Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 13, 1902, Page 12, Image 12

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Building Inspector Inconntsn Opposition in
Psrforatnc of Duty.
Harrilna's Old Jnnk Shop la BiH
Despite Efforts of Lawyers in
Stop ItnlldliiK Depart
mrnl from Arttna.
H I 4 Per Cent
interest raid on Passbooks
4 Per Cent
Interest Paid on Certificates
Building Inspector Cartr and the mem
bers of his department have In th course
of the last few weeks experienced consider
able trouble and unrleanantness arising out
of the condemnation of the building at the !
corner of Twentieth and Izard streets, now
occupied by L. Harding, a Junk dealer.
The building In question la a large struc
ture, occupying nearly the entire lot upon
which It stands, and was formerly occupied
as a livery stable. For some time past it
has been so badly out of repair as to be
regarded as dangerous, and the building in
spector determined that It roust be torn
down. This decision waa accepted by the
Byron Reed company, the agents for the
property, but the tenant, Mr. Harding, posi
tively refused to move. The building was
condemned and Mr. Harding waa notiflrd.
but still he refused to vacate, and yesterday
Building Inspector Carter went to the
premises with a crew of men and pro
reeded to tear down the structure. Mr.
Harding and bis wife protested vigorously
and even threatened, but Mr. Carter would
aot be moved from his purpose, and after
remaining for a time to see that the work
cf destruction waa well under way he
departed, leaving orders with the workmen
not to desist In their efforts, no matter who
should ask them to do so.
Mr. Harding, upon finding that the build
ing Inspector was In earnest, employed an
attorney, but the attorney was unable to
find Mr. Carter until Thursday night and
during the afternoon the workmen had per
formed their duty so well that the build
ing is do longer habitable. Through the
efforts of the attorney, however, a compro
mise has been arranged whereby Mr. Hard
ing Is allowed until Monday to get his
property out of the building, and no fur
ther work will be done until that time.
Preparations for Hrinmptlon of Legal
Grind at County
Employes about the court house were
reminded of the approaching resumption of
the legal grind when Judge Read, Clerk
of the District Court Broadwell and County
Clerk Miller gathered in the tatter's office
yesterday and opened the Jury Jackpot
with a song service and a seal hammer.
The names of 240 men were drawn, half
cf whom will be summoned for Jury service
during the first three weeks after district
court opens, Monday, October 6, and the
other 120 for service In the succeeding three
weeks. The first batch bad to be drawn
now, as twenty days notice isVequired e
fore the Juror begins serving, and the sec
ond batch was drawn yesterday morning
merely for the sake of convenience.
Among those drawn for the flrat three
weeks are: J. N. Frenser, N. A. Kuhn, W.
R. Homan, Adolph Swoboda, W. V. Morse,
A. L. Read, A. V. Miller, president of the
South Omaha school board; John E. L'tt.
John P. Flnley, Thomas Swift. O. D. Klp
linger, Jesse Merrltt and M-Husse.
Among those drawn for the succeeding
three weeks are: Lew Haarman, J. O. Red
mon, J. M. Metcalfe, W. Farnam Smith, W.
H. Queenan, president ol the South Omaha
council; Oscar Karbach, Peter Jensen, J. P.
Brown, W. F. Btoecker; E. C. Blum and J.
H. Trenery.
It will be remembered that the tax list
was drawn on with "buatnesa men's Juries"
particularly In view and there has been a
liberal sprinkling of their names la each
drawing made.
As yet the coming terms give promise of
little that will be at all sensational In the
criminal docket. Anton Christiansen, who
recently shot and killed his wife, will get,
probably, an early trial, there being no
grand Jury Indictments to delay the budget
of regular complaints. Ourley A Ransom,
who first interested themselves in bis case,
have dropped It, he says, because be had
not sufficient property, and W. C. Lambert
will represent him. The county attorney
Is quoted as saying that he considers the
evidence fully sufficient to convict the man
of murder in the first degree.
Judge Baxter is expected to return to
Omaha after his extended visit in the east
between September 20 and 25. Judges Read,
Estelle, Slabaugh and Dickinson are in the
city. County Judge Vlnsonhaler has been
sitting through the summer whenever there
was occasion, as the law provides tor no
term adjournment of hla court.
If you eat without appetite you need
Prickly , Ash Bitters. It promptly re
moves impurities that clog and impede
the action of the digestive organs, creates
good appetite snd digestion, strength of
tody and activity of brain.
Under Government Supervision
J. L Brandeis & Sons, Bankers
Bank is Located on the Main Floor Balcony.
4 Per Cent Interest Paid on Deposits.
Any part or all your money can be with
drawn at any time without notice. . . .
Special Interest Notice
Your money will draw interest for this entire
month if deposited Saturday or Monday. . .
As it was not generally understood that de.
posits made on or before the 10th of the
month would draw interest for the entire
month it has been decided to extend the time to and includ
ing Monday, September- 15th, for this month only.
Railroad Pay Checks,
Postoffice Money Orders,
Express Money Orders,
Telephone Pay Checks,
QQ(5 Checks on All Other Banks
City and County Warrants Cashed-
You get a
Home Safe Free
J J-L Branded so.
Everyone who deposits
a dollar or more with us
will be supplied with a
little home safe. Thus
you will have a branch of
the "Brandeis" bank in
p your own house.
You keep the bank
We hold the key
Brinjj the safe to us at least
once every sixty days and we
will enter the amount of your
savings to your credit and you
get four per cent interest on
your money.
On Deposits
I J. L Brandeis & Sons, Ban kers
K OMAHA On of tits best equipped of the Keetey system of Institutes, tfc
r-f-s CTW only Keetsy Institute In Nebraska. Cures Drunkenness. Curs
tbLul Drug Users. Booklet tree. Address eU taUt
INSTITUTE Home Treatment for Tobacco Ksblt. cost 89
Publish your legal notices in The Weekly
Bee. Telephone 238.
Our money saving prices deserve a trial.
Read about them on page 7, and come Sat
urday. Hayden Bros.
traetnra Irom for In porta at Fea
tures of Addition to Ar-
riTO Boon.
Superintendent of Construction Murdock
cf the poatofflcs building said yesterday
that Important portions of the Iron work
would arrive the coming week. In the first
place the grillage, or footing for the
columns of the Interior wall of the west
side. Is expected, and thla has been long
waited. There will be about ten columns,
each requiring this basing of steel grillage.
Then the remaining iron work for the
new elevator has been shipped and should
be her by Wednesday at farthest. That for
the Itrst two stories Is already on hand and,
with this part coming, all the Iron will
be ready for carrying the elevator up th
entire four stories. This lift will be In the
new south wing.
C. E. Ford Residence Is Sold to
Harvard. Nebraska,
One of the heaviest deals In Omaha resi
dence property which has taken place In s
number of months was closed yesterday, by
which Edward Updike, president of the
Updike Grain company snd president of the
Harvard State bank at Harvard, Neb., se
cures the home of C. B. Ford at the corner
of Thirty-sixth and Farnam streets.
The lot Is eighty-five feet on Farnam
street by about 132 on Thirty-sixth. It con
tains a modern residence complete in every
detail, which has been accounted one of
the most comfortable homes In a district
known for Its One residences. The house
was built for a permanent residence by
Mr. Ford and was ons of the few bouses
which was built slow enough to be abso
lutely sound. The former owner has made
business arrangements which require bis
residence In Chicago or the house would
not have been placed on the market.
The consideration for the sale was not
made public, but It was stated that It was
close to $25,000. The, sale of the Evans
residence In that neighborhood to Guy C.
Barton for $50,000 was the heaviest, deal
made In West Farnam strest property for
many months, and the present one Is second
In amount of consideration.
Chicago to New York and Retarn,
Via Erie Railroad. Oct. 3d, 4th, Mh and
It Is the Erie ALU THE WAT from Chi
cago to New York! Through baggage car,
through coaches, through sleepers, through
dining car. Absolutely no change. Fast
limited trains. Lowest rates. For timo
tables and Information apply to , H. L.
Purdy, traveling passenger agent, Erie
Railroad. Chicago, , 111.
Boyd's Bargain matinee today. Any re-
i served seat 26c. ,
ThinKjng Man's
Preachers, students, bank
ers, brokers, literary workers,
reporters, editorial writers, ao
- eountants, actors and persons
of Intense mental concentra
tion, can strengthen their
whole svsteui, and preatly in
crease their capacity for men
tal and physical labor, by the
DM Of .
Committee of Board of Education
Succeeds tn Making; Satis
factory Terms.
After some months of fruitless negotia
tions which at one time even led to prac
tlcal abandonment of the project, the Board
of Education Is now completing arrange
merits for the purchase of five lots to be
added to the site of the Monmouth Park
school. The matter was placed some time
aio In the hands of a special committee,
which at a recent meeting reported mat
$1,750 had been ottered for the lots, but the
agent would not accept less than 2,ooo snd
recommended that the negotiations be
dropped. The board received the report and
dlsoharged the committee and then referred
the matter to the committee on grounds and
property, which It is understood has closed
the deal for $1,850.
Hayden Bros, ad on page T Is well worth
Biennial Conference of North Ne
braska District to Be HeUl
Next Month.
The ministers of the Methodist church In
Omaha are preparing for the annual confer
ence of the North Nebraska district, which
will take place at Grand Island the last day
of this month. The conferences will be
presided over by Bishop Fowler and will be
composed entirely of ministers. No changes
are contemplated In the present corps of
ministers In Omaha, but provisions will be
made for a pastor tor the First Methodist
church, which pulpit is now vacant.
Rev. William Gorse, presiding elder of
the Elkhorn district, residing at Norfolk,
has removed from the district, so one pre
siding elder will have to be selected. It Is
thought that there will not be any other
changes among the presiding elders. '
Don't Con ah All Might.
Restful sleep follows use. of Dr. King's
New Discovery, .the best lung cure In the
world. No cure, no pay. 60c, $1.00.
Chleasro to Boston and Retarn, flO.OO,
Via Erie Railroad.
Tlcketa on sale Oct, 7 to 11 Inclusive,
good to return on or before Oct. 13. By
deposit and payment of 50 cents, extension
of limit to Nov. 12 may be obtained,
Through sleeper. For time tables and de
tail Information apply to Mr. H. L. Purdy
traveling passenger agent, Erie Railroad,
Chicago, 111.
Special Arrangements for Students
Returning to eastern colleges via Michigan
Central, "The Niagara Falls Route." Res
ervations can now be made In the spe
cial cars which will be assigned for students
returning to Wellesley, Smith, Mt. Holyoks
and Vassar, upon application to the under
signed. For particulars address L. D. Heus
ner. General Western Passenger Agent, 119
Adams Street, Chicago, 111.
You'll find our big ad on page 7. Hayden
Rome-Seekers' Eacnrslons Via Mis
souri Pacific Railway.
To certain points In the west and south
west, Kansas, Arkansas, Southwest Mis
souri, Oklahoma, Texas, etc., at halt rates
for the round trip, plus $2.00, on Tues
days, September 16th, October 7th and 21st.
Final limit of ticket 21 days. Stopovers
allowed within transit limit of 15 days
going sfter reaching first homeseekers'
point enroute. For further Information
or land pamphlets, folders, maps, etc., ad
dress or call on any of the company's
agents, or Thos. F. Godfrey. Pass. Ticket
Agent. S. E. corner 14th and Douglas Bts.,
Omaha, Neb.
Mortality Statistics.
The following births and deaths were re
ported to the Hoard of Health during the
twenty-four hours ending Frloay noon:
Ulrtha F. M. Keatley, 291-7 Franklin
street, boy; Charlt-s Sessaman, Florence
lake, girl; John Zalondek, 1447 South Four
teenth street, girl; Clarence Crawford. 2123
I-eavenworth. boy; Uwrfnoe Ariander,
S.'So Webste- street, girl; Clarence Peterson,
i)W3 Ames avenue, boy; George Dorrta, 1"
California street, boy: M. Maseara. JS12
Cuii street, girl; N. F. Rlckard. 1314 Georgia
avenue, girl, Andrew Bamiand, 1J3J ogden
street, girl.
Ixath Adam Kamaalnsky, 2330 South
Twenty-aixtb street, aged 11 months; K. E.
Rudolph. Jr. isl North Twentieth street,
aged I months,
Kotlce to Depositors.
As It was not generally understood that
deposits made on or before the 10th of the
month would draw Interest for the entire
month. It has been decided to extend the
time to and Including Monday, September
15, for th'.s month only.
Money deposited on or before Monday,
September 15, will draw Interest for the
whole month.
Four per cent Interest paid on deposits.
Odd Fellows' Excursion.
Des Moines, lows.
Special service, 11 a. m., September 16, for
Nebraska and Omaha Odd Fellows,
via "The Northwestern Line,"
the official route.
1401-1103 Farnam Street.
"Half Fara."
Fall Overcoats Are Ready
First Showing Saturday
Overcoats Worth $18 for $12 Made of imported
English whipcord" in light, medium and dark shades,
lined with the best of serge and satin sleeve linings; hand
felt collar and padded shoulders, positively equal to any
custom made garment in every QZ"t N.O.O
respect, They sell everywhere for I KJKJ
$18.00, on sale Saturday nBB"-
Fall Overcoats worth $12 for $8 Made of
genuine covert cloth, in light and dark shades, lined with
serge and satin sleeve lining, well made and guaranteed
to fit perfectly on sale Saturday QL QQ
Smart Autumr Style
Every day v:e hear the remark, il2here is no use talking,
The Nebraska have the suit and cloak business of
Omaha. " We do not think that it savors of egotism to say
we deserve it, for nowhere else can you secure styles that
equal ours, styles that have that satisfactory, picturesque
smart dash that instantly captivates all admirers of rea
artistic beauty.
It is seldom you are able to see such an array of hand
some suits as are shown in our suit section style, material
and workmanship trying to outdo the other. The newest
blouse, eton and dress effects are shown with new shape
skirts, box plait, flounced flare jackets and skirt hand
somely trimmed, if 16. 75, 18.75, $24.75, $29.75. We
show all the new ideas in woman's walking skirts at
$4.90 to $14.75
Notice to
of Boys
Our Immense assortment of reliable
suits for boys offers many excep
tional opportunities to save money.
In the better snd finer grades we
have completo assortments, as well
as In the less expensive grades.
Economical parents cannot afford to
Ignore "The Nebraska" If they want
to buy the best and most durable
boys' clothing that the market affords
at positively the lowest prices con
sistent with quality.
Saturday we wi-h to call
your attention to three
special lines of children's
suits that go on sale at
$1.50, $2.00, $2.50
if t
;tj& rm mi msk
- O n 1 r escloslTe
tin Of)" O Men's Shoa Store In
rflll 8ho" ,mcio,r
Ull prices. Every P
and- " "" "
select Irom.
Write for Tall
0hn no ct,o,, vU"
OlIUuu our oe
205 South 15th St.
Your Boy
Allan JJ. Ely & Co.
Buy and Sell 6ccond-Hand
1106-S-lO Dona-las St.
Phone 1461. OMAHA. NEB.
Colon Paelne Shopman Cauarkt In
Machine and Badly In
jured. Inexperience In the art of wire pulling
seems to have been the cause of a bad ac
cident to a workman in the Union Paclfio
shops Thursday afternoon. A man named
Brookes was caught In a lathe on which he
was working and severely bruised about
the back and stomach. His Injury was at
first thought to be dangerous, it not fatal,
but after a visit upon the patient yesterday
Dr. Updegraff of the company's medi
cal department, pronounces the Injury not
dangerous. Brookes slept well during the
n ghl snd rested well yesterday.
The accident occurred, according to the
statement given out at headquarters, by
Brookes "pulling tbs wrong string" on the
machine. His life was only saved, It was
given out, by snother workman, evidently
familiar with the msrhlne, "pulling the
right string."
RlSlit on tho Spot
Where rheumatism pains rub Bucklen's
Arnica Salve, the great healer. Twill work
wonders. Stops paio or do pay, I5c.
Dance Tonight.
Jolly Eight club's lively ball this evening.
Washington hall, 18ih snd Harney streets.
Fins orchestra. A grand good time for you.
Gents, 25c Welcome.
A terrific stampede of bargains Is what
you'll find at ths big stors of Hayden Bros.
Saturday." Read about tbem on page T.
1)1 KI).
GRIFFITH Eleanor, September 12. 1902.
aged 6 year. 4 months, 7 days, at her
residence, 'i&lt Fowler avenue.
Funeral nolle later.
Is probably as hard on his shoes as
Mr. Smith's boy, for moat boys ars
alike when it comes to shoes.
Mr. Smith's boy has been wesrlng
our $1.60 shoe now for six years snd
Mr. Smith and the boy both tell us
that they beat any shoe for wear
that they can get.
The shoes we sell Mr. Smith are
no better than the ones you can get,
for all our $1.60 shoes ars alike In
We guarantee a perfect fit and sat
isfaction. If we don't give It to you
ws give you your money back.
JSj ROCK SPRINGS Lump and Nut at.. $6. 50 per ton, del.
i KANNA Egg and Nut at. $6.00 per ton, del.
$ ARKANSAS ANTHRACITE Furnace Coal $9.00
SC.W. Hull Company,!
... AMI! SS SMI. a4t " .
zuin ana izara ois. ieis. uy-4U3-i.
Droxol Shoo Co.,
Omaha' Up-to-date Shoe Boaae,
141 r&RKAM ST it atT.
It's Up to You
If you wsnt the finest Whlsklee, Brandies,
Gins, Wines. Cordials, come to us. We
carry the largest and finest line of any
house in the west. Seeing is believing.
Come and see.
For the family trade ws supply any
brand of high class goods by the ggllon,
quart or pint. By the gallon fine whisky
at $2.60. $3 00 and $3.50. By tUe quart 75c,
tl.00, $1.25 and $1.00. Fine California Wine
$1.25, $1.50. $1.75 and $2.00 gallon. In quarts
25c. 85c. 50c and 75c.
Don't forget our own brand, "Jackdaw"
Maryland Bye, at only $1.25 per quart.
Cackley Bros.,
Esrlnalve Family lAqm&r Store.
Opposite Poatonlee. Thone 1148.
Well Dressed
are rapidly becoming more
numerous In Omaha, and It Is
significant that as their number
increases OUR BUSINESS
GROWS. Grand showing of
Hoys' Suits, Including kilts,
Rusnlans, sailors, Sallor-Nor-folks,
Khakies and Norfolk for
smaller boys. Norfolks and 2
and 3-plece suits for larger
- Great
of Reefers and Overcoats st $3
up. There are school reefers,
storm reefers and dresa reefer,
military reefers,. Among over
cnHts known are nunslans. Cape,
Hood and Automobile and Swell
Swagger styles for bigger boys.
Lilliputian Juveniles are best
In the market at each price.
What you want Is here now.
Tincture Amal,
from Urns to time are for sals at ths
publlcatioa office all la good condi
tion lew prices.
the great Asthma, Bronchial snd Lung
Remedy, is becoming very popular in
timuha. Several n-oile who first used this
! remedy were obliged to onler direct from
the manufacturer, but all can now be sup.
plied by us. who are me nrst aruagiirc
who have stocked these goods. Come In
and get the names of OMAHA (not Texan)
people who have been cured by this medi
cine. 1 gallon Tincture Amal, for Internal
use $6.00
4 gallon Tincture Amal, for atomiser... I S
Atomizer, made for Tincture Amal 1.25
$1.00 German Kimmell Hitters (we guar
antee thla for catarrh) 71c
$1 on Peruna "c
$1.00 Duffy's Malt Whlfkey .-c
$100 Her s Malt Whiskey 5o
5oc Poisonl Face Powder
1M Chester's Pennyroyal Pills $1.00
nonpareil roadeta ave drug bills at
10th nasi Chicago Sis.. Omaaa, Neb.
XspQty Stats Veterinarian
Food Inspector.
Pftoe aad Infirmary, tsta and ktaaon ft.
Omaha, NW Telethons iM.
who appreciate the high quality of ths
Mets beer as a and as an in
vigorating tonic the Mets la every day.
Our line brew U gaining favor every day
with both invalids and convalescents, as
well as for a table, beverage. If you
haven t yet ordered It. Uon't fall to So
so. It will rtiay you In both health and
Mctz Bros. Brewing Co.
Tel. 11. Ontaha,
Or Jacob N.umay.r, Agt.. oare Msumayst
Hotel. Council UluCs. Iowa.