Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 13, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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'Ire umaiia Daily Bee.
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Ueorge B. Ttscbuck, secretary of The Bee
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King Corn wants to stand off Jack
Frost Just a little longer. v
Why should Omaha "bo represented in
congress by a nonresident congressman?
As to the difference between Onr Dave
and Omaha republicans, there is nothing
to arbitrate. ' " ' . ! .
The way for Dave Mercer to save the
district Is to stay out since he . has
moved out of it.
How could all that Texas oil burn
with' so much water as Is known to bo
In tho oil stocks?
In 1806 and 1900 the democratic cry
was that prices were too low. Now It Is
to be that prices are too high.
Senator Berry declares that "if Jeffer
son Davis was a traitor, he (Berry) is a
traitor." Nobody, contradicts the Ar
kansas senator.
Tom Johnson, " having attained the
weight of 300 pounds, feels that be la
divinely appointed as the successor of
Orover Cleveland.
Talk about prosperity here In Omaha
ward clubs have to put off advertised
meetings becauso they are unable to
get balls to meet in.
The Iowa State Weather bureau plays
a sure game. It does not venture into
the hazardous field of prophecy, but
Issues a monthly bulletin telling what
tho weather hits been. .
Senator Teller's predicament appears
to be about this: That he was a repub
lican too long to be a good democrat
and he has been a democrat long enough
w spoil him for a republican.
Striking anthracite coal miners say
they see no Indications to lead them to
expect an early settlement of their
strike. Now, If the unexpected would
only happen.
Luckily or unluckily, the oil in those
Texas oil wells was not protected by
fire insurance policies, else we might
look lor another boost in fire rates by
ue underwriters' combine.
President Boosevelt will not stop at
Council Bluffs. lie must have been led
to believe that when he meets John N
Baldwin in Omaha he will get all the
reception Council Bluffs could give him
There seems to be a decided difference
of opinion as to the eligibility of men
for positions as kindergarten teachers.
the difference depending whether the
question Is viewed by a inau or
woman. .
From, the- latest authentic explana
tton It appears that Baldwin failed to
reach the north pole because half his
dogs gave out The explanation Is
in every way both sufficient and sug
gestive. .
Fsom all accounts, the Grand Army of
the Republic ought to make arrange
menu for a sliuultuueous exhibition by
a circus with euch annual reunion, to
make sure that the attending crowd
are undiminished.
The worst libel on Candidate Mickey
that has yet been perpetrated is the
cartoon that represents him wearing a
silk bat Fuslonlsts may scuff at blm
as a farmer who albo runs a bank, but
to top blm off in a slik bat is taking un
warranted liberties.
Although the population of the United
States has increased -0 per cent since
1S90, the number of rattle ' has not
Increased at all, and the foreign de
mand for American meat Is muck
stronger than then. This is one rea
son why beefsteak is 20 cents a pound.
If the dpmocratle party had never
hml an opportunity to legislate against
the trusts or to enforce the antitrust
law pnncrod by the repuMlran party, the
prrst nt appeal to tho people of Its lead
ers to repose confidence ' In It' might
have some wolpht. But the 'record of
the party In regard to the trusts shows
conclusively that It cannot be relied
upon. The democrats have never been
ble to agree upon any practicable
policy la respect to the great Industrial
combinations. Fourteen year ago a
democratic committee of the liouse ot
representatives Investigated the trusts
nd reported that no ngreeuient could be
reached as to a plan for dealing with
them. The committee was hopelessly di
vided on the question and left It to the
determination of a subsequent con
gress. In 18!K the Sherman antl trust law
was enacted and went Into effect This
was in fulfillment of the pledge made
In the republican platform of 1888. A I
democratic president and congress came
nto power in 1803 and they did noth- actual strength or the fate of his can
ng to enforce that law or to render didacy, it will take Iowa out of the
It more effective. On the contrary the
administration declared the act Of 1800 I
to be defective and Inadequate and the I
only attempt made by the democratic
congress to deal with the trusts was a
provislon in the tariff law of 18V4 the
law which brought so much disaster to
the industries and labor of the coun-
try which even the democratic admin-
Istration paid no attention to. There
was an opportunity then for the party
to strike the trusts, but It failed to Im
prove It, although the demand for some
action against the combinations was
hardly less general and rigorous than
it is at present
At the first session of the Fifty-sixth
congress the judiciary committee of the
house, by a strictly party vote, reported
constitutional amendment to apply
to all territory subject to the Jurisdic
tion of the United States. This pro
vided: "Congress shall have power to
define, regulate, control, prohibit or dis
solve trusts, monopolies or combina
tions, whether existing in the form of
corporations or otherwise. The several
states may continue to exercise this
power in any manner not in conflict with
the laws of the United States. Con
gress shall hare power to enforce this
article by appropriate legislation." The
democrats, with four exceptions, voted
acrainst the iirnnnwd flmpmlmenr. while
all the republicans but two voted for
it Falling to receive the required two-
thirds rote it was lost.
In rlew of this record what faith can
the people hare that the democratic
paily, if fclveu the power, would do any'
thing to overthrow the trusts, beyond
perhaps enacting anti-protection legis
lation, which would be disastrous to all
Industries? A southern democratic con
gressman la reported as saying that
when President Roosevelt "gets the
people educated and aroused to the
necessity of action - by congress on
this question, a thing which not only
he, but the democratic party, is
doing, these same people will have
also come to renlize thm th H.m-
cratlc party Is the only hope they have
for the accomplishment of this purpose.'
The people are giving very careful at
tention to this question and It is not ap
parent that the democratic rlew re
garding it is growing in favor.
The campaign in Colorado this year I
will command more general attention
than usuaL The political situation In
that state has undergone a decided
chance In the last two rears. The fac-
tlonal differences In the republican party
have disappeared and the republicans
are now united and harmonious. Most
of the silver republicana have returned
to their former affliiatinn nH th. to
prosperlty that Colorado has en loved in
common with the rest of the country has
materlally strengthened tho republican
organization. The populist element has
ceased to bo a factor of any consequence
and waa entirely ignored by the demo-
cratle convention. Th rlomnernta hn.
lug reaffirmed allegiance to the Kansas
City platform It la not Improbable that
the effect will be to alienate those of
the party who regard the free silver
question as dead.
The legislature to be elected will
choose a successor to United States Sen
ator Teller, who has fully Identified him
self with the democrats, and the sena
toriul contest will be the Important fea
ture of the campaign. Former Senator
Wolcott is a candidate for election to the
18 8lron wn ln I
v vi .Ur,u ami . prouaoiy more
generally popular than Wolcott The re-
publican leaders in the state believe the
imny nss more man a ngnting cnance the corporation agents and railway lob
to win and it is preparing to make a byiBt8 whlch infest the national capital.
vigorous ana aggressive campaign.-
The nomination of ex-Governor Hor
ace Boles against Speaker Henderson in
the Third Iowa district Is an event of
national importance, however lacking
therein a congressional nomination may
ordinarily be. It means nothing less
than the re-entering upon the stage of
the ex-governor as a candidate for the
presidential nomination. It has been un
dertaken in pursuance of a deliberate
movement among the old conservative
leaders to rescue Iowa from Bryanism;
a movement w hose first step was sue
cessfully accomplished in the repudla
tion of the Kansas City platform In the
late state convention, in which Boies
was put forward as the leader.
The ex-governor aud bis backers can
hardly seriously expect bis election over
Colonel Henderson, but they do expect
uiBieriauy 10 reuuee tne majority or 11.-
w u .ecureu against a wean
candidate two years ago and by force of
tue uuaa wave in a sound money na-
uuuui i-aiuiiHigu. mere is no sucn
nuiuraj republican majority in the dls-
incu me ex-goveruor is a stroug cam-
palguer and personally popular, having
as democratic -candidate for governor
carried the district by a majority of
V. lue democratic leaders do
pect and not without reason, to cut
down materially Colonel Henderson's
majority, possibly by one-half or more.
In the prestige of a spectacular contest
with the speaker of the national house
of representatives, Boles will at once be
put forward as the Iowa candidate for
presidential honors. He was a formida
ble candidate In the Chicago convention
in J Nix I, as a preliminary to which In the
silver agitation he had Issued a series of
public declarations skillfully designed
both to persuade the conservatives of
the east that be was a safe man, and
yet to sooth the silver and radical west
ern wing with belief in his sympathy
with them. Convinced that the demo
cratic party two years hence will need a
compromise candidate, and a western
man with at least covert eastern senti
ments. Boles will simply re-carpenter
the platform of his former candidacy,
shaping it, of course, to changed circumstances.
But the significant fact the fact of na
tlonal Importance, Is that Boles will
dominate the Iowa delegation In the na-
tional convention. Whatever may be the
column of Bryan states. Its delegation
will finally line up for whatever candi-
date the conservative element may
agree on, and be available for all the
purposes of those who are now conspir-
jng to wrench the party organization
from the hands of Bryan and his friends,
Mr. Bryan is simply deceiving himself
jf he imagines that he can let things
drift as they are doing In Iowa, and
later leap Into the breach and storm the
state. He will be powerless against a
home presidential candidate, and with
the great central western state of Iowa
against him the backbone of his faction
wm te broken,
It Is gratifying to know that Omaha
is not the only place where the people
are protesting against the recent ad
vance in the rates of fire insurance ex
acted from policy holders by order of
the underwriting boards. Whereas
Omaha has been content to protest
nSalns the flarnnt discrimination
wh,ch has weighted this city down
with various adverse points on the rate
schedule, In Philadelphia a concerted
movement has been started against the
advance In rates in general and con
vincing proofs offered to show that the
advance ordered was without valid ex-
CU8e or Jn-Uflcatlon.
In Philadelphia all the various busi
ness associations have joined together
In what is known as a fire Insurance
committee of the allied business organi
sation? of Philadelphia "fnr the pnrposn
of "curing trough proper investiga-
.a. I ,3 .nnnHnv.4 n sUn aa uil i . Iin I n
tlon and representation a reduction in
the rates complained of, believing that
the Increase in Insurance rates is a
menace to all business Interests." In
pursuance of this object the committee
has dissected the statistical exhibits
compiled by the Are underwriters to
show how the Insurance companies hare
been constantly losing money, and bare
pointed out bow the figures bare, been
Juggled to make losses appear where, in
reality, pronts nave Deea reapeu. nere
the underwriters have claimed a loss of
nearly $27,000,000 on the fire Insurance
business of ten years past investiga
tion of the Philadelphia committee
shows an underwriting profit approxi
mately of $70,000,000, which allows fof
all legitimate profit on the capital In
The important point for us in the worn
of th,s committee is that Its conclusions
PPlT not only t0 1'hiiaaeipnia nut to
every c,ty ,n tne unea Mates wnere
flro rates have bcen ra,8ed under Pre
tense 01 recouping exiraoramary losses,
8ays tBe rePn 01 tne committee: no
S01 nsoa exl8ts for increasing the
rates all over the United States." What-
r 1 accomplished by the allied bus!
ne8S "clatlona ' Philadelphia, there-
fore' w,n lnure t0 the benefit of the
PUcy hoIde everywhere and ought to
have the 8UPPrt and actlve co-opera-
uon OI lue OUBlueBB iuuKuoui
The republicans of Omaha desire to
be represented In congress by a repub
lican. Why should Dave Mercer frus
trate their desire by thrusting himself
forward for an unearned nomination for
a sixth term, even if it were within his
power at this time to usurp a renomlna
The nonresident has made bis election
Imnnnalrila hv aonHrntlnir himaelf In
Bervlce aud Bympathy. as well aa In
domicile, from the people whose com
mi88lon he has too long borne. He baa
.ilenatPd tho masses of the nartv bv
obvious and incorrigible subserviency to
and It waa only natural that he should
transfer bis residence to the congenial
atmosphere of the District of Columbia.
The voters of Omaha will not tolerate
blm. All candid observers know that
bis election Is an Impossibility. A
loyal republican would, under the cir
cumstances, take himself out of the way
of the party, or, rather, would not have
dreamed of getting in the way.
It is, of course, useless to appeal to
Dave Mercer's loyalty, for that does not
exist, but why should not republicans
who are loyal to their own Interest and
the party properly attend to the case of
the nonresident whom tho democrats
want nominated because they know they
can beat him?
True, the democratic committee bas
passed a resolution asking all demo
cratic eanillilatpa fnr the ltvlalature tn
pledge themselves for municipal home
ruie but that does not put them on
record. The pledges will have to come
froni th candidates themselves, no mat.
ter what ticket they are on.
What would the remibllcans of Totta
wattamle county. Iowa, think if a re-
publican who lives in Omaha and who
has never owned a dollar'e worth of
property or paid a dollar of taxes should
ittemnt ts damlnur thm ind
tate who should or should not repre-
sent them In congress and In the legis
lature? That Is precisely what John N.
Baldwin of Council Bluffs Is trying to
do for this congressional and legislative
Champ Clark is stumping Missouri
again for the forty-eleventh time and
he says: "If I had my way I would
make It a felony without benefit of
clergy ever to utter that slanderous
phrase again, 'Poor old Mlssou.' " Then
why doesrt that state show us by going
So far as can be learned the unfortu
nate death of the secret service man de
tailed for the protection of the presi
dent has not caused any resignations
from surviving members of the service.
There Is a fascination about dangerous
callings that overcomes all the element
of danger.
All Wast William.
Chicago Tribune.
Mr. Bryan's persistency may arise from
singular hallucination that the repub
licans are anxious to see some other demo
crat run for the presidency next time.
"sowlsg the Win."
Philadelphia Inquirer.
It needs no sage to foresee that there will
be another story to tell If the supply ot
anthracite should, through a refusal to ar
bitrate, become exhausted when cold
weather is at hand.
I'atlqu rbansrea of Time,
Buffalo Express.
Comrade Roosevelt, who fought wltt
Wheeler In Cuba, found several men in
North Carolina who fought under Wheeler
generation ago. The whirligig of time
brings about marvelous changes.
Crop Ilryoad rtarsn.
Minneapolis Tribune.
It la most always the unexpected that
happens. Farmers have been dreading
early frosts this year because of the un
usual coolness of the summer, but destruc
tive frosts have held off until It is now
too lata for them to do much damage. The
crop year Is certain to be one ot almost
unprecedented bounty, taking all crops by
and large-
No Seeoad Fiddle for Johnsoa.
Cleveland Leader.
Soma of the western newspapers assume
to believe that Johnson is lauding Bryan
with the view of getting on the ticket in
second place with the Nebraskan two years
hence. That is a mistake. Johnson does
not help ether people with the purpose of
"playing second fiddle" to them. He is
after first place on the presidential ticket
of his party and nothing less than that.
Always Headed Right.
. . Indianapolis Journal.
It was sixty-two years ago that the elec
tion occurred in Maine which gave rise to
a political song which told how Mains
went for Governor Kent Edward Kent was
mayor of Bangor from 1S36 till 1838 and
his election as governor in the latter year
was the first indication of the coming de
feat of . the democratic party throughout
the country in 1840. Maine has pointed the
way to victory a good many times since
then. " .
Old Hickory Will Keep.
;'' y ' Portland Ovegonlam.
A more inappropriate gift than a cane
coulfl' scarcely have been selected by the
loyaftltlzens of Georgia forNOur alert, high-
stepping young president. However, being
made of well-ieafoned hickory, and duly
stamped with sliver, this souvenir will
keep 'Until that distant day, now scarcely
to be Imagined, when Theodore Kooseveu
will need a staff wherewith to support his
tottering footsteps as be moves slowly
about the house. '
Where the Moner Flies.
New Tork Tribune.
It Is not in the best interests of true, high
class sport that the betting' on horses
should go beyond bounds and become the
chief feature ot the dally reports in the
newspapers. One t the principal book
maker at Saratoga is quoted as saying
that the total of tho amounts risked at
the Springs had averaged the portentous
sum of $2,000,000 for each afternoon, and
much exceeded the speculation known at
any time heretofore on the American turf.
This is probably an exaggeration, but the
newspapers agree in. saying that the bet
ting on the Saratoga course was amazingly
fast and furious. It Is time to throw cold
water upon so unwholesome a fever. The
pace has become too rapid.
Progress ef the Government Experi
ment la Ferestatlea.
New Tork Sun.
About 15,000,000 acres in northwestern
Nebraska are so sandy as to be unfit for
tillage. Two-thirds of thle region is still
the property ot the national government.
About twelve years ago the State Board of
Agriculture and the Nebraska Geological
Survey began to study the sand hills from
a scientific point of view and reported that
it was believed to be possible to cover
large tracts of this country with trees and
shrubs from which a good revenue might
eventually be derived. Mr. Hicks of the
geological survey also reported that the
foresting of the sand hills would probably
lead to considerable economic results.
The national government, therefore, sent
a large number of Scotch, Austrian, rock
and jack pines, which were set out In fur
rows In one of the worst locations in the
sand hills In the southwestern part of Holt
county. Practically all of these trees have
thrived. The Scotch and Austrian pines
have now attained a height of six to eight
feet, ths rock pines four to six feet and
the jack pines twelve to eighteen feet. The
trees are now entering upon the period of
their most rapid growth, their thriving ap
pearance shows that they are well adapted
to the conditions and the Division of For
estry reports that they are certain, unless
burned out. to attain suitable size for lum
bering. These varieties of the pine tree,
It Is declared, are perfectly adapted for
hundreds of thousands of acres In the sand
bills, where the natural conditions are the
same as those under which ths present
forest is growing.
It is proposed to continue the work that
Is so promising. An extensive forest In
the sand bills would be of great value to
the region where it exists and also have a
favorable Influence upon the winds and
temperature of s large part of western Ne
braska and tbus upon the agricultural con
ditions there. The forest itself would
yield, in fifteen or twenty years, fuel and
posts, the timber would be large enough
In twenty-five or thirty years for telegraph
poles and railroad ties and thereafter. If
properly managed, would be a source ot
continual revenue. '
Ths possibility of turning a large and
worthless area Into a region of great util
ity has been demonstrated. It Is aa Inter
esting illustration of the efforts, now con
stantly widening, to reclaim tba waste
places of the country and turn Ihem to
good account. In view of ths progress
that Is being mads in this direction, we
cannot say that any region in our land
will not some day be found capable ef ad
ding .to the general wsaita.
One moat effective argument In favor of
the uninterrupted prosperity of this coun
try Is mot with in the unexampled sire
of the year s crops. It is pointed out with
much appearance of authority that we can
nave no great Industrial disaster so long
as the yield of grains does not fall and
tho agricultural industries upon mblch our
welfare rests sre In a high state of pro
ductiveness, as they are known to be dur
ing the present season. Such a misfortune
to the corn crop as resulted from the drouth
last year in a time of commercial nervous
ness might have Induced a terrible finan
cial catastrophe. Fortunately our pros
perity then was solidly established, and this
year our strength need not be put to a
test, since the harvests already gleaned and
to come are ths largest In the history of
the country.
After the experience ot last summer It is
peculiarly gratifying that corn Is again to
be abundant and cheap. The prices of fu
tures tn the speculative markets have had
their ups and downs. There has been
anxiety because ot floods, and lately
prophets of evil have discerned signs of
damaging frosts, but the plants go on
growing and the ears filling out so that
by no chance can ths crop bo short of ex
traordinary. It Is computed that It may
reach the great total of 2,600,000,000 bush
els, and the estimate appears in no wise
chimerical, since the famine ot last year,
instead of dampening the ardor cf the
farmer for corn. Increased his assiduity, so
that there is a greater acreage at the
present time than ever before In the annals
of agriculture on this continent.
There is no crop among them all in this
Probably no country presents a more Im
posing array of vast consolidations of all
classes and callings to protect the interests
of those united In them than does Germany.
A recent publication of the Imperial com
mission gives some idea of iheir extent and
usefulness. It calls attention to tho fact
that Germany has 145 chambers of com
merce and trade and ten of agriculture,
around which are groupted the People's In
dustrial council, the German Agricultural
council and land-economy colleges. The
interests of traffic are represented by tho
Home Railways' council. The learned pro
fessions are regulated by councils ot doc
tors and lawyers. There are, it appears,
various Independent associations to protect
the interests of manufacturers, trade and
traffic, as well as to represent special
classes and vocations, such as the union of
German smelters, ths great association of
architects and engineers, the German fish
ery union, the inland shipping union, the
householders' and tenants' unions, all of
which have been established throughout
the land for all tho more important occupa
tions and branches of Industry. Not alone
the independent workers have thus banded
themselves together. It transpires, but tho
movement has spread and now includes
unions of officials, commercial unions and
iaauuiaiiuus of workers of every descrip
tion. The cartel or union of masters has
been formed chiefly for the promotion of
Industrial objects. In addition, there are
various associated enterprises ot various
groups and classes, and last, but not least.
the great co-operative societies of the work
ing classes. A graphic summary this, which
goes to show that when It comes to great
collective, organized enterprises the Teu
tonic Fatherland does not purpose to be
behind the procession.
i .; ; .
The' stories about the young king ot
Spain, which are being spread broadcast
by the Parisian press, do not Indicate that
the lad Is developing as yet the tendencies
toward vice which made his grandmother.
Queen Isabella, notorious and which
brought his 'father. King Alfonso XII, to a
premature end. They show rather a self
willed disposition and a lack of reverence
for his elders, which cannot be considered
surprising In the case of a boy brought up
as a king. The story that he Wishes to
pass by on the other side the few eligible
European princesses and marry the daughter
of some South American millionaire reveals.
If anything, a mind that rebels at the un
natural limitations with'n which his matri
monial Impulses are confined. But Alfonso
XIII Is already paying one of the penalties
of his position in having a great variety
of stories about him printed in the Parisian
newspapers. The Paris press is a kind of
clearing house of the gossip of the royal
families of Europe.
It Is well known that the expenditure of
$363,000,000 under the German navy pro
gram, as ultimately expanded, will render
Germany the second naval power in the
world within five or six years. Public at
tention having been concentrated upon this
startling fact, there has been a tendency
to ignore the efforts of France in the same
direction. It is true that the French gov.
ernment is by no means expending so much
money upon additions to Its navy, though
In or before 1906 France will have six new
battleships and five new armored cruisers
ready for sea. The aim of M. Lanessan,
the minister of marine in the Waldeck
Rousseau cabinet, was rather to Introduce
such changes tn the distribution ot the
existing naval forces of his country as
signally to increase their efficiency In time
of war. As these changes were embodied
In a law which has received President
Loubet's assent, they will be carried out
Immediately, with the result that both In
the Atlantic and the Pacific the French
naval force will be superior numerically
and In fighting power to that of Great Brit
ain, unless counter-precautions are taken
by the latter power.
Another of the unwelcome sequences of
the late war in Bout Africa Is manifesting
Itself In the cost of living in the Trans
vaal. The price of rents, labor, domestio
supplies and everything else conducive
to human comfort there has been advanced
so that a man of moderate means or in
come has difficulty in making both ends
meet. White labor is suffering and Kaffir
labor, on which the mines were formerly
largely dependent, is unobtainable at the
old rates of wages. The employment of
Kaffirs as teamsters and camp followers
by the British army commissary was only
secured by giving the blacks higher wages
than they bad received In the mines before
the war. Now that peace has been estab
lished these natives will not return to their
old employment in the mines unless they
are paid as high wages as they were re
ceiving in army service. The situation,
from the mine owner's standpoint. Is be
coming quite serious. Operations in sev
eral mines in the Rand district, which for
merly paid dividends, have been hampered
to such an extent, through the lack ot na
tive labor, that they ara being worked at
a loss. In other cases the mines have
been forced to close through the same cause.
Whits labor is not obtainable because ths
scale of wages is not high enough to meet
the increased cost of living.
The published report of the Jewiih Col
onization society having charge ot the Baroa
de Hlrsch fund of 150, 000,000 Is of eapec al
Interest because of the magnitude of the
undertaking. More than S2,000,000 was ex
pended in 1901, seven-eighths of this sum
being obtained by interest and one-eighth
being a draft upon capital. The admlnis
tret toe expenses amounted to $150,000, or 1
tier ccat of the total expended. The Ar
in Corn
Publlo Ledger.
country which Is so important as tnilze.
While w raise more wheat than any other
people In the world, we produce live times
aa much corn as wheat. We raise three
bushels of corn for every bushel of oats.
Our corn crop Is about four-fifths of the
world s crop. Indeed, this cereal Is prac
tically our own, since many countries, Ar
gentine. Mexico, Egypt and the Balkan
States, must units their harvests to make i
tp the Innnlteslmal total which Is not pro- J
duced within our national boundaries. Its
value Is our owa discovery. The soil and
climate conspire to make the Mississippi
basin a rich field for Its growth. Iowa, ,
Kansas, Nebraska and Illinois can each be
depended upon to produce mors than :00.-
000,000 bushels per annum In prosperous
... . . ,
vears. and other states in mis Den are
not far behind In the work of running up
the country's great total.
If we have an Immense crop of corn we
shall be assured of a large export trade.
By diligently advertising this grain we have
at last succeeded in creating a market for
it in Europe, when we have it to spare,
at a fair price. In the government's fiscal
year 1900 we exported 209,000,000 bushels ot
corn and in 1901 177,000,000 bushels. The
trade then reached a value of more than
180,000,000 annually. Last year we could
send abroad only 26,000,000 bushels, of an
estimated worth of tl,000,000. Ths large
crop means more cattle and hogs and
cheaper beef, bacon and all kinds ot meat
products. It will Invigorate the carrying
trade on the railroads and on ocean freight
lines, and will in a variety of ways con
tribute to the industrial prosperity of the
gentina project Is the largest. In Argen
tina $230,000 was expended for direct re
lief, $435,000 for purchase of new land for
colonies and $65,000 for administrative pur
poses. American organizations received
$40,000 In subventions and $110,000 by way
of loan for agricultural work. In Russia
$110,000 was spent for schools, $5,000 In
subventions. $150,000 for workers' dwellings
In Wilna and $30,000 for loans. The weav
ers of prayer shawls In Dubrovna received a
loan of $170,000, Roumanla received $141,000,
Palestine, $50,000; Asia Minor, $65,000, and
Oallcla $120,000. It is a worldwide charity
of the very best description, for it alms to
help those who help themselves.
Maine went as it did for Governor Kent.
The rotund Tom Johnson will do his trust
hunting in an automobile.
One of the candidates for congress In
Maryland bears the name of Stump. He
Is on it, too. (
The country In which Portland, Me., is
situated voted enthusiastically against tho
prohibitory law, which the late preacher
sheriff struggled to enforce. Elected of
ficials are expected to take the hint and
wuvk both eyes.
Malcolm Smith of Cedar Rapids Is one ot
the busiest men in Iowa these days. He is
chairman of the state prohibition commit
tee, a candidate for congress in his district
and also the nominee tor district Judge.
Tho prohibitionists propose to make a
vigorous campaign in Iowa this year.
Craven McKab, nominated by the demo
crats of California for state superintendent
of publlo instruction, declines to accept
the gold brick. "The - office," he says,
"would be a regular white elephant on my
bands and I would fall ot election by about
60,(100. My name waa used without my
knowledge or consent."
The two American cities in which the
number of colored inhabitants Is Increasing
mo it largely are Washington and Philadel
phia. In Washington, where the colored
men do not vote, the Increase Is of no po
litical Importance, but in Philadelphia the
Increase Is favorable to the republican
party, already In the majority there.
Dr. George C Pardee, the republican can
didate for governor of California, is a resi
dent of Alameda county, which includes
the city ot Oakland, opposite San Fran
cisco, and which is one of the strongest
republican counties In the state. In 1890
it gave McKlnley 5,000 .majority. Without
its vote Bryan would have carried Califor
nia by 2,300.
One of the democratic state senators ot
Pennsylvania, John F. Hlgglna, who be
trayed his constituents two years ago by
voting in the legislature for the return of
Matthew S. Quay to the United States sen
ate, was a candidate for renomlnation from
Schuylkill county, but at the primaries re
ceived only 300 votes out of a total ot more
thnn 6,000 cast.
Galusha A. Grow, congressman at large
from Pennsylvania, will not be a candidate
for re-election in his home district. Mr.
Grow celebrated his' 80th birthday recently.
He was speaker of the house during the
civil war. ' The venerable statesman Is
quoted as saying: "I have appreciated
highly the honor that has been dons me
In electing me congressman at large, and 1
am satisfied with the record that has been
made already."
Several candidates have already appeared
in Michigan for the senatorial vacancy
caused by the death of James McMillan. At
teutlon is called to two features of the
Michigan canvass. One la that the late
Senator McMillan and his colleague. Sena
tor Burrows, were choacn by the unanimous
vote of the republican caucus lu each case
and the second is that Michigan has uni
formly been represented by republicans In
the senate since the present lines of party
division were established.
Unless it is possible to better best.
There are some features about our windows at present
that makes it impossible to display the fine suits and
overcoats which are sure to interest those dressers who
fancy something different "from the ordinary ready-made
clothing. If you want this kind "our kind" we would
be pleased to have you come in and look over the styles
we are showing at flO, ? 12.50, ?15, $18, $20, $25.
"No clothing fits like ours."
Exclusive Clothiers and Furnishers.
Re 8. Wilcox, Manacer.
Indianapolis News: Think of that com
bination of St. Louis boodlers taking sol
emn oath In which they dared to appeal
to Almighty God. What became
oath they took when assuming the duties
ef the offices to which they were, elected T
Minneapolis Journal: How1 easily one
crime leads on to another ' Is show by
the oath which the boodllng St. Louis alder
men swore. Being united la a corrupt
league to betray the Interests of ths city
they pledged themselves to accept death at
punishment for betrayal of 'their tonmos
guilty secret, and thus opened the way foi
murder. Such a blood-curdHng oath fti
they swore sounds more like aa excerpt
from the proceedings of j some Russian
nihilist society than of a wmferenee ol
some despicable American boodlers. But,
after all. the boodler rs just abovtt as much
! of a villain ss the nihllUt. The daly dlffer-
jnce U hat the ler .dlL
fAiinw ' hut that ao-called fedeem-
aood fellow." but that so-called "redeem
ing trait" really damns him the mere,
Springfield Republican: The publication
of the Ironclad oath taken by the nineteen
members of the St Louis boodle combine
was the final touch needed to make ths
story of municipal sorruptloa la that nobis
American city romantic even In. Us vil
lainy. The manner in which ths' boodlers
swore "before Xbe Almighty God" not to
reveal combine secrets, and to accept death
from the other members tn ease ot be.
trayal, places them quite In the rank with
the old pirates ot the Spanish main. "Aad
all of this I do solemnly swear, so help
me God" such was the conclusion of the
oath. Why is it that ths most Infamous
rascals take their vows tn crime with sn
appeal to ths Almighty to sustain them In
plundering other people? No more absurd
contradiction could bs conceived. The St.
Louis boodlers, however, sre not unlike
generations of rascals who have gene be.
fore. Instead of Invoking the devil, their
logical patron, they always turn to the
deity when in a critical place.
Detroit Free Press: "Pshaw! He's no
good! He and I used to work right side
by side."
"Still, he may have recovered from the
effects, you know, and turned out well
after all." ' y ; ' .V
Chicago Post: "Go," said the stern par
ent, "and never darken my door again!"
"All right, old man," returned the In
corrigible. ''If I happen to get back this
way I'll come In through the window."
Philadelphia Press: "When two men
start swearing at each other it's usually
called ,'a stream ef abuse.' Funny, Isn't
ItT" '
"What's so funny about It?"
"Why, you'd think so much 'damming'
would stop the stream, but it's Just the
New Tork Sun: Joan of Aro was review
ing the situation.
"Strange," she murmured, "they talk
about the Beef Trust, and yet It seems
easy to get the Stake."
Remarking that this was pretty Swift,
she then proceeded to polish up her
Cleveland Plain Denier: ' "I want to see
the cook right after dinner." ,
"You are not going to discharge her,
"Discharge her? No, Indeed. I Want to
get the recelne from her for this fiMlnr
sauce. It ought to make the best kind of
office mucilage."
Washington Star: "So you are not going
to Europe again?" ,
"Not for a long time," answered Mrs.
Cumrox. "It la our Intention to live In
America, thereby calling attention to the
fact that we can afford to pay the highest
prices for everything."
Chicago Tribune: "I'd like to know what
you meant, sir," demanded the Irate young
woman, "by saying in your paper this
morning that the popcorn counter at the
charity basaar last night waa presided over
by 'the dat little Miss Sklmmerhorn'T"
"Good heavens, madam." said the editor
man, turning pale "That was written -
leff !"
Philadelphia Press: "My Jelly' won't
jell," complains the housewife.
"In the Spanish," says the man. her
husband, thinking to take her mind off her
troubles, . ."that sentence would be pro
nounced: 'My helly won't hell.'"
"Well." sighs the woman, moodily stir
ring again In the kettle, "there are some
more things about the Spanish that this
country should have benevolently assimi
Baltimore News.
Peachek ' '
Kplcure's dream!'
Oh, what a dlnh for the dainty they seem!
and ...
Tastily bowled.
Tempting the palate, so lusciously coldl
Half-spheres of rapture afloat In a sea
Of lacteal richness that satisfies me!
Peachea and cream, peaches and cream I
Fresh from the joy-laden boughs they are
Bits from the great treasure-house of the
with a fragrance enravlshlng fraught,
Nectar-fed brood of the dew-refreshed
Dripping with wine that the eye starts
Gold, they are set in the silver of cream!
Oh, what a feast for the epicure's eye
Oh, what a joy for the palate of man!
Oh. what a smile to swift banish the sigh.
Lighting the way on, life's burdensome
Each brimming dish with its ecstaeles
Bliss overflows In the peaches and cream!
Epicure's dream!
On, what a dish for immortals they seemt
Tastily bowled.
Tempting the palate, so lusciously cold!
llalf-sphrrea of rupture afloat in a sea
Of lacteal richness that satisfies me!
Peaches and cream, peachea and cream!