Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 15, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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y Jerk McKenna, according t McKcn
a's own words, sod given a few husky
punch's bout the far and hody.
flail Gets Away.
tfheo the fight hail reached Its crisis
Hall withdrew a few feet and commanded
the crowd to stand bark. Having, an he
placed his hand to hta hip pocket:
"Keep back, or I'll ehoot."
Th injunction had some effect, for the
aaailanta baited and gate Ball time to
reach the company's gates, from which he
waa accompanied back to the scene of the
fight by a guard, who helped him carry
Caldwell Into the yards. The Injured man
had gone but a short distance Inside when
he became limp, and be died wlitaln twenty
minute. Caldwell never spoke, according
to the statements made.
Jack McKenna, the msn who admits be
ing an aggressor In the tragical affair, has
been confounded with Jack McKenna, the
former t'nlon Parlfle machinist, who la now
one of the strikers. The latter was not
near the place where the murder occurred
and had no part whatever In the affair.
The McKenna who takes upon himself the
responsibility for striking Rail has an un
savory reputation about town and is said
by the police t have been an occupant
of the city jail on many occasions.
Were at the Theater.
According to the statement of Ball, he
and Caldwell bad attended a play at Boyd's
theater during the early part of the night.
After the play they walked north on Six
teenth atreet and took supper In a res
taurant with a couple of friends whom they
met there. Ball denied that either he or
Caldwell had been freely Imbibing and de
clared that both were entirely free from the
Influence of liquor.
Toung Spellman and McKenna had been
drinking somewhat In the McKenna saloon
at Seventeenth and Nicholas streets and
bad shared tbetr luxuries with the older
Spellman. One of the McKenna's, who
own the saloon, stated that the men had
been there during the early night.
John Kerrigan, who mi one of the number
under arrest, had a pair of ateel knuckles
upon bla person when taken Into the police
station, but the police are satisfied that be
did not use them in the fight, and further
more that he was not even present at
the affair, despite the statement of Ball
that he was positive he could Identify
Kerrigan as one of the three agressors. Ball
was unacquainted with the men and this
Is assigned for his mistake in fixing Ker
rigan in his mind as one of the principals.
Kerrlaaa Nat at Flaht.
Kerrig-att seems to have satined the po
lice that he had left the picket line shortly
bofor the fight occurred for his home to get
Ms overcoat and did hot return until the af
fair Was over. He was met at Sixteenth
and Cass atreets by McKenna and young
Spellman, who broke the news to him of the
fatal encounter. The three men took a drink
around, they satd, and. returned to the yards.
Kerrigan I a member tf the federated board
of the strikers and. bis duties compelled
him, he says, to be oh guard last night.
According to the statement of Raymond
Chadwlck, he, Michael Spellman and Ru
dolph Undberg had been detailed by the
blacksmiths' union aa ita representatives
oa the picket Has for Saturday eight The
picket forces are made up from men out of
the various unions in the strike.
Vletlrn of tac Tragedy.
Earl Caldwell, the victim of the tragedy,
lived In Chicago with bis mother, Mrs. Mag
gie Caldwell, at 438 Irving avenue. He car
ried an' identification card la his pocket
which revealed this Information. Caldwell
tame to Omaha July to work for the
Union Pacific, but on account of a lame foot
returned home and did not come back to this
city until September 8. when he resumed1 his
work in the shops. The murdered man was
a fine specimen of physical manhood, stand
ing over six feet In height and weighing
upwards of 170 pounds. He was 25 year cf
ge. News of his untimely death was tele
graphed to his mother, and Coroner Bralley
received a message last night from the be
reaved woman requesting that the body of
her son be sent - to ber.
A mad representing himself ao a brother
of Caldwell, put In an appearance yester
day afternoon. He kald he had reoelved
a telegram In Chicago of his brother's
murder and took the first train for Omaha.
He made the statement to one of the
strike leaders that "Earl got just what
he deserved, aa he never was any good."
The man's story la discredited entirely and
he Is believed to be a detective, trying to
probe strikers. It would not have been
possible for hint to have left Chicago and
reached Omaha In the time he says, ss
the murder did not occur until nearly 1
o'clock In the morning.
Men la Separate Cells.
All the nine men under arrest may be
admitted. to bail after the post mortem ex
amination has been held, but not before.
The police expect to land more suspects
by that time. Chief of Police Donahue re
fuse to allow any attorney to consult with
any of the prisoners until the post mortem
has been held. The men are detained in
separata cells In the city jail. They were
brought out one at time yesterday to
make their statements, which were made
to the police and Bdson Rtch, attorney for
the Union Pacific. Mr. Rich was the only
outsider allowed to see or communicate
with the prisoners or Ball, the injured
This tragedy forms an epoch In the his
tory of the Vnlon Pacific strike. It has al
ready had a temporary effect at least upon !
the struggle between the company and Its
former employes, and Jt may extend even
further. Chief Donahue yesterday issued
orders prohibiting all strikers from con
gregating at or near the yards. In any ca-1
paclty whatever,, an4 specified that the
picket llnea, should be. removed. Fourteen
patrolmen were detailed tor duty at the
yards. The ; pickets were summarily re
moved yesterday afternoon, but they dis
pute the right of the thief to take this step,
and will endeavor to Regain their positions
through legal 'process.'
Vie President Coaloa Talk.
"We deny the right of Chief Donahue to
remove eur pi ke ftom the r'llr ad yards,"
said First Vice President P. J. Conlon of
the International Association of Machinists
yesterday. "That is usurping the preroga
tive of a court and we contend that It
transgressed the poser of the chief of
police. Wf will seek redress for this
wrong. The action of the chief amounts
to nothing more than an Injunction and
only a judge can Incus Injuaettone.
"In the Brat place Chief Donahue had
no causs for taking such action against
the plckrU even if he did have the right,
for the strikers are not guilty of this crime
sad should not be made to bear the con
sequences, directly or indirectly.
"The crime of Sunday morning Is to be
deplored and no set of Individuals regret
it any more than we do. We have from the
first enjoined our men to bo moderate and
cautious In their conversation and conduct
at all limes and never to engage in violence
of any kind. The great majority of the
atrlkers have observed our warnings, but
of course, there are a few hot heads who
are unable to govern their passions. This
is not surprising. It Is the case among men
of all classes."
Third Vkre President George Mulberry of
h.rnn Miii-iM. if Tour liver Is
luggisn.out of tune and you feel dull,
bilious, ounaUpaled, Uie a dose at
Slood'a Pills
'. Awl Toa11 he all rt,U la Ut nonxifi
the machinists, took the same View of the
case ss did Conlon, adding: "We will en
deavor to preserve our right by hsvlng
this order for the removal of pickets an
nulled. Such an order aa that can be Issued
only through injunction proceedings and
there have been no such proceeding aa yet.
We are out for nothing but our rights,
bue must Insist on them until w get
them and we believe that the chief will
be smong the first to make these conces
sions." President John McNeil of the boiler
makers' national organisation, who Is Id
the city, spoke with great feeling of the sad
occurrence of 8unday morning.
"I can't believe that any striker bad a
hand in the murder," said Mr. McNeil, "but
at any rate we beg the public to withhold
any decision or verdict In the matter until
all the facta are fully known. We have
been determined that tbls fight should be
conducted along humane and civil lines add
wlthbut violence and we don't want to be
charged with this crime. There whs but one
of our men among the number arrested and
he, George U Perkins, was an apprentice.
We will look after his esse and ascertain
whether he Is guilty of any part In the
crime. We are confident he Is not and feel
bappy that he thus far has not been ac
cused. He will doubtless be held merely as
a witness.
Will Protect X Uallly Man.
"But In order to give him and us every
chsnc we have employed Ed. P. Smith as
attorney. If It should be found that any of
our men were guilty of this crime In any
way we would not defend him or offer any
encouragement. We are not organised to
promote lawlessness or foster crime and will
not condone evil In any form by protecting
violators of the law. We are peaceable, law
abiding cltliena and abhor those who are
not. We ask the public not to hastily form
the opinion that, because this murder oc
curred st this time it Is traceable and
chargeable to the strikers, but if It should
be shown ;r that some strikers ar im
plicated, even then we would insist on tb
public believing that wo do not sympathise
with the criminals, but on the other band
we would do everything In our power to
bring him to justice, the same as any other
Raymond f'hadwlck'o Hlorr.
This statement was made to Chief of
Police Donahue and Captain Hato by Ray
mond Chadwlck:
"Lieutenant Mlko Spellman, Rudolph
Llndberg and myself were detailed to go
on picket duty at the Union Pacific shops
by the chairman of the blacksmiths' union,
to go to work during Saturday night. We
went about 10 p. m. to the Davenport street
gate, remained there about halt an hour,
then went to Cans street gate and remained
there until about 12:30 a. m. We saw men
coming from up town. We met them at the
southeast corner of Twelfth and Case. Earl
Caldwell spoke up and said, 'Here, boys, I
don't want any trouble. We have been In
here four days. Wo came from Chicago
and we are going to quit tomorrow.'
"Then one of our party spoke; do not
know which one. He said, 'Have you no
other place to sleep except In the shops?'
Caldwell said no. John Spellman struck
Caiiiweii lu fate with his S:t. fc!ch
knocked him down. I am quite sure that
Spellman had nothing In his hand. Spell
man followed Earl up. Others fought In
the gutter. My attention was then drawn
to Jack McKenna wrestling with Mordlca
W. Ball. They Were both on the ground
for about a minute, when both got up and
separated, when Ball reached for his hip
pocket. Ball made some remark which I
did not understand and ran toward the
Cass street gate. The struggle was between
Caldwell and Spellman when I saw Mr. Ball
running toward the gate. I make this
statement of my own free will, without
fear, favor or promisee."
Yonna; Bpellman'a Statement.
To the same officers John Spellman made
this statement: '
"I met Jack McKenna at Fifteenth and
Nicholas streets. Was around town and
about 10:20 o'clock went to tho
Cass street gates and met Ray-1
mobd - Chadwlck, Rudolph Undberg
and my father, Mike Spellman, and
another man I did not know. Remained
there some time and then went to Twelfth
and Cass streets and stood on the south
east corner for about ten minutes. Saw
two men coming from up town. They were 1
engaged In conversation With my father.
Jack McKenna, Raymond Chadwlck and
Rudolph Llndberg and another man. I
was about fifteen or twenty feet away and
did not hear what was said. One of the
two men said he was a blacksmith helper.
I then went over and struck one of the
two men with tuy fist and he fell in the
gutter. I struck at him twice after he
tell, but I missed him. I then walked across
the street alone. Before 1 left tho man I
knocked down got up and ran toward
the shops. I did not see anyone strike or
touch the man in my presence."
Young Spellman made a similar state
ment to Edson Rich, atorney for the Union
Pacific, la which he repeated that no one
else struck Caldwell In his presence. He
tells the railroad attorney that he followed
up his first blow with two other while his
young victim was in tho gutter and unable
to rise and defend himself.
Rich Conducts Examination.
Mr. Rich subjected each of the nine pris
oners snd Mr. Ball, the companion of Cald
well, to examinations and haa stenographic
reports of the statements. This Is a copy
of the statement made by Ball, who said
that he had teen living for the past two
yeara la Denver, but was now employed
as boiler maker helper In the Omaha shops:
Mr. Rich You went up town sometime
last evening with Mr. Caldwell
Mr. Ball Yes. sir.
"At what hour?"
"Near 7 o'clock as well as I remember."
"I was taking supper, spent tho evening
up town and went In the barber shop, got
shaved and went up to Boyd's theater; spent
the evening, came down on the street toward
the shops and met a oouple of friends there.
Talked a few minutes. Tbey wont home and
we came on down sod stopped1 at Mullen's
theater probably ten or fifteen minutes, just
while w smoked little there; cam out
snd went into a restaurant and got lunch;
staid there probably fifteen minutes. Walked
slowly oa down towards the shop until we
turned the corner and saw this gang stand
ing out la the street."
"Whtr did you meet this crowd?"
"It was Twelfth, right at the opposite cor
ner southeast corner."
"Whea you went up to them, hq'w many
were there?"
"There were alx."
"Did you knew any of them?"
"No, sir; I did not knew any of them at
"What was said?"
"They were standing out in the middle of
the street, you know, and w were coming
down the sldewalki They saw ua coming
about the time we got opposite tho saloon.
They walked up and blocks ta sidewalk.
We walks up ta them and slops had to step
and tbey aays. 'Where are you going boys?
W says 'W are going down to the shops.'
They all seemed to be excited then and this
yiung fellow Caldwell aays, 'We do no) want
any trouble. I just came la aer last week
from Chicago as soon as I get a little
money I am going back.' He had not more
than got the words out of his mouth whea
this young fellow kit him a biff aad seat
him over."
Contradicts Spellman.
"Did any one ef them or the man you had
tho fight with, say to Caldwell. 'Haven't you
ay pUcole to sleep than the shop. I
have a nice room and If you will eome down
you ran stsy with me.' Was that statement
"No. sir, no such statements ta that ass
"Where was thla young fellow that struck
Caldwell standing during the conversation?"
"He was stsnding Just behind a little
tow heavy set msn, ard just as Caldwell
says, 'We are going back as soon as we
get a little money,' why, this fellow Just
csme over thst wsyflndlcstlng bow the blow
was dealt) and struck htm."
"Did It knock him down?"
"Yes, sir. It knocked him clear over and
he lit on his head and shoulders In the
gutter. It Is a pretty steep bank there."
"Then did the young fellow that struck
him go after him?"
"There was two of them jumped on him,
this tall man with the club and the fellow
that struck him went right over on top
of him. a tall fellow, taller than the rest
of them and he had a club In his hand, and
he and the fellow (hat did strike Caldwell
then Jumped onto him."
"Then In the meantime what did you do?"
"I run backwards just a quick as he
struck him, dver the little bridge li st Is
across the gutter there and the boy was
hollering so. I made a dash to get him to
get up. Just as 1 started to get to him to
get him up, these four fellows Jumped for
me. This fellow commenced pounding me
in the face."
"This little fellow that done the talk
ing?" "Ye, sir."
"Would you kflow him if you saw him?''
"Yes, sir."
"Did you finally get away from him?"
"Yes, these other fellows rushed onto me,
ono fellow with knurkles hit me there. Run
ning backwards fighting as beat I could,
this fellow with knuckles hit me there
(pointing to bis head). I stumbled and fell
backwards and three of them fell on top
of me. They fell to one side and I Jumped
out from under them."
"When you got up from them that time,
where was Caldwell?"
"He was down In the ditch. These others
were still beating him."
"Two fellows were still on him?"
lee Some Oaths.
"Yes, sir. I made a feint a though 1
had a revolver and says. You , I will
shoot you. They Jumped off of him and
quit following me. The other two Jumped
off Caldwell, too."
"Which way did they go?"
"Tbey ran straight up the street snd he
jumped up and ran toward the shop. 1
bad to back off and saw the hst laying
there aad put It under my arm and backed
off, and after I got past the building a
little way, tbey commenced hurling rocks
at me and I had to dodge them until I got
to the tracks, then I broke and ran to the
"Could you Identify the tall man with
the club If you should see him?"
"I would not say I could, because It was
all done so quick that I do not remember
I could do that."
"When you first met them and were talk
ing to them, where did this tall man with
the club stand?"
"He stood behind me."
"Cmtld you describe his hat or whether
he had a beard or not?"
"He had a soft felt hat. creased."
"Describe the man."
"Ha bad an awful prominent nose, high
cheekbonea and thin face kind of sloped to
a point, his chin."
Posplsll was then called In and Ball
Identified him beyond any question as the
"tall man" who figured in the assault of
Ball ha a hat in his possession which he
claims fell off. old man Spellman' head
when he was assaulting Caldwell.
Posplsll Denies He Wa Thrre.
Charles Posplsll made a long statement
in which be declared that he was not at
the Cass street jtate or near it when the
tragedy occurred and said that the first he
knew of It was when some of the pickets
told him. He told of having drank with
Johnny Spellman and McKenna and said
that h was working under the directions
of Mike Spellman, although not stationed
at the Cass street gate. He said he could
not remember where ho was when the fight
John Kerrigan unbosoms himself of
lengthy narrative In which he emphasises
the fact that he was not present to witness
the hostilities and that the first he knew
of them was when he wa given the in
formation at Sixteenth and Cass streets by
John Spellman and McKenna. He said he
had been at home after his overcoat.
A Tale Said to Have Sprang from the
Wilds of Pennsylvania.
That mlnlater of the gospel exchange
stories among themselves that they would
not tell their flock 1 well known. Not that
they would be ashamed or backward to do
so, but occasion I lacking. Her U a yarn
brought by one, gathered In hi summer
vauatlon, and printed by tho Brooklyn
Eagle. It o happened that a good brother
In a church In on of the rural countte la
Pennsylvania passed to hi reward and all
the community crowded to the church
funeral to be a his virtues extolled. The
minister mad most ef tho occasion, not
only eulogising the departed saint, hut
entering Into and discussing many detail
of hi private and publio life. There was
a rustle and hum of approbation In the
congregation when the pastor concluded h'
extended remarks and took up the hymn
book preliminary to starting off the choir
In appropriate aong.
It happened that In the gathering there
was an occasional attendant at the church
who had spiritual gifts. In fact, he proi
fessed among hla acquaintances to be able
to communicate with departed spirit.
Thla Individual, to the aurprlse of all
present, as he had seemed to be dosing,
arose In hi place well up la front and la a
confident vole remarked:
'I wish to state that I have just had a
communication from our dear brother."
Everybody turned to hear what waa to
com next.
'And I desire also to state," continued
the speaker, "that he has beea cognisant of
all that has beea said her about him. He
tell me that a good many things have
beea said - concerning his life here below
that ar not so."
Ths speaker aat down and every eye In
the congregation was turned toward the
minister. That worthy seemed Imperturba
ble. He gathered up the hymn book again,
however, and showed some internal disturb
sac by putting it down again without giv-
ng out the hymn. Finally he said:
"Brethren and sisters, at first I thought
It best to say nothing at this point. How
ever, it Is due to you that I should Justify
myself. I shall take back nothing I have
said; neither shall I question the truth of
the curious communication Just stated to
eu. But I must say that in all my
twenty-five years' presiding at funerals in
this community this Is the first time that
I have ever been aaaaed by the corpse. We
will now slog hymn iio. and afterward the
friend will bav a chance to view the re
mains." Tommr Ryaa to Meet Kid Carter.
BUFFALO, Bept. M. Tomorrow In the
arena of the International Athletic club
Fort Erie Tommy Ryan will make his first
serious defense of the title of middleweight
champion. Kid Carter, his opponent
weighed ISC pounds after a live-mile run
today and his friends claim he Is fit and
strong at thst weight. At present Carter
mm are porting money to go nn at Z to 1
While Kvan men art skins rao to IUV,
Mat j Prpl Caught by Flamss in llaiiag
lforthwast Foreiti
tamper, Pleasare Seekers,' l.oaarra
and Hnnters Overtaken by the
ttn.hlaa Torrent of Fire
In the Timber.
PORTLAND. Ore.. Sept. II Driven from
their home in the darkness of the night
by a raging forest fire which swept every
thing before It from Ariel. Cowlitx county.
Wash., to Mount St. Helena, a distance of
twenty-five miles, eleven people are dead,
four are missing and over 200 people have
been left homeless, many with not even
clothes enough to cover their bodies.
The deed In Cowlltt county ss far as
known are:
Four men who were working on a claim
belonging to James Hawthorne have not
been found and It is thought they are
Some fifty or sixty people were ramped
at the lake at the foot of Mount St. Hel
ena and have not been hoard from since
the fire. It Is not known whether they
escaped or not.
While Immersed in the river Dimmlck
saw on of the grandest but most appalling
sights of his life. "Great balls of fire
would roll up Ilk csnnon balls," said he,
"and then burst with a mighty roar. I have
never heard a noise to compare with It."
As soon as the fire had passed over him
he rushed to a neighbor's house and found
that the family had been driven from
home and escaped, in the morning he set
out tor assistance, but he found the roads
so obstructed by trees that had fallen
across them that his progress wss very
Story of Refnsjee.
The first news of the devastation was
brought to this city by Mllo Dimmlck, who
experienced many difficulties In search for
aid. His description Indicates that the de
vastation there is great, and the destruction
Is the greatest reported. He says there are
but two houses standing of the twenty-five
in the place. Thi fire came upon them in
the night and entirely unexpectedly.
"I had scarcely time to get to the river
myself," Said Dimmlck, "when the flames
were upon me and If I had taken time to
save anyone we would not have gotten
KALAMA. Wash., Sept. 14. News
reached here late laet night that the for
est fires on Lewi river have wrought
sad havoc. D. L. Wallace, wife and two
children were burned to death. They wire
camping In the woods when caught by the
fire. Their wagon wan found bufuud up,
the charred bodies lying near. A 12-year-old
boy of Mr. Hanley's also is dead. Mrs.
John Polly and baby and a brother, namo
unknown, and Mr, Newhouse and Mrs.
Graves are dead; Fifteen others were
found without clothing except gunnyeacke.
Five logging camps are burned out com
pletely. The following families have lost
everything: Ellta Street, O. S. Curtis,
I M. Chltty. Thomas Matthews. T. Ilk
erson, H. E. Dartjand, Dr. GUIs nnd others.
The worst of J he fire Is on Lewis river,
about twelve niiiag above Woodland. The
country I well., settled and there are
doubtless other casualties not yet reported.
Deatractlon Is Spreading.
The fire has spread from Lewis river north
to the Kalama river and fifty sections of the
finest timber on the coast are destroyed. It
is impossible to Rive any estimate of ths
amount of damage done to property. Oak
Point, twenty miles below here on the Co
lumbia river, Is totally destroyed. There are
to reports of lives lost, but loss of property
Is estimated at about $300,000.
A great fire Is also raging on the ('owe-
man, In the northern part of the county.
Everything combustible in Ita path was con
sumed. The air Is full of smoke and falling
ashes. Hill's camp Is reported destroyed;
Muckley Bros.' ramp is destroyed; More
land's ramp is bsdly damaged. Seven don
kfy engines are ruined. Two men from
Hair's camp are reported missing, people
sre panic-stricken and many are almost
crated with grief over their loss of prop
Co willi county thought it waa going to
escape until today, when the reports came
thick and fast, each worse than the last.
Five people are dead and two missing, with
only partial report from the burned dis
trict. The horrible news has cast a gloom
over the entire county that can hardly
be described. A courier just arrived from
Lewis river states that there are but two
bouses standing on Lewis river from
Trait' place to the head of the river, a
distance of thirty miles, and that not less
than fifteen persons have perished.
Homeless People In Oregon.
PORTLAND. Ore., Sept. 14. About 300
people are left homeless In Multnomah and
Clackamas counties, as a result of the for
est fires that have raged for the past week.
Fires have burned over a wide scope of
country, but the greatest damage In this
state appears to have been done In theso
two counties. , In a fir that destroyed the
town of Palmer, near Bridal Vale, two
boys named Hamilton were caught while
trying to escape from the flames and burned
to death. The timber losses In Clackamas
county have been Immense, and the whole
length bf the Clackamas river present
nothing but vistas of ruined settlements.
In Eastern Multnomah the fires are under
control and no further damage Is feared
unlets westter is changed. In southern Ore
gon excellent work has been don by the
forest rangers and the destruction confined
to a comparatively limited area. Eugenie
and surrounding country Is now practically
out of danger, though fires are still menac
ing. Tillamook alao has been saved by the
change in the direction of the wind and the
inhabitants have good hopes of saving the
town, which hss twice been almost aban
doned before the raging flame.
Region Swept Clean.
Tb most distressing losses have been
those Buffered in the vicinity ef Springfield.
Clackamas county, and Lents, Multnomah
county. The Bpringwater region has been
utterly swept by the fires, and those who
have reached points in communication with
the outside world say that immediate help
must be sent In order to aavs tb lives
rescued from the devouring flames. Around
Portland the fires ar dying down and the
people la the suburbs are r eating easy for
the first time since Thursday. In all parts
of the Willamette and Columbia river val
ley the smoke continues very dens and
It is feared that the full extent of the
losses will net be knows antll tb districts
now cut off ar heard from.
The damags by fire to forest reservations
appear to have not been heavy, the most
disastrous fires being confined to settle
ments whtr clearing and dashing I being
done. There 1 no way of securing a cor
rect estimate of ths loss, but it will cer
tainly exceed $1,900,000 in this state.
Kip Them In the Mad.
if ye have loss of appetite, headache,
eoastlpalloa er biliousness take Electrl
BIUr. It cures or bo nr. Oaly Mo.
Rear K.od Collision In Which Only
One Maa Patter SllaM
CRETE. Neb., Sept. 14. (Special Tele
gram.) Freight trains 72 and 76 met In a
rear end collision Just west of the Crete
bridge? last night. Seven cars were de
molished nn No. 72 and engine 340. pulling
? was ditched and badly smashed. The
engineer and fireman saved themselves by
Jumping. No. 72 pulled out of Dorchester
five minutes ahead of 76. each train having
order to take the elding at Crete for pas
senger No. 9. No. 72 stopped nt the switch
with the end unprotected by flagman or
torpedoes. Engineer Graham of the rear
train was obliged to run st a fast rate of
speed In order to carry out his orders for
meeting the passenger train. He supposed
72 was In the cleer. The conductor of the
head train warned Orahnm at Dorchester
to lookout for him at Crete. The fireman
on 76 was somewhat injured In Jumping.
The wrecker came down from Lincoln and
has been at work. Superintendent Blgnrll
also spent the night at Crete.
Arrangements Ont In the State.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. Sept. 14. (Spe
cial.) Mayor Cleary. C. F. Bentley. T. O.
C. Harrison and C. G. Ryan have been ap
pointed a committee on reception for the
President Roosevelt party on September 27,
and W. H. Hanlwn, Dr. George Roeder,
A. F. Huehler. Commandant Cole, Louis
Veil. R. J. Bnrr. H. C. Miller, 3. R.
Thompson, C. B. Norrls and R. Goehrlng a
committee on general arrangements, which
latter committee will meet Monday even
ing to perfect all arrangements, ft Is ex
pected that a large crowd will be In the
city on this clay, the largest perhaps the
city has ever had, a large number of farm
ers always coming In nn Saturday, and this
also being Ibe day for the republican county
convention. Furthermore, Grand Island
will be the most available point for the
largo territory north on the Union Pacific
and west on the Burlington.
Plonerr of Yahln ton County.
HOOPER. Neb., 8cpt. 14. (Special.)
Christ. Ruwe, one of ths Wealthi
est and most prominent farmers of
this vicinity. died at hi home
near Fontandle at 11 o'clock last Thurs
day night. The deceased was 73 years of
age and a pioneer settler of Washington
county. About four years ago he suffered
a stroke of paralysis, and had been con
fined to the house almost constantly slnce
that time. The widow survives him and
also a large family of children and grand
children. The funeral was held from his
late home at 12 o'clock today. Rev. Sick
conducting the services.
Popnllata lie! the Candidate.
ST. PAUL. Neb.. Sept. 14. (Special.)
The democratic and populist county con
ventions were held here yesterday after
noon. The conference committees agreed
that the three nominations to be made
should be conceded the populists. The
popullBt convention then nominated F. J.
Taylor for county attorney. 8. M. Frits
for representative from the Forty-eighth
district, and Christopher Mortsnsen for
commissioner from the First district. The
republicans hold their nominating conven
tion next Saturday.
Court nt Papllllon.
PAPILLION, Neb., Sept. 14. (Special.)
Tho fall term of district court will con
vene In Papllllon Monday. Sentemher !
There are several criminal and a number
of law and equity cases to be disposed of
at this term of court.
Women Occnpy the Pulpits,
MITCHELL, 8. D.. Sept. 14. (Special
Telegram.) Today representatives of the
Women's Christian Temperance union con
vention occupied the pulpits in four
churches of the city and this evening a
large union meeting of the delegates and
the churches of the city was held at the
opera house, which was addressed by Miss
Brehm, president of the Illinois associa
tion. The convention has been a splen
did success and good reports have been
made by the officers. Tomorrow after tho
election of officers, the convention will
adjourn. Mies Kara Smart of Sioux Falls,
who has been identified as the head of tho
Young Ladles' union of the state, left
yesterday on her Journey to Japan, to
which country she has been appointed .is
a special missionary, by the International
union of (he Women's Christian Temper
ance union.
- To Stop the Fight.
FRANKFORT, Ky., Bent. 14. tiovernor
Heckham tocluy directed Attorney Cenerul
Pratt to proceed tomorrow with legal pro
ceedings to stop tho. MeUovern-Corbrtt Louisville.
Enormous Area. Covered by these
Great Ice Rlvere.
For the last nve years physical geogra
phers have been giving a great deal of at
tention to the study of glaciers. One ques
tion that has Interested them very mucn
Is whethe since the beginning of the hls
t rrin rwrlnd the elacler of the world have
augmented or diminished In area. No per
fectly df finite Information with regard to
this nuestlon has been obtained, though
some general conclusions have been
roo.-hed. tt la traditional in the Alps, How
ever, and some other regions that valleys
now mounted bv crlaclers were formerly
pasture lands. On the whole. It Is certain
that for several centuries till auite re
cently there waa a gradual Increase in the
urea of glaclatlon.
Glaciers everywhere are Jn a state ef
Imml movement the v are constantly
Increasing in length or shortening. Climatic
variation are, of course, the cause of these
oscillations, though the influence or cli
mate upon glacial movement Is not yet
fullv understood. When the laws govern
ing the movements of glaciers sre well
known the science or meteorology will be
considerably further advanced than It Is
There Is good evidence to show that in
the arctic regions In the eighteenth cen
tury and in part of the nineteenth, an Im
portant extension of glaciers occurred. In
Spitsbergen, for example, harbors which
whalers had often vlHlted In the seven
teenth and early In the eighteenth cen
turies were filled later with glaciers, so
that they could no longer be used by snip
ping. The advance of glaciers In Iceland
la said to have covered places that had
formerly been the sites of farms and
churches. Glaciers see, within the historic
nerlod. to have attained their greatest ex
tent about IWK). Hinee that time few cf
them have grown to an important degree.
Mny of them have diminished In size, and
others have entirely disappeared. i nis
Brewed ia plant at clean the cleanest home kitchen lwyi open t
your inspection 5 8,9 7 1 ruitori last year.
phenomenon litis been observed In all parte
of the world.
Probably few persons Imagine that gla
ciers cover so large an area as they do.
The land s-.irface which are today hurled
under glattnl snow and Ire are supposed
to be about 4,45,000 square miles In ex
tent, or more than one and one-half times
as larg! as the United States. This enor
mous mass of ice Is distributed very un
evenly over the world, and nearly all of It
Is In the polar rejlon. Outside of the
perpetually frosen north and smith, only
about 19.600 square miles of surface are
covered with glaciers.
It will be interesting to remember thru
there are two distinct types of glacial phe
nomenathe Alpine and the polar. One of
the best examples of the Alpine type of
glacier Is seen In the Mer de Glace nt
Chnni'imilx. A circle of peaks surrounds a
depression, which Is tilled by rompae'ed
now and Ice known ns neve. This Is the
reservoir, the source of the glacier. In tills
depression the snow, either falling from
the heavens or brought by winds and aval
anche, accumulates to a great deplh. Is
transformed Into neve, and begins to over
flow down the mountain side, a true glacier.
It Is thus seen that the characteristic fea
ture of Alpine glaciers Is that they occupy
depressions In relation to the surrounding
On the other hand, the polar glacier. In
Mcatl ot being formed In a depression, c
euples a culminating position above every
thing else It Is an enormous rap, or cu
pola, rising above the surrounding lands;
It I the dominant feature far and wide.
Such, for example. Is the great lee cap of
Greenland, and It Is thought probable that
an enormously thick sheet of Ice may cover
a continental mass of land In the antarctic
regions, and form the largest sheet of Ice
In the world.
Sample Instance of the Materlnl of
Which Heroes Are Made.
"Retaining presence of mind under try
ing circumstances," said the ex-senator
from Kentucky, quoted by the New York
Tlmee, "Is one of the things that make
Here he began to sort his morning mail.
"But It Is true that two people at a
mutual crisis are ready for the emergency.
It was my privilege to witness such an oc
currence once, though," added the ex-senator
thoughtfully, as he took up a letter
bearing the postmark of a Kentucky town
and fingered It lovingly, "and It made an
Impression on me never to be forgotten.
"I was stopping for the night at the
house of one of my 'horny-handed' con
stituents during one of my campaigns. He
had only been married a few months and
the glamour of the honeymoon was over
the entire place still. Jack was a sturdy
young farmer and progressive. He had
built a neat little cottage with wide porches
and his special pride was a big cellar that
occupied nearly alt the space beneath the
house. He and his wife both expatiated
on the wonders of that cellar and It con
tents of fruit, preserves and cider.
"After an evening spent In admiring the
many things in the pretty little house,
gifts of class, china and linen that had
been bestowed upon the couple, the wife
said to her husband:
" "Now, Johh, take that pitcher that
pretty on that Mary Jones gave us and
go down In the cellar end draw some cider
for the senator before fie goes to bed."
"John started obediently, but at the rear
of the hall, Where the entrance to the cellar
stairs began, he called to his wife to bring
a tamp and bold it at the head of the
stairs to light him down.
"Of course, I went with her and volun
teered to hold the lamp. When the hue
band had reached the fourth or fifth step
down his heel struck something and then
there., wgg an awful clatter, mingled with
shrieking ejaculations bump bumpety
bump ow! bumpety bump bump ow o
ow! and then a sudden cessation of the
bumps, followed by an Incoherent volume ot
"With each bump of the husband the
wife had responded wtth a Jump and a
shriek, but when the end came she rote
superbly to the occasion. Peering down
Into the semi-gloom, where the husband
was gathering himself together, she cried
out plaintively:
" 'Oh, Jack, Jack, did you break the
"At that Inquiry Jack rose up and hi
eye glared In the darkness.
" 'No,' he fairly bellowed and then,
with a perfect torrent of profane impreca
tions, he called through his clenched
teeth, 'but I Will.'
"And he did," concluded the ex-senator
from Kentucky, a he broke the seal of
the letter and turned to the perusal of
his morning mail.
Street Cars for Henraea and Collins
Peddled from Door to Door.
"Did you ever see a 'street car funeral?' "
The questioner was a drummer for a large
eastern house and had Just returned from
an extended trip throughout Mexico, re
late the Washington Post.
"A street car funeral?" the reporter re
peated. "Ye, air! One meet with odd sights the
moment be crosses the Mexican border, hut
he reaches the climax in the City of Mexico
itself, and from what I can learn It Is the
only town In the world where 'street car
funerals' are an every-day occurrence. Fu
nerals, like all other things Mexican are
divided into two classe. Those who ran
afford luxuries procure the hesrse drawn by
four black horses, with a coachman and a
footman, and ornamented with gold and sli
ver trappings of every description. But
the poorer element must ba content with
just a plain, ordinary street car, with the
seats removed, a few pieces of cheap black
cloth tacked here and there to lend a
somber effect, and drawn by a pair of sun
burned but energetic mules.
"When a Mexican dies the street car com
pany Is Immediately notified to have a
hearse and the required number of coaches
at a certain point on their track as near aa
possible to the late residence of the de
ceased. The coffin ia then placed upon the
shoulders ot four friends snd carried from
the bouse to the street car pageant In wait
ing. The remains are carefully deposited on
the platform ot the first car. the gaudily at
tired mourners climb In the remalaing
coaches, and the funeral proceeds In more
or less state to the cemetery. Cigarettes
sre very much in evidence, and a casual
observer might well suppose from the as
cending smoke that the remains were being
cremated enroute.
"If the mourners are extremely sorrowful
they may pull down the blinds sod close tho
doors, thus enjoying complete privacy. The
great objection, however, to the street car
funeral is the degree of speed that must be
maintained in order to keep the tracks
ems mm
cleared for rcgular'traffic. In fact. 'on one
occasion Just before I -left the rap'tul. I
saw the Utile mules atached to the unoml
elasa hearse coming down the street at a
full gallop, affording us the ustonlshlnc;
combination of 'the quick and the dead'
"And speaking of funerals mnlnds me tit
a little Incident which occurred up in (Juer
ata'ro, a town seaii miles north of the city
I was sitting out In front of the adobe hod I
one evening, when I noticed an old niHi
going from door to door wlih a plain pln
coffin on his back, He was what Is tcrmrll
a 'coffin peddler.' and was trying to Induce
the residents to lay In a supply of roflluK.
for the aprronthing winter.' The principal'
argument used In disposing of his grewsome
wares was that all are bound to die sooner
or later, and one might as well be supplied
with all necessary requisites to a funeral."
If lis a "Garland."
Tha'.'s sll you need to know about a stove
or range.
The llonrat Referee.
I'.altlmore American: "Hit him again'
Slug him! Do him up!" yell the exiitet
spectators of the prlsellglit when the
favorite knocks down hix opponent.
Calmly the referee rulses his hand for
When tho turmoil has died down he re
marks :
"Gentlemen. I beg of you to remember
that tbls la not the V'nlted States senate. '
"An All-Day.Food
Wheat and Pare Frnlt Comhlaed.
Surprising Interest has been developed
during the laat year In specially prepared
foods of high nutritive va.ue, and a change,
a wondrous change, haa taken place In tho
daily dietary ot neany all olaeeee. The,
present large consumption of prepared,
cooked and condensed toods la abundant,
evidence that the publle at large is rapidly
being educated up to the Importance of ihd
"food question." .
I'URu-FKUTO stands at the head of tho
list as
The starchy element- Is advanced to tho
preliminary stage and Is converted Into
sugar. This process renders assimilation
easy and prompt, preventing undue fer
mentation, "heartburn," flatulency and
other grave disorders. Each flake of
I'ERO-FKL'TO repreeenta the entire wheat
grain, which include the ptinsphatle ele
ments necessary for maintaining the proper
condition of blood, brain, bone and muscle.
The fruity portion Of CERO-FKUTO
or fruit sugar, the .most perfect sugar In a
state of complete digestion. It is not a
"breakfast food," but a delicious dish for
any meal, it appeals to old and young
alike. Taken all In all, thl scientific combina
tion and blending Ot grain and fruit makes
CKRO-FKCTO one of the most appetising
ami healthful foous known to man. Sold
by all first-class grocers, it your grocer
does not keep it in stock writ to us and
we will see that you get It,
Samples sent free for the asking. Ad
drees CBRO-FRUTO poOD CO., LTD.,
of MEN.
12 years of sue
cesgful practice In
rtired In & davfl. ilhnut 'rnttjn tuln np Im, m
time. Legal (uanniee to cure you or moner re
funded. CVDUII C cured Mr life end the polenn
W I rlilLilv thorouKhlr cleanee from the
eyetem. Boon every etgn en eymptom dleeppeani
completely end forever. No "MtBAKINa OUT" ot
the dleeeee on the ektn or Treatment contains
no dangernua druse or Injurloui mealcmea.
lAICAIf Il II from Exi-eieee or VICTIMS TO
DECAY In YOl NO snd MJDDLB AliKD; lark of vim,
vigor end etrenRth, with orgene Impaired and weak.
Curee guaranteed.
CTDIOTIIDC enr w,,l new home Ireat
WelllUIUilLe ment. No pain, no detention
from buelneee.
I HIltHV, Kidney and Bladder Traiihlee. Weak
bark. Burning trine, Frequency of t'rtnellng. lirlne
High colored, or with milky eedlment on etandlng.
fonsultatlOB Kiee. Treatment hj Mall.
Call or address, 11 a. 14th ft.
B O Y D' SJt'nafera"'6"'
Joseph llaworth
in '
Prices 2bc to ll.M. Bargain Mat. Wednes
day, 20c, 60c. Lower rates for school chil
dren. Next attraction--Sunday, Sept. 21.
2. JO o'clock. I: IS o'clock
Fifteenth and Capitol Ave.
Oeneral ail mission, Sic, iHeserved seats,
10a extra, klatlnee. 36c.
St. Joseph vs. Omaha.
September IS. .
Game called at 3:ii.
and 63d St.
N.V. City
' . tpcaaalbl
Jeo-raV. --
Kalaast Library alodrra
CircAasuai decern kvsry tfvenlog
All Care rasa laa fe.aejr!ra.
Send or duscntlvs booklet.
W. JOHNbiJ wUV4'- V.-oanetor.
1Mb aad D.sglM la
OMAHA. Ih.ll.
Omaha s leading Hotel
12.30 t4 2.p. m. (
SUNDAY :3u i. in. DINKEK. 7ie I
Steadily Ircreaalng Luslneas has aecassl
lated an enlargement vf loa cats, owuWing
lu f oi mer capacity. .