Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 18, 1902, Page 8, Image 8
8 THE OMAHA DAILY HE12 THURSDAY, SEPTEMHEIt 18, 1902. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat and Corn Bsth Clow Hijhr on Pre dicted Frosts. PRICE CHANGES, HOWEVER, ARE SMALL IroTllona Feel Ike Effect, of a Raid la October Pork aad tke Close la FIT. Ceate Higher to Flflr Centa Lower. CHICAOO. Sept. 17. The. general ton In ? rains today wai dull. Frrdlcted frosts to How th recent mild wether was a po tent factor. Trade, however, wan "till largely confined to the local crowd, espe cially In wheat and oats, and Inaemucn as these pits ruled dull, price chang-a In them were small. Corn felt the weather most and was active most of the session. At the close December wheat was up. Uecember corn Vic higher, September corn Sc higher, and December oats He up. I re visions felt the effect of a raid In October pork and closed 5c higher to 60c lower. Rain In the northwest, with much cooler weather predicted, was the cause of a higher opening In wheat. Cables also were construed bulllshly. The fact that the re ceipts northwest were much Increased over lost week and a year ago was offset by the expectation that In consequence of the rains the spring movement once more would be curtailed. Cables advanced little as the aesslon moved on, and the export business was good, both Duluth and New "York reporting 20 loads taken and Buffalo loo.noo bushels. The fact that the out alder waa not In the market worked agalnft good gains. Much of the time the pit was almost deserted. Price fluctua tions were extremely nurrow and little business was done. After the first hour Interest died out. September wheat sold between 73c and 72'4c end closed eaay, He off, at 72Sc. December Bold from 63o to 6'jr, dipped to to'ic and closed etendy, He up. at 6c. Ijocal receipta were 2t cars, 8 of contract grade. Minneapolis and Du luth reported 756 cars, making a total for the three points of f56 cars, against 647 last week and 743 a year ago. Primary re ceipts were l,463.X) bushels, compared to 1.614.000 bushels last year. Seaboard clear ances In wheat and flour equaled 621,000 bushels. ' There was but one broad market today, and that was 1n corn. Frost talk was the lrlnrlpal bullish Incentive, or late mere ins been fair selling In spasmodic turns KnM. nf talk nf hiz crons. Many specu lators believe that with the end of this month the drastic effect of last year's big crop shortage will have disappeared. That was one of the reasons for selling on hard spots. Mony other traders, however, were figuring on the big shortage now out, and especially In December options, said to be Ifi.imO.OnO bushels. It Is said that cribs along the country roads are almost empty have been for nearly a year. Where there were 12,460,000 bushels In the visible supply a year ago, there are but 2,000,000 bushels now. Chicago has practically the only corn supply and that amounts to about 1,500.000 bushels. Farmers are Inclined to hold much of their better corn. Much of the receipts for some time to come are expected to be soft. All these conditions have made bears cautious and have Induced conservative support. With hard frosts forecasted for tonight, these factors once more came to light. Most of the middle west today waa wet. Gen eral and Influential buying followed fh De cember and May and good upturna re sulted. September was not so active and at times showed a dropping tendency. The '"Washington crop bulletins reported much damage In the northern portions 'of the corn belt. Tet, notwithstanding the frost talk, there was all the time present a feel ing that a big crop was forthcoming, and this put a check on the bullish enthusiasm. December corn sold from 43H,e to 44l4t,e and closed firm, Vic up, at 4374jS44e. Sep tember sold between Me. and hX'ic and ckod firm, c up. at ESc. UocclpU were 152 cars, 32 of contract grade. Oats ruled steady and showed no Im portant changes In prices. There was aome luylng at times for manufacturer, and fair support by a leader. The wet weather also had some effect, aa did the strength In corn. December fluctuated only tc and ilosed steady, Vtc up, at JlHc Receipts vere 182 cars. There was good activity In the provisions Sit. Hogs were lower, having fallen off to In ten' davs. This Induced some out did, liquidation, but a good support was tinder the market until late In the day. When support tell off, there waa a flood f offerings of October pork and prices In that product fell from I16.67H to $16.25. Vlils worked against all other prices and October options closed weak. Part of this ivctlon Is thought to have been for the ,-iurpoe, of bringing nearby and distant optfone nearer together. At the close Jan uary pork "waa 5c higher at $15.05, while October closed 50c off at $16.25. October lard closed 5c down at $9.7TV4. and January '.ard 2m6e higher at $8.66. October rib. were aoo lower ot $10.05, and January rib, :'e higher at $7 90. Katlmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. SSn cars; corn, 875 cars; oata, 185 cars; hogs, neaa. The leading futures ranged as follows: C3.26; extra fancy and straight, $26J10; clear, U ?... h KKD Timothy. In demand. $3-00N.OO, l iRNMKAl-eteady, 12 80. FRAN Firm; sacked, east track, M-Sfifte. HAT Strong; timothy, $6.00jril.00; prairie, $!". WHISKY Steady, $182. IRON COTTON TIKS fl.OTV. H AOOINO t-mil 1-16C. H KM P Twine, . PROVISIONS Dry salt meats, steady; boxed, extra shorts and clear ribs, $11.UV; short clear, 111 624. Racon, steady; boxed extra shorts. $12.0; clear ribs. $11 75; short clear, I12.J7H. Pork, lower; Jobbing, old, $H. ?.:: new, $16.70. iard, lower at IHI.J5. M ETA US Iead, steady. $4,024. Spelter, higher, IVlMia 25. I'Dl'LTRY Steady; chickens, 94c; springs. 10011c; turkeys, lixfclltoo; ducks, 7'c; Kpese, 4',Tc. Ht'TTFR Steady; creamery, 1623c; dairy, liifi 1c. KGGS Steady, 174c, losa off. Receipts, anipments, Flour, bbls.... Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu 4.0i0 ....ISn.rmo .... 2,0"0 .... 84,000 8.000 71,000 83,i0 4O.000 8 Articles ! Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes y. SEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. Quotations of the Day on Varlooa Commodities. NEW YORK, Sept. 17-FIXUR-Reeelpts, 20.938 bbls.; exports, 11,486 bbls.; quieter, but steadily held; winter patents, TI.6G. 90; winter straights, $.1.3513.60; Minnesota pat ents, $3. 804.00; winter extraa, $2.95(33.15; Minnesota bakers, $3.1503.35; winter low grades. $2.752 .96. Rye figur, dull; fair to good, 3.15fc3.40; choice to fancy, $3.5ora3.60. Ruckwheat flour, dull, $1.762.26, according to delivery. CORN MEALr-Quiet; yellow western, $1.32; city. $1.30; Brandywlne, $3.50i&S.60. RYE Quiet; No. 2 western, 6Sc f. o. b., afloat; No. 2, 664c, track; state, twVic, c. L f., New York. PARLEY Stead v; feeding, 44c, C. I. f., Buffalo; malting, 61Vf72c. c. I. f., Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 273,450 bu.; exports, 39, 964 bu.; spot, steady; No. 2 red, 75c, ele vator: No. 2 red, 761754c. f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 794c. f. o. b., afloat. -It waa another day of firmness and bull talk In wheat, but with specula tive trade so dull that prices made but slight gains. Buying motives Included rains In the northwest, feara of a lighter move ment, strength of corn, foreign buying. teadlcr late cables ana very ngni oner- Ings. September, however, broke under larger stocks here and closed 4C lower against a partial 4c advance elsewhere. Mav, 76'ii(cf75c closed 75ic; Beptember, 747, fe75V, Closed 75c; December, 73 lo-lWSMc, closed 74c. CORN Receipts. 18,800 bu.; exports, u bu.; spot easy; No. 2. 73c. elevator, and 684c f. o. b., afloat. Option market was firm all day on more frost In the west, higher cables, covering, small receipta and light offerings, and ciosea T4C net higher. January, 48448Sc closed 44c; May. 45Vg464c closed 46c; September. 66H 6 67c closed 66T,c; December, 4971g504c, losed 604c. OATS Receipts, 180,300 tu.: export, zo.zis bu. Spot, dull: No. 2. 324c: No. 8. white. 83c; track white, 31 36c. Option market waa quiet but steady on covering ana tne corn advance. May closed 854c, September closed 36c. December closed 354c. HAY Firm: shipping, baaioe; good to choice, 90c. HIDES Quiet; Galveston, 18c; California, 19c; Texas, 14c. lbaiheh-Firm; acia, gwarottc. HOPS Firm: state, common to choice. 1901, 21828c: 1900, iaff20c; olds, 810c: Pacific coast. ioi. zouKt4c: wuu. iskowc: oias, ear 12c. ... PROVISIONS Beef, irregular: family. $15.50ifiri6.50: mess, $12WK3,12.60; city, extra India mess, vi.tmiww. (jut meats, nrm; pickled bellies, 12ft 14c; pickled shoulders. do; pickled hams, 11 12c. Lard, dull; western steamed, $11. 0(Xg 11.10; refined, quiet; continent, $11.3O11.60; compound, $7-758.00. Pork, Irregular; family, $20.50'?? 210; ,hort clear, $19.00121.00; mess, $18. 2S(& 19.00. tallow Dun: city. oiac; country, 6c. BUTTER Receipta. 10.24 pkgs.; steady: state dairy, lt!4i(214c; creamery, extra, 224c; June creamery, common to choice, 164fi2c. cheese Receipts, 1.401 pugs.: nrm; fancy, large, colored and white, 10Hc: fancy, small, new, state, full cream, colored nd white. 104c. EOOS Receipts. 10.014 pkgs.: firm: state and Pennsylvania, 21ff22c; western candled. 194tf21c: uncandled, 174i20c. poultki Alive: steady, uncnangea. Dressed: Firm; western chickens, 134jl4c; western fowls, 12V4gl3c; spring turkeys, 13 loc, , . METALS Bales ot 30.000 pounds of elec trolytic copper for November delivery at $11.60 were reported In the local market. which was generally weak and lower. Standard closed at f ll.2Sffll.30: electrolytic. lll.6Wall.S5: costing. $11.70: lake. $11.7(Ka'il.90. copper in Imaun was went, witn ruturea closing at 53 6s 6d. Tin was weak In New York, witn prices 19 to zs points lower, at $26.364126.55. The London market declined 10s, spot closing at 121 15s and futures at 117 15s. Lead was unchanged In London at 10 18a 9d. and at $4,124 In the local market. Spelter closed quiet and un changed here and at 19 5a 2d In London. The English Iron markets were unchanged. with aiasgow at 68a 6d and Mlddleaborough at 53s 'Mi. iron warrants were nominal No. 1 foundry northern. $23.00326.00: No. foundry, northern. $22i23.O0: No. 1 foun dry, southern, $21.00 23.00; No. 1 foundry outnern, son, .uuius.w. Steady; No. 1 northern, 7S4c; No. 1 north ern. 71tf"14c; December, 6 c. . RYE Steady; No. I. 614rtT2c. BARLEY Firm; No. 2. JOc; sample, 40JI 60c. CORN December. 43c. FLOUR First patents, $3.75a3.W; second patents, $3.e,u 7; first clears, $J.9"a3.0o; second clears, $2,100;! 40. BRAN In bulk. $U.0011.60. Kaaaaa City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Sept. IT. WHEAT-Pep-tember. 644c; December, 64c; cash No. 2, hard, fif.4c; No 3, 6i4jtc; No. 2 red, 65c; No. 8 red, 614il63c. CORN September, 52Sc; December. 354c; cash. No. 8 mixed, 584c; No. 2 white, oSc; No. 8, 68cc. OATS No. 3 white, 84c RYE No. 2. 4Sic. HAY-Cholce timothy. $9.00950; choice prairie, $7.50, BUTTER Creamery, 19t)20c; dairy, fancVj 17c. EOGS Firm; fresh Missouri and Kansas stock, 16c per dos., loss off, cases returned. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu S4,8O0 29," Corn, bu 9.2"0 14.40 Oata, bu 25,uoo ll.oui) Philadelphia Prodnce Market. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 17. BUTT E R He lower; extra western creamery, 23c; ex tra nearby prints, 24c. EGXJS Firm, good demand; fresh nearby, 23c, loss off; fresh western, 22c, loss off; fresh southwestern, 20c; fresh southern, 18c. CHEESE Firm, good demand; New York full creama, prime small, llfollic; fair to good, 104i)j10c; prime large, loc; fair to good, low, 1046104c. Toledo Grala aad Seed. TOLEDO, O.. Sept. 17. WHEAT Dull, firm; cash, 734c; September, 734c; De cember, 12c; May, 734c. CORN Dull, firm: cash. 614c: September. 60c: December, 424c: May, 4oe. OATS Dull, steady; September, 31 Vic; December, 31c. SEED Clover, dull, firm: October. $5.56: January, $5.40. AIL 52C. Wheat Sept. Iec. May Corn Sept Dec. May Oats a Sept. b Sept. b Dee. May Pork Sept. Oct. Jan. May lard Sept. Oct. Jan. , May P.lhs 8pt. Oct. Jan. 72S,fr73 684 4341114 404'841 24: 334 78 704 58V4 44tf4l 41, 314 724 684 704! 434 404 264 83 31f4 72H 69 704 58 72H 68-4 70i 58 43Tt')M4l43i'54 3im-Vi;si48s,ave-H 16 40 16 674 14 974 14 at 10 85 724 B DO 8 15 10 (r4 10 224 7 85 16 40 16 70 15 124 It 40 10 90 9 924 8 62 4 f zo 10 95 10 25 7 974! 16 15 16 25 14 974 14 2a 10 75 724 8 60 8 124j 1" 74 1U IK 7 85 24 S3 314 3H,&4 16 15 16 25 16 05 14 274 10 75 774! 8 55 8 124 10 R74' 10 IK 7 90 264 834 ill 15 00 16 60 16 75 14 25 8 074 10 874 9 82 8 60-24 10 95 10 25 7 874 No 2. a Old. b New. Cash quotations were aa follows: FLOUR Easier; winter patents. $3.40 113.60; straights, 13 1OW3.30; clears. $2.7093.00 spring api-clals. $4.30; patent,, t3.40nj3.70, straight. $29o3 20. wheat no. 3 spring, Tltrr,e No. prlng, 69fi71c; No. 2 red, 72Vg73c. CORN No. 2, 6836c; No. 2 yellow, 594 Whisky Market, PEORIA. 8ept. 17. WHISKY-41.32 for finished goods. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 17. WHISKY Steady. $1.32. CINCINNATI, Sept. 17 WHISKY Dis tillers' finished goods, firm, on basis of $1.32. OMAHA wholesale: MARKETS. OATS-No. 2. 284tr29c: No. S white. S02 rye-No. 2. wc. BARLEY Fair to choice malting, 48 tc. SEEDS No. 1 flax. $1.35: No. 1 rorth ern. $l.3i; prime timothy, $1.15al 26; clover, intrut grade, $x9iKii9.uO. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bhl., $16 15 16.20. I.ard. per loo lbs.. $10.624610.65. Short ribs sides (loose), $10 7vii 10.S24. Dry salted gnouiaers (ooxeai, v.o w.a. WHISKY Basl! ot hUh wines, $1.32. The following were the receipts and chip ments oi grains yesterday: Receipts. Shipment, Flour, bbls ..,. 36.IKM 21.000 Wheat, bu 354,0ml 31.000 Corn, bu 32S.O0O 259.00.) Oats, bu 31,0) 2M.m) Rye, bu 27,000 3,00 Barley, bu 68,000 15.0th) On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady; creameries, ltfiiiic dalrlefc, 16iic. Cheese, flrm, 10411 4c. Xit.1'. iirui, irrsn, uv. Liverpool Urala aad Provl.loaa. IIVERPOOL. 8ept. 17. WHEAT-pot, Arm; No. $ red, western winter, (a lid; No. 1 northern, spring. 6a G4d; No. 1 Cali fornia, 6s 6d; futures, quiet; September, I UV1; December, 6a 104d. CORN Uteady ; American mixed. 5a 104d; future, quiet: October. 6s 4d; November, nominal; January, 4a ld. PEAS Canadian, quiet, 6a 8d. K I .OUR St Louis fancy winter, quiet, U 3.1. PROVISIONS Beef, strong; extra India mess, Hi; kI. Pork, strong- prime mess western, Ms 3d l'.ams. short cut, 14 to 1( lbs., nrm, ua 6d. Bacon, firm; t.'umberiand cat. 26 to 30 Its., few; short ribs, 16 to 24 lbs., 6oa 6d; long clear middles, light. 28 to 34 Ilia., .nrm. 61s; long clear middles, heavy. & to 40 lb., 6v 6d; short clear bucks, 16 to 4) Ins., 54a d; clrar bullies. 14 to ) lbs., 64. Khoulders, square, 11 to 13 lbs., firm, 63s d. Lard, nrm, prime western. In tierces, tt; American rotined.ln palla, steady. 6(9. HOP-At London (Pacific coast), old Crop, firm, 6 HtiI. BUTT E R Nominal. CUEEtilv-Bteady; American finest white, 48s: American colored, 4ba. TALLOW Prime city, steady; Australian in London, ateauy, us eu. t. Loala Orala aad Pravlaloaa. ST. LOUIS. Sept. IT. WH EAT Lower : No. t red. rash, elevator. 66Sc; track. Wff tc; Beptember, C&4c; December, t4Ct4c May. i4c: No. 8 hard. tswaTOc. CORN Higher: No. I cash, nominal track. 62c; September, 664c; December, t7WU37.c: May. l7TtrJf. OATS Firm: No. 2 cash. Ac: track. 2944 SUc; September Xc; December, 27 c; May, tc: No. $ white. 35c. RYE Dull at 4ir4a. I LUUlwoiradj'i r4 winter patents, $3.14 Condition of Trade and Uaotatloaa on Staple and Fancy Prodaee. EOOS Candled stock. 174ffl8o. LIVE POULTRY Hena, S4c; rooster,. according to aae. 4fifc: turkeys. 8'fll0c; ducks and geete, 6&6c; spring chickens ner id.. iiiaiivc. BUTTER- Packing stock. 134c: choice dalrv. In tubs. 14fil7e: separator. 22fi23c. r RKSH CArUHT riBH Trout, lie ner- rlng. 6c; pickerel, 8c; pike, 10c; perch, 6c; buffalo, dressed. 7c: sunflsh. 6c: bluefln,, 3c: whlteflsh. 10c: salmon. 16c: haddock. He; codfish, 12c; redsnapper, 10c; lobsters, boiled, per lb., 300 : lobsters, green, per id., jic; bullheads. 10c; catfish, 13c; black bass, isc; halibut, lie. CORN 55c. OATS Old, 48c; new, SSc. BRAN Per ton. $14.00. HAY Prices Quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers association: t'hoice No. 1 up land, xs: No. l medium. 7.w: ino. i coarse $7.00. Rye straw. $6.50. These price, are for hay of good color ana quality. Demand fair: rec:-lnt, light. OYSTERS Standards, per ean, aoc; extra selects, per can, 37c; New York counts, per can, 4&c. VEGETABLES. NEW CELERY Kal imuioo, per dog., 30c Kearney, per do,., 86M50c. POTATOES New, per bu., 2530c. SWEET POTATOES Per lb., 2c TURNIPS Per bu., 80c. BEETS Per basket, 40c. GREEN CORN Per doi.. 66c. CUCUMBERS Per bu.. 26c. RADISH Eft Per do,.. 10c. WAX BEANS Home grown, per market basket, 26c; string beans, per market basket. 25c. CABBAGE Home grown, new. lc. ONIONS New home grown, in sacks, per bit.. wutoc. TOMATOES Per market basket, 45850c. NAVY BEANS Per bu . $2.15. FRUITS. PEACHES California late Salwaya, 75n 80c; Colorado, ifmjttfc. PLU M S California, per 4-basket crate, fancy, $1.25, California egg, per box, 11.10 hi me crown, per 8-lu. basket, lfeulsc; lolo riuio and Idaho, per 4-basket crate, $0.8 l.oo. PRUNES Per box. $1; Hungarian, 81.25 Utah. Dtr 4-bnsket crates. II. PEARS California, per box, 82; Flemlxh IWauiv. I1.3ia l.tu: New York, per bbl.. $4 iter keg, $1.9u; Utah canning stock, per box. $1 3ofrl.i,U. APPLKB Bi'mmer varieiu ,, per bDi., 2 zu. CANTALOUPE Genuln, R. F per crate. $2.25. CRAB APPLE8 Per bbl.. $3.50. WATERMELONS Crated. 15ft30c. GRAPES Eastern, 25c; Tokays, per crate. $1.75. CRANBERRIES Per bbl., )6.60O.75; per bov TROPICAL FRUITS. BANANAS Per bunch, according to sixe. Peoria Market. supplies. This will Increase the amount of outstanding bill to $115,6m.O(i() and It will probably be considerably further Increased before the year end. Discounts were llrm. Business on the Stock exchange was er istic and nearly stagnant. Consols were wesk on the talk of a rise In the bank rate tr.morrow. Americans generally and nota bly Southern Pacific recovered and were fractionally on either side of parity. Prices closed firm. Foreigner, were dull. DeBeera were weak nn selling order., said to ema nate from the Barnato brothers. Bar gold, 77s 94d. Gold premiums are quoted: Buenos Ayrcs, 129; Madrid, 3.V4S; Rome, 0.35. PARIS, Sept. 17. Business on the bourse today opened Irregular. Spanish 4s were easier on adverse exchange. Rio tlntoa suf fered a serious relupee on rumors that the dividend would bo lower than anticipated. T.'v.-urd the end price, were firmer. Rente, nnde a aood recovery and Spanish 4s hard em U slightly. The private rate of discount whs " 1- i per cent. Three per cent rentes, lO.'f 40u for the account. Spanish 4s, 85.20. New York Money Market. NEW YORK, Bept. 17. M O N EY On call, flrm'at 6ir7 per cent, closing bid and asked 7fii8 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 6 6 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.8575 for demand and at $4.826434.8275 for 60 days: posted rates, $4,834 and $4,864; commercial bills $4 82rfl4.824. SILVER Bar, 614c; Mexican dollars, 40c. BONDS Government, strong; state. In active; railroad, firm. The closing quotations on bonds are as follows: . .1ST ..1ST ..lit ..111 ..106 ..104 .. 8' ..104 ....101 PEORIA. Sept. 17. CORN-Eaaier: No. 3 yellow, 67e. OATS Quiet, Irregular; No. 8 white, 81 82c, track. WHISKY-O.S2 for finished goods. Dnlnth Grain Market. DULUTH. Sept. 17.-Cash. No. 1 hard. 714c; No. 1 northern, 66 He; September, 684c; December, 6oc. UAiB-September, 304c; December, Z9c NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS. Farther Recovery Noted In Stoeke, with Speonlatora More at Ease. NEW YORK. Bept. 17. Speculative senti ment was further Improved In Wall street today and prices of stocks enjoyed addi tional recovery. The relief of the acute uneasiness over the money situation by the large engagements of xold for Import checked tne liquidation In the stock mar ket and made it easier to mark up prices again. The volume of the actual buying demand was light, however, and tne num- Der or snares aeait in waa no larger tnan yesterday. The movement hltherward of some $7,660,000 gives the assurance that re lief will be at hand when the coming addi tional requirements of currency by the In terior will make It urgently needed. The nervpu, feeling early In the week was aa much due to fear of this future condition aa the present demand for money. Over $400,000 of the Australian receipta which ar- Tivei iiy nan e rnnrtarrt vewremny were made immediately available to the local market by telegraphic transfer through the subtreasury today. The $1,000,000 which started off from England today will be avaiiRDie at tne end or tne transatlantic voyage. Of the remainder there will be one parcel of $500,000, which is not due to arrive in San Francisco until October 10. It will be seen therefore that there Is no actual present relief from the present pro cess of depletion of New York bank re serves. The anticipatory payment of gov ernment interest aoes not Keep pace with the transfer, of currency to the interior through the subtreasury, which today amounted to over half a million, two- thirds of which went to New Orleans and the balance to Chicago. Custom payments continues to drain the money from the JNew xorit bank, into the subtreasury. The comparative quiet in the money mar ket la due rather than a sentiment of greater assurance for the future than to actual present relief. The restriction ot the speculation la a testimony to the con tinued scarcity of funds. Call mounted and touched 4 per cent only momentary today and ruled generally below that. Sixty-day sterling bins recovered to 4c above the level at which the gold Imports were ar ranged. This corroborates the opinion that the gold Import point was slightly forced by those engaKements. London sold stock, nere today on balance; discounts hardened in London and Paris, Increasing tne aem&na ior sterling, ana tne supply of commercial exchange bill, continued very scarce. uulle a number or prominent atocka. both among railroad and speculative, were 1 point above last night at one time today. dui uiu uui nuju, intt marxei Closing steady. The bond market was firm; total saies, par vaiue, liz.jus.uw. united states. 4s; reg., 1044; coupon, 104. The following are the closing- price on tne new xora oiuc exenange: Atchison 44 St. Paul pfd .. do Dfd 103 Bo. Paclnc Baltlmoro A Ohlo....H4Sj 80. Railway ... vofci uu iia ...... 1414 Tuu & P H4 T.. Bt. L. A W 66V do Dfd 4tfe t'nloo Pacific .. V. 8. raf. la, reg. do coupon do la, rf do coupon do 4a, re, do coupon do old 4a, rag... do coupon do la, re, do coupon Atch. gen. 4s do ad). 4a B. & o. 4a do 14a do conv. 4a Canada So. 2s Central of Oa. (a. ...110 do la tne u C. O. 44a 10H C. A A. 14 1 C. B. A Q n. 4s W4 C, M. a St. P. ,. 4t in-,, C. & N. W. con. 7a. 1! C , R. I. A P. 4a... .104 P C C 4 St 'L . 4a.. 101 Chicago Tar. 4a 09 4 uoio. c eo. aa 9 I). A R. O. 4a lfll Erie prior lien 4a.... 94 00 gen. a F. W. A D. C. la. Hock In f Val, 44a. Offered. ..1014 X. N. unl. 4a lnt ..loaia Max. Central 4a M ..1074; do lit tno 114 ..107 Minn, a St. k. 4s... .104 at., K. T. 4a loo do Is S4 N. Y. Cantral Is 10141 do gen. 14s 10T N. J. C. in. (a 134 No. Paclao 4a 1044 do 74 N. A W. o. 4a 10 Reading (en. 4a. xs . 4V,St L A I M e. fte....U74 .lie 1st. LAS. P. 4a. ...101 St. L. 8. W. la M4 do la so A. A. A A. P. la M Bo. PaclDo 4a 44 So. Railway (a 120 Trm Pacific la. ..120 T.. St. b W. 4a.. 4 t'nlon Pacific 4a ins do conv. 4 Ill Wahaih la 11 do 2a 10W do deb. B 17 Weat Shore 4e 1114 Wheel. A L. R. 4a... 34 M4 Wle. Central 4a 3U .114 ICona. Tobaooo 4a ST .lot OMini LITE STOCK MARKET Paiirablt Ondai cf Gtttle About Sutdj, bat Olhen Wer Lowr. ANOTHER BIG DROP IN PRICE OF HOGS FeellnaT on Fat Sheep aaa Laaaba Rather Weak, bat Better Grade, at Feeder, Commanded Jnst Abont Steady Prleea. BOUTH OMAHA, Sept. 17. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 1.011 8,9. 10,300 Official Monday ... Official Tuesday .. Official Wednesday ZX.4t9 6.Z1V V.K44 3,120 5,80 10,010 4S.9M 10. M6 4t,DHi 8,7L'7 JM.HStl 11. smi bo.aii ii.S-,l 4u.8o2 16,718 S3.414 Three days this week.. 82.067 Same days last week....i&.&7 ISame week before 19.n8 bame three weeks ago..25,t"5 Bame four weeks ago.. ..20,777 Same days last year lo,0i3 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table show, the receipt, of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date and comparisons with last year: 1901. Inc. Cattle 602,357 612.201 9o.lf6 Hog 1,717,Od 1,6!S,U63 18.0j Sheep 90Z,K W4.IW2 K2.208 The following Uble shows the average price of hogs said on tne South Oman market the last several days, with com parisons with former years; Date. I U02. 130H100.189.1K8.1887.1S9. London Stoelc Market, LONDON, Bept. 17. 4 p. m. Closing: Console, money 14'N. T. Central do account M 6-14 Norfolk at Western. Anaconda S4 do pfd Atohtaon ,7 'Ontario A Weatern.. do pfd 10U Pennerlvenla Baltimore A Ohio. ...Ill Rand Mines .14S Reading . 17 do 1st pfd . 1441 do Id pfd .164 Southern Rr . 2141 do pfd . fioa Southern Paclflo . r7 It'nlon Pactao 41 do pfd. Canadian Pacific Cheaapeake A Ohio. Chicago o. W C, M. A Bt. P DeBeera (del.) Denrer A R. O do pfd Erie do let pfd do 2d pfd Illinois Central Loularllle A Naab. M.. K. A T do pfd ,l4 . 74 , l 1 . M , n , it . 44 . 404 ', , 114 .1114 , u 44 , IS Adams Con 10 Little Chief 14 Alice to Ontario M Breeoe 0 Ophlr 100 Brunawlck Con T Phoenix I Comatork Tunnel ... 64 Potoel 10 Con. Cal. A Va 10S Savage Kern Hl'.vsr 1? Vada ....... t Iron Surer to Small Hopes 10 Leadville Con I Standard M0 An Dfd Canadian Paclflo . Canada Southern . Chee. A Ohio Chicago A Alton.. do pfd Chicago. I. A L. . do Dfd Chlraeo A B. I... Chicago A Ot. W.. do let pia an Id Did Chicago A N. W.. C. R. I. A P .... Chicago T. A T... do pto C. C. C. A 8t. L... Colo. Southern . do let pia do Id p!d Dela. A Hudann... Dela .. L. A W.... Denver a K. do pfd Erie do let pto do id P'tl Ot. Nor. ptd Horklng vauejr ... do pfd nitnola Central ... Iowa Central do pld L K. W do pfd Louia. A Naah.... Manhattan I. ... 71 do pfd ... i waDean , ... 1 I do pfd ...f W. A L. E ... UHl do 2d pfd ... e4,VVIa. Central ..... ... 4 I do pfd ...337 jAdama Expreee .., ...1S4 Amer. Eipreaa .. ... 214 t'. 8. Eipreae ... 41 Welle-Fargo Ex... ...I0S4 Anul. Copper ..... ... 14 Amer. I'. A P..... ... 7S I do pfd , ...61 Amer. Lin. Oil..., ...174 do pfd ...276 Amer. g. & R.. ... 44 do pfd ... 44 Ana. Mln. Co ... 414 Brk. Rap. Tr ... 70 Colo. r. A I , ... 6. It'on. Gaa ...1 Con. Tob. pfd.... ...100 iGeneral Electric . WVMocklng Coal T V. S. Steel .61 do pfd .1764Wabaah .1674 do Ptd . 27 Bpanlah 4s . 4' BAR SILVER Steady at 23Tkd per ounce. MONEY 2(24 per cent. The rate of dis count In the open market for short and three months' bills is 2 15-1693 per cent. New Tork Mining; Unotatlona. tne closing prices on mining stocks: Bank Clear1naa. OMAHA. Sept. 17. Bank clearing. J1.0B5.- 609.02; corresponding day last year, IL.123,- KU.ov; decrease. iZi.TTi.ei. chicauo, Bept. 17. Clearings, s.M6,7W(; balances, $2,220,030; "posted exchange, $4.84 sixty day, and $4.S64 on demand; New York exchange at par. ST. IXJUIS. Sept. 17. Clearings, $8,064,809; balances, $967,1501 lioney, steady, 66 per cent; New York exthange, 10c discount. NEW YORK, Sept, 17. Exchanges, $3n2, 401,203: balances; $7,709,767. BOSTON, Sept. Exchanges, I2J.884.783; balances, $1,737,286. BALTIMORE, Sept, 17. Clearings, $4,525, 741; balances, $86,61I; money, 56 per cent. PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 17. Clearings, $21,316,608; balances. $3,171,133; money, 6 per cent. CINCINNATI, Sept. 17. Clearings. $3,894, 460; money, 443 per cent; New York ex change, par. Condition ot the Treaaary. WASHINGTON, Sept. 17. Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $160,000,000 gold reserve In the division of redemption. shows: Available cash balances, $216,976,- VUtt; gold, I128,BU,bbB, Wool Market. ..1714 .. 44 454 125 .1M4 Int'n'l Paper ao pra Laclede Oaa National Blacult National Lead ... o. American ... ,..lM4lPaclAc Coaat Met. St. Rr 146;PclSo Mall $2.2;-ii-2.75. LKMONS California, $4.084.26; Messina,, $4.&tK)3.00. ORANGES Valenclas. $4.76-80.00; Mediter ranean bwtets. $1.0ii4.26. PlNEAPPLKS-l'er crate. $4.Stiff4.E0, MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY New Utah, per 24-frame case, $3.60. CI DER New York, $3.76. HIDES No. 1 green, 7c; No. 1 green, c; No 1 salted. 8Wc; No. I salted. 74c; No. 1 cal calf, It to 124 lbs., 84c; No. t veal calf, 11 to 16 lbs.. V; dry hide. 84fl2c; sheep pelts. 75c; hone hides, 1 1 6ou2 W. l'OPt'URN Per lb.. 6c; shelled, sc. NUTS Walnats, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 12c; bard shell, per lb., 114c; No. I soft shell, per lb., luc; No. 1 hard shell, per lb., 9c; bra alls, per lb., 14c; filberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb., loc; pecans, large, per lb., lie; mall, per lb., luc: cocoanuts. Der don . &oc. OLD METAL A. H. Aloern Quotes the following prices: Iron, country mixed, per ten, $11; Iron, stove plate, per ton. $s; cop per, per 10., atc; oraaa, seavy, pT id., 14c; Lraaa, light, pi-r lb., 64c; leod. per lb . ac; sine, per id.. 14c; ruuiwr, per id., tc. Mllwaakca Urala Market. MILWAUKEE, Bept. 17. WHEAT - Mca. lentral .. Mei.' National . Minn. St. L.. Mo. Pacific M., K. A T ... do pfd N. 1. Central.. N. T. Central.. Nor. A Weav-. do ptd Ontario A W... Pennarlvanla .. Heading do let ptd... do 2d pfd . . . St. U a S P.. do let pfd... da M pfd... St. L. S. W ... do pie St. Paul Offered. 2H4,People'a Oaa zon.rrwaed Steel Car.. do pfd Pullman Pal. Car. Republic Steel .... tio pfd Sugar C. A I A P. Co.... pld Leather pfd Rubber pfd Steel do pfd Weetern I'nloa ... Am. Locomotive , do pfd K. C. Southern.... do pfd ....1134 ....1314) .... S4 .... 474 ....10 ....163 Tenn .... 74 ,11. B. .... II I do .... .74V. s. ....141',. do .... 714,1'. S. .... 7ll do .... 7,U. S. ....7M .... e6 .... 74; .... !' .... 77 11 4 ..1N4 ,. 7 .. 40 .. 174 .. 614 .. 444 ..lint .. 24 .. 24 .. b4h .. 24 .. 41 .. 104 .. 4 ..210 ..262 ..161 ..242 .. 4 .. 26 .. 114 .. 224 .. 60 .. 44 .. 4 ..lo4 .. 64 .. H2 ..2244 ..123 ..1M .. 2 .. 1 .. 734 .. .. 47 .. 264 . .i: .. 8114 .. 4i4 ..1(17 .. 63 .. 8 ..134 .. 224 .. 624 ...131 ... 704 ,.. 14 ,.. 794 ... 13 ,.. I ... 14 ... 64 ... 4i'a ... ... M ... 124 ... 18 ... 1H4 .. 6a4 BT. LOUIS. Bept. 17.-WOOLSteady: medium grades and combing, 151 18c; light fine, 134j 16c; heavy fine. I0'l3c; tub washed, 16&264c. LONDON. Sept. 17. WOOL The offerings at the wool auction sales today numbered iz,72i Dales. rne attendance was large Holders wero firm and prices were gener ally Arm. Withdrawals were more fre quent, owing to the high limit. Larger selections of merinos were offered and they bought eagerly, especially scoured, by the continent. Cross bred, were In active request for Yorkshire at 6 to 10 per cent above the July average. The continent competed keenly for half breds, of which America bought a few suitable parcels. Following are the sales In detail: New South Wales, 61 baleu, scoured. Is 8d greasy. 8idf(ls 4d. Queensland, 700 bales; scoured, Ih&Ib 104d; greaay, 7dig9d. Vic toria. 1,200 bales; scoured, 44rKpls 8d; greasy, 3dfil Id. South Australia, 600 bales; scoured 9dls 64d; greasy, 3dtf 104d. Tasmania, loo Dales; scoured, is id; greasy, 4diilld. West Australia, 31 bales; arreaay. 6diid. New Zealand. 3.700 bales: scoured. 34dftls 6d; greasy. 34dlld. Cape of Good Hope and Natal. 900 bales; scoured, 6MWls 9d; greasy, 34dti84d. Italy. 100 hales; scoured, 74d10d. British Columbia, 3oo bales; greasy, 64d'al0d. Boston Stock Quotations. BOSTON, Sent. 17 Call loans, tm Der cent; time loans, 6fj7 per cent. Official closing on stocKs ana oonas Atcbteon 4a lot Oaa la " Hex. Central 4a ai N. B. O. C 46 Althleon do pfd Adventure Allouea Amalgamated Ulneham' . 4 Calumet A Hecla... .. liws:t eutennlal Doston a Albaai 2 l'opper Uanee . Boetoa A Me 1 Dominion Coal hovtoa Elevated 16.'. 'Franklin .A.... N. V , N. H. A H...2S34 lale Kuyale .... Kltrhburg pfd 12 Mohawk t'nlon Pactdc 11 !Old Dominion . Met. Central 24 Oe.'eola 131 r-arrot ..i: iviuimr Amer. Sugar do pfd Amer. T. A T Don. I A 8 Gen. Electric Maaa. Electric do pfd N. E. O. C lolled Fruit V. Steel do pfd Weettug. commoa . 114 4 . 4 . 204 .666 . 1 . 6!) .141 . .i . 13 . 4 "4 . eo . 24 .13 ..170 Santa Fa Copper 11-11 74 Tamarack . .lt II rlwounlaln . .. 14 Trinity . . M4l'nlied Statea .. 44 Ttah ..1154 .Victoria . . 40TM Wlnoiia .. I Wolverine .... ..112 1 ...17 l 114 224 6'a 61 Foreign Financial. BERLIN, Sept. 17 Business waa dull on the bourse today In the absence of en couraging features. Austrian were espe cially easy on Vienna advices. Mines de clined on realisations. Toward the clone tbey were somewhat steadier on more satisfactory news from London. Exchange on London, vm 404 pfgs for c neck a. I.ONLHIN. 8pl. 17. Money was easy today. The new Isaue of $lu.0on.0o of treas ury bills next week will reduce the floating Bept 1... Sept. 2... Sept 8... Sept. 4... bept. 6... Sept. 6... Sept, 7... Sept. 8... Sept. 9... Bept, 10.. Sept. 11.. Sept, 12.. Sept. 13.. Bept. 14.. Sept. 15.. Sept 16.. Sept. 17.. tou.1 1 a nil A 201 1 Gil 8 991 I 77 7 424 li "I ! Jfil i " 7 864 Og 6 02 I 8 60I 4 07 1 81 7 834 lb 06 4 18 IM 1 '1 4M Unl 8 ONI 4 221 3 821 3 76 7 44'A 8 84 5 06, 4 83, 8 W 4 05 10 1 4 SO 3 60 4 00 2 81 8 87 I 4 Wl 3 6 8 W N )W : n 8 Ml 2 88 79 1 48 7 014 7 4841 7 464 7 664 7 654 e 7 67 7 66 7 4 461 6 161 3 68 6 40 6 22i 4 28 6 391 6 46 62, e 67 62 6 20 4 22 3 77 i 08 4 26 3 79 3 82 5 06 4 301 3 88 8 89 1 2 68 5 09 4 3 3 72, 3 87 1 2 70 I 6 131 4 34 8 68 8 84 3 73 8 6 3 oo a tw Indlcateb Bunday. YESTERDAY'S SHIPMENTS. Tha fniinwina list shows the number of cars of feeders shipped to the country yes terday and their destination: n.i.ia cars. C. J. Dressxen, Bennett, Neb. B. A .... 1 Rooney A Co., wraytcn, neo.-o. a. -Van Sailor, Verdon, Neb. M. J Bay State Farm. Bay State, Neb. U. P.. 4 Illinois came to,, esuver reev, U p s R. A. Heaton, Wahoo, Neb. U. P J Frank Fisher. Nellgh, Neb. F. i. 1 . ... J VI.l. 1.. 1." jonn KOtn, onyaer, nru.-r. t.." John Tlerney, pllger. Neb. 1. E A. Menn, uoage, rieo. r. ii... John Callls, Howell, Neb.-F. E. Frit, Bargett, Jr., Dodge, Neb. F. E. David Wlegahd. Bcrlbner, Neb. F. E. Conrad Schneider, Snyder, Neb. I). E. rh.riAfl Mnnn chmlron. Neb. F. E... O. I. Rogenback. Wiener, Neb. F. Ey. a Robert RogenbacK, wiener, aKu.r . O. C Rankin. Tarklo. Mo. K. C 3 J. Wester, Sheblna, Mo. K. C... J v-v r t. i 1 Il.mhnpir 7a K. 2 1 rotTee Market. NEW YORK. Sent. 17. COFFEE Snot Rio. nulet; No. 7 Invoice, 5 7-16c; mild, firm; Cordova. 8tll4c. Coffee futures opened steady at prices unchanged. Foreign mar ket advices were practically featureless. The primary receipta, however, were mod erate, and this, with the uncertainty over the actual condition or the Beptember flowering, tended to check bear operatlona, while the large surplus already on hand and lack of odtslde Interest gave little encouragement to the bulla. The trading, therefore, was more tnan usually dull. Prleea underwent little change, the close being net unchanged to 6 points lower, and the total sales 23.000 bags. Including Sep tember, at 5.26c: October, 6.80c; December, fi.4iKii6.45c: March. 6.66c; May, 6.80c; June. 6.90c; July, 695c; August, 6.00c. New York Live Stock sinrket. NEW YORK. Sept. 17. BEEVES Re- Monday a cnoice; duiih. generally iuc to loc lower: cows, steady to &c lower: steers. $4.01) to $6.26; bulls, $2.30&3.80; cows, tl.outif 3. So. Cables, nrm; exports, a,zju quarters ot btef. CALVES Recelnts. 1.967: market firm: veals, $5.00 to $8.50; grossers, $3.60 to $4.00; coarse poutnern calves, SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 12.293: hpn 21o lower: Inmbs. 2o. to 3fin lower. Sheep, $1.75 to S3.60; Tew extra, S3.634 to $3.75; lambs. $4.V to $5.76: extra. $5.80; culls, $3 50 to $4.00; Canada lambs, $5.50 to $5.7o. HOGS Receipta. 8.500: steady; Pennsyl vania and state hogs, 37.60; choice, $7.6j. Evaporated Apple, nn Dried Fralts. NEW YORK. Bept. 17. EVAPORATED APPLES Bales ot prime evaporated ap ples for October delivery are reported around 6Hc. while later options range around 64t6c. Knots are without change at 7(i4c for state, Q'C for western and 5ie tor aoutne'u. DRIED FRUITS Spot prune, are In n fair Jobbing demand and prleea are firm at recent tlKurer, all grade, being Included In the range from 3ij74c. Apricot, are In liberal auDulv and the undertone easier. though prices are unchanged at 744 104c In Uoxe, and CVilkc In bags. Peachea are a ahade more active and steady at uoiuc for peeled and 7'tl'-i4c for unpeeiea. Oil aad Roela. OIL CITY. Pa.. Boot. 17.-OIL credit bal ances, $1 22; certlflcales. no bid; shipment!., l.' bbls.. averaee 92.47S bbls; rutin, 103, 31 bbls.. averaee 81. .667 bis. 1 LIVERPOOL. Sept. 17. OIL Turpentine spirits, nrm, gns sd. Ul.SDtlN, Sept. 17. OH-:alcutta lin seed stKjt. 5fte: linseed. ) Ki. NEW YORK. Sept. 17 Oil. Cottonseed firm; prime yellow. 41c; turpentine, nrm 4!ii494c. TOLEDO. O.. gept. 17. OIL North Lima Ktti buutn t-itna and inaiana, u E. R. Rose, kerman. Neb. M. & O.. ...... 3 E. W. Burdie, Herman, Neb. M. & O.... 1 3. W. Chatt, Tekamah, Neb. M. ot O.... 1 John Prlngle, Bparland. Bl.-R. I. ......... 1 E. W. Anderson, Council Bluffs, la. R. I.. 3 Charles Cessna. Orlnnell, la. R. 1 1 C. W. Marshall, Marne, ia. n. i j H. Barnholdt, Avoca. la. R. I. J A. R. Oroym, Madrid, la. R. I J O. Beckman. Hull. 'y J. J. Kennedy, Missouri Valley, la. N. W. 1 William Mitcneu, van, 10. . w B. F. Mitchell. Vail, la.-N. W...... W. E. Arnold, Klrkman, la. N. W.. Fred Tanstlan, Ktrkman. Ia. N. W M. Gibbon, Vail, la.-N. W........... J. M. McFadden. Fenton, Ia-N. W Jacob Stavely, Bancroft, la. N. W A. R. Wilson, Traer, la.-N. W..,. C. W. Payne. West Bide, Ia, N. W C. D. Randall, Wright, Ia. N. W H. Miller. Bchaller. la.-N. W--.--- John Anderson. Dayton, la. N. W Thomas Adams. Vail, Ia. N. W.... H'y Brodv, State Center, Ia. N. W William Holland, Hudson, Ia. I. C. O. N. Garth, Webster City, Ia. I. C William Eggers, Arion, la. I. C A. M. Wilson, Cherokee, 1&.I.C.. FTank Ferguaon, Dunlap, la. I. C a Ii I .. I lM.Ha 1c T C? . J . J , IAIIICI, 111.:'. . i . " - w. . . . .. ...... . Bremmer A P.. Iowa Falla, la. I. C 4 B. W. Slater, uenison, ia. x. v Ran Fraxler. Fontanelle, Ia. Q Joe Dalton, Tabor, Hartman A Co., Malvern, Ia. Q.... G. E. Anderson. Hawthorne, Ia. Q. W E. Right, Pleasantvllle, Ia. Q... T M. McFadden, Malcomb, 111. Globe Dlst. Co.. Pekln, 111. Q D. Rankin, Tarklo, Mo. K. C Sheep J. B. Payne, Lyons, Neb. M. 4 O... J. B. BurgeBS. Kennard, Neb.-F. E. V r. I-Ir,thlc1aa Rnvmond. Neb. U. P.... i G. Mullonberger, North Bend, Neb. U- P- 3 W. Gadd, Clinton, icn.-n. Lowery & H., Manchester, Mich. R. I... Ben Fenstemaker, West Side, la. R. I.. Carl Conrad, Woodhull, III. Corning Seed Co.. Corning. la.-3 j. rl. iJrinoeu, i-avono, u. w The official number of cars of In tmlav bv each road was: Cattle.Hogs. Sh p H'r's C, M. & St. P. Ry 1 Missouri Pacific Ry 6 Union Pacific system... 129 C. & N. W. Ry. ......... 4 F., E. & M. V. R. R ... 121 C. St. P..M. & O. Ry.. 2 B. AMR. Ry 137 C-. B. A Q. Ry i- K. C Dl. J " C., R. 1. & P-. g 8 C, R. I. & P-. west 9 .. Illinois Central 1 Total receipts 436 49 34 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, eacn Duyer purcuuiun lun num ber of head indicated: Ttuvera. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 497 294 236 Swift and Company 1,222 632 1,253 i-.,H.hv Pa .Win ir Co 1.6.3 73 467 Armour A Co 1.330 933 2.C94 Omaha Pack. Co.. K. C. 83 rudahv Pack. Co.. K. C. 651 Armour & Co.. K. C R. Becker 6z Liegan Vnnsant A Co Carey & Benton Ixibman 6t co W. I. Stephen Hill & Huntxlnger William Underwood Livingstone & Bchaller... Hamilton at uoinscnuu.. L. F. Hush Cudahy Pk. Co., country Wolf & Murman t i1 i , . ii n I r if Other buyers l.S9 .... 3,367 2 .... 3 "!!i8 .... 8 D.D. 2 4 2 1 stock HO 28 210 2U2 130 63 356 411 268 60 46 749 131 1.3u 6 cows.. 3 cows... 4 cows.... 6 cows... 1 cow 6 cows..., 6 cows ... 5 cows... 3 cows... 1R cows... 7 cows... 3 cows... 15 cows... 6 cows..., 1 feeder., 41 feeders 30 feeders.. 93 2 feeders.. 90 20 cows 972 4 cows 10H7 8 cows K13 1 stag .1400 1 steer... 1 steer... 18 feeders.. 1240 SO feeders.. 874 29 feeders.. 1060 WYOMING. 67 feeders.. 9S0 4 30 38 feeders. .1015 4 13 steer,... .li 6 20 1 bull 1520 3 35 1 steer 1325 6 20 1 bull 1250 2 75 4 steers.. ..1200 6 20 1 feeder... 1040 3 06 1 stag 1300 6 00 COLORADO. 1 cows W4 8 00 1 bull WH) 3 00 88 cows 874 2 60 10 calve.. 294 4 76 4 cows 847 2 75 12 calves... 26 3 60 1 cow HtiO I 75 1 calf 120 6 26 6 cows 894 2 75 1 bull 800 3 00 1 cow 630 2 00 1 bull 10M0 3 00 6 cow, 8X2 8 25 1 cow 9) 3 20 12 cows 89 2 8") 6 cows 1040 3 20 15 cows 774 2 85 2 cow, 875 2 00 1 cow 750 2 45 1 cow 840 2 75 4 cotv, H12 2 25 8 cows h! 2 45 7 cows 9M 2 90 2 cows li25 3 25 36 cow, 9i!5 3 15 31 cow, 9rrf 3 15 1 cow 750 3 15 14 cow, 930 3 25 1 cow 1070 3 Z5 8 cows 970 3 25 3 rows 833 2 60 6 cows 912 8 25 3 cows 816 2 90 41 feeders! !l(H6 3 95 44 feeders.. 1025 4 20 34 feeders.. 1048 4 20 41 cows 8.'8 2 70 6 feeders.. 1043 3 50 1 cow 920 3 00 F. B. Langworthv Neb. 46 feeders.. H tao 6 feeders.. 938 3 60 Totals 10.522 2.642 6.400 CATTLE There was another liberal run of cattle here today, which makes the supply for the'three days the heaviest of any time so far thla year and also In exceas of the same days of last year. The nnbat n it 1 1 r n nfii uu 11 kuuu dubiic. particularly on the better grades, and no very Important fluctuation took place. There were a lew curiueu ic-ra uu nmc today and two loads of them were good enough to bring V.2o. which looked about a ateady price, though corn cattle have been so scarce that It Is hard to tell what . K mirh.l I u The cow market was generally about stesdy. if there waa any change at all It u . ..nnnrv 1 111. in 11 wnaRiica via ti.o -.-wi,. rni1a Choice cows and also the canrtre and cutters held Just about steady with yesterday. D..11L vm 1 calves and atacs did not show nniirh rhiinit from yesterday to be worthy ot mention, n v " '-. . n .1 - Hiivap fur common stuff. The yarda were full again of stockers nnd feeders, out owing 10 me tha country the better grades sold a tendv nrlcea. The common klnda were neglected and a little lower. Common horned cattle. In particular, were hard to move at any price. n...inii Included a Brood proportion o western beef steers, and the better grade. did not ahow much change from yesterday The market, thougn, waa noi as orittK as 1 h hn on some duvs. and the less de .Imhle kinds were probably a little weak Good feedera held steady and the demand waa In falrl good shape, as over 1:0 cars were shipped to the country yeslerday. Buyers though, had about all the common kinds on d that th-y want for the present, and ao a result that class of cattle was a little lower today, and In fact were hard to move at all. Range towi were Just about steady with yesterday, unless In the case of the medium claaa, which might have been a little weak. Representative aales: BEEF STEERS. Av. I'r. No. Av. rr ..101S I 00 Ml 1277 T 26 ..1041 I 46 COWS. .. 176 I 40 6 Kl IN .. see 1 60 11 ni4 1 te ..111 I 10 1 Ill I 16 ..113 I It 22 M I 16 .. 74 I 76 X IV74 I M ..tut 2 ai I 101, t 60 ..1MW I ti HEIFERS. .. tS I so CALVES. .. 11 4 M BULIJt. 1 1110 I M 1 M0 $ M 1 lll 2 16 STOCK CALVES. 4n 2 n 1 t' 111 6TOCK COWB AND HEIFERS. nmo 160 1 si 20 KC0 I M 1 ISO I 10 BTOCvEf:8 AND FEEDERS. 1. 1 I I 4 1 4 ion .1120 . to . U7 63 feeders.. 101 9 3 feeders. . 746 7 feeders.. W2 43 feeders.. JttM 4 feeder,.. 47 10 heifers... 708 8 cows 82 1 no I no I 10 I 15 I 40 NEBRASKA. II. 14., 4., II. mi 1 is 41 4 26 7 4 K 441 4 26 ..130 . 95 . 932 .1000 .lofiO . 9..'8 .lo-.'g . 912 .1003 . K45 . 910 . 993 . 9 J0 .1116 . 7H0 914 .1060 a 10 1 bull. 8 cows. 2 cows., 8 cows. 6 cow,.. .11 wo ,. 7W . 635 . 82 .1041 4 05 2 60 3 65 3 60 3 M 2 00 2 65 3 3') 3 80 3 00 2 75 2 80 2 80 8 10 3 10 3 10 2 70 2 50 2 60 2 85 3 00 4 10 3 65 3 75 3 75 3 20 2 76 3 00 4 25 3 60 3 50 4 80 3 86 4 00 2 60 3 00 2 75 2 65 3 40 ..1070 .. 940 ..loon . . KO .. Wl ..lofiO 90 . 796 , 670 . M7 930 7H7 8 cows... 1 cow..,. 4 cows... 1 cow.... 1 bull.... 1 bull ... 1 feeder. 1 feeder... 910 29 feeders.. I1194 11 feeders.. 952 11 feeders.. inol 16 feeders. .1006 10 heifers... 823 3 heifers, 1 heifer.. 4 heifers. 28 feeders. 2 feeders 4 feeders 9 feeders., 950 1 feeder... 800 6 feeders.. 705 8 feeders.. 940 31 rows 1035 2 cows 855 2 bulls 1330 1 bull 540 39 cows 1031 47 feeders.. 1221 10 cows 1075 16 cows 1013 13 rows 948 3 bulls 1235 3 heifers... 713 2 calves... 230 21 feeders.. 788 1 feeder... 900 1 cow 700 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 10 3 75 3 2S 3 60 8 60 4 15 4 15 4 40 4 40 3 m 3 90 2 50 2 50 4 3 50 3 95 3 50 3 00 4 10 4 20 3 10 3 10 2 60 3 60 3 35 4 30 3 00 8 10 8 20 2 B" 2 ffi 6 00 3 75 3 65 2 60 Heenan A K. Neb. 60 cows J66 3 30 2 cows 1380 J Rlchlarlk Neb. 1 cow 1150 3 75 1 bull 1480 6 cows SK4 2 90 6 cows 900 2 cows 1075 8 25 1 cow 1080 W. C. Thompson Neb. 12 cowb 1069 3 25 1 bull 1370 3 feeders.. 10 4J 6 70 W. T. Bowers Neb. 28 cows 1016 3 10 Caker Bros. Neb. 3 feeders.. 823 3 40 1 steer 700 1 heifer... 830 W. 1 bull 1270 1 bull 900 1 bull 1220 J, 87 steers.... 1254 1 steer.. ...1300 J. 9 feeders.. 10R6 3 feeders.. 803 T. K. 1 feeder... 610 1 cow 900 1 cow 1140 2 cows 10V 1 feeder... 1330 1 heifer... 430 28 feeders.. 1004 2 25 6 feeders.. W. Bavers Neb. 2 35 1 cow 1060 2 25 1 cow 960 2 65 1 bull 1280 M. Cox Neb. 4 20 1 cow 1060 3 00 1 cow 950 H. Ashlre Neb. 8 feeders.. 763 4 feeders.. 1080 Propst Colo. 82 cowa 1061 1 cow 900 2 cows 876 2 cows 655 t feeders.. 1020 1 feeder... 950 15 feeders.. 706 3 80 3 25 & L 3 60 3 30 2 75 2 75 2 80 3 00 4 40 A. B. Critchlow Colo. 26 feeders.. 1048 4 00 33 cows.... 24 feeders.. 932 3 70 16 cows.... 23 feeders.. 853 3 70 8 steers... 7 feeders.. 1061 3 76 C. McFay C"l-. 22 feeders.. 9S9 4 00 2 co 1 COW 1040 3 75 1 CO.. .7.. George Tuttle Colo. 64 feeders.. 1117 8 80 9 cows...., 2 feeders.. 1117 3 00 21 cows.... 7 feeders.. 997 3 86 37 cows.... S. C. Campbell Utah. 4 bulls 1210 2 95 13 cows.... 8 feeders.. 776 3 40 D. C. Phelps-S. D. 12 feeders.. 1077 4 16 J. Daley 8. D. . K0 . 883 .1131 K85 1130 904 956 871 3 30 8 00 2 90 3 25 2 70 225 3 40 2 00 2 25 2 36 3 00 3 00 3 23 3 60 3 30 3 30 2 75 2 14 4 25 2 60 3 60 8 3S 2 90 3 90 3 25 3 00 2 25 8 06 3 00 844 3 40 84 feeders 28 feeders 1 feeder.. 1 bull 1 bull 11 cows... .1037 .1075 .1050 .1430 .1200 ..1000 4 16 4 15 4 15 2 45 2 45 3 60 1 cow, 1 cow.. 2 cows. 6 cows. 1 cow.. ,...1300 ... 910 .... 960 .... 950 ...1100 J. D. Single Mont. 16 steers... .1172 4 70 2 steers.... 1270 N. M. McCavley Mont. 92 steers.. ..1156 4 70 17 steers.... 1375 Oscar Stephens Mont. 4 steers.... 1475 4 90 W. D. Jackson Mont. 67 steers.... 1148 4 70 Snyder & Westvelt Mont. 109 steers... 1150 4 70 J. Allen wyo. 30 feeders. .1120 4 75 10 cowb 1010 6 feeders. 865 2 90 3 60 2 90 2 90 3 60 4 90 4 90 8 60 2 75 970 3 30 966 3 25 41 cows.... 12 cows.... 27 feeders. 921 935 .S0 198 8 26 8 00 3 35 6 60 3 00 8 00 3 26 937 4 10 2 cows.. A. Hlnks Wyo. 11 steers... 950 4 00 15 cows 47 steers.... 10K8 4 10 Johnson At least wyo. 104 feeders. 9ti6 3 80 10 feeders., warcnier tiros. wyo. 14 feeders.. 1148 4 76 7 cows 18 feeders.. 105 4 45 scows 2 steers... .125 a 10 Allen Laugnun wyo 9l s 2S ii cows... , 857 2 76 1 calves. E. Jammerman Wyo. . 877 3 86 1 feeder... 900 9 feeders.. 1037 4 00 1 feeder... 810 S. B. Asbell Wyo. M feMera.. 990 4 00 1 feeder. ..1080 HOGS Receipta or nogs were extremely light today, but In spite of that fact pack era succeeded In pounding the market to quite an extent. Trading started In on a basis ot a ioojioc aecnne as compared wtin yeaterday's average. Heavy packing grades sold from $7.26 to $7.35. while the better quality hogs sold from $7.86 to $7.45, with a few choice loads going above that figure. The market. though, waa not active, for eoller, were generally asking more than buyers were willing to give and It was late before the bulk of the offer ings waa disposed of. There was not mucn cnange in tne mar ket from start to finish and the bulk of all the salea went from $7.30 to $7.45. To day's decline carries the market back to about where It wa, September 6. Repre sentative Bales: No. Av. Bh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. it 1:1 ... 1 30 60 2(1 10 7 424 ao 0 ... 1 30 71 142 SO 7 46 0 266 40 T 20 106 102 UTS 3 24 140 7 15 64 2 60 ... 146 43 201 140 T 36 42 244 ... 7 45 Sl 260 M 7 36 2 262 40 1 46 S7 tuO 140 1 26 21 240 120 7 47 4 61 2 ... t 16 74 242 120 7 474 I 211 120 T 36 76 164 60 7 474 22 261 ... 7 S5 21 140 ... 7 47 4 (2 300 ... 7 17 4 64 176 40 7 47 4 (0 .300 40 7 174 II 2T.S ... 7 60 6 231 J20 7 40 75..: 241 10 7 65 (1 2h7 40 7 40 - 14 l' 60 7 66 6 Ill 160 7 40 61 220 ... 7 6S Si 2k 2.1O 7 40 67 251 ... 7 65 M 2H 0 7 424 14 214 ... 7 65 to 271 140 7 424 73 210 ... 7 65 3 231 1M 7 424 66 244 40 7 66 61 14 ... 7 424 SHEEP A liberal run of sheep was re ported this morning, but the traina were) 1st, In arriving. The bulk of what wa; nffxrvMi nn the morning market consisted of feeder, and the few fat sheep and lamb, that were offered packer, did not take hold of very freely. It was evident thnt buyers were not particularly anxious for fat stuff, and, as a result, the market could be quoted rather quiet ami weak. There were a good many feeders on sale and while buying was not particularly brisk, still the good stuff sol at right around steady prices. The Interior grades were, of course, neglected and possibly a little lower Quotations: Good to choice yearling, $313.75; fair to good. $3.4trS ; good to choice wethers, $.I.K.t3 50; fair to good wethers. $3 0o!j3 25; choice ewes. $3.0(Vh3 16; fair to good wes, $2.5tV(i-2.ft0; good to choice lambs. $4.75rcrA on; fair to good Ismbs. $4 J 4.75; feeder wefhers, $3.00(J$ 40; feeder year lings, $;i.4'h8.65; feeler Ismbs, .5tVfj4.2J2 culi lambs, $200.0300: feeder ewes, $1,750 2 60; stock ewes, $2.&0$f3.26. Representative sa.ea: No. 10 culls 227 Wyoming ewee 129 Wyoming ewes 240 western ewes 874 western cull yearlings 2M Wyoming ewes 125 Wyoming wethers .... 97 Wyoming wethers .... 4 culls 46 cull ewes 23 western ewe, 113 ewes and wethers .... 60 feeder lamoa 11 Idaho feeder ewes 9 Idaho wethers 11 Idaho lambs Ar. ... 67 ... 92 ... 88 ... SO ... 88 ...105 ... 89 ...1"3 ... SO ... 82 ... 80 ... 64 ... 61 .. 77 .. 110 ,. 70 Pr. 1 50 3 25 3 75 2 75 2 75 2 :i 3 25 3 35 2 00 2 35 2 73 3 30 8 90 3 60 3 00 4 40 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MAItKET. Cattle Steady Hogs Lower Tkan Tnea- dny'e Close Sheen Stendy. CHICAOO, 8ept. 17.CATTLE Receipts. 17.000 head. Including 300 head Texans. d.5 head westerns; steady; good to prime steers, $7.6nifi8.65: poor to medium. $4.00 7.00; stockers and feeders, Ili.fyVftS 00; rows. $1.50fl5.O0; heifers, $2.tvf,'.26; canners. $1.60i 2.50; bulls, $2.2Mi5O0; calves, $3.5ff3. 75; Texas fed steers, $3.0(.46; western steers, $3.009 HOOS-Recelpte. 25.000 head; left over, 9.000 head; 10;15c lower than yesterday's close; mixed and butchers, $7.25437.80; good to choice heavy, $7.50W7 90; rough heavy, I7.2t-V7.40; light. $7. 257. 75; bulk of sales, $7.S.V7.55. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 22.000 head; steady; good to choice wether,, $3.60 0(4.00; fair to choice mixed. $2.504?3.26; west ern sheep, $2.5f)'3.80: native lambs, $3.75 6.25; western lambs. $3.75fi5.25. Official yesterday: Receipts. Shipments. Cattle 10.083 4.129 Hogs 20.293 2.S96 Sheep 27,433 $.343 Kansas Cl y l.iv e Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Sept. 17. CATTLE Re ceipts. 11.619 head natives. 2.759 head Tex ans. 697 head Texas calves, 1.317 head Texas natives; native beeves steady; quarantines steady to 10c lower; a glut in stockers and feeders and prices the lowest of the sea son; choice export and dressed beef steers, $7.30i5.00; fair to good, $4.30Jp7.25: stockers and feeders, $2.7&4r6.00; western fed steers, $3.55 5 40; Texas and Indian steers, $3.00 4.00; Texas cowb, $2.4062.75: native vows, $1.76(54.75; native heifers. $2 26frX50: can ners. $1.00'2.26; bulls, $2.25g3.15; calves, $1.506.50. HOGS Receipt. 7.189 head; 64?16c lower; top. $7.70; bulk of sales, $7.40iff7.65: heavy, $7.60(67.70; mixed packers, $7.40(fi7.55; light. $7.10(g7.56; yorkers, $7.50T7.65; pigs, $6.00j 7.35. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6,593 head; steady to strong; native lambs, $3.20Ei 4.15; western lambs, $3.0O(S4.flO; native wether,, $2.954.30; western wethers, $2.75 3.90; fed ewes, $3.00(i'4.O0; Texas clipped yearlings, $3.0Ojj3.76; Texas clipped sheep, 2.VHX(j3.26; stockers and feeder,, $2.00(3,2.95. St. Loafs Lire stock Market. ' ST. LOUIS, Sept 17. CATTLE Receipts, 8.500 head. Including 4.8U0 need Texans; market steady for natives, with Texans quoted lower; native shipping and export Bteers, $5.75fg'7.75; dressed beef and butcher steers, 4.btK(i(.2i; steers under l.Ouw il., 3.7J 4f6.00; stockers and feedera, $3.354.40: cow, and helferB. $2.25(g5.50; canners, $1.75ar2.75; bulla, $3.254.00; calves, $4.om7.O0; Texas and Indian steers, $2.80(34.80; cow, and heifers, $2.ftxfi 3.30. HOGS Receipts, 4.000 head; market 10 15c lower: pigs and lights, $7.267.60; pack ers, $7.40rcf7.65; butchers, $7.607.95. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.000 head; market slow, lower; native muttons, $3.30f4.00; lambs. $4.00(36.40; culls and bucks, $2.O04i3.40; stockers, $1.503.00; Texans, $3.00 8.76. St. Joseph Live Stoek Market. ST JOSEPH. Bept. 17. CATTLE Re ceipts, 8,623 head; steady to loo lower; na tives, $4.26(&25, cowb and heifers, $2.00B D.86: veals. $3.00lfr6.25: bulls and stars. llkWi 6.00; stockers and feeders, $2.75if5.00. HOGS Receipts, 4,194 head; lnfflOc lower; light and light mixed, $7.40t&7.624; medium and heavy $7.474W 7H; pigs. $3.75.90; bulk, $7.4t'7.56. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 370 head: firm. Slons City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, Ia., Sept. 17. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 1,800; market active for Blockers and steady for killers; beeves, $5.75a7.60; cows, bulls and mixed, $2&O4.60; stockers and feeders, $3.00i.00; yearlings, $2.60(J4.00. HOGS Receipts, 2.000; market 1015c lower, selling at $7.2&&7.60; bulk, $7.367.40. Stock la Sight. The following were the receipts of live tnrlr at the miw nrtnnlnnl -!,!- ...t..,).,,- Omaha Kansas City St. Louis ... St. Joseph . Sioux City .. vine, were tne receipts 01 live s six principal cities yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 10.300 3,120 8,580 J AC swuv nn n.v ,.17,000 .14.378 . 8.600 . 3.523 . 1.800 25,000 7,189 4,000 4.194 2.000 22,000 6.693 3,000 370 Totals .66,601 46,603 39.640 Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Sept. 17. COTTON Spot closed quiet and steady, l-16c higher; mid dling uplands, 9c; middling gulf, 94c; sales, 215 bales. Closed steady; Beptember, 8.69c; October. 8.69c; November, 8.6Sc; De cember, 8.69c; January, 8.89c; February, 8.52c; March, 8.58c; April, 8.53c; May, 8.57c. Futures opened firm; Beptember, 8.66c; Octo ber, 8.61c; November, 8.59c; December, 8.64c; January, 8.62c; February, 8 46c; March. 8 48c; April. 8.47e; May, 8 4Se. LIVERPOOL, Sept. 17.-COTTON-8pot. moderate business, prices 3-32d higher; American middling fair, 613-32d; good mid dling, 6 6-32d; middling, 6 l-16d; low mid dling, 4 31-32d; good ordinary, 4 27-32d; ordi nary, 4 23-32d. The salea of the day were 7,0o0 bales, of which 600 were for specula tion and export and Included 6,400 American. Receipts, 9,0u0 bales, Including 7,6o0 Amer ican. Futures opened and closed quiet; American middling g. o. c, September, 4 68-64((J4 69-64d, buyers; September and Oc tober, 4 49-64d, buyers; October and Novem ber, 4 44-64d, sellers; November and Decem ber, 4 41-64d. buyers; December and Jan uary, 4 89-64(84 40-64d ; January and Feb ruary, 4 39-64l. sellers; February and March. 4 3H-64d, buyers; March and April, 4 37-64'i 4 38-C4d, buvera; April and May. 4 37-64f, buyers; May and June, 4 87-64d, seller,. Dry Goads Market. NEW YORK, Bept. 17. DRY GOODS The demand has been on a moderate scale today In the dry goods market for all de scriptions of cotton goods In this market, but prices are firmly maintained. Fair business In wide print cloths at fair prices. Men'a woolens and worateda well sold for spring and firm. Woolens and worsted dress gooda 0,'Jlet and ateady. iauanuiiJiiiULJ. .11 .li ...1 1. 11 a l 11 ill mails 1 1 iiau m.i 1 jiaiaiiisu aiii.n.iinii mmmmmmmmam, H Tes sens-iie. No. 4 ... 40 ... I.... 1.... I.... 1.... I.... 22.... I.... 1.... Buy December Wheat for 80c. With cath Wheat a sreaaluas ever Seplraefcer. and Seotaaaber a BreMfluea ever fit bar, bears Inatesil el are paylar tarty leg charf-se. Export lem t Ceantry ere averaging IjOOO.OOd au. weekly, er lully euei to laat rear, largest ea retard. 2:cka Wheat every whtr are at a aaialasiiaa, aae. net :i:reaJlax TnreeMug relara 4 frin Wheat a hlf ,leappntsaeat. aaS receipta at prlatery aaarkete about halts ige aa one year age. crea thla year naJee f0 ' eu.i leaf a 7S0.Oi4U.O4K bta. Sa .a I cMe nellen narraats a price ler Daceanber Wheat sbere eVOc. I believe It will Mil there. Pur chases mate new, a4 atarglnae &c per he., ebon reaiilt la big nrel.ts. Write tWr aay anarhet letter. Your enter la leture as, senelf a meat af cath grala (elicited. GEO. H. PHILLIPS, 231-239 Rial to Building, Chicago. 7 Mr dally sad the weekly sairaet letter are published la lull la the Chicane Cveatac est. -' i tallage bvenlag Journal. Will aenl el tber paper, tree el shu,. 4 eeroeve laUrested la 4k an ark at. BKB&