Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 17, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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Pa vis ppIIw fltags.
Btockert jells csrpets snd rugs.
Mnuthe. nne watch repairing, 23 B'way.
Lefferl, eyesight specialist. ot Broadway.
Flower pota x and 10c at A. B. How'i,
31i liroadway.
All wool nulls mad" tr order, I12.W up.
N. Y. Tailoring Co., S37 B way.
Lvman Campbell died laiit evening at till
home In Hardin township, aged 54 years.
ryrogrjphlc outnts and supplies. C. K.
Alexander & Co., 833 Broadway. Tel. 6.
Mrs. H. W. I'ramer and daughter of
leaven worth, Kan., are guests of Mrs. J. C.
Mrs. J. M. Matthews Is In Des Moines at
tending the meeting of the sovereign lodge,
of Kebekahs.
All announcements to the contrary the
meeting of the fclks lodge will be held
1 hursday evening.
C. V. Oden of Peoria, 111., Is the guest of
his cousin, C. C. Gillespie, and family of
Washington avenue.
Members of the Dodge IJght Ouard foot
ball team will meet at the armory this
evening for signal practice.
The Katow Art club will meet this after
noon at the residence of Mrs. Foster, cor
ner of Graham and Madison avenues.
Members of Council camp, No. 14, Wood
men of the World, desiring to visit Camp
14 of Omaha this evening, will meet at
Woodmen hall at 7 p. m.
CMonel C. O. Saunders of this city, as a
member of Governor Cummins' staff, will
attend the launching of the cruiser Des
Moines In Boston Saturday.
Miss Virginia MoArthur, who recently
returned from a year's tour through
Europe I In the. city with her father, W.
C. McArtbur, clerk of the United 6tates
Lougee it Lougee have, brought suit In
the district court against J. Q. Long to- en
force the specific performance of a con
tract for the sale of half a section of land
in I'lerco county. Nebraska,
The residence of Arthur Wilson, Fourth
avenue and Tenth street, was entered by a
burglar Monday night, who succeeded In
getting away with a pocketbook containing
.W and several articles of Jewelry.
The receipts In the general fund at the
Christian Home last week were $113.12,
being tt6.88 below the needs of the week
and Increasing the deficiency to 171.58 In
this fund to date. In the manager's fund
the receipts were 116.75, being 118.25 below
the needs of the week and Increasing the
deficiency to 1122.46.
On the completion of the evidence In the
Slvorca suit of Hollo W. Ernest against Ida
M. Krnest In the district court yesterday
afternoon, Judge Macy decided that the
plaintiff had failed to show that he waa
entitled to a divorce, but that his wife had
and accordingly entered a decree In her
favor and jlIho awarded her the custody of
their only child.
Gravel roofing . A. H. Read, Ml Broadway.
rhangci in Methodist Chwrches.
The appointments by the Methodist con
ference at Jefferson Monday, make several
changes In the Council Bluffs churches. Rev.
D. C. Franklin, D.D., who has been presid
ing alder of the Council Bluffs district for
six years, Is succeeded by Rev. A. E. Grif
fith of Des Moines, while Dr. Franklin goes
to the North Dea Moines Methodist church
as pastor. Kev. vv. H. Cable is transierred
to Malvern and will be succeeded at Trinity
church by Rav. A. E. Burlff. Rev. E. W.
Erlckson hag been reappointed to the Fifth
Avenue Methodist church. Epworth church,
the pulpit of which has been filled by the
pastor of the Fifth avenue church, has been
placed in charge of Rev. Lewis Ripley.
Notice to Sabserlbers.
All the numbers of "The Living Animals
of the World" are now complete and can be
obtained for the next few day at tha Coun
cil Bluffs office of The Bee. It is requested
. that those desiring to fill out their numbers
call at once and get them, as unsold copies
. will be returned In a short time.
Davis sell paints.
Jasneo If. Cavaady-, Jr., Arrested.
Word was received by Sheriff Cousins last
night from Burlington, Kan., that James N.
Caaady, Jr., against whom the recent dis
trict grand jury returned an Indictment on
a charge of embezzlement, was under ar
rest there. Deputy Sheriff Baker will leave
for there this morning to bring Casady back,
it being understood that ha Is willing to
return without requisition papers. The an
nouncement of the arrest of Casady In Bur
lington, Kan., came as a surprise to the
therm's force, as it was supposed he was
lomewhere In Colorado.
Plumbing and heating. 8txby Sob.
Real Estate Transfers.
These transfers were filed yesterday In the
abstract, title and loan office of J. W. Squire,
101 Pearl street i
U L. Heretd to William S. Balrd, lot
16. block If. Heers' suhdlv, w. d f 200
Henry 11. Holmes to Sarah A.Holmes,
10 acres In sw"4 and lot 1, Auditor's
subdlv sW4 sw4, and lot 10, Audi
tor's subdlv nwV4 bwV 19-75-43. and
part sev se4 and lot 7, Auditor's
suhdlv f se4, and lot 10, Audi
tor's subdlv neS. se4 24-75-44, w. d
L. P. Judson to same, undlv'.t lot 2,
Auditor's subdlv ne bwV, and lnt
S, Auditor's subdlv nwVi swVi 19-76-43.
q. c. d Tt
Lawrence O. Merrill to William T.
Heed. n4 lots 7 and 8, block 3, Un
derwood, w. d 135
C. Van De Bogert to same, s4 lots 7
. and t, block 3. Underwood, w. d 400
Total five transfers $767
Junk Dealer Kinds Money.
WATERLOO, la., Sept. II. (Special.)
The Junk dealer who purchased the rubber
boots from a Bohemian farmer near Traer,
found the $1,200 that had been concealed
In them before he had gone far. People
living along the road saw him driving at
high speed to escape from the boy, who
started' In pursuit after the loss was dis
covered. The officers have a description of
tha man and will arrest him If he is found.
The maintaining of that high
degree of excellence that won
for "Blart ita enviable repu
tation 'way back la tha forties,
haa required nndeviatlnf cars
ia the selection of materials,
aad the constant attention of
tha moat akilled matters of
the brewer's art.
K Taaia. All frusetsU ar EH-
MIS Uonatae SI, Tel, lost.
Pearl ex.. Council Bluffs. 'Phone S7.
.tfnllf As Fare aad Good
"j BUurs could desire p
Federal Grand Jury Coiclndes Ita Work and
Rotnrni No Indictment.
Civil Docket Coatalaa Little Baslaess
and Two Days Mill Wlad 1
the Business of the
Terns. With the opening of the September term
of United States court yesterday morning
the federal grand Jury convened and ad
journed without returning a single indict
ment. This is said to establish a new
record In the history of the federal court
In Council Bluffs. But two cases were
presented by Qeorgs B. Miles, United States
prosecuting attorney, the Jury Ignoring both.
In one case Mrs. Annie Lemkle, wife of a
farmer living near Grlswold, was charged
with the improper use of the malls. In the
other case I P. Fisher of Red Oak was
charged with concealing property in bank
ruptcy proceedings. It being alleged that
he concealed the fact that he had a fifth
Interest in certain property in which his
mother bad a life aetata.
In the Intervention suit of W. H. Wil
tons; in the receivership of the Omaha ft
St. Louis railroad the plaintiff ai given a
judgment for $850, Interest and costs.
The afternoon session was taken up by
the arguments in the suit of the city of
Davenport against William Russell Allen
and other property owners. In this suit
tha city of Davenport sought to recover
from the defendants about $20,000, the cost
of paving In front of their property. The
state court had held that the assessment
for the cost of the Improvement was null
and void, as the contract between the city
and the contractor who laid the paving
constituted an indebtedness of the city
beyond tha constitutional limit. In the
contract the city of Davenport specifically
agreed to pay for tha improving instead
of providing that the cost of the work
would be paid by special assessment against
the abutting property. The city of Daven
port then brought suit to recover the cost
of the work and the defendant property
owners, several of whom are non-residents,
secured a transfer of the case to the fed
eral court. Tha casa waa brought here
from the Keokuk division. Judge McPh ar
son took tha case under advisement.
The hearing on the application of the
Iowa Telephone company of Des Moines for
an injunction against tha striking employe!
will not be had here, as previously ar
ranged. Tha hearing haa been postponed
to October 16 in Dea Moines. With this
case out of tha way it Is expected that the
business of tha term will be completed to
day, making tha lightest term of federal
court In this city on record. .
As the term of court at Creston occurs
on tha third Tuesday la October, the same
date as in Keokuk, Judgo McPherson an
nounced that the Creston term would be
adjourned to November 6.
Clerk Mason of the United States circuit
court and other federal officials returned
to Dea Moines last evening.
Davis sells glass.
Committeemen and Candidate la the
ninth Dlatrtet to Disease
the Campalgra.
The republican campaign in tha Ninth
congresslnal district will be mapped out
this afternoon at a conference of party j
leaders to be held in this city. The re- 1
publican state central committee has in
augurated a new plan in the management
of the campaign this year by holding con
ferences In tha several congressional dis
tricts of the state, at which plans are
formulated and the campaign outlined for
each district. At these conferences all
the county chairmen of the several coun
ties comprising the district, the member
of the state central committee from the
district and prominent local members and
leaders of the party are invited to be
present and take part in the conference.
This plan was adopted this year for the
first time by Hon. R. H. Spence, chairman
of the republican state central committee,
who makes it his business to attend all
such conferences.
At the conference in this city today the
following county chairmen have been in
vited te be present: Adair county, William
Halladay of Greenfield; Audubon county,
D. C. Mott of Audubon; Cass county, C.
L. Campbell of Atlantic; Harrison county,
H. M. Bostwick of Woodbine; Guthrie
county, E. W. Weeka of Guthrie Center;
Mills county, H. 3. Balrd of Malvern;
Montgomery county, Ralph Prlngle of Red
Oak; Pottawattamie county, George S.
Wright of Council Bluffs; Shelby county,
L. H. Plckard of Harlan.
Coalman Spence of the state central
committee will preside at the conference.
but Asmus Boysen of Gray, member of the
state central committee from the Ninth
district, will be urpble to attend as he Is
confined to his bed with typhoid fever.
Congressman Walter I. Smith will also take
part In the conference as will National
Committeeman Ernest H. Hart and other
local leaders of the republican party.
The meeting will be held at the office of
County Chairman Oeorge S. Wright la the
Baldwin block.
Congressman Smith will make an address
Thursday before the Monona republican
county convention at Onawa. On Thursday
of next week he will speak before the
Crawford county republican convention at
Manilla. Both these dates are assignments
by the state central committee and the
latter at the especial solicitation of Judge i
Conner, member of congress from
Tenth district.
Chairman Wright will call a meeting
of the county central committee before
ths end of the month, at which the plan of
campaign In Pottawattamie will be decided
upon. Chairman Wright Is opposed to a
"speaking" campaign tbls fall, believing
that no necessity exists for It.
Cnlllaea Decides to Accept.
George W. Cullison, the Harlan attorney,
contrary to i pec tat ion, has announced
that he has decided to accept the demo
cratic congressional nomination for the
Ninth district. This announcement Is not
oWcial. but tt Is said that Mr. Cullison
will In the course of a few days issue a
letter to 8. B. Morrissey, chairman of tho
democratic congressional committee. In
which ha will announce his acceptance of
the nomination and at the same time explain
bis position on all these questions, over
which there has been more or less dis
cussion among the democratic leaders. It
Is si most certain tbat Mr. Cullison will
stand by the "action of the Des Mplnes
convention and refuse to recognlie the
silver plank of the Kansas City platform.
Mr. Cullison was among the delegates at
the Iks Moines convention who voted
against the reaffirmation of the Kaasas
City platform in I J entirety.
The democratic state committee today ec-
cepted the withdrawal of Dr. R. U. Chapman
of this city from the state ticket, and nomi
nated Dr. A. W. Iloff of this city for state
treasurer tn his place.
N. T. Plumbing Co.. eipnon f5
Sheriff Kloke of Wnt Point Arrests
the opect on a Farm Sear
SIOUX CITY, la., Sept. 18 (Special
Telegram.) Sheriff Kloke of Cuming
county, Nebraska, today arrested a man
ten miles south of Dodge, who Is supposed
to be Gottlieb Nelgenflnd, the Pearce,
Neb., murderer, who killed his divorced
wife and her father, wounded his former
wife's mother and attempted to assault
his wife's sister. The Identification is not
complete. The prisoner Is being held at
Dodge and tomorrow an effort will be
made to settle his Identity. Sheriff Kloke
traced hie man from Hooper to Scrlbner,
thence to Snyder and thence west and
south to the place where he was arrested.
He had engaged to work for a farmer as
a farm hand and was coming In from
the field when arrested. He protested bis
Innocence and gave the name of William
Parish. Sheriff Kloke says the man acted
very nervous. He has a photograph of
Nelgenflnd and says the man answers the
description perfectly. The deputy sheriff
from Pierce arrived, but was unable to
positively Identity the man and went home
without him. He will return In the morn
ing with persons who know Nelgenflnd.
The excitement at Pierce Is running high.
Encounter Between Hotel Keeper and
Kevrapaper Man In Webster City
Creates Sensation.
WEBSTER CITY, la., Sept. 16. (Special
Telegram.) Landlord Brockman of the
Grand Central hotel in this city was as
saulted this morning in the office of the
Graphic-Herald by Jeese Roble, son of
Editor Roble.
Brockman came in to collect a bill. The
elder Roble was out, and some few words
were passed between the son and the Irate
landlord. Blows followed and Brockman
got decidedly the worst of the deal.
Roble Is under arrest for assault and
battery. The affair has caused a big sensa
tion. Elnk Declines the Honor.
SIOUX CITY, la., Sept. (8peclal Tele
gram.) Hon. T. M. Zlnk of LeMars, In a
letter to District Chairman Quick, has de
clined the democratic- nomination for con
gress from tho Eleventh district. Mr.
Zlnk was nominated at LeMars after sev
eral other democrats had declined the
honor. He states in a lengthy letter that
he is too busy and has not the money to
make it such a campaign as ought to be
conducted, though he appreciates the
houur. Ke atUcks the trusts in his letter
and advocates tha idea of municipal own
ership. Iowa State News Notes.
There was an average dally attendance
of 4,200 at the Grundy County fair.
A new $40,000 Oerm an -Catholic church waa
dedicated Sunday by Bishop Qarrtgan at
The vegetable canning factory at Rock
well City has been turning out about 80,000
cana of corn the last eight weeks.
The Indian Training school at Toledo
opened with fifty-nine students, but it ap
pears that only three of them are Indians.
The voters of Appaivooee county will de
cide at the next election whether or not
bends shall be Issued to build a $75,000 court
house at Centervllle.
The Toledo town council haa arranged so
that delinquent water rents will become a
part of the tax against a man's property
the same as any other tax.
On one of the rural free delivery routes
running out from Story City the carrier
found a young rabbit that had somehow
crept Into one of the mail boxes.
Many Iowa towns report that large quan
tities of wood are being brought In for fuel
on account of the hard coal famine. The
price ranges from $3.60 to $6.50 per cord.
At Maquoketa the doctors have formed a
trust. They are going to keep a list of the
fellews who don't pay doctors' bill and will
arswer no calls from these unless paid In
A gasoline stove In a second-story room
at Davenport blew up and so badly burned
Mrs Eva Smith that In her agony she
iumped through the window, the fall killing
ler almost instantly.
Police business becoming dull at Dubuque
Police Captain Cr&ugh attacked Patrolman
Dunphy on the street and knocked htm
down four times. The affair wound up with
the arrest of the captain on a charge of
Doubtlees the oldest married couple In
Iowa Is Mr. and Mrs. John, lams of Wash
ington county, who have Just celebrated
the seventy-fourth anniversary of their
wedding. He Is W and she (2 years of age,
and they have resided continuously in the
state since 1838.
The district court has appointed a guar
dian for Joseph Kvellth, In Lake township,
Woodbury county. Notwithstanding he
owns fine farms and property worth $75,0U0,
he haa withdrawn from his family and
persists In living alone In a wretched hut
not fit for a Digger Indian and otherwise
gives signs of mental aberration.
A sixty-five-pound pig la a small one, but
a pig of that size at Bayard Is the cause
of a big lawsuit between Pat McDonald
and James Linton. It took thirteen wlt
t esses, six Jurors, one Justice, one con
stable and two attorneys two days to reach
a conclusion. The pig Is worth less than
$7 and the costs amount to $60. And now
the case has been appealed to the district
The Saline Sittings doesn't like the sit
uation In Its village, according to this ex
tract from an editorial In lie last issue:
"Over here on Poplar street we still have
room for a few more hell holes, nuisances
lr. the shape of bowling- alleys, scales In
the streets, etc. Better hurry up and fill
the waste places soon as possible. Who
has a spare poker layout and a roulette
wheel? The council is real easy, and the
mayor will 'license' anybody to do anything,
provided he haa the price." ,
Medicine Not Needed ia This Case.
It Is hard to convlncs some people that
coffee does them an Injury! They lay
their bad teelings to almost every cause
but the true and unsuspected one.
But the doctor knows; bis wide experi
ence has proven to him that to some
systems coffee is sn insidious poison that
undermines the health.
Ask the doctor It coffee is the cause of
constipation, stomach and nervous troubles.
"I have been a coffee drinker all my
life. I am now 42 years old , and when
taken sick two years ago with nervous
prostration, my doctor said that my ner
vous system was broken down and that
I would have to give up coffee.- I got so
weak and shaky I could not work, and
reading your advertisement of Postum
Food Coffee, I asked my grocer It he bad
any of It. He said, 'Yes,' and that he
used it In his family and It was all It
claimed to be.
"8o I quit coffee and commenced to use
Postum steadily and found tn about two
weeks' time I could sleep soundly st night
and get up In the morning feeling fresh and
well. In about two months, I began to gain
flesh. I only weighed 146 pounds when I
commenced on Postum and now I weigh
167 and feel better than I did at 20 years of
"I am working every day aad sleep well
st night. My two children were great coffee
drinkers, but they have not drank any since
Postum came Into the house, and are far
more healthy than they were before."
Stewart M. Hall, Fairfield, W. Vs.
Imilltr Attendance Than Usual at Stat
Anti-Saloon League Meeting.
Plan of Campaign Is to Conine Effort
Largely to the Clrcnlatlon of
I.ltrratare Arcose Agent
of Frand.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, Sept. 16. (Special.) The
Anti-Saloon league met here today, the at
tendance being about twenty-five all told,
much smaller than usual. L. S. Coffin of
Fort Dodge, presided. The secretary, Rev.
Mott Sawyers of Centervllle was not pres
ent. The feature of the meeting was a lec
ture by Rev. Father Lenlhan of Dubuque
on temperance, and this Is the first time
there has ever been any affiliation of the
Catholic clergy with Protestants In tem
perance work In the state. The report of
Rev. H. C. Marshall of Sioux City on
the work of enforcement during the year
was read. Mr. Marshall reported tbat his
work had consisted largely of educational
work. He recommended that the state be
divided Into eight or ten districts and
a superintendent be named for each one
to have charge of the work of enforcement.
He also urged more agitation and educa
tion, that the league adopt a better sys
tem of financing It; that law enforcement
should become more general, etc. In clos
ing he announced positively that he would
not accept the re-election for an
other year. That he had col
lected for his work $1,120.52, and had
expended $277.04. ' During1 the year a mulct
petition had been obtained on one county
and in five counties had been freed from
mulct petitions. A report was also made
on the work of collecting funde for a lobby
ist at Washington to secure federal legis
lation in regard to liquor traffic across
state borders.
The Anti-Saloon league re-elected officers
and selected H. H. Abrams of Iowa City as
superintendent in place of Marshall re
signed. Democratic Committee Meets.
The democratic state committee has at
last made a move toward a state campaign
and at a meeting held this afternoon de
cided upon the opening of headquarters
at an early date and carrying on of a state
campaign. The committee was organized at
the time of the state convention by the
election of A. E. Jackson of Tama as chair
man to succeed S. P. McConnell of Bloom
field. It is probable that Jackson, who Is
an anti-silver democrat, will have charge
of the headquarters most of the time. A
majority of tbe members of the committee
were present today. The literary work of
the committee will be confined almost ex
clusively to the circulation of speeches of
iue lending for congress, espe
cially those of Boise and Wade. Some at
tention also will be given the campaigns for
Craig and Reese in the First and Sixth dis
tricts. The committee members .from the
eastern districts of the state are confident
of great gaina for the democratic party this
Asient Accased of Frand.
Horace Susong, who has represented the
Equitable Diamond company of Omaha, in
Des Moines where, there are said to be more
than 160 patrons ft the company, is under
arrest on an order from St. Joseph, Mo., ac
cusing him of fraud. He has been Indicted
with officers of the company there, but Mr.
Susong claims that he has had no connec
tion whatever with the company's business
In St. Joseph and that he has confined his
work to Des Moines. He was released on
his own bond by Judge McHenry snd a fight
will be made against requisition to take
him to Missouri. He claims he is merely
an employe of the company and not at all
responsible for what he does, and knows of
no reason for the accusation. The Informa
tion was given against him by Ida Hatcher,
who. It is alleged. Is out about $400. Those
indicted with Susong are W. D. Skinner,
M. S. Harlngton, W. A. P. McPlke. 0. P.
Lucas and H. C. MittendorL
Iowa Crop Balletia.
The weekly crop bulletin for Iowa, Is
sued by Director Sage today for the week
endtng September 15, does not indicate that
corn sustained damage by reason of the
recent frosts and what damage was suffered
was confined to lowlands. The report fol
lows: Tbe past week was one of tbe coldest on
record for the first half of September. The
average dally deficiency waa about seven
degrees. The rainfall was very light and
widely scattered. Tbe conditions were fa
vorable for threshing, plowing and general
farm operations. Frosts were reported at
all stations on the morning of the 12th and
13th, with temperature below freezing
In tbe northern districts. It was generally
killing to tender vegetation in exposed lo
calities. Reports indicate that corn in the
northern halt of. ths state, altuated on flat
or lowland, suffered considerable damage,
but the full extent of injury cannot as yet
be estimated. It Is probable that this unsea
sonable frost will materially Increase the
amount of soft and light weight corn that
will be harvested. With favorable weather
in the future, the early planted upland fields
give promise of a large output of sound corn.
A large portion of the crop In tha southern
half of the state was too far advanced to be
seriously injured.
Iowa's Dipsomania Colony.
The dipsomania ward of the State hospital
at Mount Pleaaant ia running along smoothly
with about fifty Inmates on an average.
After tbe first large batch of victims of
whisky, cocaine and morphine the Judges
of the state appear to have eased up on tbls
branch of their work. Now that tbe Sep
tember terms of court are opening up all
over ths state It ia expected that there will
be an Increase in tho number sent to the hos
pital tor treatment. On August 1 there were
fifteen In the dipsomania ward. During the
month thlrty-slx were admitted and two
died. At tbe close of ths month there were
forty-eight men and one woman at the hos
pltal in this department. Since the first of
the month a number have been admitted
The governor has Issued no paroles In this
department as yet.
Liberal with Insane Paroles.
The State Board of Control Is liberal in
the matter of paroles of the insane of the
state. As Illustrating this fact It was stated
today that since July 26 the reports will
show that there was paroled from the state
Insane hospital a total of alxty-one Inmates
and tbe paroles of thirty already out were
extended for a further period. The paroles
are for only a short time at first and must
be formally extended from time to time
Seven were discharged as Improved snd one
discharged as unimproved. Besides there
were quits a number discharged as cured
and In such cases the superintendents alone
have authority. There la a total of about
S.104) Insane ia the hospitals all the time and
sbout 160 or 170 sre out on parole regularly
Conference ot Superintendents.
The regular quarterly conference of the
heads of state Institutions Is to be held
Tuesdsy aad Wednesday of next week In the
slate capltoL The paper which Superintend
cnt Rothrrt was to have read at the lst
conference, but was prevented, will bo read.
Northeastern Iowa Teachers.
The ninth annual meeting of the Teachers'
Association of Northeastern Iowa is to bs
held In Cedar Falls Octebrr 16 to IS. The
meeting will be enlivened by ihe presence
of Richard T. Ely of Wisconsin university.
Superintendent E. G. Cooley of Chicago,
President MacLean, Slate university of
Iowa; State Superintendent Barrett, former
State Superintendent Sabln and President
Seerley of ths Stats Normal school. Other
district meetings will follow this one tn ad
vance of the state association meeting.
Emmet Brown of Sheldon, son of Railroad
Commissioner Brown, has commenced his
duties as cashier in the office of the stats
treasury, succeeding E. G. Marls of Guthrie
county, who has resigned to go Into business
In South Dakota.
Iowa Attorney General Files Heport
la the Rock Island Incor
poration Case.
DES MOINES. Sept. 16. Attorney General
Mullan today handed an opinion to Gov
ernor A. B. Cummins with regard "to the
legality of the recent filing of Incorporation
papers of the Chicago, Rock Island &
Pacific Railway company with the secre
tary of state.
The governor refueed to make public the
contents of the opinion, for the reason that
he desires to have a statement from him
self accompany the same when made public.
No Intimation has been given of the posi
tion taken by the attorney general and all
statements made with regard to the same
are simply guesswork.
Governor Cummins left today to attend
a meeting of the board of trustees, to take
up the subject of a successor to the late
President Beardshear of the Iowa State
Agricultural college. He will leave upon
bis return for Massachusetts to attend the
launching of the cruiser Des Molnea, and it
is stated that It Is doubtful it the opinion
Is made public before he returns.
Appoints Dead Sheriff's Brother.
ONAWA, Ia., Sept. 16. (Special Tele
gram.) At the special session of the Mo
nona County Board of Supervisors, held
this afternoon Miles K. Strain was ap
pointed sheriff to fill the vacancy caused
by the death of W. E. Strain. He Is a
brother of the late Sheriff Strain and has
been his chief deputy since the beginning
of hie second term. The appointment Is
likely to give general satisfaction and
was one of the last requests made by Sheriff
Strain to the president of the board.
Black Hawk Court Home Dedicated.
WATERLOO, Ia., Sept. 16. (Special.)
The new courthouse of Black Hawk county
was dedicated yesterday by the Board ot
Supervisors and the County Bar associa
tion. The building was thrown open for
the Inspection of tbe public. It Is one
of the finest temples of Justice in the
west, built of Bedford stone at a cost of
$150,000. It takes the place of the one
erected In 1857. Judge Piatt opened court
and then adjourned for the day.
Mere Matter of Law.
WATERLOO. Ia., Sept. 16. (Special.)
A. J. Wlttlck, who was defendant in a
boycott damage suit by Mrs. Minnie
Hoober, who runs a restaurant, has filed
a demurrer to the suit on tbe grounds
that as a business man he has a right
to make any business agreement he likes.
He admits that he agreed with tbe labor
unions not to sell Mrs. Hoober meat, and
thus admits the boycott on which grounds
the suit was based.
No Snbstltnte Offered.
Say what you will about druggists offer
ing something "Just as good" because It
pays a better profit, the fact still stands
tbat ninety-nine out of a hundred druggists
recommend Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy when tbe best rem
edy for diarrhoea is asked for, and do ao be
cause tney anow tt is tne one remedy that
can always be depended upon, even in the
most severe and dangerous cases.
Rels;n of Terror Is Reported at Rock-
port, a Small Kentucky
HARTFORD. Ky., Sept. 16. There Is a
reign of terror at Rockport, eight miles
west of here, and the town Is practically
in the bands of a drunken, lawless band of
men, whose members frighten the law
abiding citizens Into submission.
Last night over 100 shots were fired In
the town by the gang and the citizens of
Rockport are afraid to call for aid, fearing
that ths mob may hear of it and burn the
town, as they have threatened. During
last night's fusllade Town Marshal Til
ford waa wounded. Three of the gang have
been arrested.
Dou't Accept Coaaterretie.
For plies, skin diseases, sores, cuts,
bruises, burns and other wounds nothing
equals DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve. Don't
accept counterfeits. None genuine except
DeWKt's. "I have suffered since 1865 with
protruding, bleeding piles and until re
cently could find no permanent relief."
says J. F. Oerall of St. Paul. Ark. "Finally
I tried DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve, which
soon completely cured me."
Volcano Still In Ernptlon, bat Its
Activity Is Now Regarded
as Insignificant.
kicw YORK. Sent. 16. Growls from
Mount Pelee are finally diminishing, says
a Times dispatch from Martinique, by way
ot London. The volcano is still in erup
tion, but Its activity is now lnsignincani.
Alt nerecsarv measures to assist the suf
ferers have been taken by the government.
Tbe native population Is calming down, it
ia tho nninlnn nt cool observers that Fort de
France Is in no way menaced If the dreaded
tidal wave comes.
The purest, mildest, daintiest beer erer brewed.
We have made it because thousands have
asked for it, and thousands more want it.
Perhaps you are one.
Brewed in absolute cleanliness cooled
in filtered air then filtered then sterilized
after the bottle is sealed.
Jos. Schliti Brewing Co.
Cor. So. 9th & Leavenworth Sts., Telephone 913,
Thrj Bsgin lrtematic GniRada igaint
Wjoniinf; OoiiflaBTatiss.
It la Hetter Able o to Direct WnrU,
Marina Received Official Reports,
and Also t oniinonlont Ion
from (iotrruor.
SARATOGA. Wyo., Sept. 16. (Special )
C. W. Oarbntt. superintendent of forest
reserves for Wyoming, South Dakota and
Nebraska. Is here to Investigate the recent
forest fires In this section and extinguish
those now burning.
As the fire cn Brush creek has again
broken out, as well as a new one on Doug
las creek, Superintendent Garbutt has
asked permission of the department to
appoint rangers, one to take charge of each
fire, which was granted. William K. nran
ford and Shcllle Wood were selected and
they have organized forces and repaired
to the scenes ot the fires.
The Brush creek fire has gained con
siderable headway aguln, owing to the high
wind of the last few days. This fire v as
extinguished by Captain N. J. O'Brien of
Denver, and when he went away ho asked
for permission to appoint guards to patrol
the forest to prevent the fire breaking
out afresh, but this request was denied by
the department.
Tbe fire on Douglas creek is a new one
and has gained such headway that It will
be a difficult problem to extinguish it
before snow files. U has a front of eight
miles and Is confined to the dense timber.
Ranger Branford says 100 men could not
put It out were they to fight the flames for
weeks. So far as known there are no min
ing camps or ranches In the path of the
fire and outside of the destruction of val
uable timber the damage will not be heavy.
Another fire has broken out In the coun
try aloug the South Fork of Encampment
All of southeastern Wyoming Is covered
by a pall of black smoke and at times
the sun Is hidden from view. At night
the moon resembles a huge ball of fire
and Is a blood red in color.
From Governor Richards.
CHEYENNE, Wyo., Sept. 16. Governor
Richards has been Informed by telephone
from Grand Encampment that for many
miles along the Wyoming-Colorado line,
north of Pearl, Colo., a furious forest fire
Is raging, devastating everything in Its
path. Efforts to subdue the flames have
been exhausted without effect. Governor
Richards immediately communicated with
Governor Orman of Colorado and arranged
for both to send a telegram to the secre
tary ot tbe Interior asking for aid.
According to the latest reports, there
are at least eighteen serious forest fires
burning in Wyoming, to say nothing of
numerous smaller fires burning in southern
Albany county that are destroying great
swamps of fine pine timber In the Medicine
Bow range and threatening mining build
ings. Although a hundred miles away from
Cheyenne, the smoke from these fires ob
scures ths sky here and the odor ot burn
ing wood is plainly noticeable.
At Washington.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 16. Lato today the
Interior department received a telegram
from Superintendent Sheller, in charge ot
the forest reserve tracts in Washington
state, saying that two fires were raging
over a large area Inside the Mount Ranter
reserve. -The rangers have been fighting
these fire's since' their Inception and extra
help has been employed to aid In the
In response to the telegrams from the
governors of Wyoming and Colorado, the
secretary ot the interior has ordered For
est Superintendent Garbutt ot Wyoming to
assist Supervisor Atherly of the Crow
Creek reserve in fighting the fire reported
burning near Pearl, Just south of the
Medicine Bow foreBt reserve. They will
employ a large number of men to assist
In the work. .This is ths only action tbe
department can take.
A new, forest fire that stretches over a
large area is reported in official circles
in South Platte forest reserve, which For
est Superintendent Michelson and a large
force are working to extinguish. The dis
patches say the fire near Saratoga, Wyo.,
has been brought under control.
Scaffold on Which Lovcswar Is to Be
: Hanged Is In Perfect Work
ins; Order.
STUROIS, S: D.. Sept. 16. (Special Tele-
- . 1. 1 n n. in m ai!!naa
gram. J r.verjriuiuB i "u "
for the execution of Ernest Loveswar next
. .. a t 1. I
Friday for tne muraer oi ueoruo jut-. "-
. a.. -, A-l am.1i Th Iran
ueorge usiriuuor, w " 1 - ---
was tested this morning by Sheriff Smith
with a sack or sand weighing 170 pounds
at a drop of six. feet. Everything worked
in guuu Bu(ja.
rm .,111 .Int.. a mnnth ham a
1 II C V 1 inuuri aim i-i.j. - r -
times and then again seems to be very
Wolser is to Be Hebollt.
HURON, S.. D., Sept. 16. (Special.)
Several business men irom woisey wen
hers today in search or carpenters ana
hiivlni- mate rial for buildings to be erected
In that city where so many were destroyed
by fire Sunday afternoon. Workmen are
very scarce, and although big prices were
offered not enough men could be secured
to do the work. While here tne parties
nnrxhaaeit larva bills of buildings ma
terials, and the work of erecting new
buildings will commence at once. At tnis
time great piles of machinery, merchsn
dlBe and goods of every description fill
the streets and there is not a Duuaiog
suitable for business purposes to be had
In tbe town.
The New Beer
Prict same as cur "Export."
of worn EN
Preserve, Purify, and Beautif
the Skin, Scalp, Hair
and Hands with
Muttons or Womj nse CtmotrM
Soar, assisted bv Cotictjba Ointment,
for beautifying tne skin, for cleansing ths
scalp, aud the "topping of falling hair, fof
softening, whitening, and soothing red,
rough, and sore hands, for baby rashes,
itchinfts, and irritations, and for all tha
purposos of the toilet, bath, and nursery.
Millions of women nse CuTiouaa Soap in.
baths for annoying irritations, inflamm
lions, and excoriations, or too free or off a i
sive prespiration, In washes for ulcerative
weaknesses, and for many sanative, antl
leptio purposes, which readily suggest
themselves to women, especially mothers.
Complete Treatment for ITnmonr, tt.
CuntlutingorCUTICURA SOAF(tfa:.),toolrane
the skin of crtmta and scales, (ai soften tho
thickened cuticle, Curicuaa ( ih . MSNTaOc.).
to Instantly allay Itching. lDflammatlon, aud
Irritation, and loothe ana heal, aud CUTiouaA
RksoLVEMt FILLS ( &o.), to cool and cleanse
the blood. .
Co tad ) tra I oaw, taauiiaaf , odorless, e no Domical
substitute ft r tha otlabraud liquid Cutiousa
Rssolvbrt, as wall as for all ouwr blood park
liars aud hul ar cures. 80 doaaa, Sio.
I4 tkmrlit varM. Dtpati -S
ChanarkaaM I , LanSo. r - '"TT
0ssT"( ewsal Pa f sf atWtSSf A
Imperfect digestion Is more
serious aad far-reaching ia
Its effect thsn Is generally
understood. This state of
health Is like an open gate
way to disease because
germs tbat may be in the
air we breathe at once sclte
such an opportunity to
attack the . vital organs.
They slowly undermine the
strength snd energy, and a
collapse comes usuatly st a
time when a strong beslthy
body is most needed.
Is a fine regulating tonic
which filters through the
body, csstlng out Injurious
matter, stimulating the
digestion and nourishing
and strengthening every
weakened part. Italsoparl
fies the blood, sharpens the
appetite and creates energy.
In this wsy It restores the
system to perfect order.
Far lrrr'r keval mw
awoU.cUraali, aaaMlpallaa,
Sslultaea, btlehlBi, fast
kraalb, a4 atbar traablal
iii la ladigMlloa ar ak
atruetloa Is Hi bawtlSj
Priekly Aih BlIUi Is S
apatUy aula.
$ i.oo Per Bottle.
Racine College
Grammar School
"Tho School Thai
Makes Manly Boys."
Pupils Etudy Under sn Instructor.
Its Oraduates enter any Collage or
University. Social and A thistle
Advantages. HUltaT Drill.
For Baya of H IT Years Old.
Illustrated Catalogue sent on appli
cative to
Meary Dwls Hebteaee.Wardeat.
rtavlaxe, WImsbiIs,
Tho Froobol School
U a i
tCKl Faruam Street, Tleopena
SEPTEMBER 15, 1902.
Kindergarten (limited) Primary and
Grammar Oracles
Tel. " ZCi.
- " te. - 7.