THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: Fill I AY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1002. 3 MESWILL CASE UP AGAIN I Enprem Court it liked t Do'ay Fmlnj Upo Titling AppuU MOTION PENDING IN THE LOWER COURT Aellaar Mayor I,) man Isaacs Proc lamation ' railing for the Ok tmare of McKlaley Memorial Day. (From a Staff Correspondent LINCOLN, Sept. 11. (Special.) Tae su preme court haa hern asked to con l.-.ui the hearing of the noted Miles will css from the sitting of next week until the Beit regular term. It being urged thit thla ahould be granted because the trial court now baa under consideration a motion for a Bew trial, based upon the grounds cf newiy discovered evidence.' The case Involve the disposition of the vast estate I' ft by Stephen B. , Miles of Kails City. ha d'ed October 30, 1898. It Is asserted that evi dence of the execution of a later will has been found, and until ths motion for a new trial la acted upon the supreme court ahould take no action on the app al. The pending appeal la from a decree ren dered by the district court refusing to tet aside the probate of a will. It presents questions of both law and fact. In asking for the continuance John L. Webster, at torney for the plaintiffs, says to the ccurt: It la my opinion that the hearing of the i penning appeal la unnecessary, ror tne rca ann that when she said race was tried 'he appellants were not able to produce the person who wrote the last will of the de ceased nor any witnesses who could testify to the contents of sttld will from the ac tual seeing or reading thereof, and the failure to i roduce enld evidence wns one of the most potent reasons In the mind of the aistrict judge in rendering me decree from which the endlng appeal was taken. Since the date the appellants discovered the person who wrote the will and there upon filed their petition for a new trial and upon the hearing thereon produced a large amount of additional testimony touching the execution of the will and produced as a witness Paul T. Cadaen, who was thrnun attorncy-at-law In the city of St. Louis, and be further tent Hied to the contents of the said will and that It contained n clause revoking all prior wills. The appeilents also produced the testimony of Mrs. Wll aon, who was the stenographer In the said Oadsen'a office, who testified to the fact of making a copy of said will on the type writer and to the fact that "aid Miles and another person called at the anld office in one. or more occaslona to see the said Gad sen about the aald will.' Appellants also produced Judge Wind of Ht. Louis as a witness, who testified to consultations of Paul T. Oadaen with him regarding the aald will and particularly with reference to the revoking clause therein, which con sultations were had about the time ht the writing of the anld will; that the defend ants have not produced any witnesses who contradict ' any of the above staternenta made by the said Oadsen, the said Wilson and the said Wind; thst the date of the writing of the aald will by the said Oadsen and the execution thereof as stated bv him la confirmed by the testimony of Miller anil Oulnn, who testified In the main case that they witnessed the execution of the said will In the St. James' hotel. In view of this evidence f am persuaded that the district court will grant a new trial and vacate the decree. Mayor lasses Memorial Proclamation. Acting Mayor' Lyman has Issued the fol lowing McKlnley Memorial day proclama- Sunday next, September 14, la the first anniversary of the death at the hands of a Godless assassin of William McKlnley. then president of the United States, an event that flooded with sorrow the heart cf every patriotic clllaen of this country and called down upon the act the grief and execration of civil I red people throughout the world. It la fitting and proper that the people of this city should in some manner appro priately observe this solemn snnlversary, and therefore, in accordance with the proc lamation of the governor of Nebraska ask ing such observance, 1, as acting mayor of the city of Lincoln, request the churches of the city to observe the day with appro priate services and urge that 'all our clIr sena attend and tenderly do reverence to the memory of one whose purity of life, whose heroism In death, whose patrlottam and ability as a citizen and statesman commands the admiration of evnrv rleht- thinking person In this ' country and throughout thn universe. t also suggest that wherever practicable flags be displayed at half-staff during the day. New Corporations. Articles of Incorporation of these institu tions were recorded In the secretary of tata'a office today: The D. W. Moffatt Mercantile company, Oordon, Sheridan county. Capital stock, 11.600. Incorporators: D. W. Moffatt. sr., Thomas R. Wall. A. V. Schaeffer. J. It. Kugate. D. W. Moffatt, Jr. For dealing In general merchandise. Ths Farmera' Grain and Elevator com pany, Virginia, Gage county. Capital etock. $sn,ooo, with eighty Incorporators. The Ulrmtngham Mining and Milling company, Kullerton. Capital stock, inj.ouo. I icorporators: Georgo p. Melklelohn, Theodore C. Koch. L. W. Morgan, Blmon Harris, J. H. L'mstead and T. C. Rctd. Blgelovr Gets Nomination Cheap. George E. Blgelow of thla city filed an affidavit with tbe secretsry of state today ettlng forth that he paid no menry what ever, directly or Indirectly, In securing the socialist nomination for governar. The statement Is made In' accordance with the provisions of the corrupt practices act. The City Improvement aoclety, an organi sation of many of the most promlnrnt women of Lincoln, resolved this morning to begin a crusade against the worms now Infesting trees throughout the city. First the limb upon when worms are fcund will be cut off and burned and If thst does not suffice wbolst trees will be destroyed. Todd Cannot Accept. A recent order of the War department will prevent Lieutenant C. C. Todd of Tens from accepting the poatUon of commandant of cadets st tbe University of Nobra-ka The department haa held that ret rd cm cer cannot aerve In such capacity. As Lieutenant Todd Is a retired officer It J likely the Board of Regents will have to make another selection. Captain H. N. Boydea of Omaha has been suggested and may be recommended by tbe beard. Yeans; Thieves ateal Carpet. rLATTSMOl'TH. Neb.. Sept. 11. (Spe ) cial.) A couple of youthful thieves slo e two carpets from Robert Troop last night. Charlea Vogtman reported to ths police that someone had atolcn a ault of clothra front his residence snd he aurpected that It was his sen Adolph, It years cf age, whs re cently returned from the reform rchsol at Kearney. Farmer Declared laaane. PLATTSMOUTH, Neb.. Sept. 11 (Spe elal.) Charles H.. Bailey waa brf.r-i tie Board of Insanity today and by the borrl Tired, Tired Tired. That one word tells " the whole story; No rest. No comfort. No particular disease. Just all tired out. Fortunately, physicians know about Aycr's Sarsaparilla. They prescribe it for ex haustion, anemia, depression, general debility. Allsrau'lsta. No matter what ails you nor what medicine you take, you cannot get, well if your bowels are constipated. Cor. rect this at ones by taking Ayer't Pills, Just one pill each mgta. These art a I rest all to tts Sarsaparilla. lantM i. fc. A 1 cl CO. LeevD. Mass. pronounced a fit subject for the ssylura for tbe Insane. Sheriff J. D. McBrMe took the unfortunate man to At. Bernard ! hoapltal at Councl Bluffa thla afternoon. He Is a ell knc o firmer, residing with his fam ily a few ml let from riattstnouth. COURT CONVENES AT CENTER Docket Not l.engtlir, bat Caaea of More Than Ordinary Im portance lacladed. CENTER. Neb., 8ept. 11. (8peclal.l District court hss opened here, with Judge J. F. Boyd on the bench. ' There sre seventy-one esses docketed for this term, which will last a week. Several state cases which have been pending for some time, will be dismissed. ' The case of the State against Wanser, In which Win Wanser of Plalnvlew shot young Finson, a barber, at Crelgh'on, for ruining his 18-year-old daughter, wilt be heard, but It la probable that the rase will be continued. Tbe State against Dean, for forgery will be continued on account of slste witnesses being sbsent from the state. J. H. Broady, candidate for attorney gen eral on the fusion ticket Is here trying to get Melville O. Hubbard, who was sent up for statutory rape, out of the peni tentiary, the complaining witness having made deposition stating that another man, whom she afterward married was also guilty. The State agalnat Ray for disposing of mortgaged property will be dismissed, be cause a Jury acquitted him In tbe trial for perjury which grew out of this esse. The Judge will render a decision In tbe elgbty rod Jog land case from the Ponra reser vation, which was tried at the spring terra. This case Is where the government sur vey and field notes disagree and half of the farmers of Raymond township are fighting over the possession of the same land. Several persons have been sent to the Insane asylum over this Jog. Tbe case of Morrison against Opocensky, for assault with Intent to kill, will prob ably be tried at an adjourned -session In Niobrara. ACCIDENT BLOCKS THE TRACK Derailed Car Stops Train for at Time Throngh the Plattamonth4 Cat. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. Sept. 11. (Spe cial.) An accident occurred In the big cut a little this sldo of the Burlington bridge a short time before midnight last night, which blocked the main line and caused a suspension of traffic for seven hours. As the first section of train No. 76, loaded with atock from the Wyoming division, bound for Chicago, was going through the cut a pair of wheels under about the twelfth car from the way car. Jumped the track, and ran along the ties for several hunderd feet, when they struck a swttcb. Both sets of trucks then Jumped to the switch track, dragging the next car with them, aa well as the first pair of trucks on the car following. They ran along for a little dis tance breaking one rail of the siding and tearing up the track for quite a distance, uuiil Iluaiiy ihey pivwetliuU tUw iup3 6 the cut, damaging two of tbe cars, but not Injuring the cattle. Tbe part of the train that remained on the track was brought bsck to Plattsmouth and the large steel wrecking crane was brought over to clear the track. LANKIN IS MUCH. OF A MYTH Denial Is Made ( Republican De fection In . York Connty. M'COOL JUNCTION, Neb., Sept' 11. (Special.) The republicans hers pronounce the signed letter of "W. M. Lankln" re garding politics in York county, printed In the World-Herald, aa one of the rankest fakes ever written. This man who signs himself "Lankln," whether he Is real or not, wrote a lot of stuff that It would bs hard to find any farmer In York county who would corroborate any part ' of the statement. In the recent poll taken the county showed no defection, but prom ises on the part of ths opposition" that they expect to vote for Mickey and Hinshaw and are freely saying "Let well enough alone." I. O. O. F. Picnic at Oakland. OAKLAND. Neb.. Sept. 11. (Special.) Ths Independent Order of Odd Fellows canton encampment, subordinate lodge and Daughters of Rebekan of the Fifteenth district held their annual plcnie In Wells' park here Wedneaday. The orators of the dsy were C. A. Randall, O. M. and Mrs. Emma L. Talbott, Junior past president of the Rebekah assembly of Nebraska. Tbe West Point band furnished excellent music and a general good time was concluded by a ball game between Lyons and Ban croft, resulting In , a score of 6 to 4 In favor of Bancroft. Gage Connty Repahllcaaa Meet. BEATRICE. Neb.. Sept 11. (Special.) A meeting of the Gage county republican central committee was held here yester day. Reports were received from all parts of the county of the moat encouraging na ture for ths succesa of the republican party. A general plan of campaign was outlined by tbe committee. Harry Spafford was elected secretary of the committee and E. O. Drake treasurer. An executive com mittee consisting of M. B. Davis, H. E. Spafford, R. W. Laflin, A. S. Casad and A. L. Cook was named. Hon. V. V. Harlan Home. YORK. Neb.. Sept. 11. (Special.) Hon. N. V. Harlan, wife and son have returned (Tim Ore's City, Alaska, for. a month's visit. Hundreds of friends' -of Mr. Harlan In York and York county' are welcoming him home. Mr. Harlan's post In Alaska has been changed from Circle City to one of the coast cities snd he Is bow within two weeks' time of Seattle. Mrs. Harlan will spend the winter here. Elka Carnival In Beatrice.. BEATRICE, Neb.. Sept. 11. (Special. ) The Elks' carnival opens In this city next Monday for one week, promises to be ths biggest eveiit of the kind ever held In this city. Wednesday. September 17, la society day, Thursday. September It, Elks' day, Friday, September 19.' the . grand floral pageant. Tramp Killed by the Cara. EMERSON. Neb.. Sept 11. (Special Tel egram.) An unidentified man was killed here today bv a freight train. While at tempting to board a train while It waa In ! motion ti fell under the wheels snd three i cars paated over blm completely severing j bis body In twain. There was nothing in I h's clothing by which he could be identi fied, but a companion tramp atated be was Joe Illgglns of Kansas C(ty Brtarhtralne; tp Conrt Hoaae. YORK. Neb., Bept. 11. (Special.) R. T. Jackson has the contract ct painting and newly finishing the interior woodwork of the county court bouss of this place. A new steel ceiling will be put In ths district ceur: r-oro. Te hork baa begun and la progressing nicely. - tiagra Connty Old Rettleva, BEATRICE, Neb., Sept 11. (Special Tel egram.) Ths old settlers of Gsgs connty held their anual picnic oa tbs Chautauqua grounds today. A program consisting of speeches, music and a general good time was carried out " On account of the In clement weather tbe attendance was not very large. BROKEN AXLE WRECKS TRAIN Five Freight tare Demolishes1 ass Contents Practically Rained, WAYNE, Neb., Sept. 11. (Special Tele gram.) A wreck occurred on tha Bloomfleld line about two miles west ef Wayne at 1:30 this afternoon, rauaed by the breaking of an axle of a freight car near the center of the train. As a result five freight cars were piled up In heap and demolished, a car of wheat scattered for rods around and a carload of flour damaged. The front passenger and baggage car were thrown from the track, also the front of the rear passenger coach, bat fortunately no person was Injured. A wrecking crew went to the sc:ne of tbe accident this evening to clear away the I debris. RECEIVER FOR BROKEN BANK William A. Campbell to Wind t p Af fair, of the Chamberlain In stitution at Tersnaek, TECl'MSEH. Neb.. Sept. 11. (Special Telegram.) At a meeting of the deposit ors of the defunct Chamberlain bank of this city, held this afternoon. William A. Campbell of Tecunnseh was selected as j proper person to recommend as receiver. Accordingly Judge C. B. Letton of tbe district court, in chambers, this evening appointed that gentleman. A bond of S50, ('00 will be required. Lost Boy la Fonnd. COLVMBUS. Neb.. Sept. 11. (Special.) A boy for whom large sums have been spent in advertising was located near Genoa a few dr.ys sgo. He Is Roy Wymore. 11 years of age, who was decoyed away from bis home at Elktcn, Colo., by tramps. H's mother, Mrs. W. P. Wymore, arrived last night, and Sheriff Byrnes accompanied her to Nance county this morning. They arrived here this noon on the Albion train and mother and son are the two happiest people in the city. They leave for their home this even ing. The people are quite prominent In their locality. , Falls from Wind Mill Tower. BEAVER CITY. Neb.. Sept 11. (Spe cial Telegram.) F. A. Denton fell from a windmill tower today, tbe fall breaking both arms at the wrist. He had climbed up the tower and when near the top one of the rounds of the ladder gave way and be .fell backward to the ground. Faslonlata Have.Lonsj Fight. M'COOK, Neb., Sept. 11. (Special Tele gram.) After numerous ballots the fusion- Ists of the Twenty-ninth senatorial district finally nominated J. W. Holley of Cam bridge for state senstor, In this city today. He will be easy for D. S. Hasty of Arap hoe, the republican nominee. Officers of C'haatanqan Election. BEATRICE, Neb., Sept. It (Special.) The board of directors of the Chautauqua association met last evening and elected the following officers for the ensuing year: B. H. Beagle, president; F. B. Sheldon, sec retary; W. W. Duncan, treasurer. Beatrice Wants Y. M. C. A. Convention. BEATRICE, Neb.. Sept. 11. (Special.) At a meeting of the Beatrice Ministerial association an invitation was extended to the Young Men's Christian association of the state to bold tbe annual convention in thla city next February. PEOPLE OF MARS ARE SMART Chicaa-e Profeasor Saya They Are Saperlor la Intelligence to In haMtaats of Earth CHICAGO, Sept. 11. That a people supe rior in Intelligence to those of the earth Inhabit the planet of Mars is a conclusion that will be set forth by Prof. O. W. Hough, head of the department of astronomy of the Northwestern university, In a report which he Is compiling of his summer's observa tions from the Dearborn observatory- He aaearts this la a probability based on recent discoveries and adds thst, of course. It can never be established positively. The conclusion Includes tbe acceptance of the theory of evolution and the statements of leading astronomers that climatic con ditions of Mars are tbe same .as of the earth. Ths possibility of Venus and Mer cury being inhabited Is sdmltted, because they have solidified, and ths Intense heat resulting from their proximity to the sun may have been overcome by a deeper cover ing of atmosphere. None of the other planets, the professor said, could contain animal life. DEATH RECORD. George C. Reynolds. George C. Reynolds, while performing his duties as watchman at the Union Pacific ahops yesterday morning, was taken sud denly 111 snd fell to the ground uncon scious. He was take to St. Joseph's hos pital in ths Union Pacific ambulance and died at 1 o'clock of heart failure. The deceased had been in Omaha for ths taat six months and had made his borne with his son. John D. Reynolds, a member of the police force, at 2446 South Twentieth street. He removed here from near Pert Crook, Sarpy county, where he bad resided for many years. He had worked the one night only for the railroad company. Mr. Reynolda waa 1 years of age and beside John D. Reyonlds leaves a daughter and Robert G. Reynolds, another son. a member of the fire department. He was highly respected and had ths confidence and esteem of a large circle of friends. The funeral will be held from the residence of John D. Reyonlds at 10 o'clock Saturday forenoon. e Wilson Hay. NEWPORT NEWS. Va., Sept. 11. Wilson Huy, who supervised the construction of the confederate ram Merrlmec. is dead at his home In Hampton, aged IT years. For the laat ten yeara he bad been an Invalid. Dur ing the war hs waa atatloned at the Ports mouth navy yard until Norfolk was evacuated, when bs waa transferred to Richmond. Afterward he wss appointed paymaster In tee confederate army. rev. 'Thomas Benlly. CAMBRIDGE, Mass.. Sept 11. Rev. Thomas Scully, who was well known throughout tbe country as a temperance ad vocate, died hers today. Postal Is Not For Sale. NEW YORK. Sept. 11. Clarence H. Meek ay of the Poatal Telegraph company (aid today: There la absolutely no truth whatever In the rumors and published staternenta to the effect that negotiations are going on between the Postal and Western Union comnanles. With a view to a consolidation or sale. No consolidation or aale what soever Is contemplated. CeSJee Crop to Be Large. WASHINGTON, Sept. 11. Mr. Beeger, Catted 8tates consul general st Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, telegraphs ths Depart ment of State that reports that have gone forth greatly exaggerate tha damage by frost to ths coffee crop of Praall. Hs thinks the atst harvest will hs vsry large. WOMAN ACCUSED OF THEFT Mrs. Boss La Blsacba Dauphin of Ssw Orleans is Indicted. SETTLES THE ESTATE OF HER HUSIAND Charged with Kan ore to Aceonnt for Valoahle Severities aad Money Which He Kept In a Boa In His Room. NEW ORLEANS, Sept 11. The grand Jury haa returned an Indictment agalnat Mrs. Rosa La Blanche Dauphin, widow of Max imilian Dauphin, for many years president of the Louisiana State lottery. The action was not made public Imme diately, In order to enable the diatrlct at torney to get ths necessary requisition papera from Governor Heard and arrest Mrs. Dauphin, who is said to be 111 In or near New York. Dauphin, who was president of the Louis iana lottery company,' died In 1891. His cstata was Inventoried at $100,000, hla widow and a friend being executors. There were other heirs, Including Dau phin's mother. The estate was settled up, the heirs were paid their share and ths widow, and legatee came Into possession of the rest of the property. Eleven years after the aettlement, among the effects of Judge Perche, who had beeh Mrs. Dauphin's lawyer in the probate case, an old, badly worn paper was found, giving a list of a large number of bonds which ap parently formed a part of the Dauphin es tate, but which had not figured In the in ventory. Mrs. Dauphin was called on to explain. She failed to appear before a Louisiana court, but piece by piece the secret burled for )it waa brought to light. Dauphin had kept his money and securities In a box In his room and waa a much wealthier man than many supposed. From that box bis widow. It Is charged, had stolen from the estate and secreted $214,000 In securities and $40,000 in cash. In order to cover up her work she sold the bonds, invested and reinvested tbe money In new securities so that no tracs could be found of It. She kept no bank ac count and frequently had $100,000 on her person in $1,000 bills. Judge Lazarus, counsel for the heirs, suc ceeded In tracing every bond for more than twelve years. The court awarded Judg ment against Mrs. Dauphin for $388,066, tbe entire amount, with interest. Her home here was seized, only to find that she bad removed everything and had fled. ARREST ENVOYS OF KNIGHTS Pnt Cnder Bonds to Indnre- BOO Illlla People to Attend Omaha . Carnival. DEADWOOD, 8. D.. Sept. 11. (Special Telegram.) John C. Drexel and Frank H. Dunlop, repreaentlng the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben, arrived In the city thla afternoon from Sturgis and Rapid City, where they haI Leeu working up sentiment In tavor of a large excursion to Omaha on the dates of the society's big blowout. On their arrival In Deadwood they were met by a large del egation of citizens, but before they could leave the platform they -were placed under arrest by the chief of police and taken before a Justice of the peace, who released them on their giving a bond that they would Induce 600 Black Hills people to at tend the carnival. They are making many friends and will surely -drum up a big ex cursion. A $15 railroad rate going by way of the B. tc M. and returning by way of the Elkhorn, baa .been secured, and every , city and town in the Hills will send a delegation on the excursion,' , - The following telegram was sent to Dead wood last night, and may Interest the board of governors of the Ak-Sar-Ben. P. E. Edholm, Chief of Police, Deadwood, S. D. Drexel and Dunlop wanted her3 for chicken atealing. Search for feathers. J. J. DONAHUE, Chief of Police. NEW SOUTH DAKOTA VOTERS More Than One Thoasand Settlera on Homesteads to Be Added to the Voting; Population. PIERRE. 8. D., Sept. 11. (Special.) Cer- tlflcatea of nomination have been filed with the secretary of state for the prohibition, republican and democratic state tickets, the prohibitionists being the first to get In and tbe republicans next, followed by the dem ocrats. There is yet another state ticket to file certificates the socialists but they have about thirty days yet in which to get In their document. The vote of the country west of the river is going to be much larger this year than for any former election on account of the heavy homestesd settlement. Those who have filed on claims In Stanley and Lyman counties will get around In their continuous residence about voting time In November, and as over 1,000 homesteads have been taken sines the first of the year there will be a rush of new voters, and this element will make the returns from those counties hard to estimate this fall. " Prairie Chicken Hnnters Fined. SIOUX FALLS. S. D., Sept. 11. (Spe cial.) Tbs first victims, so far as reported, of tbe new state law which prohibits prairie-chicken hunters from Invading farms upon proper notice being given by the owners of the land, were five Chicago and Minneapolis men, who were arrested in Clark county for trespass while chicken shooting. They were fined $25 esch and costs of action. Each of the men served notice of appeal to the state circuit court, where it 'is presumed they will test the constitutionality of ths law under which they were arrested. Montrose to Have Water Works. SIOUX FALLS. 8. D., Sept. 11 (Special.) Ths special election at Montrose to vets upon ths question of Issuing bonds In the sum of $5,000 for tbe construction of a water works system resulted In a victory tor the bonds. Only two votes were rsst against the proposed bond Issue. The bonds will soon be sold, when work on the system will at once commence, and Mcnt- rose will at last have suitable fire pro tection. Sl Oraln Eleva4oro In Small Town. 8IOUX FALLS, S. D.. Sept. 11. (Special.) The town of Scotland claims the distinc tion of being as good a grain market as there Is in South Dakota. At present the town has six grain elevators and an Im mense amount of wheat and other grain will be marketed there this fall. The rec ords of many past yeara are expected to be broken during the next few montha In tbe quantity of grain that will bs marketed there. Bitten by Rattlesnake. STCRGIS, 8. D.. Sept. 11. (Special.) R. O. Thomas of Whits Owl was bitten by a rattleanaks a few days ago. Medical aid was aummoned from thla 'city and It la thought the man is now out of danger. " Pleaae Starsjls People. ' STURGIS. 8. D.. Sept. 11. (Special.) Tbs members of tbs Methodst church srs vsry much pleaaed over tbe return of their psator. Rev. Robert Tltmarsh, aad family to this charge tor another year. We We will begin to show Friday morning a beautiful assortment of ladies' suits, nobby jackets, skirts, waists and all the nice ready-to-wear garments for ladies and children, with a most complete stock of furs, all bright, Friday Dress Gods Bargains Main Floor. 80-Inch cream white shaker flannel, good close weave a pmt 74c grade at. TS H yard w 27-Inch ahott lengths of outing flan nels all bright colors, pms checka and stripes sC worth to 8 l-3c. yar 1 . . w COMFORT CALICOES 27-Inch fancy high colored Oriental Com fort calicoes good fast colors, at, yard 5c 72x90 bleached cotton sheets, good quality free from A J dressing, worth 60c, at.. 4jC New fleeced back wrapper goods a swell line of pstterns and j j colors. 27-Inch wide qS at, yard 10-4 silkollne knotted tied comforts. nice bright colors snd good quality white cotton filling a $1.26 value, at 98c CHAPLAIN SHOOTS HIMSELF Recently Attached to the Crnlarr Olympln with Rank of Con. mander In the Savy. WASHINGTON, Sept. 11. The aecretary of the navy received a telegram today from Rear Admiral Johnson, commanding the Boston navy yard, saying that Chaplain William F. Morriaon committed suicide by shooting himself at the naval hospital at Chelsea. Chaplain. Morrison was recently attached to the cruiser Olympla, which participated In the combined army and navy manauvers, and Is now at Boston undergoing repairs. He waa a native of Maryland aud was ap pointed a chaplain in the navy In May, 1881. He held the rank of commander and was assigned to Olympla last March. No details have been received regarding his death. BOSTON. Sept. 11. William F. Morrison, chaplain of the cruiser Olympla, committed suicide by shooting himself through tho head at the naval hospital during the night. Hla death was announced at the navjr yard today. He had been In poor health for aev eral weeks. WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL Appointment! In the Poatal Service and National Banka Aathorlaed . at Wither. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. 8ept. 11. (Special Tele gram.) Iowa postmasters appointed: Nel son Gilbert, Dundee, Delaware county; J. F. Wlckham, Freeman, Cerro Gordo county; Everett J. Teale, Tuskegee, Decatur county. A postofflce has been established at Como, Carbon county, Wyo., with Daniel H. McGrath as postmaster. Tbe comptroller of the currency today au thorized the National bank of Wilber. Neb., to begin business, with a capital of $25,000. W. B. Cartnell of Lincoln, Neb., has been appointed messenger in the Treasury de partment. F. J. Klmes haa been appointed a clerk In the postofflce at Lincoln, Neb. CHOLERA ON ARMY TRANSPORT Several Deaths Reported on Sher man, Now Lying Nagasaki. WASHINGTON. Sept. 11. Confirmatory Information of the prevalence of cholera and of several deaths from that disease on the transport Sherman has been received at tho quartermaster general's office of the War department from the depol quartermaster of Nagasaki. Tbe namea of those who died are not given. It is believed that tbe vessel will be held In quarantine at leaet five days before being allowed to proceed on Its voyage. Offlclala express no apprehension over the aopeatance of tbe disease aboard the ship, aa the measures taken for its treatment and for' the laolatlon of those afflicted ar. re garded aa ample. ALEXANDER "SHEPHERD ILL Man Who Made the Mty of Waiklag- ton Beantlfnl la Berlonaly Sick In Mealco. WARHINV.TON. Sent. 11. Private tele- grama received here today and late last night announce that Alexander B. Shep herd, who was vice prealdent of the Board d..,ii nwa nf the Diatrlct of Columbia during ths territorial government of the district In 1871. and wno waa two years nt.rnor of the district, is very seri ously 111 with intestinal trouble at his horns In Bstopllas. Mexico. Mr fihroherd and Dr. and Mrs. Mer chant, the latter a daughter of the former governor, left today for Batopllaa. DISPUTE IS T0BE SETTLED Special Asjeat to Make Report on Rival Claims to Oil I-anes In Wyoming;. EVAN8TON. Wyo.. Sept. 11 (Speclsl.) The famous contest case over aectlon 27 In the Spring Valley oil fields, on which the Union Pacific well !s located, was con cluded In thla city yeaterday, the bearing being finally adjourned by Special Agent J. W. Zeverly, sent here to Investigate the case. Mr. Zeverley's report to ths Interior de partment will consist of some 2.000 type written pages, psrt of which are already In tbe Washington office. The decision, which Is expected early In October snd which will aettls the long dispute between the railroad company and locaters of oil clatma relative to the agri cultural and mineral value of ths land, la looked forward to with great Interest. The two strikes of oil made a few weeks sgo csnnot tall to have a great bearing Lead the West in Window Displays. WR.BEM-WETT MM 161!! & HARNEY STS. new goods. No 11-4 full size fancy silkollne bed com forts, extra heavy knotted. with good clean cot ton, $1.98 value, at 1.45 Three-lb. bed pillow, Jlx 48c 23c 27, good quality, wortb 75c, at. each 18x16 down sofa pillows, cambric covered, worth 40c. at Special Handkerchief Sale We have a manufacturer's clean up sale of handkerchiefs and will place them on sale Friday morning at sur prisingly low prices. 3,000 dozen fine cambric plain hem stitched 1-8. 1-4, 1-2, 8-4 and 1-Inch hems, worth 10c each special sale price, each - 4c S for 10c. 200 doxen lace edge, embroidered, hem stitched embroidered, lsce corners. embroidery corners,' worth 12Vlc each special sale price, each 5c Coal Comes High. Is Your Office Warm in Winter? How well will your office be heated this winter? If you look forward to a cold office this winter, better move now. The Bee Building Does not try to save on the coal bill on account of the price of coal. Every man spends more time at his place of business than in any other one place. If you want a warm office at a reasonable price, call on. R. C. PETERS & CO., Ground Floor, Dee Building. toward a favorable decision for the oil men and owners are not worrying much over the outcome. However, no Intimation haa been given out here aa to what may be expected. Oil Company Makes n Test. EVANSTON. Wyo.. Sept. 11. (Speclsl.) Tbo Jager Oil company made testa yester day to determine the capacity of their well, in which oil was recently discov ered, and from the present outlook the well will produce thirty barrels of high grade petroleum per day. The w;ll waa bailed out at 1. o'clock yesterday and at 8 o'clock there waa 500 feet of oil Inside of the casing. The company Is now cleaning the bottom of the welt of mud and putting down the casing. Ths oil sands have been penetrated to a depth, of thirty feet with out going through the strata, and experts Halm that by sinking a little deeper the well may become heavy producer. FAIR AND WARMERWEATHER What. the. Government Experts Say Aho-at Nebraska's Ten peratnre. WASHINGTON, 8ept. 11. Forecast : For Nebraska Fair Friday; warmer In western portion. Saturday fair; warmer. For Illlnola Fair , in north, rain in cen tral and aouth portlona Friday; cooler in extreme aouth portion; fresh to brisk north winds. Saturday fair. For Kansaa Fair and continued cool Friday. Saturday fair; warmeg. For Montana Fair and warmer Friday. Saturday fair. For Iowa Fair, continued cool Friday. Saturday fair and warmer. For MUaourl Partly cloudy, continued cool Friday; rain in southeast portion. Saturday fair and warmer. For North Dakota. South Dakota, Colo rado and Wyoming Fair and warmer Fri day and Saturday. Local Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU. OMAHA, Sept. II. Official record of tem perature ami precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: . 1902. 1901. 1900. 189. Maximum temperature .. 0 It 74 9 Minimum temperature ... 64 58 an M Mean temperature &7 7 70 11 Precipitation .79 1.25 .00 Record of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for this day and since March 1, li2: Normal temperature tw Deftclency fur the day 8 Total exceaa since March 1 K Normal precipitation.... i 10 Inch Deficiency for the day 10 Inch Total rainfall aince March 1 21.90 Inches Deficiency since March 1.'. 1.77 Incn Deficiency for cor. period. 1901... 7.23 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, lw... 1.73 Inch Reports from Stations at 7 P. M. Hi K 3 s?8lss I 3? ; I CONDITION OF THU : & : 3 5 WEATHER : 5 : 3 i : i 5 ? I M : Omaha, cloudy Valentine, clear North Platte, clear Cheyenne, partly cloudy ,. Halt bake City, clear Ha old City, clear STi 601 .00 60! M T 641 58 00 42 44 72 74 M 64 T .oo .OK T .00 .02 Huron, partly cloudy 60i Ml Wllllrton, clear 521 Chlcaao. cloudy 52 2 St. Ixuls, raining fit. Paul, partly cloudy ... Davenport, cloudy Kansaa City, cloudy Havre, clear Helena, c lear litemarck. clear Ualveaiun, clear 52 741 .04 481 54 .00 6ts hi .oo frll .14 4! .00 62 .00 64' 00 Mi M, .00 T Indicates trace of precipitation. , Ij. A. WEIH, Local a'orttsst Official. CO. old styles. 2,500 dozen plain hemstitched fine sheer linennette Handkerchiefs, sorted hems, worth 15c 1 y2ci encn, special saie price g .1 fot 20c each 1,500 dozen fine cambric lawn hand kerchiefs, hemstitched embroidered corners, lace edge and Insertion, lace edge and footing lace edge and embroidered cor- ners, worth 25c each 3 special sale ... Pretty New Fall Waistins 27 inchea wide, to be found on spe cial sale Friday at 12o and ISc. 33 pieces In the lot dark ground, pretty atripea and figures whito grounds with black strlptvi and fig uresalso black and white effect Goods that are cheap m at 20c to 35c, all go Friday at ISc and. To - Washington, D. G. Early in October, account G. A-K. Very low rates and no change of cars. ' Write, H. C. CHENEY, Gen'! Agent, 101-140. Farnum St., Omaha, Neb. Specialist In all DISEASES and DISORDER - of MEN. 12 yeara of ceasful practice in Omaha. CHARGES LOW. VARICOCELE and HYDROCELE eurra la days, without cutting, patn or ln4 of time. Legal guarante to cur yoa or moovy n fuiiS4. CVDIIII IC tunt for Ufa ana tha solaon OlgsllLId thoroughly cleansed from ths aystsm. booa svsry slgD and aympluro dlnaposars completely aad foreeer. No "BKKAKINO HI T" of tha disease on tha akin or far. Treatment contalna 00 dengeroue druga or Injurious in I CI If IICU ,rom Eireesea or VICTIMS TO If CAft III C II KKKVOIB HKHIUTV OK E HAlallUN. WASTINO WEAKNEm. with KAK1.V DECAY la VOL Mi and MlliIH.K AtiCD; lack of rlic. vigor and strength, with organs .Impaired and weak, ('urea guaranteed. CTDIHTIIDC eured with a new home treet W I lilO I Uilas meat. No palti, no Uitenlioi. rm iia ' 1 H1V4.RY, Kidney and Bladder Trouolea. Week hark. Burning Urine, Frequein y of I'rlnatlr.g. t rine High Colored, or with milky sediment on standing 1 aaaltalloa Kret, Trratiueat by Mall, fall or address. IIO S. 14b Hi. OR- SEARLES & SEARLES. WS TEN DAYS TRIAL. a.?)vfj samdhil wsa.Nim vt IMMMs4.Mltal .. Iw tfrf , sUe4Wn,. trUfcaUa . M ' I fax Its. V saMvam DdtvttoMr '.U fss VlllajtaVC r (idetrtsrl I fr-, cwfai M . V Ur M ra MrfaW sr tMlt4 Itlf MaMaH ( Ml Vr M SeSdfcW, . saMMd. ' R.P.Eramet. N-49-51 Good Bite. Dp aver, Col The Best of Everything