Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 18, 1902, Page 4, Image 4
THE OMAHA DAILY KEtt THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1902. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL Pnvls M!s lions. forkert selis rarpMs and rues. Mauthe, fln wnt h ropilrlng. 22S Il'way. Leffert, eyesight specialist. 4tg Broadway f lower pots x and 10c at A. B. Ho'f, DO Hroailwjy. Janvs Hone hai gone to Gloucester, O., to visit relatives. )o not fnr3rt the millinery dlpplny at Urn. I'felffer'B tomorrow. H. II. Klsrl of North Hixth street la Veiling friends In Iea Moines. All wool suits ma1e to order, $13.30 up. N. Y. Tailoring Co.. 337 Bway. For rnt, mortem six-room house, SIS month. Inquire Kit Main street. ryrographlc outfits and. supplies. C. B. Alexander & Co., 333 Broadway. Tel. &5. Mr. and Airs. Walter Tannine; have gone to Hcattle, Wash., to visit relatives and friends. Karl A. Besrdsley left Tuesday for a two months' visit with relatives In lx)s An gelce, Cel. Mrs. Mnrtln Hughes of 623 Fourth street is critically II and fears are entertained tor her recovery. Take your prescription to Morgan &. Dickey, 142 Broadway, the reliable drug tnen, to be filled. John Fosdlck was arrested last night, charged with creating a disturbance In a Broadway resort. Harmony chapter. Order of Eastern Btar, will meet In regular session this evening In the Masonic temple. Mrs. Charles Ware of North Flatt.e Neb., la the guest of Mr. end Mrs. K M. Hhubert of Houth First street. The High School Athletic association will give a, dance Friday evening, September 26, at Koyul Arcanum hall. Mrs. W. H. C'opson and daughter, Mrs. F. H. Bell, arrived home yesterday from a trip to the Colorado mountain remit ts. Mrs. J. J. Hughes and children, accom panied by her mother, Mrs. Wyckoff, have cone to Jacksonville, III., to visit relatives. A murrlnge license was Issued yesterday to J. N. Fltzglbbon, aged 31, and Ktta K. Ksuver, aged 29, both of Missouri Vallev, la. Rev. Q. W. Bnyder will conduct a Bible reading service Friday evening at the resi dence of Mrs. J. B. Hodgson, 133 McOee avenue. Miss Laura Fllcklnger, reporter for the superior court, Is home from a three months' trip to the I'acitlc coast and points In Colorado. ' Devoe's ready mixed paints are recog tilxed aa the best In the world. Morgan c I.lckey, 142 Broadway, arc headquarters for these paints. D. N. Btlckney of Laramie, Wyo., candi date for secretary of state on the Wyom ing democratic ticket, and a wealthy cattle dealer, Is the guest of Alderman C. W. Mc Donald. Mrs. Frank Dobbins of Kansas City Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. P. Oreen- hlelds of Oakland avenue. Mrs. Dobbins will visit relatives In .Fullerton, Neb., be fors returning home,. , Merle Warner has resigned as captain of the High school foot ball team and Will Bryan has been elected In his place. War tier resigned for the sake of harmonv, some of the player being opposed to having him captain. Peter Bechtele, an old resident of Coun cil Bluffs who has been blind tor several years, la gradually recovering his eyesight. The recovery of his sight Is considered re markable, as he has not taken treatment of any kind. Miss Helwlg of Keokuk will alng at the annual missionary meeting this evening of ths Congregational church, supper will be served by the women of the church at o'clock In the church parlors and there will lie a program of after-dinner speeches, In terspersed , with vocal and Instrumental xnualo. . , Elder Joseph fimlth of Lamonl, la., presi dent of the Reorganized Church of Latter pa Saints, and his counselor, Elder R. C. Evans of Canada, are In ths city the guests of C. A. Beebe. They will conduct Services this evening at 7:30 o'clock at the Latter Day Balms', church, when Elder Evans will gireach. Timber wolves have been scan within the last tew days) In the outskirts of the city. lonlay,vte;lit a 'calf belonging to" County" Burveyoe truest K. Cook, wlio lives In the Hnnthorn home In Madison park, was at tacked by a wolf. The calf was nearly Jellied before the wolf was frightened away y some, children, - , The democrats of Gnrndr towlishltl will bold a caucus Thursday night, September sV. to place In nomination n candidate for township assessor to fill a vacancy on the township ticked caused by tne resignation Of M.M. Bartlett. the present Incumbent of the office, who will leave In the near future lor the west to make his home. The Council Bluffs Rowing aasoclatlon mill give Its closing dancing party for the Season at theclubhouse at Lake Manawa to morrow evening. The club s annual smoker will be held at the clubhouse Saturday evening, September 27. when an excellent irogram will be given, epeclal motors, eavtng Pearl and Broadway at 7:30 and 8:3J o'clock on both evenings, hve been ar ranged for. The funeral of Lyman Campbell, who died Tuesday evening at his home In Har din township, will be held this morning atS o clock from Mount Hope church. Burial jylll be in the Keg Creek cemetery. Mr. Campbell, who had been a resident of Pot tawattamie county since 1854, was 67 years of age and Is survived by four sons, George, Joseph, Everest and Robert, and two daughters, Mrs. Almeda Banford of Maple ton, la., and Mrs. Caroline Smith of this city. S. Y. Plumbing Co.. teieohone 5fc Davit sells glass. Retail Grocers Elect Officers. ' The Council Bluff Retail Grocers' asso ciation has elected these officers for the ensuing year: President. R. E. Daniels; vice president, John OJson; treasurer, Ray Cook; 'secretary,' John Mulqueen; board of directors, H. F. Knudson, Julius Keppner, M. Bartel, 8. T. McAtee, Ray Cook and Oeorge Thomson. The association wtll meet this evening In Its hall on Pearl Street. Gravel roottng. A. H. Read. 541 Broadway. -l..-... Real Kstato Transfers. These transfers were filed yesterday in the abstract, title and loan office of J. W. Squire, 101 Pearl street: Sheriff to Knuts Thompson, lots 17 and 18, block 14. Horns' add. s. d $ 100 Same to State Savings tank, lots 23 and 24, block 14, Burns' add. s. d.... 100 Edwin R. Drake to Mary A. Ramsev. lot 13. hln.'W 1 U'llinn o.l.l " w. d .' llary. E. Sorrnson to P. Gunnoude. lots 8 and a. block 2. Itnvlla' y.i .,l i J0 w. d , 10,500 Total four transfers Afff StSaviil: Nw Lease of Ufa for an Iowa Pottmastort Postmaster It IT. Randall, Dunlap, la., lavs: I suffered from Indigestion and rs ( suiting- evils (or yean. Finally I tried , , Kodol. . Itooa knew I had found what 1 had long looked for. lam better today than la years, Kodol gave me a new lease of life. Anyone oaa have my af fidavit to the truth of this statement." Kodol digests your food. This enable the system to assimilate supplies, strengthen' tag every organ ud restoring health. Kodol Bioko You Strong. Prepared only by K. C. DcWitt a Co., Chicago. Trie l . potlacontal4 times tbe&Oc. iln. ONE MIMJTC CcujH Cure Cures quickly. Thai's what iff made for. , LEWIS CUTLER UORTIC1AN. tt Peart St.. Council Bluffs. 'Phone 17. BLUFFS. ARRANGING FOR CAMPAIGN Leadtri from All Farts of Ninth Diitriot Attond the Oonfirenc. LOCAL SPEAKERS TO BE USED IN THE MAIN Campaign o Be en Old-Fnsnloned School District Affair In Which Every Community Will Be Reached. The republican campaign in the Ninth congressional district will be opened about October 1 and as Chairman Spence of the state central committee styled It, will be a "school house" campaign. In the several counties comprising the district local speak ers will be employed almost entirely, al though one or more meetings may be ar ranged for in the district for which speak ers of national prominence from other ststes may be secured. This was decided upon at the conference held yesterday afternoon In the office of Chairman George S. Wright of the repub lican county central committee. R. H. Spence of Mount Ayr, chairman of the state central committee presided and every county in the district except Adair was represented. A. F. Dawson of Preston, sec retary to Senator Allison, who Is in charge of the state bureau of speakers and cam paign literature. Congressman Walter I. Smith and National Committeeman Ernest B. Hart were also present. The county chairmen present were: D. C. Mott of Au dubon county, C. L. Campbell of Cass, H. J. Baird of Mills, Ralph Prlngle of Mont gomery, George S. Wright of Pottawattamie and I H. Plckard of Shelby. C. A. Van Scoy, postmaster of Woodbine, represented Harrison county In place of County Chair man H. M. Bostwick, who was unable (o be present. II. U Marshall of Guthrio Cen ter was present In place of County Chair man E. W. Weeks of Guthrie, who wss also unable to be In attendanoe. The meeting was mainly an executive session, at which the situation In the dis trict was discussed and the needs of the several counties In respect to speakers and literature ascertained. Yesterday's confer ence was one of the series which Chairman Spence Is holding In every congressional district in the state. Discuss Henderson's Declination. The action ot Speaker Henderson in de clining the congressional nomination in the Third district was discussed Informally at the conference and the consensus of opinion was that it was a sore blow to Iowa. Chairman Spence and Mr. Dawson attended the conference of the Third dls liict republicans at Waterloo ! 5trrty and at that time there was not the slight est intimation that Colonel Henderson was dissatisfied or thought of declining the nom ination. To both Mr. Spence and Mr. Dawson Speaker Henderson's action comes as the greatest of a surprise. Chairman Spence said: "I attended the conference of the Third district repub licans at Waterloo last Saturday and I found the chairman ot the several counties oomprlslng the district to be most enthus isatlc over the prospects for Colonel Hen derson's re-election In (hat district by an increased majority. Speaker Henderson was present at the conference and entered heartily into the discussion for the cam paign in his district. He gave not the slightest Intimation or hint that he was dissatisfied and that he intended declining the nomination. He even went so far as to arrange for a couple ot rallys to be held soon at which he was to be the principal speaker. The tariff question was not dis cussed in any shape or form at that con ference and Colonel Henderson appeared to be In perfect accord with the several county chairmen ot his district and they with him. I cannot understand the meaning ot bis Tithdrawal." Asked as to what he thought the Third district would do for a candidate in place of Colonel Henderson, Mr. Spence said: "As to what the Third district republicans will iow do for a candidate I cannot say, for thr possibility of any other candidate than Speaker Henderson bad not entered into the mind of anyone. Speaker Henderson's withdrawal places the Third district re publicans In a most peculiar and unfortu nate position. The Third distrlot, however, Is fortunately strongly republican and who ever the republican candidate may be he will undoubtedly represent that district in congress. Colonel Henderson s action is a great blow to the state, as by it Iowa will lose the speakership." Trouble of Pesthowse. In the event . ot another eptdemlo of smallpox this winter the city will be forced to provide a hospital for female patients somewhere within ' the corporate limits. The plan proposed to build an addition to the pest house near Mynster Springs for a female ward cannot be carried out, as the trustees of Garner township have de clined to grant the necessary permission to the city. Residents of Garner township, who never looked favorably on the city's pes' house In their locality, are up In arms against any enlargement of the bulld'na; and numerous remonstrances hive been filer with the township trustees. When Mayr Morgan and City Solicitor Snyder, comprti Ing the special committee appointed by the city council to confer with the Garner township authorities, called upon the true tecs they were met with these remon strances and the information, that the trus tees could not grant the permission sough' by the city In the face ot the protests of the residents and taxpsyers of the town ship. The isolation hospital in Garner town ship is the property of the city and has been established for a number of years. I has been used solely for ths accoraraoda tlon of male patients, and last winter the city wss confronted with the problem o' caring for female smallpox patients. To same problem Is liable to confront the clt" again this winter, and Mayor Morgan la r the opinion that ths only solution will b to build a suitable hospital within the rt'j limits. The city council mar not take the re fusal ct the Garner township trustees t permit sn enlargement of (he p-sthouse a final, but may appeal to the chairman o the State Board of Health, an appeal he Ing provided for under the new law gov ernlng local boards of health. The mat ter will come up for discussion at tb meet ing ot ths Board of Health next Mrnday eight. Mrs. lasavdy Oct Divorce. Judge Macy in the district court yester day granted Mrs. Mamls Z. Casady a dl vorce from James N. Casady, Jr., on statu tory grounds.' Mrs. Casady wss ala awarded the custody ct their children. Th evidence submitted to the court showed flagrant misconduct on the part of the de faodsaU Mrs. Casady be (ore her marr'g' was silts Cavaoaueh of Omaha. Casady, who is under arrest at Burling ten, Kan-, Is expected to reach Council niuffi Friday In custody of Deputy Sheriff Baker. The Indictment under which he was arrested charges him with the embex slement of 2384 33 from the Scottish Vnlon Insurance company during the months of October, November and December, 1901. Casady's arrest at Burlington, Kan., was brought about through the efforts ot the bonding company, which Is said to have been on his trsll ever since he made his sudden departure from Council Bluffs after a former charge of embenlement had been compromised through the efforts of his friends. Mrs. Sophie Jenkins wss granted a di vorce from W. C. Jenkins. Mrs. Augusta Davidson, who alleged that her husband, Lars Peter Davidson, had de serted her and returned to his home In Denmark to live, was awarded $225, being money that Davidson had on deposit In the Officer ft Pusey bank. In the suit of Lewis Hammer against Ben Marks and W. H. Ware to recover on a note given as a committee ot the Council Bluffs Wolf and Fox Hunting club. Judge Macy found for Hammer and made all the members of the club responsible for their share ot the Indebtedness.. Increase In School Attendance. Complete reports received by Superin tendent Clifford from all the schools In the city show that the enrollment at the end of the first week of the new school year Is 4,697, as against 4,145 at the close of the first week of last year, a gain ot 552. The enrollment at the close of the first week for this and last year is as follows: 1P02. 1901. High school 445 415 Washington Avenue 8-9 31 Bloomer 520 474 Twentieth Avenue 500 392 Pierce Street 307 336 Third Street 292 254 Eighth Street Stfi 318 Second Avenue 4S0 242 Avenue B 281 239 Thirty-second Street 139 141 Madison Avenue 135 118 Harrison Street 125 84 Eighth Avenue 145 117 Hill S5 85 West Council Bluffs 54 40 Qunn 25 20 Totals 4,61)7 4,145 Eleven schools show Increases in en rollment, while four show losses, and one, the Hill school, the same enrollment as last year. The largest increase Is at the Second avenue school, where the enroll ment this year Is 450 as against 242 last year. The Twentieth avenue school shows an increase of 108. The change of bounda ries to relieve the congested condition at the Washington avenue school accounts for the slight decrease In the enrollment at this building. The decrease in the enroll ment at the Pierce street school is due to the fact that a number of pupils were transferred to other buildings this year. Plumbing and heating. Sixby 6 Son. Matters In Federal Court. Judge Smith McPherson dismissed the federal court petit Jury yesterday morning, aa there were no cases to be tried before it. Except for a few bankruptcy matters the business of this term was completed yesterday. In the suit of the United States against Former Marshal Frank P. Bradley the mo tion on the part of the government to strike out that portion of Bradley's coun ter claim covering services rendered in 1895 as the money that the government sought to recover formed part pf the ap propriation for 1898, was argued and taken under advisement by the court. The gov ernment contended that if Bradley had any claim against the department tor ser vices rendered in 1895 his proper course was to bring suit in the United Ststes court of claims and that he had no authority to retain a portion of the money appropriated by the department for the maintenance of the marshal's office in 1898. The motion on behalf of the petitioning creditors in the bankruptcy case ot Brun ing Brothers of Breda, la., to dismiss the proceedings brought by them was overruled and several firms, among the number being five or six implement firms of this city, were permitted to intervene. Charles Mapes of Stuart, la.. Indicted In Dea Moines for bootlegging and whose case was transferred here, entered a plea of guilty. He was sentenced to thirty days in the county jail and to pay a fine of )200, the mittimus not to be Issued until further orders from the court. Notice Subscribers. All the numbers of "The Living Animals of the World" are now complete and can be obtained for the next few days at the Coun cil Bluffs office ot The Bee. It Is requested hat those desiring to fill out their numbers call at once and get them, as unsold copies will be returned in a short time. Davis sells paints. COMMITTEES OF THF FRIENDS Yearly Meetlnsr Karnes Important Ones for Church. Work Dnrlnar CoralDg Period. OSKALOOSA, la., Sept. 17. (Special.) The yearly meeting of Friends has Just closed here and the leading committees for work In the western field, including Ne braska, were appointed. Theae committees re: Committee on Indian Affairs J. F. Had- ev. Indlanola: A. J. Pemberton. Marshall- town- Joel W. Bowles, Stuart: Burton Had- ley, Des Moines; Jesse A. Davis, ureen vllle; Anna Swallum, Hubbard; A. W. Nexsii, Wallace, 2Net.: james jonea, net- frw R J M endenhflll. M Inne&DOliH : Marv Hunt, Weslngton Springs, S. D : Barclay g. Watson. Oskalooea; Joel Townsend, North Loup, Neb.; Jeremiah Coffin, Pleas ant Plain; Milton Smith. Denova: Stephen lltbbs, raton; fciwooa xatum, wear Branch: Edward Andrews. Allen. Neb.: George Shattuck. Highland, Minn.; John MUes, uaggvuie juius, rxeu. Committee on Suppression of Liquor Traffic Frederick Smith, Indlanola: Ixra Bennett, Marsnaniown; Aiiatus j. naaiey. Earlham: Hannah Cook. Des Moines: Charles Coffin. Spencer; William Reece. New Providence; Herbert Williamson, Hia watha, Neb.; A. J. Hanson, l.ynnvllle; Benjamin Webb, MlnneapollB-; Casper Han ion. Harrison, 8. D. ; Ira D. Kellogg, Oska loosa; J. Ij. Olnn, Clarka, Neb.; Aaron Stalker, Richland; George Bond. Cotton wood; William Levi. Scranton: Edward F. Hoag, Muscatine; namuei nooeris. Alien, Neb.: Benjamin Tabor, Mabel, Minn.: Rob ert H. McDorman, Bloomtleld, Neb. Committee on peace Surah Ann Bailey, Weldon. la.; E. B. Mendenhall, Marshill own; 8. E. Lewie, Earlham; A. M. Hln ihaw, Dea Molnea; Mary R. Hornaday, Kotojl: 0. . Hammer, jsew rrovtaence; W. H. Hooker. Grant, Neb.; Joseph Arnold, .ynnvllle; Patience White, Minneapolis; lease Cook, Mount Vernon, 8. D. ; Lucy ?oers. New Sharon: Rowland Townsend. Central City, Neb.: Kachel Crumley. Pleas- int Plain: j. T. utoson. Baiem; j. w. v. 11 on. Qlldden: Million OIlDhant. West "Irnnch; George Chase. Allen, Neb.; Louisa r. Johnson, nesper; iinmia matt. Iyncn. Book and Tract Committee Eflle Horner. .cKiy; Mae Pe.itho, LeUrand; Ella llgst, 'arlham, Alice U. I-wls, Des Moines; 4ary H Hornaday, Okoboji; Laura Reece, Sew providence; William Watson, Ve lango. Neb.; Hattle Meredith, Lynnvllle; 'ohn Warren. Mlnneapolla; Curtis llockett, larrlson, 8. D.: Roslna Page, New Sharon; -uth Joyce. Clarks, Neb.; Ezra Hadley, Woolson: Alma J. Kellum. Salem; Ira 4app, Rolston; Llllle O lioopes, Muscatine; Welburn Roberta, Allen, Neb.; Rebecca Earl, Hesper; Rachel Lamb, Bluomrleld. Neb. Strike at Ottnmwa Settled. OTTUMWA, la.. Sept. 17. The strike of electrical workers which has been on for wo weeks was settled today after an all night conference. The union was recog nised and an Increase in wages granted. Ring up your grocer snd ask for a box of Champtgne wafers and some Cook's Im perial Eatra Dry Champagne, ODD FELLOWS SHOW STRONG Twenty-rive Tboaiaid ef Tbim Join in the Parade at Des Moines. DEADLOCK OVER COLLEGE BUILDINGS Trustees ef Ames Evenly Divided Over Agricultural Hall and Central Structure) for the School. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, Sept. 17. (Special.) This was the big day of the national meeting of Odd Fellowa In Des Moines. This after noon the Odd Fellows participated In a grand parade. It was somewhat marred by unfavorable weather and threats of rain, but there were between 20,000 and 25,000 men In line. The parade marched past the state capttol, where it was reviewed by the governor and state officers, and past the city hall, where It was reviewed by the mayor, and past a stand erected for the purpose, where the Odd Fellows' high offi cials reviewed the parade. There were twenty-five bands in line and a majority ot the men were in the full dress uniforms of the Patriarchs Militant. It was one of the finest parades of men ever seen in the city. The business done by the sovereign lodge today waa routine and related only to the order. The prize drills of the contesting drill teams was postponed this morning until tomorrow on account ot the rain. Veterans' Inlon Officers. The Iowa command of the Union Veter an's union elected the following officers and adjourned today: Department com mander, J. H. Campbell, Des Moines; first assistant department commander, Colonel Charles M. Nye, De Witt; second assistant department commander. Colonel R. J. Downs, Oekaloosa; department chaplain. Colonel Denis G. Butterfleld, DeWitf, ad jutant general, John C. Hotcbkiss, Des Moines; quartermaster general, A. L. Mitch ell, Davenport; mustering officer, John H. Crane, MaquoketS. Officers to fill minor positions will be appointed and announced within a few days. The following are the members appointed as executive committee: C. L. Ripple, Francis Cooper, William Campbell, Charles Stanley and B. F. Halley. Deadlock on College Buildings. The trustees of the Iowa State college at Ames are In a deadlock over the ques tion of building one or two new college buildings. At a meeting held yesterday every trustee was present except Mr. Board man, who Is critically ill and may never be able to attend another meeting. On a motion to order the 'erection ot a new agricultural hall the vote was a tie, six for and six against. Those who favor the building of an agricultural hall say that the other departments can get along very well for Uio itcBcul, uJ lual llio sri cultural hall is needed now. The others contend that It would be Illegal to build an agricultural hall when the appropria tion for commencing the work was for a central or main building. The board ad journed without taking action, and no building Is ordered and no building plans adopted. . Reward for Capture of Fugitive. Governor Cummros this morning offered a reward of $300 for the arrest and return to Denlson Jail t William Numley, a negro, who attacked the sheriff somo time ago and succeeded In breaking away. He was In the Crawford county Jail awaiting trial for the murder of a brakeman on the Milwaukee railroad In July last. The evi dence against him seemed to be conclusive. Articles of incorporation were filed today by the National Fountain Pump company of Sioux City, capital $30,000, by J. B. Chase and others; also by the Richland Telephone company of Keokuk county, cap ital $10,000, by A. F. Brldger aud others. Purchase Harlan Portrait. The state executive council today di rected investigation as to an oil portrait ef the late Senator Harlan offered for sale by a woman In Osage. The legUlature last winter appropriated money to have the pic ture purchased, but It was supposed then that several portraits could be had and the state might make a choice. It seems that only one ia offered. Before It Is pur chased an Investigation will be made aa to Its value. The State Board ot Control has granted permission for the band of the State In dustrlsl school at Eldora to go to Sioux City and play for the Elks' carnival, the Sioux City people to stand the expense. It is rare that the band has permission to leave the school, but In view of the fact that the girls' orchestra was allowed to come to the state fair the boys' band was given permission to go away from the school. Christening Party Starts. The Iowa party to the chlstentng of the cruiser Dea Moines started tor Boston this evening, the governor's party occupying an entire sleeping car, which will be kept' all the way through. The governor is accom panied by his military staff and Invited guests, Including Miss Macomber. who is to give the name to the cruiser. The mayor of Des Moines, with aldarmen and city offi cials, havs started over other routes. The entire party will be in Boston Friday evening. No change In the personnel of the party hss been . made since the an nouncement on Sunday last. stoat Only av Witness. Horace Susong of this city, collector for the Equitable Diamond company of Omaha, has been exonerated from any connection in the alleged frauds of the company which he has been representing here. This morn ing Prosecuting Attorney John McLennan received a telegram from the prosecuting attorney of Buchanan county, Missouri, in which it Is stated that a mistake was made in asking for the arrest ot Susong and that Mr. Susong Is simply wanted as a witness In the esse. This completely exonerates Mr. Susong. He bae been released from custody. Switchman Killed at Carroll. CARROLL. la., Sept. 17 (Special.) Dave Sbollenberger, a switchman In the Carroll yards, met death in a peculiar man nr today. In attempting to make a flying switch with a carload of cinders he slipped off the brske beam underneath the cars and was terribly mangled, the wheels cutting ens leg off and crushing the head. About two years ago be met with a similar accl- ; dent, but waa fortunate in ssving his life. after a long confinement in the hospital. His brother John was working with blm and threw the switch at the time of the accident. The Inquest was held this after noon and the funeral will be held Thursday. Drakeman Dies on Duty. AMES. Ia.. Sept. 17. (Special Telegram.) Thomas Gains, passenger brakeman on the Chicago sV Northwestern, dropped deed from heart disease at Jordan, west ot Ames, at 10:15. He was on the platform of passenger No. (, while on his wsy to Clinton, his home. Dc DES MOINES. Sept. IT. Ewlng A Jewett's pig lumber yard w djacovexed en fire shortly before midnight. After getting the flames under control the firemen discovered the unconscious form of Thomas J. Hooks In the shed. Hooks died an hour later ot burns. It Is believed he crswled Into the shed while Intoxicated and that sparks from his pipe caused the fire. ALASKA .C0AL0IL FLOWING Cotellat Has the First Flow and It's Knocking Everything Out f Its Way. SEATTLE. Wash., Sept. 17. A special to7 the Times from Wsldes, Alaska, says: The first flow ot coal oil in Alaska was struck at Cotella on September 1 at a depth of 200 feet The gusher took everything awsy and rose 150 feet before it finally wss stopped. Cotella is thirty miles south of Copper. HAY CI1AMPI0NS JEWS (Continued from First Psge.) be treated without distinction of creed on a footing of perfect equality. "With the lapse of time these Just pre scriptions have been rendered nugatory in part as regards the native Jews by the legislation and municipal regulations of Roumanla. Premise Is Wrong. "Starting from the arbitrary and rnntrn. vertlble premise that the native Jews ot tioumsnia, domiciled there for centuries, are 'aliens, not subject to foreign protec- ion,- the ability or the Jew to earn even lie scsnty means of subsistence that nf. flee for a frugal race has been ronatrieteit by degrees until nearly every opportunity to win a livelihood Is denied and until the helpless poverty of the Jew has constrained an exodus of such proportions aa to cause general concern. "The political disabilities of the Jewa r Roumanla, their exclusion from the nuhli service and the learned professions, the limitations of their civil rights and the mposition upon them of exceptional taxes Involving as they do wrongs repugnant to the moral sense of liberal modern peoples, are not so directly in point for my present purpose as the Public, acts which attack in. herent right of man as a bread winner in the wsys of sgrlculture and trade. The Jews are prohibited from ownlne land nr even from cultivating it as common labor ers. They are debarred from residing in the rural districts. What They Suffer. "Many branches ot petty trade and man ual production are closed to them In the overcrowded cities where they are forced to dwell and engage, agalnat fearful odds. In the desperate struggle tor exlstsnce. Even as ordtnary artisans or hired laborers thsy may only find employment In the pro portion of one 'unprotected alien' to two Roumanians' under any one employer. In short, by the cumulative effect ot succes sive restrictions the Jews of Roumanla have become reduced to a state of wretched misery. Shut out from nearly every ave nue of self-support which Is open to ths poor of other lands and ground down by poverty as the natural result ot their die crlminary treatment, they are rendered in capable of lifting themselves from enforced degradation. "Even were the fields ot education, civil employment and commerce open to them as 'Roumanian citizens,' their penury would prevent them from rising beyond Individual effort. Emigration a Natural Result. "Human beings so circumstanced have virtually no alternative but submissive suffering or flight to some land less un favorable to them. Removal under such conditions is not and cannot be the healthy, intelligent emigration of a free and aelf-rellant being. It must be. In most cases, the mere transplantation ot an artificially produced, diseased growth to a new place. . 'Granting that in better and more health ful surroundings the morbid conditions will eventually change for good, such emigra tion Is necessarily for a time a burden to the community upon which the fugitives may be cast. Self-reliance and the knowl edge and ability that evolve the power ot self-support must be developed and at the same time avenues of employment must he opened In quarters where competition la already keen and opportunltlea scarce. The teachings of history and the expe rience of our own nation show that the Jews possess. In a high (degree, the mental and moral quallflcatlona of conscientious cltlxenhood. No clsss of Immigrants la more welcome to our shores when coming equipped in mind and body for entrance upon the struggle for bread and Inspired with the high purposs to give the best service of heart and brain to the land they adopt ot their own free will. But when they come as outcasts, made doubly paupers by physical and moral oppression in their native land, and thrown upon the long-suffering generosity ot a more' fa vored community, their migration lacks the essential conditions which make alien im migration either acceptable or beneficial. Bo well Is this appreciated on the conti nent that even in the countries where antl semltism has no foothold it is difficult ! for these fleeing Jews to obtain any lodg ment. America Is their only goal. Right of Remonstrance. 'The United States offers asylum to the oppressed ef all lands, but Its sympathy with them in nowise impairs its Just lib erty and right to weigh the acts ot the op pressor la the light ot their effects upon this country and to Judge accordingly. Put ting together the facts now painfully brought home this government during thai past few years that many of the inhabi tants ot Roumanla are being forced by ar tificially adverse discriminations to quit their native countries; that the hospitable asylum offered by this country is almost the only refuge left' to them; that they come hither unfitted by the conditions of their exit to take part In the new life of this land under circumstances either profit able to themselves or beneficial to the com munity, and that they are objects of char ity from the outset and for a long time the right of remonstrance against the acta of the Roumanian government is dearly established in favor of this government. Whether oonsciously and of purpose or not, these helpless people, burned and spurned by their native land, are forced by the sov ereign power of Roumanla upon the charity of the United States. This government can not be a tacit party to auch aa interna tional wrong. It is constrained to protest against the treatment to which the Jews ot Roumsnla are subjected, not alone be cause it baa unimpeachable ground to re monstrate against the resultant Injury to Itself, but la the name ot humanity." How Vncle Sana Is Interested. "The United Statee may not authorita tively appeal to the stipulations of the treaty ot Berlin, for which It waa not and cannot become a signatory, but It does ear nestly appeal to the principles consigned therein, because they are the principles ot intsrnatlonal law and eternal Justice, ad vocating the broad toleration which that solemn compact snjolns and standing ready to lend its moral support to ths fulfillment thereof by Its co-signatories, for the act ot Roumanla Itself has effectively Joined the United Ststes to them as an Interested party In this regsrd. "You will take an early occasion to read this instruction to the minister for for elgn affairs, and should he request It leave with him a copy. 1 bsve the honor to be lour obedient servant, JOHN IUT." uff ys Puro DalS UEiioCiov MEDICINE FOR Ahh MANKIND. Cures Consumotion ! Look for Trade Mark on the Bottle. Dear Sirs: After reading your advertise- ment I bought a bottle of your whiskey, which helped me rlitht awuv. I am now on my third bottle, using It for consump tion, and I feel like a new man. I think that If I had known of your whiskey when t. was ai nome in unicago, I would never come out here for my health. cu scut HAHTll, li8 Market Bt. Denver, Colo., Aug. 18, 1902. Stopped Hemorrhages. Nashua City. N. H... Sept. 11. 1902. Gentlemen: It Is with Brent ideitaiire that I write to Inform you that 1 have usej eight bottles of your Pure Malt Whis key would not have been here todav only for your wonderful medicine. I have use I all kinds of medicine end been under tha care of doctors. I have had three se vere attacks of grip and pneumonia, which nave lett me witn a Dart cough ana a weak heart. I am 67 years old. It has toned up my system snd stonDed the hemnrrhaaes and I cough but very little. I only regret mat i aia not Know or your wnisKey ne foro. I cannot express what It has done for me. 1 beg to remain, Yours respectfully, Mrs. H. C. ALLINQTON. Mr. W. D. Ball's, of Richmond. Vs. ex perience was similar to that of Mrs. Al llngton. Gentlemen: I commenced on your Duffy Caution When yon ask for DnflTy's Pare Malt Whlakey he sure yen get the genuine. Unscrupulous dealers, aration, will try to sell you ehenp Imltntlona, and ao called Malt Whiskey substitutes, which are put on the market for profit only, and which, far from relieving the sick, nre positive ly aarmful. Demand "Unity's" anal be sure you get It. It Is the only absolutely pure malt whisker which contains medicinal, health-giving a The Old Chemist," on the label. The remrtne is sold bv drusKlsts and T only whiskey recognised by the government r nr.ri.-ir you are sick ana run uown T'Titsirei' Cn.. Rochester. 7f. Y.. and et strictest confidence. It will cost you nothln and vitality. Medical booklet containing s convincing testimonials sent free to every ROCK ISLAND DEAL LEGAL Iewa'i Attorney Geieral Heidi NoLawi Bare Ren violated. GOVERNOR CUMMINS CONCURS IN RULING For the Seat Legislature to Ennet Laws to Head OS This Sew De vice for the Watering of Stocks. (From a Staff Correspondent.) nir.s MOINES. Sept. 17.- Special Tele gram.) The opinion of AU-rney General Mullan In the matter of the consolidation of the Rock Island properties was filed to dsy and with It Governor Cummins filed his concurrence in tne conclusions. i governor set on toot the investigation as to the legality ot the consolidation under an Iowa charter and tne inquiry as w whether or not it could not be prevented as being against public policy. He filed the facts of the organization of the Iowa company and the New Jersey companies before the attorney general and asked tor a legal opinion as to whether the new Rock Island company ot Iowa Is a law fully organized corporation and whether the transaction descrtbed can be arrested at the instance ot the etate, or stating the in quiry in its broadest terms: "Is there any remedy under our laws for so grave an oi fense against public policy?" The attorney general's opinion Is ex haustive and he reacher the conclusion that the transaction is entirely legal in every phase under the Iowa laws; that there Is nothing in the Iowa laws to pre vent the purchase of the stock of one rail road company by another, provided they are not parallel and competing, and nothing preventing the classification ot stock In the manner done by the Rock Island reorgan izes. There Is nothing to prevent the is sue ot stock of a face value far beyond the actual value of the property purchased. The attorney general says he finds noth ing done In violation of the policy of the state as indicated by the acts of the leg islature and decisions of the courts and no proceedings on behalf of the state to arrest the reorganizing can be maintained under the laws as they exist. Governor Cummins files his concurrence In this view and adds: "The thing done Is neither a merger nor a consolidation. Not a mile of track nor a dollar in value Is added to the Rock Island property. It Is simply a new device for watering securi ties. It is for the next genersl assembly to say whether it Is wise to permit our laws to so remain that such things ace possible." fVew Missouri Pacific Feeder. ST. LOUIS. Mo., Sept. 17 "We will tske over the St. Louis Valley railroad and make liMp PURE, IMT.VtJS!) PK-DIGESTEQ, V feniT) SCIENTIFIC AKO HYGIENIC DELICIOUS ANO NOUMSHIN0. Malt Whiskey last March, and have been faithful In taking it ever since. I have used one dnsen - bottles, and am feeling better. My hemorrhages have almost stop ped, and cough very much improved. WILLIE D. BALL, 7M N. 1st lit . Richmond, Va., Sept. I, 1WJ. Pneumonia Cured. Gentlemen: I had a severe case of pneu monia last fall, and have used about one dozen bottles of your whiskey to build me up and find It does what you claim for It. Yours respectfully. E. PEDERBEN. Hamllne, Minn., May 14, 1901 Thousands of such' testimonials are re ceived from patients who have been cured by Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. It cures consumption, coughs, colds, grip, bronchitis, catarrh and all diseases of the throat and lunga. It gives power to the brain, strength and elasticity to the muscle and richness to the blood. It le a promoter of health and longevity, makea the old young, keeps the young strong. It Is ab solutely pure and contains no fueel oil. It will cure almost any case of con sumption If taken- in time. Over 7,000 doctors prescribe It, and 1,000 hospitals use It exclusively. mindful of the excellence of this prep untitles. Look for the trade-mark, ocers. or direct. $1.00 a bottle. It is the as a medicine. This is a guarantee. write ins aieuicei vpsrimrni mjwt nii ato your case. All corrwanndence In g to learn how to regain health, strength ymptoms and treatment of dlaeases and reader of this paper who will write for it. it a part of the Missouri Pacific-Iron Moun aln system as goon as the details of con struction and a few other matters have been settled," stated George J. Oould, presi dent of the absorbing lines, who passed through here yesterday enroute rest. The St. Louis Vallsy railway is belag con structed a distance ot 125 miles almost due south of St. Louis, in the valley of the Mississippi river. It has been completed and is under operation between East St. Louis and Chester, 111., a distance ot six-ty-nlue miles. This new line of railroad wtll afford the Oould system a new outlet from St. Louis to the south. Officials ol the St. Louis A Iron Mountain dwell upon its Importance from Its standpoint ot econ omy, in that It shortens the haul and does away with heavy grade climbing through the Ozark mountains. PREMIER B0NDJS SATISFIED Newfoundland Statesman Pleased with Progress of Fisheries Treaty Which He Is Negotiating. NEW YORK, Sept. 17. Sir Robert Bond, premier of Newfoundland, who reoenlly visited Waablngton with the object of fur thering a fisheries reciprocity treaty with the United States, is in this city. Regard ing reports that bis mission had been a failure, he said: I was unable to aeeompUsti anything in Washington th other day simply because Acting Secretary of State Adee needed to consult the president in order to get au thority to begin negotiations. During the interval of the slight delay occasioned by the necessity of consulting the president at 0ster Bay I took advantage of my fteedom to come to this c'ty for reasons of private business. I am waiting now until negotiation can be properly carried on. I expect to return to Washington for that purpose the latter part of this week or the first of next. I do not see any Indications that the project will fall of success. It Is not. of cojrse. proper to make public at the pres ent time any of the propositions which I may submit, but I have no reason to be lieve that they will not be well received. OUTPUT OF PACKING HOUSES, Marketing of Hogs Shows a Slight Gala Over Last Week's Figures. CINCINNATI. Sept. 17. (Special Tele gram.) The Price Current saya the move ment of hogs contlnuea light. The total western packing Is 265,000, compared with 210,000 the preceding week and 115.000 last year. Since March 10 the total is ,40,001. sgainst 12,510,000 a year ago. Prominent places compsre as follows: 1902. 1901 Chicago OMAHA Kansas City . St. Joseph .... St. I,ouis Indianapolis .. Sioux City ... St. Paul ...... Cincinnati .... Milwaukee ... Ottumwu, Cedar Itaplda .2.300.000 i.tu.ono .1,090.000 l,2HB.0n M0.0OO l.MO.ono 819.0O0 MO.OuO 443.000 43,0i)O 2S6.0O0 20).frK) Sul.ono lrv.OQO 1,097,000 920,000 A. 0D 414.000 ftl.000 27t.OuO 271.000 fw 000 244.000 Pure, Palatable, Popular, Millions are Eting Malta-Vita TSs Perfect FooO Malta-Vita with cream or milk and sugar. MoltO-ViU and sliced bananas with cream, delightful dishes. Cet'". 4