Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 11, 1902, Page 9, Image 9
i rt r SPECIAL NOTICES! rill W taken til ta aa. for Ike evening- IUoa III R ao p. en. r ! and lMar rlllUt, . . Ratee. 1-9 a' ward Ural taeeritna sverft tftereafier. Jrsuklag taken ( le Ik a a zrve f.f tka Brat Ihn 6loa.' Tn atvertlseaaeate asnaf haj ran enieallvel- . AatrtUr, k re nesting ax-red racak, eaa-.kave wtra a- .!, rr4 letter la t Tke Hat". Aaa-ee addraeeed will I k delivered est rMtuUi f im I pvt.',. FOR SALFWJIOAR. $50,00 IN, GOLD. It pay tt buy your cigars of us. You may wake up some dny and llnd vourwlt the possessor ( Flit?: Dollars in a'oid that lv awjiy to our . customers each -month. --v ... : tinier & Miller. K. W, 60iL IfrTlIJXNpl'FAKNAM $TSt -i. r--n"' r-t , 16 SITUATIONS WASTED. SITUATION-wanted by1 yout.g lady five years experience In tire li.adrai'ice . DfffrK ks "SttfrKigrapher and 'iul.c c.erit. J 47. Bee. . -A 741 II - -!' I '1XJL' JLLIJ I ... WANTED M4XE HE-.F. ' -Tri - -f tr- - W- WANTED CahvassYr. Man faru.iiar with Doom, anu newspaper wots, pieitrteu. Mut tie trunuer.?' Ajijiy tioom lui, bee liiug. , r t c : 5 FOR DAY'll WORK. If you live In tne country or In a small ' toWn and have" a wood acquaintance among ne lairoera aua slots nosers in Lhe. licHjiiuortioou ou can mate j easny y WW or live hours' worn.- Vvriie us r4 Vt'wiii xtn-a you oar , proi.osiiioii. .-. U'he lie i'uoliBiMii(. Co., boilaioia uupt., Omah?. TeU.J UM.U X .i . , i.i, ui: ; WiA N T A good aaan In every county to take suliacriyiiuns ior . Tlie Twennetn On'ury frariner.' uOr ag-ias maau tuud wagvs eyerr0tre. Keierencca reiiuireu. ' A iu r ess, -O .fneniietb Century tanner, "tmaha, f!eb. - a oiii COvDtt messenge.-s wanted; flrst-tTasV pay. Ai D. Xio.-, ZIZ 8. Uib. B7J7 IM S' ... .' i .. .. - L f . eOTLICITORS WANTED. ' I. THE tltfAKANTEE H',NU LIFE V. vf, AbSOIAflUN. Wants llvay local agents in every town In Nebraska., .11 he proposition posaessss spe ' t elai merit and la easny written, (salary or cammiwiun o ne rigm an an. Aauresa, X-C-Buttuiglon, aeoretary. Alliance, Neb. A urK" frame dwelling suitable for a ani .., J : B M.) t art urn. 1 rooms, sle-am heat, sightly and KANf ED, twa.eooks for Vyyomlng era railway1. Labor agency, 310 8 west- 8. 11th. " 1 fyv B M7S7 WANTED. fle welV dressed, well educated jsollcitoae- lo llo sptsal ,vrk In connection . With dally, pewsptiper; liberal sala,ry and ' comrnissfoTir tiring Vefere-nces. Call for F. ' C.-Husell' room. tt7,-Uee building, after ! p cipet a. ni. . . A B ww I 1 , r- r : ' WANTOtfr LABORERS for steam shovel ayorHi oear uld 'paper mill. Also DRIVER AND bCKAPEK HOLDERS near Ureen's . packlan house, near Council Bluffs. Hall : s- ";r B M824 13 MOLER Barber' College",' 1302 Douglas St. ' wants men to lum-il Ihs trade. . No waste- prUBiu A", the. advantages oX steady practice by free, work, iearj or up pretitlcefhlc: ?v4 Mhnn eTmriwire' and I wages HttturMajs 'Jram .tart. Positions I JliiUag, jiraduala ,CIJ . or write, r ' ', B M727-12 WANTED A good all around man In steam , laundry. .Address . E. C. Gray, No.. 0X3 WANTKD--Vlrat-'Jasa( cattle,, sheep And I . nog' butchers; ' also nam . trimmers and " ' " ' ' hop,Men.'-IFYy-Bfuhn Company,' Beatth;, waanmgiom - - jb m,i lb WANTETJ,'" men to cut and shock corn; 6o -a shock -ot 12 hills square. ' Standard 'Cat,tln V-O.Amea. Neb, : B-rAl383 lt WANTED, nnt-class salesmen to sell oar cwlRhrated I.aClarM (trankparent) biscuits. AiddrwH' aha 'AnnenF Candy nd -Rlsctilt' Uu..Jljjeeny., Wia. , ,B-TM8l)a M WANntDi' drug ' clerk, one or two years' experience; German- preferred. 8. E. Beach tor, Bcrltmej, NeD. . , B-A1897 16 J12-wekly copying letters at home, either -eg. , Send -stamp- for particulars. Klhg SUUf.. CO., .zis .warren ave... Chicago. , Bi-Mb91 11 n1'.1 i. ' ' WANTED Salesman) to carry side line of ary goods direct irom looms to country .retalWs.. Good line for competent man. tTlia Like Wood Co., box 414, Philadelphia, It. U-MMB 11' WANTED Active, educated men In cen tral weatern sxaTea. rixea weekly aai arly, or deflntta time guaranty. . Give age. experience, references. Dodd, Mead & iCo., Chicago? - B M89H 17 BRftOrf and pile-driver men, $2.60, $3.00 . day; 4f teams wltn wagona and binding otoaluav to haul bridge timbers for Fre mont, ,EJkhori . &Missourl Valley exten sion at Lynch, Neb., $4.60 a day; laborers far Minnesota, Iowa, Wyoming and Utah; men for. factory, coal and supply yards and other work, in" city. Bweeney s .Em ployment, 80S B,,l2Ui st., tunana. 'if". - - " " - B M901 i m ..w ,i t .1, - I i . , WANTED for .U. 8 Army.; Able-bodied un married men between ages of 21 and 36, ' titliens-of ' United States, of good char- aalar. aad i temperate habits, who Can apeak, readand, write English. For Infor-Liatlort- apply to RecrUlting Officers. 16th and Dodgt at., Omaha, and postofnee Duuaing. UMom, Meorakaa. x WANTED F-BMALB HELP. WANTED, a good girl for' general house work; small family; good wages. 218 8. lOaQIrlB. Cal P4ialti ufRcm, 15th ft P'e- i-. j-' ; - -u - ' - ' ' O 187 WANTED, two young lady studonts - to ieiirn halrtUttAKlam manicuring and chi ropody and acleulittc maaaage. Call or write Room ZtMWid WAN TElSVady iooklli'ureka Restaurant. .-' 4i4 Cass St, ' C-700 WANTED, good- wggei to a good cook; none MXhtn, ned ppiy.2AM ijarney. ,V'r ' -' e- ' . C M765 NURSES'. JJOLLEGE Puebloj Colo , three niAntki' uiuru: -.Uolomus. open October ,l; write. " . .jt C-MVbJ S19 WANTED workings houaekeaper In family of tlirea admits, Aaureaa 4 it, ow. J --" M: ' L 481 WANTED).' gtri. for, general houaework. 2913 Maatrn BU.-. . i C 17 WANTED-, anpaTienced aalealaolea in dry Kooda . dduariravnts.. J 1 Brandla ft BTENOOKAPHKR; ', state experience and salary .tWtred Addrgsa J M. Bee .- . L MSuU 11 WANTED, gradoate , mined nurse for head nurse Valid Savlinr Institute, -18h and OhlrK Street. . -The usual salary will ks paldj. i ' v- oi ii- - i . 1 1 mi, ' ' i . . - - - WANTED Young girl for light hodsework. 101$ N Kth Bo: xinnana. l-mwj i.- J4ELP WAITED. WiKTVfc or 'Work 1n sugar beet fields. famllle, i single hand a. men with teams and wagons, goou waa pane. iuua ianura attls Co- Ames. NaDMtlaiU FOR HEKT 'UOl'SKS. - iA ! HOU8E8, ptorea. Bemls. Paxton block. " tii imvH riant set Omaha Vau Storasa C - nmea kl4A rtauii-or Taa.- 1ik-J. ' . I v X ' 'V- '. - D 19J 4-ROOM modern, good repair, on 8. Kdv- hue i hona aj- " ... in'ritn f eliy. Tt,' . D 191 BEE PAYNE. BOAT WICK A CO. for choice nausea tjsba k, r . - - . . , 4 . .ij. T" 1 .gt 1 CI. ,vw. j . (. , w-. FOR lHlv.wpi " -i-T,' r'wIStVr. iV.'-PU,.. Yuonaika.'s - v; ,-Vf D-M17i FOR RENT HOISE9. 9-ROOM modern detached house. Inqnlr 2M1 Capitol in. r Mini VANS and baggage wagons. Tel. 1196. D- 192 FOR HKNT, a houar., 3314 Fram Is street, $2o.uo. 1'maha Realty Co.. 1301 Douglas Ht. MAGGARD Va.l A Storage to. Tel. IM ' " D--194 HOU8E8 and Hats, Rlngwalt. Barker block. D-197 4i SO. 25TH AVE., fin location, -room, modem house. WM. K. POTTER. Receiver. Omaha Ix;an & Trust Co.. 4 Brown Block. D 290 -ROOM modern, rood repair, on Bo. 32d avenue. Pnonc R13. - D 777 FOR ltKNT, October 1. good eight-room nil modern houxe. ZiA St., near California; rent rennonable. Apply at room Wi, N. T. Ufe building. U M29 1817 CAPITOI. WE. 8 rooms, modern, 145; 19 Ht. Mary's Ave., 1 rooms, modern, I4; t4JJ Krskine, 6 rooms, new. modern, l'L.M; la4o 8 Zfith, 6 rooms, modern. JU. Others. King alt Bros., Barker blOck. . iJ Miwo 10-R. MODERN, steam heat, 19 Davenport. i'i-k. moiern Kl& California. 8- R. modern, brick, 2117 I'inkhey. 9- R. modern, 21'.'2 Harney. 9-R. modern, 91H 8. 8-R. modern, 2&fl Beward. - 8-R. modorn, new, 1921 8. 33th ave. 8-R. modern, 22 J St., South Omaha. H-R. modern, ZM Hamilton. 6-H., city water, 1418 Jjeayenworth. -R., modern cottaae. 111 o. 29th St.- 8-H., modern, 263l 1'arknr, i 3-H. cottages. 2Mti and Franklin. F. D. WEAD, li.24 DOL'OI.AS D 786 11, Fl'RNIHHED -room house. -son Boap Co., city. Address G1b' D 39 11 M M-' rvi luiiagr, iwti-ii iiji'iiib, iunia c, oil hrst clas; price t3.O0. Inquire at 212 8. 3uth tt. D MS56 11 CENTRAL, steam heat, 8-room cottage Tlzard, 220 N. 81. D MS6i FOR RENT, fine 10-room house, strictly niimri n, oip mnrcy Rum, .n. u. t. Bholes Co., 31il N. Y. Life; tel., K29 D W3 11 i-ROOM house In first-class repair; city ana cistern water. Apply MB s. ism. j j ma FCJR RENT Nine-room cottage; parquetry, oam, etc., east rront. ll-f) ueorgia Ave. v MS09 MODERN houioa, rJS.OO. 2n.00. $16 00: others klngton, 8U6 Bw. V M8.9 ' SANITARIUM. Hiimi'iive wcaiiuiii aoo x-j. Afiii, win icui at 'low ngure - Uround Floor, -Bee Bldg. v D 886 14 FOR RENT OetobeY li brick H-room mod ern. 31tt N 23d. Enquire at 3 N. 23d u FOIl RKST Fl'RXISHED ROOMS. DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Fmnm. ' tj isw tl ItR WEEK-423-8. l$h, St., one block outn or court nouse. t-ivn AETNA HOUSE, European, 13th and Dodge. n. zw TWO nice. c-K)l, furnished or unfurnished rooms. 2a04 Davenport. . E 431 COOL; neat rooms; new flat. 220 North 17th. . - -tH-tllM ll ROYAL, HOTEL, European, 16th &. Chicago. NICELY furnished, ; cool .rooms; .modern. 2011 Niamey. . A SUITE of rooms, newly furnished and papered; modern, including telephone; suitable for couple, or two or more man. Vil JJOUglBS. Hi 41143 I NICE .rooms, tight housekeeping. 1112 8. UtU. E M27S NICELY furnished rooms, single or en , suite; rates reasonable. Midland tlotel. ltith and Chicago. 1L 636 LIGHT, housekeeping rooms, . (25 B. tlst Ave., cheap. E so? 10 NICE room for gentleman. 19(!1 St. Mary' Ave. Hi IS" LIGHT 1IOU8EKEEPINO, ZbM Douglas s E M820 OO VIENNA HOTEL. 1011-11 Famam st. E 834 07 LARGE pleasant rooms, modern. 622 ltn bu i bio la LARGE. . south. alcove room; modern, Harney. E M8BI 15- ROOM8, board If desired. 28U6 California. E M863 !& NEWLY furnished room, board, gas, bath. iror two ladies' or gentlemen. )5 per month. 83 North 27th st. E MS8$ u FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. Merrlam, comfortable summer home. Tel. 85. , .F-aui TWO nicely furnishaa rooms, see 8. 20th St. MM6t-15 FURNISHED rooms, with or without board; rates reaaonaoie. Midland Hotel, 16th and Chicago. , . F iS4 FOR RENT Desirable -front and back par lors. 212 Bo. Z-'ilh st. . i. F MimW FOUR first floor rooms for housekeeping, near Kounlzn Place; good, neighborhood. Addresa. J. 60. Bee. ' 841 13 CAPITOL hotel, 181 h and Capltof ave., one block from r. u. ; superior, taoie, elegant location; $1.26 per day; special rates by tha week. F-431 630 I FOR RENT-t KFIRNISHED ROOMS, I w DESK room space, t6 per month; ground floor room in the Bee building, facing Farnam street; no expense for light, heat or Janitor service.. R. .C. PeO-'ra ft Co., rental agents. Bee building G 116 FOR RENT STORES. AND OFFICES, FOR RENT The building formerly occu pied by The. fee at mo r arnam at. it has four stories and a basement which waa formerly used as The Bee press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at once to C. C. Rose water, secretary, room 100, Bee building. '.. . s.-.- 1-21 FOR RENT Store In -first-class location; rent reasons Die. Appiy it. i-eters 6c Co., ground floor. Bee d ildg. I-2M 1207 itOWARD ST., I stories and concrete basement. . D. ntwi, lort Puuui nt. ,. i U CORNER 28th and 'Dodge, cheap. Apply to Welsnans aiantei at ma co. 1799 irnR RENT, frame' store building. 24x60, with two additions iuiw eacn; location in best block In city and situated between two brick blocks, making low insurance; unliable lor nearly any kind ot bustneaa; occupied constantly for 12 years till Bep- tt oi ber 1; low, rent, location -considered. AdurvSS u. ncvi, iuriuis, ncu. ... I-M884 14 AGENTS WANTED. WANTED Canvassing agents In every county to solicit suoscnpiiuns to iiih. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment. UB assured good In come. Agents In tha country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make ra!l $60 to $Utt Pr mon.h. Ad dress. Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building, untana. -u SALARY or - commission to sell famous iui burner, an alec trie nxni on aero .-ntt lamp, million In us, sample by mall. 60 cents. Illustrated literature fraa Monarch Novelty Co., S15 N. W. Bldg Minneapolis, . Minn. J M90 11 - J. J JL- .'- Jl . WANTED $0 KENT. WANTED, a email farm near-tow, with good, barns; w.ll pay cash rent; prefer liiunadiate possession., n, tt., nt om -e, CjjuucII Bluna. . , . lv-,M l I . ,n i ' -- xWo rooms for light housekeeping at ence, I A-arss v ii wrt,,w mnA hoard wanted b man and wife fva.i tasatlir preierr-.d, iu, prlc. Ad J dfans to, Lea.- . .,, , v-Ul ! THE OMAHA DAILY WASTED TO BIT. HANK counter and railing, with or with out door, for room loxlit rt.; give partic ulars ana prices. J. . eipton, lalla. Neb. N-765 11 WANTED, to buy a good alxed Shetland pony. Address J (2. Bee. N-MW 11" FIP.ST-CLAS3 hard coal burner, IM9 U-67S Jones at. FOR SA1.R FIRITIRE. HiCAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2020. New and secondhand, bought, sold, exchanged. O 2"2 FOR 4I,K HOHJK.a, W.OJI, KTC OOOD family horse. 1318 Fartiam street. P fil-4J- FEIFFER Is closing out his stock of bug- tles at 26 per cent discount. 27th and eavenworth. P M184 TEAM of hordes, S and years old: heavy express wagon and good uouoie nnrness. Apply 901 Capitol ave. l'-MM 11 HARRY. FROST paints and repairs wagons. Bee him, 14th and Leaven worth. Tel. 1417. P23 FOR SALE MISCEI.I.AKEOIB. WHITE sawdust; season checked oak tim bers, cheap; hog fence, etc. 901 Douglas. Q-204 NEW and secondhand typewriters. . 1113 i arnam. y i'Jb FOR SALE, phonographs; superior to any otner musical instrument; np. t ne Wittman Co., 1621. Famam. 206 INDIAN good and relics. 1119 Farnam. LDHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Fartinm. W 1'9 100 STYLES trusses; catalogue free. Sher man & McConnell Drug Co., 16th una uouge, omaha. w o VIM puncture-proof tires. $4 96 and $7.00 per pair, omana Bicycle uo., lbtn ana i ni- cago tits. w iio EDISON phonographs, $10, $20 and $30; mouiuea records, sue eacn or o per ao. ; new wheels, J Li up; 2dhand. $5 up. Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th and Chicago Bts. Q-2U L. M. E. always hurry. Tel. 780 Q M212 EDISON. Columbia phonographs; agents wanted; write. FreUrlckson, la & Cap. Av g-M647 815 BASE BURNER. 2001 Burt. Q-0S 10 CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 1614 Cass St 8-213 MME. GYLMER. genuine palmist, 315 8. 13. 114 ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MME. AMES, vapor baths, 124 N. In, R. T 616 B13 GRACE O'BRYAN of Ky., 720 8. 13th. T-MIW 812 MME. SMITH, baths. 118 N. 15, 2d floor, R 2. ii-tltiil Ua PERSONAL. PRIVATE hosDltal before and during con flnement; babies adopted. 2306 Grant St, Mrs. Garde's. Tel. f -1182. U 215 VIAVA, . woman's way to health. . Home trea'roABt, Booklet free. )S48 Bee Bldg., Omaha. U 216 TEL. 7SB for L. M. E. messengers. . U 212 GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale and retail. Collins Piano Co., 1622 Doug las. U-217 PRIVATE sanitarium for ladies - before and during confinement. Dr. and Mrs. Gerlech, 4o3 N. 15th St., Omaha. . - - U-223 SHAMPOOING and ' hnlrdresslng, 26c, In connection with The Bathery, 216-224) Bee building. Tel. 1716. 1N-218 CHIROPODY a .speclalUy. in connection with Tha Balhery, rooms 210-220 Bee Bldg. Tel. 1716. U-219 . DR. B. M. JACKSON. R. 4. Frenrer Blk., chronic diseases a specialty; consultattou free. U 220 130-RUPTURED CURED FOR $30-No knife, -no pain, - no detention from busi ness. Send for booklet, etc. EMPIRE RUPTURE CURE CO., 93$ N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. U 221 HAIRDRESSING, manicuring and chirop ody, for ladles only, In connection with The Bathery, 216-220 Bee Bldg. U 222 PARTS WOOLEN CO. New location, HIS Douglas. 'Phone L-222L U 454 S10 PRIVATE home for Iadlea before and dur ing confinement. Babies adopted. Mrs. Burget, 2620 Burdette st. V 474 Sept 11 MME. SMITH, Daths, 118 N. 15, 2d floor, R. 2 U Oil BIO OMAHA Dye Works. 1515 Howard, th fashionable cleaners of ladies' and gentle men s dresses and suits, lace curtains, draperies. u uj ELITE PARLORS. 616 8. 16th St., 2d floor. U MSS2 o HOW shall man attain the highest vitality? Read Beptember W hat .To tat. News dealers, loc. U M8S9 11 MONEY TO LAON REAL ESTATE. .'J PER CENT on business property. 6 per cent on residence property. Options to pay whole or part any time. W. B. ME1KLE. 401 8. 15th st. W-225 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-iove Co., sua a. run, W-224 FARM and city loans,' low rates. W. II; Thomas, First is at. tiank ttiug. Tel. ims. W 227 PER CENT, loans. Farnam. Garvin Bros.. ;3o4 W-23) WANTED, city loans ind warrants. W. Famam smith ft Co., LiM Farnam st. . W 226 WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds and warrants. R. C. Peters ft Co., 1702 Farnam St., Bee Bldg. W 228 LOW' RATES. Private-money. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, ' Main Floor, New York Life Bldg. W-229- PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1624 Douglas. $100 UP; low rate. Prlchard.-1712 Farnam. W 232 4H TO 5 P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton Blk. W 234 HONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY WHEN you find It necessary to borrow, give us a trial, alter aoicn we wiu, 17 lair treatment, attempt to retain your iattronaae Wa loan from 110 ud. on fur niture, pianos, live stock, etc We also make loans lo SALARIED PEOPLE without mortgage or endorser. ' We do not deduct interest in advance, we charge nothing for making or filing papers and our service Is quick and confidential. We always try to please our patrons. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 H.iard of Trade Bldg Tel. 2295. (Establliheij. 18S2.) SuS 80. 16th St. LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without se curity; easiest terms; 40 offices in prin cipal cities. Tolroan, 440 Board of Trade Bldg. X -J8 DO YOU NEED MONEYT . SALARY AND FURNITURE LOANS. - RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Room ts3. Third Flour. Paxton Block. X-40. MONEY, loaned on plain note to salaried people; bualnea oonrl.lential ; lowest rates. .514 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. ... X--241. Chattel and Salary Loans, . . PHOENIX CREDIT CO., Successor lo J. W. Tavloe Tel 74. ; $25 Psxton Bloc - X-Ji BEE: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBEH 11,' 1002. MOIET TO I.OAJ4-CHATTF.I.. MONEY loaned ok pianos, furniture, Jew-I elry. horses, cows, etc C. t . need, sis . !. X 23 MONEY loaned on furniture, live tock. Jewelry, to salaried people. Koiey ioan Co., Sue. to Duff Green, I Barker block. X 2oi niSIKKSS 4HA1CF.S. FURNITURE of 10-room, completely equipped, tine location, kMk 7-room nat, well located, $;9" Theee are stiaps; be quick. J. 11. Johnson, N. Y. Life. . t M614 TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, noom 411, Aiccague ouuuing. Y-24 WHEN you want lo buy, sell or exchange rour business or property quick, see J. 1. Johnson, 843 N. Y. Ufe. Y-M243 NOTICE to railroad contractors: 1 have 10 miles to sublet ot nrst-ciass Team mora on Iowa & St. Ioui railway, running south fiom Novlnger, Ma, on the O., Q. A K. C, crossing Santa Ke at Riddle, pass ing, through or near (he town of Macon, Mo., thence south in direction ot Paris, Mo. W-jrk runs exceptionally good team work, goiKl material and can pay good prices. Right-of-way all secured and work can be commenced at once, protlles and all Information in regard to the work at the general Qtlic of this line, Centervllle, la. William Kenefick. T-M613 11 FOR SALE Govd paying meat market; only shop- in town; reason for selling, other business. Address J , Bee. ! . - ... T-M66S !! FOR SALE as a bargain, a complete stock or general merchandise, with lease of store room; located in the center of the city. Having done a successful business for 26 years and now other business to look' after. I -am anxious to retire. This 4s a splendid, corner for' a German with about $8,0u0 or $1oij0. We have 2 large (German settlements here. Address or rail on Fred, Meyer, Crete, Neo. ; , Y-M662 11 WANTED, to sell or lease a fine new 75 bbl. plartslfter steam mill In perfect run ning order; have fauillttea for buying and shipping grain; population f town l.oim; two railroadi;. located in one of the 1'cst counties of the stale; will only lease to responlsble .parties. Address J 63, Hee. Y M84U 15 FOR SALE, saloon business. Write or call on C. C. Dobry, Far well, Howard Co., Nebraska. Y MS96 16 A CHANCE for a fortune. We bay 5 ner centrweekly (ot small Investments1 of $10 I aim upwarun. i nis. is an opportunity lor I the small investor without a oarallel. I Full particulars free. John J. Ryan Co-I operative investment Co., Common- I wealth Trust Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Y M 893 11 A GOOD opportunlly, 100 dollars will earn 200 dollars. Money fully secured. Larger sums pay in equal proportion, vou may withdraw your money on demand. Cen tral Security Co., 96 Wall street. Nes York. Y MS94 11 FOR SALE BKAL ESTATE. FOR SALE Texas rlee land; 14,500 acres of fine prairie land: tract corners at county seat; ten' miles of river front, abundant water, .easy lift; railroad through land;' ho finer rice proposition in Texaa. Write for Jiartlcdlars. W. W. Miller, Klam Block, Houston. Texas. .. RE-M679 11 GEORGIA -Ave. homer for sale,, all modern house, part cash. bat. long time. J. H. Bhcrwood. 9J7 N. Y:' Life. Phone SS8. . . RE-M174 FOR SALE, cottage In Hanscom Place, ( rooms furnace, path, gas, paved street, near car; lot 45x150; rent, $26.00 pjr month, ,ilus water tax. Price, $3,0uU; can be pur chased lu payments. Address j v, nee. ' RE 443 8HIMER' ft CHASE. $1,000 4Vroom cottage, TiefH- 26th and Bur dette want oner. FOR QUICKC 'BALE. tl 700 New (-room cottage, all modern, ex cept lurnace, special inuueemenis onerea If gold at once.- $1,600 7-room cottage. tiear high school, city water, sewer, etc. VACANT. Two lota at 44th and JJouglas want offer. On. lot on Snenoer. near 24 1 h want offer. IMPROVED GRAIN AND STOCK FARMS, sxo acres In Central Nebraska. 280 In culti vation. 120 acres pasture, balance meadow and graaing land; grind' home, barn, wind mill, well, tanli, eM7 rolling land, good soil, 2H mHee froV goad (town. The owner Uvea in Omaha and w))l consider improved city property as pari ou.j meiu. Fire Insurance. ' Houses for Rent. . SHIMER iXHASE. 604 Bee Bldg ,ii . Tel. 1442. ' v , RE 771 FOR SALE, 31 acres fruit and garden land, eight-room house, good barn, ap ples, cherries, pluma., eight acres In tiro- I ber. two miles from car line. Address! 103 8. First. Council .Bluffs, la. . . , . B.E-959 EASTERN Kansas land, .price $10 to $30. .Address D. R. Hitter, Yates Center. Kan sas. .- KU M1U4 RANCH and farm lands for sale by the Union Pacific Rallrond company. B. A McAllester, land commissioner. Union Pa cific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RF 244 HOUBE8 and lota In all parts of city; nlso cre property ana iarm lanas. ine c. r . Davis Co.. Room 552 Bee Building. RE-247 1 i m HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also fire Insurance. . Bemls, Faxton block- RE 766 OWING to change or occupation, owner desires to sell his place at once ana win tell at a bargain; If taken before Septem ber 30; 6-room houe. newly painted and repaired, gas. fruit, chicken house, etc., lot 60x124; don't answer this unless you mean business. Price, $1,500. Address J 4, Bee. RE 327 FOR SALE REAL. ESTATE. DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? , If you. want to sell a farm or ranch, tell the farrners and stockralsers about it. The beat way to reach them is through The Twentieth Century Farmer. This agricultural weekly goes to 35,000 homes of farmer and stockralsers, so If you have a good piece ot laud to sell at a reasonable price. you ought to. find a buyer among them. The cost ot an ad Is small X cents cer word. tuc TiunwTicTu rtrwTUDV eadaapP 1 L. I 11 Lll I 11. I 11 V . KJ,i ,"-... .-OMAHA, Itb. - RE 604 PUEBLO No better investment today ihun aonri eonservative and ludlcloua In vestment in Pueblo realty, orln 8. Mer rill, Baxter block, opposite r. o., ruenio. Colo. Sll.O BA' A BARGAIN $1,500. .1 . . 4. , ). . .1 rtaumnnA X ne uuiliwriii luutci .1,. .,cii,,, 69x544. with house renting $8; all special taxes paia. 1 ne prm location in umunu for double house, flat' or store and flat; will alwayt, rent, and only $1,500. Noth ing so cheap in that locality. Reason able terms. . , WALLACE, SU BROWN BLOCK. RE M181 FOR RENT. 8-roora modern house, $20. U14 Francis BL - Rl 422 KELSEY'h, wall paper, 17th and Douglas. 'Phone lauS. RE 91$ SEE PAYNE. BO8TWICK ft Co. for choice bargains. 601 M. X. Lite Bldg. Tel. li'id. RE 25 Ull 1 IAMQON UHARLE8 E, 120$ 11 a.w.rii vt, 'arnam street. RE-J46 WHY PAY RENTT OWN YOUR HOME! See the Industrial Home Co. of America. Best plan on earth! Office, 221 Bd. of I Trade Bldg., Omaha,- R. M. Wilde, mgr. - , RE-677 Oct 2 GEORGE O. WALLACE, real estate, mort gage, rent Is,- Insuraoue. Brun block. , RE-248 PARGAIN-3U acres Srst-class level land, louatjed one mile of Central City, Neb.; 11- fenced ani . cross-fenced; good Im provements, plenty hay. 160 acres under cultivation: no sand; not, one acrs poor land on this farm; price. $40.00 per acre. McFayden ft Wlllaon, Genoa. Neb. . . RB-MSTS 12 FOR SALtS REAL ESTATE. A FINE stock firm of joo acres, adjoining the town of Seward, Neh., for sale at a bargain For particulars Inquire of George Swift, one-half mile north of Seward, Neb. RE MS47 11 LOST. I.OPT Thursday, on Farnam street, gray Jacket. Return to 1017 Howard st. Lost M5 10 LOST Hoo-Hoo button (Black Cat) No. 7'.07 nn back. Finder please mall to W. i. Minor, xseinon, Keb. Lost M M 11- LOST Chatelaine bag cantalnlng money. keys. Liberal reward If returned. 2120 Douglas st. Lost Mi8 11 DASriXO ACADEMY. CHAMBERS, 17lh and Douglas; now open for reception or pupils; tormal opening September 24. 'Phone F177S icireuiars). MS81 OS MAXIFACTI RIftG. P MELCHIOR. 13th and Howard, ma- 2A chlnlst. OMAHA Safe and Iron Wks. makes a spe cialty of tire escapes. Shutters, doors and satee. G. Aiiorejn, prop., lui B. tutn m. I'A MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, the acknowledged leading specialist la dUeaaaa tt women in Omaha, would call the attention of suffering lailics to his unsurpassed accommodations berore and during connnement ana nis treatment for Irregularities, no matter what cause. Call or address, with stamp. Dr. Pries, Arlington Block, 1013 Douge, omana. -oo LADIES' Chichester's English Pennyroyal puis are tne best; sare; rename, lake no other. Send if. alamos, lor particulars. "Relief lor Ladles" in letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Colchester Chemical Co., Philadelphia. Pa. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. GREGG 8. H., Touch T. W Bu. Branches, Teleg. Cat. Free. Urn. Coll., litn & Doug. -6o8 A. C. VAN BANT S achooL T17 N. Y. Life. BOYLES college, court reporter principal. r. i. IA19. it NEB. Business ft Shorthand College, Boyd'a Theater. When You Write to Advertisers remember u ouiv uulu aa extra stroke of two of tha pen to mention the fact thai you aaw (be ad in Tha Bee. PATENTS. r ATENT8 Sues ft Co., Bee Bldg., Omaha; no fee unless successful; advice tree. 881 B19 EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. PRIVATE lessons In bookkeeping, eto. night cLuhb Mond., Wed., Fri. G. R. Huihbun, room lu. Com 1 Nat 1 bank. -M523 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltreo. aitn ana Late streets. 3u OSTFOP41IIY.' GID. E. ft ALICE JOHNSON, osteopath. Huite 615. N. V. Lite Bldg. Tel. H64. -270 MRS. GRACE DccUAN, 638 Bee building. Tel. 2968. 864 DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING In families or at home. Miss Sturdy. 2u0 Harney. xv Ul I-ADIES' tailoring and dressmaking, rea sonable prices, atlas Johnson; 29th and - Leavenworth St., over Howell's drug store. k "' i' ACCORDION PLEATING. IDEAL PLEATING CO., 1510 Howard. 835 PAWNBROKERS. FAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat- l.,g; all business continual, uui loug.a.. TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad ticket everywhere. P. 1L. Phiibln, 1505 Farnam. 'Phone 784. 253 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cessijools and vaults, removes garbage and dead animals at reaucea prices, ki p. It. Tel. n,n. Via THINKS AND BAGGAGE. TWIN CITY EXP. .'Phone 1717. 60S 8. 16th. -261 L. M. E. hauls trunks. Tel. 730. -192 JUNK. MIXED country scrap, $11; stove plate, $8. Aipirn, bu2 r arnam. ssz STATUARY FACTOR. STATUARY and ornamental work. 712 S. 16. - M838 BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tte Co.. 811 North 16th. FLORISTS. I. HENDERSON. 151S Farnam. Tel. 1253. Send for pries list, cut flowers and plants. a - TAILORING. LADIES' JACKETS made, altered and re modeled. Joe xousen, mi rarnam st. M9 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. I CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramga Bldg. I - - jjl ANNOUNCEMENTS. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Tele. phone 2190. 611 South Thirteenth street. 262 FIR DRESSING. O. R. GILBERT CO., tanners, 1424 8. 13th. Zbl AUTOMOBILES. ELECTRIC AUTOMOBILES. Deright s, 1119 f arnam street. mt PHONOGRAPHS. WE ARE western headquarters tor Edison phonographs and recorus. prices, iiu up. Nebraska Cycle Co., loth and Harney. M9S9- 23 STOVES REFLATED. GOLD, silver and nickel plating. Plating Co.. Bee Bldg. Tel. $635. Omaha 628 UElEtTIVE AGENCIES. CAPT. THOS. CORMICK, private detec tive, 617 Karbach block. Tel., Ai2. k6 07 STORAGE. OM. Van 8tor. Co., 1511H Farn. Tels. 1559-861. 257 LAW AND COLLECTIONS. BT1LLMAN ft PRICE, 23 U. 8. N'l Bk. Bid. TTi CK RITRRS. LAMBERT TYPEWRITER Price. $3. Is fast, efficient, durable: eiislost to learn. ue and care for. S nt on approval. Mon roe j Co., $11 No. 16th St., Omaha. LAI MURV. OMAHA Steam laundry: shirts, c: collars. 2c; cuffs, ic. 1JW Leavenworth. 1 el. A-! .M. IM ELECTRICAL REPAIRERS. GRAND Electric Co., U A Jackson. Tel. 2S46. OOVF.RNMKNT .NOTICE". PROPdSAI-H FOR THREE BRICK Buildings and Water and Sewer Systems Department of the interior, umce pi imnan Affairs, Washington, 1. C, Aug. 26. 1902 - Pealed proposals, enaorm-a -i-roposais n-r Building, etc.. Chamberlain. South DHkota. Bnd addressed to the Commissioner of Indian Affslrs, Washington. D. C, will be received at the Indian Office until two o'clock p. m. of Thursdav, Sept. 25, 1902. for furnishing and delivering the necessary materia and labor required to- construct and complete one dormitory, one school house and one addition to dormitory, an ot ones, mi plumbiiif.. acetylenv gas piping and steam heat, and extensions to the water and sewer systems at the Chamberlain School, 8. IV. in strict accordance with plans, specifications and Instructions to blddera which may be examined at mis onice, mo offlces of the 'Improvement Bulletin. Minneapolis, Minn.; the "Argns-Ix-ader. Slnui Falls, S. D. ; "The Bee." Omaha, Neb.; the "Inter Ocean." Chicago. III.; the Builders' and Traders' Excimngea oi Omaha, Neb., and Milwaukee, wis.; tne Northwestern Manuraeturers unwinuun, St. Paul. Minn.; the V. B. Indian Ware houses at No. 25 So.' Canal St.. Chicago, ill No Wooster St.. New York City, nnri Nn. 17 Howard at.. Omaha. Neh., and it the school. For runner imormauon apply to Jno. Flltin, Supt. Indian hcnooi. Chamberlain S. D. A. C. Toiiner. Acting Commissioner. 9td-2-4-6--ll-13-16-18-20 PROPOSALS FOll SUBSISTENCE STORES. Office of Purchasing Commis sary, U. 8. Army, Omaha. Neb., Sept. 11 10,,'i Renie.i iirnDimnlH. In trlnllcate. for fur, rilshlng bacon, issue, dry salt cure, In crates and In catchwelght cans, will lie re ceived at this oince, at tne omit oi me Purchasing Commissary. 1'. B. Army, Kan saa titv. Mo., and at the office of the Pur chasing Commissary, l . B. Army, c nii-Hnu, ill until 11 n'einok a. m.. Monday. Bentem- ber 22, ln2, at which time and place they will be publicly opened. Articles of domes tic production or manuraciurn win or pi re ferred to those of foreign origin, cost and quality being equal. Bpecillcatlons as to quantities, date and place of delivery, blank proposals and further Information furnished on application to euner onicr. rjnveiviv- containing proposals should be Indorsed, "Proposals for Subsistence Stores, to lie opened Monday, September 22, 1902," and addressed to w. ti. B&An, major, com missary, Purchasing Commissary, Omaha, Neb. 6tDll-12-13-15-16-17 POSTOFFICE NOTICE. iShould he read DAILY by all Interested, as changes may occur at any time.) Foreign malls ror tne weea enuing Sep tember 13, 1902. will close (PROMPTLY in all cases) at the General Postofflce as follows- PARCKTJ4 POST MAILS close one hour earlier, than closing time Bhown below. Parcels post malls: for Germany close at 6 p. m. Monday and Wednesday. . Reeulnr and Rimnlementarv malts close at Pnrelen Station half nour later than closing time shown below (except that Sup plementary Malls tor Burope ana general America, via Colon, close one hour later at Foreign station). Transatlantic Malta. THURSDAY At 6:80 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. a. Augusta victoria, via piymouin, Cherbourg and Hamburg (mall for France must be uiiectcd "ptT r. e. A "!!" vie. torla"); at 7 a. -m. lor fkakch, SWITZ ERLAND, ITALY, SPAIN, PORTUGAL, TURKEY, EGYPT, GREECE, BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MARQUEZ, per s. s. La Bretagne, via Havre (mall for other parts' df Europe must be directed "per s. s. La Br . tne"). SATURDAY At 7::;o u. m. for NETHER LANDS direct,: per s. s. potsaam (man must be directed "per s, s. Potsdam"); at 8 ni for BELGIUM direct, per s. a. Vaderland (mail must be directed "per s. s. .Vaderland"); at 8:30 a. m. (supple mentary 10 a. ta.) for EUROPE, per a. a. f'..Mn.nla ..In . , O 'J it n m V dill ),0 il m, fin .v... ii , av v .hv a. ,. for SCOTLAND direct, per a. s. Furnessla (mall must be directed "pe" a. a. Fur nessla"); at 11 a. n. for ITALY direct, per a. ' s'. Aller (mail must be directed 'per -.".' Aller"); at 11 a. m. for DEN MARK direct, per a. a. Island (mall must be directed per s. a. island j. PRINTED MATTER, ETC. This steamer takes rrinieo Matter, commercial rapers and Samoles for Germany only. The same class of mall matter for other parts of Europe will not be sent by this snip . u,''"8 "J lTSil VII' y0n"1. rfansa Via n t Ic M a lis named bove "ad'- i ... ... . . ditionai uppiementary aiaua are opened on the piers of tho American, English, French and German steamers, and remain open until within' Ten Minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. Malls for South and Cealral America, West Iadlea, Etc. THURSDAY At S a. m. for CUBA YUCATAN. .CAMPECHE. TABASCO and CHIAPAS, per a. s. Vlgllancla (mall for other, parts of Mexico must be directed "per s. s. lgiiancia ); at 1. pi. (supplementary 12:30 p. m.) - for BA HAMAS and SANTIAGO, per e. s. Ori zaba; at 6.30 p.- m. for JAMAICA, per s. 8 Admiral Sampson, from Boston. FRIDAY At 10- , m. for NEWFOUND LAND direct, per s. s. Bilvla; at rt in. for MEXICO, pur s. s. Seneca, via 'lam' nlco (mall must be directed "ner s. s Beneta"); at 12:30 p. m. for INAGUA and HAITI. Dr s. a Lauenburg. SATURDAY At 8 a. m. for BERMUDA per a. s. Pretoria; at 9 a. m. for fortu H1CO. Der s. s. Ponce: at 9 a. m. (hup tilementarv 9:30 a. m.) for CURACAO and .VENEZUELA, per s. s. Zulla (mall for Savaniua and Cartagena must be di rected "per s. s. Zulla"); at 9:30 a. m (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for FOR TUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA, 8AVANILLA, CARTAGENA and GREYTOWN, per s. s. Athos (mall for Costa Rica must be directed "per. s. a. Athos ); at 10 a. m for CUBA. Der s. s. Mexico, via Havana at 10 a. m. for ARGENTINE. URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per a. Sailor Prlnoe Malla for Newfoundland by rail to North Sydney, and thence by steamer, close at this office dally at 6:90 p. m. (con necting ' close here . every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday). Malls- for Miqirelon, by rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, close at this office -daily at 6:30 p. m. Malls for Cuba by rail to Port Tampa. Fla., and thence by steamer, close at this office daily except Thursday at 5:30 a. m., (the connecting closes are made on Mondays, Wednesdays snd Sat urdays). Malls for Mexico City, over land, unless specially addressed for des patch by steamer, close at this office daily except Sunday at 1:30 p. m. and 11.30 p. m ; Sundays at 1:00 p. m. and 11:80 p. m. Malls for Coata Rica, Bellxe. Puerto Cortes and Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans and thence by steamer, close at this office dally except Sunday at l:3o p. m. and 11:30 p. rn.; Sundays at 1:00 p. m. and 11:30 p. m (connecting closes here Mondays at ll:3o p. m. for Bellxe, Puerto Cortes and Guatemala and Tuesdays at 11:30 p. m. for Costa .Rica). Registered mall closes at 4:00 p. m. pre vious day. Trajtspaclflfl Malls. Malls for Hawaii, via Ban Francisco, close hers dally at f.VO p. ro. up 10 neptemoer 8th, inclusive, for despatch per s, s. Alameda. Mills for the Philippine Islands, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to September "11 th, inclusive, for despatch per U. 8. Transport. Malls for China and Japan, via Tacoma, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to Sep- tern ber llth Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Duke of Flfa. Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which a-oes via Europe, and New Zealand. which goes via San Francisco), and FIJI Islands, via Vancouver snd Victoria. B. C, close here daily at 6:30 p. m. after August 3oth and up to September '13th, Inclusive, for despatch per t s. Aorangl. Malls for Hawaii, Japan China und nrst class matter for the Philippine Islands, via San J-'ianclsco, close here dally at $-30 p. m. up to September 14th. Inclusive, for despatch per- s. s. china. Mails for China and Japan, via Seattle, close here dally at 6 30 p. m. up to Sep temper 17th, inclusive, for despatch per S. s. Ksga Maiu. ( lUgistered mall must be directed "via- Sea tile"). . . II. T .. K I , I ...,.4 f .1 . . 1 1 . u r. . T.l.i .. . I . UailB lui . " ' ' .iiu . l,. .-ma,-.-, via Ban Francisco, close here dally at 4:30 p. m. up 60 elepterober 2oth, Inclusive, (or despatch, per u, a. Marlpooa. Malla for Australia (except West Australia, which Is-farwairdeU . -via Europe), New Zealand, FIJI, Samoa and Hawaii, via Bun FrancHteo. close here daily at 4. So p. m. after September L3th and up to Seutern. "ber .h, hieluslve. or -an arrival of s. a. I.ucania, due at New York September th. fur despatch per a. a. Ventura. Malla for Hawaii, China, Japan and first--:las. matter tor . tha Philippine inlands, via bau Francisco, clue licrs -daily at POSTOFFH K NOTK I'.. 6:30 p m. up to September 22d, Inclusive, for desitatch ner a. s. Doric. Mulls for China and Japan, via Vancouver and Victoria. B. C. close here dally at ,;o p. m. up to September 3mh, In clcslve, fur despatch per a. a. Empress of India (registered mall must be specially addressed. Merchandise for U. S. Postal Aaency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Canada!. Transpacific malls are forwarded to port of sailing cliilly and trie schedule or clos ing is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland tranalt. Registered mall closes at t p. m. previous "VlRNEI IUS V AN COTT. Postmaster. Postofflca. New York. N. Y.. September 6, 19iv. IMON STATION 10TI1 AND MARCY. Chicago, Rack Island Jk PaclSc. EAST. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Daylight Lim ited a 1-00 am a 45 am Chicago Daylight Local. a 7:00 am a (.35 pm Chicago Express bll :15 am a 8:05 pm i os m. lines i.ocai a 6:.i pm dii:m am Chicago Fast Express, .a 6:06 pm a 1:26 pm. WEST. . , , Rocky Mountain, Lim ited a $ 60 am a 4:16 am Lincoln, Colo. Springs, Denver, Pueblo and West a 1:30 pm a 6:4$ pm Colo., Texas. Cal. ft Oklahoma Flyer a 6:20 pm al2:40 pm Illinois ratral. Chicago Express a 7:24 km a 1:10 pm Chicago, Minneapolis & St. Paul Limited a T:M pm a $ (18 am Minneapolis ft St. Paul Express b 7:20 am bl0:M pm Chicago Express al0:35 pm tnlon Pacific. fave. Arrive. Overland Limited. ...... .a 9:40 am a 7:30 pm The Fast Mail a 8:50 am a l:9f pm i aiirorni.i L-xpress a :. pm Paclllc Express all: Jo prd Eastern express The Atlantic Kxnress. a 4:35 pm a 7:30 am The Colorado Special. ..a 7:10 am a :40 am Chicago special 1.40 am Lincoln, tieatnce ana Stroinsburg Ex b 4:06 pm bll: 60 am Grand Island Local b 6:30 pm b t:3o pm Wabaak. 8t: Iiuls "Canon Ball" Express a 6:55 pm a 8:20 am Ot. I.ouls Local, Council Bluffs a 1:15 am. alO:W pm ( hlcaao ft Nortkwealera. "The Northwestern Line." Iava. Arrive. Fast Chicago Mall ; Local Sioux City , Daylight Bt. Paul ..a S 40 am a T:0o am ..a 7:50 pm a 8:80 am ,.a 5:10 am a 3.60 pm ..a 7:36 am al0:25 pm ,.a S:oo am all:20pm ,.al0:55 am a $:10 pm ..a 4:ixi pm al vOtm ..a 4:56 pm a 4:06 pm ..a 810 pm a I 0 am ..a 7:66 pm a 1:16 am ,. f :40 pin ..b 4:00 pre b 1:60 am ..10:00 am a t:25 pm ..aioo pm a 8:16 am Daylight Chicago Local Chicago Local Cut-Toll Fast Chicago Limited Chicago Fast St. Paul Fast Mall Local Bloux City Missouri Parlnc. St. Louis Express.... K, C. & St. L. Ex.... Chicago, Mll-wankee ft St. Paul. Chicago & Omaha Ex..b 7:40 am tt 11:40 pm Chicago J-,imiiea s:uu pm a caw am BURLINGTON STATION IOT II ft MASON Burlington ft Mlaaoarl River. Leave. ' Arrive. Wymore, Beatrice and l,incoin a s:u am Dli:aa am Nebraska Express a 8:40 am a 7:4$ pm Denver Limited a 4:26 pm a :46 am Black Hills and Puget , Sound Exoress all:10 Dm a 1:10 urn Colorado Vestlbuted ' Flyer a :lo pm Lincoln Fast Mail b $:10 pm a 9:17 am Fort Crook and piatts mouth b $:20 nm bll:0$ am Bellevue ft Paclflo Jet... a 7:50 pm a 8:27 am Bellevue ft Paclflo Jct...a S:00 am . Kanaaa City, St. Joaeph ft Coauaell Blnffa. Kansas City Day Ex. ...a 9:20 sm a 1:05 pm Bt. Ixiuls Flyer a 6:10 pm all :15 am' Kansas City Night Ex.val0:80 pm - a 6:15 am Chicago. Bnrllnglan QsUacy, Chlcaao SDertal.... a 7:00 am a4:05nm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex.ji 4:00 pm a 7:$0 am Chicago iocai.., a : am uivipm Chicago L,imitea.. ..a :w pm a t:do am Fast Mail ,. .. a 2:46 pm a Dallv. b Dally except Sunday, c Sun day only, d Dally except SaturdVjr. e Pally except oionuay. WEBSTER DEPOT 10TH ft WEBSTER. Cbleagro, St. -Panl, Mlnaeapalla ft Omaha. , Ieave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger.. ..a 6:30 am a 9:00 pm Sioux city Passenger. ..a z:oo pm ail:20m Kmerson L-ocai d b:o pm o g:4a am Fremont, Elkhorn . ft Mlssoarl Valley. Black Hills, Deadwood, Hot Springs a 8:00 pm a 6:00 pm . Wyoming, Casper and Douglas d :00 pm B.-00 pm Hastings, York, David City-, superior. Geneva, Exeter and Seward,. . .b 8:00 Dm b 6:00 cm Norfolk, Lincoln and Fremont b 7:30 am bl0:25 am Fremont Local o 7:30 arn Mlssoarl Paotfle. Nebraska Local, Via ' - Weeping Water b 4:10 pm al0:2 am Crew Deserts British Ship. BAN FRANCISCO, Sept. lO.-AUeglng hardship, the sailors of the British ship County of Edlnborough, which is In quar antine, have deserted. The ship waa taken to Port Costa, and do sooner waa the vessel docked than Its crew of fourteen men went ashore. In thus deserting the ship they voluntarily relinquished all claim to nine months wages. , The British consul vsinly tried to indue the men to return to the ship- Seasonable Fashions. 4228 Girl's Cot in Gibioa Stylg, 4tol0yers. Girl 1 Coat in Gibson Style, 4225 Gibson styles are peculiarly charming and effectlvs when worn by little girls. . The smart eoat illustrated Is admirable In every way and la suited to all the season's materials. As shown. It is of broadcloth, In castor color, with trimming and belt of fancy braid. In hades of brown, and Is worn with a brown velvet hat, but velvet Is always elegant. heavy moire velours Is In style and both smooth and rough-faced cloths are avail able. The body portion of the coat Is laid la deep plaits, which extend over shoulders nd give th "Gibson" effect. Ths skirt Is box plaited at the back and seamed to ths body, but forms tide plaits, in continuous lines with those above the belt at the fronts. At tha neck la an oddly shaped collar that is most effective and the right side laps over ths left to close io doyble- breasted style. Ths sleeves are In cost shape, with roll-over flare cuffs, Ths quantity of material required (or ths medium slza (8 years) it 4Vi yards 21 tnch?i wide, 4 yards 27 Inches wide, 2 yards 44 inches wide or 1T yards 62 Inches wide. The pattern, 4225, Is cut In sixes for girls of 4, (, I and 10 years of age. Far the acromniodatioa of Th Bee raa ars, tbsss psttsros, which usually retail at from 26 to 60 cants, will be furatsks at nominal price. It- cants, which covers all expense. In order to get patters eloaa it ccBls, givs aamber as4 nasvs ml pattern wanted snd bust sosassre.