THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, SEPTE31HEH 17, 1002. r dt Roosevelt In his first mfrui to con gress. In ahlrh be advised against It, I have never been opposed to making needed thangee. I must say that I do not believe that a tingle arhedule of the Dingier tariff law ran be to amended no as to relieve tbe people from the oppression of trusts, and that such anion roar Involve the retarding of our expanding commerce and the getting- and holding of foreign markets. In deed, I believe such a plan to be fraught with great danger to our people. I am a great friend of reciprocity. I worked with Eal to attain reciprocal relations between this oountrjr and Cuba "and waa successful in- getting It through the house. The sen ate did not act on the bill, because It would have permitted the opening of the whole question of tariff revision. The house haa nothing to say about tbe ratification of treaties, but the. reciprocal resolution by'whlch It legislated in the relations with Cuba were, not In tbe nature of treaties, but were reciprocal agreements In which I think our country would have the best of the bargain, although they would be of great advantage to Cuba. Hope far Reciprocity. "While I cannot speak for the prospects of favorable action on bills sent to the sen ate, I still hope and believe the same re sult may be accomplished, and 1 have no doubt that President Roosevelt Is now werklng on the question of a treaty with Cdba to give that struggling young repub lic needed help; a help, too, In which, while they will be gainers, we will not be loners. Now let ma say and let there be no mis understanding as to my position: "I believe In protection that will pro tect the hand of labor, the wheels of In dustry, every farmer and miner, and I am against wicked corporations that would trample on the rights of the people to fair play and the fruits of honest efforts. I am gainst useless legislation that would throw our country into a panic and bring a re newal of the horrors bequeathed to us by the last democratic administration." "In conclusion, I desire to say that after a careful study of condition and political vlewa In Iowa and In my own district, I am sat isfied that I am not In harmony with a great many of the republican voters, who believe that free trade, in whole or In part, will remedy the trust evil. I believe that It will not, but that such a remedy is too likely, to involve the nation In dangerous results and so believing, I feel that I shoud not accept the nomination for congress, which was so generously tendered me, and I have decided accordingly. I cannot part from a people that t have loved and that honored me, without leaving an expression of my earn est and sincere vlsws on this and other vital public questions." D. B. HENDERSON. DES MOINES IS ALL WORKED UP Letters from Henderson Gave Ko Hint of Intention to With " draw, (From a Etaff Correspondent.) DE3 MOINES, 8ept. 18. (Special Tele gram.) Tbe political sensation of the day Is the retirement of Speaker Henderson from the race In the Third district. The news did not reach the politicians until late this evening and at. first they refused to believe It. but when the text of Hender.. ton's letter-tWwa they reluctantly admitted that It leaves tbe party In a peculiar condition In Iowa. Expressions f alncerest regret were .heard on every sand, not oaly because Lionel Henderson haa been so greatly bjly'ed and because he has added so much A) the prestige of towa at the national capital, but because f the conditions which hav.e brought about hla retirement. On every hand the query was why It Should be dope an", what, it all means. No Intimation of an ' Intention to withdraw had come to any one here. The state com mlttee had no Information. Letters writ tea by Colonel Hcndersdn s late at yes terday Indicated that he had no thought then 'of withdrawing. He had invited Governor Cummins to go into his district and speak wjth him next week, and had urged Cummins to do ao. He bad written 'Major Lacey only a few days ago asking him to apeak at low Falls October 2. and Laoey had consented. He has written here asking about the campaign work and had promised his opening speech In manu script. The announcement, therefore, came at a complete surprise. Congrestman Lacey of the Sixth district Is In the city and tie at first refused to be lieve the rumor. When shown Henderson's letter he declared his belief that Hender aon is not In fact out of line with his party on the tariff question. "If we were to accept tbe democratic Interpretation of the platform then he wat out of har mony with bit party; but I make my own Interpretation of the platform and believe that it Is good republican doctrine. There was ao need of Henderson's withdrawal He It too great a man for Iowa to lose at this time. I regret exceedingly that be haa takes this. course. If a convention Is had In the Third district he will be unani mously tendered the nomination again. He would have been elected .easily If he had remained in the Tace." fc.0V,!r0r Cummtn ;clared hla belief i .... . 00 ila"w on tbe tariff that impelled Henderson to withdraw. "His letter, to me urging- me to speak in hi. district and hit-mo-A. ... - - J- -i. im recent con- H ber!: lb overnor. "led me iui ne was well satisfied, cannot understand It at .11 uKrAVb'"".U tbat """Jldate from L 7. . . "unlr B selected, and it J"' ,""' Courtwrlght or Charles Pickett. r,..iv. ' or ir iur long time. ,iTk7 . be"e that Henderson's ?hIV.?n J! !i CBn te beten D' "her of - ejsuici. SURPRISE T0 POLITICIANS Centre.... lo, r,, o- , 1,M,",I "ker '.. .. 1'enaleraon. . . , 6IOUJC mr. Ia.8e7t. l.-(Speclal Tel egranj )t-A republican - trlct conference, was held here today for the purpose of outlining a plan of cam paign. The chairmen from nine counties re prteent.!- State Chairman , R. H. Bpence waa unable to be present, but was "presentee, ny E. A. T. Dawson, prlvat xcrviary io senator Allison, who haa charge of the epeaklng bureau durln th campaign. Congressman Lot Thomas of Diorm utae was present. The assembled republican Dolitirian were astounded at the receipt of tbe news oi me wiindrawal of Speaker Henderson Congressman Thomas said: "I am not prepared to discuss the news unui i learn more of the details. I un aeratana that ths speaker alleges he Is not In harmony with the idea that free trade Is a remedy tor the trust evil. No one advances such an Idas. At tbe recent conference at Dea Moines adherence to pro tection wat proclaimed as a cardinal re publican principle. The difference of opin ion Is merely one of rites. loeaker Hen- Ihs Non-Irritating Cathartic Easy to tat:, easy to operate)- Hood's Pills demons withdrawal will cause a little flurry for awhile, but I do not believe It will have any permanent results, either In state or national politics." SURPRISE AT - THE CAPITAL awn HJ Aelnnlly WMh- drawn. . (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Sept. 1. (Special Tele gram.) The news tbst Ppesker Henderson had decided to withdraw from .the con gressional rare because be eoulif not agree with his party associates In . Iowa aa to revision of tbe tariff created a most pro found sensation at the rapltol. The news was not very generally known until a late hour this evening and It almost required documentary evidence to Induce politicians to believe It. Tbe Iowa contingent, which la quite numerous here, having (wo rep resentatives In the cabinet, were practically paralyzed, but very regretfully were forced to believe tho nw. but still aaserted that Henderson would be Induced to re consider and remain ni tbe race'. v Secretary Shaw west loaf to believe Hen derson had decided to retire and expressed the hope that the speaker could be -induced to reconsider his declination. Mr. Shaw said: ( "I deeply deplore the' reported action of Speaker Henderson., In withdrawing from tbe congressional race and am slow to be lieve that such a course can be final and Irrevocable. There must be 'some way out of It, Iowa can 1U afford to lose him and he would be deeply' missed In the national councils of his party.'? ' Secretary Wilson , could scarcely believe tho story, but evidence accumulating through bulletins to .the press associations and messages to special correspondents, he was forced to admit Its truth. "I really do not understand it," said Mr. Wilson. "It will, however, certainly tend to bring tariff revision to a most acute point aa an Issue, and but little else will be discussed during the remainder of the campaign. It Is a remarkable coincidence that the announcement of Henderson's withdrawal should follow to closely on tbe heels of the reports of a conference at Oyster Bay today. It Is reported In the press dispatches from there that Senator Hanna, Aldrlch and rlatt of Connecticut held firmly and successfully against any revision of existing tariff schedules, beat ing Senatora Spooner and Allison, who con tended that a revision of the tariff waa Imperatively demanded In the weat, par ticularly in Iowa. I can scarcely conceive what causes Henderson to put his hand down so firmly, but it certainly means a slump In tariff." Who will seek to fill Henderson's shoes Is the question most frequently heard on all aides. The Iowans here assert that there Is an abundance1 of good timber in the Third Iowa district upon which to draw, but they mournfully Assert that there Is only one David B. Henderson. Quite a num ber of Iowans are mentioned as likely to seek the nomination in place of Henderson, among those most prominently mentioned being tbe following: , State Senator Court wrlght, who formerly unsuccessfully sought to defeat Henderson tor the nomination, and C. E. rickrtt will cot sUud idly by and see Courtwrlght secure the plum. Harding county has two favorite sons ho will be groomed and placed in the race, namely, J. H. Hunk or ciaora ana Charles Albrook of Cedar Falls. Tbe retirement of Henderson naturally causes all aorts of apeculatlon aa to who will be selected to preside over the de liberations of the Fifty-eighth, congress. General Grosvenor of Ohio, Joseph O. Can non, of Illinois, and last but pot least, the Ise ones say, Charleses, wtueneia ,oi Maine. LIttlefleld Is reported to have been chosen by President Roosevelt as . hi knight errant to fight the trusts in the halls of congress and' might reasonably claim and' secure administration:, support In an effort to secure the Speakership. - Director George E. Roberta of the United States mint, tbe principal' owner of the Des 'Moines Register, paper which has advocated tariff revision speaking tonight of Speaker Henderson's action, said: "This action of Speaker Henderson Is incom prehensible. I am wholly unable to ao count for It. He was sure of re-election. His withdrawal of course will emphasize and exaggerate the differences . that exist among Iowa republicans, and that Is to be especially deplored on this account. Gen eral Henderson has a strong hold on the affections of our psople. Whatever differ encea of opinion existed on acoount of the tariff, no one baa thought of his retire ment from public life." NEW YORK, Sept. 16. Senators Hanna and Allison returned to tne waiaorr- Astorla a few minutes before midnight. When informed by the Associated Press of Speaker Henderson's decision to refuse the nomination for congreas. Senator Hanna said: "We have already heard of It, but we have absolutely nothing to say on tbe subject." Senator Allison also refused to taia. Senators Spooner. Lodge and Aldrlch also returned to this city , tonight from Oyster Bay. SMITH EXPRESSES REGRETS Did Sot Think Speaker was So gerlenaly Opposed to Platform. The announcement that Speaker Hender son had declined tbe nomination for con greas from the Third towa district and had withdrawn from the race waa .received in Council Bluffs last night with considerable surprise. Although tbe dispatches announc Insr Mr. Henderson's withdrawal gave but little information It Was presumed that he had decided to decline the renomlnation, which la the Third district meant re-elec tion, on account of his views oa the tariff not being altogether in harmony with thoae of the republican party In Iowa, as expressed In the platform adapted at tbe State con vention In Dee Moines. Congressman Smith-' when he learned of Speaker Henderson's withdrawal said: "The news that .Speaker Henderson bas concluded to refuse to stand for re-election la his congressional district U so surprising and the information givea a jto Me reasons Is so scant that I am Scarcely, prepared to do more than express my deep, regret at the conclaaloa reached, and at U lose sus tained by tbe republicans of Iowa aad the whole country therefrom. The telegrams I have seen declare that hit withdrawal Is caused by dissatisfaction with the attitude of hla party on the tariff, but do not eay whether it la the attitude of his party In the nation or his state that la unsatisfactory to him. From what Information I had believed that whle the state platform was not perhapa la the exact language be would chosen, he waa upon the whole not great? dlssatl fled tlrswlth,,J)J I certainly hd no Idea that be waa ao aueepanea upon that subject as te evsn lead him to think of withdrawing. Whatever may have been hie reasons for taking this Important step it meana that the country is to lose the services of one of ite ableat stateamen aad that Iowa Is not only to lose ooe of Its meet conspicuous figures la national affairs, but In every probability is to, lose the great oi Bra of epeaker. and thla should, aad I feel will, be a matter of deep regret to every cltlsen of the elate." A Deathblow to Malaria. Electric Bitters hill aad expel malaria disease germa. will prevent typhoid aad euro . , i in. I HOLD SPELLMAN FOR MURDER Jnrtri tt Oorenei'i Inquest Find that He Delivered Fatal Blow, STRIKERS ARE CLEARED OF THE CRIME Verdict Reronnraila thnt Poeplall Be Held for Farther Intestinal Ion, Although Evidence Dora Sot Implicate Mini. Earf Caldwell mme to his death on the morning of September 14. 1IM2, in the city of Omaha. Neb., resulting from a Mow delivered with felonious Intent by John Spellman nt the Intersection cf Twelfth snd Cns streets. In Omaha, Neb. While the preponderance of texllmony does not Implicate Charles Posplsll, we would rec ommend Ihat he be held for further In vestigation. s This Is tho verdict returned by the Jury in the Inquest before Coroner Brailey over tbe body of Earl Caldwell, the Union Ta clflo machinist who met a violent death near the Cass street entrance to the shop yards shortly after midnight Saturday. " The Jury waa composed of these men: St. A. D. Balcombe, foreman. Zfl02 California street; E. M. Stenberg, 2224 Mason; George R. Rathburn. 2610 Charles; C. M. Barhman, 1615 Chicago; II. S. Mann, 1713 Chicago: Steven Hansen. 2220 North Twenty-fifth avenue. It is the "Irony of fate" that for the mur der of a Union PaclBc employe, which was laid at the door of strikers, another Union Pacific employe should, out of nine prison ers, be the only man charged with the crime. John Spellman, as has been stated, waa laborer on the contract work of the new shops being completed by the Union Pacific, had never been an employe of the ahopa and was not one of the strikers with whom the railroad company Is now at is sue. 8pefiman's father, Mike Spellman, who wat arrested at the same time with hit son and seven others, was In charge of the pickets stationed at the Case street gate near which the tragedy occurred and wat first believed possibly to be the man who delivered the blow that caused the death Of young Caldwell, but the emphatic testimony of Mordlca W. Ball, tbe com panion of the murdered man, who himself wat severely beaten on the scene of Cald well's death, removes tbe burden of thla grave suspicion from the senior Spellman and placet It upoa his son. Elder gpellman Not the Slayer. Ball, In his statements yesterday, simply made it an impossibility for Mike Spellman to have been tbe alayer of Caldwell. He testified on direct examination and re peated It on cross-examination that Mike Spellman did not strike Caldwell, but was one of his (Ball's) assailants, and when the attorney for the defense asked him If be was positive of this. Ball replied that was absolutely certain and that there could be no doubt. Notwithstanding his exoneration as to tbe Caldwell case, Mike Spellman doubtless will be held on a charge of assaulting Ball. County Attorney Shields probably will bave warrant Issued for the arrest of Jack McKenna also as one of Ball's assailants. According to Ball's testimony he was first assaulted by these men. There is a decided feeling of censure among strikers against Mike Spellman for the part he seems to have played In this unfortunate affair. He was charged with the direction of pickets and In this ca pacity was the one to restrain rather than promote violence. That he did not exert bis influence to check the trouble when he saw It coming. Instead of facilitating-It, as he la laid to have done, Is tbe source of eevere criticism -agalfllPTiSra bjf etrjjte leaders. Four1 wttnetBes'whd claimeS 'to have been on the scene wnen tne trouDie in wnicn Caldwell loot his life occurred specifically nd emphatically declared that. John Spell man atruck the first blow upon Caldwell nd that he followed up thla blow with others by Jumping upon hla victim, whom he knocked into a ditch. Three of these witnesses were George I Perkins, Ray mond Chadwlck and Rudolph Llndberg, ap prentices la tbe shops before tbe strike. and the fourth was Mordlca W. Ball, tbe companion of the murdered man. Certain as to John Spellman. In his testimony yesterday morning Ball, who was tbe principal witness of the day, told the coroner. Jury and the attorneys this: I am absolutely certain that John Spell man was the man who flrBt struck Earl Caldwell, that he followed up his first blow and fell or Jumped on Earl after he had knocked him In the ditch. I am absolutely certain Mike Spellman (father of John and a striker) did not hit Earl Caldwell and had nothing to do with the assault made upon Caldwell. I am Just as positive that John Kerrigan was not in this fight, and I am not able to aay with any degree of certainty that anyone else was except John Spell man." And then Ball went diametrically oppo- alte in Ms statements to the testimony of the three witnesses who preceded him and whose statements agreed In very detail, by implicating Charles Posplsll, a Union Pa cific atrlker, as one of the mefc who, he thought, was engaged in the assault upon Caldwell, but he could not ba certain aa to what part Posplsll played. He was positive he saw Posplsll standing on tbe spot wnen Spellman knocked Caldwell down, and said Le saw Posplsll raise a club in both hands and advance vtoward the prostrate form of Caldwell as If to deal him a blow, and be- Uevea that he did strike hlra.. He couia not be certain aa to this, be said, for he was set upon about that time by Jack McKenna, Mike Spellman and he thought two omers and was busily engaged In fighting his own battle. After Perkins. Cbadwlck and uincmerg bad testified that they were positive Pospl sil waa not present when the fighting oc curred, Posplsll himself took the stand and testified to tbe aame thing ana swore mat he had no part whatever in tbe affair. Case of Posplsll la Peeolinr. The case of Posplsll la a peculiar one. From the Bret affair it waa believed he was not at the scene when the trouble occurred. He seemed te have proven a . complete alibi to this effect by tne siaunneBis u. three witnesses, but the assurance oi au that he waa at the fight and took a hand In the attack made on Caldwell admits cf question. The testimony of Martin Shields, a policeman wno met rospisu twice on the fatal oigni wunin a lew blocks of the scene of murder, complicates the situation. Shields says be met Pos plsll first about 11 o'clock at Ninth and Davenport and then about 1 o'clock, which was after the tragedy, near Twelfth and Case. Posplsll Insisted that be and 8hleld met also at another time and exchanges greetings, which would bave made It Im possible for him to have been at the fight when It occurred.' Bhlelds could not re member this occasion. . - , Matt 8chneckenberger. another police man, also testified to having met Posplsll at Ninth and Davenport that night, about 11:10. Posplsll says he was stationed at Rkk ! tba pure hop flavor. Bottled Ml at tho Brewer jr. Tne a aasrlran Brewing Caw. at. tenia. Ma. Ninth and Davenport. All the witnesses who testified to seeing Posplsll agreed that be carried, at be said, an umbrella, tbat Is all but Ball, who claims Posplsll hsd a club. Some interesting testimony was adduced yesterdsy regarding the ownership of the steel knuckles picked up In the city Jail lobby Sunday. Sergeant Hudson and Offl rem Madsrn and Kirk were placed on the stand to tell what they knew about this mysterious weapon. Madsen and Kirk promptly told all they knew, which con tained nothing upon which a solution of the problem as to the ownership of the knuckles could be "based. Hudson, after passing through a eevere ordeal of rross- ' examination by Attorney Ed P. Smith. made It evident that his knowledge was no more extensive. He picked the knuckles up from the floor under the seat pre viously occupied by Kerrigan and others and could not give satisfactory evidence that' Kerrigan had placed the weapon there. "'!- ' fla;i Describe Assnnlt. In describing the assault on him Ball testified that he thought Mike Spell man was the first man who atruck him. He said that Jack McKenna Joined Mike Spell man In assaulting him and that' two others, whom he could not name, took a band. He said he was' struck bb' the upper forehead with a club and also on the elbow, both; of which places were badly scarred. He fought his assailant as best he could, he 8816." while trying -to back off from them and' get to the gate of the yards. lie cays he fell and that Mike Spellman and Mc Kenna tell on him, but that be rolled out from under them."'- Ball gave a graphic description of the as sault and death of his companion, Caldwell. He said that he. tried hard to aasist Cald well, but wae prevented by the men who assailed him. Caldwell, according to Bali, cried out, "Oh, don't,. don't," while he was down in. the gutter and being pounded by his assailants who, he was sure, were John Spellman and one other.' As he rolled from under Mike Bpellman and McKenna, Ball says he made a feint at drawing a revolver, which dispersed ths crowd and gave Cald well a chance to get up. He says Caldwell ran to the gate, preceding him (Ball) In side. H says Caldwell waa carried to the dormitory inside the yards by himself and a guard and expired within about fifteen minutes after he was assaulted. Kail to Fix Murderer. With all the cross-examination of Ball and the other witnesses the attorneys' failed to draw out any statement that would fix the responsibility for the fatal blow. Rudolph Llndberg, the 16-year-old black smith apprentice who testified this morn ing, was discharged and tbe others held. County Attorney Shields wanted Jack Mc Kenna to take the aland, but upon advice of bis attorney, Ed P. Smith, McKepna re fused to do so, or at least said he would not testify If placed on the stand. Shields then requested that. McKenna be discharged, but Captain Haze declined to grant the re quest. Neither of tbe Spellmans were placed on the stand. Dr. Seymour H. Smith, the Union Pacific physician and turgcon who was called to at tend Caldwell, testified that he reached tbe shops after . Caldwell was dead, examined the wounds, and thonght ths fatal blow might have been dalt with a fist,, fall or blunt instrument,.' He found a lump on the back of the .head where the fatal blow waa struck the tlze of half an egg.. . He waa not at the autopsy and. could give no scientific statement as to .the case. TAKE INTEREST IN CARNIVAL People of tbe .Black Hills Coanlnsj Dewt Vpfcn Ofnaba In '"' DEADW'Oob. 'b,, 8ept,.! l(SpeciaV!) Frank Dunlop a.nd John Drexel, the emis saries or AK-sar.Ben, who are in tne runs exploiting tbe carnival, are meeting with the best of Jucpess everywhere they go, and have captured the different cities' and camps of the HUs completely, eo there is certain to be. a big excursion to leave thla section of the country on the 26th for Omaha. Saturday they visited Lead and while there worked up a strong sentiment among the people of that prosperous city In favor of making a big showing at the carnival, and it can be confidently stated that Lead will tend the biggest delegation from the Black Hills of any city In It. Tbe people there are enthusiastic over the proposed excursion, and they will not allow Dead wood to get ahead of It In point of num bers. The business men of Lead took bold of the proposition In the right spirit, and before Messrs. Dunlop and Drexel left that city they had the assurance that at least 200 people would attend. The mayor and business men generally Joined wltb the Omaha representatives, and they assured them that they would not stop working on the proposition until the day came for the excursion to leave the Hills. Sunday, tbe Omaha gentlemen spent In Spearflsb, where tbey succeeded In working up a lively interest in tbe excursion, and received the promise of many tbat they would be in Omaha on 'he dates of tbe show, and would Join tbe excursion when It left tbe Hills. Last evening tbe representative! of tbe Knights were entertained at the Deadwood Buslneea Men'a cjub. where Mr. Dunlop and Mr. Drexel explained everything connected with the festival, and. carnival, to be held In Omaha by the society. X great deal of Interest a was aroused among the mem bers of the club,, and the delegates .from the GatCity received the assurance that every assistance that the club could give to further the plana of the representatives with, regard to the coming excursion .would be extended, and a . committee was an- polntel to. assist in. drumming up a crowd. At Sturgls and Rapid City the delegates also met with splendid success in working up an interest in tbe coming excursion, and have received assurances from the bualnesa men of those cities that, there will be a large crowd Join the excursion when it pulls out of Deadwood. There will also be many go from Rochford. Hill Cltr and Custer City, ao that Omaha mayklouk. ior a urge innux or Black Hillert on the 27th of thla month.. -. . STRIKE IS 0NAT SWIFT'S Two Hnnnreal Wool Workers Leave Chicago Paeklaaf Hons Becnnse Xonnnloa Men Are 'Employed. CHICAGO. Sept! 16. Two hundred mem bers of tbe Wool Workers' union employed by Swift Co., went on a strike today, al leging tbat the company was employing non-union labor. In tbe wool department of the parking plant. The men claim that unless their grievances are adjusted tomor row all the union men employed by the firm will be called out on a sympathetic strike- Cloak Firm in Trnnhle. NEW YORK, Sept. 16 Application wat made today to file an involuntary petition- In bankruptcy against the cloak firm of Meyer Jonassoa aV Co. of this city. SOLDIERS BLOCK THE TRACK McLean Cablet that Hit Jonmsji tt Faitsta Are Iiterrnptsd. SAIAZAR SAYS IT'S ONlY A PRECAUTION Commander of IJaii rnmrat Forres Hevonrllrs) American officer lth Asxuranee that There Will Be So More Molestation. WASHINGTON. Sept. 16. Secretary of the Navy Moody today received tho following cable from Coramaudrr McLean, who ar rived a'. Colon yesterdsy: Yesterdwy I went to Panama. Train stopped twice by obstruction plate Iron, etc., placed on track. After train passed saw government soldiers replace obstruc tions. Accompanied by consul and Com mander Potter of Kansrer. pnlled on gov ernor. Friendly conversation. Returning to Colon this mnrnlna stopper! by obstruc tions. Soldiers were compelled to remeve them. Holdlors then stood on track. f5y my directions train moved on and soldiers JurtUH-! awa jr. Will - tfutird trains. - No revolutionists. In sight, )ut rumored coming toward rallrtunl. The foregoing dispatch was not dated, except as coming from Colon, but la ac cepted as referring to events of Monday. Tho officials At Washington are not In clined to Jump hastily at the. conclusion that the obstructiou of traffic by govern ment soldiers was Inspired by the Colom bian government Itself, but are more ready to believe that the act waa for the purpose of ascertaining It any revolutionists occu pied the train. Commander Mclean's dis patch, as given above, Is not In full, some portions containing expressions of opinion on the commanderf part having been elim inated, tt Is understood that at the meet ing of Commanders McLean and Potter and Tu, the, United States consul, with Governor Salazar ht Panama, the latter disavowed responsibility for the act of the government troops. Acting Secretary of State Adce and Sec retary Moody were in consultation for some time today in regard to the Isthmian situa tion, though the .conference took place be fore tbe receipt of Commander McLean's dispatch. However, the dispatch was re ierred to the. Slate department Immediately upon its receipt and tt Is understood that some representations will be made to the government at Bogota with a view to pre venting a repetition of the Incident, and ob taining some expression from Colombia which may simplify the rather complex situation which comes of the conjunction of tbe government (liberal) and United States forces. By the treaty of Granada, Colombia and the United States mutually guarantee free and uninterrupted t raffle across the isth mus, and In the event that one or the other showed a disposition to Interfere with free transit it would be the right of the other to step in and Insure it. Commander McLean's action In placing guards on the trains creates a situation similar to tbat which existed some months ago, when Captain Perry with Iowa, and Commander McCrea were at Panama and Colon respectively, and each train waa oc cupied by a force of American bluejackets or marines. Captain Perry at that time was forced to take possession of the Pan ama railroad and It Is probable that fur ther interference will resultt in similar. ac tion on the . part of Commander McLean. Six trains are run across the Isthmus each day, two. paaaenger and four freight trains, and each, one may bave. to be .provided with a guard, ... Orders were. issued .today detaching Com mander McLean from pommaod of Cincin nati on .the, arrival, of. hla .successor, Com-niahde- "Mason,. -who tailed from New York today :for Colon; but it a itated V the Navy department that if tbe situation re quires it Commander' McLean will be kept In command beyond the appointed time for his detachment. Salnanr Smoothes It Over. '.PANAMA, Sept. 16. Commander Potter and Commander McLean of tbe United States cruisers Ranger and Cincinnati, re? spectlvely,. and the acting United States' consul here, Mr. Ehrman, bad a conference yesterday with General Salazar, commander of the government forces on the Island, which lasted over an hour and In the course of which many Important points were dis cussed. The matter of the Interpretation of article 35 of the treaty of 1846, by which the United States, in view of cer tain concessions made by Colombia, guar antees tbe neutrality of the Isthmus and that traffic across It shall not be inter rupted, was also taken up in the confer ence. In this connection It was related that in November, 1891, the revolutionary general, Patlno, and his men boarded a rail road train running from Panama to Colon, and by this means succeeded in surprising the government garrison at the latter place and in capturing the city. In order to pre vent a repetition of such ' an occurrence General Salazar haa now ordered that all trains be stopped before entering Panama or Colon and briefly inspected by govern ment soldiers. In the carrying out of this plan of Inspection the government has placed an obstacle across ' the track at a point a little beyond where the train stops and it has been at once removed as soon as it waa dlcovered there were no revolu tionists in the train. Xot to Orenr Aa?nln. Commander McLean complained of thla measure of General Salazar. The general re plied that the superintendent of tbe Pan ama railroad, H. 6. Prescott, had made tho same complaint, and that out of consider Prove It Any Time By ths Evidence of Omaha People- The daily evidence citizens right here at home supply Is proof sufficient to sat isfy the greatest akeptic. No better proof can be had. Here Is a case. Read it: Mr. Fred Miller, , employed at Edquist't meat market, 17th and Clark streets, living at . No. IGlt.-Izard ttrest says: "I have been so bad with my back that I could acarcely stoop. After stooping I could scarcely straighten and trouble with tbe kidney secretions existed. I tried every kind of remedy guaranteed to be a sure cure for kidney complaint and although I was never compelled to stop working I have scores of times felt Inclined that way. Two boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills, procured at Kuhn Co.'s drug store, corner 15th and Douglas streets, cured me. If I have a recurrence of kidney complaint I now know what to use." Fog sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents per box. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffulo, N. Y., sole agents for tbe United States. Remember tbe name Doan'a and take no substitute. TEN DAYS TRIAL. kM mi.,m4, Mftatl , Imp la mf Uitwm I llvt kMk ftaai R P.Kmmet. N -40-01 Good Blk, Denver. Col Business Stimulators BEE WANT ADS ation for the railroad company ond In tlew of the fict thst the company had agreed rot to run empty cars be would nttend to the matter. General Salazar added that these obstructions did not authorize Amer ican Intervention, because they were only a method of policing that did not Interfere with traffic and which the government c-n-sidered a sovereign right, which right th. United Stales was bound to guarantee. It IS said Goners! Salazar brought up other questions for diseuelon with th American officer, but no further decision rernlted. The conference ended most amicably, with the expression cf hopes that everything would b- settled amicably. Com mander McLean In a onst proposed peace and the progress of Colombia. TESTING ANTNFUSION LAW Kensana Mart Knit to Compel l'lae Insr of t'rsddork'a Name on ' Two Ticket. TOPEK.V. Kan.. Sept. 1.-Suit vss brought here today in the supreme court to compel the secretary of state nud all county clerks In Kansas to place the name pf.W H. Craddock. the fusion nominee for governor on both the democratic and peo ple's party tickets. This is the test suit to determine the validity of tho anti-fusion law. Only four Justices were present te dy and they declined to consider tho ap plication for a writ of mandamus until the full court Is present, which probably will be Thursday. Fusion r.rKWInMre Candidate Snmed. ' OOALLALA. Neb.. 8 pt. 16. (Special Tele gram.) The democrats and populists held their , district conventions here today for tbe thirtieth senatorial and fifty-fourth rep resentative districts. Frank A. Johnson of Lincoln county was nominated for repre sentative and Nat Brownfleld of Dawson county tor senator. 'W. i. Thompson, can didate for governor, and John Powers were the principle speakers. The meeting had been-extensively billed for two weeks, but the attendance was quite small. Less than half of tbe counties were represented at the convention. ("nil for Democratic Convention. . WEST PQ1NT, Neb.. Sept. 16. (Special.) The democratic nenatorial convention for the district, comprising Cuming and Burt counties. Is called to. meet In this city on September 20. -No candidates are mentioned as yet. The immense republican majority of Burt county; has for many years more than offset tbe dwindling democratic ma jority orCumlng, eo the result is foregone, making; candidates on the democratic ticket very shy in announcing themselves. Republican Ticket nt Pierre. PIER.RE. S. D., Sept. 16. (Special Telegram-) The republican county ticket se lected at J he primary election In this county today Is: J. W. Laughlln, sheriff; C. A. Bartlett.. treasurer; W. C. Notlmeyer, reg ister of deeds; L. B. Westfall, auditor: James W. Morse, clerk of court; I. W. GoodnoWj state's attorney; Maude R. Car ter, superintendent of schools. ; FREE TOMILLIDNS. A Valuable Little Book Sent Free for the Asklnsi. Medical book are not always Interesting reading, especially bo people enjoying good healtn.7 but as a matter of fact scarcely one person In ten la. perfectly healthy, and even with ouch,: sooner-or later alcknesa must eome.ft " ' It U-also a. well established truth that nine-tenths of all diseases originate with a brewing ' i'own .' of the' digestion, a .weak stomach weakens and. Impoverishes the system', making, it. easy for disease to gain a foothold. Nobody need fear . consumption, kidney disease, liver trouble or a weak heart and nervous system as long at the dlgettloa It good and the stomach able to assimilate plenty of wholesome food. . Stomach weakness shows Itself In a acoro of ways and tfils little book describee tbe symptoms. and. causes and point the way to a cure so simple that anyone can under stand and apply. , Thousands have some form of stomach trouble, and dp nqt know tt. They ascribe the headaches, the languor, nervousness, Insomnia, palpitation, constipation and sim ilar symptoms to tome other cause than the true one.. Get your dlgeation on the right track and the 'heart trouble, lang trouble, liver disease or nervous debility will rap Idly disappear. Thli little .book treats entirely on the cause,, and removal of indigestion and ltt accompanying annoyances. It describee the symptoms of Acid Dys pepsia, Nervous Dyspepsia, Slow Dyspepsia, Amylaceous Dyspepsia, Catarrh of Stomach and all affections ef tne digestive organs in plain language easily, understood and the cause removed. ; It glyes valuable- suggestions aa to diet, and contains a table giving length of time required, tp. dlgeeu various articles of food. something fjverjv. person with weak digestion should .kiow, ,!.! No price is taked, but simply tend your name .and addrest plainly written on postal card, to the F. A. Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich., requesting a little book on Stomach Diseases and it will be sent promptly by return mall. MORE CHEAP Excunsions VIA FROM OMAHA (1 Indlanapoti, ind H9.M .i.lL- ' u.iii. In.i m.u (l) Toledo, ' onto 21 & U) Sandusky, umo IO Uam, Ohio l w ill Columbus, Ohio U) Dayton, Ohio tt w U .rii.rtKld, .Ohio tl.Ji tl Richmond, Inu llj KoRonio. Ind i (1 Terro liauie. Ind. , 1 S (1 Evansvllle, Inc. IS 6u (1) Claolnnali, Ohio Vl Louisville, Ky ti-bi (.1.1 South liend, Ind li 30 U lttliport, ind 1 ti (Hi Port Huron, Mich 22.5 (ty-Buffalo. N. y 6u (11 Dates of sale, lth and 23rd. Re turn limit 3u days. (2 Dates it sale, Sept. 3oth. Re turn limit Oct. 31st. Also circuit tours vu Duluth or Chicago and Bteamt-r. via the Great Ijtke: In ad dition lo above, special excursion rates to many niter point in Ohio, Indiana, Minne sota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, etc. Corr8puiidnce solicited and Information cheerfully given. Call at Illliiuia Central Ticket Office, No. It Fa. or a,l brij llL Pass. Agt.. HI Cent. R. R., Omaha, Neb. Gold Medal At PaniAmevirai:tExp(i3ltion. a slliaj - , vtr Unlike Any Other ! The full flavor, tho delicious .qual ity, tho absolute Purityvof Lo' npy's Breakfast Ovcoa dlsl(nf'j)fh it from al! othora ' No "treatinenl" with . alkali'; .no adulteration' with flour, starch , or grornd cocoa shellji; nothing but tho nutritive ami digestible, product' of the choicest Cocoa Bean. ' Ask Your Denier for It. The following symptoms are cured! Rheumatism, t'nlpitatlon of the Heart, Ca. tarrli, I'nlns in Side and Hat k. Dizalnetis. Pimples on the Fme. Sick Stomach, Coated ToriKue, NlRht Sweats, Poor Appetite, Rest leSKiiess at Nils ht. ., iiij days' treatment 21 cts. All DruKgists- CL'RKD HIT WHITE Rl BEL .REMEDY No taste. No odor. Can be given In glass of Water, tea, or coffee without patient's knowledge. , White Ribbon Remedy will cure or de stroy the diseased appetite for alnohollo stimulants, whether the patient Is a con firmed Inebriate, a "tippler," social drinker or drunksr'1 lmnmwlhle for anvnne to have an appetite for alcoholic liquors after usir.g White Ribbon Remedy, Indorsed by Members of W. C. T. I'. Mrs. Moore, press superintendent of Wo man's Christian Temperance' Union, Ven, tura, California, writes: "I bave tested White Ribbon Remedy on very obstinate drunkards, and the cures have been many. In many cases the Remedy was given se cretly. I cheerfully recommend and Indorse White Ribbon Remedy. Membera of our Union are delighted to find an economical treatment to aid us In Our - temperance work." Druggists or by mall, $1. Trial package free by writing' Mrs. A. M. Townsend (for years secretary of a .Woman's; .Christian Temperance Union), 218 Treroont, pt 4)a ton, Mass. Sold in Omaha by ' COM A a. b?lcD'Q cur me OwnMur CrC O dhuq store Phone 7'.7, 8. W. Cor. 16tk and Chicago. Goods delivered FRKJS to aay part t citr. AMISBMH.f T9. t-jJ Y Q Woodward & Burgess. MA11NKIS I'UIIAl, TONIGHT AND BALANCE WEEK prices 2ac, SOc, 75c, tl.00. Bargain. Mat. Wednesday and Saturday, 25c, 60c. Lower rates for school children. Next attraction Sunday, Sept. 21, , ' "AN AMERICA TRAMP." MUSICAL FESTIVAL CAVAL1LKE EM1LIO R1VELA, in-.. ,..-.. ROYAL ITALIAN BAND EVERT AFTERNOON and ' EVENING J: JO o cioca. " AT AUDITORIUM PAVILIOW. Fifteenth and Capitol Ave. - l' General admission, t&. Reserved seat a, lOo extra. Matinee. Kc. , , . . - - POPULARCONCERtS. BASE BALL VINTON STREET PARk. Peoria vs. Omaha, - Mrptrmber 1T-J8-1T1. Two games each day. Firat 'gime, called at :. ' 'U TELEPHONE lMl.' OPENS SUN. KAT., SEPft 21 Box Office. Now Open, HOTE1.S. HOTEL EMPIRE Broadway -aid 6Jd5t. N.Y. City Accessible BaelwslT - Monet ' f P Fireproof Moderate Rntee hiateattvw Library UrciMsirel CcncerU Kvery JCvenlaa, -All Care 1'aea Ih sunanira, ,. Bend (or descriptive Booklet. W. JOHNSON wUi'V'-'. y-.Tneior. Ths MILLARD tain anal Dnnarlns Ste. OMAHA, .Nfc.ll. Omaha's Leading Hotel ftPKl l al, r LaTI'KKIi - XXNCHKON. Jf'lr'i Y CttNTB. 12:30 to t P., ra. SUNDAY i.Mt p. m. DINNER, 7 to. Steadily Increasing business haa necessi tated aa etilarcement of the cafe, doubling Its t oi mercstcUy. ' ., OH! DM Joseph llavprih CORIANTON I ZZ -Zl-J lever ana ague or ao pay, w w.