Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 16, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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2ftrtM Tili Fiidiip is Psialtj luit
Atainit th Ualsa Pacific
tarts Oat wl(k a l.antera and Finds
tne parkier la. the tintter
Where He thaaned
.. . :l Street rnt.
fFrotn a Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Sept. 15. (Special Telrgrem.)
The last of the penalty suits brought by
Constantino J. Bmyth during bla tenure ai
attorney general against the railroads of
Nebraska la about to be expunged from the
records of the supreme court of the state.
Early In I960 the fusion attorney general
began several cases, taking In practically
very railroad doing business In the state,
nd asking that the court assess penalties
aggregating 13,000,000 for alleged violations
ef the maximum freight laws. One by one
the suits have been abandoned and dis
missed until the only one remaining was
that against the Union Pacific, the amount
which Mr. Smyth asked the road to con
tribute to the state exceeding $. 000.000.
The t'nlon Pacific case, after running the
gamut of the co6rta' delays for over two
years, wss referred some time ago to ref
erees to take testimony and report to the
court, with . findings thereon. E. R. Duf
fle and Ed P. Smith of Omaha were named
by the court as referees. Their report wss
filed with the court today. The documenl
asserts that exhaustive Inquiry Into the tes
timony and the law leads to the conclusion
that the penalities cannot be legally exsed
from the railroad company. They recom
mend that the statute be declared "uncon
stitutional, Inoperative and void, and that
the action be dismissed. " ' ''
The court Is . expected to approve the
recommendation at Ita September sitting,
beginning tomorrow. The finding of the
United States supreme court In the Ne
braska maximum rate cases. It is under
Stood, was the determining factor with the
referees in disapproving the suits.
"vase Recover Ilia Diamond.
Governor Exra P. Savage turned Dio
genes last night and, armed with a lan
tern, stalked the streets of Lincoln. The
executive . waa searching for a diamond, a
large four or Ave carat sparklei, which he
had loat from his shirt front. Governor
and Mrs. Savage visited friends In the
uburbs In the evening, returning home
late. Then It was that the stone was dis
covered to be missing. . Mrs. Savage was
certain It waa In Its accustomed place as
they were about to return home. Procur
ing a lantern, the governor walked from the
executive mansion to street corner in
the business center, where he had pre
viously changed street cars. The search
waa rewarded after a half an hour, by
the governor seeing the gem shining from
a crevioe In the pavement. Governor Sav
age would, not estimate the valae of the
stone, which 1s a large one, and was given
to him by friends In South Omaha on his
tcoessloa to the executive chair.
Coateatloa Over Water of Platte.
The contention over the right to take
the lower waters of the Platte river for
power purposes assumed a new phaee to
day. Andrew Rosewater of Omaha pre
sented to Secretary Dobson of the State
Board of Irrigation an amended applica
tion for right to take the water. His
previous application had been protested
by J. E. Riley, promoter of the Platts
tnouth Power company, and hearing on
thla protest will ocour before the irrigation
. board about October 'L " 7 . " '
Mr. Rosewater'a new application pro
vides for the tapping of the Platte river a
few miles below the town of Valley on
the north aide of the river and Just above
the mouth of the Elkhorn. He proposea
to conduct part of the water from the
Platte Into the main stream of the Elk
horn, below which a dam will be built,
and from this sufficient head Is to be ob
tained te give a fall of fifty feet. The
specifications provide for a developed
horse power of. 25,000. Several miles be
low another reservoir Is to be constructed
which will furnish an additional 25.000
horse power. The estimated cost of the
undertaking la $2,000,000.
The Riley canal would not be harmed
by the amended Rosewater plans, provid
ing only the' tatter's upper reservoir Is
constructed, the water from which would
later flow Into the Riley ditch. It Is now
suggested that a compromise has possibly
been effected by which the two canals may
be built without one Infringing upon the
Foor New Baaks.
Four more state banks will be added to
the roll of Nebraska'a financial institutions,
providing tbelr applications to carry on a
banking business ara favorably acted upon
by the State Banking Board. Applications
were filed today with Secretary Royse of the
board by tba following proposed banks:
The Bank of Graf, located at Graf. John
ton County. U O. Graf and J. O. Graf are
the Incorporators, the capital stock being
placed at $5,000. Thla bank will succeed the
defunct Chamberlain Institution, which Is
ow , being closed out under direction of
Secretary Royse. , i
The Brunswick bank, of Brunswick. Ante
lope county. Its officers are Judge S. H.
lornberger of Wahoo, president; Walt Older,
rice president: M. M. Sornberger, cashier.
The capital stock la $10,000, of which $8,000
la paid la.
The Valley State bank of Bridgeport,
Cheyenne county; capital stock. $25,000; paid
In. $S,0M. The Incorporators are most Lin
coln men. comprising H. K. Burkett, C. A.
Morril, M. W. Folsom, J. J. Anderson, r. D.
Ball and Frank PLIlllpa. J. J. Anderson of
Lincoln, the defeated fuslcn candidate for
register of deeds In Lancaster county In the
election of last. November, will be the cash
ier and have charge pf the operation of the
The First State bank of Hartlngton. Cedar
county; capital stock, $100,000; paid In 130.
00. Tba Incorporators ara J.' O. Beste, J. C.
Robinson, W. S. Elton. George F. Scovllle
tnd L E. Jones, Jr.
Barrens Caart aittlns;.
The supreme court of Nebraska will con
vene tomorrow for Its September session.
The customary grist of opinions will be
handed do a by the court, chief among
"It feels so uncomfort
able. Food distresses' me.
I get blue and despondent.
I fear it is my heart. But
my doctor says it's my
stomach. And what did
your doctor tell you to take?
Aycrs Sarsaparilla? Quite
likely, for he knows. Ju.
Then the llrer la wrong, everything
It wrong. Tbe digestion is weak. The
disposition ( weak. The nerve are
veak. Nothing acta veil. Just one of
Vyer! Pllla each night will make these
rong thiage right.
ii CUU. J. C. m CO. LswtU. Im
71 7T ' O.i
which will be that of the suit of The Bee
Building Company of Omaha against The
State Board of Equalization. The plaintiff
seeks to enforce a new sitting by the board
at whlrh there shell be a revised valua
tion placed upon the property of the rail
roads In the state, It being averred that
the previous valuation fixed by the board
Is below that of other property within the
state, and therefore Inequitable.
The court tomorrow, In conjunction with
the state bar, will hold memorial services
In honor of tbe late O. M. Lambertson and
William Leese. Committees appointed by
the court to draft resolutions will report
at that time. A. 8. Tlbbets, F. M. Hail,
John L. Webster, E. J. Halner and John
L. Baldwin will frame the resolutions ex
pressive of respect for Mr. Lambertson,
while the Leeee . committee includes 'John
M. Stewart, M. B. Reese, F. N. Prout, O.
W. Berge and J. L. McPheely.
Reward for Marderer.
Governor 8avage today offered the statu
tory reward of $200 for the arrest of Oott
lleb Nelgenflnd, who murdered Anna Peters
and Albert Breyer last week In Pierce
county and la now a fugitive.
The commission of Frank P. Crandon a
commissioner of deeds for Nebraska and
resident In Chicago, was extended today by
the governor for a term of five years.
Two C'laes to Whereabaats of Mar
derer, bnt Mont Probable Owe
froaa Pllsrer.
PIERCE, Neb., Sept. 15. (Special Tele
gram.) County Attorney Barnhart, who la
directing the pursuit of Nlegenflod. the
Pierce county murderer, has two clues as
to his whereabouts. It waa reported this
morning that two traveling men saw a man
answering his description last Friday be
tween Crofton and Hartlngton. Another re
port waa received this morning from Con
stable G. W. Goff and Defect 've Franklin,
who are Stanton. They say th-t a man told
them that he was acquainted with Niegenflnd
and that on Saturday Niegenflnd rode with
hi ji nearly tc Fllger. The man lid not
know that Niegenflnd was charged with
murder. Constable Goff thinks they are
about four hours behind the murderer.
Henry Carsten, a farmer ani. a bacholor,
living about four miles southeast of where
the murder was committed, aays that Nie
genflnd stayed with h'm all night after the
murder was committed. All be said was that
he and Breyer had had a fight anl that
maybe he had killed Breyer. That a wagon
went past the bouse thnt night and that
Niegenflnd rose up In be! an l cocked his
revolver and eald if the sheriff came after
him he would shoot him. That If he were
kurrounded by too many men. hi would
kill himself. Carsten said Niegenflnd was
prepared to get out any Uuin as be did not
take off hla clo'.hes when ho retired. Nlt
genflnd rode wl'.l him mi to a load of bogs
until lthln one mile of Wlnalde when he
left, going south. Car-tor went to Win-
elde with another load of hogs the next
day, but heard nothing of the murder, until
on the road home. He was Informed of It
but refused to believe It until be asked his
neighbor, August Koerttug, vrho told him It
was true.
The county rommi. .inner! held a meet
lng today and offered a reward of $300 for
the capture of Niegenflnd. . The funeral of
Albert Breyer and daughter held yesterday
was largely attended. Mr. Breyer was an
old aettler in Pierce county and was a
highly respected citizen.
Tell Concrearatlona on Honda- Who
They Saw la the Disreputable
riaeee. ...
HASTINGS, Neb., Sept. 16. (Special.)
A thunderbolt from a dear sky penetrated
nearly al the prominent churches of Hast
ings yesterday morning when the respective
ministers began their aermona by telling a
few facts which they had seen and learned
about the places of degradation In Hastings
and the people who visit them. It seema the
clergy of thla city conceived the Idea of vis
iting all tbe palaces of sin and places of
iniquity In the city, and last week tbey put
their Idea into action. Before starting they
found themselves wondering how they could
gain admittance into the places of vice, but
soon they learned that all doors swing open,
even to them, and they also found all that
they were looking for, and more too. Rev.
Van Dyke of the Presbyterian church said
In his sermon yesterday morning that In
every den or disreputable place tbe min
isters visited they found a member of some
one of their churcbea there, apparently en-
Joying himself. Mr. Van Dyke further
said that he did not hold Mayor Mtlea
to blame for these dens of Iniquity in the
city, because the mayor was enforcing the
laws according to the manner In which the
church membera desired It. The sermons
were all full of Ore and were quite sensa
tional. From all accounts the male members
of the various churches must have had a
"hunch," for tbey were conspicuous by their
absence from church yesterday.
'Wholesale Grocery for York.
YORK. Neb., 8ept. 15. (Special.) It is
nearly an aasured fact that York will toon
have a wholsale grocery house. Last week
parties Interested came here and aecured
options on trackage property near the Bur
lington depot and on Lincoln avenue. They
asked part lea whom they talked with to
not aay anything about It. It Is supposed
that the parties are either interested in
one of Omaha's wholesale houses or are
aome of the leading employea who expect to
go In business for themselves. York's geo
graphical location Is such that It would
make one of the best distributing polnta in
eastern Nebraska. Its railroad facilities are I
the very best. Railroads run out of York
In every direction. If something should
happen that these parties do not build and
start a wholesale grocery house, there are
parties here who are becoming Interested
and may start one.
Polities r.t Treaatsea.
TECl'MSEH. Neb., Sept IS. (Special.)
Now that both the republican and the fusion
county conventions have been called, things
political In this county are on the boom.
A county attorney, member cf the house of
representatives end a commissioner from
the Third district is all the officers there
are to elect this fall. However, there Is
a profualon of candidates from both camps.
The republican float aenatorlal convention
for the Second district, which Includes Ne
maha and Jobcaoa counties, will be held In
the town of Johnson. Saturday, September
17. The selection of a candidate for sena
tor falla to thla county this year and there
are two or three aspirants.
Elka1 Fair Opens at Beatrice.
BEATRICE, Neb.. Sept. 15. (Special Tel
egram. ): 'The Elks' carnival opened here
today with a fair attendance. Oppen
belmer's shows will give performances day
and night during the entire week and the
famous Second Regiment band will fur
nish tbe music. It the weather Is favor
able Beatrice will entertain the largest
throng of people visiting the city for years.
Not Maeh Dii la York.
YORK. Neb.. Sept 15. (Special.) The
recent frosts have done some damage to
corn, but to what extent Is not yet known.
Many farmers believe that It baa damaged
the very late corn, and others think that
even the late corn was out of the way. Ycrk
county corn crop will yield from fifty to
ninety bushels to the acre, and a groat part
of It will be fed te cattle and hogs.
Bovirner laTage Assign Lack of fnidi u
One ef the Reasons.
Etprruei Fear that Militia May Be
Wanted to Sannreoa Violence
Win They Are Attending
the Manenvers.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, 8ept. 15. (Special.) The Ne
braska National guard will not take part
in the coming fall maneuvers at Fort
Riley, Kan. Governor Savage today made
public the following statement upon the
Arter looking into the matter fully I have
concluded that Nebraska Is not In position
to accept of the Invitation of the War de
partment to mobilise the National guard
at Fort Riley, and I have advised Adju
tant General Colby to that effect.
Various reasons Impelled me to that de
cision. It would entail an expense of ap
proximately 1:5,000. Many of the members
are engaged In school work, both aa in
structors and students, and to take them
from their work at this time for a period
of two weeks would work a hardship on
them and seriously Interfere with the edu
cational machinery of the state. My policy
has been throughout my administration to
require each institution and each depart
ment to keep within the amount appropri
ated and guard against expenditures In
excess of that amount. The unexpended
portion of the money appropriated for the
National guard la sufficient to defray In
cidental expenses only, and such expense
as would result from moblllzatlng at Fort
Riley would have to be met by a deficiency
appropriation, a proposition -I am unal
terably opposed to.'
Another reason why I deem It unwise Is
the industrial situation. For some time a
strike has been In progress on one of the
principal railway corporations, and while
no request for troops haa yet been made.
It la liable to come at any time, and It Is
necessary that the state shall be prepared
to respond promptly. To send the troops
out of the state In face of such conditions
would be unwise, if not perilous.
However, that Nebraska may reap some
of the benefit 1 have accepted an invita
tion from Adjutant General C'orbln to send
a committee of officers of the guard, and
I have appointed Adjutant General Colby
Itrlgadler General Barry Inspector General
Hills, Surgeon General Evans. Colonel Wil
liam Hayward, Colonel Harry L. Archer,
Captain W. K. Brooks and Captain Bamuel
E. Yoder as said committee.
Unless detained by official business I shall
attend the exercises myself.
Will Make bat One Speech.
The hopes of LIncolnites who wanted to
hear two speeches from President Roose
velt on the occasion of his visit to this
city were dashed today by a telegram from
Secretary Cortelyou, in which he said that
tbe president declined to make more than
one talk in any city. The arrangement
was to have him address one gathering at
the capltol grounds and another from the
balcony of the Lincoln hotel.
The program of entertainment will em
brace a big procession and a general wel
come. The president will be here one
hour. He will be escorted to the capltol
by a cordon of police and militiamen and
citizens and uniformed organizations. Gov
ernor Savage will Introduce the president,
but will make no speech. Following the
president's address a reception will be held.
The street cars will not run during the
hour the chief executive Is here. Thla was
decided upon as a certain means of avoid
ing any repetition of the Plttifleld tragedy.
Mr. Day Will Walt.
George A. Day of Omaha, one of the
commissioners of the supreme court, who
haa been tendered' tbe Fourth district
judgeship made vacant by Judge Keysor's
resignation, had a long conference with the
governor today. It is understood that he
will hot make hla decision until after the
judicial convention la held. If he secures
the nomination he will accept the appoint
ment to tbe vacancy, while it someone else
Is nominated he will retain tbe commit
slonership. Commissioners la a Mqaabble.
The minority and the majority In tbe
Board of County Commissioners have again
clashed. The trouble began some months
ago, when Commissioner Tllton, conclud
ing that he bad been duped Into giving a
favorite, of Mr. Welton the remunerative
contract for building tbe county bridges. In
stigated proceedings which resulted In tbe
annulment of the contract. In delivering
Its opinion the court reprimanded the com
missioners for tbe careless manner In
which they let the contract and the haste
displayed. This led to a feud between
Tllton on one side and Welton and Borgelt
on the other.
An effort waa made to block Tllton's re
nomlnatlon, but tbe convention was held
too soon to make It possible to do this.
Tllton lives In the most overwhelmingly
republican district in the county, and a
fight against bis re-election was found to
be hopeless. At a meeting of the majority
faction late Saturday evening a resolution
was passed redisricting the county. It
was not made public until today, and the
fact that It makes it nearly an even ques
tion whether Tllton can be re-elected from
the new district has caused considerable
comment. Friends of the commissioner say
that It Is an attempt on the part of the
other faction to make It possible to defeat
blm at tbe polls. Tbe majority faction in
sists that It was done to equalize the vot
ing strength of the three districts. Wel
ton had a close call when be ran, because
all of the populist precincts in tbe county
are In his district. He la said to desire a
third term and wants to make himself
safe. Another reason assigned is that
Borgelt, who has moved from the Second
ward to the Fifth, wanted the district
changed so that he would be In line for
a second term. By the redisricting the 1
Firth, formerly in Tllton's district. Is added
to Borgelt's, and the Third ward, which
has a candidate or two already for next
year, is tacked onto a country district.
By the new arrangement the city has one
commissioner exclusively and the country
Bald to Be la Hiding.
Mrs. Albert Secbrest, alias Mrs. George
Hertzler, the Lincoln woman who has been
the central figure In a Kansaa City sen
satlon, where she was discovered to be
posing as the wife of two different men. Is
said to bo hiding In this city. There Is no
pending charge against ber In the Missouri
city, but sbe doea not want to see ts
porters. Her friends say that she Is pre
paring to go back and confront her alleged
slanderers. Secbrest, the man she claims
is ber husband, was killed tbere last June,
and Hertzler, who claims her aa his wife,
Is a railroad yardmaster. The woman's
mother, Mrs. John Strlne, lives at 445
North Twenty-sixth street, but Mrs. Be
chrest is not with her. The 8trines are
old residents and the woman's escapade
have caused a big sensation la East Lin
coln society.
behool Teaehera Scarce.
School teachers for the rural districts of
Nebraska are still a scare article. A
few weeks ago the aituatlon amounted al
most to a famine and. while State Superin
tendent Fowler reports that the shortage
has been slightly relieved, still the prob
lem is a perplexing one to many seres
of districts.
Vonnc Wonaaa Attempts Snlrlde.
DAVID CITY. Neb.. Sept 15. (Special.)
Mlsa Alblna Prohaska, about 20 years of age,
mad aa unsuccessful attempt to commit
suicide last night by taking same poisonous
drug. She is considered out of danger this
morning. Dlaappolalment In love affairs Is
the supposed cause of her act.
Vital Statistics Skew Alarming Increase
la aa Already Prevailing- Disease
Are Aay Exempt?
At no time In the history of disease has
there been such an alarming Increase 'In
the number of rases of any particular
malady as In thst of kidney and bladder
troubles now preying upon the people of this
Today we see a relative, a friend or an
acquaintance apparently well, and In a few
days we may be grieved to learn of their
serious Illness or sudden death, caused by
tbe fatal type of kidney trouble Brlgbt's
Kidney trouble often becomes advanced
into acute stages befor tbe afflicted Is aware
of Its presence; that la why we read of so
many sudden deatha of prominent business
and professional men, physfclans and others.
They have neglected to stop the leak In
While scientists are puzxllng their brains
to find out the cause, each individual can,
by a little precaution, avoid the chances of
contracting dreaded and dangerous kidney
trouble, or eradicate It completely from
their system If already afflicted. Many
precious lives might have been, and many
more can yet be saved, by paying attention
to the kidneys.
It is the mission of The Omaha Bee to
benefit its readers at every opportunity and
therefore we advise all who have any symp
toms of kidney or bladder trouble to write
today to Dr. Kilmer Co., Blnghamton, N.
Y., for a free sample bottle of Swamp-Root,
the celebrated specific which Is having such
a great demand and remarkable success In
the cur of the most distressing kidney and
bladder troubles. With the sample bottle
of Swamp-Root will also be sent free a
pamphlet and treatise of valuable informa
tion. Don't make any mistake, but remember
the name, Swamp-Root. Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, and the address, Blnghamton,
N. Y., on every bottle. ,
Engineer and Fireman Dangerously
and Tramp Serloaslr
VALENTINE. Neb., 8ept. 15. (Special
Telegram.) A serious railroad accident oc
curred about 8 o'clock this morning, six
teen or eighteen miles west of here. Tbe
regular eastbound freight train broke In
two and part of It was left behind on the
track unnoticed by tbe engineer. A special
atock train waa following and as It rounded
a downhill curve tbe engineer, J. S. Hall
stead, saw the danger, set the sir brakes
and reversed bis engine, but waa so near
he could not stop, and, knowing the crash
must come, he and the fireman, Tom
Sutterfleld, Jumped from tbe engine. A
brakeman in tbe cab with them climbed
to the top of the cars and was thrown
more than 100 feet away without being
hurt. Cattle, cars and the engine of the
special train are piled in a heap, down a
ateep embankment. None of the passengers
oa the detached portion cf tbs head train
were hurt, tbey having run for their lives
when they saw the special coming. A
young man beating a ride waa seriously
cut on tbe head, but will recover. The
engineer and fireman are both here in a
critical condition. Trains are slde-trscked
waiting the clearing of the wreckage and
repair of the track.
People of Nebraska Pay Lovlag Trlb
ate to Memory; olfj President
McKlnley. "
SH ELTON, Neb., Sept. 15. (Special.) A
union McKlnley memorial aervlce was held
in the Methadlat Episcopal church laat even
ing. The church was filled to Its fullest
seating capacity.. Rev. Stlffler preached the
sermon, and was assisted by Rev. Beller of
the Evangelical church. Many loving trib
utes were paid to the martyred president,
and a special choir sang the songs which
were his favorites.
HARVARD, Neb.. Sept. 15. (Special.)
Union services of all the churches of Har
vard, was held last evening at the Metho
dist church. Rev. V. A. Shirley of the
Christian church, delivering an Interesting
sermon. Specially prepared music by a
combined choir of all the churches, was sn
Interesting part of the exercises.
BEATRICE. Neb., Sept. 15. (Special Tel
egram.) Some of tbe churches In the city
held memorial service yesterday In honor
of the late President William McKlnley.
Competing; Telephone Line.
DAVID CITY, Neb., Sept. 16. (Special.)
The city council, at the regular meeting last
week, granted a franchise to the Benedict
Telephone company of Benedict, Neb. This
is an Independent company and will connect
with all other independent lines in this and
adjoining counties. The new company haa
quit a large list of subscribers and It re
ports the outlook decidedly encouraging.
This will give David City a ..ompetitlng
line, and the new company also promises
quit a reduction In rates.
School Improvement at Staatoa.
STANTON. Neb.. Sept. 15. (8peclal.)
The public schools opcaed here today with
a good attendance. New facilities are being
added, among others a modern steam heat
ing plant, the Installation of which delayed
the opening of school. Prof. H. E. Mason
remains at the head of tbe schools for his
fourth term.
Cora Ripening; Fast.
HARVARD, Neb., Sept. 15 (Special.)
Corn Is fast ripening under the influence
of two quite hard frosts, and the dry and
windy weather. A conservative estimate
would place one-third of the corn crop as
more or less injured by the frost, ss sll
corn not fully rip was more or less hurt.
Kansas City Man Charged with Jary
Brining Surrenders and Pleads
Not ' Callty.
KANSAS CJTY, Mo., Sept. 15. Abraham
Davis, charged with Jury bribing in tbe In
terest of the Metropolitan Street Railway
company In a damage suit, who has been a
fugitive from justice for more than a year,
surrendered today. He waa given a prelim
inary hearing, pleaded not guilty and was
released on 11,700 bond.
Davis says be baa been la New York ever
since he left Kansss City. The prosecutor
hopes to secure dlsclousures from Davis' that
will result in other arrests for alleged jury
bribing In damage sulta.
Philippine Revennea.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 15-The bureau of
Ir.fular affairs of the War department has
prepared for publication a comparative
statement showing the customs revenues
In the Philippine archipelago for the fiscal
year ending June si. compared with
19ftl. 19uu and expressed in United
Slates currency. The statement shows
that for the fiscal year ending June ,
M, the customs revenues were t8,2.7T7;
for 11. I9.1ue,7&4; for DM), 6,7.7 and for
I sat, ii.uuu.tM.
Troopa Arrive at Fort Riley.
JUNCTION CITT, Kan., Sept. 15-The
Ant troops to take part In the war maneu
vers at Fort Kiley, which will brtctn
within a week, arrived here at noon today
overland from Leavenworth. They con
sisted of the Second squadron of the
Fourth cavalry. JJ0 man. They started
uviij Mvcuseru a war a aco loaev.
Assailant ef Anna lillswa Drops Out of
light for Time leiif.
His Victim Has la Lars Meaaar He
covered froaa tbe F.fTecte af
Her Terrible El-perlenr.
STANTON, Neb., Sept. 15. (Special Tele
gram.) The pursuit of Welch Lowrey, who
kidnapped and assaulted Anna Btllawa Sat
urday night, is still being kept up under di
rection of Sheriff King. Lowrey evidently
made bis escape from the cornfield across
the river during the night and no trace of
him has been secured since. The blood
hounds which were sent for have not ar
rived. While the excitement haa died down some
what, no effort will be spared to run him
down, though tbere Is now no danger of a
lynching unless be should csrry out bis
threat and shoot some of the pursuing posse.
Lowrey Is fully armed and also has plenty
of ammunition, and it is also stated he is
well supplied with money. He comes from
a good family, but has been dissipated for
the last few years. He is 24 years of age,
Ave feet nine Inches tall and of slight build,
weighing about 140 pounds; has light balr,
smooth face and prominent chin. He wears
a light suit of clothes and a light overcoat.
Anna Blllawa, his victim, bas In a large
measure recovered from the effects of ber
experience, though still nervous. When she
srrtved at the borne of her brother she pre
sented a pitiable appearance. Her clothing
was torn almost into shreds, the remnants
of clothing and her balr were matted with
sandburs and she waa utterly exhausted.
Jndare Grant's Petltloa to Discharge
Receiver of Guardian Trust Com
pany of Kansas City.
KANSAS CITY, Sept 15. Judge Amos M.
Thayer of the circuit court today granted
the petition of the stockholders, represent
ing Arthur E. 8tilwell to discharge tbe re
ceivers of fhe Ouardlan Trust company, ap
pointed over a year ago at the instigation
of John W. Gates and his following.
The supporters of Mr. Stilwell, who at the
.time the company waa thrown into the re
ceiver's bands was president of the com
pany, asserted In their petition to have the
receivers discharged that tbe business could
be conducted more economically with them.
The Gates contingent opposed the move
on the theory that Stilwell desired to merge
the Gulf and Trust company into tbe Mex
ican Trust company. It is said that Mr.
Stilwell will be reinstated as president.
Judge Thayer's order authorizes the re
ceiver to pay Immediate direct liabilities to
tbe sum of 1199,433, and make paymenta of
contingent liabilities to the amount of $31,
880, taking from the persons holding the
contingent claims agreements extending the
Ume for tbe oavment of tbe residue. The
direct liabilities ordered to be paid Include
outstanding debenture bonds, mortgages on
real estate, trust funds, open accounts and
116,000 due the estate of tbe late F. M.
Black, by order of the court for services as
A statement accompanying Judge Thayer's
memorandum shows that there is $382,397
cash available at this date to meet the re
quirements of the order, and it will leave a
balance of 1101,624.
Judge Thayer's order authorises and di
rects the receiver, immediately on the elec
tion and organization of the new board of
directors of the Guardian Trust company,
which the court understands will be elected,
and will convene on October 22, to turn over
to such board all property and assets of the
Guardian Trust company in his hands.
The stockholders of the company at their
coming meeting are to adopt a resolution In
structing tbe directors of the Guardian
Trust company and Its executive committee
to sell to the best advantage all the real
property of the company, save such as may
be needed for the transaction of business.
The executive committee is also to sell, col
lect or otherwise reduce to money, with all
convenient speed, all bonds, stocks, bills, de
mands, claims and securities which the not
good Interest-bearing securities, to the end
that the affairs of the company may be put
In a condition for speedy and convenient
The minority stockholders wbo have ob
jected to the discharge of tbe receiver must
be given at least one representative en the
board of directors to be elected October 22,
who shall also be a member of the executive
committee of tbe board. If such a committee
is elected.
Today's order by Judge Thayer marks
the near approach of the end of the Guard
Ian Trust company. This company wss or
ganised ss tbe Missouri, Ksnsas and Texas
Trust company in 1889 by A. E. Stilwell
and E. L. Martin, with an authorised cap
ital stock of $1,000,000, divided Into lO.CHH)
shares of $100 each. In 1899, soon after the
capital stock had been increased from
$1,500,000 to $2,500,000, the name was
chnnged to the Guardian Trust company.
Tbe efforts of John W. Gates to secure
control of tbe company and oust Stilwell
culminated by Gates throwing the com
pany Into the hands of a receiver. This
was in November, 1900.
An Infant forty years ago. Today a
mighty giant. Cook's Imperial Extra Dry
Champagne. America's favorite.
Jadate Says He Cannot Grant One for
Concern that Combines Boslness
aad Rellajloa,
PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 15. The applica
tion for a charter made by tbe First Church
of Christ (Scientist) was refused today by
Judge Arnold In the common pleas court. In
hla opinion Judge Arnold says:
The charter applied for in this case covers
a double purport' a church and a business.
We have power to grant a charter for a
church, but we have no authority to grant
a charter for a corporation for profit, that
la, a business corporation.
Continuing, the court quotes from tbe
textbook of Mary Baker G. Eddy Instruc
tions to Christian Scientists to sell and clr-
A baby la whatever its parents make It Thla la so even to the first
stages of (gestation, when, 1 the mother fets proper treatment, the
baby will be a jolly, laughing, wood tempered, robust little angel.
Nature when aided by Sf other's Friend will give a healthful child
with a free and graceful body, which la evidenced la elastic action
of the limbs, clear skin, bright eyes, fine hair. We ticlaiss Invol
nntarily over such a creation, "How beautiful I " meaning not
necessarily that the child is pretty, but that ita general effect is one
of seeming attractivene&a.
Mother's Frumdi a liniment for external application. Women's
own pretty fingers rub it gently on the parts so severely Used, and
it is Instantly absorbed and so lubricates tbe parts.
Year druggist sells it for 11.60 per bottle.
Yea my have esr book " Motherhood " fKtt.
A Letter From Congressman White, of North Carolina,
No Family Should Bi Without It.
PERUNA is a great family medicine.
The women praise It as well ss the
men; It Is Just tbe thing for tbe
many little catarrhal ailments of child
hood. The following testimonials from thank
ful men and women tell In direct, sincere
language what tbelr success has been In
the use of Peruna In their families:
Louis J. 8cherrinsky, 103 Locust street
Atlantic, Iowa, wrltea:
"I will tell you briefly what Teruna has
don for me. I took a severe cold which
gave me a hard cough. All doctors' medi
cines failed to cure it. I took m,. tw,tn.
cf Peruna and waa well. J
"Then my two children had bad coughs
accompanied by gagging. My wife bad I
stomach trouble for years. She took Pe- '
runa and now she is well. I
"I cannot express my thanks In words, i
rrcommena your remedy at every op
portunity, for I can conscientiously say
that there Is no medicine like Peruna.
Nearly everyone In this town knew about
the slAness of myself and family, and
they have seen with astonishment what
Peruna has done for us. Msny followed
cur example, and the result was health
Thanking you heartily, I am." L. J. Srher
rinsky. Mrs. Nannie Wallace, Tulare. Cel.. Pres
ident of the Western Baptist Missionary
Society, writes:
"I consider Peruna an indispensable art!
fie n my medicine chest. It is twenty
!rVn 'nd h" 80 c"-ed
every sickness that bas been In my borne
general health, drives -?'!"P
Peruna protects tb. r.mii- -t. .
protects tbe famii . .
COtlffns tiMa . . ; . .
of the stomach. Z ? MMm
00 laneJ'- It Is
Your Health
depends almost entirely on the condition of your stom
ach. If you suffer from dyspepsia. Indigestion, sleepless
ness or that tired feeling, THE PERFECT BREW
..jc niouun BKCiit win put you right see
CriM1?' nr our stomach that will Injure
health. Let us send you a case today.
Bfe dewing Co.
culate the publications of Mrs. Eddy, failure
to do tbe same being sufficient cause for ex
pulsion from mebershlp In the church.
"This shows," saya the court, "that the
so-called church is a corporation for profit
organized to enforce the sale of Mrs. Eddy's
books by its members, which Is a matter of
business and. not, pf religion. As the courts
have no power to charter such a corporation
the application for a charter Is refused."
Which Same la All that the Weather
Maa la Washington Known
Aboat It.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 15. Forecast:
For Nebraska and North and South Da
kotaPartly cloudy Tuesday; Wednesday
For Iowa Fair Tuesday; warmer In
central and east portions; Wednesday fair.
For Missouri Fair; warmer Tuesday;
Wednesday fair.
For Colorado, Wyoming and Kansas
Fair Tuesday and Wednesday.
For Montana Partly cloudy Tuesday;
probably showers la west portion; cooler
In southeast portion; Wednesday fair.
Local Record.
OMAHA, 8ent. 16. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of the past three
1902. 1901. 1900. 1899.
Maximum temperature .. 79 69 71 81
Minimum temperature ... 66 54 65 ft)
Mean temperature 68 62 & 72
Precipitation .4 .00 T .00 .00
Record of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for this day and since March 1,
Normal temperature 65
Deficiency for the day ., 3
Total excess since March L. 74
Normal precipitation lOlncii
Deficiency for the day 10 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1 21. 90 Inches
Deficiency since March 1.
2.17 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1901..
Deficiency for cor. period, 1900..
Heaerta froaa atatlaas at
. 6.75 Inches
.1.95 Inches i
T P. M.
c i:
Omaha, cloudy
Valentine, clear
North Platte, partly cloudy ...
Cheyenne, cloudy
Salt Lake City, partly cloudy..
Rapid City, cloudy
Huron, partly cloudy
VCIUistnn. clear
St. Louts, clear
St. Paul, partly cloudy
Davenport, clear
Kansas City, partly cloudy ....
Havre, cloudy
Helena, cloudy
Hlsmarck, cloudy
Galveston, clear
78 1
72 .00
T Indicates trace of precipitation.
Local Forecast Official.
Just ss sure to cure a esse of catarrh of
the bowels as It Is a esse of catarrh of the
Congressman George Henry White, nf
Tarboro. N. C. writes the following letter
to Dr. Hurt man In regard to the merits of
the great catarrh cure. Peruna:
House of Representatives,
Washington, Feb. 4, 189!.
The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O.:
Gentlemen "I am more than sat
isfied with Periin, nnd find it to he
an excellent, remedy for the grip
and catarrh I have used it in my
family and they nil join me in rec
omending it as an excellent rem.
Very respectfully
George II. White.
Peruna is an Internal, scientific svs
temlc remedy for catarrh. It is no pal
liative or temporary remedy; It Is thorough
In Its work, and In cleansing the dlsensed
mucous memDranes cures the catarrh
,4ctory rMult 'rora the use of Peruna.
Dr. Hartman, giving n
your case and he will
! ?"mm 1T u his valuable advise
u?' J', Pr"'dpnt of T"9
; Hartman Sanitarium. Columbus, Ohio.
Omaha. Phone 2dm
Nebraska Official Train
Washington, D. G.
Leaves Chicago via Wabash R. R. noon, Oct
6. via Detroit. Niagara Falls and Buffalo;
arrives Washington afternoon Oct 6
sleepers, tourist cars, etc.. through, long
limit, stopovers. See Nlgara Falls. Rate
115.85. Chicago to New York and return'.
123.30. sold Oct. 2 to 6. Boaton and re
turn $19.00. sold Oct. 7 to 11. Wabash 'New
City Office. 1601 Farnam, or address Harry
E. Moores, O. A. P. D., Omaha, Neb.
Treats all forms of
27 Year Experience.
17 Years In Oman a
Mis remarkable suc
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Hot Springs Treatment for Syphilis
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cure guaranteed In
Over 30 ooo
vitality, unnatural
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and illad.ler Diseases,
I Uvrfrru.,!
00. ol H ' W" rT ' T? Ira inni ,-i , , n,
Treatment by mall. P. O. Box 766. Office
over 215 S. 14th street, between Farnam anl
Douglas 8ts., OMAHA. NEB.
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irniAiioes or ulcortttoal
f Bat i n n a avsataw hravnsnm
' W aVltalananV. sktld Mali
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the most complete
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News .
The sporting department of
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