c, THE OMAHA DAIIV J1EE: SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER. 14. 1002. SOCIETY FEELS THE SniVER Cool September HigbU lU Smart Folk to H anting Up Winter Wrapt. GIRLS GOING IN FOR HORSEBACK RISING Cestassee laeieate that Maa-Faealoa Paddles Will B lard ay Mwal af tar Fell. There are not tb gatherings out at the Country club these cool September days that characterized tbe place during tbe lunnff, only an occasional tuncheon and the dinners for those who are atlll playing golf. Of course there ia tba Saturday arming bop aad the Wednesday evening gathering, loo, hot even these. In spite of tbe Meal weather for aurh affalra, are Dot attracting tbe crowd that all too willingly attended only a fortnight or ao ago. tiit week It was the band concert that brought out tba fashionable folk, and a mart appearance they made, too, In their long below-tbe-walst coata and top-heavy bata. Just aa though they bad been ransack ing the family trunk or were masquerading In the wrapa and millinery of tbe colonial period, but wonderfully fashionable with It all. And. by tbe by, In aplte of all the grumbling about killing froat, there la noth ing balf aa ratltfactory to the woman who baa Imported a eal atunnlng wardrobe and to many another woman, too aa these frosty days and evenings, for they afford occasion for displaying thlnga regarding which so ciety is ordinarily -kept In suspense nntll October or November. And speaking of wardrobe, balf the girls who went east tbla summer have brought bak riding bablta, and of these the greater anraber are made, with divided aklrta of a length that will ahow the atout boots that are lo ba worn with tbem, which aeema to Indicate that aociety Intenda to ride horseback this year and that It will ride astride In blissful disregard for cus toms of the past and of those who hare ao atrenuously opposed this departure from them. There are a number of young women vr In the vicinity of Hanacom park who are experienced horsewomen and early every morning aeea them out tor a canter through the park or over tba Canter atreet road, and on these occasions several are wearing bright crimson Jackets iM thai aklrta confined, bloomer-llke. with aarter of corresponding hue af the top of leather leggtna. A queer little bonnet-Ilka cap eompletea the costume and Ita wearers have coma to be known In that part of town aa the "Sanbonnet Olrla." The last of thla week will see the ma jority f tba college folka off for school gain, and right clad of It, too, tbey aeem to be. Tba list la to be materially In creased thla fall, too, and the younger act, that contributed many a pleasant affair to teat aeeson's calendar, will ba sadly de rifted wbea all have gone. Meveaaeats aad Wksreabeats. Mis Abbl EnceU la visiting friends la York. Visa Elizabeth Shirley has returned from California. Mrs. ElIJa Stoddard has returned from Minneapolis. Ed T. Hayden baa juat returned from his trip to Canada. Mr. Joaeph Cudahy returned from Chi cago on Saturday laat. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Blake and children have returned from Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Black and family are back from a trip to Colorado. Mr. John Welch left on Thursday for a two weeks' trip to the Black Hills. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Grlffen and daughter returned September 9 from New York. Dr. and Mrs. Mortarty returned on Frl day from their summers' trip abroad. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Barlow are back from a months visit In Portland, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Fairfield will go to Chicago thla week to apend a few daya. Ules Mabel Stuht left on Monday for a two weeks' visit to Denver and Manltou. Mra. Nathan Adama, who baa apent the aummer In Minneapolis, baa returned home, Mr. and Mra. Harry Oatrom have returned from a visit to Milwaukee and Minneapolis Mra. Charles Hull, who apent tbe sum mer In the Catskllls, baa returned home. Mr. and Mra. Arthur Wakeley returned en Sunday from a brief visit to Chicago, Mra. Lomax and Mlaa Lotnag are at home after their visit to Cbarievols and Chi cago. Mlaa Emma Myers returned on Thursday from a three weeks' trip to tbe Yellow atne. Mlaa Ruby Forbee returned laat week from a alx weeks' vacation apent at Bay View. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wright have returned from a ten daya trip to Denver and Man Kou. Judge and Mra. A. N. Furgeaon and fam ily have returned from their summers' out THE VALUE OF CHARCOAL Few People Know How laafal It is la Preservlas" Health aad Beaaty. Nearly everybody know that charcoal la the aafest and most efficient disinfectant and purifier In nature, but few realise Ita value when taken Into' tbe human ayatem for the earns cleansing purpose. Charcoal la a remedy that the more you take of It the better; It la not a drug at all but simply abaorba the gaaea and Impuri ties always preaent In the atomach and In teatlnea and carriee them out of the ayatem. Charcoal sweeten the breath after amok Ing and drinking or after eating onions and other odorous vegetablea. Charcoal effectually cleara and Improve the complexion, It whiten tba teeth and further acta a a natural and eminently aafe cathartic. It absorb the Injurious gassa which eol lect In tbe atomach and bowels; It disin fect the mouth and throat from the po son of catarrh. All druggist sell charcoal la one form or another, but probably the best charcoal and the moat for the money la Stuart'a Ab eorbnt Loiengea; they ara composed of the finest powdered willow charcoal and other harmless antiseptics la tablet form, or, rather. In the form of large, pleaaant taat Ing lounges, tbe charcoal being mixed with honey. ' The daily use of theae losangea will aoon tell la a much Improved condition of the general health, better complexion, aweeter breath aad purer blood, and the b auty cf It la, that no possible harm can result from their continued use, but, on the contrary, great benefit. A Buffalo physician, ia speaking of the benefits of charcoal, aaya: "1 advise Stuart' A baa r bent Losenges to all patleata aufferlng from gaa in the stomach and bow ela, and to clear the complexion and purify the breath, mouth aad throat; I also be lieve the liver Is greatly benefited by the dally use of them; they coat but twenty-five cent a box at drug atores. and although la aom arose a patent preparation, yat I be lleve I gat more and better charcoal 1 Stuart' Absorbeot Losenges than la any of Uis thr cbacoaA tablet"- Ing among the lake of northern Michi gan. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Huteton are at home after spending a month in Ogdea Canyon, Utah. Mr. and Mrs. Myren D. Karr and daugh ter are back from their trip to the Pacific coast. Mr. Thomas Kilpatrlrk is back from a months' outing la the Adlrondacka and New England. Mr. and Mra. James Dewar have gone to London, Ont., eipecting to be absent about two weeks. Mrs. Bertha Meyer and daughter. Miss Ansa, have returned from their summer's trip abroad. Mrs. Frances Mumaugh, who baa been summering In Michigan, will return home on Thursday. Mr. It. M. Waring and sister. Miss Kim ball of Lincoln, bave returned from a western trip. Mra. E. C. McRhane. who baa been mak ing a brief visit in Kansas City, returned home on Friday. Mrs. A. B. Smith and Mlaa Smith are xpected home from Fort Wlngate tbe lat ter part of the week. Dr. and Mra. H. P. Hamilton returned on ueaday from a month's outing In tbe mountains of Colorado. Mr. Arthur Jaynes la expected home on Monday from Duluth and Bayfield, where he haa apent the last month. W. N. Nason and family have returned from their aummer'a outing and have taken rooms at the Farnam hotel. Miss Dorothy Perkins has gone to Rich mond, Va., where ahe will spend the win ter with her grand parenta. Miss Agnes White has gone for a trip to Denver, Colorado SprlDga and other of the Colorado mountain resorts. Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald and Master Allan McDonald are back from a brief visit with frlenda In Minnesota. Mr. Morris Rosenthal and children have returned from California, where they have pent the last few montha. Mr. and. Mra. M. H. Collins left tbe mid dle of the week for Kansas City and will Islt Chicago before returning. Mr. Will Pease, who has recently returned from Colorado, expects to leave soon for New York to make his home there. Mr. Robert S. Smith, who haa been in Chicago for the laat ten days. Is expected home the latter part of this week. Mra. J. D. Weaver and Miss May Weaver ave returned from a fortnight' visit In St Paul, Minn., with Mrs. I L Thomas'. Mr. Barker returned on Sunday from Wyoming, where ahe ha apent the aummer with Mr. and Mr. Patrick on tbelr ranch. Mra. 8. A. McWhorter, who ha apent tbe aummer traveling In Europe, landed In ew York on Tuesday and I expected home today. Mrs. H. S. Jaynes, accompanied by her daughter. Miss Irene, returned on Tuesday from a three weeks' trip through the Great Lakes. Mlsa Margaret McSbane left laat week for New York City, where ahe wilL be a member of the graduating clasa at Man- I.-- III. Mrs. Charles Rosewater and daughter, Irene, have returned from a delightful six weeks' trip through Colorado, California and New Moxlco. After a year'a absence, which time has been apent In Europe, Mr. Carrier returned on Sunday and I the guest of Mr. and Mr. W. V. More. Mr. H. T. Clarke, Jr., and Mr. Herbert Gannett returned last Sunday from Denver, where they attended tbe Coleman-Cleveland wedding. Mr. and Mr. J. N. II. Patrick, who have spent the summer on Mr. Al Patrick' ranch In Wyoming, have returned to tbelr home at Happy Hollow. Mr. George W. Holbrook haa goue to Salida, Colo., to apend a few days. Mrs. Holbrook, who haa been visiting her slater In Salida, will return with him. Mrs. Dan Shull and sister, Mr. Gibson, bave returned from their trip to Salt Lake City, Ogden and Eranaton, Wyo., after a month's visit with relatives and friends. Mrs. W. I. Stephen and Miss Stephen re turned last week from the east, Mlaa Stephen will return to Lincoln on Tuesday to reaume her studies at the university. Mra, Charles Vrquhart and Mia Mabel Wilcox returned on Wednesday from a six week' visit with Mrs. Vrquhart' parenta, Mr. and Mr. E. P. Dav of Lannon, Wis. Mr. C. Will Hamilton, Mrs. Cummins and the Misses Hamilton are In New York, hav ing left Swampacott, where tbey apent the summer, and are expected In Omaha this week. Mr. and Mra. 8. N. Meall bave returned from a two-weeks' trip to Colorado, which Included Denver, Colorado Springs aad other mountain points. Tbey also visited Salt Lake City. Fleaasrwa Past. Mra. Daniel Baum, Jr., entertained the Whlat club Wedneaday afternoon. Dr. and Mra. Ewlng Brown entertained a apoon party on Monday evening In compli ment of Mis Tayloe. Mrs. O. W. Covell entertained informally for Mra. Cootes of Kanaaa City and Mrs. John Price of St, Joseph on Tuesday. Mlaa Jennie Blanchard entertained at luncheon on Saturday at ber home on Geor gia avenue. Covera were laid for alx. Complimentary to Mr. Perley of Em poria, who ia the gueat of Mrs. Francis Brogan, Mrs. Powell gave an Informal Ken sington on Friday afternoon. Mr. -and Mrs. E. L. Martin of Highland Place entertained at luncheon Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Martin of Bellevue and Mra. Louisa Fulnny and daughter, Maude, of Omaha. On Wednesday evening Mr. and Mr. Samuel E. Howell entertained the member of the Ross-Tayloe bridal party at dinner. The decorations were In pink aad green and covera were laid for twelve. Mlaa Caroline Mercer entertained a few of tbe golfera Informally at a luncheon at the Country club on Friday, Miss Merrltt, Miss Mary Merrltt, the Mlaaea McSbane, Miss Dewey aad Mra. Eprague being her gueets. Mrs. Howard L. Krelder waa hostess at aa Informal afternoon on laat Saturday given in honor of Mia Tayloe. On of the feat urea of th occasion waa a "shower," which Included a variety of gift suitable tor a bride, while tbe prenuptlal Idea was further carried out In the use of hearta for favor and decorations. A party waa given laat Friday evening at the home of Mlsa M. DeBolt, 1711 Charles street, la honor of Mlaa Annette DeBolt's re turn from her western trip. A very enjoy able evening waa apent In playing games aad dancing. Th coatumea arouaed much merriment. A hobo lunch was served at 10:30, after which aeveral Sash-light plo tures were taken. At their borne at 119 South Twenty-fifth atreet. General and Mra. Bruno Txschuck celebrated their golden wedding anniversary oa laat Saturday evening with aa Informal family dlnaar, aad theuga one of the least pretentious, few affalra of the fall have been of more general intereat among the older famlllea of the city. No ons but tbe mem here of the family were preaent, the party consisting of General and Mra. Tsscbuck, Mr. and Mra. George Tzschuck. Mr. and Mra. A. L. Meyer, Louis and Carl Meyer, Mlai Ruth Tsachuck, Mlssea Agues and Aotol Belt TtscauU. Mr. 8. S. Schmidt l Push- lo, Colo., and Mr. Carl Schmidt and Mr. Carl Garber. Mr. aad Mr. Tsechork were mar ried In Davenport, Ia., la l'-'J and started Immediately for Nebraska, where they have lived ever alace, aad their ailver wedding twenty-five years age was a memorable oc casion among the earlier ettlere of th community. In honor of Mlsa Tsyloe Miss Florence Randall entertained a party of about forty young people on Tuesday evening at ber home on Park avenue. Story writing was the diversion of th evening, each of tbe guests being required to write a br dl story In which was to be Included the names of aa many flowers aa possible. The reading of the various efforts occasioned much mer riment, the prise being awarded the pros pective bride for the best story. Mesdamea Paul Pat ton. William Balrd, J. M. Alkln, Duval, A. W. Bowman, R. B. Wal lace, J. Kennedy, A. E. Gates, O. W. Hen die, Knott; Mlssea Nora Johnson, Alberts and Sortje cf Denver, were the gtiesta of Mrs. William E. Davis at a handsomely ap pointed luncheon on Thursday given at ber home at 4224 Burdette atreet. Pink and white carnations were used as favor and Mrs. Bowman and Mra. Wallace were awarded the prliea for the game which fol lowed. Mr. and Mra. S. Relchenberg entertained a large reception at tbelr borne on Tuesday evening in honor of their aon, Mr. Lout Relchenberg and hi bride, who have re cently returned from their bridal trip. The rooms were handsomely trimmed with greens, pink and white roses and aaters while the library, which was screened off with palms, waa occupied by the string orchestra and used aa a punch room. In addition to Mr. and Mrs. Relchenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Relchenberg were assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Max Relchenberg, and during the evening about 200 guests were received. The Creche luncheon, which were among tbe smartest and moat aucceesfu! affairs of laat winter, have been resumed thla fall. Mr. Horace O.-Burt being tbe first hostess, entertaining about thirty women on Thurs day. It 1 the cuatom for each guest to pay SO cent toward the Crecbe work and In addition to thla, at Thursday's luncheon, the women bought recipes for the various dlshea, which sum materially swelled the proceeds to the occasion. The luncheon waa especially pretty In all of it appointment and waa followed by a musical program, to which Mrs. Herman Kountie, Mrs. Wllbelm and Mrs. Crofoot contributed. Mrs. Robert Dempster was hostess of one of tbe largest affalra of the week on Tuesday afternoon, when, between 3 and 6 o'clock ahe received about 100 women at her home at Nineteenth and Douglaa street. In honor of Mrs. P. H. Mullen of Rochester, who Is Mra. P. L. Ferine' guest. Pink and white flowers In abundance trimmed the room excepting, the dining room, where a quantity of American beauty roaes were used on the table, from which Georgia Ken nard, Wlllard, Ethelwynne Kennedy and Warwick served punch. Mrs. Dempster waa assisted In receiving by Mmes. W. F. Allen, J. A. Munroe, E. H. Jenks, Milton Bar low, W. T. Robinson, Frank Kennard and William Guthrie and H. T. Clarke. Jr. Oat of Tws Gaests. General Crowder apent a part of last week among Omaha friends. Mr. Parker of Denver la the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Kountxe. Mrs. A. L. Burgess of Denver was a guest among Omaha friends last week. Mis Winifred Smith of Denver spent last week visiting among Omaha friends. Mlsa Edith Peycke of Hamburg, Germany, Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles Met. Mrs. George II. Wallace la visiting her sister, Mrs. Campbell, on Georgia avenue. Miss Marlon Connell has aa her guest this week Miss Bessie Ford of Philadelphia. Mr. Louis James apent the latter part of the week with Mr. and Mra. S. G. Strick land. Mr. C. A. Sear I e of Chicago I apendlng a few day visiting Mr. and Mr. F. M. Searle. ' Mr. H. T. Mason of Salt Lake City ia the gueat of Mrs. L. M. Boyer of 4202 Cum ing atreet. Mis Merrltt and Mlas Mary Merrltt of Springfield, 111., ar th guests of Mlsa Caro line Mercer. Mra. L. W. Obendorfer of Cincinnati la visiting her daughter, Mrs. Abram Simon of 1117 South Thirtieth avenue. Mlsa Field of Lincoln returned to her home on Thursday after a week's visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Fairfield. Mr. and Mr. I. R. Cotton of Dead wood. 8. D., who have been the guests of Mr. and Mra. Charlea Black, have returned to their home. Mra. C. B. Schmidt of Pueblo, Colo., who haa been visiting her daughter, Mrs. George B. Txachuck, returned to ber borne on Wedneaday. Mr. and Mr. George A. Crosby of South Eleventh atreet have had aa their guest during th week past Rev. O. W. Reynolds of Marlon, la. Mlaa There Baumgartner of Henderson, la., who was one of the out-of-town gueats at tba golden wedding of Mr. and Mra. Koesters, returned to her home last week. Mrs. William L. Holxman of New York City, who haa been visiting her parenta, Mr. and Mra. Morrl Levy on Dodge atreet, leaves for her home la the east tomorrow. Mra. Harry Berkmler of Fremont and Mrs. H. W. Berkmler of Ottawa, O., are guests this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Allen of 1313 South Thirtieth avenue. Weddings aad Eagaaemeats. The engagement la announced thla week of Mlsa Lena Ellsworth and Mr. Walter H. Dale, the wedding to occur In October. The marriage will be solemnized on Octo ber 1 of Miss Goodrich, daughter Mrs. D. H. Goodrich, snd Mr. Joseph W. Aahton of Pneblo, Colo, They will reside In Pueblo In the presence of a very few friends of the contracting parties, Rev. Trefx united In marriage Mlsa Minnie Stori and Mr. C. A, Hlggina, at the home of the bride'a parents. Mr. and Mra. G. Storx, 2007 8berman ave nue, last Tuesday afternoon. Immediately after the ceremony light refreshments were served, after which the newly married couple left for polnta In tbe west to be gone until October 1. The groom Is connected with the advertising department of Swift and Company About 100 guests assembled at tbe home of Mr. and Mr. J. W. Tayloe of 2917 Ma aon street, on Thursday evening to wit ness the marriage of tbelr daughter, Miss Nellie Davis Tayloe and Mr. William Brad ford Rosa, which waa solemnised at I o'clock. Tbe house was profusely decorated with pal ins and yellow and white roaea, the wall and end of the drawing room where the ceremony occurred, being completely screened with trailing green foliage. To the "Bridal Chorus" from "Lohengrin played by Mlaa Oeace Moore, the bridal party entered tbe room proceeded by little Mlaa Lola Howell, In a dainty white frock and carrying the wedding ring la a basket of yellow roaea. Mlsa Florence Randall, a maid of honor cam next, wearing a gowu of yellow roaea. The bride, with her father came last. Her gowa of white chif fon over liberty silk, waa garaltured with real lace medalllona and a tulle veil, caught up with white bloaaoma entirely enveloped her. She carried a ahower of brides' roses. Mr. Rosa with Mr. George Tayloe as grojmamen, met the bride at the end of the drawing room, where, under a floral piece of hearta, suspended from the celling, the marriage service waa r4 bz Rev, V. V. Moore of Westminster Presbyterian church. An Informal reception followed. Mr. and Mra. Boss leaving that evening for Chey enne, Wyo.. where tbey will make their home, Mr. Rosa being engaged there in tbe practice of law. The bride leaves behind ber a host of friends. A very pretty home weeding occurred Wednesday st th home of Mrs. P. Borne, when her daughter. Miss Louise, was given la marriage to Mr. John T. Quins. Rev. F. W. Foster officiating In the presence of seventy-five friends. The bride were a gown of white batiste and carried brides' roses. To the strains of tbe wedding march played by Mlsa Grace Peckham, the bride entered with her brother. Mr. Guatave Borne, who was best man, Mise Rose Borne was bridesmaid and waa prettily gowned In blue organdie and carried pink roses. Tbe bouse waa prettily decorated with palma and cut flowers. After tbe ceremony, an elaborate eupper was served. Mr. and Mr. Qulnn were receivers of many beautiful presents. They will be at home to their friends at 2412 Wirt street. Among the larger of the early fall wed dings was that of Mr. Robert S. Trimble and Miss Bertha Hertzler, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Hertzler, which waa olemnlzed at Good Shepherd church. Twen tieth and Ohio streets, at 7:30 o'clock on Wednesday evening. It waa a green and hlte wedding, potted palma being ar ranged about the chancel, which was rib boned off with broad green and white aashes. The front section was ribboned off with white satin ribbon and reserved for members of the families snd relatives, the rest of the church being filled with friends. The processional waa sung by the full surpticed choir, which marched to the entrance, returning to the chancel, followed by tbe bridal party. The ushers, Messrs. Edward A. Knapp, Fred Dale and Cheater C. Impey. came first, followed by Mlsa Anna Hertzler, aister of tbe bride, aa maid of honor, and Miss Kate Trimble, the groom's sister, as bridesmaid. Both were gowned in white organdie and car ried showers of roses. The bride came last with her father. Her gown was of white lansdowne with trimming of applique and panne velvet, and her veil waa held back with sprays of green and white blos soms. Mr. Trimble, with Mr. R. P. Schwab as best man, met the bride at the chancel atepa, the marriage service being read by Rev. George Edward Walk of Coun cil Bluffs. A reception followed the wed ding at the home of Mr. and Mrs Hertzler, 2138 South Thirty-third atreet, about 200 guests being received between 8:30 and 11 o'clock. The bride and groom were as sisted In receiving by Mr. and Mrs. Hertz ler and Mra. Helena E. Trimble, the groom's mother. Tbe bouse wa handsomely trimmed with cut flowers and greena and throughout the evening there wa music by a stringed orchestra In the hall. Mr. and Mrs. Trimble left on a late train for a bridal trip east and will be at home after October 1, at 2138 South Thirty-third atreet. Social t alt-Chat. Mlaa Ada Klrkendall will enter) tin at supper this evening. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Gilmore are at tbe Millard for tbe winter. Mr. and Mrs. Guy C. Barton bave re turned to the city for the winter. Mlsa Margaret McSbane has gone to Sac red Heart convent. Manhattanvllle, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Kountze are ex pected home from Long Island on Tuesday. Ur ftnrrim dArlfft left on Monday for Wyoming, where he will locate permanently; Mrs. H. T. Lemlst Is -expected home from Boston and New York about the first of tbe month. The Mlaf.cs Crounse spent a part of last week In tbe city, returning to Calhoun on Saturday. , Colonel and Mrs. . Mills have left the Madison and have taken tbe house at 3001 California atreet. Mr. Harry McCormick and little son have gone to Charleston, S. C, where they will spend the winter. Mrs. Warren Rogers and Mlas Mildred who have spent the summer in Maine, are expected home tomorrow. Mlas Allen Is expected home today from Denver, where she went two weeks' ago to attend tbe Coleman-Clevelend wedding. Mrs. Porter snd Mrs. Sarson bave Issued Invitations for an Informal tea to be given at their home, 618 Lowe avenue on Friday, the 19th. Mr. Charles Barton has Joined Mrs. Bar ton and children at Gloucester, Mass., where they expect to remain until about October 1. Dr. R. P. Jensen will leave the city tbe early part of the week for New York City, expecting to make bla borne thert In future. Mr. 8. 8. Curtis and the Misses Curtis have left Wequetinslng and gone to Chi cago, where they will spend tbe remainder of the month. Mrs. Fred Rustln and children are ex pected home about tbe middle of the month from Little Boar' Head, where tbey have spent the summer. Mr. Clinton D. Orcutt, accompanied by bis daughter Misa Jennie, left on Friday for Albany, N. Y., where ahe will enter Sacred Heart convent, Kenwood. Messrs. Lawrence Brinker, Wlllard Bar rows, Odin Mackay and Newton Wilcox of Boston are enjoying a two weeks' hunting trip in Colorado and Wyoming. Mrs. Wilson Lowe will reach home today, having spent the past fortnight in Cohaaset. Maaa. Mlaa Lydia Moore, who accompanied Mrs. Lowe, will visit New York before re turning. Miss Mary Mercer will return to St. Mary's school at Knoxville, III., on Tues day. She will be accompanied by Miss Mary Merrltt, who has been a guest at tbe Mercer borne. Mrs. C. F. McGrew is in New York, where he went to meet Mrs. McGrew, upon her return from her summer' trip abroad. They will remain in th east about ten days befors returning. Mr. and Mr. Charles Craln of Springfield, O., held a large reception on laat Thurs day evening la honor of Mr. and Mra. Charlea Edward Craln, who bave returned f.om their wedding trip. The many friends of Mr. and Mra. Charles E. Ford will regret to learn that tbey bave Bold their borne on West Far nam street and will move to Chicago in a few weeka, expecting to make their future home there. Mr. and Mra. Herman Kountze will leave the patter part of tbe month for PltUfield, Mass., where they will be the guests of Bishop and Mrs. Worthington. They will be accompanied by Misa Cotton, who goea to Boston to attend tbe wedding of a friend, after which she will return home, accom panied by Miss Ritchardson of Erie, Pa., who will bo remembered as her guest last spring. Kabl A Juaaaoa Millinery opening occurs Tuesday and Wednesday, September 17. Sole agenta for Phlpps and Atchison hats. Mrs. R. H. Davles, grand opening Friday and Saturday. next Mra. D. H. Wright, organist and choir di rector of St. Barnabas church, will be glad to receive her puplla la piano or pipe or gan. Residence studio, HO N. 33d St. alias Julia Officer baa removed her piano studio to tbe Ramge building. Mra. R. 11. lavtea, grand opening Friday and Saturday next OMAHA SUBURBS. Ileasoa. William Mn'sn has been Improving his rMfnc during the last week. Mla Hllma Kdllrg of Omaha spent last Sunday visiting with friends In Itenson. Miss A. K. and Miss l.lllr Stele-er spent a couple of days at Klk tity last week. llt- ii. a witn irit nus, returning Dome on t ri der. Mrs. Kmma Craven of Iowa Is vlsttlnar at the home of her niece. Mrs. J. A. Nforaati, while on her way home from Washington, D. C. The Misses Pprague of Irvlngton ar mukini lipuson their home for the coming ar. while attending the Omaha High school. No evenlnsr service of the vouns neot.Ie'e devotional service was hdi last Sinday evening on account of the death of Jay Dickey. A called bjfdnees meeting of the stewards of the Methodist Kpls opal church an held at the church last Thursday evening. Mrs. James A. Howard and daughters have returned homejf'er a summer's visit at the home of Mrs. Howard's parents, in Minnesota, Services will be held at the Methodist Episcopal church today at the usual morn Iriic hour bv the nastor. ltt-v. Mr. Lues. Sunday school at noon. An adjourned session of the Methodist Episcopal church conference waa held at the church last Katurday evening, when the plans were discussed for the coming year. ' Master Ward Wslsh of this place en tered tbe Omaha High school at the be ginning cf the fall term, also Mlas 6hon- year's eighth grade. Benson lodnp. No. Independent Ordee of Odd Fellows, was successful In captur ing iwo pr.zea at me picnic given hy tne Home Social club at Knit's park. William Kobinson won the tat man's race and P. bellek the bowling content. The fall term of the public schools of his place opened last Monday morning with the same corps of teachers as wre In charge last year and a larze Increase in attendance. The school house has been re painted Inside, and nut. while each rtMin ia papered in tinted colors. Floreace, Mrs. J. C. Barcus left Monday for a visit with relatives in Iowa, Miss Blanche Tucker was a business visi tor In Omaha Saturday. Minor Tuttle was a business visitor to Calhoun, Neb., lust Wednesday. L. A. Taylor spent Sunday at home with his folks, ar.ivlng Saturday afternoon from a northern trip. The family of XV. II. Taggart of Carroll. Ia., have located here and will build on property purchased. Henry Johnson of fipearflsh, 8. D., spent several days of last week visiting his slater, Mrs. Nels Petersen. Bert Kindred went to Herman, Neb., Sat urday. He will probably locate there, tak ing his family soon. The frost the last few mornings has done but very little damage to corn. If any thing. It has helped mature It. The Young People's auxiliary of the Presbyterian church will give an entertain ment at the city hall September 17. George Kstlll and family of Omaha have rented the Hansom property on Bluffs street and will make this their future home. Dr. Smith has moved his office across the street, and now occupies rooms over An derson's grocery store, where he has more room. Rev. P. 8. White of Omaha conducted the services St St. Mark's Episcopal church Wednesday evening and Thursday morn ing. Rev. Phillip Smith, the regular minis ter. Is taking a rest for a few days. Harold Reynolds, who has been spending the summer at Milwaukee, In the engineer ing department of the Allls-Cha!mers works, returned home Thursday, to attend Bellvue college the coming winter. West Ambler. Miss Ella Michal '.J slowly convalescing from typhoid fever. Frank Hensman sprained his ankle on Tl i i.... i . . T , trufitrnuuy miu IB laiQ up. OenrpA Rvdi and mrir rt nmati, n a me nrsi 01 tne wecK wun. their brother, Ed Dawson and wife of Folsom. Ia.. were gueats In the neighborhood from Sunday until Monday. J. E. Aughe snd wife are entertaining their daughter, Mrs. L,. Younj and two children, Irom Bronson. Kan. Messrs. Mclvatne and Hensman. with their wives, attended the Trlmble-Hertzler wedding on Wednesday evening. Mra. J. Oants entertained the tadles' Aid society at a carpet rag sewing on Thursday- and gave them a fine dinner. Twenty-four were present. Charles Henderson and wife of 8loux City and Nelson Pratt, wife and daughter of Omaha were gueats of their parents. Rev. K. M. Henderson and wife, Sunday. Kabl at Johoaon " Millinery opening occurs Tuesday and Wednesday, September 17. 8ole agents for Phlpps and Atchison hats. Misa Decy will be glad to meet her cus tomers Thursday, September 18, at 315 South 15th etreet. Mrs. R. H. Davles, grand opening Friday and Saturday. next General Wheeler Ketorm. NEW YORK. Sept. 13. General Joseph Wheeler and his two daughters were pas sengers on the steamship Philadelphia, which arrived early today from South ampton. Fall Styles In the shoe that sells tbe world around . . . Are sjivlng at the Exclusive Women's Shoe Store. The new enamels for fall and wln ter are simply wonders, and. regard less of all reports and rumors to the contrary, the price remains the same $3.50 Always They aie the equal In style, quality and fit of any $5.00 shoe in America, and sell to every woman, whether a buyer of one pair or ten pairs, at 13.50 per pair We make a specialty of shoes for women, boys and girls only. The beet In the world st popular prices. Sorosis Shoe Store 203 S. 15th St.. OMAHA. Karbaca Block. Frank Wilcox, Manager. Telephone A724. Send for the New Catalogue. L & COPLEY L )y) JEWXLER Jj HPVi He Sells Watches, N I 'VjH $1 Alarm Clacks I I xfoj thia week I t 85 cents M r GUARANTEED M Am A id'.ii hum' . WJii.'u a , .1 :!.:...?. J Children' and Infant's cloaks in prettiest style, from the first long cloak up to eight ears. IIooiIh and caps to match. Novelties in sofa pillows, table covers, etc. Fall and winter underwear in anything you can wish. ejiTala. THE MILLINER. LARGEST EXCLUSIVE RETAIL MILLINERY IN OMAHA. 300 STYLES OF NEW FALL ST.REET HATS ON SALE MONDAY. New Location 1508 Douslas Street. Phone F 2247. MRS, R. H. DAVIES GRAND OPENING IMPORTED PATTERN HATS Friday and Saturday, Sept. 19 and 20 1511 DOUGLAS. This Week At 1408 Douglas Dr)nrir -pr f uaigauia iui Piano Buyers The entire piano stock of J. J. Hus ton, formerly at Rose's Art Store, 1521 Dodgo ctreet, has been moved and goes on sale Monday at 108 Douglas street. These pianos must be sold within the next few days, to make room for new pianos, as the entire building at. 1408 Douglas street Is to be occupied by 13. H. Baldwin A Co. with a large and fine selected Stock of Iianos snd Organs from their four great factories. The Finest Pianos, , The Greatest Bargains ever offered In Omaha. At 1408 Douglas Street Monday D. II. Baldwin & Co. J. J. Huston, Manager. s 53 is o 1 1 E U a, H a - a 3 b a a 3 n o 2 m I ' t U I- u i & "3 o e a s3 zz XI a u o 2 a It Is delicious, fruity and pure, with a forty.year record a first oa th litt cf Dry Champagne. No sparkling win In us Is it superior. Let Us Shirt You With one of our new pleated or plain bosom shirts. We're showing Juat a little the beat khlrts we've ever sold bil aizca and all the newest colors and the price $1 00 to fl.&u. You ought to see our stock. 'ma bey Make (blrta. I' MRS. J. BENSON BEAUTIFUL Ml FALL GOODS tivri TV IV r.VI'UV Iir.l'ART.Mr.N'T. -.1 - CrTVifly l-lslf PADEREWSKI sayst "The pianola Is per fection." HATER remarks: "Tha pianola gives me more pleasure than thou sands of so-called treats of seanlstlc efforts." HUFFMAN enthuses: 'I am completely won over the vast possibil ities of the pianola." PAT'KR writes "Nothing of the kind can even approach, musically, the pianola." One price everywhere, t2.nO cash or payments. Sole agents for I'lan olas, fitelnway Pianos. Schmoller & Mueller, U!J Farnam, Oauha. Wheeler& Wilson Ball Bearing Sewing,Machines always rjn faster and easier than aay other made. Tbey are the most pop ular machines In Council Bluffs today. We buy them for cub sod wtil sell you one either for cash or $5.00 Down and 75c PerWeeU Free Sewing School every Thurs day and Saturday. No difference where you bought your machine nor from whom, you ar wel come to come to our store and learn to do all kinds of fancy work and to use our attachments. Secoud-haad machines from $100 to $10. We rent machine at tt per week or $2 00 per month. We sell needlt and attachmenta for and repair every make of machine manufactured. Phonographs We are western headquarter for EJisoc Phonographs and Record. Price from $1.00 up. September rec ords are now In. Nebraska Cycle Go GEO. E. MICKEL. MAMtiKK. t uraer lSla aad Harass-, Haoae IMtKl. $34 Broadway, Council Bluffs, ls, 'I'auae UU1M. 12 K. 24th St., South Omaha, Nab. 1