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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1902)
THIS OMAHA JAHjI nrm iur.3JJAi, rr.r uiMitJMi in, JSKra. MS FOR THE FESTIVITIES XaigfcU of Ak-8ar-Ba Clot Initiation lin at Thtir Den, OVER NINE HUNDRED MEMBERS ON ROLL Cheer Are Clvea for Gas Rm and Gecrae Went, Wha BerTleea to Ik Oraer Are Highly Appreciated. The gavel hail fallen for the laat tlm n tbe proceeding of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben of the season of 1902, and the few daya which remain for the knights and their assistant will be devoted to prepa ration for the parade and the grand ball. A Urg crowd waa present on the laat Bight, several candidates passing through the gates.' From out of the city came men from half a doien states, so that everv available seat waa filled whan the chair man called the meeting to order. A ban ner was prominently displayed bearing the words, "Over Nine Hundred Members." Howard H. Baldrlge was the prlnclpsl speaker, who paid high tribute to the work of the society. Remarkable acores at the games were made by C. 8. Elgutter, J. C. Ktnsler and I. J. Dunn. F. 1. Foreman nf Baltimore Is not only very good at baae ball, but he Is an all-round sport, taking off most of the "dough" In the finals. Aa especial brew of beer, very popular with those who did not drink It, had been provided tor the luncheon, and waa soon exhausted by the demands made upon It. At the speaking which followed the games a short talk was made by the chairman, who said that all persons who take places n floats should be at the den at 6:30 p. in. Saturday, September 27, as the first float will leave the den about 7 o'clock. He In sisted upon this, as It will be necessary to give the parade on schedule time. The first drill will take place Monday night at I o'colck. Rev. K. F. Trefa spoke briefly, paying tribute to the work of Que Rense, and say ing that be hoped to see the day that the order would be properly housed. At the conclusion of this talk three cheers were given for the superintendent, Gus Renie, who responded briefly, calling for cheers for eOtirge West, who has written the Initiatory services for several years. The cheers were given with right good will and Mr. West responded In a few words. Aaeif the Visitors. Among the out-of-town visitors were: From Nebraska L. P. Larson, C. H. Bnl duff. J. W. Donavan and Charles M. Wil liams of Fremont, Conrad Thelan of Shelby, W. C. Mills, Adam Schauff, B. O. Yates and Charles A. Sutter of Lincoln, Dr. Gll kerson, Ed Adams, H. Conkllng, V. Jeep. D. Drlscoll, H. H. Bowes, W. R. Bowes and H. 1 Webster of Tekamsh, C. H. Freckle. A. J. Bpethmaln, Hans Peters, John Koch, Ray Sandy and H. O. Sandy of Gretna, A. M. Searle of Ugalalla, D. U. Qrothan of St. Paul, Dr. Hets of bellevue, A. lit Burke, A. 1 Snodgren and J. W. Holmes of Murray, J. J. Ferguson of Central City, A. Well man and Qua Olson of Millard, J. M. Bryant of Grand Island, H. Denker of Klkhorn, T. H. Matters of Harvard, F. H. Clovenlalo of Nebraska City, W. H. Myers of Fort Crook. From Iowa Levi Baker and L. I Baker Of Soir.SndO&ti, V. Miller vf DaVciiuvi t. Dr. W. C. Tanner of Stuart, M. M. Head and Roscoe Head of Jefferson, George Meyer of Sioux CHy, J. W. Kennedy and J. J. Ken nedy of Logan, F. H. Millard of Waterloo. From Missouri C. 8. Oreen, I. A. Belden, O. Moran, L. M. Oarvln, H. R. Reynolds and F. M. Glads of St. Joseph. Charles Olaen, C. M. Perkins and Dan Leddy of 8t Louis, L. D. Corbet of Kansas City. From Wyoming Dr. George R. Gilbert of Cumberland, A. W. Siller of Arvado. From Colorado J. F. Kyle of Montrose, E. A. Archibald of Denver. From Ohio O. R. Bpenney of Bowling Oreen. J. K. Wright of Toledo, C. Crane of Canton. From Chicago Joseph M. Sherbune, Frank Rogen, C. B. Carlson, A. C. Bully and J. Nelson. From Other States T. F. Maher of Brooklyn, N. Y. ; G. A Olney of Nsw York City, M. D. Brewer of Hartford, Conn.; Guy R. Doane of Washington. D. C; A. H. Parkinson snd J. S. Parkinson of Franklin,- Utah; F. I. Foreman of Balti more, Md.j H. L. Monfort of Philadelphia, Thor Fox of Newark, N. J.; S. J. Warner or St. Paul, Minn.; Walter Nichols of Battle Creek, Mich.; H. D. Parker of De troit, Mich. Wo Sabetltate Owe red. Say what you will about druggists offer lag something "Just as good" because It pays a better profit, the fact still stands that ninety-nfna out of a hundred druggists recommend Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy when the best rem edy for diarrhoea is asked for, and do so be cause they know It Is the one remedy that can always be depended upon, even In the most sever and dangerous case. LOSES PURSE IN A CROWD Has Cosaplaia that It Coat Hlaa Kla-atr Dollars to Go Oat Baadar. i Charles B. Coon, S22 South Twenty-sixth treat, I out ISO that was stolen from his pocket while In a crowd returning from Krug park 8unday night. Mr. Coon cam out of the park with the crowd, and a young man, a description of whom has been given to the police. Jostled against him. This nan, Mr. Coon thinks, picked bis purs from hi pocket. J. Bratton, 1103 California street, left bis rest hanglag on a Bait in a shed la the rear of his house and someone stole from the pocket a gold watcb valued at $25. It U a great affliction for a woman to have her (ace disfigured by pimple or ay form of eruptive disease. It make htt morbid and sensitive, and rob her of social enjoyment. Disfiguring erup tion are caused by impure blood, and are entirely cured by the great blood pwrifying medicine Dr. Pierce' Golden Medical Discovery. It removes from the blood the poisonous impurities which cans disease.' It perfectly and perman ently cure scrofulous sores, ecxetna, tetter, boils, pimple and other eruptive disease which are caused by the blood' impurity. It increase tb action of the blood-making Hands and thus in creases the supply of pure rich blood. Par shout oat year and a half ray face waa very Badly Croats oul, - writes mih came Adams, at 11 Wnt Main Street. Battltcnek, U w W ii 1 antat a errat deal of aoitv with aorv tor a ad for diJTtrtnl ktxU of meatcin. but re ceive as aeatAt. At laat 1 read ent of your avrtiaeaeaU ta a paper, sad obtaiucd a botlls of IT. Mcrce's Golden Medical Discovery. Be fore I ha lakaa one bottle af this medietas I awcca a change, and after taking three buttles I waa cauraiv cureo. i can wtu rcconmean Dr. Pierce's Ooldta Medical Discovery to say aitarly aSicioa. The sol motive for substitution is to permit the desler to make the little mora profit paid by the sale of lea mer itorious median. He gain ; you lose. Therefore accept no substitute for "Golden Medical Discovery." The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, a book cental nig 1008 page, i given away. Send 31 one-cent stamp for expense of mailing only, for the booh la paper covers, or 31 stamps for the roU vase bound in cloth. Addict Dr. R. V. I s-Wco, Buffalo, H. Y.j Amusements. At the Boyd. "Cortsnton," a romantic tragedy in four acts by Orestes 1'. Bean. Presented at the Boyd by Joseph "Haworth and his company of plsvers. The characters: Alma, the high prl-et J. 8. Lindsay Nephihah, the hlef Jmige Carl Smith Corianton, wayward son or Alma Joseph, Haworth Shlolon, righteous son of Alma Charles Roy Bowers Bastol, merry-making armorbenrer W. P. St. Clair Amulokl, leader of the "Gadlanton Order" Alfred (J. Swenson Jasper Luke Cosgrove Lamarck B. Wlliard Morlanton, officer In charge of Korthor Thorald B. Jensen Zenos George Gardiner Zennock Ned Lynch Kelia, "plighted wife of Shlblon" Miss Thais Magrane Acolytes Mllllngton and Philip Blair Seantum, great In Antlonum Thomas Coleman Korlhor, the blasphemer James H. Lewis Lams n, "second In command'' M. T. Bluxome Melek, leader of Oayety revelers Shirley Clawson Zoan Ze Isabel, a siren Agnes Roselane Lyda Ethel Best I-ealla Pearl Houts Salome Alberta Barton Naomi Knwena Booth Sara Ruth Wilson Marlam Ida Due Manllah. Zoan'a maid Josephine Dracl Zebu, captain of Heantum's bodyguard Wlliard Bean After viewing "Corianton" one Is almost forced to exclaim as did Sheba at Solomon's magnificence, "The half ha not been told me." No good reason exists why a power ful play should not come out of Utah. In fields of art the Mormon has achieved no great distinction, and yet bis productions In srchltecture, music, and literature have served. If they bare not satisfied, bis peo ple. It may be that his aspirations bava leaped out to a wider world. At any rate, he was not forbidden to "make any graven image or likeness of anything that is In heaven or In earth or the waters under the esrth," and bis light has Anally Bashed forth. It may be a meteor' flight, or It may be a new star in the armament of art; only time can answer this, but Orestes U. Bean bas certainly given to the world a play of power and, what Is better than that, a play of purity. Vice has a large part In the play, but Is Introduced only for the pur pose of showing how hideous sin really is. It affords the sable background against which th bright hues of virtue are dis played to shine the brighter by the con trast. And to the embodiment of this lofty Idea Mr. Bean has brought the gift of po etic expression and the blessing of artistic Imagination, and the working out of bis thought ha resulted In a dramatically strong play dressed In appropriately at tractive garments. It Is not the purpose to take up the play In detail. "Corianton" Is not perfect, nor would one expect It so, but the pleee most thoroughly justifies all that bas been said In Its praise. It Is given with an Infinitude of pains, and present a remarkable succession of pictures from end to end. Its story Is simple. A deeply religious people under takes to work the conversion of a thought less, which stands as a, buffer between the devout and a savage race that alms at the destruction of both. Corianton, son of the prophet, 1 converted by the miracle which striKes down Korlhor, the scoffer, and beads the mission which undertakes to accomplish the alliance sought by preaching the true gospel. He Is thwarted in the moment of his triumph through the wile of a fallen woman, who repent too late. Stung by shame and remote, he makes a new resolvs, and finally saves his people. A a suplot the Inevitable thread of love runs a devious way to a satisfactory conclusion. Pervading all the play 1 a deep religious thought, which. towever, doe not at any time dominate the human Interest of the story. In Mr. Joseph Haworth' hands Corianton become a reality. Thl actor ha fairly realized all that was promised tor him, and stands pre-eminent on the American stage today aa an Illustrator of romantic tragedy. Hi physique and splendid voice afford an Ideal medium for the exploitation of bis ex- celent artistic thought. His support Is al most uniformly good. Cbarle Ray Bower, a Shlblon, brother of Corianton, a relig ious sealot with an unsounded depth of fra ternal love, and James H. Lewis, as Korlhor, the blasphemer, are actors of unusual merit. Miss Agnes Roseland, as Isabel, the siren, I Inclined to overact, ber deficiency In this regard being emphasised by the bearing of Mr. Haworth during their strong scene In the second act. Miss Thais Magran bas th Juvenile part of Rella, and doea It very well. No better ataged play waa ever seen at the Boyd and the chorus and ballet Incidental to Its production are marvellously refresh ing, the chorus being selected from the Tab ernacle choir of Sat Lak City, a recom mendation sufficient, and tb ballet being recruited from among the fairest of Utah's daughters. A fairly good audience warm: applauded the play last night. "Corianton" will be at the Boyd for the reat of the week, with matinees on Wednes day and Saturday. Rlaa-ltaaT Bros. Clrcas. "Christmas cornea but once a year and now 'tis almost here," runs the little ditty. Rlngling'a circus, like the glad Yuletlde, comes but once a year, and now It's come and gone. That's tb only sad feature to It. It' a pity that Christmas and Ringllng's both can't com on every day in th year, or stay longer when they do come, they both bring such universal pleasure. What better proof of the general popular ity of the great show and tha universal pleasure It gives thsn the admiring and cheering thousands that packed the mam moth tents at both performances yesterday! Surely no one who could have gone, or at least who could have gotten Inside tb tent, did not ge, for tb tent was bulged out on all sides, almost punctured In places, and then some. - Papas and mammas, grandpa pa and grandmas. Aunt Mary, Mallnda and Sarah and Uncle Jeb, Joalah and John Henry were all there, besides Aunt Lucy's ben and Cousin Em and all of their folks and the hired man. Then there were Cbawley and Augusta, L, 8tevsnus and all of "them boys." It was a typical circus crowd la the afternoon and another typical circus crowd In the night. And It was "th real thing" In th show line on both occasions. Never bas this great aggregation of wonders appeared to better advantage than It did at theae two performances yesterdsy. Rlngllng Bros.' circus bas a completeness about It that gives It th air of substantiality and places It be yond tb pel of ths ordlnsry show. They have a wonderful collection of animate and theae animal do some wonderful things. But tb wild animals, tamed to suit, era not all there are people who are equally a remarkable In their line. All th per formance and exhibition are a unique and interesting as could b seen under a circus canopy. Orajaa Recital for Baad. F. H. Wright. L.UC. M . will give a com plimentary organ recital to the members of th Royal Italian band at 16:30 thl morn ing at Trinity cathedral. Tb program fol low: organ Bolo To the Evening Star, from "Tannhauaer" Wagner organ Bolo a impromptu F. H. Wright tut uavoiie Antique. F. H. Wright Organ Solo Grand Organ Piece A. H. Brown Vocal Solo Angela Ever Bright snd Fair Handel rcotkert Mccormick. Organ Solo Caprice J. A. Weal Oran Bolo Triumphal March. ...Lemmens Vocal Bolo Jerusalem ,. Parker nooeri i empie. Orgsn Bolo Inlerinrsso Mascegnl Organ Solo ORertoir In F Minor Pearce TEACHERS' SALARIES GO UP Board af Education FiiiibM Up the Talk Started Bom Time Ago. SETTLE THE TEXT BOOK CONTROVERSY "Stepping- Stoones of Literature" to Be Ised la the Public Schools Place Baa oa Boys Who Smoke. More than four hours were consumed by the Board of Education last evening In tha transaction of the business of the meeting and most of thst time wss occupied In contention over rule of order or ques tions of privilege. In spite of the pro nounced disposition on the part of some of the members to work at cross purposes with one another, the session wss not barren of results, for the work of restoring salaries to their status prior to the cut of Isst January was practically completed, and the earnestly debated question of the Introduction of, "Stepping Stones to Litera ture" was settled, for the time being at least, and various other matters which have given the board and Us committee more or less concern of late were dis posed of. President Barnard waa the only member absent and the chair was occupied by Vice President Howard. The committee on salaries having had before It the resolutions of Messrs. Wood and W. F. Johnson, proposing the Increase of certain salaries, recommended as a substitute for both of those measures that the salaries of the principal and teachers of the high school and the supervisors of kindergartens, music and drawing, and the superintendent of Instruction, be restored to the amounts respectively which these employes were receiving at the time of the adoption of the present rules, January (, 1902. Restores (he Old Rates. W. r. Johnson moved to amend the report by Incorporating a provision that all teach er who would have been entitled to an Increase by reason of term of service be given the natural Increase, and the mo tion to amend was adopted by fourteen affirmative votes. Finding the board in so liberal a mood, Mr. Johnson offered a fur ther amendment to place the salary of J. F. Woolery, second assistant prlnclpsl of the high school, at $140, on the ground that he bad not been given the Increase which hi advancement In position entitled blm to and was only drawng $130 per month. Robert Smith was unwilling to agree to that unless Miss Kate McHugh. first as sistant principal, was advanced from $1,590 per year to $1,800, and offered a substitute amendment fixing both of the salaries at the figure named. This amendment was also accepted by unanimous vote of those present, as waa still another Increasing the salary of J. F. Wlgman, teacher of manual training, from $100 to $110 per month, and the report with all of those amendments was adopted by a vote of 12 to 2, Messrs. Levy and Mcintosh voting In the negstlve. A report of llio couUulttee a sa'arSsa recommending that the pay of Thomas FlU gerald, custodian of the high school, be raised to $95 per month, was adopted by the same vote of 12 to 2. Stepping; Stoaea Adopted. The committee on textbook and courso of study renewed.. Its recommendation that "Stepping Stones to Literature" be adopted for gradual Introduction Into the schools above the second grades, specifying, how ever, that th Introduction should be in accordance with the rules now In force, which In effect defer the uae of the book until tb opening of the next school year. The presentation of thl report opened a general and animated discussion a to the desirability of making any change and the wisdom of making a change at thl time to take effect next year. J. J. Smith, chairman of the committee which bad reported, stated that In response to letter be hsd received replies from all and thirty-two of thirty-four favored a change from the Appleton readers. From a list of textbooks named in the letter twenty-two of the principals bad selected he "Stepping Stones" ss their preference. Robert Smith questioned the fairness of certain members of the committee in the wording of that letter to which Mr. J. J. Smith had referred and read from a copy of the letter to show that It was so worded as to convey te tbe prlpclpals the Informa tion that the committee had already de cided upon that particular book and desired that tha preference expressed should be In consonance with that idea. A motion on tbe part of W. F. Johnson to postpone the report until tbe second meeting In October, on tbe ground that there was no hurry abou adoplng new books tor nex year, was lost by a vte of 11 to S and the committee report wa adopted. A motion by Mr. Mcintosh to suspend tbe rule to adopt a resolution to have the change of booka take effect at once wa ruled out of order on th ground that tbe time bad been set, and a motion by W. F. Johnson to rescind the action of the board as to the time of adoption was laid on tbe table until the next regular meet ing. On recommendation of tb committee on text books and course of study, Williams A Rogers' were adopted for us In the high school and 275 copies will be or dered; also twenty-four text book on shorthand either of tbe Graham or Munson system, as the teacher of shorthand may elect. A report of the committee on supplies was adopted providing for the purchase of a pair of parallel bars and other gymna sium apparatus amounting In all to about $125. Penalty for saoklaa;. From the committee on rules there were two reports aa to the matter of dealing with smoking among the students of th high school. The majority report, signed by Mr. Mcintosh and Robert 8mlth. rec ommended the amendment of the rules ap plying to military Instruction In such a manner as to provide that "hereafter In the high school no young men who smokes clgsrettes be promoted to a position as officer la th cadet regiment." The minority report, which was from Mr. Funkhouser, waa simply less poaltlvs in Its wording and recommended that It be un derstood that In making promotions In ths cadet regiment the queatlon of whether a young man used tobacco or not would be taken Into consideration. After soma dis cussion ths minority report waa lost and the majority report adopted. A report from the committee on kinder gartens recommending that a kindergarten department be added to th Beal school wa adopted. Th committee on high school recom mended that la accordance with the sug gestions of tbe principal of the blgh school the girls who had elected to take gymna sium work be required while in the gym nasium to wear suits consisting of bloom ers, blouse, stockings and shoes and that certain changes b made In th shower hatha for convenience in the gymnasium work. Tb report was adopted. So roaapalaory Vaerlantloa. On the resolution of Mr. Cermak provid ing for vaccination as a rsqulsits for ad mission to the schools ths judiciary com mittee reported that after having conferred with tbe attorney the committee bad be come convinced that compulsory vaccina lion waa a subject for tha health depart ment rather then th Board of Education to deal with, and recommended thst the matter be dropp.d. Tbe report was sdopted. On recommendation of the committee on buildlnga and property the bid of W. P. Deverell to build a smokestack and coal room at the blgh school of bsrd ssnd brick was accepted. There were six bids and that of W. T. Deverell was tbe lowest. Tbe committee on boundaries reported al veraly on the application of F. A. Kllker, a resident of Benson, from free tuition In the high school for hi children on the ground that he is a taxpsyrr of this city. Tbe com mittee stated that the case was similar to a number of others In which the board had required that a tuition fee be paid and that tbe law did not grant free tuition to children, even though their parents owned taxable property within the school district. Tbe report was adopted. Tbe resignations of Edna Harney Water man, Elliabeth E. Phllllpps and Grace Mc Caulcy were accepted. The customary report of the comptrolle and city treasurer showing the conditlc n of the funds of tbe board were accepted and placed on file. Will Us AH Thin for Tea. Dr. King' New Life Pill put vim, vigor and new life Into every nerve, muscle an organ of tbe body. Try them. Uc. FORMER COUNCILMAN IS DEAD Albert H. ganders Passes Avrny After a Illsrii of Tea ' Daya. Albert H. Sanders, an early realdent of Omaha and a former member of the city council and tbe old Pioneer Are department, died yesterdsy of typhoid fever after an illnes of ten days. Mr. Sander wa tl years of age and has been a resident of Omaha since 1865. Dur ing a greater part of his residence la this city he has been engaged In business, part of the time at Tenth and Harney streets and part at Twenty-fourth and Cuming street. HI surviving family consists of four daughters and two sons. One of the daugh ters is the wife of County Commissioner Connolly and another the wife of Deputy Sheriff Cunningham. Another daughter, Mrs. Maher, lives on a farm at Verdigris. Neb., and tbe fourth Is Mrs. J, Arnoldl of Denhoff, N. D. The elder son, Albert, is cashier of the First National bank of Ar lington, Neb., and Emll, the younger. Is a student and lives at home. The deceased was a member of the Royal Arcanum and that order will participate In the funeral services, which it is at present thought will be held Wednesdsy. Yoa Risk Tone Lite If you neglect plies. They will cause fatal diseases, but Bucklen's Arnica Salve posi tively cures or no pay. 25c. ASSAULT 0FJSH0P EMPLOYE Union Paclflo Workman Clalma to Have Beea Punched oa Head. George L. Morgan, an employe of the Union Pacific shops, wss assaulted on the streets yesterday and lost considerable blood as a consequence. Morgan did not know his assailant, nor did he know on what street tbe assault occurred. He went to the police station shortly before 1 o'clock and told Captain Haze that be was standing on the street watching' the parade when a man addressed blm and showed him a union card. The atranger asked Morgan to stop work at the shops. This Morgan refused to do, and tbe stranger, said Morgan, struck blm In tbe side of tbe bead, and then lost himself In the crowd. Morgan bled consid erably from the rlgbtl&r, He. was afraid to go to tbe shop alone and an officer was detailed to take htm there. He gave a de scription of hi assailant to the police. "Garland" Stoves aid Ranges Awarded first prize, Paris, 1900; Buffalo, 1901. Fire Da ma sea a. Cottagre. A one-story cottage at 811 Leavenworth street wss partially destroyed by fire last nignt and tne contents totally ruinea. ine house belongs to the Burns estate and Is in the hands of Patrick H. Carey of 422 South Eighteenth street as agent. It is dsmaged to the extent of $100 and is Insured. Ike Alkmsn, a peddler, lived In the house. He values the contents at $700 and has insur ance for $400. Shortly before 2 o'clock Mrs. Alkman was awakened by the crying of the baby. She got up to get It some milk and taklnff the child In her arms picked up the lamp, which slipped from her hand into the cradle. The blase followed so suddenly that by the time th husband and four children were awake the only means of egress was a small window. Dtnasnlek Jnry Disagrees. 8AN FRANCISCO. Bent. 15. After de liberating for nearly forty-eight hours the jury in the second trial of Walter N. Dtm- mlclt. accused or emDeszllng JO.t rrom the United States mint in this city, wss unable to agree and was discharged. Dim mi ck will have a third trial. LOCAL BREVITIES. Minnie White has begun action in the district court against Frank E. White for divorce, alleging cruelty and habitual drunkenness on the part of the defendant. The petition states that the couple were married at Keokuk, la., December 23, 1SS9. T. W. Meredith of 19M Soencer street was arrested last night and charged with being drunk and abualng his family. It Is said that Mrs. Meredith has commenced pro ceedings for divorce and that Meredith, being angry about this, drove her and the children out of the house. The following delegatea have been an- E)lnted by the Association of Nebraska Ife Underwriters to attend the convention of the National Association of Ufa Under writers, to be held at Cincinnati. October 15. 16 and 17: Charles E. Ady. I. E. Fred erick. William Henry Brown, J. H. Mockett, jr., and J. M. Kammton. Alternates: E. Ralney, O. W. Noble, H. D. Neely and Julius Meyer. Chrla Larsen of 408 South Eighteenth street, who was formerly employed as a waiter In a reataurant, waa arrested laat night and charged with disorderly conduct. Larsen Is said to be addicted to tne us or druaa and when under their influence he broods over his discharge. He seems to think that a certain dishwasher has black ened hla character In the minds of the pro prietors 01 me resiaurani ana so n fol lows one or the other of these about and triea to aet himself right In their estima tion. Jame Smith was arrested yesterday morning between Fourteenth and Fifteenth atreeta on Farnam. Jamea had In reality been trying to stop tne circus parade, but he was only charged with being drunk. The young man had come to town to see the circus and stood uncertalntly on the curb stone as tne gorgeous wagona passed by. But when the lion cage came along, either becsuse he wanted a chance to carefully Inspect these animals or for some other reason, he rushed out and seized the spokes 01 tne on rore wneei ana endeavored to hold It from turning round. The alx horses did not notice this, however, and during th next ten feet of progress James was several times nearly thrown under th wheel. It did pass over his toes before a companion waa able to drag him away. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Miss Clara Blumer returned Saturday from Denver, where she has been employed for the last year. Rev. Charles W. Savldg of the People's church hss been called to Blair by. Mavor Haller of that city to preach the funeral ermon of Mrs. Maxwell, his wife's mother. He will return to Omaha Tuesday evening. Oeneral Manderson will leave this morn ing for Cantoa. O., where ha goes to at tend tha reunion of th survivors of his regiment. He will hurry back to be pres ent at the Ak-aar-lien. probably arriving September 22. Mr. Henry Bolton and Miss Jessie E. Coventry, both of, Schuyler, Neb., were msrrtcd at the residence of the officiating minister, Rev. Charles W. Savldge, Monday afternoon. Mr. Bolton la one of th leading merchants of Schuyler. TOO LATK TO CLASSIFY. LOST, speaking tube or ear 'phone on bow gruuuds at T.Jw. Leav at its or- Jim Dumps had tried some time In vain To ease an after-dinner pain Which gnawed at him his belt below, And filled his world with Indigo. Dyspepsia now can't bother him For " FORCE" has made him " Sunny Jim." 64 TTH Tb AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Mayor Farori londi to Pay Ortrlap aid Build Oity Hall. BOARD OF EDUCATION HOLDS SESSION John Jack man, After Five Ballots, Is Elected Truant Officer Library Deeds Are Ready Mnajle CHy Gossip. Mayor Kouteky declared yesterday that he wa In favor of Issuing a proclamation calling upon tb people to express their opinion on an issue of bonds' to take up tbe overlap. The mayor said: "At the present time the overlap amounts to about 162,000, and this ha been paid out of tbe 1902 levy. The payment of this outstanding Indebtedness has caused a shortage in the funds snd city employes will be compelled to discount their psy warrants for the next ten months, before th next levy will be available. When war rant are Issued the city pays interest at the rate of 6 per cent. Now, with an Issue of bonds, this rate could be reduced and the financial affairs of the city would be placed on a firm basis." In addition to tbe overlap bonds the mayor favor asking the voters for from $30,000 to $59,000 for the erection of a city ball. The lease for the building now occupied as municipal headquarters expires in De cember, 1903, and the mayor figures thst It will tske at least ten months to erect a suitable city ball In case the bonds aro voted at the November election. Another city official said: "For some years past the city baa been paying $145 a month for tbe present city ball, and the accommodation furnished are not adequate to the needs of the city, as the quarters are cramped. More room is needed. In addition to this, $40 a month I being paid for rental for the fire hall on Twenty fourth street. Then there is the rent for the mayor' office and the office of city attorney, which together amount to $25 a month. Thl makes a total rental of $210 a month." It I asserted by certain business men In terested In South Omaha bonds that there would be no difficulty In disposing of these sect-lties. In case only overlap bonds were voted the Interest would be $2,70 a year, while If the $50,000 city hall bond were voted the Interest would-be $5,040 a year. Mayor KouUky had a conference with City Attorney Murdock yetsreday evening and It is possible that a proclamation will soon be forthcoming. ' Bids Turned Down. A meeting of the Board of Education was held Monday night, with President Miller In the chair and all members present. One of the features was tbe opening of bids for coal supplies for the school. Tbe cost advert toed for was mine run, to be deliv ered In sealed box cars at South Omaha, free on board. When tbe bids were opened It wa decided that the board bad made an error and that it would be bttter to advertise again and state that the coal was to be delivered at the school houses, where It would be needed. All coal bought by tbe school district must be weighed over the city scales. This latter provision was not made In the former advertisement for bids, but It will be Included in the next After five ballots had been cast, John Jackoian was elected as truant officer. He 1 to receive a salary of $75 a month. In opposition to this election two offers were made. Harry Dennis and David Condron stated their willingness to do the work for $50 a month, but these offer were turned down and Jackman wa named. Superintendent McLean reported that at the preaent time S.SuO pupil wer enrolled. Thl 1 about 100 more than were enrolled at the same time Use year. The next reg I 1 HS1 PP Raid;4o - rv Cereal gives worH to weall digestions and supplies the energy. Sweet, crti flak! f wheat Help Him to Eal Other Food. 'I am sixty-three years old and go to mv business regularly, thongh rloln very littl that would be called labor. Am a chronic dyspeptic, and had more appetite than 'ability to digest until I began eating ' Force.' Etlng ' Force ' help me to digest other food. ular meeting will be held the first Monday In October. Library Deeds Ready. 1 Bruce McCulloch, president of the South Omaha Library board, la now In possession of the deed and an abstract of title to the site purchased for the proposed Carnegie library. These papers will be delivered to City CJerk Shrlgley today by Mr. McCul loch. There was some little delay In se curing the signatures of all of the Glasgow heirs to the deed and now that tho deal has been closed the members of the library as sociation feel easy on this subject. Tcday President McCulloch will send to Mr. Andrew Carnegie, by Wells-Fargo ex press, the plans and blue prints of the pro posed building, along with other papers. It is expected that shortly after theae have beeu ret el veil the duuaiiuu of $50,000 prom ised will be placed at the disposal of the llbrsry board. Member of the library board desire to comemnce building this fall as soon as possible. Car Inspectors' Convention. W. H. Cressey, chief of the Joint Car In spection association. Is here as chairman of the comlmttee on ararngements completing the work of entertaining the member of the association, who will gather here on Tuesday for the annual convention. The headquarters of tbe association will be at the Paxlon hotel, where arangements have been made for the accommodation of the fifty delegates. The sessions will be held In the cafe at tbe Paxton. Charles Waughop, president of the association, with headquarters at St. Louis, will be here Wednesday. On Friday the delegate will obtain a spe cial motor car and ride to the Swift plant here, where luncheon will be served by the management. The will follow an Inspection of the packing plants, the stock yards and the railroad yards. The session will close en Saturday. Special Meetlna; Tonltfht. A special meeting of the local Young Men's Christian association will be held to night, after which a banquet will be served. J. Prentls Bailey, state secretary of tbe as sociation, has promised to attend and is billed for an address. F. L. Willis, gen eral secretary of the Omaha Young Men's Christian association, and Charles Cullen Smith will also speak. All members of the association are Invited to attend. Attempted Sniclde. Monday afternoon the police were called to the home of Louis Stephen, Eighteenth and W streets, to take charge of Stephen, who Is alleged to be Insane. It was reported to tbe officers that Stephen attempted to commit suicide by taking poison. The po lice arrived In time to save the man's life and he Was taken to the city Jail, where he received medical treatment. Later on he was turned over to the authorities at the county Jail. Stephen vbrked In the smokehouses at Armour's. As his wife and two children were left without food Chief Brlggs sent down enough groceries to keep them for a few days, until the Insanity commission will dispose of the case. Modern Brotherhood Convention. Captain James Austin left yesterday for Pender, Neb., to attend a state convention of the National Brotherhood of America. At this meeting delegatea to the national convention to be held at Sioux Falls, 8. D., on October 10 will be chosen. Quite a num ber of prominent South Omaha people are members of thl order and conalderakle Interest Is manifested here in the outcome of the selection of delegate to the national convntion. !Vo Ouornns Present. There wss no quorum of the council last night when the roll wa called and those present merely adjourned. This means that, unlesa a special call is Issued, tbe next meeting will be held on September 29. It waa stated by the city officials that there was no business of lmportsnce to be traa- SUNSTROKE INSURANCE When the summer's heat gets about 00 degrees, you are liable to be sunstruck any time you are out In the sun, unless you take the proper precautions. Sev eral years ago, the writer of this, who has spent much of his life in the tropics, thought he was safe from sunstroke. One day he collapsed, remained uncon scious for five hours, and at times his life was disnaired of. As a matter of fact, any person whose stomach and bowels are in bad shape in the summer time, is liable to be sunstruck in temperature that would be harmless under normal conditions. That's all there is to it. Stomach anrl hnuela full ef fetterlnrr fermenting refuse that forms acids and gases, uiooa many degrees, icntists have tound that natives of the South Sea Islands, living on laxative fruit, bananas, cocoanuts, bread-fruit, have a temperature iiO degrees lower than that of white men who are careless about their food or their bowels. It has been found in years of experience, that a CASCARET Candy Cathartic taken at bed-time every night will keep the body clean and cool inside all day, and forms a safe and thoroughly reliable form of sunstroke insurance. rosea; or year nwn isruu and malt ten cell. (Nam famished oa sppllcaiion.) GOVKHSMKXT NOTICE". rnoPOSALS fok three prick Puddings and Water and Srwer Fyntem Dcpartmt nt of the Interior. Office of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C, Aug. 25, I;).. Sealed proposals, endorsed "Proposals for Building, etc.. Chamberlain, South Dakota," and addressed to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, WanhlnKton, D. C, will bo received at the Indian OHioe until two o'clock p. m. of Thursday, Sept. 25. 1902, for furnltthlnK and delivering the necessary materials and labor required to construct and complete one dormitory, one school house and one addition to dormitory, all of brick, with plumbing, acetylene gas piping and stcum neat, and extensions to the water and sewer systerrs at the Chamberlain School, S. D.. In strict accordance with plans, specifications and instructions to bidders which may lie examined at this ofnre, the offices of the "Improvement Hulletln," Minneapolis, Minn.; the "Argus-Leader," Sioux Kails, 8. D.; "The Hee." Omaha. Neb.: the "Inter Onean." I'hlnan, til ; th Builders' and Traders' Kxclianges of Omaha, Neb., and Milwaukee, Win.; the Northwestern Manufacturers' Assocliitlop, St. Paul, Minn.; the lr. 8. Indian WHre housea at No. 266 So. Canal St.. Chicago, III., No. 119, Wooster St., New York City, and No. P17 Howard St., Omaha. Neb., and at the school. For further Information apply to Jno. Fllnn, Supt. Indian School, Chamberlain S. D. A. C. Tonner, Acting Comm Issloner. 9td-2-4-ft-9-ll-13-16-lS-Vi PROPOSALS FOR SUBSISTENCE STORES. Office of Purchsslng Commis sary, U. 8. Army, Omana, Neb.. Sept. 11. I!di2. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, for fur nishing bacon, issue, dry salt cure, in crates and in catr.hwelght cans, will be re ceived at -thin office, at the office of tha Purchasing Commissary, IT. S. Army, Kan saa City, Mo., and at the office of tne Pur chasing Commissary, II. 8. Army, Chicago, III., until 11 o'clock a. m.. Monday, Septem ber 2, 19i)2, at which time and place they will be publicly opened. Artlclea of domes tic production or manufacture will be pre ferred to those of foreign origin, cost and duality being equal. Specifications as to quantities, date and place of delivery, blan'K proposala and further information furnlKhed on application to either office. Envelopes containing proposals should be Indorsed, "Proposals for Subsistence Stores, to be opened Monday, September 22, 1902," and addressed to W. 11. BEAN. Major, Com missary, Purchasing Commissary, Omaha, Neb. aDll-12-13-15-ll.-l7 OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER MASTER. Sheridan, Wyo., Sept. 15, 1902. Sealed proposals In triplicate will be re ceived here until 10 a. m. October 15, 19n2, for constructing, plumbing, heating, gas piping and electric wiring two double sts officers' quarters, one double barrack and one bakery, all brick. Information fur nished upon application here or at offices of depot quartermaster, Denver, Omaha and St. Paul. V 8. reserves right to accept or reject any or all bids or parts thereof. En velopes containing proposals should be en dorsed "Proposals for ," addressed Cap tain Thoa. Swobc, quartermaster. -815d4tO10 11M sacted and consequently no necessity for a meeting. Ma sic City Gossip. Mrs. D. L. Holme Is visiting friend In Chicago. Former Councilman August Miller 1 now In San Francisco. Mm. I. Brown of Clarlnda, la.. I her the guest of her eon, Fred Brown. The revival meetings at the tent. Twenty third and M streets, closed last night. Adah Chapter No. 62 will initiate candi date at a meeting to be huld Thursday evening. A. R. Kelly returned yesterday from Wyoming, where he spent some weeaa Ice king after his mining interests. St. Martin's auxiliary will meet Wednes day afternoon at the residence of Mrs. A. L. Lott, Twenty-second and II streets. Marrlaare Licenses. License to wed were issued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence. Age. Owen J. McOlynn. Omaha 32 Mary A. Farley. Omaha 27 Olpson D. Oordon, Omaha 31 Nellie E. Banks. Omaha 27 Stephen Vale. South Omaha JJ Alice Urace, South Omaha 21 Henry Holton. Schuyler 4S Jessie E. Coventry, Schuyler in Charles W. Ruth. Omaha 2S Josephine E. Flala, Omaha 1 Jefferson J. Bates. Omsha SO Nellie Evsns, Moberly, Mo ?3 Frank E. Taylor, Tekamah..... 21 Eva Iach, Bialr ) Ellis M. Eaheart, Helena, Mont 3.1 Jesato M. Cooper, Omaha 21 Frank Placek. Omaha 25 Antonla Vlcek. Omaha Zi raise the heat of the body and Bast far ths Bowel. All druggists, ise, tjc, jae. Kaver sM la Sulk. Ths anuia tsblct stamp C. C. C. Ousrsste ta cura back. Sampla an boklt fra. Addtw ftsoMay w.( (.bicate ar rtw Yerk. sat