Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 17, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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    Tnr, omaiia daily bee. Wednesday, 17, tnoe.
All IndicatioDi Paint to Largs AttndatC3
at th 8taU Unmraitj.
tat Committer Haay Mapping Oat
CinftUn-Spcikm of national
Repatatlan tor tate
of Xrfcraaka.
(From a, Btatf Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Sept. 16.Sperlal.)-Tne fall
emester at the State university began this
doming". The flrat leasons will be given
out Saturday and the firm recltatlona will
be held Monday. Until then the executive
force of the university will devote Its
effort to registering and carina- for the
student. The registration rooms were
crowded alt day and the force had all It
could do to list the rtudents presenting
themselves for matriculation. For the first
time in the history 'of the Law college its
students were registered the opening week.
Usually the Law college doea not begin
until October, a month later than the
academic and other departments, but this
year all begin at the same time.
The rush la expected to continue for sev
eral days. No comparison with last year
can be made, because for the first two
days the number is only bounded by the
ability of the clerks to register them. The
good tlmea and the plentltude of money
among the farmers and tradesmen of the
mall towns is regarded as good grounds
for belief that the, attendance will exceed
that of any previous year, although Mr.
Crabtree of the business staff says that
the highest point In attendance was reached
at a time when the opportunity for em
ployment waa smallest.
Quarrel Over Paring.
A bitter quarrel U on between the prop
erty owners of three different streets in
the fashionable residence aectlon over
precedence In the matter of paving. Some
of the aggrieved gentlemen threaten to
carry It into court, a proceeding which
will tie up all of the districts so far as
any Improvement this fall Is concerned.
The council ban ordered C street, from
Eleventh to Seventeenth, pnved with as
phalt. This takes up every bit of available
money In the Intersection fund. B street
property ownere and persons living on
Washington between Seventeenth and
Twenty-third streets, each of which com
prises newly created districts. Insist that
their petitions were on file first and that
th council cannot lawfully pase them by
for any other section. The C street people
retort that their petition .was on file two
years ago, but because the council had no
money for intersections tney naa 10 wan
so lone that much property ensngea nanan,
In order to make It lawful they had to get
out new petitions. The , matter will be
aired In court if the quarrel Is longer
maintained. , , .
Retail Oroeere Here.
The annual meeting of the Retail Grocers'
&2sc!at!sn -was to have opened fit " Iln-
dell hotel this afternoon, but the number
In attendance was so small that It was ae
termlned to poetpone the program of exer
cises until tomorrow. The Omaha delega
tion did not appear, as was anticipated, but
word cam that a half hundred of them
would be here tonight and tomorrow morn
ing. The program consists of addresses of
welcome and a talk by President Coning-
bara of the association. J. S. Bishop of
Lincoln, one of the organizers of the asso
elation. Is down for an extended address
on a remodeling of the credit system and
other member are expected to add ome
suggestions a to bettering and strength'
enlng the organisation.
J. E. Williams of South Bend. Ind.. na
tlonal president, la expected tomorrow. A
big banquet will be one of the closing fea-
tures. The small attendance today waa
rather discouraging to the promoters, but
they look for many from out In the state
tomorrow. No towns have yet formally en
tered the race for- the location of the next
Adapt a Sew Rate.
At today' session of the supreme court
a new rule was promulgated by the clerk.
acting under Instructions from the Judges.
It reads:
"Hereafter no continuances will be
granted by thla court after the case Is once
on the call." '
Ever since the court has shown signs of
speedily catching up with the docket there
ha been a steady Increase in the numbT
of request for continuances. The court
has been much annoyed to find, after lay
ing out plans for a good term's work, half
of the cases set go by the board because
tome attorney Is not ready. Thla will not
be permitted In the future. The attorneys
dn't like the new rule very well, as they
Insist It I Impossible sometimes to tell so
far In advance a the making out of a call
whether their bualness will alwaya permit
them to be here. 8ome other case of
greater Importance may call them elaewhere
and they think the court will find it diffi
cult to enforce the new rule arbitrarily and
yet do the right thing.
The Miles will case, from Richardson
eounty, waa one of those that went over for
the term. So waa that brought by the state
against the Union Paclfls, in which the ref
treea reported favoring a dlamlssal.
The major portion of the morning sitting
waa devoted to memorial services In eulogy
of the late Oenlo M. Lambertson and Wil
liam Leeae. The full court snd commis
sion, with several scorej of the members
of the stat bar, were present. Resolutions
were presented by committees nsmed by
the court giving expression to the esteem
of the court and the Nebraska bar for the
"An All-Day Food
Wheat and Fare Frail Onmblaed.
The numerous cereal foods on the market
and the growing demand among all classes
for something to take the place of meat,
emphasises the fact that housekeepers a.-
devoting much time to ths study of a
proper dietary.
CERO-FRl TO aurpassea every other
cereal food tn that It is both concentrated
and predlgested. lnstoad of flatulency, In
dtllon and kindred ailments which fol
lii H. h, 1 1.. gt m u M v .i.rihu frtut j m a A m
from bolted wheat flour, it products a
buoyant and perfectly healthful condition
of body and mind. Analysis provee that it
von is ins
and la without any taste whatever. CERO
FRUTU is garnished by Nature. Il con
tains moie nutriment fur the brain worker,
the growing child and the wurktngnvtn
than any other ceral product. It U thor
oughly cooked, ready to rat. and is pure,
rrtap. healthful and' nourishing. (T.Rfl
FKl'TO doea not Interfere In the slightest
litre with otter iockIs eaten at the same
meal. The conversion of the starcb of the
heat Into sugar In the preparation and
lbs fruit sugar of the (rult produce.
tf all of this food Into the system after
elng eaten It may or uaed aa the prin
cipal article of one 'et or a rirt
r aide dish. It is not merely a "breakfast
!od" but is an "ail-day food." It never
tls or produce a tee. In of satiety by
frrquent uae, as t so often the caae with
Other cereal foods. Bold by all grocers,
ample free upon request. Address
deceased. Eulogistic speeches were deliv
ered by Frank M. Hall and E. 3. Halner on
Mr. Lambertson. while tribute to Mr.
Lreae were paid by John M. Stewart and
Wilbur F. Bryant. Ex-Senator Allen pro
nounced a eulogy upon both of the de
parted, the supreme court Justices also
voicing like sentiments.
Candidates Coaler.
J. H. Mickey, republican candidate for
governor, E. H. Hinshaw, candidate for
congress In the Fourth, and M. P. Klnkald,
candidate for congress In the Sixth dis
trict, lunched together todsy. The meet
ing wss purely informal, and neither knew
the other were to be here today. All
brought only the most roseate stories of
campaign prospects.
Mapping Oat Campaign.
Chairman Lindsay and his assistants in
charge of the republican state committee
are mapping out a speaking campaign
in the state of unususl vsrlety. The com
mittee already has assurances that several
speakers of national prominence will take
the stump In Nebraska, but the most cheer
ing bit of Information came today, when
Secretary Allen was advised by wire from
the republican national speaking bureau
that Hon. David B. Henderson, speaker of
the house of representatives, had been
booked for four political addresses In the
tate. The First and Second districts are
considered so certain to go republican that
the speaker will be sent into the Third,
Fourth, Fifth and Sixth districts to aid in
turning still further the tide that has set
In against opponents of republicanism. Mr.
Henderson's dates are not officially an
nounced, but the following cities In all prob
ability will be the ones he will visit: Third
district. Centrsl City, Fourth district.
Beatrice; Fifth district, Holdrege; Sixth
district, 8t. Paul. The state committee
has also received assurances that Con
gressman Foster of Vermont, and Eddy of
Minnesota will each devote a week to
spcechmaking In this state.
Three of the state officers. Secretary of
State Marsh, Attorney General Prout and
Auditor Weston, sally forth this week on
n political mission, to advance their own
Interests and those of the republican
state ticket generally. On Friday the trio
will visit the Kearney county republican
convention at Minden, mingling with tho
delegates and addressing them If time
allows. The following day they go to Hol
drege to attend the Phelps county conven
tion. Later In the campaign other of the
state officers are planning to venture out
into the state to put In a few lick for the
Looks Good to Htnshaw.
Hon. E. H. Hinshaw, republican candi
date In the Fourth Nebraska dtatrlct, spent
the day In the capital enroute from David
City, where he discussed the issues laat
night, to Utlca, where he la booked for a
speech tonight. Mr. Hinshaw, aside from
viewing hi own chances as bright, waxes
enthusiastic In prophesying a clean sweep
for the republican In the state In No
vember. "I have spoken In every county In the
district during the last two months, and
everywhere It la apparent that the repub
licans are destined to win a great vic
tory. The vote, very naturally will, fall
short of tBat cf tiro years ago, but the
apathy Is chiefly confined to the fuslonlst.
most of whom are frank to admit they have
no chance. I feel sure of own election,
while Mickey snd the entire state ticket
will carry the Fourth district by a round
Mr. Hinshaw announce the following
date for his speaking campaign: Septem
ber 17, Pleaeantdale, afternoon; September
19, Osceola, afternoon; September 20, Cor
dova, afternoon; September 22, Hebron;
September 23, Milford; September 24, Bar-
neaton, afternoon; September . 21, Blue
Springs, night; September 26, Hubbell;
September 26, Geneva, afternoon; Septem
ber 26, Strange, night; September 27, Bel
vldere, afternoon; September 27, Bruning,
night; September 29, Hampton; September
SO. Marquette; October 1, Gresbam; Octo
ber 2, Surprise; October 3, Ulyssess; Octo
ber 4, Ulysses.
Governor Office Deserted.
The office of the governor wa practically
deserted today. Governor Savage left in
the morning to Inspect the working of the
Boys' Industrial school at Kearney, his
first visit since the new superintendent, Dr.
Beghtol of Friend, took charge. ' Miss Bes
sie Snowden, stenographer. Is aso In Kear
ney, her home C. 0. Husted, filing clerk,
spent the day at Syracuse, while Private
Secretary R. J. Clancey Journeyed to Omaha
to aid in boosting the political fortunes of
David H. Mercer. Chief Clerk McKesson
wss In sole charge of the office.
The State Banking Board today Issued a
charter to the Cairo State Bank of Cairo,
Hall county. The incorporators are Charles
F. Bentley. Samuel N. Wolbach. J. Herbert
Harrison and Sprague D. Ross. The capital
atock is 15,000. fully paid up.
Date (or Canal Hearing.
The State Board of Irrigation will bear
the argument In the Rosewater-Rlley
Platte canal controversy September 29 at
2 p. m. Secretary Dobson announced ths
date today and a spirited contention Is an
tlclpated unless the warring claimant for
the water settle their differences by agree
log to construct their canals one below the
other, ao that the flow will suffice for both
A change In the clerical force In the office
of Adjutant General Colby Is announced
Alexander Q. Smith, chief clerk, retiring,
Mr. smltn halls from Beatrice. He is suc
ceeded by Miss Marttnes, also of Beatrice.
Harvest Heme at Wtlsaavllle,
WILSONVILLE. Neb., Sept. 16. (Spc
clal.) Arrangement are all completed for
the harvest home aid expoaltlon meet
which Is to be held hers next week, Sep
tember S3 to 26, Inclusive. The manage
ment haa secured the McCook and Aurora
ball team, they playing three days
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Many
attract lona are promised to those who
may attend. Good premiums are also of
fered for farm products and livestock ex
hlblts. The speakers are Congressman A
C. Shallenberger and Hon. George Merris,
the former on the 24th and tho latter' on
the 25th.
York College i Prospering.
YORK. Neb.. Sept. 16. (Special.) York
college opened yesterday for the thirteenth
year of educational work. Dr. Byron Beat
of Lincoln and Dr. R. T. Cross of York had
a part In the opening exercises. The an
cual address was delivered by Evangelist
M. B. Williams on the subject of "Wisdom."
The day was spent In registration and or
ganization. The regular class work begins
today. The attendance la excellent. The
growth cf the Institution from year to year
haa been moEt gratifying to Its founders
. nd frlenda, having now a faculty of twelve
, members and a yearly enrollment of more
thin SCO.
York Organise Country Club.
YORK. Neb.. Sept. 16. (Special.) York
haa a new social club that la Juat organ
izing known aa the Town and Country club,
which Is leasing forty acrea near York,
where it expect to erect a fine modern
club building and make a fine tennis court
and golf links. Owing to the great amount
of building going on, the club baa not
been able to get figure or bids on build
ing. cr Improvements.
Burglar Take Jewelry.
BEATRICE, Neb.. Sept. II. (Special. )
Burglars entered the borne of Mr. and
Mrs. J. 8. Nelson and secured nearly $200
worth of fine Jewe'ry. No clue haa been
oblatued to the thieve.
larelfttioni f Humming Expedition Stir
Up City f Halting.
Declare They Will Persist if it Reanlts
in Driving the Offending Charch
Member Ont of the
HASTINGS, Neb., Sept. 16. (Special Tel
egram.) The ministers of Hastings have
stirred up a hornet's nest in the city which
is liable to cause serious trouble before the
end Is In sight. When some of the promi
nent minister went slumming last week
they did not dream of the great surprise
In store for them. They had been Informed
that members of various churches were
guilty of patronising certain disreputable
places, but they could not bring themselves
to believe the statement, and It was not
until they went slumming and found mem
bers of their own churches in various dens
of Iniquity that they were convinced. The
shock waa so great to the clergy that they
are now going after various member of
their respective churches with a sword of
fire, and they have Juet decided upon defi
nite plans for a crusade against the gam
bling bouses and gilded palaces In thla
At a meeting of the clergy held tonight
each minister agreed to raise sufficient
funds with which to make the fight to the
bitter end. Tomorrow 8,000 circulars will
be scattered broadcast giving a graphic de
scription of the exact conditions of things
a seen by the alummlng committee, and
through these circular an appeal will be
made to the law-abiding cltlxens to Insist
upon the removal of these things of Inde
cency and places of degradation. Rev. John
Power of the Episcopal church aald tonight
that the ministers had agreed to stand by
each ether and fight the thing to a finish
even If they lost every member of their
respective churches.
Discover Where He Has Eaten I.anch,
bat the Man Is Still at
STANTON, Neb., Sept. 16. (Special Tel
egram.) The Blair doga arrived this morn
ing at 11 o'clock, the Blair marshal in
charge. They took the trail tn Orelup's
large cornfield, where Lowrey had eaten
crackers and sardines yesterday, and fol
lowed It two hours, always in the same
field. The sandburs Interfered with the
dogs and they were pulled off. They found
another place where he had eaten crackers
and tomatoes.
One hundred men are out searching
closely every cornfield In the vicinity, but
found no further trace.
The Orel up place Joins on the west the
one owned by Lowrey' mother, where Miss
Blllawa's brother lives. The girl has been
there since the abduction. A detective
with a party arrived from the west this
Lowrey waa seen Monday morning about
T o'clock In a cornfield, 300 yarda west of
the Blllawa house, by Sam Longhry, a
guard, who neglected to notify the sheriff.
Longhry says he was sitting In a grove
Monday morning on private business and
was not more than 100 feet away from Low
rey, who ran west. HI clothe were
matted with sandburs, his face very dirty
and his bat was pulled down. Longhry'
statement 1 verified by track.
Mr. Orelup Is a bachelor and we away
threshing Monday. He returned In the
evening and found his house bad been
broken Into and crackers and sardines were
missing. He notified the sheriff.
It Is the general opinion that Lowrey I
hanging around to kill the girl and per
bapa other. The house is being guarded.
It is thought others knew what he was
going to do before the abduction.
Mis Blllawa 1 very nervous, cries much
and 1 afraid for her life. Lowrey is not in
touch with friends yet. The good people
are much wrought up and others may be
Invited to leave town. Militia guns to be
used have been ordered by Governor
Accident Occurs Near Niobrara, Delay
ing Passenger Trains, but No
On Is Injured.
NIOBRARA, Neb.. 8ept. 16. (Special
Telegram.) A wreck occurred last night
about 9 o'clock on a westbound freight In
charge of Conductor Murphy and Engineer
Enhart. There waa no one hurt and the
wrecking train haa been sent for. The
passenger southbound was delayed four
hours, waiting for the track to be built
around the wreck. The cause Is unknown.
but la supposed to be a tight rail.
During some trouble among Indians
camped on the edge of town last evening a
quaw received a scalp wound, but It 4s not
thought to be serious.
Fix Identity of Insane Man.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. Sept 16. (Sne
clal.) The mystery surrounding Lon Smith,
the tnssne man who has been In Jail here
for two weeks, haa' In a meaaur been
cleared up and he will be taken to the
Asylum for the Insane at Lincoln tomor
row by Sheriff J. D. McBride. Fred E.
Smith, residing at Adam. Gage eounty, la
a brother. He atated that bis brother had
been In bis present condition for a long
time, and that his insanity was brought
about by a sunstroke; that be formerly
worked at Benkleman, Dundy county, and
that was the laat place he heard of him In
Nebraska. The next time he heard from
him was In a letter from his sister,
widow named Nora Baird, who resides In
Mason City, la. She stated that Lon was
In the asylum at Clarlnda,, and Fred sup
posed he waa atlll there. He aald he waa
unable to care for hta brother, who ahould
be kept In conatant reatralnt, nor was his
sister able to care for or minister to him.
Fred atated that tbelr parents were both
Woman Charge Cruelty.
FREMONT. Neb., Sept. IS (Special.)
Mrs. Rose Conrad has filed ber petition In
the dlatrtct court for a divorce from ber
husband. Peter H. Conrad, in which some
rather unusual allegations of cruelty are
made. She claims that he pinched ber,
beat her over the bead with a chair and
frequently gagged her with pieces of dirty
underwear. He alao refused to summon
a physician or take any care of her when
she was alck and threatened to "pound
her Into a Jelly." Conrad now Uvea in
Lincoln, and while a rather mild-looking
fellow, managed to get into any number
of scrapes, in nearly all of which he got
the worst of It. Mrs. Conrad wants the
custody of their six children.
Looking If Old Tases.
FREMONT. Neb., Sept. 16. (Special.)
The Board of Supervisors met today i
regular session. Among the matter of
Importance that will come up la one In re
gard to a lot of bark taxea on real estate
which are from twenty-five to forty years
old. Some time ago the county treasurer
was directed to notify delinquent real es
tat taxpayer. On looking up the records
It wss found that there were a good many
unpaid realty taxes prior to 187. Tbey
were all tor small amount, la many cases
not more thsn 15 or 20 rents, but with the
Interest amounted to a considerable sum.
Some property owner are objecting to pay
ing thla Interest and the whole matter will
be brought before the board.
Land Office Hearing on Charges f
Crookedness in Indian Land
O'NEILL, Neb.. 8ept. 16. (Special.)
The now famous land case that waa called
for trial before the register and receiver
of the land office at this place today. Spe
cial Inspector S. G. Ruby of the Interior
department represented the government at
the trial and Irwin Seymour, Charles Mc
Kcnzle, Frank Parker and Roy A. Downs
of Pender were present as witnesses for
the government. Their testimony In sub
stance was the same as the affidavits, part
of which have already been published in
The Bee. Each witness testified that they
had received $100 for not appearing at the
office to bid In the Thuraton county Indian
lands and said that they saw Nick Frits
and a man named William put up part of
the money and that over $2,000 was so paid
out to prospective bidders.
Neither Frits nor Williams, the supposed
real parties In interest, appeared. The at
torneys who bid off the land were present,
but offered no defense other than that they
were not present when such funds were
being made up. The caae will soon be de
cided by the register and receiver of the
local land office.
Fusion Nomination In Clay.
CLAY CENTER, Neb., Sept. 16. (Special
Telegram.) The populist and democratic
county conventions met here today. The
latter nominated James Weston of Sutton
for representative and the populists con
curred and they named J. E. Broderlck of
Fairfield for repreaentatlve and Robert G.
Brown of Sutton for attorney. There was a
notable absence of enthusiasm as well as
numbers, the democrat being largely in
the majority and It Is claimed all nominees
are democrats. Theodore Grless, deputy
treasurer, was made chairman of the
county central committee. Congressman
A. C. Shallenberger delivered an address
tter the convention.
Estimates of Corn Damage.
FREMONT, Neb.. Sept. 16. (Special.)
There la considerable difference of opinion
among farmers and others in regard to the
condition of the corn crop. It Is pretty
generally conceded that a good part of the
early corn was beyond the reach of damage
by the frost of last week, but there are
some, fields of that planted the earliest
that are badly hurt. All late corn Is In
jured. A farmer who baa looked through a
large number of fields claims that CO per
cent of the corn is badly hurt. Other
place the amount damaged at 10 per cent.
As the frost was heavy In streaks, no re
liable estimate can be made of the damages
until after busking.
Hasting Invite the World.
HASTINGS, Neb., Sept. 16. (Special.)
Hastings extends and open Invitation to
the people of this earth to come during
the week of October 6 to 11 inclusive, suJ
witness the greatest and grandest street
fair ever held In a western state. The
committee of the various department, as
well as the general management are com
posed of some of our most enterprising
business men, and the flower parade, which
Is very essential as an entertainment, as
well as being a great drawing card. Is
In the hands of a committee of thirty-five
bright and enthusiastic young women
Blg Revival mt York.
YORK. Neb., 8ept. 11. (Special.) Com
mencing with laat Sunday, every meeting
held In the large new tabernacle baa been
crowded. Nearly 6,000 people attended the
meetings on Sunday. Through contribu
tions of citizens of York a large frame
tabernacle was built that has a seating
capacity nearly aa large as that of all
the churches of York. Nearly every church
la co-operating and assisting In the re
vivals. It la predicted that hundred will
be converted.
Corn Better Than Supposed.
CARROLL. Neb., 8ept. 16. (Special Tel
egram.) After making careful Inspection of
a number of cornfield tn their neighbor
hood all are satisfied that fully one-half
of the corn crop was safe before the re
cent frosts and that much of the remainder
will yet ripen because the frost has not In
jured the stalks to any great degree. There
will be some soft and chaffy corn, as there
always I, but the crop la In far better
condition than was at first expected.
Basu Ball Player Injured.
NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., Sept. 16. (Spe
cial.) Prosper Goumond, the center fielder
for the Argo baae ball team, who was
fouled by Third baseman Daub of the Lee
Glass Andreesen team, tn the game here
yesterday, sustained a bad fracture of the
right leg, Just above the ankle. The bones
were set with difficulty and It ts said
that the injury will put him out of the
game permanently.
Plattamouth School Open.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., Sept. 16. (Spe
cial.) The Plattamouth city schools were
formally opened yesterday, but It will be
several day before the teacher and pu
pils get down to bualness tn a systematic
manner. Superintendent Rouaa report an
enrollment of 860 pupils In the different
grade and 200 in the high school proper.
Company O Relative Picnic.
BEATRICE, Neb.. Sept. 16. (Special.)
At the annual picnic of Company C, Rela
tive' association, th following officers
were elected for the coming year: Presi
dent, O. K. Reedy; vice president, Horace
Langdon; secretary, Fred Kuhn; treasurer,
Charles Oedde.
-Well Known Farmer Insane.
WEST POINT, Neb., Sept. 16. (Special.)
Frank Stueter, a well known farmer,
living Just eaat of the city, was adjudged
Insane by the Board of Commissioners and
sent to the asylum this week. HI malady
1 of long standing and Is of a serious
District Court in Gage.
BEATRICE, Neb.. Sept. 16. (Special.)
Dlatrtct court for the fait term convened
yeaterday with Judge Letton on the bench.
There are 155 cases on the trial docket. Of
these nine are criminal case, fourteen di
vorce and 132 law and equity cases.
Democratic Senatorial CouTenllou.
FREMONT. Neb., Sept. 11 (Special.)
At the democratic senatorial convention for
the dlatrtct comprising Dodge and Washing
ton counties, held at Arlington yesterday
afternoon, W. F. Basler of Hooper was
nominated without opposition.
Damage t'ora.
BARTLETT. Nab.. Sept. 1. (Special.)
A vary heavy frost settled over the coun
try last night completely freezing the corn
bladea. Half the corn In this county will
be soft or chaffy as a result.
Figprune Cereal
A delicious Cereal -Coffee made of choice California figi
tad prunes and grain absolutely free from artificial matter.
Lat Crop ii Quite Isriouilj Damagst by
th Heavy Frost.
Cool Weather in the South Cheek the
Opening of Cotton aad Delay
Ticking Crop In Some
WASHINGTON, Sept. 16. Th Agricul
tural department today Issued the following
weekly crop summary:
The week ending September IS was unusu
ally cool throughout all districts east of
the Rocky mountains, more particularly In
the lake region, rentral vnllnys and gulf
states, with a general absence of rain or
only slight precipitation' In the greater part
of the area weat cf the Mississippi river,
although heavy rains occurred In portions
of Arkansas and Louisiana. Needed rains
fell In the Ohio valley, lake region, middle
and south Atlantic state, effectually re
lieving the drouth conditions In those dis
tricts. More or less damaging fronts occurred on
the 12th, 13th and 11th throughout the
northwest, central valleys and lake region
and as far south as Arkansas, and the
northern portions of Mississippi, Alabama
and Georgia. The north Pacific coast
states continue to need rain, but In the
others the conditions along the Pacific
coast were favorable.
Late Corn Damage.
Late corn has been seriously damaged by
heavy frosts over the northern portion c'
the corn belt, more .especially to the west
ward of the Mississippi river. Ohio, In
diana, Illinois, Missouri and Kansas es
caped Injury, except In the northern por
tion, where late corn was damaged In
Iowa, northern Nebraska, the Dakota, Min
nesota and Wisconsin early corn has been
seriously Injured. It la estimated that more
than one-half of the crop of Iowa and South
Dakota was too far advanced to be seriously
hurt, but the bulk of the remainder hns
been badly damaged. Much corn has been
cut over the southern portion of the corn
belt, where a fine crop is assured.
The weather conditions have been favor
able for threshing spring wheat throughout
the principal spring wheat states except In
North Dakota, where high winds have in
terrupted this work to some extent
Cool Weather llnrts Cotton.
The very cool weather has checked the
opening of cotton In the central and west
ern portions of the cotton region. Picking
has, however, advanced rapidly generally
throughout the belt, and as a rule, under
favorable conditions, although pickers have
beeu Inadequate In some states.
Over the southern portion of the cotton
belt the bulk of the crop has been gath
ered and in some sections many fields ar-
already abandoned. Rains have caused
damage to open cotton in portions of Ar
kansas, Louisiana, Georgia, Florida and
South Carolina.
Some Improvement In the condition of
apples Is reported from Ohio and Illinois.
A good crop Is promised In Michigan, Wis
consin, Missouri and portions of Kansas,
but In Indiana and generally throughout
the middle Atlantic state a very light
yield I Indicated. In New York and New
England apple have been Injured by high
The progress made with plowing for fall
seeding has been very satisfactory
throughout the central valleys and consid
erable winter wheat has been sown In
Missouri. Kansas and Nebraska. This
work haa, however, been much delayed In
the Interior portion of the middle Atlan
tic atates and In parts of Tennesaee, Okla
homa and Nebraska.
""evT Cnre for Weak Lungs-
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump
tion cures all coughs, colds, grip aad lung
troubles or no pay. 50c, $1.00.
Emancipation Day Exercises at Ne
braska. City to Be on
Large Scale.
NEBRASKA City, Neb., Sept. 16. (Spe
cial.) The emancipation day celebration 1
which the colored people of Nebraska City !
have arranged for Saturday, September 20, !
promises to be the biggest thing of tho
kind that has ever been seen In Nebraska.
A long and Interesting program has been
made up, consisting of music and speaking,
together with a long list of athletic events.
The citizens have contributed $700 to be
used In securing bands and other attrac
tions. The railroad have agreed to run
special trains from Omaha, Lincoln and
Atchison and the day will be concluded
with a grand ball at the armory.
Legal Tender.
BUTTE, Neb., Sept. 13. To the Editor of
The Bee: Another reader of your paper and
myself made a wager a few days ago and I
wish would give me your opinion on It. The
following Is the bet: I contended that silver
money or silver coin was not a legal tender
for alt public and private debts; he con
tended It was, which was right? Your reply
to this I shall consider a favor.
Yours Truly,
Answer: Silver is a legal tender In the
United States. No answers by mail.
Methodists Gather at Wymore.
WYMORB, Neb., Sept. 16. (Speclsl Tele
gram.) The city Is rapidly filling up with
delegatea to the Methodist conference which
cpena formally tomorrow morning. Thla
promises to be one of the most interesting
sessions held for many years. Among the
eminent speakers are Rev. H. O. Ostrom,
W. D. Parr and W. F. McDowell. Bishop
Charlea H. Fowler will preside. A feature
of the services this evening was a sermon
by Rev. L. C. Lemon and music by the
choir, under the direction of John Pirle.
Held for Assault.
TABLE ROCK. Neb.. Sept. 16. (Special.)
At the preliminary examination held be
fore Justice M. H. Marble here yesterday
In the case of The State of Nebraska
against Richard Law, for criminal assault,
Tlth the complaining witness being Miss
Grace McCaslin. defendant was held to
appear st the district court, his bond be
ing placed at $1,000, which waa given with
out trouble.
Boy Run Over by Thresher.
NEWMAN GROVE. Neb., Sept. 16 (Spe
cial Telegram.) The 5-year-old son of J.
Hess was run over by a steam threshing rig
during recess this afternoon and ao se
verely injured internally that bis life Is de
spaired of.
t'haaae In Newspaper Publishers.
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb.. Sept. 16. (Spe
cial.) The firm of T. B. it. R. A. Batea,
publishers of the Plattamouth Dally Jour
nal, has been dlvsolved. the latter pur
chasing the former s interest in the bualness.
Leaves the clothes clean and sweet jj
S Pit I
Ptr1 j Icsscs , , Q
I A 10 laundry labors
JL JLL and proves
Sa weekly wash- 1
X"V T "t . day welcome.
V-w LsvL Swift & Company
Tickets, 1324
Telephone 316
Private Diseases
of Men
In the treatment cf Private DISEASES OF MSN. to which
our practice is limited and to which our exclusive thought
and experience has been devoted for more than 25 yeara.
PERFECTLY AND PERMANENTLY or refund every cent
paid. If troubled with VARICOCELE, 1MPOTENCT,
to conautt us at office or by letter. CONSULTATION FREE,
and tf you take treatment charges will be entirely satisfac-
Master Specialist
li TMvata Til
of Men. 112 South 14th
Coal Comes High.
Is Your Office Warm in Winter?
How well will your office be heated this winter? If you look
forward to a cold office this winter, better move now.
The Bee Building'
Does not try to save on the coal bill on account of the price
of coal. Every man epends more time at his place of businf
than in any other one place.
If you want a warm office at a reasonable price, call on
Ground Fluor, Bee Building.
of MEN.
12 years of suc
cessful practice in
cured In i Uy. wllhuul cutllnt. pls or low ot
time. Legal (uaramoo lo care jou or mouer re
funded. CVDUII IC rarr for "' n4 "' t,,K,n
OlrfllLlw thoroushlr rlrsnwil from tho
yilm. bmu cMrr ! oud aymptom dlrpw.i
romplotolr and forevor. No "BKKAKINil OUT" of
tha dlnrK on th akin or far. Trtmnt contuiua
no iangeroua nmjca or Injurluua mnalcini.
llfCllf II 11 'mm Eieat,ra or VICTIMS TO
AY in YOtSO and MIDDLE Ail.I); lack of rim,
vlior and atranmlt. WIUl org.i.a Impalrrd anil weak
i'ur-a C'tai"l4.
CTDIfTIIDr 'U"d rUh ' " bom-, treat.
dllllUlUnL shui palo. no detention
liot.i oukirrai
I KIN AH I. Kidney an Bladder Tro'ibla. Weak
bark, tlurnma trine. Frequent r of frluallni. Vrln
Hih Colored, or wltb mtlkr aedtinenl on alaudlnf.
t'ttasaltatiua Kier. 'treatment lr Mail,
t all or aildrraa, 1 IU M. lllb St.
Davis & Gowgiil Iron Works
i Agency of Dodgi; Manufacturing I orriiianv
of MUshuw.ika. Ind. Full suoply tf t ltd r
1 KoodH lvayh in .'.lock.
Ilii1-3-5 Jitcksnn fit.. Omaha, Neb Tel
E. ZAUiUtiK.l. J. il. COWdlU..
AttuL alavoager.
c il
Farnam St.
Medical Company
St. Over Dally News, Omaha.
Trea,U all form. of
37 Year Kiper!enr.e,
17 Year in Oiualia
HI remarkable sun
t-eos ha uevr ne'-n
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reports of the good he is dolns, or lh reiiof
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Hot Springs Treatment for Syphilis
And all Hlood Hoions. NO' BKEAKIMi OUT"'
on tn aklu or face and all external alii uf
theitiKvaan Ul-appear tit onre.
Over 30 oco ou'evvfiuy,v"ror
vitality, uiumiuiai dls'-harRu, Strittur j.
Gleet, Kidney and HUdiier liUcasea,
ji:i:k cures low oiAnoF.s.
Treatment by mull. P. O. llox 7M OftVe
over Z1S B. 14! Il otifet. between 1 an 1
UoukUm 8l., OMAHA. NEB.
Western Electrical Oc.
R'.eetrlc Wirtnf . Pol! eu4 (Its L,lf btlni;.,
a. W. J0HN6T0N. sr. II li Uowartf 64.