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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1902)
THE -OMAHA' DAILY VFAZi THURSDAY, SEPTEMltEIt 18, 1002. 0 SPECIAL NOTICES mill ta takea aatll 12 aa. far tha veala aaltloa til 8 SO a. aa. far saarajaaj aaa lultr edltloa. at a, I l-2 ward arst lasertlaa, la a wafl Iksrearter. Katalas takaa far Icaa 1aaa crv far taa a rat laser tlaa. Tkese advertlaesseate aaaat aa raa soaaecatlvely. Advertisers, kr reawastlasi a rr4 raaaat, eaa aava aaawers a Slreeeael a m aakrt letter la car at Taa Rao. am a addresses) will aa delivered aw areeata4m la aaa at air. FOR SALK CIGARS. $0.00 IN GOLD. tt pays to buy your cigars of us. You may wakjft-UD some day and And yourself tha possessor of fifty Dollars tn Gold that give away to our customers each moth. Butler & Miller. N. W( COR. 16TII AND FARNAM ST8. . ' . 1 "WANTED MALE HELP. BRIGHT BOYS. Ten bright boys to work after school hours or evening-"- Apply between 4-amf p. fa, room A. New or Uie utag. c - - a jijio is WANTED Canvasser. , Man familiar, with book and newspaper work preierrea. Must b hustler, Apply iioom lo7, Bee Bldg , .,.- .... : . - ' ,- a- "l HALF. A BAY'S WORK. If you live In the country or tn a small tew n and have a, good acqiiaintanca among, the farmers, aiid stock raisers in the iieighijorhcoU you can make 15 easily by lour or live hwurs woik. Vvrite us and we Will senu you our proposition. The Ue Publishing- Co., Solicitors Dept., Utnaha.. Neb.. , . . B M1J WANTED A good man In every courtly to take . subHctJittloruj for The Twentieth Century Farmer. Our agents mane g.-od wagea everywhere. Reierences required. Aduresa,.. Twentieth Century Farmer, Vina ha. Kebv, . , B U SOLICITORS WANTED. THE GUARANTEE FUND LIFE ASSOCIATION. Wanta-H local agenta in every town In Nebrask The proposition poHSesaes spe cial merit and is easily written, balary or coninip)fllon to the right man. Address, J.' C UulUBgton, autre tary, Alliance, Neb. v' B Mi3b WANTED, two. cpok,for Wyoming west era raUway. Labor agency, HO H. 11th. . . i. B M7B7 WANTED, fv well dreaeed, well educated solicitors to tloxspeaittl work In connection with dally newspaper! liberal salary and commission; bring references. Call for F. C. Kussell,, room. 107, Bee bulldiug. after a tiocic a. m, , .. , Ltvju WANTED,, salesmen In cloak department; none wltnoul experience need apply. J Ik Brandela aatjona,-- B-S64 20 WANTED, string music team for saloon . work Aaaresa j-rea Littleton, bnerinan Wye. - v .. - v B-;i THE annual postofflce exumlnatUin will bo held in Omaha November 19 for clerks and carriers; ooU a. common chool education required; politics or religion not consid ered; yte prepara by mull- for the k aminationa a. large percent of those ap pointed each year; Information about all government positions' free. Columbian correaponuence luuege, Washington, i. O, . . ,i".. B aw is HU8TLER., One who can talk and not afraid til work; must have A-l refer ences; good pay for right man. Apply between 4 and p, m., room A, New York t t uJX TJ It'll,: la WANTED. exDertenCed lftundrvman: alnale. vTood habits; write for particulars, giving reference. Address state. Industrial School, Kearney, Jcb; ' B 2t IS HUSTLING deputies wanted; men or women: splendid contract. The Garden era, 4U Hue' Bldg- ' - ' B 275 WAITED. Mrit-olass iirltannica and War ner library salesmen for low a, Kansas, Nobrasg. Montanav, Nortb and South Dakota AVe pay traveling expenses and monthly advance- You call on Inquiries onlv. . Pirmnmnl Anil .lniil v trrlforv ayatera. v Address American Newspaper I Omaha,- B 293 01$ WANTED, an experienced carpetlaycr. Ap- ply Peiplj Blore. . . W 214 17 WANTED, a. Rrst-clftss coatmaker at once. Jacob Thomas, 703 1st St., Hastings, Neb. ISHI 19 WANTED mer who are weak or diseased to w.-tte for free booklet edited bv the leading nnd most successful specialist Jn the' United States. Address J. Newton Hathaway, M. D, 62 Commercial block. Bioux uy, i a. u ass ii" ARE YOU dissatisfied with your work? Our free" booklet. -"Are Your Hands Tied?" tolls hoW we have qualified thou sands In .Spare time for salaried positions In more congenial and profitable lines of work. Write International Correspond ence Schools, box 166H, Scranton. Pa., or can oay or evening, umana omce, Ji Paxton block. .. . B 2m 7 17 WANTED, everywhere, hustlers to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.; no canvassing; gooa pay. Bun Advertis lng Bureau,, Chicago. B 284 17 ' 1 J " 1 ' - V. . !. WANTED An . experienced salesman In men nu department; pone but such as I have hud one . year's experience need appiy.i J.' L. Brandela ft Sons. : . ' ... ,:. .- B-M296 19 WANTED Boiler makers. 12.75 per day, nine hours' work. Dea Moines Mfg. & Supply Co., pea Moines, . Iowa. ...... !... B-MI9T 23 i --, : ' -.I , . . . i , . WANTED, a . competent girl,, neat and stroag, Dice lioino and gcxnl wages. Mrs. Batae. SOU Woolworth Ave. B-S02 19 DISTRIBUTORS- Two men to deliver packaea; must give small bond or Ilrst- ciaas city references, can after 4 p. m. room A, New York Life" Bldg. .i . . - . . B-M317 19 WANTED, men to learn he barber trade Abundance of practli-e, qualitled teachers, superior facilities, graduating dcpartmeit. flnoionKtratlons, - and aH the advantages that can be offered until competent, with out waste of time. We present each graduate with complete outfit of tools allow Wages and experience In shops Sat unlays, and grant diplomas As much experience In short time as elsewhere In years. Illustrated catalogue nulled free MoW-r 'Barber College. ljc2 Douglas Bt. P. 8. Do not be numbugged by cheap five-Cent shops called colleges. We were ealablliuM'd In JJ-sti anil have branches In New 'ork Chicago, fct,. Louis. Sun Fran- rlsco,,- Now . Orleans . and Minn apo'H. Writ us. ., . - n MU2 23 WANTED, a bookkeeper snd office man aciualnlert wltrt the coal business. Ad dress K 37, Bee. B M310 21 WANTED, by banking house, middle-aged man witn large acquaintance. 21a u, leUl St. B-M309 20 TAIIiORS wanted, t coat makers, 1 pants nitUter, 1 bushelman, at once: rlrst-cluss only. J. II. Spotta, Hastings, Neb U-AUUJ. 13 WANTED Young man stenographer; give reierences. an. and expected saury. Ad dress K 35. Bee. B M333 WANTED Oood butcher; John Will. Herman, Neb. Steady work. B M326 24 WANTFD for U. S Army: Able-bodied un married men between acea of 21 and 15. clttzena of United States, of good char acter and tsipoerate habits, who can apeak, read and write English. For Infor mation apply to Recruiting officers, 16th snd DodfA gt.. Gmspa. and , post office .butldXOg. Llnco:n, NeW-aka. B 1 I"! , .Ml - ... r , TAHjQTia wanted. Six coatmakers at once; flrst-tla work ojily. Wr'.te or call on T.'lL Uoyer, Sioux C4ty. Iowa. . .- H M.V J4 AI.ESMES W ANTED. 1 SALESMAN,, earluslve territory ; salary or commnuttikD! awttalactlon guaranteed. Ap tly for terms to "B.". Ve.lrn Nursery Co.. Lawrence. Kan. - 11 01. .WAlllalPfr'KIaALB HELP. WANTED, a good gtrl for general house work; email family, gooa wsges. 1,9 a. 8tBvSYe. . . . . C-MfcO . " - ' - y I f 1 : - Lst uirls. Cali Canadian office, 15lb i Dodg. WAHTED-FEMAI.K HELP. WANTKD. two young ladv students to learn halrri resting, manicuring and chi ropody ami scientific munn. Call or write Room 22t, Be Bldg. C las WANTKD. good wanes to good rook; none other need apply. 2324 Harney. C-M7G5 NURSES' COLLEGE. Pueblo, Colo.; three months' course; diplomas; open Ooto'icr 1; write. C-M782 81'J WANTKD, girl 2913 Mason St. for general WANTED, girl for general housework IV4 West Boulevard. C 92 20 WANTED, a refined young girl for seoowd ' work; a good situation. all cetween 1 and - or 7 and 8 p. m. at 2626 Dodge at. C M921 IS WANTED, experienced salesladies In cloak department; only those of experience need apply. J. I. Brahdels A Sons. C 956 20 WANTED, a woman of middle age who Is willing to leave city for general house work In family of five, give references nnd state wages wanted. Address I box 13, Castana. la. C M'Jli IS WANTED, working housekeeper In family of three adults. Address J 14, Bee. C4S1 WANTED, lady cook. 'Eureka Restaurant, 1604. Cass 8. C-70O WANTED, girl for 1060 Georgia Ave. general hoHSework. C 958 17 WANTED, competent girl for general housework: small family. 4024 Lafayette Ave. Telephone F-2S22. C 301 18 WANTED, girl family of two. for general housework; (16 N. 23d 8t. C-270 IS WANTED, cook and sweond gtrl for family In the city. Apply to Mrs. S. C. Mills. Madison hotel, ilst and Chicago sts., Omaha. ; C-277 22 LADY to travel In Nebraska; $50 monthly and all expense! to start; permanent position If satisfactory; solf-addressed en velope for reply. Aauresa iresiaenj, .ua 62 Dearborn. Chicago. C 291 17 WANTED, a cook; good wages paid. Mrs. T. J. Rogers. 1120 Park ave. C Zi'i HOU8EKEEPER for small family of man and two children, half-grown; must re capable, good cook and neat. J. L. Thomas, Egbert, Wyo. C 282 20 GIRL for general housework. 106 N. 2.'th street. C-M329 19 WANTED, experienced first-class girl In mail family; good wages. 2u3T Dodge St. C1313 FOR REST HOUSES. HOUSES, stores. Bemls, Fasten block TO MOVE rlgnt get Omaha Van Storuge Co.; ottlce lbllVi Farnam, or Tels. 16i9-8td. 8-ROOM modern, good repair, on B. I2d ave nue. Phone 6i. "-hi UOIlCCQ'ln all parts of city. The O, tllJUoCO p. Davis Co., M Bee Bldg. D-m SEE PAYNE, BOSTWICK ft CO. for choice houses. ol-2 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. wis. D las J-HOOM modern detached house. Inquire 2548 Capitol ave. D M540 VANS and baggage wagons. TeU 1196. D-1W FOR RENT, a house, 3314. Francis street, 120.00. omaba Realty Co., rail uougias ou u ai MAGGARD Van & Storage Co. Tel. 1494. D 194 HOUSES and flats. Ring-wait, Barker block, Tt a nn ATM. Whv nav rent when you may win a 13.500 house and lot tor a quarter! Two chances to win valuable prises witn each 25-cent Auditorium Stock Ticket. Office, ground floor New York Life Bldg (-ROOM modern, good repair, on So. S2d avenue. Phone 623. u in CENTRAL, steam heat, l-room cottage, Tlzard, 220 N. - u wsao FOR RENT Nlne-roora cottage; parquetry, bath, eto., east irouL iijo ueorgia Ave.. MODERN houses, $26.00, 'J).00, J1B.00; othera klngton. 605 Bee. D M879 6 ROOMS for rent. 2S19 "No. IRth St. .D-M929 18 OCT 1 -room house, 1901 Spencer, modern, tui- u-ronm nousn. Ituu v. ass. moaern ex cept furnace, 3i. W, N. Naaon, Hotel Farnam. jj ma-n FOR RENT. 10-room' modern house and hum 2116 SDencer St.. -room modern bouse and barn, 1909 Btnney St.. . 10-room modern house, and barn, 2210 Pop nleton Ave.. 7-r0om house. ay water, 922 N. l$th St., J 15, BKbi,.VAM-UOyiS CO,,. 209 So. 13lh St. D 963 20 POSTERS. Handsome Indian Girl poster given to every laay calling Deiore bep tember 25th at Auditorium Stock Contes Office, ground Door New York Life Bldg, OCT 1, 9-room modern house, 1041 Park Ave. inquire 1039 far Ave. - . . . ,. D-M101 16 FOR RENT, Georgia ave. home, 8 rooms, nice gas grata in parior, rurnace, porco lain pain, tun tot, paveu street, jo. J. II. SHERWOOD,. 937 N. . Life. D 204 FOR RENT J01S Sherman Ave., C r. modern flat'.....$'8.O0 is 15 Dewey Ave... 4 r. all modern, walk ing distance oo 112 8. 28th Ave., 6 r., city water 10.00 2mis Hrlmol Bt.. g r...cltv water and gas 1-00 s,7 Jackson Bt.. 7 r.. all modem, nice place SO 00 7ta Hurt St.. r.. all modern, furnace. new noose . o Cl PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Tel. 1781. Main Floor N. Y. L. Buldg. 702 s. 17TH, 9 rooms, newly papered and modern, new plumbing $35.n0 624 8. 201 h. 8 rooma, modern.... 4.u0 St. Mary ave., $ rooms, modern.. 30.00 424 Davenport, 8 rooms, modern 18.00 1214 s. iitn, 0 190ms, city water., m.w 2. 17 Spencer, a rooms, city water ,.. 15.00 216 s 17th, S rooms ,. lu."0 Suit Plnkney, 6 rooms, city water....... 19.00 Com'l Nat Bank Bldg.. 16v4 Farnam St. D 278 20 FOR RENT, 4-room cottage, 2608 Blondo St.. 19. I 5-ruora cottage. 18th and Burt St., $11. I Inquire, at 60? N. lth SL D 280 21 S&07 FOWLER, 6-room cottage. D 299 18 J-ROOM modern house, r i barp. 'Phone A-2568. HOUSE wVWD LOT. It Is worth $3,500, hut sjom purcnaser 01 an Auuitonum Stock Contest Ticket will win It for .twenty. five cents. Fur particulars, call at Auditorium Stock Contest Office, New York Life JJIdg. D-M323 19 irOR R EN TOc toner 1. 7-roora house, fur nished, 1626 Bpencer. For particulars call at 4758 N, 24tn St. 1 323 2i FOR RE.ST KIRSISIIED ROOMS. DEWET European hotel. Utn and Farnam, e, ia $1 PER WEEK 421 S. Uth BL, one block soutn 01 court uouw. i-iw AETNA HOUdE. European, 134b and Doxig. . ti-wl TWO nice, ctol, furnished or unfurntehed rooms. uaveuporu . tr til COOL, neat rooms; new flat. t North 17th. E 7j9 I7 ROYAL HOTEL. Europaan, rh ft Chtcako. NICELY furnished, cool rooms; modern. Soil Harney. - trV6i A SUITE of rooms, newly furnished and nauered: onodern. liiuiudina teleunone suitable for couple, or two or more men. Hit ueugiaa. - c ntiu NICELY furnished rooms, single or en- suits: rate roasonauie. aziautna ttotei. lvtb a,nd, Chicago. . . : k t- E o3S VIENNA HOTEL, K'U-li Faxnam si ii-M 07. FOR REST FtRSISHED ROOMS. LAHOE aouth alcove room, modern. Harney. E J 72 22 2. 9 6r, OR 4 room for light housekeeping. 8. 21st Ave. . E-267 22 FR'iNT roorr, modern. $2 per week. 1717 Webster. E 3"0 Ol FINELY furnished rooms, also rooms for light housekeeping. 1709 Dodge st E M-UT 24 FI RM II ED ROOMS ASD BOARD. Merrlam. comfortable aummer borne. Tel. & F-201 FURNISHED rooms, with or without board; rates reasonable. Midland Hotel, 161 h and Chicago. F 536 CAPITOL hotel, 1Mb and Capitol ave., one Mock from P. O.; superior labia, elegant location; $1.25 per day; special rates by the week. F 531 830 FOR RENT, desirable rooms. Ft. 212 So. 26th V M3 FOR HEXT-1 NFIRSISHED ROOMS. DESK room space, S5 per month; ground floor room In the Bee building, facing Farnam street; no expense for light, heat or Janitor, service. H. C. Peters A Co., rental agents. Bee building. O 116 FOR RE XTSTORES AMD OFFICES, FOR RENT The building formerly occu pied by The Bee at 9li .Farnam St. ,-It has four stories arid a basement which was formerly used aa The Bee press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at once to C. C Rose v ater, secretary, room 100, Bee building. 1-261 CORNER 2th and Dodge, cheap, to Welshans' Mantel & Tile Co. Apply 1-799 FOR RENT Store In first-class location; rent reasonable. Apply R. C Peters & Co., ground floor. Bee Bldg. 1266 FOR RENT, first-class storage for house hold goods or mercnandise. Apply to ti. J. Windsor. 151s Dodge St.. or to H. E Easton, tha Dunsuny flats, 10th nnd Pierce Sts M :S7 EXPERT ACCOUSTANT. PRIVATE lessons In bookkeeping, etc.; night class Mond., Wed., Fri. G. R. Rathbun, room 15, Com'l Nat l bank. M523 AGENTS WASTED. WANTED Canvassing agents In every county to solicit sunscrtptions to this TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment, with assured good In come. Airtnts In the rountry with horse and buggy specially desired. Canvassers make easily 160 to 100 per month. Ad dress, Century Farmer. Bollcltprs" Bnrenu Bee building, Omaha. , " 213. SALARY or commission, to sell' famous glass burner, an eleotrlo light on kerosene lamp; million In use; sample by mall, 50 cents; illustrated, literature free. Mon arch Novelty Co., 315 N. W. bldg., Mlnne' spoils. Minn. J M328 18 WASTED TO RENT. WANTED Furnished house from 8 to 12 rooms, by reliable party. Address K 1 Bee. K-M216 21 WANTED, bedroom and parlor with pri vate family witnin walking alliance or town, for man and wife employed ail day, Address K 1. Bee. K.-aa XI WASTED TO SELL. FIn5T-CLA53 burner, 2C13 Jones street. -676 -WASTED TO DIY. WANTED to buy, house and lot between Leavenworth, and California atreets and between 17th and 27th streets, on monthly payments. Address ti. 24, Bee. . N-256 21 FOR SALE FCRSITIRH,' FOR SALE Han 30 ho Id furniture, ladles' I . I . . .. .. . 1 . 1 I .. .. U,..,.,..,,,n . . c 4 ,-na.,H .nM ladles' and gentlemen's bicycles. 22l Culllornla atreet . . . , o usu Ji FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC GOOD family horse. 1318 Farnam street F 6ol O- HARRY FROST paints and repairs wagons, t ee htm, 14th ana laven Worth, lei. 147. s P808 FOR SALE MISCELLAHKOLS. WHITE sawdust: season checked oak tim bers, cheap; hog fence, etc. 901 Douglas Q 204 NEW and Farnam. secondhand, typewriters. ilU 4 Wi FOR SALE, phonographs; superior to any other musical instrument; $5 up. The Wlttman Co., 1621 Farnam. Q 2u6 INDIAN goods and relics. 1119 Farnam. iDHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. .Q-isii 100 STYLES trusses', catalogue free. Sher man ft McConnell Drug Co., - 16th and Dodge, Omaha. (4 2u7 VIM puncture-proof tires, $4.95 and $7.00 per pair, omana. ttJcycle jo Mtn ana cru- cago Sts. tt-210,, EDISON phonographs, $10, 20 and $30; moulded records, mc each or $5 per do.; new wheels, $15 up; 2dhar.d, $5 up. Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th and Chicago' Sts. Q-2U L. M. E. always hurry. Tel. 780 Q-M212. FOR gas fixtures see Sam'l Burns. Q 903 O 10 FOR SALE, a pair of Imported Mexican hairless dogs. Address K 6, Be. Q-M917 CHOICE milch rows, 6 Shetland ponies. S. T. Campbell, 4213 Center, phone Black 112s. .;. wau 013 . BASE BURNER. 2001 Burt St, ,0-laC GENTLE young cow. 3527 Jones. , Q-306 19 NEW Edison Home Phonograph, 3 dosen latest records, and carrying case, 14 horn, also 30 horn, with horn stand; all new; less than half cost for cash. Address K 34. Bee. Q MJ24 21 MISCELLASEOl'S. CATTLE Have chanoa to keep 1,000 head for winter, gooa range, water, eneiter. hay, corn fodder, 7 miles from U. P., 15 miles from B. ft M. In Custer Co,, Ne braska. Address '. Lv-Haycock. Calls,, way. Neb. ... - ,, - . : K MS20 ii . CLAIRVOYASTS. JoR3. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 1614 Cass fit. 8-21$ MME. GYLMER, genuine palmist, 315 S. 15. ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 2d floor. R 1 aitioi us MME. AMES, vapor baths, 124 N. 15. R. 7. TK74 O la GRACE O BRYAN of Ky.. 720 8. 13th. -a oi7 PERSONAL. HARRY: If you win that house and lot the Auditorium Company Is going to give away in November, we can be married on Thanksgiving. .eiue. L-MJia 11 PRIVATE hospital before and during con- niieruetit; babies Dotiraea ana adopted, Mrs. Gardels, 234 Lake. Tel. red 1M4. -21J V1AVA, woman's way to health. Home treatment. Booklet free. 344 Be bldg.. Omaha. u zi GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale and retail. Collins Piano Co.. U22 Doug las. U-217 TEL. 780 for L. M. E. messengers. U-21S ELITE PARLORS. 615 8. Uth si., '-'d floor atUiU O PERSONAL. SHAM POO 1 NG and batnlresslng. .", In connection with The Bathery, 216-220 Pee building. Tel. 1718. U-tlS PP.IYATE sanitarium for ladle before and during confinement. Dr. and Mrs. Gerlsch, 4o2 N. 15th at., Omaha. U 23 CHIROrODT a specialty. In connection with The Bathery, rooms 216-220 Bee Bldg. Tel. 1714. . U 219 JACK: Hard tip Just now, but have two twenty-five-rent Auditorium Stock tick eta, which give me four chances to win big prise. Will aettie up In November when prizes are awarded. Joe. U-M319 130-RUPTURED CURED FOR B-No knife, no pain, no ueieimun irnm ohm nes Send for booklet, etc. EMPIRE RUPTURE .CURK CO., W N. Y. Mfe Bldg., Omaha. U 1 HA1RPRESPINQ, manicuring and chirop ody tor laaies oniy, in connection fviin The Bathery. 21-220 Bee Bldg. U-222 OMAHA Dye Works, lain Howr.rd. the fashionable Cleaners oi uioies ana gentle men's dresses and suits, lace curtains, draperies. U-"4 03 8END 2So for complete lesson In deep breathing exercise, earn j. rox, m rar nam. U-902 O 10 IF smokln' hurts your blines, quit tha Mines," for you ran t afford to forego the pleasure of . smoking . STOECKER, CIGARS U MS28 IS LESSONS In Raphea basketry.. Mrs. Ma rion Chrlstlancy, 17 Harney. U-M301 20 PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement: nrst-ciass in every respect: babies adopted. Dr. L. L. Miller. 2501 Blondo street Phone F 1182. U 212 U13 BIO reduction In new and second-hand bicycles; new one at less man cost. Louis Flescher, l2i Cap. Ave. U-M1S9 20 MME. SMITH, baths, 118 If. 15, 2d floor,R.2. PR. b. M. JACKSON has removed to InOo Farnam St.. 2d noor. u oijiw 8ALLIE: Cannot call tonight, as landlady Is holding my trunk, saved my auuiio rlum Stock tickets, so don't care. Am after that big dresser trunk now. Dick. U M320 19 THE palate, the body and the soul. Read . . . . . -. . . . - 1. . . . .. riepterooer v nat to m tum'i 10 cents. U-MMl 18. MONEY TO LAO HEAL ESTATE. 'A PER CENT on business property. S per cent on residence property Options to ray whole or part any time. is tl W, a. ME1KLE. 401 S. 15th St. W-226 LOW RATES. - Private mbney. FAlNC. liUVtiDlNbiM u.i r-A I , Main Floor, New Yerk Life Bldg. W-229 MONEY to loan on improved Omaha real estate. iireiinan-ixve v-o.-, oi a. lain. - W 224 V 4t4 TO 6 P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton Bile , OT FARM and city loans. low rates. W. H Thomas, irsi cans. umg. in. ia. A., S PER CENT lons., Garvin Bros., 1S04 Farnam. ..... WAKTED, city loans and warrants. W, Farnam Smith ft Co., 1320 Farming st. puryATV. monev. F. D. Wead. 1524 Douglas. ... . W-281 WANTED, city and farnl loans; also bonds and warrants. R. C. Peters ft Co., 1703 Farnam sL, Bee Bldg.- , -. W-228 $100 UP; low rate. Prlchard. 1712 Farnam. W 232 MOSBr TO LOAS CHATTELS. 1 V i ,i MONEY WHEN yti find It 'nefrWsary.'to. borrow, . n H i trUl. aMer 4iieri we will, Ly lair treatment, attempt to-retain your patronage. ' We loan frwn $10 up, on fur niture, pianos, Hvfc.fitocs, etc Wa also snake .loans to r-1" ' ' HALARTED ' PEOPLE- ' . without mortgage or endorser. We do not deduct Interest In advance, we charge nothing for making on tiling papera and our service Is quick and confidential, we always try to piease our patrons. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 229a. (Estau lahed 1892.) H'A So. 16th St. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$! $ . DO YOU NEED MONEY? $ $ MONEY TO LOAN $ $ ON $ $ FURNITURE AND SALARIES. $ $10 to $au0 loaned on FURNITURE. $ I'lANOS, ETC,, and o salaried people iE. $ ipw I s to I lng $ s at very lowest ra,iea auu ivc t nf time without Dubllcity or removli $ the property. Payments can be made to I x sun your convenience. $ Call and . get our trms before gol $ ewewnere. $ RELIABLE CREDIT COMPANY, $ Room So3, Third Floor, Paxton Block. ttHliniiMHUIIIHIlfl X M9S3 KEEP YOUR CREDIT GOOD. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. No Mortgage, no lndorser. no publicity. . AMERICAN LA) AM CO., Paxtpn piock., ihird ipor, Room ww. ' ' . X M982 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PLOPliS,. mercnapis. team sters, boarding houses, etc., without se curity; easiest terms; 40 offices In prin cipal cities. Tolman. 440. Board of Trade Bldg. X-238 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; business oonnaenttai; lowest rates. 614 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X-Ml Chattel and Salary Loans. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., Successor to J. W. Taylor. 745. -. 633 Paxton Block. X-239 Tel. MONET loaned on furniture, live stock, Jewelry, to salaried people, roiey Loan Co., Sue -to Duff Green, 8 sarker block. X-235 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, les ew- elry, norses, cows, etc v. neea, sis a. 3. X 2S6 FURNITURE of 10-room. . completely equippea, nne location, noy. i-rouin nat, well located, $190. These are snaps; be quick. J. H. Johuson, N. Y. Life. - Y M614 TO GET In or out of business call on Wll- llamst Moom 41U anct-ague pvniuin. WHEN yon -want 4o buy, aelt or exchange your pusinens or property qiuca, see i, 11. Johnson. M3 N. Y. Uln Y-M24S HARDWARE stock, $4,000 to $5,000; best location in town; will sen an or part. u dress W. J. Deerlng, Carroll, la. Y-M948 19 WANTED At bargain, $1,60 to $2,000 clean stock drugs In good eastern ivcd. town; give run particulars, n. see. . Y-M371 FOR SALE, general merchandise stock of $3,000, located in one of tke best towns In N. E. Nebraska, where crops ars asaurea; last year a business $2),0uu; other business reason tor seillug. Aaaress rv tiee. - - - Y 260 li $2,600 TO $5,00 ter' year. The largest Fire Protective Equipment nouse in Amenta desires first-class business man In each locality as representative; excellent, per manent, high-class proposition for capa ble man. Address Harris Safety Company St. James building. New York. Y-2C9 18 CAPITAL secured for meritorious enter prises, compsnles promoted, stocks and bonds bousht. sold and underwritten. Willis Todd, t-25 N. Y. Llf bldg . Omaha. 1290 1. A CHANCE FOR A FORTUNE We pay S per cent weekly for small Investments of .10 ana upwsras- 1 ins is an vpponuuuy for the small Investor without a par allel; full particulars free. John J. Ryan Co-operative Investment Co., buti om- monwealth Trust bldg., Bt. l-oul, Mo. Y M332 ! WANTED to rent In good live town of 7uu to 1.000. In western Iowa or eastern .Nebraska, hotel; must be all furnished said trad csiabuabcd. AvidTc 1- 2',. Res 4 rU Uf BISISES CHASCES. "SIMPLY SLEEPING Well, It's Time to Waken Up. Four of the five specisl cssh prises al ready awarded by the Omaha AuOitortum Company have been won by persons living outside of Omaha, South Omaha, and Council Bluffs. They were paid to Ed J. Hamilton, Wllsonvllle, Neb., tlt.S0; to C. 1. Bernard, Fairfield. Neb., 1200.00; lo Wm. Buchardt. Blair, Neb., $87.42; to N. 8. Beats, 6509 Iexlngton Ave., Chicago, 81S7.2S. Mrs. C. J. Mangold, 2S1S Capitol Ave., Omaha, won the prise of 1172.00 awarded August 1st. Three more special prizes will be awarded on October 1st, October 15th and November 1st. Do you want one of them? ... ' . .. The capital cash prize ot FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS in gold and the seven hundred smaller cash prises, also the S3.6O0.0O house and lot,' and scores of other valuable prises, will be awarded In November. TICKETS TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. Two chances to win prizes with each ticket. For complete list of prizes and tickets, call at any agency or at the office of the Omaha Auditorium Co., ground floor, New York Life- Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Y-M314 19 FOR EXCHANGE. $9.5110 FOR EXCHANGE A nice, clean, bright, up-to-date stock of general dry floods, notions, ladles' and gents' furnlsh ng goods, mostly all bought during the twist year, invoicing about; no nx Hires: owner wants a little money to pay his bills and will take some gooa town nronertv or land for the balance: stock was never traded or run down, but will ha va.tobe removed. Write Brown & Co., 411 Hall bldg., Kansas City, Mo., for full particulars. Z 2K9 17 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE, DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want to sell a farm or ranch, tell the farmers and stockralsers about It. The best way to reach them la through V V; The " ': ' - -Twentieth Century Farmer. This agricultural weekly goes to 35,000 homes of farmers and stockralsers, so It you have, a good piece ot land to sell at reasonable price you ought to find a buyer among them. The cost of an ad is small 1 cents per word. THE-TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER - OMAHA, NEB. ' ' RB-404 FOR SALE, cottage 1n Hanscom Place, rooms furnace, bath, gas, paved street, near car; let 45x150; rent, $26.00 per month, 1 .ilus WfHer tax. Price, $1,000; can be pur 1 chased to payments.-; Address J , nee; .... 'i. "-RE 413' FOR SALE, 7-room modern house, nearly new, full lot, near Ames ave and 24th. Price, $2,000; part cash, balance long "T'H. SHERWOOD, 937 N. Y. Life. HE 2G FOR SALE, 31 acres fruit and garden land, eight-room house, good barn, ap nin rherries plums, eiaht acres In tim ber. two miles from car line. Address 103 S. First, Council Hlufia, la. RE 969 viaTPRN Kansas land, price $10 to $30. ; Address D. R. Hitter, Yates Center. Kan eas.' 3 '' a-aijo RANCH and farm lands for sale by the ITnion Pacinc utanroau company, a. iv. McAllester, land commissioner. Union Pa cific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. . RF 314 WOUD YOU BUY THE NOBBIEST AND BEST HOUSE TO BE FOUND IN OMAHA FOR TUB PRICE ASKEDT ' . We have Just completed a f-room house on a, south front lot. in a gooa neignuor hood, near school, church and atreet car, ! th north nart of city. ' . m The parlor, dining room, kitchen, pantry- nn nan taae up me uri nwi , oow ihf.a herirooma. closets snd bath room, with porcelain tub, marble wash bowl, hot and cold water anu i-iubpi pro on mo ow- ond floor, enameled sink In the kitchen, gas In each room, cemented cellar, etc. porch across the entire front and I ..aii nn in the rear protects both en trances. IT IS A BEAUTY, and Is your s to move into tomorrow for $1,760, ON EASY TERMS. Act quickly If you wsnt It as It is THE ONLY ONE IN OMAHA FOR me. "i'tl1-' .. . SHIMER & CHASE 6M Bee Bldg. Tel. 1443. W MA t Q HOUSES snd lots in all parts of city; also ure nroDerty ana i.rin iauu. na v. 9, , . . . --0 I , U,,IIJIn- rjVlt CO., xooiil K, un lt2il HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also lira insurance, oeutie, RE 16s PUEBLO No better. Investment today .nut, mftfuA COnDrrVlLlVI ailU JUUIUUU, 111 vestment in Pueblo realty. Orin 8 Mer rill Kaxter block, opposite P. O., Pueblo Colo. RE M128 S2a FOR RENT. 8-room moaern nouse, tM. 3314 Francis 01. KELSET'S, wall paper, 17th and Douglas. 'Phone 1608. Jrtiv uo , ti-t v n tn phinfli nf oeeunstlon. owne desires to sen 111s piaoe at once anu wm eli at a bargain; It taken before Septem ber 30: g-room house, newly painted and renalred Ian. fruit, chicken house, etc. i fjttVZA don't answer this unless you mean business. Pries, $1,500. Address J 4, Bee. RE 327 TWO well built 8-room houses, desirable location. Apply 1411 Vinton St. RE 907 Old tv 1 iv piv hp-NT OWN YOUR HOME See the Industrial Home Co. of America, Best plan on eartn: omce, z-'i u. u Trade Bldg., Omaha. R. M. Wilde, mg KE 677 Oct i ere pitkr rostwick ft Co. for choir tuvnalns. 601 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. lull " . RE-245 llfll I lillCriM CHARLES E. IM VYlLl-lrtlHOl-fl Farnam street . RB-246 GEORGIA Ave. home for sale, all modern bouse, part cssh. bsl. long time. J. H Sherwood. 937 N. Y. Life. Phone 88. RE -M174 MEDICAL. rm prif.9. tha acknowledged leadln specialist In diseases of wocien In Onwha would can tne Hurunuu ui jucohi l..4i to hl unsuruaaaed accommodation before and during confinement and his treatment for Irregularities, no matter w hat cause. Call or address, with stamp. Dr. Pries, Arlington Block, 1513 Dodge, Omaha. 2 LADIES' Chichester's English PenryToyal Pills are the best; safe; reliable. Take no oilier. Sead c, sumps, (or particulars. "Relief for Ladles" in letter by return mull Ask our drurgist. Chichester cr.cnilt:! Co., Philadelphia, fa. SHORTHASD ASD TVPKWH1TISO, ORKIW pi H.. Touch T. W.. Bis Branches. Teleg. Cat. Free. Om. Coll., 171U ft Douk. ,'H A. C. VAN BANT 8 school. .717 N. T. Life. 37.' BOYLE8 college, court reporter principal, N. V. Life. -f:j NET). Business ft Shorthand Colli gv. Bovd's Theater. 271 LOST. LOST, pockethook. Union Pacific and Tur lington mlU'agp and excess hapsagc NHks, issued lo 1. N. Picket L. Rctuin to Hayward Bros. Shoe Co. for reward. --".'2 17 LOST Lady's open face silver watch, pre- stitnably on Farnam car. Reward if re turned to Paxton hotel office. Lost-M-fiS 19 DRESSMAKING by the day. Dodge St. lngnlre :.'l 6 li. CAHPESTERS AM) JOINERS. ALL klrlds of csrpenter work end repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, ' 2oth and Luke streets. i:v AC'CORDIOS 1'LEATINU. IDEAL PLEATING CO., 1510 Howard. 83) PAWN BROKERS. EAGLE Loan lOfllce, reliable, accommodat ing; All business confidential. 1301 Douglas. TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets everywhere. P. H. Phllbln. la Farnam. 'Phone 7!4. 214 OSTFOFA1HY. GtD. Ei ft ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Suite 615, N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 1664. .... , -270. MRS. GRACE Da.rn.UAN, 638 Bee building. Tel. 29tiS. st4 SCHOOL OF Ml SIC. OMAHA School of Music. Twelve free scholarships for one year, commencing October 1st. For particulars and pros pectus apply F. II. Wright, director of studies. 315 Ramgo bldg.; for staff of teachers, see Sunday papers. 913 Oct 10 TYPEWRITERS. LAMBERT TYPEWRITER Price, $20. Is fast, efficient, durable; easiest to learn. use aim care ior. oent on approval. Mon roe & Co., 811 No. 16th St., Omaha. ; ' M275 ' MAS LFACTl RISG. MELCHIOR, chlnlst. 13th and Howard, ma--254 OMAHA Safe and Iron Wks. makes a spe cialty oi nre escapes, snutters, doors and safe. G. Anflresn, Prop., 102 8. 10th St. -25. DASCISt) ACADEMY. CHAMBERS. 17 111 and Douglas; now open ior reception or pupils;, formal opening September m. 'Phone F1775 (circulars). MSSl OS FOR SALE FIRSITL'RB. CHICAGO Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodae. Tel. Mtat, icw ana seconananu, oougnt, sola, exenangra. tj -ri DRESSMAKISG. DRESSMAKING In families or at hbme. Miss sturdy, 2580 Harney. 560 Ol THl'KKS AND BAGQAGE. TWIN CITV EXP,.;Phona 1717. 508 8. 16th. ill L. M. E. hauls trunks. Tel. 730. PHOSOGRAPHS. -. 1 , in 1 WE ARE western headauarlers for Edlmn uiiuuotirapns ana revoxuw. f rices, 410 uu Nebraska Cycle Co.. lath and Harney. . DETECTIVE AGENCIES. CAPT. THOS. CORM1CK, private detec- uve, du ivaroatn Olock. Tel., a2S32. r S36-07 LAIN DRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 8c; collars. - buna, Aitfv esveiwurtii. lei. A-t,J, 1 281 STATUARY F ACTOR V, STATUARY and ornamental work. 712 8. 16. Mi3 BALE! TIES. OMAHA Hay Bala Tie Co.. 811 North ltb. 268 FLORISTS. - " ' 1 L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. 1358. send tor price uat, cut flowers ana plants Alitve TAILORING. LADIES' JACKETS made, altered and re modeled. Joe lousen, 14U Farnam at. Mab9i STAMMERING ASD STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. 260 FIR DRESSING. O. R. GILBERT CO.. tanners. 1424 B. 13th, 361 PRINTING. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Linotype Composition. 611 So. 13th STOVES REFLATED. GOLD, silver snd nickel plating. Omaha Plating Co., Bee King. iei. 2:.. 828 JINK. MIXED rountry scrap, $11; stov plat, $8. . Alplrn, 802 Farnam. at lT-.ii"J 1 -i- STORAGE. OM. Van gtor. Co., 1511V4 Farn. Tels. 1559-86J. GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO . cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and dead animals at reduced prices. 621 n. 16. Tel. 177. ' 20 LAW AND COLLECTIONS. STILLMAN ft PRICE, Q U. B. NT Bk. Bid. 263 ELECTRICAL REPAIRERS. GRAND Electric Co., 16 ft Jackson. Ttl. 2M6. 2'jS AUTOMOBILES. ELECTRIC AUTOMOBILES. Deright s. 1119 . Farnam street. 267 POSTOFFICE KOTICB. (Should be read DA1LT by all Interested, aa changes may occur at any time.) Foreign malls for the week ending Sep tember 2, i9"2, will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) at the General Pofcloitlce aa fol lows: PARCELS POST MAILS close one hour earlier than ( losing time shown below. rarcels post malls for (Inrniuny close st p. ni. Mouday and Wednesday. Regular knd Supplementary mails close st Forvlgn Station nuur later than closing time shown below (except that Sup plciueutaiy Malls for LuJu.'t and Cvulrsl rosi ori i i: sotic k. America. Ma Colon, Foreign station) rloe one hour later at Traaaatlaatle Malls. 1 Hl'RSDAY-At H a. in for EUUtiPK, 1T s. s. Fliers! Hismar.-k. via I'lymiMith, Cherbourg and Hamburg tmall fiV France must 1c directed ' per s. r. Fuerst Uls nmrck ": af 7 a m. for FRANCE. SWlT KKl.AXD. ITALY. PIAIN, POKTU tiAl.. TL' UK KY, F.OYI T, GHEKCK, HKIT1SII INDIA snd LORENZO ilAU l.'l'U.. per s s. I a Lorraine, via Havre (mail for oher pans tt Europe must be dtrci-toil "p. r s. s. Im Lorraine "(. SATURDAY At 7 JO a m. for NETHER LANDS direct, r v.. s. Rynrlam (mall must le ' in- r. s. Rvndain"); at N a. m. for BELGIUM direct, per s. s. Kroonlainl (mail must be directed "wicr . s Kroonland' ); at 9:30 A m. for SCOT LAND tltreci. in-r s. . Cohimlila (mall must be (liiected "per . s. Columbia") : at 1: p. m. (Supplementary 2 p. in.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Linhiia, via uueens town. PRINTED MATTER. ETC.-Thls steamer lakes Printed Matter. I 0n11nerrl.1l I'lncr. ,(ii. I S.imidcs forUcrmanv onlv Theanm class of mall matter for other pans of i-urope win not la sent by this ship uiile-s specl.tlly directed by her. fter the closing of the Supplementary Triineattantli' Mulls .mmeii ,.... ..1. di'loiiHl Supplementary Mails are opened '""f i'i is 01 iiiv jmerican. r;ng:isn. trench and Gorman rteamers. and renin h open until within 'i'en Minutes of tba luur ot sailing of st umer. Molls for Si. nth and Central America. West Indies. WEDNKSDAY-At 12 m for YUCATAN. tier s. h. Daggry. la 1'rogrcso imail must le directed "per s. s. Daatrv "1. THURSDAY At K a. 111. tor CUBA. YUCA TAN.. CAMPECHK. TABASCO and CHIAPAS, yvr s s. Monterey (mall for other parts of Mexico must he directed "per s. s. MoiiUrcy"); at (i:3o p. iu. for JAMAICA, pef s. s. Admiral Scliley. :rom Boston. FRIDAY At I a. m. for NEWFOUND LAND direct, per s. s, Rosalind: at 72 m. for MEXICO, per s. s. Niagara, via Tam pion 1 ma II most lie directed "per s s. Niagara"!; at 6 30 p. tn. for BERMUDA, per eteamei from Halifax; at ll:3u p. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND, per s. s. Buenos Ayrean. from l'hilailclnhl.. SATURDAY At 6:30 a. m for BRA'IU per s, s. itevelius, via Pernantbuco, Rahia and Rid Janeiro (mall for Northern Hrasll. Argentine, Urugiyy and Paraguay must be directed "per V s. Hevellus"); at 8 :W a. m. for BRAZIL, per s. s. ( atanla. via, 1'ernambuco ami Santos (mall for North ern Hraill must b directed "nor s s. Catania";; at a. tn. for PORTO RICO, CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per s. s. Caracas (mall for Savanllla and Carta gena must b directed "per s s. Cara cas "; at a. m. for PORTO RICO, per s. s. Pathfinder, v!a Ponce (ordinary mall only, which must be directed " s. s. Pathfinder"); at 9:30 a. m. (supplemcntarv 10:30 a. m l for FORTUNE ISLAND, JA MAICA, 8AVANILLA and CARTAGENA, per s. s. Altai (mull for Costa Rlcu must be directed "per s. . Altai"); at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m) for HAITI and SANTA MARTA. per s. a. Valencia; at 10 a. m. for Cl.'BA, per s. s. Morro Citstle. via Havana; at 10 s. m. for HAITI, per s. s. Prins WMlem V (mail for Curacao, Venezuela, Trinidad, British and Dutch Guiana must be directed "per s. s. l"!n7 WU"ri V"); at 12:30 p. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Olinda. via Matansas (ordinary mall only, which must ba directed "per s. s. Olinda"). Malls for Newfoundland by rail to North t-uney, ana tnence oy steamer, close at this office daily at 6.30 p. m. (con necting close here t-very Mondav, Wednesday and Saturday). Malls for Miquelon. by rail lo Boston, ar.d thence by steamer, close at this office dally at 6:S0 p. m. Ma'ls for Cuba by rail to Port Tarhps. Kla., and thence by steamer, Uosa at this office dally except Thursday at 5:30 a. m., (the connecting closes are made en Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat urdays). Mails for Mexico City, over land, unless specially addressed for despatch- by steamer, close at thl office dally except Sunday at 1:30 p. m. and 11:30 p. m.; Hunuays at i:vu p in. and 11:30 p. m. Mails for Costa Rica, Bellse, Puerto Cortes and Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans) and thence by Steamer, close at this office dally except Sunday at 1:30 p. m. and 11:30 p. m.; Sundays at 1:00 p. m. nnd 11:30 p. m. (connecting closes here Mondays at 11:30 p. m. for Bellse, Puerto Cortes and Guatemala and Tuesdays at I1:80 n. m. for -Costa m. ui , ; Registered mail closes at 6:09 p. m. pru- Transaaelne Malls. class mtter for the PhHirmlne-Islands. Malls for .Hawaii, Japan, Cnlna and flrst- Jia Biwi ianoiaco, close Jifie dally at. .30 rv m. ui tn aniilpmlu., tlAth .inlifclM. - I tar- (It'sputcli .her s. s -china, . , Mavis . fo C4ilua snd Japan - via . rWttle,:, ! f lo. here (Wily at C.30 p. in., up It tinp- : temocrv -ikin, inclusive, ior iosai..Q per t. s. Kagii MnVu. (Registered mail muat be directed "via Seattle'). Mails for China and Japan, via Ti.coma, close here dally at 6:80 p. ro. up to Sep tember lKth, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Olympia. Malls for Tahiti and Marquesas. Islands. via can r rancisco, ciose nere aauy at ::si p. m. up t" September auh. Inclusive, for despatch ner s. s. Marin. sa. Malls for Australia (except West Australia. which is forwarded via Europe). New Zealand, FIJI. Samoa and Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6.30 p. m. after September 13th and Up to Sentem- i ber 2rnb. Inclusive, on on arrival ot s. s. lAicanla, due at New York September 20th. for despatch ner s. s. Ventura. Malls for Hawaii, China, Japan and first- class matter for the Philippine Islands. via San Francisco, close her dally at 6:30 p m. up to September 22d, Inclusive, for despatch per s. a; Doric Mafia for the Philippine Islands, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6.30 p. up to September Sotti, Inclusive, for dis patch per U. 8. Transport. Malls for Hawaii, via San Francisco, c'.ose nere aauy at 6:au p. m. up to September 29th, inclusive, for dispatch per s. a. Ala- Mulls for China and Japan, via Vancouver . and ' Victoria, B. C, close here daily at ! 6:30- p. -m. up to September Soth, ln ; ciusive, ior oespatcn per s. s. empress or ! India (registered mull must be specially , addressedT Merchandise for U. S. Postal Agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Canadaj. Malls for Australia (except West Australia, wnicn goes via Europe, ana mew Zealand, which goei: via San Francisco), and Fiji Islands, via Vancouver and Victoria, II. C. (specially addressed only), close hero dally at 6:3o p. m. up to Octol er llth. In clusive for dispatch per s. s. Moana. Transpaclflo malls are forwarded 10 port or sailing aauy and trie scneouie or clos ing Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. Registered mull closes at 6 p. m. previous oay. CORNEI IUS VAN COTT, Postmaster. Postoffioe. New York. N. Y.; September 11, Kioa. . -: , 1 .... GOVERNMENT NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR THREE BRICK Buildings and Wafer and Sewer Systems Department of the Interior, Office of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C, Aug. 25. 1902. Sot, led proposals,- endorsed "Proposals for Building, etc.. Chamberlain, South Dakota," and addressed to the Commissioner1 of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C, will be received -st the Indian Office until two o'clock p. m. 1 of Thursday, Sept. 15, 11)02, for furnishing and delivering the necessary materials ana labor required to construct and complete one dormitory, one rcboo) house and one : addition to dormitory, all of brick, with , plumbing, acetylene gas piping snd steam beat. . And. -extensions to . the water snd sewer systems at the Chamberlain School, S. D , In strict accordance with plans, specifications and Instructluna to bidders which may be examined at this office, the . offices of the "Improvement Bulletin," Minneapolis, Minn.; the "Argus-Leader," .' Sioux Falls, S. D.; "The Bee." Omaha, Neb.: the "Inter Ocean," Chicago, III.; the Builders' and Traders' Exchanges of Omaha, Neb., and Milwaukee, Wis.; the Northwestern Manufacturers' Association, St. Paul, Minn.: the U. 8. Indian Ware houses at No. 266 80. Canal at., Chicago, III., No. 119, Wooster St.. New York City, and No, 817 Howard St., Omaha. Neb., and at the school. . For further Information apply to J no. Fllnn, Supt. Indian School, Chamberlain 8. D. A. C. Tenner, Acting Ceinmlssioner. - 9td-2-4-4--ll-lS-14-lS-M OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER MASTER. Sheridan. Wyo, Sept. 15, 1902 Sealed proposals In triplicate will be re reived here until 10 a. in. October 15, 9u2, for constructing, plumbing, heating, gas piping and electric wiring two double set officers' quarters, on double barrack and one bakery, all brick. Information fur nished upon application here or at offices of depot quartermaster. Denver, Omahn and St. Paul. U 8 reserves right to accept or reject any r all bids or parts thereof. En velopes containing proposals should be en dorsed "Proposals for ," addressed Cap tain Thos. b'wobe, quartermaster. -SlodltOlO DM . bablreusory Pays Oat Cold. NEW YORK, Sept. IT Ths subtressury bss been directed to psy lo Goldmau. Bacbs ft Co. 90 per rent ot the atuouut of gold ' consigned to them front Australia and bow tt the mint at San Frauclaco. Th aiuouut of the gold Is sbout 1 000,00.