Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 16, 1902, Page 6, Image 6
TUT, OMAIIA DAILT BEE: TUESDAT, SEPTEMBER 1C, 1902. 'Hie uniajia Daily Bee. K. KOBE WATER. EDITOR. I'CBLISHfcD EVERY MOKNINO. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. Ealty Bee (without Hunoay), une Year. .WW an iwe ana ttumlay, Une Year liiumraied tiee. Line ear "' jjunu.y iiif, one Year ' baturuay tee, one iar 1" '.twentieth century r armer. One Year...l.w DtLlVEKKD liY .CAKHliiK. pally lice (without Sunday), per copy.... 2c XJaiiy iiee (without Sunday), per wetk...Uc Laiiy hre (inciuuing ttunuayj, per wees..lic fetunuay Bee, p-r tuiy oc Evening (without hunday), pr week tec Evening- Bee (including Sunday), Pr wee 1"C Complaints of Irregularities In delivery houiu be addressed to City Circulation De iiartmenl. OFFICES. Omaha The Eee Building. South Omaha C.'.y Hall Building, Twenty-tilth and M Streets. Council Bluffs Hi Pearl Street. Chicago 1MU Unity Building. Mew kork 20 Park How Hulldtng. Washington oot Fourteenth Street. CO KRKS PO N DENCE. Coramunlratlons relating to news and edi torial matter should he addressed: Omaha bee, Editorial JJepartmenU BUSINESS LETTERS. Bunlnesi, letters and remittances should be addressed: The Bee Publishing Com pany, Omaha. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order, payable to The Bee Publishing Company. Only 2-cent stamps accepted in payment of mall accounts, personal checks, except on Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted. THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. , STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. Ctate of Nebraska, Douglas County es: Oeorge B. Tsuchuck, secretary of The Bee Publishing Company being duly sworn, ays that tho actual number of full and complete copies of The Dally, Morning, Evening and Sunday Bee printed during tha month of August, 1902, waa as follows: 1 2S.TUO 16 2N,UtW t 2M.TTO 17 2S.S20 I X8.UUB 18 20,380 4 28.U10 19 89,170 6 2M,IK 20 3O.3N0 SS.TtlO 21 80,120 7 JM.7WO a 20,000 28.750 23 80.B10 2M.OUO 24 28,73 10 28.T0O 25 80.330 01 28.7B0 28 20,800 12 2H.730 27 20.H8O 13 2H.820 28 SS.fMiO 14 2H.02O 29 8O.070 IS 28,730 10 8O.110 SI 2W.120 Total 900,440'unsold and returned copies.... 0,877 Net total SQles SOO.Boa Net dally average 28.021 GEO. B. TZ8CHUCK. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before me thla 1st day of September, A. D 1802. M. B. H UNGATE, (Seal.) Notary Public If norace Boles wants to race with Tom Johnson, he will have to buy an automobile. Omaha's musical festival winds up this week, but the music-making will cot stop there. In the light of recent developments It's no wonder that St Louis wanted to have the fair postponed. The Louisville authorities have evi dently concluded that Colonel Watter son Is the only fighter needed In that town. Between the strikers at the Union Taclfic machine shops and the Mercer strikers, Baldwin the Great has bis hands full. A question puzzling local sports is, Is the base bull enthusiasm worked up during the summer convertible into foot ball fever for the fall? His desire to avoid "the enemy's country" is cuusing Colonel Bryan to use up a good deal of mileage In his present tour. Senator Ilanna will try a special car against Tom Johnson's circus tent, and he expects to beat the latter In number of exhibitions. In his Ohio speech Colonel William Jennings Bryan came out flat-footed tor municipal home rule. Bryan knows the temper of the people on this subject. We may be sure of one thing from the anniversary services on the late rresl dent McKlnley's death, and that is that the memory of William McKlnley Is not to grow cold. . The Salt Lake Board of Education has Issued an order barring married women from the teaching force in the public schools. Omaha's Board of Education bus issued the same kind of an order several times, but the married women are still teaching. For the purposes of the republican primary Ransom has evidently turned over to Gurley all of their Joint criminal law practice. When It comes to elec tion, however, Gurley la likely to tell his clients to do as Itansom says, and Ransom says he is a democrat. If the denlzeus of literary old Concord turn up their noses at the mere thought of a mammoth hog parking plunt in the neighborhood of the homes of Alcott Hawthorne, Tboroau and Emerson, that Is nothing to what they may have to do after the plant Is la operation. It Is anticipated that President Roose relts speeches in Iowa may have special relation to the tariff. Ills first stop in the state will be at Sioux City where he will appear with Governor Cummins, the special champion of the no-sbelter-for-trusts plunk of the Iowa platform. It is reported from Lincoln that Gov ernor Savage has been touched for a 500 diamond stud. Pickpockets must have been reading about the gold bricks that have been worked off on the gov ernor end come to the conclusion that such an easy mark was not to be passed up. Republicans must not forget that after their candidates are put up they have to be elected, and success at the elec tion will depend largely on the charac ter of the candidates. It will not do to rely on the weakness of the opposition nor to trust to luik In this year 1U02 Imply becausa Douglas county normally goes lepublican. no SKRWL8 Moytr crisis. The preparations made by Secretary Shaw for an additiouul supply of cur rency, and the tenor of his statements In announcing them, Indicate very learly that he does not believe a grave crisis has been or Is likely to be reached. He expressly snys he sees In present conditions, no special occasion for alarm. His reionse to the appeal of eastern banks for treasury help, while It Is be lieved to provide sufficiently for any real need, embodies some novelties of method which will hardly be relished lu those quarters so much as lu the country at large. An eastern cry for treasury assistance Is raised almost anuually, for at this season there are always heavy drafts ujion New York and the east for cur rency for the crop movement, which, because hardly ever fully provided for In advance, are sure to have a disturb ing effect. It Is an old trick of the banks to spread alarmist reports and to try to persuade the treasury to swell bank deposits or to buy bonds at an xorbltant bonus. It has more than once happened under such circumstances that eastern banks, holding treasury fupds on Indefinite deposit, and at the same time large amounts of free bonds which they might pledge with the treas ury for circulation, have actually forced the secretary into the open market to buy bonds with the undeposlted sur plus, an expensive and losing game at both ends, which Secretary Shaw does not propose to play. For such need as may exist antici pating October Interest two weeks on national bonds has been authorized by the secretary as a partial remedy. This Is not unusual, but bis other proposition directly throws an Important responsi bility upon the banks themselves. Of the $445,000,000 of 2 per cent bonds, 1135,000,000 remain unpledged for na tional bank circulation. As these bonds are largely In the hands of the banks, they are available for immediate expan sion of money volume on the secretary's plan. He has had bank notes printed In advance, so that orders can be In stantly filled, and on deposit of these bonds the currency will be issued to their full value. Not only so, but a list of banks known to have such bonds has been complied, and there Is In the sec retary's statement and plan the broad suggestion that. If necessary, he would withdraw deposits from such bauks for purchase of bonds. But any bank hav ing free bonds or able to secure the use of them, can be promptly accommodated with increased circulation. Generul conditions do not foreshadow an acute monetary reaction throughout the country. It does not even appear that the drafts upon the east on account of crops are of unusual magnitude. The reports all show the western banks to be in strong position. Even in New York where pressure upon currency sup plies Is most severe, the ordinary danger signals are wanting. Commercial rates of interest are not severe, A genuine money famine Is invariably followed by a pronounced downward movement1 In the stock market, but nothwithstandlng the enormous advances in the great body of stocks the last six or eight months the week Just closed has wit nessed a material further advance In the market. The arrangements made by Secretary Shaw may be reasonably expected to afford all the Increase of circulation necessary to relieve any temporary ex igency. It Is to be remembered, too, that the dominant financiers and cap tains of Industry are in a position in which they are Interested In forestalling rather than in precipitating a serious money crisis. Back of this is the fact that the national treasury, by reason of the autumn importations. Is dally piling up an increasing surplus. The mere precautionary action of the treasury Is a strong moral influence. Bf MAIS FORCE. David H. Mercer's supreme effort now Is to foist his renomlnatlon by main force upon the republicans of this dls trlct. He knows that if allowed a free and untranimeled choice his constituents will express their opposition to a non resident candidate for congress and in sist upon a successor who lives in Omaha and whose Interests are Identi fied with them. Although his cham pion, William F. Gurley, has proclaimed that the people of Omaha need Mr. Mer cer more than Mercer needs them, he is enlisting all the great corporations at home and abroad that have interests In this district to force those dependent upon their favor Into line for a man they do not want. The coalition of the Union Pacific, Burlington and Elkhorn railroads to help Mr. Mercer retain his seat In con gress, where he has proved such useful trading material for the corporations, Is notorious and undisguised. The over turning of the Omaha police board and the naming of a new commission at the dictation of John N. Baldwin of Iowa and David II. Mercer of the District of Columbia was brought about for Mr. Mercer's benefit by the pressure of these railroad corporations. Mr. Mercer has also secured from the eastern heads of other railroads which enter this city orders commanding their agents here to assist In his campaigning. In South Omaha the stock yards company and the great meat packing corporations are equally active in their efforts to brow beat their men into the support of the corporation candidate, and word has been passed along to the bosses to use every means to have the men vote the Mercer ticket at the coming primaries. The order received by the local man ager of a foreign brewery, with head quarters at St. Louis, not only to sup port Mercer, but to spend money In bis behalf, shows how desperate Mr. Mercer has become. He has brought this in fluence to bear, no doubt, through as sociates on his committee at Washiug ton, whom he has favored In the dis tribution of public building appropria tions. The question is whether the rank, and file of republicans can be clubbed Into line by such tactics. Is not the fact that these great corporations and foreign interests are going to such lengths to force Mercer's renomlnatlon convincing proof that he Is not the man we want to represent this district at Washington? If the corporations are under obliga tions to Mercer, why should they not pay their own debts, rather than to try to unload them forcibly niton us? Will the republicans of this district hold up their hands while Mercer ami his cor jKjrate allies perform the political high wayman's act? NO SETTLKMEST IN StOHT. Public Interest 1n the anthracite coal situation Intensifies as cold weather ap proaches and the price of coal advances. The latest announcement Is that there Is no prospect of a settlement. All ef forts thus far to settle the contest have come to naught aud both sides appear to be as obdurate and determined as at any time since the struggle begun. The operators will listen to no overtures. They will consent to nothing but a re turn to work of the miners on the old basis. The mine leaders, on the other hand, will not entertain such a proposi tion and profess confidence that they will yet win. Neither side is giving any consideration to the Interests, to say nothing of the rights, of the public. The probability appears to be that the operators will ultimately win and the Philadelphia Ledger, which has been fair and Impartial In Its discussion of the contest, udmonislies President Mitchell that It Is now time, before de feat becomes a rout, to consider not alone the interests of his uulon, but the needs of the public. It expresses the opinion that the operators, chastened by falling dividends and an outpouriDg of public sentiment, are not unwilling to mine coal and are probably disposed to open the way for resumption by afford ing terms to the miners on which they would gladly go to work. It declares that the time for obstinacy Is past. The counsel Is good, but! It Is to be ap prehended that It will not be heeded. Meanwhile the public looks helplessly on and the consumers of anthracite are seriously considering what they shall do the coming winter to keep warm. THE COLORADO SITUATION. The fuslonlsts have had six years of continuous power In Colorado, control ling every department of the state gov ernment. In that state, as elsewhere. they came Into power on prodigious promises of what they would do, but they have been stronger In promise than in performance. Thev promised in their platform immedi ate enactment of an eight-hour law for those who work In mines and smelters, a revenue bill that would equalize the burdens of taxation, taxation of cor porate franchises, municipal ownership of light and water plants and an honest and effective primary election law. All of these promises have been broken. Not a single one of the planks of thin alluring platform bus been carried out, notwithstanding the opportunity has been as complete as the duty was obvi ous. anlng majorities and the dying out of the silver craze have brought the democrats, who are the legatees of fuslonlsm in Colorado, face to face with the serious peril of losing the state, and they are now repeating their old promis sory tactics. The republicans last year forced the issue by demanding a con stitutional amendment to cover the eight-hour question and demanding ab solute home rule for Denver. They are going straight forward on the same line this year. The democrats and the populists have split With a record of unexampled extravagance in the con duct of the state government, in addi tion to violated pledges of reform, the now broken combination Is in fair plight to be defeated if the republicans can pull themselves together and avoid factionalism. This marks an immense change from a few years ago, when the state seemed hopelessly given over to the sliver infatuation. THB HOME MARKET. Intelligent farmers know the value of the home market. They also under stand how that' market has been built up and maintained. Therefore it is not probable that they will support a policy which would operate to the detri ment of the home market by injuring the manufacturing industries of the country. An Oregon agricultural paper, in con trasting the condition of the farmers of that state with those of the state of Washington, as shown in the census bulletins on agriculture, presents an in teresting object lesson as to the value of manufacturing industries to the farm ers. Oregon has less population than Washington and more farms. Wash ington does a great deal more manu facturing than Oregon and In all farm product, consumed at home the differ ence In favor of the Washington farmer Is very marked. The Seattle PoBt Intelllgencer says: "Taking up the cen sus figures on manufacturing It appears that In the state of Washington there are engaged in manufacturing, as own ers, proprietors, salaried clerks aud wage earners, 40,154 people, as coin- pared with 22,115 for Oregon a differ ence In favor of Washington of upwards of 18,000. On the basis of one wage earner for a family of five, this would give 00,000 more people whoso support comes from manufacturing In this state than In Oregon." It adds that this large excess in manufacturing popula tlou, with the home market afforded. Is worth In net Income not less than $30 a year to the average Wash ington farm and concludes: "It Is not and it cannot successfully be denied that the manufacturing In terests of the United States have been built up by the protective tariff. Wherever the population eu gaged In manufacturing is largest the home market for farm products Is Ixvt The protective tariff thus lienetlts the farmers to the full extent that it does any other class in the community. The prosperity of farmers 1 intimately al lied with the prosperity of the manu facturers." There are many Individual manufac turers In Nebraska and Iowa who em ploy thousands of people. They have been enabled by the protective tariff to establish and maintain their enterprises and pay good wages to their employes. The farmers of these states have de rived great benefit therefrom. Tl democratic policy Is to remove the pro tection under which these industries have been built up and to open the American market to the free admission of foreign manufactures. How long oould the Industries In these states survive such a policy 7 How long would they continue to give employment to the number of people they now do? As soon as the democratic policy went Into effect there would be a repetition of the experieuce of a few years ago. Man ufacturers would reduce the labor em ployed and curtail output In a brief time there would be an army of Idle people and wages would fall. Con sumption of all products would neces sarily decrease and prices would decline. The farmer would have much of his produce left on his hands, whereas now there Is an active demand for it at profitable prices. The Americun farmer Is most unwise who will vote to impair his home mar ket yet that would be the Inevitable result of democratic tariff policy, as experience has shown. In an Important decision the supreme court of Rhode Island sweeplngly sus tains a law passed by the last legisla ture limiting the hours of labor on street car lines, regardless whether the em ployes of the street railway companies are willing to work a greater number of hours or whether they and the com pany agree and contract to do so. The court holds that the intent of the statute is to guard the public safety from serv ice too prolonged for alertness in the exercise of reasonable care, and says: "This being so, the public safety cannot be made dependent upon private con tracts." In other words, the court in terferes with "the laws of nature" In voked by the corporations. But it uses good sense, Just the same. The democrats of the Fifth Iowa dis trict begin their resolutions with the words, "We, the democrats of the Fifth district." ' The convention waa com posed of Just eight men. All of them urged each delegate present In turn to accept the congressional nomination and all irrevocably declined. Finally they nominated an absent brother, who, the moment he heard of it telephoned his refusal. The "convention" had by that time adjourned. ' Our nonresident congressman may pre vail on all the bank presidents la town to go on his primary delegations, but it must be remembered, that the vote of the richest bank president weighs no more in the ballot, box than the vote of the poorest day laborer.,' . As soon as ex-Governor Boles gets fairly started in bis contest with Speaker Henderson,- we shall know the platform on which he will make his race for the democratic presidential nomination. . SlfnlSeant HtMmklaaea, Chicago Tribune. Again, the trusts may be like the Mis sissippi river, because there Is a great gulf ahead of them. vTendencr to Matt In. Indianapolis News. It !s bard to separate the sbeep from the goat trusts, as all of them are disposed to butt In whenever and wherever they can. Any Port la a Storau. Cleveland Leader. The big meat trust Is to have a rival. If that results In a reduction In the price of meat the people will have reason to re joice. But the big crop of corn and the bountiful fall pastures will lower the price. anyway. Heels Off, and Llstea. Baltimore American. If the plutocratlo kings of the coal re gions will remove the Iron heel from the neck of the consumer long enough for htm to get bis breath they may hear him suggest that he will be glad to pay that little 10 cents extra on the ton for which the miners ask. Dm This Settle Itt Springfield (Mass.) Republican (Ind.). Thirteen democratic state conventions thus far this year have refused to reaffirm the Kansas City platform, while fourteen have reaffirmed It. But these figures amount to very little. The next democratic national convention will get our a new platform that will not Indorse "18 to 1," and that is the main point. Poor Year for Profits. Kansas City Star. The profits of one of the firms which Is to be included in tbo packing house trust were only $8,000,000 last year. But it will be remembered that cattle and hogs were scarce, and that the sales of meat were considerably abridged by reason of the high prices which the packers were forced to ask for their products. Who Owaa the Coartr Chicago Chronicle. Senator Clark declares that Mr. Helnze must not be allowed to own the supreme court of Montana. Mr. Helnze Is equally Arm in his demand that Senator Clark shall not own the supreme court of Montana. In this situation there seems to be some reason to look for a surprising and unpre cedented condition of affairs In which, no body shall own the supreme court of Mon tana. Dipt! Come la lor a DIttt. Brooklyn Eagle. It Is quite remarkable, as well as for tunate that the dupes of the Franklin syndicate have been able to recover the $140,000 of their money which Miller turned over to bis lawyer and Seymour, Johnson Co. The evidence brought out in the liti gation shows that neither Miller nor the people .who received the money had the faintest Intention that It should ever reach those from whom it came. It was no doubt regarded as a neat egg put by for Miller after the law had got through with that remarkable swindler. The thorough venti lation which this Franklin syndicate and associated gut-rich-quick schemes have re ceived In the Imprisonment of Miller and the subsequent court proceedings In pur suit of his ill-gotten booty ought to protect people of this region from similar swindles for some time to coma, TUB COXGRE8SIOSAL CAMPAIGN. Columbus Edict: One of the moat popu lar buttons of late Is the McCarthy button. You can see them everywhere. There Is only one genuine, all the "others" are Imi tations. Bloomlngton Advocate: Judge Norrts, who Is the republican candidate for con gress In this district, la winning friends wherever he goes. He Is not only a tip top fellow, but he la an orator able to hold his own with any of the debators In the land. North riatte Tribune: Judge Ktnkald, the republican nominee for congress, is now actively in the field, and everywhere finds conditions very favorable. In fact the conditions are such that there Is scarcely any question but that the judge will be elected. SU Paul Republican: "Glneral" Barry made the mistake of firing a tew foolish questions at Judge Klnkaid in one of his campaign speeches last week and the judge didn't do a thing but answer every one of them In a manner which won applause and votes from the multitudes who heard him. Geneva Signal: It Is as unfair and un reasonable In the Gazette to charge that Jo Johnson is to be E. H. Hlnshaw's private secretary as It would be to charge that W. H. Thompson would appoint the editor of the Gazette to be his private secretary and draw the accompanying emolument of $2,000 per year if he were elected governor. Fairfield Herald: The republican party of the district made no mistake In the nomination of Judge G. W. Norrls of Mc Cook for congress. A man who has so successfully made his own way to the front as Judge Norrls has done Is the kind of man the people like to vote for. Every such nomination strengthens the party, for, after all, a party Is judged by its actions and not by Its platform. Scotts Bluff Republican: Klnkaid Is the man to elect in this district this fall. Is the almost universal sentiment In this part of the district. While the judge is not an excellent speech maker, he Is a worker from the word got and when he takes his seat in the lower house of congress next March, If you want anything done and done quickly all you will have to do U to let your wants be known to Moses P. Kinkald. Beemer Times: Newspaper comment all over the Third congressional district la In favor of J. J. McCarthy, and if it is any index to public sentiment Mr. McCarthy is safe in this district Many of the opposi tion papers speak well of him and none of them seem to find anything detrimental to him as a can. He Is unquestionably a good, conservative, yet active, man in pub lic affairs and will be a safe man to send to Washington. All Indications point to hia election la November. McCook Republican: One of the most noted features of Hon. G. W. Norrls" ad dresses at non-polltlcal gatherings Is that they are not political speeches made In his own Interests and to further his own cauee. They are entertaining, interesting. instructive and patriotic and enjoyed by every hearer, of all political parties. "The poor man's friend has the good taste not to thrust partisan politics on a defenseless public, and the aforesaid public appreciate it. The pubic knows what he Is and where he stands and will endorse both him and his views next November. Juniata Herald: To send a democrat to congress, when the administration le en tirely republican. Is about aa wise as It would be to Send a Methodist to a Presby terian conference. The Methodist might be permitted to lead In prayer once in a while, but if he began to ask favors, or de mand recognition, a couple of elders would be apt to lift him up by the coat collar and drop him over the transom. When Judge Norrls goes to Washington to represent the Fifth district be will be In harmony with the powers, and when he wants something for his constituents he will get it. Kearney Hub: General Barry wants to discuss the "Issues" of the campaign with Judge Kinkald. So far so good. But when the proposition is all summed up the thing Is so simple that It hardly rises to the dig nity and Importance of Joint debate. The only question is whether the prosperous conditions that haVe been brought about by the policy of the republican party shall be continued, or whether we shall revert to the old regime of uncertainty. Inertia and general paralysis. It should not be neces sary to do more than ask General Barry whether he Is In favor of continuing those conditions, or whether he would if elected join with the democrats In congress who again boldly advocate a policy of free trade. Syracuse Journal: Fuslonlsts are claiming that Hanks will carry this county by 500 votes. These claims are large and groundless. Otoe county has a clear republican majority on a party vote and a congressman Is surely entitled to his party vote. While Hanks Is a resident of this county and some republicans on first thought might feel that county pride de manded that (hey vote for htm. second thought will readily convince them that It Is their duty to support the administration by word and act, and the plain way to do this Is to cast aside county pride, per sonalities and other side Issues and vote for E. J. Burkett. His record In con gress has been clean and satisfactory, and President Roosevelt wants to see blm re turned to congress. Central City Nonparlel: It Is for the people of the Third district to decide whether they will have actual representa tion In congress or not. As It stands now, and will continue if John S. Robinson Is re elected, the Third district Is, from a practi cal standpoint, without representation. Congressman Robinson may be a man of fair ability, but arrayed as- be Is against the administration and the majority in con gress, his constituents cannot hope for any practical results from bis labors. The Third district showed Itself In sympathy with republican policies by giving McKlnley a majority. It should now demonstrate an Interest In its own welfare by sending a representative to congress who will be In a position to accomplish something for' the good of his constituents. Hartington Tribune: There are many reasons why Hon. G. W. Norrls should be elected to congress to represent the Fifth district. Most of these reasons are ap parent to even the most superficial mind. We have no disposition to decry the merits of Mr. Norrls" opponent. Mr. Shallen berger Is an able man, a fluent speaker and a successful man of business. His personal character Is above reproach. But It Is not of Mr. Shallenberger's personal character that we would speak. Judge Norrls stands for those principles and policies which brought the country from under the spoil of panic disaster Into the sunlight of pros perity. Mr. Shallenberger, with misdirected zeal, stands for those policies which have spelled disaster to American Industry, pros trated business, closed factory doors, opened soup houses, filled the highways and by ways with marching "Coxweala armies" and forced the government to become a borrower In time of peace. If re-elected he will continue to work to bring back to effect those-eame policies and principles. David City Banner: E. H. Hlnshaw the republican candidate for congress In this district, delivered an eloquent address at the Catholic picnic at Center Tuesday, which was highly appreciated by all who beard blm. His speech was not a politi cal one, he not even mentioning the fact that he was a candidate for office. Mr. Hlnshaw took for his subject the develop meet of the west from Its early discovery up to the present time, making some com parisons of pioneer life with the present; spoke of the expansion of our country from lu early history until the boundary ex tended to the Pacific ocean oa the west, Dominion of Canada on the north, and Mexico and the gulf on the south; called attention to the national progress, civili zation and commerce until we have become mistress of land and sea, and that we are now teaching civilisation and principles of civil government to the nations which gave birth to the human race. Mr. Hln shaw Is a fluent speaker and a gentleman and Is making a clean campaign, not re sorting to the schemes of the demagogic politician, which Is making friends for him wherever he goes. CONTROL AMD OWNERSHIP, nock Island Directors Abandon Minority Control. Chicago Tribune. The directors of the new Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific company have withdrawn from a position which was supported by the law, but which was attacked by the public. Legal sanction has yielded to current opinion. The state of New Jersey gave the Rock Island directors certain rights. People in general protested against the ex ercise of those rights. The directors de cided that people In general were of more consequence to them than the state of New Jersey. The case was this: The Rock Island's articles of Incorporation gave the directors the right to buy and sell the company's stock, to call In outstanding shares and bonds, to reissue those shares and bonds and. In general, to contract or expand capi talization In a way which Is generally sup posed to be a special prerogative of the shareholders. The dangers of such a sys tem are perfectly clear. Here we have a small group of men who, perhaps, own only a minority of the stock of their company. By virtue of their position on the board of directors these men are able to begin and continue a financial policy which, to those who own a majority of the stock, may be most objectionable. In matters of great importance such directors are able to vote the stock of the company as If they were owners Instead of administrative officers. They are also able to use the company's money In stock market operations. The temptations lurking In this arrangement need not be dwelt upon. The directors would have all the opportunities which go with control and might have none of the responsibilities which go with ownership. The scheme was, therefore, a flagrant violation of the sound business principle that control and ownership ought to be lodged In the same person. No other ar rangement offers any safeguard. There are special reasons just now why public attention is attracted to this matter. The great railroads of t,he country are In a period of prosperity. They are accumulat ing large surpluses and large credits. They have, therefore, become the object of In tense speculative Interest. The purchase of the Rock Island by the Moorea and the purchase of the Louisville & Nashville by Mr. Gates and his friends have opened the eyes of the public to the speculative possi bilities of such transactions. Competitive building, the dictation of rates, the utiliza tion of credit for the purpose of buying other roads or of carrying on extensions, the utilization of control for the purpose of distributing the surplus, the wanton dis turbance of existing conditions these are lines of action which are open to the men who are now buying up the control of rail road properties. It Is evident, therefore, that control should not be lodged In the hands of men whose interest In the prop erty Is purely speculative and whose move ments are not under the dtrect supervision of the real owners. A STRIKING METAPHOR. Illuminating- Idea of the President oa the Trust Problem. Minneapolis Tribune (rep.). President Roosevelt, In his recent series of speeches, has been talking all around the trust question without saying anything really new or offering any new sugestlons In the way of solution. But he has shown a spirit of sincerity and earnestness, tempered with conservatism, that has pleased the people. In bis attitude toward trusts he Is not a cowboy forcing his cayuse recklessly over the stringers of a railroad bridge, but a cautious rider seeking a broad and firm highway for a definite movement. He does not propose to de stroy corporations, but to prune down the excrescence of capitalistic monopoly. In his speech at Wheeling he hit upon a happy and striking metaphor. He said that no one could dam the current of the Mississippi, but that we can build levees and keep the current within bounds and shape Its direction. "So." he added, "with the great corporations known as trusts. We cannot dam them; ws cannot reverse the In dustrial tendencies of the age, but we can control and regulate them so that they will do no harm. A flood comes down the Mis sissippi river. Tou cannot stop it, but you can guide It between the levees so as to prevent Its doing Injury, so ss to Insure Its doing good." This Is a little gem of rhetoric that will play an Important part in the trust discus sion from this time on. It opens up at a glance, even to the humblest understand ing, a comprehensive view of the whole question. It reveals the folly of the ex tremists who would destroy the organiza tions that have done so much to put this country In the front rank Industrially, and demonstrates the strength and consistency of the plan of regulation and control. Though not so condensed, the metaphor Is as forceful In Its appeal to common sense as Lincoln's famous saying that "It is dangerous to swap horses while crossing a stream." It Is a saying that will stick like a burr in the public mind. Top This is the season when a light weight overcoat is a luxury, A little later it is a necessity. Get yours now and have full use of it. $10.00 to $30.00. A great variety in both lengths and materials. Exclusive Clothiers and Furnishers. R. 8. Wilcox, Manager. PERSONAL KOTKS. Just st present 8t. Louis is attracting more attention with Its boodlers than with Its world's fair. General Fltzhush Lee has been elected president of the Jamestown Exposition company and has accepted the office. The trolley cars on the line where the president was hurt are ambitious. One of them ran into a steam roller the other day. So prevalent has the plstol-earrylng habit become In Memphis that Judge Moss, pre siding In one of the local courts, has In structed the grand jury to make inquiry regarding the evil. Colonel William Glazier and his party el ten New England college men, whs sailed from Boston for Labrador on July 10, have just returned home. An unknown river In Labrador was discovered by the party. Troubles never come singly. Just st the long-suffering public begin to loolf toward the oil wells of Texas for a substi tute for the no longer affordable coal, ws hear that the Texas oil fields are all ablaze. Theodore C. Bales, a Massachusetts flnsn cler and promoter, travels net a lltttle In connection with projects he has on hand, but always carries with him a supply of drinking water front hl farm In the old hay state. The water Is from a spring near the spot where took place one of the most ter rible Indian massacres In all the history of Massachusetts. Sir Richard Sedden, premier of New Zea land, displayed great activity in sending colonial troops to South Africa. On one oc casion a political opponent said to' htm: "You are ready enough to send our sons and brothers to be shot at. but" The rugged premier Interrupted: "Sir, this morning I signed a commission for my own son. He will be shot at, too, and I dared him to come back without a wound." MIRTH Ft I. REMARKS. Washington Star: "We recognize an Englishman." said the American, "by tha way he dropps his h's." "Yes." answered the Englishman; "and we recognize an American by the way he lets go of his money." Chicago Tribune: Wealthy American Father-in-Law-1 And, count, you did not tell me the full extent of your debts. Count Boylon de Itakkovlsnek And you did not tell me, sare, se full extent of mademoiselle's tempare. Detroit Free Tress: "And did you speak to papa, dearest?" "Yes; but I'm In doubt aa to what the old gentleman means." "What did he sayT" "He either said he'd cut you off without assent or without a cent." "Philadelphia Press: "I tell yew" de clared the agriculturist with long whiskers, "if Thomas Jefferson wus alive he'd be a populist." "Come to think of it. there is something In common between Jefferson and the popu list party." "Eh? Yew admit It?" "Yes. Jefferson's dead." Chicago Post: "Are you educating your son for any particular calling?" "Yea." "What?" "Well, he made his own selection and as near as I can II nd out he Is educating him self to be the husband of an heiress. ' Chicago Tribune: "He comes to see you about a month, docs ha?" s&td tha homely cousin. "He. must be a mighty poor excuse for a lover." "A poor excuse Is better than none I" retorted the girl In the pink shirt waist, glaring at the other, who hadn't any lovers at all. WALLS OP CORN. Ellen P. Allerton. " (. Smiling' and beautiful, heaven's dome bends softly over our prairie home. . But the wide, wide lands that stretched away. Before my eyes in the days of May; niu :' y Tha rolling prairie's billowy swell,' Breezy upland and timbered dell; ' Stately mansion and hut forlorn All are hidden by walls of corn. f All the wide world Is narrowed down To walls of corn, now sere and brown. What do they hold these walls of corn, W hose banners toss In the breeze of morn I He who questions may soon be told A great state's wealth these walls enfold. No sentinels guard these walls of corn. Never la sounded tha warder's horn; Yet the pillars are hung with gleaming gold, Left all unbarred, though thieves are bold. Clothes and food for the tolling poor; Wealth to heap at the rich man s door, ' Meat for the healthy and balm for him Who moans and tosses In chamber dim; Shoes for the barefoot, pearls to twins In the scented tresses of ladles fine; Things of use for the lowly cot. Where (blew the corn)! want cometa not) Luxuries rare for the mansion grand. Gifts of a rich and fertile land. All these things and so many more. It would fill a book but to name them o'er, Are hid and held In these, walls of com. Whose banners toss In the breeze of morn. Where do they stand, these walls of cern, Whose banners toss In the breeze of morn? Open the atlas, conned by rule. In the olden days of the district school.' Point to this rich and bounteous land. That yields such fruits to the toiler's hand, "Treeless desert" they called It then, Haunted by beasts and forsook of. men. Little they know what wealth untold ' Lay hid where the desolate prairies rolled. Who would have dared.. with brush or pen Aa this land Is now, to paint It then? And how would the arise onea' have laughed In scorn, Had prophet foretold thexe walls of corn Whose banners toss In the breeze of morn I Coats t