Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 11, 1902, Page 8, Image 8
SEl,rltEMHKH OMAHA. IlAlLiY IJEE: TrnJllSDA X SKI" 1 EM ll Ell 11, 10OU. ' . , - z . . COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Priest Kept SUady n Account tf Small iscsiptt. EARLY FROSTS CAUSE SELLING IN CORN Cattle (Meady and Government Crop Reports Are Favorable Provis ions Baled Doll and Sales Were Small. CHICAGO. Bept. 10. Speculators In the grain msrket traded conservatively today, pending the Issuance of the government rrop report. Weather condition were suffl clent to start liberal selling early In the session, but mall rerelpta of wheat, short took of corn and icood support In oat kept price very steady. Contrail grades were almost Invisible and tended to aid the market. At the cloae of a somewhat dull trade December wheat was a ahado up, September corn Ho higher. lecember corn He lower, September oat iVa"-' "P n(1 fjecember oats a shade higher. Provisions closed 24e to 7c down. Scarcity of spring wheat wa the princi pal steadying factor In the wheat pit. Ca bles wer Arm, but weather wa about all that could be expected. At attempt was made early to break prices by sales of over 800.000 bushel by a leading elevator. The fact that there waa no appreciable slump on thla drive aeemed to Indicate to the bull a strong poaltlon In that grsln. In eonslderstlnn of thla Influence and the amall northwestern primary receipt and a developing good export demand, price rallied. The character of the buying after the early preaaura waa very good, but fluctuation were narrow. December stsrted ffVic higher at B84C to Wc, sold to 6c and closed steady, a shade up at 4e. IxjcbI receipts were 184 car. 6 of contract grade. Mlnneapolla and Duluth reported a cars, making a total for the three point of 697 car. agalnt S9o last year and 1.00 a year ago. Seaboard olear ancea In wheat and flour equaled Wi.ono bushel. The seaboard reported 38 load taken for export. " The absence of any damaging frosts In the corn belt started a amall early selling movement In corn, t ash corn nan taiien off last night and there waa something of a reason for lower future. Country of fering, however, dried up appreciably and bid for more stuff started a firmer tone. A prominent bull gave good support to the cereal, especially September atuff. Ca ble were steady. The government weekly report told of good advancement toward maturity. Late In the day some reallilng sales took the edge off of late future. September sold between 674c and Wc and closed firm. He up at 6Rc. December closed easy. Ho lower at 427'43c. Receipt were 102 car. . Oats received fair support by a leading professional and prices were helped against possible slump on the weather. Long holders had small offerings, but they were taken In by commission houses. Early trading waa fairly active and bullish, but later this fell off and business was largely of a scalping nature. Strength In wheat and corn and lighter receipt, together with much larger clearance, were the bull ish factor. September sold between 34He and 36c and closed firm. WSVie up at JtHc. December sold at 3194c and closed steady, a shade up at 31H&31HC. Receipt were 162 car. ' - , Provision were very dull and ruled weaker. Lower hogs and a little outside selling were the Influence. There wa only mall support at time. January pork closed 7H down at 114.87H, January lard 2Ho off at IS.J7H and January rib 2c lower at 17.82. Katimated receipt for tomorrow: Wheat, 228 car; corn, 100 car; oats, 2O0 car; hogs, 20fio head. The leading future ranged a follow: fancy, small, new state full cream, colored, 10'r; while, lOtyfnirSc. E KJS Receipts, 10.257 pkg.; barely sttadv; sia'e and Pennsylvania, 21ff2i'c; western candled, aKftllc; western uneandled. i;i2ic. Mf II-A8PK3 Firm; New Orleans', SXMor. POI'LTRY Alive, steadv: chickens. 13Sf )4-: turkeys, 11 13c; fowls, 13c; dressed, easy; wentern chickens. 13c; western fowls, U'U,c; spring turkeys, ISc. MKT Al.S Offerings of copper were much heavier than the demand today and valuta were therefore generaly easier both In the home and foreign market. The salea movement waa light. Standard spot closed at $ll.Of""r11 i: large IHM-u '12.26; electroly tic. tll.ToftiH.90, and casting tt l.Taftj 11 9. London reported a decline of Ins, closing spot at 53. 7s. Sd. and full res at 53, 16s. In the local market tin had few features of interest beyond It firm tone, business proving light. Spot closed a little higher, at $27.0Ck-u2i.35. The advance abroad amounted to 16s. spot closing at 124 and future at 119.5. lead remain un changed and Rteady and trade dull. Spot quoted 44. Iondon closed at 10,17s,6d unchanged. Spelter was quiet and un changed with a small business transacted a full rates. London wss unchanged at 19.7s.6d. In Iron there was little doing owing to the scarcity of supplies and the tone held firm. Warrants nominal; No. 1 foundry, northerly. tia.Hifti&.un; No, J, foundry, northern, $23 miti 25.00; No. 2, foundry, northern. 322.Oifti23.00; No. 1 foundry, southern, f22.orj23.00; No. 1 foundry, southern, soft, $22.OiKli'23.flO0. Glas gow closed higher at 68s, whereas Middles boro wa lowered to 63s, 7Vd. OMAHA WHOLESALES MARKETS, Arttcles.l Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat Sept. Dec. May Corn Sept. Dec. May Osts a Bept. b Sept. b Dec. May Pork Sept. Oct. Jan. May Lard Sept. Dec. Jan. May Ribs Sept. Oct. Jan. 71f?72 72 67' .3 34HI 8UbI 1 75 IS f 14 0 14 00 10 70 62H: 8 39 10 40 92V4 7 &2H R8H 4.'!H; 24 85 31 71H1 8H B7H 42 2SV S2V, 31 4 aivsiHes. 18 7S 16 92U 14 92S4 14 UU 10 70 67H 8 87V4! 10 m 10 0514 7 & 16 75 16 80 14 85 14 00 10 70 87H 8 35 10 40 ( S7H 7 77. 71' 68H 69V4, 58H' 42T(,(&45 39V& 34H SIHH Oi-7 1 75 16 87H 14 87H 14 W 10 70 9 67 8 37H 5 UU 10 60 10 06 7 82H 71 68H 69H B8U 42 S9H 25T4 34H 31 S1H 16 75 1 87 14 87 10 TO 9 67 8 37 10 60 10 06 7 82 No, 2. a Old. bNew. Cah niiotatlon were aa follows: FLOUR Steady; winter patents, 13.40 3.60; straight, J3.WS3 30: clear, 12.703.00; spring special. I4.2ivrf-t.30; patent, i3.40 8.70; straights, WHEAT No. 2 spring, 71V4c; No. 3 spring, RUft72c: No. 2 red. 72HW73c. CORN No. 2, 69(66Sc; No. 1 yellow, 00 OATS-No. 2, 28428Hc; No. I white, 28 55C. RYE No. 2. 61c. BARLEY Fair to choice malting. 48635. SEEDS No. 1 flax. SI. 38; No. 1 northwest ern, $1.38; prime timothy, $4.55; clover, con tract grade. $8.75. . PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $16.76 (hi 6 80. Lard, per 100 lbs.. $10.57H10 .60. Short rlba side (loose), $IO.4OCrfl0.5O. Dry salted shoulder (boxed). $8 87H9.00. Short clear sides (boxed), $10.B0rqU0.75. WHISKY Basl of high wlnea, $1.32. The following were the receipt and ship ments of grain yeaterday: iteceipra. umpment. ZZ.IMI 13.000 Conditio of Trade aatd Qaotatlona oa Staple and Faaey Prodaea. EaOS Candled stock, 1617c. LIVE POILTRY-Hen. 9c; roosters, according 10 age,. 4itfc; turkey. S.'rflOc; Oucks and geee, futic; spring chickens, per lb., 11c. Hl'TTER Packing stock, 12Higi3e; choice dairy, In tuba 13 16c; separator, 2o21c. FRESH CAUGHT FISH Trout. 11c: her ring, 6c; pickerel, Ac; pike, 9c; perch, 6c; buffalo, drersed, 7c; Bunftah, 6c; blueflns, Sc; whltetlsh. 10c; salmon. 16c: haddock, 11c; codfish, 12c; redsnapper, 10c; lobsters, boiled, per lb., 27c; lobster, green, per lb., 26c; bullhead, 10c; catfish, 13c; black baa, lsc; halibut, 11c. CORN 62"? OATS Old, 48c; new, 36c. R RAN Per ton. $14. H KY Price quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' aasociatlon: Choice No. 1 up land, $8; No. 1 medium, $7.60; No. 1 coarse, $7. Rye straw, $6.60. These price are for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair; receipt light. OYSTER8 Standards, per can. 30o; extra selects, per can, 37c; New York counts, per can, 46c. VEGETABLES. NEW CELFRY Kalamaxoo, per do., 30c; Kearney, per do., 3f4i60c. POTATOES New. per bu., 2530c. SWEET POTATOES Per lb., 2o. GREEN ONIONS Per dor. according to size of bunches. 15'Q20c. TI KNIFB-W tu., auc. BEETS Per basket, 40c. GREEN CORN Per do.. Be. CUCUMBERS Per bu., 25c. RADISHES Per do., 10c. WAX BEANS Home grown, per market basket, 26c; string bean, per market basket. sac. CABBAGE California or home grown. new. lc. ONIONS New home crown. In sack, oer DU., DOC. TOMATOES Per market basket, 4&0c. NAVY BEANS Per bu., $2.18. FRUITS. PEACHES California late Salways. 75 80c; Colorado, T&ti-Ubc. PLUMS California, per 4-baaket crate. fancy, $1.25; California egg, per box, $1.10; California green Gage. (1.10: home grown. per 8-lb. basket, 16ijlhc; Colorado and Idaho, per 4-baaket crate, xo.8MuU.uo. tKi'iNij rer dox. ii Hungarian, PEARS California, per box. $1.75: Clapp' Favorite, Colorado, $1.65; Utah cannula SIOCK, $1.00. AfhUbtl summer varieties, psr lii., CANTALOUPE Genuine R. F.. per crate. xz.ouBZ.zn. CRABAPPLES Per bbl., $3 60. , WATERMELONS Crated. 1520c. GRAPES Home grown, per Wb. basket. zzc; loaays, per crate, i.ia. TROPICAL FRUITS. BANANAS Per bunch, according to le, $2.262.76. LEMONS-Callfornla, $4.0064.25; Messlnas, $4.6016.00. ORANGES Valencia, $4.7566.00; Mediter ranean nweets, $4.nop4.z&. PIN EAPPLES Per crate, $4.254.50. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY New Utah, per 24-frame case. X3.M. CIDER New York. $3.75. HIDES No. 1 green, 7c; No. green, 6c No. 1 salted. 8c: No. 1 salted. 7Hc: No. : veal calf. 8 to 1?H lbs.. 8Hc: No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs, 6c; dry hides, 812c; sheep pelts, 7dc; norse niae, li.&yui oo. POPCORN Per lb., 5c; shelled. 6c. NUTS Walnut. No. 1 soft shell, per lb 12c; hard shell, per lb.. UHc; No. 2 soft shell, luc: No. i hard shell, 9c; Brazils, per lb., 14c: Alberta, per lb., 12w, almonds, soft hell, 16c; hard shell, 16c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, 10c; cocoa nuta, per do., 6oc. OLD METALS A. B. AlDern ouotes the following prices: Iron, country mixed, per ton, $u; iron, stove plate, per ton, ; cop. braas, llgnt, per lb., 6Ho; lead, per ID., fc; sine, per id., 2vc: ruDoer, heavy, per lb., 8Hc ; lead, per I , per lb., 6Vic, aim mod Preivlalaaa. Flour, bbl., Wheat, bu.. Corn. bu.... Oat, bu..,.. Rye. bu...'.. . liarley. bu... ..450.000 ..263.000 . .720.000 .. 38,000 .. 70.000 27,000 181,000 155.000 26,000 ' 2.000 On the. Produce exchange today the but ter market wa firm; creamerle. 16H21c; ' dairies, 14HP18c. Cheese, steady, lOVtf lOC. Eggs, .steady; fresh, 18c. KBW YORK UUNKRAL MARKET. aefatlo of tha Day aa Varlo.s Commodities. , NEW TOOK. Sept. 10.-FLOUR-Receipt. 18.740 barrels; exports. n,0i2 barrels. Mod erately active and firm. Winter patents f3&K!T3; winter straights, $3.4)3.5o; Min nesota patents, $3.80jrf.OO: winter extras, $3.Krf320; Minnesota bakers, ?.n'3:Jo; winter low grades, $2.80tfi'3.00. Rv flour, quiet; fair to good, $3,8ir4.40. Buckwheat, dull. $1.76(94 26; bid according to delivery. CORNMKAI-Klrm ; yellow western. $1.34; Brsndywlne. $3 S0(n3.60; city. $1 32. RYE Quiet: No. ! western. 6Hc, f. o. b. afloat; No. 2, 663jS6Hc. track; state, 55c. e. i. f.. New York. BAKLEY-Steadyr' feeding. 45c; malting, B1WV. c. I. f. Buffalo. w titiAT Keceipts. Vil.fOb bushels; ex port. 198.222 bUHhtls. fcipot steady; No. 2 red. ibfcc, elevator; No. 3 red, 75Vc, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, 7Hc, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard. Manitoba, f. o. b. afloat.. . Options developed considerable strength today on a small northwest move- nr.rnt, fear cf a possible bullish crop re port, steadlnesa abroad, strength In corn extra clearances. higher outside mar vels ana local covering, with a final re action due to small export trade, the mar ket cloaed easy at a partial Vc net ad vance. May. 74H'4o. closed 74Hc; Sept., T'o-.6Hc, oioel . 76c; December, 73MJ i-ioc, rifsea ivc. . CORN Keceipts. $,150 bushels; spot steady; No. 3, uc elevator and 70c f. o. b. afloat; No. X yellow, 71e; No. 1 white. 71c. Option market after a brief opening weak Itss due to realising and a favorable weather map rallied and was firm all day en higher cables, predictions of frost In Nebraska, talk of bullish crop figures, small receipts and covering. In the last few mlnu'ea It eased off, however, with wheat and closed unchanged to H net higher; May. 44(;44tc, closed 44Hc; Jan uary. 47HJOt7Sc, closed. 7Hc; September, fctofcaic, closed, 6Sc; December. 44HI&49C. closed, 4o. OATS Receipts. 105.000 bushels; exports, 1W.UWI bushel. Spot, quiet; No. 2, !tfe; No. I, while. S5o; track white. Sjilic. Option market waa fairly active and hlahtr. Ir.fluenced by the small receipts, toxelhtr wun sirengin 'n other grains. September. S.ii'JjVjC, closed Xc: December, 3DS- closed HAY Quiet; shipping. $5.60t5.57. HOPS 1rm. HIDES Firm: Galveston. 20 to 21 lbs lc; California. 21 to Si lbs., 19c; Texas dry. zt 10 sit ins., i&c. LEATHER Firm. WOOI, Dull. PROVISIONS Beef, steady; cut meat steady. Lard firm; western steamed, $l0.ij refined Arm; continent, $1180; South Anwr lea, $U.W; compound. $7.76q.OU. Po'.'k teady; mesa. 8ia2bu 19.26. POTATO EaV-Flnn. TALLOW-Dull; city. tQc; country. bL'TTER Receipts. 3.101 pkg.; steady ' stata dairy. UWja'Juc; creamery, extra. 21c i June creamery, common to choice, 16Htr I V.e-' i CHEESE Reeelpta, 1108 pkg ; steady; I tsjutjr, Uige colored, loci white, !ialuc; St. Loals Gral ST. lJDVia. Sept. 10. WHEAT Higher, No. 2 red, cash, elevator, 6tc; track, 67 67c; September, 644c: December, esGevic May. 68Hc: No. 2 hard 8HQ70c. CORN Higher: No. 2 cash, 60c; track 61c; September, bbc; December, 86Vc; May 36HC. OATS Higher; No. 2 cash. 29He; track, 30f3oyc; September, 2Hc; December, 27Hc May, -50; imo. z wnue, ao'fljoc. RYE Uuiet at 60Vc. PROVISIONS-Pork. steady; lobbrng. old, $16.85: new. $17.2&. Lrd. steady at $10.30. METALS Lead, steady at $4.02H. Spelter, quiet at $6.15. POL blur-steany ; cnicKena, ioc; spring. 10SllHc; turkeys, 12c; duck, 7Ho; geese, 4Hc. butter steady; creamery, uxtrilo; dairy, 14gl7c. euoo itigner; tvvtc, toss on. FLOUR Quiet; red winter patents, $3.15 63.26; extra fancy and straight, $2.(3.10; clear. $2.7062.80. SEED Timothy, $3.00(84.06. CORNMEAL Steady, $2.90. BRAN Dull, weak; sacked, east track, 6364c. HAY Dull heavy; timothy, $8.0011.00; prairie. $6.00(59.00. WHISKY-Steady. $182. IRON COTTON TIES $1.07. regular and closed quiet. During the last profit takings were effected and prlcea cloned heavy. The private rate of discount a as 1 13-16 per rent. PARIS. Sept. 10. Three per cent rente, 11 f 37Vc for the account Sapnlsh fours, 8i27. . , BERLIN, Sept. 10 Exchange on London 2o marks, 4Ki pfgs for checks. LONDON. tept. Us Calcutta linseed spot, 51s 3d. Turpentine spirits, 33 6d. Beet sugar, September, 6s. ft EW YORK STOC KS ASD BOSD9. Tendeaey of Market Irregalar, lat Coaslderahle Strength Malatalaed. NEW YORK. Sent. 10 For the most part he tendency of today market was Irreg ular, though it had considerable strength, wnicn was well malnimneu unin ine mei hour. About that time rumors of the serious Illness of Russell Sage caused a selling movement In the Gould stocks, the remainder of the list being sympathetically fleeted. Condition as a wnoie lavoreu higher prices. London reported a strong lone for Americans and gold Importations were announced. Call money, though nom inally as high as 9 per cein. was actually haraiy higher than " per cent. Crop news was encouraging and early advices told of truce between tne rennsyivania ana Gould Interests. Largely as a result of these last rumors and aided by clever manipulation, Pennsylvania and Baltimore Ohio, whose interest are virtually lueni- cal. advanced over a point each and the Gould stocks also gained. In the same move Improvement was shown hy Louisville isasnvine, mock lsiana, new iora cen tral, Illinois Central and the Wabash, but the Industrial list was neglected, save lor some activity and better prices in the lias stock and American Ice preferred. During a brlet nalt toward tne ena or tne nrsi hour, during which the list sagged, there came an active demand for Union paclnc, Reading, Manhattan, Atchison and some of the specialties. At the same time there was some selling of Missouri Pacific by the brokers who Had been active or. the other side. St. Paul, on persistent rumors of an increased dividend Monuay, further advanced, and Reading strength was well maintained in spile of obvious profit-taking in Pennsylvania, Baltimore &. Ohio and New York Central. United States Steel shares were taken bp. the common being extensively traded In and simultaneous strength wa shown by Tennessee Coal and other stocks or that class. There was no news to account for the Increased Interest In these Issues other than the general prosperity of the steel and Iron trade. In the miscellaneous list the shares of the express companies advanced rrom i to t points on very light trading. Westlnghouse Electric and Pere Marquette gained 6 points each. Tne feature of the last hour was a 3-point decline in Missouri Pacific and the recessions in the standard railway list, Including Baltimore Ohio, Norfolk & Western. Heading. St, Paul and New York Central. The silling movement wiped out the greater part of the day's gains and in some instances caused net losses, Bt. Paul and Missouri Pacific making the most serious decline. New high record for the day in cluded St. Paul, Missouri Pacific, Rock Inland. Baltimore & Ohio. Reading first preferred. Southern Pacific, Missouri Kan sas at Texas preferred, Wabash common and preferred. Wheeling & Lake Erie sec ond preferred. Bt. Joseph & Grand Island first preferred, Keokuk & Des Moines, Westlnghouse, Republic Iron and Steel and American Car and Foundry. The new Is sues of the Rock Island company were again the feature on the curb, the 4 ner cent bonds selling up to t94 on transaction aggregating aoouc ii.uuu.uuu. London operations here amounted to perhaps 50,000 snares, very equally divided as to pur chases and salea. Increased public Interest was reported by leading commission house and the day's business, which was in ex cess of 1,200,000 shares, was well distributed. money conditions were somewhat easier, but the lose of cash by the bank to the ubtreaBury continued, and last week's sur- lua reserve was Dractlcallv obliterated he gold movement from Australia Is llkelv mbuuib luiimuttuie proportions, f oreign exchange broke 7 nolnta earlv in the nnv There were no transfers hv the mhtpdutirv 1 I . J .. wuiiu mm rci inmiiiainea a nrm tone during the greater part of the rty. decpito me neavy realising in waDasn debentures, which depressed them 2 point. Th, mnrkA .1,1 in . 1 A. - .v i , . duiu vlt i , j lummy will) mo uecune in biocks. i otai sales,- par T.u. p,w,.ww, uiuiru maies oia 4 de clined H ner cent, and the new tered, advanced He. and the new 4s, coupon, TV Vs veil via mo ihbi call. The following are the closing price on me now inrx biock exenange: Atchison 4 go. Rallwar do pfd 1(M do pfd Biltlmora Ohlo....ll(7i Tei t PtclBc. .. " Toledo, 81. L. A ..1414s do Dfd .. , Union Paclflc .. 6S do pfd , .. 42 Wsbuh .. 74 i do pfd ..214 Wheeling A L. K. .. MT do id ptd .. wis. Central .. 4 do pfd Adams Ex American Ex .. 2-1i I'niud Mutas Ex.. .... 1 Wolli-Ftrno Ex... ....10$i? Amal. Copper .... .... MSt Anier. Car 4b T .... 7 do pfd .... li Anur. Lin. Oil ... ....17Sii do pfd ,...I5 Amor. 8. A R .... 41 do pfd .... 6'i Anic. Mining Co.. .... 42', Brooklyn 11. T .... 70, Colo. Fuel A Iron. . , . . 67 Con. Oaa ....!00 iCont. Tobacco pfd I23'i ....100 en. Electric lttt't .... , nociini vl ... 171 A Inter, fapor .... do pfd .... 44 Laclede (tea .... .... 6 I National Hlacult 1M National Load , ....lMVNo. American .. ....147Paclnc Coast ... 29 I'aclnc Mall OMAIU LIVE STOCK MARKET Bf Stetrs, Gw and Good Tteder 8Utdy, but Gammon Fttdsr Lvwer. HOGS GENERALLY FIVE CENTS LOWER Very Light Reeelate of Sheep as Market Rated Active ! Stronger, While Lamb Held Steady aad (isod Feeder Stroa. Receipt were: Olficlal Monday Official Tuesday ... Official Wednesday SOUTH OMAHA. Sept. 10. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep , iv.nio 6.1ol ,. ,u 27.483 16.1 1 3.310 Three day this week..20.!59 10.9M 4.K2 Same days last week. .. .l,7iS s,727 Same week before 26.6" 6 11.34 Oi.2!l fame three weeks ago. ..20.771 23,371 40,862 Same four weeks ago.... 14, 446 24. SO 39, si fame oaya last year 11,280 31,281 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipt of rattle, hog And sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, with comparison with last year ly. 101. Inc. Cattle 562,219 491.143 71.076 Hogs LW6.&77 l.ti.617 23.060 Sheep 772.443 61,489 ins following table snow the average price ot hog sold on the South Omaha market the last several day, with com parisons with former years: do pfd Canadian Pacific.... Canada Bo Chaa. A Ohio Chicago A Altoa .. do pfd Chicago A E. III., Chicago A a. W... do 1st pfd do Id fpd Chlcaso A O. W..., C. H. I. A P Chlcaso Ter. Tr. do ptd C. C. C. A St. L... Colorado 80 , do 1st pfd , do td pfd Del. A Hudson. Del. L. A W..., Denver A R. O., do pfd Eria do 1st pfd do Id pfd Oraat Nor. pfd Hocking Valisy .. do pfd Illinois Central ... Iowa Central do pfd Laka Eria AW... L. A N Manhattan L Mat. Bt. Rr Mei. Central Mex. National .... Minn. A Bt. h Mo. Pacific U , K. A T do pfd N. J. Central N. Y. Cantral .... Norfolk A W do pfd Ontario A W Pennsylvania Raadlns do 1st pfd do Id pfd St. L. A 8. P do 1st pfd....... do 2d pfd St. L. 8. W do pfd St. Paul do pfd So. Pacific Ex-divldend. 40 HI 624 W. in", 464k niH VI S7 53 .... l 414 1 Mlk ;:o ..2o ..160 ..247 .. S6 .. Bl .. 13' .. 53 .. 47 .. 7 ..107 .. 70 124 20 ,.. ao ..114 .. S44 1M People's Gas Pressed 8. Car ,. do pfd Pullman P. Car Republic Btsel .. do pid ..14 Sugar 74 ... s ... .1414 ...1U1 ... 744 ... ... n ... (i ... 87 77 ... IT ... 7Mi ... 1114 ...IDS ... Iron P... Tenn. Coal tnton Pag do pfd U. 8. leather do pfd U. 8. Rubber do pfd U. 8. Steal do pfd Western Union ... Amsr. Locomotive. do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd ... 8H ...411 ... I3 ...121'. ... 7i. ... . ..lUi'-fc ... K.14j ... MS ...Z40 ... a ... 24 .. 7i0i .. 1G .. 0 .. 13 .. 17 .. &y .. 4m .. ! .. 6T .. 3.1 s .. 94 .. 3D .. 40 Date. I 1JM2. 101.100.1S99.1K8. 11897. 189. Al'gust 18 7! I 4 K 4 47 I 6 I M 1 (2 August ll 72WI I n ALgust Soi 7UV.I t 7 OS August 21 861,1 i 021 August 22 7 0041 t 87 I 01 August M VKVil 1 4 7 4 41 1 74 3 U August 24 1 Ausiust 26i 7 10U August ii 7 ao'i 6 n ajhusi 21 I vt-., B ui August 28 j 7 2t S 00 b 1 6 U2 4 42! S ?1 bept. Sept Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. pt. Sept. 7 32 7 42V 7 36V 7 I 44 7 7 514, d 11 121 August fe 7 16- 6 03 t 02, AUgdSl 111 Sept. 1... 3... ... 4... 6... & 051 4 S6 W 6 1! 6 051 t 04 6 12l 6 08 t 02 15, 6 0S 2 6 34 6 30 8 37 I 7 4841 45 6 08 6 051 5 081 4 t0 I 7 I 73. I'M 4 42 7 I 3 431 I 111 4 40 I 76! 4 31 I 72 I I 7ul 4 4M 4 42 3 70, 4 40 I 70; 4 If I I S3 4 20 I 61 4 141 I ft) I I 651 4 19! 4 22 I 62 4 23 I 4 SOI 3 53 5 10 4 0 I 60 I 4 28) 3 61 S 161 I I 66 a I 7 I 86 I 81 I II 4 V2i I V I 1 I 3 4 07 4 041 a 4 05 4 02 I 7 a 74 3 r 1 m X 14 a 1 n 1 77 4 07 1 2 81 2 81 1 71 2 76 a 78 4 001 I 81 3 94 i 81 3 931 2 b6 1 170 I an .. fi IK I mil t 4 111 ' " 1 loan 1 11, 1 nj 1 10 1 1 I M 14 n t is 1 1170 1 74 14 W,7 1 to K t SS 471 1 n 4 ! I W 1 1110 0 BULLA. 1 1M t S I I 1 Ml IN 1 1120 I M 1 111 SO 1 1IM I 00 1 USD to 1 120 I 0 1 1110 I 40 1 M) 14 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 1 41 I M It 740 I H 1 4T.7 I IS t 430 I IK 1 40 i 7! I..... 404 IS 1 490 (K STOCK CALVES. I m i m 1 si 4 40 1 170 1 tf, 1 to 4 40 1 400 4 00 1 no 6 00 STOCK ER.8 AND FEEDERS. 1 100 46 4 44 4 04 1 64 I 40 S4 4 00 1 UN I HO 4 74 4 14 1 M 0 If 447 4 It t 414 4 20 ii 46! 4 14 1 TOO I AO 19 feeders.. 1027 22 feeders.. 1044 12 feeder.. 750 24 feeders.. NEBRASKA 4 40 2 feeders, 13 feeders.. 37 feeders.. 93 feeders.. I feeders.. 6 feeder.... 1 feeder... 44 feeder.. I feeder.. 4 feeder.. 12 heifers.., I helfei 1174 958 989 734 4M 610 1067 1116 795 , 726 6S0 6 heifer... 950 1 bull .1000 6 cows, I cows. 26 cows.... 8 cow.... 8 cows..., 1 bull..... 1 bull 1 cow 43 cows..., 10 calve.. I bulls..., 29 heifer. 964 . 850 . 876 . 993 .1056 .1530 .1000 . 870 ,. 75 . 887 . 725 .. 527 4 70 1 1 80 t 00 3 40 I 90 3 90 4 10 I 75 I 60 4 40 4 40 8 30 a 25 I 00 a 85 1 25 a so a 60 a 05 2 95 2 65 a 60 1 30 a 00 2 60 2 95 I 26 I 35 COLORADO. 2 cows.. ...1026 1 cow li'O 1 cow.. 63 cows.... 12 cows.... 4 cows.... 1 cow 1 cow 106 cows.... 18 cows.... 4 cows.... 47 cows.... 4 cows.... l.cow 1 cow 1 cow 1 cow 1180 . 919 . 911 . 907 . 980 . 950 . IW0 . 950 . 912 .1004 . 912 .1270 .1080 . 840 .1370 I bull 1200 I calve... 235 17 feeder.. 756 6 feeders.. 7 4 feeders.. 817 8 feeders.. 731 21 feeder 16 calves. 15 calves. 81 heifers. 3 heifer. 8l 281 273 64S 690 a m 4 00 a 00 a 05 2 80 a 50 a 40 3 20 3 20 1 00 2 60 1 30 I 35 4 00 4 10 I 00 1 00 2 SO 3 50 4 30 1 10 a 25 4 00 a 45 4 tV 3 00 3 70 2 00 Indicate Sunday. YESTERDAY S SHIPMENTS. The following list shows the number of cars of feeder shipped to the country yesterday and their destination: Cattle Car. J. B. Uurgeso, Kennard. Neb. F. E a K. Rabeler, Hill Siding Neb. F. E I W. U Sconce, Pender, Neb. F. E 1 R. U. Roberts, Arlington, Neb. F. E 1 Hord Cattle Co.. Uelarade. Neb. U. P.... 1 Illinois Cat. Co., Silver Creek. Neb. U. P. 2 warwocK ot Co.. Wayne. Keo,-M. cx u.... s Jed Perry, Wayne, Neb. M. ok O X L. E. Ulldersleve. Wavne. Neb. M. aV O.. 8 E. P. Ustick. Lyons, Neb. M. 4k 0 3 U. W. Davis. Lvons. Neb. M. V 0 1 John Rlnderbagen, Oakland. Neb. M. 4 O t c. Huston, nusnvuie, 111. 44 , W. T. Bell, Tabor, la. Q 1 Atlas Dist. Co., Peoria, 111. O, 11 Isaac Bates. Mt. Pleasant, la. Q I M. K. Boshart. ML Pleasant, la. Q I W. F. Sater, Mt. Pleasant, la. Q B. Wray & Bon, Creston, la. Q a T. P. Sullivan. Cumberland. Ia. VI......... 1 Harry Dunbar, Henderson, 111. Q 1 w. . otto, uanvers, lu.u. 1 Globe Dlst. Co., Pekin, IU. Q 4 Peter Anderson, Mile, I a. Mil 1 F. Schoenfeld. Charter Oak, la. Mil I H K TViraln, Chnrter Onk, la Mil 1 C. Peterson, Underwood, la. Mil 1 Charles Miller, Olln, la. Mil S William Lee, Charter Oak, la. Mil 1 John Theiitnan, Charter Oax. la. Mil.... 1 H. W. Boeck. Manilla, la. Mil 1 James Richardson, Vail, la. N. W 1 Thomas Adams, Vail, la. N. W 4 Hy Fltsglbbons, Mo. Valley, la. N. W.. a J. M. Feddersen, Bryant, la. N. W a Theo. Helmke, State Center. Ia N. W.... a Elffert Bros.. West Bide, la. N. W 1 Chris Oloe, Dow City, la. N. W 1 A. Blum, Delolt, la. I. C a J. Frahm, Eells, la. 1. C 1 Axtel Segerstrom, Delolt. Ia. I. C 1 John Tlmm. Delolt. Ia. I. C 2 Fred M. Fuller. Webster City. Ia. I. C.. i W. R. Graham, Webster City, Ia. I. C... 1 Bremmer & P., Ioway Falls, la. L C 4 W. L. Latta. Logan.- Ia. I. C 1 J. A. Wilson, Morris, III. R. I a H. G. Lowe, Carson. Ia. R, 1 1 A. Hayes, Keota, Ia. R. I a William Wallace, Oriswold, la R, I X Johnson Bros., Menlo, la. R. I a T. H. Mllllns, Waukee, Ia. R. 1 3 V. W. Butler, Hancock, Ia. R. 1 1 Zcth & 8.. Mfnden, la. R. 1 1 A. N. Oaylord. Atlantic. Ia. R. I a Main & O., Prairie City, Ia. R. 1 6 J. Morlan. Oriswold, Ia. R. I a W. J. Kennedy, Imogene, Ia. Wab a J. E. Dempsey, Keytesvllle, Mo. Wab.. 1 T. W. Mclntire, Dawsonvllle, Mo. Wab.. 2 T. Stile, Hamburg, la. K. C 1 H. Claln, Tarklo, Mo. K. C a P. McKenzie, Tarkio, Mo. K. C 2 Sheep D. D. J. W. Smith. Bennett, Neb. B. A M 1 Gus E. May, Bennett, Neb. B. & M X C W. Likes, Schuyler. Neb. U. P 1 C. P. Gilbert. Weeping Water, Neb. M. P. 1 L. B. White. Tekamah. Neb. M. & O.... 2 Grant Pilling, Macedonia, Neb. Q a J. C. Vlvion, Columbia. Mo. Wab 3 J. M. Dlghton, Monticelio. 111. Wab. 9 C C. Cunningham, Kennard, Neb. F. E.. 1 Rhea Bros.. Arlington, Neb. F. E a The official number ot cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Road. Cattle C. M. A St. P. Ry.. .. O. & St. U Ry 1 Mo. Pacific Ry 11 Union Pacific 81 C. & N. W. Ry F. E. A M. V 98 C, St. P. M. & O. ,. .. R. Sc. M. R. R. R. .. 44 C. B. & Q. Ry...-; .. K. C. & St J 1 C, R. I. & P., east.. 1 C, R. I. & P., west.. 1 Illinois Central 8 feeder.. 941 1 feeder... 9i0 1 feeder.. 1190 1 feeder... 1200 1 feeder... 820 16 feeders.. 1051 4 feeders.. IO116 1 feeder... 1020 18 feeders.. 770 1 feeder... 800 20 feeders.. 1081 4 calves... 4!6 4 calves... 425 2 calves... 250 1 calf 21"0 1 calf 610 1 calf 390 11 heifer.. 820 11 heifer. 1 heifer.. 1 heifer.. 2 heifers. 1 heifer.. 2 feeder 670 796 730 655 620 900 4 COW 964 1 cow im 1 cow 1090 14 cows 1006 2 cows 975 1 cow 800 1 cow 1000 1 cow 1040 3 cows 976 I cows 1003 1 cow 1300 7 cows 867 14 cows 873 2 cows 815 1 cow 630 2 cows 880 1 bull 1750 1 calf Z.V) 1 calf 170 2 calves. 3 calve, lcalf.... 180 126 150 1 heifer. 1 heifer... 1 heifer... 1 cow 1 cow 14 cowl...., 21 cow 22 cow 2 cow 820 700 400 9H0 950 993 A. 993 859 945 9 cows.. 2 cow.. 6 cows.... 1 cow , 1 cow 1 cow .1194 . 9S6 980 830 890 80O 1 cow 10i 8 cows 1052 .1191 .1040 . 960 49 cow. R. .1069 ,1010 G. 1 COW 860 7 cow 977 25 cow 1056 22 cow.. 1 cow. . . ,. 869 .1040 4 00 4 15 4 16 3 50 4 15 4 15 4 15 3 60 3 90 X 00 4 15 a 25 4 75 4 75 8 25 3 25 3 25 8 00 a 00 a 00 2 60 a 60 a 60 3 60 8 feeders.. 633 X 25 2 95 3 00 2 75 2 76 a 00 a 20 Ramsberg Neb, S 40 6 cows... 2 95 3 cow... 8 40 lcow.... Hllllard St L. Neb. 943 I 26 6 cows... Waggoner Neb. 3 25 lcow.... 8 26 W. Haney Neb. O OV NWWBi., 8 60 4 COWS... 8 40 Modlsett Bros. Neb. 40 feeder.. 1264 70 20 steer. 3 steers... 14(0 4 50 J. Llvermont Neb. t feeder.. 963 8 85 X cows... 6 feeder raft I M 7 rows . . a cow 1010 1 15 H. Greer Neb. 10 cow 820 8 05 1 feeder... 730 1 cow 1000 3 05 5 feeder.. 808 24 cow 834 8 0S 19 feeders.. 733 2 cow 915 a 75 I cow 1080 1 cow 1060 3 25 1 COW 1080 1 COW 1240 2 76 J Rook Neb. 61 steer... .1077 a 10 C. Haney Neb. lcow 1100 4 25 1 feeder... 880 19 cow 858 8 30 4 steers... .1090 11 cow 1028 8 80 I steers. ... 970 D. T. Taylor Neb. 17 feeders.. 1097 4 35 6 cows 1090 8 feeder.. 1336 3 60 13 cow 1007 Joe Rook Neb. 8 feeders. . 958 8 80 1 feeder, 48 feeders. .1003 4 00 - J. Peck Neb. 2 cow 1100 4 00 1 bull 1220 1 cow 1300 a 00 1 feeder... 910 4 cowl 1042 8 00 12 feeders.. 972 1 feeder... 1060 3 65 1 feeder... 920 1 bull 1350 2 65 1 bull 1050 A. J. Hoch Neb. 28 feeder.. 954 4 30 1 feeder.. 964 William Molsohn Neb. I steers.... 940 8 60 4 feeders.. 7S6 3 steers. . ..1013 2 50 6 feeder. .1100 1 cow 760 3 25 7 feeder.. 1061 lcow...... 1120 3 66 J. C Rlrker Colo 31 feeder.. 716 4 45 4 feeders.. 746 Fred Greve Colo 2 75 1 00 3 20 3 20 3 20 2 75 2 76 3 20 8 20 3 20 3 46 2 60 2 50 2 50 2 50 a 50 2 60 4 75 5 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 3 80 8 00 2 65 2 60 2 60 2 00 2 66 8 20 a 40 2 96 a 40 I 00 I 26 ,. 90a .1060 8 85 a 60 .1273 4 60 .Ms a is S 15 a 65 3 65 4 10 3 76 2 7s 4 25 4 25 4 25 I 60 8 00 1020 a 60 2 60 3 65 3 65 3 60 a 65 a 60 4 25 a 65 4 05 Liverpool Grata aad Provisions. LIVERPOOL. Sept. 10. WHEAT Spot, No. 2 red western, winter, dull. 6 ItAtd; No. 1 northern, spring, 6s 4d; No, 1 Califor nia, steady, 6s 4d; futures, quiet; Sep tember, 6s ll4d; December, 6 10d. CORN Spot, quirt; American, 6s lid; fu tures, quiet; October, 6s ZA November, nominal; December. 4s Ad. PROVISIONS Bacon, Cumberland cut, firm, 61s; long clear middles, light. Arm. 60s: leng clear middle, heavy, firm. R9s 6d: short clear backs, firm, 69s 6d. Shoulders, square, firm. 53 6d. Toledo Grain and Seed. TOLEDO, O.. Sept. 10. WHEAT Dull, steady; cash, 72Hc; September, 72"c; De cember, 72c; May, 72Hc. CORN Dull, steady; September, 604c; December. 41c; May. 38c. OATS Dull, easy; September, 31VC; De cember, Sl'fcC. SEED Clover, more active and easier; October. Ii.42; January, ea.274; prime tim othy. 11.96. RYE 52c. OIL North Lima, 89c; South Lima and Indiana, 84c Mllwaakee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Sept. 10. WHEAT Higher; r7o. 1 northern, 73c; No. 3 north ern, il'OiZc; Lecemoer, on'fcc. RYK riteaav; is o. 1, oivJja:e. BARLEY Firm; No. I, 6b4Uc'; sample, 40tj2c. , , LJ NT nMmlwr AWLt, ,M New York Money Market. NEW YORK. Sept. 10-MONEY-On call, firm, 648 per cent; closing bid and asked 6fr7 per cent; prime mercantile paper, 5fr?6U per cent; sterling exchange, weak, with ac tual business In bankers' bills at 84 86IJ5 for demand and at 14. 84675(4. 8376 for sixty days bills; posted rates, l4.B414rm.85 rnd $4.87&4.87H; commercial bills, 4.s275&4.7325 SILVER Bar, - 61Jc; Mexican dollar 40Ve. BONDS Government, Irregular; state. In active; railroad, steady. The closing quotations on bonds are as follows: ogs. Sh'p. 21 ;.' 65 13 21 calves. 1 calf.... 22 cows... 34 cows... .1 bull.... I calves. 1 calf , 3 heifers.. 2 cows.... 5 heifers.. 2 heifer.. 8 feeder. 17 cows.... a cow.... 1 cow 4 feeders. , . 273 6 00 ,. 230 3 00 .. 775 2 45 .. 846 3 00 ..1380 2 26 William Hoonan Colo. 2 bulls 1000 1 heifer... 710 36 heifers.. 64 6 heifers.. 646 1 cow 1190 9 cows... 2 cowa... cows... iron 10 strs.Tex.1042 17 steers.... 9U7 46 steers.. ..1047 2 steers.... 960 85 steers.. ..1026 1 oull 1070 1 cow 790 930 3 60 2 cows 825 . 790 2 40 3 cows 970 680 2 75 7 cows 800 606 8 10 1 cow 1020 . 511 4 50 2 feeders.. 545 J. R. Haynes Colo. .1066.3 10 8 calves.... 477 . 990 2 75 4 calves.... 312 , 890 2 75 J. C. McCurdy Colo. 790 a 80 8. B. Patterson Colo. 4 00 8 10 2 75 2 75 2 25 I 75 3 00 1 76 2 65 2 75 3 25 2 75 3 60 4 76 900 2 90 1 calf 300 3 66 . 705 2 94 1 calf 200 6 00 .1010 2 90 1 cow 760 2 25 Mountain Ranch Co. Wyo. 3 45 21 cows 932 3 30 45 steer.. ..1047 14 steer.. ..1059 19 steers.. ..1047 1 cow 910 4 15 4 15 4 15 2 60 Total receipts .... 238 The disposition of the day's receipts was a follows, eacn ouyer purcnasing in num ber of head Indicated : Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. rag V. S. rat. la. do coupon . do la. rag do oupo do new 4s, rag do coupon .... do old 4s. ng do coupon 110V do ta. rag 106 do coupon 106 Atchison gen. 4s liH'4 do adj. 4a Bal. A Ohio 4s... do ISsa do conv. 4a Canada 80. ia... Cantral ot Ca. 4a do Is Ine Chaa. A Ohl Chicago A A 104ttL. at N. Unl. 4s.. ....lue, Mei. Central 4a.., lo:sl do la Ine ....1"7S Minn. 4 81. L I ...17 IM.. K. A T. 4s... ....137 I do ta ....104'4N. T. Cantral Is. C. B. A Q. B. 4a.... Ki C, M. A St P. g. 4a. Hi C. a N. W. eon. 7s. 136 tt. R. I. A P. 4s....luvV C C C Ht L, g. 4S..1U3 Chicago Ter. 4a. SO Colorado So. 4a Denver a K. u. 4a. ..101 trie prior lien 4a l'"" do general as a r. W. A D. C. la Hocking Val. 4,a Offered. do sen. IWa N. J. c. gen. (a.., No. PaclDu 4a , do la ""l N. A W. con. 4a. ..1IH Reading gen. 4a.. .. 4 fit L ft 1 M e. 6s ..11744 Bt. L. A S. F. 4s ..UK ,61. L. 8. W. la.. do is . A. A A. P. 4a. 80. Pact So 4a 80. Kallwar 6a... leiaa A Pacific T.. 8t. U A W. Union Pacific 4a do conv. is.... Wabash Is do is do deb, B , West Bhora 4a Whell. t L. K. 4a Wla. Central 4a... . lMCons. Tobacco 4a... ..lot .110 a 4V4s...lul4 IS..... ti ..101 .. 24 .. 314 ..104V4 ..loa .. 5 ..101 ..107 ..114 ..104, .. U ..103 .. t ..117 ..1014, .. ', .. ..101 .... 444. ....121 Is.. 121 4a.. k;, ....I116 ....n:'4 ....120 11194 844. ....114 4 (4 n 41 Dulata tirala Market. Dl'I.tTTH. Sent. 10. WH EAT Cash. No 1 hard. 7uV?e: No. 2 northern. 67c; No. 1 northern. ⁣ September. ic; Decem ber. 65V. OATS September, 31o; December, 30c. Foreign Financial. IXNDON. Sept. 10. Gold premiums are nvoted: Beunos Ayres. 129.10; Madrid, 33.80; Rome. 32 The amount of bullion taiten into the Bank of England cr. balance today was ZoS.OuO. The sum of 200.0ta) was withdrawn for shipment to Alexandria. PARIS. Sept. 10. Prlcea on the bourse today opened firm. Later Internationals were Irregular, owing to realisations. Bra xlltans we-e In demand on account of re i.ewed rumor of the proposed unification of the Hraslllan debt, with the support of a prominent Paris banking bouse. Spanish fours were In demand In consequence of the (all In the rate of exchange. Spanish rails were In fair request. Rentes were heavier. Italian were firm. Portuguese had a drooping tendency. Metropolitans were quieter. Omnibus sharea were weak and tramways and tractions were well sup- mirted. Thomson-Houston waa steadily purchased, Rio Unto reacted on the dscllne In cop per. Dc Beers ner weak. Kaffirs were lr- London Block Market. LONDON. Sept. 10. 4 p. m. Closing: Cocao la lor mosey. . do account Anaconda Atchison do pfd Baltimore A Ohio.., Canadian Paclnc... Chesapeaks A Ohio Chicago U. W C . 14. A Bt. P DrBsers tdef ) benvar A R. O do pfd , Erie do let pfd do Id pfd Illlnola Central ... Loulavllla A Neas. a.. It. A T da Bid .. 34INew York Central.. .. nx 1 Norfolk A Western. . . 6S do pfd .. V Ontario Western.'. ,.1U4 IFeuusylvsnla .... ..! Hand Mines ,.1444Headlng .. 6 do 1st pfd S do id pfd ..174 Southern Rallwar ... "S' d.i pfd .... ..614 Southern ParISc .... .. six mion Paclnc .. 414.1 do pfd .. TJ il'MLd States Steal .. 64 do pfd .177 Wabaah , ..1644 da pfd , .. M4 Spaolah 4a 170 714. as la 4 . . 11 .. 154 .. 464 .. 44 .. 41 .. as .. U ..1144 .. 44 .. 444 .. sav .. a4 .. .. 444 Omaha Packing Co 471 Swilt and Company,. .... 726 Cudahy Packing Co 761 Armour & Co 858 Cudahy Packing Co 308 Armour & Co., K. C 81 R. Becker & Degan .... 19 Vansant & Co 322 Carey & Benton 210 xibman & Co an Hill & Huntslnger- .... 73 Livingstone & Schaller .. 193 Hamilton St Rothschild .. 311 U F. Hubs 105 H. L. Denis tt Co Ml B. F. Hobblck 16 Wolf & Murnan 4o2 Other buyers 1.052 Total 639 9U0 1.385 1.522 61 605 578 1,161 3 35 4 40 4 40 a 65 3 10 6 00 quoted strong on all good stuff, while th common kinds were only about steady. Oxnt.i nn. for rllnnen stoca; www v nou'e yearungs. a..ii'v.,' I2.7.VH3.40; feeder yearlings, W 2f 3. 60; feeder smbs. 3.753H.nn; cull lamos, j .w " eeder ewes. si.a4rz.t: siocn ewe, -."w 3 25. Represen'Stlv sale: No. 10 Idaho ewe feeder ewes 62 cull Ismbs ti Idaho ewe 16 Idaho ewe 6 Idaho ewes 14 Idaho ewe 53 Idaho ewe 2110 western wethers 2"4 Idaho wether 234 Idaho wethers 6i4 western wethers 71 yearling wethers 239 yearling wethers 1 Idsho lamb 1 Idaho lamb 1 Idaho lamb feeder lamb 70 feeder lambs , 126 feeder lambs , 219 Wyoming lambs , 246 Idaho 10 1 tsh feed r ewes , 8 ITtah feeder ewes , 10 Vtah feeder ewes , IS I'tah feeder wether.... 87 I'tah feeder wethers...., 40 ftah feeder wether.... 87 I'tah feeder wethers...., 100 Idaho feeder lambs 8. 352 BAR SILVER Steady at 24d per ounce. MONEY 2Vtti2t per cent. 'lh rale of discount In the own market for short bills Is 24 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for three months' bills la 2Vt? 13-14 per cent. Oil aad Rosla. LIVERPOOL. Sept. 10. OIL Hull refined, spot, dull, 26s 4Vid. 6,336 4.346 6,606 CATTLE There was another liberal run nl cattle here todav. which makes the re ceipts for the three days this week consid erably in excess 01 tne same oays 01 laai week and far In excess of the same days of last year. The bulk of the offerings con sisted of feeders and the quality was noth ing extra. Oood cattle of all kinds were ready sellers, but common stuff waa neg lected. There were a few car of corn-fed steer In the yards and the market held lust about steady. As high aa 17.25 was paid for some short-fed cattle, but they were In pretty gcod condition. It Is evident that finished attl would bring strong prices. There was not an over supply of cow In slf lit this morning and the market showed considerable activity. The general run of enwa and heifers sold at steady prlcea with the choicer bunches a little stronger, Good heavy cows In particular commanded .irnncHT nrlces. Bulls, veal calve and stags If at all good old fullv steady with yesterday. The yarda were full of feeders this tnorn Ir.g, and whl.e the good heavy cattle sold at steady Drlces with yesterday the com mon kinds were extremely dull and a little lower. Frims vearnnss sola aouut Bteaay hni huvrrs were all looking for quality and discriminated against the inferior grades. Although range cattle were in Dig supply there were very few steers that were good cnojgh for killers. In fact there were,elv enouah with which to make a teat of the market. Packers, though, all claimed that they wanted fresh supplies, and the general op'.nlm waa that choice cattle laruld have brought strong prices. Western feeders, If of good quality, sold without mnrh trouble at steadv prlcea, but the com nion kinds were very dull and a little lower, us the demand from tha country Is con- tined almoct entirely to the good stuff Yeeterday there were over 125 cars shipped to the country. Range cows sold freely at steady to strong prices, the choice grades aho lug the strength. Representative aales BEEF STEERS. At. Pr. Na. at. rr. 40 I 44 W U T COWS. ,...1........ itt is 4 ra 1 4 4 15 4 15 3 60 4 10 2 75 F. O. Harrison Wvo. 98 feedeis.,1090 4 40 6 feeders. .1090 63 feeders.. 1069 4 40 46 feeders.. 1110 5 feeders. .1110 3 35 1 feeder... KH0 66 cows 967 3 65 63 cows 956 12 cows 984 8 65 C. O. Humbert S. D. 22 cow 1006 3 75 17 cows 964 1 cow 830 3 10 38 steers... .1183 7 cows 134 4 20 B. 8. Johnson 8. D. 30 cows 942 2 66 2 cows 1170 4 26 8 cows 1063 8 60 HOGS There were only about 4.600 hogs on sale today, but packer started In from the beginning to pound the market, and as a result they succeeded In taking off a good share of what they put on yester day. The better grades of hogs were weak to 60 lower, and tne common heavy packers were in some rases more than be lower. The quality of the receipts as a whole war about the same as yesterday. Tradln waa not particularly active, but as receipt were so limited the bulk was disposed of In good season. The hogs sold largely from $7.40 to 87.60. and aa high as 87 66 was paid. The top hogs were heavy, but they were of good quality. The close wa slow ana wean. Keprw- aentatlve salea: fair to good. L; 4"V3.76; good to choice wethers. .254..; fair to good wethers. 83.0.i,,t.25; choice ewes, S3.(ti3.1n: fair to good ;". l j"JJ eon. I ... .hAl 14 76dl6.00: fair Av. Pr. , o a 15 W I 35 35 2 60 ,97 2 1 , 108 a 00 ,90 a 00 , wi a 00 ,106 3 no ,116 8 16 ,100 a 40 ,101 a 40 ,95 3 50 ,92 3 60 ,92 3 60 ,30 101 ,20 4 00 , 30 400 ,60 4 OO ,63 4 0 ,66 4 10 ,49 4 30 ,63 4 60 ,94 2 60 ,83 a 60 . 74 1 a 0 ,84 8 25 ,74 8 25 .94 8 25 .83 3 26 .67 4 25 CHICAGO LIVE .STOCK MARKET. Texans and Western Active Host Left Ot from Yesterday. cut, a nt an tn . TTT .V T? wetntt. 17,000, Including 600 Texan and 4,000 west erners; active, steady; goo a to rnme steers. 7.7Mrtt.76: poor to menmm, 4.ji 7.28; Blockers and feeders, t2.604i6.4O; cows. ai .VKfi6.2S; heifers. 2.60.40: canners, J1.60 2.50; bulls, l2.26.oo; calves, w.wri.; Texas-fed eteers, I3.00tr4.60; western steers, $3.75 6.76. HOGS Receipts. 26.000; estimatea tomor row. 20,000: left over, 8.000; market btnw lower, closing slow; mixed and butchers, $7.30rft7.76; good to choice, heavy. $7 607. 90; rough, neavy,; llgnt, 1.10, bulk of sales. e7.40(Tt,7.o. SHEEP AND IAMRS Receipts, ai.tioo; active, steady: good to choice wethers, $3.25-83.75; fair to choice mixed, 82.2643.25: western sheep, wt.wax 00; native lamns, $35041676; wertern lambs, M.OOtfS.:,. Official yesterday: Keceipts. enipments. Cattle 10.598 3.. 96 Hoas 19.310 4.04 Sheep zz.&io Knnsns City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CTTT. Sept. 10. CATTLE Re ceipts, 14,217 head. Natives, 2,783 quaran tines; 667 Texas calves; 1.537 native calves. Cornfed and western grass cattle stronger, Htoclceeai and feeders weaker, cnoice ex port and dressed beef steers $7.297.90; fair to good. $; stocker ana teeners. $2.7&&6.25: western fed steers, 2.854.o6; Texas and Indian steer, $2.954.2fi; Texas oews. $2.00ff3.10; native cows, $1.254.60; native heifers. $2.86(38.50: canners. $i.oow 2 25; bulls, $2.6fV53.50; calves. $1504j6.$6. HOOS Receipts. 4,600 head: 6 to 10c lower. Top, $7.62H; bulk of sales $7.453-7.60; heavy, f7.5b&!.62iA; mixed packers, $7.4501.62: light, $7.247.60; porkers, 87.601.66; pigs, $5.307.10. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, S.3S2 head. Steady. Lambs strong. Native lamb. $3.304.2S: western lambs. $8 0043 4.00; native wethers, $2.964.80; western wethers, $2.75(34.00; fed ewes. tiOOt&H.OS; Texas clipped yearlings, $3.0OS.85; Texas cupped sneep,'oai; Blockers ana reea ers, $2.00(84.90. New York Live Stock Market. NEW TORK. Sept. 10. BEEVES Re ceipts, 2,804 head; steer active, 1020o higher for medium to choice; all grade troner; bolls steady: common and medium cow slow, good cows firm, about all sold; steers. $4.50ift7.26: bulls. $2.30&3.75: cows. $1.654j4.15; extra, $4.70. Cables, firm; ship ment. 455 head cattle. 610 head sheen and 6,380 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts. 2.528 bead: veals firm to higher; grassers and buttermilks, 26c higher; veals, $5.00cj8.60; grassers and but termilks, $3.&OH.00; mixed and fed, 34.00 6.00. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelnts. 13.626 head; sheep, steady to strong; good to choice lamb, steady; medium to light lambs, shade lower, about all sold: sheen. $2.25413.76; choice. $3.90r4.00; culls, $1.76493.35; lambs. $4.76j.2&; culls, $4.00(84.60; Canadian lambs, $6.26. easy; atate and Pennsylvania, $7.75; mixed western, $7.30; skips, $6. steady. American middling, g. a. c., Sep. tember, 4 4-64d; 8eptrober-Ortber, 4 39-64d; octooer-reovemDer. 1 -itoi -nii, vslue; November-Iecember, 42-4d: le. rember-Janiisrv, 4 81-tvirt; january-Ki bru- sry, an-wsi sl-twa ; r enrusry-jvisrrn, 80-4d: March-April, 4 34d; April-May, 4 30-6td; Mny-June, 4 so-san, seners. NEW TORK. Sept. 10. X)TTON Tha market opened firm, with price 24J6 points higher on vigorous oemano irom nervous shorts. Following the call the market fur Iher Improved on active general buying and comparative scarcity of offering. Heavy receipts ror tonay inn estimates ior large port and Interior arrivals tomorrow Inter caused a profit-taking movement, under hlrh prices broke 8 to 21 points, January selling down to 8.26c. Later In the day an other active buying movement occurred and prlcea once more advanced rapidly, September reaching 8.46c and January tin on this tact. On the very closing a rush to secure profit cut down the advance con siderably. The market was finally barely steady, with price 11 points nigner to 1 Colnts lower, the remote option only being rlow the close of last night. September led the advance. Total sale were esti mated at 300,000 bales, mostly winter month. Dry Goads Market. NEW TORK. Bept 10. CRT GOOD) A fair amount of general business ha been done In cotton goods, with a firm tone still f prevailing nere ror ootn staple ana isney Ight. Print cloths are firm, with more demand. Men's woolen and worsteds are quiet, staple line Ann, but fancy worsteds Irregular. rearta Market. PEORIA. Beot. la CORN Steady: No. t. 69c. OATS Irregular; No. I white. 31tj-314c. billed through. WHISKY On the basis of $1.$3 for fin ished goods. OUTPUT OF PACKING HOUSES Receipts Show a Falllaa; Off Conasnred wltk Last Week aad Last Year. CINCINNATI, Sept. 10. (Special TeU gTtm.) rrlce Current says; The move ment of hogs continue small. The total western packing Is 240,000, compared with 270,000 the preceding week aad $25,000 last year. Sines March 1 the total Is t.626,000 against 12,165,000 a year ago. Promlnest places compare as follows: 1902 Chicago Omaha Kansas City . St. Joseph Bt. Louis Indianapolis . Sioux City .... St. Paul Cincinnati .... Milwaukee ... Ottumwa Orand Kaplds x.vm , i,07n,oo , 920.000 801,000 63)1.000 , 456.000 451.000 , 2S0.000 , 211.000 . 197.000 . 196.000 , 192.000 1901 3, 360,000 1.240.000 l,815.flfK toss.oro 890.")i O 690.000 401.000 255.(100 269.000 363.000 27.pO 240.110 St. Louis Live Stock Mnrket. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 10.-CATTLE Receipts. 7.000, Including 6,600 Texans; market steady; native shipping and export steers, $6,004; 7 40; dressed beef and butcher steers, $4.70 7.26; steers under 1.000 lbs., $3.86436.00; storkers and feeders, $3,6044.40; rows and heifers $2.25fi5.60; canners, $1. 7602.75; bulls, $3.304.60; calves, $4.004j)7.00; Texas and In dian steers, $2.706.00; cows and heifers, $2.6O!S3.40. HOGS Receipts, 4.800; market slow, loo lower; pigs and lights, $7.204j7.55; packers, $7.304j7.ry): butchers. r.65(&7.80. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, 3.000; market steady; native muttons, S3.40(ff 4.25: lambs. $2.00a6.50; culls and bucks, $2,504 4.00; stockers, $1.50&3.60; Texans, $3.103.70. t. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Sept. 10. CATTLE Receipts, 3.600 head; steady to strong; na tives, $4,2648.35- cows and heifers, $1.50 6.00; veals, $2.75(56.26; bull and stags. $2.50 6.25; stockers and feeders, $2.756.3a. HOGS Receipts, 4,226 head: averaged 60 lower; light and light mixed, $7.40rT7.6O; me dium and heavy. $7.457.65; pigs, $3.85-37.05; bulk. $7.4.V(j7.60. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6,490 head; steady to strong; lambs, strong to 10c higher. Slonx City Live Stock Mnrket. SIOUX CTTT. Ia.. Sept. 10. (Special Tele gram.) BATTLE Receipts, 1.600; market steady; beeves. $6.Uu7.50; cows, bulls and mixed, $2.504.60; stocker and feeders, $3.00 &5.00; yearlings, $2.604i4.25. HOGS Receipt, 1,500; market steady: selling, $7.30(37.60; bulk, $7.357.40. Boston Stock 4notntlons. BOSTON. Sept. 10. Call loan, ettfl? per cent; time loan, 6Vj&6 per cent. Official closing of stocks and bonds: Atrhlson 4s 10!4 Adventure KU G.s Is M lAllouas 14 Mex. Cantral 4s 43 Amalgamated 44 N. E. O. A C 64lllnsham II Atchison 44 Calumet A Heels.... 440 do sfd 1044, Centennial 14 Bneton A Albany ZX Cooper Range Si 4 1874 lwmlnloo Coal 141 114 (Franklin 104 H...1U lila Royal 144 146 Mohawk 474 1114 Old Dominion 1114 14 Oaceola so 4 ll4s Parrot 174 lil lUulncr Ill American T. A T.... 1104 Santa r Copper 14 Dominion I. a B itltt lamaraca its Gen. Electric . v 144 ITrimountaln 45 Maaa. Electric 1"4 Trinity 12 do pfd M4ll'nlted Stale 124 N. B. O. A C 4V''Uh 124 t nlted Fn. t 114 Vlctorl 4 V. 8. Steal 414 Winona 44 do pfd 414lWolveria l Westlngh. Common.. lla4Dly West 114 New York Mining; 4)notntlons. NEW YORK, Sept. 10. The following; are the closing prices on mining stock: REFUSE TO JAY THE DUTY Army Officer Think riltpln Relies for West Point Maaenna Shonld Be Admitted Free. BAN FRANCISCO. Bept. 18. Officers of the Eighth United States Infantry, who ar rived from the Philippines on the transport Buford, are at loggerheads with the local customs officials over tha admission, duty free, of a trunk full of trophies from the far east. All the articles were Intended as a g'.tl to the museum of the United State Mili tary academy at West Point, but they will never reach their destination If the Treas ury department tries to exset duty from the officers of the Eighth. Assistant Surveyor cf the Port St. John says he cannot pass the articles without con sulting higher authority and there the mat ter rests. Principal among the article contained In the trunk are two religious Images and the robes in which they were draped. One of these is an ebony figure of the Savior, known In southern Luion as "The Black Christ." These Images were seized by the Eighth Infantry at the headquarters of a native religious sect In the town of Psgssngan, province of Laguna. while the regiment was operating In that district. The religious sect was known as the Caldrun and the Images are said to have been used by the Insurgent leader to exact war rev enues from the people of the district by Imposing on their credulity. A Filipino ventriloquist. It is said, would apparently cause the Images to speak and order the natives to give their money that the Americana might be driven from the Island. The carvings appear to have been made within the last two or three years. HORRIBLE CRIME IS CHARGED Woman AsjaJnst Whom the Allega tions Are Made Say They Are Prompted hy Revenge. CHICAGO, Sept. 10. Cremation of living bablea in her kitchen range is a charge made by Charles Early against Mrs. Pau lina Taeachler, who conducts a private hos pital for women In South May street. Early made this and other serious charges before the State Board of Health. As a result officials of the board secured a war rant against Mrs. Taeachler, on a charge of practicing medicine without a license, aad the woman ha been arrested. Mrs. Taeschler attributes the charges to motive of revenge, Inspired by her refusal to allow Early to visit a woman patient In her hospital. Boston A Me Huston Elevstad N. Y.. N. H. A yitrhbur pfd... t'nlon Pacific .. Mei. Central .. Amer. Sugar ... do pfd. No. At. Bu. Ft. No. Av. 8h. Pr. 4t 14 ... 1 44 47 M4 M 1 10 41 1J1 ... T 40 40 1M 40 7 40 4 171 10 T 40 M t ... 140 II ttS 140 1 40 M 2ii ... IU III 140 T 40 41 15 ... T 44 1 Ill 10 1 40 7 110 40 1 44 41 141 M 1 40 U ill 44 1 SO M tbt 104 1 47 4 14 161 ... 1 M rr m 114 1 so 46 124 40 1 is II 164 40 1 40 47 196 1(0 1 40 66 t:t0 ... 1 60 41 141 SO 1 40 164 44 T 60 70 iHl 160 1 40 1 130 40 1 40 41 iH 1(0 T 40 66 ISO 40 1 60 SO 1,1 110 7 40 41 Ill 40 7 60 61 i6 60 T 424 47 M4 ... T 60 46 221 160 T 46 41 221 ISO T 60 66 21 40 1 46 61 276 40 T 64 61 171 10 1 46 47 124 to T 60 U ill 14 1 46 74 Ill ... 1 60 It 1 260 7 44 74 tul 140 T 424 4 24 ... T 46 14 201 to T 64 11 1U ... T 4 64 1K1 M T 65 41 246 ... 1 4 41 214 10 1 66 41 ttl 40 1 60 71 104 ... 1 40 74 181 ... T 40 41 14 40 f 40 64 224 M 1 40 61 lot 40 T 40 II 24 too 1 60 44 2M to T 40 II lit 40 1 40 66 11 40 1 46 tl 24 140 f 60 11 2&0 40 1 46 44 260 40 1 40 to 14 ... T 40 11 144 40 1 67 4 M 140 SO T 60 71 201 ... 1 40 H M M 1 60 64 14 ... T 46 II iM IN III No. 1... SHEEP There waa a very light run of sheep here today, and In fact not near enough to meet the demand. Packers all mwxA In he) anxious for suDDlies. and as a result the 1st stun, ana especially in sheep and yearlings, sold at good strong prices. Some salea even looked a little higher than the same class of stuff brought yesterday, tveryining ai an unusuie w disposed -f at an early hour. There were oniy a tew isniua in in yv.'" and none that could be called choice. ro particular change in ine prices paiu w noticeable. There were a good many feeder buyers on hand thla morning, but owing to ihs light upply they were unable to get all they wanted. The market couiil safely be Adams Coa Alice Preeca Hrunawtck COB . . . t'omatock Tunnel Con. Cat. A Vs.. Horn Slleer Iron Silver haadvlllo Coa tt , 10 60 ILItlle Chief Ontario trphlr Phoenix . 64 Potoel .116 ISavage .116 Hrarr Nevada . 40 Small Hopes .. . I 'standard ... 11 ...460 ...110 ... 4 ... 16 ... t ... I ... 40 ...140 Bank Clearlngr. OMAHA, Sept. 10. Bank clearings, 11,243. 896.H8; corresponding day last year, 11,045. 4K0.11; lncree. $198,416.87. ST. IXH'IS, Sept. 10. Clearings, fl.m.Vto; balances. fl.lbl.OiO; New York exchange, 2&c discount. BALTIMORE, Sept. 10. Clearing. $3,70,- ttil PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 10. Clearing. tl9.TK9.2iU). BOSTON, Bept. 10. Clearings, $21,411.17. NEW YOKK, Sept. 10. Clearings, tni.414.- S6j. CHICAGO, 8ept. lO.-Clearlngs, $25.1I4,J65. Condition of the Trensnry. WASHINGTON, Sept. 10. Today' state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund exclusive of the HH.flOO.OOO re serve in the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balance, jii.21J.(w; goid, $124.M2,Mi Cotton Mnrket. NEW ORLEANS, Sept. 10.-COTTON-Flrm; sales 4.40; ordinary, U-lc; good ordinary, TS-lc; low middling. T U-)c. Receipts. 8.310 bales; Btock, 49.104 bales. iivi-BPfifil. Sent. 10-COTTON-Spot. rood business done, prices l-16d higher; American middling fair. 6 11-Md; good mm dllng t$-32d; middling. 6d; low middling . wi T-m- .,,. ordinary. 4 2fi-32d: ordinary 4 21-32d. The sales of the day were 12.10 bales, of which 1000 were for speculation and export and included t.uro American. Receipts. J.4i0 bales, all American. Ku ture eireoed steady aad closed barely THE REALTY RECORD. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Wednes day, September 10: Warranty Deeds. Lars Rasmussen and wife to Day A Hess, lot 7. block O, Lowe' add; H lot 12, block 6. Reed' 3d add t 1,000 F. W. Manvllle and wife to H, O. Manvllle. wfe lot 8, block 12, Par ker' add 1.250 8. A. Starr to H. P. Elsasser et al, trustees, n 1-3 lot 1, block 13, Im provement association add 4u0 Omaha Realty company to Alblna A. Ulbaon, 101 4, diock , Jiounue ez , R.'s add 1.600 W. O. Vre and wife to J. V. Carlson, lot S. block V. Lowe add.. 1.4J0O J. A. McCandlees to Mary A. Patrick. lot 9, block 4; lot I, diock s; lots a, u and 12, block . Isabel add tOO Omaha Realty company v Florence A. Chase, lots 11. 12 and e 30 feet lot 13, Davenport's subdtv HO Florence Chase and husband to Helen M. Wilson, w 10 feet lota 11 and e 30 feet 12, same 600 Same to Mlsell Ballard, a 40 feet lot 11, same 600 J. J. Monell, Jr., et al, executors, to W. T. Nelson, Vi lots 8 and 4, block F; lot 3, block 192H, Omaha 4,000 Same to same, lot 3 and 18, block 4; lota 6 to 8. block 6. and lot 14. block 16, Central park, and 44x155 In nw4 1 s4 HW1 1,500 Same to same, lot t. block 4; lot 8, block 7, Central park, and other property 1,(04 W. T. Nelson and wife to Ella M. Monell et al. s4 lots 4) and 4. block F, and lot 3. block 192. Omaha 4.000 Same to aame, lots 3 and 13, block 4; lota i to 8, block 6; lot 14, block lb, Central park, and 44x166 feet in nw4 se4 9-16-13 1,80s Same to Jessie C. Hitchcock, lot S, block 6; lot 6. block 7, Central park, and other property 1,600 Unit Claim Deeds. J. J. Monell et al to W. T. Nelaon. 4 lots 3 and 4, "block F, and lot 3. block Omaha 1 Same to same, lot 3 and 13, block 4; lots 6 to 8. block 6; lot 14, block , Central park, 44x166 feet In nwU set, S-15-13 1 Same to same, lot C block ; lot 6. block 7, Central park, and other property 1 Deed. H V IJr)f commissioner, et at to H. C. Flower, ev, of w4 lot i. block r, Omaha, and w 34 feet lot I, block 8. Reed a 3d add Total amount of transfers 3241.763 LATKIT MAP and HAMDSOMK PIIOTOUHAPHI THUNDER "MOUNTAIN EXT KB EE. The Industrial Record. M BROAD ST., HEW YORK.