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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1902)
TllK OMAHA DAILY REE: MONDAY, SEPTEMDEU 15, 1002. SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements for these eolomne will he taken onttl 13 at. for th lf edition aatll H SO s. as. e noralif ill edltlen. Mates, 1 l-3e ward flrat Insertion J ward thereafter. Nothing taken far Ira tkaa 2r,e far lit nrst laitr. tlaa. Tars advertisement mnet ho warn eonseratlvely. AaWertleere, hy reaaoatlnat nnsa Iseren' ratcki caa kata aaawara a4 elreee: ta a aaaiarrta letter la car f Tka Bar. Aaawara aagreeeeel will a neltveren a rseatU af IM Book onlr. FOR SALE CIGAR. $50.00 IN GOLD. It pays to buy your cigars of us. You ay wake ub aome dav unil find vonrself th possessor of Fifty Dollars In Gold that we una month. away to our customers rath Butler & Miller. N. TV. COR. 16Til AND FARNAM STS. . lo' WASTED MALB HELP. WANTED Canvasser. Man familiar with book ana newspaper wort preierreu. Must at nutucr. Auuur itoom ivi. bps umg. ppur Boom LH A DAI 5 FOR HALM A DAY'S WORK. If you live In the country or In a small town and have a good acquaintance among the farmers aim atoi tt raisurs in tha neighborhood you can make f easily by four or hve hours' work. N rite u and we will send you our proposition. Tha Bee Publishing Co., Solicitors L pt. . Omaha, Neb. 13 M.U WANTED A good man in every county to tako subscriptions for The Twentieth Century Farmer. Our agents make good wages everywhere. Keierences required. Adoress, twentieth Century i-armer, Omaha, Neb. 11 ti3 GOOD messengers wanted; first-class pay. A. I). T. Co.. i2 8. 13lh. B-727-iti SOLICITORS WANTED. THE GUAR ANT EE FUND LIFE ASSOCIATION. Wants llva local agents In every town In Nebraska, The proposition possesses spe cial merit and is easily written. Salary or commission to the right man. Address, J. C. Bullington, secretary. Alliance, Neb. B M736 WANTED, two cooks for Wyoming west ern railway. Labor agency, 210 S. 11th. B M787 WANTED, five well dressed, well educated solicitors to do special work in connection with dally newspaper; liberal salary and commission; bring references. Call for F. C. Russell, room 107, Bee building, after o'clock a. m. B u0 WANTED First-class cattle, aheep and hog butchers; also ham trimmers and shop man. Frye-Bruhn Company, Seattle, Washington. B M87J 111 WANTED, men to cut and shock corn; 6c a shock of 12 hills square. Standard Cattle Co., Ames, Neb. B MS83 la WANTED, drug clerk, one or two years' experience; German preferred. S. E. Beachler, Scrlbner, Neb. B M837 16 WANTED-r Active, educated men In cen tral western states. Fixed weekly sal- riy, or uviiuUe time ul'.iittv. Civs age, experience, references. Dodd, Mead & Co.. Chicago. ; B-Mwi 17 WANTED, two or three good men to take managerships of out-of-town branches; .o per mnntn straignt salary; mux rur nlsh tl.ouo cash bond. Abbott Commis slon Co., grain, provisions and slocks. u-Ai r. i. i.iie Diug. u ai'Mi WANTED. rlcklayers In South Dakota: six weeks' steady work. Reoort to or correspond with John Miller, foreman on acnooi nouse, ttootianu, s. u. B-MM7 15 BRIDGE and pile-driver men, 13.50, 3 00 a day; o teams with wagons and binding cnains to naui ortnge tunners ror Pre mont. Elkhom Ik Missouri Vallev rxten trton at Lynch, Neb., $4.60 a day; laborers for Minnesota. Iowa. Wyoming and Utah: men for factory, coal and supply yards ana oiner worn in city. Sweeney s Em ployment, 209 8. lth at., Omaha. B M901 WANTED An experienced clerk In general merchandise; state salary wanted; refer ences required. L. E. Schaefer, Kimball, XNeD, ij Mm 16 WANTED A live, energetic agent for Nlx-E Won't Tell for Omaha and Council itluffs. Addrees Wheeler & Co., Kamtus City. Mo. B Mll 15 WANTED. experienced salesmen and tradesmen In e.loak deiartnient; only tnose oi experieuca neea apply. J. L Brandels & Sons. B 954 20 WANTED, experienced dress goods sales man. J. 1 Brandels & Sons. B 953 It WANTED, good, sober, reliable, all-round printer; roremansnip of up-to-date cuun try weekly and Job office; power; steady employment to right man. No bums need apply. The Republican, Weeping Water, ret. u yoo it WANTED, a store repairer. Omaha Stove Repair Works, U07 Douglas. B M23S 15 WANTED, experienced bookkeeper and cashier; Al references required; state salary expected. Address K 22, Bee. B 238 WANTED, furnace man at Cole-Brelsford Hardware Co., Council Bluffs. B 16 SALBUfCN WANTED. SALESMEN, exclusive territory; salary or commission; satisfaction guaranteed. Ap ply for terma to "M," Western Nursery to., uiwrenca, ku. 144 01 1' HELP. WANTED, a good girt for general house work; small family, good wages. 21 P Uth ave. C MIC0 100 Girls. Call Canadian office, lath & Dodge. C-li7 WANTED, two young lady students to learn halrdresalng. manicuring and chi ropody and scientific massage. Cell or write Room 220, Bee Bldg. C 188 WANTED, good wages to a good cook; none other need apply. 9324 Harney. C-M765 NURSES' COLLEGE, Pueblo, Colo.; three months' course; diplomas; open October 1; write. C-M7K2 81tr WANTED, girl 2911 Mason St. for general housework. O 678 GOOD men wanted for distribution of our home safes, good pay Ui right people. Apply C. E. lialUwla, J. U Brandels & Sons Bank. C-909 IS WANTED, girl for general housework. 9W4 West Boulevard. C 962 20 WANTED, a refined young girl for second work; a good situation. I all between 1 and 2 or 7 and I p. m. at 2626 Dodge st. C A1921 18 WANTED, a teacher for rlaaa In Spanlan; a native Spaniard preferred. Apply at once. Address K 27, Bee. C-MiH9 15 YOUNG girl to aaalst at general house work. 1-7 S. 26th St. C M941 15 WANTED, experienced salesladies lo cloak deiwrtinent; only those nf experience need apply. J. L. Brandels fckKta. - - C-5S SO WANTED, competent girl for general huusewurk: einu.ll faml illy. Mrs. j. M. Krug, 2604 Wast Boulevard. C-M940 15 WANTED, a woman of middle age who la willing to, leave city fur general house work in family of Ave; give references and stale - waxes wajited. Address L, box 13, Casta im, la. - C Mai 1 WANTKD, working housekeeper In family of three sunns. Adaress J . ee. C 411 WANTED, girl for luoO Georgia Ave. gens housework. c-JM i; WANTED, housekeeper in small family. f.'H N. lain au, curuer Manderson at. C-M139 16 WANTED 60 experienced operatore on pants, duels 'ua.t and ahlrta. Steady eniployuvot at aid wsges. Apply at factory. Byrne Av.Uammr D t. Co. L'tn a Ueward 6la.( Umalia. C SJ67-U WA1TF,D-Fi;LI3 HELP. WANTED, lady cook. 1"4 Case St. Eureka Restaurant, girl for general housework. TJI avenue. C M2T1 I'l Park FOR RENT HOIHK. HOUSES, stores. Bemts, Paxton block. D 190 To MOVE rlgnt get Omaha Van Storage Co.; office lDli'-fc Ktrnara, or Tela. 1.S6!-J. 1 19! 6-ROOM modern. Rood repair, on 8. Ed ave nue. 'Phone 52.1. D 77J HOIIQFQ In Prts of city. The O. I1UUJUJ v. Iavla Co.. 5J bee Bldg. D 181 Bi:K PAYNE. noSTWICK & CO. for choice houses. 6"l-2 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. WIS. D S-ROOM modern detached house. Inquire 2T48 Capitol ave. D-M5I0 VANS and baggage wagons. Tel. 1195. D-132 Ft 'R RKNT, a house, 3314 Francis street, $2o.0n. Omaha Realty Co.. 1301 Douglas St. D 573 MAOGARD Va.i & Storage Co. Tel. 1490. D-194 HOUSES and flats. Ringwalt, Barker block. D-19J l-KOOM m odcrn, good repair, on So. V. I'hone 623. D 777 ttd avenue FOR RENT. October 1, good eight-room nil modern house. 22d St., near California: rent rensonable. Apply at room Ml, N. Y. Ufe building. D M429 1817 CAPITOL AVE. 8 rooms, modern, $13; St. Mary a Ave., 12 rooms, modern, 845; 423 fcrsklne, g rooms, new, modern, $22.50; 154i 8 2th, 6 rooms, modem. $20. Others. Ringwalt Broa., Barker block. D Mtii5 CENTRAL, steam heat, 3-foom cottage. Tlsard, 220 N. 23I. U-Mtao 6-ROOM house In first-class repair; city and cistern water. Apply 46 8. lsth. D-666 FOR RENT Nine-room cottage; parquetry, bath, etc., esst front. 1130 Oeorula Ave. D M8i9 MODERN houes, 125.00, 21 00, $15 00; others S12.50, S10.00, llatH 110.00, X9.00. G. E. Tur klngton. j5 Bee. D M879 S ROOMS for rent. 2519 NO. 15th St. D-M9i9 18 OPT 1 8-room house, 1901 Spencer, modern Ho; 6-room house, IB-'O l ass. modern ex cept furnace, 35. W. N. Nason, Hotel Farnam. D MiM FOR RENT, 10-room modern house and barn. 2llti Spencer St.. 15. 9-room modern house and barn, 1909 Blnney St.. J-5. 10-room modern house and barn,' 2210 Pop- nleton Ave.. IJ8. 7-room house, city water, 922 N. 18th St., 815. BRENNAN-LOVK CO., . 3u 80. 13lh St. D 9C3 20 TEN-ROOM house and barn, modern, steam neat; price, Also ten-room house and barn, modern, furnace; price, $32. Apply to J. A. Scott, In Omaha National Hunk D 966 18 OCT 1, !-room modern house, 1041 Tark Ave. inquire iw ram Ave. D-M101 VP FOR RENT, Georgia ave. home, 8 rooms nice gas grate in parlor, lurnace, porce lain bath, full lot, paved street. 30. J. 11. eilERV.'OOD, 971 N. Y. in ri "V v 1 t r. D 204 A HOUSE for rent; 5-room cottage, 2S19 Seward street, 12. D M-19 la 1029 8. 30TH AVE., 11 rooms, modern, brick. first-class, hardwood finish, complete every way and very easily warmed, re quire Monday and Tuesday. W. D. Mead, Jr., Dellone hotel. D 23s la 820.00 PER MONTH for a 6-room modern dwelling, isoin street, two diocks irom Farnam; small family. Wyman, Shrlver Co., 1008 N. Y. Life Bldg. D 912 13 FOR RENT, 8-room modern house, good location, inquire 14T1 Vinton. u soe J.t FOR nEST-FUMSIIED ROOMS. DEWEY European hotel, Uth and Farnam, Hi 13 $1 PER WEEK 422 S. 18th St., one block suuin 01 court nouse. AETNA HOUSE, European. 13th and Dodge. u; zoo TWO nice, C'jol. furnished or unfurnished rooms. 2504 Davenport. E 431 COOL, neat rooms; ntw flat. 220 North 17th. E--759 17 ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th & Chicago. E 99 NICELY furnished, cool rooms; modern. 2011 Harney. E 983 A SUITE of rooms, newly furnished and papered; modern, including telephone; suitable for couple, or two or more mon. 2216 Douglas. E MI43 S NICE rooms, light houtekeeping. 1112 S. 11 th. E-M279 NICELY furnished rooms, single or en suite; rates reaaonable. Midland Hotel, ltlth and Chicago. E 6J6 NICE room for gentleman, last St. Mary's Ave. . E M750 16 VIENNA HOTEL. 1011-15 Farnam st E 834 07 LAR.GE pleasant rooms, modern. 622 N. lth st. " 40 16- LA HUE. south, alcove room; modr. n. 2580 Harney. E M4G1 15 ROOMS, board If desired. 6 California. E MS53 15 FOR RENT, furnished room for one or two gentlemen; private family. 170X Dav enport St. ' , E 957 U SMALL furnirhrd room: hot water heat, gas. bath. 1026 80. 22d St. K M!! 1U NICELY furnished rooms for light house keeping; also unfurnished rooms. 2310 Douglas St. E 343 16' TWO rooms furnished, housekeeping, steam heat. 713 N. 16th. K M249 16 FURNISHED, rooms, steam, bath and gaa. 713 J. lth. I K M2j0 la' ELEGANT rooms, with or without board. 2-2 Hurt. i- u w FIRXIgHsCD ROOMS AND BOARD. Merrlam, comfortable summer home. Tel. 85. l'i-2Ul TWO nicely furnlahea rooms. 808 S. mtb St. F-Mi4o 15 FURNISHED rooms, with or without board; rates reasonaDie. Midiana iiotui, 16th and Chicago. F if FOR RENT Deftrable front and back par lors. 212 So. rtn at. MM CAPITOL hotel, 18th and Capitol ave.. one Mock from P. o. ; suienor table, elegant location; $1.2a per day; special rates by the week. F Ul S30 FOR RENT, desirable rooms. St. 212 So. 25th F MV9 FOUR first floor rooms for housekeeping, near Nuunix riace; good neignoornosa. Address. J t. Bee. F 41 IS FOR RENT IXFIRXIUHED ROOMI, DESK room space. $5 per month: ground fl'Kir room In the Bee building, facing Farnam atreet; no expense for light, heat or janitor service. K. peters Co rental agents. Bee building. O 116 FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES, FOR RENT The building formerly 00c u pled by The Bee at 1 Farnam at. It has four stories and a banen.ant which was formerly used as The Bee preae room. This will be rented very reaaanabiy. If Interested apply at once 10 C C. Rose water, secretary, room 100, Bee building. 1261 FOR RENT, frame store building. 24x60. with two additions 2x40 each; locution in oval block in city and situated between two brick blocks, making low insurance; suitable lor nearly any klud of business; occupied conrtantly for 13 years till eWp- tcmber 1. low rent, location considered Address D. Revs. Norfolk. Neb. I MsM U IXiHVF.ft Sfctk and Iodge. . cheap. Apply to Wciahwns Mantel 4k lUa Co. 1-7 FOR RICT-tTOIlF.t AND OITK Kt. FOR RENT Ftore In first-class location: rent reasonable. Applv It. C. Peters Co.. around floor. Bee Bldg. I 2W !!, ill. -1U ..!.- - . - AGENTS U'ATFH. WANTED Canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to THR TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment, with assured good In come. Agents In the country with horse and bugsy especially desired. Canvassers make cssil l-W to 8PO per "month. Ad dress, Centuty Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building. Omaha. 21.1 WASTED IO RKT. V ANTED Furnished house from 8 to 12 rooms, by reliable party. Addrese K li, Bee. K-M21 2V FOR SALE HORSES, WAGOS, ETC GOOD family horse. 1.118 Farnam street P SCI o- PFEIFFER Is closing out his atock of bbg- gtes Lea tes at 2r per cent discount. I'ut and venworth. IwMlll HARRY FROST paints and repalra wagons. See him, 14th and Leaven worth. Tel. 1'47. Pi3 FOR SALE MISl EI.LAMEOIB. WHITE sawdust; season checked oak tim bers, cheap; hog fence, etc. '.M Douglas. Q-304 . NEW and aeeonriliand typewriters. 1119 Q2M Farnam. FOR HA Lb;, phonographs; superior to any otner musical instrument; o up. 1 ne Wittman Co., 1621 Farnam. y 24 INDIAN goods and relics. 1119 Farnam. LDHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. g-200 It STYLES trusses; catalogue free. Sher man it Mc'jcutiell Drug Co., ltth and L'cdge, Oma'ia. y M VIM puncture-proof tires. $4.95 and $7.00 per pair, umana Bicycle Co., lbtn and cni eago Sts. W 210 EDISON phonographs, $10, $20 and $30; moulded lecords, one each or $5 per dot.; new wheels, $15 up; 2d hand, $5 up. Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th and Chicago Sts. 0-211 L. M. E. always llurry. Tel. Q-M212 EDISON, Columbia phonographs; agents wanted; write. Fredrickson, 15 & Cap. A v. Q M547 815 FOR gas fixtures see Sam'l Burns. Q 903 O 10 FOR 8ALE, a hairless dogs. pat of Imported Mexican Address K 5, Bee. Q-M917 FOR SALE, new automobile at a bargain. TeL A 2"i63, or address K 30, Bee. Q-984 15 CHOICE milch cows, 5 Shetland ponies. S. T. Campbell, 4213 Center, phone Black 1123. y 213 OlS BASE BURNER. 2001 Burt St. Q-1S0 MISt ELLAXEOl'S. CATTLE Have chance to keep 1,000 head mi viuit:i, i.n;r, wnii, nunvci, hay, com fodder, 7 miles from U. P., 15 miles from li. & M. In Custer Co., Ne braska. Address F. L. Haycock. Calla way, Neb. R M920 25 CLAIRVOYANTS. FRANCIS STERLING, ' the distinguished PSYCHIC PALMIST, v Reads your entire life from Infancy to old age with unerring accuracy and guides you to success In ail undertakings. If you are sick, in doubt or trouble, this strangely gifted man will help. Satisfac tion guaranteed or no charje. Fee re duced to $1.00. Dally from 9 a. m. -to 5 p. m. Tuesday and Saturdays to 9 p. m. 119 Dodge St. 8 M922 15 MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 1614 Cass Bt. B-213 MME. GYLMER, genuine palmist, 315 S. 15. S 214 ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 2d floor, R 2. T-M651 OS PERSONAL. PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement; babies adopted. 2306 Grant St. Mrs. Oardeia. Tel. F-1182. U-215 VIAVA, woman's way to health. Home treatment. Booklet free. 346 Bee Bldg., Omaha. U 21 TEL. 780 for L. M. E. messenger U 213 GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale and retail. Collins Piano Co., 1622 Doug las. U-217 PRIVATE sanitarium for ladiea before and during connnement. ir. and Mrs. Gerlsch. 403 N. 15th St., Omaha. U-23 SHAMPOOING and halrdresslng, 25o. in connection witn 1 ne Batnery, Z16-Z20 Bee building. Tel. 1116. U-218 CHIROPODY a specialty, In connection with The Bathery rooms Z16-220 Bee Bldg. Tel. 1716. U H DR. B. M. JACKSON, R. 4, Frenser Blk., chronic diseases a specialty; consultation free. U 220 $30 RUPTURED CURED FOR $30-No knife, no pain, no aetention from busi ness. Send for booklet, etc. EMPIRE RUPTURE CURE CO.. 933 N. Y. Life Bldg.. Omaha. V til HAIRDRESSINQ, manicuring and chirop ody, tor laaiea oniv, in connection wttn The Bathery, 216-230 Bee Bldg. U 222 MME. SMITH, bathe, 118 N. 16. 2d floor, R. t U-671 818 OMAHA Dye Works, 1513 Howard, the fashionable cleaners or ladles' and gentle men's dresses and aults, lace curtains, draperies. 17604 Ot ELITE PARLORS, 616 8. 16th st., 2d floor. U M883 09 6END 23c for complete lesson In deep breathing exercise, Sam J. Fox. 1401 Far nam. U-902 O 'IF smokln' hurts yoiir blsnes, quit the Mines." for you can't afford to forego the pleasure of smoking STOECKER CIGARS - U-M928 1 LESSONS in Raphra basketry. Mrs. Ma rion 1. nrisiianry, jh iiarney. U-M201 20 PRIVATE hospital before and during con nnement: nrst-ciasa in every respect; babies adopted. Dr. L. L. Miller. 25i4 Blondo street. Phone F 1U2. U 212 Oil BIG reduction in new and second-hand bicycles; new ones st less than cost. Louis Flescher, 142.' Cap. Ave. U M189 MONEY TO L AON REAL ESTATE. 44 PER CENT on business property. 6 per cent on realdence property. Options 10 ray whole or part any time. W. B. ME1KLE. 401 8. Uth at. W-226 MONEY ta loan on Improved Omaha real estate. ureunan-ixve to,, aw s. utn. W-224 4H TO 5 P. C. money. Bemla, Paxton Blk. w-2m FARM and city ioana. low rates. W. H Thomas, First Nai. Bank Bldg. Tel. 1648. W 227 I PER CENT loaaa. Farnam. Garvin Bros.. 1804 W 230 WANTED, city Ioana and warrants. W, Farnam Smith 4k Co., 1130 Farnam st. W 224 PRIVATE money. F. D. Weed, 1524 Douglas. -2il MOtKY TO I.O AX REAL ESTATE. WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds and warrants R. C Peters Co., IToj Farnam St., Bee Bldg. W 221 LOW RATES. Private monev. PAYNE INVESTMENT I'OMTA NY, Main Floor, New York Life Bldg. $100 LP; low rate. Prlchard, 1712 Farnam. j" r ,ji MOSEY TO LOAX IIAT-1 F.LS. MONEY WHEN you And It necessary to borrow, give us a trial, after which we will, ly lair treatment, attempt to retain your patronage. We loan trom SlQ up, on fur niture, pianos, live stocK, etc. We also mako loans to SALARIED PEOPLE without mortgage or endorser. We do not deduct Interest In advance, we rharge nothing for making or tiling papers and our service is quick and confidential. Ws always try to please our patrons. OMAHA MORTGAGE- LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 22j. (Established 1S92.) M So. 16th St. X 231 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ DO YOU NEED MONEY? $ MONEY TO 1X3 AN $ ON FURNITURE AND SALARIES. S. I URE, I eople I $10 to $600 loaned on FURNITL PIANOS. ETC.. and to salaried ne at very lowest rates and for any length $ of time, without publicity or removing 1 the property. Payments can be made to I Suit your convenience. $ fall and get our terms before going $ elsewhere. $ RELIABLE CREDIT COMPANY, $ $ Room 303, Third Floor. I'axton Block. $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ tf$s$$$$$$i$i A MSN KEEP YOUR CREDIT GOOD. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. No Mor-tgag". no Indorser, no publicity. AMERICAN LOAN CO.. Paxton Block. Third Floor, Room W X M982 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without se curity: easiest terms; 40 offices In jirln cipai cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trade Bldg. X-238 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; business confidential; lowest rates, G14 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co, X-241 Chattel and Salary Loans. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., Successor to i. W. Taylo. Tel. 745 633 Paxton Block. X 239 MONEY loaned on nlanOs. furniture, lew airy, horses, cows, etc. C F. Reed, 319 8. 13. A i6 MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock jewelry, to salaried people. Foley Loan 00., suo, to Dufi oreen, s Banter diock. BUSINESS CHAM ES. FURNITURE of W-room, completely equipped, line location, $350. 7-room flat. well located, $1W. These are snaps; be quick. J. 11. Johnson, K. x. Lire. T-M614 TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, Room 411, McCague building. Y-242 WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your business or property quicK. see J H. Johnson, M3 N. Y. Life. YM243 WANTED, to Sill cr lcar n flp" new 75- bbl. Dlansifter steam mill In perfect run nlng order; have facilities for buying and shipping grain; population 01 town two railroads: located in one of the lst counties of the state; will only lease to responlsble parties. Address J 60, Bee. Y-MSW IS FOR SALE, saloon business. Write or call on C. C. Dobry, Farwell, Hownrd Co Nebraska. , Y M896 16 HARDWARE stock, $4,000 to $.,000; best location in town; win sen an or part, aq areas w. J. Lieering, carrou, I a. Y-M948 1 9 WANTED At bargain, $U00 to $2,000 clean stock drugs In good eastern Neb. town give full particulars.' ' K 15, Bee. Y-M271 FOR EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE Inside, eight-room, all modern house, choice location, $3,750; half cash or mortgage, balance trade for avail able city property. Address K 12. Bee. Z-M192 16 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want to sell farm or ranch, tell the farmers and atockraisera about it, The beat way to reach them is through The Twentieth Century Farmer. This agricultural weekly goes to 85,000 homes of farmer and stockralsert, so It you have a good piece of land to sell at reasonable price you ought to And a buyer among them. The coat of an ad la small 2 cents per word. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER OMAHA, NEB. RE-604 FOR BALE, cottage In Hanscom Place. rooma furnace, oatn, gas, paved atreet, near car; lot 45x150; rent, $26.00 por month, lus water tax. Price, W.wxJ; can be pur chased in payments. Address J s. Be. BE 443 FOR SALE. 7-room modern house, nearl new, lull lot, near Ames ave and 24th Price, $2,000; part cash, balance Ion time. J. H. SHERWOOD, 937 N. Y. Life. RE 206 FOR SALE. 31 acrea fruit and garde land. elKht-roora nouse. good barn, ac Dies, cherries, plums, eight acrea In tlm ber, two miles from car line. Address 103 8. First, council Blurts, la. nE-t $2,600 BARGAIN. 9-room modern house, large barn, full lot. V block east Z4tn si. motor line on urant St., $1,000 cash, balance easy; must be sold quick. J H. Johnson, N. Y, Life. RE M 230 EASTERN Kansas lanQ, price $10 to $30. Address D. v Bitter, rates center, Kan sas. RE MIOt 823 RANCH and farm lands for sale by the Union Pacinc rianroaa company, is. A. McAllester, land commlSMloner, Union Pa clno Headquarters, Omaha, Nb. RF 144 HOUSES and lots In all, parts of city; also cre property and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co.. Room 52 Bee Building. RE 147 HOUSES, lots, farms, ranchee, loans; also ore lnaurance. Br mis. Paxton block. RE 764 PUEBLO No better Investment today than good conservative and Judlcloua In veatment in Pueblo realty. Orln S. Mer rill. Baxter block, eppoalte P. O., Pueblo, Colo. RE M126 826 A BARGA1N-4)1.50 The aouthwest corner 24 ih and Davenport. 6x6v. with house renting $8; all special taxes paid. The best location in Omaha for double house, flat or store and flat; will aiwayk rent, and only $1,600. Noth ing so cheap In that locality. Reason able terma. WALLACE, IU BROWN BLOCK. Biv-MlSl 13 PER CENT net investment, ISto.M; $300 rash, balance easy terms. J. H Prrotte, Paxton Block. MB st ji- FOR RENT, 8-room modern bouse, IJO. U14 Francis Bl BE 423 KF.IiET'5, wall paper, 17th and Douglas. rnone iue. eie FOR SALE REAL KSTATE. WlTT PAY RENT 7 OWN YOUR HOME! See the Industrial Home Co. of America. trst plan on earth: office, t! fcd of Trade Bldg.. Omaha. R. M Wilde, mgr. RE 1".77 Oct i NEAR FTiORENCK. S7 acrs. some fruit. Only 14. ("I. Hemls, raxton MocK i.r. -ti 1 OWING to change of occupation, owner doslres to sell tils Place at once ana win nell nt a barnaln: If taken before Septem ber 3i; 6-room house, newly painted and repaired gas. fruit, chicken house, etc., lot 60x124; don't answer this unless you mean business. Price, ll.WO. A!drss J 4. Bee. RE S27 TWO well built 8-room houses, desirable location. Apply 1111 Mnton rt. RE-907 O10 SEE PAYNE. ROSTWICK Co. for choice bargains. 601 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. iis. RE 216 GEORGE G. WALLACE, real estate, tiiort- cage, rentals. Insurance. Brown mock. RE 8(8 WILLIAMSON CHARLES E., 120J Farnam street. RE-246 GEORGIA Ave. home for sale, all modern house, part cash. bsl. long time. J. II. Bhcrwood, 937 N. T. Life. I'hone 3S8. . RE M174 EXPERT ACCOI XTAXT. PRIVATE lessons In bookkeeping, etc.; night class Mono., wen., r ri. u. it. Ralhbun. room 15, Com' I Nat'J bank. -M5?S CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. 1. ucninree, 20th and Lake streets. 87 ACCORDION PLEATING. IDEAL PLEATING CO.. 1510 Howard. 835 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential, ijui Douglas. 259 TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets everywhere. P. H. Phllbln, 15'J5 Farnam. 'i'hone 7(4. 253 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cesspools and vaults, removes gamage an 1 dead animals at reaucea prices, mi in. Tel. 1779. 265 TRUNKS AND BAGGAGE. TWIN CITY EXP. 'Phone 1717. 506 S. 16th, 251 L. M. E. hauls trunks. Tel. 730. -192 PHONOGRAPHS. WE ARE western headquarters for Edison tinonograpns ana records. -rices, iu up Nebrucka Cycle Co.. 15th and Harney. M 983 23 DETECTIVE AGENCIES. CAPT. THOS. CORMICK, private detec tive, 617 Karbacn blocK. 'tel., 806 Oi STATUARY FACTOR. STATUARY and ornamental work. 712 S. 10. MS38 BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co. 811 North 16th. FLORISTS. L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. 1253. Send for price list, cut nowers ana piams. M266 TAILORING. LADIES' JACKETS made, altered and re modeled. Joe lousen, 1411 rarnuio si. MST.9 STAMMERING AND STl'TTERING. CL'F.ED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. 20J FI R DRESSING. O. R GILBERT CO.. tanners, 1424 S. 13ih. 261 TYPEWRITERS. LAMBERT TYPEWRITER Price, $20. Is fast, efficient, durable; easiest to learn, use and care for. Sent on approval. Mon roe & Co.. 811 No. 16th St.. Omaha. M275 STOVES REPLATED. GOLD, silver and tilckelrlatlng. , Plating Co., Bee Bldg. Tel. 2535. Omaha 628 JINK. MIXED country scrap, $11; stove plate, $8. Alplrn, 803 Farnam. 268 STORAGE. OM. Van Stor. Co., 1511H Farn. Tele. 1559-803. PRINTING. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Linotype Composition. 511 So. Uth. 1 LAW AND COLLECTIONS. 8TILLMAN & PRICE. 23 U. 8. N'l Bk. Bid, 2B3 ELECTRICAL REPAIRERS. GRAND Electric Co., 16 ft Jackson. Tel. 2848. JOT LAUNDRY. nvm steam 1 .sundry: shlrta. 8c: collars, 2c: cuffs. 4c. 1760 Leavenworth. Tel. A-17il3. 264 AUTOMOBILES. ELECTRIC AUTOMOBILES. Deright s. 111$ Farnam street. ( DANCING ACADEMY. CHAMBERS. 17th and Douglas: now. open for reception of pupils: lormai opening September 24. 'Phone F1775 (circulars). ' Mill os FOR S ALE FI R N IT I RE. CHICAGO Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodee. Tel, X20. New and seconanana, Dougni, soia, exchanged. O M WANTED TO BIT. FIRST-CLASS Jones St. hard coal burner. 2519 v-576 MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, the acknowledged leading aoeclallat In dlseaaea of wonien In Omaha, would call the attention of ajfferlng ladiea to hta unsurpassed accommodations before and during connnemoni ana 01s treatment for Irregularities, no matter what cause. Call or address, with stamp Dr. Pries, Arlington Block, 1614 Dodge, Omaha. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. GREOQ 8. II., Touch T. W., Bjs Branches, Ttleg. Cat. Free. Om. Coll., 17th & Doug, 01 A. C. VAN BANTS school. 717 N.. Y. Life, 27. BOYI-E8 college, court reporter principal N. x. L.ire. it NEB. Business Shorthand College, Boyd' Theater Z.4 UHLsaMAkvlNG. DRESFMAK1NG in families or . Miss ClurUy, 1M llaracy. at home, M Ol LOST. LOST -Plaint nd and emetald ttairrn'tv yr name of J. VValla.-e In bark; lost between 24th and B streets. Snmh t'maha. a ul roll and iH-dfre strerta, tiinsha; ivsnl for return of same to n North "" 1 street. South Omaha. I,ost M1W 16" Li 1ST Black lace scarf, musical testlvai. Saturday night. Leave at Bee office. B. ward. os nor ai h v. GID, E. A AUCI JOHNSON, osteopaths. Svlte 515, N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. !'4. 270 MRS. -GRACE Dcr-GAN. 538 Bee building. Tel. 21". (M S( IIOOL OF Nil SIC. OMAHA S.-hool of Mislr. Twelve free scholarshli a tor 0110 year, comment irg October 1st. For particulars and pros pectus apply 1". H. Wright. dlre-tor of studies. 315 Ramge bldg ; for staff of teachers, see SunUav papers. 913 Oct 10 NAMFAtTI RING. P MELCHIOR. 13th and Howard, ma- 254 chlnlFt. CM AH A Safe and Iron Wks. makes a spe cialty of tire escapes, i-nuttets. aoois anu sales. G. Andre?n. Prop.. 102 S. 10th St. 2"5 GOVF.RXMEXT NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR SUBSISTENCE STORES. Office of Purchasing Commis irr IV a Af-tav. Omaha. Neb.. Sent. 11. 19i2. Sealcl proposals, in trlpllcHte, for fur bishing bacon, issue, oiy sail euro, 111 crates and In tuitrhwelght cans, will lie re ceived at this office, at the offline of the Purchasing Commissary, U. S. Army. Kan sas City, Mo., and at the omce of me i-ur-rhaslng Commissary, 17. 8. Army, Chicago, HI., until 11 o'clock . m., Monday, Septem ber 22. 1902, at which time and place they will be publicly opened. Articles ot domes tic production pt manuraciure win or pre ferred to- those of foreign origin, cost and nualltv belnc eoual. fcoeclltcatlons as to quantities, date ami place of delivery, blank proposals and further Information furnished on appill w null IU t-lllivri i.iuiv-. i-,,nri,,, p containing proposals should be Indorsed, "Proposals for Subsistence Stores, to be opened Mondav September 22. l" and addressed to W. H. BEAN. Major. Com missary, Purchasing Commissary, Omaha, Neb. tDll-12-13-15-16-17 OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER MASTER, Sheridan. Wyo., Sept. 15, 1!W!. Sealed proposals in triplicate will ne re ceived here until 10 a. m. October 15. 1902, for constructing, plumbing, heating, gas piping and electrlo wiring two double sets officers' quarters, one- double- barrack and one bakery, all brick. Information fur nished upon application here or at offices of depot quartermaster, Denver, Omaha and Bt. Paul. I). S. reserves right to accept or reject any or all bids or parts thereof. En velopes containing proposals should be en dorsed "Proposals ior .." addressed Cap tain ThoB. Swobe, quartermaster. S15d4tO10 11M POSTOFFICB NOTICE. (Bhould be read DAILY by all Interested, as changes may occur at any time.) Fiireiirii malla for the week ending Sep tember 20, 1902, will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) at the General Postofflce as fol lows: PARCELS POST MAILS cloBe one hour earlier than closinsT time shown below parcels post malls for Germany close at 6 p. m. Monday and vi eanesuuy. Kegular and Supplementary malls close at Foreign Station half nour later than closing time shown below (except that Sup plementary Malls for Europe and Central America, via Colon, close one hour later at f oreign station). Transatlantic Mails. TUESDAY At :30 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. s. Kaiserln Maria Theresia' (man tor Ireland must 4e directed "per . s. K. Al n-, .... . o .a . A in- A T V- Al-ant llieieniu . Ul o.o' a. ni. in ,&xsvjx .ti - - j per s. s. Lorn bard la (mall must be. directed "ner a. a. Iimbardm . WEDNESDAY At 6:80 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. b. Philadelphia, via Southampton (mall for Ireland must be directed "per s. s. Philadelphia"); at 8:30 a. m. (supple mentary 10 a. m;) for EUROPE, per s. s. Teutonic, via Queenstown; at 11 a. m. for DENMARK direct per s. s. Oscar II (mall must be directed "per s. s. Oscar li'i. THURSDAY At ": a. m. for EUROPE, ner s. . eMierst HIttmarck. via 1'lvmoutn, Cherbourg and Hamburg (mall for France must be directed ,"per . s. Fucrst Bis marck "); at 7 a. m. for FRANCE, SWIT ZERLAND, ITALY", SPAIN, PORTU GAL. TURKEY. EGYPT, GREKCE WHITISH INDIA and LORENZO MAK QUEZ. per a. s. La Lorraine, via Havre (mall for other parts of Europe must be nirecieo -ner a. a 1 .a Lorraine -i. SATURDAY At 7:30 a. m. for NETHER LANDS direct, per s. s. Ryndam (mail must be directed "per s. s. Ryndam"); at 8 a. m. for BELGIUM direct, per s. s. Kroonlatid (mall must be directed "per s. s. Kroonland ): at 8:30 a. m. for blot LAND direct, per a. a. Columbia imall must be directed "per s. s. Columbia"); at 12:30 p. m. (Supplementary 2 p. m.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Lmbna, via yueens town. PRINTED MATTER. ETC.-Thls steamer takes Printed Matter, Commercial Papers and Samples for Germany only. The same class of mall matter for other parts of Europe Will not be sent by this ship unless specially directed by her. After the closing of the Supplementary 1 ransatlantlc Mails named above, ad ditional Supplementary Mails are opened on tho piers of thti American, English, French and German steamers, and remain open until within Ten Minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. Malta for Soath and Central America Weat Indies, Etc. MONDAY At 8:30 p. m. for ST. THOMAS una bt, cnuiA (Via ci. 1 nomas) am: NORTHERN BRAZIL, per a. a. Kar thago, via Para and Manaos. TUESDAY At 9:3o a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.l lor CENTRAL AMERICA (ex cept Costa Rica) and SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS, per s. s. Finance, via Colon (mall for Guatemala must be airecteu - per a. s Finance"): at 6:iar n. m. for JAMAICA per s. s. Admiral Farragut, from Boston WEDNESDAY At 12 m. for YUCATAN, per a. s, Daggrv. Via progreso (mall mus be directed "per a. a. DaggTy"). THURSDAY At 8 a. m. for CUBA. YUCA TAN. 1 AMPECHE. TABASCO and CHIAPAS, per s. s. Monterey (mall for other parts of Mexico must ne directed "per s. s. Monterey"); at 6:30 p. m. for JAMAICA, per a. s. Admiral Schley, from Mo ton. FRIDAY At 7 R m. for NEWFOUND LAND direct, per s. 8. Rosalind; at 12 m ror mcaru, per a. s. .Niagara, via Tarn Pico (mall must be directed per a, Niagara"); at 6:30 p. m. for BERMUDA, per steamer from Halifax; at 11:30 p. m for NEWFOUNDLAND, per a. a. Buenoe Ayrean. from Philadelphia. SATURDAY At 6:30 a, m. for BRAZIU per s. a. iieveuus, via rernamouco, nania Bin Rio Janeiro (mall for Northern Brasll Argentine, Uruguay and Paraguay must be directed "per a. s. Hevellus1'); at 8:30 a. m. for BRAZIL, per a. s. Catania, via Pernambuco arid Santos (mall for North em iirazll must be directed "per 1 Catnhla at V . m. for PORTO RICO, CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per a. s varacas (man ior cuvannia ana carta gena must be directed "per s. a. Cara las' ); at - a. nj. foi" POKTO RICO, pe s. s. Pathnnder, via Ponce (ordinary mull ,,nlv hl.,1, mi.-. KA ll .........4 ... ... iiiiij, muni uii c iru jMrr 0. a. t Pathfinder" i : at 9-311 a m finiinl,ini.niartf ! 10:30 a. m ) for FORTUNE ISLAND, JA MAICA. 8A VANILLA and CARTAGENA, tier n. s. Altai (mull for Costa Rica must be directed "per s. s. Altai"); at 9.30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for HAITI and SANTA MART A. per a. s. Valencia; at 10 a. ni. .for CUBA, per s. s. Morro . Castle, via Havana; st 10 a. m. for HAITI, per s. s. Prlns Wlllem V (mall for Curacao, Venezuela, Trinidad, British and Dutch Guiana must be directed "per s. s. Prins Willem V"); at 12:30 p. in. for CUBA, per s. a, OUnda. via Matanzas (ordinary mail only, which must be directed "per s. a. OUnda"). Malls Por Newfoundland by rail to North Sydney, and thence by steamer, close at this office daily at 6:3o p. m. (con necting close here every Monday. Wednesday and Saturday). Mulls for Miquelon, by rail to Bostou, aud thence by steamer, close at (his office dally at 6:30 p in. MaMs for Cuba by rail to Port Tampa, Fla., and Thence by steamer, clone at this office dally except Thursday at 6:30 a. rn , frhe connecting closes are made on Mondays Wednesdays and Sat urdays. Mails for Mexico City, over land, unless specially addressed for des patch by steamer, close at this offli e daily except Sunday at 1:80 p. ni. and 11:S p. m ; Sundays at l:u0 p in. and 11:30 p. ni. Malls lor Costa Rica Belize, Puerto Cortes and O-iulemal.t. by rail to New Orleans anil thence l,v steamer, close at this office dally except Sunday ut l:i)o p. m. and )1: p. m. , Sundays at 1:00 p. an. and p. m. (connecting closes here Mondays at 11:30 p. in. for Belize, Puerto Cortes and Guatemala and Tuebdaya ut 11 :30 p. m. for Coata Riia Registered mail closes :it ; j. m. pre vious day. . Trantpaellr Malta. class inatur for the PhJIippiuc IsianUs, i'.) 1 ui i k c. ,pi ii r. M.-ils for IliwaM ,1,-m-ii ('ill- and Mrsi- la Sun l-'i ;iin f u. --.lote here dalll at 6 . p 111. ti to Heplrml-cr "14th. Inclusive, t r ifi'iit h p 1 s f . 1 ulna Mills f'-r liln.t and .l.tpiin. 1 la Seatt'n clove here d 1 1 1 v at JO p in. up to Sep tember '17th. tiicliixlM. for rtespatcTl ,er s. s Kiina Mnru. 4 llglstered mall nnrn lie llil'eileil "via Se!lltle". Malls for China and Japan, via Tacoma. close here dally st 6 ;;o p. m. up t't Sep tember istli. Inclusive, for jl.patro per s. s. olympla. Malls for Tahiti and Msrquesas Islands via Sail Francisco, close here dally at 4 30 p m. up to September ".'ith. Inclusive, for iiepnlih per s s. Mariposa. Malls lor Australia (except West Australia, which is forwarded via Europe!, New eiiland, FIJI. Samoa and Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here fially at 4:30 p. m. alter September '13th and up to Septem ber ''Juth, inclusive, or on arrival ot s. s l.ucanls, due at New York September S'tli, lor despatch per s. s. Ventura. Mails for Haw-all, China, Japan and first class matter for the Philippine Islands, via San Francisco, close liere dally at : p in. up to September '22d, Inclusive, tor despatch per s. s. DorlP Malls for the Philippine Islands, via San Francisco, close here dally at s.w p. m. up to tw-ptrmiier .-iin, inclusive, tor Dis patch per 1'. S. Transport. Malls for Hawaii, via, Satt Francisco, close here dally at 6.30 p. m. up to September 29th. Inclusive, for dispatch per a. S. Ala meda. Mails for China and Japan, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C. close here dally al 6:.W p. m. up tf 'September Nnth. in clusive, for despatrh per a. a. Empress of India (registered mall must be specially addressed? Merchandise for V. 8. Postal Agency nt Shanghai rannot be forwarded via Canada). , , Mails for Australia (except West Australia, which goes via Kurope, and ivew 7,eaiand. which goes via fnn Franclsico), ami el.ll islands, via Vancouver and Victoria. It. C. tspeclally uddressed only), close here dully ut 6:30 p. m. tip to October "tlth, In clusive for dispatch per a. a. Moana. Transpacific malls are f or w ardent to port or sailing daily anrt me scnenuie or-eios-ing Is arranged on the presumption ot their uninterrupted overland transit. Registered mnll closes at 6 p. m. previous CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. Postofflce, New York, N. Y., September 12. 1902. NIOX STATION 10TH ASD MARCY. Chicago, Rock Island Jk PaclBc. EAST. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Daylight Lim ited a 5:00 am a 6:45 am Chicago Daylight Local. a 7:00 am a 9:W pm 1 nicetro Express bii:is am pm Des Moines Local a 6:20 pm bll:50 am Chicago Fast Express. . a 6:05 pm a 1:25 pm WEST. - Rocky Mountain Lim ited a 6:50 am a 4 55 am Lincoln, Colo. Springs. Denver. Pueblo and West a 1:30 did a 6:41 cm Colo., Texas. Cal. tt Okianoma Flyer........ 6:20 pm - aij:4S pm Illinois entral. : ' Chicago Express .s..a7:Bfam a 1:10 pm Chicago, Minneapolis at -St. Paul Limited a 7:50 pm 'a 8:0 am Minneapolis et u i-x.ui Express .b 7:20 am bl0:$S pm al0;3& pm Arrive. Chicago Express.. Inlon Paclnc. Leave. ....a 9:40 am ....a 8:50 am Overland Limited. a T:80 pm The Fast Mall a pm California Express... ...a 4:26 pm ...all:30 pm I'aclnc Express Eastern Express 4- pm a 7:30 am The Atlantic Exoresa. The Colorado special... a 7:10 am a 8:40 ar i:44) ar km cnicago opeciai am Lincoln, neat rice and Stromsbura Ex .....b 4:05 nm bll:U nm Grand Island Local b 5:30 pm b 1:36 pm Wabash. St. Tuls "Canon Ball" Exnrees a i:6S tm a Suo am Ot. Louis Local, Council Biutia t a i:i& am aio:ao pm Chicago A Northwestern. "The Northwestern Line." Leave. Arrive. Fast Chicago a 8:40 am a 1:00 am Mail ,. ,.,.. 7:1 pro a 8:30 nm Local Sioux City a 5:10 am a 8:M pm Daylight St. Paul a 7:86 am a!0:25 pm uayiignt cnicago a :oo am a)i:io pm Local Chicago. ...alo:,r.S am a 1:10 pm Local Carroll Fatt Chicago Limited Chicago.... Fast St. Pauf .... ...a 4:00 pm a 9:50 cm ...a 4:56 pm a 4:06 pm ...a 8:10 pm a 9:20 am ...a 7:55 nm a 8:15 am ... - a I;40 pm ,..b 4:00 pm b 9:60 am Fast Mali Local Sioux City... Missouri PacIS. St, Louis Express alO:00 am a t:2R pm h. u. i ei. u. ax aiu-.oo pm a e:ia am Chicago, Milwaukee St. Panl. Chicago eV Omaha EX.7b 7:40 ant b 1:40 pm Chicago iinuiea Ji.x...-a a:uu pm a :w am BURLINGTON STATION 10TH A MASON I 1 i Barllngrton A Mlsaonrl River. i Leave. Arrive. Wymorey Beatrice and Llncolti a 8:40 am Nebraska Express a 8:40 am Denver Limited a 4:25 pm bll:H a a 1:45 p a i:tf a pm am Black Hills and t'ugei Sound Express all:10 pm . a 8,:10 pm Coioraao vesiiDuiea Flyer Lincoln Fast Mall b 1:10 pm a 16 pm a 1:17 am Fort croon ana fiaiis- mouth b 8:20 pm Ttellevue A Pacific Jet... a 1:M nm ili :0S a i 1:27 a Bellevue A Pacific Jot... a SM am Kansas City. St, Joseph Jk ell Blaffa. Kansas City Day Ex.., .a 9:20 am a : pm St. Louis Flyer a 6:10 pm all .15 am Kansas City Night Ex..al0:30 pm a 6.15 am Chlcaaro, BnrllnKton A Qalncy. Chicago Special .....a 7:00 am a 4:05 pm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex. .a 4:00 pm a 7:80 am Chicago Local ..a :80 am all:00 pm Chicago Limited ,...a 8:05 pm . a 7:80 am Fast Mali ' a 1:45 (ra a Daily, b Daily except Sunday, e Sun day only, d Dally except Saturday, Dally except Monday. WEBSTER DEPOT 16TH A WEBSTBR. Chioaco, St. Panl, Minneapolis A Omaha. , Lave. ..Arrive. Twin City Paaaenger....a 6:80 am a 9.00 pm Sioux City Passenger.. .a 1:00 pm kll:20 am Emerson Local b 6:40 pm b 8:45 am Fremont, Elkhom A Mlsaonrl Valley. Black Hills, Deadwood, .. . Hot Springs v., $:00 pm a 6:90 pm Wyoming, Casper and Dotiglaa .....d $:00pm a 5:00 pm Hastings, York, David City, Superior, Geneva, Exeter and Seward b 1:00 pm' b 5:00 pm I Norfolk. Lincoln and I Fremont b 7:t0 am bV)-tt am - Fremont Local c 7:30 am Mlsaonrl Paclne. Nebraska Local, Via Weeping Water.... ..b 4:10 pm all). 25 em DANGER IN, POISON IVY. - How to Knew the' Plant Simple Mem edlea If Affected by It. la speaking the other day ef the t,r(p to the Pacific coast made by President. Mc Klnley, says the New York Tribune, a California!! said that several members of the party were made extremely uncom fortable at Santa Crux. because they touch1 the poison Ivy on some ot the big trees. - "If one knows bow the Rhus toxicoden dron that is the scientific name foe the Ivy looks," said the man of the woods, "he can avoid It with ease. It ta some times a low shrub about a foot high, and It la also a graceful vine, wltb stout hairy sterna. This vine sends out hori zontal branches. . The bush and tba viae do not look alike, but both have coarse toothed oval pointed leaves. These are al ways three In a group and at this season the plant also bears small greenish white berries." Poison oat, otherwise Rout radios ni, aad poison sumach, or Rhus vinents, are- other plants to be avoided by visitor to the woods. The sumach has groups of -four leaflets, oval pointed In form, arranged oa tapering stem. It differs from th real sumach insofar that It leaflet incline upward. In the autamn the foliage I a brilliant scarlet. Tha 'little berries took like grayish white grapes. A good antidote for Ivy polsoatat la It first (tages Is solution of ordinary bak ing soda. A bottle containing pint .f ! water and a heaping teaspoonful of 1 tkltx soda is caried by many persous w ho tal s walks in the woods, for while soma i-cop'r may handle the poison vines without dan ger, others are polsoaed If they past vitala twelve feet of them.