Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 12, 1902, Page 5, Image 5
THE OMAHA DAILY FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1002. NICHOLS WINS SECOND ONE Taksi Eii Tarn Against Omaba tnd Makei &ood with Em rttrl: P.MI..r, A'hlev snd McLsugb lin; O'.rion, Wllhlte and Webb. WEAK HITTING TELLS WHOLE STORY Inability Hat wlili Men Raaea De-stray the Home Tnn'i Cfcnne n( Mia a In sr. First by buncblng baet on ball and later by allowing the visitors to bunch hits on him, Otcar Graham handed Thursday's game to Kid Nichols Ml a platter; score. 7 to 4. This, flpupke the fart that the Kan aaa Citr rnefl fielded miserably, that Omaha put three men on bases wlta only on out three different . times, and Anally that Nli bolt in the list three Inning- let down completely and made a Jest of It with straight ones. Nichols cae five bases on balls and Shannon and Koblnaon made a string of wide-open errors, to despKs the score the locals bad every chance to bat out a vic tory, since tbey were themselves playing sate game. But they never got started at U till the eighth, and then three runs represented the extent of their capabili ties. The eonteat started out to be a beauty. Both pitchers were in fine form for the be ginning and at the end of the second in ning each team bad a run, while Omaha bad two bits to the visitors' one. The Rangers bad scored la the first on Wright's three-sacker following Nichols' gift to Carter. The Cowboys tallied on Shannon's double, after Burg'a error on Wilson's grounder. But Graham opened the third by giving the first two men up their bases, while the third made a single, and though he pulled out. of that Inning marvejously without a score, be never recovered from the upset ting. In the Bfth he duplicated this, fill ing the bates with two gifts and a single on the first three men up. and the gifts cored before the side was out. In tbe atith a doable, .a single and a triple in succession made two more. Oscar was plainly away off. but It was too late to exchange. ., Meanwhile Omaha bad tbe same chances. In the fifth Shannon made three successive errors On grounders, filling the bases, with one out. Then Omaha's two best pinch batters. Stone, aid Dolan. walked up and failed to hit safe or evea put out a fly In the. sixth Omaha was equally helpless. so with the score 7 to 1 the Kid began putting them straight over strong, his team having made two more runs with a single and a double in that inning. Genlns, Carter and Wright showed their appreciation' at this letdown by making three singles in a row in the seventh, fill- log the bases, with one out. Again it was up to Stone and Dolan. Tbe former struck out; Joe flew outj no score. Kansas City did nothing more and Omaha tried bard to get started in the eighth. A single by V pnvln Atftl1 Vll Ai4ia, . kV , O Ow.aj, -fc- - . Graham and an error by Robinson brought three runs, but that ended it. Dolan ctarted tbe ninth with a single, but the next three winked out In order. Two thousand nersotie watched the game, of unlet, the feature was Thomas' aerial catch ine-baoded of Robinson's liner, which was beaded upwarda over the fence. The scorer v: '' Kansas cttt. i .) 1 A.B. R. H. Ketrham, cf t 2 AValdron. rf 1 Miller, If 0 Koblnaon. 2b , 0 Jacobs, 3b 4 0 Kemmer, lb i 0 Totals 38 7 OMAHA. AB. R. (jenlns, 2b . t arter. rr O. 1 0 3 6 1 g 5 4 0 A. 0 3 . 1 0 3 4 3 11 27 13 V right, lb... Ptone, If..... lkiUn. ...,. Thomas cf.,. Burg. 3b Oondtng, o... Uraham, p.- & 5 t .....I .... S H. 1 1 2 0 1 2 1 0 1 A. HL 4 0 1 0 0 1 3 1 1 10 0 07 3 0-4 GAMES IN NATIONAL LEAGUE Boston Wins hwt Owe froas eeand la Draw. t. Lala, BOSTON'. Rent. 11 In a duuble-hea.lor ti'dsy Boston win the first, but the aecond Was a draw, darkness enlinr the game In the eighth. Malarkey won the first in the eleventh Innlne with a smashing drive over the leftfleld ftnce. I-rig. a New Eng land let rue pitcher, pitched for Boston In the second game and held Pt. Ixuls down to four hits But for (Sremlnger e errors Boston would have taken the second came. Attendance. 73o. Score first game: BOSTON. . ST. 1IIS R H n A E R.H.O.A E 1 2 1 ( 0 1 I t 1 t ! 0 17 I o 1 1 I 7 I 1 0 1 Lnah. cf .... 1 1 0 (I Farrell. "h Traw), lb.. 1 I 11 I Krucer. aa.. oraa. lb . . 0 0 I 1 0 hirrlay. It.. Pemnnt, w.. 1 1 8 3 a pnneran, rf. Corner. !.... 110 NtrhuK lb Carney, rf . . 0 1 0 0 9 Braftbear, rf Orrnrrrr. lb I I I ralr.onn. Sb. Loos, tb t t I SJ. O'Meil. r. murine, r.. 0 0 S 1 0,H. ONell, p Malar,,, p. 1111 S 1 Toun ... I rn it l Total, ... 4 11 tl 1 1 Winning run scored w-lth one out. Boston 2000100000 14 Bt. Louis 3900000000 03 Earned runs: St. Louts, t: Boston. 1. Home run: Malarkey. Stolen bases: Long. trashear Coolev. Double nlavs: lonc to Tenney, Moran to Malnrkev. Sawj on balls: Off Malarkey, 4; off O Neil. 4. Struck cJt: By Malarkey. 1: by ONell. 7. Time: 1:!8. Umpire: Emslle. Score, second game: BOSTON. I ST. LOflS. . HO. A E H H OA B Linh, cf Tenner, lb. 1 DeaiMit. u. . s (oolf. If.... 0 r,mev, rf . . . 0 Oren'sr, tb. 1 H. Low. Ik. S Moran, e N. Loss. .. 1 1 1 11 C Frrll. n ... 1 a Krug-ar, m. . . 1 (l BsrrKr, If... S loijov,n, rf. . NlchoU. lb .. t Bruliir, cf.. 0 t (llhoun. lb.. 0 (VNHI. e Yarkeej- .... Total, ...110 14 11 t Total, ... 421 11 1 H. Ixing oat for running out of line. Boston 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0-2 Si. Louis 0 1 0 0 0 1 02 Two-base hits: Nichols. Lush, Calhoun, Barclay. Stolen bases: Barclay. Krueer. Donovan, L,u?h. Tennev. Double pla : Btashear to O'Nell. Bases on balls: tiff Long. . off Yerkes. 8. Hit by t!tch-l ball: Cklhoun. Passed ball: Moran, Time: 1:36. Umpire: Emslle. rittsbars; Wis, a Doable, Kader. rHILADELPHIA, Sept. ll.-Plttburg won two games today. Tbe locals tried Shea, a local catcher and McLauKhiln pitched his first game for Pittsburg. Both did well. Branstield and Conroy were elected from the second game for protest ing a decision by 1 -at ham. Attendance, 4,wi0. Score, first game: flTTSUtKU. , PHILADELPHIA BMiimont, Lcacb. lb.... Wammr. If... 1 PraniSald. lb 1 fibrins, rf Murka. 2b. Conroy, as rbelra. c. rbaabro, s Leerer, p . R H O A E. cf 1 11 Tboma,, 1 f 0 0 1 11 0 R H.O.A E. . 1 0 t 1 I I I 14 1 1 1 t e o 1 t l cf. Barry, rf ... S Kmc, a, 0 Jennlnga, lb Doom. If. .. 1 ioula,. c 0 Foley, tb... , I, hi Ida. Jb. . White, .... e Total, ... t 11 17 II I Total, ... J 7 17 11 1 Pittsburg 3 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0-7 Philadelphia 0 0002200 1-6 Earned run: Philadelphia. Two-base hits: White. Jennings. Three-base hit: Leach. Sacrifice hit: t'hesbro. Left on bases: Pitturg. ; Philadelphia, 4. First base on balls: off Cnesbro, T; off Lwver, 1; off White, 2. Hit by pitcher: Leach, Wagner, Foley. Struck out: By Chesbro, 2; by Leever, 1; by White, 4. Time: 2:00. em pires: Latham and Irwin. Score second game: rrmBiRo. i Philadelphia. It M O A t 1 K M. O A S. has on balls: Off PhlTllna. 4: off Kltson. t Ktriifk out; By Phillips. 4: by Kltson. 7. Left on baie: Brooklyn, 7: Cincinnati, 4. Time: 1:46. Umpire: Tom Brown. I,la, af the Teams. Flared. Won. I et PC, Pittsburg 12r K 3.1 .rw Brooklyn IJo 67 M .r3 Boston 1?' :.t .M7 t'lnclnnatl 123 M 2 . t'hlraao 124 M .4M Pt. Louis 12 RS Ki .4..S Philadelphia 122 4 7S .4'l New York 121 44 77 .3b4 Rames today: Pittsburg at PhtlaUelpnla, Cincinnati at Brooklyn. GAMES IN AMERICAN LEAGUE Philadelphia Saceeede la WlsaUf Two Mare Vlelarlea from Balttaaere. PHIlADKLPHTA. Ppt. 11 -The home team Increased Its lead In th race for the American league pennant today by winning two more games from Baltimore. Hood hitting won the first contest and the second was captured principally through the wlld neaa of Butler. Both teams Melded welt. Attendance. 11.295. Score, first game: PHILADELPHIA. I BALTIMORE Hart,). If... Fultn. rf Darla. lb.... L. Croaa. 9b &7bol. rf.. Murphr. lb.. M Croas. tm. Powera, e Plank, p H O A E 0 SIhah. If 0 W'llllaira. tb. 1 Jonra. lb 0 Arndt. rf Hovall. cf .. 0 Mathlaoa. lb. 1 Ollbert. a, .. 1 Robtnaon. c 0 tviltae. p R H O A E. Total, ... Illfll! 1 Total, ...1 T t4 11 I Philadelphia 0 2 0 0 0 8 4 0 9 Baltimore 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 Earned runs": Philadelphia. 4. Two-base hits: Pelbach. Davis, Sevhold. Stolon bases: Selbach Arndt (2. Wlltse. Double plavs: Gilbert (unassisted); Wlltse to Gil bert to Mathlson; Murphy to Davis. Left on bases: Baltimore, 7: Philadelphia. 10. First baae on balls: Off Wlltse. 4; off Plank. 2. Struck out: By Wlltse. 1; by Plank. 5. Time: 2:00. Vmplre: Johnstone. Second game: PHILADELPHIA. I BALTIMORE. R H.O.A. K. R.H.O.A. C Harttel, If... 0 rmt. cf l Darla. lb 0 L. Crow, 8b. ftp bold, rf.. Murphv. lb.. 1 M Crna. aa. 1 S-rhrwck. ... 1 Wilson, p 0 I 1 t 1 14 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 4 0 0 (t'gelbac-h. If... 1 0 w uilatn,. lb. ' JonpK, lb. ... . 0 , Arndt. rf 0 Howell, cf... 1 1 Mathison. lb. 0 'Ollnert, a,... 1 Smith, e 0, Butler, p 1 Total, ...4 (17 11 t Total, ...11114 11 1 Baltimore 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0-3 Philadelphia 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 Earned run: Baltimore. Twro-base hits: Williams, Howell. Sacrifice hit: Murphy. Stolen baes: .Smith. Hartsel (81. L. Cross. Left on bases: Baltimore. 9; Philadelphia. 11. First base on balls: Off Butler, 1: off Will, 3. Struck out: By Butler, 1. Time: 1:40. Umpire: Johnstone. Detroit Beata St. Los I a. DETROIT. Sept. 11. Teager's good pitch ing was primarily responsible for Detroit's winning this afternoon's game. For the first time in a number of days the home team fielded in Its early-season Ftyle. Ka hoe a home run scored Bt. Louis two runs. Attendance, 400. (Score: DETROIT. t ST. LOVIS. RHOAE1 R H OA B base bits: Oeler, DlUard. Huaglns, Oraf flua. Three-base hits: Huaglns, Mock. First base on errors: Toledo, 1. Iett on bases: FL Paul, f: Toledo. Struck out: By Chech, 1; bv Mock, 3. First base on balls: Off Mock. 2. Time: 1:M. Vmplre: Kiggemler. Mlaaeaa-olls Beata C elaaaaas. MINNEAPOLIS. Sept. ll.-Teager error In the seventh allowed Columbus to secure the winning run todsy. Previous to the blunder on the part of the third hasemjn the game was a see-saw, leaving the score an even thing at the end of (he sixth. Westher raw and cold. Attendance, 160. Score: COLfMBfS. , aWNSBAPOLIS. R H O A g R H O A E. 1 1 1 LTllrh. tb ... , 1 1 I Lally. If Veaaer. b... 1 1 w iimnt, rf ... 1 e wrflen. lb. . S Qulllla. aa... 1 1 Pwi, c 1 Sullliaa. cf . Ncvllo, p.... Hart, lh Blnro. rf MrrarTd. cf Turmer, 5b.. Vlot. Sb Kaoll. If rot. c Hop,,, as... Wagner, p... Total, Columbus Minneapolis Bases on balls: 1 l 114 lit til .II 0 0 1 ,14 14 0 1 t 10 n It J Total, ... I 10 11 I 0 10 10 3 10 0- 0 1 0 3 0 1 0 0 0-4 Off Wsrner. 4: off New- PLAY GOLF IN SCOTCH MIST Eight BmiUtiT of lis Clnbi farm for Third louid. PAIRINGS FOR THE CONTESTS TODAY It. R. KlBiball, the Oataka Player, Wist aad Laaea He w the Taar naaaeat gtaada at Pres. eat Tlaae. lln, 3. Two-base hits: McKarland. Turner, Knoll. Three-base hit: Oulllln. Double plays: Lynch to Teaa-er. Vlox to Fox to Hart. Turner (unassisted). Struck out: By Newlln, 1: by Fox, 2: by Hopke, 2. Stolen bases: Wllmot, Lynch. Turner. Sacrifice hltsj; I -a 1 1 y , Wllmot. Qtilllln. Earned runs: Columbus. 4; Minneapolis, 1. Left on bases: Columbus, 4; Minneapolis, 8. Time: 1:40. Umpire: Tindill. Kanaaa City Gaaae Postnoaed. KANSAS CITT. Sept. ll.-Kansas Louisville game postponed; rain. Standias; of the Teaaaa. Played. Won. Lost. 1?7 42 127 12fi 12 1' 12? L'7 130 Louisville Indianapolis . St. Paul Kansas City .. Milwaukee ... t'olumbus .... Minneapolis . Toledo Oames today: Louisville at Kansas Cltv. Indianapolis at Milwaukee, Toledo at St. Paul, Columbus at Minneapolis. Won. K f R2 1 S9 49 42 CHICAGO, Sept. 11. Eight representative 1 golfers from six clubs survive for the third i i M . t rouuu ot mate a piay oi ids western ama teur championship at tbe Chicago Oolf club's links at Wheaton tomorrow as the result of two rounds of match play today. The pairings for tomorrow morning's con tests are: H. C. Egan and Stuart Stlckney, tbe Exmoor and St. Louis rivals; Warren Dickinson, the Iowa state champion from Des Moines, and R. E. Humcr of the Mid lothian Coun:ry club; N. F. Moore of Lake Geneva and C. E. Hunter, another Midlo thian golfer; Walter E. Egan of Lake Ge neva and 8. O. Dugger of Hinsdale. Dugger was runner up last year to Champion W. J. Travis and Is the suburban champion of the links southwest of Chlcaajo. Weather Conditions Bad. City- 42 So M 69 70 7S 88 PC. .70 .670 .MO .m .3M .313 nperlor Takea Second Gaaae. SUPERIOR, Neb.. Sept. 11. (Special.) Superior took the second of the McCook series, S to 4. Score: R.H.E. Superior 3 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 6 3 1 McCook 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 24 8 4 Batteries: Superior, Nash and Glade; McCook BeltJter and Doane. Struck out: By Nash, : by Beltxer, 6 Twi-base hits: Cooler, Converse, Moore. Home run: Welday. Double plays: Gibbons to Mary ott to Cooley; Case to Cooley. Time: l:So. Umpire: Johnson. Crelahtoa Leads the Leaajae. WAUSA. Neb.. Sect. 11 (Sneclal The base ball season of the Northeast Ne braska league is ended. The following Is he standing as riven out bv Prof. E. L Bridges of this place: STANDING OP THE CLUBS. Played. Won. Lost. Crleghton 23 is 5 Randolph 24 12 12 Wausa 23 10 13 Bloomfleld 24 10 14 Coleridge 4 15 Harley, If.... 1 3 3 Caaer. Sb 1 1 t Elbrrfeld. aa. I Harrett. cf... 1 2 I Mi Al a'r, lb. 0 1 11 Lrptua, rf... 1 1 Oleaaon, 2b.. 0 1 I Buelow, c... 1 1 I Yeager, p 0 10 Total, Deaumoot, ct 1 Leach, lb.... 1 W arner, It-aa t Pranrtoltf. lb Phelpa. lb... I Sabrtoc, rf. .. 1 Iinrka. 2b ... 1 Conrof, aa... 0 Leerer, If... 1 Elmmer, a... 1 UcL'thlln. p. I I 1 1 1 1 t 1 3 10 I I 0 1 1 I 7 1 0 1 Tfcotttaa. et.. 1 1 Harry, rf.... 0 1 1 S Km,, aa I 1 Ojjfmulnea. lb. I 1 (vriooin. If I 0 OiShea. , 17 1 i relay. Ik.... 1111 Child,, tb... 1 I 1 i Prater, p Sill ToUl, I 7 14 I Totals .,.......'...39 4 27 Kansas City .0 1 0 0 2 2 2 Umaha : 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Karnpit rtinn:. Kanaa, Cltv. 4: Omaha. 1. Three-base hits: Miller. Wright. Two base hits: Shannon 8t, Graham. First base on balls: Off Nichols, 8; off Graham, t. Struck out: By Nichols, 5: by Graham. 4 Stolen bane: Nlchola. Left on bases: Kansas City, 12; umana, n -nine: i:o. Umpire.: Moran. . Denver Wlna hy Bnttinaj. DENVER. 8ept. 11 The home team won by timely batting today. Tbe weather was extremely cold. Attendance, 1,400. Denver 1 00111 t'sS Milwaukee 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 01 1 Batteries: Denver, Whltrldge and Wil son; Milwaukee, Swormstedt and Kbers. ' St. Jairpk Defeats Des Molstea. ' DES MOINES, Sept. 11. St. Joseph took the second tame from Ds Moines tnls afternoon. Hotter was weak at critical time, allowing the visitors to bunch their hits. Attendance. 400. Bcore: St. Joseph 10 0 0 0 0 0 14 11 1 Dea Moines . .. 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-2 C I Batteries: St. Joseph, Parvln and Roth; Deo Mutnea, Hotter, Hanson and Lobeck. At Colorado Springs Colorado Springs Peoria game pestponed; too cold. ttnndlaar of the Teaaaa. Played. Won, Lost. PC. 12R T 52 .B98 12ft 74 (1 .512 12 74 62 . 5X7 124 7(1 54 .W5 ....LH 6X 57 .544 ....127 5 71 .441 ....125 49 7 .2 ....W 3S B7 .? Games today: Kansas City at Omaha. Bt Joseph -at ! Moines, Peoria at Colorado Brings, Milwaukee at Denver. Tola la ... I 11 17 11 I Plttsborg 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 4 -8 Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0-2 Earned runs: Pittsburg, 3.' Two-base hits: Beaumont, Barry. Three-base hit: Leach. Sacrifice hit: Burke. Stolen bases: Wagner, Bransfleld, Zimmer. Mc Laughlin. Double plays: Fraser to Jen nings, Wagner to Phelps. First base on balls: ' Off Ftaeer, 2; off McLaughlin, 2. Left on bases: Pittsburg, 5; Philadelphia, . Hit by pitched balls: 8hea. Phelps. Struck out: By Fraser, 0; by McLaughlin, 5. Time: 1:40. Umpires: Latham and Irwin. Neve York and Chicago Break Even. NEW YORK. Sept. ll.-The Chicago and New York teams broke even in the double header which finished the last series le tween them this season. The first game was won by the locals, who knocked Lund gren for three runs In the opening inning. They went to pieces in the second game, however, and could not hit Morrlssey ef fectively, while their fielding was bad. Mc Glrnlty was touched up by the visitors and there was plenty of clever bunting done by them. Attendance, 3,&a). Score, first game: KgW YORK CHICAGO. Denver ... Milwaukee Kanaaa City Omaha St. Joseph Colorado Springe Ieis Molnsa ..... Peoria laatkera Association. At Little Rock-Little Rock. 3; Nash- Yllle. 1. At Bbrvveport Shreveport, 17; Atlanta. 1 Soldiers Defeat Gordon. VALENTINE. Neb, Sept- 11. gpeclal Teletcram Tbe Twenty-lif lb. Infantry nine defeated oorqon today by a score of t to s. i -SMfS'ilv f . it k JTjUX as U ssl erlUtal U V - .'Vyry enUnre seuid aastre p aa U Best erlUtal esieare seuid aeslre Ilea! Eta -htlXWAUKBB The maintainiag-of that blg-h deyrea of eacerlanco that won for "Plats" ita enviable repu tation way back i the forties, ftias rejurad anderiatiaf earn in tbe selection of materials, and the constant attention of the tnoat skilled " masters of the brewer's art. BLATZ MALT-VIVINE rNaa-lBkDalcaat) Taauc. All Pruaslats a IN- VAL 5UH (BE! IKS CL HlttukM i , UkluA it at a a 1. m 141 Leaaaiaa St. Tal, tool. Brown,, If.. M-Oraw, a,. MiGaaa, Ik. Hruta, cf... Bowarman, e Laodar. lb., tmllh, lb... Iun. rf ... Miller, ... R.H.O.A E. 1 I 0 Stasia, 4 If... 0 ct... Kilns, c... 0 Tlnkar. a,.... Murray, rf.. Taylor, Sb... Manefaa, lb. 1 Krara. lb... O.LuBasran. p K H O A C. 0 13 0 0 111 1 I 7 14 11 1 1 10 1 I 4 Total, ... 3 I 17 1 Toula ...I 7 14 11 1 New York 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -3 Chicago 0 0 1 0 0 O 0 0 12 Earned runs: New York, I; Chicago, 1. Iefi on bases: New York. 1; Chicago, 3. First base on balls: Off Lundgren, 1. Struck out: By Lundgren, 3; by Miller. 3. Three base hits: Browne, McGann. Stolen bases: McOraw, Brodle, Dunn. Double play: Mc Uann to Smith to McGann. Time: 1:30. Umpire: O Day. Bcore. second game: CHICAGO. KBW YORK. If... cf... Plafla. Iobba. La max, Tiuker, aa.... 1 Murrar. rf... 1 Taylor, Ik... Maaata. Ik.. Evara. Ik.... Marrtawr, p. 1 K.H O A B. 1 I 1 Brows. K.H O A. B if... 1 1 I 1 1 I 4 Rrami'h'n, aa lit MKiaaa. lh. 1 111 Bradia. cf.... 1 4 'McOraw till nowermaa. . 1 I Lauder. 3b... 114 Smith, lb.... 111 lnn. rf McUinoltr. s. tma.a ... lusiisi. Total, ... 4 17 I I Batted for Bowerman In ninth. Chicago 0 C 4 0 0 0 3 0 07 New York 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 02 Earned runs: Chicago. I; New York. 1 First base on errors: Cklcaro. 4: New York, 1. Left on bases: Chicago. 11; New York, 4. First bnse on balls: Off McGin- nlty. ; off Morrissey, 4. Sacrifice hits: Taylor. Dobbs, Menefee 2, Murray. Stolen iwses: -i inner U), Mctiann. Double play IJimar lo dinner, nit Dy pitcher: By Mor rissey, 1. i'ussed ball: Lamar, Time 1:40. Umpire: O'Day. Brooklyn and Cincinnati Eark Win. BROOKLYN. Sent. 11. Brooklyn and rln cinnatl played a double-header here today. Cincinnati won the first game and Brook lyn in aeconu. i ne nrat game was one aided, the western club oattlnr Evar.s treely. and this, combined with poor field ing, enabled Cincinnati to pile up eleven runs, while the best tbe home team could oo was inree runa. Attendance, s.oue. Score, first game: . . CINCINNATI. BROOKLYN. . H O A B 1 K.H O A K rmiTia. If ... I I 1 I sxerkars. If. 1 I I 1 M'H rwj, rf. t I 1 110 , iotan. cf.... I 11 rahles, aa... I I I I 111 Karrall, lb... a , 41, Wkeeiar. tb.. till, I I Irwin, lh. ... I 1 I 1 1 1 kltlar, a 1 T I 1 3 Evaaa, p 0 0 Burkett. If... 0 3 4 0 0 e'Hemphlll, rf. 0 1 0 0 4 Heldlirk, cf. 1 I 1 0 (l Anderson, lb. 0 0 7 1 tl 0 Wallace, aa . 0 1 1 I 0 McCor-k. 3b. I 0 I b V Frlel. Sb 1 E OiKalMM, c 1110 1 1 o Monohua, p.. 0 0 1 1 1 hSusdan 0 0 0 0 I U 17 IS 0l ToUla ... I I 14 10 0 Batted for Donahue In ninth. Detroit 10000112 6 or 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 02 Two-base hit: Burkett. Home run: Ka- hoe. Sacrifice hits: Lepine, Gleason. Stolen base: Barrett. Bases on balls: Off Yeager, 4; off Donahue, 2. Left on bases: Detroit, 10; St. Louis, g. struck out: By neager. 8. Double plays: Elberfeld to Gleason to McAllister. Frlel to Wallace to Anderson. Fussed ball: Kahoe. Time: 1:30. Um pires: Sheridan and Carruthers. Hashes Get a Bad Bnnport. BOSTON. Spt. 11. With proper support Hughes would have won today's game. Boston played very far from pennant can In the field. Carrlck was batted hard in the last innings. Freeman s savage stick; work was a feature. Attendance, l,3a0. Score: BOSTON. RJLO.l.Ii WAUSA. Neb.. Sent. 11. f 8 Deri a 1.1 The Wausa Tennis club was defeated here today by the Bloomneld club in a very ex citing series of games. The visiting club won six out of ten sets played. (omntork Defeats ft. Pawl. ST. PAUL. Neb.. Sept. 11. (Special Tele gram.) Comstock defeated St. Paul today n an Interesting game of base ball. Score, to 10. Him una tin Shoot. WAUSA. Neb.. Sect. 10. (Special.! The fourth grand shoot of the Wansa Gun club was held at this place September 9. There was a good attendance ana tne aay was fine. The following towns) were repre sented: Emerson, Randolph. Bloomfleld, Osmond and Plalnvlew. Some good shoot ing was done. The medal of northeast Ne- Drasga was won by Hero Kaidwin or Plalnvlew. It was formerly held by Wil liam Lambert of the same place. Tbe high est run of the day was made by Lambert bi straight. opowing is tne score by events: WASHINGTON. I K.H.O.A B.I rv.rl. lb.... I Kraa. cf I Paleh'tr, if.. I Ketotar.. rf... 1 Coughllo. lb. 0 t are), lb.... Ely. as Itrlll. a X Carrlck, p... 1 1 I 4 I I 1 I 0 0 1 II 0 1 I 0 Dsusharty, If 1 Total, I 1 Paraul. Xtahl, cf... 1 F" pea man, rf 0 Gleason. lb 0 LaCb'c. lb Feme. h.. 0 C'rlsvr, c... 0 Hughoa. p. ,Colllna 117 14 1 J Total, ... 1 I 17 II I Batted for Gleason in the ninth. Washington 0 0 0 0 8 0 E 1 t Boston 01100021 27 Sacrifice hit: LaChance. Three-base hits: Freeman, Drill, Ferris. Stolen basea: Par ent. Dougherty. Double play: Parent to Ferris. Bases on balls: Off Hughes, 8; ott Carrlck, 7. Struck out: By Hughes, fi; by Carrlck, 2. Passed ball: Drill. Time: 1:30. Chlessjo Bnnches Hits. CLEVELAND, Sept. 11. Chicago bunched hits in the fourth and ninth Innings today and won easily, the hitting of Jones and Green being feat urea. Attendance, 2,100. Score: CHICAGO. I CLEVELAND. R.H.O.A E. ItHO.At Oil 0 Bay. cf 1 0 Brad lay. lh.. 111 La)ole. tb ... 0 0 1 4 e (Hickman, lh. 1 11 I B Flick, cf Oil OlMeCarthy, If. 1 1 OiOocha'ar, ,1111 Bern II. c o I I V Rtrana. lb... Jonaa. ct.... Oram, rf.... Darla. aa.... Menea. If... Ily. lb labell. lb... Mt-rarl't. e. Patterson, p 0 1 11 Total, I II 17 IS 1 Moor, p.. Pickering 0 1 1 TU1, ... I lit 11 I Batted for Moore in the ninth. Chicago 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 26 Cleveland 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0-2 Two-base hits: Bradley. Bemis (2). Jones. Three-base hit: Mertes. Home run: Brad ley. Sacrifice hits: Moore, Davis. Stolen base: Green. Double play: Hickman to Gochnauer. Ieft on bases: Cleveland, ; Chicago, 8. Struck out: By Patterson. 2; by Moore. 4. Passed ball: Bemis. Time: 1:45. Umpire: O'Laughlin. Standing; of the Tensas. Plaved. Won. Lost. P.C. L'l 72 49 .695 130 68 h2 .&67 1J1 So U .62 119 65 54 .544 133 63 00 . 512 li 55 68 .447 119 47 72 .3SS 1J2 44 76 . 377 Chicago at Detroit, St Philadelphia St. Louis ... Boston Chicago Cleveland .. Washington Detroit Baltimore .. Games today: Louis at Cleveland. Waahlnrton at Baltl more, Philadelphia at Boston. IN THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Indlnnapolla Haa nn Kasy Tlaae Winning; froaa the Brewers. MILWAUKEE. Sept. 11 Indianapolis had an easy tank in defeating the home tam today. The game was devoid of any particular reature. Attendance, suit. Bcore INDIANAPOLIS. I M1I.WAUKBB. H H O A K H.O.A B baoktay. lb.. 1 rrawfors, rf. 1 Maloary, rf.. Keller, lh... I Corcoran, aa. I taiBtaiai. lh 1 Bergaa. ... 1 tUha. p 1 Total, ...UUrt I 1 Total, ...I , rl U I Cincinnati 3 1 1 0 0 1 3 0 w 11 Brooklyn 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 03 Earned runs: Cincinnati. 3: Brooklyn. 1. Two-base hits: Berkley, Sneckard. Three base hits: Crawford. Corcoran, Beravn, Sheckard. Stolen bases: Beckley, Kelley, Stelnfleld, Maloney. McCreary. Dub play: McCreary to Rltter U, Dahlen. First base on errors: Cincinnati. ; Brooklyn. 3. First base on balls: Off Hahn, 3; off Evans, t. Struck out: By Halm, ; by Evans, Left on bases: Cincinnati, t; Brooklyn, 11. Wild plKh: Evans. Time; 1-ii. Uuipirt: Brown, Score, second game: BkOOBLTN , CINCINNATI. K.UOAB. IHO.ll Shackafw. ir. less , Ponlta. If ... 1 1 1 Berkley. Ik . 7 1 I 4 Crawlara. rf. I 1 111! Malnuay. cf.. 1 ill hellr. tb.... I 4 I 14 11 Ourrarma. aa. I I 111, Stelnlel,t, lh 4 7 BreB. c S I t PkllUpa, p.,. til. MreOTr. rf. 1 Uulaa. of... 1 iHiaovaa, lb. 1 riMil la , W beatar, aa.. ir id. an. . .. htlt'er. c hutsoa. p.... Totals ... t i 17 I I Total, ... 1 14 It I Brooklyn 3 1 0 Clniliii'.ati 1 o 0 0 0 V 1 w Earned run: Cincinnati Stolen b,M Maloney. iKiiiov, n (2i, Irwin. Double play: t'eernran to Kell-v to Berkley. Firstlase ou errurs: sirocalyn, 2; Chnclnsati. t first rtotTterar. rf I Fox. Ib Ill Coultar. rf . .. 1 I I Kihm. Ib 1 1 11 o Brian, aa.. I Woodruff. 11. 1 1 Kubna. lb... I I Hey, on, c... 1 1 4 K.IIum. p.... 1 1 1 1 Duncan. 1( .. i , i I O A Mi B e. ct 1 1 0 Shield, k. lb. 1 I 1 0 Hallman. rf . I 1 I i lln,naa. aa. 1 l Ruukla. lb .. I I 1 I H McB',. lh. I I a Doaabua. c... 1 1 0 ier, c I 1 IHawlar. .... S I 1 1 Total, . .. , s JI It I total. ... 1 I 17 11 Indianapolis 10103002 1 S Milwaukee 90010000 01 Earned runs: Milwaukee, 1; Indianapolis, : iwo-oaae nit: louiler inr-bbse hit Kihm. Btoien base: Kuhns. Bajies on balls: Off Hawley, 3: off Kellum. 1. Pasisud ball: lonhue. wild pitch: Hawley. Struck out: By Hawley. 4; by Kellum. 4. iKiuble plays: Dungan to Dutikle.. Kuhns to lot to hinm uert on base: Mllwau kee. ; lndlanapolia, I. Time: 1:52. I n pire: tiusaeit. Toledo Is Defeated. ST. PAUL. 8pt. 11. St. Paul and Toledo pUjexi a very gttod game today, in spite of tne com ana a:sagreeao:e earner condl lions. Husglns batting was a feature, the little) fellow getting a triple, a double and a single out or tnre time at the bat. At tendance, too score: ST. PAl L. I TOLEDO. B HO A B k H OA B oatar, cl lis, bllki, rf Ill Lumley, rf . 1 K..S lh 1 4 IilllaM. If .. Ill tTaraer. a,... 1 , , Huiatua, :tt. 0 111 I r.ranua. c. .. ,11, rt,uaoa. lb. 11 1 Mitchell. If . , , , Hurley. I 1 bailU. lh...., 11 Marvan. as...: Ill 1 Cixta.well, rl I I I t Kaaa. Ib till M,.k. p 1 I Ckark. p .... 13 1 , Ira. lb.... ll , Total ... I 11 n U I Total, ... l" S4 1! St. Paul 2 10- Toledo g a i i w a j ' Lamed runs: EL Paul, 2; Teiedo, J, Two- PC. .7S3 .500 .4.'t5 .413 .875 Bleomfleld Wins nt Tennis. -Target- 20 15 15 10 15 20 20 25 Wajsa Riohmond 14 14 11;10 14 '.. .. .. G. Satt 11 0-11 -12 l 17 .. Engdahl 14 131S 11 17 17 20 Cook 15 .. .1', .. Nelson 14 8 s .. 12 .. .. Light Plalnvlew Lambert 19 13 15 10 15-16 19 23 Baldwin 16 14 13 14 17 lg 24 Demaway 14 15 13 , 8 14 19 16 23 Emerson W. H. Crahan 12 13 10 It 15 18 20 McPhenan 14 12 7 8 15 17 22 Davis 11 14 12 15 15 13 Coy 12 8 7 14 17 15 18 Osmond Bogenbagen 12 .. 13 17 IS 14 Cr stall 7 7 11 .. .. Mohr 11 10 .. Bloomfleld F. H. Crahan 17 13 15 14 19 19 22 Packwood 11 4 Randolph George Hyatt IS 10 14 13 13 16 19 Weather conditions for the continuation of jjq j the tourney were unfavorable In tbe after 4( noon when a "Scotch mist" made raincoats neressary. Ths esrly morning matches were played under lowering skies, but resulted about as the critics who follow golf had predicted. Chandler Egan made a runaway match of his contest with G. F. Cllngman; W. I. Howland defeated the old Princeton foot ball player, "Snake" Ames; F. R. Pet titt won from R. W. Northrop; Walter Egan, who Is on the opposite side of the draw with his cousin, Chandler, captured his match. In dlspoeing of J. Sellers, the Glen vlew dark horse, C. L. Hunter had to play two extra holes. S. C. Dugger was another winner who captured his match after two extra holes with B. F. Cummins. In the afternoon round there were two close rounds, Nat Moore of Geneva getting the victory of L. T. Boyd, tbe Milwaukee golfer, by 1 up. The other exciting match was between Chandler Egan and "Billy" Howland, and Egan won. Omaha Player Fratnre. Walter Egan disposed of R. R. Kimball of Omaha, 4 up 3 to play. The feature of this match was Egan's winning tbe fourth bole in nine strokes. Kimball got Into trouble and wasted several strokes getting out of a bunker. Chief Interest In the sec ond round centered In tbe play of Chandler Egan. Howland, his rival, Is only 17 years old. Howland seemed to be a likely winner over Egan, who had been playing so bril liantly, and the experts looked for a fall dowa. But they halved the first hole In five after both had been In bunkers. How land took tbe second hole by better ap proach work, but Egan regained the ad vantage by taking the next. The fifth was halved in six. By missing a three-foot putt Egan lost ths sixth. A flubbed second shot by Egsn lost him the seventh bole. The next two were halved. Egan's approach to tbe tenth was within three feet of the cup and he won the hole. The eleventh was halved. Howland's second going to the twelfth was in tbe bunker and hs was lucky to pull out a half. By laying his approach dead to the hole Egan took the thirteenth. Howland was bunkered, going to the four teenth on his second, and this cost him the hole. Critical play on ths fUtetnth gave Egaa the advantage he bad een seeking. - Equal work halved the sixteenth and Howland was lucky In getting a half for the seven teenth as he flubbed his second. In going to the hole Egan outdrove his rival and sent his second, a strong brassey, to tbe green. Howland required three to get to the far corner of tbe green and was unable to hole In better than bogey five, while Egan was down in a fine four. What the Cards Know. 1-1 P. " Jt tyla3li Jf- m YJj'J jte ncw Beer Price same as cur "Exfort." TTe purest, mildest, daintiest beer erer brewed. We have made it because thousands have asked for it, and thousands more want it. Perhaps you are one. Brewed in absolute cleanliness cooled in filtered air then filtered then sterilized after the bottle is sealed. Jos. Schliti rewind Co. Cor. So. 9th 6; Leavenworth Sis., Telephone 918. kWSsaBBwMBBBBnaaaH ... I TIT W 1 jr W. -k- y ANNUAL SESSION Sovereign Grand Lodge I. O. . F. DES MOKES, SEPTEMBER 15 to 20 mm :r The Only Direct Line SPECIAL ODD FELLOWS' TRAIN Will leave Omaha at 7:15a. m. WEDNESDAT, SEPTEMBER 17, reaching Des Moines at 11:55 a. m., In ample time for the grand parade. Only One Fare For the round trip. Tickets on Sale SEPTEMBER 12 to 18. Ticket Office 1323 Farcam St -Omaha Malvern's Day to Win. RED OAK. la.. Sept. 11. (Special Tele gram.) The second day of the Southwest ern Firemen's tournament brought out a large crowd. Malvern won tne association race, winning a prise of S100 cash and the association cup. Clarinda won the cup two years and had it won today the cup would nave been its property. Malvern also won the coupling contest and chiefs' race. Wil liam lng or tsnenanaoan won tne luu-yara foot race in ten seconds. The next tournament will be held at Mal vern. Officers elected are: w. C. Werts, Mal vern, president; r. x Muinoiiand, Mal vern, secretary; J. 8. Cook. Red Oak, vice Drealdent: H. W. Pulton. Shenandoah, sec ond vice president; A. M. Beymer, Corning, treasurer. In the baae ball tournament Henderson won from Stanton. 21 to S, and Ked Oak won from .ssez, b to 4, in a holly con tested game. Scully of the Omaha Origi nals pitched for Red Oak. Good scores were made In trap shooting. The tourna ment closes tomorrow. Fort Race Reanlta. Dodg; PORT DODGE. Is.. Sept 11. (Special Telegram.) Results in today's races: l hree-year-oa trot: Vmant jr Robert Mack Grand Bport Time: Z:33. Z:zi. z:z., j:av. Soeri&l trotting. 2:30 class; Oils McKinney Jean Raalolja Lrfitta Kimlgn Time: 2.A, 1:27. r:H- Running, one-half mile and repeat: Roeteus Heile Mlnco Roany Diamond Dick Time: 0:53. :WV Bolls, gores and relons prompt, sure curs in Buckien' .. 1 2 . 2 1 .dr 1 2 S t 4dr Find Arnica Salve. also ectema. salt rheum, burns, bruises and piles, or no pay. 25c. The csrds follow: H. C. Eran: Out 5 4 4 In S 4 5 W. L Howland: Out 5 S In 4 4 ( a u 43983 3 2 6 44 8o Summary of first round, match play: H. Chandler Kgan, Exmoor, defeated G. F. Clingman, Homewood, up and 4 to play; W . I. Howland. Evan, ton, defeated K. L. Ames. Glenvlew, 8 up and 3 to play; Stuart Stlckney, St. Louis, defeated W. I. Oaborn, Ulenview, by default; F. R. Pet titt, Kenosha, defeated F. W. Northrop 2 up and 8 to play; Warren Dtckinon. Des moines, aereatea w. K. Kirk, Onwentma, 1 up; R. E. James. Olenview, defeated O. C. Fuller. Milwaukee, by default: R. R. Hunter. Midlothian, defeated J. C. Daniels, 2 up and 1 to play; Harold Smith. Onwent sla, defeated Ashley Dixon. Homewood. up snd 2 to play- L. W. Boyd. Milwaukee, defeated Barth Blgelow, Milwaukee. 6 up and S to play: N. F. Moore. Lake Geneva, defeated W. F. Plllsburar. Onwentaia. 4 up and 2 to play: R. H. McElwee. Exmoor, de feated John D. Towne, Glenvlew, 8 up and 2 to play; C. L. Hunter, Midlothian, de feated J. Sellers, Glenvlew, 1 up 2" holes; R. R. Kimball, Omaha, defeated Ellis L Allls, Milwaukee. 1 up; Walter Egan de feated Charles Zeublln. Midlothian, 1 up; B. O. Dugger, Hinsdale, defeated B F. Cummin re. Exmoor, 1 up 20 holes- J O Hlnkley. Midlothian, defeated K. Edwards, Midlothian, 3 us and 1 to play. Summary of first round, match play: H. C. Egan defeated W. I. Howland 2 up: Stuart Btickney defeated F. R. Pettitt i up and to play; Warren Dlcklnaon de feated R. E. James 3 up and 2 to play; R. E. Hunter defeated H. C. Smith 4 up and 2 to play; N. F. Moore defeated I,. T Berld up; C. L. Hunter defeated R. H. Mc Elwee 6 up and 3 to play; Walter Egan de feated R. R. Klmhull un unrl t m ..!..., and 2 to play. i m a. aa disease which hss Its origin HI I ma torpid Hver and constipated Prickly Ash Bitters cures lasiness by cleansing the liver, strengthening ths digestion snd regulating tbe bowels. It makes good blood, creates sppetite, energy snd cheerfulnew. PRICE, S1.00 PER BOTTLE. AT DRUO TORCS. v2s w00mTm Hinckley I up State Fair Crowds Inereaae. TANKTON. S D Sept. 11 (Special Tel egram.) The State fair was a record breaker again today, the blgget day Bince the fair was located at Yankton. If to morrow's crowd turns out as well receipts of the week ought to aggregste over 10,- Results of racea: Trotting 3: clang: Peter C. won, Meier, govsn second, Willie Bird third. Time: 2.34Vt. Special race: Hellenan won, Seal Patchen second. Castor third. Time: 2:27. An Inviolblo Enamy to Health All the Parts The Li vino Animals of the World NOW READY Complete in Twenty-Four Parts At The Bee Office Price 10c each By mail 15c SAM J. FOX IXSTRl'CTOR IX Physical Culture, 1404 FAR AM ST. Macfaddrn Books and Apnaratna. Means bad air, and whether it comes from the low lands and marshes of the country, or the filthy sewers and drain pipes of the cities and towns. iia encci upon me nnman system is ue same. These atmospheric poisons are breathed into the lungs and taken up by the blood, and the foundation of some long, debilitating illness is laid. Chills and fever, chronic dyspepsia, torpid and enlarged liver, kidney troubles, jaundice and billiousness are frequently due to that invisible foe, Malaria. Noxious rases and unhealthy matter collect in the system because the liver and kidneys ! fail to act, and are poured into the blood current' until it becomes so polluted i and sluggish that the poisons literally break through the 6kin, and carbuncles, ! boils, abscesses, ulcers and various other eruptions of an indolent character i appear, depleting the system, ad IhrciitcuiBg lifs itttU. i The germs and poisons that so oppress and weaken the body and destroy the life-giving properties of the blood, rendering it weak and watery, must be ! overcome and carried out of the system before the patient can hope to get rid vi Auiiaria ana Its eaects. S. S. S. does this and quickly produces an entire change in the blood, reaching every organ and stimu lating them to vigorous, healthy, action. S. S. S. possesses not only purifying but touic properties, and the general health improves, and the anoetite increa-. almost from the first dose. There is no Mercury, Potash, Arsenic or other mineral in S. S. S. It is strictly and entirely a vegetable remedy. Write us about your case, and our physicians will gladly help you by AK-SAR-BEN will soon be here strangers will soon be in town list your rooms in The Bee. Telephone 238 ami ths want ad man will call. ea ai in ii DR. McGREW SPECIALIST. Treat all form, of DISEASES AND DISORDERS OF MEN ONLY 27 Years Experience, 17 Years In Omaha Ills remarkable sue- ceas has oevar been , equaled and every day bring, many Battering report of the good bo U doing, or tbe relief be ha, given Hot Springs Treatraant for Syphilis And all Blood Poison. NO -BREAKING OCT" tn t fckiu or f-e knd all exieraal slgus of l!iediiHe 1i"hppear at once. BLOOD DISEASE VAHICOCELE " 0.ER30 000; MlalU', uimaiurai aisrnaraea, nirinur, Ciiert. Kidney and Bladder iJiseasea Hydrocele. Wl lCK CURES LOW CIIAROE8. Treatment by mail. P. O. Boa 7t. Offle over 2IE 8. 14th street, between i'arnam an'i Louglaa St,.. OMAHA. NEB. their adviCC to rerain VOUr health. Book on blood and sVin divivi fr I 1&"1-S-B Jar k..n 6t., Omaha, Nt-h Trl B. ' " lb. ZABU18K1E. J. if. OJWC.IL THIi awlrT sTrKCIVIC COq AtlavsatSk. Caw i Davis & Cowgill Iron Works MANVFACTTRERS AND JOBBERS OF MACHINERY GENERAL REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Agt-nry of Lodge Manufacturing Company of Mtshawak. lnd. Full supply of their good, slwaya In atoca. WCILU JJaiittgvr. AsenU Postal Card Will Get It BAJatPLB COPT OF THB Twentieth Century Farmer Tbe Best Agricultural Wsekijr. dreas, Omaha. Neb. A4- EASY IIOHEY INCORPORATED Sl(K.ftOi.0 nua aiua by mur aata tut aala uataa, at tail la.t-atiuei.t Kullrely bear ,iaa Kkg. ,'nte luf it ,ula THB IXjLOLASS 1aLT IU, Tart 1 I (