Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 18, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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rlnf, badly euttln tola dfefc. Attendance,
They are Mrh selected to enter the fnot
Mil Team ana will materially aireniinen
the maruvn rlnrn.
C.n.'ha Takei a Danble-Headar fram Billy
Hart'a Diitillari,
Light tllttlas ' Clnee rieltllnc
Holts Dmk ' Homnm, t
noarae's Get Aroaa Often
... ftnoagH to Win.
Oinaha t,ack to rloc games from Peoria
Wednesday ei a atarter ea the Hit of seven
to be tlayed by thru inni. The ecore
was tha same. In each, 2 to 1. Dekplte the
roll weather a crowd of 1.000 waa oa band,
and eoastderlnf the Hrflly-flngered condi
tion of the alayere tne work waa enappy
throughout. Fielding wm alwaya fait, but
frosted tnitta caused a preponderance of errors.-
all on Mr jr ohaeoea.
Rourke'e twlrleri won tbe gam by flaw
Iras work. Foreman acted lathe flrat Kama,
nwen In. the second, while Blllr Mart threw
v... . ... ... -i.i. tji.. ..-. I
mm ( iiuirptB IU in TIBHUia. Iii wiv
few throughout and each match waa a
pitcher's battle, enlivened by tha ehancea
projected Into the play by dltera unax
V.ected errora'. Hart held Omaha to ten
hlta for the day,' but' freve . aaveral sift
haaea. Art Hayek waa la middle field for
the niatlllera, having been rounded up for
ihe aerlea.
The aamea were the record for fBt work
cn douhle-beadera In Omaha. They took
Jiift two boura and fifteen minute. The
rant inatW waa flniehed before S o'clock and
people wefa started homeward earlier than
they generally get away from a single con
teat. The flrat game consumed just an hour.
Omaha Wade a run In the fourth Inning on
a bate on balla to Stone and a double hit
by Thomaa that scored Aloczo. In the elxth
titona again tallied, getting flrat on an error
and scoring on Dole us two-bagger.
In the eighth O'Brien for the ylaltora took
flrat on Stewart'a error, advanced to third
on Clarke' single and came home on Ma
loney'e bunt Into the diamond, which Fore
man fielded to tha plate In time to catch
Clark for third oat. Boore:
" - AB. ft. H. O. A. B.
H. O. A.
0 0 4
2 0 0
0 11 0
0 3 1
14 3
0 3 4
3 10
0 7 1
0 0 1
6 27 14
H. O. A.
12 4
1 14 1
10 0
0 10
0 3 0
0 3 4
2 0 0
0 3 3
10 4
"i 24 15
0 10 0
0 0 0 1
Uenlim, 3b.. ... 3 0 0 0 4 1
.Carter, rf.
...4 .0 3 O 0 0
rrarv.r, id ,.
Stone, U
DoUm. as..
Ptewart. 2b..
...4 0 0 11 0 0
...I 3 0 I 1 1
...t 0 14 3 0
3 0 0 3 4 1
Thomaa, cf..
(bonding, c.
Foreman, p.
,...,.3 0 3 1 0 0
......3 0 0 7 10
,8 ,0 0 0 1 II
Tof als
AB. R.
O Brien, 2b
Clark, lb,..,.,.
I.ciotte. rf
Mahford, c
Maloney. If....
Tlbald, 3b
Hayee, cf.,
Ball, as..,
Hart, p
Totals 35 1 4 24 15 I
Omaha 0 0010100 3
Peoria 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0-1
Two-baae hlta:' Thomaa Dolan, Leaotte,
-Pacrltlce hits: Genlns. Dolan. Stolen base:
Thomas. . Lf t on bases: Omaha, 7; Peoria,
7. Flint, baae on balls; Off Hart, 2.
. Struck out: By Foreman, 5; by Hart, 1.
Double playt Stone to Pears. Time: 1:00.
Umpire;. Moran.
. - Beee)4 Oaaae.
The -ahrond game' waa rery nearly the
same. - There waa no acorlng till the fourth,
when Stone alngled, waa sacrificed to see
ond by Dolan, took third on a passed ball
and tame home on the play which put Stew
art tout iron linn in ursi, , i
- TH- tke'Mxtlt am errroy of 'Oenlns' put Ma'
- . mil l , , i i w-..a
hint ta second and a baae on balla for Hayea
fUled the. eaaea. Then Ball put a fly to
Stone and Maloner scored on tha throw-la.
in inn eignm mum won oy scoring uwei
on- two singles and 'a aacrlflce.
Today tbore will be three games, tha flrat
at 10:30 la the morning, the next two be
ginning at 3:30 In the afternoon. Warmer
weather la promised by the forecaater.
AB. R. H. O. A. E.
Genina, sr 3
Carter, rf...... 3
Psara. lb 4
Stone, If. ............. ...4
Dolan, aa 3
Stewart; tb.. .......
Thomaa, cf 3
Gonding, c 3
Owmi, p .u.,.. 3
Totals ...1 27 3
'. , PEORIA.
AB. R.
O Brien. 8b 6
Clark, lb...
Leaotte, rf.
Hanford, c.
Maloney. If.
Tlbald, 8b...
liaye, cr
' Ball, ss..
Hart, p..
r-otals 3 1 T 24 14 1
aDl.. ... I- .w. t ...
W I V 1. Ul h.l . VI ,U1 aiWlllUUUH
k.,nt ,Y.-M .Ml,. "
av vtau kit'i u epa-e tatwi i
Omaha 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1
Peoria. 0 0000100 011
Barned' run: ' Omaha. Two-baae hit:
Clark. Stolen base: Clark. Left on bases:
Omaha, 8; Peoria. First base on balla:
Off Owen. 1: off Hart, 3. Struck out: By
uwen, e. r-aasea uaiis: uonamg, i; nan-
rora,. z.. time; i:u. umpire; Moran.
' Denvee Belae with Ml a.
DENVER, Sept. IT. The home team took
the ttrat game of the aeries from St. Joseph
today. Both pitchers were hit hard, but
.... J . Z. connecl wn hit
a u c
. i.. ivii
Denver o 0010103 13 3
St. Joseph 1 0-010 1 1 0 0 4 18 1
- Batteries; Denver, Whltrldge and Mo-
- onnen; 01. joaepn, uiaae ana uarvln,
lawkai Trea .the Brewora.
DE8 MOINES. Sept. 17.-MU waukee and
Dee Moines opened a series here today, the
' vialtors taklna the flrat luni. Each
used . two pitchers. In the seventh the
rue lb ilea uie acore ana nn.a a cnance to
win, but In the eighth Milwaukee scored
two runa, aa a result of an error and some
poor nam wora. Aiienaance, ouu, Bcore:
..... R.H.E,
Milwaukee ......3 0 0 3 0 0 0 2.18 10 0
Da Aloines u 13 0 0 0 10 a 4 g 1
V 1mw4mm UM... a ,.
Kanna and Vaughan; Dea Molnea, Duffey!
Feeney and Pollack.
Bnrna Rttaeeta tha !)
Weatern league game with Kanaaa City
waa forfeited to the vlaltora. Manager
Burns refusing to allow his team to play
owing to the (act that the remains of v..
8. Btratton were lying In state In the Min
ing exchange Tomorrow's game also will
DC lorxeiittu. , .
; .-.. . h. Tea...
Played. Won. Loot. p.C.
Denver . . .
134 l M .
Milwaukee .......
Karmaa City .....
Omaha ...........
St. Joseph
Colorado Springe
I Mrs Moines.
. korta
130 78 63 .OO
64 .6S.I
H3 77 66 , 6S4
133 70 ! .530
13 59 74 .441
131 K 111 .Sol
U0 36 96 .2o
tlamae today
Peoria at Omaha fit
juaxn at ienver, jvanssa Lity at Colorado
nprtags; jauwaaaee at uea atoinea.
.r'' . . Aaaaelattaa.
....cjiirsvcnor,- cr.rcvron, , r. Mii inn, 4
At, MempUB-e-MemphU, 9. Birmingham,
rMla4lhla Win frwaa Waahlagtea
'. M$0k MeAIUatev ( lavwa Ila
U the Twlrilag.
PHILADELPHIA. Sept 17. Good hitting
by jhe borne team, coupled with wlsplave
ot Vie part of tbe visitors, gave today'a
k-auae to the American league leaders.
McAjUater. a new pitcher from Ion. did
gooA wk far the local team. Coughlln
waa Kit by pitched ball In Ihe firat In-
III Dnrl. f. ... 1 , 1 4
I'ultaa. rf...
Rtid. cf 1
Kvlalor. In...
Couahlla. lb..
nark, r.
I ( ary. lb
1 If 1
Kir. aa 1
0 Drill, rf I
9 4
1 1
1 0
I 1
i l
txrla. I,
L Cni, 8b,
Sarcoid, rf..
Murphy, lb...
M t'roaa, aa.
.Whrack. r...
larrlrk. a.
Total. f 11 FT 1Q . -
I Total. I 4 14 11
Philadelphia 0 1 0 3 0 0 1 0
Washington 0 2 0 0 1 0 1 1 0-5
Earned nini: Washington, 2; Phllade!.
phln. 2. Two-bane hits: llvan. Davis, Rey
bold. Ftolen bases: Dovle. Drill. Hansel.
Double plays: CarrlcW to Carey to I'l.trk.
rirt bane on balls: Oft Carrlck, 4; off Mc
Allister. 4. Hit bv rlt chert bull: By Mc
Allister. 2. Struck out: My MrAlllater, .
Time: 1:60. Umpire: Johnstone.
Etta Thine at Dtiloa.
BOSTON Bept 17. Butle pltchlna was
easy tor the home team In' tha flrat came
today, but the visitors wort -oft tour un
earned runa. Altrock's wlldnesa and bed
errora were responsible for this latter re-
kult. Attendance, 4,W. Bcore. first game:
R.R.O.A.K.' R.M O A .
noaahenr. Ill I I I I MrParlaad. rt I 0 0
rarant, aa
i I
I 0
i 10
I 0 Kalharh,, ... a i
Stahl. cf
Fraamaa. rf
0 0 Hqwall. 2b.... 0
0 0T. Jone.. lb., t
Oleaaon. ab
I 0 Arndt, rt 0
t 0 Mathlaon. 3b. 0
Laf.haDre, lb
Ftrrli, Ik
Warnar, a.
4 0
0 0
t 0
lotlbart, aa.
Smith, c...
Hughaa, ,
Butlar, a...
Totals II a JT II l Totaia 1 4 14 k
Boston 3 3 3 1 1 0 0 2
Baltimore 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0-1
Karned runa: Boston. 5; Baltimore, 1.
Two-base hlta. Dougherty. Smith. Gilbert.
Threo-baae bits: Dougherty, Gleason. Sto
len bases: Stahl, Freeman (2). Ferrln.
First baae on balls: Off Hughes. 4; off But
ler. 1. Struck out: By Hughes, 1. Time:
1:84. Umpire: Connolly.
Score, second game:
a M r A a I R H.O A B.
MnParlaaa. at 1 1 4 0 'Douahartr. HH I t I
Helbach, If.... I kit k Parant. M....1 441
Hovall, tb...,l 114 k Stahl, rf I 114
T. Jonaa lb . k a k t k Praaman. rf.. I I 1 4
Arnkt, rt 1 4 k k 0,Oleaon. lb... 4 1 1 4
Vftlhlioo. lb. 1 t k 1 ! !. tiane. lb. 0 1 11 I
Oilban, aa.... 4 k k 4 4 Pania, lb 0 0 1 I
Rnbloaoa, o.. 4 0 I t li Warnar, c 0 0 k k
Roaa, f 1 k 1 0 tiAltrtx-k. ,....0 k 1 4
Totaia ...
4 4 7 lk 4l ToUla.
.4 4 17 14 I
Boston ..
... 0 0 0 1 0
....0 1 2 0 1
0 0 4 0-6
0 0 0 01
Earned runs: Baltimore. 1.
hit: Oleaaon. Three-base hits
Freeman. Stolen base: Gilbert. Double
plays: Gilbert to Jones: Selbach to Jonea;
Altrock to L. Chance to Warner; Oleaaon
to Ferris to I Chance. First base on
balls: Off Altrock, ; off Rosa, 6. Struck
out: By Ross, t; by Altrock, 2. Time:
1:45. Umpire: Connolly.
thlraan la One Mh.
CHICAGO Sent. 17. Errors gave the vls-
Itora their first run at the start and wln-
nlna on in the ninth. The locals were un
able to hit Cleveland's latent acquisition
except In the seventh and eighth. Attend
ance, x.wa. bcore:
R.H.O. A B.
Dalr. ef
... k k 1 k 1 Slrani
Bradley, lb. .. I
McCarthy, if., t
1 Jouaa, rf .
0 Orn, rf . .. .
0 Davla. aa ...
0 alert . lb...
0 rallaban. if.
k labell. lb....
k Sullivan, o..
4 Piatt, p
Hickman, is.. 1
Flick, lb k
1 19
Graham, lb... k
Oechaauer, aa 1
Bamla, o 1
Dorner, p.... k
ToUla T lk It 14 I1 ToUla k 14 11 11
Cleveland 1 0 0 0 3 0 8 0 07
Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 B 06
Left on bases: Cleveland. 7: Chicago, .
Three-base hits: Bradley, Hernia. Home
run: Strang. Sacrifice hits: Hickman,
Flick, Dorner. McCarthy, stolen Dae:
rvla Double plava: Jones to Mertea,
Rnlllvan to Davis. Btrurk out: By Piatt,
1; by Dorner, 4. Bases on balls: Oft Piatt,
4; off Dorner. 1. Time: 1:50. Umpires:
Carruthera and Shendan.
Little Doing; with Detroit.
ST. LOUIS. Sent. 17. St. Louis defeated
Detroit today. Sudhoff did not allow the
visitors a slnarle hit until the fifth Inning,
Terry, a St. Louis amateur, pitched for
Detroit and did well considering the sup
port he was given. Attendance, l.iuu. Bcore
R.H.O.A B I R.H.O. A. II
Burkett. If..., 111k 0 Oaer. lb 0 4 k 1 :
ll.mphlll. rf.. 114 4 OlElharfaM. aa. 14 14 1
Haldrlck. cf..4 I I A a Barrett, cf.... k 4 k k I
Aakaraon, lk. k 1 k 0 McAUlatar, lb 0 1 1 0 0
Wallaca. aa. ..0 1 1 k k Yaasar, If....' 0 0 14 4
McC'nn'k, lb. 0 1 1 1 0 Laplna, rt....k 14 0
Frlel. Ik 4 4 4 k 4 O'Connall, lb. 4 4 4 I
Bustfan, a ... 0 4 4 0 0 Bualow, c... 4 Oil
BudhoB, p.... 4 0 k 1 0, Terry, p 0 4 4 4
a a ik a o
Totaia 1 I 11 T
St. Loula
0 0 10 2 0-3
Detroit .
O 0 0 0 0 11
Earned run:
St. Louis. Two-base hits
Hemphill. Leotne. Stolen baae: Burkett.
Bases on balls: Off Terry, 1; off Sudhoff, 3.
BtrucK out: ny nuanorr, 3. Left on bases
St. Loula, 2; Detroit, 4. Time: 1:16. Um
pire: O Laughun.
Standing of the Teams.
Played. Won. Lost P C.
Philadelphia 12 74 M .u3
St. Loula 126 T2 64 . 571
Boeton 127 71 M .w
Chicago 114 K8 6 .649
Cleveland 128 6 62 .516
Washington ,.177 67 70 .449
Detroit 125 48 77 .384
Baltimore 127 4T 80 .370
Games today: Washington at Pblladel
phla, Baltimore at Boston, Detroit at Ht
Louis, Cleveland at cnioago.
Bp Krrerlees PlaylntT New York Takes
Banae AtTtatk ok Its
NEW TORK. Sent 17. The New York
1 team won easily irom Broogiyn nwiay. isoi
am arrnt inuo u m iiw. iui
I . .. I ml BnAWA
Htuu.iiCT, .. .
Bravo. It... 1 1 I
Rreenahaa. rf 1 1 1
MoQaaa. Ik.. 1 4 10
Brokla, of.. . 1 1 1
Rowemun, e. 1 1 k
Lauder, lb.... kit
Btaltb. lb kit
Dunn, aa 4 4 4
k Bhackark. if
4 4 1 k
0 1 0 0
k k l k
k Kaalar, rf . .
4 Dolan, cf...
k Liahlea, aa..
k Parrall. lb.,
k Flood, lb...
k k 4 1
4 4 4 I
0 Irwin, lb k 1 1 1
4 Hitter, c k 1 I I
k Evana. p k k I I
atcOlnnlty, p. k k e
ToUla I II 17 II ol
. 1 T 14 11
I New York 4 2
I Brooklyn 0 1
2 0 0 0
2 10
0 0 0 0 0 0
Earned runs
New York, 8: Brooklyn, 3.
Two-baae hlta: Brodle, Bowerman. Three
baae bit: McGann. Left on bases: New
York, 2; Brooklyn. 5. Sacrifice hit: Brea
nahan. Stolen base: Brodle. Baaea on
balls: Off MoGlnnlty, 3; off Evans,
Struck out: By McUtnnlty. 6: by Evana,
Time: 1:60. Umpires: Latham and Irwin
Plttabarg aa laual.
PITTSBURG, 8ept. 17.-Pearson held the
PHtaburgs down until the third inning
After that the name waa too one-sldxd to
be interesting. Attendance, 1.454. Score:
Babrlng, n ...1 110 rarrail, lb....k k k I
Clarke, if
4 1 1 a nmoot, ef 1 1 1 ,
LMfh. lb I 1
Wainer. cf . . . I I k
1 k Barclay, If ... 1 I 1 k
k k Jionovan, rf..0 1 I k
k 1 Nlrhola, lb... 1 k 11 1
k k Krugar, as. ... k 111
1 alhuun, lb., k k k 1
4 k Ryan, t k k k k
1 kPaaraoa. p.... k k 1 k
Branakelk. Ik 1 la
?H'?' i"" a J !
Zii. I I
Chaaoro, p.... I 1 4
TeUla 11 14 17 U 1 ToUla.
1 T 14 k
Pittsburg 0 0 0 8 8 0 3 4 12
St. LOUU v e v v 1 0 0
Earned runa: Pittsburgh 8. Two-baae
ha: aaner. ttrananeid r.'i. KunUv
Three-baae hlta: Sebrlng, Kruger. Sacrl
fii a hlta: Wagner Cil. Stolen baacs: Con
roy, dimmer, uarciay. uouble May: Kite he
to Conroy to Branafield. Flrat bae o
balla: Off Cbesbro. 8: off Pearson, a. Passed
balls: Ztmmer, Ryan. ' Time: 2:(u. 1 m.
plre: u Day.
Btanallaa at the Teaaaa.
Pittsburg 13d
Won. Loat PC
Brooklyn 12)
Boaton 123
Cincinnati 12
Chicago 128
6t Loula ,124
Philadelphia V
New York 124
Oamea today: Philadelphia at Boaton
imcago at uincinnaii, Bt. louia at Pitts
McCeiak Wlai Fast Cane
M'C'OOK. Neb., Sept. 17. (Special Tele
gram aiet ooa won rrom ralrbury toda
in one of ine laaiosi iimet of iinii.n
base ball aver played In this state. Score
.... RUE
kiccooK e o o a i o a 12 8
Falrbury 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 41
Butteries: McC.ook. Moore and Bender
Fairbury. Bean and LaFrance. Hiruc k out
By Moore, 2; by bean, 4. Umpire: Traver.
CHICAGO, Sept. 1T.-M PlUsbury. the
rraik halfback, and Koehlar, the center, of
tna l niveraity or Nebmaaa toot ball lean;
have written to Chirac, ar.ylng they woul
sr.r ine Lniversny or cnicego October
Harlaal, If...
deleft l ittle Party at rhllttllle M M-
neaaea the l.analna of ('
lambaa. MILWAUKKK. Pent. 1 -The Milwaukee
team lost today aHme to Columbus by a
score of 8 to 6. Attendance. 175. Score:
R.H O A S.
Hart. cf....
1 1 1 k k bunxm. It ... 1110k
ldan, rf..
, 0 1 1 0 1 A M Hrlda, tf 1 1 0 k 0
, 1 1 11 0 4 flrhlahwk, lb. I 1 I I
. 1 k 4 I 0 Hallman, rf.. 0 k 0 0 0
,11110 n-lchner. a.. 0 0 1 3 0
14 10 0 lb. .. 1 0 11 1 k
Trm. lb..
Turaar, lb..
lot. lb...
null. If ...
, k 1 I 3 0 JcHrl lr. lb k k 4 1 0
Hnpka. aa..
, k k 1 k 1 Ki er. e 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
Bailer, p...
, 1 1 0 k k O I mated, p.
T la I 14 t! 14 li ToUla I lk If 14 0
CrHumbua 2 1 0 0 2 0 3 0 0
Milwaukee 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 04
Famed runa: Columbus. 4: Milwaukee. 1.
Two-baae hits: Bailey, Knoll. Three-base
V. I . . Vtn a,i,ini.a hits- OaUnn
Knoll. Banes cn balla: OR Olmsted, 4: off
Bailey, 3. Stolen uaeea: Mart, 1 urner.
vnoll. Paeaed balls: Bpeer, f ox. Hlrurk
ut: By ulmatea, 9: by l-talley, 2. L,rt on
bases: Columbus, 10; Milwaukee, 9. Urn-
plre: Haskell.
St. Paal's.
ST. PAUL. Sent. Ik fit. Paul won the
first game of the last series with Lotlla
vllle by opportune batting and brilliant
work on the field. Huxalns' work at sec
ond wss almost phenomenal. Attendance,
I'M. bcore :
rhoabI r h o a a.
Oalar. cf 0 1 0 0 0 Okwall, cf....k 0 114
Lumlay. rf....l 111 Kfrwln. rf.... t 1300
HIT, If 1 Ilk s Daniel. 10.... k 1 10 1 0
Huaflna. 2b.. 1 111 k 0 Hnrnar, lb... 0 k I k 1
Perguaon, lb. 1 t t 0 k Clymar, U....0 110 0
Hurlajr. o k 4 14 0 'Kchaiib, Sb ... 4 4 4 0 4
Marcaa, sa.,.,4 1 k I 0 Sohrlrar, c.k till
an. lb..
1110 0 Oulnlan.
4 114 4
4 113 1
Chech, p.
,4 4 4 4 0 Plaharty. p..
Totaia 1 I 17 14 ol ToUla 1 11 14 II I
St. Paul 3 1000001
Louisville 0 0001000 0-1
Earned run- St. Paul. Sacrifice hit:
Chech. First base on balls: Off Chech, 2;
off Flahertv. 2. First baee on errors: St.
Paul. 1. Hit by pitcher: By Chech. 2. 1eft
on baees: St. Paul, 3; Louisville, 12. Btruck
out: By Flaherty, 1. Double play: Mar
can to Hugglns to Ferguson. Passed ball:
Schrlver. Time: 1:38. Umpire: Flgge-
Another for Minneapolis.
MINNEAPOLIS. Sept. 17. Costly errors
by Indianapolis and timely hitting of Min
neapolis loat tne same 10 ice league teaa-
ers today. Attendance, 210. Score:
H H O. A E.I R.H. O A K.
Lynch, 3b..
1 0 4 0 0 Hngr lever, rf. 0 1 1 0 4
1110 4 Foa, 2b 1 1 1 I 1
Uy, If....
Byare, e....
1111 0 r-oulter, cf.... 1 4 111
Wllmot, rf..
1110 0 Klhm. lb 1 1 k 0 0
Werden, lb.
Oulllln, aa..
1 1 li
1 0 o'llrteo, aa.
0 114
0 1 1 t k
4 k 1 0 4
0 1 1
k l'Knliin, 3b.
Sullivan, cf,
1 0 0 0 0 Woodruff. If.
Grant, 2b 4 114 0;llayden, r...
10 1
Torrance, p.. k 1 1 I 1 Kitten, p....
0 10
ToUla 7 14 17 IS ll Totaia t II 24 It 4
Minneapolis 2 0 0 3 0 0 0 8 7
Indianapolis 0 1 0 0 0 V 4 0 06
Earned runs: Minneapolis, 2; Indianapolis,
Two-bane hits: Werden. Hvera. Havden.
Double plays: Ouillln to Werden. Fox to
O'Brien. Sacrifice hit: Quillln. Stolen
bases: W erden, QuIIUn, Kuhn (3). O Brien.
Bases on bulls: Off Torrence, 1; off Killen,
1. Struck out: By Torrence. 1; by Killen,
Balk: Torrence. Left on bases: Min
neapolis, 4; Indianapolis, 8. Time: 1:46.
i mpire: l ynaan.
Manillas of the Teams.
Played. Won. Lost. PC
W It .M
87 4 j
64 fi .402
63 73 .463
62 73 . 4.
54 79 .406
42 9.1 .311
Louisville ...
oi. l'aul ....
Kansas City
Milwaukee ..
Columbus ...
Games today
Columbus at Milwaukee.
Toledo at Kansag City, Indianapolis at
Minneapolis, ivouiavuie at bl raui.
Paxton Hcuroe . Stays Baok . with the
Crowd In 'Eleven Trot at In
alanapolla. .
INDIANAPOLIS. BeDt. 17. Extraordl
narlly large fields marked the Indiana
Btate fair races today. Tho 2:17 pace, with
seventeen entries, went over" unfinished
after three neats naa Deen stepped, tie
8:25 nace. nurse ItOO: Leafy won In three
straignt neats. Time: ::iim, x:ivt, z:,
Dark Way. Pearl T. Billy Ktley. McKeen,
Bnvenna W, Mildred B., Dutchman. Maggie
Truce. Austin Wilkes. Robert McK, noes
Mason, Tony Ulri, Morrill, name rv, uora
Russell and Pool Box alao started.
2:11 trot, purso xot: The King won m
three straight heats. Time: Z:o4, 3:uv
J :10V Charlie Ale, Elsie 8, Lilly Young,
Aaaie Medium. Mias SUgo. William Tell,
Black Lady, Gavatta, The Merchant,
Neighbor Girl also started.
2:17 Dace. Durse a00 (unfinished): Red
Patcben won the first heat in 2:lti. Ax
won the second and third heats In 2:ti
and 2:09'. Little Sphynx, Tommy Mc. Ima
Dawson. Gray Jim, captain Colbert, Daley
field, Alma G, Wealth, Mustard, Ronald
Crews, Donna Carr, Terre Flrma. Frank
McKlnney and Lady Bell Brook also
Both the Trotter'a Efforts to Lower It
at Belmont Park
PWTIA DELPHI A. Sent. 17. CreaceuB.
the world'a champion trotter, twice tried
to break his own record of 2:(Ci at the
Belmont Driving park today and failed
each time. In his first attempt the great
stallion made the mile in 2:08 and his time
In the second trial was 2:06. Six thousand
Dersons were nresent.
in nis nrat trial . reeeus was auini wen.
but on the stretch, about 20 yards from the
finish, the trotter broke badly and lont
what little chance he had of equaling his
best figures. George H. Ketcham. ere
ceus' owner, announced that he would
make a second trial and a half hour later
after the stallion had been rubbed down
he was sent out again. This time he did
not break and rame under the wire in
2:06. Cresceus was paced by two running
horses. Mike the Tramp and oray uown.
A verv atrona wind blew dlasonallv across
the 'track, which somewhat Interfered with
the stallion a worli.
The time of the two trials was as fol
lows: First trial. :31V 1:02, 1:34. J:W; sec
ond trial, :3W. 1:00',. 1:34V 2:05.
Creaton Races Draw Well.
CRESTON. Ia.; Pent. 17 (8neelnl Tele
gram.) The second day of the Crouton dis
trict fair waa even more auccosstui man
the first. There was a larger crowd, bet
ter races and faster time. Results:
2:20 Dace, nurse 3U0:
Captain Marti Ill
Bonnie Bird 8 3 2
Governor Foraker 3 2 8
Bessie Nolen 4 4 4
Time: 2:2DMi. 2:20.. 2:21.
In the second heat Bonnie Bird was set
back for swerving in the atretch and Gov
ernor Foraker given aacond place.
2:19 trot, nurse 3uo:
H W. Grady t 1
Vlndex W'lkea 1 2
1 1
2 4
3 2
4 3
The Talent 3 3
Tlertha K?mont 4 4
Time: Z.2t. 3:36t- I:V?V 3:2f.
One-half-mile and repeat, running, purse
T.adv Emma 1 2 1
Dick Grey 2 12
Dee Moines 3 3 3
Time: 0:61. 0:51V 0:52.
Two-year-old stake, one-half-mile heats:
Drift AUerton 1 1 1
Bertte R 2 2 2
Nltolus 3 3 3
Benrle C 4 4 4
Time: 1:29. 1:824, 1:31.
Deposition In Prlae Fight fait.
LOUISVILLE. Ky.. Sept. 17. -Depositions
were taken today for u.o In the nrocred
Ings tomorrow before JudKe Field In the
Jefferson circuit eo'irt. when the motion of
Attorney Conors! Pratt will be considered
for an Injunction to prevent he contest be
tween Terry MoGovern and Yount Cornell
from taking place her before th South
ern Athletic club on September 22. C. E.
I amberlaon, sportlne- editor of a Cincin
nati paner. denied that such contests as
that scheduled to take pluoe between Mc
Govern and Corbett wore brutal. He stated
that the claim to the featherweight cham
pionship did not hiute on tne route! na
both men were over the featherweight
Hsmuel Harris, manager for MoGovern.
confirmed Mr. T.ambertson's statement that
the oonteM dtil not Involve the feather,
welrht chamnloneh!i. Mr Harris said the
fighters would be paid ea h.
tiaas Knocks Oat Uaralner.
BALTIMORE. Sent 17 Joe Gun, the
llehiweljht chamolon. knocked out Oua
Oardner of Phllxdelrhia tonleht before the
Eureka club iu the fifth round of a twenty
round bout.
Lard Derbj aad Tha Hank Mako Eacord
far Tkrat-H4at Oontaitt,
Breaks Often Enoaah anal Badly
FnoagH to Let Loral Derby In by
FKe Lengths at etv
York Track.
NEW YORK, Sept. 17. The racing was
decidedly exciting at the Empire City track
today. The a father was fine, the track
fast an.1 speculation brisk.
In tha tperlal between I-ord Derby and
The Monk the former waa choice at. 100 to
60. Tbe Monk had tbe pole and C. K. O.
Billings loKt no tlmo In sending him to the
front. He led by two lengths up to the
top of the stietch, when Smnthtrs sent
Lord Derby lor one of thoee electric fin
ishes for which he has become famous, lie
just a little too late, however, and
though The Monk was tiring, he manage
to win by a nose. The finish brought th
occupants of the grandstand to their feet
and both horaea were loudly cheered.
The betting waa now 100 to 75 on Lord
Derby. The Monk again led to within fifty
yards Of the wire, when Lord Derby won in
a auperb drive on by a neck. Fool", now
aold 60 to 25 on Lord Derby, and the pair
got a perfect etart, going like a team to
the back stretch, where The Monk broke
and Lord Derby came on and won by five
lengths. This la the fastest race of three
heats to a wagon ever trotted. The time
In tha second and third heat a was 2:01
and In the first 2:0H-
In the 2:09 pace, mile heats, two In
three, Don Riley sold 100 to 5 for the field.
He led all the way to the wire. Albert
waa now the choice at 2 to 1 and led to the
half, but on the atretch Don Riley came
with a grand burst of speed and won by
a length, Home Circle getting the place.
In the third beat it was 2 to 1 on Don
Riley, and ha won In an exciting finish.
There was a big surprise in the 2:16 trot,
tor which Prince Selma waa aold at even
money agatuat the field. Invader won In
straight heats. In the first heat Prince
Selma was a good aecond to the three
quarter pole, when he broke and fell back
to laat. Invader won the second heat In a
most exciting .finish with Prince Selma.
Scott Hudson then requested the Judges to
allow Geers to drive Prince Selma. The
change did no good, aa the horse broke In
the back atretch and ran all the way home,
being distanced for running. Results
2:19 pace, purse tl.OOO. three in five:
Wlllamont, by Prince Wlllumont
(Miller) 1
Mary Anna. b. m. (Walker) 2
Athanals, on. g. (Kinney) 4
Diamond King, ch. g. (Thompson).... 3
Orrlp. B, b. g. (Hudson) ds
Time: 2:124. 2:134. S:tt.
2:16 trot, purse 32,3iiO:
Invader, b. g., by Jay Bird, dam by
Lumps (Demarest) 1
Ivandorf, b. g. (Dlckerson) 6
Karllne, br. g. (Garrison) 2
Joymaker. b. h. (McCoy) 3
Daisy Woon, br. m. (Kinney) 4
Millard Sanders, b. g. (Merrtfield)....
I'r'.nco Selma, b. h. (Hudson and
Geers) 7
Time: z:l4Vt. 2:l3.i. 3:13.
2:09 nace. nurse tl.ntiu:
Don Riley, b. g., by Caneland-Lulu
R (Hudson) 2 11
Aibert. ro. g., by Flower (McDonald) 15 4
Effle Powers, b. m. (Gray) 4 3 2
Home Circle, b. g. (Nlckols) 3 2 6
Imu Vaughan. b. m. (Foote) 6 4 3
Betonlca, b. h. (Toxler) 6 6 5
Time: 3:07. 2:07V... 2:08V.
Grand special 33.000 gold cup, for the
wagon championship, owners to drive, two
in inree: r
Lord Derby, b. g.. by Mambrino
King (E. E. Smathera) 2 1 1
The Monk. b. g. (C. K. G.
Billings).. ! 2 2
: 2:06iA. 2:06. S:lie. .
class, trotting
to waaon.
two in
Mabel On wood. b. m. .'(Jones)
Doctor Rook, b. g. (Billings)
Time: 2:12, 2:13.
1 1
2 2
Golf mt Cleveland.
CLEVELAND. Sept. 17.-Willle Anderson
of Plttalleld, Mm., won the western open
golf championship on the links of the
Euclid Golf club today. He Is the present
national champion. He played the greatest
golf ever neen in this vicinity, making a
score or ZP for the seventy-six holes on
.000-yard course. The record Is likely to
stand for some time. Willie Smith of Chi
cago and W. II. Way of Cleveland were
tied for second place with a score of 804.
Way loat the second place by a bad putt
on the eighteenth green. Anderson wins
lino and 1175 Is divided between Wav and
Smith. Gardner gets 350 and Auchterlone
2o. Boardman. the leading amateur, re
ceived a silver medal.
Ionia la Hlarh Own.
DETROIT, Sent. 17.-In Jack Parker's
trap shoot at Goose Point today N. W.
rhfllls of Cincinnati and Russell Klein of
Spirit Lake, la., captured the King trophy.
Phlllis shot twenty-five birds straight and
Klein twenty-four out of twenty-five.
Klein was high gun for the day.
Man anal Wife on Montana Ranch Are
Marderoaaly Aaaanlted by
Unknown Peraoas.
MISSOULA, Mont., J5ept. 17. Ira Press
ley and hla wife, whose borne ranch Is
near Superior, are at Paraons hospital in
this city, both near death and unable to
tell who wounded them.
Preesley'a throat la cut from ear to ear
and the woman is unconacioua from a
blow on the head that caused contusion of
the skull. The man Is conscious and sayk
he was in bed when his throat was cut, but
aaya be does aot know who did tbe cutting.
How Preasley has continued to live dur
ing the past twenty-four hours la a wonder.
His windpipe is completely severed and
tbe esophagus cut through clear to the
back, and the head is almost half severed.
By pressing the chin down toward the
cbekt in such a manner aa to bring the sev
ered wiudpipe together the man can speak
in a barely audible voice, and in this man
ner wak able to answer a few questions.
He denies having any trouble with his wife.
Judge Deeldea Agalnat Railway Mer
ger Interests In One of the Pre
llmlnary Movea.
NEW YORK, Sept. 17. Judge Lacombe In
the United States circuit court today denied
the motion made upon the part of attor
neys representing tbe Northern Pacific
Railway company in the action brought by
Peter Power, for an order granting them
the right to Inspect the bonka of H. Con
tent ft Co., the brokera of Camile Weideo
feld. Iu the examination before 8peclal Exam
iner Mabie It was sworn to by several wit
ceskea tbat Content Co. were the brokera
who purchased the 100 abarea of Northern
Pacific atock, upon which Lawyer Lamb
awore Peter Power qualified as a stock
holder and plaintiff in the' action to pre
vent the acquirement of the stock of the
Northern Pacific and Great Northern com
panlea by the Northern Securlilea company.
(iarernor of Indian Territory
Have a Pat-pose.
GUTHRIE. Okl., Sept. 17. Pleasant Por
ter, governor of the Creek Indian nation,
baa railed a meetlug of the governora of
the five clvltlxed tribes, to be held at South
McAlekter on September it. for tbe pur
pose of formulating a general plaa for
bringing Indian Territory into atatehood at
tbe expiration of tribal government In lK)tf
Governor Porter taya the Indiana are op
posed to statehood aith Oklahoma.
CALLER Daar old Jack, I Juat raad In tha paper about your being aunstruck, and rushed rloht over. I'm awfully o'l
you'r aa well aa you ara. You're, lucky. Wow, old man, I don't want to work tha old "I told you ao" oJ on you, but
tha way to preTent eunatroke 1 to keep tha bowala clean and cool, and the blood from b?lnrj crer-hoated. by Uklno
t. CASCARET Candy Cathartic at bed-time. They work whllo you Bleep, and keep you sale and comfortable all day. as
It Explodes at His Feat it a Eank at
Peraona on Upper Floor Are Blown
Into the Air, hat Clerke at
Counters Eaeape In
SEATTLE. Wash.. Sept. 17. A special to
the Times from Skagway, Alaska, says:
About 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon an
unidentified man walked Into the Canadian
Bank of Commerce, a revolver In one hand
and a dynamite bomb In the other and de
manded 320.000, threatening to blow all
Into eternity.
Cashier Pooley and Teller Wallace were
the only two men In the bank. Wallace
ducked to get his gun and ran quickly to
the back of the room, yelling for Pooley
to do the same.
"No you don't," yelled the man, and
dropped the bomb.
The clerks had Just gotten out of the
window. The bank waa wrecked. The rob
ber's head was smashed and one arm waa
torn off. People living above the bank
were blown Into the air.
J. G. Price, formerly prosecuting at
torney, who was entering the bank at the
time,, was hurt, but not aeriously. The
dynamiter died without regaining con
sciousness. The bank lost about $1,000,
chiefly In gold dust, which was lying on
the counter.
Put your stomach, liver and blood In
healthy condition and you can defy dis
ease. Prickly Ash Bitters is a successful
system regulator.
Third Woman Who Waa In Parly May
Throw gome Light on Death
of Fish.
NEW YORK, Sept. 17- Investigation into
the facta surrounding the death of Nicholas
Finn, the banker, which followed an alter
cation in a saloon Monday evening. Is being
ptiBhed with great vigor today, with a view
to having all possible light thrown upon
the case at tbe Inquest Friday. ,
According to Assistant District Attorney
Oarvan, Mrs Margaret Pickles, a sinter of
Mrs. Casey, who Is said to have been In
the company of Mrs. Casey and Mrs. Phil
lips when FUh waa Btruck by Sharkey, has
been located In Boston, and arrangements
are being made to have the woman In this
city during the inquest. Mr. Garvan said
that he believed bcr evidence would go a
png ways In clearing up tbe mystery.
At the home of Nicholas Fish it waa said
today that Mrs. Fish had recovered from
the first shock which her husband'a untimely
death caused her and was now resting
quietly. Mrs. Fish has been confined to ber
bed aince yesterday morning.
Inapt a Revolver at Relative Which
he Saye She Did Not Know
Was Loaded.
ROANOKE, Va., Sept. 17. Mabel Carroll,
aged 15, shot and Instantly killed ber aunt.
Mrs. William Emerlck, In the Emerlck homo
here last night. Mrs. Emerlck was stand
ing at a bureau dressing when the girl
anapped a revolver, which she claims she
did not know waa loaded.
Tbe ball entered tbe left temple and Mrs.
Emerlck died Instantly. A coroner's Jury
exonerated Miss Citrroll of all blame.
Wella-Farfto Men Confer.
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 17. Director
Homer 8. King of Wells-Fargo & Co. de
parted for New York In obedience to a
summons for a conference with the east
ern men having coutrot of the affairs of
the company, and Acting President Dudley
Evana, who has also been ordered to re
port at the New York meeting, will soon
leave the city for tbat purpose.
INSTRUMENTS placed on record Wednes
day, September li :
Warranty Deeds.
G. M. Nicholson and wife to M. k.
Anderson, lot z ana n o leei 101 a,
block 2. Nloholsnn'a add t 600
Adeline E. 1'urcell and husband to
(Jeoigmnnii t-urcen, iou a ana ,
bloek 37. Florence 730
Laura M Stuhr to T. H. Stuhr. wf
nwla no .a st-io-u i
National Life Insurance company to
Mary H Wallace, mis Jl anil a,
block 4. Monmouth Place 175
Joseph Johanik and wife to Fred
Arnut el ai, lot a, uiuta , 1111
CiiniD's add
Fred Arndt and wife to Joseph and
AloiBe Sip, w M acres oi nw'. bc
V-Id-12 (except 2 acrea) 3.000
Abble G. I.ake and huaband to L!k
City Hall association, ft acre in n-'
swU 11-16-W 60
Unit Claim Deeds.
David Cole and wife to Harriet H.
HttKkoll, lota 1, 3, 3, a ana ., dioch 4.
I liMlips add 5
F. W. Stow et al to E. D. Eahleman
lot e. PlocK a. iteea a let auu
Ttal amount of transfers ..
Best htid Purest Baar.
Bottlekj only at tha Brawery.
U Lewie, Ma.
All tfie Parts
The LiviriQ
Animals of
the World
Complete in Twenty-Four Parts
At The Bee Office
Price 10c each By mail 15c
Coal Cornea High.
Is Your Office Warm in Winter?
How well will your office be heated this winter? If you look
forward to a cold office this winter, better more now.
The Bee Building
Does not try to save on the coal bill on account of the price
of coal. Every man spends more time at his place of business
than in any other one place.
If you want a warm office at a reasonable price, call on
Ground Floor, Bee Building.
Imparts to Shirt Waists, Linens and Muslins a deli
cacy and freshness such as no other starch can give.
for salt) by all flrat-claas grooera.
Jti all DISK A alia
of MEN.
12 years of aik
Ctfsaful practice in
caratl In k ea. without cutting, pain or loaa ol
ttraa. Lasal fufaitl.a to cura yuu or memwy re
funded. SYPHILIS
rurcd for life and tha polaon
tkoroughljr claaaacd from tha
ayatam. .Scnu avary aisu and avniptom tllappara
eomplatalr and forevar. No "BKEAKINC Ol T" ol
tba dlaaaa. on tha akin er lata. Traatmtnl cootalni
no datifcaroua drug or Injurloua meolcinaa.
VjtlMV kl - al from Rxreafaa or VICTIM TO
IlkHltl III toll NEHVlil't; HKHILITY UK EX
IiKi'AY in VOiMi and MIUKLIC Ai;Kn. lack at trim,
vigor and strength, with organ. Impaired and weak
t'uraa ajuarantead.
CTDIPTIIQC evtak with a new noun traat
W I nlU I Uilta luant. No pa n. no detention
from buainaaa.
I HIAHV, Kldnay and Bladder Troublaa. Weak
ttark. burning t'rlna. Prciuaucjr n( t'riualtng. t rtna
Hlgk Colored, or with rnllkjr aedimrnt on atandhig.
lutiaaltalloa Kiae. Treatment by Mall.
Call or addriai. 1 lt tt. lltla at.
laeHigCII irtlntu
Irritation, or alccialioa.
of a a no a a rna biauae
raiulu., and a.t aaj la
grct or potavBeoa
la I latkara.
W luiiiaK
rnnau '' ' - '
Itm OataOM 0
Ilk auka. Iiok ky aur wn aud aata ayatam ol tun
lavaataMiul. utlrly aaa plan KKKS. H rtta lor It
uUk THB oouuLkaS bALY iu, T.rl Comiauv
aum, 1U CUrk kuaat. CailCACU.
kkAtl, r "rtita
a. a. a. s r 9' ?y L W" wflwejav
Gome D H nk
and when you do drink why not
have the best? 'There are many
different grades of beer some mad---.roe
i-illv for chean trade and
some brands for first-class family
trade ours is the latter and It is no
hiarher in nrlee than some inferior
brands. Try a case of Gold Top.
South Omaha. Neb. 'Phone 8.
Omaha Otlice. 'Phone 1542.
I.Eli Ml( HKLI.,
Wholesale Dealer. 1018 Main Street,
Council Bluffs. Phone 80. .
Treat all forma of
21 Year. Experience,
17 Year in Ouiaha
ills remarks b.a aua
ct baa nuvur beea
eiiitili il andt'very it ty brlna mitiiy tl uterine
report of Hie xihkI lid u 'loiuKor too relief
lie Ilka given ' .
Hot Springs Trealmsnt (or Syphilis
Aud all Blood Poisons. NO "BHKA K I.N'O OUT"
un t .i hUm ,ir fiu-o anil all flu.)nul aixng of
tht dlU'iiMt 1i-upCHi at one.
urea auaritiiteed
THAN A K iln
01ER30 000
tiles cured of nerv
ous 1,'billty. Iohb ol
aauiV, ut.uatwiiai di.itiurauH. titrlclura,
Gun. Iviuicty and bia.lder Dloeaaea,
WLlt'K t'l HES-IOW CHAKilta.
Treatment by mall. P. O. Box 7M5. Offlck
over 8. 14th aireet. between t'arnam and
Douglax Si.. UMAIIA. NEB.. '
la ti,u woral iiaiaoa ou canti. . taa
eaeieal to CU13 tViibN 'ub KNOW
WHAT TO DO. Mai.y hava blmfilea, apota
on the akin, aort. in the tnouik, ulca,
falllua huir, bone palr.a, catarih; don't
know It la llLOOLi I'uiaON. benl to DH.
BKOWN. t.t Arch lit., I'liiiHUakpnia, P.
for HHOW N S Ul-Ouli CLIth;, lino par
Ivittle: Uaia out. month. - Hold only by
tihariKkn & WcCon -oil itrug Co.. loth ar.4
l iodie Hts . Omaha
Brown's Capsules
cares aea in -t rwdir
iru ,.r U.ih
uocite mreen.
ft FT TJ-t 5 ril'VB OkaHS finlraircura
la I la fifi U Nt,riMiaaraa.anrr.uiuol auo.r.
BlJ IU fallhla Umbliuod. dr.lua. luaara.
JTM Jfaat M ta Marrlrd uiru and lnlendiia
Iu ninny a.iouni :aao txix; aatoniilnna rrauuai
an. ail wrak Mil aud lot aowor ruatoi.X HJuM
kcxruuia & Mccauuall Utug Cv , Umaa. Maa