 HO 7 JO
64. ,
A. Sh. Pr.
361 10 7 40
. .28
. 2.V,
320 T 36
T 40
1 40
7 40
T 40
I 80
7 3214
7 35
7 .15
7 35
1 36
T 15
T 36
1 35
T 15
7 35
7 16
7 35
1 li
1 36
I 371,
1 I7'a
T J;i4
7 41
T 40
T 40
4 . . . .
T 40
7 40
T 40
7 40
7 40
7 421
7 42
7 41
7 45
T 46
7 41
1 41
T 44
T 10
7 10
7 la
8HBKP There waa a liberal sunnlv of
Gheep and lambs In the yards this morn
ing, put nearly everytning was feeders,
There were 36 cars reported and all but
about three of them were feeders. There
were 19 cars of feeder lambs, 6 cars of
feeder ewes and 8 cars of feeder sheen
and yearlings. The 8 cars of fat stuff were
a mixea 101, composed or ewes, wethers
ana lamDS.
A fair trat of the market for fat stuff
was not made, bat the aeneral nnlnlnn m.
that anything dealrable would have brought
a cu u 1 steady prices wun yeHierday. Buy
ers all seemed to be looking for desirable
onerings. out mere waa nothing on sale
to attract tneir auenilon.
The feeder market was rather quiet.
Buy Dccombor
Year enters la future aaa cwwaiiaaa.aU
CEO. C-3.
231-235 RlaltO
I ww a aaa? 1
With caea, WhMi a a easlaa svw 5eptaawar, aael Sap t .as bar a arasalaai aver Dwcaww.
Swr, aware InsitaS awUa are awytaf carrying chare; ea. tlpwrU troaa thl remitrr are
av.r.(l.( S.D00.004 Ih.. WMkly tall, tw Ur,i IT rra.wX, ?l
Wheat ev.rTwb.r ar al a aaialaaaaa. aaS awl lacraasln, Tarwahlaa rolwraa wl wprlaa?
Waa.1 a 1( Slaappwlataaaat. a ad raoa.pi. at pelaasry aaarVata .bw.t ball as larai aTea.
year at. Crwp Ibla yawr andar SOO SOI 001 Wi last rear 1S0.OSS wSO ww. lit?, mLmtZ
atlas wayaata a prlca kr D.Mr 8Jo. I aw' lee. It will sell tbirw lwr
r"tuTtaraW' -"" Hf -reflta. Vrtt, UimTf
My Sally aaa) weekly aa.rH tattwra ara pwMlaba. la full lm taa Okkaa aWaaasa. .j
two kklcaa tivaawav Jowrawi. Will saatf wliBwe wwpav. wWaVcwarT
ta aay
f'-trtly because of the cloe of the meo
idna at hand, bjt more epe"lnlly becn :-e
biucr were scnr'V. Feeder lambs le 11,1
tli ulnr were dull and a titt'.e lower. Ch.. . (.
sheep tllil not show much of any chnni"
but other were rather wrk
(notations: Good to choice yrsvllni:--$3
IV "11 3. 16; lair to good, f .1 404.1 ; Kim', t,,
choice wethers,; fnlr to too',
ethrrj. t3iii3 2J; choice ewes. I.1 ofj:' p.
j fair to good wes, S2.ia.ifl2.P9; good to ihotcj
i liimh', ! r4ii I 76: fair to good Iambi' 11 . ,j
4.50: feeder wether. S3.Onti3.IO; tccilcr .
I llngv t.1 .4"-4l-4 6; feeder lambs, s.: rn"."i4 . ;
ictili Innihs. S2.OO03 00; feeder cwen. $1 ;. f
I t .50; slock ewes. Si50flS 25. Representative
I sales:
14 buck lambs 1 2 ,v
15 Wvomlng buck iHmhs It no
138 cull lambs 41 3
2"3 cull lambs 48 J
136 western feeder wethers ......101 ;i 20
3 cull ewes lou i'
1 buck 1Di 2 ,V
. feeder ewes 98 2 5"
4SI western ewes 96 2 .v.
1!M I'tah ewes 97 2 u
&11I western wethers 9i 3 ?e
21 western ewes lo4 Jm
4.'1 western yearlings 91 J vi
.353 cull ewes S! 2 ,".
473 cull ewes 90 J
2!fl feeder wethers 89 3 5"
1.38 feeder wethers 81 3 If
441 yearlings and wethers.. 92 3 '.'
Steady Moat
Lower Sheep
CHICAGO, Sept. 78 CATTLTC Receipts
4,000 head, Including 3n Texans and 1 2v
westerns; market steady; good to prime
steers, S7.6oi8.65; poor to medium. II 'Hii
7.00; stockers and feeders, 82.600i'5.40; cow
S1.6iVn4.;5; heifers, S2.2S4r5.75; ranners, I, ;.o
W2.S0; bulls. S2.26AiV).iiO; calves, I3.O04S ;.;.;
Texas-fed steers. S3. 00414. 50; western steri.
S3. 75i 5 75.
HOGS Receipts, 18.000 head; estimated to
morrow, 9.0OO; left over.. 7.500; market 6 UK
lower; mixed and butchers. S7.20vf7.SO; good
to choice hgavy, 87 60W7.86; rough heavv,
87.15r7.4; light, 87.30j?.56; bulk of snlen.
SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts, 5.000
had; sheep and lambs steady; gwvl to
choice wethers, SS.WtfH.OO; fair to chlc
mixed, S2.5oar3.67i; western sheep. S-.6fu3..V;
tiHtlve lambs, S3. HK&5.50; western lam!....,
1.1 . ihrfin .
Official yesterday:
Receipts'. Shipments.
8.452 4.7.,2
lf.033 4.118
15.937 7,1
Kansas City Lire Slock Market.
celpts. 6.000 natives, 825 Texans, S33 cnlves,
mostly natives; western cows steady, quar
antine slow and lower, stockers and feed
ers weak; no good corn cattle here; choice
export and dressed beef steers, 87.I0ift8.0ii;
fair to good. 84.26rt.05: stockers and feed
ers, SZ.aUW5.00; western-fed steers, S3.50f!j)
4.75; Texas and Indian steers, I3.40ijp4.0ti;
Texas cows, t2.25A3.n: native cows, S1.50
4.25; native heifers, S2.50ej4.26; canners, 31.00
452.OO; bulla, Sl.50iiM.00; calves, S2.tH-tfi.50.
HOGS Receipts. 4,450 head; market stesdy
to IOc lower, closing firm; ton 87.50; bulk
of sales, 87.361? 7. 45; heavy, S7..f7.50; mixed
packers, 37. 360'7. 46; light, S7.2Va7.42; york
crs, 87.40&7.42H; pigs, S5.MKir7.35.
SHEEP AND LaMBS Receipts. 6,800
head; market steady to weak; native
lambs, I3.204p4.10: western lambs, 83.00
4.00; native wethers, 82.96135.00; western
wethers. 32.60j3.90; fed ewes, S2.ft&3.8S;
Texas clipped yearlings, 82.763.70; Texas
clipped sheep, 32.754(3.00; stockers and feed
ers, S2.00j2.9o.
St. Lunls Live Stock Market.
ST. LOms, Sept. 19. -CATTLE Receipts,
2.000 head. Including 1,600 Texans; market
steady; native shipping and export aleers,
S5.0ij7.6O; dressed beef and butcher steers.
34.357.26; steers under 1,000 lbs., 13.75jf 6 55;
stockers and feeders. 83.35(4.0X1; cows and
heifers, S2.25St6.60; canners. l .75472.76; bulls,
S2.8org3.60: calves, S4.0OCrt7.25; Texas and In
dian steers, S2.704j4.8O; cows and heifers, '
Hf HIS Receipts, 2,600 head: market slow,
10ral5c lower; pigs and lights, I7.2flii7.50:
pacKrrs, K.40HJ (.60; butchers, 87.604f7.9O.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.50
head; market steady; native muttons, 83.40
f4.0; lambs, S4.25$6.26; culls and burks.
82 2504.00; atockers. 81603.26; Texans, 83.00
New Vark Lire Stock Market.
ceipts, 3,366 head; steers a shade higher;
bulls and cows steady; common to fnlr
steers, 84.1066.76; oxen, 84.10; bulls, S2.6ota
3.30; cows. 11.6603. 76. Cables firm: live
cattle, 13416Hc per lb., dressed weight,
and refrigerator beef, 18(ftl3Hc per lb. Ship
ments, 647 cattle and 2,900 quarter of beef.
CALVES Receipts, 388 head; steady to
strong; veals, S5.008.50; little calves, 84.60;
grassers, t3.6OJc4.0O; westerns, 84.10.
HOGS Receipts, 1,076 head; market weak;
State hogs, 87.60.
8HEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 8,918
head; sheep 6&10c higher; lambs steady to
15c higher; sheep, S2.00?r3.76; lambs, 84.60
5.90, with one car ot choice at 86.
St. Joseph Live Stock Markets
ceipts. 2.034 herd: steady: natives. 84.263
8. 2d; cowa and heifers, $2.0iVrf'6.86; veals,
S3. 00igf6.00; bulls and stags, S2.5Oji4J.00; stock
ers and feeders, 12.7618.00.
HOGS Receipts. 2.314 head: steady to 6a
lower; light and light mixed, S7.S0g7.40;
medium and heavy, 87.3607.65: pigs. S3.7&&
6. 85; bulk. 37.364j7.60.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 4.632
head; active and steady to strong; top
Idaho lambs, 85.
Stock la Sight.
The following were the receipts of live
stock at the six principal cities yesterday:
Cattle. Hoars. Sheen. ...xi,ih
Kansas City
St. Loula ....
St. Joseph ...
Sioux City ..
....27,360 24,936 46.291
Ob WeanesoaT ant Thursday. September t4 aa IS.
at 10 a. m.. we will sell at public auction lor a
count fir. at our atdl tloaal 1...
rooms, 111 sad 111 Lake St., Chicago. thelai of
Wholeswl Shoes, Pit u burg,
Conalgtltig ot
Worth of
10,000 Cstet Men's. Women's and Children's
IS 00 Cases Hood and Old Colony Robbers.
1.000 Cat es Felt Boots, Etc.
Full and eompl.u lines. M per oant la praotlcaJlr
Drfrt condition and In orlslnal eaaaa. Blocfca os
ihlbltloa two dare baron, aala.
Wsatern Salvage Wrecking Agency
Wheat for 00c.
at (waa grata awHcrtoal.
Building. Chicago. 7
latawaatwt la tba saarket.