Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 16, 1902, Page 5, Image 5
THE OMAHA DAILY HKK: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1002. LIST ONE GOES TO SHNTS - . r Kclibbto Wind dp Hit 8tata in Omaha ; ; with a Vktjrj. INFIELD ERRORS ACCOUNT FOS THE RUNS Bolh Tmn, Offend1 Agnliit the Tra dition of (innd Rait Hall by. Erratic Work at Critical , , Momruli, 1 Attendance, W. A thousand people gathered it Vinton street park yesterday to see Omaha take the last game of the series from 8t. Joseph, but It tiio'l done. Instead. Dolan's error In the seventh let In two runs that tied toe score, and a Utile tired feeling on the part of Thomas In the eighth permitted the visitors, to win by fi to 4. Let It be said It was none of Alloway's Mult, for he pitched Well enough to win. The gome was all Omaha's till that sev enth, despite the fact that the boys were playing distinctly "day after" ball. Every run the Faints made but one was secured through luxrlous local , Infield errors, but MoKlbben's men were also dopey and let Omaha have two the very same wsy. Then Etewart and his band proved agile enough with the atick to earn a couple more, sod that should have meant an easy victory. The Saints started the scoring by taking one In the second, Rohe pushing the ball lo Oenlns. who threw It somewhere out In right Meld, allowing 'Rohe to go to third. Hall's single scored him. Omaha came right bark with two n the same Inning. Dolan singled. Stewart took first an Maher's srror. and Oondlng's double did the rest. In the fourth the Rangers did it again, Conding going clear' around the bags on a little Infield slam, Braehear and Hall mak ing Clvers errors In an attempt to stop Johnny at different centers of the diamond. In the fifth the Saints waked up and Chlnn tripled, scoring immediately afterwards on a pussed ball. The locals offset that score ' In their half by landing Wright, who had taken bis base on fielder's choice, and who ' tallied on Stone's three-bagger. So the score waa 4 to 2, and. there didn't seem to be a show for the Strangers. Nome Hlokly Bute Rail. Tha seventh and eighth upturned every thing, planer started the seventh with a double, and Chlnn took first on Wright's error. Reynolds went out, and Brashear hit easy to Dolan, but the shortstop failed to connect, and the two on basea scored. In the eighth Rohe singled. Garvin sacrificed . him. to second, and Hall singled to shall r middle. It was a sharp hit ball, and Thomas had It before Rohe was well away from third. , But after some study Tommy eon ,. eluded It waa too much of an effort to throw one, so held the ball, Rohe tallying. All in all, the bright feature of the play was the work of Garvin at catch. He was a busy star all the afternoon, ciptur'ng botanic fouls. Hall and Reynolds also did ne job' of fast fielding each In the third. It waa ladles' day, and the generous coi diallty of the sex was well Illustrated In the. grandstand. Two women from St. Jo seph were there clapping their defenders' successes. Every . time they started to cheer: some Don other women biased them clear under their cushions. There Is no game today, as the Peor'.a team does not arlva In time to play. To headers with the Distillers, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Score: ST. JOSEPH. . ..'. AB. R. II. O. A. ; Reynolds, rf. 4 0 0 4 1 Wrashear. lb. ..5 0 2 10 1 Jlurtman. cf.... 4 0 0 6 0 Meinen, ir ,...a. o w u o u .M., 1p,,.w,..,i ... .1 ,0 5 0 tin, v.... u 1 a u v 2b. 4 0 2 0 1 1 Muher, as 4 1110 1 Chlnn. p -, 4 2 1 0 S 0 Ilall Totals 35 S g 27 12 1 OMAHA. AB. R. H. 0. A. K, (Jenlns. Jo........ 4 0 2 2 6 1 farter, rf 2 0 0 0 1 0 Wright, lb........ 4 1 1 0 1 Ntone, lf.....v 4 0 110 0 lmlan. hh 4 '1 2 2 ( 1 Stewart, !!.,..., 4 10 16 0 Thomas, rf 8 0 0 0 0 0 ttondtng. c 4 1110 0 A llowt.y, p 3 o 1 1 10 Foreman 1 0 0 0 0 0 '. ToUla S3 4 7 27 18 4 Batted for Alloway in the ninth. St. Joaeph 0 10 0 10 2 1 0 4 Omaha 0 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 04 Itchers were hit hard ore: HUE. !envcr 0 1 1 ft 7 a 1 8 H U 1 Peoria 0 2 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 14 3 Batteries: Denver, I,empke and Wilson; Peoria. Jones and McCaueland. COLORADO KPRINOS, Fept. IS.-Hard hitting by the visitors netted them seven runs In the second inning ami cinched the gnme. All the runs were made after two men were out. Score: RUE. Milwaukee 1 7 ( 1 0 1 0 0 010 13 6 Colo. Pprlngs .4 0 1000310 IS 4 Batteries: Milwaukee. Kennn and Kvera: Colorado Springs. Oiiatnn and Raerwald. Steading of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. P.C, Denver 1X1 so 53 .i2 Milwaukee 129 77 52 ,M7 KunsiiH City 1H1 77 M itmahi 7S 55 .577 St. Joseph :u To 1 .M4 ColorRdo Springs 132 59 71 .447 Ilea Motnes tan fry so Peoria 128 35 93 .T:i No games today. GAMES IN NATIONAL LEAGUE Quaker Oata Crowd Hats Bess F.aters on the Pork la Two Guinea at Perm Town. PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 15.-Phlladelphla wrn two gnmea from Boston today by op portune hitting. Thi first game was poorly played, but brilliant fielding marked the s cond contest. A itendance, 956. Score, first game: PHILADELPHIA. BOSTON. R. H O A.K.I R.H.O.A.B. Thomaa. cf.. I 4 llLuak. rf 0 1110 Btrrr. rf IIIA lnnT. lb... HulMrltt. aa. t 1 1 8 rwxt.r. M Jrnnlnfa, lb. I i 14 t Oiiooley. I' Kmt. It 1 I Carney, rf. Dftuglas. c... 1 t I 0 0 Orem'ger. 3b. 1 I Urno, Jh ... 0 1 4 0 Long, lb 0 1 10 14 o Kitiriaae, e.. 1 1 1 1 elWIIIIa. p 0 I 1 1 i I 1 0 Child. 2b. inert, ... Totals ... T 7 17 II 11 Totala ... It 84 11 1 Philadelphia 04002010 Boston 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 1 1 Earned runs: Boston, 2. Two-base hit: Douglas. Three-base hit: Ureminger. Stolen bases: Oreen. CnlMs. Ieft on bases: Bonton, 8; Philadelphia. 4. First baae on balls: Off Willis, 3; oft I berg, 8. Struck out: By Willis. 6; by Iberg, 2. Time: 1:45. empire: Emslle. Score, second game: PHILADELPHIA. I BOSTON. R.H.O.A.B. R.R.O.A.E Thomas, ef... 110 Barry, rf 0 1 I Hulawltt, . 0 t 1 Jnninra, lb. 1 1 11 Krug, It 1 1 0 Shaa. e. . Dnoln, r... Ortwn. tb. Child, !b. Whlt. p.. 0 0 1 1 4 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 I.u.h cf 0 0 1 1 A 1 OiTenner. lb... 1 1 1 0 f. 1 IXinr, .... 0 1110 1 ,Ooalv, If.... 1 ! 4 0 0 darner, rf . . . 0 ft t 0 0 0 o'or.m'ter, 3b. 0 0 i 0 0 1 Ixm. lb 0 t 4 4 0 I 0 Moran. 0 1110 0 Plttlntar, .. 0 1 0 1 0 1 ! Demon t 0 0 0 Totals ...4 27 14 1 Totala ... I 0 14 11 Batted for Plttlnger In ninth. Philadelphia 10100011 - Borton 0001001 0-2 Earned runs: Boston, 1; Philadelphia, 2. Iwo-Dase hit: Jennings. Three-base hit Krug. Sacrifice hit: Tenney. Stolen baaes Carney. Krug. Dooln. Double Dlavs: De. ter to Long to Tenney. Moran to Chllds to Hulwwltt, Larry to Jennings, Jennings to (. nuus, Huiswltt to Chllds to Jennings. Left on bases: Boston. 7: Philadelphia. 5. First base on balls: Oft Plttlnger, 8; off unite, i. tut ty pitched nail: ay fit tlnger, 1. Struck out: By Plttlnger, 1; by wnue, s. lime: i:at. umpire: fetnsiie. Brooklyn Bumps It Bit? Neighbor NEW YORK. Sept. 15 -Brooklyn beat New York today In the first game of the stries. The visitors hit Mathewson freely. tut the poor fielding support given him waa really tne cause of defeat. Newton was lucky, as he began wildly, giving three bases on balls In the first Inning. It wan not until the close of the game that the local piayers louna mm. Attendance, z.ouu. Score: BROOKLYN. , NEW YORK. M H O A B. I R.H.O.A K Sbaekard. It. I I I 0 Browne. If. .. 1 I 1 0 Totals FCnrned runs: St. Joseph. 1: Omaha, i Three-bHFe hits: Chlnn, Stone. Two-base hits: Muher, Gondlng, Oenlns. Sacrifice ..... rtw I, llu,..n I V. .. . St. Joseph, 7; Omaha. . Bases on bails: .,tt!,bur tin Chlnn, l; orr Alloway, 8. Htruck out: By Chinn, 2; by Alloway. 1. Hit by pitched ball: By Chlnn, Thomas. Passed ball: Oondlng. Double plays: Dolan to Stewart to Wright. Stewart to Dolan to Wright, 'lime: 1:30. Umpire: Moran. Kaw Crowd Bows to Iowaaa. DES MOINES. Sept. 15.-Des Moines won a . cloaely contested game from Kansas City todaV. In the eighth Inning, with the basea full, Welmer weakened and gave a base on balls, forcing In one run. Attend ance, WO. Score: R H E Pes Moines 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 8 Kannas City ...0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 02 t 2 Batterlea.v Pes Moines, Feeney and Lo beck; Kansas City, Welmer and Wilson. fwrntf-Oaa Roan 4 Trlpa at Denver. DENVER, Sept. 15. Today's game waa innlhw ....... t,w , V. n kM 1) . W ." tll L..U Chan. a. lb.. Kilns, c Ttnk.r. haafar. lb... Kvara. 2b. Menafae. LuBdgraa, p. Totala R.H.n A C.I Beaumont, cf 1 4 I 0 Parrall, lb i larita, ir. ... s i i e lioaoh, 3b.... 1 1 I t Sabrlnf, rf... 1 8 8 1 BranaSald. lb 1 II t Burka. lb 1 I 4 Conrojr. sa... 8 4 Phalpa, c I 1 0 I Laavar. p.... 0 0 0 8 ABSOLUTE SEGUR1TY. ), - Genuine J Garter's LittlQ Liver PUls. Must t44' Slcnatur 4f Keeler, rf.... 0 1 8 0 0 Hraan'h'a. rf. 1 1 0 0 Dolan. of 8 8 1 0 0 McUann. lb.. 0 1 I 1 0 Ilahien. aa... 118 10 Brodla, ef.... 0 0 10 0 rarrall, lb... 0 1 8 0 Bow.rman, e. 0 1 8 0 Flood, lb 11 8 0 Laudar, 3b... 1 4 8 I Irwin, lb 1 1 8 0 0 Bmlta, :.... 118 3 1 Rlttar, c..,.. 0 1 8 2 0 Dunn, aa 0 0 8 8 0 Nawtan, p.... 0 1 0 8 0 JSatbawaou, p 0 0 0 8 0 Totala ...7 1137 I vl ToUla ... 3 0 37 13 8 rorooklyn 30010021 0-7 New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 . Earned rune: New York. 2: Brooklyn. 7. Left on baaes: New York, 10; Brooklyn, 8. First base on errors: Brooklyn. 6. Double plays: Lauder to Smith to McGann. Rltter to Dahlen. IJahlen to Flood. Struck nut: By Mathewton. 7; by Newton, 2. Hit by pucnea Dan: new-ion. Time: 1:46. Urn fire: Latham. Jaat On Mlaaoarlaa Gets Arnanal. ST. IiOUIS, Sept. IB. Leever pitched a Splendid game today. McFarland, for merly of Cedar Rapids, pitched the last mree innings ior tst. louis ana did well Beaumont's batting was tne leading fea ture. Aitenaance, l.aju, score: PITTSULRO. 8T. LOII8. R.H OA e 1 3 4 8 1 0 fimoot, cf . ... 0 1 8 1 0 Barclay, If... 0 0 3 0 1 0 Donovan, rf.. 0 1 0 0 1 Nlchola, lb... tint 0 Kruger, aa. .. 0 1 1 8 : 0'Calhoun, lb.. 0 0 3 1 . OiWearar, a 0 0 4 1 1 1 Wicker, d 0 0 0 ! McParl'd, p.. 0 0 0 1 i I 13 87 II 3 ' Totala ... 1 inn 8 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 St. Louie . 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 01 Earned runa: Pittsburg. S. Two-bsse hits: Nichols, Beaumont. Phelps. Three- base hit: Beach. Double play: Sebrlng 10 nurae 10 nransneia. rassea dbii: Phelps. Innings pitched: Wicker, 8: Mc Parian, 3. Stolen bases: Clarke, Sebrlng Bases on balls: Off Leaver, 1. Hits: Off Wtcker, ll; oft McFarlan, 1. Left on bases St. Iouls, ; Pittsburg, S. Time: 1:42. empire: O Day. Caleaaro Wlaa at the Post CHICAGO. Sept. 16. Three aingles and a double gave the locals three runs In the first Inning. Their other runa were made by bunching hits with bases on balls and errors. Lundgren was wild, but be kept the visitors' hits well scattered. Attend ance, 200. Score: CHICAOO. CINCINNATI. H.H.O.A.B.' H O A B. ftlagle. If 1 3 8 8 0 Donlln. If.... 10 10 0 111 0 Beck lay. lb.. 1 111 0 0 11111 Crawford, rf . 1 3 0 0 0 3 3 111 Hayaiour. of.. 0 8 3 1 0 13 14 0 Plrta. lb 1 I I 3 0 0 3 0 1 Corcoran, a. 0 0 I 8 0 0 118 0 Sialnt.ldt. lb 0 1 1 4 1 .0 0 1 0 0 Rrtin, 0 0 4 8 0 .0108 OTblaiman. p.. 0 0 0 0 0 Kalley 0 0 0 0 .8 11 37 13 I ' I ToUla ... 3 37 17 8 Batted for Thlelman In ninth. Chicago 3 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 04 Cincinnati 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0-3 !ft on bases: Chicago. 7: Cincinnati. 8. Two-base hits: Kllng. Berkley, Seymour. Haorim-e hits: Chance Blagle. Stolen bases: Blagle, Chance, kllng. Shaefer (2), Donlln, Crawford, Berkley. Double plays: Single to Shaefer; Tinker to Kvers to Chance. Pu!ed ball: Bergen. Buses on balls: Off Lundgren. 6: off Thlelman. 2. Time: 1:56. I'mplre: Brown. taasUstal of the Teams. risnk. 1. Struck out: Bv Plank, 3: by Dlneen, 3. Time: 2:4o. t'mpire: Connolly. Score second game: PH1LADKLPHIA P08TON. R.H.O.A K I R It O A t Haniel. If... 110 0 nouaherty. If 0 I A 0 0 10 Parent, ....! 8 3 I 0 4 0 0 Stahl. cf . . . 1 0 0 l olllra. lb . 1 0 C Fwfman, rf. 3 0 0 Ij. h'.-c. Ih 4 11 Parrla. 7b... 4 e rrir. r 1 0 Youns. p.... 0 110 1 0 0 3 1 0 0 1 A 0 0 14 A 3 11110 A 1 I 2 I 0 0 0 t 1 Pulli. rf 1 0 !!. lb 3 8 L. I'raaa. lb. 1 I Syhold. rt. . . 0 0 Mtirphy. 2b. .. 1 I M. t'maa, pa. I 1 S.hrr k. r... t I Waddrll. p... 0 1 i Totala ... 8 10 24 T ll Totala ...2 T 24 14 I Philadelphia 0 0 0 1 fi 0 0 28 Boston 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 02 Earned runs: Philadelphia 2: Boston. 1. Two-bas4 hits: L. Cross, Schreck, Wnd dell, parent. Freeman, Crlger. Stolen base: iwugnerty. louire play: rerrts to La Chance. First base on balls: Off Wadded. 1; off Young, 1. Struck out: By Wadded, 1; by Young, 2. Time: 1:40. empire: Con nolly. Called end of eighth on account of dark ness. Washington One to the liood. BALTIMORE, Sept. 15. Washington won the first game of Its double-header with Baltimore today In the tenth Inning. Dark nens closed the second content In the fifth Inning, with the score a tie. Attendance, 1,032. Score first game: WA8H1NOTON. BALTIMORE R H O A. E l K.H O A 1. Doyle. 3b.... Ran, cf Keleh'ty, If., Kelater. rf... Couahlln. 3b Carer, lb... Ely. an Drill, e Orth, p 0 3 1 I 1 1 I 1 3 14 3 I ( 0 3 11 1 1 3 1 3 8 10 0 3 O'MrFarl'd. cf. 1 0 0 Sclbarh, If... 3 0 0 Howell. 3b... 3 0 I T Jonea. lb. 1 1 0 Arndt, rt 1 1 0 klathlinn. lb. 0 4 0 Ollhert. -... 0 0 0 Roblneon. c. . 0 3 OiWiitae, p 1 I 0 Totala ...111130 13 1 Totala ...8 14 80 14 8 Washington 0 1 0 1 4 0 2 0 0 811 Baltimore 00000203308 Sacrifice hit: Orth. Two-bsse hits: Howell. T. Jones f2, Keister. Carey. Mc l'arlurul. Three-base hits: Selbach. Dele hanty. Home runs: Coughlln, Howell. Double plays: Doyle to Klv to Carey, Coughlln to Carey, Matblsnn to Howell to Jones. First base on balls: Off Wlltse, 1. Ptrjck out: By Orth, 2. Passed ball: Rob inson. IWt on bases: Baltimore. 5; Wash ington, 8. Time: 1:46. Umpire: John eu ne. Score, second game: BALTIMORE. 1 I WASlllNdTON. R.H.O.A.B. R H.O.A E Wi-Farl'd. cf. 0 1 3 0 0 Doyla. 2h 0 1 t I 0 Selbach, If... 0 0 1 0 0 Ryan, rf 1110 0 Howell. 2b... 1 1 8 0 OlDaleh'ty, If.. 118 0 4 T. Jonra. lb. 3 3 3 0 O Kelater. cf... 3 1 0 0 1 Arndt. rf 0 0 1 0 0 CouaMln. 3b. 0 1 10 0 Malhlaon, lb. 1 0 0 0 OjCarey, lb 0 14 0 Ulllwrt, aa... 0 0 3 3 0'Rly. aa 0 0 1 3 8 Pmltn, c 0 0 0 3 0' Drill, c 0 0 8 0 Butlar. p 03 O.Towneend. p. 1 0 Totala ...4 4 13 8 01 Totala ...4 7 1 8 Baltimore 0 1 0 2 14 Washington S 0 1 0 04 Stolen bases: Keister (3). Coughlln. Double play: Ely to Carey. First base on balls: Off Butler, 1: off Townsend. 1. Hit by by pitcher: By Townsend, 1. Struck out: By Townsend. 6. Left on bases: Bal timore, 4; Washington, 4. Time: 1:00. em pire: jonnsnone. Detroit Drops Both to Chicago. CHICAOO, Sept. 15. The locale won both of today's games. Bunched hits In the third and sixth Innings scored all their runs In the first game. Callahan was In food form. Durham, a new man. pitched or Chicago In the second game. He would have lost, but for the excellent support given him. The same was called In the Heventn because or darkness. Attendance 1,100. Score, f.r3t game: CHICAGO. R.H.O.A.B. Si rang. 3b... 2 3 111 Jnnea. cf 0 3 3 0 0 Green, rf 0 8 0 0 0 Darla, aa 1 0 3 1 l Wane. If.... 1 0 1 0 V Daly. 2h 0 3 3 3 1. iKhell. lb.... 1 1 8 U I. MrKarl'd, .. 1 0 8 l CaMahan, p.. 1 1 8 It DETROIT. R.H.O.A Harley, If. ... 0 0 Caaey. Sb.... 0 0 Klberf.ld, a, ft 0 Barrett, cf... 1 1 McAI'a'r, lb. 0 0 Yaaser. rf.... 1 3 O'Connall, 2b 0 0 Ruelow, c 0 0 McCarthy, p. 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 3 3 ft Totala ... 7 11 27 13 2 Totala ... 3 8 14 Chicago 0 0 2 0 0 6 0 0 7 Detroit 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 02 Left on bases: Chicago, 8; Detroit. 2. Three-base hit: Barrett: Sacrifice hits: Jones, Daly. Double play: Callahan to Davis to Isbell. Struck out: By Callahan, 8; by McCarthy, 2. Bases on balls: Off Callahan, 1; off McCarthy. 6. Hit with ball: McCarthy, Mertes. Wild pitch: McCarthy. Time: 1:36. Umpires: Carruthers and Sheridan. Score, second garne: TOMMY RYAN IN SIXTH ROUND tilr Dclar8 Him Victor Ovar Kid Cartsr at Fort Eri. HONOR ISN'T WON WITHOUT A STRUGGLE Carter Is Fit as a Man (oald Be and Gives the Veteran Plenty to Talalt Of 4 aallenaers t rorrd Ring aide. the 144-pound championship. Tnm the be ginning of the bout the American forced the fighting and rushed his opponent. I'ntll the eluth round Connolly appeared to he a sure winner, but In that round the English man nearly succeeded in knocking the American out. After this round tor the rest of the light Wotnllty took the le d and aron easllv. The bout was one of the fiercest ever eeen In the Wonderland club. CRICAOO. R.H.O.A.B Strang, 3b... 1 3 0 Jnnea, cf... Orean, rf. .. Da via. aa... Uertea, If. . Daly. 3b... Iabell, lb.. Sullivan, o. Durham, p. 13 1 0 13 I .114 t lit 10 3 110 0 ft 8 . 0 0 0 8 1 l 1 (i 8 c DETROIT. R.H.O.A.B. Harley, If.... 0800 Caaey. 3b 10 0 10 Elberfeld. a. 1 3 1 1 1 Barrett, cf... 0 13 0 1 McAI'a'r, lb. 0 3 t 0 Yaamr, rr'.. 1 1 0 O'Conaall. 2b 0 ft 0 3 0 Duelow, c... 0 0 4 1 0 Mullln, p..... ft 8 3 8 Totals ...4 8 21 13 1 Totals ... 3 8 11 8 8 Chicago 0 2 0 0 2 0 -4 Detroit 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 8 Left on bases: Chicago, 6; Detroit, 8. Two-baae hit: Green. Three-base hit: M'Jllln. Sacrifice hlta: O'Conneil, Barvett. Stolen bases: Strang, Jones. Struck out: By Mullln, 3. Baas on balls: Off Dur ham. 4; oft Mullln, 3. Time: 1:30. Umpires: Sheridan and Carruthers. Standing? of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. P C, Philadelphia 124 Tt 50 .6A7 St. Louis 124 70 64 .665 Boston 124 68 66 .567 Chicago 123 68 ' :i .&3 Cleveland 127 65 62 .612 Washington 126 67 68 . 4A8 Detroit ra 48 76 .:m Baltimore 124 46 78 .371 Oames today: Washington at rhlladel- h!a, Baltimore at Boston, Detroit at St. .outs. a$as fWilts Wrap par rYatr aaaU aava aa I to taava aa awur I CARTER'S! raiiumAttE. roi iizzircss. rei nuoytiESt, fci Teini tivti. rei co.jtipaticj. raitiiiiw tui. rCITMlCOMfUUCl X-UC tlCK HIAOAOMS . BIDS FOR SALVAGE. Sealed bids will be received at the offlta f the Omaha Auditorium company. New York Ufa building, until noon Thursday September 18, 1802, for lumber aad salvage at th Musical Festival grounds, Fifteenth aad Capitol avenue. Th right to reserve tk mala otraaca aad gateways, and to reject aajr and all bids. Is reserved. Played. Won. Lost. P C. Pltmburg 119 86 24 .7X6 Brooklyn 127 S9 68 .f.4.1 Boston 122 ' : 62 80 .60S Cincinnati 138 ' 84 64 .;) Chicago '..12K 64 64 ..MID St. Louis 123 bo 68 .447 Vhiladelphla .....' 125' M 74 .4'H New York 122 44 78 .361 IN AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Indianapolis Connects with Wolfe at Kansas City (or Rlaraleea Hits, Which la Plenty. KANSAS C1TT, Sept. 16.-Indianapolls found Wolfe for eighteen hlta, while Kan sas City was unable to do anything with Williams until the sixth Inning. Attend ance, 600. Score: INDIANAPOLIS. I XAN8A8 CITY. R.H.O.A.B. R.H.O.A.B. Hog rievsr, rf 0 I 0 0 ol Rothfuaa, rf . 0 1 8 1 o:neTiiio, o... a l T 1 0 OiNanoa, 3b.. tlGear, cf.... 0' Leawa, aa Fox. tb 1 3 8 3 Coulter, cf... 1 I 1 Klnrn. lb 1 1 11 0 O'Brien, aa... 113 4 Woodruff. If. 1 3 Kuhna, lb.... 13 11 Heydnn, c. ... 8 8 T Wllllama, p.. 8 4 0 8 Totals ...11 11 37 11 I Smith, If..... Olbaon. If... Gannon, lb... MrAnd'a, 3b. Wolfe, p 3 3 13 0 0 I I 0 0 1 3 8 3 0 10 81 000 18 0 0 0 13 3 0 111 Games today: Brooklyn at New York. GAMES IN AMERICAN LEAGUR Hnnanla Beaten Twice More Before Ureat Crawal. BOSTON. Sept. 15. By taking both games today l'hlladelphla has practically put the homo team out of the running for the championship. A tremendous crowd that overflowed Into the field saw the two defeats of the Bostons. The errors of the visitors were lens costly and their hits more opportune lu the 11 rat game. In the second game Young was batted hard and often and received inferior support. This game was cut short by mutual consent. Attendance. 16.428. Score first game: PHILADELPHIA. BOSTON. K.H Oi l.' H H.O.A. B. Haniel. If .. k 1 IHmiherlr. If 1 Full;, rf 3 3 1 Paraot. aa.... 181 Davla. lb .... 1 11 Stahl. rf 114 8 L 3b. 3 1 1 I folllna, lb .. IIS Set be I a. rt... 83 Freeraas. rf.. 3 8 3 Mursnr. in.. 4 1 4 4 8 Lai'h'ea. lb..l 1 11 n Croae. as. ft I 6 3 Gleaaoa. tb. .. ft I 1 Powara. a.... I 18 Kerne, lb.... 111 Plana, p 33 ( riser, i 1 4 Dlaaaa, p.... I Totala ... 10 tl 11 1. I ToUla ... 4 10 It I Philadelphia 0 0 0 3 1 1 1 0 0-4 Boston 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 01 Karned runs- Philadelphia, 3; Boston, I. Two-bewie bile: titahl. LaChance. Stolen bases: Hartmel , Croewe, Dlneen. Double ilavs: (Slesson to Ij nance. Stahl In Col litis, first base on balls: Oft ltlneen, 2; Totala ... 8 10 IT It 1 Indianapolis 0 0 2 2 1 2 4 0 011 Kansas City 0 1 0 0 0 3 3 0 18 Earned runs:' Indianapolis, ' (; Kansaa City, 4. Two-base hits; Lewee, Gannon, Gear. Williams, Coulter. Three-base hits: Bnthfuss, Coulter. lieydon, Williams. Sacrifice hits: Gannon, Klhm, O'Brien. Stolen banes: Hogrtever (.1), Woodruff. Double play: O'Brien to Fog. Bases on balls: Off Williams, 6. Struck out: By Wolfe, 6; by Williams, 4. Time: 2:uo. Um pire: Miller. Halnts Sit on t'olnnahns. ST. PAUL, Sept. lo The locals bunched hits In the third and fifth innings and won from Columbus. Attendance, . Score: 8T. fALU COLIMBUS. U H O A E ( R.H.O.A.B). Ueler. ef 1 1 3 0 0 Hart, lb 1 I 11 0 0 Lumley, rf... 1 110 1 Reiiten. rf 1 Ml lard. If 1 McKarlaad. cf I 18 1 Hugalna. lb. . 3 113 (Turner, lb 8 13 Fertueoa. lb. I I 14 3 1 Vloi. 3b 131 Hurley, c 1 3 4 10 Knoll, If 1 Harcan. aa 8 1 Foi. a 4 1 Eaea. lb 1 8 Hopta, aa 18 8a rnapleekt. p. ..I 18 1 .ner, p 0 103 --jajera a a a a Totala ll38 tt I I Tatala 10 14 10 I llopke out on bunt strikes. Batted for Fox In the ninth. 8t. Paul 0 0 4 0 3 0 0 2 Columbus 8 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 08 Karned runs: St. Paul, 6: Columbus. 2. Two-base hit: Ferguson. Three-base lilts: Oeler, Lumley. Home runs: Hurley, Mc Farland. Sacrifice hlta: Wagner, Belden. Stolen baaes: Geler, Muggins t2l, Fergu son. Knoll. Double plays: Ferguson to Marcan, Fox to Hart. Hit by pitcher: Wag ner, Dillard. Bases on balls: Off Chap-lt-ekl, 1; off Wagner, 2. Struck out: By t napiesai, i: r.y wagner. i. i,rt on bases St. Paul, 8; Columbus, 11. Time: 1:62. Urn. pi re: Flggemeier. Mnndlaa; of Ino Teaaae. Played Won. Ist. PC Indianapolis 132 kN 44 .667 Louisville Ul K7 44 .bo4 St. Paul 130 71 .V .646 Kansaa City 64 66 . 492 Milwaukee U5 6.1 72 . 467 Columbus IU 61 72 .4 Minneapolis 1:41 62 78 .AS7 Toledo 134 42 82 .313 Games today: Columbus at St. Paul, To ledo at Minneapolis. oft Plank, lw Ull by fHchea ball. By Lou Cona. Home Ran Wlaa ttanto. M'COOK. Neb:. Sept. 15-f8peclal -Tele fram y McCuok won from Fatrbury today n the eleventh Inning on a home run by Jones, bringing In two scores, score: R.H K M.-Cook O 010003000 2-4 10 4 Fair bury 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 04 Batteries: Mi Cook, Beltser. Moore and Doane; rairbury. Heel and La Frame. Home runs: Converse, Jonas. Umuire: RINGSIDE. Fort ERIE, Ont., Sept. l.V Tommy Ryan may be the veteran of the middleweight In the prise ring, but he is still faf from a back number. Tonight, In the arena of the Fort Erie club, In a vic ious, bruising fight, he knocked out "Kid" Carter of Brooklyn In the last minute of the sixth round. The knockout wss clean and decisive and came chiefly as the result of the superior ring ganeralshlp of Ryan ring generalship which enabled him throughout to successfully evade or withstand the heavy onslaughts of his opponent. Sturdy and heavy in his hitting, proud of his endurance, full of energy, confident and ambitious. Carter was no mean opponent. In fact, be hustled Ryan throughout the fight, forcing him from corner to corner with wicked lunges which effectually destroyed any effort on Ryan's part to box prettily. Forced to fight, Ryan finally went at the game as few can. He stung and stabbed Carter until he had him bleeding and be wildered and then several well placed right arm Jolts on the Jaw tumbled the husky young fellow a bleeding mass of senseless humanity to the floor. tvtrr Did Ills Little nest. Carter fought gamely and tried bard, but be suffered about all the visible punishment that waa noted during the bout. Such men aa McCoy, Jack O'Brien and others looked with amasement on the Kansaa City man's work tonight. While the bout was too short to sufficiently test Tommy's endurance there waa nothing very terrifying to his backers In the weariness he displayed at any time. The very nature of the fight put up by Car ter prevented Ryan from displaying at its best his well known footwork, but he side stepped and plunged In the beautiful man ner of old. When forced to mix he went at It willingly and with rare Judgment, and when In the' fifth and elxth rounds Carter slowed up a bit Ryan Jabbed him unmer cifully, reducing him to a plight where. If the race continued, the knockout seemed only a question of moments. The crowd which began to gather early soon gave promise of a packed house that was to follow. At 8 o'clock there were few seats unoccupied In the arena. Bristling; with Challenges. About all the ambitious tnlddleweights in the country were present, either in per son or by proxy, to challenge the winner. Betting men seemed to appreciate that It was the first bard fight which Tommy Ryan had engaged In since he assumed tbe title defaulted by Bob FlUslmmons. The fact that tbey were against a lusty young fel low, famed for hia endurance and hitting power, made friends of Ryan very cau tious in their speculation. They began by asking even money. The Carter me de manded 2 to 1. . When the Ryan men loosened up to 10 to T there waa a lot of money bet and both aides were busy with their greenbacks when It camo time for the men to enter tbe ring. Ryan evidently bad been disappointed in the handy manner In which Carter made the weight. The articles called for 158 pounds at 4 p. m. Carter tipped the scales with not an ounce, lo, spare, but trained to greyhound pernscUoa, and Ryan-looked aakanoe at hla splendid form. Ryan made the weight with all his clothes on. Im mediately after weighing In Ryan told his close friends that if be woa it must ba through head work and foot work, and be hoped that making the weight had weakened Carter. The men entered the ring at 9:33. The seconds for Carter were Bob Armstrong and Kid McPartland; for Ryan, Harry Peffers and Bartley of Blngbamton. Oeorge filler was Introduced as referee? for the main bout. Proceedings In Detail. Hound l The ronr called the men to the nni nt the rtna- at 8:77. Carter at once he,mn o.tirinir Rvu into the corners. Car ter sung left twice and was blocked; Ryan swung rignt nara on tne ear aim i"..". with a wicked left on the neck. Carter did not aeem rliaturbed and tried right for the jaw. Kvan ducked. Carter put heavy right over Ryan's heart and Tommy swung both nanus to tne neaa. larar nnB-u two hnw riaht awliinH and keot boring in. Carter put a heavy right on the body, but in tne exenange nyan got. to ino iicau heavily twice. Ryan Jabbed a right to the face and put a right on the body. It was a very fast round. Round 2 Carter came up bleeding slightly at the mouth from the effect of Tommy's Jabs. Carter went In with heavy swings for the head and body and he evidently hurt Tommy every time he landed. Kyan put a right on the ribs heavily and Carter seemed somewhat bewildered, but they clinched and fought away. Carter put a stinging left on the jaw. Tommy laughed and danced back. There was a world of force In every blow that Carter struck. Kyan was clearly worried. Carter put a heavy left on the solar plexus and Ryan romulalned that the blow was low. Carter put a heavy right to the body. Kyan began going wicaeaiy last, ana swinging a neavy right to Carter's Jaw staggered him. They nnisned tne rouna is it it waa tne last minute of the bout, both swinging heavllv for the head. Ryan went to his corner tired and Cartel waa groggy. Round 3 Ryan put all hia force in a right over the kidneys and then sparred away. Carter chopped Ryan on tbe Jaw coming out of a clinch. Carter forced Kyan about tne ring, nitting neavuy, nut not wen placed. Kyan was urea, nut using a gianc inf blow from left to the head lie nearlv sent Carter down. They were mixing very savagely for a time. Ryan was Weathering tne storm tne better or tne two and while tired smiled at his friends over Carter s shoulders In the closing clinch. Hyaa Daeks tho Daaseroas Ones. Round 4 Ryan began Jabbing and playing for the body. Carter tore in with heavy swings and made Ryan tight. Repeatedly Kyan ducked inside blows that would have ended the fight. Tommy sent Carter's head back with a lert Jab and a little later slapped him twice" smartly over the eye witn tne lert. nyan oegan ngnting in tne clinch and a rlgnt swing from Carter on the head staggered Tommy. They both went at It again fiercely, Carter bleeding badly from cuts on the face. Just before the close a left to the Jaw stopped Carter for a moment. Round b Carter went right into hia man ana, aunougn Dangea up aoout tne race, made the fighting. In the opening scrim nmge a right to the Jaw stasnes-exT Carter Kyan put a low left on Carter a body, but ine claim or ioui waa not allowed. They were soon mixing hotly again. Carter's heavy smashes were blocked or ducked and Kyan opened up the cut over Carter's eye. Kyan was stabbing his man very fast in tne lace as tne rouna closed, but a heavy right to th body and a left to the head Worried Kvan. Both aent heavy rlohi swings acruas and Carter took his corner very tired and with hia face crimson, with tne oiooa irom nis cuts. Koun.l 6 Kyan put a right to the stomacn. t'arier put a lert to the face and a rl-ht and a left to the head. Tommy used his footwork and danced away for time. Ryan put a heavy right over the kidneys and Carter tore in with heavy swings again. Carter waa all at sea in th next clinch and hung on till the referee eeparaiea tnem. Kyan put a right and left to the head and Carter seemed lo be losing his steam. Carter out a l-ri ,,, ihm h.A but Kyan Jabbed him repeatedly in the face aad catching him napping floored Mm with a heavy right lo the jaw. Carter got up wtth the count of nine, daxed. and Ryan, watching his opportunity, tvut anniher heavy right on his bleeding countenance and Carter fell heavily again. Oni-a more he gamely struggled to his feet, but an other heavy right to the jaw sent him flat on his back on the floor of the ring, and Kyan and Referee Bller assjated th knocked-out man lo his feet and led him to his corner. . JUDGE DEFINES PRIZE FIGHT Tells Kestseky (irasl Jarr that It Is Combat for omehlaa Wlaner liela that l.oaer Doesn't. LOriSVlLLK. Ky.. Sept. 15. In bis charge to the grand Jury today Judge Bir krr, of the criminal division of the Jeffer son circuit court referred to the McOov-ern-Corbett contest scheduled to take place in this city. September 22. After quoting the Kentucky law in the case and defining a prise fight as any fight for a prise, whether a title, bet, wager or stake, lie stated that the statute does not "prohlhlt sparring exhibitions," unless the winner takes something he would not have se cured had he lost. Continuing, the Judge said: "I have nothing to do with the policy of this law. We have nothing to do with the question as to whether prise fights ought or ought not to be given. We have simply to do with the enforcement of this law Just as we find It on the statute book. "I wish to reiterate that any fight at which the winner gets something he would not have gotten had lie been the loser, small or lrge. It Is a prite light. Further, for a championship or a belt, or money or anything in my opinion, is a prize fight. To this psrtlcuarl prize fight, or llRht or whatever It Is called. I understand the po lice authorities have It In their charge and thnt th mavor has snld that there should be no violation of the law. I want to sav to you that I have every confidence In what the mayor says and I believe he, having given that word will see to it that there will be no violation of the Ihw. but If that Is not so (and I have no question of Its truth) then It will be your duly, should you conclude to take It up or tho duty of the next grand Jury to take the matter In hand." Attorney General Pratt arrived here to night from Frankfort and will file tomor row an Injunction suit In accordance with Governor Beckham's Instructions, to de termine the status of the contest. A half dosen leading lawyers In Ixiuls vllle will be associated with the attorney for the commonwealth. The case will be heard at Louisville Wednesday. NEW CLUB GETS AWAY WELL K rapt re City Trotting; Scores with the Best of Them In Its Inanarnral Meeting;. NF,W YORK, Sept. 15. The Inaugural meeting of the Kmpire City Trotting club began tod;iy at Hb Hne track under favor able auspices. The weather was perfect and the track fast. The best feature of the day was the Bronx stake of 85.0n0 for the 2:t pace, for which Dan R was the favorite In the pools at M0 to 30 for the field. Twinkle had the pole and at once led off and tho favorite, who broke at the quarter, was simply driven to save his distance. Twinkle won easily, with Pr.nce Direct second, a length back. The betting was now 100 to 50 on Dan R and again Twinkle led off to the half, where the favorite came up with a runh and led around the turn and In a hot finish won by a length, witn 1 winKie sec ond. In the third heat Dan R broke badly and looked as If he was out of it, but he gradually crept upon his field and In a most electrifying rush down the home stretch ne neat out prince tureci ny nan a neao. He won the final heat with quite a bit to spare. For the New York 2:11 trot the California mare Amelia, who has won all her races this season, was a hot choice at bo to 1 ana the talent had a heavy fall. The black mare Oxanam had the pole and. witn tne word, cut out the work for the pHrty, lead ing all tno way round, witn nawtnorne second and th"! favorite In third position. This result changed the betting, which wan now SO to R0 on Oxanam. who. on her good behavior, trotted around her field and Ted at the half, and though pressed by Amelia and ldolate, came away in the stretch and won by two lengths. Amelia was unsteady In the third neat, but was in toe Itrau HI lilc iirau v. l . iic riiciv.ii. " . . . . Ozanam came with a great burst of speed and won by a neck. The favorite was now tired out and broke repeatedly, Ozanam winning the fourth heat and the race. hix norses met in tne i.t trot ana tne Questor sold for 50 to 20 for the field. Daisy l-iirect lea tne rieia a lively cnase to ino three-quarter pole, when fleers, with the favorite, made his drive and got on even terms and the pair came around Into the home stretch like a team. Here Borealza olned the leaders and In a red hot race lome The Questor lust won. with Borealza second, a length In front of Daisy Direct. He won the next heat with a little to spare. Hoover beat him easily In the third by two lengths. The betting was now even, but the favorite won the deciding heat handily. The 2:06 special for pacers to wagon was chanered to a trial against time and the speedy roan gelding Fred 8. Wedgewood, driven bv C. K. G. Billings, went a mile In 2:06.. In the 2:11 trotting class to wagon. Karnes won in siraigni neais witn quite a little to spare. The program tomorrow Includes the IS.flnO Kmpire stake for the 2:20 pacers, and Dan Patch (1:59H will go against the world's pacing record. Results: 2:11 class trotting, the New York, purse $3,000. three in five: Ozanam, b. m., by Axtelle-Oza- nam. by Director IBenyom 14 11 Amelia, b m.. by Antrim-Hazel Kirk, by Alwood (Handersi 3 1 Hawthorne, r. m. (Hudson) 2 5 Amelia, b. h. (Spear) E 2 Idolita, b. h. (Toiler) 4 3 Time: 2:1014, 2:12, 2:01i. 2:1m. 2:08 class, pacing, the Bronx. Durse 25.000. three In five: Dan R, c. h., by Tasco Junior, by Colonel Hunt (Geersl fi 1 Twinkle, b. m., by Mercury, dam oy jom nan ti-iuasoni 12 6 8 Prince Direct, blk. h. (McHenry).. 2 8 2ro Sphinx S, ch. g. (Spear) 4 5 3ro Onoto. b. m. (A. McDonald) 3 6 8ro Lou Vaughan, b. m. (Foote) 6 4 4 ro 'lime: t:vb. z:od. 2:06H. 2;nii. 2:24 class, trotting, purse $1,000, three In five: The Questor, br. g., by Mambrino King, dam by Sherman (Goers).. 112 1 Hoover, b. h., by Allerton-Flora McGregor, by Robert McGregor (Phelps) 4 Borealza, br. c. (Benyon) 2 Bugle, h. f. (McCoy) 5 Daisy Direct, br. m. (Willis) 8 Ed Gay, b. g. (Fleming) 6 j Improves With Age Jap Rose is so pure that the older it gets the better. And its odor is the perfume of natural flowers refreshing, delightful. (mass aaaal The result of a lifetime spent in the science of soap-making. No other soap is so pure, so transparent, so soothing, so agreeable. JAMES S. KIRK tc COMPANY, CHICAGO Wllif A ftllCCiflfl tjlundry SP Wrap-erg exchanged If UllC IXUOdldal for valuable premium, at our atore, 1615 FARNUM STREET. Hl STARC Hi SILVER GLOSS OSWEGO CORN Purest and Best Paddings, Castsraa, Blsne Msnge, fits. For sal by all flret-olaaa arroe ct 2 2 3 ro 4ro Sro 1 1 II8I8MIB8 AtanAiABi 1 milium, ataaiuii Sovereign firaw, Inilo-R II aa" r a ar inai a w tila nan M8akjf I. O. O. F. DES MOINES, SEPTEMBER 15 to 20 rfiTBlWNTrill 5TraiM Only PTiarf a Day Direct ) CillEjJl Each Line 11 Way SPECIAL ODD FELLOWS' TRAIN Will leave Omaha at T:15a. m. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER ' 17. reaching Des Moluea at 11:55 a. ra., in ample time for the grand p; ade. Only One Fare For the round trip. Tickets on Sale SEPTEMBER 12 to 18. Ticket Office 1323 Farnam St Omaha 2 1 S 4 Sro 3 4r 5 5 ro t 6 TO Time: 2:1, 2:15U. 1:VJ, 2:154. Special Kred 8. Wedgewood to beat 2:064: Lot. Time: 2-.0T,,. Special, 2:11 class, trotting, amateurs to WbgoriH. prize rflvvr rup: Alle Harries, b. m. (E. R. Bmathers)... 1 1 Franker, b. g. '. K. C. Ullllngs) 2 2 Mabel Onwood, b. m. (F. . Jones) 4 3 Iady Oerakllne, b. m. (J. L. Druen).... 3 4 Time: 2:11V 2:14V C'oinatoek Defeats Greeley. GREKLKV CENTER, Neb., Sept. 15 (Special Telegram.) Comstock easily de feated Oreeley in the second game today by a score of 7 to 4. Murphy pitched for Oreeley and Harris for Comstock This makes the seventh victory for the win nlng team. Will Boas Toledo Amerlraa. TOLEDO, Sept. 15. President Strobe! today cloned a contract with Dr. Frank Retailing to manage the Toledo American association team next season. Relsllng is at preaent manager of the Merlden (Conn ) team. Co ma took Has Winning fltreak. NORTH LOt'P. Neb.. Sept. 15. (Special Tclenram.) Comstock defeated North J,oup today by a score of 8 to 7. Iewln of Corn stock struck out thirteen men. This is Comstock's eighth victory. Fierce Uoiag at $t, Joe. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Sept. 15 In the 3:00 pace at the opening of the fall race meet ing today Judith Ives won, Tabmount sec ond. Willie Do third. Time: 2:22V 2:24i. !:2tV All the Parts Tine LviviriQ Animal of the World NOW READY Complete in Twenty-Four Parts At' The Bee Office Price 10c each By mail 15c IDE BEE FOR ALL THE NEWS Moathern Association. At Bhreveport Nashville. 7; Shreveport, S. At Little Rock Chattanooga, 3; IJttle Rock, 2. At New Orleans Atlanta, 6; New Or leans, 1. Connolly Hklpae4 at l.anaten. LONDON, Sept. 18-,Eddle Connolly, American, was defeated here tonight by Tom Woodley, English, after eleven rounds ef bard fighting, tor furs g U.wt and llarlaold Wins Rare. PARIS. Sept 15. W. K. Vandcrbllls Marigold won the Crtterlum stakes at the Coaaltlan of Foreign Missions. BOSTON. Sept. 15. The American board of commissioners for foreign mliotlons has balanced its books fur the (IkimI year, ended Augist 31. and today made public the following financial statements: The expenditures from twelve months to August 31, Mug. were 1741. 3". and the regular re ceipts for the year were 374J.764. leaving a balance on hand September I, of 31.441. The gain in the year have been from legacies and women's boards. The dfht of a year ago, amounting to 8UC.34I. has been entirely cancelled through the re demption of pledges given at the Hart ford meeting last October. The ninety third annual meeting of the hoard will be held In Oberlin. O.. October, 14 to 17. The sermon will be delivered by Rev Dr Blew" blat MlUia nf Brooklyn. Thatit BLOOD POISON Is ilia worst dtaeaaa on Mini Mk toa easiest to curs WHEN VOU KNOW WHAT TO DO. Many bava olmples, spot on the skin, sores in l ha mouth jlc.a, 1 falling hair, bone palr.s, catarrh; don't know It Is BLOOD PoieON. bend to UK. I liHOWN. Arch St.. 1'hlladeapnia, pa.. ! for BROWN'S IJLOoD CURB, 84.08 par i bottle; lasts ont. month. Hold only by I Sherman & McC'onnell Drug Co., JbtU at. 4 I Dodge St . Orfiiht. ! Brown's Capsules V:'izr?ssr& : - bodge streets. When yeu want a light drink thrat is full of snap and spsikle that never leaves a bad taste or headache that Is always pure an.! Just right that Is a bracer whev you are tired and a tonic hei you are all run down try (ol! Top Jetter Brewing Co , go. Omaha, Neb, 'Phone 8, Omaba Office, - 'Phone l.r42 LEE MITCHELL. WHOLESALE DEALER. 1'13 Ma!u. Co. Blurt.. 1'ht ie So Evory Woman laoSalimiU8now aWoul Uat wenoarrat r Vk.tA 1 V H "iail vrairuita epray vVVVjfSS! TnawM.als,rto, JaaL r -a a riot auptl the V Ilk x-.otao id lira. I f.thar, b'U aans aiamp for II uairata.1 took aval ll aivae full partmiUra!t lirsl-i.a in. Viiiiai.talela.lia. aHfl 1 V JUMm tit Tlaaso Bid.. M. fr. for aaia or 8iii;hmav at M(on:i,fc dhiu to, Omar Sixteenth and Dodge afreets, Omaha I EASY MONEY ! I IHTORPOCMTf D 100.000.00 10 suakaa :oo by our aura ana afa ayateia of turf Invaataiaiit saa mum fkga. Wnia faf U 1 aul.k THE buLiiLass I'ALY j.. Turf Coataaia i arnu.ta. Ill Clark alraat. ClilCJktMX I