Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 11, 1902, Page 5, Image 5
T1TK OMAHA DAILY BEEi TIIUltSDAY, SEPTEMIIEH 11, 1002- ElMERTOp f ASTFOR 0SI1U A Southpaw Jtiie Mtkti Monkii of Papa t J ' Bill Eonrke'i ,Bya. TWO SICKLY HITS IN NINE INNINGS ! - . . r ' , ' , Ofm Vltuhes Nicely, Iet Allows a Little Bench of Hill la the f atal Moth Jleaaa of Ike oatest. I There! Vag simply no landing on Jakry Welmer's terrific delivery Wednesday as far as tbe Omabam wore concerned and the visitor for that reason took the first game of the final series, 2 to 1. It n beautiful bale ball In many respects, but the locals were aadly wanting at the atlck. Twa hits, on the veriest scratch (by Owen), -was tbe patent, and neither figured In any way with th single run. ' Both twlrlers had startling speed, and ' Owen waa pitching' Just aa well aa Welmer till the' ninths when three singles brought the winning ran. The other came In the third, Waldron going to flrat on a baae on balla and' coming In- on Rabbit Roblnaon'a two-bagger to Tight field, which Bob Carter obligingly ran up on and let go over hla head to the fenoe. , Smooth baae ball brought the Rangers a . tally laMbe, second and they tried bard to win the game , on It. Rtone, flrat man up, truck out, but Wilson dropped the brU and recovered It barely In time to get Alonzo tut . at , flrat Dolan slso. atrurk out and Wilson-did the same trick. This time It coat blm. Joe made flrat safely, atole sec ond and then atole third berore Welmer - could wink. Stewart took a base on balls and Burg came to bat. With only one out, 3.000 people begged Fetey for a long fly , anyway, Instead he sacrificed down the chalk, scoring Dolan and advancing Stew art to second. Onndlng took first on an error and atole eecond, but Owen went out. The boys aaw they could do no business with the-willow and tried desperately to shut out .'the visitors and win. It was no to. -The .blje earne st at the right time to give' the Cowboya the victory by the akin or 4 heir teeth. Welmer made two or 'the sU Omftna's double. jlay In the ninth . vjas a,..hgbJhlBg.ftftBh. .' Wright,. w OA : first (br Omaha and l aughl all thb balls thrown hlra, making eleven putouta. He also, scored half the hits.--' Wilson- and. Jacobs tried to en tangle Umpire Moran In an argument, but to no avail. Charlie Nichols will be In the tea today. Beore: i ' , ,'. .KANSAS 'CITT. . , AB. R. II. O. A. E. 2 0 0 10 0 10 0 3 1.0 12 0 10 1 0 7 4 1 1 2 1 12 0 27 13 2 O A- K. 10 0 2 0 0 11 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 3 0 2 2 1 2 10 0 4 0 27 13 "l Jietcham, ,r.r, 6 Waldron,- rf.,... 2 0 . 1 0 i 0 1 0 0 Miner,- lU...w., 3 Koblnmm, . 2b. P. ,.-....,, Jacobs, 3b '. 4 Kemme.r, lb..... 4 Wllsviv, c...... ;.4 Shannon; aa , 3 Welmer, p 4 0 0 Totals 32.- 2 OMAHA. AB. R. H. Oenlns, of....;. Carter, rf ; Wright, lb Stone. If 1 nh n rfs : ; . Ktewar4.- 2h..i,. BQrg. 8o. (.:.... (iolulillgl C.I.. Owen, p"'. ....... i ' o 0 .,1. 3 ' ..4 ....4 , 4 . .:. Totals Kansas City ...2 1 2 ..0 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 1-3 ..Ol'000000 O-l vniHiiav.i Kalned itin: Kansas City. Two-base hit: Itoblnsfcr). .Sacrifice hits: Oenlns, Carter, Burg, tithlen,; bane; Dolan ii), Qondlng. eft:oa bfoea:- Omaha, t: Kansas City, 8. Double play; Stewart to Dolan to Wright, l-'lrst base '. on. ballay. Off . Welmer, 4; oft Owen, 5.- Struck out: ' By Welmer, 8; by Owen, 1. ..Time: 1:26. tJmpire: Moran.' J TOLORADOwirfNOS,'" SeptTIft After ( being shut out for six Innings the locals '. Hcored In the seventh, tied the score In the eighth and won in the ninth. Score: R H E2 Colo. Springs ...0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 13 i ' l'eorla 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 03 i 8 Batteries: Colorado Springs, Newmeyer ' and Baerwald; JVorla,. C. Jones and Han lord, . Desvrr'WIss a Close Ones . DENVER, Sept.-10. Denver won a hard v fought .game. Score: vl . R.H.E. Denver .: 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 24 11 i Milwaukee 0 0001010 1-3 12 1 BaUeries! Denver,. Byler and- Wilson; MllwuVik-ee-, Vaughn and Adkins. St. Joseph Defeats Des Molaes. DES MniNFS, 0tpt. lO.-St. Joseph took the gama irorn Des.Molnes here this after- ' noon- A bajau on balla, three errors and . four singles netted the visitors seven runs - In the first luring. Attendance, 4U. Score: R H IS St Joseph 7 0 0- 0 0 0 0 07 7 1 Lies Moines 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 3 13 Batteries:' St. Joseph, Olade and Roth; Des Moines,' Morrison, Hotter and Hansen. taaalasj of the Teams. Flayed. Won. Lost- P.C. Milwaukee ..124 74 61) .m "5 62 .bW 73 63 . 684 70 M ,66 7 67 .5-10 6s 71 .441 40 76 .m 36 H7 .287 ifenver ., ,.,,,wv,.127 Kansas City 125 Omaha .,.13 ' St. Joseph 124 '.Colorado Springs .....U7 Des Moines 1-4 Peoria .;. 123 Games today: Kansas City at Omaha, St. Joaevl at Dea Moines, Peoria at Colorado Brings,' Milwaukee at Denver. . GAMES IN AMERICAN LEAGUE Laadtis Wis Twa Uaaaes froaa Baltl- aoretlie Trailers la Pea. suit Raee. .i PWTLADELPHIA. Sept. 10. More thn 17, 000 -versons' . welcomed the American league, leaders home today and saw them "take two games from Baltimore. The flrat contest waa won by solid hitting and 'he second was pulled out of the tire on Balti more's mlsplays. Waddell relieved the liotue pitcher In each game and stopped the vixltors' run aettlng. . In the second game Ollbert was ordered off the field for UlHpuling a aeciaton oi empire jnniieione. Attendauce, 17.0WU. Score first game: PHILADIM.I'HIA. I BALTIMORE B.H.O.A K.HOAB. Hartsal,' It... 0 4 4 4'MrFarr4, cf. 1 a-uii.. rt .... t 1 4 OS.Iha.h. If... 4 till 4 4 4 4 4 14 4 4 4 4 4 bsria. lb.... 4 1 14 1 1 Wllllama. Ib. 4 U (r.aa. lb. 1114 O'Jaara. lb 4 B.vholil. rl... I 4 4 0 4 Arodt, rl.. 14 4 4 Itoirpba. lb..t I.I I CHowall. Ib. till till II. i roaa, aa. 1 I I T 0 uiltort. aa achrark. 1 I 4 mlth, a.. Vltrh.ll, p.., 0 114 OHuttar, p.. V". Ji J T9U1, Totala ...'4 U 17 W 1 1114 4 114 ..I I 14 I I PhlladelpWa 0 0 4 10 10 Baltimore .... v o 0 0 10-5 Krnrt Vuna: PMladelnhla. 6: Baltimore. 3. Two-base hits: Ullbert, i Cross, Sey bold 21. Murphy M. cross tzi. waaaeii. Uoiue . run: McFarland, Stolen bases: i cimoiiio DYSPEPSIA r . t ...... KAV1 DY8PEPSIA CT. RK cures the cause Is ao4 a patent medicine, but a ptescrtptloa of oas of the Units Bute meat pnxa laeal phjaidaua. Tnls reatedy Is bftBglag healia to haadnds oi dyapeptics ha,e IrUd aaarly every otbar sUunach rem ad r wlUwul suecesa. eta Borneo sa-oo, rautk has. HOC Broadway, Ha X, lor boukaai ami laionniuua. For sale by Snerman 41 UeOnnell Drug b., corner istn ana umii a vuia a, aad UnUiiig UrugglaUk 1 00 a aottlel si Duaa. WaakAlIM ltatplaaar (Ul I r.- W..aWu-t roa. m aalf aar Above eilnOBlal Is aulaa. A.OUtt reward U Ur" Pmlth, Hutler. rnuhle plays: Howell to Jones. Gilbert (unassisted). left on bases: I'hilHdelphla, ; Hultlmore, 7. Flrst base on halls: Oft Mitchell. ; off WanMell, ; off Hutler, 1. tilt by pitcher: Hjr Mitchell. 1. Struck out: Hy Wadiiell, 4. rsed halls: Smith (2. Time: 1:40. Umpire: John stone. Hi-ore second game: PIllLAllCI.PHIA. I BALTIMORB. R H.U A B).l It H.O.A . Marital. If... I 0 SMrPirl'4. rt. 1 4 0 0 T'Mt. rf 1 I t 0 Plla.:b. tit. .. t t I S t Darin, lb.... I ISO Wllllama. lb. 1 1 1 I L. Croaa, lb. I I I jma, lb I I 1 1 Srytx.1.1. rf... till 0 Arndt. rf 1 1 0 1 Murr-hr. th. 1 1 I I " H..WHI, b... 1 1 0 1 M ( rr.aa, aa. 1 I I 0 oiihert. aa ... 0 0 1.1 t I'nwara, c I 4 I 0 Mattheaon, aa 4 1 0 0 0 ebrlt, c... 4 1 0 RnMnans. e . I 1 titiaiiitsa, a . a a 0 1 1 Kaloll. p 1 I I 4 Wadileii. p... eetooi 1 Totals ... 4 11 II I I Totala ... I II 17 10 1 Philadelphia 0 J 1 0 0 0 2 ft I Baltimore 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 04 Earned runs: Phlludolj.hla. 1: Baltimore, S. Two-been hits: McKsrland. Williams, Jones, Howell, Katoll, Key bold, l'owets. Sacrifice hits: Selhach, linstlngs. Stolen buses: Hurtiel, PavN, Waiidell. Double plays: Williams to Ollbert, Seybold to M. t'ross. Iyeft on bases: l'hllaiielj.hia. H; Baltlmorr. 11. First base: .in balls: Off Kntoll. 4; off Hustings, 6; ofT Wart.iell, 1. Struck out: By Kntoll. 3; bv Hustings. 4; iy audeil, i. 1'asst.d bulls: Houlnsnn ('). Wild jdtch: Waddcll. Time: 1:45. Umpire: Johnstone. at. I.nols Heats Detroit Twl, DETROIT. Sept. 10-St. Louis made it three straight from the home team by tak ing both names this afternoon. Mullen's wtMness in the afternoon, when he gave three buses on bulls in succession, all of which developed Into runs, waa responsible for iJcirott's loss of the first game. Three runs and some ttupta worn in tna nrst in ning of the second gave St. Louis two runs. enough to win. Attendance, 2.500. Score nrst game: ST. LOU. DETROIT. R. H.O.A. R.I R.H.OA.E. Burkftt. If... I I I 1 Harley, If.... 1 114 Hemphill, rf. 1 I 0 0 Oi'aaay, lb.... I 1 I I 0 Ualclrk'k. rt.. 1 t 0 r.,t. rMl aa. 0 I I I 1 Andaraon, It. I t I ( U'BrrU, cf... 0 1 4 0 Walla... aa.. 14 4 1 lMAI'a'r, lb. 4 0 0 0 Mr-Cork, lb.. 0 4 11 Sbeplna. rf. ... I 1 1 4 0 Print, lb 0 14 4 OlUlaaaon, lb., 0 1 I I 0 Kaboa, 0 I 1 4 1 0 M'-Uulra, c... 0 0 1 I 0 Bhlvlda, p.... 114 1 0 Mullln, p.... 14 0 14 Totala ...4 10 IT 11 1 Totals ... ( 10 It II 1 St. Louis 1 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 0-6 Detroit 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 05 Two-bane hits: Mullln, Casey, Hemphill (2), Kahoe. Home run: Leolne. Stolen bases: Hemphill (2). Heldrtck, Anderson. Bases on balls: Off Mullln. ; off, 4. Struck out: By Shields, 2. Double plays: Klberleld to McAllister, Oleason to McAllister. Time: 1:&U. Umpires: Sheri dan and Carruthera. Score second gama; 8T. Louis. i kktroit. H H O A l I R.H.O.A.E. Burkatt, If... 1114 0 Harlcy, U....0 1114 rlampmil, rf. 0 0 I 1 Tasty, 2b 0 1 I Haldrlik, i-f.. I I I 0 1 'Einerfeld. aa. 0 1 I Andsrava, lb. 4 1 II 0 'Brrtt, cf... 114 0 I 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 I 0 I 1 Wallaca, aa.. till O MoAI'a't, lb. 0 4 10 McCor'a. lb.. 0 4 110 l-'rtat, lb 4 1110 Leplne, rf.... 0 0 1 (llaaaon, 2b.. 0 4 1 Bufdau 0 0 0 0 1 liuelow, o. . . . 0 1 S KlaRengar, p. 0 0 0 SudUuff, p. Totals 0 0 0 1 0 McOuIra .... 0 0 0 0 0 I 47 II 1 Totala ... 1 mil 1 Batted for Klssenger In ninth. St. Louis 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0-3 'Detroit 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-1 Two-bane hlta: Wallace t2). Buelow Three-bate hits: lieldrlck l2i. Sacrifice hits: Wallace, Sugden. Stolen bases: Oleaaon. Burkett. Buelow. Bases on balls: Off Klssenger, 2; off Sudhoff, 1. Left on bases: St. Louis, 8; Detroit, 7. Struck out: By ivlsser.ger, 8. Double play: Sud hoff to Frlel to Anderson. Time: 1:30. Umpires: Sheridan and Carruthera. Boston Wins Duoble-Heauer. BOSTON, Sept. 10. A double-header went to the home team today. In the first game Boston played unsteadily during the early Innings, but went after Orth In the eighth and batted out the victory. Dlneen pitched rtrongly. Both teams played listlessly In the seoond contest. A deluge of hits In the third inning nave Boston a commanding ieaa. Aiienaancc, ,ous. aoore nrst gams BOSTON. . WASHINGTON. KH.Oi.EI M. H.O.A. . Pouchartr, If 1 I 1 0 I Dorla. Ib.... 4 10 1 Collins, Ib... 4 111 4 Ryan, ct 1 144 statu, ! 0 114 0 Ialab'ty, If.. 1111 rarant. aa ... 0 114 0 Kalater. rt... 0 4 10 Fretman, rf.. 1 1 4 4 0 Coug kiln. Ib. 11114 LaCh'c. lb., 1 11 4 0 Carey, lb.... 4 4 7 1 4 114 1 Ely. aa. ...... 4 i 1 0 111 1 Drill, 4 0 4 4 0 4 0 0 OJOrtti. p 0 4 1 i 0 Parrla. Ib.. Warnar, o. Ulnaau, p.. Totals ... I U IT U 41 Totala ... ( 10 14 14 Boston 0 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 7 Washington 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 03 Sacrifice hits: Kelster (21. Three-base nits: Doyle. Freeman. Three-base hit: Warner. Stolen basest Dougherty i2), Col lins, Stahl, Cough liu. Bases on balls: Off Dlneen, 2. Struck out: By Dlneen, 2; Ly urm, i. rasseci can: warner. wnu pttcnes Orth, 2. Time: 1:46. Umpire: Connolly. Score second game: BOSTON. , WASHINGTON. R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O. AM uouinarty, mill 1 Ooyla, lb.... 0114 I VI 1 1 n. k A A 4 4 ft tl . , . k n vw.t.uv, m v . . . H . . V . 11 , A V V Stahl. at 14 10 l'bal.h'tr. If.. I 0 I 1 1 Carant, as.... I III I Kelat.r, rt... 1 1144 rraamas, rl.. 1 0 I I I Coushlln, Ib. 4 1 0 4 1 Uili'm, lb.. 1 111 4 O.Ceray, lb.... 0 1 14 0 0 Parrla, lb.... 1111 V Kir, as 1114 1 Crlger. a 4 0 1 0 0 Drill, c till 8 parka, p.... 4 4 0 I 0Towoaad. p. 4 4 0 0 0 uiwieb aw., v a a v.-uav , v w v u Totals ... T 7 IT 11- 4' T-'ala ... I 14 M II Batted for Towjisoivl In ninth. Boston 0. 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 07 wasmngion 3 l o o 0 o o 2 06 Sacrifice hit: Dougherty. ' Three-base nit: Parent, Stolen bases! Duuithertv Freeman, LaChance, Ferris, Crlger. Double piay: rarem to r ems. riasea on calls Oft SDSrks. 1: oft Townsend. 4. Struck nut By Sparks, 1; by Townsend, 8. Time: 1:66. i; injure; v,onnouy. Chicago Suffers Two Defeats. CLEVELAND. Sebt. 10. The locals rie. feated Chicago easily in both contests today, beatlna Callahan and Pickerlnir hard. In the second Joss held Chicago to iwe nus, one oi wnicq waa a scratch. At lenaance, 4, Loo. bcoro nrst game: CUCVELAND. CHICAGO. K.H O A B f R H.O.A Bar, oi ooio oistrang. lb... toll Brad lay. lb., till Ojjonaa, cf 1 I .1 4 Lajota, lb.... 14 110 Orean, rf 4 111 Hickman, lb. I I II 0 0 nick, rt 1114 4 HoCartbr, If. 1 I I 4 0 uavla, sa..,,. 1 14 1 Manas. If.... 0 1 I I Daly, lb..... 1111 label), lb.... I I T I atoFarl'd. a.. 4 1 1 1 Gochn'ar, aa. 1 1 4 4 I Bamla. o 4 1 I I 0 Harnhar4, p.. 1 1 4 I 0 Callanau. p... I 1 1 4 I II 17 14 "l Totals . Totals 4 11 14 14 Cleveland 8 0 0 1 4 0 0 1 Chicago 0 8 1110 10 Two-base hits: Lalole (21. Oochnauer. Bradley. Green. Isbeil. McFarland. Davla. inree-Daae nit: juenes. Home runs: L,a iole, Hickman. Sacrifice hits: Lalole, Bay, Oreen. Stolen basea: Oochnauer, Hickman, Davla, lsbell. . Double play Davla to Daly to label!. First baaa 01 balls: Off Callahan. 1 Hit by Ditched ball By Callahan. 2: by Bernhard. 1. Left on liases: Lirvtiana. t: Lnicuao. 7. Ktrur out: By Bernhard, 1. Time: 1:40. Cm pire: w Lausnun. Dcure secona game: CUtVKLAND. I CHIOAOO. K.H.OAC. H. H.O.A. H Bar. of sis mraug, ib.;. 0011 Bradley, so.. 1 1 1 v juiue, cl.. Lajole, Ib... 1 111 4 Oreen, rf.. Hlrkman. lb. I 4 14 0 0 Davla, aa.. Pltok. rf I I 1 I 4 Mertaa, If. 4 0 11 0 4 14 0 0 11 1111 4 4 11 0 1 11 1 4 4 11 .4 4 4 1 McCarthy. If. 1 1 4 0 4 laly. lb.. UiKhn'ar. sa.. 114 11 label), lb. Wood, a 1 1 7 I I Sullivan. 0 Juee. 110 10 flail, p... t Totals ...1114 17 15 ' - Totals ...I 114 14 4 Cleveland 0 3 0 1 0 0 3 T 12 Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Two-baae hits: Wood, Hickman, Lajole, McCarthy, 'three-base nit 1 Flick. Karri. fice hits: Bay t2), McCarthy. Stolen buses: Isbeil, Merles. Double play: Daly lo Davis. to lsbeli. First base on balls: Off Plait, 2. Left on bases: Cleveland. 2; Chi cago, 3. Struck out: By Jons, ; by PUtt. 2. Wild pitches: By Piatt, 2. Time: 1:30. Umpire: O'Laughlln. Standing- of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. PC. .5 .072 .517 .542 .516 .44.1 Philadelphia St. Louis .. Boston .... Chicago ... Cleveland . Washington Detroit .... Baltimore . . .11U 70 49 ...U9 68 61 ..AM ...118 ...123 ...123 ...11H ...130 6a C2. 64 59 63 64 4 46 .8il 74 Oamea today: Chicaao at Cleveland. Mi Iouia at Detroit, Washington at Boston, Bultltnore at PlillaUdlphla. faoraon. Playlagr Past Ball. VALENTINE. Neb.. Sept. HX (Sneclal Telegram.) The Twenty-nfth Infantry ball mm piayeni uoruon loaay. uordon won In the tenth Inning, acore I to t Gordon hue won twelve of the fourteen games played this season. The same teams will play at Fort Niobrara tomorrow. GAMES IN NATIONAL LEAGUF Chlcaae Wlas One Contest and Loses Another to the Mew Torks. WW YORK. SeDt. 10. In the first same of the double-header between the Cblcagos and the New Torks the visitors scored three in the sixth by freely hitting Taylor. Mathewson pitched the second same and bld tue ctucaoa to vigni scaticrca tuts. shutting them out. Attendance, 3.20S. Score tirst game: CMICAOO. i KgW YORK. R H O A B. R H O A B. Slagle. If- Iotha, rf. Kilns, c. Tlnaar, as. Murrar. rf 1114 4 Rrnwne, If... I I t 4 1111 4 M -Clraw, aa . 0 I 1 1 1 1 1 T I 1 Bre.ii b s. lb t 0 11 6 1 1 4 I T I Bmrile, cf.... 4 4 14 4 4 4 4 4 4 Rowerman. e 4 I 4 t 4 j. Taalor, II, I I I I 4 Ludr. lb... 0114 Menefea. lb.. 4 114 1 Smith, lb.... 0 S 1 I 1 Frr. lb 4 4 4 4 4 Ions, rf 4 114 4 Uilhama. a.. 4 1 I 1 L. Tarlor. p. 0 4 4 I 4 MdJInnltv . 4 4 4 4 0 Total! ... 4 i It 14 4, Totala ... I I 17 II I Batted for Taylor In ninth. Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 04 New York 1 01000010-3 Earned run: Chlcngo. Flrat baae en er rors: ( hlcHirn. 2: New York. 2. Left in bases: Chicago, 4: New York, . Klrst base on bHlls. Off Tnylor, 3; off Williams, Z. Ptrucg oui: hy inyior, a; ny vvniiMms, 4. hits: Browne. Dunn, Mene- fee. Sacrifice hits: I.. Taylor, hvers. tnlen bases: Bresnanin, Brodle, Bower- man, Browne. I double play: Dobbs to Kllng. Time: 1:45. Umpire: O'Day. Score second game: NEW YORK . CHICAOO. R H O A E.I R.H.O.A.B. Rrowns. If... 2 110 0 Stasia, If.... 4 0 0 0 0 draw, aa . 0 0 I 1 1 HobSa. rt. 4 114 1 4 14 1 I 4 14 11 rean'h'B. lb 0 1 I 0 0 Lamar, r . Itrodle. cf 4 4 0 0 0 Tlnkfr, aa bowerman, c. 1 I 4 I 0 Murray, rf lender, lb... 0 0 11 4 Tarlor. lb. 4 0 10 0 0 1 I I 1 Smith, lb 1 0 1 I 0 Meneta. 2b.. I 010 II 1 limn, rf 0 110 0 Erera. 2b. .... 0 0 110 Malhewa'n.p .1114 CKhoades, p.. ..0 I i 4 0 Totala ...4 4 IT It ll Totala ....4 7 14 II 4 New York 1 3 0 0 0 1 1 0 Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - Karned runs: New York, 2. First base on errors: New VorK, i; unieago, i. ix-u n bases: New Y ork. ; t hlcago. 8. r Irat ase on balls: Off Hhoades. 4. Struck out: By Mathewson, 1: by Blxxles, 2. Home run: Mathewson. 8acrlllce hit: Dunn. Stolen bases: Browne (3i. Dunn, McOraw. Time: 4o. Umpire: O Day. Ht. I.onla Is Wlaair, BOSTON. Sept. 10. In two poorly played games today St. Louis won the flrat and Mecoml was called at the end of the ninth on account of darkness. The onjy feature f the two games was a sensational inrow v Lush from deeD center. Duttina MurDhy out at the plate, and aa It proved saving St. Louis from winning the second game. Attendance, 850. Score, flrat game: ST. LOl'18. BOSTON. R.H.O AH R.H.O.A.E Parrel!. 2b... 0 10 I 0 Luah. cf 1 1 4 4 6 4 0 TrnnT. lb... 1 4 4 1 4 0 4 Demont, aa... 1 1 I 1 1 Krugtr. an... 0 I I Bar. lay. If... Ill mioYan. rf.. 1 I I 0 0 Cooler, If 0 1 4 4 4 4 1 Camay, rf 4 4 1 I 0 0 0 Grem't-cr, lb. 0 110 0 1 0 Lone. 2b 1 0 I I 0 I 0 Mm-an. c 0 I I I 4 Nlrhola. lb... I 1 10 Uraahear, rf. 0 0 4 Murphy, lb.. 1 1 0 Ryan, ' c 0 0 7 Lurrte, p 0 111 0 Plttlntar. p...0 1101 aKIttrldga ... 0 0 0 0 0 Totala ...4 4 17 14 II I Totala ... 4 7 27 7 I Batted for Pittlnger In ninth St. Louis 00000204 0 Boston 01 1 03000 oi Karned runs: St. Louis. 1. . Two base hits: Plttinger, Nichols, Currie, Gremlnger. Uases on balls: on I'lltinger, ; on . urriu, Struck out: By Pittlnger. ; Dy uurne, 3. Time: 1:4,1. Umpire: Ernslle. Score, second game: BOSTON. I ST. LOUI8. K. H O. A K.I . R.H.O.A.B. Liiah. cf 0 111 0 f-arrll, 2b... 0 1111 Tannay. lb. 0 0 1 I 1 0 1 0 I I 4 I 7 1 1 I 1 Hrusar, sa... o 0 Barclay, If... 1 0 Murphy, lb.. 1 0 Nlcbola. lb... 0 0 ftraahear, cf. 0 0 Calhoun, rf.. 0 0 Ryan, c 0 0 Pearaon, p... I 0 111 1110 114 1 110 0 110 0 0 14 4 ill 0 4 i 1 Iiemonl. aa... 0 Cooler, If.... 0 Carney, If.... 0 Grem'ger, Ib. 0 Lone. 3b l Kltt ridge, c. 1 Kaaon, p 0 Moran 0 4 4 0 0 I Totals I I 17 I I Totala ... 1 T:'i 10 1 Nichols out by batted ball. Batted for Eason In the ninth. Boston St. Louis 00002000 03 I Jamestown, O'Brien and Middough; fowl 00000200 02 era, Argersinger, Heln and Ronln. Two-base hit: Murphy. Stolen bases: T.nn. 2: Farrell. Barcluv. Bases on balls; Off Eason, 8; off Pearson, 3. Struck out by Eason, I; by Pearson, s. wuu pucnes: Eason, 2. Time: 2:10. Umpire: Emelle. Plttaburs; Defeats the Phillies. PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 10-Plttabiirg on iiuiu I'iiilsueluhiu tday through con secutive hitting. Tannehlll was In tine form. Attendance 172. Score: PlTTSBl'RO. PHILADELPHIA. R.H.O. A.B.I R.H.O.A.B. Beaumont, rf 1 1 I 1 O Thnmaa. cf... 0 0 10 0 Learh. 3b.... I 1 0 4 0 Barry, rt 0 1 1 0 0 Wutirr. If... 1 1 4 0 0 Krua. aa 0 s l u Hramneld, lb 0 1 10 1 o Jeunlnia, lb. 4 0 13 1 0 arbrlns. rt... 0 1 I 0 0 Doom. It o 1 J o o Murks, Ib.... 1 0 I 1 1 Conrny, aa. .. 0 I 0 4 1 Jarklltarb. 0. 0 4 I I I Foley. 3b 4 0 111 r h 1 Ida, lb.... 1114 4 Elmmer. o... 0 1 0 0 1 Tannehlll, p. 0 1 0 3 l Wolfe, p 4 14 10 Totals ... 1 I 27 14 1 Totals I 11 17 14 ll itshiira-'" 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0-5 h.a".:::::::: o J ? 1 1 S 1 1 fcf in a,. hit.. Tannohill Stolen ' rrn.ea : Pittsburg Phllad Two tiBKe hits: Tannehlll. Stolen "Tmses: Beaumont, BarrV. Double plays: Leach. Branerleld nnd Zlmmer; Koiey, t-niins ana Jennings. Klrst base on bulla: Off Tanne hlll. 1; off Wolfe, 4. Struck out: By Tan nehlll, 2: by Wolfe, 3. Time; 1:45. Um pires: Latham and Irwin. Brooklyn Outplays Cincinnati. BROOKLYN. SeDt. 10. Brooklyn out - luyeu v uicioiiuii in luuay pnmi-, wvifiwa, ve runs and shutting out the visitors. Louis Rltter, a new catcher from Blng hamton. made a very iiromlaing beginning for the local team. Attendance, 1,115. Bcore: BROOKLYN. "CINCINNATI. R.H.O.A.B. - 1 H.H.O.A.E gheckard. If. I A 0 Mci raery. rf. 4 4 1 Dolan. ct.... Ill 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 1 1 1 0 I 0 Onnlln.. If ... 0 110 lle.klry. lb.. l'0 I I ( rawlord, rf. 0 3 I 0 0 Hahlen, aa. Farrell, lb. Klood, lb.. Irwin, Ib... Klttar. c... Donovan, P .10 1 0 1 11 0 11 111 0 17 .0 11 Malnney, rt., 0 .0 0 0 0 Keller. 2k... 4 14 11 Corcoran, aa. 0 0 4 4 0 Btelnfeldt, Ib 0 0 0 I 0 1 0 I 0 Bergen, ... 0 4 I I 1 Poole, p 4 4 4 0 1 Totala I 11 17 II ll Totala I 4 14 4 I Brooklyn 01001081 5 Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Left on bases: Cincinnati. 1; Brooklyn, 10. Stolen bases: Donovan Sheckard, Ma- Double Playa: Corcoran. .ndM Ber"- Poole. 9. Struck, out: By 'Poole. 3; by en ana Keliey. i- irsi Dane on cans: uri 1 Donovan, 7. Hit by pitched ball:. Beckley. Timet 1:60. umpire: Tom Brown. . Standing; of the Teams. Played. Won, Lost P C, Pittsburg 123 Biooklyu 123 Boston 119 Cincinnati 121 Chicago 122 St. Louis B Philadelphia ...120 New York 119 W) 83 782 btt 57 .537 61 53 .513 01) 61 .496 59 63 .4S4 55 64 .462 49 71 .409 43 76 .363 names todav: St. Louis at Boston. Pitts- burg at Philadelphia, Chicago at New York, Cincinnati at Brooklyn. goathera Association. At Memphis-NaahviiK i2; Memphis, . At Little Rock-Little Rock, 5; Atlanta. 4. (Second Game) Little Rock, 8; Atlanta, 5. . . . IN AmtnlUAN - eS5UUAI IUN Milwaukee and Indianapolis Are Sat- lafled with One Apleee la a IHivble-Header. MILWrVUKEH, Wis., Sept. . 10. Indian cn,,n. sn.1 xiiiwaoken nlnved a double header today, tne result oeing an even break. The first nme hung on for eleven a mu luken hv tTin hnma im The second game was pretty much of farce and was easily won oy tne visitors. Attendance. 800. Scores: Score, nrst game: MILWAVKCH. INDIANAPOLIS. R H O. A I B H O A B. Duni.n. It... 1 i 0 Hosrlarar. rt I I A. Mi H a, c-r. . I . r o, id a a a a Bhlttwk. Ib. M I I .l iultar. d... till H.lltn.a. rt.. 1 I tO Klhm. It).... I It t'llniman, aa. 1 I 4 Woodruff, l(. 1 t I 0 I Kunala. lb... 1 111 1 Sirilriau, as... IIS. O. McB'a, tb 1 0 1 1 Kubn, Ib.... . I . a a, o 0 0 I a 0 H. jd.n. e 1 4 . Altrock. p... 1 Wllllama 0 f 1 Totala ... I I II tl 1 Tots 4 1511 11 4 One out when winning run made. Milwaukee 0 001110010 18 Indianapolis ....0 000011 010 01 Karned runs: Milwaukee, ll Indian apolis, i. Two base hits: Clingman, Coul ter, Kinm. l nree Dase nits: A. mcnriae. Hu'liman. Home rum D'jngan. Stolen bases: Hoariever. Coulter. Woodruff Kuhn. liases on balls: Off Altrock. b; off Wlliiumii, I. Struck out: Dy Altrock, 3; by Williams, 4. ' Double plays: Williams Vox and Klhml Altrock, Cllngman and Hunkle; Schleback, Cllngman and Hankie. Sucrtnce hits: ClIiiKmuu, O. McBilde, 2; Coulter, Heyden. Left on bases: Mil waukee, I; Indianapolis, 12. Umpires: bar ber and Klllen. Time: 3:00. Bcore, second game: InblAMAFOLII. I ' ailLWACKCg. u. i i' a a a n..n... i a a' a it H.O.A-a-1 H H.O.A. Foa, b i 1 A- at. B.. cf! Coultar. ct. .. 1 1 1 8 hiebaca, lb 1 kltim. lb... 1 I I I Halluiaa. rf... Ill O'Briao. aa.. lilt liurmau. aa. I 1 Wooaruf. U. 1 I Hunala. lb... I t kukaa, lb.... . 1 Q. at. U a, lb. I Matthews, Donahue, c. . I ! SitUlua, ...... til I Bar bar, .... 1 Totala ....11.11 1 ll Totala ...1 IU t Indianapolis 0 1 t 0 t w 1 Milwaukee 1 0 0-1 Earned runs: Indianapolis, i. Two base Mis: HogHever, Klhm, O Brlen, 1. Three base hit: Klhm. Btolen bases: Kox, Klhm, O Urlen, Woodrurr. I. Haaee on balls: orr litrbtr, 1) oft fautlboff, t. rasaed baili Matthews. Struck out: By Bjtthoff, 2. Double play: O'Brien and Fox. rostaaaed Uaaaes. KANSAS CITT. Sept. lO.-Kansas City-I-oulvllle game postponed. Louisville failed to arrive. At St. Paul Toledo-St. Paul, no game. At Minneapolis Columbus-Minneapolis, no game. taaalaa; of the Teaaaa. flayed. Won. Lost. PC Louisville 127 66 42 .870 04 42 .f7 47 68 .53 S3 64 .4S2 Rl 4S .4,3 6S 70 .4o3 49 77 .W9 42 87 .826 lrdlnnanolls . l St, Paul Kansas City .. 125 L'tS 1 12 1?6 Ltt Milwaukee ... Columbus Minneapolis .. Toledo . Games today Ixitilsvllle at Kansas City. Indianapolis at Milwaukee, Toledo at St. Paul, Columbus at Minneapolis. THREE-I LEAGUE ENDS SEASON Roekford Wlaa the Peenant, with Terr Haate la geeonal Place. ROCK FORD, Til.. Sept. 10 The Illinois-Iowa-Indiana league closed Its season to day. Roekford Won the pennant, winning seventy-three and losing fifty. Terra Haute finished second, Cedar Kaplds third and Rock Island fourth. In the second division Davenport, Evansvllle, Decatur and Bloorrtfngton finished In the order named. There la a difference of but 166 points in the precentages of the pennant winners and the tall-enders. Pitcher Iawrence of the Rock Taland team has signed with the St. Louis Na tional League club for next aeason. Kobley Miller, also of the Rock Island team, has signed with Milwaukee for the remainder of the season, as has also Jack Evers, catcher for the Davenport club. Results of today's games: At Roekford Roekford, 4: Rock Is land, 8. . At Torre Haute Decatur, 7; Terre At Cedar Rapids Davenport, 13; Cedar Rapids, 8. At Evansvllle Evansvllle, 6; Blooming ton, S. Falls City Ontelaased. HUMBOLDT, Neb.. Sept. 10.-Bpeclal.- The Falls City base ball aggregation came up yesterday and in the afternoon the long delayed contest between the clubs of the two cities was pulled off. The visitors were entirely outclassed and had the locals played with their usual vigor a shutout would have been the result. The acore: Himboldt 3211001 0-1 Falls City 00300301 0-S Batteries Humboldt, Fox and Reld; Falls I City, Ollnes and poteet. mruca oui: y rox, q; oy uitnee, d. xsases on o&ns; un. Fox, 2: off Ollnes, 6. Hits: Humboldt, 8; Falls City, 3. Two base hits: Orlnstead. Three base hit: Tanner. Double play: Fets to Linn to Serrlst. Umpire: Axel Oore, Kansas City. Time: 1:40. Everybody Hits the Ball. FREMONT, Neb., Sept. 10. (Special Tele gram.) The ball game between the Fowl ers and Jamestown at the driving park this afternoon waa an old-time slugging match, In- which everybody got a cracK ai me oatt, Sixteen Jamestowners faced the pitcher in the first Inning, acore: Jamestown 11 0 4 0 1 8 0 1 -2 Fowlers 01808176 221 Base hits: Jamestown, 16; Fowlers, 20. Bases on balls: Off O'Brien, 3: off Arger ainger, 4. Struck out: By O'Brien, 10; bv Araersinaer. 4: by Heln. 2. Batteries: Crete Wine from gpraane. CRETE. Neb., Sept. 10. (Special.) The Sprague acd Crete teams played ball here yesterday. Heavy hitting characterised the playing of both teams, but Crete had the best of It and won out with a acore of twentv-two to ten. One of the Sprague players had the misfortune ot getting his thumb dislocated and badly shattered dur ing the game. TENNIS AT THE FIELD CLUB Play e HaaOlcap lonrnarneni does Merrily on Through First Roand. I play In the handicap singles tennis tour- nament continued at lie F4eld club Wednes- w"eyreO0onff ftenn-lf S?.tcv er.e Pittyr j ' ".L .... ...l-An, l C amp IS now Hayamxti v. 1,1 and play la being carried welt along toward completion all through the ached .,u cnmirinrahla Interest was manifested In the prises, which were exhibited for the first time. Flret prise is a B. I. O. racquet and case, wnue secona pnae m t sweater In Field club colors. The result Aav'm nlnv fflllriws: I oZik trht heat livett (15 Dlua 3-6 0 15) g.a g-j. Pollard (scratch) beat Moore tdu), o-a. Clarke (scratch) beat Smith (16), 4-6, a a Caldwell (Owe -0 OI 10 oeai raimm 6-4 tJ-0 Hill (owe 3-8 of 15) beat Martin (scratch) McBityre (scratch) . beat Young (owe 16) c a ai Van Camp (15) beat Mclntyre (scratch), a 1 For today one match In the first round only remains to be played, that of Caldwell (owe 3- of 15) agalmH Haskell (scratch). The winner of this will play Hill. The aecond round of the first half will alao be completed. Resalts of Fort Dodge Races. FORT DODGE, la., Sept. 10. (Special TejegV.m.)-Re.uft. In today's race meet guripey (Conley) .1 1 .2 2 .4 3 .7 5 Yellow Roee (Williams) Elleelle Flag (tlSKt Chestnut Panla (Jackson) Phllottes (Dunkle) Burt (Connor) C.odella (Blair) Domineering (Fallon) Time: 2:24'4. 2:28, 2:24?,. 2:28 trot: Harry Johnson (Beardmore)... Lady Scott (Carllng) Pym (Agler) ti n Ur Dnnrt fTlnnelnl .8 8 6 .8 4 d .8 d .6 d ..1 1 ..3 3 ..7 2 ..4 4 .. 5 ..2 d ..6 d ..d 3sa Oeorge Z (Zlmbleman) Hadiolua (Williams) Platinum (Conley) Winkle (Kelly) Time: 2:23, 2:22H. 2:214. One-half-mile running and repeat: 'd wbborj.oVtVrr: :::'.::::::: gjHe of Worth D. Rlsley) peepy Mike (J. M. Zlgler) , ..1 ..3 I lime: e:w, v.oi. . Clarlnda Wins Most of Contests. RED OAK, la., Sept. 10 (Special Tele gram,) The first day of the Southwestern Firemen's aasociation tournament brought nut a lures crowd, and there was a Rood program of sports. Shenandoah carried off most ot tne nunora, vwiiiiuig uini iui 111c - best appearing department, uiannaa -ec- l onrl- first In nun ana nun race in v:z:6 1 c lannoa secona; nri m iuun ciunuu contest In O1, Clarlnda aecond; first In I Are Sturm race In 0:54S4. Clarlnda aecond. a I Malvern third, Creston fourth, and first In 1 iu-ui-wr. The K.atiex ball team won the forenoon game from Henderson by a acore of 13 to 5, securing eight tallies In the seventh. The Ked Oak team won the afternoon game from Stanton by a acore of X to S. The live bird team shoot of 100 birds, twenty-five for each man, was won by Omaha by one bird. ' Sceptre Wlas it. I,es;er Stakes. LONDON, Sept. 10. R. S. Slerlers' Beep tre won the St. Ieger stakes at the Don caster Beptember meeting today. laln- f liana waa second and Friar Tuck cams n third. Twelve horses ran. St. UrenJan led for a quarter of a mile, when Karo drew out. securing a long lead and led to the red house. There Friar Tuck and Rising: Glass went to the front. On entering the straight Rising Glana as- I sumed tirst place, but gave way through the distance o Sceptre, who won easily by three lengths. Two lengths separated the second and third horses. The betting was as follows: Sceptre. 100 to 3u againtt; Klalng Olass, t to 1 against; Friar Tuck. 7 to i against. Fair Atteaslaaeo Breaks Heeora. YANKTON, 8. D., Sept. 10. (Special Telegram. I Today waa another record breaker at tho atate fair. More paid ad missions were recorded than uti any one a I day In the last five years. The exhibits . I are fully worthy ths attendance. Kaces today: 3:4s pace Billionaire first, Jesule B sec ond. Nancy West third. Time: 3:40. Kunnlng half mile Clematis nrst; ureen wlch aeeond. Fay wood third. Time: 63 seconds. HixhUI race Norway Chief first t Seal Patchen second, Helenas third. Tims: 1.2b. World's Reoos4 Mat Brakea. TRACUBB. N. T.. Sept. 10. Owing to the condition of the track the effort by Dan Patch to break the world's record waa out over till tomorrow. The Brand I circuit races, however, are In progress. EC IN IS THE STAR GOLFER nji t Magnificent Oamt in th Qualifying Kotnd for Championihip. BREAKS THE RECORD FOR THE COURSE Oeaerally Higher Class Golf Than la Feraaer Championship Contests of the Western Asso. elatloa. CHICAOO, Sept. 10. Initial play In the qualifying round for the western amateur golf championship was begun early today on the links of the Chicago Oolf cfub at Wheaton. Much Interest centers about the compe tition for the Oeorge R. Thorne trophy, which Is now held by Western Champion Phelps B. Hoyt, elghty-Ove of the best players of the crack western clubs being entered for the event. The only prominent player who will not contest Is Champion Lewis James, who Is at Princeton. The qualifying round today was at medal play, thlrty-slx holes. A gold medal Is the prize to the player mak ing the lowest score in the qualifying round. It Is probable that double bogey 82 both out and In will take the medal, and that all scores up to double 84 will qualify. Thirty-two players with lowest scores to day will play off Thursday and Friday at eighteen holes, and the two survivors will play In the finals Saturday at thlrty-slx holes. The Wheaton course Is In excellent condition and the weather favors snappy playing. Phelps B. Hoyt of Glenvlew, present western champion, withdrew from the con taest after playing nine holes. He said ha was not playing a good game and that fur ther play was useless. As playing progressed It became evident that low records would not prevail. A strong southwest wind swept the course and worked against the steadiest players. The prime favorite of tbe morning waa H. Chandler Egan of Exmoor, who made tbe record ot the course yesterday In 78 strokes. Today his score for the first eighteen holes was: Out, 42; In, 4486. JudglDg from his playing, critics think 171 will be low score. A number of players did not start, among them A. B. Poole, jr., the well known On- wcntsla player, and Stephen Bull ot Racine and L. C. Miller ot St. Paul. Following are the medal scores at eighteen holes of pos sible qualifiers: Out. In. Total. W. E. Egan, Lake Geneva.. 49 40 89 43 91 48 46 4 92 52 S 49 M 62 97 4ii ttl 4ii 90 4X 98 45 97 45 96 47 96 4:1 n'J 4i! 6 42 M 43 Si 44 90 44 96 41 d7 48 91 bl i 48 98 46 97 M 99 46 91 46 90 41 kl 48 9o 47 93 44 94 46 94 49 96 49 93 44 97 49 97 easily the Btuart Bticknev, St. Louis.. 46 Leu is Allls. Milwaukee 46 N. F. Moore, Iake Geneva. .4:1 L. T. Boyd. Milwaukee 46 Jarvls Iljnt. Chicago 46 11. C. Hmttn 45 G. F. Hennebery, Chicago.. 45 M. Mackav. Chlcasro 50 W. I. HoAlaud, Evanston..45 C. Counselman. Midlothian. 50 W. Wood. Washington Park. 62 C. Daniels. Midlothian ....51 J. A. Waller, Riverside 49 F. K. Pettlt. Kenosha 46 R. E. Hunter, Midlothian.... 43 w. rt. KlrK 46 R. E. James. Glenvlew 44 8. O. DuRger, plnndale 46 Parsons Warren, Edgewater.52 B. F. Cumm'ns, Exmoor 46 G. F. Cllngman. Homewood.46 o. C. Fuller. Milwaukee 44 O. W. Potter, Jr., Mid lothian 50 W. F. PllIsburv.Onwentsla..5t W. J. Tweedle, Belmont 45 it. fci. uanieiH, Midlothian... .4 W. Dickinson. Des Moines.. 44 J O. Hinckley. Midlothian. .45 J. Sellers, Glenvlew 47 K. Edwards. Midlothian ..46 C. L. Hunter, Midlothian ....4! Ashley Dixon, Homewood ..4S G. Thompson, Wash. Park.. 47 xt. K. Kimball. Omaha 44 G. F. McKinlock 63 K. L. Amea, G'envlew 48 Chandler Egan of Exmoor w star of the qualifying round of the amateur chamulon of the Western Golf association on tne links or the Western Golf club at wneaton. In a sale that blew without cesxatlnn all day Egan negotiated the course In 163 strokes for the thirty-six holes, his after noon score, seventy-seven, breaking the record for the Wheaton course. Egan led the field of eighty-three golf ers Dy tnree atroaes. un tne whole the worn or tne day waa satisfactory and In general a higher class of golf v.--i shown than In former championship contests. Last year at Midlothian the lowest score was 176. J. O. Hlnkley of Midlothian was secona to Kgan with 17 artd "Jack" Sell ers of Glenvlew and Walter Kirk of On wentsla tied at 17H for third notion, of tho thirty-two qualified fourteen are boys ana eignteen are veterans, Spencer and Ueddea Break Even. SPKNCER, Neb., Sept. 10 (Ppeclal.)-E C. Gate, nianaKer of the Geddes. S. D. base ball club, brouaht over to this place hla aggregation of ball scalpers to capture from the Spencerltes the pennant they have won this season. The same Monday resulted In a victory for the Geddes team at tne end or twelve nnrd-rotight Innings with a score of 4 to 3. Butteries: Geddes, Onlhon, Westcott and Keeler; Spencer, Cravens and Ford. Struck out: By Onlhon, 5; by Wescott, 16; by Cravens, 11. Double play: Spencer. 4; Oeddes, 2. Um pires: Harris and Lynch. Attendance 3.100. apencer won yesterday s game with a score of 7 to 4. Itatterles: Oeddes. Jo Dav and Keeler; Spencer, Cheatwood and Al bers. Struck out: By Cheatwood, 8; by I)ay, 4. I'mplre: Sanfnrd Parker. The Oeddes team roes from here to Uonesteel. 8. V., for the three days' tournament. Thev are a gentlemanly aggregation and are ably managed by tiates, the best known base ball man in this part of the countrv The feature of the games played Is the suporD wora or ine intteiu oi bioux Indians. Foot Ball at Iowa Falla. IOWA FALLS. Ia., Sept. 10. (Special.) Foot ball Interest has been revived In this city and a new ten m Is being formed here that will play under the management of an athletic association. Some of the old players will be retained, but considerable new timber will be seen In the lineup. The High school and Ellsworth college will each put teams in the field to contest for honors m rneir classes. Absolute purity and highly nutritlvi Cook'a Imperial Extra Dry Champagne, Made from the pure juice of grapes. SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Muil Bar Signature f atee rssvMsBlle Wreeaer Tevy osaall ea4 aa a ass rot IIABACIL roi IIIXIKIJI. CARTERS rimtt ron iiuoutiitt, I I IVPR FO TMflO UYt. II tML& IrCI COMSTIPATIOI. rci iuiow iwi. If 01 TIKCUMrUaJBa .... . vnsas awOTsanuaaaa: sfZaeil"MissgvsWy CURK tlCsC NKAOACMIe ABSOLUTE 6fflaftal7iig "THE PCRFICT FOOD" ,' ; ( rOf Drain and Au5cle MatteVlta, ths 'ood lot old aad young, stck or well. Malta-Vita cnn-alna more nutri tion, mot tiut building analitiea, more nerve stimulant than is found ta any other food. A regular diet o! Malta-Vita for breakta't and aupper will remove the caaae ol laaanala a as iraatsais. Eat MALTA-VITA It fives health, trent'th, and happinrsa. Malta-Vita nerrla no rooking Always ready to eat. solo or oaocsne MALTA-VITA PURL Battle Creek, Mich. a - ,r -iki iiTiniiTi'Miini OsBo STABGB "PURE" & "SILVER CLOSS" for the Laundry dives finest Finish to all delicate Fabric. For sale by all firat-olasa grocer.. Coal Comes High. Is Your Office How well will your office bo forward to a cold office this winter, better move now. The Bee Does not try to save on the of coal. Every man spends more time af his place of business than in any other one place. If you want a warm office at a reasonable price, call on R. C. PETERS & CO., Ground Floor. Bee Building. All the Parts The. Li ving Animals of ' ' ' V t . . the World NOW READY Complete in Twenty-Four Parts At The Bee Office Price 10c, each By mail 15c Not in Nature for anyone to always feel tired. There ia ao need to drag out aa existence without ambition. Weak nerves sre responsible for lan guor, depression, debility snd varico cele. Diseased nenrea, whether due to over work, over-indulgence or any other cause, can be made strong as steel by 1411 U . . v. They tone s nd Invl gorate every orns a of the body, soothe and strengtlicn tne nerves snd transform broken down men and women into strong, healthy, viaoroua, ruddy-cheeked persons. If you find this isn't so, you get your money oaca. tl 00 per box ; boxes (with guaran lee), fotW. Book free. IP For sale bv Knhn 4 Co.. Omaha. Dillon's Drue- Store. Bouth Omnha. Davis Drug Co., Council Bluffs, Ia. Every Voman I MaRVFL Whlrlina Ikarae n.MwyaflaalSri1a4, ital IMS Mi of una. met sah l- ,-viaat uonTsniani, AaSB aj.saa.laa aksi U if h rannol np,lf tba ARtll.. UtnarAnA tiiir. bui Mnd lump fori nil nsrilMilaria.ut r.a 1 V)llktis) ! NHt ( T, JUrom tA Tim Bldg.. M. T pur 0MI DT RHRHM IV str M't it UHl G CO.. Coriir Sixteenth ftnit Dodge streetB. Omaha AK-SAR-BEN will soon be here strangers will soon be in town list your rooms in The Bee. Telephone 23H an.t the want ltd man will c til. easy mmw INCORPORATED cino. I. a saakaa tio. by our asia aa4 aafa ajralaia of tun lavaatmant. slaa Wnu lor U utck. THE IxiLliLAiS Daly o.. Tail luauw Moaara. Ul Ctarfe Slrvat. CHICAGO. l( v- C!.J SJ FOOD CO. Toronto. Canada I i i i . tfhlr'-r' Tossa liaa p iaiii. api in i jlaaaasa'ina inTiat s Warm in Winter? heated this winter? If you look Building coal bill on account of the price DR. McGREW SPECIALIST. Treats all forms of DISEASES AND DISORDERS OP MEN ONLY 27 Year. Experience. 17 Years In Omaha Ills remarkable suc cess has never been equaled andevery day brlnns many flattering reports oi ine goou ue is uuiiik, .r ,u reiiei he has given Hot Springs Trsatmant for Syphilis And all Blood Poisons. NO "BREA KING OUT" on t iu sklu or face and all tx-.ei'oal slgna of tnedlseae dlappear at once. BLOOD DISEASE KVi 11 OllAlCI C c a o guaranteed In VAnluUbCLC le.h nuNiotii A ,tfl Oil nna cases cured of nerv- , Ulkll tfll UUU ous debility, loss of ; vitality, unnaluial discharges, Stricture, ; Gleet, Kidney and Uladder Diseases, i Hydrocele. I Ql lCK CI'RES-IOW CHAROE8. j Treatment by mall. P. O. Box 766. Ofllcs i over 215 S. 14th street, between Farnam an 1 ' Douglas 8ts., OMAHA. Nlill. qrv. lir VA f There ore tricks In uli tradea, but the brewer who resorts to tricks to cheapen Ills product will lone In the lung run. The only tricks in making Otil.D TOP are those Icaiii.d by our extort bnwt-rs an'1 they add to quuuty without lessening CoSt. JETTER BREWING CO go. Omaha, Neb.. Tel. $. Omaha Otflce, Tel. 1M2 LJiiC MiCHEUI Wholesale Peeler. luij Main. Council Rltilfa, Tel. SU. CUHk TO'JftSEin taablf 4it i.ratatal 4lacbarsaa,lBai.iiatiaoal (irilaiiora or elcuiattou ( ailtlll saarbraaas -dm. raiulaa. as. But aauaa fot aast n iu J'S s-. ' L.' . F"T Is I la a aa?a VI im baafaatMS la r X rta.aaM ftvlTMtlM-aCai V"Ve'ssn, x a v. e. a. . i